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0DUTXDUG %DKOV$*ɅɅ$QQXDO5HSRUW*ɅɅ$ * MAKING NEW DISCOVERIES > From atoms to stars, from the diversity of species to the complexity of individual organisms – the fascination of exploring the unknown, deepening insights, and furthering one’s own development has always been a driving force behind people’s actions. It all starts with questions and the quest for answers. This is true for Marquard & Bahls as well. Just as scientists question nature in all of its facets, we analyze the dynamics of our relevant markets and seek solutions – continuously and with a forward focus. This joy of discovery is the key to our future. N > &RQVROLGDWHG UHYHQXHV LQ PLOOLRQ Ȝ LQFOXGLQJ HQHUJ\ WD[HV 12,553 > (PSOR\HHV , > ([WHUQDO([WHUQDO VDOHVVDOHV LQ PLOOLRQPLOOLRQ W 21.121.1 > 7DQN FDSDFLW\FDSDFLW\ LQ PLOOLRQ FEPFEP 119.49.4 > 7KURXJKSXW7KURXJKSXW LQ PLOOLRQ W 1212.2 > 7KURXJKSXW7KURXJKSXW LQ PLOOLRQ O 15,32715,327 > 7KURXJKSXW7KURXJKSXW LQ PLOOLRQ W 9.0 > 'LUHFWLRQDO GULOOLQJGULOOLQJ GLVWDQFH LQ P 2,049,4772,049,477 4 Intro 6 Foreword 13 Holding 23 Trading 37 Tank Storage Logistics 53 Aviation Fuelling 63 Dry Bulk Handling 65 Upstream Services 71 Biogas 75 Carbon Trading 77 Fuel Analysis 78 Gas Supply 80 Report of the Supervisory Board 82 Sites Worldwide 85 Consolidated Financial Statements 92 Organigram 95 List of Abbreviations 96 Addresses >>>>>>>> eureka! „I’ve got it!“ Where previously there was a question mark, the answer is now clearly apparent. In 2015 we again found answers and solutions and continued to evolve our company, together. And the journey continues: New challenges lie ahead of us, new ideas and new objectives.
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