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Abu Mayer, 147 and Palestinian question, 281 Abu Youssef, 226 and , 262 Achenbach, Ernst, 132 See also Acheson, Dean, 151 Allon Plan, 82 Adenauer, Konrad, 13 Allon, Yigal, 105, 112, 197 and Ben-Gurion, 5 and Dayan, rivalry with, 104, 120 and , 14, 20 appointment of, 104 and , 23,62 Alterman, Nathan, 46 and Israel Améry, Jean, 55, 58 Eichmann trial, 9, 10, 11, 13 anti-colonialism, 48–49, 77, 83, 189 German scientists in Egypt, 14 antisemitism, 7, 41, 58, 115 relationship with Eshkol, 40, 293 Arab League Restitution Agreement, 4, 5 and FRG, 51, 65, 80, 157, 210 support for formal relations, 20 and GDR, failure to recognize, 21, 65 visit to (1966), 25, 26 and Middle East peace, rejection of direct funeral of, 51 negotiations, 64 left-wing critics, 49 and Munich Olympics, 214 See also Adenauer/Ben-Gurion boycott against Israel, 86, 101, 142, 190, Agreement 194, 199, 253, 262, 267 Adenauer/Ben-Gurion Agreement (1960), meeting (1964), 15,21 1–2, 39 summit (1967), 64–65 Afif, Luttif, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206 Arab-Israeli War (1967), 47, 53–63 Agranat, Shmuel, 271 and Arab League, 64–65 Ahdut HaAvoda, 78 and FRG, policy of non-intervention Ahlers, Conrad, 149, 170, 215 in, 64 Aktion ‘Frank./Kol’ (Project French UN Security Council Resolution, 242, 71 Colonies), 12, 15–16 Arab-Israeli War (1973), 246–50, 251 diplomatic crisis caused by, 17–21 and Agranat Commission report, 271 public exposure of, 16–17 and FRG, 252–54 Aktion ‘Geschäftsfreund’ (Project Business- and Israeli-Syrian Disengagement Partner), 12 Agreement, 268 Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (Project and Sinai I Disengagement Reconciliation for Peace), 7, 55 Agreement, 268 , 51 cease-fire resolutions, 250–51 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 55, 65 Operation Nickel Grass, 249 and 426 hijacking, 88–89, Arafat, Yasser, 93, 201, 202, 269, 271 91–92 and , 83 and FRG, 132, 174, 279 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 145, 147 recall of ambassador, 21 and ,82 reestablishment of relations, reputation of, 83 157–58, 190 See also Palestine Liberation Organization and GDR, 109 Arendt, Adolf, 55


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Ashkenazim, 30, 158 hasbara campaign, 140, 141 Assad, Hafez al-, 250, 269 meetings with Brandt, 137, 165 Augstein, Rudolf, 57 objection to Schumann paper, 163 Auschwitz trials, 14 relationship with Schmidt, 150 Australia, 267 and Munich Olympics, 211 Austria. See terrorism, Schönau crisis Ben-Natan, Asher, 136 Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office), and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 56 32, 67, 85 and EEC, Israeli application to, 69 and Israel, 139 and France, 193 Eichmann trial, 9 and FRG, 39, 77, 86 on deterioration of relations, 42 annual aid negotiations, 67, 68, 86, opposition to economic aid, 67, 85, 86, 116, 117 117, 143 defense of Pauls, 42 opposition to formal relations, 5, 13, 20 meeting with Bahr, 121 opposition to military assistance, 12, meeting with Schröder, 36 87, 118, 173–75 meetings with Brandt, 85, 122 Restitution Agreement, 115 objections to change in military assis- Middle East policy, 38, 63 tance, 87, 118 policy on Jerusalem, 87 on anti-Israel demonstrations, 114 on German-Jewish past, 36 Baader, Andreas, 191, 203 on Israeli-West German relation- Bachmann, Josef, 76 ship, 122 Bahr, Egon, 98 public relations campaign, 37 and Israel, 290 relationship with Springer, 37 annual aid negotiations, 67 relationship with Strauss, 113 on West German–Israeli relations, 121 appointment of, 33–34 and , 121, 129, 277 diplomatic style of, 36 and United States, 130 protests against, 58, 77, 114, 115 See also Ostpolitik Bensien, Peter, 175, 176 Bank für Gemeinwirtschaft (BfG), 37, 56 Berlin Wall, 11, 41 Bank Hapoalim., 37 Berlin, West, 111, 128 Bar Lev line, 107, 246 disputes over, 277 Barzel, Rainer, 20, 289 threats to, 60, 97, 254 Basic Treaty (1972), 190 Birrenbach, Kurt Begin, Menachem, 28, 161, 231, 272, 273 and Israel, 20, 22, 168–69 and elections (1969), 120 opposition to Nahostpolitik, 172 opposition to disengagement talks, 268 Black September, 145, 189, 201–3, 213 opposition to Resolution 242, 77 Blessing, Otto, 94 Ben-Ari, Yitzhak, 211 Bloch, Ernst, 55 Benda, Ernst, 100 Böll, Heinrich, 185–87 Ben-Gurion, David, 52, 161, 172 Boumedienne, Houari, 89, 91, 280–81 and Adenauer, 5, 26 Bourguiba, Habib, 234 and Eichmann trial, 8–9, 10–11 Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, 91, 121 and FRG, 4, 8, 12, 67 Brandt, Willy, 28, 43, 64, 66, 128, 217 on “German question,” 6, 11 acknowledgment of Nazi past, 133 on German military assistance, 16 and Algeria, 280–81 and non-aligned nations, 2 and American Jews, 149 attempted of, 108 and Arab League, 51, 80, 210 death of, 258 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 56 See also Adenauer/Ben-Gurion and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 253 Agreement and Czechoslovakia, 96, 97 Ben-Horin, Eliashiv, 136 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 146 and FRG, 217, 289–90 and EEC, 279 annual aid negotiations, 142, 143 and Egypt, 227, 282 criticism of, 141 and France, 129, 131, 209

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Brezhnev, Leonid, 228, 264 and GDR, 129 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 249 and Iran, 85 and détente, 103, 221–22, 264 and Israel, 87 and Egypt, 108 annual aid negotiations, 67, 143 and Middle East peace, 222, commitment to combatting terror- 223 ism, 217 and Moscow Treaty, 129 equivocation on EEC application, 69 and United States, 188, 222, 264 helicopter accident, 219–20 reaction to Brandt’s election, 119 meetings with Ben-Horin, 137, 165 Brundage, Avery, 207 meetings with Ben-Natan, 85, 86, 122 Conference for Soviet Jewry meetings with Eban, 52, 100, 138 (1971), 161 military assistance to, 150, 242 Bulgaria, 156 on West German–Israeli relations, 131, See also Ostpolitik 165, 240 Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Restitution Agreement, 116 Intelligence Service), 174, 176 support for formal relations, 8 support for normalization of rela- Cambodia, 109, 127 tions, 244 Capital Assistance Treaty (1973), visit to, 199, 239–43 226 and , 123 Carstens, Karl, 16 and Kiesinger, differences with, 80, 111 Castro, Fidel, 234 and Lufthansa 615 hijacking, 215 CDU. See Christian Democratic Union and Meir Ceausescu, Nicolae, 193, 267 comparison to, 288 China, 47 invitation for reciprocal visit, 243 and FRG, 191 meetings with, 116, 165, 199 and Soviet Union, 3, 27, 61, 107, 188 and Middle East peace and United States, 155, 188 policy of neutrality, 122, 242 Three-World doctrine, 263 support for direct negotiations, 245 Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 28, and Munich Olympics, 211, 212 43, 99, 105 call for inquiry, 208 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 252 personal appeal to Arab leaders, 203 and Brandt, criticism of, 128, 215, 255, and Nobel Peace Prize, 156, 185 274, 285 and Palestinian question, 227 and Israel, 140 and Poland, 129, 150 and Scheel, criticism of, 172 and Soviet Union, 98, 129, 155 elections (1969), 118 and SPD, 225, 276 elections, state (1974), 276 and , visits to, 80, 121 support for Nahostpolitik, 130 and , 130 See also Christian Social Union; Grand and United States, 130, 190, 228 Coalition crisis of government, 150 Christian Social Union (CSU), 28, 43, 99 criticism of, 259, 274–77 and Brandt, criticism of, 128, 215, 255, domestic challenges, 156 274, 285 election of, 119 and Israel, 140 government declaration (1969), 120 elections (1969), 118 government declaration (1973), 224 elections, state (1974), 276 legacy of, 287 support for Nahostpolitik, 130 on Nahostpolitik, 132 See also Christian Democratic Union; re-election of, 199 Grand Coalition renunciation of collective German Cohen, Victor, 205 guilt, 136 Comay, Michael, 84 resignation of, 285–87 Common Market. See European Economic vote of no confidence, 191 Community See also Kniefall; Nahostpolitik; Ostpolitik Conference on Jewish Material Claims, 4

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Conference on Security and Cooperation in on Scheel visit, 172 Europe (CSCE), 189, 194, 259 visit to , 122, 137–39 CSU. See Christian Social Union visit to Munich, 124–26 Cuba, 234 and Middle East peace, 138, 213, Culmann, Herbert, 214 234 Czechoslovakia, 96, 228 and Schönau crisis, 236 and FRG, 51, 94–96 and Soviet Union, 160, 258, 266 and Munich Olympics, 207 and terrorism, 138 invasion of, 92, 94, 96 appointment of, 39 and FRG, response to, 98–99 Hasbara campaign, 82 and Israel, response to, 99–100 Egypt, 51, 80 Prague Spring, 97, 99 and FRG, 18, 63, 132, 157, 174, See also Ostpolitik 226–27, 282 collaboration with Israel, 16 Dayan, Moshe, 79, 104, 197, 219 economic assistance, 226, 227 and Allon, rivalry with, 104, 120 military assistance, 87 and Meir, 230, 265 presence of German rocket scientists, refusal to resign, 272 13–14 reputation of, 57 recall of ambassador, 21 support for settlements, 230 recognition of GDR, 20 de Gaulle, Charles, 23, 111 reestablishment of relations, 190 and Arab-Israel War (1967), 62 and GDR, 63, 109 and Czechoslovakia, 97 de facto recognition of, 19–20 and FRG, 97 recognition of, 109 and NATO, 62 and Israel, 137, 245 and Soviet Union, 62 and Munich Olympics, 204, 205, 207 détente, 3, 103–4 and Soviet Union, 223 obstacles to, 127 expulsion of military advisors, 188 threats to, 221–24 military assistance, 18, 61, 107, 108, Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der 127, 249 Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit Israel Treaty of Friendship and (GFW), 52 Cooperation, 155 Deutsche Kulturwoche, 178–79 and United States, 159, 192, 232, 262 and FRG, response to, 183 See also Arab League; Arab-Israeli War and Israel, public outcry against, 179–83 (1967) (1973); Nasser, Gamal program, 179 Abdel; Dinstein, Zvi, 171 Ehmke, Horst, 170, 289 Dubč ek, Alexander, 80, 94 and American Jews, 149 Dutschke, Rudi, 76 connection to Third Reich, 133 on West German–Israeli relations, 137 Eagles of the Palestinian Revolution, 235 Eichmann, Adolf, trial of, 8–11 East Germany. See German Democratic Elazar, David, 271 Republic Eppler, Erhard, 116, 132, 133 Eban, Abba, 46, 74, 139, 180, 234 Erhard, Ludwig, 16, 28 and EEC, 69, 141, 194 and Aktion “Frankreich/Kolonien,” 15 and Egypt, 137 and Egypt, 14, 18, 19, 20 and FRG and Hallstein doctrine, 17 annual aid negotiations, 67 and Israel defense of Pauls, 42 military assistance to, 19, 22 establishment of relations, 22 normalization of relations, 38 meetings with Brandt, 52, 100, on West German–Israeli relations, 23 138 recognition of, 20 meetings with Scheel, 138, 149, rejection of formal relations, 13 170, 171 austerity measures, 28 on Israeli-West German relations, 138 fall of government, 16, 43

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Eshkol, Levi, 13, 28, 46, 74 presence of German rocket scientists, and El Al 426 hijacking, 90 13–14 and FRG, 17 recall of ambassador, 19 establishment of formal relations, removal of German scientists, 23 21, 22 and France, 62, 129, 157 on German atonement, 25 and GDR, 51, 110 on Israeli-West German relations, and Iran, 85–86 23, 66 and Israel, 5, 40, 169–72 relationship with Adenauer, 40 absence of formal relations, 23 austerity measures, 28 annual aid negotiations, 38–40, 67–68, creation of Labor Party, 78 85–87, 116–17, 142–43, 176 death of, 104 anti-Israel demonstrations, 77, on borders, 79 115, 138 recognition of Oder-Neisse line, 41 anti-Israel sentiments, 59, 140 See also Arab-Israeli War (1967) change in nature of relationship, European Economic Community (EEC), 135–36 189, 278 collaborative research projects, 175–76 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 60 commercial relations, 8, 37, 52, and Czechoslovakia, 95 85, 244 and Egypt, 194 cultural exchanges, 8, 37, 85, 111, and France, 62, 194 165, 166 proposal for Middle East free trade deterioration of relations, 149 zone, 194 establishment of formal relations, veto of British membership, 81 21–22, 32–33 and FRG, 142, 228 military assistance to, 15, 22, 87, and Israel, 164, 257, 266 117–18, 150, 173–75 application for associate membership, recognition of Oder-Neisse line, 41 14, 68–70, 85 rejection of special relationship, 121 opposition to Brussels declaration, 256 relations with EEC, 43 preferential tariff agreement, 141, 194 and Jordan, 51, 131 and Middle East peace, 263 and Middle East peace, support for and Munich Olympics, 209 mediated negotiations, 72 and United Kingdom, 130, 142, 279 and , 226 Brussels declaration (1973), 256, 257 and Poland, 96 summit (1973), 257 and , 87 Schumann paper, 163–64, 165, 170, 172 and Soviet Union, 81, 121, 254 Fatah, 82, 88, 93, 202 establishment of formal relations, 4, See also Arafat, Yasser 51, 98 FDP. See Free Democratic Party invasion of Czechoslovakia, 96 Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) reaction to Brandt’s election, 119 and Arab League, 51, 64, 80, 101, recognition of GDR, 111 157, 210 and Tunisia, 131 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 55–59 and United Kingdom, 62, 129, 157, and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 252–54, 173, 229 258–60 and , 61, 84, 245 and Czechoslovakia, 80 and United States, 5, 81, 130, 157, and Dawson’s Field crisis, 146–47 190 and EEC, 62, 69–71, 81, 142, 228 NATO crisis, 62–63 support for British application, 130 tensions between, 254, 278 support for Israeli application, 14 and , 80 and Egypt, 18, 20, 63, 226–27, 282 anti-government demonstrations, 61, economic assistance to, 20, 227 76 military assistance to, 87 attacks on Jewish targets, 7, 41, 115

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economic conditions, 28, 61, 156, 191, Germania Judaica,8 224, 273 German–Israeli Association (DIG), 37, 55, elections (1969), 118–19 85, 169, 244 elections (1972), 191 Gerstenmaier, Eugen, 8, 18 elections, state (1974), 275 Globke, Hans, 9, 10, 11 Emergency Laws, 61, 76 Golan Heights Guillaume espionage affair, 283–85 economic integration of, 230 Palestinian terrorism in, 115, 125, protests in, 269 191, 201 settlements in, 79, 120, 197 pro-Arab demonstrations, 138 See also occupied territories social conditions, 29, 49, 275 Goldmann, Nahum, 115, 116, 167, 290 See also Munich Olympics; Nahopolitik; and Pauls, defense of, 42 Ostpolitik call for the neutralization of Israel, 140 France, 138, 279 peace campaign of, 81 and EEC, 70, 81, 163, 278 proposal for new restitution agreement, and Four-Power talks, 108 142, 237 and FRG, 62, 129, 157, 172 See also Restitution Agreement and Israel, 108, 193 Gollwitzer, Helmut, 55 and Middle East peace, 263 Grab, Walter, 166 and NATO, 63 Grand Coalition, 43, 49–51, 76 See also de Gaulle,Charles and Israel, 69 Frangi, Abdallah, 226 divisions within, 80–81, 98–99, 105, Frank, Paul, 86, 132, 176, 217, 245 110–11 Free Democratic Party (FDP), 56, Middle East policy, 44 119, 275 See also Christian Democratic Union; and CDU, 105, 150 Christian Social Union; Social coalition with SPD, 128 Democratic Party elections (1969), 118 Grass, Günter, 49, 55 Fried, Erich, 59 and Deutsche Kulturwoche, 179, 181, 182 Gahal, 28, 120 and Israel, 45–46, 69 Galili Plan, 231 on Arab-Israeli War (1967), 57 Gaza, 79 on reconciliation, 46 economic integration of, 230, 231 Great Britain. See United Kingdom settlements in, 79, 120 Greece, 47 See also occupied territories Gromyko, Andrei, 98, 155, 258, 263, 280 Gazit, Mordechai, 19 Guevara, Ernesto, 48 Gehlhoff, Walter, 118 Guillaume, Günter, 283, 284, 285 Geneva Disarmament Conference (1964), 15 Habash, George, 234, 269 Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 138 Hallstein doctrine, 5, 13, 14, 17, 20, 24 and Munich Olympics, 206, 208 Hamm-Brücher, Hildegard, 168 connection to Third Reich, 133 Harkort, Günter, 86 refusal to resign, 285 Harpprecht, Klaus, 150 German Cultural Institute, 178, 179 Hasbara campaign, 82, 140, 141 German Democratic Republic (GDR), 138 Hassuna, Abdul Halek, 51, 69 and Egypt, 17 Hausner, Gideon, 170 and FRG, 7, 51 Heath, Edward, 207, 229, 279 and Soviet Union, 61 Heine, Heinrich, 179 and United Nations, 60 Heinemann, Gustav, 166, 286 Middle East policy, 63, 109–10 and election of, 105, 106 recognition of, 20, 109 and Israel, 100, 106 See also Ostpolitik and Munich Olympics, 211 German Federation of Trade Unions, 8 and Romania, 156 German Socialist Student Union (SDS), 59 and Statute of Limitations, 105

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anti-German sentiments, 41, 101, censure of Arab governments, 210 141, 216 condemnation of Black September, 207 arms sales to, 6 meeting with Eban, 138 change in nature of relationship, 135–36 Herut Party, 11, 21, 180 collaborative research projects, 175–76 Betar, 181 commercial relations, 8, 37, 52, Hesselbach, Walter, 132, 136, 85, 244 149 cultural exchanges, 11, 66, 85, 165–67, Hillenbrand, Martin, 254 178, 260 Histadrut Labor Union, 8, 167 deterioration of relations, 149 Houphouët-Boigny, Félix, 232 establishment of formal relations, Hundhammer, Alois, 125 21–22, 32–33 Hungary, 60, 207 indifference to German reunifica- See also Ostpolitik tion, 40 Hussein, King of Jordan, 82, 83 insistence on special relationship, and Dawson’s Field crisis, 145 122, 241 and Egypt, 80 military assistance, 15, 22, 87, 117–18, and Israel, 270 150, 173–75 and Jerusalem, 82 reaction to Brandt election, 119 and Munich Olympics, 207 recognition of Oder-Neisse line, 41 and Palestinian problem, 144 relations with EEC, 43 attempted assassination of, 145 visit from Bundestag delegation, 169 declaration of martial law, 147 and Italy, 90 and Jordan, 43 Idan, Avner, 118 and , 140, 212, 233 Institute of German History, 166 and , 233 International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ and Middle East peace Associations (IFALPA), 91 insistence on direct negotiations, Iran, 85–86, 267, 280 136 Iraq, 17, 109 strategy of attrition, 192 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 55, 65 and Moscow Treaty, 144 and FRG, recall of ambassador, 21 and Soviet Union, 43, 100, 127, 160–62, and GDR, 109 193, 267 See also Arab League and , 218 Ismail, Hafez, 227, 232 andUnitedKingdom,149,163,174, Israel, 30–31 193 and Africa, 195, 267 and United States, 144, 148, 160, and Dawson’s Field crisis, 146 188, 267 and EEC, 162–64 military assistance, 22, 108, 137, 148, application for associate membership, 233, 249, 254 14, 68–70, 85 anti-Arab sentiments, 209 opposition to Brussels declaration, 256 anti-government protests, 265 preferential tariff agreement, 141, economic conditions, 28, 68, 158, 197, 194 229, 266 and Egypt, 13 elections (1969), 120 air strikes on, 137 elections (1974), 265 rejection of peace initiatives, 159 immigration, 28, 50, 158, 197, 266 and El Al 426 hijacking, 89–90, National Unity government, 77, 81 91–92 nuclear program of, 16 and France, 90, 122, 138, 193, 231 release of political prisoners, 92, 148 and FRG, 5, 16, 149, 169–72, 215 social conditions, 29, 50, 158 absence of formal relations, 23 terrorist attacks in, 82, 93, 141, 188, 201, annual aid negotiations, 38–40, 67–68, 269, 271 85–87, 116–17, 142–43, 176 See also Arab-Israeli War (1967) (1973); anti-German demonstrations, 170, 181 War of Attrition

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Israelisch-Deutsche Handelskammer promotion of status quo, 192, 223 (IDHK), 52 shuttle diplomacy, 262–63 Italy, 15, 70, 92 and Palestinian question, 270 and Saudi Arabia, 269 Jackson, Henry F., 221 and Soviet Union, 223, 250 Jahn, Gerhard, 120 and United Kingdom, 250 Japan, 267 and War of Attrition, 108 (JRA), 189 Kniefall, 129, 151–53 Jarring, Gunnar, 78, 79, 81, 159 and FRG, public response to, 152 Jaspers, Karl, 49 and Israel, public response to, 153 Jerusalem, status of, 71, 72, 87 Knoke, Karl-Hermann, 101, 112 Jewish Defense League, 181 Kollek, Teddy, 37, 181, 182, 262 Johnson, Lyndon, 15, 18 Kollwitz, Käthe, 179 Jordan, 71 Koschnick, Hans, 238, 289 and FRG, 131 Kosygin, Alexei, 97 economic assistance, 63, 64, 227 Kozo, Okamoto, 203 recall of ambassador, 21 Kreisky, Bruno, 235–36, 266 reestablishment of relations, 51 , 21 and GDR, 109 See also Arab League and Israel, 93 and Palestinians, 144 Labor Alignment, 81, 120, 265 Dawson’s Field crisis, 145–47 Labor Party, 50, 78 refugees in, 63 Labor Zionism, 50 See also Arab League; Arab-Israeli War Lahr, Rolf, 39, 68 (1967); Black September; Hussein Lapidoth, 101 Lavie, Yeshayahu, 175 Kahane, Meir, 181 Lebanon Karameh, Battle of, 83 and FRG, 21, 190, 227 Khaled, Leila, 145 and Israel, 140, 212 Kiesinger, Kurt Georg, 49, 52, 66 and Palestinians, 140 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 56, 61 See also Arab League and Brandt, differences with, 80, 111 Levinger, Moshe, 78 and Czechoslovakia, 96, 97 Likud, 265, 269 and GDR, refusal to recognize, 61, 80 Lübke, Heinrich, 36 and Israel annual aid negotiations, 116 Malik, Yakov, 196 equivocation on EEC application, 69 Mannesmann, 86 meeting with Ben-Gurion, 52 Mapai Party, 8, 28, 78, 104 on West German–Israeli relations, 44 McNamara, Robert, 46, 287 and Soviet Union, 99 Mehta, Zubin, 166 and Statute of Limitations, 113 Meinhof, Ulrike, 58, 186, 191, 203 and United States, visit to, 66 Meir, Golda, 120, 121, 122–23, 272 appointment of, 43–44 and Brandt, 198 on policy of neutrality, 113 comparison of, 288 Kissinger, Henry, 234, 280 meetings with, 116, 165, 199, 241–42 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 249, 258 and Dayan, support for, 231 cease-fire resolution, 250 and EEC support for renewed fighting, 251 objection to Schumann paper, 165 and China, visit to, 155 opposition to Brussels declaration, 256 and EEC, 256, 257, 278 and Egypt, 160, 168 and Egypt, 232 and France, visit to, 231 and FRG, 130, 209, 255 and FRG, 181 and Meir, relationship with, 268 annual aid negotiations, 116 and Middle East peace, 160, 267, establishment of formal relations, 268, 270 22, 32

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obstacles to, 80, 279–80 meeting with Böll, 186 See also Brandt, Willy; Scheel, Walter; meeting with Pauls, 34 Wischnewski Hans-Jürgen meeting with Scheel, 171 Nassal, Yussef, 201, 206 on Deutsche Kulturwoche, 181 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 14, 17, 55 on Israeli-West German relations, and Aktion “Frankreich/Kolonien,” 16–17 243 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 147 and Jordan, 270 and GDR, 18 and Middle East peace, 234, 269 and FRG, 18–19 disengagement negotiations, 268 and Palestinians, 144 insistence on direct negotiations, 104 and Soviet Union, 16, 18, 108 land for peace policy, 120 and War of Attrition, 106, 108, rejection of mediation, 192 144 and Munich Olympics, 211, 212 death of, 144 and PLO, 212, 271 funeral of, 147 and Schönau crisis, 236 See also Arab-Israeli War (1967) and Socialist International meetings, 116, National Democratic Party (NPD), 41, 43, 160, 194, 231, 256 106, 111 and Soviet Union, 160–61 elections (1966), 43, 49 and United States, 108, 160, 232, elections (1968), 76 251, 252 elections (1969), 112, 118 relationship with Kissinger, 268 National Religious Party, 120, 265, 269 relationship with Nixon, 192 NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty and Vatican, visit to, 232 Organization and War of Attrition, 108, 121 Nau, Alfred, 149 appointment of, 104–5 Niemöller, Christoph, 179 election of, 120 Nigeria, 47 government declaration (1969), Nixon doctrine, 148 121 Nixon shock, 157, 158 legacy of, 273 Nixon, Richard, 103–4 re-election of, 197 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 249 reputation of, 230 and China, visit to, 155, 188 resignation of, 272 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 146 See also Arab-Israeli War (1973); War of and EEC, 278 Attrition and Egypt, 232 Meroz, Yohanan, 183 and FRG, 130, 228, 255 Mizrahim, 30, 50 and Israel, 144, 160 Möller, Alex, 138, 143 military assistance to, 108, 233 Moscow Treaty (1970), 129, 144, 279 relationship with Meir, 192 Movement for Peace and Security, 78 and Middle East peace, 223, 263 Movement for the Greater Land of and Schönau crisis, 236 Israel, 78 and Soviet Union, 188, 264 Munich Olympics (1972), 199–200 domestic challenges, 221 and Black September, 201–3 election of, 188 and FRG on Munich Olympics, 207 criticism of, 206, 207, 210 Nollau, Günter, 285 domestic consequences, 208–9 Nonaligned Summit Meeting (1973), 234 response to crisis, 203–6, 211 North Atlantic Treaty Organization memorial service, 207 (NATO), 27, 62 security measures for, 200–1 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 60 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 250 Nahostpolitik, 86, 110, 113, 130–32, 173 and Czechoslovakia, 97 and Israel, 132–33, 139, 173 and France, 62 criticism of, 141 Nowak, Walter, 226 limits to, 131 NPD. See National Democratic Party

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Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (1968), Palestinian Student Association 75, 81 (GUPS), 209 Palestinian Workers’ Union (GUPA), 209 occupied territories, 71, 81 Palestinians, 233, 269 and FRG, 72, 79 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 55 and United Nations, 84 and Egypt, 144 Galili Plan, 231 and FRG, 59 Hasbara campaign, 82 and Soviet Union, 189, 202 military emcampments in, 109 and United Nations, 84 public opinion on, 230 fedayeen, 82, 144, 147 See also Gaza; Golan Heights; Sinai; set- in Jordan, 144 tlements; West Bank in Lebanon, 140, 212 Oder-Neisse line, 41, 129, 150 in Syria, 212 Ohnesorg, Beno, 47, 58 national movement of, 53 oil crisis (1967), 60, 64, 65, 70 See also Popular Front for the Liberation oil crisis (1973), 223, 232, 259, 267 of Palestine; Palestine Liberation Operation Damocles, 14 Organization; refugees Operation Inferno. See Karameh, Battle of Paul VI, 232 Operation Wrath of God, 218 Pauls, Rolf, 42, 79, 85 Organization of African Unity (OAU), 196 ambassador to US, 113 Organization of Arab Oil Exporting and Israel, 41 Countries (OAPEC), 249, 281 appointment of, 33 Organization of Petroleum Exporting departure of, 74–75 Countries (OPEC), 3, 249, 253 diplomatic style of, 35–36 Osswald, Albert, 198 on reconciliation, 34 Ostpolitik, 50, 75, 157, 279 protests against, 34–35 and Bulgaria, 156 response to anti-German sentiments, and Czechoslovakia, 94–96, 156, 228 41–42 effects of invasion on, 98 response to recognition of Oder-Neisse and Four Power talks, 150 line, 41 and GDR, 128, 150, 190 peace movements, 31, 79, 272 and Hungary, 156 Peres, Shimon and Israel, 173 and FRG, 12 and Poland, 129, 150–53, 156, 190, establishment of relations, 22 191 and Strauss, relationship with, 6 and Romania, 156 on German military assistance, 17 and Soviet Union, 95, 129, 144, 155, on Israeli-West German relations, 66 190, 191 PFLP. See Popular Front for the Liberation and Yugoslavia, 156, 228 of Palestine criticism of, 141, 151 Pilz, Wolfgang, 14 domestic dimensions of, 128 PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization goals of, 127 Poland, 60, 156 obstacles to, 61–62, 80–81, 98–99, 156, and Munich Olympics, 207 277 See also Ostpolitik See also Brandt, Willy; Bahr, Egon Pompidou, Georges, 279 and FRG, 129, 209 Pakistan, 84 and Israel, 193 Palestine Liberation Organization and Middle East peace, 228 (PLO), 218 death of, 265 and FRG, 226 Popular Front for the Liberation of and Israel, 188, 212, 271 Palestine (PFLP), 93, 190, 202 and United States, 270 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 145–47 formation of, 93 and El Al 426 hijacking, 88–92 support for two-state solution, 269 opposition to two-state solution, 269 See also Arafat, Yasser Prakla, 101

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Primakov, Yevgeny, 160 and Israel, 218, 289 Puttkamer, Jesco von, 217, 237, 260 annual aid negotiations, 143 and Deutsche Kulturwoche, 179–81, meetings with Eban, 138, 149, 182 170, 171 appointment of, 154–55 on Schumann paper, 170 on West German–Israeli relations, on West German–Israeli relations, 132, 183 172, 198 opposition to military assistance, 118, Rabin, Yitzhak, 272, 273 174, 175 and War of Attrition, 107 rejection of investment agreement, 171 reputation of, 57 visit to, 169–72 Radicals Decree, 191 and Jordan, visit to, 227 Rafi Party, 78 and Lebanon, visit to, 227 Red Army Faction (RAF), 48, 128, 191 and Romania, 156 Redies, Helmut, 139, 226 and Soviet Union, 155 refugees, 167, 231 and terrorism, 138 and FRG, 57, 72, 79, 293 and United States, 254 aid to, 51, 63, 64 break with CDU, 119 and Vatican, 232 connection to Third Reich, 133, 134 See also occupied territories; Palestinians protests against, 181 Restitution Agreement (1952), 3, 5, 17, visit to Auschwitz, 150 22, 40 See also Nahostpolitik; Ostpolitik advance on, 142 Schiller, Karl, 86, 138, 157 and United States, 5 connection to Third Reich, 133, 134 extension of, 115–16 defection from government, 191 proposal for new agreement, 142, 167, Schlesinger, James, 255 237–38, 290 Schleyer, Martin, 274 Restitution Purchasing Mission, 5, 6, 13, 33 Schmid, Carlo, 169 reunification of Germany, 40–41, 63, 95 Schmidt, Helmut, 42, 118, 122 See also Hallstein doctrine and Brandt, criticism of, 276 Rogers Plan, 127 and Israel Rogers, William, 160 opposition to new restitution agree- Romania, 27, 51, 156, 267 ment, 238 See also Ostpolitik relationship with Ben-Horin, 150 support for military cooperation, Sadat, Anwar, 155, 226, 268, 282 173, 175 and Israel, 159, 222, 239, 273 and SPD, 287 and Soviet Union, 192 on Arab-Israeli War (1967), 56 and United States, 193 Schröder, Gerhard See also Arab-Israeli War (1973) and Egypt, 20 Sakharov, Andrei, 264 and Israel, 20, 32, 36, 106, 169 Salameh, Ali Hassan, 233 electoral defeat (1969), 106 Sapir, Pinhas, 229, 230 Schumann, Maurice, 163, 207 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 55 Schuster, Zachariah, 45 Saudi Arabia, 21, 132, 245, 269 Schütz, Klaus, 261–62 and FRG, 87, 279 settlements, 120, 230 See also Arab League debate over, 78–79 Scheel, Walter, 105, 122 expansion of, 231 and Arab League, 210 Sharett, Moshe, 4 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 253 Sharon, Ariel, 268 and Brandt, support for, 285 Shazar, Zalman, 34, 46 and China, visit to, 190 Shek, Zeev, 46 and EEC, 209 Shelepin, Alexander, 18 and Egypt, visit to, 227 Shukeiry, Ahmad, 65 and France, 157 Siemens, 101

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Simon, Akiva Ernst, 179 protests against, 52–53, 76, 77, 103 Sinai, 159, 187 and Israel, 66, 69 and War of Attrition, 107 press, 52, 53, 58, 191 settlements in, 79, 120, 192, 197 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 57 See also Arab-Israeli War (1967) (1973); and Jerusalem, 72 occupied territories criticism of Brandt, 153 Sisco, Joseph, 160 criticism of Meinhof, 186 Social Democratic Party (SPD), 28, 49, pro-Israel tone, 140, 167 105, 275 Statute of Limitations (on Nazi War and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 252 Crimes), 112–13 and Israel, 8, 69, 168 and Israel, 14–15, 22, 112 coalition with FDP, 128 and United States, 22 elections (1969), 118 extension of, 17, 100 elections, state (1974), 275 Strauss, Franz Josef, 6, 10, 66 Jungsozialisten, 225, 275 and Israel See also Grand Coalition annual aid negotiations, 116 Socialist German Student Union (SDS), 77 relationship with Ben-Natan, 113 Socialist International, 116, 119, 165, 194, support for EEC application, 69 231, 256, 266, 287 support for formal relations, 20 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 264 visit to, 15 South Africa, 267 student demonstrations. See youth Soviet Union, 26 movements and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 53 Sudan, 21, 109, 157–58, 174, and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 247, 190 250–51 See also Arab League and China, 3, 27, 47, 61, 107, 188 Suez Canal, 107, 268 and Egypt, 17, 188, 223 closure of, 55, 60 military assistance to, 18, 61, 107, 108, (1956), 5 127, 249 Switzerland, 146, 149 Treaty of Friendship and Syria, 65, 148 Cooperation, 155 and Egypt, 17 and France, 62 and FRG, 21, 132 and FRG, 81, 96, 121, 254 and GDR, 63, 109 reaction to Brandt’s election, 119 and Israel, 108, 218 rebuff of Bonn’s overtures, 51 and Jordan, 147 support for GDR, 111 and Palestinians, 27 terms for rapprochement, 98 and Soviet Union, 27, 61, 249 and GDR, 61 and United Nations, 84 and Israel, 43, 84, 100, 108, 160–62 and United States, 262 and Middle East peace, 103, 160 See also Arab League; Arab-Israeli War and Munich Olympics, 207 (1967) (1973) and Palestinians, 189, 202 and Syria, 27, 61, 249 Talhouni, Bahjat, 123 and United Nations, 212 terrorism, 93, 108, 138, 269 and United States, 127, 147, 263–64 Dawson’s Field crisis, 145–47 détente, 103–4, 188, 221–24 El Al 426 hijacking, 88–92 rivalry with, 2–3, 26–27, 47, 127, in FRG, 115, 125, 191 155 in Israel, 82, 141, 188, 269, 271 and War of Attrition, 107, 144 Lufthansa 615 hijacking, 186, 213–15 emigration of Jews, 41, 161, 193, 221, Schönau crisis, 235–37 236 See also Munich Olympics; Popular Front See also Ostpolitik for the Liberation of Palestine; SPD. See Social Democratic Party Palestine Liberation Organization Springer, Axel, 37–38, 57, 102–3, 166 Tetzaff, Alfred, 276 and FRG, 256 Thant, U, 90, 91

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Third Reich, 31 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 145 legacy of, 7, 23, 30, 112 and Egypt, 159, 192, 232, 262 politicians with connections to, 133–35 and El Al 426 hijacking, 91 renunciation of, 128, 133, 218 and FRG, 5, 130, 157, 190 See also Eichmann, Adolf assessment of Ostpolitik, 157 Thyssen, 86 NATO crisis, 62–63 Tito, Josef Broz, 214, 228 tensions between, 254, 278 Török, Alexander, 33, 40 and Israel, 143, 144, 148, 160, 188, Tunisia, 121, 131, 207, 234 267 See also Arab League military assistance to, 22, 108, 137, Turkey, 267 148, 233, 249, 254 and Jordan, 15, 270 Ulbricht, Walter, 18, 19, 109, 110 and Middle East peace, 103, 159–60, United Kingdom 262–63, 267 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 250 and Moscow Treaty, 144 and Czechoslovakia, 97 and Palestinians, 270 and Dawson’s Field crisis, 146 and Soviet Union, 127, 147, 263–64 and EEC, 130, 142, 278 détente, 103–4, 187, 221–24 and FRG, 129, 157, 173, 229 rivalry with, 2–3, 26–27, 47, 127, and Israel, 163, 173, 193, 229 155 and Soviet Union, 97 and Statute of Limitations, 15 and United States, 188, 229 and Syria, 27, 262 United Nations, 127–28, 189, 212 and United Kingdom, 188 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 60 and United Nations, 212 and Czechoslovakia, 97 and War of Attrition, 107, 127, 144 and FRG, 61, 245 on Brandt’s election, 119 and GDR, 245 race riots, 48 and Israel, 245 USSR. See Soviet Union accusation of war crimes, 196 censure for retaliatory strikes, Vanik, Charles, 221 93 Vietnam War, 26, 47, 60, 107, 127, condemnation of cease-fire viola- 187 tion, 83 Paris Peace Accords (1973), 221 condemnation of incursions into protests against, 29, 48 Lebanon, 140 Vogel, Rolf, 10 condemnation of skyjacking, 234 resolution condemning attacks in Walden, Mathias, 57 Lebanon, 196 Waldheim, Kurt, 209, 234 Article 107, 97 Waldorf-Astoria meeting, 1–2, 7 Article 53, 97 See also Adenauer/Ben-Gurion Geneva Conference, 257, 258, 269 Agreement Human Rights Commission, 112 War of Attrition (1969–70), 106–9, 121 Resolution 242, 71, 130, 138, 227 cease-fire, 127, 144 Resolution 338, 251 Pact, 96, 111 resolution on occupied territories, 84 See also Czechoslovakia, invasion of World Conference on Human Rights, 75, Warsaw Treaty (1970), 129, 150 77,83–84 Wehner, Herbert, 122, 168, 285 United Nations Relief and Works Agency Weichmann, Hermann, 111 (UNRWA), 51 West Bank, 79, 81, 270 United States, 13, 26 economic integration of, 230, 231 and Algeria, 262 peace proposals for, 81–82 and Arab-Israeli War (1967), 53, 60 restrictions on right of return, 72 and Arab-Israeli War (1973), 247, settlements in, 78–79, 109, 120, 192, 250–51 197 and Czechoslovakia, 97 See also occupied territories

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West Germany. See Federal Republic of , South, 109, 157 Germany See also Arab League Willikens, Dietrich, 175 youth movements, 48 Wilson, Harold, 97, 130, 256 in FRG, 29, 49, 181 Wischnewski, Hans-Jürgen, 120, 122, anti-Israel demonstrations, 77, 132 114, 138 and Arafat, meeting with, 147 anti-Springer demonstrations, 53, and Dawson’s Field crisis, 146–47 76, 103 and Jordan, 64, 80 Außerparlamentarische Opposition and Meir, meeting with, 168 (APO), 49 mission to Middle East, 157 Kompass, 114 See also Nahostpolitik in Israel, 29–30, 50 Wolfmann, Alfred, 141, 149, 153 Yugoslavia, 156, 213–14, World Health Organization (WHO), 228 167 World Zionist Organization (WZO), Zagreb. See Yugoslavia 81 Zaire, 47 Zamir, Zvi, 205, 211, Yadin, Yigael, 220 218 Yariv, Aharon, 218 Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, 116, yekkes, 177 217 Yemen, 17, 21, 55 Zionism, 59, 77, 78

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