The Future of Yonge and Eglinton's Canada Square: Supporting Midtown Existing and Future Residents' Quality of Life
From: Richard MacFarlane To: councilmeeting Subject: Support Midtown"s Quality of Life - Communication on PH25.7 Date: July 9, 2021 1:36:27 AM Attachments: TTC Buslands at Yonge-Eglinton, Public Consultation Meetings, Oxford, Josh Matlow, Ratepayers.doc TTC Buslands, Canada Square -- Item 31.27, Submission by Richard MacFarlane, Oriole Park Association, to the Mayor and City Councillors, Motion by Councillor Josh Matlow and Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, April 7, 2021.doc Dear Mayor Tory and City Councillors, For the past 20 years, as a dedicated participant in all things relating to planning and development, I have spent at least 300 hours a year working voluntarily for the Oriole Park Association community and Yonge/Eglinton area ratepayer organizations. From Year 2002, since attending the Minto Towers OMB hearing, I have attended over 200 public meetings, including numerous Committee of Adjustment sessions, and at least 15 major Ontario Municipal Board, then LPAT hearings (now the Ontario Land Tribunals). During this time, I have typed upwards of 1,000 pages of meeting minutes and correspondence concerning development issues. As you may be aware, our Oriole Park Association was established in 1954, coincidentally, the year I was born, the same year the Yonge line was finished, and the year the TTC bus barns began operating. The OPA is incorporated. It represents about 5,000 residents living in mostly single family homes, some duplexes and triplexes, and low rise apartment buildings along Eglinton. OPA boundaries are from Eglinton Avenue in the north, south to Chaplin Crescent, northwest along Chaplin to Eglinton, and the east border is the west side of Yonge Street.
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