Once in a Blue Moon: Airmen in Theater Command Lauris Norstad, Albrecht Kesselring, and Their Relevance to the Twenty-First Century Air Force
COLLEGE OF AEROSPACE DOCTRINE, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION AIR UNIVERSITY AIR Y U SIT NI V ER Once in a Blue Moon: Airmen in Theater Command Lauris Norstad, Albrecht Kesselring, and Their Relevance to the Twenty-First Century Air Force HOWARD D. BELOTE Lieutenant Colonel, USAF CADRE Paper No. 7 Air University Press Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama 36112-6615 July 2000 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Belote, Howard D., 1963– Once in a blue moon : airmen in theater command : Lauris Norstad, Albrecht Kesselring, and their relevance to the twenty-first century Air Force/Howard D. Belote. p. cm. -- (CADRE paper ; no. 7) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-58566-082-5 1. United States. Air Force--Officers. 2. Generals--United States. 3. Unified operations (Military science) 4. Combined operations (Military science) 5. Command of troops. I. Title. II. CADRE paper ; 7. UG793 .B45 2000 358.4'133'0973--dc21 00-055881 Disclaimer Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Air University, the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, or any other US government agency. Cleared for public release: distribution unlimited. This CADRE Paper, and others in the series, is available electronically at the Air University Research web site http://research.maxwell.af.mil under “Research Papers” then “Special Collections.” ii CADRE Papers CADRE Papers are occasional publications sponsored by the Airpower Research Institute of Air University’s (AU) College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education (CADRE). Dedicated to promoting understanding of air and space power theory and application, these studies are published by the Air University Press and broadly distributed to the US Air Force, the Department of Defense and other governmental organiza- tions, leading scholars, selected institutions of higher learn- ing, public policy institutes, and the media.
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