State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series a Multifaceted Portrait of a Growing Population

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State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series a Multifaceted Portrait of a Growing Population A A P I D ATA AP PHOTO/SETH WENIG AP PHOTO/SETH State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series A Multifaceted Portrait of a Growing Population By Karthick Ramakrishnan and Farah Z. Ahmad September 2014 WWW.AMERICANPROGRESS.ORG A A P I D ATA State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series A Multifaceted Portrait of a Growing Population By Karthick Ramakrishnan and Farah Z. Ahmad September 2014 Contents 1 Introduction and Summary 10 Demographics 23 Immigration 34 Language Diversity and English Proficiency 44 Education 52 Public Opinion 62 Civic Participation and Democracy 74 Labor-Market Outcomes 84 Income and Poverty 93 Consumer Power and Business Ownership 102 Health Care and Health Outcomes Introduction and summary Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, or AAPIs, are the two fastest-growing populations in the United States, growing by an average of 46 percent and 40 per- cent, respectively, between 2000 and 2010, compared with the nationwide average growth of 10 percent during the same time period.1 The rapid growth of AAPIs, propelled in large part by immigration, is one of the demographic shifts currently changing the face of the United States. The majority of the United States is pro- jected to be people of color by 2043,2 and it is imperative that we understand the diversity among these communities. Yet despite the remarkable growth of AAPIs, there is a significant gap in what is known about these communities. Part of this gap is due to the lack of centralized and accessible data across outcomes, rendering it difficult to make comprehensive sense of policy-relevant data. In this series, the Center for American Progress and AAPI Data bring together the most salient data points on AAPIs in 10 reports on a range of topics, including public opinion, civic participation, immigration, language needs, labor-market out- comes, and consumer and business activity. In doing so, we provide comparisons between AAPIs and other racial groups in the United States, as well as comparisons within the AAPI community by detailed origin—ranging from Chinese Americans and Bangladeshi Americans to Native Hawaiians and Tongan Americans. When understanding outcomes among AAPIs, both racial categories and categories of detailed origin are important. As detailed in the “Demographics” report, racial categories—such as Asian and Pacific Islander—are official -gov ernment classifications that are based on key and salient commonalities in the history of how different groups have been incorporated into American society. These racial classifications inform the collection of government data by various federal, state, and local agencies. 1 Center for American Progress | State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series: Introduction and summary At the same time, many Asian Americans—particularly first-generation immi- grants—still identify primarily with their national origin,3 and the AAPI com- munity varies considerably by national origin on outcomes such as educational attainment and income. Despite these differences, there is also significant conver- gence in the policy attitudes of AAPIs, with relatively high levels of support for policies such as universal health care, immigrant legalization, higher taxes, and preservation of the social safety net.4 In summary, AAPIs are a significant and rapidly growing part of the United States. In order to have an accurate sense of our country’s economic, social, and politi- cal future, it is critical to have a current and detailed understanding of the AAPI population and its outcomes and trajectories on key policy dimensions. In this series of reports, we cover essential findings on the following key dimensions. Demographics AAPIs are concentrated in a few states, though there has been rapid growth in new regions during the past decade. More than half of the Asian American popu- lation—56 percent—lives in five states: California, Washington, Texas, New Jersey, and Hawaii. Two-thirds of the Pacific Islander population—67 percent— live in five states: Hawaii, California, Washington, Texas, and Utah.5 This level of state residential concentration is comparable to Latinos—with 66 percent of residence concentrated in five states—but is much higher when compared with whites and blacks, where the top five states account for about 35 percent and 37 percent, respectively, of the national population of each group.6 The top states of origin vary across detailed origin groups, with groups such as Filipino Americans and Taiwanese Americans concentrated in California, Bangladeshi Americans concentrated in New York, and Indian Americans dispersed across various states when compared with most other Asian groups.7 States with high AAPI concentrations are not the states with the fastest-growing AAPI populations. In fact, New York and California have the slowest population growth of Asian Americans, while other states such as Nevada, Arizona, and North Dakota have the fastest-growing Asian American populations.8 2 Center for American Progress | State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series: Introduction and summary Immigration Immigration is particularly relevant to Asian Americans, considering that the Asian American population includes the highest proportion of immigrants compared with other racial and ethnic groups whether measured in terms of residents, adult citizens, or voters.9 Among immigrants, Asian immigrants have consistently been among the fastest to naturalize, waiting an average of five to eight years, compared with a decade or more for immigrants from North America.10 In addition, since 2008, there have been more immigrants coming from Asia than from any other region in the world, including Latin America.11 A significant number of Asian immigrants are undocumented: 1.3 million were undocumented in 2011, or one in every eight of the 10 million foreign-born Asian Americans living in the United States that year.12 Viewed another way, Asian Americans account for about one in every nine of the total unauthorized immigrant population in the United States.13 Language diversity and English proficiency Asian Americans are among those most likely to be Limited English Proficient— defined as those who speak English “less than very well”—at a rate of 35 percent, identical to the Latino rate.14 The Asian American population also has the highest proportion of residents who speak a language other than English at home, at a rate of 77 percent.15 There is considerable variation in English proficiency by detailed origin, with Native Hawaiians, Indian Americans, and Filipino Americans possess- ing very high rates of proficiency and Vietnamese Americans, Chinese Americans, and Korean Americans possessing relatively low rates of proficiency.16 Many of these groups face barriers to voting because of inadequate language assistance; this is true even in jurisdictions that are mandated to provide it.17 These patterns in language use are also important to understand media consumption among Asian Americans, many of whom rely on ethnic media for their news on public affairs.18 Education High levels of educational attainment among AAPIs mask significant differences across detailed origins. Many Pacific Islander groups and certain Asian American groups—including Vietnamese Americans, Cambodian Americans, Laotian Americans, and Hmong Americans—have lower educational attainment levels 3 Center for American Progress | State of Asian American and Pacific Islander Series: Introduction and summary than the national average, similar to African Americans and Latinos.19 Conversely, Asian American groups with a high proportion of employment-based immi- grants—including Indian Americans and Chinese Americans—tend to have the highest levels of educational attainment among all Americans.20 Public opinion AAPIs’ relatively high levels of support for progressive policies reveal a preference for an activist government and more public services, rather than smaller govern- ment and tax cuts.21 AAPIs also generally express support for policies such as environmental protection, issues related to educational access and affordability, universal health care, and a pathway to citizenship for immigrants.22 Additionally, recent survey data indicate that AAPIs view racial diversity positively and believe that increased racial diversity will bring increased opportunities for all.23 Civic participation and democracy AAPI voters are growing rapidly nationwide and are a significant share of the electorate in many states and metropolitan areas. In the past decade, the number of AAPI voters has nearly doubled, from more than 2 million voters across the country in 2000 to 3.9 million voters in 2012.24 Still, nationwide, AAPIs only account for about 3 percent of all voters.25 At the same time, AAPIs tend to be concentrated in certain areas and therefore make up a significant share of the elec- torate in those places. For example, during the 2012 presidential election, AAPIs made up 50 percent of voters in Hawaii, 10 percent of voters in California, and 5 percent or more of voters in Nevada, Washington, and New Jersey.26 Despite their growing presence, Asian Americans’ voting participation is relatively low, likely due to the Asian American population possessing a large proportion of foreign- born residents, as well as low citizenship rates.27 Pacific Islanders also have lower rates of voter registration, though registration and turnout rates vary greatly by detailed origin.28 In terms of political affiliations, AAPIs do not overwhelmingly identify with a
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