The Qing Invention of Nature: Environment and Identity in Northeast China and Mongolia, 1750-1850
The Qing Invention of Nature: Environment and Identity in Northeast China and Mongolia, 1750-1850 The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Schlesinger, Jonathan. 2012. The Qing Invention of Nature: Environment and Identity in Northeast China and Mongolia, 1750-1850. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University. Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use#LAA © 2012 – Jonathan Schlesinger All rights reserved. Mark C. Elliott Jonathan Schlesinger! The Qing Invention of Nature: Environment and Identity in Northeast China and Mongolia, 1750-1850 Abstract This dissertation studies the nexus of empire, environment, and market that defined Qing China in 1750-1850, when unprecedented commercial expansion and a rush for natural resources – including furs, pharmaceuticals, and precious minerals – transformed the ecology of China and its borderlands. That boom, no less than today’s, had profound institutional, ideological, and environmental causes and consequences. Nature itself was redefined. In this thesis, I show that it was the activism, not the atavism, of early modern empire that produced “nature.” Wilderness as such was not a state of nature: it reflected the nature of the state. Imperial efforts to elaborate and preserve “pure” ethnic homelands during the boom were at the center of this process. Using archival materials from Northeast China and Mongolia as case studies, the dissertation reassesses the view that homesteaders transformed China’s frontiers from wilderness to breadbasket after 1850.
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