CES Virtual 27th International Conference of Europeanists Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias All sessions are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This Revised Preliminary Program is subject to change. We have tried to accommodate all of the submitted rescheduling requests. The Final Conference Program will be available on May 25, 2021. Please contact
[email protected] about program-related updates by May 7, 2021. April 27, 2021 Pre-Conference and Conference Side Events MONDAY, JUNE 14 Territorial Politics and Federalism Research Network Business Meeting 6/14/2021 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Business Meeting Chair: Willem Maas - York University TUESDAY, JUNE 15 Crises of Democracy 6/15/2021 10:00 AM to 11:30 PM Keynote Sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Chair: Nicole Shea – Director, Council for European Studies Speakers: Eileen Gillooly - Executive Director, Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University Jane Ohlmeyer - Professor of History at Trinity College and Chair of the Irish Research Council European Integration and Political Economy Research Network Speed Mentoring Event 6/15/2021 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM Networking Event Chair: Dermot Hodson - Birkbeck, University of London WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 How to Pitch to Publishers 6/16/2021 10:00 AM to 11:30 PM Speakers: Andrew Kinney - General Editor, Harvard University Press Jaya Aninda Chatterjee - Editor for World History, Geopolitics, and International Relations, Yale University Press 2 Mary Al-Sayed - Editor for Anthropology and History (World history;