The Australasian bee journal. Vol. II, No. 12 June 1, 1889

Auckland, New Zealand: I. Hopkins and Co., June 1, 1889

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728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | REGISTERED FOR TRANSMISSION ABROAD, Se if L206 eee THE AUSTRALMSIAN eed 7

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Nowi22 Von 1, AUCKLAND,-N-Z., JUNE 1, 1889. [SoBe RED OND SEER ever eae ae er ER = == ~‘/mportant to Dairy 7 Farmers, , Dairymen, / A TI Tena ey A Wa). Cheese Factory & Creamery eS Proprietors. pre = et ‘ WACK ERs TEASE, Wee, 2? «tom

Manufacturers, Dealers, and Importers of all kinds of Apiarian Appliances, Importers and Breeders of ITALIAN QUEENS. Honey Tinned, Labelled, Packed, Estimates furnished and Sold on Commission (see eireular). of cost of fitting out any sized Apiary, and their laying out undertaken. BEESWAX BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, IMPROVED HONEY EXTRACTORS AND SHCTIONS. ge OUR IMPROVED ONE-PIECE hee < SECTIONS, i ae

i "i i Comb Foundation can be firmly i ey ! | NN’ Sections pithoutine mace cents i Hl \ levers or mélted wax. and in one | | i) i \\ quarter the time, as the section is | i : | \) folded and the foundation fixed | Hf / i N at the same time. | ] i N are the best yet introduced, These sections | it f N Our i | Hi New Extractors are a great im- i f i N provement on the old ones, and il 4 i Ht \ much cheaper. i i | Op = Gs i NV Send for the coming season’s i| NN Supplement to our circular and i] Seo, Emo | ae rer oH price list. =. [P = ps i” imal P.O, Box 386. SS oo OFFICE & STORE: LOWER QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. a es rh 3 a.



VEGETABLE SEEDS, 6d per packet *SWEDE, YATES’ CHAMPION PURPLETOP ” FLOWER SEEDS (ordinary), 3d per packet “YELLOW ABERDEEN GREENTOP a * The best strains in cultivation, Prices on q application, YELLOW ABERDEEN PURFLETOP {RED CLOVER (English and American) {COW GRASS (English and American) +WHITE FINEST (Dutch) +ALSYKE AND TIMOTHY + New seeds now coming to hand. Cash prices and samples on application. Nore.—I YATES’ Reliable guarantee Vegetable none genuine Seed: unless bi in sealed d packets from local bearing my ts i nameand address: ip i on ARTHUR YATES, Seedsman, Auckland, N.Z, 237 Sussex Street, Sydney, AND AT MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. ar RNa ee SEED * Le ee a | THE KAURI TIMBER COMPANY, LIMITED.

TIMBER.—Weather Boarding (rusticated and feather-edged), Rough and Dressed Flooring, Lining and Scantling. Manufacturers of every description of Joiners’ Work, Doors, Sashes, Mouldings, Turnery, Carving, &e. SPECIALTIES.—Seed Protectors, Hand Lights, Vineries (glazed on the new patent principle, without putty), and all kinds of Horticultural Implements, Hives, and Apiarian Appliances. BRICKWORKS at New Lynn Railway Station. Available for the supply of orders to any station on the Waikato, Kaipara, and Onehunya Lines. All Classes of Building Materials supplied with despatch and delivered into railway trucks. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists free on application. Liberal discounts to cash purchasers.




Mr W. Abram, Manager of this Company, served his time H A U R A K I Ss A W M | 1 1 S under the late Dathe, the ce ebrated German naturalist, and, till his death lately, the greatest living authority on bee culture. TURUA, THAMES, NEW ZEALAND. Before leaving his mother country, Mr Abram secured a number of splendid Italian Queens, which took prizes at various Exhibitions in Europe. In addition, the Company, through Messrs Newman, of Chicago (publishers of the se American Bee Journal’, had several colonies of specially- selected Italian Bees sent from America, Price Lists sent FREE on application. Under the skilled care of Mr Abram, the Company has established the finest strains of Italians. No hybrids nor black bees are kept. All queens are carefully tested in every A,

= x ) © AD) Dp Ag! We a We Aa) A Oh YZ RY) aS 2 SS) A AD) ; ae IN ANG SAS, Ses i a) Ae iy als wd 22 | 7 Bnd) “Band [i J? < oN AQ AA Ee ed 85 | ns rit ete ct

INO: No. 12... 3 Vou. in IT ol AvucKLAND, J N.Z., Ly JuNE NE 1, 1889 . See Steet a The Australasian ey Tayler 14 ‘ Bee Journal. q Editorial. j i PUBLISHED MONTHLY. : I. HOPKINS... ay Epivor anv PRopRIETOR. SEASONABLE HINTS FOR JUNE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS Per Annum (inadvance) .. 2. oe Oe WE are now fairly into winter, and if the instructions given Post Free on day of Publication. previously have been carried out the colonies should be in laiteiecbeacnce ne pumilian Zieh : good condition to withstand the cold and damp to be expected ti i » e 0} usiness communi- during LEIS the next month 5 or two. As we have before stated the Rerionel i besedasees ea. tonthe Malton ih.O,)s86jeAnokland, ~ yinter months should be a ime of absolute quietness and test, and under proper management there will be no need to disturb the bees in the slightest unless something unusual Contents. should occur. It will be good policy to take a turn through Sst apiary every day, noting the entrances’ of the hives, for EDITORIAL— Bseetabin infor Sango yay. AD should bee there honeae be anything aor A wrong ah it will generaily hea be indicated Upward Ventilation an re . 180 requires attention, which should be given immediately or on Alleged Poisonous Honey... Ss ... 181 the first favourable opportunity. The mishaps which are Otago Red Tape Bekeapes! in the Post Association, Office - ny _. ah 181] most Seale likely to occur he in me weak eel colonies, walhag which ant as a rule enn are the A Model Apiary... Sa eel ee 82 recommended in previous numbers should be adopted, and in Lecture on Bees and Beekeeping eT .. 182 the latter case uniting with some other colony would be the Internal Temperature of Hives. By J. R. M. saph LSS: eee ee Extracting Thick Honey. By ©. B. Morris ‘due dso SECURING CovERS. English Bee Journals. ByJ R.M. _... = 184 Bee Gossip. By O. Poole 185 Covers, unless properly secured, bos) are one liable to be blown off OCCASIONAL NOT a + ate » during heayy winds and storms, especially where the hives are i ES— not well sheltered. ‘The result of a mishap of this kind oc- Something About Exotie Bees. Bysthia ds curring during the night in a storm of wind and rain, would Mulvany { i Ee ... 186 be very ys likely y to ruin the colony y through i damp P. and exposure. ip CORRESPONDENCE To avoid risk, it will be better to secure the covers by some Treatment of Foul Brood iss special means. A small hook and eye, the former screwed F js 5 ae into the body of the hive, and the latter into the cover on arketing Exerasies Honey a +¢) 188.i.back and front,..will keep, things safe, These, we And, can be mportant Query 7 Riss, ... 189 procured at the rate of about Is per dozen, and will last’ for REPORTS— many years, and will well repay the small outlay, They can, From Fernbrook Apiary a 189 os course, be removed after the close of the winter, when all From Richmond Apiary oh aaa oa 189) eee DAmp Mars. line From Dairy iry Flat Flat Apiary... Api is ; a ov 189 After a continuous heavy storm of rain it is as well to raise ity tor oy oe -- 190 the covers of the hives and examine the mats to ascertain if Catalogues Received... si oe ... 190 any rain has drifted in, If so, the damp mats should be at Illness of ** Lahm Dearg Erin” .., aM 199 once removed and dry ones substituted. This operation may EXTRACTS FRO Ses be performed without any unnecessary disturbance of the bees. Wiaatice Nos e FOREIGN JOURNALS— There should always be a number of dry spare mats kept on 1 ABATE 9 ie: i te ... 190 hand for this purpose, in case they may be required ; should So any covers be faulty they should be at once repaired. Damp- % 7 ~__ ness in the hive should always be avoided, as it is most in- 20 OUR FRIENDS, jurious to the health of the bees. It has the effect of souring fies cys their food, and so causing dysentery ; it also causes the combs We would respectfully remind. those of our old '° become mouldy, which, when observed, should be at once Subscribers who have not paid their subscriptions "moved. lives kept on low lying or Sor the current year that thaspane moandite - a wie under the shelter of evergreen trees, where swampy the rays ground, of the sun ‘or shall be obliged i 3 aa “Me, and we cannot reach them, are very liable to become damp and by their remitting the same. Should mouldy inside; consequently such situations should be shunned there be any who do not wish the Journal renewed, 04, in case of hives becoming excessively damp inside, we shall be glad if they will drop us a line to that _ it, Will be better to shift the bees and combs into clean dry effect Half-yearly subscripti hives, keeping the entrances enlarged to five or six inches to $ : © criptions taken, allow of freer ventilation, 180 THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. [June 1, 1889.

SHELTER. UPWARD VENTILATION. Few things will conduce to the successful management eee and well-being of the bees more than an apiary well) Woy have alw . : . sheltered from high * winds. P a ‘he bees, even during P a long f a yays advocate " g d a the adoption spell of stormy weather, can at least take a cleansing flight 1 Porous mats and ‘contracted entrances for occasionally, even when prevented from flying afar in quest wintering, but since assisting the Rey. Father of food. When well sheltered the bees winter much better Madan in carrying out his experiments in hive and : come out stronger eae in the : spring, compared with those ventilation our views s have, ve. i i is IS res in an exposed situation. It is also of great advantage to the very jnuch modifed, ok ® 2 - pre pecs been apiarist, who can manipulate the hives if required at any time, rye ee S our readers’ are aware, with a minimum of trouble. We speak from experience, and @Xperiments have been conducted to test the the bother and worry of attending to an apiary during the internal temperature of a hive, both hermetically winter and spring months in an exposed situation, is some- ~ sealed and with porous mats, and, as éan be seen thing enormous, to say nothing of the poor condition of the by referring to the table of t 2 see colonies in the spring and the bad effect on the season’s out- y. S 'g to the table of temperatures given put of honey. In commencing beekeeping, or enlarging an from time to time in this journal, there was Ay apiary, P) the : position and shelter sae should “ he two of the first little difference, > seeming g to show that upwar Pp things considered. By-a judicious selection of the former the _ ventilation was of little importance. Another latter may often be obtained with very little trouble. Under oh r . 2 = S the modern method of placing hives near the ground advan- “l"¢umstunce observed since being located tage may be taken ofany slight undulation to afford partial Auckland goes a long way towards convincing us in shelter, which may be improved by planting suitable quick- that upward ventilation is not so necessary as we growing : evergreen. shrubs such as prane Erica Arborea q (Tree had hefore thought, and that is the manner ys in Heath), Laurels, Cyprus (cupressus macrocarpa), kinds of privet and other shrubs to be found in the the catalogue large whieh Ve the os bees tl g hermetically a On seal themselves th ° in by Ns _ of the nuserymen. The first-mentioned shrub has the propolising the expose portions of the mat and any advantage over the others in so far as it affords good forage in little crevice between that and the edges of the early spring, and is at the same time very ornamental. No hive. We have never before seen so much propolis tree or shrub for shelter or other purposes near'the apiary gathered as in this neighbourhood. At Matamata should exceed ten feet in height, as it is very inconvenient ib OnE i liv 5 nl having swarms which may settle a greater height from the 1% W@S only occasionally we saw any at all, and at ground. the Thames very little was used by the bees, and in PLANTING TIMF. no case that we can recollect did we ever see the The month of June is a very suitable time for planting mats propolised ty any extent. Consequently, evergreens, as they stand shifting better at this time ofthe there was nothing to lead us to believe that the year than in spring. It is always advisable to remove them necessity of upward ventilation was contrary to in such a manner that they will receive as little check as ‘ Ss i possible, and if the operation is performed carefully now the the economy of the hive. Here, in Auckland, how- growth will not be affected in the least ; on the other hand, if Ver, it is very different. A clean mat is no sooner left till later on they scarcely have time to recover before the ut on the. hive than the bees commence to propo- d Bee nr pineal we eather Tr eaGuaitcowaitiens Sl sets in, which C is S certain | Gaels to interfere esate rier with vith ae the th, ]joe ver’ Fe ti h aioe L eae aie a oo a or a i When planting trees or shrubs care should be taken to pro- ee ifsc ait ehrd ates ee oe perly cultivate the ground for some distance around them. In the slightest upward ventilation, To give some many cases it is thought sufficient to mae a hole just large little idea of the amount made use of by the bees enough to admit the roots of the plant, and after sticking it jin the hives here, Mr. Poole took from a chink in, to fill in the hole. | This’ metho of cultivation results in “Ahout two inches long, situated at the junction’ of stunted plants, much to the dissatisfaction of everyone con- 1 1 hi 1 rn: Ji cerned, The proper method is to dig the ground fora width the upper and lower hive, a lump of pure propolis _of at least four to six feet on each side of where the planting | weighing over two ounces. .. is to be done, which should be carried along the whole length With these facts before us we can come to no of the tow. Of course, if it is necessary, the ground should other conclusion than that upward ventilation, at be well drained previous to planting, After digging and Hest ld het is of doubthal oat Tf ae breaking the soil where the plants are to stand, the whole /€aSt In cold weather, is of doubtful value. it is should receive a liberal application of bonedust, particularly correct that the bees, if left to themselves, would near the roots of the plants. For the first season, or until carry out all the ventilation of the hive by means the roots have had sufficient time to get a firm hold in the of the entrance, then it is’ reasonable to stippose ground, the plants should he staked to prevent their being that'it chould. be. lefe- wider in Ginter thes. has blown abou Py Eg Nats heen generally advocated. In America the winter 5 ner: vocated. er’ 2 ES MISCELLANEOUS HrnTs. ing question is one of very great importance, and Look occasionally over the spare combs stowed away for ay, Jeading | beekeeper selma a indications of the bee moth larvee, and if necessary fumigate from time to time the stoppage of upward ventila- them with sulphur, tion and the enlargement of the entrances. The ‘Timber intended for hiye-making purposes should now be question was recently discussed in the columns of getting well-seasoned, and advantage should be taken of Gleanings, when sixteen prominent beekeepers opportunities to get all material in readiness for putting : a ab 1 _T ay 7 together, remembering that nothing but well-seasoned $@Ve their Ly petsuss cms) follows :—Ten a vocate; timber should be used for hive construction, frames, impervious quilts or mats, four of these simply and section boxes, All such like small material should be ~ used the flat covers of the hive, which, being wood obtained from the ‘ manufacturers, as these are § very important a vered a w: : ropolis, lis are are impervious i ‘ ; . woy parts of the hives, and parts that require to be very a covered a oe fo Gail p dan b WOve? accurately cut, which cannot be done without the aid of Mats were advocate by our Oya ce Cee proper machinery. The apiary should be kept as clean and ing two gave uncertain replies. Enamel cloth neatly as possible, and free from pools of water. appears to be the chief matcrial used for impervious et ee mats, but it is generally recommended that a warm “Phe beekeeper will ordinarilly derive all bis profits | chaff cushion should be used above it to prevent from stocks, strong and healthy, in early spring.”— | the condensation of moisture on the under side. Langstroth, Tn order to further satisfy ourselves on the point | ”


. we have at present about twelve of our colonies opinion that when bad effects arise from eating the covered with enamel cloth with some porous mats wild honey in the comb it is due to the comb alone above and the entrances enlarged to about seven and not to the honey. ‘wo or three other inches in width. Others, again, have the ordinary communications have appeared on the same porous mats only above the frames while the subject, amongst them a very interesting one from entrances are-contracted to about three and a half a Raglan correspondent (a beekeeper) to the effect inches. We expect by this means to finally satisfy that he is inclined to, believe the poisoning was not ourselves which system is the best. If any of our due to any deleterious substance in the honey, but readers have had any experience of both methods rather to the enormous quantity that in all we should be glad of their opinion as to which they _ probability was eaten by them -—‘a veritable gorge,’ consider the most suitable. such as he had previously witnessed in other cases, eerily! Y* see Pe when the after-effects were somewhat similar Whatever was the cause of the deaths the SUPPOSED CASE OF HONEY POISONING AT matter should have been thoroughly investigated, MATATA. and the truth brought to light; but so far, nothing . eqn. : has appeared to show that there was any inquest A REPORY recently appeared in the New Zealand held or post mortem examination made. It was _ papers that three Maoris had been poisoned by stated by « European resident at Matata as honey, two of whom died. The said honey, it peculiar that, although the bodies were kept for RE Cer aa ae obtained from a hollow tree, but nine days before interment, they showed no signs believing that the poisoning did not result from the of decomposition having set in. honey, we sent the following letter to the New Zealand Herald :-— eA ee Z Sitr,—With regard g to the alleged e case of P poisoning ig b: by RED TAPE IN THE POSTAL DEPARTMENT. honey, I believe that when the ‘circumstances are thoroughly investigated it will be found that the deaths were due tosome 1... heen the custom, since the formation of th other cause than that of eating honey. I hayean extensive 1 has been the custom, since the formation of the knowledge of the different kinds of noney produced in the Otago Beekeepers’ Association, for this institution colony, and am only aware of one variety that 15 at all to circulate amongst its members literature in the sono? Aa wat P eee aa the foe ee shape of bee journals, and as a more ready means wharang!, a native shrub usually fuund growing on the edges note z a t =e 2 of the bush and clearings, ‘This shrub comes into blussom in OL, Securing a perfect distribution of the same, a August, and remains in bloom but a very short time. tabulated form containing the names and addresses Owing to this circumstance, and the fact that the weather at of the members, and spaces for entering the dates that time of the year is usually unfavourable for the secretion of receipt and despatch was enclosed in each and gathering of honey, the bees are enabled to store but journal, This we pledsthe, mombers eto pass the little of it, and being so early in the season, what little they © & ie fr : t 1 ther Svithout. Hhesedabl do gather is quickly consumed jby, themselves. (Now, as our < J2UTDa:8 trom one to anouiler witout ule townie season for extracting honey does not as a rule commence Of sending them back each time to the secretary. south of Auckland before December, there is not theslightest This worked well for a time and no objection was Pe chance of any of the wharangi honey bemgin the made by the postal authorities, but latterly they ‘ives at that time, and the same will of course apply to the aah Pe ota ff nests of wild bees, I have in my possession a sample (about have refused a allow this system to go on Bay alb) of honey gathered at Maketu not. far distant from the longer. When in Otago we saw the form in scene of the alleged poisoning, and this is as fine a sampleas question attached to the journals of the Associa- one could wish to eat. Tam taking steps to procure a sample tion, and one could hardly imagine that any + of the suppused poisonous honey, which I intend to have Goyernment desirous of helping a rising industry analysed, and the result of which I will communicate to you.— spuldtalcs hen ee a ant oh 1am, etc,, I. Hopkins. . Queen Street, May 7, 1889. WO USC ERE CRORE CUPS ET CASEEDD SC matter, but BUR U A caatenvaleatl cnc onise oe . they have done so, and object on the score of the adlior ae Ng oa ae caer Mor eD ie) ae form not being a supplement to the said journals, n from Mr de Thierry,,.was published to the and haye thus put the Association to great incon- following effect: That on one occasion he was Taiienee haa Waa Ss Maou ajans ine, sea pues We shall bring the matter before the New Saaila u Mr d Thies a ae ale Zealand Beekeepers’ Association, when no doubt oe re ie f ; ae ap ae of the the committee will ask the president to bring the iis ne se) al i TL a aE qoan after matter before the House of Representatives during OG ATC AYE EYL 513% te Maoris adopted at once the coming session, and endeayour to get the remedial measures which caused them to vomit matter remedied. freely, and this brought them round. Mr de Thierry is of opinion that it was not the honey that contained the poison, but the wax of the OTAGO BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION. combs which they ate with the honey. He aie believes that in building the comb the bees usea Tuu regular monthly meeting of the Otago Bee- gummy substance exuded by the karo plant which keepers’ Association was held last month in they mix with the wax, aud which, he says, is Messrs. Royse, Smith and Co.’s office, Rattray- poisonous, This opinion regarding the use of gum — street. _ Present—_Mr. J. Brent, vice president (in to help to build the comb is, as every beekeeper the chair) ; committee men, Messrs. Skey, D’Oyley, will be aware, erroneous, and this we pointed out in M’Cracken, Brickell, and the secretary. The sub- another communication to the Herald. It is committee appointed at last meeting to draw up strange, however, that Major Lusk, a gentleman a set of questions for submitting to the British Bee well versed in native matters, should hold the same Jowrnal and Gleanings in Bee Culture brought up 182 THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. (June 1, 1889.

their report as follows: “ Your Committee report of a beautiful light golden colour, and of mild and that they forwarded the following questions: pleasant flavour. Honeysuckle comes next, and is . 1. Is clover honey superior to all honey, and if so, described as being a little darker in colour, with a why? What makes it so? 2. What should beautiful aroma, and readily granulates. The bee- guide ‘judges in judging honey? 3. In judging hives are modified Langstroths and are manufac- honey by points, allowing a maximum of 20 points tured by Mr. Allport himself, as also are the comb in all, how would you allot them?” The sub- foundations used in the apiary. The article, which committee appointed to interview the Dunedin extends to some length, is fully illustrated, and Horticultural Society with reference to amalgamat- very interesting. ing the annual honey show with their autumn a flower shower—* not the amalgamating the of the John Dzierzon, to whom the credit of proving societies as lately reported stated that they had parthenogenesis must be given, was born on submitted the schedule of prizes and conditions to January 16, 1811, was Catholic priest at Carls- them ; that pressure of business prevented the markt, Silesia, from 1835 to 1869, and afterwards matter being finally settled ; but that the feeling retired into private life. of the Horticultural Society was strongly in favour A Receirr ror Frour Canpy.—Into three of the joint show. On the motion of Mr Brickell, pints of soft water, boiling, stir 15lbs. of *lump the secretary was instructed to order two additional sugar, oz. of cream of tartar ; and, after cooling, copies of the Australasian Bee Journal. Mr. before pouring out, stir in well 6lbs. of flour, or D’Oyley then read an interesting paper on “The pea flour, or half-and-half. Metamorphoses of Insects,” after which Mr. Morris annonnced that his paper would be upon “ Foul Brood.” A vote of thanks to Mr. D’Oyley closed LECTURE ON BEES AND the meeting. The following schedule of prizes, to BEEKEEPING. be offered at the next show, was agreed upon: : RTO Class 1: For the best observatory hive, stocked 4 yogp interesting lecture on “Bees and Bee- _With bees and queen, hive only to be judged, keeping,” was given ty the Rev. J. R. Madan, at 10s., 5s. Class 2: For the best twelve sections, §¢ James’s Hall, Auckland, on Friday, May 17, to approximate twelve pounds in weight, first-class before a very fair audience, in aid of the Society certificate, second-class certificate. Class 37 Vor of St Vincent de Paul. Mr Hiscocks’ orchestral the best six sections, to approximate six pounds in jyanq was in attendance, and played selections weight, 10s., 5s, Class 4: For the best extracted qi hine the-evening=: honey, in glass, the gross weight to approximate Mr £. Mahony presided, and ina few well- twelve pounds, first-class certificate, second-class chosen remarks introduced the lecturer. He also certificate. Class 5; For the best exhibit of comb jnentioned that the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and extracted honey, in any form, the gross Auckland Branch, had now been established in eweight of each kind to be stated, 20s, 108. Auckland for four years. During that time about Class 6: For the most interesting and instructive £400 had been given away in charity and assisted exhibit of any kind in connection with bee- {9 educate three boys at the Marist Brothers’ keeping, 7s. 6d. KER SOT Ses Ol Oe The rey. gentleman was received with applause, A MODEL APIARY. and illustrated his lecture with samples of hives, — extractors, and other apparatus lent by Mr, WE notice in a recent number of the Zown and Hopkins; also by well-executed coloured diagrams, Country Journal a description of Mr. R. K. All- published by the British Beekeepers’ Association port’s apiary of St. Ives Lane Cove, Sydney. It and others, some of which were quite six feet in “appears that Mr. Allport only arrived in the length. The lecturer explained how the queen colonies some two years ago, having previously held hee deposited the eggs in a cell. When the larva thy position of ‘ Expert’ for the Surrey Beekeepers’ hatched it increased in size so rapidly ‘that in five Association in England. Mr. Allport recently days it became 1,400 times as big as it was when purchased about 9} acres of land asa site for his hatched. In thirteen days the bee became Perot, apiary at £40 peracre. To accommodate the hives, and then ate its way out of the cell. The drone and to afford them a fair degree of sun and shade, cell contained the grub which turned into the male the native forest trees have been sawn off about bee. By means of a change of food the young eight or ten feet above the level of the ground, and working bee was transformed into a queen nee, the stumps permitted to send out their new shoots When flying the wings of the bee flapped four around the top. Around these stumps the bee- hundred times in a second, and to provide sufficient hives are at present scattered, being set upon oxygen to support its extraordinary activity, the blocks of wood about eighteen inches in height. bee was provided with 14 mouths to take in the Mr. Allport’s colonies at present number about 175, air. aaa most of which are hybrids, and hitherto they have — The eye of the bee was next described, an been exceptionally free from disease. The average illustrated. The worker bee had 12,000 little a yield of honey per annum is set down at 112lbs. about the thousandth part of an inch big, and sh although many hives will make double this queen 8,000. The drone was provided with a : _ quantity. The best class of honey in Mr. Allport’s noses and 26,000 eyes, so that he might porate apiary is early spring orange tree blossom, and it is queen bee when she was out on what mig! e June 1, 1889.] THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. 183

called her wedding tour. The queen bee was only be accepted with considerable distrust until verified allowed one outing in her lifetime. When the by others. : bas queen was laying she would lay about 3,000 eggs However, they will at least, it is hoped, have per day. She required much nutriment, as she placed the subject of the internal temperature of would lay twice her own weight in eggs in one hives on a safer footing, viz., that of actual facts, day. For, strange as it may seem with all the pages of Father Madan next pointed out on the diagram matter bearing on it, and all the important issues the honey-sack in which the working bee stored depending on it, it seems as if no serious attempt the honey as it went from flower to Hower. He has as yet been made to get at facts by inserting a pointed out that the bee had the power of flying number of thermometers simultaneously in a hive, backwards or forwards with equal facility. The an noting their variations under different circum- bee’s legs were provided with no less than 30 tools. stances. — ae Among-t these were twelve hooks tor climbing It is said above that the preliminary stage has steep places, six sticky pads for going along smooth now been reached in the attempt made, as recorded . places, various brushes for cleaning itself, two in this Journal, “however inaccurate it may turn stomach scrapers, and two combs for cleaning the out to be. They at least show that it is worth stomach scrapers. There were also hairs on the while thoroughly to investigate the question, as to | legs to collect pollen, and thus flowers were ferti- whether white one inch hives are sufficiently non- lised. There were also pollen baskets on the legs; conductive of heat and cold to keep the bees in in fact, the beo had everything on its legs that it health ; and it is intended to take advantage of the could possibly want. The foot of the bee was also cold nights coming on and the summer heat in six described and illustrated. The bee had to eat from months’ time, to make some crucial tests on the 12 to 20 pounds of honey to make one pound of subject with the advantage of extremes of temper- wax. At the rate that bees used wax, two pounds ature. Also, it is intended to try, side by side with of wax would store nine gallons of honey. the common one inch hives, some hives with double The sting of the bee was next described at some _ sides, but retaining the exact shape of the present length. It might be some pleasure to those who had Langstroth. been stung to know that the oftenerthey were stung Another subject also is opened up for more éare- the less effect the poison had upon them. A queen ful investigation, viz., the movement of the air in bee would live four or five years, and as soon as hives with pervious and impervious mats. It will she began to give up laying eggs she was neglected be remembered that with pervious mats there and allowed to starve. The drones might be seemed to be definite proof that the air actually termed the mashers of the hive. Theydidnowork descended at the sides, instead of ascending, and were provided with a number of brushes to although a certain amount in the middle ascended. keep themselves clean. When the winter came With impervious mats a strong highly heated on, the working bees ruthlessly massacred them. current was noted as rapidly coming out of the low An interval here took place, during which the narrow entrance; and yet no bees were observed orchestra played a selection of music. at the entrance fanning. To investigate this some Father Madan next spoke on practical beekeep- very careful observations will be needed; a glass ing, illustrating his remarks by the aid of the hive, glass cover, and glass bottom board, all hives, ete., before mentioned, and the audience doubled and fitted with the most delicate instru- appeared much interested at the exhibition of a ments for noting the currents of air will be needed. small observatory hive containing a queen and This will need some time and care, but it is of the worker bees, which seemed to elicit general gravest conseauence that the question should be admiration. settled by actual experiments ; for, if it should turn At the conclusion of the lecture, a hearty vote ont that the conditions under which we have been , of thanks was accorded Father Madan on the pro- artificially keeping bees, tend to render them liable position of Mr Mahony. to sudden chills, and generally to rapid changes of eee eee temperature, wo shall probably be put on the track INTERNAL TEMPERATURE OF HIVES. ‘wards striking at the root of the fatal prevalence 1 a a of foul brood, sooner or later, in almost every By J. R. M. apiary. Tue observations recently made at the apiary of the editor of this Jowrnal have now reached the EXTRACTING 1HICK HONEY. end of the preliminary stage. All observations ee with thermometers require the most rigid criticism IN the May number of the Journal, I notice Mr on the part of the observer and his interested Mulvany’s complaint respecting thick honey. Now, confreres. Carelessness in insulation, a disregard towards the latter end of February, when the of apparently non-disturbing causes, the acceptation weather was very hot and dry, I had a good of apparently conclusive explanations without the many frames of very thick honey which I could rigid examination directed expressly to ascertain not extract. I put it down to over-evaporation or their truthfulness, may render a whole set of ob- over-ripening, if I may use the word, and thought servations useless ; we might almost say “worse of wintering the bees on it; but quite accidentally than useless,” for it will have set off a number of I found out that if these combs were hung three people on a wrong track. Hence the observation or four ata time in the upper story of a strong recently made, as recorded in this Journal, should hive for two or three nights after the weather 184 THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL ° {June 1, 1889,

begins to get chilly, the honey absorbs mois- wall ‘swarm box’—he means an ordinary one- ture enough to allow of its being extracted inch hiye body—to a double-walled one. The with ease. The cappings of a comb, after being cork dust space stores the heat of the cluster, and subjected to this steam bath process, lost their increases the heat area ; and ‘ while it allows heat beautiful white drawing-paper look; the veason to escape less rapidly, it protects the nest very being that the honey takes up more room than it effectually from outside influences of extreme heat did before, and fills not only the cells but the caps and cold, as well as outside dampness.’ also. Ido not knewif the thick honey Mx Mul- * * * * * vany speaks of arises from a. similar cause— In the March 28 number allusion is made to Mr evaporation; but it might be worth his while to Pond’s (U.8.A.) experience that frames one-fourth try my dodge. I ought perhaps to add that I of an inch apart are almost entirely crammed with place a thin mat over the bees to prevent them brood to the exclusion of honey, and a fortiori of getting into the upper box, though there is little drone brood. ‘With no honey and no drones fear of this on a cold night. below the bees are less inclined to swarm.’ t C, B. Morris. * : * % x / ee Mr ©. J. Robinson thinks that bees had their original, home. in Egypt, and notes that with the ENGLISH BEE JOURNALS. Egyptians the picture of a queen bee was an, Tat pale emblem of royalty. In the Egyptian picture- ~ By J. BR. M. writing the picture of a bee represented Lower Tun British Bee Fournal of March 14 contains Egypt or the Delta; and probably implies that scattered facts in favour of impervious mats, the Delta was the sovereign mother country of the protected by non-conducting substances. Kleven rest of the Nile valley. 5 ‘ a ORB EM Taste? tees. peseere rt Baio Eat eat A contributor signing himself ‘Dunbar’ gives in favour of them, and are quoted. The editor of 4 «new idea.’ On the ground that bees prefer to this journal has experimented with them the last build wax downwards and store honey upwards, few weeks, and found that four thicknesses of he places a crate of sections between the floor paper over an enamel mat do not act asa sufficient bt oe brood. chamber ; ie jeere the comb is “conductor, but that condensation takes place worked out, removes it an ee it above the RoR one ueLOry | brood chamber to be filled with honey, while eyen in the mild autumn weather which we are another empty crate is placed below (if the season enjoying; but that chaff mats do prevent the is favourable, of course), and the same process condensation, It stands to reason that the con- vepeated, He claims that the work is quicker, heated air in the cluster and by putting an excluder over the top of the stant creation of new, 3 : under crate, so cut as to leave room for the drones must be constantly creating an up-current, while and queen to pass down by the sides only, he the comparatively chilly sides of the hive, and the retains the means for their exit, when necessary to heavy carbonic gas must equally constantly be allow it. creating a down current, and thus a movement of * * * * & the entire air in the hive must be going on, and The editor prefers frames 1fin. apart in the the fresh air near the entrance must, however winter to enable the bees to cluster together in slowly, be constantly mixing and purifying the larger masses. We doubt if sufficient attention passing currents. Hence, why be so afraid that, has been given to this obvious drawback to our unless the top mat is pervious, the beés will suffer modern system. How, when frames are only from bad air? A well-protected impervious mat jin. or 13in. apart, can the bees cluster suffi- must be apt to keep the hive warmer, for a ciently to keep warm’? This will very probably pervious mat, by letting out the rising air, will be one of the many factorsin the general lowering check the storage up of the heat (evolved by the of the health of bees, in which state they are, bees) in the sides, which will then be all the more like us, liable to any disease that crops up. acted on by the external air. At present there is * * * * * a decided tendency to leave wide entrances and to There is a warning against breaking up the save the bees the trouble of trying to propolize |jrvod nest by inserting empty combs right in the two superficial feet of pervious matting. middle of it. Let the empty combs be placed each. * . 2 i = side of it, leaving the two or three central ones The number for March 21 adds other testimony undisturbed. in favour of well-protected impervions mats and in Saale ae somewhat wide entrances, only warning against the action Curious Acciper® witH 4 Bre SaryG.—A ane of cutting ox “orice, winds, and year. recommending fo Keep it oileloth, supple, oiled Mr curious Hob Gr but erties dangerous accident, befel it gue, a phe eae Samuel Sua Ane; the PRA IPH SNE: beekeeper and and the bee darting out its sting must have left it ina clever queen-introducer, is the one who gives US jnore solid portion of the jam. His brother’ not being this experience on the matter. ‘uvare of this, swallowed the sting with a portion of the * * * * # jam, and was severely stung in the gee oye A beekonper, signing ae himeelt 2 Betor Bois, A has #00" or pele i and tamation, i i suing ting in, 1, he he wee was tak Shey repeatedly noticed tne immense progress which a Dy, Kenny, and able to return home cured the same colony makes on being shifted from the single night.—N.Z. Herald. June 1, 1889.) THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. 185 BEE GOSSIP. brood, but simply required cleaning, and I con- oe sider Mr Moreland’s plan a capital one for that By Of Peon. oe I pee ne it ee broody Ace Burs AND Rep CLover.—With all due deference ee nave. Alo eae Gis yd SA EAE I ‘ : YS eep that terrible disease from the apiary. to Mr G. A. Green, I still maintain that bees would, however, suggest to others when operating cannot be depended upon every season to fertilize on foul broody combs to add to the brine some red clover. Most writers on the subject admit “absolute Phenol,” to make sure of the destruc- that bees, Italians and Syrians especially, do in tion of the disease. ee ae eteee Winibeamasraver Sucka cs th I notice a somewhat similar plan to Mr More- ae ne ROOIE: » bub this is, asi have jand’s advocated in the March number of the before pointed out, owing to an abnormal growth British Bee Journal by Mr W. B. Webster. of the corolla, which only occasionally takes place. ‘Speaking of combs and foul brood, he says :— Professor Cook says : ‘‘ Sometimes all bees can get “Tt should be remembered that larve which have some honey from red clover; those with the died in the cells from ‘ foul brood’ before capping over ; et are allowed to remain, and after some time dry up, becom- longest tongues could do the best.” Mr Root, in ing, I might almost term it, amalgamated with the his “A BC of Bee Culture,” says: “The Italians cocoons of preceding larve ; hence an infected colony : will always have a number of these mummified larvae will e often do finely on red clover, while the common lying in the cells, yet invisible to the naked eye. Now black bee will not even so much as notice it.” to renoyate or bring back any such desiccated tissue to In his work on ‘Cross and Self-fertilization,” 8 (almost) Se form See AE nak application in ox in <, : rT = a we a proper manner of moisture. is being so, we have ei es i " have oiten mascliee this plant only to immerse the suspected comb for six hours in (2. pratense), and have never seen hive bees suck- warm water, and such larve will show themselves in the ing the flowers, except from the outside, through _ cells they occupy, but mind, rather in an attenuated con- holes bitten by humble bees, or deep down between oe ae fs One or a ete ee tdshacuensh asi hinedoat fia sees Se will hold water ; it can be made watertight by running se a as if in cepaiel ee from molt2n wax ab. the angles; place the suspected combs. alyX. vein. » It is at leas certain that upright as in a hive in same, and fix them by nailing a humble bees are the chief fertilizers of red clover.” strip of wood across to each side of the box. Then get In New Zealand the fertilization of red clover is Some boiling water, add_to this about four ounces of t partially accomplished are by ff a nocturnal , a moth, which Cee it Ole ae ‘i Wien a Rew is alor degree ee years is exceedingly plentiful, and when is reached the solution must be poured very gradually this is the case, and the growth of che corolla into the box ; as it rises it will fill most of the cells. admits of the visits of the honey bee, a fair crop Allow it to stand about six hours, when the combs will one of seed tocmnalecadeutaint might possibly oF be harvested hier ; 2 l but if we ~ simply eno to prevent a infection. a Chilled brood is usually ee bake an ‘ is PB acer Ons am cét- removed by the bees, so that if any larve are found it ain the presence o 1umble bees s is abdsointely absolutely may be be relied relied upon that hat they they have have died diet from rom ‘foul Ou. brood.” rood. necessary. For instance, notice the splendid re- The larvee will be found to be almost shapeless, and of a turvs of seed gathered in the Canterbury district, RAIMI En ates Ce as reported in the Canterbury Times, since e e * - ae of the humble bee. Had it been pos- Leaky Covers,—These are a great inconveni- a sie ave successfully raised the seed by the ence to the bees, and often leads to the destruction a of the honey bee alone, depend upon it the of the colony. They may be effectually stopped arge runholders who for years past have been by first painting over the top of the cover with using:a vast quantity imported from England every boiling-hot pitch, and laying on that a thick sheet year at an enormous expense, would never have of brown paper, which should immediately be well ae eehe introduction of the humble bee before smoothed over witha hot flat-iron. This will cause fs eaniae to save their own seeds, yet we never the paper to absorb the pitch, and the two to hear of its being done until after the arrival of become as it were amalgamated, and will resist any this most useful and interesting insect. amount of wet. The paper can afterwards be * * * * painted, if thought desirable. j Mr Moreano’s Brine Rumepy.-—Having a few a * * * ities pn aes oe of which contained dead Four Broop 1x Inpia.—Many of your readers op 18 pollen, and some of the cells nearly full will probably recollect that some five or six years ae pee ay Pane to clean and, if pos- ago the Indian Government took up the subject of oe us oe t Jem, I determined to give Mr hee culture with a view of ascertaining whether : rine remedy” for cleaning them a the industry could be successfully carried on there vel, al oe following his directions as given in this or not. An elaborate report was , drawn up by Jgagel, I hpi to report that it succeeded those appointed to investigate the matter, which ba es al ae them to soak in the brine was favourable to its introduction. Occasionally ee our or five days, when I put them since then reports have appeared in the bee journals ee aa and most of the refuse came» from European residents in the country interested . es my h oe havi pe They were then hung in the culture of bees, and who have become bee- with oe ry. at spares week or so, by keepers. Up to the present time I had heard See ce aining refuse had so dried and nothing concerning “foul brood” in that country, fone Hy PP ‘ . it was easily removed by the but unfortunately the disease appears to be as rife ese combs were not affected with foul there as in other countries, as the following ex- 186 THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. [June 1, 1889,.

tract from a letter sent from Mr Nicholson, of ion F Yercand, South India, to a friend in New Zealand Occasional dlotes. will show :— ee ais a aaa Fin eae re ers = Mt “Tost both my uM uaa disease, ‘foul brood.’ No. 9. : a own experience o} ees hat een Ce bua had vexen seen the disevse to Dead SOMETHING ABOUT EXOTIC HONEY and when I found one hive getting very weak and the BEES.” other stronger, I exchanged combs with the two hives, eet with the result that I communicated the disease to the streng hive and lost both, though I used all the pre- By T. J. Mutvany. soba remiidles: Howeitat ino foul brood now! I IN the February issue of a German bee journal Neighb ave just anand received Sone an in Rit y ont: ii pon, heat published . in * Hanover (called Bienenwirtschaftlices . + . Ee J oe an pee: a of the Australian Bee- Centralblatt) there appears an article with the eepers ssociation . . ae ought to destiny eho tpuliood ‘ts thes aiatne above heading, written by Professor Hess, of {dole Rasipire ib es by nee destruction of Which I will here take the liberty to give a hose bees infested with it. i i 5 the end, for all foul broody lel tee Tidises air Caee COUGH Exel DCO HELE supplomentiito, the and consequently easily robbed by others, and thus notes I have already collected on the subject of euroRe he re s i “Bees and Honey in the Tropics.” The Professor a begins by alluding to the fact that, besides- the . EneuisH Bee AnD Honey Suow.—During the honey-bee to which his readers are accustomed, present month the British Beekeepers’ Association there are numerous varieties of bees which gather hold one of their annual shows under most honey (and, he might have added, some of which favourable circumstances, in connection with the stove it more or less in such a way that it may Jubilee Exhibition of the Royal Agricultural occasionally be made useful to man), and expresses Society at Windsor, under the immediate patron- the opinion that any person who would write the age of Her Majesty the Queen, who is President natural history of all honey-bees in the world of the Society for 1889. A most liberal prize list would doubtless afford us much interesting, and has been issued by the British Beekeepers’ Asso- probably some practically useful information, In ciation, nearly £50 being offered for competition, this opinion, I quite agree, but it is scarcely likely besides valuable medals for hives, honey, and that any naturalist will be in a position for a long appliances. It will be exceedingly early in the time to come to undertake such a complete work, year for the exhibition of English honey, and I which would require tedious and difficult investiga- cannot help thinking that New Zealand beekeepers tions in many parts of the world as yet but little have lost a most favourable opportunity of sending known, in order to supply the necessary scientific home a large consignment of New Zealand honey. data. In the meantime we must be content to Tt would have sold well, and have proveda splendid collect as much information as we can (often advertisement. Of course the New Zealand Bee- imperfect and even doubtful), which has been keepers’ Association might have undertaken this, furnished in the books of travellers who have but whilst they get such scant support from bee- touched on the subject. The Professor, evidently keepers, who would chiefly benefit by such action, taking the same view, proceeds to mention facts they can hardly be expected to do so. stated by some recent travellers in tropical countries. . . f i First, as to the Kalahara desert in South Africa: _ALLEGED PorsoninG By Honty.—Considerabie (which is’ semi-tropical, and which I have already discussion has recently been going on in the Auck- had occasion to mention as alluded to in Living- ean with cere to the alleged —— stone’s travels), he says :— of One three of the most Maoris interesting through eating letters poisoned is from the honey. pen 4, a5 sQgyPAnk re Nah, Lies ttarein cutie ae Hia ead es gat hee ‘ of “ Egavas,” who offers avery good solution to the seem to adapt themselves completely to the local condi- supposed produced mystery in this and Jowmal. which will What doubtless strites be me re- as tions. Barossa They build their nests th in ene the holes tee of cb rabbit being peculiar is that in all Ree of alleged in the open air from branches of tree, or projecting points poisoning by honey, the honey in question is of rock. always eild or bush honey, and never in any case “The manner in which the Bushmen seek out these has any ill effect been reported as arising from the nests is peculiar. As the desert is nearly destitute of i ri - i water the bees find it very difficult to procure it, and consumption of honey from domesticated Bees assemble immediately where any is offered to them. Now if wild bees gather and store up poisonous Making use of this fact the Bushmen fill a fragment of honey, why should those in hives do thesame? an ostrich egg-shell with water and deposit it in an open The foliage available for the secretion of nectar place. _In a short BE 2 ee ence coe Tanah be in many cases be the Same, How comes salle itathirst. hen she flies rene inform her com- it then that the one should be poisonous and the panions of the great discovery. Soon the whole edge of other innocuous? One way to have solved the the shell is covered with bees. The Bushman now present difficulty would have been to have made cautiously holds oe ae ege be Ea ee an analysis of the vomit of the unfortunate men, a ag ake Ne EAs uate Hedocoits the bright when, if poisonous honey had been present, it \hite combs, not only for the sake of the honey contained could have been readily detected, in them, but also for the fat bee larve, which he considers June 1, 1889.) THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. 187 a special delicacy. He also prepared a sort of beer from those mentioned in the next extract, that there the honey by letting it ferment with the boiled juice of gan be little doubt they belong to the latter genus. the watermelon.” : : T presume also, that as in the case of the Apis The bee referred to by this traveller is, I ‘amalthea, mentioned further on, these bees do not presume, the ordinary African variety, Apis dwell along with the ants, but take possession of Adausonii of Latrielle, and it is something new to their deserted nests. mentioned is Surinan (Para- find that it will build in’ holes in the Ss ground in The next I place : ats 7 the absence : } of hollow trees yale or rocky y cliffs. : But “maribo) in Dutch Guiana—a : district lying yng north : the writer gives no description of the bee itself, of the watershed of the river Amazon—and it and it is quite possible that it may be the small ‘will be seen that the bees here met with are stingless bee met with by Livingstone in the evidently of the same genera (Jfeliphona and Bakota country, a few degrees north of the desert Hnglossa) so fully described by Bates as quoted at though one species is see pag' page 139 of this Jowrnal); or there 5 may be pag page 109 of this 8 Jowrnal, > s' pecies bees of both sorts ee at Kalahari, and possibly . only : mentioned as ag being os nearly 3 three-quarters “ of an one sort may Y build in the 3 ground. ie The habit inch long, & while the largest 8 found in i the valley y of does not appear to belong to any varieties of the the Amazon did not exceed half an inch in length. Apis mellifica elsewhere. The manner of hunting ~The’ following is the extract given from U. for the nests is a modification of the ordinary bee- © Kappler’s work upon Surinam, published in 1887 : hunter’s practice, based in this instance upon the «Of bees’alone which gather honey. there are seyen greediness of the insect for water in that parched varieties known to me, of which the smallest is scarcely district. It is to be remarked that there are 4 millimetres (} inch) long. The largest sort is some- evidently no honey-guide birds in the Kalahari, thing smaller than the Apis mellifica, about 18 millimi- such as ave found in the more tropical regions of es (zo inch) long, and has no sting. Ib lives in hollow EGA ial I Ko (Basti Ki trees, and in the neighbourhood of savannas, where rica; ald also that the Bushmen seem to be flowering palms and other plants afford a rich forage behind the natives of the more central districts during the whole year. The combs, which contain the who provide a rude sort of artificial hive for the brood, are not of wax, but of a brittle woody substance. bees to build in. i 1s aed They ti are, ered however, th sufficiently d f joined The honey, together however, in tolerably is stored large in masse*. bladder-like These hollows consist See eee ey Or eee nae ne mode OF of black, pitch-like wax, which smells like the wax of the making a fermented drink from the honey. Poropean honey-bee, but does not admit of being Turning to Mexico, the Professor says :— bleached. Itis used by the Indians only for toréhes. n 2 - A large bee’s nest may contain two to three pounds of “G. Knoop, in the journal Die Natur, reports upon « this wax, and 4 litres (French quarts) of good, clear, a sort of ants called comjenes, which hang their bee- _ sometimes a little sourish honey. In order to obtain the hive-like dwellings from the branches of trees in the honey the tree is eut down and the nest mercilessly forests of Mexico. These dwellings are completely destroyed. Although the bees do not sting they defend closed, the entrance being through a covered gallery their property desperately, settle themselves in the hair, formed along the branch and down the stem of the tree. crawl up the clothes, and bite away valiantly. In these structures of the comjenes, however, small “ Another sort ae the Apis amalthea, black with honey-bees are found to dwell. They make an opening yellowish wings, and not over 9 millimetres (4 inch) long. in the building at about half its height, and make'their [builds also in hollow trees, but more often in deserted nest in the centre of it. The honey they deposit in large ants’ nests. Their honey is also stored in bladderslike ire With bat for the brood they build regular — hollows of black wax, and is excellent in taste. Another eG ith regard to the bees themselves, Herr Knopp sort of the same size is yellow, with green eyes, pro- says : ‘This sort of bee is about the size of our house phably Apis pallida, and builds in the same manner. fly, but of rather compressed build. The head is'black, Both of these varieties, which are much more frequently the body ee but there are also found some which ~met with than the first mentioned larger sort, make their are entirely black. They have’ no sting, but are, never- appearance immediately whenever fresh meat is exposed. theless, difficult to manage, for as soon as one cuts open They are as greedy about it as the wasps, devour it, and the comjenes’ nest in order to take the beautiful, clear, carry it to their nests. Nevertheless, they have always light coloured, and liquid honey, the insects pounce an agreeable aromatic smell, and in their nests one finds be a fury ue man an Boe that it is es no remains which indicate an animal origin. o guard against them, and if the swarm is large, one 1 i Wh 1 mUus0 absolutely take to flight. In an instant horhesd Teen ps ae nee ‘te "Builds meee is covered with the little animals,-which settle themselves and Rone laaie with ate it creeps through the key- in the hair and bite and pinch as wellas they can. They _ hole, and by degrees fills the whole lock with an Aapieeabiy: creep into and settle themselves in the eyes, ears, ” smelling pitch-like wax, so that one is obliged to take the nostrils, in the clothing about the neck, in the sleeves, “Jock asunder, burn out the wax, and oil it afresh.” trouser legs, in short in every place where they can ; 8 velet } reach the skin. Their legs are generally clammy with The following statement with reference to the honey so that they can scarcely be removed alive, stingless bees of Brazil (which, I presume, must eee of Be hair. a5 an attack is oe mean the Melipona and Hnglossa of the Amazon always n found-it at, in uoSSeanyFo\leabirellin e case of large swarms, iordenpatterasiaw we have valley) v)\ is 7 curious, i and would | seem to require i some hours’ time, to return and take the honey with greater further investigation, and a more detailed descrip- ease.’ tion of the peculiar formation of the insects, “Tn the mode ot building’ the black and brown bees before it can be adopted as a well ascertained were alike; in the quality and flavour of the honey, scientific fact :-— however, there was a considerable difference, with which oe the Indians were well acquainted.” *«¢ Among the stingless bees of Brazil Von Thering has Ty : made the interesting discovery that the pollen collectors he editor of the Hanover Journal supposes and the wax builders exhibit two quite different forms. these bees to belong to Apis tregona ; but I think The wax builders are never found outside the hive. The the description given tallies so completely with seal of rat se gradey ern nok ponents placee : : * of the abdominal rings, but between those of the back. bg of me Mehpona Sasciculata found by Bates They are easily distinguished from the pollen collectors in the valley. of the Amazon River, as well as with by the hinder part of their body being large and light 4

188 THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. {June 1, 1889. Piack. "Experiments. in; treedieg showed. thas tke rebl/ing céch witha‘quoen, thréo-of animals exhibit the which nore reared different forms as soon as hatehed, comb acdjtoelieate deem Bone oad SECA and not as the result of a subsequent es transformation.” taining the honey I extracted, and afterwards melted the Coming nearer home for us, the Professor adds cee eae phe Set frames I scraped and boiled ; the following passages with reference : Rs to Australia, : ineiieced Hilarie - eat cote pp S a ecupie but without giving the sources of the information: by as healthy a lot of bees as you would wirh to who and The natives of Australia have a peculiar method of => °7° Soe aceoee pt Boe atne pieced olay finding the bees’ nests. They catch Hibee’ fasten to ita pe ee eee Pye small piece of white feather, and let it fivieeat. “he treated the last three cases, I melted the diseased Weibase combs feather renders the bee visible for a great distance, and deve At pneS, after shaking all, the bees from them into they follow it in a quick run without losing sight of it, " Noe las “ . and thus generally arrive at the position of the nest. Peet come a say foul brood will not appear in my “Tn Queensland the stocks of wild bees are procured in Ebaue Meee ut that all the cases I have treated as the fo lowing manner :—As soon as a bee nest is found in, OV° 24¥e proved siccenstall: Phe messon aphy d. ehouk a hollow tree, a piece of sacking is nailed over the open- the bees a lit'le distance from the mouth of the hive was ing. Then, by tapping along the stem, the position of that they might wipe their feet before entering their the nest is ascertained, the stem sawn through above the Ha shade, and carry in with them as little of the par- _ Same, and a piece of sacking nailed over the top of the i ee ae Groped as) possible 2 do ‘ob approve ‘ot stump. After removing the sacking from the entrance, e ee the “bees: to) clean: out the dried-up foul brood the bees are left for a few days to quietdown. On a ee ibe Cellag because they patayjit pene padre tice esol and calm night the entrance is again closed with wa 8 abe aged FanOY, pptead she, disesee. ebay ae loaded sacking, on the to stump a wagpon. sawed through After being’ below brought the nest, aes and satisfaction, 2”© TeAason Wey Ithink. any Ore The ecg medicine cI given ann te the tau bees et has yen destination, the upper sack is removed and replaced by a Pees a ee or te es a oon oie cover, und the entrance opened again. One often sees eet ee sete! ae ae paces 4 moogiasy an the entire Australian row of beekeeper.” such primitive bee hives in the apiary of fn effectual, : tee easy, and merely economic gitieh, t0 metho’. eset y, dhet I may ra state y further that I have manufactured the wax rendered from Tt is to be hoped that this description refers to the diseased combs into comb foundation, and by way of a former state of things in Queensland, and no ee eee Sears and. inno . < sys . . re LY 4 shree successive - longer illustrates the condition of beekeeping in generations of bees reared in the combs builc on them. that colony. The writer seems to be under the This I consider is very satistactory. impression that the wild bees referred to are J. F. Munpay. indigenous to Australia, and rank among the Woodyille, Maitland, N.S.W. “exotic bees” which form the subject of his ee paper, like those previously described in South R America. There is certainly a small native bee in MABISE SIN GHEX HERG IE Dis ONE Ye some parts of Australia WMrrizatt page 30), Gu. wel (see have-mno Australasian jantiafactory Bee aad ; ae Ih gene le a ods Bie arb bie AUSTRALASIAN dn nal a BEE JOURNAL. : a eae adds $i Horses 1,—Now that the honey season is over and the cro} Er owicnee #8, yet how or where it builds, or if it harvested, comes the question where to sell; most a stores honey in such a way as to be worth robbing, portant of all is, not to be ina hurry. ‘The city markets and the wild stocks mentioned by Professor Hess _ are full, so we must not help to make prices still lower are, no doubt, the swarms of the imported with further supplies. I find as s on as the fruit season Bliropean Apis mellifica is over (about end of April here) the demand for honey Y ae i increases wonderfully, and a good lot.can be sold at home —— EEE _~—Cif you are careful, and it will pay much better than 49 shipping toa market that is already stocked. I'll tell lov " you the way I supply our home market. I got our tin- Correspondence. smith to make me round tin cans 9}in. diameter and SST IE EEE «CC Qin high; with honey, gate fixed, at the bottom, alight TREATMENT OF FOUL BROOD. fitting cover to keep out dust and ants, all neatly made and japanned, and ‘ Choice Table Honey’ painted on in APA: large gilt letters. I made arrangements with the store: TO THE EDITOR OF THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNnL. keepers, ale, and confectioners to keep hese its _ ¢ans on their counters, or some other conspicuous place, Sir,—It has just occurred to me that some of your and I was to supply the honey, in 601b. tins, at Ade numerous readers might like to know how I have sue- gince I adopted this plan I have been unable to supply eveded in ridding my apiary of that terrible disease thedemand. I am always sold out long before the next which it has. suffered from, namely, foul brood. My ere comes ane Nem likely ar tea ep athe t i . fa shopman re dealing in hon y ; h Splary DOW numbers about one hundred'and thirty hives. oneal of that stuff, or something to that effect, showing Of these I had fifteen affected, and some of them very that he has had some experience with our farmers who badly, with that disease ; and now these fifteen hives, I market honey in all imaginable packages, quite original am glad to say, are quite healthy, and most of them with themselves. L[bave had some trouble in this way, strong. but have always been successful, once I showed him This is whatI did. In the early part of last January I — the retailing can, and how easy the honey was got out shook the bees off the frames of each diseased hive on the | without any daubing or waste. fround, about.a foot in front of the mouth of a clean Yours, ete d ins, he frames of which were furnished with full sheets bee Ht Bio CARLUL of foundation. The first frame I shook contained the ; sArvuasi : re queen. I returned the frames containing the di-eased Richmond Apiary, Casino, N.S. W. brood to the hives from which they were taken, and [Your plan of supplying the home market is, no doubt, carried them from the apiary a distance of about a capital one, but unfortunately it canuot be generally two hundred yards, leaving a few bees in each hive to adopted on account of much of the honey granulating. hatch the young ones in the brood combs. Intourteen Here in New Zealand the bulk of our honey granulates days’ s time I shook 0 all these bees into clean hives. . in a very iy. short time, and therefore your vy method would be : putting as maty into each as would make a nice swarm, very impracticable with us.—Eb. ] June 1, 1889.] THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. 189

AN IMPORTANT QUERY. Next came wild raspberry. Early in September ti-tree peeeat yielded a fair crop, but the honey from it is rather TO THE EDITOR OF THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. ancliped! $2 be aes y, Bebe if i veatice Ear TDA SI a ot geet ‘ Sea erate ~ cor tuning 2 tho head a fowers, n October bub st:ingy the bees barks did came not take out much with a notice good of show them. o of Otago Teekecrens during the last two month, and Se "a NIM Eaiu mol, cacr bee cc bs still puzzles them. Here itis. Is pure clover honey to January apples came out, loaded with bloom and covered be preferred to that obtained from the bush? Isaid just ith, Bees: Thisisavhaet got my crop of honey from now that it was a question of some importance, and your aq it is beautiful honey, so clear and bright, Bees did readers will agree with me when they recollect that on very. little in February and March, and in April they its answer depends greatly where we are to locate our were working a little on white gums, but not getting apiarics when pelsi ie honey) for TORE a upset apie 2 anything like a surplus, Bees are now working on iron- number of beekeepers will give us the benefit of their harcs, “TE have only mentioned the principal honey CO Ee Seo OER RHGGS plants in this report. As [ live in a thickly-timbered Oy C0 PRUE SEE country I often do not know what they are working on, [Weare surprised that the Otago bee-keepers should but keep record of what I find out. We have a tree have found the above query a dificult one to solve, for growing about here, some call it peppermint, others in our opinion there can be but one answer. However, turpentine. It grows in considerable quantities in low we refrain from expressing any opinion at present, and situations, comes out in flower two or three times a year— we ask our readers to let us have as many answers as at Jeast it did so last year; you can taste and see the possible in time for next month’s issue, when we shall honey in the cups of the flowers, the trees are swarming give our opinion.— Ep.] with ants and other insects, but the bees do not seem to : ‘ ee ©=— tice it. Have you heard of this before? It isa puzzle MOMs oN Sra to me why the bees do not work on it. TI only noticed or als these being neglected this year. I will watch the matter Aeports. next season, and report. ees ae ee Casino, New South Wales. B. Carirun. FROM FERNBROOK APIARY, OTAGO. Es I sre to forward report of my little apiary during REPORT FROM DAIRY FLAT APIARY. the last season. I wintered eighteen colonies, and Berea doubled them down to fifteen in the spring, as I - Ona mal found three out of four hives standing under some blue th ae a less soe Bite ao ae se gums queenless. Whether the drip from thegumshad a !2rough press of other business it has been de- a bad effect on their majesties or not, I am unable to say, layed. I will now give a few notes on the but it struck me as being suspicious. I increased to season’s work. I commenced last October with 28 twenty-one hives in November, and extracted hetween stocks in good condition, 10 being run for ex- etn eidetnbenetaanerey honey, nearly all of tracted honey, and the remainder for section The season just passed has been a remarkable one. honey. The season was all that could be desired The winter finished up very wet indeed; but spring until the commencement of November, when cold brought promise of a grand honey harvest, the month weather set in, with the result that there was only of September being exceptionally fine, and spring nine or ten fine honey gathering days between showers abundant; fruit trees were thicker out in that on a the lee of a 5 ys i : bloseom than they had been for years. I took my first ab time. and, the BO eet oe Oe swarm on the 6th November, and this one was quickly honey flow generally comes to a close, Up to followed by five or six more. Then came a month of — this time no quantity of honey had been taken, cold wet weather, We earen, everything back terribly, and everything looked extremely gloomy from a and most of my neighbours lost the inmates of their + . at E : yin cases. The Tage season did not commence until perkedng Spot of view. Just then the weather the old year was fai ly at its last gasp, and when it did 00K up fine, and tho rata trees which have not come, it came with a rush and sent the bees into the bloomed here for three or four years came out supers ina hurry, There was no bother about swarming into full flower, the blossoming continuing well Fee jocopry and Febryary, ah hen Wi gap agoity oh ule Jonnaer aD tac oealk at goat 0lk. ndethetsln ver died ‘of a per hive of extracted and 801b. per hive of comb I think I am right when I say there has been no honey was obtained for the season. Taken alto- autumn crop this year in Otago. I found a trace of gether, this season’s crop must be considered as gon) Urea an roventenn out of pronty.gne hives; but it considerably below the average, especially the only showed itself in the month of March, though I have 2 Si 5 no doubt the spores were there long Berane: I have eS ae Cot Be vey How: ceased, wintered my bees on their super combs, and have given there has been only a very little gathered, and them nothing but phenolated stores, as I have great most of the hives have consumed fully 25lb. of faith in the Cheshire remedy not that I ever hepe to get honey. The autumn flow should now commence, oes aiscare, chore are t20 many gin cases about for which supplies the bees with their winter stores, : Eat 8 GisB.iMowas. which are replenished each fine day during winter, a : y and breeding goes on continuously all the time. 3 FROM RICHMOND APIARY. Dae PG G. A. Green, aie airy Flat. {commencev spring with eleven colonies, increased them — eee to twenty-three by natural swarming, caught four as swarms that settled down near my apiary, and got about A RARE OPPORTUNITY. one hundred pounds of extracted honey per hive; but I am sure that if [ had had things ready I could have obtained double that quantity. I got some very nice Wu have a few Given Presses and Root’s 10-inch one-pound sections, well filled, but ‘he sale of honey in Roller Foundation Machines of the latest makes, perfectly the comb is very slow here, compared with extracted. new, to be disposed of at less than cost price to clear The first thing the bees started on was red gums, which — stock. Price of Presses or Roller Machines each £5 10s, came out early in August with a fair crop of blossoms, Only a very few in stock, *, , 4 y ee ae ae 190 THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. (June 1, 1889, REVIEW. t FLOATING APIARIES IN EGYPT. 4 . iG x THE BRITISH BEEKEEPER’S GUIDE BOOK. Tue following sketch we copy from the Deutsche / By Tromasi WepCowan, PGS iM. syLonton: T7ust7terte’ Brenen Zerune tor November, page pee oeeoeon) are Ee eauae 44. The article was written by MrT. Kellen, of WE have received from the author a copy ofa new edition of Luxemburg. W. P. Root, our proof-reader, the above. The name of Thos. W. Cowan is so well known translates as follows :— to advanced beekeepers throughout the world for his scientific ‘ 2 s and practical knowledge of bees and beekeeping, and his Not long ago I discovered in the city library of unceasing efforts as editor of the British Bee Journal to this place, Luxemburg, a French work on bees, promote the industry of apiculture, that it is needless’ to: say which for a century had been unremoved, leaves anything concerning him here. Probably most of our readérs uncut, and was covered with venerable dust and have read the previous edition of the Guide Book, now finger-marks. In this work I found a very before us, which has the reputation of Being one of the most interesting notice in reference to portable apiaries concise and cheapest works on apiculture published in the 3 English language. The present edition, as the author states of that period. The author of the above work, in his preface, has been ‘‘ thoroughly revised, enlarged, and B. E. Manuel, procured some notes of a deserip- a great portion of it entirely re-written, obsolete methods and tion of Egypt, and added a: few concluding appliances have been excluded, new ones illustrated and observations of Reaumer thereto. From this and described, and much entirely new matter added.” Unlike other histories of travels, as well as from Maillet’s many bee books emanating from English authors, we notice Desorintion of Eeypt, published in 1740. it Pee Ge Pe en cen via we niche I BYP, PD ? term ‘fads,” which are usually so conspicuous in. these appears that, in the last century, there were a works. This, however, is only to be expected in a work by great many colonies of bees kept in the land of a gentleman who has an extensive knowledge of English, i i American, and Continental beekeeping, gained by personal the Pharaohs, and that a very lively business was visits to the most prominent apiarists in those countries. maintained therein, quite unlike what we have in The work consists of 106 pages, and is largely illustrated, a and we haye much pleasure in recommending it as a cheap OUP own country. Dr. Westhau reports, in a and reliable guide to practical and scientific beekeeping. description of a travel through Egypt, in 1702, a. Li pe tollowing.;,,.\' 13) many, places 4. found apianl= CATALOGUE RECEIVED. ture greatly hindered, notwithstanding the in- a habitants manifest much interest in it. In the We have received from Mr. R. EK. Allport, of St. Ives, season of: bloom they move with their bees, now New South Wales, his illustrated and descriptive here and now there, in order to fill their hives catalogue of hives and beekeepers’ appliances. We with honey.” notice that Mr. Allport manufactures and sells the In the last century there was found, with all Langstroth hive and frames, of which he makes a of the ignorance and wildness of the inhabitants, specialty. We are pleased to notice this, as we consider an occasional trace to remind one of the previous this hive to be the best for these colonies. His prices for luxury of a keen and diligent generation, long all appliances eaumerated in his catalogue appear to be past, One of the most noticeable evidences of very reasonable. The list can be obtained on application — ¢p ei» activity was the annual sending of their bees oe oe to remote districts, that they might secure pas- We nods nal) iluek: wu Ui uaa nin | juuleeee, wich: ‘occasionally “failed: them “aul thnorr, ILLNESS OF ‘‘LAHM DEARG-ERIN.” own stands. Se as As Upper Egypt is hotter than Lower Egypt, : . A and the land there is freer from the inundations Tue most of our readers, with ourselves, will have missed of the Nile, the honey-plants there develop at the interesting communications to the Journal from our gdee? aes Lae Reidy. POR nett renter ene, friend) “Lahm! Dearg inn. aeiWe arcienray Lov/sayithat fully aware of this fact, and availed themselves of when we last heard from him, some three weeks ago, he jt for the benefit of their bees. In Lower and had been suffering severely from'an attack of rheumatism Middle Egypt they placed a certain number of which had contined him to his room for some time. He Golonies of bees, which! were often kept in jugs de ee speaking anes oe pasos ae ay and bowls, and often in cylinders or baskets 0 aths. e trust soon to hear 0 a Te Tabs, and to receive his familiar commu- made of burnt clay, or made out of withes nications to the Jowrnal again. braided, and besmeared with Nile slime, made ee es expresslyy fon sthis:: purpose fonerinners.or athe: et portable bee-hives of.Swabia. If the hives were ASULBER ALIOREER, required ‘at the upper end of Egypt, they were a pre have a number oe sere copie eee issue cae transported thither, so the bees could visit the inet Oeil wit send he exception ost free to 0! any he address rst, which in Australasia 1s rw out the o! . Reighbouring . . >. honey-plants and shrubs. When 4 eleven numbers of Vol. I. for 4s. This isa good chance for the crop in Upper Egypt was exhausted, they a new subscribers to get the Journal from the start. floated the skiffs.a few miles down stream, and There are also a few copies of Vol I. of the New Zealand waited there as long as honey could be found in and Australian Bee Journal, cloth bound, still on hand, avin’ Usntitieallle” 3 which will be ae pocence in New Zealand for 3s., or out | 2 a ae beginning of the month of February of New v Zealand ala for 3 3s. Ol. nq . I. HOPKINS & CO. they arrived at Lower Egypt, where they deliy- iz 4 ste 1, > °c - THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. 191 / ered the hives back to their owners. The latter : te sold the entity product at wholesale in ODLUM & SMITH Cairo. The bee-keepers from Upper Egypt, after they had disposed of their products in the r region of the delta of the Nile, and had secured GC th G fi tt what honey they could there, returned again up oppersm| 5, as | ers stream to their homes. Unfortunately, hitherto history has furnished us no details in regard to é portable apiaries in this land of early antiquity, HOUSE and SHIP PLUMBERS, which are authentic; nevertheless, it is easy to conjecture that that inventive people, as the e Pr 2 valley of the Nile bears them witness, will convert TIN, ZINC, and IRON-PLATE WORK. it, as they did a century ago, into the business of Set A portable apiculture. One may easily believe that 3 Egypt first suggested the same business to Greece SPECIALTY err. © ’ if and other lands. The Roman agricultural ; writer, Hi 3 i Columella, writes (De Re Rustica), Book IX., eying Imported machinery sfOmaits aiine call: kuids) er chapter 14, in replying to Celsus, that in Achaia HONEY and JAM FINS we are prepared to. supply these the bees from Attica and Euboa, on all the | articles at the LOWEST PRICE in any quantity island of Skiros, and from A pes Oycladian te eas: islands Sicilian to -cdasiieto Hybla, Be cccel Took FIRST PRIZE at the Exhibition for Honey Tins tivated for honey. _ This custom was, in all pro- Sa bability, introduced from Egypt at the time of Solon, for the civilization of Egypt is unquestion- NEAR THE DOCK ably much older than that of Greece. Before Solon arose as reformer in Athens he travelled through Egypt, and learned there how to make LO WER ALBERT ofREET. many improvements which he afterward made : useful to his native land. But how stands bee culture now in Egypt? AUCKLAND. When ‘even the fellahin and Copts conspire to.) — -—______drive out apiculture, no more will be read in modern history of travels in Egypt in regard to N O ae I CE . moyeable apiaries ; and no traveller will see any a more the skiffs on the Nile, laden with hives. ‘he undermentioned works are not mentioned in our This is easy to be seen, when one reflects how | 2¢W Catalogue, owing to delay in their arrival :— downtrodden Egypt is under the foot of the | Cowan's ‘British Beekeepers’ Guide Book,’ post free ~ 2s 4d » Mohammedan.— Gleaning. Simmins’ ‘Method of Direct Queen Introduction,’ post free 1s 2d ERICA ARBOREA FOR SHELTER AND BEE I, HOPKINS & Co. FOOD. = ee oe pa ES OR SALE.—A Set of Diagrams mounted | Tus is a most usetul plant for the apiary. Grown as a F good as new; also tae Diane oe qh gee it affords good she!’ ~~* 18, GUC helonging tv.) Langstroth Hive-and Honey Extractor, also of Queen the heath family is suffici vommend it as a bee | and Drone. These are also tiounted on rollers suitable for pliant. 5 lectures or bee library. Will be sold cheap.-- Apply to We have made arrange: which we can supply | the Editor, } . 2 large plants, well balled, por dozactparaper ten. |. es ae Smaller packing case. plants 25s. per with Is. ei 6d. added for | TELEPHONE No. - 370.) Freestone [TenepHoNE = No. 370 If planted four feet apart a close and ornamental hedge 3 will be obtained which will bear trimming to any extent. WAV F R L FY H () TEL poe =u , NOTICR, QUEEN STREET (ansorntne Ratway Srarion) As the JourNAt will go to press about the 23rd of each AUCKLAND, Nw ZEALAND. month, corre ouacne® for publication in the next issue Sees : should reach the Editor not later than the 15th. The above Hotel i vf th # 1 CorReSPONDENTS will oblige by writing on one side of | Auckland, and for the sccommodation OPemente yo the sheet only anything sent for publication, and apart | ‘#V¢llers is unsurpassed. from Bee uice Sporn aleeHone HOT, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS. > P.O. OrveRs for subscriptions, advertisements, etc., to 7 minke e 3 be made payable to I. Hopkins and Co., and addressed suburen Terminus ang wusses’ i ell patts gr jeueeaiygand _ to P.O. Box 296, Auckland, New Zealand. ' Postat Norss for sums under £1 are the handiest and Go PANTER, PRopRigToR. eS ang" ce 1s for the next issue should reach the TAGRAMS AN - wusiiers by the 20th of the month. D ND INDIA~ RUBBER GLOVES. eo We have just received a small consignment of the FY ON EY qWanted, several tons of Firstclaes Ex- above, but owing to the duty imposed upon these tracted Honey in bulk.—Send samples and price to articles, the price of the diagrams in future will be 14s I. HOPKINS & CO., the set, and the gloves 9s per pair. The latter are very P.O, Box 386, Auckland, superior 7 ee 192 j THE AUSTRALASIAN BEE JOURNAL. N. iia 1G ‘ uy eg FIRST EIGHT HOURS i ? ROLLER i : MILLS— AAU SG J. C. FIRTH, PROPRIETOR. i rarer af By a combination of mechanical and scientific appliances, MY, J. C, FIRTH has produced at his Eight Hours’ Roller Millis a Pleasant and Wholesome Breakfast Food as Porridge, ' (PATENTED) es GE mf Vi TNtALe (PATENTED) : B= oy of bigestion, and remarkable for its Bone and Flesh-Produéing Qualities, Free from the SSS heating and flatulent properties incidental to Oatmeal. : ond ee For PUDDINGS it is unsurpassed, if even equa led by RIC, SAGO, or CORNFLOUR, Mace aes OO, This admirable Food for Young and Old is new on the market. ” on IN 10lb BAGS, OF ALL DEALERS, :

GC a 1 ANS Tf ~P Rinpooaee lat, | | F. STEPHENS out i OR: | Boot and Shoe Manufacturer

: eo ene wren ‘ die! ° 40 Pee S hs sam 02 S, that the 5 Z wl & 25 ~~ QUEEN ATR STREET, WV DY ps | 186, GsionayY Ls STREET iY ‘ : em \hott int ten _ AUCKLAND.” | at Pb “ ETAL Vo aay |) AB eReaD: NEW ZEALAND. EGGS 04 i FOR HATCHING ¥ AVN Ni. W. WILDMAN, S . From my WYANDOTTES. 1 g - 4 Induding eet ciodaar Imported ae ani a Pe Fit Prize : vires y |BOOKSE i r leP-& Pp. Fancy Stationel (2 strains), Auekland Poultry Show, 1887. £1 for ; 13 >e¥es. “fF. STEPHENS, 136 Queen Street, Orne

Audie BoE Pees eS | ENGLISH, AMERICAN, and» COLONIAL FoONEDUST! Bowed Wass Tit PERIODICALS SUPPLIED. ae J.C.B. 1.OR. | ee asulte > ‘The undersigned has for sale—60 tons of Hilis’s well-known \“GounrRy ORDERS PROMPTLY gps Wher J.€ &. brand of Neweastle Bonedust, in lots to suit purchasers. ieee! Bey ed fe Tron Bark Timber, Spokes, Shafts, ete., in any quantities. eats E arctic é M. V. HURLEY, 7, Queen-street. VICTORTA ARCADE, AUCKLAND. : Reema orto orl) of noiws (ind Gerdes La eee — eee 2 7 roprictors eee and Publishers, ein Pondoy I; HopKIns Obs Shonen anv Ci enue sower ae -street, Jcland. by ee Heyrky BRErT, a e: