Issue 166 | October 2012 MICA(P) 074/04/2012

Unprecedented possibilities, but also External Affairs Minister delivers speech on India’s foreign policy shared vulnerabilities: SM Krishna on priorities at American varsity foreign policy in the 21st century At an event organized by America’s Brown University on September 28, 2012, Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna spoke at length on ‘India’s Foreign Policy Priorities for the 21st Century’. A packed house heard him talk about India’s relationship with its neighbours, as well as its interests in promoting peace and democracy in emerging countries. “As our world is globalizing, our societies and communities are becoming more diverse. We now have unprecedented possibilities to spread prosperity, but we are also bound deeply by shared vulnerabilities,” he said.

The event marked the launch of SM Krishna at Brown University Brown’s ‘India Initiative’, a series of lectures by scholars on issues

A discussion of State visits, the A record- Dussehra in FDI reforms in global Hindi breaking Gandhi Mysore Palace India Conference Jayanti and History Quiz 05 06 and ASEAN 10 11 celebrations

A monthly newsletter by the indian High Commission, of importance in contemporary India. Among those in attendance were the Provost Mark Schlissel, Indian Ambassador Nirupama Rao and Professor Ashutosh Varshney, the director of this initiative.

This event signalled greater educational ties between the two countries, which is also an indication of the cultural ties they share. This expanding bond of education is borne out by the fact that over 100,000 Indians are students at American universities today. The ongoing India-USA higher education dialogue, said Mr. Krishna, is now a key pillar of the India-USA strategic dialogue.

He went on to say India is going through an exciting transition; undergoing economic and social transformation on an extraordinary scale. “As a pluralist democracy that stands at the cultural cross-roads of Asia and many of its fault Andrews Hall, Brown University lines, India will serve as a bridge across the region’s – and, indeed, the world’s - people to reconstruct their war- great diversity,” Mr. Krishna added. ravaged economy. This commitment to Afghanistan was reflected in the Taking a holistic view of Indian foreign Strategic Partnership that was signed policy, the Minister stated that policies last year. are not only concerned with the growth of the Specific measures aggregate, but also … global that are now a part with the welfare of responsibilities ... of India’s foreign the individual. While policy and which it is a complex political and economic are expected to play a larger role in challenge, it is necessary to continue the future, included matters of maritime with a high growth trajectory and also security and bilateral ties extending from make it inclusive. He called for an to Australia. innovative, dynamic and sustainable Foreign Secretary on engagement of India with the world.. India also looks forward to deepening links with the ASEAN, as it gears up the 67th UNGA Mr. Krishna noted that with a history of to celebrate two decades of the India- A day before the ‘India Initiative’ event at strife in the subcontinent, it was obvious ASEAN relationship through the India- America’s Brown University, Indian Foreign that a resurgent India needed a peaceful ASEAN Commemorative Summit in Secretary briefed the neighbourhood in order to create a December this year. media in New York about the issues India favourable environment for the pursuit of intended to discuss at the 67th United collective prosperity. “Our foreign policy Mr. Krishna reiterated India’s role in Nations General Assembly. will, therefore, be an instrument of our standing by non-proliferation, nuclear development, but also a vehicle to fulfil disarmament and reaffirmed its desire to Topping the list of issues was the need to our global responsibilities,” he added. seek UN reforms. focus on poverty eradication and inclusive growth post-2015 and meeting sustainable Speaking of India’s role in a wider Mr. Krishna concluded by appreciating development goals. He said India would global context, to promote peace and the strong Indo-USA ties and hoped continue to push for Security Council prosperity in north-western parts of that it would be a model of international reforms. Terrorism and the fight to make South Asia, such as Afghanistan, Mr. partnership to encourage global and international waters safe from pirates Krishna said India is committed to regional peace, security and stability. would also require close attention. supporting the efforts of the Afghan

2 india news october 2012 india news october 2012 Parliamentary visits

India: Is the despair Mata Prasad Pandey with Seah Kian Peng misplaced? Indian delegates visit Singapore Parliament High Commissioner of India Underlines Strong

Macroeconomic Potential of India Speakers of three Indian states visited Singapore as part of a tour around the Narratives of gloom and doom abound average growth of 8.4 per cent. 58th Commonwealth Parliamentary in the context of policy paralysis and Conference that was held in Colombo, Sri the difficulties of doing business in He observed that the high growth rates Lanka from 10th to 15th September, 2012. India, said Dr. TCA Raghavan, High of the past decade had infused great Commissioner of India, while delivering confidence in the India story. This A special visit to the Singapore Parliament a lecture titled ‘India: Is the Despair confidence, however, had dimmed in was organized for Mata Prasad Pandey Misplaced?’ at the Singapore Press the last two years and the GDP growth (Speaker of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly), Club’s Eminent Speaker Series. Dr. rate fell as international macroeconomic G Karthikeyan (Speaker of the Raghavan said that such negative fundamentals became fragile and took Assembly), and John Rotluangliana sentiments do not correctly reflect the an inevitable toll on Indian economic (Deputy Speaker of the Mizoram realities of the economic situation and indicators as well. Yet, Dr. Raghavan Assembly). The Speakers also met the huge potential and opportunities noted that one could see that even in Seah Kian Peng, Deputy Speaker of the that the India economy offers. the period from April 2011 to March Singapore Parliament. 2012, India’s GDP grew at 6.5 per cent, The event was held on September which was still well above what has The Commonwealth Parliamentary 25, 2012, at the Mandarin Orchard been achieved during any other period Association (CPA) was founded in 1911 Singapore Hotel. Dr. Raghavan on a sustained basis, and is among the and provides a platform for advocates recounted how there has been an highest growth rates in the world now. of democracy from all over the world to undue sense of pessimism about Moreover, he observed that signs of a exchange views and knowledge about India in general and its economy in resurgence were equally evident. parliamentary democracy. This edition particular for the past year. He observed was attended by 800 parliamentarians that assessments of slow or even no The High Commissioner also expressed and parliamentary staff from 175 CPA growth, high inflation, clumsy regulatory pride in India’s macroeconomic Branches. decisions, and the like, have generally strengths in terms of a large economy entered saturated conversations around and hinterland, a young population and India. a host of steady advances in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship. Dwelling on India’s economic growth since its independence, Dr. Raghavan With fragility in world economy an delineated four broad phases: 1950 to impact on India’s own growth rates and 1980 with 3.5 per cent growth; 1980 to economic indicators was inevitable. 1991 with a significant jump to 5.5 per Even if India’s growth has declined, cent; 1991 to 2003 with another jump to it remains high compared to other 6 per cent; and the last decade with an countries. G Karthikeyan with delegates india news october 2012 india news october 2012 3 48 ASEF Governors meet

ASEF Governors in

On 11-13 October, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Governors from 48 ASEM members met for the 29th ASEF Board of Governors’ (BOG) Meeting in New Delhi, India. The Asia- Europe Foundation (ASEF), established in 1997, is an inter-governmental institution that commemorates its 15th Anniversary this year.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) thanked the outgoing Executive Director, development and economic growth and of India hosted the ASEF Board of Amb. Michel Filhol, for his guidance facilitate partnership with ASEM in new Governors’ Meeting for the first time to ASEF activities and welcomed the areas such as science and technology, since India became a member of the incoming Executive Director, Amb. education and human resource Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process Zhang Yan. He also extended a warm development. in 2007. The ASEF Board of Governors, welcome to Amb. Rolan van Remoortele, representing 48 ASEM members, ASEF Governor for Belgium and The Governors elected Amb. Rosario discussed ASEF projects for 2013, current Vice-Chairman, who would be Manalo from the Philippines , nominated consistent with the ASEM mandate and taking over as Chairman of the Board by the Asian group of Governors , as the priorities. in 2013, succeeding Amb. Soemadi Vice-Chairman of 2013. Brotodiningrat of . In 2013, ASEF will be organizing the 9th ASEF Journalists’ Colloquium in India, The Secretary also spoke about the focusing on the issue of energy, green increasing importance of ASEF in economy and the environment in the building intellectual, cultural and people- context of sustainable development and to-people bridges between Asia and poverty reduction. This was one of the Europe. “ASEF’s strength lies in its 18 projects approved by the 29th BOG in mandate to bring together civil society New Delhi. and government for constructive dialogue and interaction,” he said. Secretary (East), HE Mr. Sanjay Singh, speaking at the official dinner in honour He also proposed that the ASEF agenda of the ASEF Board of Governors, must diversify towards requirements of

4 india news october 2012 india news october 2012 India back on the path to financial reform

A supermarket in Punjab New FDI norms to boost confidence amongst investors

In a move heralding a new economic its people. Many consider it a threat to The government has also freed FDI era, the Indian government led by small retailers who will lose business in the aviation sector, allowing foreign Prime Minister Dr. , to global giants with greater marketing aviation companies to own up to announced major reforms in Foreign clout and purchasing power. 49 per cent stake in Indian airline Direct Investment (FDI) in the retail companies – a move sure to benefit and aviation sectors. Dr. Singh is On the other hand supporters of the some of India’s struggling airlines. known for the liberalization reforms of move have pointed to the provision 1991 which he introduced as Finance that enables State Governments to The Prime Minister while addressing Minister and which were widely choose whether or not to allow FDI in the nation, pointed out that these credited for rejuvenating the Indian their state, giving them the flexibility to reforms are necessary to boost economy. choose independently of the Centre confidence amongst local and global and even of each other in this regard. investors, to continue job creation One of the key reforms in the at a quick pace and strengthen pipeline is allowing 51 per cent FDI Additional safeguards mandate that infrastructure. in multi-brand retail, allowing foreign incoming retailers will be able to retailers, for the first time, to sell to open outlets only in Indian cities with As the Prime Minister’s Office’s official consumers directly (they could only a population of above one million Twitter page states: “In 1991, when we have warehouses earlier) – thus and will have to source a minimum opened India to foreign investment in clearing the way for companies such of 30 per cent of their raw material manufacturing, many were worried.” as Walmart, Carrefour, Ikea and Tesco from local and small industries. In That story had a happy ending. Let’s to set up shop in India. Most of these addition, they will be required to hope this is the beginning of yet retailers have long had an interest in commit to developing the market, with another uplifting tale. tapping into the approximately $500 a minimum investment of $100 million, billion retail market in India. at least 50 per cent of which must be invested in building new warehouses, However, people are uncertain about cold storage facilities and transport the benefits of FDI for the nation and systems that India sorely lacks. india news october 2012 india news october 2012 5 Burundi supports India’s President Rajapaksa visits Security Council bid the Sanchi Stupa

President of Burundi discusses Indo- Sri Lankan President visits India, says he African ties during state visit came as a pilgrim

His Excellency Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic The President of , , paid an of Burundi, paid a State Visit to India from September 17 to official visit to India from September 19 to 22, 2012. His 19, 2012 at the invitation of the President of India, Pranab last State Visit to India was in June 2010. During the visit, Mukherjee. He was accompanied by First Lady Denise President Rajapaksa called on the newly-elected President Bucumi Nkurunziza and a high-level ministerial and official of India, at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, delegation. held official talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and attended a dinner hosted in his honour by the Prime Minister.

The state visit was an opportunity for the President of Sri Lanka, together with the Prime Minister of India, to review the entire gamut of bilateral relations including economic and trade relations, discuss measures to expand relations for mutual benefit, and review progress of joint projects.

At the invitation of the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Chauhan, President Rajapaksa visited the sacred Sanchi Stupa Complex on September 21. It was built by Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century BCE and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. He also paid homage to the relics of the two main disciples of Gautam Buddha, Arhat Sariputta and Pierre Nkurunziza with Mrs. Denise Nkurunziza Maha Moggallana at the Chetiyagiri Vihara in Sanchi.

Mr. Pierre Nkurunziza was accorded a ceremonial welcome at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on September 18, 2012. He paid homage to the Father of the Nation, laying a wreath at Mahatma Gandhi’s memorial at Rajghat.

The President of Burundi and the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan SIngh held detailed discussions on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest. Dr. Singh requested President Nkurunziza to facilitate Indian investment in agriculture, infrastructure and manufacturing sectors in line with Burundi’s national development goals and policies. India has also contributed to the development Mahinda Rajapaksa with Manmohan Singh of Burundi’s human resources through the pan-African e-network project, training programmes and scholarships. To mark the occasion, President Rajapaksa also planted a sapling of the Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura at Sanchi. The Heads of State exchanged views on regional and global Addressing a public meeting, which was attended by issues, including the fight against the common threat of approximately 5,000 people, President Rajapaksa remarked piracy and the urgent need for reform of the United Nations that his journey to Sanchi was undertaken as a pilgrim, in Security Council. Burundi has supported India’s candidature veneration of sacred Sanchi, and to salute and celebrate the as a permanent member of the reformed and expanded glorious past of that great region. Security Council.

6 india news october 2012 india news october 2012 Hindi in a Global Context

Millions throng to Buddha’s remains Buddha’s relics sent to Sri Lanka for Sambuddhatava World Hindi Conference brings together scholars from Jayanthi with message of around the world common heritage The 9th World Hindi Conference was culture by the Indian Cultural Centre of held at Johannesburg, South Africa Johannesburg and local folk artistes of from September 22 to 24,2012. Among South Africa. Sri Lanka’s citizens received a rare the delegates were Minister of State opportunity to pay their respects to the for External Affairs, Preneet Kaur, “Our languages have always taken Sacred Relics of Kapilavastu, which South African Minister of Finance, the message of love, peace and include some cremated remains of the Pravin Gordhan and Malthie Ramballi, brotherhood to far-off places. We Lord Buddha. The event was part of the President, Hindi Shiksha Sangh got to see a glimpse of that in this Sambuddhatava Jayanthi – the 2600th of South Africa. conference,” said Mrs. anniversary celebrations of the Lord Dignitaries from other Kaur. Buddha’s Enlightenment, which were countries with Hindi … message of held from August 19 till September 12, linkages were also love, The Conference adopted 2012. present. peace and brotherhood … a set of resolutions most significant among which The Sacred Relics, sent to Sri Lanka M Ganapathi, Secretary (West) of the was the proposal to create a central after a gap of 34 years, were on display Indian Ministry of External Affairs, paid database of people and institutions at ten venues for 25 days. About three rich tributes to the People of Indian working to promote Hindi, creating million Sri Lankans (nearly 15 per cent Origin of South Africa for keeping the Hindi software, and encouraging more of the total population of Sri Lanka) paid language and culture of their native frequent thematic Hindi Conferences. homage to the Sacred Relics, highlighting land of their ancestors alive despite the strong historic and cultural ties that adverse political circumstances and However, the issue which generated underpin India’s relations with Sri Lanka. numerous upheavals faced by them. a great deal of interest was that Hindi should be given the status of an official President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda The three days of discussions language at the United Nations. With Rajapaksa said: “From the time of the saw over a hundred papers being more than 800 million speakers of arrival here of Arahat Mahinda, son of the presented on a range of topics such Hindi, it is one of the most extensively Emperor Ashoka, more than 2300 years as Mahatma Gandhi’s use of Hindi, the spoken languages of the world. ago with the great message of Buddhism, use of Hindi in Africa, Hindi in drama relations between our two countries and cinema, Hindi as a language of The first World Hindi Conference was have flourished based on this common employment, and much more. held in the city of Nagpur in 1975. heritage, with its emphasis on tolerance, Since then these conferences have compassion and understanding.” Apart from discourses on the been held in India, Mauritius, Trinidad language itself, there were also and Tobago, Suriname, UK and USA. In his message, Prime Minister of India, performances representing Hindi Manmohan Singh stated: “Buddhism continues to be one of the common threads binding India and Sri Lanka.” india news october 2012 india news october 2012 7 Game for a long drive?

31 cars will make their way through 9 countries to promote ASEAN-india relations ASEAN by sea With a view to commemorating the 20th year of relations between India and the INS Sudarshini set to sail to 8 ASEAN countries, marking Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the second edition of the ASEAN-India shared maritime history Car Rally will take place between November 26 and December 20, 2012. The ’s INS Sudarshini ASEAN member states’ Navies, it is The rally route will include destinations has embarked on a voyage of ASEAN proposed that, as suggested by ASEAN such as Indonesia, Singapore, , countries including Singapore. Working countries, the ship would pick up two , , Vietnam, Lao within the ASEAN framework, several naval officers/cadets of each ASEAN People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar Indian states such as West Bengal, country from the first port of call in that and India. The Heads of Government Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil ASEAN country until the next port of of India and other ASEAN nations are Nadu are looking to rebuild maritime call. expected to receive the rally in New links with Southeast Asia, Delhi. INS Sudarshini, a three- The voyage hopes to masted barque (sail ship) The purpose of the car rally is to cement the historic ties and the second sail training demonstrate, in a prominent manner, of India with countries ship of the Indian Navy, India’s proximity to the ASEAN. This of the ASEAN region. was commissioned by will also enhance public awareness It will touch 18 ports in Vice Admiral KN Sushil, of the current canvas of the ASEAN- eight countries and will Flag Officer Commanding India partnership and strengthen trade, conclude in April 2013. in Chief Southern Naval investment, tourism and people-to-people The INS Sudarshini Command (SNC) at Naval linkages. is expected to be in Base, Kochi on January 27, Singapore from January 2012. 29 to February 13, 2013.

Apart from Kochi, Chennai and Port Blair in India, the 13 ASEAN ports of call are: , , Manado, , Cebu, , Da Nang, Sihanoukville, , Singapore, Klang, Phuket and Yangon. INS Sudarshini is carrying 35 naval cadets and 7 officers. In order to further enhance Navy-to-Navy cooperation and camaraderie between the naval cadets of the Indian Navy and

8 india news october 2012 india news october 2012 ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ in Hanoi? Vietnam set to welcome Indian movies in local theatres

The Salman Khan-Katrina Kaif blockbuster ‘Ek Tha Tiger’, Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone’s romantic comedy ‘Cocktail’ and the breezy road-trip movie ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ are set to find a new audience – in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) and Hanoi in Vietnam.

Indian movies are being released for the first time in the country by ietnam’sV Megastar Cinemas. With the Indian film industry garnering an increasing number of fans around the world, and international stars showing an interest in learning more about Bollywood’s diverse and larger-than-life movies, the time is right for such commercial releases.

“The event is fully supported by the Indian Consulate General of HCMC and aims to bring local audiences closer to Bollywood movies,” said Abhay Thakur, Indian Consul General at HCMC.

Drilling through gender stereotypes Women operating heavy machinery in India’s coal mines break conventions

We have heard all about the masculine world of grit and grime - and nothing exemplifies this more than the coal mine. And yet, in the 21st century, courageous and skilled women are venturing into this male bastion.

One such woman is 29-year-old Damayanti Devi,a widow who is a coal- driller operator for Central Coalfields at Kendla, Jharkhand. Gigantic heavy machinery and equipment are used to drill into the coal to make space to plant explosives.

Dr. Kiran, nodal officer for women empowerment at Coal India Limited, said “The idea is to employ them in useful jobs rather than keep them employed in menial jobs. There are many instances where seniors or other employees do not give any them any work because they are looked upon with pity. We want to change this and want all women at CIL to take up useful jobs.” As of now there are just three other women in this field, but organizations like Coalfields India and Coal India Limited are attempting to identify more such skilled women for employment in this unconventional role.

india news october 2012 india news october 2012 9 Mahatma’s grandson meets students in Singapore GIIS gets audience with Tushar Gandhi, learn about universal principles of non-violence

to go before we truly build adherence to non-violence and truly understand the meaning of non-violence and implement 520 Mahatmas it in our lives.” sing of peace Padma Shri Sat Pal Khattar was the Guest of Honour at the event. In his School children dress up as address to students, he said, “It is unique for the United Nations to mark Gandhi to set a new world Mr. Lee Kwang Boon, UNA Singapore, non-violence on a universal scale. And record addressing the audience on The it should be so. Mahatma Gandhi’s International Day of Non-violence at (principles) are applicable universally.” A wonderful world record was set on GIIS Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary this Also present at the event were Dr. TCA year by the Jegan Matha Matriculation On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s Raghavan, High Commissioner of India School, in Trichy, India. On 2nd October, 143rd birth anniversary, students of to Singapore, Mr. Lee Kwang Boon, 520 out of the school’s 620 students the Global Indian International School Vice-President of the United Nations dressed up as the Mahatma, spectacles, (GIIS), Queenstown, met and interacted Association (UNA) in Singapore, and walking stick, dhoti and all. 58 of them with his grandson, Tushar Gandhi. Mr. Ameerali Jumabhoy, Chairman took it one step further by even getting of the Mahatma Gandhi Committee, their heads tonsured to resemble him. Speaking on the occasion, which is also Global Organization of People of Indian the United Nations International Day Origin (GOPIO). Mr. Boon delivered a The air reverberated with patriotism when of Non-Violence, he said “We are here special message from United Nations’ the entire group burst into Mahatma to celebrate the International Day of Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, for Gandhi’s favourite song ‘Raghupati Non-violence. But we have a long way this occasion. Raghav Raja Ram’. Students were told about the global following for Gandhi’s policy of Ahimsa that won India independence from the British, and such famous individuals like the late Martin Luther, Jr. of USA to the present leader of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi.

The students, who sharpened their awareness about the life and sacrifices of Mahatma Gandhi over the last four months, impressed the general public during the celebration, as well, by taking a procession along the Sathanoor Road, singing the song all along. 10 india news october 2012 india news october 2012 Mysore’s brightest night A look at the traditional Dussehra spectacle at the magnificent Mysore Palace

The time when the city of Mysore erupts from the Palace to the Bhuvaneshwari Traditional wrestling matches between in festivity and jubilation is around temple within its precincts. He is well-built men are held during the day on the corner. The magnificent festival of accompanied by a retinue of caparisoned soft red soil within the Palace precincts. Dussehra (or Dasara, as it is called in elephants, camels and horses, priests Musical concerts, dance performances Karnataka) starts on October 16 and will and royal staff. He returns to the Palace and cultural programmes are held at continue till October 24. Commemorating after prayers at the temple to hold a night against the awe-inspiring backdrop the victory of goddess Chamundi over ceremonial private durbar at the majestic of the illuminated Palace, every night for the demon Mahishasura, the festival the ten nights. involves a celebration of the culture of India by way of an exhibition of its art, … a reminder of The festival culminates with a big music, dance, handicrafts, food, sports the lost glory of Mysore ... bang on the day of Vijayadashmi. An and revelry. The magnificent Mysore idol of Chamundi, placed on a golden Palace, illuminated with a dazzling set howdah, is paraded on elephant-back of 97,000 light bulbs, epitomises the Amba Vilasa hall. The hall, itself a in a procession through the streets celebrations. beautiful area of the palace with its large of Mysore, starting at the Palace. It is chandeliers and ornate pillars, is the site accompanied by a retinue of horses, The ten-day extravaganza usually begins of elaborate and traditional ceremonies camels, dancers and tableaus. The with pomp and fanfare at the Palace. The - a reminder of the lost glory of the procession marks a fitting end to the scion of the historical Wodeyar dynasty Kingdom of Mysore. celebrations. of Mysore is carried in a silver palanquin india news october 2012 indi indiaa news news o occtobertober 2012 20121111 Durga Pujo 2012 Dandiya Dhoom Dhamaal 2012

Date: 20th October Singapore Gujarati Society’s Navratri Venue: Race Course celebrations. Road Open Grounds Time: 8am onwards Dates: 17th to 21st October Venue: Singapore Swimming Club, 45 Tanjong Rhu Road Tickets: $10-40, some events free for members

Diwali Countdown IIT Alumni Association Diwali Concert Nite

Celebrity performances Date: 2nd November and fireworks show Venue: Singapore Swimming Club Register at Date: 12th November Venue: Farrer Park Field Time: 9pm

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A monthly newsletter by the indian High Commission, Singapore