The Ukrainian Weekly 1937
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Supplement to. the SVOBODA, Ukrainian Daily —— • No. 49 JERSEY CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1937 VOL. V —I—JI II II І и^и^———fcH*—i» шдшт DISTINGUISHED PHILADEL APPOINTED TO MINNESOTA PHIA* CHORUS TO 8ING EXAMINING BOARD A Welsh Concert UKRAINIAN SONGS Professor Stephen W. Mamchur, How strong and time-enduring are the bonds of In honor of the Ukrainians in hsad of the Sociology Department common racial origin was strikingly demonstrated at Philadelphia, a special group of of the College of St. Thomas, St Songs of the Ukraine will be Paul, Minnesota, was recently ap the Welsh Concert presented in Carnegie Hall, New York heard at the concert of the Men pointed to the Board of .Exam City, Friday evening, November 19 last. delsohn Club, 63 year old choral iners of the Federal-"State Em society of this city, on December ployment Service of Minnesota. The affair drew a capacity audience of around four 8 at the Scottish- 'Rite Temple, Professor Mamehurs -appointment thousand persons, representing various stratas of society, Broad and Race Streets. by the Federal Govemmerit was made at the recommendation of ranging from those in the choice parterre boxes to those Dr. Harl McDonald, musical the Minnesota Industrial Com tucked high up near the roof. director of the Club, has chosen mission. three songs arranged by Alexan The program presented consisted of Welsh songs der Koshctz, famous authority on The board of which professor sung by the Cambrian Male Choir of Cleveland, with Wil the folk music of the Ukraine, Mamchur is the state representa ! and director of the National tive, consists of. two other mem liam Albert Hughes conducting; the Welsh'Women s Cho Chorus. They are: "Out of the bers, representatives of the Fed rus of New York, dressed in native costume, and led by Darkness," a hymn of the Nativ eral Government, and a member Llewellyn Roberts; and the soloist Mostyn Thomas, bari ity; "Lullaby"; and "Resurrec of ' the -Employment Service, and tion," a canticle of the eighteenth examines applicants for the posi tone. The evening's proceeds Went towards the fund for century. tion of Manager of employment the building of a wing to the National Museum of Wales. offices throughout Minnesota. It The first and last numbers of acts in cooperation with the Unit Aside from the beauty and variety of the Welsh the group are from the Ukrainian ed States Employment Service, a folk-songs, and the strength and dignity of their tradi Passion Trilogy. It is said that division of the Department of there Is little in choral literature Labor. tional hymn-tunes, which were revealed to those who which сотрагез with the magni attended the-concert, what especially impressed a Ukrain ficence, poignancy tmd simplicity ian listener was the manner in which the capacity audi of this delineation of the Passion of our Lord. UYL-NA BASKETBALL AP. ence reacted towards the singing. At this Concert, also, the Club POtNTMENTS When the choruses sang the vast assemblage con will present the world premier of The Ukrainian Youth's League tented itself with rapt attention, but w,hen the soloist Harl McDonald's "Songs of Con of North America wishes to an took the center of the stage and began to sing those quest." This in a brilliant., modern nounce the appointments of the composition by tha Club Director, following men to'the various poets songs that reminded these Welsh-Americans of their who is a significant figure in the in the 'Basketball Department. Welsh fatherland, of their ancient bards who kindled musical life 6Ї Philadelphia. The National -Director is Wil and kept alive their national spirit, and of their heroes The amaiing 15-ycar old violin liam Haschak of 211 Ward Street, ist, Harry Cyitmann, will at this Chester, Pennsylvania. Western who shed their life-blood on mountain-land and glen, concert, make his first public ap Regional Director -is Stephen Ma- they could contain themselves no longer. Spontaneously, pearance in Philadelphia. dezki of 3465 Stickney Avenue, one by one they caught up the refrain being sung by the (Editor's note: We Understand Toledo, Ohio. Eastern Regional soloist, and before long the whole audience, old and that Mr. John Kucbarsey/ Ukrain Director is Theodore Ohar of 206 ian member of the chorus, was First -Street, BBtabeth, Ntew 'Jer young, rich and poor, joined in the singing, producing instrumental in persuading Dr. sey.' Canadian Regional Director such a tremendous volume of sound as was probably McDonald to include the three U- is Peter Waslyk of §10 Ming St., rarely ever heard before in this famous ;hall' dedicated krainian songs in the concert pro West, Toronto, Ontario. * gram.) JOHN ROMANTTION. to the muses. ч . Truly, it was a stirring and inspiring scene, enough to gladden the souls of Llewellyn and Glendower and Now may your hearts be full of fire; be quick to conquer others of those patriots who centuries ago fought and wrong. died for Welsh independence. Many of those who thus Pluck tightly all the harp strings; be ready for the fray; sang never even saw Wales,' as they were born and raised The call of Wales is clamant—no patriot can say *Nay.' here on these shores and are loyal Americans to the core, And may your Tongue and Law and Lyre and yet it was clearly evident that the spirit of their Set every Cymric heart afire! Welsh ancestors is Still with them. Nay, not only the / • • spirit but the language as well, for they sang 'not in Let it not be supposed, however, that this national English but in original Welsh. * spirit of the Welsh today is aimless, that it does not Especially high did their enthusiasm soar when they assume any concrete form, for it does. It finds expression sang songs such as the following: in the great effort being made within recent years to Shall the Saxon army shake you, maintain their racial and cultural 'Independence. For that Smite, pursue and overtake you? express purpose the National Museum of WaleB was built, Men of Harlech, God shall make you back in 1912. "If 'the past is allowed to be forgotten and Victors, blow for blow! traditions to disappear," its patrons say, "then the roots or. of the Welsh race will die; an end will come to ell that has been cherished and held most dear for Many feee- Now avenging Briton, v turies." > Smite as he has smitten! Such is the spirit of the modern Welsh, even though Let your rage on hist'ry's page • fate has treated them much more kindly than many other In Saxon blood be written! peoples who have been subjugated and incorporated. by His lance is long but yours is longer, a foreign nation. Strong his sword but yours is stronger! How much Stronger and more irrestible then, sbould (Translated) be the national spirit of euCh a people as the Ukrainians, The spirit with which these songs were sting showed who are many more times numerous than the Welsh, unmistakably how strong and time-enduring are the ties who have a well-developed historic and cultural past that of common racial origin and historic past of a people. bridges the most ancient with the most modern of times, As is well known, the Welsh in their native land un Who have but recently made a Valiant attempt lor Inde der the United Kingdom of Great Britain are just as pendence, and who are being abused and oppressed in free as their kinsmen who emigrated here to America. their native land in a manner that often -defies descrip Despite this, however, despite the fact that their last tion. national uprising took place way back in the 16th cen Armed With such a spirit, І goaded by such oppres tury, and despite the further fact that they have no sion, there is little doubt but that someday in the near intention of breaking away from G*eat Britain, the future the Ukrainians will take their rightful piece with Welsh today, small in number that theyuate" (eeyeral mil the other leading independent nations of this world. lion in all) are still nationally conecious, refill recall with So, Ukrainians — a thrfll.of pride their "heroic sons of Gwalia* braves of One stroke anore and then your wronger the Laria of Song," and still find hiflpiratiion in —~ At your feet lies low! UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1937 No. 49 Е then a member of the New York the men who fought and the men Ш WEEKLY COMMENTATOK City Board of Education, in an who died at that time. But what address delivered at a reception of the tens of thousands of peo WHAT IS NEEDED TO PRE of Evening Elementary Schools ple contemptuously called Dagoes, - stitutions in some parts of this Student's Association to new and Hunkeys, Greasers, Kikes, Polacks, SERVE REPUBLICAN INSTI country have been toppled over TUTIONS prospective citizens. Litwaks, Niggers and even Micks, long ago, notably^ in New York Speaking on the topic "How-can who gave up their lives in the "Immigration should be regulat City; with its teeming millions of schools help to solve:the second coal mines and on the iron ranges, ed," wrote William Green, the "aliens" and with but a scant generation problem," Mr. Marshall in building railroads -across the labor leader, back in 1930 in a number of those of British des- said that the school system "must continent, in digging tunnels un book which we happen to be cent' ЛЗ>ЯЇ point out that we are all sons der the rivers, inhaling fluff of .readme ebw, namely, "The Alien Come to think of it, Mr.