CHARLES R. MOFFITT Sent from Washington Are 2.75 X Chicago, and the Catholic Charities L.I»0 Meters
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mm im, im TH1 PITT8BUEGH CATHOLIC PARISHES OUTSIDE MEMORIAL MASS Ladies' Auxiliary, A. 0. H., Plant lor SSaSlISgSSsE E THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH AT CATHEDRAL ON Dedication of Washington Memorial ycmêéWûiòMnt Sotti DEVOTION „ Wendelin, Carrick SUNDAYMORNING Frank Dilla and Cecilia Bronder Slate President, Mrs. Mary G. Horan, Gives Complete Inf««»* Servi« at II „'Clock a. Relitte, *?ï? ,TTed ^"'nesday morning tion for Guidance of All Members in Diocese ftéMWioHMk-.. at 9 o clock. • Feature of Eightieth Division yetaV. Charle» Churche , B. F. D. Me. 4 Ä Vincent. Celebration Mrs. Mary G. Horan, State Presi- later than Pittsburgh Daylight Saw- 1 gkhaols. dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary, An- SBedelhy Colama B—d aad. P'^; sir ¿¡sii» Mayor Magee Opens ing Time. Appreciated kept m • Barbara- A solemn memorial Mass will be cient Order of Hibernians, whose For the members there will be There is quite seme i «, Jerome, «lebrated in St Paul Cathedral address ia 10 Pasadena street Pitts» through parlor cars from Pitts- and partial reward Is ti esatisfactio fact thant ft Mm Wd Ann. Beautiful Lawn fete sunday morning at 11 o'clock In burgh, last night gave to The Cath- burgh to Washington on the trains one's labor is not altogether in vain, connection with the Eighteieth Di- olic information complete- on the leaving at 9:40 *. m. and 1 o'clock as may be judged from the follow- vision celebration in Pittsburgh, an plags of the members of the organ* p. m., while the 11:20 p. m. tfain Heart. At SfcPJiilomena ing little note: event in which many organization«, lxation who «»template attending will have sleepers only. N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa., ' gtTstanislaus. , churches and associations are Join- the dedication of the "Nuns of the Mrs. Horan said it is important . nativity. Pay. Tribute to Vnlm ef Christian Aufust 21, 1MM. Church ia, Civic Life and Lauds ing, together with military organi- Battlefields" memorial at Washing- that reports for reservations be Diocesan Union of Sodalities, __ Barnard. zations. ton, D. C., September 20, especially made early, so that each group of St Lawrence. Handsome < horfh Structure« Pittsburgh, Pa., The celebrant at the Mass will be for guidance in preparations for members of sufficient numbers Rev. and Dear Father: ' ¡7 ft, Frtncis. Father Edward A. Wallace, of St, making the trip from points in this holding tickets for the Pullman cars M. Piter and Paul. The flrat iawn fete in the history The very interesting article te of St. Philomena church, Qeechwood Joan of Arc Church, Manhattan district. or sleepers will be assigned a this week's Sodality sews, an the ' «atlvity. Beach, New York, former chaplain Special car," with no other trav- , Mary. boulevard and Monitor street, was qualifications for oriests house- held Tuesday and Wednesday even- of the Eightieth Division. These plans The Catholic sets elers aboard. This feature in the keepers, was certainly as weleome _lig, St. Mary. ing of this week. Mayor William Father James Delaney, assistant forth for information of its read- arrangements as promised by the and instructive as any I have mad , St. Anthony. A. Magee opened lie fete with a priest ot St. Mary Church, Forty- ers, and elsewhere in this same railroad company is important and for some time. , & Kieran. brief address in which he discussed sixth street, Pittsburgh, will preach issue will be found an article giv- pleasant, since it gives all mem- In reading the advertising for St. Marks, the influence of the church on civic the sermon. It is expected that the ing the prngram-for the dedicatory bers an opportunity to make the such housekeepers by pastors m nor (ti«, St. Joseph. life. capacity of the Cathedral will be services at Washington, and a very trip under advantageous conditions papers, and immediately below that ~ Croati. taxed by the crowds in attendance. accurate and well written descrip- and in the privacy of their own of a woman for just such a position, om, St. Patrick«. Mayor Maree said, in part: "The tion of the monument. memberships. neither party signing the name, mm Ii, St. Peters. high type'of civilization which we now enjoy is almost entirely the re- It is planned, Mrs. Horan said, It is important, too, that all at- the advertisings repeated for weeks, d, St. Joseph English. ECCLESIASTICAL for all members to leave Pittsburgh tend the meeting of the organ iza made me think how useful jast such , St Monica, sult of the Christian religion. You a bureau would be of whieh you owe much to your religion, and your on September 19. Arrangements tion presidents on Friday night Over k, St. Cyprian, have been made with officers of the (tomorrow), in Room 305, Knights speak •• tit Cedila. debt should be paid by supporting it HERALDRY AND ITS Your drnsgki s financially as well as morally: Pennsylvania railroad to supply of Columbus Building, Fourth ave- Then persons suitable for "such a 1 St. Bona venture. either an extra train or special nue, Pittsburgh, for discussion of position might register and priests JohnhnHi Medicine fer 'St. Alphonsus. "To flourish, a church needs the ANCIENT ORIGIN sleepers on other trains as desired. Anal arrangements. Mrs. Horan will in need of a competent housekeeper noi have it is g, St Martha, hearty financial support of its mem- All tickets purchased by the mem- preside jt is anticipated. Her tel- might apply, feeling confident that j, St Mary, 46th St. bers. Funds are necessary to pro- Beginning of Chirtrch Symbols and bers will be good and valid on the ephone number is Fafayette 0317-J, none but reliable parsons wonld be paid^ yon send mr I », SS. Cyril and Meth* vide proper and creditable church recommended. » o rather loWh buildings, and also to secure tal- Insignia is Hidden in Mysteries of trains leaving Pennsylvania Sta- and reports should be sent in to her, tion, Pittsbuigh, at 8, 9:40 a. m.; so that special groups for different Please answer the following qtte»- Mm.r mm bton, St Joseph, ented ministers and teachers. The The Past. tions which I have heard aa)»d any generous support of our churches, 1 o'clock, 8:05, 10:40 and 11:30 p. trains can be made up at onee, and even Dolors. m., all these schedules given as reported back to the railroad com- eral times and which were not in- St Peter. of which thia is a splendid example, Ecclesiastical heraldry naturally pany. cluded in your article: 1. Do such 1an, St Agnes. is something of which the city of divides itself into several branches, Eastern Standard Time, one hour housekeepers make any promises or BARGAIN TKAM9 St Peter's. Pittsburgh may he proud." namely; the arms of religious cor- vows? i Most they stay say defi- WbSÊÈ.A,-* ¡SL Hedwig, Colored lights added to the dec- porations and other bodies, the in- nite time onee they aooept the ' [•* ; file, St. Teresa. orations of the grounds and booths signia of ecclesiastical dignity, Supreme Officers of Knights of St thm? Thanking sou for your And Want CohMwjPor SS. Cyril and Meth- whose quickly depleted stocks at- ranks and office, the charges, terms nesa and assuring»you of my inter- tested the popularity of their wares. and forms of general heraldry hav- George Attend Allentown Convention est in this subject, I remain, a, St Ambrose, The general chairmen were P. F. ing a religious origin, usage or Ydurs respectfully, k, St Joseph, Bloom- Casey and Mrs. T. A. Hogan. The character, the emblems and other; Mrs. L. C. R. Readers of the Pkb» . following were members of the vari- devices attributed to or typifying Southwest District Committee Holds Special Meeting at Scott- ous committees: .W. J. Bale, Dr. T. particular saints or other objects - Questions Answered bux&i •ocm^II^ held in veneration by the Church. dale—Other News of the Order In regard to the first vpstioa the IL APPOINTMENTS A, Hogan, George Eichenlaub, S. F. Sheedy, M. F. Whalen, C. M. Rauth, The origin of heraldry is shroud- answer is that she takes no vows Earl Tovey, Edward Fedigan, Jo- ed in mystery. It seems that it is Supreme President Joseph H. present at this meeting are located and makes no promisee whatever, If peu want a Ml «Mm ÁÉlf P. Hensler appointed except what may he expectef) from St 's church, seph Wassell, Fred Robinshaw, E. rathe; a development of three ideas Reiman and Supreme Vice Presi- at Carrolltown, Spangler, Nicktown, female kiafe or s Brendan S. Fitzsimmons ami T. J. Sweeney. none of which alone can be regarded dent Herman L. Hegner represented Ebensburg, Patton and Hastings. any faithful servant to attend to mobile, sr~s*y s as heraldry. The first beginnings the Supreme Board o{ Managers of At the latter place on the third Sun- one's duties, to ae honest, etc., etc. sat,'ft doeire to _ Father William B. McKenna is As regards the time ¿he must Reserve Township pastor of St. Philomena's. may be traced to the representation the Knights of St. George at the day of October the next meeting is eles whatsoever for of some personal device or emblem Allentown Convention, August 24 to to be held and in connection there- stay after accepting the position, UN Cils column and iy all married women indicative of the individual—an idea 27. The two local officers left Sat- with an open public meeting for there Is no limit whatever. Upon {«factory results. Jib will receive Holy Com- which may be traced through the urday for the convention, which is which the committee is already bus- due notification she may give up ner rQNnKttrg*lt into —___— \ i body in the 7 o'clock More Pittsburgh standards qf the Children of Israel, the sixty-eighth annual meeting of ily arranging an attractive program.