confrontation. Persian Gulf without causing any military that would safeguard free shipping in the of Germanjoining aninternationalcoalition However, they don’t rule out the possibility and will only fuel the tensions in the region. decision good a not is “European mission” military action out of the framework of the and politiciansalsobelievethattaking any in thePersianGulf. find a diplomatic solution for the problems close contacttoreducethetensionsand tion; however, the three countries are in U.S. strategyforcreatingamilitary coali Britain and France are not going to follow eign Affairs also announced that Germany, in responsetothecurrentissues. hasty decisionanditmeansjumpingahead added thatformingamilitarycoalitionis also He clear. been always has policy its stance onthissubjecthasnotchangedand the PersianGulfandaddedthatGermany’s in U.S. coalitionforsafeguardingshippingin nounced that Germany will not participate in theStraitofHormuz. a militarycoalitiontocontroltheshipping starting U.S.and Britainfor the of request should look after of its ships on its own. mon issueforbothBritainandtheU.S. problems inthestraitofHormuzisacom forces inFloridaandannouncingthatthe American ference intheheadquartersof major reaction was taking part in a con- Islamic Republic; infact, Britain’sonly reaction totheseizureofitsshipsby passive a hand,had other Britain,the on international consensusovertheissue; front one-to-oneandisseekingan one hand, U.S. has lost confidence to con timetomakesucharequest;perfect on Persian Gulf. and takepart injointnavy projectsinthe Hormuz of Strait the control to coalition T administration and Johnson’s hampering Brexit Germany ISNA/ Hadi Zand -Baku trade more thandoubled Heiko Maas,Heiko GermanministerforFor German Vice ChancellorOlafScholzan- Mike PompeoalsoannouncedthatBritain Most other German representatives Most otherGermanrepresentatives the to reacted also officials German This, however, doesn’t seem like the the Britaintojoinaninternational and States United the from requests days,hese Germanyisreceiving many Journalist ARTICLE Morteza Khansari Morteza 7 7 against Russia sanctions U.S. Tehran condemns WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM - - - - 3 Pages all Venezuelans were ready to respond in kind. Maduro said such measures were “illegal” and American country. pose a blockade oraquarantineontheSouth Arab Emirates announced a “strate Arab Emiratesannounced gic redeployment”fromHudaydahandamore the next phaseinYemen. the the two Arab allies avoid confrontation with Iran, he said, adding war on Yemen since March 2015. within ployment Yemen’s portcityofHudaydah. Gulf countryhasbeenredeployingitsforcesin Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash says the Persian — TEHRAN the la,” to imposeaquarantineorblockadeonVenezue he asked. “Itisclearlyillegal.” broadcast onFriday. blockade,”Madurosaidinastatetelevision posed Trump aboutasupposedquarantine, ofasup andrejectsthestatementsofDonald repudiates terpart, DonaldTrump,forthreatening coun American his at out has lashed Maduro —VenezuelanTEHRAN PresidentNicolas Tehran Times/ Akbar Badrkhani

Saudi Arabia and the UAE are determined to determined are UAE Saudi Arabiaandthe e areallpreparedforbattleifanyonetries “All ofVenezuela, inacivic-military union, Speaking during a live television interview, The remarks camelessthanamonthafter rede the that Friday on tweeted Gargash

said Maduro, adding that the threat only shows “W “A blockade, why would he announce that?” United “desperation andirritation” Price40,000Rials

Saudi Arabia, which has been waging a

Maduro readyfor battle after threatensTrump ‘quarantine’ is “theoutcomeof The UAE’s MinisterofStatefor

had agreed on a strategy for UAE troops inYemen’s redeploying Hudaydah 1.00EURO

shows U.S.frustration Sanctioning Zarif extensive dialogue”

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im ------saying thattheEmiratis“aredriven mostly that hasdeeplyupsetits Yemen “quagmire” ina“face-saving”decision the from forces its of most had pulled UAE the Yemen, hesaid. reasons thataretactical”inotherpartsof in Hudaydahandreasons thatarestrategic first” to a “peace first” strategy. “military a from moving was country the said anonymity, of condition on speaking was who limited retreat elsewhere in Yemen. rounds ofsanctionsagainsttheoil-richcountry Trump said: “Yes,Iam.” he was considering a blockade or a quarantine, administration. 39thyear It quotedWesternandArabdiplomatsas “We do have troop levels that are down for According to Press TV, a senior UAE official, The New York Times reported in July that July in reported Times York New The Washington hasalreadyimposedseveral whether Thursday on reporter a by Asked 3 No.13453

Saudi allies. Sunday


at 2020Tokyo hungry towin gold Fencer Mojtaba Abedini 4,2019 U.S. tochannelthemGuaido. Venezuela’scated stateoilassetsbasedinthe bloody war on Yemen. training toatleast5,000mercenariesinthe along with Yemen’s armed forces. movement, which has been defending the country regime andeliminatetheHouthiAnsarullah March 2015inanattempttoreinstallaformer that the war was “unwinnable.” Yemen becauseithadcometotheconclusion from withdrawing been had had UAE the that country ofBarbados. resentatives andtheoppositioninCaribbean that was ongoing between his government’s rep decisions like it took this week.” session, theU.S. governmentmakesbad, perverse said. he scribing themas“Illegal,spuriousdecisions”. humanrightsviolations. for alleged Friday slapped sanctions on two security officials president earlierthisyear. figure Juan Guaido, who declared himself interim to oust Maduro and replace their Saudiallies.” become toohigh, even ifitmeansangering has cost whose war a exit to desire their by See page4 See Saudi Arabia launched the war on Yemen in On Thursday, the New York Times also revealed Maduro “Stupid decisionsaboutsupposedsanctions,” In moveagainstCaracas,theU.S. itslatest on The Trump administration has even The UAE has provided weapons, funding, weapons, provided has UAE The de measures, new the denounced Maduro neering fields. usedinmedical andtissueengi are later oinks method to deposit materials known as layer-by-layer the utilizes 3D bioprinting natural tissuecharacteristics. biomedical partsthatmaximally imitate growth factors, and printing–like techniquestocombine cells, oprinting technology. artificial bones using three dimensional bi Sciencehavemanagedtoproduce of Medical Researchers atShahidBeheshtiUniversity

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unveiled was referring to a new round of talks

bones not fulfiltheirobligations,”hetold of previousactionsifothersidesdo This step will be taken in continuation who should take decision in this respect. their obligations. parties totheagreementdonothonor 2015the nucleardealifremaining next stepinreducingcommitmentsunder mad Javad Zarif has said Iran will take the TEHRAN — a target and warhead explosion power of hitting of capability,accuracy changing track performance, flight level control “altitude system’s the confirmed said it which tests, yesterday’s over isfaction” artillery system. supervised the first test of the same rocket TEHRAN— in Riyadh,MehrreportedonSaturday. embassy Swiss the in section interest Iran’s establishing of issue the pursue resuming UmrahHajj. dignity andsafetyofIranianpilgrimsfor Tehran’s conditionincludingguaranteeing mad Saleh bin Taher Benten has welcomed —SaudiHajjMinisterMuham- TEHRAN 15 Riyadh welcomes Iran’scondition for “It istheIslamicRepublicofIran KCNA said Kim expressed “great sat expressed Kim said KCNA Benten also said he will personally will he said also Benten

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2,1440 Dhul Hijjah

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to fabricate Generally, resuming Umrah Hajj launcher testfire


3D bi ------objects ofchildren’s life to showcasehistorical Iran opensexhibition - - is outofcompliance. plying with the deal if the other side certain circumstances, tostopcom underside, one allows and disputes provided amechanismtoresolve name forthenuclearagreement. the framework of the JCPOA, the official Saturday. ICANA in an interview published on kilometers away. are thousandsofattack targetsthat now can forces Yemeni that showed mistake byinvadingYemen. starting torealizethattheymade abig now are supporters its and Saudis the Arabia andUAEinregardtoYemen. greements keep growing between Saudi disa the invaders, fight to power more even thefurthestpartofSaudiArabia. creasing rapidly and they can now target in is forces Yemeni of power military the that know to invaders Saudi the to successful attackssentaclearmessage launched successively inoneday. The psychological war. a biasedreportoftheattackstostart The media affiliated with Saudi also gave Emirates condemnedtheresistantgroups. Arab United the as such supporters its and drone attacks while Saudi-Arabia and missile large unprecedented two these third operation on the way. side continue the attacks, there will be a opposing in Sana’athatifthe announced Yemen NationalLiberationGovernment in TaizzandZale. were getting ready to attack two regions city ofAden. Thetargetedmilitaryforces itary campintheYemenisouthernport militia forcesdeployedinal-Jala’a mil senior officerwere killed during the attack. Khalifa Haftar. 41soldiers, includinga Aden byrenegademilitarycommander tacked amilitaryparadeorganizedin middle-range ballisticmissilesandat Yemeni groupsusedQasefdronesand Saudi’s giantoilcompany. the mainexportcenterofAramco, the major businessesinSaudiArabiaandis of theSaudiArabia. Thecityishometo Persian Gulf,inthefurthesteasternpart Y long-range missiles The riseofYemeni ballistic missile. for the very first time with a long-range grims. respecting thedignityofIranianpil the safetyandcluding guaranteeing Umrah HajjforIranianpilgrims, in lighted Iran’sconditionforresuming Organization AlirezaRashidian. with head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage missiles. launches were likely of short-range ballistic thatyesterday’sies sharedanassessment said theU.S. andSouthKoreanmilitar Korea. mention oftheUnitedStatesorSouth guided ordnancerocket.” the He noted that Iran’s actions are within Paragraph 36oftheJCPOAhas With thefastprogressofYemeniforces, Zeifullah al-Shami, thespokespersonof The operation was carried out against Dammam cityliesinthebanksof Most importantly, theoperation the Yemeniresistantgroupsgain As were operations unique Yemeni’s Yemeni resistantgroupslaunched resistant Inanother operation,the During the meeting, Rashidian high meeting,Rashidian the During He madetheremarksduringameeting South Korea’s presidential office had The reportdidn’tincludeanydirect East SaudiArabia,inDammam, tacked thefurthesteasternpartof at groups public armyand emen 3 3 13 MehrNewsAgency REPORT journalist Fatemeh Salehi

7 7 2 2 16 ------I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS AUGUST 4, 2019

Rouhani aide: ‘Zarif is Iranian people’s voice’ Europeans to opt for route of

POLITICAL TEHRAN — Vice President for Parliamentary deskAffairs Hossein-Ali Amiri said on Saturday that Foreign Minister is “the Iranian peo- dialogue with Iran ple’s voice” and sanctioning him shows Washington’s weakness. By staff and agency Spanish newspaper El Confidencial said Nathalie Tocci, special adviser to European on Thursday Madrid had received an official Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogher- request from the United States to participate in ini, has said that the Europeans will opt for these forces. However, the same sources said “dialogue” and “diplomacy” with Iran on the that “the Spanish government has currently issue of security in the Persian Gulf region. no intention to participate in joint U.S.-led “So long as [Europeans] see a chance of forces,” Middle East Monitor reported. freedom of navigation being secured through Japan’s Mainichi Shimbun also reported dialogue and diplomacy with Iran, they will that Tokyo won’t send ships to join the U.S.- opt for this route,” Politico quoted her as led maritime force. saying on Friday. During a press conference on Wednesday, “Sanctioning the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Her comments came as the U.S. has an- German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also Iran by the U.S. indicates that all the enemy’s plots have been nounced plans to form a Washington-led said his country “would not participate in foiled. And the U.S. does not intend to sanction Zarif but does not maritime force to supposedly secure the Strait the mission the United States plans to form.” want the world hear the Iranian people’s voice,” he told reporters. of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, which hosts Tensions in the Persian Gulf have been In separate statements on Wednesday, the U.S. Treasury and considerable international oil shipments. on the rise in the past several months. State Department announced imposition of sanctions against Zarif, Tocci said, “Clearly, a military operation On 4 July, Royal Marines were involved a move which was interpreted as a total rejection of diplomacy in the Gulf would increase exponentially the in the seizure of Iranian oil tanker Grace 1 off repeatedly claimed by the Trump administration. potential triggers for a confrontation with Gibraltar, claiming that the ship was carrying Iran.” oil to in breach of EU sanctions. Iran So far Berlin, Madrid and Tokyo have called it an act of “piracy”. rejected an official request from Washing- Days later, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Any security arrangement in ton to participate in a naval coalition in the Corps seized British-flagged Stena Impero Persian Gulf should be endorsed Persian Gulf. in the Strait of Hormuz. by Iran: American academic POLITICAL TEHRAN — An American academic and Iran will take next step to scale back nuclear activities if obligations not met: Zarif deskpolitical analyst says any measures aimed at boosting security in the Persian Gulf region need to be endorsed 1 Under the nuclear deal, Iran agreed to put limits Helga Schmid, secretary general of the European External by all stakeholders, including Iran. on its nuclear activities in exchange for the termination of Action Service (EEAS), also issued a statement saying that “Russia’s call for collective security in the Persian Gulf has been economic and financial sanctions. “participants reaffirmed their continued commitment to endorsed by China and could be mandated by the UN Security However, Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the preserving the JCPOA.” Council if the U.S. was so willing. But the U.S. wants to impose UN-endorsed JCPOA in May 2018 and imposed the toughest She also said, “They recalled that both nuclear commitments its own unilateral security force on the Gulf composed of itself ever sanctions against Iran in line with his administration’s and sanctions-lifting are essential parts of the agreement.” and its European allies. But, not even the staunchest ally of the “maximum pressure” policy against Tehran. On May 8, exactly one year after the U.S. withdrew from U.S., the UK, has responded positively to the U.S. proposal,” The remaining parties, particularly the European sides, the multi-nation nuclear agreement and reimposed sanc- Dennis Etler, a professor of anthropology at Cabrillo College have failed to honor their commitments since the U.S. re- tions on Iran, Tehran said its “strategic patience” is over in Aptos, California, told Tasnim news agency in an interview imposed the sanctions. and announced a partial withdrawal from some aspects of published on Saturday. Zarif also said that the remaining JCPOA members are the pact, saying that the country would no longer adhere to unanimous in their views that the U.S. has caused all the some of the limits on its nuclear activities. It also threatened tensions surrounding the JCPOA. to step up uranium enrichment if an agreement is not made The remaining JCPOA parties held an emergency meeting within 60 days to protect it from the sanctions’ effects. closely with France and Britain, and the goal remained to in Vienna on July 28 to discuss Iran’s moves in reducing In follow-up to that deadline, on July 7 Iran announced uphold the nuclear agreement with Iran. its nuclear commitments and explore ways to save the nu- that it has started enriching uranium to a higher purity than In a phone conversation with French President Emma- clear deal. the 3.67% as the Europeans missed the 60-day deadline to nuel Macron on Tuesday, President said Abbas Araghchi, the deputy foreign minister and a top devise a concrete mechanism to protect the country from the first step that Europe should take to save the JCPOA is nuclear negotiator who represented Iran in the meeting, the U.S. sanctions. to normalize oil and banking ties. called the talks “constructive”. However, he warned Iran Iran has not yet said what the next step would be but “Unfortunately, despite Iran’s full commitment to its would continue to reduce its nuclear commitments if Eu- it can include reinstalling more centrifuges or using more obligations, only a small part of Iran’s economic interests ropeans failed to salvage the pact. advanced centrifuges. has been met, and after the withdrawal of the United States, “The atmosphere was constructive. Discussions were German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said on Wednesday we have not only not seen any serious action by Europe in good. I cannot say that we resolved everything, I can say that Germany is working with Britain and France to uphold this respect, but also some European companies left Iran there are lots of commitments,” the senior nuclear negoti- the nuclear deal. following United States’ unilateral sanctions,” Rouhani “Any security arrangement in the Persian Gulf needs to be ator told Reuters. According to Reuters, he said Germany was coordinating stated. endorsed by all stakeholders, including Iran, and be administered by the UN,” he stressed. About the fact that former British foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt recently unveiled plans for a European-led naval mission, Why should Iran be cherished and defended? which he said would be aimed at ensuring safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, the American academic stated, “The British By Andre Vltchek what world are we really living? Could this be people do. They are Shia Muslims. So what? near their shores, and deadly B-52s deployed plan, a response to Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker tolerable? Can the world just stand by, idly, I do not insist that everyone thinks like me. only dozens of miles away. in the (Persian) Gulf, a move that came after British forces cap- As I pen this short essay, Iran is standing and watch how one of the greatest countries And my Iranian friends, comrades, brothers Iranians are brave, proud people. If tured an Iranian oil tanker near Gibraltar that the UK claimed against the mightiest nation on earth. It is on earth gets violated by aggressive, brutal and sisters have never insisted that I feel confronted, if attacked, they will fight. was heading for Syria in breach of European Union sanctions, facing tremendous danger; of annihilation forces, without any justification? or think the same way as they do. They are And they will die with dignity, if there is was proposed independently from the U.S. mission, but likewise even, if the world does not wake up fast, I love Iran! I love its cinema, poetry, not fanatics, and they do not make people no other alternative. has garnered no takers. Like the U.S. proposal, it is a unilateral and rush to its rescue. food. I love Teheran. And I love the Iranian who are not like them, feel excluded. We But why? Why should they fight and imposition of a Western solution to a global problem precipi- Stunning Iranian cities are in danger, but people with their polite, educated flair. I are different and yet so similar. We fight why should they die? tated by the U.S.” above all, its people: proud and beautiful, love their thinkers. I don’t want anything for a better world. We are internationalists. Those of you, my readers, living in the In another part of the interview, Etler also provided com- creative, formed by one of the oldest and bad to happen to them. We respect each other. We respect others. West: Study; study quickly. Then ask this ments on Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the U.S. deepest cultures on earth. You know, you were of course never Iran does not want to conquer anyone. question to your government: “What is the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who recently said Washington was working This is a reminder to the world: Iran may told by the Western media, but Iran is a But when its friends are attacked, it offers reason for this terrible scenario?” to form a military coalition to protect commercial shipping off be bombed, devastated and injured terribly, socialist country. It professes a system that a helping hand. Like to Syria. Rent Iranian films; they are everywhere, the coast of Iran and Yemen. “The U.S. wants to maintain its for absolutely no reason. I repeat: there could be defined as “socialism with Iranian In the past, it was colonized by the winning all festivals. Read Iranian poets. regional hegemony in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden. is zero rational reason for attacking Iran. characteristics”. Like China, Iran is one of West, and its democratic government Go eat Iranian food. Search for images of Other regional players, such as Russia and China, will, however, Iran has never attacked anyone. It has the most ancient nations on earth, and it is was overthrown, in 1953, simply because both historic and modern Iranian cities. not sit idly by and let the U.S.-run roughshod over the region. done nothing bad to the United States, to the perfectly capable of creating and developing it wanted to use its natural resources for Look at the faces of the people. Do not allow Other nations will not enter into a coalition with the U.S. as it United Kingdom, or even to those countries its own economic and social system. improving the lives of its people. The morbid this to happen. Do not permit psychopathic will only expose themselves to grave risks that they do not want that want to destroy it immediately: Saudi Iran is an extremely successful nation. dictatorship of Shah Pahlavi was installed reasoning to ruin millions of lives. to shoulder,” he said. Arabia and Israel. Despite the embargos and terrible from abroad. And then, later, again, a terrible There was no real reason for the wars Its only ‘crime’ is that it helped devastated intimidation from the West, it still sits war unleashed against Iran by , with against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. Syria. And that it seriously stands by at the threshold of the “Very high human the full and candid support of the West. The West perpetrated the most terrible Sanctions on Zarif shows U.S. Palestine. And that it came to the rescue development”, defined by UNDP; well I promised to make this essay short. imperialist interventions, ruining entire of many far away nations, like Cuba and above such darlings of the West as Ukraine, There is no time for long litanies. And in nations. irrationality: Education Ministry Venezuela, when they were in awful need. Colombia or Thailand. fact, this is not really an essay at all: it is But Iran – it all goes one step further. I am trying to choose the simplest words. It clearly has an internationalist spirit: it an appeal. It’s a total lack of logic and accountability POLITICAL TEHRAN — In a statement issued on Saturday, No need for pirouettes and intellectual shows great solidarity with the countries that As this goes to print, many people in on the part of the West. deskthe Ministry of Education strongly condemned exercises. are being battered by Western imperialism, Iran are anxious. They do not understand Here, I declare my full support to the the U.S. administration for sanctioning Iranian Foreign Minister Thousands, millions of Iranians may including those in Latin America. what they have done to deserve this; the people of Iran, and to the country that has Mohammad Javad Zarif, IRNA reported. soon die, simply because a psychopath who I have no religion. In Iran, most of the sanctions, the U.S. aircraft carriers sailing been giving countless cultural treasures to The statement underlined that the improper move in fact reflected is currently occupying the White House the world, for millennia. the failure and concern of the Trump administration about the strong wants to humiliate his predecessor, who Iran is an extremely successful nation. It is because I have doubts that if Iran is and effective logic of Iran’s chief diplomat. signed the nuclear deal. This information Despite the embargos and terrible destroyed, the human race could survive. The U.S. Treasury’s unusual and non-diplomatic move that put was leaked by his own staff. This is not Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, Zarif on its list of sanctions indicates Washington’s unilateralism and about who is a bigger gangster. It is about intimidation from the West, it still sits at filmmaker and investigative journalist. He also lack of wisdom on the part of its leaders, it said. the horrible fact that antagonizing Iran has the threshold of the “Very high human has covered wars and conflicts in dozens On Thursday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the U.S. absolutely nothing to do with Iran itself. development”, defined by UNDP; of countries. move, describing the measure as a clear sign of the White House’s Which brings the question to my mind: in (Source: New Eastern Outlook) “frustration”. The new U.S. sanction reveals its administration’s fear and weak- ness in face of Iran’s smart diplomacy, which is based upon logic, the ministry said. India working for early release of 18 crew of British ship seized by Iran Zarif told the New York Times earlier this month that little was at stake for him even if he were sanctioned. “I personally do not even External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday said that UAE, to Jubail, Saudi Arabia, and was detained on July 19, have a bank account outside Iran,” he said. the Indian government is working for the early release and along with 22 other sailors (including 18 Indians) at the Foreign officials and dignitaries have also condemned sanctions repatriation of all the 18 Indian crew members on board Strait of Hormuz by the IRGC. against Zarif, saying it will erode chances for a de-escalation of conflict the British-flagged tanker, which has been detained by the India had recently availed consular access to 18 Indian between Iran and the United States. Revolutionary Guards of Iran (IRGC) in the Strait of Hormuz. crew members on board the UK registered ship. The European Union has announced that it will continue to en- “We are focused on the early release and repatriation Iran had last month seized the Stena Impero ship. Fol- gage Zarif. of all 18 Indian crew members of Stena Impero. Officers lowing the seizure, cargo vessel owner said that there were Zarif is recognized as a highly qualified diplomat. Dianne Feinstein, of our Embassy in Tehran have met them and they seem 23 people on board with 18 Indian nationals, a statement a California Democratic senator, criticized the move, saying it was a to be in good health with adequate supplies. We remain in issued by company Stena Bulk said. “mistake” to sanction Zarif and described him as a “capable” diplomat. constant contact with Iranian authorities to resolve this,” S The vessel owner has also said that the crew is in good Majid Takht Ravanchi, Iran’s permanent representative to the Jaishankar said on , India Today reported. health. United Nations, told IRNA that sanctions on Zarif shows the lack of S Jaishankar shared the update after Tamil Nadu Chief “Our insurers in the region have been in contact with the sincerity on the part of the U.S. in seeking negotiations. Minister K Palaniswami brought to the notice of the Centre head of marine affairs at the port of Bandar Abbas, who has “Sanctions cannot silence the telling and reasoned language of and MEA on the plight of Chennai-based Adithyaa Vasude- detained by Iran. reported that the crew members of our vessel Stena Impero Zarif,” noted Takht Ravanchi who was a negotiator with the 5+1 van, aged 27, along with 18 other Indian sailors, who were Palaniswami further wrote in the letter that Vasudevan, are in ‘good health’ and that the tanker is at the nearby Ban- countries in crafting the 2015 nuclear deal. on board when the UK registered ship Stena Impero was working in the ship as third officer, was sailing from Fujairah, dar Bahonar anchorage,” the company statement added. TECHNOLOGY


Sanctioning Zarif shows U.S. Zarif: B-Team shrinking as Iran’s frustration, says Kharrazi regional dialog advances POLITICAL TEHRAN – As Iran’s regional dialog POLITICAL TEHRAN – Kamal Khar- state’s remarks, saying Iranian journalists deskand non-aggression pact is advancing the deskrazi, chairman of Iran’s have frequently invited him and other U.S. B-Team shrinks, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, has officials for interviews, but they have flatly said on Friday. strongly criticized a recent move by the U.S. refused the offers. “As Iran’s regional dialog & non-aggression pact advance, government to impose sanctions on Foreign In his statement, Kharrazi said as a result #B_Team shrinks,” Zarif said in a tweet. Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, saying of the sanctions, U.S. media outlets would the move demonstrated the White House’s inevitably face troubles over conducting “frustration” with Iran. interviews with Zarif. “The U.S. measure to sanction Dr. Zarif “We should wait and see how the media means the White House is frustrated in the and social networks react to such anti-freedom face of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s explicit of speech measure, and whether they pursue language,” Kharrazi said in a statement on their mission or they continue in silence,” Friday. he added. “The U.S. president and secretary of state Tensions between Tehran and Wash- have repeatedly called for negotiations with ington escalated ever since the U.S. ad- Iran but at the same time put sanctions on the ministration of Donald Trump adopted a head of the country’s diplomatic apparatus,” distinctly hostile approach toward Iran, he said, according to Tasnim. which included pulling out of the historic Kharrazi, who himself has served as Iran’s Iran nuclear deal and re-imposing sanc- foreign minister under President Khatami, tions on Tehran. added the move shows that the U.S. calls for Back in April, the U.S. blacklisted Iran’s talks are nothing but deceit. Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) “The U.S. president acts unilaterally even as a “foreign terrorist organization”. In against his allies as they have not been the retaliation, the Iranian Supreme National Zarif has pioneered the term “B-Team” to refer to least successful in negotiations with the U.S. Security Council named the United States the White House national security advisor John Bol- over Europe and international issues,” he Central Command (CENTCOM) a terrorist ton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi remarked. organization. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and UAE Crown On Wednesday, both the U.S. departments is an existential threat to B-Team. And since Pompeo likened a trip to Tehran to how The tensions further soared on June Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, all of whom, he suggests, of state and treasury announced the impo- reason for designating me is my words, would his Iranian counterpart communicates with 20, when the Iranian military shot down are unified in their anti-Iran agenda. sition of sanctions against Zarif because he ‘US persons’ need OFAC license to ‘engage’ the American public during his trips to the an unmanned U.S. surveillance drone after In his tweet, however, Zarif was making a reference to “acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, with me by reading my writings or listening United Nations in New York. it breached Iran’s airspace. The U.S. drone recent reports that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been directly or indirectly, the Supreme Leader to interviews?” he tweeted on Wednesday. “Sure, if that’s the call, happily go there,” entered the Iranian airspace from the United trying to engage in dialogue with Tehran, thus taking a of the Islamic Republic of Iran”. The Zarif sanctions came more than a week Pompeo said. “I’d like a chance to go, not do Arab Emirates (UAE). separate path from that of the U.S. and Israeli rulers. Responding to the move, Zarif said being after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo propaganda but speak the truth to the Iranian On June 24, Trump announced new sanc- Zarif further said, “US should stop isolating itself designated by the U.S. would not affect him said he would be willing to travel to Tehran people about what it is their leadership has tions against Iran, targeting office of Leader of & adapt to new global realities. Int’l commerce & pow- since he has no properties outside Iran. to address the Iranian people about U.S. done and how it has harmed Iran.” the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei er are shifting: neither #EconomicTerrorism against “We know that calling for dialog & peace foreign policy. Tehran dismissed the U.S. secretary of and top commanders of the IRGC. China & Iran nor exiting #INFTreaty with Russia will reverse that.” The tweet came two days after the U.S. put sanc- tions on the chief Iranian diplomat, who has become an articulate critic of the Trump administration since Tehran condemns U.S. sanctions against Russia it pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear despite interna- tional objections. POLITICAL TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Ministry measures against Moscow following the poisoning attack on deskspokesman Abbas Mousavi has condemned former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia. the latest round of U.S. sanctions against Russia, describing The 66-year-old former Russian double agent and his it as ‘economic terrorism’. daughter, 33, were found unconscious outside a restaurant “The Americans’ insanity in extreme use of economic in the southern English city of Salisbury last March. Both Riyadh welcomes terrorism and unlawful and unilateral punishments against were put into a coma following the attack and at least three countries that do not think and behave like them is a failed others were sickened. Iran’s condition for trick that has lost its efficiency and will definitely have no The Thursday move was prompted after leaders of the resuming Umrah Hajj result for that country,” Mousavi said on Friday, the Foreign House Foreign Affairs Committee sent a bipartisan letter Ministry website reported. to the White House earlier this week and urged Trump to The comments came after U.S. President Donald Trump take action. 1 The Iranian official referred to establishing Iran’s imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia over accusa- “After the first round of sanctions in response to Russia’s interest section in the Swiss embassy in Riyadh as the tions that Moscow was involved in the poisoning of a former use of novichok in an assassination attempt against a private first step to guarantee the security and dignity of the Russian spy and his daughter in Britain last year. citizen in the United Kingdom, Russia did not provide the Iranian pilgrims. According to a report published by The New York Times, assurances required under U.S. law so we are imposing the Trump signed on Thursday an executive order whereby the second round of sanctions,” a senior U.S. administration U.S. Treasury would adopt the second round of punitive official familiar with the matter told The Hill.

Sanctioning Zarif further undermines U.S. diplomatic credibility: ex-U.S. ambassador to NATO

By staff and agency Elsewhere in the article, he said, He also said the U.S. is “afraid” of Zarif. In an article published by LobeLog on “What the U.S. has done regarding “They are afraid of our foreign min- Thursday, Robert E. Hunter, a former Zarif is also consistent with Trump’s ister’s interviews. It is completely clear U.S. ambassador to NATO, said that standard tactic of trying to change the that the foundations of the White House Washington’s act in imposing sanctions subject when he gets into trouble. have been shaken by the words and logic on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad The U.S. Congress has just passed of an informed, devoted and diplomatic Javad Zarif will undermine U.S. diplo- legislation halting the supply of weap- individual,” the president pointed out. matic credibility. ons to Saudi Arabia for its conflict in Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri laud- “In the first place, it is most unusu- Yemen—characterized by the United ed Zarif’s diplomatic capability, saying, Tensions ran high between Tehran and Riyadh after al to place the chief negotiator for an Nations as the world’s worst humani- “Even wise enemies are aware of his Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh unfriendly (or even enemy) nation on tarian crisis—in which the United States intellect, skill, his rare competence in Nimr al-Nimr in January 2016, and a subsequent attack the “unwelcome” list. (along with Britain) has been deeply negotiations, creating opportunities, by outraged Iranian protesters on the Saudi embassy It is a direct violation of accepted engaged through a wide range of sup- and avoiding conflict and war.” in Tehran. Senior Iranian officials including Leader of diplomatic practice, going all the way port activities. “Sanctioning Zarif is another reason for the Islamic Revolution condemned the attack on the back to the Greeks a few thousand years This vote, including a majority in (U.S.) hypocrisy and lying in calling for ne- embassy. However, the Arab country used the attack ago, as well as of Article 31 of the 1961 the Republican-controlled Senate, was gotiations,” Jahangiri wrote on his Twitter as a pretext to expel Iranian diplomats and sever ties Vienna Convention on Diplomatic embarrassing to Mr. Trump, notwith- account. with the Islamic Republic. Relations, which governs the way in standing his veto (which has just been On Wednesday, Zarif responded to sanctions Prior to the embassy attack, a deadly crush of Hajj which countries agree to treat foreign sustained).” on himself in a tweet. pilgrims in September 2015 caused friction between diplomats,” he stated. In separate statements on Wednes- “The US’ reason for designating me is that Tehran and Riyadh. Tehran blamed mismanagement Hunter also said that the U.S. act weak- day, the U.S. Treasury and State De- I am Iran’s ‘primary spokesperson around the for the incident. More than 460 Iranians lost their ens efforts being made by those who seek to partment announced imposition of world’ lives in the crush. de-escalate Iran-West crisis. sanctions against Zarif, a move which Is the truth really that painful?” Zarif wrote. He described Zarif as “a particular- was interpreted as a total rejection of President Rouhani described the U.S. move Zarif said the move shows that Donald ly effective spokesperson for Tehran” diplomacy repeatedly claimed by the against his foreign minister as a “childish be- Trump and his team consider him as a “huge and said that sanctioning him was a Trump administration. havior”. threat” to their plots against Iran. Javier Solana says very deliberate attempt to increase the At home there was a huge torrent of support In a televised address, Rouhani said, “They “Thank you for considering me such a huge sanctioning Zarif was chances that Tehran will take more pro- for Foreign Minister Zarif who is liked by the were claiming ever day ‘we want to talk, with threat to your agenda.” vocative steps that will have the effect people and even his moderate opponents. They no preconditions’ ... and then they sanction Zarif added, “It has no effect on me or my a ‘big mistake’ of persuading European leaders to side all consider him a highly qualified diplomat the foreign minister.” family, as I have no property or interests out- with Washington. and treasure him for his rationality. side of Iran.” POLITICAL TEHRAN – Former European Union foreign deskpolicy chief Javier Solana has described the U.S. sanctions on Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Defense Ministry to manufacture 470 auto parts: MP Javad Zarif as a “big mistake”. “Imposing sanctions on Zarif was a big error,” Solana TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chairman of the parliament’s economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic’s wrote on his Twitter account on Wednesday. Industries and Mines Committee said the Defense automotive industry. In separate statements on Wednesday, the U.S. Treas- Ministry has signed a contract with domestic auto- Back in January, CEO of Iran’s major car man- ury and State Department announced imposition of sanc- makers to produce 470 auto parts that were previ- ufacturer Iran Khodro (IKCO) said his company is tions against Zarif, a move which was interpreted as a total ously imported. employing the technology that PSA Peugeot Citroen rejection of diplomacy repeatedly claimed by the Trump Speaking to Tasnim, Aziz Akbarian said that fol- has brought to Iran although the French automaker administration. lowing efforts by the Iranian administration and the has left the country in light of the U.S. sanctions. Ever since the announcement, there has been a huge parliament, a contract valued at 16,000 billion rials The IKCO chief said his company tries to continue torrent of support for the chief Iranian diplomat both at ($380 million) was signed between the Defense Min- producing the cars that were to be manufactured home and abroad. istry and domestic automakers. jointly under the contract with Peugeot even if the The European Union said on Thursday it regrets the U.S. According to the deal, the Defense Ministry’s indus- French side does not agree to keep the agreement. sanctions on Zarif and vowed to continue working with him. tries will supply 470 auto parts that were previously In June 2016, Iran Khodro and the French carmaker “We regret this decision,” said Carlos Martin Ruiz De imported, the lawmaker said. Peugeot-Citroen (PSA) agreed to launch a joint auto Gordejuela, a spokesman for EU diplomatic chief Federica He added that all of the products due to be manu- company in Tehran under a joint venture worth 400 Mogherini. factured by the Defense Ministry are electronic parts. million euros. “From our side, we will continue to work with Mr. Zarif as Last week, a deputy defense minister said the But in 2018, the French company reneged on the Iran’s most senior diplomat and in view of the importance ministry plans to boost cooperation with domestic agreement and decided to obey the U.S. sanctions of maintaining diplomatic channels,” Martin said. companies producing auto parts in a bid to counter against Tehran by leaving Iran. II NN TT EE RR NN AA TT II OO NN AA LL DD AA II LL YY 4 ADVERTISEMENTSECONOMY AUGUST 4,4, 20192019

STOCK MARKET Tehran-Baku trade TEDPIX 254453.8 IFX 3393.74 Sources:, more than doubled ECONOMY TEHRAN – The trade “The number of Iranian companies CURRENCIES deskturnover between Iran active in Azerbaijan has also grown by USD 42,000 rials and Azerbaijan has grown 2.2 times in more than 34 percent in the past six the past six months compared to the months,” Dejpasand said. EUR 46,670 rials same timespan last year, IRIB reported, Elsewhere in his remarks, the offi- GBP 51,067 rials quoting Iranian Minister of Finance cial noted that the two countries share and Economic Affairs Farhad Dejpasand common interests in a variety of areas AED 11,437 rials as saying. including energy, banking and customs, Source: Dejpasand made the remarks after a and this will be covered in a memorandum meeting with Azerbaijan`s Minister of of understanding which will be discussed Economy Shahin Mustafayev in Tehran in the upcoming Iran-Russia-Azerbaijan on Saturday. joint trilateral summit in Sochi. He mentioned the positive cultural, Dejpasand also stated that another COMMODITIES political and economic relations between meeting with the Azerbaijani minister Brent $61.89/b the two nations, saying that the two has been scheduled for fall during which sides have joint investment projects the two sides will discuss expansion of WTI $55.66/b underway in various fields such as rail Iranian Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Farhad Dejpasand (R) speaking to cooperation in more areas like auto- OPEC Basket $63.79/b industry and the two countries’ trade the press after meeting with Azerbaijan’s Economy Minister Shahin Mustafayev (L) in motive, pharmaceuticals, agriculture will increase even more in near future. Tehran on Saturday and even education. Gold $1,441.75/oz Silver $16.26/oz Platinium $847.80/oz Importing cryptocurrency mining equipment bound to industry ministry’s permit Sources:, ECONOMY TEHRAN – The Islamic Republic of or mining of such currencies is on the involved deskIran Customs Administration (IRICA) parties and not subject to government or banking has announced that clearing cryptocurrency mining sys- system guarantees. PMO entrusts domestic tems and equipment requires necessary permits from the According to the government decision, mining cryptocur- Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade. rencies, like any other industrial activities, will be subject to companies with constructing According to Mehrdad Jamal Arvanaghi, IRICA dep- tax rules and miners can only be exempted from tax if they uty for customs affairs, order registration is one of the return part of their earned currencies into the country’s $476m of port equipment essential steps for clearing such equipment which are economic cycle. classified as belonging to the group of automated data Iran has been recently wrestling with over con- ECONOMY TEHRAN – Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organi- processing machines, data transfer machines and data sumption of electricity by cryptocurrency mining farms desk zation (PMO) has awarded domestic companies checking machines. across the country as many have rushed to mine coins the projects for supplying 20 trilling rials (over $476 million) “Computers, laptops, disc readers, and other data pro- due to cheap electricity.In late June, Energy Ministry worth of port equipment, Tasnim reported on Saturday, quoting cessing equipment, such as motherboards, graphic cards as announced that due to bitcoin mining processes the an official with the organization as saying. well as audio and video processing equipment also belong country’s electricity consumption increased by sev- “Most of the contracts for supplying equipment for the coun- to this category,” he added. en-percent this summer. try’s ports have been signed with Iranian companies, however Arvanaghi further explained that importers of such com- Consequently, the ministry proposed that the still nearly 60 percent of the mentioned equipment cannot be modities are required by law to apply exclusively to the costs of electricity for cryptocurrency miners made inside the country and we need to import them,” Farhad Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade in order to obtain should be determined based on electricity ex- Montaser Kouhsari said. an “entry permit” and an “order registration”, after doing port rates. which customs are obliged to clear their goods. Following the Energy Ministry, Iran’s Power Generation In late July, the government approved cryp- and Distribution Company (known as TAVANIR) also an- tocurrency mining as an industrial activity, and nounced that using electricity for mining cryptocurrencies announced that cryptocurrency miners should get is illegal and those household or commercial subscribers necessary licenses from the Industry, Mining and that use electricity for such activities will be cut off from Trade Ministry and all the risks regarding the usage the national grid.

Sistan-Baluchestan quarterly non-oil exports rise 86% yr/yr The official noted that 40 percent of the ports’ required equip- ment and services, including engineering designs, molding and ECONOMY TEHRAN– The value of non-oil construction of structures, assembly, commissioning, training, and deskexports from Iran’s southeastern testing is supplied and delivered by capable Iranian companies. province of Sistan-Baluchestan jumped 86 percent Montaser further mentioned some of the problems which during the first quarter of current Iranian calendar IN THE NAME OF GOD PMO is facing for importing equipment into the country during year (March 21-June 21) from that of the same quarter First Announcement the sanctions, saying “High costs and the foreign manufactur- in the past year, head of the province’s Industry, Mining ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING ers’ skepticism and uncertainty regarding trade with Iran in the and Trade Department announced. shadow of the U.S. sanction are some of the main issues we are Nader Mirshekar said that 377,067 tons of non-oil struggling with in this area.” commodities worth $258 million were exported from “We are also facing some problems with domestic manufac- the province during the three-month period, Mehr news EXTENSION OF INTERNATIONAL TENDER NO. 98-02/105 agency reported.The official also noted that the border turers, for instance we cannot sign contracts based on foreign Tender Holder: currencies with them since it is illegal to do so,” he added. markets accounted for the lion’s share of the exports The official went on saying that considering the country’s huge saying that easy access to the markets of neighboring ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING (IRIB) potentials in this area and having great experts and workforce countries, facilitation of exports process and also ad- in the industry, the U.S. sanctions won’t be a permanent hurdle ministrative bureaucracy have been the main reasons Subject of Two-Stage Tender: in the way of the country’s growth. for considerable exports growth in this province. Supply of Equipment and Development of an Infrastructure management system according to the “We either find a way, or create one,” he said. Major products exported from the province in the tender documents mentioned time span were construction materials (cement), gas, watermelon, tomato, dates, sanitary wares, mainly exported to the neighboring countries Deadline of Receiving Documents: TEDPIX gains 1,581 of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, , and United As of publishing second announcement of advertisement latest by the business hour dated on Arab Emirates. Saturday August 10, 2019. points in a week As previously announced by the head of Trade Pro- motion Organization (TPO), Iran has exported $11.5 ECONOMY TEHRAN–TEDPIX, the main index of Tehran Place of Receiving Documents: desk billion of non-oil commodities during the first quarter. Stock Exchange (TSE), has risen 1,581 points to Mohammadreza Modoudi said that the non-oil ex- Secretariat of Tenders’ Commission, Technical Purchasing (KALA) Dept., Media Technology and 254,446 during the five working days of the past Iranian calendar ports during spring (the first quarter) of this year has Development Deputy Office, Bldg. No. 2, IRIB, Jam-e Jam St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran week (Saturday to Wednesday), Tasnim news agency reported. not changed compared to the spring of previous year. As reported, some 10.399 billion securities worth 42.463 tril- The official put the value of non-oil imports at $10.2 Type and Amount of Guarantee for Participating in Tender: lion rials (about $1.011 billion) were traded through 1.278 million billion during the first quarter of this year, falling 8.7 deals at TSE during the past week, indicating 32.5 percent and The amount of USD 22,500 (equivalent to 2,925,000,000 Rials) which should be in the form of extendable percent from that of the same period of time in the bank guarantee 21.5 percent rise in terms of the number and value of securities, previous year. respectively, while 6.1 percent growth in the number of trades As announced by the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to its previous weak. Customs Administration (IRICA), the value of Iran’s Time and Place of Delivering Priced Bid: Based on the already released reports and data, Iran’s ex- non-oil exports stood at $44.3 billion in the previous The sealed A, B & C packages/envelopes should be submitted within one main envelope marked with tender change markets witnessed fruitful performances and results in year while $42.6 billion worth of commodities were the past Iranian calendar year 1397 (ended on March 20, 2019). number no later than 15 p.m. on Wednesday September 11, 2019 and submitted to the Secretariat of shipped into the country. Commission of Tenders. Applying new financial instruments in Iranian capital market Iran shares border with fifteen countries, namely was another achievements of the exchange markets during the the , Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, past year, as TSE officially launched “futures” in mid-December Pakistan, Russia, Oman, Azerbaijan, , Time and Place of Opening Envelopes: 2018 for more risk management and IME launched “option” in Kuwait, , Kazakhstan, Armenia, Bahrain, and The date of opening envelopes A&B is at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday September 15, 2019 in the office of Vice early March 2019 in an approach to diversify financing methods Saudi Arabia. President of IRIB Planning and Financial Resources and opening of envelope C will be after technical for agricultural products.This progressive trend is also contin- Iran plans to launch 15 mega export projects to uing in the current year, as TSE Head Ali Sahraei has recently evaluation. identify more target markets, according to TPO head. It should be noted that bidders should hold license from the authorized bodies. announced that TSE plans to launch a new market named “prime Mohammadreza Modoudi said with the implemen- market” in which the price range for the shares increase. tation of these projects, which mainly focus on the mar- Presenting at least ‘Rank 2’ from the Supreme Council of Informatics in the field of He said that only companies with a minimum transparency kets of neighboring countries, identifying professional computer-telecommunications data networks, producing and presenting non-Main Frame computers, score of 70 (out of 100) and floating stock of at least 25 percent trade and promoting export of non-oil commodities producing and backing up customer order software and security of production space and information exchange would be accepted in the prime market. will be put on agenda. Sahraei also said that there is no difference regarding rules On June 24, Sadeq Najafi, the senior advisor to Iran’s governing market makers in this and other markets, adding that For more information, please contact the following phone numbers: 0098-21-22166313 industry, mining and trade minister, said the ministry It is obvious that cost of publishing two advertisements shall be borne by the winner of tender. participation of market makers is mandatory in the prime market. has planned that the annual export of commodities and TEDPIX has increased 56,220 points or 20.4 percent to services to Iran’s 15 neighbor countries will reach $32 234,879 during the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar billion in the current Iranian calendar year (ends on Public Relations Dept. of IRIB year (March 21-June 21). March 19, 2020).In mid-April, Iranian industry, mining As reported, some 258,055 billion securities worth 723.503 and trade minister said the country plans to double its trillion rials (about $17.226 billion) were traded through 17.999 exports to the neighboring countries by the Iranian million deals at TSE during the three-month period. calendar year of 1400 (which starts in March 2021). I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 4, 2019 ENERGY 5 Ninth round of condensate offering at The largest offshore wind IRENEX to be held on Tuesday farm in the world ENERGY TEHRAN– National Mehr news agency reported. deskIranian Oil Company “Offering oil and gas condensate in the By Jack Unwin (NIOC) will offer two million barrels of international ring of IRENEX has become gas condensate at Iran Energy Exchange a legal obligation, and it will definitely be Offshore wind could be described as the younger sibling (IRENEX) on Tuesday, IRNA reported. a lasting move,” Amir Hossein Tebyanian of onshore wind, with the first offshore wind farm being As announced by NIOC, the base price said in a press conference hosted by Mehr completed off the coast of Denmark 1991. will be $60.17 per barrel in this round of news agency at the place of the agency on In countries such as the U.S., offshore wind is almost offering gas condensate at IRENEX which last Monday. non-existent at the moment, but offshore wind is particularly is the ninth round. Briefing the press about the procedures strong in the UK and Europe, with 1.9GW being installed The least amount of purchase for land and processes of NIOC’s oil and gas con- on the continent in the first half of 2019. transportation is set to be 1000 barrels or densate offerings at IRENEX, the official The UK hosts seven of the top ten largest offshore wind 110 tons and buyers can receive their cargo noted that physical sales of oil at IRENEX farms in the world, including the largest of all, Walney Ex- up to three months after the transaction, is just the first step and the main goal is to tension. and the delivery of the cargo in other regions activate other financial instruments, and Located off the coast of Cumbria in the Northwest of is subject to NIOC approval. offer Iranian crude in the regional stock England, Walney Extension has a capacity of 659MW. Offering gas condensate at IRENEX markets. Construction of the wind farm began in August 2015, with came after the successful offering of crude “We will continue offering oil at the the official opening in September 2018. It is formed of 87 oil at this market. The first offering was IRENEX in order to institutionalize the turbines, 47 8MW MHI turbines from Danish energy com- done on February 13, which failed to attract necessary procedures which are a prereq- pany Vestas and 40 7MW turbines from Siemens Gamesa, customers. uisite for improving IRENEX to the level Since the U.S.’s withdrew from Iran’s of world class stock exchanges.” he said. nuclear pact in May 2018, vowing to drive According to the official, IRENEX was Iran’s oil exports down to zero, the Islamic initially founded in an attempt to permit Republic has been taking various measures oil at the country’s stock market. barrel. With the daily supply amount of the Iranian private sector export crude oil to counter the U.S. actions and to keep its NIOC offered light crude oil at IRENEX one million barrels, the market wrapped since Washington aims to cut Iran’s oil sales. oil exports levels as high as possible. first on October 28, 2018 just few days up by selling eight 35,000-barrel cargos However now, foreign buyers have also One of the main strategies that Iran chose before new U.S. sanctions on Iran’s pe- of oil on the day. expressed willingness to engage in IRENEX to execute to help its oil exports afloat has troleum sector took effect (November 4). NIOC’s representative in Iran Energy oil offerings and welcoming the idea, NIOC been trying new ways to diversify the mech- In the first round, NIOC could sell some Exchange (IRENEX) has said that the com- is preparing necessary bases for them to anism of oil sales, one of which is offering 280,000 barrels of crude oil at $74.85 per pany will continue offering oil at IRENEX, be able to do so.

with the last turbine being installed in April 2018. Iran manages to save 3300MW of electricity in summer peak period The wind farm covers 145km2 of the Irish Sea and is able to provide electricity for 600,000 homes in the UK. It was ENERGY TEHRAN – Iranian Energy Minister Reza average efficiency of the country’s power plants to reach jointly owned by three Danish companies, renewable energy deskArdakanian said by applying consump- this goal. company Ørsted which has a 50% stake and two pension tion management programs the ministry has managed to Later, the ministry’s spokesman Mahmoud Haqifam, companies PKA and PFA who own 25% each. reduce the summer peak electricity consumption by 3300 announced that three policies of “modifying tariffs”, “issu- The Walney Extension expanded on Walney 1 and 2 wind megawatts (MW), IRIB reported. ing energy cards” and “changing consumption levels” were farms. With a capacity of 367MW, Walney 1 and 2 was the “This summer, about 3,300 MW of electricity was managed to be applied to amend electricity consumption pattern in previous largest offshore wind farm in the world. Combined, and this amount of saving prevented the constructing of a the country. the Walney project has a capacity of 1,026MW, which is larger new 7,000-MW power plant with $5 billion of investment,” Later on May 16, the Managing Director of Iran Grid than the combined offshore wind capacity of ten countries Ardakanian said. Management Company (IGMC) Davoud Farokhzad said that including Sweden, Ireland and the U.S. According to the official, based on the ministry data the country’s year-to-date electricity consumption decreased Largest offshore wind farm and statistics, the country’s electricity consumption was by four percent compared to the last year. Walney Extension will not be the largest offshore wind expected to reach nearly 61,000 MW in the summer peak In the past decade, constant temperature rising and sig- farm in the world for long, however. Hornsea One in the period, however so far the highest consumption level has nificant decrease of rainfalls across Iran has put the country North Sea, which has already begun producing power, will not exceeded 57,000 MW. in a hard situation regarding electricity supply during peak have a capacity of 1,200MW when it becomes fully opera- “This means that proper consumption patterns are being consumption periods, tional in June 2020. widespread in the country, promising a future of comfort, Last year, the volume of water behind the country’s dams Also developed by Ørsted, the wind farm is also further security, and prosperity,” he said. went so down that electricity output from hydropower plants from the shore than any other in the world at 120km from the Earlier in March, the Energy Ministry had announced fell to a decade low. The situation was worsen by a jump in English coast, with telecommunications company Tampnet that the country’s power plants need to generate at least electricity consumption due to a heat-wave that blanketed providing a 4G network for coverage between the shore, 61 gigawatts (GW) of electricity during the peak hours of the country during summer and consequently led to a huge the wind farm, construction and service operations vessels. consumption in summer. gap between actual power generation and consumption. Hornsea Two will then overtake that when it is com- In this regard, the Deputy Energy Minister for Electricity In this regard, the Energy Ministry has been following pleted in 2022 as it will have a capacity of 1.8GW. As the Affairs Homayoun Haeri had said that the ministry plans new strategies in recent years to manage the consumption UK currently has a freeze on onshore wind, offshore wind to focus on consumption management and increasing the and lessen the electricity losses in the national grid. is expected to continue to expand in the UK as the country moves towards net zero emissions by 2050. Strong in Northern European countries like Germany and Denmark, offshore wind is also making progress in France through the development of floating wind demonstration LNG traders consider shipping options, betting on winter demand projects. The first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean Traders are starting to make enquiries to rising price for later-dated supplies, known a vessel enquiry for 60 days to charter an was also agreed in March 2019, as German company Senvion book vessels to store or ship liquefied natural as the contango carry trade, is common in Australian cargo loading in September, said will build a 30MW wind farm off the Italian coast. gas (LNG) as they bet for winter demand oil markets but is considered risky for LNG a second shipbroker. Offshore wind is finally making inroads in the U.S. The to boost prices for spot cargoes which are because of high storage costs and because Last year, more than 30 vessels globally state of New York recently authorized a series of offshore trading near record lows, multiple industry LNG cargoes evaporate over time. were flagged as floating storage ahead of projects as part of the state’s goal of adding 9,000MW of sources said on Friday. November LNG spot prices are estimated winter as traders bet that demand would offshore wind energy by 2035, and the vineyard wind farm off As per, enquiries are trickling to be about $1 per million British thermal increase exponentially like it did the year the coast of Massachusetts will be the country’s first offshore in for booking vessels on a spot basis, rang- units (mmBtu) higher than October spot prices before. But, spot prices subsequently fell wind farm. However, this project has run into delays, high- ing from a period of one month to several while October spot prices are likely about 70 amid a mild winter. lighting the unstable nature of the country’s offshore sector. months, which is expected to push shipping to 90 cents higher than September prices, This year, an abundance of supply globally (Source: rates up, the sources said. the sources added. A market structure where from new projects has pushed spot prices With Asia LNG spot cargoes trading at later-dated prices are higher than prompt to record lows. below $4 per million British thermal units, supplies is called a contango. Still, some traders are adopting a more traders may take the opportunity to buy the “At 90 cents contango, floating storage is cautious approach given the uncertain eco- Kenya to export its first ever cargoes now for later use, especially as de- starting to make sense and at $1.50 people nomic outlook. mand typically increases during winter for will be jumping on it,” a Singapore-based “While the forward curve (suggests floating batch of crude oil heating which in turn pushes up prices, the LNG trader said, adding that the wide price storage works), I personally do not think (it) sources said. spread signals the temporary storage of LNG works as … the cost of hiring ships will go up Storing commodity cargoes on ships to on tankers a possibility. when there are too many cargoes,” a second Kenya has just completed a deal to export 200,000 barrels of sell at a later date to take advantage of the At least one Japanese trader has issued Singapore-based trader said. crude oil, in its first-ever export of the commodity, the African country’s President Uhuru Kenyatta said. According to, “We are now an oil exporter. Our first deal was concluded this afternoon with 200,000 barrels at a decent price of $12 million,” President Uhuru Kenyatta Global energy transition at risk from U.S.-China trade war said on Thursday. “So I think we have begun our journey and it is up to us Already a dim prospect, the odds of keeping global warming and stability,” Brown said. “If the trade war continues, and to ensure that those resources are also put to the best use to to 2 degrees Celsius are getting darker as a result of the it drags on economic growth, it could impact their decision develop our country to make it both prosperous and to ensure deepening trade war, according to Wood Mackenzie Power making.” we eliminate poverty in Kenya,” Kenyatta added. & Renewables. The consultancy’s latest Energy Transition Meanwhile, the rise of protectionism, exemplified by the Commercial quantities of crude oil in Kenya were discovered Outlook (ETO) holds to 3 degrees Celsius of global warming Trump administration’s “America First” approach to foreign in 2012 in the South Lokichar Basin. Africa-focused Tullow Oil, as its baseline outcome. policy, is making lower-carbon options more difficult or which discovered the resources, has continued its exploration According to, rapid and transfor- expensive for some countries. and appraisal drilling campaigns in Kenya. mational change is in store for the global energy system On the renewables front A deal between Tullow Oil and local Kenyan authorities that over the next two decades, particularly in the electricity On the renewables front, the U.S. has imposed tariffs would allow the oil company to pump water for the wells and sector. But with 2 billion people lacking reliable electric- on most types of imported solar modules, and newly pro- that would be crucial to the FID for Kenya’s first and currently ity access, and the population still growing, total energy posed tariffs on wind turbine towers could undermine only oil project could be pushed back to the third quarter, demand will continue rising to at least 2040, WoodMac project economics just as the wind market enters what Martin Mbogo, Managing Director at Tullow Oil Kenya, said expects. is expected to be a historic boom period. By the end of in February this year. Global emissions look set to plateau — though not yet 2019, WoodMac expects the overall U.S. tariff rate to In June this year, Kenya’s government signed a heads of fall — in the 2030s. The ETO stands behind its previous be near 4 percent, a level not seen since the mid-1980s. agreement with France’s major Total, Tullow Oil, and Africa prediction of a peak in oil demand in 2036, despite growth Meanwhile, China is showing less interest in buying Oil to develop an oil processing facility with capacity of 60,000 in the electric vehicle market. U.S. liquefied natural gas exports to meet demand in its bpd-80,000 bpd, as part of the East African country’s plan to Among various factors that could put the brakes on a power-hungry eastern provinces on a lower-carbon basis. begin commercial oil production within a few years. warming planet, few are as critical as a cooperative rela- “China is one of the world’s largest hydrocarbon pro- In the release of its first-half results last week, Tullow Oil tionship between the U.S. and China, said David Brown, ducers,” Brown said. “It has some of the world’s largest had said that it expected the first export cargo of oil of the Wood Mackenzie’s head of markets and transitions for the supplies of coal. They have that supply option — to switch Early Oil Pilot Scheme (EOPS) to be sold and lifted in the Americas. sult of the trade war,” he added, with the U.S. and China back to coal — should they want to. Things that could third quarter of 2019. At the time the Paris Agreement was negotiated in 2015, now “deprioritizing decarbonization” at the strategic level. spur that include less bilateral trade with other markets Regarding the full field development, Tullow Oil said that there was a feeling of momentum toward global cooperation First is the negative impact on global economic growth, or weaker economic growth.” Kenya’s government has gazetted the land required for the up- on climate change. which in turn makes it more difficult for political leaders to While it’s unlikely China would reverse direction on coal, stream development in Turkana, and pipeline land surveys by Lower-carbon fuels push aggressive decarbonization agendas. “what’s maybe more realistic is China slows down its coal- the National Lands Commission began in the first week of July. “There were certainly still hurdles, but everyone had the Despite a booming stock market, the U.S. Federal Reserve to-gas switching,” Brown said. An “Upstream Water Framework agreement has been draft- sense that the two largest emitters would fight through some this week lowered interest rates for the first time since the The impact of protectionism on decarbonization reverber- ed by Tullow and submitted to the government of Kenya for of those roadblocks, do more on sharing ideas on how to Great Recession. China’s economic growth has slowed to a ates far beyond the energy industry. Take steel production, their review. Given this significant progress, the FID of the decarbonize, and potentially support investments in low- multi-decade low, and both countries increasingly appear which is intensely competitive, inherently difficult to decar- Development is now targeted for the second half of 2020,” the er-carbon fuels,” Brown said in an interview. to be digging in for a protracted trade war. bonize, and has “national champions” in many countries. oil company said last week. The “cooperation sentiment has really eased off as a re- The “major priority in China is continued economic growth Steel accounts for 9 percent of global emissions. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL AUGUST 4, 2019

Terrorists allowed to Two new polls in the U.S. recruit members in Dutch refugee camps’ Sanders is still ahead of Trump IFP–Undated photo of refugees taken by Muhammed Muheisen, AP A member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) By Saeed Sobhani Poll survey is an online sample drawn terrorist group has, in an interview, narrated the story of his life, from the Harris Panel and weighted to TEHRAN – The President of the United including the way he was recruited in a refugee camp in Europe, reflect known demographics. As a rep- States of America and his associates contin- and the terrorist operation he was about to carry out in Iran. resentative online sample, it does not ue to monitor and analyze the polls in the Saeed is among those who have joined the MKO terrorist cult report a probability confidence interval. country. They believe Trump is not in good in Europe. He emigrated from Iran, and, due to lack of awareness Sanders edges Trump by 1 point in Ras- shape! Surveys also show this, of course. and negligence, joined the MKO in Europe before finally ending mussen poll Here are two new polls in the United States: up in Camp Ashraf, the former MKO base in Iraq. A general election Rasmussen Reports poll Trump approval rating holds steady at Tasnim News agency has conducted an interview with him. released Friday shows Sen. Bernie Sanders (I- 45 percent Due to security concerns, his real and full name as well as his Vt.) leading President Trump by 1 percentage As The Hill reported, President Trump’s photo are not published here. point in a hypothetical 2020 head-to-head, approval rating held steady in July amid sta- – First, introduce yourself. within the survey’s margin of error. bile job growth and fresh controversy over I’m Saeed. I’m 50 years old and continued my education up In the hypothetical match-up, Sanders the president’s attacks against four minority to the level of high school diploma. I’m single. had support from 46 percent of likely voters congresswomen, according to a new Har- – How did you get familiar with the terrorist MKO group? while Trump had support from 45 percent, vard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively In 1992, I met some of my friends abroad. A [human] trafficker according to the Rasmussen poll. In a previous to The Hill. took me to the Netherlands where I first entered a refugee camp poll from the conservative-leaning Rasmus- Forty-five percent of respondents in the and stayed there for around 4 months. Then I left the camp. sen in April, Trump was leading Sanders, 47 poll said they approve of the job Trump is percent to 44 percent. doing, up 1 point from a similar survey the In the latest match-up, Sanders would previous month. have 75 percent of the Democratic vote, up The poll was conducted at the tail end of one point from the April survey, while Trump a tumultuous month in which the president would bring in 80 percent of the Republican unleashed a series of attacks against Demo- vote, down from 83 percent in the past poll. cratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Thirty-three percent of all respondents Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) think Trump will be defeated next year by and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.). the eventual Democratic nominee, the survey In one tweet, Trump told the lawmakers says. Forty-six percent say he is likely to be — all of whom are U.S. citizens with each reelected, and 11 percent believe he will be being born in the United States except Omar, 2016 election. He was questioned by lawmak- of Trump’s work administering the govern- impeached before the end of his first term. who came to the country as a refugee — to ers for hours about his decision not to come ment is underwater at 43 percent, according Researchers surveyed 5,000 likely voters “go back and help fix the totally broken and to a conclusion on whether the president to the poll. His handling of foreign affairs between July 21 and 25 and July 28 and Aug. crime infested places from which they came.” obstructed justice.“Despite the turbulence of doesn’t fare any better, with just 43 percent 1. The results have a margin of error of plus Adding to the tumult of July was the Fed- the tweets and tariffs, Trump’s ratings have of respondents approving. or minus 1.5 percentage points. Sanders is eral Reserve’s decision to cut interest rates remained as steady as the economy and may The Harvard CAPS/Harris poll surveyed among more than two dozen people vying for the first time in a decade — to counter be showing an uptick,” said Mark Penn, the 2,214 registered U.S. voters online from July for the 2020 Democratic nomination. He looming economic uncertainties — as well co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll. 31 to Aug. 1.The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll has consistently polled near the top of the as former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump gets his highest marks for stim- is a collaboration of the Center for American field and is one of just eight candidates to dramatic testimony on Capitol Hill.Mueller ulating jobs as well as for his handling of Political Studies at Harvard University and thus far qualify for the September debates. testified before the House Intelligence and the economy — 57 percent each, according The Harris Poll. The Hill will be working A Fox News poll from last week showed Judiciary committees on his now-defunct to the latest survey. And more than half of with Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll throughout Sanders besting Trump by 6 points, while for- investigation into whether the president’s respondents, 54 percent, said they approve 2019.Full poll results will be posted online mer Vice President Joe Biden held a 10-point campaign conspired with Russia during the of his job combatting terrorism.But approval later this week. The Harvard CAPS/Harris advantage over the commander in chief.

As I had learned the language there very well, the refugee camp officials asked me go to the camp a few hours every day to work as a translator and help Iranians there. At that time, Iran says Europe must pay its share of combating drug trafficking MKO members kept visiting the camp. They came to recruit IFP– Iran has warned that if Europe fails to pay its share new members from the migrants. I was only 25 years old at the of fight against drug trafficking, it should get ready to time and had no information about political groups. It was the collect illegal drugs gram by gram among its youths. first time I had met them. Head of Iran’s Anti-Narcotics Police Brigadier General They would bring some pamphlets and movies with them Massoud Zahedian made the remarks in criticism of and distributed them among the refugees to get familiar with what he called the West’s lack of cooperation in Iran’s the MKO. When a new individual or group entered the camp, fight against drugs. MKO members would immediately know and come over to get He said Europe should contribute to the fight against familiar with the new comers. narcotics and if there is no contribution in supporting Another thing they did was to take with them some indi- the forces and countries that are at the forefront of viduals as volunteers to take part in MKO demonstrations and the struggle, they must rest assured that their people meetings in European countries. Those who wanted to go with will be at risk. them were people who had been tired of the atmosphere in the This Iranian official added that Europeans are the camp and wanted to go to another city free of charge or wanted main users of the drugs produced in Afghanistan, and to see another country or a new place for variety. They would this country has been the world’s largest opium pro- also receive a free meal, which was an incentive, too. ducer since the early 21st century. The individuals who talked to us were very experienced. I was Nevertheless, neighbouring countries and states that easily influenced by their words and I was attracted.They would are in the way of smuggling drugs to Europe have not show us footage of Maryam and Masoud (Rajavi), and the way been immune from this, he noted. they would speak about these two people made me so interested He further mentioned that Iran has a vast joint border that I really wanted to see Masoud even for a second. with Afghanistan and is the first country in the route In those days, whoever went to Europe had to start finan- of smuggling drugs to Europe. cial-social work. In other words, we had to walk in the streets “The Islamic Republic has had the most casualties and collect money from people for the organization. Of course, in the fight against drugs. Iranian agents are at the this was not done in the name of the organization. The MKO was forefront of the fight against narcotics that are targeting running a few charities in Europe, and we worked under their Europe. The more drugs are produced in Afghanistan, names. Under regulations related to charities in the Netherlands, the more difficult it is to fight, and the danger for Europe anyone who helped us would get a receipt which he or she could will be even greater.” use to get tax exemption. Here is the text of an interview with General Zahe- I had been brainwashed in those classes, so much so that we dian conducted by IRNA: even spent our own money for the organization. I received salary Iran has paid a lot in the fight against narcotics as an asylum-seeker. I gave part of that to the organization, and and many forces have been martyred in the fight against I thought I was serving my country.Not only did Iranians not the transfer of narcotics to Iran and other countries. help us, but they even confronted us. Despite the fact that Europe in face of the recent cruel After that period when I was in Europe to have a better life, sanctions has had no support for Iran so far, what would tries that have been there under the pretext of fight but they must know that by sanctioning Iran they are I volunteered to go to Iraqi deserts. In there, we spent a major happen if it does not pay its share? against narcotics have failed to do anything. There damaging our ability to fight against drugs and terrorism. part of our time taking part in speeches, meetings to discuss the A: Europe should pay its share in the fight against has also been an increase in the production of drugs I warn that if our ability to fight drugs and terror- current affairs or performing weekly ablutions. In fact, we had to drug trafficking, because we cannot stand against them where they were present, and it raised concerns that ism is damaged, you will not be able to get out of the make confessions about our thoughts from morning until night. alone. The whole world knows that Iran is fighting this they are involved in the production of these drugs and rubble of drugs, asylum seekers and bombs and terrors. We had to criticize ourselves from morning till night, saying, for phenomenon beyond its responsibilities very well. But are benefiting from it. Confronting drug trafficking and terrorism has been example, that I haven’t done enough for such and such task, I the world has done nothing. Certainly, our facilities, To what extent is the rise of industrial narcotics among the core principles of the Islamic Republic of have had inappropriate thoughts on that occasion, etc. We spent and equipment are limited, and if we are not supported, in Afghanistan affected by the presence of Western Iran over the past four decades, and the government the rest of the day doing parades and tough work. we can control just part of it, and the rest of it will be countries? has always tried to cooperate with international insti- – How did you defect from the organization and come to Iran? out of our control and will cross [the borders]. A: However, when we see that in the past few years, tutions in this regard. Death of thousands is a proof of Another individual and I had come to Iran to carry out a ter- How do you assess the poppy cultivation in Af- this has developed very rapidly and some of the raw this cooperation,” President Rouhani had undermined rorist operation, but we were arrested very soon. My companion ghanistan? Has it been influenced by the increase or materials needed to convert drugs to industrial forms in an international conference on illicit drug trafficking. took his cyanide pill and died. I took the pill, too, but they rushed decrease in downpours? imported to Afghanistan, it raises concerns that this may Secretary General of Iran’s Drug Control Headquar- me to hospital and I survived. They managed to resuscitate me. A: Considering the rise of downpours this year, it is have happened with the help of intelligence services of ters Eskandar Momeni, who had traveled to Moscow I fell victim to this terrorist group. Part of my life was wasted anticipated that we will see an increase in the production foreign countries. This issue should be monitored and last year to consult with Russian authorities, had also in this group and part of it in jail. I lost my life. I thank God that and cultivation of narcotics in Afghanistan and their reviewed by international bodies such as the United warned of increasing drug trafficking to Europe in an I failed to carry out the terror operation because If I had done production would be more than ever. Nations because Afghanistan is not the producer of interview with IRNA. that, it was only the organization and Masoud that would have Given the increase in poppy cultivation and the this type of narcotics. “Iran does not need the verbal support of Europe- benefited from it. Moreover, I would have been held accountable. production of drugs in Afghanistan and the costs that Earlier, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani warned an countries to combat the trafficking of drugs to the Of course, the Netherlands is an accessory to it all. I had sought Iran has to pay without support from European coun- the West that targeting Iran with sanctions and un- Europe. We are at the forefront of the fight against asylum in the Netherlands and was seeking a better life, but tries in the fight against narcotics, what are your plans dermining and disrupting the Iranian economy would drugs, and instead of verbal supports, we need serious they would open the doors of refugee camps to let in a bunch of for Afghanistan? have catastrophic consequences for Europe. support and sending of modern equipment to tackle terrorists who would deceive and recruit people. A: By consulting with international societies and other He said this will lead to rush of narcotics, refugees smuggling,” underscored Momeni. They even deceive the people of their own country and swindle countries as well as Afghan officials, we are seeking to and terrorism to the continent. “We have repeatedly told Europeans that they should them out of their money allegedly to give it to orphaned children. increase their responsibility in the fight against nar- Rouhani also noted that the Islamic Republic spends pay their own share of the fight against narcotics. Given In the Netherlands, they would show me the pictures of children. cotics and force them to fight against drugs more. Last $800 million annually on drug trafficking, which re- the sanctions imposed, we will no longer be able to It was not clear in which countries the pictures had been taken. year, we seized more than 800 tonnes of drugs, while sults in more security for people from Eastern Europe prevent drug trafficking to Europe as before.” Later when I went to Camp Ashraf, I found out that there were in Afghanistan only 200 tonnes were seized. It shows to West America and from North Africa to West Asia. More than three thousand Iranian forces have been no children at all, and that the money that was raised was only that this country is not practically taking measures “Now, for a moment, imagine what a catastrophe would killed and around 10,000 wounded during the course of used to cover the cost of Maryam and Masoud’s debauchery. to fight drug trafficking. Accordingly, Afghanistan’s be caused if this dam breaks. Without these sacrifices combating illicit drugs, according to a former Iranian Europe, which claims to be and advocate of human rights and policy to cope with drug trafficking should be reviewed. and expenses, this region witnessed the emergence of drug control official. claims to be fighting terrorism, has practically paved the way Why do we see an increase in drug production in ISIS in a very broad area. The number of those killed or disabled in the Iranian for a terrorist group such as the MKO, so that they are able to Afghanistan, despite the presence of Western countries This endeavour guarantees the security of human war on drugs equals that of countries in the European do anything from recruiting members to raising money. People in the country to fight against drug smuggling? lives, regardless of nationality, ethnicity and religion. Union, North America, the Pacific and Asia, says Saeed like me are the victims of the irresponsibility of the likes of the A: Not only has Afghanistan not been developing We do not expect the West to pay their share of the Sefatian, the former director-general for treatment af- Dutch government. an anti-narcotics campaign, but also Western coun- security and stability that we have provided for them, fairs at the Iran Drug Control Headquarters. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 4, 2019 ANALYSIS & INTERVIEW 7 Islamic philosophy had immense impact on western Germany hampering Brexit philosophy during medieval period: Chad Meister and Johnson’s administration By Javad Heirannia In which branches of the humanities Amid these opinions, Norbert Rottgen, chair- has the impact of Islamic thought been more 1 man of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in German TEHRAN — Chad Meister, Chair of Depart- impressive on western thought in the me- Parliament has voiced a more aggressive response, saying ment of Religion and Philosophy of Bethel dieval age? that the capture of British ship by Iran was “unbearable” University says “The Muslim world was A: The Muslim world was culturally su- adding that ran’s dominance over the strait of Hormuz culturally superior to the Christian world perior to the Christian world in the twelfth will be a disaster. in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries of and thirteenth centuries of the Common Era, the Common Era, and this supremacy was and this supremacy was evident in the hu- evident in the humanities.” manities. Islamic thought during this period Professor of Philosophy and Theology also transformed not only western disciplines adds that “The immense impact of Islamic such as philosophy, but also psychology, art, philosophy on western philosophy during music, history, politics, science, medicine, and the medieval period influenced virtually mathematics. In mathematics, for example, all of the philosophical disciplines, most we in the West owe a great debt to medieval notably natural philosophy (the study of Islamic thinkers for the invention of nature and the physical universe), logic, numerals, algebra, and trigonometry. ethics, metaphysics, political philosophy, How many western philosophers, such and philosophical theology.” as American philosophers, know about Is- Following is the full text of the interview: lamic philosophy? What was the impact of Islamic phi- A: It is difficult to know precisely how many losophy on western philosophy in the me- western philosophers are knowledgeable of dieval age? Islamic philosophy. However, from anecdotal A: The immense impact of Islamic phi- evidence in working with hundreds of western losophy on western philosophy during the crafted by the Islamic thinkers, but also the Islamic culture, began in the eighth century philosophers on various writing and editing medieval period influenced virtually all of Islamic primary writings themselves, with and lasted for over two hundred years. They projects, it seems to me that the number is Rottgen believe that the seizure of British ship has threat- the philosophical disciplines, most notably which the West began to seriously engage were quite successful in translating most of not yet large. However, an increasing number ened the interests and security of Germany and Europe and natural philosophy (the study of nature and the during this period. the major classical works from Greek into of western philosophers and other scholars is a violation of the international laws for free shipping. He physical universe), logic, ethics, metaphysics, What was the impact of the trans- Arabic. In doing so they created a massive are becoming aware of the insights offered thinks that proper measures are not taken, the problems will political philosophy, and philosophical the- lation movement in the Islamic world on library of texts from across the disciplines, by Islamic philosophers, both medieval and be targeted at Europe, and it is Europe who have to face the ology. This influence came primarily through transforming Classic texts, such as phil- notably philosophy and science. The lead- contemporary. In fact, many volumes in the consequences. two main sources. First, the Islamic trans- osophical texts of ancient Greece, in the ing intellectuals who were involved in this philosophy of religion in the West now include In this interview, Rottgen says that the incidents in the lation movement made available to western modern world? translation program had a great impact on Islamic philosophy, a rarity only a couple of Persian Gulf over the last couple of months have mesmerized philosophers the writings of the ancient Greek A: The Arabic-Latin translation move- Islamic society, but also on the western society decades ago, and it would be imprudent to Europe and has caused disagreements between the U.S. and philosophers, notably Aristotle, whose works ments, spearheaded by the Abbasid caliphate to which they were introduced. This led to publish a philosophy book series or an edited Europe about the best policy to take with Iran. had been largely lost to the West. Second, which intended to make the classic Greek philosophical and scientific advances, both collection in the philosophy of religion in An important question here is that why Germany is looking western philosophers began reading not texts available to the Arab world in order to in the East and the West, including the later the West today without including Islamic for a European consensus in dealing with Iran, even though only commentaries on the ancient Greeks import Greek philosophy and science into scientific revolution. thinkers. it claims to have no disagreement with the U.S. whatsoever. In fact, history has already answered this question. Ger- many which could not reach its goals over the Second World War and Germanize the Europe is now trying to Europeanize Scott Bennett: U.S., UK using al-Baghdadi as excuse for Operations in Libya the Germany. TEHRAN (FNA) — Scott Bennett, former US mili- the impression that Gaddafi was harming civilians. On the day of reunification of western and eastern Germany, tary psychological warfare officer, says as the NATO In fact, it was the Saudi Arabian agents, mercenaries, one of the most prominent German politicians had said that attacked oil-rich, stable and secure Libya in 2011 on and terrorists, using money supplied by Qatar, that this day was the actual end of the Second World War. fake reports of terrorist moves in the country, the US were committing horrific war crimes in Libya, and Now, years after the end of the Second World War, Germany and the UK are following the same policy to remain tried to murder the Americans who were in Libya is a big economic power in Europe, it leads over the European active in the African country. and falsely blame Gaddafi. Sadly the American CIA Commission and is a non-permanent member of the United Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, Scott and FBI and other government officials in America Nations Security Council. German aims to compensate for all Bennett said, “Currently, there are 29 CIA training have tried to cover-up this reality and the attack and its losses over the Second World War, a war that it believes centers in Libya, or were a few years back as confirmed attempted murder of American civilians in Libya by was initially caused by the U.S. and Britain. to an OGS official that was there as an electrician wiring Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Currently, there are 29 CIA With support of European Union and other countries, Ger- those locations. So yes terrorists in training via the training centers in Libya, or were a few years back man has now placed the Green continent against Britain which CIA is reality of today’s Libya.” as confirmed to an OGS official that was there as an is leaving the European Union. Germany is now asking the Scott Bennett is an American patriot, US army op- electrician wiring those locations. So yes terrorists Europeans if they are willing to join an international coalition erations officer, and a global counterterrorism analyst. in training via the CIA is reality of today’s Libya. or even a war for supporting Britain’s interests, a country He has worked for US Special Operations Command, Why was Libya attacked, if it were a secure and that has a long dark history of colonizing other countries to US Central Command, the State Department Coordi- rich country? draw its own benefits. nator for Counterterrorism, etc. He has extensively A: Libya was a country of low population, with a Is Europe ready to give a European support for the seizure written on global surveillance operations and modern very high standard of living, and was institution and of a British ship? psychological warfare. asset rich. Gaddafi was about ready to transform If a referendum was held in Europe, would people agree Below is the full text of the interview: the water system in Libya also and make the nation to pay for the adventures that Britain and U.S. embarked on, The US and UK forces are in Libya, allegedly in a true paradise. The original cause for the attack on in regions far from their own countries? a hunt for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIL. Libya was The African Bank, a gold backed Dinar for If a European drone was captured or a European ship was Why do you think al-Baghdadi should be in Libya? all of Africa. The Zionists could not survive with that seized, would Britain or the U.S. put their own benefits aside Has the country become a den of terrorists? kind of competition. So Gaddafi was killed and the and join a European coalitions? A: To this day, the destruction of the Libyan State US CIA would be fully complicit in his war crimes. African bank closed. NATO’s intervention in Libya It almost seems like Germany wants Britain and the U.S. under Muammar Gaddafi remains one of the greatest Most likely the US and UK are using al-Baghdadi was not only a horrific war crime, but in fact was pay back for what they did in the past. war crimes and tragedies both in the history of the as an excuse for operations in Libya, in a kind of a stunt or act of political cover to stop Libya from Germany’s stance has not only exacerbated Brexit crisis United States, as well as of NATO. This single event “Kabuki Theater” or play of shadows. adopting a “gold dinar” based currency and leave and the issue of ships, but it has also put Europe against has resulted in thousands of migrants, refugees, How do you view stability and counter-terrorism the US dollar. Additionally, French PM Sarkozy, and Britain’s current administration and Boris Johnson. The and displaced persons sailing across the Mediter- measures in Gaddafi’s Libya? Britain PM Cameron, as well as American officials consequences of this situation will soon be seen in Ireland ranean Sea and flooding into Europe — resulting in A: One of the greatest revelations about Libya like John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio and Scotland and will definitely affect Britain’s relations tremendous strain on European countries, which came from American business people who were on were involved in the theft of millions of dollars from with Ireland as the two countries will be separated by new has contributed to the inevitable break-up of the the ground in Libya during the time of the invasion. Libya’s vaults. In fact, it has been reported that each borders after Brexit. European Union and the rise of Center-Right-Wing These Americans, James and Joanne Moriarty of political official who came to Libya for supportive Germany is also well aware that Trump has no respect for governments in Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Britain, Texas, worked in the oil business and personally photographs of the overthrow and new government European countries and has no regards for Europe’s security, and soon to be France. Since Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi witnessed the Saudi Arabian and Qatari efforts to was paid ten million dollars each, making the war so why Germany should send troops to the Persian Gulf to was most likely an Israeli Mossad operative, the generate propaganda and fake news that falsely gave on Libya a lucrative business for them. support Americans’ interests? The question is which German political or security division will now give the permission to join U.S. coalition? If German joins the coalition, U.S. will lead the military missions and German will not be in control, it will not be aware of Washing- Sad day for humanity ton’s exact military and security goals and at best will help the TEHRAN (FNA) — The United Na- systematic human rights violations, AWACS, (Airborne Warning and Control Systems), military tions has finally condemned the exe- including torture and widespread ar- ships and navigator tornados. This means that Germany pays cution of two young activists in Bah- bitrary arrests, against the majority for the adventures of the U.S. and Britain without reaping rain, as the ruling Al Khalifah regime Shia population. any of its benefits. presses ahead with its heavy-handed It is also because of the inaction of In conclusion, if Germany agrees to take this subsidiary crackdown on political dissidents and international rights groups that leading position and help U.S in running its military operations, it pro-democracy activists in the Persian opposition activists sentenced to long seeks the following: Gulf kingdom. prison terms after they called for political First, getting permission for building new weapons and “We strongly condemn the execution change and religious freedom, remain exporting them, considering the limitations set after the Sec- on July 26 in Manama of two Bahraini behind bars - as do many others whose ond World War. citizens, Ali Mohamed Hakeem al-Arab, alleged crimes involve mostly peaceful Second, changing the shipping rules and regulations that 25, and Ahmed Isa al-Malali, 24. The street protests. are applied in times of war. executions went ahead on Friday night, There has been no condemna- As a country which is concerned about geo-economics and despite concerns expressed by the High tion of the regime by the UN Human expanding its exports, Germany, more than many other world Commissioner, following two earlier Rights Council in connection with the countries, need free shipping and security in the seas. The public statements by UN human rights policies that have led to widespread country knows that rising tensions in the Persian Gulf, the experts … that the men’s “confessions” torture and unlawful killings either. Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea will have a very negative were obtained through torture, and The Council has yet to investigate effects on its trade benefits; that’s why Germany is also against about lack of due process and fair trial hundreds of cases of torture, some the military presence of Russia in Karima, Baltic Sea and the guarantees,” Spokesperson for the UN involving deaths in custody, and there Mediterranean and tries to change some rules that control High Commissioner for Human Rights has been no investigation, let alone maritime transport in times of war. Rupert Colville said in the Swiss city of prosecution, for command respon- Geneva on Tuesday. sibility of people killed in custody They were arrested separately in as a result of torture. As far as the The rise of Yemeni long-range February 2017. The two men were both Human Rights Watch has been able tried in a mass hearing with 58 other to determine, no authority has ever missiles defendants, and convicted in January been convicted of any offense. as wanton beatings, arrests and torture the country for international rights 2018 on charges of terrorism. They were The government has told the UN Hu- of young men accused of participating monitors and journalists, and can get 1 The operations come after the attacks on Saudi sentenced to death. In May 2019, the man Rights Council that the Interior in pro-democracy demonstrations and away with arbitrary arrests, torture airport and proves that Sanaa can expand its military reach Court of Cassation upheld the death Ministry has developed a code of conduct religious rituals. and murder: to central or eastern part of Saudi Arabia and target all its sentence. and initiated training for security forces It is hard to see evidence of re- The tiny Persian Gulf state is the head- critical bases. Surely, in future the resistant forces will launch The UN’s condemnation, as always, “to embed respect for human rights and form when we look at how the regime quarters of the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet, more extensive and advanced operations against Saudi Arabia is not enough. Sadly, it is because of due process.” But despite the reform ef- and its security forces have actually holds thousands of US service members, and UAE. the inaction of rights groups such as forts the Interior Ministry claims it has been behaving, especially this week. and has the full military and diplomat- Now, Riyadh and have realized that the war is the UN Human Rights Council that taken, there has been a continuing pattern But it is not that hard to see why the ic support of Saudi Arabia, the United in favor of Yemen and the longer it takes, the more victims the Bahraini authorities and security of the use of excessive force by security unelected regime in Manama can be- Kingdom and the United States. What there will be in Yemen, but Saudi Arabia and UAE will also forces continue to commit serious and forces against peaceful protests, as well have like this, can restrict access to a disgrace. suffer its consequences. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 ADVERTISEMENTS AUGUST 4, 2019

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Elon Musk’s SpaceX is expanding its have been scrambling to heed NASA’s goal Imagine trying to film an event that was over and done within a facilities in Florida to make room for the of sending humans back to the lunar surface mere 125 trillionths of a second. It’s something that molecular space company’s forthcoming super heavy- by 2024, an accelerated timeline set by Vice physicists have long been dreaming of, and at last it seems they’ve lift launch vehicle dubbed Starship, according President Mike Pence in March. achieved their goal. to a draft of the plans seen by Reuters on Separately, Boeing Co (BA.N) is Using precisely tuned pulses of laser light, an international Friday. developing NASA’s colossal Space Launch team of scientists from four different institutions has managed Starship, a 384-foot reusable two-stage System to anchor the agency’s moon-to- to film the ultrafast rotation of a molecule. rocket taller than the Statue of Liberty, is a Mars Artemis program, though it is years “We recorded a high-resolution molecular movie of the ultrafast central piece of Musk’s interplanetary space behind schedule. rotation of carbonyl sulphide as a pilot project,” said molecular travel ambitions as well as U.S. space agency SpaceX said in its draft environmental physicist Evangelos Karamatskos from DESY, Germany’s largest NASA’s goal to send humans to the moon assessment that Starship will make return accelerator centre. again by 2024. landings on the Air Force landing pad currently “The level of detail we were able to achieve indicates that our The Starship rocket is expected to launch used for the company’s Falcon 9 boosters. method could be used to produce instructive films about the up to 24 times a year from SpaceX’s current The company is also considering a plan to dynamics of other processes and molecules.” flagship launchpad 39A, the draft of the install another landing site at the 39A pad. Together, the video below represents 651 pictures, assembled company’s environmental assessment said. The first booster stage will land on SpaceX’s sequentially to cover one and a half rotations of the carbonyl SpaceX did not specify in the report when it unmanned barge some 300 miles off Florida’s sulphide molecule. The final product is a 125 picosecond film of would reach that cadence, but Musk said in coast, the draft said. the molecule, slowed way down for your enjoyment. September 2018 he wanted to be conducting This week, NASA said it plans to work There’s no denying its beauty, but the footage is even more orbital flights with Starship in two to three with SpaceX to figure out how to land rockets magnificent when you understand what precisely you’re looking at. years. on the lunar surface and develop a refueling When a substance is in a gaseous state, the molecules are rela- SpaceX’s launchpad 39A would support station for deeper space exploration. tively far apart and therefore free to undergo rotation around their NASA’s future moon missions from the same commercial space development agency. program delays and mishaps over the years on “Orbital refilling is vital to humanity’s axes. This rotation is subject to the rules of quantum mechanics. Kennedy Space Center site used for the Apollo “This is actually getting closer to what Elon its various space endeavors. In April, one of the future in space,” Musk tweeted on Thursday. As a simple and common sulphur gas, the rod-shaped carbonyl lunar missions a half century ago. got into this business for to begin with. This company’s Crew Dragon capsules exploded on “More likely spacecraft to spacecraft (as sulphide - whose molecules consist of one oxygen, one carbon “They’re moving very fast,” said Dale is fundamental infrastructure to get to Mars, a test stand, raising fresh scheduling doubts aircraft do aerial refueling), than a dedicated and one sulphur atom - is therefore the perfect twirling model. Ketcham, vice president of government the early stages of it.” over a flagship NASA astronaut taxi program. depot, at least at first. But the head of the research team, physicist Jochen Küpper, relations at Space Florida, the state’s SpaceX has also suffered a number of Dozens of U.S.-based space companies (Source: Reuters) says you shouldn’t think of this molecule rotating like a stick. “The processes we are observing here are governed by quan- tum mechanics. On this scale, very small objects like atoms and molecules behave differently from the everyday objects in our Gravity changes mass of muscles and bones, experiments in space show surroundings,” explains Küpper, who works at the University An international collaboration led by scientists mainly at Tokyo in space for the effect of bone and muscle mass using newly ground artificially created by the centrifuge device, made of Hamburg and DESY. University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) , Japan, has developed centrifuge devices,” said Dr Masaki Inada, corre- more muscle such as the lower leg muscles (muscles from “The position and momentum of a molecule cannot be deter- found that bone and muscle mass are regulated by the altered sponding author on the paper and Associate Professor in the knee to ankle). mined simultaneously with the highest precision; you can only gravity. The experiments were done in space using Kibo, a ISS Department of Biotechnology and Life Science, Institute of “Then we continuously examine to find the mechano-sens- define a certain probability of finding the molecule in a specific module developed by JAXA, and on the ground. Global Innovation Research at TUAT. ing factors regulated by mechanical stress in the mice for place at a particular point in time.” The researchers published their results on April 29th in The team found that changing gravity with a physical altered living circumstances of the gravity,” said Dr Inada. “To Even when the molecule points in multiple directions at the the journal, Scientific Reports. load of own body weight altered the bone mass of forefoot find forth dependent mechano-sensor results in controlling bone same time, each of these has a different probability according The research team explored the maintenance of the bone (humerus) especially in fourth-foot walk animals (tetra- and muscle mass could be applied for novel drug development to quantum mechanics. and muscle mass of mice among the opposite living circum- pods) such as mice. For example, lower gravity, which was for the bone and muscle of skeletal diseases with disuse ability “It is precisely those directions and probabilities that we imaged stances of microgravity and hypergravity. “We examined the in space, showed loss in some bones such as the humerus such as sarcopenia and osteoporosis.” experimentally in this study,” says molecular researcher Arnaud effects of 2G hypergravity on the ground and artificial 1G gravity and tibia. In addition, more gravity, which was in 2G on the (Source: Science Daily) Rouzée from the Max Born Institute in Berlin. “From the fact that these individual images start to repeat after about 82 picoseconds, we can deduce the period of rotation of a carbonyl sulphide molecule.” The moon is older than previously Mysterious release of radioactive To get the gas molecules moving in unison, the team first used material uncovered two pulses of infrared laser light, precisely tuned to each other believed so that they pulsed every 38 trillionths of a second (picosecond). The next step then included a further laser pulse with a longer wavelength, which was used to determine the position of the molecules at intervals of about 0.2 trillionths of a second. The whole process was painstaking work, as this latter pulse destroys the molecules. Each snapshot, therefore, represents a whole new experiment starting over again. The authors hope that their new technique can help us study other molecules and processes, like the internal twisting that occurs in molecules or chiral compounds, which are compounds that exist in two forms, each a mirror image of the other. “Furthermore, the very high degree of field-free alignment achieved here would be extremely useful for stereochemistry studies as well as for molecular-frame imaging experiments,” the team concludes in their study. (Source:

Heavy metal gases observed streaming from football-shaped exoplanet A new study spearheaded by Earth scientists cooled. ‘These rocks recorded information It was the most serious release of radioactive -- it was measured in large parts of Central at the University of Cologne’s Institute of about the formation of the Moon, and can material since Fukushima 2011, but the public and Eastern Europe, Asia and the Arabian Astronomers have detected heavy metal gases streaming away Geology and Mineralogy has constrained still be found today on the lunar surface,’ says took little notice of it: In September 2017, Peninsula. Ruthenium-106 was even found from an extremely hot, football-shaped exoplanet located 900 the age of the Moon to approximately 50 Dr Maxwell Thiemens, former University a slightly radioactive cloud moved across in the Caribbean. The data was compiled by light-years from Earth. It’s the first time scientists have identi- million years after the formation of the solar of Cologne researcher and lead author of Europe. Now, a study has been published, an informal, international network of almost fied heavy metal gases emanating from a so-called hot Jupiter. system. After the formation of the solar sys- the study. Dr Peter Sprung, co-author of analyzing more than 1300 measurements all European measuring stations. In total, WASP-121b is a planet of firsts. During an earlier survey, the tem, 4.56 billion years ago, the Moon formed the study, adds: ‘Such observations are not from all over Europe and other regions of the 176 measuring stations from 29 countries hot Jupiter became the first exoplanet found with water in its approximately 4.51 billion years ago. The new possible on Earth anymore, as our planet world to find out the cause of this incident. were involved. In Austria, in addition to stratosphere. The latest investigation, which revealed the pres- study has thus determined that the Moon is has been geologically active over time. The The result: it was not a reactor accident, TU Wien, the AGES (Austrian Agency for ence of hot metal gases, was made possible by NASA’s Hubble significantly older than previously believed Moon thus provides a unique opportunity but an accident in a nuclear reprocessing Health and Food Safety) also operates such Space Telescope. -- earlier research had estimated the Moon to to study planetary evolution.’ plant. The exact origin of the radioactivity is stations, including the alpine observatory at Researchers described their latest discovery Thursday in the have formed approximately 150 million years The Cologne scientists used the relation- difficult to determine, but the data suggests Sonnblick at 3106m above sea level. Astronomical Journal. after solar system’s formation. To achieve ship between the rare elements hafnium, a release site in the southern Urals. This is As unusual as the release may have been, “This planet is a prototype for ultra-hot Jupiters. These planets these results, the scientists analyzed the uranium and tungsten as a probe to under- where the Russian nuclear facility Majak is the concentration of radioactive material are so heavily irradiated by their host stars, they’re almost like chemical composition of a diverse range of stand the amount of melting that occurred located. The incident never caused any kind has not reached levels that are harmful to stars themselves,” Drake Deming, professor of astronomy at the samples collected during the Apollo missions. to generate the mare basalts, i.e., the black of health risks for the European population. human health anywhere in Europe. From the University of Maryland, said in a news release. “The planet is being The study ‘Early Moon formation inferred regions on the lunar surface. Owing to an Among the 70 experts from all over analysis of the data, a total release of about evaporated by its host to the point that we can see metal atoms from hafnium-tungsten systematics’ was unprecedented measurement precision, the Europe who contributed data and expertise 250 to 400 terabecquerel of ruthenium-106 escaping the upper atmosphere where they can interact with the published in Nature Geoscience. study could identify distinct trends amongst to the current study are Dieter Hainz and Dr. can be derived. To date, no state has assumed planet’s magnetic field. This presents an opportunity to observe On 21 July 1969, humankind took its first the different suites of rocks, which now allows Paul Saey from the Institute of Atomic and responsibility for this considerable release and understand some very interesting physics.” steps on another celestial body. In their few for a better understanding of the behavior Subatomic Physics at TU Wien (Vienna). in the fall of 2017. Typically, hot Jupiters are cool enough to condense heavier hours on the lunar surface, the crew of Apollo of these key rare elements. The data was evaluated by Prof. Georg The evaluation of the concentration elements, which keeps them stabilized in their atmosphere. But 11 collected and brought back to Earth 21.55 Studying hafnium and tungsten on the Steinhauser from the University of Hanover distribution pattern and atmospheric WASP-121b isn’t your average hot Jupiter. It’s extremely hot, with kg of samples. Almost exactly 50 years lat- Moon are particularly important because (who is closely associated with the Atomic modelling suggests a release site in the an upper atmosphere boasting temperatures of 4,600 degrees er, these samples are still teaching us about they constitute a natural radioactive clock Institute) together with Dr. Olivier Masson southern Urals. This is where the Russian Fahrenheit. key events of the early solar system and the of the isotope hafnium-182 decaying into from the Institut de Radioprotection et de nuclear facility Majak is located. The Russian What’s not being quickly evaporated by the heat of the exo- history of the Earth-Moon system. Deter- tungsten-182. This radioactive decay only Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) in France. The team reprocessing plant had already been the planet’s host star is being pulled apart by the WASP-121’s grav- mining the age of the Moon is also important lasted for the first 70 million years of the has now published the results of the study scene of the second-largest nuclear release in ity. The gravitational tug of its host star explains WASP-121b’s to understand how and at which time the solar system. By combining the hafnium in the journal Proceedings of the National history in September 1957 -- after Chernobyl football-like shape. Earth formed, and how it evolved at the very and tungsten information measured in the Academy of Sciences (PNAS). and even larger than Fukushima. At that “Heavy metals have been seen in other hot Jupiters before, but beginning of the solar system. Apollo samples with information from labo- “We measured radioactive time, a tank containing liquid waste from only in the lower atmosphere,” said lead researcher David Sing, an This study focuses on the chemical sig- ratory experiments, the study finds that the ruthenium-106,” says Georg Steinhauser. plutonium production had exploded, causing astronomer at Johns Hopkins University. “With WASP-121b, we natures of different types of lunar samples Moon already started solidifying as early as “The measurements indicate the largest massive contamination of the area. see magnesium and iron gas so far away from the planet that they’re collected by the different Apollo missions. ‘By 50 million years after solar system formed. singular release of radioactivity from a Olivier Masson and Georg Steinhauser not gravitationally bound. The heavy metals are escaping partly comparing the relative amounts of different ‘This age information means that any giant civilian reprocessing plant.” In autumn can date the current release to the time because the planet is so big and puffy that its gravity is relatively elements in rocks that formed at different impact had to occur before that time, which of 2017, a cloud of ruthenium-106 was between 25 September 2017, 6 p.m., and weak. This is a planet being actively stripped of its atmosphere.” times, it is possible to learn how each sam- answers a fiercely debated question amongst measured in many European countries, with 26 September 2017 at noon -- almost exactly Scientists used Hubble’s Space Telescope Imaging Spectro- ple is related to the lunar interior and the the scientific community regarding when the maximum values of 176 millibecquerels per 60 years after the 1957 accident. “This time, graph to analyze the light from WASP-121 as it passed through solidification of the magma ocean,’ says Dr Moon formed,’ adds Professor Dr Carsten cubic meter of air. The values were up to 100 however, it was a pulsed release that was over the atmosphere of WASP-121b. The data showed the system’s Raúl Fonseca from the University of Cologne, Münker from the UoC’s Institute of Geology times higher than the total concentrations very quickly,” says Professor Steinhauser. ultra-hot Jupiter is rapidly shedding its atmosphere. who studies processes that occurred in the and Mineralogy, senior author of the study. measured in Europe after the Fukushima In contrast, the releases from Chernobyl or “The hot Jupiters are mostly made of hydrogen, and Hubble Moon’s interior in laboratory experiments Maxwell Thiemens concludes: ‘Mankind’s incident. The half-life of the radioactive Fukushima lasted for days. “We were able is very sensitive to hydrogen, so we know these planets can lose together with his colleague Dr Felipe Leitzke. first steps on another world exactly 50 years isotope is 374 days. to show that the accident occurred in the the gas relatively easily,” Sing said. “But in the case of WASP- The Moon likely formed in the aftermath ago yielded samples which let us understand This type of release is very unusual. The reprocessing of spent fuel elements, at a very 121b, the hydrogen and helium gas is out-flowing, almost like a of a giant collision between a Mars-sized the timing and evolution of the Moon. As fact that no radioactive substances other advanced stage, shortly before the end of river, and is dragging these metals with them. It’s a very efficient planetary body and the early Earth. Over the Moon’s formation was the final major than ruthenium were measured is a clear the process chain,” says Georg Steinhauser. mechanism for mass loss.” time, the Moon accreted from the cloud of planetary event after Earth’s formation, the indication that the source must have been “Even though there is currently no official As new, more powerful telescopes are put into orbit, scien- material blasted into Earth’s orbit. The new- age of the Moon provides a minimum age a nuclear reprocessing plant. statement, we have a very good idea of what tists hope to compile a more complete picture of WASP-121b’s born Moon was covered in a magma ocean, for Earth as well.’ The geographic extent of the might have happened.” chemical composition. which formed different types of rocks as it (Source: Science Daily) ruthenium-106 cloud was also remarkable (Source: Science Daily) (Source: UPI) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 HERITAGE & TOURISM AUGUST 4, 2019

Why I’ll pay extra for holiday ‘World village of pottery’ shoots up travel perks By Merryn Somerset Webb Sistan-Baluchestan handicraft exports I have given in. Surrendered. Capitulated completely. To Ryanair. Like many of you, I have been living in a state of almost con- HERITAGE TEHRAN — Handicraft generations to generations over the course stant warfare against the budget airline pretty much since its deskexports from Iran’s of history. inception. Yet I can’t quite stop travelling with them. Sistan-Baluchestan province rose by 195 Sistan-Baluchestan is a “strategic” percent since one of its villages, Kalpourgan, province in the field of handicrafts, she was named a world village of pottery by the said, adding “Needlework and pottery are World Crafts Council - Asia Pacific Region two valuable crafts of the province.” (WCC-APR). The Handicrafts Organization supports The province exported $11 million of craftspeople in all provinces, especially ones handicrafts in the past Iranian calendar year in Sistan-Baluchestan. It in particular backs 1397 (ended March 20), Pouya Mahmoudian, female Baluchi artisans who are practicing the deputy director of the Cultural Heritage, needlework embroideries. Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, Needlework (Souzan-douzi in Persian) said on Tuesday, CHTN reported. is a very common occupation among people The village is widely famous for being of the southeastern province. It is the art of a living museum of potteries, where the drawing images on plain fabrics by sewing in-house expertise has been passed down delicate stitches using needle and colorful

I live in the north and we don’t get the same choice of carrier you get down south. If I want to go to Rome on any given day in the summer, for example, odds are I either go on Ryanair or via somewhere I don’t much want to go. Potters carry their earthen handicrafts in Kalpourgan village, Sistan-Baluchestan province But I also have hideous memories of being left in boiling hot yarns. They are mainly used to embellish Handicrafts exports from the Islamic information-free corridors with small babies in Malaga. I can’t women’s clothes, however, such works are Republic reached $289 million in 1397 quite forget the time I forgot my boarding pass and had to pay applied to decorate bracelets, necklace, bags that demonstrates three percent growth an insane amount of cash to get it reissued at the airport. I can’t and scarfs. year on year, according to data compiled erase the misery of not making it to the front of the queue to The Baluch are the majority ethnic by the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and board, back when you didn’t get an allocated seat, and having inhabitants of the region of Baluchestan. Tourism Organization. to ask the entire plane to Rubik’s Cube themselves around to get The Organization managed to create Traditional ceramics, pottery vessels, to sit next to my own kids. 58,357 jobs in handicrafts arena yet handwoven cloths as well as personal And if I type Ryanair into my inbox, much of what comes significant measures were taken to grant ornamentations with precious and semi- up is failed attempts to get compensation for a lengthy delay [low-interest] loans in order to create job precious gemstones are among Iranian in 2015. All this has long made it impossible for me to give the opportunities in rural areas, the official exports to Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany, airline a penny more than I have to. Think no priority boarding, A woman completes a piece of needlework in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan province announced earlier in June. the U.S., the UK, and other countries. no luggage, no pre-booked seats and most definitely no Pringles on board. Ever. Until now. Why? I still loathe Ryanair’s nasty system of making you pay extra for seats if you want to check in long enough in advance to print the boarding passes for your return flights before you Iran waives visas for Hongkongers embark on the outbound leg of your holiday. And I resent the TOURISM TEHRAN – The Iranian government has the country; however, it is a unilateral measure i.e. Iranian general luggage confusion and costs. But I have finally realized deskwaived visa requirements for visitors from tourists visiting China or Hong Kong still need visas. that my own peace of mind is more important than a battle the Hong Kong, a measure also adopted for Chinese passport Iran has taken some similar steps to increase its revenues budget airlines don’t even know I am waging. holders earlier this year. from tourism under U.S. sanctions, the report said. So I buy the advance seat reservations. Both ways. I pay for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced In mid-June, President Hassan Rouhani issued an order whatever luggage means I won’t feel tense on the way to the gate that tourists from the country will no longer need visas to to the interior minister, according to which Iran will not put — even if I end up with less than I booked. And while priority make trips to Iran, Mehr reported on Friday. stamps on the passports of the visiting foreigners. boarding still seems stupid (considering you’ve paid to book As China Radio International reported, Iran is imple- Cabinet spokesman Ali Rabiei has said “under its eco- a seat with guaranteed cabin bag) I also now happily pay for menting a visa-waiver program for Hong Kong’s tourists nomic terrorism plans, the U.S. is trying to frighten and stop fast track security. It costs £5 per head to not have to queue or who wish to stay up to 21 days in Iran. foreign tourists from making trips to Iran.” (crucially) worry about time spent queueing. On a hot Friday, Visa-free validity for Chinese visitors to Iran was ex- “Unfortunately, the U.S. is following its economic terror- this can feel like something of a bargain. As, for that matter, can tended from a previously announced 15 days to 21 days, ism programs against Iran and seeks to frighten everybody a few packets of Pringles bought on board to give everyone a deputy tourism chief Vali Teymouri said in June, almost a who wishes to travel to Iran from future problems or being break from playing Uno. month after the Iranian cabinet’s decision about putting no sanctioned,” he said, adding, “President Rouhani issued It isn’t just the budget airlines I have given in to. My surrender visa policy for Chinese tourists visiting Iran into practice. an order according to which Iran will not put stamp on the Iran is expected to attract one million Chinese in the extends to car hire. After a nightmarish time with Goldcar a few The decisions are made to attract more foreign tourists to passports of the visiting foreign tourists.” near future through the visa waiver for Chinese tourists. years ago, I no longer ever go budget (here I do have a choice). I don’t want to walk a mile to a desk outside the arrivals terminal, and I don’t want to spend the two weeks after my holiday arguing about a £350 charge for a slow puncture. (Source: Financial Times) 4WD car rally called off in support of UNESCO-tagged forest TOURISM TEHRAN — The Touring deciduous forests to alpine thorn cushion ROUND THE GLOBE desk& Automobile Club of the corridors and forest-free dry vegetation of Islamic Republic of Iran (TACI) has canceled the Iranian highlands and Central Asia. its plan for staging a rally of four-wheel-drive The Hyrcanian Forest cover the northern Old and New Towns cars that opponents believe could inflict harm slope of the Alborz Mountain in Iran at the to environment of the Hyrcanian Forest, which southern edge of the Caspian Sea and it of Edinburgh has been recently designated by UNESCO contains very rich ecosystems due to the A World Heritage, Edinburgh has been the Scottish capital as a World Heritage. particular orographic and climatic situation since the 15th century. It has two distinct areas: the Old Town, The car rally was scheduled to take place (precipitation rich, warm-temperate, high dominated by a medieval fortress; and the neoclassical New August 17 to 19 in a route that passes through moisture from the Caspian Sea and dam- Town, whose development from the 18th century onwards Dizin and Alamut in Qazvin province, Sal- ming effect of the Alborz Mountain range). had a far-reaching influence on European urban planning. manshahr and Kelardasht in Mazandaran According to UNSESO, the forest con- province, in a plan that brought immediate tains the most important and significant disapproval from the Department of Envi- natural habitats for in-situ conservation of ronment, media personnel and nature lovers biological diversity, including those con- in the country. “This year, we named the rally after the Hyrcanian Forest (also known as Caspian taining threatened species of outstanding “Such rally is being held annually and Hyrcanian Forest just to mark the forest being Forest), extends from the south of Azerbaijan universal value from the point of view of some 90 percent of its itinerary goes through registered on the UNESCO list. The rally was to about 900 km to the east to the Iranian science or conservation. It also contains asphalt roads and some 10 percent through not supposed to take place in the Hyrcanian northern provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran superlative natural phenomena or areas of dusty ones,” the TACI chief executive Ramin Forest and its route is clearly recognizable,” and Golestan. This forest forms the outer- exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic Afshari said, ILNA reported on Saturday. he explained. most boundary of the west-Eurasian nemoral importance.

How to explore a city like a local using your smartphone It’s now easier than ever to get travel advice night life areas. from locals, and you don’t even have to talk Like a Local The remarkable juxtaposition of two clearly articulated to them in person. Well-designed and easy to navigate, urban planning phenomena. The contrast between the organic Sure, you can still ask a stranger where to Like a Local has fewer contributors than medieval Old Town and the planned Georgian New Town of find some good sushi, but there is no guarantee the other apps (28, providing 197 tips for Edinburgh, Scotland, provides a clarity of urban structure they will be interested in, or qualified to, New York at the time of writing) but it is in unrivalled in Europe. help you. more cities than the others (over 300) and The juxtaposition of these two distinctive townscapes, each Thankfully, there are several smartphone best functions as a complementary tool. of exceptional historic and architectural interest, which are apps that cut out those potentially awkward The recommendations are detailed yet linked across the landscape divide, the “great arena” of Sir moments but still provide valuable concise, giving an excellent general overview Walter Scott’s Waverley Valley, by the urban viaduct, North recommendations from those in the know. and a “special tip” for each location. For Bridge, and by the Mound, creates the outstanding urban Below are edited excerpts from a full article example, at the Brazilian restaurant Beco landscape. by Justin Sablich that the New York Times in Brooklyn, Kelly advises: “Come early The Old Town is characterized by the survival of the lit- released on September 8, 2107, in which because the restaurant’s seating space is tle-altered medieval “fishbone” street pattern of narrow closes, Sablich briefs three apps he has recently tested limited. CA$H ONLY.” wynds, and courts leading off the spine formed by the High out while roaming the streets of New York: You don’t have to sign up to use the Street, the broadest, longest street in the Old Town, with a Spotted by Locals app, so you can dig right in and explore — sense of enclosed space derived from its width, the height This app costs $3.99 per city (67 major though if you want to use the app offline, of the buildings lining it, and the small scale of any breaks cities are available worldwide), while the others included a wide assortment of suggestions those to your network who seem to have you have to pay $1.99 per city. between them. are, for the most part, free. But you get what in a borough not named Manhattan was similar tastes to your own. After each add, There’s also an option to “ask locals,” The New Town, constructed between 1767 and 1890 as a you pay for: this was the most well-rounded impressive enough, compared to the other the cousin’s recommendations are added which works like a message board. I collection of seven new towns on the glacial plain to the north of the three I tried. One of its many perks apps I tested, but the recommendations to your map and broken down into eight asked for Upper East Side restaurant of the Old Town, is framed and articulated by an uncommonly is that it runs entirely offline, so you do not themselves were also spot on. different categories, such as food, coffee, recommendations (it is a neighborhood high concentration of planned ensembles of ashlar-faced, need to stress about data usage. Cool Cousin night life and outdoors. not represented well on any of the apps) world-class, neo-classical buildings, associated with renowned Like all of these apps, Spotted by Locals This app scored points for originality The app seems geared toward younger and after a week had yet to get a response. architects, including John and Robert Adam (1728-92), Sir provides recommendations submitted by as well as its practicality, and is perfect for travelers — it feels like a cross between The recommendations included William Chambers (1723-96), and William Playfair (1790-1857). actual local residents on where to eat, shop, travelers who don’t have any cool cousins Facebook, Tinder and Foursquare — and mainstream spots like St. Patrick’s The renewal and revival of the Old Town in the late 19th be entertained and more. The idea is to keep of their own. most of the cousins themselves have an Cathedral and the Central Park more century, and the adaptation of the distinctive Baronial style you away from tourist traps and steer you Cool Cousin gives you access to appropriately hipster look. For New York, often than the other apps did. These are of building for use in an urban environment, influenced the toward hidden gems. contributors in 40 large cities around this leads to a higher concentration of not underappreciated landmarks, but not development of conservation policies for urban environments. I used it to explore a neighborhood the world. Each “cousin” has a profile, recommendations below 14th Street in necessarily bad places to check out if you’ve (Source: UNESCO) where I used to be a local (Astoria, Queens) with name, age, photo, occupation and a Manhattan and several in Brooklyn (very never been. to see if it could deliver. The fact that it lot more information. The idea is to add few in Queens), and heavy in the food and (Source: The New York Times) TECHNOLOGY


Iranian startup designs Iranian company exports pheromone traps to neighboring country

TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – An Iranian knowledge-based company smart beehive desk at Alborz science and technology park has managed TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – An Iranian of their activities and beehive status in to export pheromone traps to Afghanistan, Mehr reported on Friday. deskstartup team from Sharif notebooks, however the smart beehive is Pheromones are chemicals used by insects and other animals to University of Technology has managed to equipped with a QR code, through which communicate with each other. Insects send these chemical signals design and manufacture a smart beehive they can easily register and analyze data to help attract mates, warn others of predators, or find food. Using which can help farmers improve their pro- like weather forecast and keep track of specific pheromones, traps can be used to monitor target pests in ductivity, ISNA reported on Wednesday. nectar flow, when it is starts and ends,” agriculture or in residential areas. The beehive is made using Internet of he added. Things (IoT) technology, which can be used Increasing efficiency by smart by beekeepers and at honey bee farms. beehives The startup team is headed by Amin Using information provided by smart Rezaeizadeh and Mehdi Shahrdad. beehives and analysis for good reaction, the “We use modern technology in order to efficiency of beehives increased, Shahrdad promote professional beekeeping as well as said. support personal and urban beekeepers,” Information about weight, temperature Shahrdad told ISNA. and humidity are analyzed and the beekeeper The smart beehive is equipped with an is informed via an application on the cell- application, which can be installed on cell- phone, he added. phones to inform users about the latest Via a microphone installed on the bee- situation of the beehive, he explained. hive, the presence of queen bee, fertilization Users who have a limited number of and burglary are registered by analyzing beehives and do not have much knowledge the voices, he noted. about beekeeping can protect their hives “An eight-member team has worked for using the software, he said. a year on automation and signal process- Most of the times, the beehives are transmit data to beekeepers but also can “Some countries like the U.S., Australia ing in order to develop the technology for located in the places which are not eas- act as a thief-catcher, he explained. The company has acquired certificates for nine types of sex phero- and Slovenia have already conducted some beehives. The product is now in startup ily accessible. Smart beehives not only “Generally, beekeepers keep a record mones, released by an organism to attract an individual of the opposite activities in the field of smart beekeeping, phase and will enter into commercializa- sex for reproduction, from the Plant Protection Organization, the however the issue is proposed for the first tion phase through attracting investors.” managing director of the company explained. time in Iran.” Information about weight, temperature and According to the Bee Care website, Rasoul Ramezani said that the domestically-produced product A software is designed based on the IoT humidity are analyzed and the beekeeper the smart hives allow beekeepers to stay costs half of foreign products but with higher quality. in order to transfer information from bee- is informed via an application on the connected with their hives and rapidly “We have already exported the pheromone traps to Afghanistan hives to beekeepers, Rezaeizadeh explained. respond to any needs detected. Digital and we are finding markets in other neighboring countries.” He said that a demonstration beehive cellphone and via a microphone installed sensors underneath the hives provide time- Only 15 or 16 traps are enough on one hectare of land for a one- provides a connection between the server on the beehive, the presence of queen bee, lines about what is happening inside and month period, he said, adding that the pheromone trap is good for and the cellphone and collects data via fertilization and burglary are registered alert beekeepers when there are changes walnut trees as well as apple trees. sensors in the beehives. that may impact the hive. “We are the first Iranian firm that produces pheromone for com- mercial purposes,” he noted. He called using the pheromone trap as an organic method which is widely used worldwide due to disadvantages of chemical pesticides. E-government development projects on agenda According to the Science Direct, sex pheromones could be imple- mented in direct pest control programs, that is, mating disruption TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – Some 23 priority projects Baqeri Asl announced that the goal of e-government has and mass trapping. Mating disruption is where large amounts of sex deskare to be implemented by different or- been realized by 62.8 percent in the country before the first pheromone is released into the crop in order to prevent males locat- ganizations in order to promote e-government in Iran, the Iranian month of Farvardin, which began on March 21. ing the females, whereas mass trapping involves insect pests being head of administrational e-government development center He said that 105 organizations have been monitored and attracted to a site where they can be removed. told Mehr on Friday. their general score in different parts are: e-portal 84%, pres- According to a statistic released by the Fortune Business Insights, Sharareh Bakhtjou said that e-tax, e-health, e-signature ence at web 66.9%, interaction services 70.44%, transaction the Global Agricultural Pheromones Market covered the value of $1.92 and smart identity are some of the projects which are on service 70.22% and service integration 50.19 percent. billion in the year 2017 and is expected to reach $6.21 billion by 2025. the agenda. E-government in Iran The market in the Asia Pacific is projected to report swift growth The projects should be carried out by the end of the Iranian Iran has moved 20 notches up to rank 86 among 193 in the years to come. This is attributable to the growing use of agricul- calendar year 1399 (March 2021), she explained. countries in the United Nations E-Government Develop- tural pheromones in most of the countries in this region. The rising By implementation of the projects, not only problems ment Index (EGDI 2018), which was released in July 2018, demand for exporting agricultural products from Brazil and China of citizens would be solved, but also the e-government will in comparison with EGDI 2017. may increase the usage of agricultural pheromones in upcoming years. be improved, she added. Issued by the UN Department of Economic and Social “A four-member working group has been already formed Affairs, EGDI evaluates the scope and quality of online in order to monitor e-government activities.” services, status of telecommunication infrastructure and State Administrative and Recruitment Organization existing human capacity. Hands on with the first Director Jamshid Ansari, Plan and Budget Organization In December 2018, the head of Information Technol- announced that a total of 67 percent of state-run organiza- Director Mohammd Baqer Nobakht , Information and Com- ogy Organization of Iran (ITO) Amir Nazemi stated that tions in Iran are currently offering e-services. 5G laptop munication Technology Minister Mohammad Javad Azari over five million Iranians have got electronic documents He said that the ICT Ministry proposed that the government Jahromi and First Vice-President Es’haq Jahangiri are the and 5.138 million citizens benefited from e-government allocate one trillion rials (about $240,000) to development The Project Limitless 5G laptop could have decent performance member of the working group, she said. services. of e-government in the current Iranian calendar year, which and excellent battery life, but also several potential drawbacks, In mid-June, the IT executive council secretary Reza Meanwhile, ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi began on March 21, 2019. including the initial scarcity of 5G coverage. Lenovo plans to sell the first laptop with a built-in 5G modem sometime early next year. In fact, the prototype already exists, and I spent a few minutes with it at Computex this week. Based on what I saw, the world›s first 5G laptop holds a lot of promise, This new solar technology can be printed or woven into fabric but also several potential drawbacks. Our planet is facing an unprecedented global back time - remains high, and the production efficiency. Computex Bug ArtThere›s no official name for the laptop emergency due to the climate crisis. To counter rate is not equipped to adapt quickly to the Perovskite-based PV cells use an ultra-thin yet, but Lenovo and Qualcomm, which makes the Snapdragon thus narrative we need new and disruptive challenges of satisfying future demand. But layer of material, and this allows perovskite processor that will power it, have named the prototype «Project energy technologies. Breakthroughs here today a new breed of solar technology could to be cost competitive - along with its easy Limitless.» From the outside, the prototype looks like many other can make our planet a better place to live, prove to be the answer. processability due to its high tolerance for Lenovo Yoga-branded laptops currently on sale, including the minimize the deleterious effects of climate Classical silicon-based solar cells are today manufacturing defects. In the future, econo- Yoga C630 and flagship Yoga C930Best Price at Amazon. change and ensure a high standard of living. a mature, or first-generation, technology. They mies of scale and technological advancements Its most unique features are all inside. There›s a Snapdragon Harvesting energy through green and clean were superseded by thin film-based PV cells; will cut fabrication costs even further. 8CX processor and a Snapdragon X55 5G modem, which the- means is the way forward to preserve our these are made by depositing thin layers of Perovskite is a semiconductor, light-ab- oretically means much faster performance and higher cellular civilization. As Jimmy Carter once said: no- a light-harvesting material on a substrate, sorbing pigment. Its versatility means it can data speeds than existing Snapdragon-based laptops. The 8CX›s one can ever embargo the sun or interrupt which can be glass, metal or plastic. This be formulated as an ink, which can then be CPU has more system cache and twice the memory bandwidth its delivery to us”; the sun is the best gift technology uses exotic materials in extremely printed at any possible object - and this means of its Snapdragon 850 predecessor, while the X55 is capable of to humanity and harvesting sunlight at a thin layers, however, which makes it diffi- employing routine printing processes such speeds up to 7GBps. cut-rate price will solve our energy demand cult to be cost-competitive with traditional as inkjet technology, painting surfaces with The result, as I witnessed, is the ability to run multiple apps issues to a large extent. silicon-based PV cells. brushes or newspaper printing could be adopt- simultaneously on both the laptop›s built-in display and as many Renewable technology will drive the energy But today a new source of sustainable solar ed for mass-scale production. as two external 4K monitors. Browser tabs loaded quickly, and transition and will also induce geopolitical made photovoltaics (PV) - or solar panels - energy is under development that could have This new source of sustainable energy - video playback is silky smooth. Of course, those are basic things shifts, creating new alliances and business one of the main contenders. Currently, the a low energy payback time, and a cost that with its low energy payback time, portability that almost any laptop should be able to accomplish, but existing models. Countries that are currently fossil PV industry is dominated by silicon-based could see it deployed widely. This technology and flexibility - is fully equipped to reach Snapdragon-powered ones like the Samsung Galaxy Book2$999.99 fuel suppliers will need to reinvent themselves technology, which has reached the masses - characterized as emerging PV - is based on the masses. It can also be formed into at Samsung suffer from software limitations that make the user or embrace new technological approaches and has achieved grid parity (that is, cost nanostructured or carbon-based materials threads and woven into fabrics, bags or experience slightly sluggish. in order to remain competitive. Our planet’s parity with traditional sources of energy) in such as dye, perovskite (a family of man- building materials. Perovskite solar cells In addition to more powerful hardware, software developers current energy demand is approximately 16 some parts of the world. The costs for solar made crystals), or organic-based solar cells. have made stunning progress within a short have been re-writing apps to run natively on the Snapdragon Terawatts (TW); by 2050 we will need en- energy have already fallen 77% from 2010 to Recently, we have witnessed an unprece- timeframe at the laboratory scale; now we platform, which will also address the performance issues. This ergy for 10 billion people, and this will be 2018 due to an annual growth rate of 7.9% dented rise in the investigation of perovskite need to join forces and create synergies week, Qualcomm announced that the Unity video game engine around 30TW. in renewables. materials for solar cell fabrication due to their through chemistry in order to improve the now runs natively. Most web browsers and Microsoft-made apps To bridge this gap, we need new ap- In recent years, the PV sector has wit- excellent semiconducting behavior, ease of material’s stability. already do. proaches and changes to the current para- nessed a surge of instalments and drastic price manufacture and high level of efficiency. In Greenhouse gas emissions are a threat There›s even a new version of the PCMark 10 benchmark digm. The electric light did not come from reduction; however, the manufacturing of less than a decade, it has outperformed all to humanity everywhere. but don’t panic - utility that runs natively, which raises the prospect of direct the continuous improvement of candles, but silicon solar cells remains an energy-intensive the existing thin film PV technology and can instead, let’s build the future together though performance comparisons between Intel- and Snapdragon-pow- through disruptive innovation. The societal process - that is, the energy consumed to now compete head-to-head with mature sil- disruptive innovation. ered laptops. No independent test results exist yet, but based pressure to embrace sustainable energy has produce the technology - the energy pay- icon technology in terms of solar-to-electric (Source: on Qualcomm›s own internal testing, Microsoft apps like Ex- cel, PowerPoint, Word, and the Edge web browser all perform equally well or better on an 8CX-powered laptop as they do on one with an Intel Core i5. Scientists create fabric that smells better the more you sweat No Service (Yet) Snappy performance is all well and good, but the main reason It isn’t a sure-fire way to make your sweaty gym clothes as a carbohydrate-binding module, which binds to cotton. you›d buy a 5G laptop is for the 5G, and that›s where things smell like roses, but a new fabric might be able to give off a They used a second method involving fat-like liposomes become less promising. Few US cities have 5G coverage, which pleasant lemony aroma at the very least. rather than proteins to bind the pleasant scent to the fabric. means that if you buy Lenovo›s laptop as soon as it goes on sale, Processes already exist to embed fabric with scents like The tweaked cottons released the citronella scent when you›ll probably be limited to LTE speeds. those from aromatherapy essential oils, but now researchers they came in contact with an acidic sweat solution. The Here in Taiwan, the country›s main carrier, Chunghwa Telecom, have combined the idea with concepts taken from advanced pig nose protein-treated fabric emitted a “quick burst of is testing 5G equipment, but nothing is publicly available yet, smart fabrics. scent,” while the liposomes cleared the air with a slower, so I couldn›t perform speed tests during Computex. However, A team of engineers from the University of Minho in more controlled release. Qualcomm did bring along one of Chunghwa›s 5G base stations, Portugal have developed two ways to modify cotton fabric “Both strategies revealed high potential,” the engineers’ so I was at least able to see that the laptop does indeed have a so that it lets off a citronella aroma when it comes in contact paper reads. “Functional textiles incorporating fragrances 5G connection. with sweat. Their methods for using sweat against itself are could be an effective clothing deodorizing product.” It›s clear that for now, the 5G laptop is still very much a outlined in the journal ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. As a bonus, citronella is also a popular insect repellent. prototype. With the power of the 8CX and improved software The scientists used a protein found in pigs’ noses (yes, Keeping both the mosquitoes and bad body odor away could compatibility, it›s on the path to success, but much will depend hog snouts could be the key to sweet-smelling sweat) that soon be as simple as reeling off 50 quick jumping jacks. on how quickly 5G networks come online. binds to scent molecules. They also attached what’s known (Source: (Source: I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 SOCIETY AUGUST 4, 2019 Anniversary of heavenly marriage of Hazrat Iranian-Islamic stationery exhibit to be held in Tehran Fatima al-Zahra (SA), Imam Ali (AS) SOCIETY TEHRAN – The seventh Iranian-Islamic deskstationery exhibition will open on August 5 God gave victory to Islam in the battle of daughter. in Tehran at the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children Badr in the year 2 of Hijri. Two months after A few days later, the Apostle of God called and Young Adults, head of the association of Iranian-Islamic the battle, Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA), the on his daughter, and asked her how she had stationery has said. daughter of Prophet Mohammad (S), and found her husband. She said that she found “This year, nearly 100 publishers and manufacturing com- Imam Ali (AS), the son of Abu Talib were him the best companion in giving devotion panies will present their products and designs,” IRNA quoted married. and obedience to God. Later, he asked Ali (AS) Saeed Hosseini as saying. Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA) was only five how he had found his wife, and he said that Today, with the membership of 70 Iranian stationery producers years old when her mother – Khadija, may he found her the best companion in giving from across the country, the event is considered as one of the God bless her – died, and thenceforth, her service to the Creator. The greatest moments most important events in the field of children and adolescents, father, Prophet Mohammad (S), the Apostle of life for both husband and wife were those he highlighted. of God, took charge of the duties of a mother when they went into the Presence of their also for her. The death of her mother had Lord, and were absorbed in praying to Him. created a void in her life but her father filled Between Ali (AS) and Hazrat Fatima it with his love and tenderness. al-Zahra (SA), there was total identity of in- Muhammad, the Messenger of God, gave terests. Both were brought up and educated the utmost attention to the education and by Prophet Mohammad (S), the Messenger of upbringing of his daughter. If he was the ideal God, and Khadija-tul-Kubra. Both, therefore, for all men, his daughter had to be the ideal shared the ideals of their parents. Both put for all women, and she was. He made her the service to God ahead of everything else. There ideal of womanhood in Islam. She was the was absolutely no room for any disagreement personification of devotion and obedience to between them. Their thoughts, words and the Creator, and she was the embodiment of deeds, all were “conditioned” by Al-Qur’an all heavenly purity and saintliness. In charac- The Apostle understood what Imam Ali Medina rang with the shouts of Allah-o-Ak- al-Majid. Their marriage therefore, was just ter and personality, she bore a most striking (AS) was trying to say. His face lighted up bar. Salman the Persian held the reins of the as perfect and just as happy as the marriage resemblance to her father. Hazrat Fatima in a broad smile, and he bade Imam Ali she-camel, and walked in front of it, as he of Muhammad and Khadija had been. al-Zahra (SA), the daughter, was the image (AS) to wait for a few moments until he recited Qur’an. The Apostle of God walked As noted above, Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra of Muhammad, the father. obtained his daughter’s answer. He entered on one side of the she-camel, and Hamza, (SA)’s greatest pleasure was to wait upon The variety of Iranian-Islamic stationery products has grown By dint of obedience and service to God, the house, told Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA) the Lion of God, on the other. Allah. She spent most of her time in prayer. significantly this year compared to previous years, he added. Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA) rose to the that Imam Ali (AS) was asking for her hand All the young cavaliers of Banu Hashim Her second greatest pleasure was to carry out He further called on the responsible bodies to join hands and highest rank in His sight, as attested by Al- in marriage, and asked her what was her rode as escorts of the bride, with gleaming her duties toward her family. God was pleased support Iranian manufacturing companies. Qur’an al-Majid. God bestowed the greatest response. She kept quiet. He interpreted swords held high. Behind them were the Mu- to bestow upon her four children – first two According to a survey, about 80 percent of Iranians were honors upon her, and the Prophet of Islam, her silence as her assent, returned to Ali hajir and Ansar women, and behind them came boys and then two girls. She ground grain satisfied with Iranian-Islamic stationery products, he concluded. on his part, showed her the mark of greatest (AS), informed him that his proposal was the Muhajireen and the Ansar themselves. in a mill which her father had given her as Ending on August 16, the exhibition aims at promoting Irani- respect, one which he did not show to any accepted, and told him to make preparations They were reciting hymns from Al-Qur’an part of her dowry, and baked bread for them. an-Islamic designs and supporting Iranian producers. other man or woman at any time in his life. for the wedding. al-Majid to the glory of God. The recitation Grinding grain day after day caused blisters to When Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA) grew On the last day of Zilqa’ad (the 11th month), of hymns was punctuated from time to time form on her hands but she never complained up, two old companions – first one and then Prophet Mohammad (S), the Apostle of God, by thunderous shouts of Allah-o-Akbar. to her husband or to her father about them, WORDS IN THE NEWS the other – asked her father for her hand in invited the Muhajireen and the Ansar, to This heavenly cavalcade made a circuit and did all her housework cheerfully. marriage. But he turned away from them in attend a banquet, on the occasion of the of the Great Mosque of Medina, and then The household duties could become Cannes Film Festival - Palme disgust, and said: marriage of his daughter. He was going to halted at its destination – the house of the quite exacting for Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra “This matter of the marriage of Fatima be their host. When all the guests arrived, bridegroom – Imam Ali (AS). Prophet Mo- (SA) but she found happiness and strength d’Or Winner (SA), my daughter, is in the hands of Allah and were seated, he obtained, once again, hammad (S) aided his daughter in alighting in the remembrance of God. The Book of Himself, and He alone will select a spouse the formal consent of his daughter for her from the she-camel. He held her hand, and God was her constant companion. She (May 21, 2001) for her”. marriage with Imam Ali (AS). symbolically placed it in the hand of her hus- forgot the drudgery of work as she read The Cannes film festival’s most important prize, the Palme d’Or, Allah duly made His selection. He selected Prophet Mohammad (S) praised Allah, band, and then, standing at the threshold of passages from that book. And when she for best film has been given to The Italian film “The Son’s Room” His slave, Imam Ali (AS), to be the spouse and thanked Him for all His mercies. He the house, said the following prayer: put her children to sleep in the crib, she by the director Nanni Moretti. From Cannes, BBC Correspondent, of the daughter of His most favorite slave, then read the sermon of marriage; declared “O Allah! I commend Hazrat Fatima al-Zah- again read selections from the same book Jo Episcopo reports. Prophet Mohammad (S). He wished to see Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA) and Imam Ali ra (SA) and Ali (AS), Thy humble slaves, to as “lullabies” to them. A clearly delighted Nanni Moretti beamed as the jury’s president, Fatima (SA) bint Muhammad and Ali (AS) (AS) husband and wife, and invoked the Thy protection. Be Thou their Protector. Bless They grew up hearing Al-Qur’an al-Majid the Norwegian actress Liv Ullman, announced his film had proved ibn Abi Talib married. blessings of Allah upon both of them. All them. Be pleased with them, and bestow Thy from their infancy. She etched the Word of the critics right and won the festival’s top prize. (LIV ULMAN: Two months after the battle of Badr, i.e., the guests congratulated the Apostle on this boundless grace, mercy, and Thy best rewards God upon their young hearts. Through such The Palme d’Or goes to the Nanni Moretti...) “The Son’s Room” in the month of Zilqa’ad (the 11th month) of most auspicious occasion. After this ceremony, upon them. Make their marriage fruitful, “osmosis,” Qur’an and the children of Hazrat is a powerful exploration of how a family falls apart after 2 A.H., Ali (AS) called on Prophet Moham- the guests feasted upon lamb meat, bread, and make both of them steadfast in Thy love, Fatima al-Zahra (SA) became inseparable the death of a teenage son. When it showed earlier this week mad (S), and said: “O Messenger of God, date fruit and milk. and Thy service.” for all time. it had audiences, male and female alike, visibly affected by you have brought me up as your own child. A few days later, i.e., in Zilhajj (the 12th It was a truly happy day in the life of In the same year, i.e., in 2 A.H., public its emotional depth. While the Italians celebrated, it was a You have overwhelmed me with your gifts, month), Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (SA) had Prophet Mohammad (S). But how he must prayers on the two holidays for the Muslims, good year all round for European art house movies. An your generosity and your kindness. I owe to bid farewell to her parental home so she have wished that his beloved wife and friend, viz., Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, were made Austrian film, “The Piano Teacher” by Michael Heneke, won you everything in my life. Now I seek one could go to the house of her husband. Her Khadija, were with him so both of them to- a meritorious for them. three awards. And the first ever Bosnian film in competition more kindness from you.” father assisted her in riding his she-camel. gether could witness the wedding of their (Source: at Cannes won best screenplay. But the American didn’t go away empty-handed. Two strong films from the United States shared the award for best director, Joel Coen for his film noir about murder and blackmail in small-town California Tehran’s traffic congestion reduced by 6% last month in “The Man Who Wasn’t There» and David Lynch for his ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN – The newly initiated traffic on Tuesday. film “Mulholland Drive”, about how Hollywood can crush desk dreams and lives. scheme has reduced the capital’s traffic jam During the last month, traffic jam in the capital has re- Opinion is divided over whether Cannes has achieved its goal by 6 percent during the Iranian calendar month of Tir (June duced compared to the same period last year, he added. of rewarding filmson the grounds of artistic merit. Some 22-July 22), Mohsen Pourseyed Aqaei, CEO of Transportation Reacting to the criticisms claiming that the new traffic argued the absence of some of the bigger American studios, and Traffic Organization affiliated to the municipality, has said. scheme reduced traffic in zone B while increasing it in zone worried about the impact of a possible actors’ strike next month, Tehran Municipality has prepared a new traffic scheme C, he said that when there are traffic restrictions in central meant there was more interest this year in foreign language films. for the capital in an attempt to address persistent air pol- part of the city, using private cars will be definitely reduced. Cannes may be regarded as the world’s most important film lution and traffic congestion in the metropolis, which went When a person works in the central part of the city, he or into effect on June 22. she no longer can use private cars. festival but winning here is no guarantee of a film’s commercial The scheme replaced odd-even traffic scheme in the city, He went on to say that recent statistics show that traffic has success. The real test will be at the box office when the films go a plan that, according to many experts, was unsuccessful in been decreased in Tehran by 6 percent over the past month. on general release around the world later this year. achieving its goals of reducing traffic or air pollution. Almost all parts of the capital experienced lower traffic Words For many years the city center has been closed to all cars congestion since the new scheme went into effect, however, delighted: If you are delighted, you are extremely happy and except for a certain number of cars which have permits is- traffic increased only in two highways, one on which is south excited about something sued by the municipality as well as public transport means. side of Imam Ali highway and the other one is Hemmat beamed: If you beam, you smile because you are happy And the odd-even traffic scheme, as a method of rationing except for public transportation, including taxis and buses. highway, behind which there might be different reasons. top prize: the highest, most important prize in which access to the streets for private vehicles is granted All vehicles, regardless of their registration numbers, Since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year falls apart: If something falls apart, it breaks into pieces - so on alternating days, according to whether the last digit on are allowed to enter the traffic zones 20 days during each (March 21), Tehran air quality has been unhealthy for sensi- if a family falls apart it stops being complete and all the people their license plate is even or odd, was being implemented season (80 days all year round) for free without paying any tive groups for 21 days due to high rate of ozone emissions, in it stop being close. in zones far from the city center from Saturday to Thursday fees and those who are planning on entering the zone more while 1 day reported to be unhealthy for all the residents, exploration: the action of searching an unfamiliar area (Fridays and public holidays excluded). should pay taxes to the municipality. according to the Tehran Air Quality Control Company. art house movies: classic and new films which appeal to limited The new traffic scheme, aims to cut the emission generated The traffic scheme was efficient by decreasing traffic Cars can contribute to ozone raise, as toxic emissions audiences. The term ‘Art House’ is of American origin used to by the vehicles mostly in traffic-congested areas especially congestion by 13 percent over the past month compared of oxides of nitrogen is released by diesel cars during fuel describe cinemas showing classic films and new films which have during the peak periods or during peak pollution events, to a month earlier, Pourseyed Aqaei noted, ISNA reported combustion in an engine. limited audiences. Art house movies or films are therefore films which get shown in such cinemas. screenplay: the script of a film, including acting instructions and scene directions. ENGLISH IN USE empty-handed: If you come back from somewhere empty- handed, you have failed to get what you intended to get. LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION film noir: dark, suspenseful thriller. Originally, a term used by French film critics - dark, wet city streets, the play of shadows and complex plots are important elements of film noir. Rainfalls brings life back to بارندگی های اخیر زندگی دوباره به تاالب blackmail: the action, treated as a criminal offence, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing Gomishan wetland compromising or damaging information about them. گمیشان بخشید Gomishan international wetland, northern province of Golestan, is مدیــرکل حفاظــت محیــط زیســت گلســتان از آبگیــری بخشــی از تــاالب بیــن المللــی ُگمیشــان در divided: split on the grounds of: Here means because of. once again partially filled with water with recent rainfalls, the provincial ایــن اســتان خبــر داد .merit: If something has merit, it is good or worthwhile. chief of the department of environment has said بــه گــزارش خبرگــزاری ایرنــا امیــر عبــدوس روز ســه شــنبه گفــت: بارندگــی هــای اخیــر زندگــی دوبــاره no guarantee: no certainty that something will happen. Over the past few days more than 60 percent of the wetland was filled بــه ایــن زیســتگاه مهــم بخشــید و بیــش از ٦٠ درصــد تــاالب بیــن المللــی ُگمیشــان آبگیــری شــد. box office: a place where tickets for film, theatre and concerts due to the recent rainfalls and now 20,000 hectares of the wetland are are sold. covered with water, Amir Abdous said on Tuesday. وی افــزود: بــه علــت پاییــن رفتــن ســطح آب دریــای خــزر تغذیــه ایــن تــاالب از ســوی دریــا بــه حداقــل general release: When films go on general release they get Due to the decrease in the water level at the Caspian Sea the wetland ممکــن رســیده بــود و تقریبــا تمــام ســطح تــاالب بیــن المللــی گمیشــان در فصــول گــرم ســال کامــا shown at local cinemas throughout a country as opposed to selected cinemas in city centers. has been dried specially during hot seasons, Abdous said, adding that خشــک و در زمســتان نیــز بخــش بســیار اندکــی زیــر آب قــرار داشــت. .Source: BBC) in winter a small part of the wetland was covered with water)

PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM Every action has a “-al” Tell against somebody Keep (one’s) chin up reaction. We have Meaning: a word ending used to form nouns Meaning: to make someone less likely to suc- Explanation: to improve one’s mood, especially one planet; one from verbs ceed in achieving or winning something when sad or discouraged For example: Recycling as the best answer to For example: I badly wanted the job, but knew For example: Come on, the project was not a chance. waste disposal. that my age would probably tell against me. total failure—keep your chin up! I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 4, 2019 WORLD IN FOCUS 13 Pentagon chief: U.S. eager to deploy Maduro ready for battle after Trump threatens new missiles in Asia ‘quarantine’

TEHRAN — The United States is looking potential range of about 1,000km could be 1 According to Press TV, the foreign ministry of mediator to deploy new ground-launched, interme- flight-tested this month and be ready for Norway said on Friday that the two sides “have reiterated their diate-range missiles in Asia, the Pentagon deployment in 18 months. willingness to advance in the search for an agreed upon and chief said, a day after Washington official- A ballistic missile with a range of roughly constitutional solution”. ly withdrew from a landmark arms control 3,000-4,000km could take five years or more “The representatives of the main political actors in Venezuela treaty with Russia. to deploy. Neither would be nuclear armed. are continuing the negotiations,” said the ministry. “Yes I would like to,” U.S. Defense Sec- Washington is now free to compete with Since May, the Maduro government has engaged in negotia- retary Mark Esper said on Saturday, when China, whose arsenal is largely made up of tions with the opposition in a bid to resolve the political deadlock. asked if the U.S. was considering placing weapons prohibited under the INF treaty, However, the talks have so far failed to bridge the differences new medium-range conventional weapons which Beijing never signed. between the two sides. in Asia now that Washington is no longer Esper said China should not be surprised Maduro, who has said he would “meet even with the devil bound by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear by the U.S.’s plans. to keep the peace in Venezuela”, said earlier last month that he Forces (INF) treaty. “That should be no surprise because we was certain a peace agreement would be reached until the end “We would like to deploy a capability have been talking about that for some time of the year. sooner rather than later,” Esper told re- now,” he said. porters on a flight to Sydney at the start of “Eighty percent of their inventory is in- a weeklong tour of Asia. termediate-range systems. So that should “I would prefer months ... But these things not surprise that we would want to have a N. Korea confirms rocket tend to take longer than you expect.” like capability,” he said. The new Pentagon chief did not specify Esper said the U.S. should look at launcher test fire where the U.S. intended to deploy these bringing in other nuclear powers and 1 South Korea’s military had also concluded the weapons. expand the types of weapons controlled weapons North Korea tested on Wednesday are ballistic The U.S. formally left the INF treaty by the treaty. missiles and maintained its assessment even after the North with Russia on Friday after accusing Mos- He added that he does not believe this described them as a newly developed “large-calibre multiple cow of violating it for years, a claim that the will trigger a new arms race, but said the “The Department of Defense will work in six months it would suspend its partici- launch guided rocket system.” Kremlin has denied. U.S. needs to deploy missile capabilities that closely with our allies as we move forward in pation in the pact unless Moscow destroyed South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said Friday’s launches Hours after the withdrawal, Esper said in can protect Europe and the Pacific region. implementing the National Defense Strategy, missiles which the U.S. and its NATO allies were conducted from an eastern coastal area and the pro- a statement that the U.S. would jumpstart In a Pentagon report published in May, protecting our national defense and building alleged that they violate the agreement. jectiles flew 220 kilometres. The range would be enough previously-stalled research banned under the U.S. Defense Department said that it partner capacity,” it added. The treaty’s expiration now enables the to cover the metropolitan area surrounding Seoul, where the agreement, which he said is in the “early expects China to add military bases around New arms race U.S. to resume development of its own me- about half of South Koreans live, and a major US military stages” of development. the world to protect its investments in its Signed in 1987 by U.S. and Soviet Un- dium-range, land-based arsenal. base just outside the city, 9News reported. “Now that we have withdrawn, the De- ambitious One Belt, One Road global infra- ion leaders - Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Currently, the U.S. military plans to test North Korea fired missiles for the third time in eight partment of Defense will fully pursue the structure programme. Gorbachev - the INF treaty was meant a land-based cruise missile and a ballistic days on Friday, a series of launches that analysts say are development of these ground-launched con- Beijing currently has just one overseas to eliminate the presence of land-based missile previously banned under the INF designed to improve military capabilities and pressure ventional missiles as a prudent response military base, in Djibouti, but target locations nuclear missiles and medium-range treaty between August and November of the United States and South Korea as they seek to restart to Russia’s actions and as part of the Joint for military basing could include the Mid- arsenals between 500km and 5,500km this year. denuclearization talks. Force’s broader portfolio of conventional dle East, Southeast Asia, and the Western from Europe. Some Pentagon estimates have suggest- U.S. officials, who have been hoping to revive the stalled strike options,” the statement said. Pacific, the report noted. In February, Washington announced that ed that a low-flying cruise missile with a talks with North Korea, played down the launches. The North has been testing missiles despite U.S. President Donald Trump’s June 30 meeting with its leader Kim Jong Un, China says ready to fight U.S. on trade, Turkey laments exclusion from U.S. where they agreed to revive the talks. slams Trump’s ‘irrational’ move training on F-35 jets

TEHRAN — China has pledged to fight economy, for free trade, for an open, non TEHRAN — Turkey has hit back at its or legal grounds, we are trying to be New sanctions against Russia back if U.S. President Donald Trump discriminatory, and reliable multilateral exclusion from the U.S. F-35 stealth fighter pushed out. This is not an accept- goes ahead with his “irrational” deci- trading system,” Zhang said. programme, saying it had been kicked out able situation. If we are pushed out are about U.S. domestic sion to impose a new round of tariffs “We definitely will take whatever nec- without justification. of this process, we will have to try political struggle: Ryabkov on Chinese goods. essary countermeasures to protect our Turkish Air Force personnel, who other ways.” Trump vowed on Thursday to slap a fundamental right, and we also urge the had been training on the next-gener- Washington has objected to Turkey buy- TEHRAN — The new U.S. sanctions against Russia have nothing 10-percent tariff on $300 billion of Chi- United States to come back to the right ation jet, were required to have left ing the S-400 system, saying that operating to do with bilateral ties or the Skripal affair and really stem from nese imports come next month, taking to a track in finding the right solution through the United States earlier this week it alongside the F-35 would compromise the the intensifying 2020 presidential campaign in America, Deputy whole new level the ongoing trade dispute the right way,” he added. following the arrival of the Rus- fighter’s hi-tech secrets. It said it will not Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, told RT. between the world’s two biggest economies. Possible retaliatory measures by China sian-made S-400 missile system in allow F-35s to operate in airspace where On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an ex- Zhang Jun, China’s new ambassador to could include tariffs, a ban on the export Turkey last month. the Russian system is active. ecutive order imposing fresh restrictions on Moscow over its the United Nations, denounced on Friday of rare earths, and penalties against U.S. Turkish companies have been closely In turn, Moscow has offered to sell alleged involvement in the chemical poisoning of double agent Trump’s move as “an irrational, irrespon- companies in China, according to analysts. involved in the programme since its incep- Turkey its most advanced fighter, the Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, UK in March 2018. sible act” and urged Washington to “come The new U.S. tariffs, which would hit tion in 2001 and the country has invested Su-35. London and Washington said that Russia was “highly likely” re- back to the right track.” a wide range of consumer goods from cell $1.4bn into the development of the fighter Although about 40 Turkish air and sponsible for the attack but then failed to provide any convincing proof. The Chinese diplomat also signaled phones and laptop computers to toys and with NATO allies. ground crew are no longer involved in The new sanctions will see the U.S. opposing loans and any Beijing’s preparedness to take counter- footwear, are set to go into effect as of Sep- “From the beginning, when we en- F-35 training - and another 20 Turkish other assistance to Russia from international financial organiza- measures. tember< Press TV reported. tered this programme, we have fulfilled staff have been cut from a joint office in tions, while also banning American banks from lending money “China’s position is very clear that if U.S. Earlier on Friday, Chinese Foreign our commitments,” Hami Aksoy, Foreign Washington, DC - Turkish companies con- to the country. Ironically, Trump made his move a day after wishes to talk, then we will talk, if they want Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying Ministry spokesperson, said at a televised tinue to be involved in providing more what he called a “short, but good” phone call with his Russian to fight, then we will fight. We will never also said Beijing would not be blackmailed news conference in Ankara. than 950 F-35 parts. counterpart, Vladimir Putin. sacrifice our fundamental interests. We and was instead holding firm to its po- “We are not a customer of the F-35 This has led to many observers seeing a The Skripal affair wasn’t the real reason for the new sanctions are not only fighting for China alone, we sition in the protracted trade war with programme, we are its owners. While sliver of a chance that Turkey could rejoin as “everything [the U.S. does] in relation to Russia should be put are also fighting for an open international Washington. there’s no apparent justified reason the programme, Al Jazeera reported. in the context of the growing campaigning in the run-up to the election” in America in 2020, Ryabkov pointed out. The deputy FM said that Russia had long-since “adapted” itself to U.S. sanctions and even managed to make parts of its economy, July casualties in Afghanistan highest since May 2017: UNAMA including agriculture, more effective because of them. In order to further minimize the negative effect of the restric- TEHRAN — More than 1,500 civilians were killed or in- The agency also urged all parties to “put in place more tions, Moscow is “first and foremost going away from the U.S. jured last month due to the ongoing war in Afghanistan, effective procedures for them to obtain accurate informa- financial system and departing from the dollar as a universal according to the United Nations Assistance Mission in tion about the harm their operations cause to civilians and number one means of payment in the world.” Afghanistan (UNAMA). to be more open and honest with their public statements The figure is the highest in a single month since May concerning civilian casualties”. 2017, UNAMA said in a statement released on Saturday. The statement was published hours before the latest round The main driver was a sharp rise in civilian casualties of talks between the United States and the Taliban kicked off Trump again warns he could from increased activity by the Taliban in urban areas against in the Qatari capital, . The talks are aimed at finding a military installations. The agency said that the use of im- peaceful solution to the Afghan conflict. However, Afghani- kill millions of Afghans provised explosive devices (IEDs) accounted for more than stan’s government is not taking part. 50 percent of the casualties. In a report on Tuesday, the UN said that in total, 1,366 TEHRAN — U.S. President Donald Trump has once again warned UNAMA said it remained “gravely concerned” by the civilians had been killed in the conflict between January that American troops could win the Afghan war within days by harm done to civilians. 1 and June 30, registering a 21 percent decrease from the killing millions across the conflict-ridden country. “I call on all parties not to ramp up military operations corresponding period last year, Al jazeera reported. Trump made the warning as he hailed the “progress” made in peace thinking that doing so will give them a stronger position in Air attacks and ground operations by government forces talks between his administration and the Taliban militant group. talks about peace,” UN Secretary-General’s Special Rep- in Afghanistan killed more civilians than assaults by an- “We’ve made a lot of progress. We’re talking,” the U.S. pres- resentative for Afghanistan, Tadamichi Yamamoto, said ti-government elements in the first six months of the year, ident told reporters at the White House. in the statement. according to the report. Trump said that U.S. forces, bogged down in the coun- try for nearly two decades, “could win Afghanistan in two days or three days or four days, but I’m not looking to kill 10 million people.” According to press TV, in a similar comment in July, Trump Yemeni armed forces unveil new generation of domestically-built Borkan missiles spoke about 10 million casualties but this time he specified that TEHRAN — Yemeni Armed Forces have lant and Scud-type Borkan-3 missile was retaliatory attack guage al-Masirah television network that no nuclear weapons would be involved, saying, “I’m talking unveiled a new generation of domestical- launched from an undisclosed location in Separately, dozens of Saudi-sponsored Yemeni soldiers and their allies pounded conventional.” ly-built Borkan (Volcano) long-range missiles, Yemen the previous day, and struck a des- militiamen loyal to former Yemeni president the positions of Saudi mercenaries north of which could act as a game changer in the ignated military site in Dammam in Saudi Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi have been killed the mountainous Jabal al-Nar area of the face of the Saudi-led military aggression Arabia’s Eastern Province. and injured when Yemeni army troops, backed region, located 967 kilometers southwest against the Arab country. Saree further highlighted that the ra- by fighters from allied Popular Committees, of the capital Riyadh, on Friday afternoon. Sudanese activists, army Speaking at a press conference in the dar-evading missile has undergone successful launched an attack in Saudi Arabia’s southern The source added that dozens of Sau- finalize power-sharing deal capital city of Sana’a on Friday, the spokes- experimental tests, and can hit targets deep border region of Jizan. di-paid militiamen were killed and injured man for Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier inside the countries of aggression. According to Press TV, an unnamed in the process, whilst a number of fled to TEHRAN — The African Union envoy to Sudan said Saturday General Yahya Saree said the solid propel- Dozens of Saudi mercenaries slain in Yemeni military source told Arabic-lan- save their lives. the pro-democracy movement and the ruling military council have finalized a power-sharing agreement. Mohammad al-Hassan Lebatt told reporters that the two sides “fully agreed” on a constitutional declaration outlining the divi- sion of power for a three-year transition to elections. He did not French police clash with protesters in Nantes after man’s death provide further details, but said both sides would meet later on TEHRAN — Police fired tear gas at protesters in Tributes to Canico earlier in the day coincided with calls bloc hooligans joined the march. “Yellow Vest” protesters, Saturday to prepare for a signing ceremony. Nantes Saturday as skirmishes broke out on the for a broader march to denounce police brutality, attended who have led anti-government marches for several months The pro-democracy coalition issued a statement saying they fringes of a demonstration and tributes to a young by several hundred people. across France, had also called on social media for people would sign the document Sunday. concert-goer who disappeared and drowned in the A small group of protesters, some wearing bandanas on to join the protests. The military overthrew President Omar al-Bashir in April western French city. their faces and masks, used chairs to erect barricades in a According to Reuters, Canico’s death has revived anger following months of mass protests against his three-decade-long The body of 24-year-old Steve Canico was found square and set fire to a pile of debris as they squared up to and scrutiny over policing methods in France. French au- authoritarian rule. The protesters remained in the streets, de- in the Loire river Tuesday, 38 days after a run-in be- police, French television showed. thorities had been already criticized by rights groups for manding a rapid transition to a civilian government. They have tween police and late-night revelers by the riverbank Authorities had shut some parts of the city center ahead excessive use of force and crowd control weapons during been locked in tense negotiations with the military for weeks in Nantes. of the demonstrations, fearing unrest if so-called black the “yellow vest” demonstrations. while holding mass protests. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS AUGUST 4, 2019

Soccer: MLS bans ‘Tour de France return my only goal’ – Torres for 10 matches over failed drug test Froome plans 2020 comeback after crash

Major League Soccer on Friday said that it was suspending Pana- Britain’s four-time Tour de France champion practice ride of stage four of the Dauphine. manian Roman Torres for 10 games after the Seattle Sounders Chris Froome says next year’s Tour is his But the rider’s instant reaction was to defender tested positive for a performance-enhancing substance. “only goal” as he continues his recovery seek reassurance that he could get back Torres was also fined 20 percent of his annual salary for vio- from a serious crash during the Criterium on his bike. lating the MLS Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Policy du Dauphine. “I can remember lying on the ground effect, the league said. Froome, 34, broke his neck, femur, el- and the first responders coming over to The suspension takes immediate effect. Torres will be eligible bow, hip and ribs as he hit a wall at 54km/h me,” said Froome. to play again for the Sounders in the Sept. 29 game against the in the accident on 12 June. “My coach Tim Kerrison, Garry Blem, San Jose Earthquakes. Ineos team-mate Egan Bernal won in my mechanic, and Servais Knaven, my The 33-year-old, who is also the captain of Panama’s national Paris last month in his absence. director, were all in the car behind me. I team, is in his fifth season with the Sounders, who won the MLS “It’s safe to say I’m ahead of all the pre- can remember speaking to them and my Cup in 2016. dictions made initially of how long it would first question was ‘can I get back on my Torres released a statement on Twitter saying he had never take,” Froome told Team Ineos. bike’ and ‘am I going to be alright for the intentionally taken any performance-enhancing substances. Speaking in his first interview since the Tour de France?’. “I accept the analysis which possibly was due to having in- crash, the seven-time Grand Tour winner “They very quickly put that out of my advertently ingested a contaminated nutritional supplement, added: “The news from the surgeon when mind. They made it very clear that I wasn’t which I purchased in the United States,” he wrote. he said I could make a full recovery and moving anywhere and I should lie still and “With the help of God, I will soon be back on the field doing there’s nothing stopping me - that’s all I that I wouldn’t be carrying on the rest of what I love the most in the world — playing football and defending wanted to hear at that point. From then, the race. the colours of my club and my country, Panama.” everything was so positive. I was incredibly “Those first moments were the ones (Source: Goal) lucky not to be more seriously injured. that really hit home and I took it on board “For me the underlying goal is to get to that I’m not going to be racing the Tour de the start line in 2020 and be at a similar or France this summer. It almost felt like a better position than I was this year. That’s scene from Grey’s Anatomy or something. Less than two months on, he has be- was quite hard coming to terms with that. Messi banned from what is driving me at the moment.” It hit home that there was more going on.” gun weight-bearing exercises as part of a “It’s been incredible the number of mes- internationals for three My first question was ‘am I go- Airlifted to Saint-Etienne Hospital and rigorous recovery regime involving three sages I’ve received in hospital, at home and ing to be OK for the Tour?’ facing “at least six months” away from cy- to four hours of physiotherapy and up to throughout the Tour de France. It’s been months for ‘corruption’ Froome, who would have been chasing cling according to his surgeon, Froome two hours of exercises per day. amazing and just really heartwarming and a record-equalling fifth Tour de France - who said he could “barely even breathe “It was scary when I came round the motivational for me to see how much I’ve outburst title, said he could not recall the “freak after surgery” - admitted the extent and morning after the operation and felt how been missed in the race this year. accident” in which he removed a hand from severity of his injuries did not truly sink hopeless I was lying in that bed,” he said. “It’s motivation for me to want to get his handlebars to blow his nose during a in until fully explained to him in hospital. “Just 24 hours previously I had hoped to win back there in the future.” Argentina’s Lionel Messi has been banned from international the Dauphine and it was polar opposites. It (Source: BBC) duty for three months and fined $50,000 (£41,142) after level- ling accusations of “corruption” at South American soccer chiefs during the Copa America. Messi was sent off against in the Copa America third-place Maguire move to United would be Griffin: Cavs challenge playoff and afterwards alleged that the tournament had been fixed incredible business - Rodgers about ‘noise,’ not LeBron in favour of hosts Brazil, who beat Argentina in a controversial semi-final on their way to the title. The Argentina captain called the South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) “corrupt” and did not attend the ceremony to pick up his medal. He was handed a one-match ban and a $1,500 fine for his sending off last month. CONMEBOL had said that the Barcelona forward’s comments were “unacceptable”. “The player is suspended to play official and friendly matches with his national team in that period of time,” the organization said in a statement on Friday. The ban means Messi will miss Argentina’s upcoming friendlies against Chile and Mexico in the United States in September and another against Germany in Dortmund on Oct. 9. He can appeal against the latest sanctions within seven days. (Source: Reuters)

Klopp: Prem start date Leicester City manager Brendan Rodgers “This is a guy (Maguire) that knows there New Orleans Pelicans executive vice presi- Cavaliers in 2016. Griffin said Friday that ‘doesn’t make sense’ has described their England centre back has been interest all through the summer dent David Griffin clarified comments he he had failed to instill a sense of urgency in Harry Maguire as a “special player” they and he’s been super professional. He’s been made about the challenges of building a ti- the team following the championship and do not want to lose but conceded they have with his team mates right the way through tle contender around LeBron James during that his fear over James’ declining desire to Jurgen Klopp has questioned the Premier League’s start date and no choice after Manchester United met the and been a really, really good guy. their three seasons in Cleveland together, win proved “unfounded.” the effect it could have on his Liverpool players. Midlands club’s valuation. “He’s a special player, he’s not a player saying Friday that he maintains a “positive “My belief at that time was there is no way Liverpool’s season begins on Sunday when they take on Man- British media reported on Friday that that we would want to lose. relationship” with James. anyone can be born in Akron, Ohio, deliver the chester City in the Community Shield and Klopp’s side have the United had reached an agreement with But obviously any player will have a In a Sports Illustrated story published Thurs- first championship in 52 years to Cleveland, chance to win an unprecedented amount of silverware this season fellow Premier League team Leicester to valuation and if ever that is met then of day, the former Cleveland general manager Ohio, and be the same human being,” Griffin as they take part in seven competitions. Following the Community sign the 26-year-old England international, course there’s a discussion between clubs called his experience with those James-led said. “It’s not possible -- you’re a person, Shield, Liverpool begin their Premier League campaign against with a transfer fee of 80 million pounds and whether the player wants to stay or go.” Cavaliers teams “miserable” and questioned you’re a human being -- and my fear at that Norwich on Friday before facing Chelsea in the UEFA Super Cup (80 million pounds) agreed. Last year Maguire, who helped England James’ desire to win. time was that [James] wouldn’t have that five days later on Aug. 14. Maguire is expected to agree personal reach the World Cup semi-finals, signed a On ESPN’s The Jump on Friday, Griffin same animal-like desire to win. And what The Premier League, along with Ligue 1, is the first major do- terms and complete a medical at the Old contract extension at Leicester until 2023. said he did a poor job of framing a conversation we’ve seen is he’s gone to multiple Finals mestic top-flight to start its season next weekend, with the German Trafford club over the weekend. He played 31 league games last term, scor- about dealing with the “noise” surrounding since, so it was an unfounded fear.”Griffin Bundesliga kicking off on Aug. 16, La Liga on Aug. 17 and “The clubs have agreed (a fee) ing three goals. those teams. and a person close to James spoke to a week later. and there’s still some work for it to Rodgers previously said the 2016 “The fact that there was so much each other after the SI story was pub- “I don’t know why we start that early,” said Klopp, whose side go through. There’s still a bit to go in league champions had rejected two bids scrutiny in everything that we did, when lished, sources told ESPN on Thursday, could win the Community Shield, UEFA Super Cup, Club World terms of Harry’s medical and whatever last month for Maguire because they did I was speaking about being uncomfort- and Griffin expressed that some context Cup, Champions League, Premier League, FA Cup and Carabao personal things to sort out, but it is not meet the club’s valuation but they able and being miserable, it was my was missing behind his comments. James’ Cup this season. what it is,” Rodgers told Sky Sports. would not stand in the defender’s way inability to deal with that media scru- camp encouraged Griffin to clear up his Klopp also highlighted the workload of his players after a FIFPro The deal would make Maguire the once a fee was agreed. tiny,” Griffin said. “It wasn’t the man stance on the record, sources said. report said the health of some top players is “at risk” and recom- most expensive defender in the world, “Football now, that’s how it works, indi- himself. It was everything that came Griffin said Friday that the SI story was mended “mandatory offseason breaks of four weeks.” surpassing the 75 million pounds Liv- viduals will have their own goals and targets with a team led by LeBron James. It supposed to be about the Pelicans and the This summer several Liverpool players have competed in inter- erpool paid Southampton for Dutch and whatever it is they want to achieve had nothing to do with being miserable lessons he learned while being in charge of national competitions with Sadio Mane part of the Senegal squad international Virgil van Dijk last year. and that’s something that they will always with LeBron. We had and have a very the Cavaliers, saying his quotes about his that finished runners-up in the Africa Cup of Nations on July 19 and “I think it’s an incredible piece of busi- have,” former Liverpool manager Rodgers positive relationship.” experience with James in Cleveland in the Alisson winning the Copa America with Brazil on July 7. ness,” Rodgers added after Leicester’s 2-1 added. “If Harry ends up going then we will Griffin also addressed his comment that story were “sensationalized” and “taken out “I spoke to [Napoli manager] Carlo Ancelotti,” Klopp added. win over Atalanta in a pre-season friendly have to look at our options.” James wasn’t “the same animal anymore” of context.” “Italy has 20 teams as well [like the Premier League] and starts its at the King Power Stadium on Friday. (Source: Mirror) after winning a championship with the (Source: ESPN) season on Aug. 24. “Kalidou Koulibaly played with Sadio at the African Cup of Nations. He has four weeks’ holiday and is not even close to coming back. “I don’t know why we start that early. The Premier League is such a wonderful product. It doesn’t make sense. Guardiola urges City to strike early blow against Liverpoo (Source: Soccernet) lPep Guardiola has urged Manchester City to prepare Guardiola’s irritation at Klopp’s suggestion that for the “incredible challenge” of battling Liverpool City are one of a handful of clubs who live in a transfer for the Premier League title by landing an early blow “fantasy land” lit the fuse on what promises to be a Britain’s Murray brothers against their rivals in Sunday’s Community Shield. fascinating 10-month battle for supremacy between Guardiola’s side pipped Liverpool to the Premier City and Liverpool. bow out in Washington League by one point last season after a thrilling title With City yet to win the Champions League and race went down to the last day. Liverpool without an English title since 1990, it is quarter-finals The two clubs renew their growing rivalry when possible they would gladly settle for a trophy-swap they meet at Wembley in the annual curtain-raiser this season. Andy and Jamie Murray lost in three sets to Raven Klaasen to the English top-flight season this weekend. But Guardiola knows Community Shield holders and Michael Venus in the quarter-finals of the Washington Open. While City won an unprecedented English treble City could become the first team to win three consecu- The British pair took the first set on a tie-break but lost a second of Premier League, FA Cup and League Cup last term, tive Premier League titles since Manchester United as all 24 games followed serve. and are the bookmakers’ favourites to win the title between 2006 and 2009, so he won’t settle for only South African Klaasen and New Zealand’s Venus, seeded third, for a third successive year, Guardiola is well aware targeting European glory. trailed 5-7 in the final tie-break but won five points in a row to win of the challenge likely to be posed by Liverpool. “We won almost every trophy; not all of them. It 6-7 (3-7) 7-6 (8-6) 10-7.Andy Murray, 32, is playing his fourth event Jurgen Klopp’s men lost only once in the league was quite remarkable,” he said of last season. since hip surgery in January. last season – at City – and erased the frustration of “We start from zero now – we start again – but we The former world number one feared his career might be over failing to catch Guardiola’s team by beating Totten- are ready to accept the challenge.” before having the hip resurfacing operation, but returned to the dou- ham to win the club’s sixth European Cup in June. ’There are no doubts’ Riyad Mahrez, Sergio Aguero and Gabriel Jesus on bles court five months later when he won the Queen’s title alongside Despite a spat between the pair this week when Twelve months ago Guardiola warned of a need the bench after their returns from international duty. Spain’s Feliciano Lopez. Guardiola hit back at Klopp’s jibe over City’s big to guard against complacency after City’s record “At the end of last season I didn’t know how well The three-time Grand Slam winner says he could make a singles spending on transfers in recent years, the Spaniard 100-point haul in 2017-18. we’d handle our success and I think it was incredible return at the Cincinnati Masters later this month - two weeks before remains a huge admirer of the Liverpool boss and But this year he is taking a softer approach after what they did last after 100 points. The target is to the start of the US Open in New York - and has been practising the team he has built at Anfield. being impressed with his players’ maturity under keep improving.” singles play this week. “He inspires me in many things. He is a class intense pressure from Liverpool. For Liverpool, the glamour friendly represents a “I feel fine, just disappointed,” Murray said of his fitness after manager, a top manager. He’s so good and it is an “We will be nicer this season. These players con- chance to fine-tune their preparations after an un- the defeat. “Practices have been fine. incredible challenge for me every time I face his vinced me with what they did last season. There are even pre-season. (Source: BBC) teams,” Guardiola said. no doubts,” said Guardiola, who may leave Ederson, (Source: AFP) TECHNOLOGY

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 4, 2019 SPORTS 15

Fencer Mojtaba Abedini hungry Iran’s Esteghlal eye Bosnian defender Daniel Pavlovic

Esteghlal football team of Iran are ready to sign Bosnian left to win gold at 2020 Tokyo back Daniel Pavlovic. The 31-year-old defender, who currently plays at Perugia, has caught the eye of the Iranian football club, tuttomercatoweb. SPORTS TEHRAN – Iranian sabre “I want to win a medal, a gold medal in com reported. deskfencer Mojtaba Abedini Tokyo. I am concentrating to win a gold at is going to win a gold medal at the 2020 the 2020 Olympic Games,” he concluded. Olympic Games in Tokyo. Abedini Shourmasti, 34, is an Iranian sabre Abedini qualified for the 2012 Summer fencer who won a bronze medal at the 2019 Olympics to become the first Iranian fencer World Fencing Championships in Budapest, to compete at the Olympics. becoming the first ever Iranian fencer to win a He lost to American fencer Daryl Homer medal at the World Fencing Championships. in the 2016 Olympics semifinals and also He qualified to the men’s sabre event of lost to his Korean rival Kim Jung-hwan in the 2012 Summer Olympics through the the bronze medal match. zone tournament held in Wakayama City, Now, the Iranian fencer, who has recent- becoming the first Iranian fencer to compete ly made history by winning Iran’s first ever at the Olympics. medal at the World Fencing Championships He was defeated in the first round by Ro- in July, is going to won a gold medal in the mania’s Florin Zalomir. He also competed 2020 Tokyo. in men’s sabre event at the 2016 Summer “I finished in 36th place in the 2012 Olym- Olympics and reached the semifinals by a pic in London out of 37 fencers. I lost to a series of fine performances against the likes Romanian participant in my first match. I of Andriy Yahodka, Gu Bon-gil and Vincent Esteghlal, headed by Italian coach Andrea Stramaccioni, promised myself that I would win a medal Anstett but missed the chance to go on the has already shown interest in signing Italian forward Manuel in Rio 2016. I think I deserved to qualify for podium when he was defeated by Daryl Homer Pucciarelli. the final match in Rio but the decisions went in the semifinals and Kim Jung-hwan in the Pavlovic started his playing career at SC Freiburg II and against me in the semifinals,” Abedini said. Bronze medal match. spent his early career playing in lower league teams, like FC Schaffhausen and 1. FC Kaiserslautern, up until 2010, when he signed for Grasshopper. Pavlovic made a name for himself playing for the most successful Swiss club Grasshopper, staying there for five seasons, being Maryam Irandoost: Fighting for women’s the team captain in the last one. Maryam Irandoost has vision and a strong women cannot. Irandoost also bemoans in He has also played in Italian clubs Sampdoria and Crotone. will. The coach of Iran’s women’s national the massive gap in earnings for players in the team continues to work tirelessly in the men’s and women’s game well beyond Iran. battle for equal rights for women footballers “Compare the contracts of Cristiano in her country. Ronaldo with those of Martha or Alex interested in The sky is overcast, but everything else Morgan,” she says. “Look at the opportunities coaching abroad shimmers pink – the colors of Discover given to men! It’s not just in Iran, we have Football, a festival of women’s football to change things everywhere and work PLDC – Former Iran and Persepolis coach Ali Daei possesses culture, that is marking its 10th anniversary together on it.” a desire to coach abroad. this year. A lot of football is to be played in When it starts to rain, Irandoost puts on Daei has 149 caps for Iran and is ranked 21st among the Berlin’s Willy Kressmann Stadium over the a colorful rain jacket and continues talking. world’s most capped players list. next few days – all in the name of celebrating “Football makes me happy and sad at He started his coaching career in Saipa in 2006 and has the women’s game. the same time,” the Iranian coach says. led Persepolis, Rah Ahan, Naft, Saba and Iran national Maryam Irandoost beams as she walks “At the age of 10 I told my mother that I football team as well. out to her coaching zone. She and her players wanted to become a boy just so that I could But Daei is also keen try his hand at coaching abroad, have traveled from Iran especially for this continue to play football.’” however he has not stated that which countries are tempt- festival. A battle won ing him. The game begins. The now 40-year-old She has always been driven by this desire; In an interview with Iranian sport channel Anten, the Irandoost used to play football in Iran, now to step out into a stadium one day, to smell 50-year-old coach said he is going to work abroad since in fulfill me, something was missing. It was respects, my team today is in a better she is head coach of her country’s women’s the grass, to feel the atmosphere. the past years he has been forced to quit for political reasons. an incredibly hard battle. We were like situation than we were then,” Irandoost national team and had dedicated herself to “That’s why I went to the offices of the Daei says sports and politics should be kept separate. prisoners surrounded by concrete walls. says. “My team is my family, the players the cause of working for equal opportunities people in power to get things changed. For Persian Gulf countries are reportedly possible destina- Now we’re playing again and this really are my children and I am the mother. And for footballers in her homeland. six months I marched into the offices with tion for him. It certainly hasn’t been easy: In 2016 her energizes us.” mothers have the hardest job in the world.” a broad chest, only to leave in tears. But club, Malavan, based in the town of Bandar That energy is apparent from the way Irandoost should know – she has a in the end, I got there.” Anzali on the Caspian Sea, disbanded its the Iranians go about their business out 17-year-old son. Indeed, back home, her club, Malavan, women’s team. on the pitch, even if they are not playing as At a tournament that fostered an have a women’s team again. Here in Berlin Zob Ahan striker Motahari “We have a lot mouths to feed. When a team at this tournament, but like all the atmosphere to celebrate women’s football, though, the first half is over and Irandoost a storm-lashed ship starts to sink, it has other players, are playing in mixed squads. Irandoost remained reflective. After gazing smiles with satisfaction. One to Watch in ACL Quarters to rid itself of superfluous cargo,” is how “That’s what makes women’s football at a pink banner with the inscription “For the future, I hope that women will the club’s CEO reportedly explained the in Iran so special,” Irandoost says as her “daretofight”, she opened up about the be able to enter the stadiums and watch Zob Ahan forward is among the ones decision. eyes well up with tears. “Men no longer say sacrifices women’s players make every football matches. I am happy and proud to watch in the 2019 AFC Champions League quarter-finals. Two years later Malavan started up their that women don’t belong on the football weekend in Iran. that I became a football player.” As eight West Asian teams battle for four spots in the women’s team again, and just as before, pitch. Progress is being made and there “We’d like to fly to games like the men, Discover Football is a non-profit 2019 AFC Champions League quarter-finals, they will be Maryam Irandoost held the position of are a lot more opportunities and better instead of having to spend hours on a bus organization founded by 20 women from looking for their talistmans to lead by example. head coach. player development. These opportunities to get there. We can spend 40 hours on the Berlin in 2009. For the past decade, Discover Ahead of West Asia’s Round of 16 first leg encounters, Football energizes Iranian didn’t exist for older women like myself.” road for an away match – 20 hours there, Football has been organizing festivals with looks at eight players who could make the women The mother of the team 20 hours back.” friendly tournaments, discussion rounds difference for their respective teams. “During that period I learned to play the “When I was a kid, I used to go to the Bus travel is cheaper than flying, and and networking meeting all over the world. Arsalan Motahari is one of the eight players who can piano and studied sports, but that didn’t stadium with my dad. But in all other while the men’s teams can afford to fly, the (Source: DW) make difference for Zob Ahan in the match against Al Itti- had of Saudi Arabia. Despite playing just 377 minutes out of a possible 540 in the group stage, Amir Arsalan Motahari is Zob Ahan’s most productive attacking player with three goals and an assist to his name. Korea Republic set for the U.S. test The 26-year-old was also his side’s top scorer in the league with six goals despite arriving from Omani side Saham three Korea Republic’s preparations for the Tokyo 2020 Olym- head coach following the resignation of former boss months into the Iranian Pro League season. pic Qualifiers will include one of the biggest tests in the Yoon Duk-yeo after the team’s group stage elimination Motahari will be hoping to replicate his 2015 AFC Cham- women’s game; back-to-back confrontations with reigning in France. pions League success when he helped Naft Tehran reach the FIFA Women’s World Cup champions the United States. Korea Republic travelled to the US for a similar tour quarter-finals with three goals in 10 appearances. He had The East Asians will face the world’s number one in 2017, suffering successive defeats at the hands of also represented Tractor Sazi in the 2018 edition but failed side in Charlotte and Chicago in October as part of the the world’s top-ranked side, who they have not beaten to find the back of the net in three appearances. Americans’ five-match Victory Tour, celebrating the in 11 attempts since 1999. (Source: the-afc) world title they won in Lyon last month. The Americans were dominant on their way to a The tour has been scheduled as part of Korea Repub- fourth world title in France, winning all seven matches, lic’s run-in to December’s EAFF E-1 Championship in with four players – Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan, Rose Busan, as well as their bid to reach Tokyo 2020, which Lavelle and Julie Ertz – shortlisted for The Best FIFA Kaveh Rezaei deemed begins early next year. Women’s Player award on Wednesday. While the matches will be the last for USA’s departing Schedule October 6 – The U.S. v Korea Republic: Chicago, surplus to requirements at dual World Cup-winning mentor Jill Ellis, they may be October 3 – The U.S. v Korea Republic: Charlotte, Illinois the first for Korea Republic’s yet-to-be-appointed new North Carolina (Source: the-afc) Club Brugge TASNIM – Iranian forward Kaveh Rezaei is surplus to requirements at Belgian team Club Brugge. Club Brugge coach Philippe Clement has made it clear that Late wins for Iraq and Lebanon on night of comebacks Rezaei no longer figures in his plans, reported. Rezaei may return to Charleroi. Hosts Iraq came from behind to maintain success, it was the visitors who shone bright Iraq now have a six-day break before their Syria took the upper hand three minutes The 27-year-old striker has played 11 times for Club Brugge their perfect record, while Lebanon produced early and they took the lead when Batran next match against Syria, while Palestine into the second half, when Ward Al Slamh and scored just one goal. late heroics of their own to beat Syria on the successfully converted a penalty kick for will look to bounce back against Lebanon and Mohammad Al Marmour combined to Rezaei joined Club Brugge for a reported club-record second day of Group A action at the 2019 his first international goal in just the third on Monday. set up Al Douni, who made no mistake to fee of €5 million in August 2018. WAFF Championship on Friday. minute. LEBANON 2-1 SYRIA put Fajr Ibrahim’s side in front. PALESTINE 1-2 IRAQ Iraq’s reply came in the 21st minute, as Lebanon produced a stunning late surge Not to be denied, Lebanon continued Iraq continued their perfect start to their Abdulraheem met Ali’s corner kick at the to earn their first points of the tournament, to push for a goal of their own and finally home championship, recovering from the near post, with the 25-year-old expertly scoring two late goals to defeat Syria 2-1 in found one when Matar picked out the bottom Trabzonspor in talks to concession of an early Islam Batran spot- steering the ball past Rami Hamada and the later match, also in Karbala. corner with a superbly struck 25-yard drive extend ’s kick to eventually prevail 2-1 at Karbala into the bottom corner to delight the Karbala Syria led until the 81st minute following to level the tie with less than 10 minutes Sports City. crowd. Ahmad Al Douni’s goal shortly after half- remaining. contract Hussein Ali was the matchwinner for the Batran had a chance to double his career time, but Nader Matar gave the Cedars hope From there, a draw looked the most likely second time in as many games, capping a tally - and restore Palestine’s lead - just with a superb equalizer before Hassan Chaito outcome but Chaito had the final say in the Turkish football club Trabzonspor have shown interest in terrific performance with an 83rd-minute minutes later but his effort was denied by completed the turnaround in stoppage time. first minute of added time, finding himself extending Iranian international defender Majid Hossini’s penalty that sealed the three points for the woodwork and the sides remained level Lebanon’s win follows their 1-0 defeat through on goal before rounding Ibrahim contract. Srecko Katanec’s side following Mohanad at half-time. to Iraq on Tuesday, leaving them equal Alma and easing the ball into the net to seal Hosseini joined Trabzonspor in 2018 on a three-year Abdulraheem’s first half equalizer. Ali remained a regular threat for Iraq with Palestine in second place in the group a dramatic Lebanese victory. contract. The win takes Iraq clear on top of Group A throughout the second half, and it was the standings. The win, Lebanon’s first under head Trabzonspor is in talk with Hosseini to extend his contract. with six points, while Palestine were unable 22-year-old who sealed the victory with just The last team to get their campaign coach Liviu Ciobotariu, sets the scene for a The 24-year-old defender has been reportedly linked with to add to the three that they collected in eight minutes remaining, sending Hamada underway in Group A, Syria were confronted crucial Matchday Three clash with Palestine some European football teams. their opening night win over Yemen. the wrong way from the penalty spot after by a confident Lebanese outfit who created on Monday, while Syria will look for their Hosseini was a member of the Iran national football team While another large and enthusiastic Yaser Hamed Mayor was penalized for a several first-half openings without being first points against Yemen. in the 2018 World Cup and 2019 AFC Asian Cup. home crowd were hoping for more Iraqi handling offence. able to find a breakthrough goal. (Source: the-afc) (Source: Gazete Damga) Prayer Times Noon:13:10 Evening: 20:26 Dawn: 4:39 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:15 (tomorrow) AUGUST 4, 2019 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Iran opens exhibition to showcase Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 historical objects of children’s life Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. 9 433 Tel: 88 11 ARTTEHRAN – A museum has opened Webmaster: [email protected] deskin Tehran to display objects used by Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 Iranian children over the long history of the country. Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimesdaily The eleven-month exhibition titled “Iranak Childhood Museum” has been inaugurated at the National Library No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran and Archives of Iran (NLAI), the library announced P.o. Box: 14155-4843 on Saturday. Zip Code: 1599814713 The exhibition has been organized “to introduce the colorful aspects of the history and childhood culture of Iran as well as to emphasize the necessity for a permanent childhood museum,” the NLAI said in a statement. A collection of cradles, toys, books of pioneer writers and illustrators of children’s culture, and children’s music records are on view in a section of the museum. The museum also showcases information about children’s lifestyle and costumes under the Qajar GUIDE TO dynasty and Pahlavi regime. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING A collection of the dolls and puppets used in traditional performances has also been assembled for the museum. What you can be content with, is enough. Early signs of children in Iranian culture and history, Imam Ali (AS) including pictures of children’s images on historical and ancient bas-reliefs and objects, are also on display at the exhibition. The museum has hung excerpts from epic historical works from Persian literature that focus on children “The Arms of the Night” and paintings and other artworks bearing images of children. appears in Iranian bookstores The exhibition, which will run until June 21, 2020, has been organized in collaboration with the Institute ARTTEHRAN – Renowned French writer of for Research on History of Children’s Literature in deskdetective novels Frédéric Dard’s book “The Iran, and Omran Azarestan and Otaredian, two major Arms of the Night” (“Les bras de la nuit”) has recently been construction companies. Children visit the Iranak Childhood Museum in Tehran in an undated photo. published in Persian by Jahan-e Ketab Publications in Tehran. The book is about a chief inspector who is investigating a case in which a CEO has been missing for a few days and Iranian animated movies line up for Italy’s Imaginaria festival everyone in his company is ARTTEHRAN – The Iranian Short Film category. looking for him. desk The CEO’s wife, Doris, is movies “Sink”, “Jebeer” In “Jebeer”, a wildlife ranger is their number one suspect in and “Mr. Indifferent” will be screened in patrolling a protective area while his the case, a fact that causes the official competition of the Imaginaria soul is intertwined with nature and all the the inspector to visit her International Animation Film Festival in creatures he is protecting. He runs freely frequently, and little by little, Italy, the organizers have announced. and lives with the animals, surrounded he falls in love with her. “Sink” by Mahbubeh Kalai will be by beauty. But, as fate would have it, he French filmmaker Jacques competing in the Animated Student Short is confronted with some poachers. Guymont made a screen Film category of the festival, which will take Competing in the Animated Short Film adaptation of the book in 1961, place in Conversano from August 19 to 24. for Kids category, “Mr. Indifferent” by starring Danielle Darrieux, It tells a symbolic story of love and Aryasb Feiz shows a busy man who is Roger Hanin and Pierre death. A man and a woman in the form always in a rush. He is reluctant to help Front cover of the Persian version Destailles. of coffee residue come out of two cups in others until one day he encounters an old of “The Arms of the Night” by Translated by Abbas Agahi, the sink. In the process of mixing with woman at a crossroad. French author Frédéric Dard. “The Arms of the Night” is the dish water inside the sink, they go Animations from different countries, Dard’s 18th book that is published in Persian. down the drain. including Russia, France, Poland and “Jebeer” by Reyhaneh Mirhashemi is China, will be competing in the festival an entry to the International Animated This combination photo shows posters of Iranian films “Jebeer”, “Sink” and “Mr. Indifferent”. this year. Iran’s “Kejal” competing in Philippines Cinemalaya

ARTTEHRAN – Iranian director Nima Yar’s movie Tehran exhibit to showcase Japanese desk“Kejal” is competing in the 15th Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival, which is currently un- derway in Manila. traditional dolls ARTTEHRAN – The Embassy of Japan produced by contemporary craftsmen will also be put deskplans to organize an exhibition to on view at the exhibit. display a large collection of the traditional dolls of The exhibit is open to the public and will be running the country on August 21, the Japan Foundation has until September 11. announced. Several other countries, including Latvia, Jamaica, Hina Ningyo (Girls’ Day dolls) and Gogatsu Ningyo Moldova, Guatemala and Cuba will be the next hosts (Boys’ Day dolls), which have their origins in ancient of the exhibit. customs, are among the dolls to be showcased at the The Japan Foundation conducts programs in the three exhibition named “The Dolls of Japan: Shapes of Prayer, major areas of arts and cultural exchange, Japanese- Uijin, Toko-kazari or Warrior’s First Battle depicting a Embodiments of Love”. language education overseas, Japanese studies and gallant young warrior will be among the collection sched- Dolls connected to the Japanese traditional performing intellectual exchange, as well as strengthening cultural uled to be showcased at the exhibition “The Dolls of Japan: arts like Noh, Bunraku and Kabuki, and creative dolls exchange in Asia. Shapes of Prayer, Embodiments of Love”.

A scene from “Kejal” by Iranian director Nima Yar. The film, which has been selected to be screened in the Vi- Actor with Down syndrome inspires Readers line up for copy of British Vogue sions of Asia Section of the festival, is about Kejal, a 26-year-old and stars in Hollywood film edited by UK’s Duchess Meghan Kurdish woman who is a university student in Tehran. When her brother, who is a smuggler, is killed on the border, she begins LOS ANGELES (Reuters) — The LONDON (Reuters) — Royal-loving smuggling goods on her back between Iran and Iraq to look after critically acclaimed new movie “The readers queued up on Friday to buy her mother and younger brother. Peanut Butter Falcon” took an unusual the new edition of the British Vogue “Kejal” won the NETPAC award at the 22nd Tallinn Black path to Hollywood and has made an magazine which was guest edited by Nights Film Festival in Estonia last December. unlikely star of Zack Gottsagen, an actor Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex and Cinemalaya, which aims at discovering gifted filmmakers, who has Down syndrome. wife of Britain’s Prince Harry. will run until August 13. Gottsagen plays the leading role Meghan, who gave birth to her first of a young man who escapes from the child in May, spent seven months nursing home where he is living to pursue working with the magazine’s editor- Ed Sheeran sets all-time his dream of becoming a professional in-chief Edward Enninful for the wrestler. On his travels, he becomes September issue which featured 15 highest-grossing tour record friends with a small-time crook portrayed women she considered “Forces for by “Transformers” star Shia LaBeouf. Change” on the cover. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ed Sheeran’s Divide Tour is one for Dakota Johnson co-stars as a nurse sent “I wanted to be one of the first… the record books. to find Gottsagen’s character. and I was very excited,” said Vanessa Pollstar confirms the It is one of the few Hollywood films Forstner, 29, a luxury car saleswoman 28-year-old British singer’s Shia LeBeouf and Zack Gottsagen Posters for the new edition of the to feature an actor with Down syndrome who queued up outside the Conde arrive for the screening of the film British Vogue magazine which was tour will set the all-time high- in a lead role. Nast Worldwide News store in central The Peanut Butter Falcon in Los guest edited by Meghan, the Duchess est-grossing tour record with At the movie’s red-carpet premiere, London. Angeles, California, U.S., August 1, of Sussex and wife of Britain’s Friday’s show in Hannover, co-directors and writers Tyler Nilson and Sandria Plummer, 55, another of 2019. (Reuters/Monica Almeida) Prince Harry. Germany. Michael Schwartz said they met Gottsagen those who waited to buy the magazine, Pollstar forecasts the total when they were volunteering at a camp aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes. said she was excited about the diverse campaigner Greta Thunberg, New gross to this point of $736.7 for people with disabilities and Gottsagen It will be released in the United States contents Meghan had chosen. Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda million will top the previous said he wanted to become a movie star. on August 9. “It’s special because the Duchess Arden, boxer Ramla Ali and actress record of $735.4 million set The pair, who had made a short film Both LaBeouf and Johnson said they of Sussex is the editor for this month and women’s rights advocate Salma by U2 in 2011. and worked on commercials but had never developed a kinship with Gottsagen. and… it’s a once in a lifetime thing Hayek Pinault. In a statement, Sheeran calls produced a feature film, decided to write “He’s like some sort of guardian to to have, it’s a collectors’ item so I’m “I hope readers feel as inspired it “amazing.” a movie that Gottsagen could star in. me,” LaBeouf said. “He’s been a pillar excited that I’ve got two copies now,” as I do, by the ‘Forces for Change’ The Divide Tour launched “We sat down for a year and worked in my life. He keeps me afloat and gives she said. they’ll find within these pages,” on Mar. 16, 2017 and is due to on the script and tried to build something me a bunch of advice.” Former actress Meghan, 37, said Meghan said. end on Aug. 26. That’s 893 days that would show him in the best light At the premiere, Gottsagen had in a statement she had sought to steer The issue features a “candid In this June 18, 2019 file photo, compared to the 760 days U2 possible for who he is, a human being advice for others who want to follow the focus of the September issue - conversation” between Meghan and singer Ed Sheeran poses for spent on the road. with hopes and dreams and goals who his lead. “Follow your heart and follow usually the year’s most read - to “the former U.S. first lady Michelle Obama photographers upon arrival Sheeran’s tour topped U2?s has the capacity to love even deeper than your dreams,” he said. “But first, you values, causes and people making and an interview by her husband at the premiere of the film attendance record of 7.3 million I do,” Nilson said. should stay at school, study, study a lot.” impact in the world today”. Harry with veteran primatologist ‹Yesterday› in London.(Photo on May 24 in France with a total The movie has charmed critics, earning After that, “Reach for the top and The cover of the magazine features Jane Goodall in which he discusses by Joel C Ryan/Invision/AP, File) attendance of 7,315,970. a 100 percent positive rating on review you can go big,” he added. figures such as teenage climate change the “unconscious bias” of racism.