Digimatic Indicator

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Digimatic Indicator User’s Manual No.99MAH001B6 Series No.543 ID-F125/150 D i g i m a t i c I n d i c a t o r User’s Manual Read this User’s Manual thoroughly Before operating the instrument. After reading, retain it close at hand for future reference. CONVENTIONSUSEDINUSER’SMANUAL SafetyPrecautions To operate the instrument correctly and safely, Mitutoyo manuals use various safety signs(Signal Words and Safety Alert Symbols) to identify and warn against hazards and potentialaccidents. Thefollowingsignsindicategeneralwarnings: Indicatesapotentiallyhazardoussituationwhich,ifnotavoided,couldresult △! inseriousinjuryordeath. WARNING Indicatesapotentiallyhazardoussituationwhich,ifnotavoided,mayresult △! inminorormoderateinjuryorpropertydamage. CAUTION OnVariousTypeofNotes Thefollowingtypesofnotesareprovidedtohelptheoperatorobtainreliablemeasurement datathroughcorrectinstrumentoperation. IMPOTANT Animportantnoteisatypeofnotethatprovidesinformationessentialto thecompletionofatask.Youcannotdisregardthisnotetocompletethe task. Animportantnoteisatypeofprecaution,whichifneglectedcouldresult NOTE A note emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies information that may only apply in special cases (e.g.. Memory limitations, equipment configurations, or details that apply to specificversionsofaprogram). TIP A tip is a type of note that helps the user apply the techniques and proceduresdescribedinthetexttotheirspecificneeds. It also provides reference information associated with the topic being discussed. Mitutoyoassumesnoliabilitytoanypartyforanylossordamage,director indirect,causedbyuseofthisinstrumentnotconformingtothismanual. Informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewithoutnotice. Copyright ©19971997----2020202011113333 Mitutoyo Corporation All right reserved. i MANUALNo.99MAH001B CautionsonUse PowerSupplyWarnings ExternalpowerissuppliedtotheinstrumentfromanACpowersource,throughan ACadapter.UseonlytheACadapterspecifiedbyMitutoyo(No.06AEG302JA,D, △! E,DCorK/standardaccessory). WARNING Iftheinstrumentisusednearadevicerequiringhighvoltage,frequencyorcurrent, be sure that this device and the instrument's AC adapter have separate power supplies. UseonlyanACpowersupplywhichconformstothevoltageandfrequencywritten ontheACadapter.Usingavoltageorfrequencyoutsidetheallowedrangemay resultinfireorexplosion. When not using the instrument for an extended period, always unplug the AC adapterfromthepowersupplytoavoidtheriskoffire. OtherCautionsonUse Observethefollowingprecautionstoavoidinstrumentfailureormalfunction. Donotknock,droporsubjecttheinstrumenttoexcessiveforce. ! Donotdisassembleormodifytheinstrument. △ CAUTION Donotoperatethekeyswithapointedinstrument(suchasascrewdriver). Avoiduseorstorageoftheinstrumentindirectsunlight,orinextremelyhotorcold areas. Use of the instrument in areas of low or high atmospheric pressure may cause instrumentfailureduetomaterialdeterioration. Donotstoretheinstrumentinahighlydampordustyenvironment.Avoidgetting wateroroilontheinstrumentduringuse. Donotuseanelectricmarkingorotherhighvoltagedeviceneartheinstrument. Electronicpartsintheinstrumentmaybedamaged.Useinareaswherealarge amountofelectricalnoiseispresentmayresultinmalfunction. Securetheinstrumentwithadialgagestandorsimilarfixtureinavibration-free environment. Donotsubjectthespindletoaverticalloadortorsion. To clean the instrument, use a dry soft cloth or cotton swab, or one soaked in dilutedneutraldetergent.Useoforganicsolvents(suchasthinnerorbenzene)may resultinfailure. The contaminated spindle may cause malfunction. Wipe them off with a cloth dampedwithalcohol. Tomaintainmeasuringaccuracy,takenoteofthefollowingpoint. In areas of significant temperature fluctuation, thermal expansion of component IMPOTANT partsmaycausethemeasuredorigintoshiftfromthesetorigin.Usetheinstrument inatemperature-controlledroomwithaslittletemperaturefluctuationaspossible. Before starting measurement, allow the instrument and the item measured sufficienttimetothermallystabilize. ii MANUALNo.99MAH001B DisposalWarnings Liquidcrystalisusedinthisproduct.Whendisposingtheproduct,besuretoconformtothe localordinancesorregulationsineffectinyourarea. Liquid crystal parts contain a liquid which acts as an irritant. If this liquid accidentally contacts eyes or skin, cleanse the contacted area with clean △! runningwater.Iftakenintothemouth,rinsethemouthimmediatelyandswallow WARNING plentyofwater.Inducevomiting,thenconsultaphysician. Warranty ThisinstrumentismanufacturedunderMitutoyo'sstrict quality control system. Should the instrument fail within one year after the date of purchase under normal usage conditions, Mitutoyo willrepairitfreeofcharge.Contact yourplaceofpurchaseoraMitutoyosales office. Mitutoyowillnotrepairtheinstrumentfreeofchargeinthefollowingcases: If the instrument is damaged or broken due to incorrect operation or unauthorized modificationsorrepair. Iftheinstrumentisdamagedorbrokenduetoadroporshockduringmovingorshipping afterpurchase. If the instrument is damaged or broken due to fire, salt damage, toxic gas, abnormal voltageornaturalcalamity. Thiswarrantyisvalidonlyintheareaofpurchase. WARNINGONEXPORTCONTROLCOMPLIANCE The goods, technologies or software described herein may be subject to National or International, or Japanese Export Controls. To export directly or indirectly such matter withoutdueapprovalfromtheappropriateauthorities may therefore be a breach of export controlregulationsandthelow. iii MANUALNo.99MAH001B Contents CONVENTIONSUSEDINUSER ’’’SMANUAL____________________________________i SafetyPrecautions_____________________________________________________________i OnVariousTypeofNotes _______________________________________________________i CautionsonUse_________________________________________________________ ii PowerSupplyWarnings________________________________________________________ii OtherCautionsonUse_________________________________________________________ii DisposalWarnings____________________________________________________________iii Warranty_______________________________________________________________iii WARNINGONEXPORTCONTROLCOMPLIANCE_____________________________iii 1 NAMEOFPARTS_____________________________________________________1 1.1 MainUnit_______________________________________________________________1 1.2 DitailofLCD ____________________________________________________________2 2 InstallingtheINSTRUMENT ____________________________________________3 2.1 SecuringtheInstrumenttoaStandorFixture_________________________________3 2.2 MountingtheLiftingLever_________________________________________________3 2.3 MountingtheRelease_____________________________________________________3 2.4 MountingtheBack_______________________________________________________4 2.5 ReplacingtheContactPoint _______________________________________________4 3 BasicOperations_____________________________________________________5 3.1 ConnectingthePowerSource______________________________________________6 3.2 Starting/StoppingtheInstrument___________________________________________6 3.3 InitialSettings___________________________________________________________6 3.3.1 SwitchingtheInch/Metric_______________________________________________________6 3.3.2 SwitchingtheResolution________________________________________________________6 3.3.3 SwitchingtheMeasurementSystem_______________________________________________6 3.3.4 SettingtheOrigin(PRESET)_____________________________________________________7 3.4 MeasurementModes _____________________________________________________8 3.4.1 NormalMode_________________________________________________________________8 3.4.2 ToleranceMode_______________________________________________________________8 3.4.3 Max.PeakHoldMode__________________________________________________________9 3.4.4 Min.PeakHoldMode___________________________________________________________9 3.4.5 TIR(Run-Out)MeasurementMode________________________________________________9 iv MANUALNo.99MAH001B 3.5 AnalogDisplay_________________________________________________________ 10 3.5.1 SwitchingtheDisplayRange ___________________________________________________10 3.5.2 PointerCentering____________________________________________________________10 3.6 SwitchingtheCountingDirection__________________________________________ 10 3.7 FunctionLock__________________________________________________________ 10 4 DataI/O____________________________________________________________ 11 4.1 OutputConnector_______________________________________________________ 11 4.2 OutputDataFormat(DATA1)______________________________________________ 11 4.3 TimingChart___________________________________________________________ 12 5 ErrorMessages&CorrectiveMeasures _________________________________ 13 6 Specifications ______________________________________________________ 14 6.1 Specificationsofthemainunit____________________________________________ 14 6.2 Standardaccessories ___________________________________________________ 14 6.3 Optionalaccessories____________________________________________________ 14 6.4 Dimensions____________________________________________________________ 15 v MANUALNo.99MAH001B 1 NAME OF PARTS 1.1 Main Unit ① Cap ⑧ LCD ⑮ +/- key ② Flat back ⑨ ZERO/ABS key ⑯ in/mm key(AGD model) ③ Stem ⑩ PRESET/SET key ⑰ Release hole ④ Spindle ⑪ RES key (With Rubber cap) ⑤ Contact point ⑫ RANGE/→Adj.← key ⑱ AC adapter ⑥ Output connector ⑬ MODE key ⑲ Lifting lever ⑦ DC jack ⑭ ON/OFF key - 1 - MANUAL No.99MAH001B 1.2 Ditail of LCD ① Analog range ⑧ Function
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