Independent Board of Inquiry POBox 32293 Broomfontein 201 7 Johonnesburg South Africo Phone (all ) 403 - 3256/7 Fox (all ) 403 - 1366 .') -- Report fo May - Augu st 1994 • .".) Report for MIIy-AuifUst i9J IBI Copyright otice Members of the public are free to reprint or report information, either in whole or in part, contained in this publication on the strict understanding that the Independent Board of Inquiry is acknowledged. Otherwise, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. • BOARD MEMBERS: Dr Alex Boraine, Rev Frank Chi kane, Mr Brian Currin, Reverend Mvume Dandala, Prof John Dugard, Ms Sheena Duncan, Mr Peter Kerchhoff, Mr Norman Manoim, Ms Emma Mashinini, Br Jude Pieterse, Archbishop Desmond Tutu • IBI Report for AlnrAugust i9J TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: 1 1. STATE INSTITUTIONS: 3 1.1 South African Police Se rvice (SAPS) 3 1.1.1 Vusi Phiri "C 4 1.1.2 Eugene de Kock 4 1.2 Prisons 6 2. RIGHT WING 7 . - • 2. t Freedom Front 8 2.2 Afrikaner Weel'"S tandsbeweging (A WB) 9 2.3 Ri ght-wing trials 10 3. THE GOLDSTONE COMMISSION 11 3. 1 Escom Arms Deal 12 3.2 Third Force activities \3 4. TRUTH COMMISSION 14 5. ATTACKS ON INDIVIDUALS 15 • 5.1 W alter Sisulu 16 .2 Wilson Xolo 17 5.3 Oswald OIadla 17 5.4 Mathew Goniwe, Fort Calata. Sparrow Mkonto and Sicelo Mhlauli 17 5.5 Anton Lubowski 18 7.
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