Control of Terrain Map: July 14, 2016

Iraqi Kurdish Map Legend KDP Peshmerga Control Zone Dahuk Populated areas under KDP Peshmerga control Rabia Dam PUK Peshmerga Control Zone Sinjar Qandil Populated areas under PUK Mosul Arbil Peshmerga control Gwer Iraqi Kurdistan regions under Qayyarah Makhmur Peshmerga control Qayyarah Air eld West Populated areas under PKK/YPG control Suleimaniyah Sharqat Hawija Populated areas under KDP Peshmerga/PKK/YPG control Bashir Populated areas under ISF control Tuz Khurmato with KDP Peshmerga and Sunni Camp Speicher tribal ghters PUK Peshmerga-held location KDP Peshmerga-held location Qaim Joint ISF-KDP Peshmerga-held location Baghdadi Muqdadiyah Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Balad Base Headquarters Site Asad Base Camp Taji Mixed PUK Peshmerga-Militia Hit Garma Waleed Controlled Location Rutba Mixed KDP Peshmerga/ PKK/YPG- held location Taqadum Base Trebil Jurf al-Sakhr al- al- Nukhaib al-Diwaniyah al- al-

al- al-Nasriyah

Basra Iraq Map Legend ISF Control Zone ISF and heavy presence of Iraqi Shi’a militias Joint ISF - Sunni Tribal Fighters Control Zone Populated areas under ISF control ISIS Control Zone ISF-held location ISIS-held location 100km Content: Emily Anagnostos and ISW Iraq Team ISF-held military base Graphics: Emily Anagnostos ©2016 by the Institute for the Study of War e Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Popular Mobilization completed the operation to recapture Fallujah on June 26, securing the city and its environs from ISIS control. e operation, which began on May 23, breached the city limits on June 8 and secured the government complex on June 17. e Popular Mobilization agreed with the ISF to remain outside of Fallujah’s city limits, out of ISF and Coalition fears of Shi’a sectarian reprisals on Fallujah’s Sunni population. Despite this agreement, pro-Iranian elements within the ISF allowed proxy militias to operate inside the city. Fallujah’s security apparatus after the end of the operation remains rmly under ISF control, while Popular Mobilization continue to secure terrain in its environs. ISW is thus changing the status of Fallujah to an ISF-held location.

e ISF launched an operation to retake Shirqat and Qayyarah on June 18, seizing Qayyarah aireld on July 9. e ISF opened the front northwards from Baiji to Qayyarah as ISF units operating under Ninewa Operations Command continued eorts westwards from Makhmur. e ISF, backed by tribal ghters and Coalition airstrikes, secured Qayyarah Aireld West on July 9. e U.S.-led Coalition will use Qayyarah airbase for logistical and air support for future ISF operations to retake Mosul. e U.S. announced on July 11 that it will deploy an additional 560 soldiers to the base for this purpose. e ISF also arrived at the western bank of the River on July 13. ISF units under Ninewa Operations Command secured Hajj Ali, on the eastern bank, on July 2. e two fronts made contact, eectively severing the ground line of communication between Shirqat and Qayyarah. ISW is thus changing the status of Qayyarah Aireld West to an ISF-held military base and the status of its environs to an ISF control zone.