Control of Terrain Map: October 26, 2016

Iraqi Kurdish Map Legend Iraqi Kurdistan regions under Dahuk Peshmerga control KDP Peshmerga Control Zone Rabia Dam KDP Peshmerga-held location Qandil PUK Peshmerga Control Zone Mosul Arbil PUK Peshmerga-held location Gwer Mixed PUK Peshmerga-Militia Qayyarah Makhmur Controlled Location Qayyarah Air eld West Populated areas under ISF control Suleimaniyah Sharqat with KDP Peshmerga and Sunni tribal ghters Joint ISF-KDP Peshmerga-held location Bashir Tuz Khurmato Populated areas under KDP Camp Speicher Peshmerga/PKK/YPG control Mixed KDP Peshmerga/ PKK/YPG-held location Qaim Populated areas under PKK/YPG control Baghdadi Muqdadiyah Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Balad Base Headquarters Site Asad Base Camp Taji Hit Garma Waleed Rutba Taqadum Base Trebil Jurf al-Sakhr al- al-

Nukhaib al-Diwaniyah al- al-

al- al-Nasriyah

Iraq Map Legend ISF Control Zone Joint ISF - Sunni Tribal Fighters Control Zone ISF-held location ISF-held military base Control Zone where Iraqi Shi’a militias are the primary security force and/or the present ISF units are compromised by Shi’a militias Shi’a militia-held location ISIS Control Zone 100km ISIS-held location Graphics and Content: Staley Smith and the ISW Iraq Team ©2016 by the Institute for the Study of War The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Peshmerga forces launched operations from eastern and southern axes to recapture Mosul and Ninewa province on October 17. Peshmerga and Counter Terrorism Services (CTS) units opened a northern front on October 20 from villages to the north and the Mosul Dam, northwest of Mosul. The Peshmerga and ISF, spearheaded by the CTS, reached Mosul city limits on the eastern axis on October 24. ISF units on the southern axis, led by the Federal Police and Emergency Response Division (ERD) with support from and the Popular Mobilization, launched the offensive farthest from Mosul and lag behind the northern and eastern axes, despite considerable progress capturing most of the Tigris River’s eastern bank near Qayyarah. An operational pause is in effect for units on the eastern axis until ISF units on the southern axis approach Mosul. ISW is updating the shape of the ISIS control zone near Mosul to reflect the current progress of the Mosul operation and changing the color of the southern axis to differentiate areas where the ISF operates exclusively and joint ISF and Iraqi Shia militias operate alongside one another.