Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases List of Plants for Molluscicide

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Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases List of Plants for Molluscicide Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases List of Plants for Molluscicide Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Acalypha indica 1 Achillea millefolium 1 Acinos suaveolens 1 Aconitum napellus 1 Aframomum melegueta 3 Akebia quinata 1 Ambrosia hispida 1 Ammi majus 4 62200.0 Ammi visnaga 2 Anacardium occidentale 3 Anethum graveolens 3 Angelica archangelica 4 13762.0 Angelica dahurica 2 Angelica sinensis 1 Apium graveolens 5 1412.19 Argemone mexicana 2 Arnica montana 2 Artemisia annua 1 Artemisia herba-alba 1 Balanites aegyptiacus 1 Baptisia tinctoria 2 Blighia sapida 1 Bocconia arborea 1 Bocconia frutescens 2 Calamintha nepeta 1 Camellia sinensis 1 Carum carvi 1 Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Casimiroa edulis 2 Castanospermum australe 2 Caulophyllum thalictroides 1 Chelidonium majus 3 Chenopodium album 2 Chrysanthemum parthenium 1 Chrysanthemum x morifolium 1 Cinchona pubescens 1 Citrus aurantiifolia 3 Citrus aurantium 2 2.0 Citrus limon 3 Citrus meyerii 1 Citrus reticulata 1 20.1 Citrus sinensis 2 Coriandrum sativum 2 Coridothymus capitatus 1 Corydalis spp 1 Cunila origanoides 1 21252.0 Cytisus scoparius 3 30000.0 Daucus carota 3 4.4 Dictamnus albus 2 Elsholtzia pilosa 1 Elsholtzia polystachya 1 Elytrigia repens 1 Eschscholzia californica 3 Eucalyptus bridgesiana 1 Eupatorium perfoliatum 1 2 Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Euphorbia pulcherrima 1 Ferula alliacea 1 Ferula assa-foetida 1 Ficus carica 2 14200.0 Foeniculum vulgare 5 8.0 Fragaria spp 1 Genista tinctoria 2 Ginkgo biloba 5 Glaucium flavum 3 Glehnia littoralis 3 Glycyrrhiza glabra 3 Hedera helix 1 Heracleum laciniatum 2 Heracleum sphondylium 1 Houttuynia cordata 1 Humulus lupulus 1 Hyptis suaveolens 1 Hyssopus officinalis 1 6.0 Inula helenium 1 Laburnum anagyroides 1 Levisticum officinale 2 26.0 Limonia acidissima 2 Lippia graveolens 1 Lupinus albus 2 280.0 Lupinus mutabilis 1 Lycopersicon esculentum 1 16.0 Macleaya cordata 2 3 Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Medicago sativa 3 Melissa officinalis 1 Mentha longifolia 1 30.0 Mentha pulegium 1 Mentha spicata 1 Micromeria congesta 1 Micromeria fruticosa 1 Micromeria juliana 1 Micromeria myrtifolia 1 Monarda citriodora 1 16674.0 Monarda didyma 1 100.0 Monarda fistulosa 1 41700.0 Monarda media 1 2584.0 Monarda punctata 1 55266.0 Monarda russeliana 1 3504.0 Morinda citrifolia 2 Murraya koenigii 2 Nepeta cataria 1 Nepeta racemosa 1 Nigella sativa 2 Ocimum basilicum 1 2830.0 Ocimum gratissimum 1 Origanum minutiflorum 1 Origanum onites 1 172.0 Origanum sipyleum 1 Origanum syriacum 1 Origanum vulgare 1 10000.0 4 Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Paeonia lactiflora 1 Papaver somniferum 1 Pastinaca sativa 4 14600.0 Perilla frutescens 1 Petroselinum crispum 5 4749.0599999999995 Peucedanum ostruthium 1 Peumus boldus 2 Pimpinella anisum 4 Polygonum hydropiper 2 Psoralea corylifolia 1 Pulsatilla chinensis 1 Pycnanthemum nudum 1 46696.0 Pycnanthemum virginianum 1 754.0 Rosmarinus officinalis 1 Rubia cordifolia 1 Ruta graveolens 4 Salvia canariensis 1 Salvia officinalis 1 Sanguinaria canadensis 3 120000.0 Satureja cilicica 1 Satureja cuneifolia 1 Satureja douglasii 1 78.0 Satureja hortensis 1 Satureja montana 1 15502.0 Satureja obovata 1 Satureja subspicata 1 Satureja thymbra 1 5 Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Schinus terebinthifolius 1 Sideritis athoa 1 Sideritis scardica 1 Skimmia arborescens 2 Solanum carolinense 2 Solanum dulcamara 1 Solanum mammosum 1 Solanum melongena 2 Solanum nigrum 2 Solanum tuberosum 1 Sophora angustifolia 1 Sophora japonica 1 Sophora secundiflora 2 Spartium junceum 2 12600.0 Tanacetum parthenium 1 Teucrium asiaticum 1 Teucrium cyprium 1 Teucrium divaricatum 1 Teucrium gnaphalodes 1 Teucrium kotschyanum 1 Teucrium micropodioides 1 Teucrium oxylepis 1 Teucrium polium 2 Teucrium pseudoscorodonia 1 Teucrium salviastrum 1 Teucrium scorodonia 1 Thymus broussonettii 1 6 Plants with Activity Synergy Chemical Count Total PPM Thymus capitatus 1 1960.0 Thymus funkii 1 Thymus longicaulis 1 Thymus mastichina 1 380.0 Thymus orospedanus 1 2556.0 Thymus riatarum 1 Thymus saturejoides 1 Thymus serpyllum 1 114.0 Thymus vulgaris 1 48200.0 Thymus x citriodorus 1 Thymus zygis 1 Trachyspermum ammi 1 52400.0 Turnera diffusa 1 Ulex europaeus 1 Umbellularia californica 1 2640.0 Vaccinium corymbosum 1 Valeriana officinalis 1 Warburgia ugandensis 2 Zanthoxylum americanum 3 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis 1 Zea mays 2 Zingiber officinale 3 370.0 7.
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