2006- 2007 ANNUAL REPORT


BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS SANITATION (as of July 1, 2006) Class A: Property Owners Aminoul Niasse, supervisor Brenda J. Hart Malick Boye OFFICERS Family Support Systems Unlimited, Inc. Mamur Ceesay CHAIRMAN Seedia Jabbi Michael Hirschhorn Robert Berger (Class A) Mamadou Pouye Martins Webster Inc. Jenel Management Corporation Moudou Seck VICE-CHAIR Samuel Jemal Mamat Secka Sheldon Sherman (Class B) Fordham Associates, LLP ADMINISTRATION Kids World Carolyn Malinsky Acadia P.A East Fordham Acquisitions, LLC Wilma Alonso TREASURER Executive Director David Rose (Class A) Luz Ortega Automotive Realty Corporation Banco Popular Daniel J. Bernstein Deputy Executive Director SECRETARY Robert Sofia Donald Simon (Class A) Emigrant Savings Bank SUPPORT STAFF/INTERNS Monroe College Altagracia Concepcion Class B: Commercial Tenants VICE-SECRETARY BCED Joseph Muriana (Class A) Frank Bagatta Mariel De La Cruz North End Wine & Liquor Fordham University Marzie Jafari CUNY on the Concourse Mark Sangalang Fordham University Mohamed Sayed Ramee Corporation Tayouth Clarke Monroe College Class D: Government/Elected Officials Pauline Smith Robert W. Walsh Monroe College Representative NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Office Paula Caplan Representative Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion’s Office Albert Alvarez Representative NYC Councilman Joel Rivera’s Office Robert M. Mazess Representative NYC Comptroller William C. Thompson’s Office

Class E: Non-Voting Members Xavier Rodriguez District Manager Community Board 5 Ivine Galarza District Manager Community Board 6 Rita Kessler District Manager Community Board 7 L-R, DANIEL J. BERNSTEIN, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ROBERT BERGER, CHAIRMAN, AND WILMA ALONSO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

MISSION STATEMENT MESSAGE FROM The mission of the Fordham Road Business THE CHAIRMAN & Improvement District (BID) is to foster and EXECUTIVE STAFF promote the growth and vitality of its local THERE HAVE BEEN MANY CHANGES ON business community and strengthen its local FORDHAM ROAD OVER THE LAST YEAR. economic base. We achieve this through a range The BID sanitation team has made a major difference in the of effective programs that enhance area general daily appearance of the street. Our marketing and maintenance and sanitation conditions, provide promotional efforts have attracted continuous media and business assistance and development services, press coverage of the BID businesses. Many major capital improve security, facilitate a beautified street- improvement projects for our shopping district are finally beginning to come to fruition. scape and aid in constituent problem-solving; We wish to extend thanks to all of our members for their while showcasing the business area’s assets support during this past year. The success of our programs through innovative marketing and promotion and services would not be possible without their input and techniques. These services are provided in a cost- active involvement. efficient and effective manner by the BID and are Lastly, a special thanks to the volunteers serving on our enhanced by its strong working partnerships Board of Directors. It is their efforts and leadership that with public agencies, elected officials and local continue to make the BID successful now and in the future. organizations within the context of its neigh- boring communities. REVIEW2006/2007


The BID sanitation crew is made up of seven full time employees who sweep the sidewalks, remove stickers and graffiti from street furniture and empty garbage receptacles y seven days a week from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. The “clean team” hauls an average of 162,500 lbs of trash a month. During heavy snow days, our sanitation team works hard to shovel and salt walkways along Fordham Road. In January 2007, our sanitation services received a much needed upgrade to include graffiti removal, by request, to all property and business owners. The BID staff conducts monthly graffiti surveys and coordinates removals with those effected locations.

Since its inception, The Fordham Road With the increase the Fordham Road BID has been of the area’s “BID has been an “servicing property “population and new invaluable partner owners, merchants stores opening on in the Department’s and the neigh- Fordham Road, mission of borhood since the BID’s Clean maintaining clean July 2005 and Team continues streets. Through has proven itself to enhance the the BID’s efforts to be a tremendous Department of

coupled with the asset to the over- Sanitation’s street

Department’s all Department cleaning efforts continuous of Sanitation’s resulting in a

commitment, maintenance positive impact “

businesses and of clean streets. on the busy the surrounding The BID’s work Fordham Road

community enjoy “ has significantly shopping district.

a level of cleaning improved the GARY RUFFINO that a thriving neighborhood’s “ DISTRICT area deserves. appearance as SUPERINTENDENT, ANTHONY HART well as 5, scorecard rating. DISTRICT NYC DEPT. OF SUPERINTENDENT, THOMAS SANITATION BRONX 7, JOHNSON NYC DEPT. OF DISTRICT SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT, BRONX 6, NYC DEPT. OF SANITATION MARKETING FORDHAM MARKETING & PROMOTION 4,000 hits per day at holiday peaks. Many visitors sign the Marketing and promoting the businesses remained one of guestbook and request assistance or information about the the BID’s top priorities this past year. The BID sponsored shopping district and its merchants. In addition to containing many print advertisements in local and citywide publications details on the BID and its programs, events and services, it promoting seasonal and general shopping and specific has been upgraded to include a store directory page which discount programs and events on Fordham Road. These lists every business and their respective addresses, phone advertisements reach a large audience and invite visitors to numbers and website links. come and enjoy Fordham Road’s “OUTDOOR MALL Additionally, the BID produces and distributes a bi-annual EXPERIENCE.” newsletter to all of its members. The FORDHAM FLASH The BID produced and distributed the second edition of the serves as a way for everyone to keep up to date with all the FORDHAM ROAD SHOPPER’S DIRECTORY. This ongoing BID programs and activities. easy to follow map and shopping guide shows the entire The BID organized and participated in many successful Fordham area and includes a complete color coded programs and events throughout the year including the categorized listing of all the BID businesses. There also is a FORDHAM ROAD “ADVANTAGE” PROGRAM in parking and transportation legend to familiarize readers with which forty BID businesses agreed to offer specified discounts the accessibility of Fordham Road. to students, faculty and staff members of area institutions, The BID’s website WWW.FORDHAMROADBID.ORG including , CUNY on the Concourse averages approximately 1,000 hits a day, surging to nearly / Workforce1, Fordham University, Lehman College continued MARKETING FORDHAM continued

and Monroe College from poetry performance and the the Fordham area through its February 2007 in collab- August 2006-August 2007. BID introduced a special membership with the official oration with the MTA NYC This program gave an added public Holiday Shopping tourism council of New Arts for Transit/ Music incentive to the approx- York City. Copies of the Under NY Division at the imately 50,000 people that Fordham Road Shopper’s Fordham Road “D” subway visit and work in these parti- Directory were made avail- station where the BID cipating locations to shop on able and distributed in distributed over six hundred Fordham Road. the NYC & COMPANY giveaway bags and infor- On Sunday, September 10, VISITOR’S INFORMATION mational flyers. This promo- 2006 from 11AM-6PM, the CENTER in as tion gave New Yorkers the BID participated in the 11th well as their international opportunity to save while Annual FORDHAM ROAD media and trade offices. RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL Tourism attraction continues which attracted nearly to be a very important tool to fifteen thousand people to marketing Fordham Road as Fordham Road for a day a major shopping destination. filled with live musical Program in which thirty six Additionally, the BID performances. Over twenty BID businesses offered 10% partnered with the MTA BID businesses set up booth discounts, from November NYC Transit and NYC & spaces and/or supplied the 17 through December 3, Company to introduce a BID with promotional mate- 2006, to those consumers METROCARD BLACK rials that were included in that displayed one of the HISTORY PROMOTION the nearly four thousand many BID sponsored news- Over one hundred City- giveaway bags distributed at paper advertisements at the wide locations, including they shop and it enabled the BID tent during the event. time of a purchase. Many of twenty BID businesses the BID and its members The BID kicked off the the participating businesses offered special offers and to celebrate the rich history Holiday season on November also extended their hours of discounts to people who of the African American 17, 2006 at Bryan Park by operation on each Friday showed their Metrocards culture. hosting the Second Annual during the promotion and during February and March The BID’s marketing SPARKLING THE HEART shoppers were treated to of 2007. The event was events and programs are OF FORDHAM Holiday over 90 businesses that promoted in NYC subways aimed at boosting traffic and and Tree Lighting Cere- elaborately decorated there and buses as well as numer- generating customer interest mony. The approximately storefronts and windows for ous public print advertise- to help maintain our status eighty people that were in the season. ments. The BID hosted a live as the premier shopping attendance were treated to a The BID also promoted musical jazz event in late district of the Bronx. COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND OUTREACH

The Fordham ally, BID members expressed Road BID hosts, concern and interest in helping AWARDS & RECOGNITION offers and part- the victims of a local fire The Fordham Road BID was icipates in var- tragedy with over ten business one of the proud winners of the ious networking and property owners making 2006 FORBES ENTERPRISE AWARD events, business assistance and monetary contributions and which included mention in a development programs and donating gift certificates and special section of Forbes community grant initiatives. In product vouchers through magazine in April 2007. December of 2006, the BID the FORDHAM ROAD BID The BID also received a partnered with Monroe College MAGASSA AND SOUMARE CITATION FOR COMMUNITY to offer a special COMMUNITY FAMILY FUND organized by an SERVICE from the Council of EDUCATION GRANT to its existing Daily News charity fund. the City of New York in members for the first semester February 2007. of 2007. The BID also part- nered with CUNY on the

Concourse’s Small Business Development Center to offer Through effective partnerships with free workforce, staffing, tax fil- businesses, community and the local police,“ “the Fordham Road BID continues to make ing and marketing assistance services to all BID members. improvements in the lives of all who The BID encourages its do business and reside in the area. business and property owners The Fordham Road BID DEPUTY INSPECTOR KEVIN HARRINGTON to become “OFFICIAL” prides itself for acting as an ad- COMMANDING OFFICER, 46th PRECINCT REGISTERED MEMBERS. vocate for the business owners it DEPUTY INSPECTOR JAMES ALLES In addition to having the right to serves. The BID HOTLINE is COMMANDING OFFICER, 52nd PRECINCT vote at the annual meeting and a telephone line dedicated to CAPTAIN PAUL DeENTREMONT serve on the Board of Directors, requests for assistance and COMMANDING OFFICER, 48th PRECINCT registered BID mem- reporting complaints. All BID bers receive a members were provided with decal sticker to informational stickers listing COMPLAINT LOG BREAKDOWN proudly display the BID hotline telephone 98 Total Complaints (178 follow up calls) in their respective number for quick reference. July 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007 windows and doors. Throughout the year, the BID DOH In March of 2007 the BID receives numerous inquiries 3% OTHER and its members were active in from our members. These MTA 11% raising awareness and contri- issues, in addition to conditions 2% NYPD butions to benefit charitable surveyed by the BID staff, are 24% causes including participation submitted to all relevant NYC DEP 14 % DCA in the BRONX MULTIPLE agencies and utilities and a log 5% SCLEROSIS AWARENESS of such activities is maintained. PARKS HEALTH FAIR. This event The BID complaint log shows DOS DOT 1% took place at the Rotunda at the that from July 1 through March 22 % 18 % Bronx Supreme Court and was 31, 2007 there were ninety-eight well attended from the general complaints and an additional public. The BID distributed one hundred seventy-eight DOT NYC Department of Transportation over 300 gift bags and many follow-up calls. The BID boasts PARKS NYC Department of Parks and Recreation other promotional materials an average of 48 hours to DCA NYC Department of Consumer Affairs NYPD NYC Police Department including our Fordham Road generate a response and sub- DOS NYC Department of Sanitation Shopper’s Directory and infor- sequently address concerns DOH NYC Department of Health mational flyers on specific from the time a specific request MTA NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority DEP NYC Department of Environmental Protection events and programs. Addition- is reported. OTHER* Local Community Boards, Elected Officials, Etc. attraction and cultural development for the future. New initiatives and poten- tial collaborative efforts with other tourism outlets in the midtown Bronx are under development with hopes to implement innovative programming LOOKING designed to attract visitors who will take advantage of multiple “destin- ation magnets” during single trips to the area. These will include places like the New York Botanical Garden, the AHEAD Bronx Zoo, Poe Cottage, the Hall of Fame at BMCC, Fordham University’s 2007-2008 AND BEYOND Rose Hill Campus, the , the Loew’s Paradise Theatre, CAPITAL the Belmont community and the IMPROVEMENTS completed and the BID programs and Fordham Road shopping district. The Fordham Road BID finalized its services will be there to help. The BID will also continue to add strategic plan and will develop an The BID will continue to assist all musical and artistic aspects for the overall master design plan to improve real estate professionals with the goal Fordham community to enjoy. In 2006, the appearance of Fordham Road’s to increase general awareness of the there were poetry and musical per- streetscape. There will be many Fordham Road area through information formances at our events and on June benefits in the upcoming sharing on data 21, 2007 the Fordham Road BID will year including the instal- such as pedes- participate in a special worldwide lation of historic “M” pole trian counts and event, MAKE MUSIC NEW YORK. street lighting along with potential retailers The BID is hosting several musical the installation of outdoor seeking space. performances in public spaces, benches, trash cans and including area parks and sidewalks street directories. MARKETING such as the overpass at East Fordham Road and Grand Concourse that will Our efforts to upgrade AND PROMOTION underutilized public space areas paid not impose upon pedestrian and off in 2007 when the BID with its The Fordham Road BID plans to vehicular traffic. All BID members partners, the NYC Department of build and expand on our current have been invited to participate by Transportation and the NYC Depart- successful programs. Specifically, the inviting musicians, either ones that they ment of Parks and Recreation, were SECOND ANNUAL secure or with assistance from Make successful in securing a $2 million FORDHAM ROAD Music New York, to perform outside SAFETEA-LU Federal enhance- “ADVANTAGE” their establishments and the organ- ment grant for the BRYAN PARK PROGRAM, slated to izers of the event will obtain all the RESTORATION PROJECT. Bryan begin in August 2007, necessary permits from the City of New Park, located at East Fordham and East will see the extension York. Musicians will only be allowed Kingsbridge Roads, will receive major of discounts to an to perform in BID member requested upgrades with design work set to begin additional one thou- locations. by the late summer 2007 followed by sand people through the enrollment of construction in mid 2008. many area medical and healthcare COMMUNITY training centers and facilities. RELATIONS The upcoming year will also see the RETAIL implementation of a new discounted AND OUTREACH DEVELOPMENT parking program, the “FORDHAM The Fordham Road BID is working on The renovation of the Sears building is ROAD EZ PARK & SHOP” in adding a new safety and security underway. Construction began on the which participating stores will validate element to our future services. In new “FORDHAM PLACE” in customer parking tickets at the time of conjunction with the NYPD, the BID March 2007 and is anticipated to last purchases. This promotion will help hopes to implement and install security until the fall of 2008. Many new educate the public on the accessibility cameras that will cover all of our businesses will be and availability of parking along the boundaries. This initiative will provide moving into this Fordham Road shopping district. a sense of security to our members and space when it is The BID is committed to tourism their visitors. 2007-2008 FISCAL REPORT

The Fordham Road BID Finance Committee, which was designated by the Board of Directors, meets quarterly to review, plan and oversee the activities and expenses of the BID. The NYC Department of Small Business Services sets standards for our procurement and fiscal management procedures. If you would like a copy of the BID’s audit report, or additional information on our procurement policies and DAVID ROSE Treasurer and Finance existing contracts, please feel free to contact the BID office. Committee Chair

Skody Scot & Company, CPAs, P.C. 352 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10001 • (T) 212-967-1100 • (F) 212-967-2002 www.skodyscot.com


To: The Board of Directors of Fordham Road District Management Association, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying statement of financial position of Fordham Road District Management Association, Inc. as of June 3O, 2OO6, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Association’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Fordham Road District Management Association, Inc. at June 3O, 2OO6, and the results of its activities and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Skody Scot & Company, CPAs, P.C.


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2007 June, 30, 2006 BUDGET ACTUAL ASSETS 07/01/06- 07/01/06- Cash $54,O84 06/30/07 03/31/07 Contributions receivable 7,5OO REVENUE AND SUPPORT Prepaid expenses 10,952 Assessments $500,000 $491,072 Property and equipment, net 2,878 Interest 600 4,175 Contributions 70,000 10,742 Total assets $ 75,414 Total Revenue And Support 570,600 505,989 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS EXPENSES Liabilities: Program Services: Accrued expenses $ 12,342 Cleaning and sweeping 185,000 124,500 Total liabilities 12,342 Promotional Supplies 35,480 30,522 Net Assets: Promotional Projects 33,000 23,397 Unrestricted 63,O72 Total Program 253,480 178,419 Temporarily restricted - General and Administrative: Permanently restricted - Administrative Staff 135,720 105,877 Total net assets 63,O72 Fringe Benefit 37,900 25,579 Total Salaries 173,620 131,456 Total liabilities and net assets $ 75,414 Rent 24,000 15,790 Telephone / Utilities 2,500 1,671 Printing/Postage 3,400 4,746 Office Supplies 2,000 961 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year ended June 30, 2006 Insurance 11,000 10,744 Audit/Legal 16,000 10,960 Support and Revenues: Other: Unrestricted: Office Equipment 2,500 2,237 Assessment revenue $ 5OO,OOO Office Expenses 500 871 Contributions 25,5OO Meetings/Local Travel 1,000 824 Interest income 1,669 Total General & Admin. 236,520 180,260 Total support and revenues 527,169 Total Expenses 490,000 358,679 Expenses: Surplus or (Deficit) Program Expenses: Current Year 80,600 147,310 Marketing and promotion 171,196 Contingency (10,000) _ Sanitation 2O3,5O2 _ Social services 2,5OO Surplus available for future use 70,600 Total program expenses 377,198 Management and general 86,899 Total expenses 464,O97

Increase/(Decrease) In Net Assets: Unrestricted 63,O72 Temporarily restricted - Permanently restricted - Increase/(decrease) in net assets 63,O72 Net assets, beginning of year - Net assets, end of year $ 63,O72 PROJECTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2008 (adopted by the Board of Directors 2/22/07)

REVENUES Assessment 500,000 Interest 4,000 Other: Contributions/Fundraising 387,500 Total Revenue 891,500

EXPENSES Program Services: Cleaning and sweeping 201,000 Promotional Supplies 35,000 Promotional Projects 35,000 Capital Improvement Projects 300,000 Total Program 571,000

General and Administrative: Staff 146,000 Fringe Benefit 36,925 Rent 25,500 Telephone/Utilities 2,000 Printing/Postage 3,800 Office Supplies 1,500 Insurance 12,000 Audit/Legal 13,500 Other: Office Equipment 3,000 Office Expense 500 Meetings/Local Travel 750 Total Administrative 245,475 Total Expense 816,475 Net (Revenue Over Expenses) 75,025 Contingencies (10,000)

FORDHAM ROAD DISTRICT MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. 2530 Grand Concourse, Suite 803 Bronx, New York 10458

HOTLINE 718 562-1269 FAX 718 562-6225 [email protected] www.fordhamroadbid.org DESIGN: KENNY FUNK, COFFEECUPDESIGN.COM TEXT/PHOTOGRAPHY: DANIEL J. BERNSTEIN