Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese work: (801) 422-4656 JAMES R. KRAUSE, PHD Brigham Young University cell: (801) 787-6820 Associate Professor of Portuguese & Spanish 3175 JFSB, Provo, UT 84602 [email protected]

[updated Feb. 2020] EDUCATION 2010 PhD Spanish and Portuguese Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Dissertation: Translation and the Reception of Latin American Literature in the United States. Advisors: Earl Fitz, Emanuelle Oliveira, William Luis, Marshall Eakin

2007 MA Portuguese, Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

2005 MA Spanish, Portuguese Minor BYU, Provo, UT Thesis Papers: “The Letter Always Arrives / Can Always Not Arrive at its Destination in ‘La muerte y la brújula’ by Jorge Luis Borges” and “Metaphysical Musings: Principles of ‘Esboço para ‘Tabacaria’’ in ‘Tabacaria’” by Álvaro de Campos.” Advisors: David Laraway, Christopher Lund, Thomas Lyon

2003 BA Spanish, cum laude, Latin American Studies Minor BYU, Provo, UT

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2018 Associate Professor of Portuguese & Spanish, BYU 2011 Assistant Professor of Portuguese & Spanish, BYU 2010 Visiting Instructor of Portuguese, BYU

PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 2020 Krause, James R., David P. Wiseman, and Faith Blackhurst. “The Boom Novel that Never Was: Grande sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.” (Forthcoming in Hispania) 2018 “Undermining Authoritarianism: Retrofitting the Zombie in ‘Seminário dos Ratos’ by Lygia Fagundes Telles.” The Transatlantic Undead: Zombies in Hispanic and Luso- Brazilian Literatures and Cultures. Eds. David Dalton and Sara Potter. Special issue of Alambique: Revista académica de ciência ficción y fantasia / Jornal acadêmico de ficção científica e fantasia. 6.1 (2018): 1–22. 2017 “Remixing Machado de Assis: Three Contemporary Brazilian Parody Mashup Novels.” Scripta Uniandrade 15.1 (2017): 85–113. 2016 Wiseman, David P. and James R. Krause. “Juan Rulfo and Machado de Assis: Towards an Integrated New Narrative.” Hispania 99.4 (2016): 576–88. Krause 2

2016 Jones, Jordan B. and James R. Krause. “The Femme Fragile and Femme Fatale in the Fantastic Fiction of Machado de Assis.” Revista Abusões 1.1 (2016): 51–97. 2015 “The Translator’s Sleight of Hand: Robert L. Scott-Bucchleuch as Unreliable Reader of Dom Casmurro.” Machado de Assis em Linha 16 (2015): 62–81. (Also appears in translation as “A prestidigitação do tradutor: Robert L. Scott-Buccleuch como leitor não confiável de Dom Casmurro.” Trans. Denise Bobadilha.) 2015 “‘Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen’: Translating Grande sertão: Veredas into Oblivion.” Chasqui 42.4 (2015): 112–28. 2012 “Translating Rosalía de Castro’s saudade into English.” Decimonónica 9.2 (2012): 69– 87. Book Chapters 2013 “Aspirações irrealizadas: Influências literárias e extraliterárias na tradução falhada de Grande sertão: Veredas.” Tradução dos Clássicos. Ed. Marie-Hélène Catherine Torres, Luana Ferreira de Freitas, and Júlio Cesar Neves Monteiro. Santa Catarina, : PGET–UFSC, 2013. 215–33. 2009 “Enucleated Eyes: ‘Sem olhos’ and ‘O capitão Mendonça’ by Machado de Assis.” Border Crossings: Boundaries of Cultural Interpretation. Eds. Pablo Martínez Diente and David P. Wiseman. Nashville, TN: Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt U, 2009. 51–64. Under Review Bellin, Greicy, and James R. Krause. “Cientificismo, modo fantástico e representação do gênero feminine em ‘O capitão Mendonça’, de Machado de Assis.” (7,200 words) In Preparation Raines, Scott, Michael Ashman, Madalyn Harper, Dalila Sanabria, Mitch Wride, and James R. Krause. “Ut Pictura Poesis: Adapting Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas as Graphic Narrative for Contemporary Readers.” (9,500 words) Ellingson, Dania and James R. Krause. “A experiência machadiana: Experience Design Theory in Dom Casmurro.” (10,000 words) “Modéstia à parte: Manual Bandeira as Federal Cultural Manager.” (8,000 words) “New Territory Not Plowed Over: Isaac Goldberg, First Translator of Machado de Assis in English” (5,000 of 8,000 words) Book Reviews 2020 Edward King and Joanna Page. Posthumanism and the Graphic Novel in . [Forthcoming in Science Fiction Studies, Summer 2020.]

2020 Anindita Banerjee and Sonja Fritzsche, eds. Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East. [Forthcoming in Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Summer 2020] Krause 3

2020 Robert Patrick Newcomb and Richard A. Gordon, eds. Beyond Tordesillas: New Approaches to Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies. Hispania vol. 103.01 (2020): 128–30. 2019 Juracy Assmann Saraiva and Regina Zilberman, eds. Machado de Assis em perspectiva: Ficção, história e manifestações sociais. Machado de Assis em linha 12.28 (2019): 87–93.

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2020 “A Tale of Two Archives: João Guimarães Rosa in the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros and the Harry Ransom Center.” BRASA XV. Brazilian Studies Association. Austin, TX. 26–28, Mar. 2020. 2019 “English Translations of Mark L. Grover Interviews of Latter-day Saints in Brazil.” Roundtable discussion w/ Matthew JK Hill, Suzanne Shibuta, and Marcelo Leme. Mormon History Association. Salt Lake City, UT. 6–9 Jun. 2019. 2018 “Foreignizing the sertão in Gran sertón: Veredas.” Eleventh International Conference. American Portuguese Studies Association. U of Michigan (Ann Arbor), 18–20 Oct. 2018. 2018 “Homens de Ciência: Cientificismo, ceticismo e o público leitor feminino nos contos fantásticos de Machado de Assis.” BRASA XIV. Brazilian Studies Association. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 25–28 Jul. 2018. 2017 “Isaac Goldberg: First English Translator of Machado de Assis.” Eleventh Meeting of the Machado de Assis Research Group. “Intertextual Relations in the Work of Machado de Assis.” BYU, Provo, UT. 11–12 Oct. 2017. 2017 “Scientism, Skepticism, and Female Readership in the Fantastic Fictions of Machado de Assis.” The 38th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 22–26 Mar. 2017. 2016 “New Territory Not Plowed Over: The Earliest Short Fictions of Machado de Assis in English.” Tenth International Conference. American Portuguese Studies Association. Stanford U, Palo Alto, CA. 13–15 Oct. 2016. 2016 “Phi Lambda Beta: Portuguese Collegiate Honor Society.” Poster Session. Tenth International Conference. American Portuguese Studies Association. Stanford U, Palo Alto, CA. 13–15 Oct. 2016. 2016 “Português nos Estados Unidos e a crise econômica do Brasil: Onde estamos e para onde vamos?” Phi Lambda Beta roundtable. 98th Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Miami, FL. 8–11 Jul. 2016. Krause 4

2016 “‘Sertão é o mundo’: The Language of Violence and Rhizomatic Resistance in Grande sertão: Veredas and Blood Meridian.” 131st MLA Annual Convention. Austin, TX. 7–10 Jan. 2016. 2015 “From the Periphery of the Center of the Periphery: Translating Mike Wilson’s Zombie.” The 36th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 18– 22 Mar. 2015. 2014 “Retrofitting the Zombie in Lygia Fagundes Telles’s ‘O Seminário dos Ratos.’” The 35th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 19–23 Mar. 2014. 2013 “The Boom Novel that Never Was: Grande sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.” Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. U of Louisville, Louisville, KY. 21–23 Feb. 2013. 2013 “Remixing Machado de Assis: Mashup, New Media, and Anthropophagy.” The 34th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 19–23 Mar. 2013. 2012 “The Monster Mashup: Rewriting the Classics of Brazilian Literature in the Horror Genre.” The 33rd International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 21– 25 Mar. 2012. 2011 “Aspirações irrealizadas: Influências literárias e extraliterárias na tradução falhada de Grande sertão: Veredas.” XII Congresso da ABRALIC. Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. 18–22 Jul. 2011. 2008 “Enucleated Eyes: A Study of Two Fantastic Stories by Machado de Assis.” Crossing Borders: Boundaries of Cultural Interpretation. Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN. 23–25 Oct. 2008. 2007 “The (anti)relación of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: The Law of the Letter in Abel Posse’s El largo atardecer del caminante.” 60th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. U of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 19–21 Apr. 2007. 2006 “Jorge de Sena and Carlos Drummond de Andrade: The Symbolic Capital of Poetic Success.” Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Charlotte, North Carolina, 10–12 Nov. 2006. 2006 “Rewriting ‘The Raven’: Fernando Pessoa and Machado de Assis.” Eighth International Conference of Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA). Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN. 13–16 Oct. 2006. 2005 “The Letter Always (Never) Arrives at its Destination: A Comparative Analysis of ‘The Purloined Letter’ and ‘La muerte y la brújula.’” 58th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. U of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 21–23 Apr. 2005. 2004 “Los quince focos de Los Altos: Archive and Collage in Alejo Carpentier’s Los pasos perdidos.” Fourteenth Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. U of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 6–8 Feb. 2004. Krause 5

Invited Lectures 2019 Mini-course. “Remix e Mashup: Adaptações contemporâneas de Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas.” Centro Universitário de Andrade, Curitiba, Paraná. 28–30 Aug. 2019. Invited by Greicy Bellin. 2019 Plenary address. “Adaptações de Mashup e HQ: Lendo Machado de Assis no Século XXI.” Seminário de Estudos Literários e Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea / V Simpósio PROFLETRAS. Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Campus de Cornélio Procópio. 27 Aug. 2019. 2019 Lecture. “Remix e Mashup: Adaptações contemporâneas de Machado de Assis.” Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Campus de Jacarezinho. 25 Aug. 2019. 2019 Lecture. “Why Study English? Why Study Portuguese?” Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Campus Luiz Meneghel de Bandeirantes. 24 Aug. 2019. 2019 Lecture. “Um conto de dois arquivos: João Guimarães Rosa no Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros e no Harry Ransom Center.” Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Universidade de São Paulo. 16 Aug. 2019. Invited by Marcos Antonio de Moraes. 2019 Lecture and workshop. “Ut Pictura Poesis: Adaptação de Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas como Narrativa Gráfica para Leitores Contemporâneos.” Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas, USP. 14 Aug. 2019. Invited by Hélio de Seixas Guimarães. 2019 Keynote with Mark P. Del Mastro (Sigma Delta Pi) and Kelly Scheetz (Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica). “A Century of Recognizing Student Excellence.” 101st Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spansh and Portuguese. San Diego, CA. 8–11 Jul. 2019. 2018 Lecture. “Moving Beyond Foreignization: Ángel Crespo’s Spanish Translation of Grande sertão: Veredas, by João Guimarães Rosa.” BYU Humanities Center. Provo, UT. 11 Oct. 2018. (w/ Faith Blackhurst) 2015 Lecture. “Translation Studies and Mentored Research: Brazilian Modernist João Guimarães Rosa.” Translation Studies Research Group Colloquium. Humanities Center, Brigham Young University. Provo, UT. 8 Oct. 2015. 2014 Orientation and Q&A. “Professional benefits of the combined PhD.” Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN. 2 Apr. 2014. Skype presentation. Invited by Márcio Bahia. 2009 Lecture. “Translation ‘Failure’ and the Influence and Reception of Latin American Literature.” BYU, Provo, UT. 20 Oct. 2009. Invited by Lin Sherman. Other Presentations 2019 Workshop with faculty. “Melhores práticas no ensino e na pesquisa.” Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Campus de Jacarezinho. 25 Aug. 2019. 2019 “Welcome to Phi Lambda Beta.” Video conference greeting. Induction Ceremony for Delta Kappa Chapter at the United States Air Force Academy. 8 May 2019. Krause 6

2018 “Current State of Phi Lambda Beta.” Report to the Board of Directors. 100th Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Salamanca, Spain. 25–28 Jun. 2018. 2017 “Current State of Phi Lambda Beta.” Report to the Board of Directors. 99th Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Chicago, IL. 6–9 Jul. 2017. 2016 “Current State of Phi Lambda Beta.” Report to the Board of Directors. 98th Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Miami, FL. 8–11 Jul. 2016. 2006 “Música Popular Brasileira and Contemporary Trends.” Why is Brazil Always the Country of the Future and Never the Country of Today? Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN. 8 Nov. 2006. Invited by Earl Fitz. Panels Organized & Chaired 2019 Co-chair with Greicy Bellin. I Jornada de Novos Estudos Machadianos. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria Literária da Uniandrade. Curitiba, Brazil. 11 Dec. 2019. 2018 Organizer and Chair. “Abordagens ao Fantástico Machadiano.” BRASA XIV. Brazilian Studies Association. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 25–28 Jul. 2018. 2016 Organizer and Chair. “Luso-Brazilian Literature Abroad.” Tenth International Conference. American Portuguese Studies Association. Stanford U, Palo Alto, CA. 13 Oct. 2016. 2014 Chair. “Six Degrees of Jorge Luis Borges: Lovecraft, Bradbury, and Chaviano.” The 35th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 20 Mar. 2014. 2013 Chair. “International Translation and Transformation.” The 34th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Orlando, FL. 21 Mar. 2013.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS 2019 Translation workshop on Grande sertão: Veredas with Alison Entrekin. Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil. 3–4 Dec. 2019. 2019 Experiential Learning Summit. BYU Career Services: Experiential Learning and Internships. 20–21 Nov. 2019. 2019 Writing Across the Curriculum Summer Reading Group. May–Aug. 2019. 2015 Writing Across the Curriculum Summer Reading Group. May–Aug. 2015. 2014 Writing Matters Spring Modules and Summer Seminar. Writing Across the Curriculum, BYU University Writing. 2013–pres. GE Academy. BYU General Education. 2 May 2013; 12 May 2016; 9 May 2017; 13 Jun. 2019. 2011 Writing Matters Spring Modules and Summer Seminar. Writing Across the Curriculum, BYU University Writing. 16, 17, 23 May; 20–24 Jun. 2011. Krause 7

2011–pres. Writing Matters Workshops. Writing Across the Curriculum, BYU University Writing. 2011 (27 Jan., 24 Feb., 30 Sep., 27 Oct., 15 Nov.); 2012 (19 Jan., 22 Feb., 6 Mar., 13 Sep., 24 Oct.); 2013 (28 Feb., 4 Apr.); 2014 (29 Jan., 23 Jun., 9 Dec.); 2015 (25 Oct.); 2016 (24 Feb., 24 Mar.); 2017 (25 Jan.); 2018 (28 Mar., 14 Nov.); 2019 (25 Sep.); 2020 (5 Mar.) GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, HONORS & AWARDS 2020 Mentoring Environment Grant. “Translation and Reception of João Guimarães Rosa in the United States: The Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Records at the Harry Ransom Center.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2020 Faculty Research Grant. “Unfulfilled Expectations: The Translation and Reception of João Guimarães Rosa in the United States.” David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, BYU. 2019 Personal Development Leave. “The Reception of João Guimarães Rosa in English Translation.” Summer Term and Fall Semester. Jul.–Dec. 2019. College of Humanities, BYU. 2019 NRC Research Travel Grant. Latin American Studies, BYU and US Dept. of Education. 2019 GE Academy Grant. General Education, BYU. 2019 Research Grant Renewal for “Transcription and Translation of Mark L. Grover Portuguese Oral Interviews with Latter-Day Saints in Brazil.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2018 NRC Research Travel Grant. Latin American Studies, BYU and US Dept. of Education. 2018 Research Grant for “Domestication in The Devil to Pay in the Backlands.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2018 Research Grant for “Isaac Goldberg: First Translator of Machado de Assis, Archival Research at the New York Public Library.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2018 Research Grant for “Transcription and Translation of Mark L. Grover Portuguese Oral Interviews with Latter-Day Saints in Brazil.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2017 NRC Research Travel Grant. Latin American Studies, BYU and US Dept. of Education. 2017 GE Academy Grant. General Education, BYU. 2017 Research Grant for “Behind the Scenes: Editorial Imposition in the English Reception of João Guimarães Rosa.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2016 GE Academy Grant. General Education, BYU. 2016 NRC Research Travel Grant. Latin American Studies, BYU and US Dept. of Education. Krause 8

2016 Research Grant for “Behind the Scenes: Editorial Imposition in the English Reception of João Guimarães Rosa.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2015 NRC Course Development Grant. Latin American Studies, BYU and US Dept. of Education. 2015 NRC Research Travel Grant. Latin American Studies, BYU and US Dept. of Education. 2015 Research Grant for “Transcription of Correspondence between João Guimarães Rosa and Harriet de Onís: Sagarana.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2014 Matching Funds for “Preparing Writing Enhancement Documents for Portuguese 339.” General Education and Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, BYU. (w/ Rex Nielson). 2014 Writing Matters Summer and Fall Workshops. University Writing, BYU. 2014 Research Grant for “Transcription of Correspondence between João Guimarães Rosa and Harriet de Onís: Sagarana.” College of Humanities, BYU. 2014 Inductee into Phi Lambda Beta, Portuguese National Honor Society (AATSP), Beta Upsilon Chapter, BYU. 2013 Diploma de Honor y Mérito Vallejiano. Instituto de Estudios Vallejianos, BYU. 2013 GE Academy Grant. General Education, BYU. 2011 New Faculty Seminar Grant. Faculty Center, BYU. 2011 Research Grant for “Translating Grande sertão: Veredas into Oblivion: Editorial Imposition and Translation ‘Failure.’” College of Humanities, BYU. 2011 Writing Matters Spring and Summer Workshops. University Writing, BYU. 2011 New Faculty Teaching Grant. Center for Teaching and Learning, BYU. 2009 Tinker Field Summer Research Grant. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. 2006 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Summer Fellowship for Portuguese. Center for Latin American and Iberian Studies, Vanderbilt U, US Dept. of Education. Advanced Portuguese at IBEU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2005 El Premio Gonzalo Rojas for Best Essay, “Ontological Musings.” La Marca Hispánica 15, BYU. 2004 FLAS Academic Year Fellowship for Portuguese. Center for the Study of Europe, BYU, US Dept. of Education. 2004 FLAS Summer Fellowship. Center for the Study of Europe, BYU, US Dept. of Education. Advanced Portuguese at Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. RESEARCH & TEACHING INTERESTS Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Century Brazilian and Spanish American Literature Comparative Latin American and Inter-American Literature Latin American Fantastic Literature Translation and Adaptation Studies

COMMONLY TAUGHT COURSES Undergraduate PORT 339 Introduction to Luso-Brazilian Literature PORT 355 Brazilian Civilization and Culture PORT 395R Contemporary Culture (Brazil/Portugal) PORT 441 Survey of Portuguese Literature PORT 451 Survey of Brazilian Literature SPAN 339 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures Graduate Seminars O conto fantástico brasileiro Travessia: A literatura de João Guimarães Rosa A literatura de Machado de Assis Formation of Identity in the Brazilian Novel

GRADUATE MENTORING Master’s Thesis Committee Chair May 2019 Dania Ellingson. “A experiência machadiana: Experience Design Theory in Dom Casmurro.” Nov. 2018 Gabriela Oliveira. “A subversão dos estereótipos de gênero nos contos fantásticos de Lygia Fagundes Telles.” 2016–pres. Asa Laws. “Collapsing the Function of Capitu: Beyond Ambiguity to Quantum Superposition in Dom Casmurro.” Dec. 2015 Berenice Ventura. “Translating Andrew Kaufman’s ‘Signs of the Cross’ Back into Spanish.” Jun. 2015 Jordan Jones. “Fantastic Sexism? Subverting the Femme Fatale and Femme Fragile in the Fantastic Fiction of Machado de Assis. Apr. 2015 Zach Gilson. “Cannibalizing the Canon: Three Modern Adaptations of Dom Casmurro.” May 2014 [w/ Valerie Hegstrom] Cristina Cowley. “Edição da novela alegórica Enganos do Bosque, desenganos do Rio (1741) de Sóror Maria do Céu.” Master’s Thesis Committee Reader 2018–pres. Marissa Brown. Expected Apr. 2020. Krause 10

Apr. 2019 The Mediation of the Cross: Spatiality and Syncretism in Pedro Páramo and Gande sertão: Veredas. Brian Price, chair. Apr. 2019 Suzanne Shibuta. “Brazil and Bashō: negotiating Japanese-Brazilian hybrid identity through mujōkan in Adriana Lisboa’s Rakushisha.” Rex Nielson, chair. Apr. 2018 Cai Olsen. “‘Duas tribos’: Contradictions of Political and Social (Des)esperança in the Discography of Legião Urbana. Rex Nielson, chair. Dec. 2017 Adam Wilson, “Cultural Anthropophagy in Abel Posse’s El largo atardecer del caminante.” Douglas Weatherford, chair. Apr. 2017 Andy Nelson, “Walt Disney Raises Up a Good Neighbor: Zé as Representation of Brazil.” Fred Williams, chair. Jul. 2015 Kiersty Lemon. “The Infectious Monster: Borders and Contagion in Yeti and Lágrimas en la lluvia.” Dale Pratt, chair. Apr. 2015 Kempton Cox. “Geometric Narratives and Their Interpretive Implications in Borges.” David Laraway, chair. Nov. 2014 Cecilia Fischer. “Pedagogical and Ekphrastic Elements in The Predestined Pilgrim and His Brother Reprobate, by Alexandre de Gusmão.” Christopher Lund, chair. Dec. 2013 Ryan Norris, “Documenting Tensions in Communities: Three Films by Eduardo Coutinho.” Rex Nielson, chair. Jun. 2013 Robert Jeffery, “Há um mundo que se quebra quando eu (não) falo: Women’s Speech and the Power of Silence in Teolinda Gersão’s O silêncio.” Christopher Lund, chair.

UNDERGRADUATE MENTORING Bachelor of Arts Honors Thesis Chair Jun. 2016 Parker Sessions. “Machado de Assis for Gringos: The Brazilian’s First Translations into English.” Office of Research & Creative Activities Faculty Mentor Su. 2015 Cai Olsen. “Unfulfilled Expectations: The Role of Translation in the Influence and Reception of João Guimarães Rosa in the United States.” Su. 2014 Andy Nelson. “The Failure of a Latin American Bestseller: Researching the Reception of João Guimarães Rosa in the United States.” Internship Advisor Su. 2020 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (6 students). Su. 2019 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (4 students). W. 2019 Alexandra Andreasen, Lakeview Elementary School, Provo, UT. Krause 11

Su. 2018 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (8 students); Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa (2 students). W. 2018 Robert Hiatt. Latin American Studies. South Franklin Community Center, United Way of Utah County. Provo, UT. Su. 2017 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (6 students). Su. 2016 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (7 students). Su. 2015 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (4 students). Sp. 2015 Ryan Oborn. Latin American Studies. BYU, Provo, UT. Su. 2014 Brazil Internship Program, IEB-USP (1 student). Sp. 2014 Landon Hyde. Inthinc, Salt Lake City, UT. Spring 2014. Sp. 2013 Ryan Smith. São Paulo, Brazil. Sp. 2013 Andy Nelson. LDS Employment Resource Services, Spain and Portugal. Su. 2012 Spike Gatten. Cummins Inc., Columbia, IN. Foreign Language & Area Studies Faculty Advisor Academic Year Fellows 2019–2020 Ethan McGinty, Annika Nielsen, and Mitchel Wride. BYU Latin American Studies. Provo, UT. 2018–2019 Megan Brown, Kate Hartmann, Cristina Newell, Dalila Sanabria, and Tyler Wilson. BYU Latin American Studies. Provo, UT. 2016–2017 Faith Blackhurst, Hope Goimarac, Angela Grundvig, Cai Olsen Bezerra, and Danielle Porter. BYU Latin American Studies. Provo, UT. 2015–2016 Kevin Forrest, Hope Goimarac, Serena Johnson, and Andy Nelson. BYU Latin American Studies. Provo, UT. 2014–2015 Jordan Jones, Kiersty Lemon, and Kirk Thorpe. BYU Center for the Study of Europe. Provo, UT. 2013–2014 Andy Nelson and Harrison Richards. BYU Center for the Study of Europe. Provo, UT. 2012–2013 Giselle Gimenez and Eric Johnson. BYU Center for the Study of Europe. Provo, UT. Summer Fellows 2019 Andrew Allen, Micah Anderson, Marlee Evans, Ethan McGinty, and Emily Mello. Fast Forward Language Institute. São Paulo, Brazil. 2018 Nathan Anderson, Shelby Abbot, Megan Brown, Marcelo Leme, and Dalila Sanabria. Fast Forward Language Institute. São Paulo, Brazil. 2017 Marisa Hart and Sydney Jorgensen. Fast Forward Language Institute. São Paulo, Brazil. Krause 12

2016 Faith Blackhurst, Addison Blair, Hope Goimarac, Asa Laws, Michael Morris, and Lyndsie Smith. Fast Forward Language Institute. São Paulo, Brazil. 2015 Adam Wilson. Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, Brazil. 2014 Kiersty Lemon. Universidade Clássica. Lisbon, Portugal. 2011 Ivan Banov. Universidade Clássica. Lisbon, Portugal. 2010 Ben Schilaty. Universidade Clássica. Lisbon, Portugal.

ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL CITIZENSHIP Service to Brigham Young University 2020–pres. Faculty Affiliate. Global Women Studies. Valerie Hegstrom, coordinator. 2019–pres. Faculty Affiliate. European Studies. Heather Belnap, coordinator. 2016–pres. Faculty Affiliate. Latin American Studies. Jeffrey Shumway, coordinator. 2015–2018 Chair, ex officio. FLAS Selection Committee. Latin American Studies. 2014–2015 Member. FLAS Selection Committee. Latin American Studies. Christopher Lund, chair. 2011–2014 Member. FLAS Selection Committee. Center for the Study of Europe. Martha Peacock and Chip Oscarson, chairs. Service to the College of Humanities 2019–pres. Member. College Awards Committee. Corry Cropper, chair. 2018–pres. Reviewer. Humanities Undergraduate Mentoring Grants. Frank Christianson, chair. 2018–pres. Member. Living Faith faculty book group. Miranda Wilcox, chair. 2015–pres. Member. Translation Studies Group. Humanities Center. Daryl Hague, chair. 2014–2016 Member. College Editorial Committee. Melinda Semadeni, chair. Service to the Department of Spanish & Portuguese 2019 Chair. Rank and Status Committee, ad hoc. Initial review of Anna-Lisa Halling. 2018–2019 Chair. Hiring Committee for Portuguese. 2018 Coordinator. Portugal Study Abroad, Spring Term. 2018 Member. Rank and Status Committee, ad hoc. Final review of Samuel Lopez. Valerie Hegstrom, chair. 2018–pres. Member. Curriculum Committee. Blair Bateman, chair. 2018 Member. Rank and Status Committee, ad hoc. Initial review of Mac Wilson. Lynn Williams, chair. 2017 Member. Hiring Committee for Portuguese. Anna-Lisa Halling, chair. Krause 13

2017 Member. Hiring Committee for Spanish. Doug Weatherford, chair. 2015–2016 Member. Hiring Committee for Portuguese. Valerie Hegstrom, chair. 2014–pres. Coordinator. Internship at Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, University of São Paulo. 2014–pres. Chair. SPAN/PORT 339 Issues Working Group. 2014–2016 Faculty advisor. La Marca Hispánica, student journal. 2013–pres. Faculty advisor. Phi Lambda Beta, Portuguese National Honor Society, Beta Upsilon Chapter. (co-advisor with Frederick G. Williams 2013–2015). 2012–2014 Chair. Peer Teaching Initiative. 2012–2014 Member. SPAN/PORT 339 Issues Working Group. Valerie Hegstrom, chair. 2012–2016. Faculty Coordinator. Portuguese Writing Lab. 2012–pres. Member. MA Reading List and Exams Working Group. Lin Sherman, chair. 2010–pres. Member. Public Humanities Committee. Greg Stallings, chair. 2010–2013 Member. Curriculum Committee. Howard Quackenbush, chair. Service to the Profession 2019–pres. Vice-líder. Novos Estudos Machadianos. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria Literária da Uniandrade. Greicy Bellin, líder. 2018–pres. Member. Portuguese Committee. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, chair. 2016–pres. National Director. Phi Lambda Beta, Portuguese National Honor Society. AATSP. 2016–2018 Member. Portuguese Committee. AATSP. Mary Risner, chair. 2011–2014 Judge. Jamie Bishop Memorial Award, International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts. Editorial Experience 2017 Article referee. Scripta Uniandrade. Centro Universitário Campus de Andrade. 2017 Article referee. Journal of Studies. American Portuguese Studies Association. 2017 Article referee. Alambique. U of Southern Florida. 2017 Article referee. Spanish and Portuguese Review. AATSP. (2x) 2016 Article referee. Alambique. U of Southern Florida. 2016 Article referee. Spanish and Portuguese Review. AATSP. 2016 Article referee and Copy editor. Albricias. Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica. AATSP. 2015 Article referee. Alambique. U of Southern Florida. 2015 Article referee. Hispania. AATSP. 2014 Article referee. Alambique. U of Southern Florida. Krause 14

2013 Article referee. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. Liverpool U. 2012 Article referee. Alambique. U of Southern Florida. 2012 Article referee. Hispania. AATSP. 2009–2013 Copy editor. Hispania. AATSP. 2008–2010 Editorial Staff. Afro-Hispanic Review. Vanderbilt U. 2008–2009 Assistant Editor. Afro-Hispanic Review. Vols. 27.2 and 28.1. Vanderbilt U. Campus Visitor Hosting 2020 Organizer. Mike Wilson (Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile). “‘Death Metal’ de Álvaro Bizama: Hans Pozo y la entropía no-epistémica. 6 Feb. 2020. 2019 Co-organizer [w/Dale Pratt]. Luis Filipe Silva (Portuguese author). “The History of Portuguese Science Fiction.” 12 Mar. 2019. 2019 Organizer. Luciano Tosta (U of Kansas). “Brazilian American Literature and US Brazilian Literature: On Diasporas and Literary Canons.” 22 Feb. 2019. 2018 Organizer. M. Elizabeth Ginway (U of Florida). “Eating the Past: Proto-Zombies in Brazilian Fiction, 1900–1955.” 16 Nov. 2018. 2018 Organizer. Greicy Bellin (Centro Universitário Campos Andrade, Curitiba, Brazil). “Machado de Assis e as adaptações de Poe.” 24–25 Sep. 2018. 2018 Organizer. Hélio de Seixas Guimarães (U of São Paulo, Brazil). “‘Tapas com luvas de pelica’: um panorama do conto de Machado de Assis.” 8–9 Mar. 2018. 2017 Co-organizer [w/Greg Stallings]. Christina Karageorgou-Bastea (Vanderbilt U). “Neither Life Nor Poetry: Luis Cernuda as Voyager.” 31 Oct. 2017. 2017 Co-organizer [w/ David Laraway]. Mike Wilson (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). “Ártico: Una lectura.” 21 Feb. 2017. 2015 Organizer. Paulo Moreira (Yale U). Mini-Course: “Regionalism and Modernism: João Guimarães Rosa, Juan Rulfo, and William Faulkner,” 9–13 Mar. 2015. Lecture: “Brazil/Mexico: Deep Cultural Undercurrents,” 10 Mar. 2015. 2014 Co-organizer [w/ Rex Nielson and Fred Williams]. Semester Lecture Series: “Brazil Beneath the Surface.” Distinguished visitors include: Gary Neeleman (Honorary Consul of Brazil), Paulo Sotero (Director of Brazil Institute, Washington, DC), Manuel Medina (U of Louisville), Debora Ferreira (Utah Valley U). 2011 Co-organizer [w/ David Laraway]. David Richter (Utah State U). Lecture: “Spanish Surrealism’s Absent Father: The Poetry and Poetics of Juan Larrea.” Classroom Visit: “The ‘Inevitable’ in Poetry,” 14 Nov. 2011. 2011 Organizer. M. Elizabeth Ginway (U of Florida). “Rubem Fonseca and the Brazilian Detective Novel.” 11 Mar. 2011. Krause 15

BYU Campus Outreach 2020 Panelist. “International Leaves.” Lunch and Learn. BYU Faculty Center. 20 Feb. 2020. Invited by Jenith Larsen. 2017 Performance. “Dia de Fado.” 22 Dec. 2017. Invited by Anna-Lisa Halling. 2017 Lecture. “Behind the Scenes: Translation and Reception of João Guimarães Rosa.” PORT 451 (Survey of Brazilian Literature). 28 Mar. 2017. Invited by Anna-Lisa Halling. 2017 Organizing Committee Member. “Translation Studies Symposium.” Brian Baer, Shaden Tageldin, Suzanne Jill Levine. Humanities Center. 8–10 Mar. 2017. 2017 Lecture. “The Simpsons Go to Brazil: Stereotypes and Cross-Cultural Understanding.” Luso-Brazilian Club, BYUSA. 15 Mar. 2017. 2017 Lecture. “Charges e caricaturas durante o reinado de D. Pedro II.” PORT 356R (Performing Brazil: Nation Building in the Age of Opera). 9 and 14 Feb. 2017. Invited by Bethany Beyer. 2016 Lecture. “The Simpsons Go to Brazil: Stereotypes and Cross-Cultural Understanding.” Luso-Brazilian Club, BYUSA. 25 Oct. 2016. 2016 Lecture. “Metanarrativa em Dom Casmurro.” PORT 451 (Survey of Brazilian Literature). 20 and 25 Oct. 2016. Invited by Frederick G. Williams. 2016 Lecture. “Simbolismo em Cruz e Sousa e Augusto dos Anjos.” PORT 451 (Survey of Brazilian Literature). 18 Oct. 2016. Invited by Frederick G. Williams. 2016 Lecture. “Behind the Scenes: Archival Research in Academia.” SPAN 601B (Literary Theory and Research Methodology). 19 Oct. 2016. Invited by David Laraway. 2016 Roundtable Panelist. “How to Incorporate the Four Aims into Your Curriculum.” Education in Zion Exhibit. 28 and 29 Sep. 2016. Invited by Heather Seferovich. 2014 Roundtable Panelist. “Helping Foreign Language Students Become Proficient Writers.” Writing Across the Curriculum. 13 Nov. 2014. Invited by Delys Snyder. 2014 Lecture. The Charcoal People dir. Nigel Noble, 2000. Brazilian Documentary Film Series. 7 Feb. 2014. 2013–2017 Lectures. “Studying Latin American Literature” and “Borges and Translation.” Latin American Studies 211. Dec. 2013, Mar. 2014, Nov. 2014, Feb. 2015, Sep. 2015, Feb. 2016, Nov. 2016, Mar. 2017. 2012–2016 Lecture. “Doors that Open and Doors that Close: How to Make the Most of Your FLAS Experience.” 5 Apr. 2012. 9 Jan. 2013. 18 Apr. 2013. 9 Jan. 2014. 16 Oct. 2014. 22 Jan. 2015. 15 Apr. 2015. 21 Jan. 2016. 19 Oct. 2016. 2010–2013 Roundtable Panelist. “Applying to Doctoral Programs in Spanish and Portuguese.” Graduate Association of Spanish and Portuguese. 4 Nov. 2010, 10 Nov. 2011, 5 Nov. 2013. Krause 16

Public Humanities Outreach Music and poetry performances directed towards BYU students, faculty, and staff, as well as the local Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian communities. 2019 Performance. “Food and Fado.” 14 Nov. 2019. Jorge de Sena at 100: A Symposium in Celebration of His Life and Works. Invited by Anna-Lisa Halling and Matt Hill. 2019 Performance. “Brazilian Samba Music.” Black History Month. Harold B. Lee Library. 27 Feb. 2019. 2014 Boleros de México. Hastening the Work: The Story of Benemérito exhibit. Education in Zion Gallery, BYU. 24 Sep. 2014. 2014 Noite de música brasileira. Phi Lambda Beta, BYU. 11 Apr. 2014. 2012–pres. Navidad Azul / Natal Azul. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, BYU. 4 Dec. 2012, 10 Dec. 2013, 20 Nov. 2014, 3 Dec. 2015, 1 Dec. 2016. 8 Dec. 2017. 4 Dec. 2018. 2011–pres. Beatniqueo. Instituto de Estudios Vallejianos, BYU. 30 Mar. 2011, 3 Apr. 2012, 11 Apr. 2013, 10 Apr. 2015, 25 Mar. 2016. 2010–2011 New Student Orientation. College of Humanities. 27 Aug. 2010 and 25 Aug. 2011.

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese American Portuguese Studies Association Brazilian Studies Association International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts Mormon Scholars in the Humanities

LANGUAGES English, L1. Native Speaker Portuguese, L3. Near-Native Proficiency Spanish, L2. Near-Native Proficiency