Cal -- IPC News Protecting California’s Natural Areas from Wildland Weeds Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer 2005 Quarterly newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council FFormingorming aa partnerpartnershipship ttoo preventprevent plantplant invasionsinvasions throughthrough horticulturehorticulture Ivy (Hedera spp.) climbs in a Bidwell Park woodland Inside: in Chico, site of this year’s Cal-IPC Symposium, October 6-8. As part of our role in a growing partner- Nursery partnership ................................4 ship with the horticultural community, Cal-IPC is High schoolers tackle carnation spurge....6 pursuing funding for genetic studies of escaped Hedera Sesbania control on Dry Creek.................7 species in California in order to determine problem species and support potential nursery actions. Weed research at UC Riverside .............. 12 (Photo: Steve Green, Friends of Bidwell Park) the 2005 Symposium! From the Director’s Desk Mapping the Lay of the Land Last issue, we ran a Red Alert article on Japanese knotweed (Polygunum cuspidatum). Field California biologists were finding what they believe to be new infestations in Humboldt County. Invasive Plant Because the plant is rated by the California Department of Food & Agriculture on the list of Council noxious weeds, historical maps of the remaining populations are available, and these 1442-A Walnut Street, #462 Berkeley, CA 94709 locations can be added—if indeed they are new— and monitored. (510) 843-3902 fax (510) 217-3500 Such cases point out the importance of mapping. Observations at a particular place and time are invaluable for tracking the dynamic geographic phenomenon of weeds. Was this here
[email protected] before? How fast is it spreading? How and where is it spreading? These questions can only be A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization answered by careful observation over time, and the way to share the information gleaned Protecting California’s natural areas such observations is through maps.