
ATuragu Daily CIrcnIatiaa Ik s W ao thar ter toe Bteath oi My, ISM a« D. a. Wutol


Manchester— A City of Vtttage Charm


Special Plane Dum ping Milk in Farmers* Strike Rejects Japanese r

Judge Asked to Set

Takes Envoy¥

Demand to Widen On to Rome

Aside Jury Verdicts;

Scope of Parleys Visit of Hungarian For*

eign M inister Is P ro­

claim e d by Ge rm a n Ed ­ Britain Refuses to D is-1 Board of Eduention Bans f Sentences Monday cu ss Efm n om ic Q u e s*; Novel About Dust Bowl i itors as W e ld in g Ties.

tions as Part o f C o n -' Kansu City, Aug. Ig.—(F)— Bulktiii! The Board of IMucatlea lamovad BreathM and Prays to Sara Attorneys for Convicted; ferenee on Tientsin. John StalBbock’s boat sailing Uamm, A^ 16— Gardner, a awmbar, brudad It Battles Rage Waynaaburg, Pa., Aug. 16— Consideratioiis T han “obscene and indsemt." Mtelatet Oennt, Oalaarae Oteae. (P>—Mra. Thomu Mc^lugb, Oannt OSaky ar r i vaS b y p t e u Law and E vide m ^ London, Aug. 18—(/T)—Grut Brit- ’ Tb* book portrays hardsblpa 30, "biaathad aiMl prayed" to frani Moatek. wharo k* had I M V * the Ilf* of her four-mootbs- ^ In the (Hacuaalona now going on In “it portrays Ufa la aueh a bestial aaa Osont Olana befara Ih* Finding the child In Um nick on the Tientsin dispute be- way. ” Italtea IkiaigB mtelster toavas Troopa in First Arm y Go of time, eh* tesathed Into Its ' cb ion o f N ine M e n and Protested Ludwick Oravea, am a tear at laapfcWin to Al- lungs until It revivod. tween the two power*. bania tanMtraw. Aa aulbailto “I don’t know how long I Three W om en Jurmrae oae of the two oppoalag the Into Ai;tion on Ever Offlcla] cirplea said the Britlab bu: Hv* saraea aaM ths Uoagarlu breathed into her mouth," eh* nmbuudor. Sir Robert Leslie Cral- vlaK to Bern* was *ia eaiiaac Widening Front; Brig­ Waterbiuy, Aug. 16-—A tlM ^ "Wa'U b* the ooly public li- eald. "1 Juat breathed aad gle, had Informed tbe Japanese gov- ttea wHh the laternatleul etta- breathed ud said prayara In be- a«jrs foe Majrer Fraidt Hayas aad 18 brary In the country that aren’t ades in Op p o sing Un its ernment of this decision. tween until Beverly begu to other ama emvtetod te tb* Wstoi- Jxpu. was Mid to have bean told have a copy." com* to." bury eoaaplraoy a am pMadad today that uy dlacuBilon of economic Muatch, Aug. 18.—(6>—Tha Hun- Platteburg, N. T., Aug. is.—(^te— questions mutt be referred to all the with Judg* Erneto A. IngWa whma . gariu (oralgB mlnUtor, Count 8te- Six aaparato "bottiM" raged today Mgnatorles of the nine-power treaty In nortbarn New Tork u troops of thay termed tb* "bulwarb batwmto; ud other rclevut treaties. fu Cbaky, whoa* tbraa-day visit Japanese Gain Ui* First Army want Into aettoo on a ruaavray jury aad tbs righteT to (Tho nine-power treaty wu Mga- prompted Oarmu adttora'to pro- anavar wManlng front. Parachute Firm tb* aeeuae6 to sat aalds tbo va»>Belgium, the dtetOL hla nation, suddenly bdOrded a gov- Brigadas numbering approximate- British Empire, China, Franco, , Entire Control ly SJM)0 men each formed tho op- They eutudad tba Jury ad-Stea^ ernment alrplu* for Romo here Ready to Start mu sad tbrsa woumw bad bam* , the Netberludc and Corto- pealag unite In 6v* major engage- gal. Shortly after noon. swaysd by otbar eouMdatattom Ohm. ment* In which Infutlymen, artil- (The slgnatorle* undertook among Along Frontier It wu announoed officially that tb* law sad tba sviduaa. aamito other thinga to respoet tho to lery ud tonka, blasting away with Big Production than btaa aad prqjudtoa, w hu ttopr '’ a apedal plan* aru used for Count elgnty. Indapeiidmoe u d torritortal Cuky after he drove her* by auto blank ammunition, war* moved raaohsd tha vardtets that won aS« ; about Uk* pavru on a glnntlo ud adminlatrativa Integrity of Chi- Holding All Important from Salabuig. tonad Wadaaoday. na, to maintain the principle of the ebaaaboard. To Develop M aterial aa (tea to 0*06 Tbonws P. M84"'^ (Earlier la Budapest It had beu It w u ragtmut agalnat ragtment opm door ud to refrain from taking Points Between Tw o expected Count Csaky vrould report Doaough. gave a hlat Oat dm dar^ advutage of oondUkma la China In on hie Oermu visit to tbe Him- In tha other battla, a modlliieatloa Sn b stitnte fo r S ilk in fens* may oarra Ito a am to IMpa p order to seek ipoclnl rights or privl- Bays W hich Are B ri^ of the small soala combat axaretaaa ^ gariu coital before proceeding to arhlcb eeeuplod tb* troopa durliig Manofaeture — b An Ualtod sta tu Suptaam eourt la D legM which would abrid^ the rights Rom* where he may sea Premier cutu ttea Oat Jute lagSa, to Hi ud ish T e rrito ria l W aters. tho flrat tare daya of tbeso manou- ^ of natlonala of friendly states.) Benito Muaacdlnl.) Affiliate o f Cheney's. ehaigOL had vtotetad O * eoaoMM b No StetSMent am Oanfaieme vora graatost In tba utlon'a paaea- Uoaal righto to Oa m e m ^ _ g There wu no atataiMot u to Hongkong, Aug. 16——Tb* Ja Visit SMrs tllM BlftOTVi c I Strikers blockad road* In tha New Totk-Pennaylvaiila strike ef the Naitbar tb* apaody mawhairiaed ToBMmw, "Avtottoa Day." iaasM Doaough toM O a Jurtet that, to ] whether the Mtlah goveramant paaeu Army auouaead today It had Barlln, Aug. 18.—UP)—Hungary'* m ! Dairy Farmer* Union ud c*u*ed Incident* such u thia . Thau mu Ttb CavaliT from Fort Kkex, Ky, •Mnoibtag to M uebeatar dIrseUy. optaioa, J a te IiEtta had Ml might have in mind a gonaral eon gained complete eoatrol of CTilnea* foreign ministor, <>iunt Btefu j are dumping milk from a truck halted at Buaklrk, N. T.,' after stopping te eouuBitoto the eatoatlw dhl < s foreneo of thau algnat^ powara. Csaky. left Germuy today after a nor tho lOiat Hmaa Cavalry to tba Not that w* bava within our bmita l- territory along tbe boundary at this , the driver, who wu carrying milk for a rion-atriklng farmer. Ilia union Naw Tork Nsthmal Guard wara am- M6M to Os tiatlaiiuy to Oi A gevsrammt spokasmu aald that three-day visit which atlrrU signlfl- 1* attempting to boost prices, by withholding milk from New Tork city. u alrpteM ladusity amrnngk tSm ftoddate, aad O at O * IndtytB I a It. wu poasibis te gat the vlawa of Britlab crown oMony. cut spweulatlw ud left behind gaged la today’s agbting. Tbalr chuoa to show tbalr ralattv* alrik- bundrada at boys totonatod to aodM •cat am tha Stftan a t am a m M tha otteR' powara by eonaultatloB JapanoM unite wara aald te b* soma rnnfiMten u to lie purpou and ing powar, a moot question hi mSI- to testify wMto vlalaMM o v sad that no deOult* decMon had- boldlag all Important potato ud result*. ptauaa might to aald to eeutltuto tory clretes, vrill oobm naxt wash u todnatiy that amkaa a tot to a beu rtaebad u ta wbat ew roads from Dsap Bay, to tba north' DNB, .official Oormu nawa agu- wbu u lavadlaf "Bteek Army" to la vrould be puranad. west at Hongkong, to M|n Bay, on cy, circulatod a denial that C ^ y tbtaga tf aat a tet to amtey. Aria- b Tbe apokaamu aald ooaaldarabla tha nerthaaat MW ettber Adolf RlUar or the Gar- Girl Says Immorality 68,000 Nattonal OuardsaMB nmato a pregroaa bad bam made te tba Tok "Blu* Army" ef ragulan datondtag ttoa. aad Urn day ato atoda taa n „ Tho atguaeute oa Oa -fr Japanese Naval foroas did aot at' mu fOralia mlalstor, Joachim von tbs approaeb to Naw Tork City, taaam aoastbing to tbte tawa ba-oak aalda bagaa after J It yo talka toward Britiah-Japuase tempt to patrol tbo two baya baeause RJbbsn trope M* Baaib hod oat 1 pL8k (asA.) a agrwmant on poUea oontrol ia Tlmt- both ar* British territorial aratora On the other Kbnd, tho Dlenat Aw aln—one of tba dUfaranoM wbleh lad .Dautaohtaad ohasrvad that (teahya Ttetay’ a 6 u „ - . _ tha date f ir anteaateff tba I Britito Naval fereaa aeatatotead Ma.de Her Quit Bund thrl^ toe m ptotoemy.' t e whtah. ahttoitoo I I to tba Japuua bloebnde ef tbo Brit- eentlaueua wateb. vUR mad* ivISint that Hoagary imratetod, havo m - ish and French ooaoaaMona. and OirmWiy •bra earaplitaly ay* to ^ ------—----- rr-rr=wr Mga to bo- teu tok n j but no reports came In from the C Steca than, tb* official axplana- ay* u ragM* their cono^tten ef tlm rateted. tba Japanaaa have da- oo-aparattag pnStteal|y.» Makes AiMertions to Dim| PgalggsA i^aawavaw TltofiMlfiMthlBihsi ititoai s howovar. wara r*Mtod to bavs wo t o tho maadad that Mtaln prohibit tb* eroaaid over Britteh aell tote morn- Indlvldiw Oarawn aditotai, trvMt- eooui'wd teat alghti ' ua* of Clilnaao utlonal eurraney m ing. ed for thalr raUabUlty by tbeir for- Private WUUamr the Ttentaia concoaalon and further olga eOttoaguas. wmt ovu further. About G inHitions at; PbUadaIpWa. Pa„ a It woaft to S m saaff British troops had taku precu- aad toeUMtes a n tabu Iato h that Britain should hand over Chi- tionary potitlou on tbalr aid* of tha Now CeHtadra l a Aram Milk Trucks 107th FMId ArtUtery, tba ago aad by .Oa h nese allvar raaarvaa la tha eoncas- 18-mll* land bonndary. They said iwirasarvedly that Hun- Long Island Cam p. I staadtag te war* only . 60 toot apart. tbourtt K mod RimIbi tba crash and talapbonad Peoria Japuaaa haadqnartara aald thay —Uppar snrateiO nawapaper* uadar "And that caused quit* a Mt of patrolling highways ta O* dteturb- Rogge A sserts Louisi­ Tolop tf Um MiUro *obitto mmI for ambulantes and dectora, thu tefg* biadltpM today lanovtod sl- trouU*,” ab* added. ano* aooM to pravu t tetarfaw n u oaljr Iho eloUio 00^ bo ! aided the driver la puIBag out the (C am rm ga tw m .) ‘ ‘ eto ef "tomrism'^lqr Polas "Parmto oomplalnad they vraro. wlO tranapertotloa at milk after ana O fficials D ivid ­ aLaTlIFbuto esou puaeagere. At Proctor hospital in' toa natitor bardar to Kato- too clos* aad that tha boys aad girls sporadic otttbraoks yaatorday. H* ed $ 134,000 in D e a L to am gold I morte. tha fbllowtng wars aald to sakn »rtn and nalgbbor- auartod troepara have hod "tow lo- ftSmt war* aam togatber. " qiiMto for old today." have been serioualy Burt: tag^vniagis. Aakad by atarnu arbatbar Tbao- a rhaagid I te BOOM to O s Tb* uUr* pcau oarriad Sgurim WUltom Ooadall to Now Toth DaUao, Taa., Ang. IS—to)— Parauuto eempaay aad li Bertha Brrloa, Paorla. Poland Divides doro PInkriackar, . whom to*, bad Floraaco Spohia, Walton,' lad. lautd by Ow 0 IdantUted u leader ef tb* Band’s city, a repraautotiva of O* Ooo- Matut V. 6 Attoraqr Oeaarai a b w* agaiMF SMto groM o f industrial Orgaateattawa Jobs Itogga ehargad today la Fad- w LatU# DI|»IB , Paaadaaa, GaUf. -VtekB. youth movamut to the tlm*, had EUubath Leaaiira, Qateey. m. 76JKW tba wnt ei aald an mambara at tb* CIO la the Large Estates teh em- doM BBytbiag to stop "Immoral- otote, asOmatod at 700JW0, acal eourt Oat forawr Oov. lUete J. F. arunth. Bteckarall. Okte. ity," to* aald: ard Lseho of Leutetana aad Soy- The other pamugara wars only "Ha did not oonaldsr It ImmeraL bpu roqueotad to beyeott SbaffMM BMur Wateo, iMhloab poSttea) slightly hurt. Bvaratt Btarmaa. at aad Bordu Dolrtu aad other oeu- "Later. I tonad out that It wu gate "not rignod wltb Os wa- Sgura had aooaptod graft "to om to State Firemen QiUBcy, tba boa driver, suSarad a Ministen Givm Authority Oq aioat vaaol ilaglo traaurlloM X wraacbed back but rafuaod boi -Poei Throng New Pirasie mao Vooros mantloMd Dtekal- o(M ebteo oerooa" taHutInn to help car* for tbs •pu- atonr agate , la diaenaiteg a Bond- Tho Fodaral prooseutar appoarod In Convention aaagers. to toa ) O oa da ll, who b u I dential D eeree iTod^r* asaaaoraS youth aoyag* to 0«r> at a hasriag for Oo rwnoval to auay. Ah* toaUfiad be eras "food quarters at Oa otrikteg Dairy l«oulMaM of rroaaeu Tb* bus, property of the Santa Farmars Itetea ofttoa bar*. Wbruw, Ang. IS. —(S)—Tbwsgh tabtdWltoou of tba teadara" Doltes ladapeodut oil operator, Fa TraDwaya, .aru u route from a saw proalduiilenttel daeraa, aanmnw O* a o te tending r ehargod J o l ^ wtO Loch* aad Delegates W elcom ed bjr Kansas Oty n Chicago. Anthorl- wbu the ship, tba a. a. Hamburg, moral oupport to O s atrtka, aSvIs- ^ ad ofneteHy today, to* wu about ote-dayo out to atm.- Wrira vriO vtolattea to Oo Ooo- Mayor McLevy at ttes-aald Stanau told them ha wu Mara of war aad tetori tng O * toraMra how to plokat, wbat "abo wu Ouly IT yoora old." oold their taril rights are aad aally "hot oil" act itad u Bw fialU f ly Oat UOa slowly througb a rakkt an authority to SMSa iMiVo Rms to vntoots Opening of 2-D a y M e e t Man be ru ebad tba eptra, moo Voocoo, odffing that tba un- toutwro tbroughout Oo Itogga daacribad tb* allagad pay- Bl s, MoMatoA bat M m dto way.dauarlte Oanraa {atrttefy. Mawtiaad girl ImpHoatod With Dta- ut to |ltt,000 by Burfotd la eoa- tb* rate bad wuabeil quutt- Tbte d i m e t auf ar at (Iwaaany’a ganlaing dairyman. of mud down tba bfllrida onto balacbor wu from the Bronx, Now Dtatrlbutora ta Naw Tork tali mat aoetloa wlO Oo' piptag to oti from Mdgopert, Aug. 16—

ft* a t aa eMcapUena ar aaam^ Oat tba Boot Tmu RaSntter Ooa>- Beach, when Mayor Jaqpar At Om toma appitai to a-her* af fiatoter 1. ) Iwvy waieomad aeora Ou MO < raportad paay did,pay 1166000 to WaMo.” tend teom thru to twenty nrilaa aald Itagga. "Of Oat, Lacbo aad , O s advano* guard at 1 Mr a. E. wlda atens toa botSer^WMte thte ts^.a^Mctod to gaOra bar* by Ola wood. cauL "Tbte muMtoml betdw of tbo Water ooeb took HTJXM. Wateo wu “beK-to SSaria aad ndM teh Oor- high la Loutelau poUtteol dreteo. Halu tomuto. Paaadua. Galtt. ridor proahwas af tbo VnOtarimma Osorg* T. CuOau t o Piterra AndMon. -Oh Museum Teaches Natural Tho two bald highofftetel p Lacbo wu govarmer oteet Waterbary aad iubsrt L. Oolu sf CUy. Okla. and Attonsy Osaual RodD. Smith. S u rmnete- History by Using Mirrors nivhteS 6186666 PolletU oddrauU Os 6 0 . "Thay got togsOar aad divldpd of Os two day ceacla'v* STonk O. Mecgaa. Sm Angalas. Naal party- I II66JM)0 sad O* fovarnof alaet t M ------. ? . ' at wbleh John B. Grahaas to Watar- nra. toriu had traralid to om> of ttaTtrilh prara m i sixty oavM 6LOOO bills frooa Wotea teiry, state prealdut, prsshtod. forala and back, aad wu witbte IS rttlramto e fjt o u to Ang. la—(6) — TbsyTOA’bla staff reported aaeing a Uagarte "Can tt aayOteg you llba eom that It wltb mirrors to ths New oxhiut te a Boston atoro wbleb al- aitaMrial sarvtou ter ~ aiUaa at ksr kom* whu tks aeet- larga Mu ar aayOtei steo-but It aru at jySflSueff^ghSla Itosi md Mnaaum at Natural Hte- ternatoiy revaated a . modal (dour- yiutoto graft Tha two aqr> Bito m tha corract attira tor by O* Itov. J. tejurad. after toachtan, that Ml ‘thosMan.i UWIsirtle, "DonT paopla baiw ths boodMr and thu tor tha ball- udWatmT ^ ira .8 8aw oMthed of toarbteg rsperto by tbs praaidut, aacrotory to tha boa point ytof Ou om ( rooak That wu autoly whto Pto- "BLaayhody te la doubt Id traaaursr wsra read. ivolopad by 8 tonnar vaudevUl* toraoa aru looking tor. dera if tba govaraoMut te "gatag to agWu aad thu* aasam to ba ro- H* adapted tba pcteclpte of that fh-fftoit' CffBifla^ Ttddr MB t obl ad M I f o u oobUbuo ttoliotoriau tevaMgattea. Offteora tor Oa oomteg year an tb* Jooinay. jS • ptioo of 8 1 tatad to tba ait of blarb magle. diapiay to hla wnrateg awdri aad 1 wm aay wo an ffiCtteg at tbo Mg Jetei Pattornon. tba muaoum’a psetod to ba oteotod s * ^ tbte "A M atn- with u aiectrlcal apparatua aad viotaton firto." tS S a a ta U . oftoraooa. OornsUu J. Oarttou to dboetor. who te a tanaar vandevttlo mbrrori ba partoetod hte axhibit, -"Tblo bu bauOa oMot vooal te Sdrate, Hfte oteteMt of haad pmltoiuw, eoMsto- Tarryvlll*. priiut vtea praWiteBt to raauea af teim which ths muaaum fnrmaWy Mag^ vtetettea fraad. It wo au got probably wU bo a teiaa aune- Bto Is saUa aa od tite idu oaow ttaso ago of a Anr 1S-4S)- Tha to thd public yaatorday, tobon, wa dewT oar* who Ooy oto." . The rWacMM to atote^nepn- xhitet to Paterau aaid .ba btoavad ths aa- ) Ttoaaaiy-Aag. IS: Wn Borria attatwqr tor Burtord. David to. Hartord, to SouO Nor- RaoM fSMJSSjSa;^ “ hlMt wu tba Brat to tto klad to walk. u aooratory aad Iftebaol T. woetoof btw '8 wtotareoto aay muoaum In tho cpuatiy aad oa- Sunra to Now Brltote u troaaui ate b2 at white, IMra tSAS6ASA646.m; anateM rac praaaad boBof It wMdd asrvo to fhOu brtag a aaw odneatloa iochtogu to jii4MMaT,n. ^ tum i/ 'z . ’ . «<' U'i

UAMCRESTER evening HEBALD, IIANCBE8TEE. OONM. VEmAT. AUGUST 18.19S9 MANCHE81ES EVENING REBALD. MANCHESTER. OONNn FRIDAY, AUGUST 18.198S ewratn eg the eommardlal vAlele tnetaadiag the drlvara. Rejecto Jaygnese Poland Divides hpanese Cain The accuaed and ownen hg^the Court Improvements ^Startle negligee gown 'u d he in summery Brauick. Edward F. Moriarty, tmeka which wara hauling gfwral InTiMJNotSueeeu . Emotional Slmin Heavy Screen Star street clothes. Hyde Is Against Thomad J. Hauett, John W. Mur- •B a a a a srn m a m m trom a baak in Hop lUvm datrlet Demand to Widen Large Eatatea “It Is a wonderful work." 1 phy. John F. Ltmsriek, Hiom u J. E^itire Control to the oonatmeUon job on Pina Income LhveB West said of ths MRA cniaads. "I Dannaher, Mary C Dauaber, Wil- Eyes Examined Tampa, f U „ Aug. is —iS>— Modern Rip Van Winkle owe my aucceu to tbs fact that itrM t are. Robert Sargant of South Scope of Parleys ha The proeeeutor had the situa* For Europe ^s Population Favors MRA liam P. Quiah u d raeodore C. Zim- Windham, driver, Everett M. Al- rau Pas> O ) ^ havo been practlelrig that philoso- Self-Proposal mer. Glomes FtUed tlea pretty wall la hand—ha phy in recu t years. Along Frontier len of 804 Summit atreet, WilUman- pareatod through an agtaeiiMat thoui^L Report Shows Amoant DstrMt Lakes, Miim., Aim. lA —# Danny alaea h u s a « planu evu Dr. Caillouetto won toe demo- Small Wdcfcljr PRyEMBtai tie, owner; lorla Wylla, WUUmantlc, (C P»gaOi»» gray-balred, stooped fUp van "EArly In my career, before cratic nomination for sslactmu lu t with . This agraainent In a miner trini tha dafwidant toe prison. He hoard th ^ travailed By DeWHt Slaelceasle «a ll parmte know in advance the Philosophy Has B ees driver, and Oeorge Datmle of 28 now has lapsed. The Oerman-Pollsh Tam ed Over to Town Winkls Is awakening today ia the 300 m llu aa hour. But 60 In a car— discovered toe importuce of cor- year, but w u defeated at the polla 891 Main 8 L - OnNiaita 8 L Jamaa*a C k w e li • Pbana 4718 could apeak only broken Eng- -Vasodated Pi eas Foretga A gain I place to which each child le to be rect thinking u d correct consider Rules Clancy Must Get BaUevua atreet, WilUmantle. owner; Hon aaaouBUag to about 4A00J100 ■wa-eiqRuataii pact bad a reatraln- lish, but flusat Spenleh. Two Uttls town of Rlchwood n su bars. “whaw, it's too fast." He w u sick- Writer by republlcu opposition. Arthur Oagne, WilUinanUc, driver, Is D ow n N eariy H a lf. { a u t but they would be notified u C^reat H e lp to H er, atiott for others. It w u a hard u d American dollart. tag taSwmce againirt any action I luron, the defenu attorney and He's Dan Blue, 86, struggling to ensd by fence posts filcksriag past. ! soon u ths movemut la over.' Proposer; Aspirant r^kopad tba Mrtjr fbnnatlaB «T tb* alao owned by George DennU: Ui- "Britain b u reaehbd a oancltHloa catch up on 41 years of history tost "Wondenful thing, radio, s h s ^ one New York—Europe's “w u of Mae West Says. bitter struggle to get ahead J'kwbtow regliM would gala th# tup- clen Rolmea of Eagleville, driver, ■gainst similar u ta tu in Pomona toe proaacutor could spuk . T o Repert To Seboeia Dr. Buchmu told her; Says Need “Childish.” Tbsatsr Faya Penalty RICHARD STONE that not only-4s It Impoaalbla tq ra- and PoamaaU. Spanish. So toe wltneu w u In- As the town ends its fiscal yaar. swirled past .while stona walls sad onca" Danny blurted It out. tbsn nerves" h u placed toe people of toe OPTICIAN ' - . Sort or s.000.000 Oforowi CHln^. Rotwit Gardiner, Eagleville, owner; gard thaae quaatlona aa purUy Ideal bus kept him prtsonu f6r murder- I If chlldru are home when toe ’'You are a splendid character, Tbs new decree which haslrally terrogntad in that language. u laspaetloa of ths income derived tumsd his head. Tou get that way cbuntrlM immediately Involved tn . w u alarm comes, they sr# to re- Hollywood. Aug. 18.—(F) — Wuhington. Aug. 18— oP) —A gM aU ag tho Bwatow otm m their Joee^ S. Ulehaud of Hartford, driv- isauM," the ^ k a a a a a aald, "but ing a faUow farm hand for his after watchful guards lo t two score M lu West. You have done wonder Ruling that no person msy pro ' P. J. Amici. Optometrist er, W. H. Oonetniction Company of la regardad u a contlnuanu of Judge John R. Htmu eouMn't by the municipality from tha town tha conflict under e terrible emo- port immediately to their schools, Blonds, curving M u West of the ful work, too. In pleasing and en. pose himself for nomination tn the Wuhington thuter hu settled tor ■apply of CamsfM and rUMs. tiiay must be ragaMad u laauM nndentand a word of I t money. yeers have forbidden eonvereatton $23 a charu that It vl61ated a child . - j)iMMa0 fcfoopa took Swotow. Weat .Hartford, owner; Emil Strede which vttsdiy affect the Interaita of POUi^ aodal aoonomie policy, dou court shows that ah unusual drop Danny, pn Indian, thought eom- tional strain. I with bluket roll u d ration for one stags u d screen Is all tor moral re- tertalnlng millions with your primaries of political parties In this ifUma■ Dsvsioped aad Frtated. Suddtoly th e pioaeeutor or even quick puks at vltitora. Ths constut proeeaaloa of criau, labor law by sponsoring a personal tl. n w oew Swatow regime of South Coventry, driver, and Roae other powara. ' i... not pRnrlda for abrupt aetioii. It la ‘Such rsTuus h u taku place. mutatloa o f hla Ufa ssntoncs w u meal. Rehearuls for evacuation charming personality." town. Judge William S. Hyde, town D. Strede, of the aame addreaa, prondm that paroaUIng, If da- up with "1 object" in "I nevu had o u la my oell," be such u b u now beu boiled up over I u e h.iwy carried out. armamut. appearuce of Judy Garlud, young alao wUI admlnlJter recently oeeu- Caa Sm Na tTaefal Raa«lta According to tbs report rendered pretty nios. But be Is startled by started again. "But when I left, The other PoM for Fbotogrspha counsel, ordered yesterday that De- owner. mandad, miiat ba aeeompUsbad In Danslg, b u kept the mu-ln-the- I d^y the chlldru of Blast End Its philosophy h u been a g ru t picture actreaa, at nlgbt. Tbe $33, aiad areas la the East Kwaagtung "Therefore no useful results can "1 don't evsa know what toe toe SeUctmu by Tnomu J. D u - paved highways, automobUu that they had drilled a hole to put In a AS they posed for photographs puty Town Clerk Hattie Stricktud A t the aame teuton John Filiah, a yaar, althar through aala to stnet u d hU family in more to u «* o o l in London utuallyowere tak- help to her u d aha thinks It would should return to Frank P. cnancy of which had been posted u collateral, praetaee ia the vicinity of Bwatow. be attained by pursuing theu mst- question Is," Judge Hlm u amil- naher, farmer court clerk during travel 60 mUss an hour, airplanes, radio. That c u go to toe next fel- together. Dr. Buchmu remarked w u forfeited. 86, of New York City, wm flnad teri on a purely anglo-Japaneu pasMUiU or to thh Dapartmant of the lacumbmey of Judge H art^ tractors aad radio. one of the major countries diving « clu r to toe great Vlctorial rall- bs valuable to her current picture he w u somewhat amateur at "this 38 Benton street hie self-endorae- 810 and coata by Juetlce Cbamplln Agrleultura. I f thla la not dona tba ed. low. nUnk—to a radio, 10,000 miles for shelter in holes In toe groimd. ,t,uon In buses, to get them ttm r WaralBC To Brttooa ale. W. Oarrity, at tha end of that StlUwatsr prison oSleUla brought Is nothing." sort of thing." (Meaning the pos- m u t for the post of eelertmsn. for carrying two people on the run- ga^lmtinant haa the right to take The lawyera went back and like so m u y frightened prairie- | ^ jo thU fire driU partner, W. C. Fields, aha told Dr. ing.) Tleatain, Aug. 18—la*)—A new "In other words, if there are to translated several minutes testi- court's y s u July 1. there bad bsu him home by c u to toe cottage sad Hyde holds that the local ordt- ning board of hla car. Ha waa be further discussions of theu mat- over the land, gtvtag "oompanaa- 80-acrs farm be bought by earning Danny plowed with oxu. Now be But Mss drawled; "You're doing nucs reading "any elector may !’ wanUng to all Biltooa to leave mony. English — and broken prearafad only 867 caees on which wonders about tractors. ra. Mtuatlon In Englud -.rve. j " •tlantsla promptly was given today arreated Wedneaday afternoon by ters errangementa must be mads to tlon‘‘ tn aU eaata. total receipts figured 18.667.77— 30 cents a day making straw mat- fine, doctor." nominate any elector.." for office M A G N ELL'S IC E C RE A M State Policeman Edward Hatua of take Into aocount tbs views of other Engilsb—w u used for tha re- tresau snd counting vegstabtss But tba $3,600 he earned la 41 well u u y other to Ulustrate f f w in lettsrs to British Tientsin mainder of the trlaL lets to u the sum guerally. turned MUs West snd Fields are to be Intends the Interpretation that u y Bsdbsas Snwother, Mon Delictoua and Finer Flavored t the Coicbeiter Barracki. Five dol- powers. Theu qusstlons cannot be rariejra A n OanUnaad .'rom ths prison farm. 3Tura won't buy a tractor. The stats, reMents by the "China Patriotic over to toe town alone. From toU doU-garden country long have been Starred together soon In a picture. elector may nominate any other •rsb Liu lars of the flna w u remitted by Jus- excluded from any flnal dlscuulons, He last remembered traveling I'J will 1st him withdraw only $23 a "Have you met Bill Fields yet?" elector for a position. There seems ■state asgs Touth Association." tice Cbamplln when he learned that Daasig, Aug. 18.—rThe Po- total toe town got only 83,828.09 living under pretty clou to war con- truches make grim scan through SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK: The letUiB blamed Great Britain but all partlM to the qlnc-pewer and lUb commlsalnwar general, Marian miles by buggy to the station here month of the $429 cash u d $600 toe beauty of the public parka u d she aaked Dr. Buchmu. to be some difference of opinion FUish w u unfamiliar with the Con- and toe stats 83AS9A8. goverammt bonds ba h u latt. ditlona— barring the utual cruh ot tor prolongation of the Chinese* other revelant trutles must be given Cbodackl, met with Oenslg*a Sen- Prsvloos bMooss when folks from the east told ot a gardens. "No, but I'd love to meet him." with this view, one commentator necticut law. an opportunity to expreu their motor-ldts a fanatic named Lang- bursting stul u d the acrid odor ot Japaaese war and said that unless ate pneUtont, Arthur Oelaer, again N Y. Stocks la the court report rendered by Tliat's about uCugb to live oa burning gun-powder. rae EhigUsh family is nevu fru "ThU (M RA) U Just what BUI vmturlng toe opinion that the read- S8e and 41c. B lack Rasp b erry One of the moat succeaaful Grange vlewa. ley inventsd. Tbs 12 mils trip w u u with what the farm should bring, needs,” Mae exclaimed, "by all ing of toe ordinance. In fact, ex- BHtOBS left quickly they might lose ilcnlea In recent yeara w u held at today to try to amooth aoma of toe Datmaber for last year, which ex- Lufleta To Guide Public of tola atmosphere of war. Be- ARimm DRUG atORB ‘This decision wu ruched en- dlfflculUae la tba daagaroua Daang aU-day affair over muddy roads. Danny bellevM. means meet Bill u d tell him all pressly permits that a man may pro- 848 Blala StNst Mamta Ice Cre a m their lives or property. Firms de- locky Neck State Park Wedneaday tirely by ouruIvM. Other partlu to Adams Exp tended through August 15 due to I have before rae a urle.e of leaf- cause of this the British public u a laylag departure, the letters said, with over 60 Grangera and their situation. the fact that the Oarrity court lets Issued by the British govern- whole hu in the brief y e u since about - moral rearmament. And pose himself, for. If the contrary the nine-power tru ly era now being Air Rsdue .. please get to him before we atari w u intended, a prohibition would 89 Other Flavon! Pineapple Sherhat might suffer the fata of the Inter- famillet present A feature not In- Informed. Although neither would com- Alaska Jua continued Its term a secc^ year, ment for the guidance of the pub- Munich swung from a pi^tlve n - Export Company, offices of cluded In the outings of prevtoua ment, the continuation of toe talks to# total recslpta wers $»,ei6.76, over toe aehlevemut of toe leng- lic In event of war. One of theu bu luctance to engage in conflict to u tola picture. I w u t him tn ba fuU bave been expressly Included. An optimistic prediction that AlUsd Cbsm awaltod "oommon border" with Po- of It" However this msy be. Clucy*s Sarva With Your Dinntr! arhieh ercre atoned Aug. A ysara w u a aarlu of conteate by the "final steps" would be taken soon to w u taken to indicate that soum Am C sa ___ n svly double the rsvuus of the Manchester to do with "the protection of your attitude of wUIlngneu to face any 1888 annum. Last y e u toe town lud. ^home against airraids'' u d grimly proposal by a second party. Except younger members Including 60 yard conclude political phues remaining common ground may have been Am Homs Prod eventuality which will relieve this duhu, sack racu and sgg races. found for dlscuaeton. they confer- derived $6,008.88 from ths court Whether CSaky would be able to land bluntly dealt with all manner teuton. for self-nomination. Clancy's bid for We Mean In the way of agrument by Soviet Am Rad St 8 awing ths whole policy of tha Hup- Date Book office w u regularly filled out, ten The winners wers Cbauneey Squier. Ruuia with and Great Bri- red for SO minutes. while $8,607.78 w u paid to toe .lof contingencies. Including "bow to Romance Glimpse That You Actually Save Jr., Shirley Traythall, Francis Hut- Am Sm alt___ state. Caste In court numbered 644 ga riu government of Premier 'avoid injury from mustard g u ," slgnaturea being affixed. Clancy Is V Columbia tain on a mutual aid pact came to- Prof. Carl J. Burckhardt, League Next Week chins, Uerwln Hutchins, Annls Am T aad T .. or 187 more t o u were dlapoaed of Count Paul Teleky remained uncer- "treatment of shock," “treatment a republican. Money On Your Brake day from well informed quarters. of Nations high commlaaloner for Am Tob B ___ tain. But toe Germu wish to have Aug. 20—Annual outing of Linne Volkerl Absolved Informed this morning of Judge Weirtoott RIee Zuryck, William BorraebI, Philip No New OaOM For Alarni Danzig, brou^t toe two officials this p u t year. of wounds," “wounds in the head Results in Fall Work At GKENON’8 la h ^ , Jr., and Ahlsns Badgs. The Am Wat Wka a strong u d completely sympa- Lodge, Knights of Pythlaa, at Hill's u d body," "wounded limbs," "brok- Hyde's stand, Mr. a u c y said that na-U , vniltaaaatle Ohrtsiaa Official circlu, meanwhile, Insist- together after talking with Adolf No reason for tola drop In reve- Grove, Wapptng. scheduled soft ball game w u called Anaconda nue Is spparut, ths total of arrests thetic ally near the Balkans seemed en bones," "bums u d scalps," u d In Accident Case It will be u eu y matter for him ed the government u w no new Hitler In Berchtugaden lu t wuk. to secure a proposer. However, he off. cauu for alarm In this week's Euro- Armour ni ... being compambls In both years. to be a atep nearer realisation u a Coming Evwts "trutment for gu ." Boston. Aug. 18—(Fl—A gllmpu We Atao Do AU Klima of Ex- A eontlauanca of two weeks was Mrs. Harvey Collins and Janst Atchison ...... Going back to prevloua years, result of CsaksTe visit Aug. 37—Am erlcu Legion Family Another leaflet tells of "your g u said, he was not certain that such pean developments. This view of the at romuce sent 18-year-old Lor- a course Is a necessity, and srould pert Bspairlag . . . Aad Give giantad la town court here Hed* Collins left Thursday to spend a few recent Intensification of Interna- Aviation Corp toe court income ^836-1837 Jply to One Germ u conception, not stat- O u ti^ at Rod u d Gun club, Cov- m uk—how to keep it u d how to ralnp Ellis to toe hospital. You npselal ‘Osrms." aeaday evening by Trial Justice days at the New York World's Fair. Baldwin Ct ... entry. iiM It.” It reminds people;—'*rske 'Brought before the Jiutlce Court seek advice on the question. tional political and mllltai^ activity July, under toe tenure of Judge ed officially but frequently men- of Hebron, J. B u k Jones presiding, To get a peak at a bride u d Oaofge R Champlain to six truck w u In a dtgru rsflected In the at- Local Stocks B and O ...... Raymond A. Johnson w u $13,- tioned In Informed quarters, w u Aug. 28-Sept. 4 — Knights of Co- ‘care of your g u muk u d your g u "It seems rather childish." Clucy drivers arrested Tuesday for over- lumbus carnival at Main strsst muk will take care of you. It la Charles Volkert, Jr., of Birch Moun- groom attending a wedding recep- stated, “when a m u Is sesking u titude of the average British cltl- Bsndlx ...... 384.2$ of which $6,818.17 went to that Hungary should be toe "po. tion tn thsk apartment building lo ^ iig by State Pollocman Russell Springfielil Friends Bath 8 U ...... grounds. poulble that in war your life might tain road, w u found not guilty-of office, to play with the Idea that he sen. the town and $7,466.06 w u fald to llcem u of toe Balkans." Friudly the charge of reckleu driving, where she llvu, M lu Ellis went to Grenon't J. Olsen of the Colchester barracks. Talk of spesdy conclusion of the Fundshad by Putnam aad-Oe. Borden ...... the state. In court during this to both Italy ud Germuy and Sept. 7-8 —Flower show of Man- depend on your g u muk." Is being coerced or persuaded On tbs recommendation of Prose- 6 Oeatral ow chester Garden club. Muonic Tem- Thla pamphlet alao treats with growing out of an aeddent that re- toe root u d gued through skylight run." ^ W95 MAIH ST.- PHONE S65f Give Shower Parly Brltlsh-French- Soviet agreement Can P u ...... year were 627 caees. situated close to the Balkans, the Mae Wes* She lost her baluce and plunged Motsr OU V. n. Tlr cutor Chauncsy M. Squier, the Hartford, Oeaa. Cau (J. I.) .. ple. No admission. "muklng your windows,” since ‘In sulted In toe death of Ruuell Gard- GaiDooeHe Proposed skaqtss will be tranafarrsd to the followed reports that the military For the year ending 1836, also role tentatively assigned to Hun- ner, 16. of EJlm terrace. In Hebron 12 feet through the skylight to a 633 B. MMdte lUrapIke staff discussions of ths thru powers Telapbooe 6-0181 Oerro De P ... under Judge Johnson's tenure, the gary w u to Impose u ls poUclee In Sept 23’—District muting of war, one of our great protectlona Frank N. Buchmu, leadsr of toe This morning the democratic pro- Next Ts Oresa Tavata 1:00 p.ia. Q uotatlou Order of V au at Masonic Tsmpls. against toe dugers of air attack on June 9. when put to plea Wed- luding u toe newly married couple poul of George A. Caillouette forto In Moscow ware proceeding I'qulck- Chu ud Oh . total income w u $18,397.08, of moral rearmament movement ■rsl i p b sa i S i l l U lu Evelyn 8. Beer, of 133 Wells the aoutbeaat after nightfall w ouldj^ the 'black- nesday. entered u elevator. strut, w u sntertsined lu t evening luuraaos Steoks Chrysler ...... which $8,778.43 wmt to toe town Mieetmu w u filed. Propoeing ly snd well." tVou'd piave Te Make Ohangu out'." ' ~ As a result of toe uddent u In- Mtsi West u d Df. Buchmu had The couple weat on their honey- Clalllouette la E. May Holden. Signa- Ask tar Ed. Orsnu at tlu home of Hra. Edward J. Prime Minister Chamberlain will Bid Coca-Cola ... and $7JS17.67 wm t to tba state. It w u recognised that Hungary quits a tste-a-tete In her apart- moon; Mias Ellla went to City hos- Aetna C u u a lty ...... 108 Some Humoroas Rsaults vestV;atlon w u conducted by Cbro tures of the following are noted. • Cummings In Sprlngfleld, Mus., in consult hers Tuesday with the for- Col Carbon ... Court cues numbered 432. woj-d luive to niake fundamental raey've been having black-out ment She w u attired in a pink pital with a concussion of tot brain. AdverliM in The Herald—It Pay* Card ot Thaaka honor of her coming marriage. The eign mlnlatar. Lord Halifax, and Aetna Fire ...... 454 Different Fertode ner John H. Yeomans following toe Harold Keating, ' Margaret B. Ool O u u d E chuges in traditional policy to fall tests all over the country, some with accident u d on July 28 he filed hla Ws wish to thank our nsishbors hostau w u assisted by H lu other key cabinet merobere and Aetna Ufa ...... SO Com] Inc Tr There U um e difficulty involved completely Into the sphere of toe rather humorous results despite the findings, in which he exonerated sad friends for being so kind dnrlns Eleanor M. Redmond of Hartford. some observers upectsd a resump- Automobile ...... S44 Coml Solv .. tn noting aad comparing court In- ■xto. tbs recent lllaess and at the time of nature of the training. They bad Volkert of blame, raere had been aaiQi the death of onr wife and mother. Both were elaumaUa of M lu Beer tion of nagotlsUona on political u - (^nn. General ...... 27 Cons EdU come and expendlturea, for in some But eeeler to take, from toe Hua- SIA11 one tn a Kmtlah town the other day. at Bay Path Institute, Sprlngfleld. pacts of the pact to follow. These, Hartford F ir e ...... 77 Cons Oil ... years, where a court b u been beld a w arrut Issued In tha Justice .y »i Also those who sent flowers snd g a rlu point of view, would be Every householder u d shop-keeper Court of Hebron before the finding • PiMse. IkUa, B o M . Oktaa, 6 a Piseas. TaMs. Baffet, Ohiaa. fi GaaHangea I e iN . toansd the ass of their esrs. Guests wars praunt from that city, anaggfd on definition of "Indirect Hartford Steam Boiler 68 Oont C u ... over In office. Income and atmUattes powerful support from Germ uy In SUN.. MON. •TUBS. did his duty so well that not a OhalTA SoUd Mapla. • Chairs. Modera Walaat. Henry HeConvIIle and rsmily. Hartford and Broad Brook. aggression,'' were shoved Into the Nktlonal F ir e ...... 894 are figured through from one July w u made tn which a charge of WTO Cbm Prod .. Hungery'a old feud with Rumula, streak of light showed from a alngie Urs. Cummings uud a color to toe following August 16, which rsckleu driving w u made. The ease background with the start of the Phoenix ...... 764 Del L u d Wn from which Hungary demuds ter- building, u d the only mishap w u •6.9S schema of green and white In her talks on military strategy. Traveler! ...... 440 Is toe end of toe town's fiscal yeu. w u postponed awaiting toe finding Gaff Plate Douglu Aire ritory. that toe town council forgot to put of tha coroner and when the ca $169.50 SET $147.50 SET $3:$5 decorations. Ths lunchson tabis had "Good progreu" almllarly w u re- pm>lle rtlliu ee Du Pont ___ In tha yeu where a court h u been Much high spirited dtixeu of ths street lights out. for a centerpiscs a grun and white ported toward conclusion of formal succeeded by another setup, totals A further leaflet deals with w u to have been called it w u (ur- 8 Fleesib Tabto, Baffet. OWaa, 8 PIscss. Tabis, Buffet, Chlaa, Oonn. Lt. and Pow. . . 59 Eastmu Kod Hungary would object to the pru- tber continued u Volkert w u out Chairs. Madera WakMrt umbrella, with corresponding place British treaties with Poland and Conn. P o w ...... 49 H Elec Auto-L . extend only through to July 1, toe ence of Germu forcu In toe Car- evacuation from crowded eitlw of Chairs. Dnacu Pbyta Msbo 19.50 cards In miniature umbrellas. of toe stats. Zebra Wood. Turkey to replace present mutual HsrUord Elec. L t .. 66'A Oen Elec . .. date on which new officials taka patho-Ukralne if such troops wara chlldru. "the bUsd,” "expectut U lu Bur la to be married on gUarantsea. Dr. Vladislav Kulikl. thalr appointments. mothers"—la short, thoss psople A t the bearing in Hebron Volkert Illuminating Shs. ... 37 Oen Foode . .. beaded only for Poland. w u repruented by Attoniey Har- LAMPS September 8 to Stephen H. Smith of legal advUer to the Pollah Foreign Hartford O u ...... 36 Gen Mot . . . . However, It will be seen from the But toe proepect of combined “Whou presence esnaot be ot uy Taunton, Uaaa. office, arrived from Waruw yuter. totals presented tn reports that for aaalstuee." H ie point of thla dra*- old Garrlty of Muchester. He m- So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 154 Gillette ...... Oormu-HUagarlu preeeura on tsred a plea dl not guilty u d wait- day to go over flnal legal aepecta of Hecker Prod some partlculu reason cases pre- tle aiovs Is "that our big dtlM Tamen Rstunw Today. Western Mau...... 36 Rumania from convaniuUy attuatofl ed until the atato had prearatsd STOVES I $ i d s the Polish truly. Henhey ___ sented tn court want into s sudden Carpstho-Ukraine gave a more at- might bo subjsetod to dstormtasd San Franelseo. Aug. 18— —Ad- Certain 'Signs Sun "Hopeful'’ Industrial decline in 1838-89. snd Income oor- Its esM, when ha asked for a dis- Hudson Mot . tractive upect to the “bu evolu t sttaeks from-too sir" and ''some On AnMahas miral Harry E. Yamell, 84-year-old Diplomatic circlu bare balanced Acme Wire ...... tespondlngly took a dive. Hence bombsi* would uadouhtsdly get mlaaal. This w u grutod by toe $195.00 retiring commander-in-chief of the Am. Hardwars...... Int Harv .... neutrality” which Germany w u ts court. $S.9S against new flareupa, such u yse- Int Nick ___ toe net cost of the court to too toiough." |P ______''NipSelff V United States Asiatic fleet, arrives terday's border Inctdut In which Arrow H and H. com. town for this period b u been about in rupecUto Polud. Glenwood Comb. hers today from three years' service Int T u d T , ‘Hie govemrawt h u made plans 4 Csal aad 4 Oaa I t o Bnrai two Rumanian frontier guards ware Blllinga u d Spencer. fifty per cent greater th u during to move three million school ehll- Lsu Thu SAOO Joba In the Orient which gained him a Bristol Braaa ...... Johns-Man Bapert Mlalster Retomlng Harriaburg, Pa., Aug. 18—U8)—Al- A l Oast Iran. Bant Cutest. R.S.Pottoion killed in a clash with Hungarian prevtoua years with tbs toxpayw d iu 'from dtlM ta too daagsr sons All 888 Mahi BA congressional medal for distinguish- troops, certain 8lgna they looked Oolt'a Pat Flrearmi.. Keuecott making up ths difference. Budapest, Aug. I I —UP)—Inform- though jobs have been found for 1m $1.00 ed service. Leh Val R R sd quarters said today Ooont Csaky, In oysot ot war. Thsy would ba upon u possibly ’'hopeful.’' Eagle Lock ...... 0 th u 3,000 relief radptuts, Pana- $228.00 Ugg ud My B Hungarlu foreign mlnletor, w u re- takflSi dlroct from sefaool, aad UsUn ■ylvanln axpeeta to have lU worh- Theu included ths return to Dan- Fafnlr Bearing to this u relates to youngsters over >lg of the Polish commlatloner, Grey Tel Pay Station Loew's ...... tutblng to Budaput from fialsburg for-rcUaf program In full swing by Glenwood Comb. LorUlard _____ five jrsani of aga; Marian Cbodackl, from a hurried Hart and COoley .... by automoblls. mid-Septembsr, eventually employ- Mont Ward .., Special Plane "It would not ba poadbla to 1st ffelM a on Bnmar. Oast Ii trip to Waruw. Some believed this Hendey Mach.. Com.. After reporting to Prime Hlnle- ing 800,000. ' Nash-Ktiv .., tor Count n u l Telekl, Count Chaky Cansttnetlen. Heat OstrtrsL ■Ignifled. continuance of Chodackl's Landers. Frary A CIF. $7.95 So furd ay — Last C a ll For talks with Arthur Gretur, the Dan. New Brit. Mach.. Com. Nat BUc ____ Is expected to go to Rosm te mut Nat Cosh Reg Takes Envoy ■la' Senate president. While thus do., pfd ...... Premier Mussolini u d Foreign Mtn- technically concern trade relatione, North and Judd iNat Dairy ... tster Count Gslsasso Ctuo. Ths D o llar D ay Sale of Wo none b u doubted that In view of Peck, Stow & Wilcox Nat DUtUI .., vlait probably will take pla/a sarly N Y Central . On to Rome I $1.00 Nasi agitation for rstum of the Ruuell Hfg. Co...... nut aroMn Livr Scovlll Mfg...... N Y N H aad H Wh a t AS a l e ^ F ru dty to Germany, they also $99.50 5 Pc. Krohler m en's Su m m er Shoes e e e were of conaldsrabla political Im- SIlex Co...... 12 H Nor A m ...... « Frau Pago Ow) Ratify MUttary Fact Pukard ...... Bratlalava, Slovakia, Aug. Ifi — We Don’t Recall Anjrthing Equal To It In The 87.95 I $ 3 . ^ 5 portance. Stanley Works ...... 37H Made Snlte The Italian decru that Italy'! do., pfd ...... 28 Param Plot .. Csaky u d Csaky-Rlbbentrop mest- UP)— Germ uy and Slovakia now Y o u r C h o ice . . . . . e soldiers In Albania must remain Torrlngton ...... 26 28 Pana R R ...... Inga have ratified their m lllte^ put, Tspsstoy Osvsrtag. History Of The Business, .^d So To You, And there uittU further notice even Vseder Root ...... 46 63 Phclpa D o^ e . Cars of the Hungarlu u d bis ■em tly negotiated several months Phil P a t ...... ago. It w u eaneunced today. $Z95 though anilstmenta expire attract- New York Banks aides were seu travelling in the di- ed only mild tntsreit here. Watched Pub Sve N J .. ruUon aeceasary to h o ld ^ eu mut- The pact la separate from toe ”1 Bank of New York . . 393 416 tru ty whereby Germeiw astebllMi- $119.50 3 Pe. Red You, And Hundreds Of Others^New Customers with more concern w u the poasl- Radio *...... \ Bankers Trust ...... 32 tk 344 Reading ...... ed a protectorate over Slovakia, a blllty of an agreement between Centrsl Hanover Forelga eorresponduta recalled 98 101 Rem R u d ... that a denial oriftnally w u mads of pact of the former Caeflhoslevak re* Bine Freaelle Snf Hungary and Germany for Hun- Chau ...... 81H 384 gary's co-operstlon In esse of war. Republic au .. tha visit of Prof. Carl J. Burck- public. And Old We Say—THAI^ YOU! Chemical ...... 474 Rey Tob B ... hardt. League of Nations oomrols- Slovakia h u b eu agUatlag lor Endicott-Johnson Shoes Creetos Utile Stir City ...... 34H 364 Safeway S tn . sloner for Dustg, to the H ltlu return of Slovak land which reland The propoul of Rep, Hamilton Continental ...... IS IS Schenlcy DU . mountain retreat. got last fan after toe Munich aettle- ta t tKB samZ mo w 749 Main Straat SUte Theatar Building Fish of Nsw York for a SO-day Com Exchange f 79e moratorium on war with a confer- ...... 64 86 Sears Roeb They also reeaUed that Minister of nic&t* Extra Trucks Will Be Pressed Into Service Flrat National ...... 1825 1878 Under tba pact, Slovabta could toe Interior WllheUh Frick, alio act- ence of representatives of Ger- Guaruty Trust SbaU Un . . . . many. Italy. France and Great ...... 356 864 ed as Count Cuky's h < ^ never call M Germany to help her get it /^aOWBOYOOAHMK [rvtng Trust ... 8oeony-Vu .. Britain to settle International dis- ...... U IS Sou P u ...... dabblw In foreign pellUea. u d Germ uy th u would be ful- To Make Deliveries And We Araure You That »1 99c putes created Uttls stir tn diplo- Manhattan ...... 164 184 South R y ...... The coneluslaa therefore w u voic- fi'Hng her pledged word te ’’psetaet'' Mwufut Tnist ___ 38 40 this little nation, a apekoemu said. mYMWiliHiJiRHMMil drug stores ed that the "comradeship In anna" matic circles. =1 N. Y. Trust ...... 108 St Bruda .... Soma pointed out that e vu If 111 St O u u d El of which Naxl edltbra spoke could Every Effort Will Be .Made To Get Metohandise .95 |. $4.95 THE------workable It w u doubtRil If Britain, Public Nat’ onal ...... 39 81 only have b eu welded by *«ikf o r i g i n a t o r s o r r e a s o n a b l e p r i c e s Tttls Ouaraatu St OU C a l___ EXTRA! ONE HOUR for Instance, would enter Into a ...... St Oil N J . . . . with perseu other th u Frick. 150 P l a n to Attend CARTOON SHOW conference that did not include Po- U. 8. Trust ...... 1830 1870 Ihsoley Tertoi lem Reports Tax Oorp .... FOR I MSMidRStniC laM RM rBiriM lM To Yoii As Fast As Possible. LS0| land. Hla plan also left out Russia, Timken Roll B The Hast prass. masnwbUe. dla- $9.95 It w u added. played promlnutly reporta of al- Social Club Outing THE CHILDREN WAYSIDE Traassmerica . leged aeU of terrorlam sgalu t Britain started another pbau of Boy Runs Away Un Carbide ... WITH RBODLABMOW UQUORg AT LOW PSKSiSt her preparedneu program todav Gemam In Poland. Growing In in- TUESDAY MAipfEE k \ Uhlea P u tensity dally, tha German prise $1.98 by sending out approximately TOO Umt Aire Riui' V atloi^^de tor the annual If You Don’t Mind Shopping Around Among vehlelu In an uerclu In handling On Dentist Visit gn foUows the puteni of Mtbig ot the Wesbbigtwi Social f o rC U T P R I C E D R U G S MARKET unit Oorp campslgu before the Aue- mechanised forces and In motor Unit O u Imp dub which la to ba bdd tomorrow % 1 ___ (Rad and White Stand) transport tr iu anadduM and tha b r e a l ^ up at the Manrhester Rod and Gun Our Workmen Who Will ^ I/mding Delivery 99c WEST CENTER STREET AT McKEE STREET U S Rubber .. of OMohoolovoklA. Msldsn, Mass., U S Smelt club in Covutrjr b u resuttod in the saT dbdat oB tr Oeafer e* ■n.— fM-n Aug. 18— Renouncing the formellty of « 1 ' William Kennsdy, 10, had a tooth- U S Steel . committoe plartug an erdar for UO Tokyo, Aug. 18.—<;P)-^BrtUab iwoMHution. the Gennu Anny dbinera to U urvad. The dirnwr Trucks Come In Before Saturday Night And Ambaaudor Sir Robert Cralgle and Weat UBloa a U i^ ready at any n e a u t-fro n s $9.95 Green, Wax and Lima HU motosr took him to a dmtut West El aad Mfg win ba served Sy tha Oak strut CIRCLE Sotomatsu Kato, Japansu mlnls- ths BalUe to Blovskin—to sBfacM. If OriU- 5* 79a morntaf a buffst U. S. NO. 1 BEANS, 5c QT. tei^at-large In ' CUna, eoaferred yastsrday to bau tba tooth « - Woolworth nsris u ry. Hitler's draaonds for re- tnictode h u i^ wtn4ia aanrad and m tba aastjr Round Up What Bargains There May Be Left. twice tonight without deUnalalng Btae Rood aad Sh eni1» ^rn s f Dsnxlg and s phystesi Jose- aftanuwtt a cbleku dlnnsr wfll ba '•'i: $3.95 Bread and Butter the date for resumptloii of the Brit- Whm tbs dsntlat tumsd bU back tion cf B u t Pmsito aad Genuny ridsd. Tbsrs a n aonm who win Native Ish-Japaneu eoaferaaee on the WUUam Jumpsd out of tba eV>i» bot bs able to make the tztn to tba CUCUMBERS TlenUdn dispute. aad sprlntod away. 6 s s • • Tba wan Infisrmad Dianst ana clnbbouu Is the sMpntag, but wlB There Is Nothing Else We Can Do Until Next 16-QL Baaket 25c Attar aa all night aaareh, puaEad Miss B urr Guest.. Oeatseblaad aaid tbs G ansu dlaam- dl 4. 95| $ 5 . 9 5 go out later ta the aftenocn. Tl ' r - o g t A v C O e ' poUca today aut oat a daaeiipttoedsaerintios ilM wttk C a ^ sstsbilshsd that commtttoa ta sbaiga o f the aftang ISSeCANS Potatoes of him u d Ustod hiss se "mtsnag." BEETS AND CARROTS Sidewalk Signs At Two Parties Haagary aad ntmisny a u ’lays ta msnts la wwposed of-wnsam Btiat- MINERAL (NL MAVIS TALC Week To Get Straightened Out So You May As 3 Bnnchaa 10c SgA" - $29.951 ttm w dnwa firau that StraMwi'SSsbYuees'eYBiriy BwRtod Puzzle Walkers eru that tai tha asut af RfitalkrSSe • Well Avail Yourself Of Anything You Can Find Fancy First Grade Assigned to Study M lu Meriea B. Burr, daughter o f a aa ths aastuB trsotiar. Oor- SUNGLASSES P«k PIE APPLES. S LBS. 25c Mr. aad Mrs. C I t Burr ot 118 . eeold emat on u satismily Bfith PM sitr Mala street end Frederick D. geber, If You Were Unable To Be In On The “Killing” At Another School ’b seseei u t asutiellty". from Rna- •rBrtfcSM s Sweet, Juice X walk huUt Rom tha — eon of Mr. and Mie. Fradortek J. SRCMXS ianeoiis ORANGES. 2Se DOZ. ■tract cotraaea af toe Canter Park Sober of Detroit, Mleh., wbou amr- Waui ^ LAKESIDE CASINO BANDAGE Thurs^y Night ^ " at a point opposito Pearl strut aad Tlege win take plam tomorrow ■nch u a ^ t o d s w Huagary*s FULL quart' Chdfftl extending through the park to Lin- T h o a u J. ^annon. aon ot Mr. morning at tha Little CBurah Aroimd part waoM ladtoato a aomplata ra- VAL JEANV ORCHESTRA r-iji-R B ir 844.50| den street, neu Osnter strut, w u u d Mm Tlrsnrncs fihunon, of 79 the Comer, New York, were u tar- varaalefhar fcnaar cordM rala- $21.95 Buy Tomatoes Now! opened to the u u of tha public lu t Rusasll atrut, who two yoars aga telaed last araatag with a buffet tkma wito Palud. Wbsa Rnagary Sincerely Yours ■ . _.^s8t ta w fall. Tha walk trom toe same point utersd S t HMmu* Samlnary, supper by lO w Mnrgarst RasuD at Csrpatoo-UkratM tost oa tha Mala street eatranu to Un- Bloomfield, to prepare for the priest- her home on Comatoek Road. sfriag toars were Jeyfol cMabrsttoaa .oxWEsr Sewing Madiinea 861so|$27.95 hood w u today nanMd by Ameng too 30 or more fuaste prae? GRADE K. ^ 3 Baskets den atreet, near Oheetnut atrut, w u alao opened la*t winter. Both Maurtos F. McAullffa u eaa of u t wars tba mother at tba brlda- Ftm Biietrte Sffwiffg Mnchiffcl walks hays basn ueed by reMdanto students to be sadgnsd to greom-elaet aad alstar. Mrs. IB au fsm—taty- iTdQTNf ' . George E. Keith $69.50 PRITCHARD TOMATOES 9^.00 of O uter street aad thou who live ssmlnariu for further study- H mm c f Laka Pocaat BL 1539.50 to tha aenth eC Outer street Re- have bsm 61 namad u d la tba as- The party latar aMtorad over to the home of Mr. aad tba. Matbart iw flM T M IS N I SOUm MSi CIICC J emtly there appeared two stgna. slgnmwt Mr. fihsnnsa Is ta BV ROABDIB AOnOHt Everett Keith Oaa w u laeatad near the Mala a t Mary’s Bamtaary at BaltlaMia, B. Hottu ca Bast Owtar straat STATE HatiTe SW EET CORN Id another w u w u ro be wui take hla Ifa t pWleu M iw BmUy aad M lu Imata -RIO GRANDE” the Mala street phy oouraea. ataast “ WMk f W S B I J B S ------CXISP CELERY F rsas a Hew the ZHWCl9t Sm oUng Fffhiwffitff street utraaoe 9 1 $ 9 . 5 0 1 im $3.95 ______U- -RMtf'R% Uif' ^ Liq^BoBciiet 19e rCd jrw e w i ^ y , P u O idu St tha NOWi ^Newport Vt. Ai«. lira. 4 $lt9s| Just why snsh sigu have kau Qaorga Crnbury, n , af W ait Mart- $4.95 ersetad at this time la not nadar- CaaihrM|t Maas.. Aug- f •(»- ■ FRESHNESS HEANS NO W ASTE PraC. MaiTMiiirManaih Kam M by them, whs have bi *P«W *M ei^ Ika naaSTTwi antbarHy m IbalMi----- SHOP AND SAVE AT W AYSIDE —^ lbs ssaOir aad It uemed Mstbadht olnq^ at Nartfisrd, dM 12 Mclal Smokerff $2.25 1 b a u bad u sfleet im u ths u s taowa today that ba 98c thawallu. ^ ^ htra darlag tba aigbt Bartal vtB from too taeulty tUa fh l G.E. 7 Maid Sm tlkm n . • 1 f 1 $ $ . $ 5 , 1 $1^ IIAKCRESTER EVENTNO HEKALD. MANCHE8TBE, CONN, FRTOAT, AUGUST lA 1M» MANCHESTER EVENINO TORALD, MANCTESTEB, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST iV 1M9 , ” PAGBil MPAOVVOtli IlffclM ■ — District Vasa Qiiita Eavoy Pott Leaving Beat for * HU Coffee Lack of Funds May Block Prison Feature JVew York Completing One Sharp Increase Bringt Patrolman Suapenaion News From M anchester’s Neighbors Program Herej Expansion of Stamp Plan Comes to State Of World^s Finest Airports Is Seen in July pbllaMphla. Aug. IS— TM^ Lugging their kwt in a paper aatraa-aaiBaU noonday holdm ot tM shopplag bag. tM bandits Jumped WaehJngtan. Ang. 18 UB Fad- **Each Dawn I D ie" Is By Devaa gVaaate [ A amall army of city and WPA To Obaonre 43rd Aiiai«| Wyoming Bank and Tniat 0>mpany Into thmr car with two eoafaderates arol form oSIclala, aattlng up no- Upswing Acoonnted for win taka place In th* grove, th# apellad auaponaion today for a police- and sped away in tM busy traffic of Tense Drama; Com- New York, Aug. 18—CF>—About OfflclaU toss off figures for visitors 057 town ball and CenUr church. ▼ersary at Masonic man who left hla bast for a cup of North Philadelphia. Police found th* ttonwtd* machinery to expand th* 25 minutas by automoblla from tha like Jugglers In a aids ahow. The Largdy by More Steel Wapping Four speaker* will give addresses eoffoc Just bafora four nervous but car abandOBSd in an unattanded food otomp plan, axpraaaad coneam edy Film Also. roaring traffic of Manhattan Island, "fill” ^at North Beach was trucked at th* grove, Saturday aftarnoon Temple on Sept. 23. [ tha city of Naw York la completing from a pUoe called Riker's Island In And Iron Production. Farm Bureau’s Exhibit Mra. W. W. O raat BMttaodical men held up nine bank parking lot It bad boon atoian and today that funda may not b* auf- T. 3 sUrtlng at 2. Rev. J. O. Waggoner " a one of the arorld’a finest airports In Flushing Bay. They buUt a tem- emplejras and two cuatomers and equlppod with UcanM plats* atolea Tha outetoadlag tougblea of of Storre; Rev. John Pearce of,Staf- OonneeUcut D istrict No. 1 e i tM | from anotM r automobil*. fletant to moat' oppUeotlena from a wildemeaa of wind and water. porary bridg* and toted 18.000.000 Washingtnn, Aug. i$—— a aacapM with SU.IOO. aeera* of dtlea e a ^ to try th* screen history, James CagBoy and ford Spring*, retired Methodist Order of Vaaa. numbeftag .thirty- Whil* Patrolman James McManua "Get a cop! We’ve be

FocatioiMF Forg0t$ No Customers tMs asttetiy to apply to imsr as Police G>nvoy Six Separate . Republicans Are Stacking Alabama Flood M imiiiifiiinirtd goods. Exhibit o f Sefliflon*fl Sloyd W o A in Barnard School Where^oUi Located Diuly Radio Programs Expect Executive Council ^I^arachiite Firm On such a basis o f sound buMaass I In This Shop the Mancheeter industry now Mters Milk Trucks Battles Rage Up Planks for Platform Passes Crisis the growth stage from the InlUal AUanUe City, N. JH Aug. 19— To Clarify Decision Todm - • <. . . . ■" —OlV-Walking around thla Ready to Start period of experimentation and ee- Washington. Aug. 18—(dV— Tha tabllshment. , '.t saaabors raaort with a datecUve In Mock War Museum Barber Shop In New York for two dnya wasn’t Hsrbsrt Republican NaUonal Oommltttee al- Hundreds o f Fam ilie« AUanUc a ty . N. J., Aug. ig_(88fcber of tbe AAAA, ^1 ready to stacking up planks for tha Flower's Idas of a vaeatiosi. hut WTIG WDRC Has Nearly Everything Under Care of Relief —A statement by the American •pearbead for actors' obJecttoiM t o l , B ig Production • . . i r ha had to do It to start hla so- iOoattoiwd treM Pag# 0#s.) partir's 1940 platform. toe acceptance of the A F A to Ask Judge to Set Jf (Ossitonsd from Rage Ona.) Except Trade. At oommitlee beadquafters here, Federation of Labor's Executive journ ta comfort. ns Hartford, Osaa. ISM Agencies in Area. Council to tnterprot clearly Its re- IAT8B. Tlw Guild, through Uoaal Guard, for *taMritecloua asd offictato said today they are piecing Morgan, Its pieoldsnt, and flidwiiM] fn n nic« Ot».) sr of bsalth. sold yesterday’s supply FlOwtr. who to 69 and eomaa Hasttord. Oena. . • DoyBgbt Bavtag ftma Aside All Verdicts; from Harrtoburg, Pa., chseksd outataadtag Mrvioe." la jM «V. 1040 K. CL « U M Milwaukee—or>—Next! together the party’s record ot tba cent decUrion tat the Jurisdictional Arnold, vice president, also A was 1 JAO,000 quarts short and add- last congressional aeaslon and are Selma, Ala., Aug. 18—(P)— Hun- light among actors' unions waa ex- _____ Th* oommardal Into a aids avenue hotel and Sherman was knocked uneoasei? Eastam DayUght Bavtag YIon Step right up and climb Into the dreds of families, driven from their objected to retention of Ratalll ed ho waa conaldering axteodlng tho Priday> Aug. I f seeking to publlclzs It to the limit pected late today. Whitehead as exeetittv# aeciettay I at tiM lUnebaater Arm U aant a bey to tho railroad ata- otu yesterday by lightning while op- red pluah chair of tbe “Gay Nine- homes by swiftly rising streams, Sentences Monday radius of Um mlDc shod to allow p. m. during the next few months. William Green, president of the of the AFA. The Guild eald It hb«| gtreer, Um «te«U«nc« of ngress, bama's flood crisis had been passed When hs started back, hs for- -•unusual devotion to duty and toy- Police Qaaettea sociated Actors and Artistes ot Green declined what' jtloo fOr Imrfo oealo producUoa Showed It had been swayed by eon- Washtagton ths Federal government 4:48—Midstream. jB:80—^Tower Town Tempos the speeches of party leaderA and with a minimum loan of life. America, parent of 11 theatrical to my got where Um hotel was locat- is la poalUon to All government etderatlons other than the evldenc^ would portleipate in heartage ealled alty to hla organisation." 9:00—Tbe O’NeUs. 1S:48—Music of State and Screen Oase at aurroundlngs that en the reports of special committees As the murky Alabama river con- unions , had asked the council, Green the AFL's statement would oOBtrsCt orders or prlvste orders of John H. Cseeldy told the court by Itele Agriculture COmmA'loner ed. Hs called ths police and To n-rrrtn la FtoM TatogM 5:18—Adrian Rollinl’s Trio. 8:00—The Eeso Reporter— News, thralled the youth of the late lOUi appointed by Representative Martin tinued to rise slowly and the on Whitehead's stetua. WMb they assignad Dotectiva Thomas said, for an interpretation of Its and Mlaa Tucker ware far the ■Kg rl««' With tmmedlste growth that through the verdlctt a IMton V. Noyes ta flyraeuse Aug. Troops which went Into action 8:80—Silver Winds, Lm Gordon, weather century aa he aniffed pomade# and


nmiady nrgad tha adopUoa o f _ offleaa. Bor thto pwrpoaa, it w tor tba offleaa ot town clerk, trass-1 Beauty Shop Wage minimum waaUy wags ot |1«A0 tor Demi>crat8 Ponder said, anotbar aeaaliin wlU ba b M tnsr and tax collector, others hair* I beans; stewed celery; eombtoatloa aaama to sour to tha *toinach no Smclair Move ona-yaar lieenssd oparaton, glSAo nakt Brlday evaning. It was tear rseommsndad that the Rapubiicaa Bsmiy^CTORY vegejable ealad; peach whip. matter whSt I eat” for two-year eparaiori and elsrks ad that taro ot last year's candMatea incumbents la thaee offices be ah-1 • Menus Tkoisdayi Answ-er; inasmuch as I have Continue Slot Zioniat Congreaa A$k§ Laiagud Hearing Called and flS tor thr ae yaar oparatora. A Complete Ticket for aeleetmaa. Theodore C Pmmer I doraed. Queetloo on thto acora is Braakfaat—Ham; coddled egga; been unable to examine you and Is Confusing Overtime work, defined as work In \ and Dr. Oeona A. OaOloiietU, will ■aid to form the major point at I Miirda the Boordwolk A Week's Supply to make a oaraful atully of your exoesa o f 46 hours per week, would toasted whole-wheat wafers; baked Reject Britain's Paiestine ,Plan *k nomtoatloa again thto yenr. laauo ao far aa tbs .Democrats ara BY ELINORE STONE For Good Health apple. particular case, there la no way in Machine Drive Hartford, Aug. 18.—Btata Labor be paid tor at the rats of 80 cents Meeting last night, members of Edward Mortarty also a ill run tor concerned in the coming elaetlon*. which I noay possibly hope to tell .-.1 Oommlasioner Comellua J. Danaher an noin* to three-year operators and the Democratic Town Committee registrar ot votere. ’ Iteeommended Lunch—Freeh fruit; glass of Ma|or Buyer Quit* Port- No membera ot that par^ have yet By Dr. Prank MeOoy milk. you the cause of your eymptoma Qsnsva, Aug. 18 .—(Ai—The Wortd gwould lag Britahito tod^ announced that a public hear- 00 cents an hour to others. took no public action on the nam- While aome Democrats have urg- towwn opan incUnatioa to run tori A P SUPER X ♦ The beat plai* la to secure )a com- Dinner—Tomato soup; broiled Zionist Oongreaa appealed dlreetiy for* tha ooua^ Price* in Four ing will be held Monday to pass on ing o f primary Candida tea for town ed that their party nm eandidatea tba above officoo. cast a BO bad Moad by a window plete examination. Judging from Dickinsoo Pushes Canj- the report o f the Connecticut beauty CH BI W ^ n O B B N O O If — Dally Meana lamb Chops; peas and carrots; to- to tha Lsagua of Nations Council to- States; No Explanation Mteoaderataadtog Oa everteokad tbs aaa. Bill aald, mato salad. the aymptoma, you have a disturb- paigh on All Form* U m,‘i Jawlak s s r agptrt «*• ■hop minimum wage board. Tha re- ■am to v M I bto neaWa, to ms that tbare’s a lot Dr. McCoy’s msnus suggested for ed digestion, possibly due to a day to rajaet, Orest Brltaia'a plan tors th a ------* ■" port contains proposals for a mini- the week beginning Sunday, Au- Friday: stomach or Intestinal disorder, al Of Gambling, for aa Arab-dominated atate ia mum wage scale for womrn and Omaha, Neb.—(to—A mortuary aboutYns bed dsa my nama that you Nahum gg TWm , Aur. 1 8 —W —Olldom ' bo x’ Y A B O U T - e A a d don't kito^ I rntoa horses tor a Kuat 20, 1938. Breakfast—Poached eggs on Mel- though aome of your symptoms PalesUna. Committee e . bMtd over beele In ronfiulon minors employed In the Industry. notified Coroner’e Investigator Matt » waSeMag CBrtottoto Sandny; ba Toast; stewsd flga MARKETS Bvlag—mighto gna henea, by tha might ba due to a derangement of Lansing, Mieb., Aug. . 18—IP)—A The League Mandates Ooramiaaioa tor Paleatiae. ■Ttae hearing will be held In the old Jaap there was a dead man In an After SindeiTt tlie mejor awompm m u a e t — < Breakfaat—Coddled egga; Melba Lunch—18’bole wheat bread with the bladder. "It would appear that buyer erbich atarted an avalanche Senate Chamber on the second floor automobile Iq front' of a downtown way. Bat o )f market wasn't too drive to rid Michigan ot slot ma- report to tha council yesterday re- Aiotfr AATs ivaiv go^ this year; -go I took over the Toast; stewsd flga. butter; combination salad of let- (Sweat Poiatoea) set ot p^tloal e( erode oU price cuts, quit poatlng of the state capitol at 2 p. m. It service stetlon. Jaap, a police squad, CHANUHA- lAincb—Combination salad o f chines aad othar forma of gambUng fusing approval .for tha plan waa and ambulance crew found no dead rkUag adtod barik. Ten aaa, Fve tuce, celery and eueUmbera Question: F. J. asks: -"How tlM iBHidRtorr Its ptleea in four states without ex- will be open to all persons Including DAY PtlCISI Isttuee, tomatoss and cucumbsra; Dinner—Vegetable soup; baked employers and employees who wish man. The station attendant explain- bad a handicap ov«S,yoa all ahmg should sweet potatoes be cooked In continued today, led by crusading hailed with "gratiflesUon” in a worthy of the oouncirB pUestlon. . AST pareheaiii direct from com. white fish; spinach; salad of lettuce order to retain tbsir healthful qual- Oov. lAiraa D. Dickinson and press- that artoing fto a tba atUtaOh^dg The pussling turn followed the to express an opinion for or against ed: "I just called the mortuary to Wbsa I baard yoa wts you were statement by the oongreaa. tell them the battery In their car in producers AAP burs tor cash Obito- Dinner—Roast pork; mashed tur- and carrots; peaches. lUes?” thoaa laedars uae <«nthual- waged its own war on gambling, trtok*. What Fd like la aome real .the. People eome here to eon- asparagus. not care if I or not After eat- ‘The ectlons of the state poHoe in Daaciger hiked quotations 20 Spring tflple-thrsat facts—If you'vt got asra fo r aviation among tha general with no aanounearoent of tbs suoosea Lamb Legs ault him about avarythlng from tha Dinner—Broiled lean beef; string ing, 1 am troubled by gas, >lgod publie. tha next few days wiU speak tor AH profouad affacUoa •ante for street crude in the Texas any.” baby’s lin t tooth to the outcoma o f of ita campaign paading eomptoUen what Um goveraer haa told tkam.' •acriflea.—'VattfaBaiguas. | and Bell made a like jrtTNNTTIELD Than, Hies Thorenson,” the tha pieddentlal elaetlon: Unandan, boet in the north Texas Burkbur- GE N U IN E SPRIN G LA BIB SA L E SHeed successful wrttere and artlata and ■ett and Texaa-Oklahoma Red Rlv- BiKon *Wwami” told her w ith a geatla so persoastvs that, tor the moment, ncton; poUttcnl bomia, soelnl regia- eriMd areas. Tmmef Large taritaa. They aay ha used to ba an At Shreveport, La., however. LA M B . I LA M B Chilatln*'* *tam young akepUdam 4-a Pound Average netor. Ha's probably part paychoto Purchasing Oo. lopped 10 Fowl wb* nimoat broken down, 'You were cents off It* top price in the Shreve- very unwise to register at your new glat. part m ys^ part direwd bod- LE G S [ r o l l s To troll or Fry ■ Idteea under an eseumed name. neaa man, and part stage .manager, povt *hack-yard** field. Frerh DreiMd ■ OtSetn Foliee Eaf ereesnsat •m tor yon n very real danger.” Fve never benrd ot Ida bdng Involv- Chickens New England ed In nnything lenOy shady. . . . In FOOD SAVINGS BEGIN HERE AT HALE’S SELF ta Arkansan Oov. Cart B. Bailey ^eU, SCr. Cbaadrn—or wbat- oeffared state poUeeman to Eldora- efir your teal nama In” Cbriatlaa fact, if Chandra told ma to go boms 4o to enforce the shut dosm order, BONELESS 4 , SMOKED Smoked ••Id, "alnea I aeam to have no and look under my bad for Bar- nailff Qrsdy Woolley had reported Shoulders 8.10 Found Avg. etata from you, you eouldn't aug- Bum’s atqihant, Fm not aor tbs Lion Oil Refining Co., srhich f*at, I auppoae, exactly what It la wouldn’t tnka a ebaaoa.” chaOanged the state order in court, H A M S Forterh owe—Short 1 aagbt to do aalda froe* tacpaet- Tbw bad left tba raataaraat, and •AccuMtePlieiMOidarSarvIca. Sirloin end Cuto SERVE and HEALTH MARKET wna the only produoer defying the lb. l|g WT baggage tot as unmentton- had aboDad back to the Twantletb flhntdawB order. Steaks Heeuy Steer tool aMa objeet presumably placed there Oentury Pier. BuddanY Bin broke Bart Otaig FTaah to Tsxaa, the largaat storm oen- POT ROASTS 1 19e lb. W A perma or pereona unkaowaT" off. "Ixrok — there's aomathing Hak’a Quality Milk 9>v FOdnless COLO CU TS...... lb. 19e tor, the Railroad Oommlsalon or^ wrong!” FRANKFURT8,...Ib. 19c Aaeorted *1 eould Miggeirt—but It would do ds^ an Inveatlgatlcn of gasoline aa good.” ba told her weartbr. ”that On tha Boardwalk just ahaad Garden Spinach die t t a n T B ■ad erode oU stocks of major pro- LAMB FORES...... Hr. 1 2 c HAMS .lb. 29c If yoa gad what X have reaaea to crowd waa mnHfig about, totar- Steer Tee Pnk Sami BMeleae loaves dnelag and purchasing companies, tbanlr y e a w ill you oommoaloate •psrasd with flg u i^ to nnltorm. B re a d 2 lb romwissimi regulates oil pro- Beef wttb am at caoa, by a meaeenger Aftsrwards, Christine remember- Oraan Giant daettoa In that state. CMUCK R O ASTS Mackerel ^ »^5c Swordfish ~ --25c wn gladly pUea at your diapeaal. ed that everything that happened Obmpany heads trill be invited •ban tb«a be to a podtlaa to adviae during the grim houra that toUowed Maadlaa tot K aeoeesary, subpoenaed to ex- Milk yds.” bad much the quality o f an unreal can ■toto poUeies at a statewide pro- "TlHalm a to i” Chrtattoe ffaahed. but noae tha leas tarrUYIng dream. P e as iatten heailag Ang. 28. Fed *rn taka aay ehaaeea on tba per- (T o Ba OeariWwag) With the Bix-etate shutdown V E A L L E G S ^eshness.Valkhj^\QW PR|[[j Health Bread •, off about *8 per cent of crude Sow, mid-eootl- I affiliated with the major ROLL Aa aba msrebed out, dka gtoaeed Johnson Girls Visit to tbs east were unusual- at. bar erateb. . . . After 11, and 1 FRANKFURTS i| O i A c me waa a gaod two arilea from ■paaff her* was reported beam. W dl, iba naadad a brisk Parents’ Home City P O T A T O ES walk to dear bar mUd after an that ova stored oil by 1 1 B U T T ER IIIS M m E R’S C A T S U rl Baton Rouge, La., AM. BOLOGNA A pllatsd firm has a major U. S. NO. I GRADE Of eootaa tba Idas that aba eould Hiss Lmisn sad Wm BOta Jdm- 15II-27c bar la eay danger eraa juat fun^. [ m i n c e d h a m ' The wboto aeennrlo waa ridleuloualy •OB. daughters of Hr. and Mrs. <- raSnariaa to the I ill 15« - -2 rtK i territory also dear — begtanlng with that tals- SamusI Johnson o f 133 Hspis strsst Mazole Oil Yellow havs retumsd from thdr vacaticn Ripe ~ i glH—and all ae eruds and ’ aompanlas near- 1 PURE SELECTED MEDIUM Bananas lb. 5c. to Bur^. Thsy adlsd oa Juns SS \ I gnlt moving crude oil In that J^t, in spits ef bar bravado, for England, and aftar vtslUag for 1-Poond Paekage Confectionery N Ion because o f the increasing SA L T Freesfeee a wssk a number placss of latsrast Applesauce SIbertes Chilatlns Jampsd when a votes said prodnetton to Illinois. LARD EG GS Peaches lb. 5c nt b«r abooldar, T t weald ba you. to that oomtrr, erotsad tha North Don't yea know that ao girl with Sea to Oottenb^, . Thay OeaMeM P O RK mada their headquutsrs at Salksn- — s Seedless ayia and hair Hka yean ia aefa 2 barg, the native town ef their par- Su g a r i*p. IS - I Palmer Libel Suits 1 *J V 20 lb . 2 ^ Grapes 3 ^ 19c ftom aaweleeme nttaatleew on this *J Y 2 C Ib. Baantwelk nt alghtr” ents aad vtoitog relaUvea in Hnim Sordines ■tad. ITom Oottenbarg thay took tba Oeea CHtp ”8o tt aaema,” Chilattaa wUd when Bcb. S c aoenie canal trip to ftoekholm, and Pot ReartB At Million Mark Celery aha eeold control her voice. ‘Tfo were niuch impreaaed with the beau- doaht if you had your way, eurfaw Native ty of that dty and Its anviroas. Coffee tm - l»M kit KOtaai c wwold flag at auaaet for Prom Sweden the alstars croaeed 15c 2 t„ 29e II Stuffed Olivei 1 C O T T A GE C H EESE ib . g e Lba. C waama nadw dO.” Roast* Barasota, Fla., Aug. 18.—fito— Tomotoes 6 10 to wUeh thay toond te- The baaihaadad youag aiaa moat lib el suits by Pluma Louise Palmer Native tareattag, then to Ctoraway and Rol- Oman Light Meat against her wealthy father-ln-Iaw. A NEWLY-PERFECTED bawe nm ap the stairway from tba toad. The latter oouatry they liked Honore Palmer, as the result of Beets 3 Bella. lOC baaeb. fiqr ba waa hreaUitng quickly, fully as well aa Sweden, and tha Fowl litigation over the estate of her 1 SPICED HAM ■ad his batr waa romped. whole trip was delightful, except T U N A late htuband reached tba 81,000,000 INNER WRAP NOW BOILED HAM ALL SALADS ”Wan,” ba weat oa with aueh la- tor the oontinual rain whlla they cans mark today. faattaaa ptoaanra Ibnt Chrtattoe wereto England. The hwg daylight In the latest suit, filed yesterday, SLICED 33c lb . 1 I c lb . 1 'P 'llc o d io fedtag tor tha la gwadap Btemed a ------“ • Roosting Chickans Palmer and his attorney, John F. BRINGS KELLOGG’S 1 23* thwe that day thatthntu u wasw u msrvslowa but ■■ itddM aet I ______10-pMnd Buiket, were charged with libeling U. ba yooag and allva, *toiaybs FD aftar 10 aad to IM t again by s a. her in an article which they “did M aMa «a MJoy ai^ mada now. m., oaa gets a " ...... write and publish” in a local news- 1 Free Raaahig Ptae Cone Ooie'B 1 «alM tha CtedMsw thto raaMiked. Kipper Snacks Rib Lamb Chops paper (Sarasota Herald) on Aug. CORNFLAKES TO YOU BuHer thay told ma you’d 11. SALT CATSUP Pineapple Juice The cult asked 1800,000 damages S«S*aS^”* " *** *^* *^ ««* Oronge Pekoa Tea l*.39c ||--h ------alleging the article contained "cer- F R E S H E R AND MORE AM T*n One of Escaped egfi 14-OmMs Milk - 4 £lMc tain false, scandalous, malicious ! GeMMeial Crab Meat 25c 2 i.47c Hamburg and defamatory libel against the 3 * BetUe 1 tbgy mavad oa oadar tha UghU of Convicts Caught plalntlfr.” DELICIOUS THAN Int m Tweottoth eantoy Ptor, Chrta. Another $900,000 ault was filed Pfflsbury's ^ attoPtid ahert hi tha midat of 1U1 C w Ubby*o Red two weeks ago by the young widow thsowwdad, adgy Beardwdk. against P^mer charging he libeled EVER BEFORE! Good Luck Jar Rubbers Libby's Corned Beef | Joust, HL. Aug. lg--chaitaa P lo u r her in a petition to have her remov- Gold Medal 79c •3SS?” Emmsreea. ST, oaa o f tow eoovteta Mdnov*s M b n yom iaiM ed as administratrix of the esUte Tha daavea aad ftoot af bis seat who ovmpewersd a yclaea of her late husband. Potter D'Orsav • Tomorrow—foi kreakiait or lunch—aenre a SSi aMft wars drtpptag, trlektoa of ■ad aseapad Wadnsaday w a a ------, Salm o n Palmer. S 2 ^ 5 ® 2 3 ^^ 1 wgdar ran down bia light trousers, at Rockford, HL. sally today, TTar- heaping bowl of Kellogg'i toasted Corn Flake* . . . 1 o.______Preserves *5« ■at hla ahoes aAra aoddsn and eak- dM Joasph E. Ragmi annnnaoad. Formosd Ooiong Ted Lb, 29c pint 23* quart 43« •d with emt mad Tba asiaore waa amdt by sell r. drenched in milk or cteaiti and topped, ii you Kke, 1 Whole BOxed Oeld Medal Dare tt 1 goardn He toNta ware fkad aad R _ Father Sentenced Beaiis . -LirJa... Ic illc rpk thatT” Be glanced dowa BMraoa ettorad aa rmtotaOea; 8 «t| t with aoms ambamaament ”l got Fruit Cookies Lb. with lutciou* fresh frtiit. For yean the famoui flavor Pickling Spices FLOUR DOG FOOD Walter Osartch ef tha ItodffOrd po. For (Chaining Son •tatty doaa to tha turf-lina, aad Uea eaid tha fuglttva aarrtod la hto Ha.9'( Polmolhro 5oop .3 ■» 17c of these ciiip, goMen-browii flake* ha* m»/U Spiced Ham c. 2Sc Hf OM aaught m naddahipa." “ * pleea of weed raortffy Hka a g n a - w v ...... Sge* -iir was act ^ tatroapeetiva Grapefruit Juica 4 25c America* favonte ready-to-eat cereaL But noid 1 IS *"*- 4 s 15« 1 ataoB’s eea»paaloa to _ eSarksburg, W. V a . Aug. 18 — ....OB, gha was ao amta ktaah. Jbha HdOolia M . waa atm Octagon Soap (to—A 83-year-old farmer began a they re more cpip,,more tender, mote italicthan af naa^rdng bar auddaa Hft ~7o^25e 10-day Jail sentence today on a “ thaa aha bad basa ef on- tirtS l charge of chaining a son, 22. to everl Try them and *ae. 1 FRIEND'S BEANS NEW 1940 RINSO I that bar — “ --m m Corn Floka* 7c bad for a month "to keep him out WCH ^ A U ry AT RAiGAM PMCiSI -----a of tha aarUar svantag of the garden.” V*V Mtlnto du* to worry Lifobuoy Soap 3e.»17c State Trooper W. E. Murphy HHia Btoma's s tn a g dsasr Plane Crash l>ead Marshmollowi •aid Daniel Day also explained he 1 2 ^ 25«' 2 3 ^ IINSn MI a eaiy kaaw amv that sha confined the young man in hla bed- MEDIUM, 8 fo r 85c. GIANT, 55c. | I St hoam with thin taanad Brought to Three LaigePBckage room Hn an effort to prevent him wlwm aha had mat haialy Svrup from being taken to a sUte Instl- 2 .!k^37i H FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES tuUon where the father, now ateril- SPRY LIFEBUOYOR P O ST tosd, had been a patient and where LUX FLAKES I l-P oon d efdiR* vipeReife A ariesir rtw aay cos abs had hasara a Ufa- Hartford. A m . IB -(g » -EH Akra- bla mother had died. ~ IQ ^ LUX uaaoa. 8S, ot HsaiartaaA X_ 1 Can I,,,,,,,,,,, 1 SOAP Muipliy aald tha aoa, Roy, wae ito "' e # e # • .«e e e e a e • 9^ mic I1 dirt to a Harttort Q lM Watermeloni- T Q A8T 1B8 miatafty unstable. S-Paond '- ’—Img la three tbeontotoraf Each 35c 3 ife e e.e e e a a e e e • <211 C 1 -----to an atrytaaa armh at Hi jjMniS stWSs toy-Sl* ” Boa*stfelag hot to aat*• Hartford Thaaday. '' ------btoea Tegay wnjfg m thaaeaw weta H toto_ rtPLH ePi Bboard V.M, a. Laag, Bay of Is- *"***! gaob at thto mhnta Elberta Peacho$ Bacon Gin^r Ala and FloifM —^ P*Bhm*8 to Just a comfortsbla af Oanoa. U Z, a ma- Lb.5c saadA Ndd, Aug. lA —.(to—la high NATIVE MELONS Moontala BwtM t Prats NECTARINES I food humor, Praatdaat Roosevelt Waxed Poper .M a d today to the Newfoundland : w ^ Act 'cM.’nS Froth Tematoac S JW^Ob. Bottles, Gpttfpntp Onljr ‘ tn to n ba tort aaw aa a youth while ^^e ea* 4 uclOc am A ffahtag and hunting trip with 3 doz.2S® 1 M M abC k eo H Btyle V M tocthak to-tow, HaU Roosevelt, -‘ h a - ' - w B a e f i s i fa 2MI> . . Nd 1 Pyfifiwr-^ 25c Case of 12 Botdea, Conlwrtt Qp|jr ra,. - y ------^ ■ - BANANAS _ O R A N G D I . . ■ Lm A BEANE '-— ‘ " I ' * * * " ’ * ™d Hka tto cam ^ toi|rt *g g*g ths in nni Valley. N. H., Aug. ISedoz. -4 s’f c l 9 ® I Lima Boon* Rev. Dr. OomeUue Lb. 5c •FREE DELIVIRY On All OrtoM^ Mt Hartford, Coon., Taaia to the affaire the bigg est value in MANCHESTER t Extra FM cy CBntBhnprt A t A Low l^ k en For $1.00 and Atprn. church, will Asparagus to the Oedar ing and Aftornoonr ^ ^ lUMOZ SPO N GE RIN G S each .lOAVES rtm # 8 ^ 2 suap: itka bags ^BxtraSovii the germa af Sauerkraut ; r t t k * JMSHAU "^Sfanii HANCHE8TEB EVENINO BERALD. ICANCBE8TBS, CONN, FSIDAT, AUGUST IS, 198t mrnmmmmmrn Tiifi i i i 't ■ . ' ...... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, ADtTTVT 18,198V PAOlMBRTBUi: toa BMst dUHeult aad kittiilaaa lift aar holding tha Faloea to bow pen- ADe^Mon Seen Affecting End of Bridges jSqualus Towed of all—toa ons la which toa aquataw teoM pravaatad a aoddaa swing by, Plans for Closing Up Tax finally waa pollad ttss. altar oaa toa aalvaga ship, a awtog which faUur* oa July 12,- from tbe blue might hava aaantai aoma of tha 38 **Glamour GirV^ Seeking Case Is Nearing mud 340 feet down aad thaa was alillaas niaalag batwaan tba sub Stains of Town Courts Loopholes Being Drafted Nearly 6 Miles toaad about a mfls bafora It gimmd- aad tha Faleoaa air tM if sd vunmpsttsSbf oa toa pcaviouata Reds Come From Behind, Beat Cubs in 10th, 7-® Tka alow proeoooioa hattad until' gwaap-jfeourta by too toto Oaaaral Aaambly t*€hSltSd ABOdMOk. -JL axtra hawaar waa hitehad on to Nos 1 Women^s Golf Title Attomeyt Indicate An* WaabtogtoB, Aug. lS-(«>—Ptoasftoparto M flvbM attaottoB an toe Completion of Yestei^ Tattarday’s “Now aad torn" waat ataady tha eoaaaetlaaa. in tiM haa broi^t about a ehanga, and ontnmimlty property eytoem, too haa given tbeaa oourta the atatiia of other Week May Fin- for sealing so-called loop-kolas In off Uka clockwork axeapt for oae By Kart RUHgaa tt tbs itaU i« tha tax stnicturs to raise ,an addi- famUy partnersUp, and toe multi- day’s Operation Al- inddeat which brought aalvageta’ Aussies Gain * a criminal court, tbua rAeetlng the ple tru st Faiia lata Trap Chicago—There's a doublf mean- That Fellow With *Six Man Ideas Is Back Cards Pin 9tfi; j lodqr'bjr Attor* raqulrementa under that declaloa. ish Defense. tional (100,000,000 to (300,000,000 most Ends Journey. hearts into thatr aiooths tor a aw- iiig to tha “O. G.“ nickname Shirley ' Ik toa oemmiinlty property statea aoeaL About atidway la toa tow, Anne Johnson carries—and both fit | A. FaUottL ‘Thera to no doubt that Chapter a year are being drafted by ITau- —Caltfornla, Artaotia, Ttxas, LauIs - _Ook>rado fiprlnga—<(P|—A burglar Pair of Wins bMB *Wa«d to i n of tba PubUc Acta of lbS9 baa San Frandaeo, Aug. 18—(JTt— aguldaUas which eoaaactad too aal- who took (4 from tha C3iarllB this pretty 3S-year-old golfer who j tana, Washtogtoo. OMahotna. Ida- Portamoutk, N. R., Aug. iB—(Fj— vaga Oagshlp Faleoa aad tha how of -—This Time With ‘Abbreviated* Bftseball Straight Lo 04’ than oailar Um old ralaad tbaaa courta to a hlgbar Harry Biidgw' ettomeya Indlcetad ho, Navsda and Naw Maxieo—to- CtaUao hoiaa laft a trapthior epaa. win bid Mr national honors Aug. 21- I ■jfatua. tho at* plana,” Ur. PaUotU aaya. today another week might be auf* The U. & xubmartoe Squahuf and tha Squalua, which was baiag tawad Patrolman W. It. Oourtay feU 36 a t Noroton, Ctonn. By Fbrd Brawntag. ooma baloM ^ tly to husband staia first, mtppsd. Only a haw- In Net Event "The fee ayatam la no longer In Sclent time for them to conclude mittee, alao ara studying plaaa for aad wlfia. By dividing toe income toe 26 dead men who sleep within through, dIalocaHng a ahouMar. Miaa Johnson, a stiiktog blonde New York—Steve Epler, the Ne- OiiBuesby4J& iMt 0«B«ral AaMDtdy in* extotaneo to theaa^courta. The jua their defenae agatoit the Immlgra* furthar modlfica,tlon of busi- and each paying tax oa half, her were almoet home- today, and one of the moet popular young ' braska achool teacher whpea atxman to atatiiii of ticea are now on a aalary baala. tion Department'a effort to deport ness taxes and proposals that the Kucesasful eomplatfon of a second women stare in the Chicago dis- { football caught on with a nixh that ooupto may avoid Ugh aurtaxea. lifting and towing operation yeeter- triet, laughingly recalls how she It tirougtit “None of the Juatlcea of tha town tom to bla native Auatrslle. personal Income tax system be over- Under toa famUy partnerMilp Bromwich and Quist Rout ■till haa him blinking, saw his new- fwSBahetiee «t th« justico to vaatad with criminal Jurladlctlon The hearing, at which tbe govern' hauled. day brought the stricken (4,000,000 acquired the "O. G." paeudonym. est sports abbreviation Idea demon- Dodgers ment aeeka to prove the west coeat John W. Ranee, acting Treasury system, aa tooonM atay bo divided craft almost to tot end of one of “Ib a tournament here last aum- Mako«Tidb«Il in Dou- Iqr virtue of having bean alactad aa among several persoaa, srtto each strated the ether day for the first to T akti thim dbaKTatteos a rt part of th« auch Juatlca. He muat acquire tha CIO leader li a Communlat party secretary, yesterday Invited leaders the moet unusual submarine jotw- mar I «'aa aaked to pose for a pbo- | time. to the fielde of bualneee, toduetry, paying taxes oa tha amount he re- neys to U. S. Naval biatory, a jour- tograpbar after a good round,’’ | bles; Crawford-Hop- ■ ‘ to FMiIy to aa to* aama, and, only through tha choice member and deportable aa an alien ceives. The multiple trust system It Is six-msn baseball. Y riiIm N ip SeaatMte ua fro a Bdward C. Fiabar, «x- of the board of aplectmen, la aelactad member of a party advocating over* agriculture, labor and taw to coop- ney wtaieh already haa carrlad her— Miss Johnson expistos. "One of the ■ man Drub Hare-Hecht. Epler liked what he aaw. The aacratary of tba atata Judl* throw of the United Statea govern' erate to drafting a program to tm- enables aa Individual to sat up aav- hoisted by huge pontoons and pulled glrla—I think it wax Marion Miley : Red Sox Drub tiu A*Bc for a daflnita term.” aral trusts to such a sray tax- —passed by and’ called nut, 'HI, players liked playing It. Specta- oW DepaiteieaC aa to whether the On Fennaoent Fir** ment, la to Ita aixth week. Rebut- rove tax Uwa and tax admlnlatra- along by puffing tugs—almost six Brookline, Masa., Aug. 16—(i^— tors admitted It looked Uka a lot eoorta of trial Juatleea under tal testimony still la to be heard Son. es are paid oa too Income from miles bmeath the surface of the sea. there, G. G.. and I took quite a kid- "It la obvlqua that tba laglalatura each rather than oa toe aggregate Tha U. B. Lawn Tennis Aasoclation’a of fun—but they stopped there, ' ■_ aat*up have the power of totandad to place theae courta on a after the defenae reata. Win Arrange Frtvnto Benifagw With luck, salvage officials bopad ding later on tba glamour girl busi- It's not exactly baseball, they AEMMietza I A woman—Ura. Charlea O. tocoma from all. to surface the veesel within two ness. maater-minda, shocked by the de- jueaaUaa and adulta on pro' permanent, organlaed and ^tema< He said ba would arrange private Modifleatlsa Aa Biker said. Epler agreed but explained The team that wtaa toa NaMa(|iU attber before or upon aua* tic baala, and to give them the Bakeay—may be called to the atand beerlaRs before Treasury officiata •ka and then tow her to a porta- *a. G.’ Also .Mean*— ciaive rout of one of their three that he didn’t Intend It to be, that of aantenear today to corroborate teatlmony to an effort to build a record of Another means of raising mouth Navy Yard drydock, bring- Several ranking professionals possible Davis Chip doubles combin- twague pwsaaat yaar la aad yaw atatua. of criminal courta," Ur. Pal Uonai ravtnut, officials aald, would he’d Introduced the abridged ver- OM latot pratotloB lotti aasra. given by her husband, Capt Charlea ubUe tax opinion” for preaanta- ing her home for the first time since think anothsr meaaing of “G. O.” ations, pinned their hopes today on sion as a player-pleaser, not neces- out ta the team that haa the amsl "The fact that our chief Juatice O. Bakeay, of Santa Monica, Calif. Xn>n to tha Houae committee. bs modlflcatloB of a provision par- ■he plunged to disaster May 23, 18 is squally applicable—It’s Good Frank Parker and Don McNeill, the aarily a erowd-pleaser. "hearL" Mr. FallotU'a afflnnatlTO anawar mltttog oil, gas and similar com- miles off this port, with 86 men Golfer. Johnny Revolts, her teach- top-eceded domestic entry to the na- to the quaatloB automatically, modi* la to prealde at tha aaaembty meet' Hirad by Skipping Intcraata. Persona In touch with the eom- Shirley Anne Johnson He eaye IPs designed to give each Captain Bakeay teatlSed ha had mittse aald It would begin its study panies to demet up to 27 1-2 per aboard. Thirty-three survivors er and a nationally known star, tional doubles tournament at Long- Realdaa havtag all toa ptafU al to a aanaa, tba old raatrletlva toga^ and that raporta of tha dolnga cent from their gross Income for were rescued. player more action—and It doea. prawam that appaars aaeaaaanr. thlfi of theaa courta be aent to the execu- been employed by shipping Interests Nov. 1, and that Its members hoped thinks she la ready to take a place wood. He thlithinks it’ll maka a better play- totarpratatlOB which had been foi* depletion of their resources. With emooth and practiced per- at the top, and Dave Tosh, profes- 68- and sinco has playod tho same Those players were scheduled to year’s a netanau elub aartataor htfi toarad atoee i n s when the caaa of tive aecretary of the Judicial De to Inveatlgate Bridges and to learn to have a comprehensive tax Ull ground game—where space la re- a champtan'a heart. whether water front stiikea were ready for Congress In January. Authorities estimated that aboli- fection. ealvagers lifted the Squalus sional at her home club. Sunact rugged Sunset Ridge layout to 74. meet 's Jack Oawford and stricted—than eltber baseball or Ptayera la toe demamtraUon gams feuni aiX' I’a Attoraay Hugh M. Alcorn partment, aa provided by the act, tion would provide aa extra (78,- gently yeaterday from a mud pin- ^idge, also thinks shs is ready. "I'm not long off the tee,” she Harry Hopman to a semi-final match Baehad to toa waU laal Mgtt, 8ha agtonat Frank W. Fellowa. than ahowa a clear intent on tba part of financed by fundi from Ruasla. Ha Congreaa usuaUy hesitates to tam- softball. It’s for youngstera, pri— - Lask a t tka ground ffcnse two out fieldara knva to Rada gaOaatly grepad theta way to mentioned both Thomas O. Plant, per with tha tax structure to elec- 000,000 a year, and that elimination nacle ISO feet below the mirface and Johnson baa been iiandi- aaya, "but I'm either lucky or ac- aad attempt to unde some of the raarlly, bs aaya. and ba belisvaa of tba peaoe to Canton, went tba leglalatura to Includa tbeaa of the family toeome-^lltttog pro- then tugged her along albwly for recently by a strained back curate with my Irons and putter." damage the Utters’ Davis (Tup team- 74 tan-taalter netanr over tot €h8k courta to tha Judicial Department.” formerly president of the Water tion years, but aoma legislators be- more youngstera will bscoma inter- cage Cuba and raaaaurad tbUr laL too Suprema court Front Employars Association, and lieve It may be possible to revamp visions might raise from (78,000r several hours, finally grounding bar but It’s responding to treat- Revolts aaya it's not luck. Once a mates Inflicted on Gene Mako and Mr. Pallottl'a opinion eonctudaa The attomay general declarea about five miles away to 60 feet of week be checks up on her swktog— ested to regular baseball because era eever that territory. _A man In tha demonatratloii gams (aeft- batting. This nils maraly actanda tawara that thay kra. aot gntag to Hugh Oallagher, Mataon Navigation tbe revenue system If no effort Is 000 to (128,000,000. ment and aba’s expected to be Jack Tldbail in one of yesterday’s of IL a t first and second and a pitcher ball) tha players were nigh achool with bla anawar aa foliowa to tba there la no quaatlon but that juatlcea mads to increase the aggregate tax Alao on the committee’s tanta- water. ready for tha national title fight at and the beat in the game say that quarter-finals. this praetlee to fialdlng so to st dupileata tha eeUapoa af tba Fma* JMBelal Department'a query; of the peace have jurladlctlon to Company official, aa men from Haw It% Ftayad. and catcher oomplet* the team. coaches aad physical aducattnn di- avery player will get hla turn at burgh Piratoa last yaar, whom he had received from 1400 a burden. tlva list of proposals for study are: Four Mlies Off Rye Beach. Noroton'a Wee Burn club. Revolts Is one of the best at teach- Make and Tldbail. who had won The game; Batting rules are radically *7t la, therefore, my opinion that place delinquent juvenllea on pro* The operation, which ended four ing iron play. Miaa Johnson con- 10 of their last 13 tournaments, ap- reoiora taking summer work at pitching snd o tj^ favorita _ Cuba o al Uarty Laatl month to (1,000 a month and ex- It waa reported authorltatlvaly Raductloa of prasent personal In- Should Miss Johnson plav up to The playing field has three bases changed. *rwn strikes Is out and Teachera Collega, Ooliimbla Univer- tlons." toa ooorta of trial Juatlcea have a nation. that President Roosevelt would op- eome tax exemptions; reduetkm of miles off Rsre Beach on the main- her tost srlntar’a game sWIl be an sistently lays Iron shots stiff to the peared capable of providing the Aua- The praaaura waa ok toa Rada, rtoht to plaea juvanllea, aa well aa Ha alao bolda that, to view of penses for hla work. —first, second, snd home—equal four outs retire a side. Kples fig- sity. Epler haa a point toera ha dktat Alleged efforts of Stanley M. pose any plans to curtail existing the rates on t^ b ra c k e t Incomes; land, followed by Is m than a weak excellent bet to gain tha semi-finals pin. Her putter usually pulls her tralUn aces—Jack Bromwich and distances apart to a triangla, (0 ursa that with only six battera and Thay had laat toa aartaa -apknr to amMa, bafora or upon auapanalon of Section 6820 of the Oenaral revenues and would renew hie sug- revlaion of the tax on capital gatos; aad possibly get a shot at the title. out of trouble when approaches Adrian QuUt—with the atlffert sort bring o ut Rotation In gaaaia ba- toa Ouha. Tha M, Louis Ardlaala Statutea, re vial on of 1630, a juatice (Larry) Doyle, toveitigator, to ob- feet for alx-man softball and M four outs each toning every batter They followed a auggaation by twaen office league oMatsra abould awtwiea. on probation.” tain evidence that Bfidges attended gestion that Congreaa enact taxes removal of exemptions on Income She won the Mid-Florida tourna- don’t roll up right. of competitloa but they were woe- feet for alx-man hardball. The gets about twice aa many times at had baataa tha Fltataa 8>2 Tba attomay general ballevea, haa jurladlctlon to place an accuaed ment at Orlando, the Southwestern Her father, a CSileago candy fully out-classed while being sub- Epiar that thay rotata positions irevent a lot w aora-arm trouMa tka day. HulMag Rank LMkai____ Communlat party meetings at the to finance any unbudgeted benefit from Federal and state bonds; per- pitcher’s box is the, same distance the plate as in regular ball. Be- ■ftsr avery putout. That’s not an Jor thoaa middla-agad would-ka ato- **toa qoeatlon before ua la whatber On probation, when no aentence la Ctormel, Calif., home of Ella Winter, payments to farmers. . mission for corporations to file sin- a t Phoenix,- Aria., and the Memphis, manufacturer, plays often, aS/ do jected to a speedy 6-3, 6-1, 6-3 drub- from home plate as in regular cause the hatter hits into a nar- home rua wito two an ta too tear toa raerganlaatlon of the JuaUce Impoaed. Teun., Invitational. She reached two sisters, Walts Jane, .,.18, and bing. Ironclad rule of the game but one Ictaa who torist on pttchlag toa full Iaatag and at tha and at O k # widow of Ltncoln Steffens, writer, Attentloa ea Three MbJeeto. gle returns covering payments un- games. rower ares, fouls count only as ■ suggeeted for playground gamaa ba- ame and then apend Iha next toraa were related by Bakeay. He testi- Three eubjecte to which revenue der eeveral different tax levies. tlM quarter finale of the Western Caroline, 30. Mrs. Johnson, a non- Aa a rernilt. Quirt and Bromwich With only three baaea, the area half strike. cauae: framaa the Q ito held a d-1 lead., at St. Louis in a field com- player, regularly follows her daugh moved Into tha aecond last round S■ys beefing about ailing asms. Than Ctoataaatra haart atard fied Doyle and Byington Ford of within the two foul llnaa to the The originator of the game says "Boys flka variaty and like to fDpler’e newaat Idea ta eparaUoa San Francisco had come to hla Car- parable with the Noroton array. ter to tournaments. ■gainat the Wimbledon cbamplona, outfield is eonalderably lessened, tha narrower "fair hit” area and pumping. With a chop-ahop Imh Her game la a sound one. Sbe 1 don’t know about my ehanesa Bobby fUggs and Etwood Cooke, a become all-around players. R ^ - looks Ilka toa aM maktahlR^ba aad a ahapMkap th a n tba M l J mel home and demanded that he (Inea these lines start from home tha necessity to hit safely to torn ular rotation la already raquired yard and atraat oonMr ball gaasa sign a. statement saying there was took up golf seven years ago and at Noroton,” Miss Johnson says, match wbich has been put over un- plate at a 60 degree angle Inetaad ■trikes will make for better regu- bowed tola eouat d a w to a M -tte ? took 26 lessons before ever ventur- "but If I have enough people pull- til tomorrow. Oawford and Hop- of the batting aide and the best put togrtbar artto official nil la to* Btato Ok Erato Ltmbafil'k' "big Oimmunlst meeting" at Miss of a'60 degree angle. Two outfield- lation baseball batters. better la not allowed to do all the and that’s about arhat h Winter's home. *» ing out on tbe-courae. She played ing for me come through. Any- man qualified by topping (Tharlea double aad Wally Bargat*a i Inaltind on Statomeat. her first 18 holes to a remarkable way, I’ll be In there trying," Hare of England, and Ladialav tha tonU Bddto Jaoat tit ' “Doyla and Ford Insisted that Natron-Wide Store sj^ Hecht of New York, for a 6-8, 8-6, on Dick Wears make a atatement without going 6-3, 6-4 match that wax a nlp-and- tha ouha over to raia Wlnter'a houae to tuek thrillsr imtil the last point wax Ghost of 1938 Brittle Hands check," he said. "They said It waa scorad. PA’s Seek to Clinch It waa tha AT THE END OF THE DAT H to alwajra a aanafaettoai to haow enough that they had seen It Hershey's Coffee Sal Maltempo Choice Play in the women’s divtxion also week that toa Rada had : E»l every liHMcIlua baa boaa to toa oaatotner'a advantage, would not make such a atatement” has been reduced to a similar stage Haunts Pirates a coaMbaok aad gavo toam a i F** aiaaril af ataaaeb valaa for every eeat you ape^ Bakbig Chocolate 1 1 ^ NaOea-WMa, but the only eemi-final scheduled Armstrong Woe af aavaa vietortaa-kr thatr la Doyle haa been sought for some 1/,-lb. pkg. ---- ...... lie Third in Twi League Wb waat, above aB tolac% to bavo yea aaMaSedl Uma as a witness but officials have i 1-IK lad b a g ...... tC 1C waa between th defending chafis* ga^ j a o a gaodaaaughto Bal, laaiiaibir asa, jSaaae . . . erttb toe beet of tatoaltoa rsported Inability to serve a defenae Cbocolato fiyimA A — Chaaa A fiaabora’a, piona, Mrs. Sarah Palfry Fabyan aa EM part af aw atore force, It la peaalbla for aeawthtag to go subpoena on him. He la believed 1-lb. eaa . .77...... “ C 1 IK a. To End Elm’s Streak and Alice Marble, against Mrs. Dor- Trayfior Says Slump Due To Bilk Lighteveiikt L bb* wteag wttb aa ardw. So . . . If over aaytblag Sko tole bappeoa to be at New Ulm, Uton. othy Andrus of Stamford, (Tonn., Face West Sides Tonight burgh waa ta eai to year order . . . FLEA8E oaU aa far aa aaawdlato adjut* and Sylvia Henrotin of Prance. To Loss of the Pennant rolfi AgaiiMt l ^ n Am« fort. Dirt Dkrta; aaaat. Dtal 4161, ^ Bakeay was discharged aa Invea- With Server as Likely Launches Quest tigator to 1636 and aald he had al- CamphsIFB Helen Jacobs of Berkeley, Cal., and Last Season. ben Next Tuesday. aad hU taamamt most bad t fight with Plant, then Hormert Spam 12-oz. can 25c With Poikl Dorothy Workman of Loa Angeles, toraa ruM ta tha fint 3 s: 20« JtaZi MeSpaden Tops will not be called upon to face off Mound Foe of Berg in ta adUttakto, president of the Water Front Em- Dole's Beans Pittsburgh, Aug. 18.—(dV- The For Speed Mark FRESH FARM VEGETABLES ployers Association, because "Plant ■gainst England’s Kay Stammers Loop Contest. New York, Aug. 18—(91— Th# aad Mrs. Freda James Hammersley g)K>rt of tbslr 1688 National League lt,l Lsttaes FNaa HIgblaad Park, Fraably Picked, aald I waa alow to getting evidence.’ ar BROWN oL”: Canadkn Open quaaUea af -whaMtr Henry Ana* (Toaag aad Tataar) Thomas B. Shoemaker, chief of Pineapple Juice 46-oz. can 25c until tomorrow. pennant loan la atUI haunting the atrong'a haada are atraagar thaa w^F p R wwa^a^WEE tab to ^Ram in im gaa^m'atel Cskry...... iSe 3 i££ 2 0 * Mrs. Fabyan and Miss Marble The reel threat to the leaders to • John Gobb of London Dodiaroi the government’s counsel, and R. P. Conf• Sugar skidding Pirates, Managar Pit Tray- the TwI League will prance onto' Lou AmboiW aram to ona af tow flunahiae ava impressive performancae while U toa day's CacamlMfs Bonham, Immigration officer at Bddia BIm, local pride, and Sal nor sadly acknowladged today. YELLOW CORN Seattle, questioned Bakeay only Has Two-StFoke Edge On JIspoalng of Betty Nuthall and Nina the field St the West Side Oval this Hopes to T fbvcI StiO mast Impertaat to ba aittlad ki tha Laagua ktiMrO S for Se MaKampo, WilUmantiu aharpshoot-j p r - u ax. .i. .Brown, two of their Biitieh Wight- Naturally n s fait badly. Hla club, evening end meet Paganl’s West Yankee atodlum next Tusaday night rttwiiad thalr mortal enough to establiah that the gov- Krispy Crackere 1-lb. pkg. 15c to second place a short Uma ago. Is liPH on Utah Ball Beds doz. 19c ernment bad not approached him as Orlap. Tasty ar, wwTboth raporud ta X llent After the First man Cup rivale, 6-1, 6-3. The aiauv rafiv* •• SIdas. Al Obucliowski’s Pollsh- whan thasa two great MtUa igktoik Now Tark atk a teM .41^] Aad What a Low Fitoo Oa a governmant witnaaa. Corn Flakes 3^ 2$« MudltSoft todzy for thrlr ziz round' Round of Tourney, Praneo-Amerieaa team eHminatad now anchored In aixth andsnd dec;deep to Americana apparsntly have been meat ta a 18-iouBd batUa far tba pitching ysttsetnews.fffp^ BwsstPotatoM Ovaltine, 2 2 w s Ivory Soap, Gatai H tbe gloom of loainn ninela straight Bonnavllla Salt Ftato, Utah, Aug. fight a t Red Men Arena hers to- — . Mmc. Simona Hathlau and Mrs. Vir- overlooked to the mad acramble for lightweight Utla. Hugh Aumy. Tlrng tataafito al ...... ginia Rica Johnson of Boaton, 6-4, games. The leagueAeaaon'n'a record is the honors this year but here Is a IS—(^ —Man's assault on toa Mainly bacauaa af tola prahlam, ruaata tot toM r ---- “■* ie Ib. LIMA BEAMS, qt.Se rag. aiza can tStSC Size, S b a rs 1 „ 9 C Bight. Both batUara ara expected i John, N. B., Aug. 18.—(F)— 11 straight loat aa by Philadelphia. Mertbi Bselnr^ Mid Tom's SsIscIM Crtoeo, 4-6, 6-4, after a long aad wearing team that has everything a ball world’s automobile speed record of It'a aaa af tlia moat UeWtah affaira off Marry Oumh Blaquick, 90*a to oMsa into toe ring under 162 ITixt mythical peraUea. Look short Riverside course, tbey pre- be became the Buccanecra’ aklpper, "Ranton Red Uoa,” daMgnad by Hkak that August alght, but It was Large Size, tm ^i-lb, pkg...... Com Flakes...... f Q today that Maltempo backera will League Standing been handicapped in gettbig al) Ita Armatroag who won tha daclalaa avartbaa can tart. 8 for 5e tola Kerr Uae ever. dicted ita par 70 would take a ter- waa aakad If he felt worse now. In Reid Railtoo, British manuncturer, After toa Nattaaata Obrrato, Boata, Orel dozen ...... ^ # C move into town with at least $1000 rific drubbing. But eld Mr. Par hie losing streak, than aver bafora. playara togathar for aach gama ■howad how parfaetly It waa buUt aad title la a pretty good margta Feppers. Sptaaek, BNetag Onloas, Boetoa NOURISHING FOODS FOR CHILDREN waltoiig to back their favorite. With- Yeaterday’a Reanita owing to work condlUona 'In Hart- despite penalUea for rules tafrae- acara ta tea aigbtb, Um Ya Lattaa% Faialay, loebargrg LettacoL ^ Freto Feaa, 2 qta 29e showed them yesterday tba_| deep "No,” he said. ”1 felt aa bad ■■ 1 lor apaad, out M tho.taatb .wMk f Tenderleaf Tea 7-oz. pkg. 33c out questton. Elm will go to the poet bunkers, thick woods and a brick Nattaart will aver fesL 1 think, tba night «ve ford. Many of ita players a n oon- A yaar S$o RaUtoa aald toa SH Native Potatoes,^ Rad aad White Brooklyn 8, New York 1. aeUl- trlatad, too MtaifiKr peck ...... ^-a--A on toe short end of the betting for breexe acrosa the fairways can do left Chicago last fall, after dropping nacted with (he Industrial Lsaaua ton raoar cooxtructad at aluminum n too raporta rtrciilattag thaat MMiy IDfldMi'' M4 CMieiBMB ■ DVBOTjb Extra SRNMitii toa flret time Mnee he joined the a lot to make up for lack of length, St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 3. three straight to tbe Cubs. Netnlng teams and wtra forced to play la alloy waa daaignad to traval 889 days eta ba hallavad, Armitraag*a PINEHURST FRESH MEAT Peanut Butter 19c Cincinnati 7, Chicago 6 (night. Mtod a aakrifira fly. ranks of the paid performers and all When the field of 83 finiahed tbe can ever compare with that.” there to keep their jobs. Buck By- milaa par hour, wMch Uwa was bat- haada ara ta auch had Miapa aow 0 0 * 6 Mt Ma 18th baoaa ni . Tq^eMaRy Autag tola hot weather, be lare to buy your meut Sheffield Milk, Evaporated Milk 4 tall cans 25c Rad fi(ri White this in face of tbe fact that he adll first round, tbere were four sub-par 10) . Those three beatings knocked Pic choMki haa pitched aoma aarell ter than toa workTa raaard. Uksly to hava to put Lau away Ik k aad batted ta two I •■W* •* ta haulBed properly. Look to our display oases, our 4 tall cans . . . Whe at Flakes Toagtei ba shooting for his ninth straight Bcorea, one par-equalling total and (Only games scheduled). . and tha Buca out tba pannant games in Hartford UUa year tba| Oobb piloted tha ifiOO boraapowar coupla cf rauada or atoa try to gat tha Taakai ■flswBlB-M cooler • • , yoa will Rad evarjrthliig Bweet, EanUary 25c triumph as a pro. a lot at 78 or higher. Harold (Jug) race. |ould have been pltcbcd out hen a lo ^ without batag able to land any rbR nath. MEAT VALUES aar, drivaa by two l8-ayttadar (Nap- Tha at r FANCY FRUITS 'Ika WtUlmanUe sbarpabooter, McBpaden, a superb Iron player who New York 9. Washington 8 (10). "Yqu know," Traynor went on. with the PA’a aa waU. But put him ier Lloni eagtaaa, to a aew mark af raaUy hanaful mmehaa. btotadtaT ^ F o u l tr y , lam b Lega, Hama, B a m are afi “good Summer Cider Vinegar, AND VEGETABLES known aa a deadly puncher, haa just had been keeping veiy quirt about St. Louis 6, C3evc!and 8 (10). ”wa have run Into one of thoM jraara on first base, Kulaaanakl on aacond. 880% m.pA., justifying Ralltoa’a Aataan haa oavotad amat af a _ Spinach * Boston 7. Pliiladalpliia i. ad too < quart bottle ...... 23e Caatalaopea, Large aa impraaatve a record, having hung hia par-busting chances, paced the when nothing esc ms to work out Ooalacb at abort and ailko Snvar. predicUona, although Captain Bys- year to trytag to Mt hardar—haid leato Freshly Chopped Tender, Medium Sixed, Pinehurst 10c Radaod w pta — I up some notable victories since turn- field with a 67. Ralph Guldahl, MadI Chicago 3, Detroit 1. right. I don’t know of a fallow on lex on third and you hava a good ton put tha record up to the praawt anough to fiattea Hanry. Ho may ■tea, 2 tor ...... I n C tha cluh who la having a normal Oaorgajiequby^^ GROUND BEEF LAMB LEGS m Puritan Toamtaaa, Paacy Preserves i p profWalonaL ■on, N. J„ pro and the tournament infield. Then add Vtot In left, Obu* figure 84 hours tatar la kta "Thua- hava had to aacrlkca aooM apaad, ...... 13c ■pUafiM Undarenrd favorite; TM Bishop, Boston sbm- Hartford 4, Elmira 8. yaar, let alona a graat year, axeapt chewaki In cantor and aitbar John- darbolt,” but ha haa atoppad such tough amn 25e Ib. F eatured a t, lb...... Marshmallows, flhe^ag, 2 lb* teur, and Art Hulbert of Toronto (third baaaman) Laa Handley, aad Old Lady ------Select your Fteehurst Poultry from Salaetad Bhaaaaa, Tha bout will top a card of eight Scraatoa S, Binghamton 4 (night) ny Pacal er Chat Obucbewakl In Now Raitton dactaraa Oobb’a ■ . aa Baby Artamondl, FraaMa Wal* lamrleak - L t S t o f s Uilt list . , . 1-lb. pkg...... 25c-29c Naw' asml-pro clashes tost ara expected tied for aecond arlth 6('e and Phil Albany 8, Wilkaa-Barre 0 (night) ba haa been putting out ao much right aad than Is an outfield sao- taea. Paul Juaier aad Hcaay (teUody. Mtehtaff Imsiar Iw tuldtaff ’ 15c Luncheon Meat Farley of Toronto-had tba par 70. that he’s coma down with semethtog ehtata, awppad bask to aa«taad taat SHeed Baeon Extra Large, Fresh to ba a fitting prelude to tba Elm- and to nooo in tola laafiua. wiBtar te aaabla Rwgiaaara to la- In that raapact, ha'a Mkaly to ba k ioB n a i ita a ta k f*i triSa Finest Cocoa, Cucambsrt, Largo 1 A - Celia. H Maltampo ftncaa. Beveral highly- Very much in toe running aa the on hla ebaat (Bronchttia). Back aU tola up with Ray Hol- batter Amhan thaa the ana Haary 25c Ib. BROILERS (Serve 3 or 12e-25c Slao, 8 t o r \ ...... l U C ■efond round-began were Vic Ghas- “I bavan't ona complaint about enaso tha cagtaa raUac te 2,800 toa FMIkdataMa AtMaHaa 2-Ib. can ..., < kploed Ham. Popped Whe at or Rice rated WlUlmantlc aad Worceater IwimiM land, tha work hone at toa faagua, horaapowar, ta capable of at laaat Itto vietaty af the aaamik k—, 4), each ...... 18c fiweet Cara. P riA I Q g pkf. y c aamlpros ara brackatsd as wall aa xl of Deal, N. J„ and Btaa Horne of ' w L Fet. my club. If aoma of them are not da- behind tha plate and toara is a ball Arawtroag** prahlam artosa froai wltotw dafoata, Jim TkbW Flat Rata. Large, Tender IK ...... a /C Montreal srith 71’a; N J. (Dutch) CtaebmaU ...... w 40 Hvarini, It la not hocauaa thay don’t club. Holland’a work this yaar 860 aapJL A atngta stoat girder ta Ms matoad of IghUag. Ha MU hard », Teu__. Elberta Peaches, the two RoekvUla veteranxi BlUy Harriaon of Lltt)e Rock, Ar)i., Har- A8S want to—It’s juat baenuM thay Um. caatar forma the fTanw, wito Jao Vamnik aaUrtad a 17-Mt 1 FRYUING CHICKENS. Satryb,' who ix xiated for three beats fit. Louis .. 0 a a a 0 a «43 44 A84 wito toa Orasn alona baa baaa out* and often aad eeeaaloaalty wbara wHh heoM runs. 5 lbs...... THESE PRICES ARE QUOTED FOR CASH. ’ with Homer Roberta, ax-Naw Eag- man Barron of W)Uta P)alha, N. T„ CMcago . . . a a a a a a •41. 81 A48 can’t.” Btonaiag. Blavan stralgkt giunas ha tba aaglaai aluag ona aa aitbar aide ha abouMat Tkat no Chicdg* WMte Btk each 25c Jimmy lUmmer of Halifax, Gordoa He waa aakad if ha avar antat' ensM to hat In toa first iaatag aad near toa add aactlon af too tear Mm psMltlea and aokm of tba ate- Ram Bolls .. Itad amateur fastoar king, B r y d ^ and Bobby Burns, Toronto, New TorlL. a a a a a a e04 81 AOf tolnad tba Idas of chucking It aS. drap-ihapad machlaa, too fouvMt MtoMagof Selected Ftoehnmt Frtcaaaee Ralston Ck>m Baiker’t Chocolate Charley •Backefsn, down for toa Breoklim a a a 0 0 a.53 88 AOO alavan tlmaa he aama through wito dtractod Mew hava pravad arm Hutebtaaon ano Faul Trawl and Jerry Glanfcrante, Calais, Ms. ba dadarad. *T don't ba- Daley Hama , FOWL. Flakes, pkg. ., BUR8ACK BROS. aama route with Harp Tomaay, FItUburgb ...... 46 88 .471 n stagla that aoorad runs. n praaaat toa laaat paaalMe wind am n easdy, landtag upoa naylald toe DatreK TIgero, 2-1. A M f Band — I b t 2M2 amateur, with 73'a, and Jlnuny Uave to quitting and 1 don’t Ilka tba TiMra is n Mt of rasaatasant raslaUace, a removable cover an- big akulls aad olbewa. Ho cracked Luka Appteg, a baas aa iMto:. Cole Slaw. Ib...... _ I Wkito Larga popular Hartford 161 pouadsr. Thomaon, Shawnee- on > Delaarare, Boaton ...... 46 60 .484 srord. Hind you, 1 asaan tkat mayba Uraly ancloaaa the chaaMa, laavtam (Weights 4Vt to 8'4 pouada.) Onions, Large Yellow, Flip Aadraaa of Naw Loodon aad Pa., Horton Smith, Oak Park, m., Philadelphia ....^.62 n Jll I shouldn't bo flrad, nnd 1 wUl ^ among the barhara, meaning. Fn- a finger, ea Davay Day tart apriag. biflald out aad an arrar gara L Futata Salad. .. 1 BARBT ENGLAND Jackia BtaL Wereeatar ganfa Waat -fildas towkrda 'tola aa Uw only brash ta the b o ^ toa Than whan ha fmight B nla IM - wtaaara thatr nata ta too fourth. , 10-pound Peek-a- 11 BtaaenBt. IbL8228 | HaneteataeOraaa fW.S4l| Cake Flour Jules H u ^ Quabae, and Dick Botto- toa first ona arbo will aay that la slightly ntaad dilvar'a eoebptt srito Lamb Shoulders Will Average |1U)9 wUl claah la toa ssmt-flaal bout at wick, Toronto, with 73’a W L Fet. okay tf to st kappana, but no writer for refamaff to toam aa eriek ta Bnglaad ita haada gave OalvW* Liver. to 81.29 Each Boo b a g ...... X4C New York . cart-offa aad aaMto. Bo what? Ita ahattar-praef gtaaa wiadablald Mr ta a eaupta af rauada Naffee-Wlde Peed Btaeae of Hew te^gaai 1(0 pouada. Oeae Roberta, aaotliar Moot of too other United Statea ...... 76 28 A67 ndll avar aay I quit** and ton four ratasd humps for tha Freshly .Made Potato Salad Daff> Fkg. Woreaatar favorite who oncp wore ware well sviUiln striking diatance, BOOtOB qoeaaaeaaa edT 26 .882 Nona of toa otoar taaasa waatad Rodarlek aOnrad Mm plenty af Ih. ]9c Chicago ... town aa taxUvlduany they n epaataga but Haary couhtat pu Drives Speed Boat 3 SUcade , Boiled J ■ “ eVw...... Ham ••••aaaeeaeeeee.erjV, IU.Ib. 85e Gingerbroad Mbx tha amateur mlddlewatght crown la conAdaring the fact that almort a * a• a a.40 80 A48 Tba drivar’B seat is laeatad ta tha toa Bay 8tota,,wUl tangle with Joe anybody could knock off a 67 or 68 Dovalaad ...... Id 81 AS8 aentod exactly nothing. Not him d a w ta 18 rauada And Arm AMorted CoM C u ts...... 35c to 45c Ib. Oana of WlUimaaUc in another star to practice earlier this week, Irat Detroit .. a a a a a ■e 5T A14 antetaadbig pinyar lot yet aot uallka that of toa 'pilot's atreag couldn't floor Ambam for put them togatoar (in toa vntloiM quartan ta alrllaar. 134 Milet an Hbnf| attraettoa. two fanatua-vaterano apptarod out Washington a ,0 a a a a 44 08 kaaaa wito smiadsr haada laat year. .422 Major League uniforms they wear) and you have All leiir wbaalB a n pawar-coa- tins Rant Of T he>regra* of toa runnlnf. Lao DMgrt ratataiad aS4 71 A4( ‘Ika maaagara already ara arraag ' L;. CalosiFood Bobby Touag, Wereeatar 140 juat an outalda ebanoa arltk a 7( It. Leuta ...... 22 78 M S n fighting eoDaetlon of svUdeata naatad. aad tbrattlas Iba too twta Ung about altawtag Armatroag 1 PINEHURST SUMMER FRUITS and It la a sets hot that none a t aagtaaa, each MOd horaaimwaf. ara law axtra yards of Hartsge. sat Oentatoa. Bagtaa^. Aug. 12—(fV ^I rtaOM pquadsr, and colorful Art Gagaa of whila Bobby Crulrkshank of Rich- Leaders Highly Colored HALE WUUawatie ara alao down for mend. Va, waa two atrokao furtkar W L Fat them raaUy know what atakaa a liakad aach motor baa Its own toraa^ Haaiy, arbo waxaa poetical |a Mi Tha aaaadkartTBuibtfd t t wito Applee P ATTERSO N’S M A R K ET wild cat wild. If nay of this tanm Wa BsoamaU, haa put Ms plight tato Maloalm oampkill at toa wbaS^'^ YELLOW PEACHES. M M d m rounder aa ix Joa Monte, aa- back. ■erantoB .. a a • a a a a 4 4 n Jd7 apaad gear box aad oaa farvar TELEPHONE 8888 101 CENTER 8TR8RT AT MEAT MARKETS Wito to know why a w U d ^ ehaagas gaan ta both boara Mmul- aktaiBMd ovor Late MmtHiiM 4-qoart basket...... 44C er WUUaiaatlc boy, s, and Jarry Alhaay ...... 0 1 88 ' . MM By The Asssctolsi Prdss WE FEEL THAT WE ARE OFFERINO YOU THE BEST, Woreaatar 100 pounder. Two Etadra .... a•6••a o44 88 la wild tola faiformntlan srill ba giv. taaaoualy. “My iwada, ab, Iww dapand^at I am at'iM mUoi as hou te* Haaay Daws 2 quarts 25c. Delidooa Flavorl AM aa to toam s t toa praaa ban tola an yea. 2y ^ - -- ______COME AND TRl^ WE WILL STAND THE TEST! avlaA A1 Stovaas of lU rt- Last Night*$ Fights WltHamapart • •60 o44 dd A68 Bnttlnc—Dl M notta Maw Tarfe, A brake pedal oparataa kydnu- Watarmejuae Large Clustera . .rThouDson Seed- Rih Roost lb.29c( Btagtemtoa avantaig. Ueally taro aoatraettag band Mkaa Taltofol baadk pray, carry Officially, howovar, tola w aat k': PaoeneE I J a c k M c C a r t h y at Wereaa- • •« a•*84 dl A27 M: ra n t. Baaten, JM- aew record. Tha ttam mail I len WHITE GRAPES, ' stated to come to grips tat wlikamBarra • a a a o40 68 A24 Buna Fwra. Baatan, IM ; RaUa, on too gear boxao, aad eaa alsa ba tonwghr PlarUo Oraagaa Fresh ChiiAeiis ...,3 3 e Ib. I MILK FED VEAL I BiDwa’sE atto r fiartoualy, they a n takteg up employed to ratas a fiap at toa rear ThaIha quaUty qf that poetry may ba bath ways ovar tho maaaun 9c lb. 3 Iba. 25c. Smoked Shbulderx -w- lb.*22c af toa aarliar mixtaga while By Tha Asssdstei Prass Hartfted .. • a a••a.44 79 All Naw Tarfc, 68. baaakan la a awaU way and & t Is deui Otmaball waa teraad to Chtanrata Oraagaa CANTALOUPES, each lOe and 19e ...... 28c Ib. I Cutleta, 45ct Ckagn, 86c Rw I WOkWRimk Carl Itliialdl, ThompsoaviUe 1(3 Tadayta ttaam Runs batted la—WUHama, Boa- at toa body prhieh aarvaa ae aa air uhted. but too Idsa ta aouad. The Finest! | Roagta, bomlMB . . . .tOc k.. | SayUilB WtsA ICgge Naw York—IrUh Bddia Eriak, by pncUoa. Tsra andIbraa —rfnnt btaka- totah gear biaka drum ta a aad at tha dow awtad Jetaraay ba- Venn...... doa. SSe Some at S for 25c. jpawider, aad Touag Gomas of New 188, Scraatoa, Fa., outpoiatad Joa n, 86; (taioL Baatan, 92. a wash aad deaa tola guy Fagial automatically cooled by water from aauba af treuhto wttt toe Btaamrdh Frankfurters „ — — » ib.29c taedeo adU apaa toa ahew at S:80. Dajaaua. 1((, Fuarto Men (8). Naw Totk a t PMIadtIphia. Hito-BoUa, Naw Task 14T^ Me- paatar for aay vacant field ' wtar. taUka. Our Good Scotch H am ...... S5e k . If aay atthaUtutkma ara naceaaary Branktys at Baatao. tha aoglaa ayatam. Riaa» A* a Sobs b K GtMi ! Balttatora — Mika Mtotaa, U8H, <)uiaa. 8L Loula, 148. nkouto. Osneb Btola Dowd la ardor te avoid a radiator and Yeaterday*a Stan _ Ma ttato avar tha i bafora 5:(B o^dock this afteraooti. Naw York, outpotatad Faul Las, 128, at Laoia at Fttlabitrfh. DouMaa Oraeahaiy, Datrait, 28; putuag Ms tanm torsmh a bo eorarad ta 22.T PINEHURST SUMMER DRINKS Sauaagea, 26c Ib. SHeed, 28e k . they win ba aaaouaecd ever Btatton (Oaly gim ss nebaduM). wiuiama, Beaton and McQuIaa. St. toa nducod aposd that tote would Pot Roost Ib.29e-33c-35e Baltlmora (10). courts of praetlca that t o e u ^ hrtag, too BMtor eooUag ajwtam coo- SB aoM. *«rhto _ J y y f t Ale, butt IM half7 It Our Good Tea ...... 60c Ib. WTH'l', Hartford. Portland, Me. — Lou BrouiUard. Louis, 88. \ dues raauHa to tba futuire and By Tka AfiMctetadl Praas that .toa Bbiiblrffa Kdbts’d Con Pbkwaad OUmf F o o k Tripiss Lewis, WaMilnfitoa, 12; atata of a 7»-gaUea tqak'ta wWeh Everybody Likes It! 161H, Woreaator, Mala., oatpoiatod Boston nt Washington. If toa boya tail to raach toa play, lea ta packed. Tkta tank, aad toa Chat Laaba. Brawaa — Douhlaid ffga ta for Bupartaf.'* Try Tltoa AH! They Ara CioodI Homburg — Ib. 23c-25c-29c A1 Siaihaldi, Derlla, N. H. Oavtlnad at CWeago (alghti. McOiaky, Datrait, IL offs aay team that data beat to m wtaatag tua ta toato iaai«g Tkta burrt af apaad, whk PhiladalpMa at Home runa—Fenx. Boaton, 20; it-fallM gasoUna aad is-gallen oU Suburliaii Loop ( 10). Maw wUI hava to put ita bast feat Cot^ toaiu, ara atoog toa mda af too agataat Indlaaa aad alao seat tanm'* after tw heura af flaottag 1 ______LAMB ROLLS, 25c Ib. Traaton, N. J,—TamzRy Bplcgal, (Oaty gaasM Nhadulad). Qesenharg; Datrait, 2% ward. Than Itagaal baa vMows oC- first rua aaraaa .riUi a twa-baggor. mtata aurfoaa af tot taba eeeeeeee.ea.».ee I f er tte . aso dee. PETERS’ Fltfhkif-r-Oraao, Baatan, 12-3; fraam. I2n Dgpel P. F. NIELSEN ISSti. UnlpntowB. Pa., outeointed maWng this aggrtgatlaa Into a The oaaran laagtk ta 26 fast, atght Joe DIMaggta. Taakaaa—Wt ifiOi wRh U ------—...... B fee 2Se ta Hahi etraat tW. I Pottpones Evenit Lou Fortuaa, 180, Pfclladelphla, Ktaaira a t HarUord (night 8:48). Donald. if tto Tjwk. 12-1 permanent chib aawpraastaws UuU hoasar wito tw aa and drava la Mr Haaiy ^ bs*s a Bead aeeertaMUt ^st MUed u aaisuto ''^^****‘ . . . « NIC Bear Loaf. BeoaoaiiaL Turty. m e • N a.M ahiat. I h L i a e Wta^Brnm at A lte^ taebaa, width, tight feet, and balght. tkTa < ( 8) . :t year it will ba a threat to afi tam^otoar nma ta haattag fiaaataia. ------_ .wbia ho wai Wmaawpoft at ~ * Battoq^-Miaa, S tT iS s. J8i; ll MO 'clubs. But aU U la four Mot, toraa tachaa. It kaa a 12- WladaraiMra. I t ta I • »*W ^Tb»yPm Sweet Flekles er Tlay FobfaM ^Ogpeety ■: BROGAN -. foot, d-liidi Wham base. Thontoa Laa, WMtoiox-Ruah- HPtoaeirato 1W.1 ^ Aha t eam Tlili yaar n h aintp pan c sd to rsUat at 3sitk Kaott with Tba aogtoa wbtab ■ . ^Jm s.mtsm pesU sT"' ^ "*«ae .. hulk, toedem Iha •uborhaa Laagua's ooe-day Ruas—Waiter. toa fans a real baB,gsata drive tor tha raeerd NED NELSON atk adulaf at toa Man- Oaorga l^pa, 148H, Karidto, Oooo.. boa aa taadmi ta aigbto kkd-kava 4k CO. L im jfi HABIS. S to 4 PooBodi. ObuI m. MKATCAMD) 4_|testCM« O sai ^ fhL « n * aw, td). rtsy, CkiflanaH. 21. eveahirs aatartaMwaat iS______tU m ffdta Hab Laavau tocy ovar Tlgtea. gaia mnsL Bunr TomonT. P.F.CASHION oteetni duh tots eaturfiay, V w A a w rt^ I t a jMals kdg laft Rom hattad lo—MeOtonnlefc, Cte- or not they aaa taha tot FA'a tola Laaataff — Joha ----- 8WIPTODAI8YHAMS.2 to3 wiafc xry u ^ i...... fitoMWaat; IMP PPM tot Fhfladrtpkto-BOly MMMr, 128, taataqq D totfal Owva, Rad kna ■cattarad BallavlIlA nL. lor >Loe Aagalaa, ciaaatl, 27; Mason. Naw Tack, aod gsaw ta 001000001 aloa agala but tea Mta with g nat affaatfoaaaaa ta SWIFTS 8HOULDE^A»a S toiL iiida ...... Iw Fidladaiplila, autprtatad JU nnr where tba Usmtm apart la baaalng. Oamllll. BroeUya. 71. tootkal biffmtiiair bottar CORNED BONELESS ad today by Pro RtaMr*%leky‘' __ Trgh, 18% Fhlladrtplila,. (10). no atattar what toa auteoma tha caaah. ted bean gr beat Atolatick T-1, (hr Mo 12to vta- Ba wen tba aU-avento.chaaqskraBp Hits — MoCaraUto, CtodaanU, FoUsb tada will aot-ba allowed to grantod a six tory. daraoa. Aa M-holo tounuunant, fol- AttaBtie CUy, N. J. — Bobby • t toe Amoricah Bewllag 147; Hack, Chicago, 144, asantoW laava baesuam of lU health. lowed by a dliiaar a t toa local dub, Oracn, 128, PhUadaIpbla, and Jlmaiy dtmgnm Buah them arouad and asuat play Hugh Oedgara-Hta fiv*- at 1M7 to Naw Torlu DouMao-Stauahter, St. Lsula. 28; baU to win. ' Biw haa^ drat aaaisUnt, Cssay, wlU he too highlighto of the pro- WUmlngtoai Dm ., over, . Mt pttehtag took rtecirttag game af tta , t t Loots. A Liagua atoadta^ serlas from Gtaata. RED & WHITE CUK Ckrtk CtanffioIo^Bokl CENTERI CUTS «PORK vr»Mk BOAST W / i l O l ...... ' .. ' ...... S8f _ Iba ^ ratca to Mx Mta aad atafitad ta a ton Mi------Bta' __ r43tnm sbt ttii MAiramiei ivainwo mnuLD. luiiciiwrea. oomr, rsnut, Avao&r ii^ i n t UANCBX8TEX EVENIKe HERALD, MANCHESTER, 00NN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST IS, 19SS

RED RYDER ^ A Deiperstg Plu rrm rei BUY SE RE H I T / ^ 7/. — Sense and Nonsense — I MAP fiM t Tbs Mvlribla govaramut toot Guest-What a pretty name your Wbatever troublu Adam bod rulM toe woiM woora skirta. IBAld hM. No man In doyn at pore. Hottesa—Oh, toot taBt her real Mf CMJ * i i f i n d Could oay, w hu bo told a joka, Mrs T—Your husband la always aomx Wa just eoU bar 'Dawn' be- Tra kaord toot om tasfora!” complotailag toot ba loads a dog's cauM aha la always brsoklnf. Ufe. A Scotchman wolkad up to a Ura. Z.—Wen. he cornu home Dors te do right, Don to be true. APAiniRNnL PLATS. with muddy feet, moku Mmself LOn AND fUUND AUTOMUB1LK8 fU K BALE 4 BU8INB88 ELECTRICAL Local Jockeys Lose SeientUta W ork Hmrd frland at Um bar and began telling And a crooked etoek salum u will OPPORTUNITIB8 S3 APPUANCES—RADIO 4fi TENEMENTS 33 Building Shows him about a hunting trip. comfortsMs In toe eosiset choir in be after yoA X^q Axi-A T COLOOUA IM U. cociT- 1930 WUXTS OVERLAND oedan, Seotehman shot a couple ot toe moat comfortable spot in the POR RENT—a ROOM d u p ^ with On KSyaterioiu Blight —Wa Anawera to nun# ot driven leee than 1,000 mUaa, new FOR EXPERT RADIO repairs cou To Rockville Diner boon, but Um biggest thrlU wm houM, waits untU he U fed u d ear (uarantee. 91S0 diocount. Eaay ar wltbout gangt. Tri^phooa Mother (to son wudering around] r. Howard. CoU S. J. Kemp- FOR SALE—PACKAGE Store, good ffffft ItaHibto, laMooatM Cain in Month trodUag yursA fTOWIa. room )-W hat ore you looMng for? »S6W. terma, liberal t ^ e e . Oola Motora loestkM. W rit* B o« P, Herald. Itediba m Mala M M t. tm . KtantasL R. I , Aug. 18—(*) Priud—Wbst's yureaT Son—Nothing. at the Center—MdS. —lUuAa lriaad Sta^ OoUsga Seotehman—ru hsVe a beer. POR RBNT—POUR ROOM tsna- Tba Oak Orlll Joeksya went A solumu who hod beu travel- Mother—^You will find It bi toe | roR SAUC—1937 NASH aedan, rnsiit madam Improvamsats, go- sdantlsts workod at tap spaad ing u a eartoin railroad for a num- box where toe candy was. HCNJSBHULD GOODS 51 down in defeat at tba bonds ot tba la tbalr lobaratmlaa today ta on Survey o f State Indicates Just M toay reoebod too bottom bor o f yoars was complaining about 1930 Oodce Sedan, 103S Uraham riMALI 35 ngs. Adults only. 388 Oak strest nTroulSETuiTEENoj^n coach, 1934 Naah aedan, 1931 M Psraaet OK On 3 A 4 RoekvlUa DIaers by tba cloaa ooora effort ta Isolota a mysterloua at tooir glaueA the friud remark- toe trains always being late when A m u may be wUa ud never I POR RENT—TWO, THREE and bSght dlaoam fouad ta be ravag- Total Is Up by Nearly to Ma surprUe, toe train came In on Hi_ and palm of Aruntia Chevrolet aedan. Ueaaler Naah, lU HOUSEKEEPER POR baehsler ROOMS OP PURNITURE of 8 to 8. Tba gome wm played oa ed: know it; a fool wlU soon find It out. [ OUT OUR WAY J. R. WILUAMS OUR BOARDING ROUSE can at Bdwmrd 5. Murphy"# or Th^ Henderaon Road. Pham 7338. apartment Only half day rsqulrsd, —August Sold sow. on four room opartsMats, funlobod the Heary atreet diamend la Rock- lag the auto’s oatlro 4100,009 5 Millions. Friend—WeU, FU have to be go- Uihe. He Immediately w u t to toe ...... W I T H...... MAJOR ROOPLE > ^ pMdl CfOp. Omtor Phormocy ond u k for five days par weak. Phone 40M —14 mentba ta pay or unfuntobad. OoH S7S7 ar asss. ville. Perett af tba winning taam ing. <3ot to gM home and do my conductor and sold: The old saying tost children used I f 6 6 AH K Aft' Known to bofflad selanUaU M0,7MAT6 NOTTW tMOtinc feoo Bulpho-Kopo booklet after 8 p. m. —No poymsiita If Mek. hod too much on *ba bell for the Building permits Issued by Con- chorM* Solumoa—Here's a medal. I'va to learn wmis ^"Tf atI firs t; don't 0«NK—ru. an Now OoDoldol Sulphur method BUSINESS SEKVICES —No payoMBta if unoniployed hard hitting OtUl taam, "Cbamp" only Si *TC.” tiM atraago virus gcotchmaa—What chores T traveled on tola railroad for 13 fueceed, try,I tiy again.' main agAsoN—rrs necticut ciUes and towns during ths ot trmUaf thla painful ailment. —Proa MUvsry—Prsa atarosa BUSINESS LOCATIONS Oioigettt Um Joekoira otortod blight first sttadu Um eommon Priud—Beer, please! yean u d this U the first Urns I toe order to: ""U If at firsfirst you don't I 5ECAUSI A t o r OF OFFERED IS at Bir o * That trsat HELP WANTED— M A L B ^ (a) 3 ROOMS PU RNm nW POR RENT 34 tha foma, went along niooly for ebaka ehsrfy sad tbsa spreads month of July jumped sharply above ever caught a train on time. ucceod, got oa to# foderal reliaf.’ ELECTRIC REFRlOBIUk'noN, to tbs psoah trass, dastioytag Conductor (calm ly)—I ^ p your Urele Ssm foods to# follow who wUl j vou WITH oxm M e WANTED— EXPERIENCED com ft DowaJU adoa. to nay)... ISO two malngs but ta the lost half ot tha figure o f Juno sad loocbod the read ft or no t— AtmiMOBILKS FOH SALIt I commercial and houaahold aarvtea, (b) a ROOMS PURNlfURE the third yWdad six bits and flm tbs Bsariy-moturs fruit, bsrvsst Wbu Um first cansua of too Unit- modoL This Is yu tu d sy’s train. Mt tiy. KINDNESC A a t JUST new and ueed rafrlgeraUng equip- Icker. Inquire R. F. Crosaen, 35 POR RENT—SMALL State ISoU. at whleh bM just bsgim. torgost total oiiioo Um spring boom pr imin’ vouPfaa auto BABQAINS—1»S0 ^fjo rn 413 Dawn (18 mea. ta psy>. .$13U runs. Oerrantl rtHavad Qlorgetti ta ed States woe tabu la 1750 toe ment. Wayne W. Phllllpa. 63 Walk- EIcNoll street, tonight Inquire at 484 Hartford Rood. The bUgkt, which the sdea- la April, according to Um menttaly populatton woe 4,849314. ourrv TWCK-ANP cooch. 1 # » Bulck oedan. IM I N*«h (e) a ROOMS P U R N m ^ tb# fourth and hold tba Dtaora hit- buUdliig survey token by too De- te v o in ts POkV 1929 Pontiac coach. 1033 er. Phone 4978. "YOUR QWN LOCAL BHOB buri- $18 Down (1$ mas. to pay). .fl4V loos and aeeralaaa for tba romainder tiaU sold opparaatly entered HOLD EVERYTHING BT CLYDE LEWIS ENOUGH TO SPOT Rhode lOlaad ham nearby Con- partment at Solos and Traffic De- A lecturer, wishing to explain to Ford coupe. Brunner Salea Oo. 80 nem. Fred outfit starts youl Earn (d) 4 ROOMS P U R N IT tM at Um gams. velopment o f too New Hsvaa Rail- WEM KIND VOUVS $17 Down (la mos. to pay). .1178 HOUSES POE BENT 35 naeUeut and Msseaebumtto A UtUs gbt the manner bi which a Oakland atreet. Open evenlnga bonus shoes. 300 styles. B ig sd- It Is axpoetad that tbaos two road and mod# public today by W. 6 ot utdpia sno uo n; HEATING - Pl.UMBING — vanoa eommleatom. Experience un- (a) 4 ROOMS PURNITIHIP 8 HOOU SINOLB, both, gaa and taoms w ill meet boro tat Manchea- arehaida, was aotod for tho lobster costs its shtU whu be boa HOOFING AND SIDING 17 lit Down (18 moa. to pay), .fiat first Ubm yestordsy at Poster J. London, aoles and oorvioa agont otttvwwB It, oold: naceanary. Tannefa 3388 alactrtdty, outMdrts ot Moachaa- tar la the very near future, sad the Tbs roUrood'a survey, token an M er--* Boaton, Ml 7 PREE “URTB8T AITOS" tor, qulot aactien. Adults preConed. Jockeys win ba out ta moka Um so- aad araenvma. Loeturer—What de you do wbu WE SPECIALIZE In bpplylno roofa, No mattor where you live, pbom Dr. Evorstt P. Cbristopber, 38 muaieipalittes along its Itn staA 'i boro outgrown your clotouT and aebeitoa aldlnf. Workmamblp WriU BW M, Rorald. rlea even. sbows that those commuait Manchester SPECIAL NOTICE—On account ot or write us to eend a “Courfaey Oak (M il Jeekaya prefsaeor o f borUculturo, urged J throw them aolda, don’t your guaranteed. Eetimatee freely flven. my age and not ao good health, 1 Auto” for you to bring you to the SEVERAL HODERN BIX ROOM dsotrucUen at eboks eherry granted building permits In Jtfly ^tOa OM—Ob, no, we let out the Alao carpentry, painting. A. A. AB R HPO A B having a total voluo of 44,881,7$ Evening Herald want a young man, married or store and toko you back borne again. slngis bousos, also two fsinUy Osta Gavelle, at ...... 3 1 I 3 0 0 busbaa to prevont spread o f Um Dion Inc.,nc.. d l WeiITella. -Tel. 4880.- aingle, who la willing to work and No obligation whatooevar. In emealleat loeotlona. Apply Ed- dimsos boforo eomplotlon of Um This WM an increaoo of $1,363,814 CLASSIFIED Polkowskl, 3b ...3 1 3 0 0 0 evor too permit figures for the some carry on an aatabllahed 110,000 • ALBERTS PURNITURE CO. ward J. Halt Tclapheoa MoaciMa- StomoMU, cf ...,S 8 0 3 0 0 hsTTSst, soUSMted at 40,000 ad ver tisements clUes sad towns in Juna It wax IR the ford u Re knelt to pray, year gaaollne and keroaend range Hartford Store—4$ ADyn S t tor 4843 or 8036. Savorlck, os ...,S 0 1 3 0 0 busbeia this year. Cove I ala avaiaca worea ta a ilaa MOVING— TKIICKINS oil filling atatioh bualneM. Mmt In- llkowtas s gain o f $1,899,838 over Asklag His fatoor to find a way Initial-, aaaaara aaO abbravlatioDi FOR BALE—GRAY AND whlU Madden, rf ..^ ..3 0 8 0 0 0 their totals for July, 1938. Saaoeat M a wore anO oompoana STORAGE 20 veat 13,730.00 for half, or 18,300.00 That. Ihrougb Ms agony of pola. Glenwood %m stove with beat Squatrtto, If ....8 0 0 5 0 0 The marked Increase in July per- Tba ooM at mu might bo bora oorea aa two warOa Mintnivw ooai ta for wiiola ownarahlp of an tnde- SUMMER HOMES O'Leary, 8b ...... 8 0 1 1 1 I North Enders UpRct Bflaa at throa llsaa AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS pendant outfit. Community Filling regulator. Aloo block Glenwood FOR RENT 37 mite over tooee of June, however, ogobi, Uaa falaa oar dar lai trsnaia Local A Long DIatanea Movara Station, W. S. Grant, owner 189 range with Silent Glow on burner. Horoburda, e ...3 0 0 B 0 0 woe accounted for by a single fac-^ A Maekanad ereaa against tbs sky __ _ Tel—8380 88 HolUaUr St. 48 South Main atreet ' Oorreatl, p. lb , . l l 0 0 l 0 On a lonely MU He hung to (be; MaaWaa ■aaah II. lOM North Main atieet, Mancbaatar, FOR RENT—CRESCENT BEACH. tor. wMcb WM too Issuoneo Iqr New Conn., near T. M. C. A. Conn., 7 room cottage, eleeme GlorgetU, p .....0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Eaters by 4-2 Haven of a permit valued at $1,848,- x A broku body, maimed ud tom, Caab Ubara* FOR SALE—COMBINATION eoal Hoxser, cf ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 a OooaaaaUva Uare ..I 1 ^ etove, Prigidolre, new water.sys- 000 fo r too erection o f StlUmon Qol-- A Ured Mul to Hesvu borae. I Oaaaaaetiva Dare H ??! and gas rongt, elevatod oven. Tele- Wbu trouMu press, sad sorrow phone 7048. . tem. Augiist 37th to Sept 10th. F. lege, the loot unit in Yale Unlver- I Oar ...... I •• ** MOWER REPAIRINO. abarpening, SITUATIONS WANTED— B. Collins, 830 Laurel street, Hart-' 27 4 8 18 3 1 TVveaty-OM softboU oddlete had oity'e college plan construction. Hod strivM all afdan for irraaatar iBaartieaa BeekvUia Dhwr . To Im gtou sbodowa in your eyes; will ba abaraae at Ua aaa Uvm mta key fitting, duplicating, elactricai FEMALE M ford. Conn. Pbona 7-tB37, It out St tha West Sidq playgrounds it sot boon for this permit, toe July AB R H PO A Wbu lifo Is eold and bleak aad tu•PMSai Y it raiaarSlDD tot 4Vr laaa 4«ew WWW.,avarr uUllUea, gum, etc., reconditioned. MACHINERY AND ttelda loot night with 0 team from state total would actually hsva boon Braltbwalte, S3 Pearl atreeL CAPABLE, INTELUQEOT, mlKTRMAdAMr aa MIowaaea ar rafonda eaa ba w ^a cheater. Good cook. Refereneea. lei's Cettogs. Perett, p ...... 8 0 1 3 0 New London and West Hartford THE PACg W AdkSa uioMa an ala tiaM ada ateaoad afu r tba Available about September firat. McCormick. Large stock tractors, Losuii. rf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 limlnga hod been plsyod, the two STORIES IN STAMPS a-m lOSAS ■ potato diggers, gas engines. In good FOR RENT—SPe ROOM fumUbsd teoRM joined togothor and played ware in second and Uiird p^Uoiis, WANTED! Write Bob L, Herald. T. PblUipo, e ___ 3 0 1 8 0 reapecUvely. Ra *tni terblda~i dlaaior linaa nai condition. Terms. Dublin Tractor cottage, at Baybrook Manor. P. Phillips, cf ...3 0 0 1 0 aa additional thiM or four Inalngs TOUNO MAN OVER lA Mnal Co., WlUlmontlc. Available August 30th on. Pbona to koop wonnad up. Tha spectators 'Tbirtoen o f toe 38 citlea and towna BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Tba aarald will aat ba raapeaMbla Blenn, i f ...... 3 0 0 3 0 Gdttinf D pw r T o Flsets far ■eta Uaa aaa laaerraM 'ornttioa ba High aebeol gnMtaata — awe POULTRY AND 8781. Kitebel, 3b ...... 3 1 1 3 0 were treated to a fast, snappy gams reported btiUdlng permit inereaaee ot oar ad.arUaawaal ardarad for dwilrataatllag abew eard Mtar- In July aa compared with their June SIIPPIJB8 43 S. Oesaay, rf .... 1 0 0 0 0 Eodi team aeoied two nma la the IImu houd MS luus \ BOARD 39 oonter. Paid woo sofa on a Holders GLASS TOP CANNING JARS, eboioa and both runners scored on In the comapanding month ot loot quarts, plnta, aluminum cooking WANTED TO RENT 68 year. Tbca« were Bristol. Danbury, m ba aabllabad______dar waat M ta- utanalla, baby dreaaing table. Hen- POR RENT —AT WARANOKU bits by Jimmy Moteolf and “Unk” FLAPPER FANNY oToUok aaani datardara apartments, fumlsbad rooms for JehapM East Hortfmd, Homdsn, Nanchea- Shjwssont SSet BY SYLVIA rlchs, 88 <3iureh atreet WANTED—FOUR OR five room Sports Epundup 8Sl *^' ligbt housekeeping. Oontlnuour hot Tho wbmlog run wm oeorod In tho tar, Meriden, Naw Haven, New Lon- StytoferFor tXetators ...... F • water. Apply to Janitor. tingle bouae, or apartment Aracii- rixth when Comber got a oeiatcb Mt den, Btrstfoid, "Farrington, Waat TELEPHONE TOUR can fam ily o f three. Prefer location New York, Aug. 18.— — Rod WANT ADS Real FOR SALE—FULL SIZE maple whsn Wilkinson Just foiled to roach HsrUord, Weet Haven, Wetoersfield AimiCA m had a dictator, FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT room, near Hollltter atreet school. Writs light: Joe Louis Is begtnalng to fssl Ma Tama Lsoguor, COmbor going all sad WOUmanUe. J aval Ilia lalaebeaa crib. Inquire at 89 Bigelow etreet mesa. boys. (Hs won't sign a spar- Ba WM: nr fib w o s u t a completely fumiahad for light Box Y. Herald. Um way to third when Wllklnaon’t Compartlre building permit data ■ATB Rlvea abava ring partner unless Um guy woivos rsd-taesd. Dut^- ta advartlaare, bat houaekeeping. Grube, 108 Potter throw ^ sway from Eoglesoo. aad for July, 1919, bad for July, 1949, amn. dm test Bargain! street claim to damages)... .the eotut Is HMr of ______I will ba oaaaatae aa HOUSES FOR SALE 72 later oeorod on Poltaukt'a fleldors and for July, 1948, wore roported In New Anutwdsm, New York. fiA n W IT If bald M tba beat. bussing with rumors the Cubs w ill too railroad's ourvoy m follows: I aw ar baiara tba aavanta transfer Dick Barten to thslr Los oholao. T o put Um gome on ice, Spll- Be kaaw m 1 ■I Ms own. TWO TENEMENT HOUSE, 3 and lalM homered te deep loft In the CHy Jnly 1944 July 1948 haeumdad We MU < Naw tba drat taaartlaa at In Real Estate WANTED! Angeles farm—as manager... .soma WASH TUBBS 'ad aibMwIaa tba CHAIhJfc 3 rooms, furnace, garage. A ll con' aevenU). Bridgeport ---- $ 134,448 4148,031 Antotetdam, ant Hi I I A B R E s M I s d I tSn beeelleeteA Me raaooBM- Neat Appearlag WaabM Vader 48 venlencea. Oentiolly located in of the things they’re asying about Bristol ...... 40,310 - 48.011 Set Thtdd Placet At Once! the loot Payehek-Strlcltlaad North Bodoio ftouBaOand. am aetata ■ la^beaad ada Tb Da aeaalBg At Store Five RockvlUc. W rIU Box P. Herald. AB R H PO A E Danbury ...... 34,850 28.373 id M lS T T S ia a n ^ theft aaawtaar dVi-Hour MotWagb a Week. pock too much dynomiu to ba printed hero---- tho day tba Otoata TaakawsM, it ...1 1 3 0 0 Derby ...... 4,000 7.880 my To Settid An EeU tt: suspended him, Burgess Whitshaad gpUloao, <..-,,4 1 3 3 0 East Hartford 148,174 87,190 INDEX OF Used Car WANTED—REAL Fairfield ---- 14TA75 407A7S 7-Room Siniild, oteam heat, RDBINOW’S went to the stadium and ookad to Btennaa. p ...... 4 l l 8 3 •tuyraaut wm beta la Boltend CXIAESmCATlONE ESTATE 77 Bronnl^ Sb .. ..4 0 0 0 7 Greenwich ... 387JIS0 376.175 central location, la rie lot— work out with tho Yanks. Joo .Mc- la 1654. Ba rafusad ta follow Ms ■ ••••«dC»d«»»««dddddadaa A Carthy turned him down. Tho popora VUteer, s a ...... 4 0 1 1 2 Hamden .... 336,069 84,830 CbSmt brio tha ulntoby, baeama a ■ rv««d«*d«*d*dwd«d« * WANTED TO BUY 6 or 7 -room flfargidiis houiM, not over |3,000, smalt ash. say Whitsy Is washed up m a Lanky, l b ...... 8 0 1 11 0 Hartford ---- 317A1S 764,347 aMdIar. Aa govoraor of tba Dutdi Dsvia, 3 b ...... 8 0 0 8 . 1 Manchester .. 103,318 44315 aaadddddddBBWBWMdMdMS V Stats putleiilsra. Write Box H, Giant, even If ha has boen ra WMl iMUft ft—n>w6hy*w ol $3500 Oombor, I f ...... 8 1 3 1 8 Wt T f c U l t o l ■ i•••■ ••Sd•■ d•* H Herald. stated. Meriden ---- 80318 80380 Curaeap ba ted aa attack agalnat tEUMlHHI addwwddddd******* * 6-Room Sin- FOR RENT-^-teO 1931 Chevrolet Coach PoltfMkI. 0 ...... 8 0 0 3 0 Middletown .. 89.995 55,000 Wa Pertugumi oa St Hsatta Is- d«Mddd dWddBd ••• * ()ulmb]r, o f ...... 8 0 0 3 0 Naugatuck .. 35,000 47,775 ASWOWMEMOWtE R gle, central. $3700 Available SepL 1st Joo Aimed Te Wtai laad, teat Ida lag la battle. VStWOWftlE • a a a a a bbaaaaadW ddwdft* I LEGAL NariUES Before Tuesday night's Red SeX' Naw Britain 49304 . 09,404 Bbw Amsteedam'q warm wM- Totals...... 8 37. U 1 New Haven .. 1,794308 138331 . 2 Acres, 7-Room S in glo— 7-Room Slngla H om i, oil $29 AtblaUc game, .oM of tho PhUly ■aua ta tha sag Isggnd governor AtE— fcilEE (or Soio ..^ ••d d .w « Linvaii ps»MiT Boss A I,^aer Os. Ns 1 New London .. 448,105 14,no bnmer heat, fireplace, nancB ar APPUOATieif ■ciibos banged out a pro-goiM load W 2S8T aWDadu ho aasnmad foU AIEreNIse (or • ecEerwe...... 4 os foUoera: "Cronin Is making a AB R H PO A B Norwich ---- 15,971 87385 aiatwtat Wa aelaap. nitaelad Ihi AWto AEEEEEOrtEE^^rtrEE addd*** ^ garage, residential sec- 1930 Nash Sedan TUi Is to sive Botloe Chat I Chvrlee Karr, ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 AWfeE AEMHEA—PElBtlOC mma^m . * $3100 John JUrmander o f *4 School streot sorloiM bid for this ganM ... ,m la South Norwalk 408345 419314 adWea • at. Ma eoimcfr aad aat Wmdnaaa, M .. ..4 1 1 8 1 0 AWtE AEBEOIE a a a a a a a a a a a a d l*A tion. In qn ira. . , Monoheetor, bovo flUd an appllevtlon starting WUoon and Bonding sight Stamford ...... 51,844 144365 datod Aoxuet 14, IM * witii tito Ll0> Antaw^^blb br Traak .,,••••— t 6-Room Slngla, ateam heat, other pitebers to tho bull pen?' Ford, S b ...... 4 1 0 1 4 0 Stratford .... 57,000 08,958 -rat Sira a $29 Control Commlailon tor a Bevtourant J. Jfstoolf. Sb ....4 0110 0 WaUf affuEr a^ "a f Zuiaad^ Robt. J. ^mith, Inc. Boar Permit, tor tho solo of aloo Torringtoa .. 74,105 40,545 WWNal Bar WacM seWamtoa. Btora«a ...... la fireplace. 2-car gam ga; fine an Mala ntraat Eaglasoa, p ...... 8 0 0 0 1 1 Wsterbury .. 74300 140330 Keiataralaa—Blajalaa ...... II hollo liquor bn tho proroloot ot I i Oak Tony Consonerl picks Armstrong After Wa EntfUb aalaad Wt Waatad Aatoa—Meteraralaa , . . . It residential section. Bargain d4W. 88U 81U 1929 Buick Sedan itraat, Mnnobaotor, Conn. Tho hull over Ambers...... Oglethorpe Uni' JehMOB, e ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Wost Hartford 4U.157 444,845 ALLEY OOP Beal Eotata lasnraaea noea la ownod hr Charloe John Bor veraity hM ssloetad Prank O. Vamiaid. I f ...... 8 0 0 4 0 0 West Havon .. 48338 14,480 riaiMP. Stspvaaaal waat ta’llol- Aad Thstli Thai ■dalaaaa aad rtataaalaaal iaevlaaa mandar ot 14 Sehool atroqt Monohet* kai, irtod vaMp ta SN Mp te ST T.TwBAMUll^ daalaam Sameaa Oflarad ...... II tor. Conn., nad w ill bo eonduotad hr Moake's "Eaeyelopadia at sposts'' AngMo, o f ...... I 0 0 4 0 0 WotoeraSeld 55340 44355 Boaaabeia aamaaa Odarae .,.,II-A $4950 Charloo John Rarmandar ot 14 Sehool tor pieservatlen ta Its etpM at lUtWa. of, H i . . . . I 0 1 0 0 1 WlUlmaatle .. 4,400 •hMa peomariaa. Ba ratmaad to •alieiad—UaatraetiBa ...... I« mfiOO ■treat, Monehoator, Conn, aa p«rmlt- clviliutton....whlek at tbs Dast< C. Smltb. If .. ..8 0 1 4 0 0 M5W t t e k a fetefeaa aiaa. diod aa Florlata—Narsartaa ...... II New 4, 5. 6-Room Singlao, toa. (fottan, l b ...... 4 0 0 8 0 0 «W Wna to 1$54. Ba k burfad In FbaaraJ IMraetora ...... la 1930 Pontiac Coach CHARLES J. RETMANDBR mouth coochos m s a saelsl viott in ■aallaa—Plawblaa—Reaaad It oalod Aus. 14th, m ». CbsTlotu, N.'C., sad cams sway Wa aaaaimp of St MariFb CMsch laaa ranee ...... la H-l-U-ll. with BlUy Arnold, esnek high sehaol Thtols .88 8 8 ST T 4 Tlu^ Men Are Held •It MllUnarr—Utaaaaabtaa ...... I* $4500 Movtad-^raeblad—diorsda it and ng First M ortgofs iiiUsr. In his hip p oek stt....R 8 tU * bp fimiam Fabtla Paanaarat aamea .....,M -A $39 asoro wiU be Um No. I Hak la t .. .400 881 100-A •An* you dnerva a hongOTtrl-^inizin* not bssr sad gfwgtr SomII Dowb Payeaita Bali R._*L.09LNal..800 800 OOO-S For Court SiRurdajr al«r . PaMtlaa—PabariBd ...... I> lik e newt ($33 and op). PhUUss' BOW farm systom- ...am Frbfaaaloiial earvlM It 1935 Ford Coupe Triplets Worry wrist Is Um rsoson why on tbs > b o s s h H s : B r m s n . Hobm Rapalniid ...... t* LOANS Tallatlaa—Uralaa—ClaaBlBC II major loogM oeouts have eaolad off SpillaM. Bass oa bans off: Tallal Oooda and Oarvlea...... II Several Good Building Lota, F. H. A. Plan or Inauranca on Jimmy Pofahl, InnoMpaHi to A EigIssoB 0. Struek out trattc XOONBRVILLB FOLKS BY FONTAINE POX Waatad—Box naaa Sarvlea ...... td 1300 and np. Co. Money $195 To JoblesB Father ahortatop... .Up: Bueky Wanoro ^ Rrsiinsa 1. Eoglssen L Umpiros am ollegod bi poUes ropmte filed __ _ ' • -I_____ BdaaaMaaal win ba nomad u s Natlonal LsogiM’s arm night TIm oeeuaed will ap- Oaaraaa aaa Claaaaa ...... II most valuolda player. pear tonwrrow morniag ■ la town- Pn.ata Inatraetlona ...... it List Your Property With Ths Lom as & 1933 Bnick Sedan Mist MAMD WbMTLE,CBi# MOUTH MAUP) * ^ Uaaeina ...... ti-a This Agency. Kansas CMy. Aug. court Thoos aummened ora John Maalaal—llramatlc ...... It out at work and new wall havt (Ml l b flsadnms Five on Bnining J. Hamornlk, 41, of ' 154 Broad Wantad—InatracMona ...... be Nottlofon Co. tlMoa MW taobisa ta fbad." sIglMd When Dob 'Weboter of Oom street PorestvUle. cborgad with —. ------1 $225 Contracts Cloaad By Local 48-yaar ald Robart Perry aa ba best H. R. Both for tbs Wyoadag speadiBg on W est O u ter street at Moada—dtoeva—Monaaaaa ..fi ■tota golf cbamplMsshlp, om at tbs 1:15 A m „ TbomM Ctaareot 78, of doslbaaa OpDortaniilaa ...... tl GEORGE Lo Attomoy. taonwd ba WM tba fOtbor at trip- paptra heodliaod this m fty: ”Wob- Vessel Escape Maaar to Uoan ...... II 1935 nymondi Coupe iota. 'Tt'a golag ta ba Blighty toi^ 405 Tonaad tu n p ilw . B a < H art- 125 TrunhaO S treet sUr takas both boforo hugh gol< ford, bald fo r tmeratbig a'- owter FRECKLES AND H B FUENDB Hale aad allaatlawa RMtoanrnsoam. Pbv Oas« CB aa.” Wsy." Lard Is W lllia« Halb Wani.d—Kamaia ...... la GRAZIADIO Telaphona Hartford 7-3211 nteo, Hoaestr won wbot da you rtoiels M UHldlii turapiks wost at HY MERRILL BLOMIBR Help W.nlad—Hal...... II _____ .. Aug, 18.—(S )—T Im leoetM Reata • Real Ealate • Aaettoaear Oar ! ipwioeataltvd la Tewa kMW about that?” aonlalmad bis 11:45 p. m, wltbout a drivor’a H- dalaanao tv.ntad ...... Il-a IM Heary S t TeL 337a Alabiuna wm have tbs MggoM at Sat psrpsM after their S8-foat cenao, Arthur W. Cbudsoa. 34, of Hatb Wantad—Mala or ram ala,. I i Every Weak. Sd-yeor-ald wtfo. lio fy . Sbo’s a twta football toom over trotted ciut Is Adaaia Waoiad ...... a.li-a Hsbgy burnod bi Long 47 Joha otTMt, Hartford, stuped — ' n I $275 bulf. Dtxla this year, but trs jo ia g ta bs BBtmf WM reported today dHoatloea Wantad—Famala , , , . la Tba tripMs, wuigblag nlM on East O u ter strest at 430 p. m. dltaaUona Wamad—Mala ...... It Bdghlgr slaw... .Billy (Sma Is s tha aMtota Steoaatolp New tor failure to have s proper Uoeaae. CainlaraitDi Acanriaa ...... 4« 1986 De Solo Sedan pom ds, wara bow yaawiday. adr^ Um bothiag bsonta at At- afrtoad with tha snreteora. According to Um report toe ac- ,U «a Ptaeb—a»ata f-m tlrr- VablalM Naw Baoiar. Ooo4 H i at. Pirty, iflNraptoyad' WPA loborar, loatlo C lfo ....U m JahM bosobi IdsatiSad tbiteBilvM u C J. cused hod a Umltod iiou m fog < Uoda Birda—l*ata ...... at ANTIQUES AT AUCTION a ray at bopa Jatm, bawuver. taam at Elsrira. N. T, is rod hot of tha craft: (^ U.a BtocK —Vahieiaa ...... at Saotad tat bis two-ream baasMut with S3 la a laW'ta Its csadlt.... make o f cor sad was Paaltrr and dappllaa ...... la Diversified Selection of Furniture. China. Glaas H. Chaamka, Nr.' aad Nrs. JaaMs otIrir-malM. Waatad- rata— roniitr—dteeb «i $395 ORgrtmeBt, Mgbtad oaly bp a b sr^ BUI Botma 333-pouad Poshsm- R. Xsaaodp, and a Mtao Kaiardy, raa Sale—Mlaiwllanaaas FOR HASKELL’S ANTIQUE SHOP amo loB^ ba laaiMd a daiip b burg. W. V o, tackle who wm do Ua an o f irisTpiiii. CMm. Artlolaa ret dale ...... la Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Haakell, Owners 1939 Boiek Converti- eflsrad a ysoPs frsa odlk tm am at stuff at Wost Vo. U. this piar. bM rtm HsImp's mater stoWad o ff Port •eata and aoeaaaorlaa ...... aa tbs tiM sar inmw hi tfli Tf'tn i ths sights at at Most a doaM •alldina Matartaia ...... ai At Tketr Naw Locatleo, formerly kaowa aa Wm. A. Oimm PIma TamiitaMt. N. T , about 8 o’eleek Associated Press twamoDda—Watebaa Jattalty . , la Hartfart-WiminaBtlo Highway (U. S. Roata S Altar- ble Conpe, radio and "nwCs a Mg lead off my ebaat lachidlBg lanlalaM Siats, last mgHt. tbop aald. aad sot Sia ta ■laetnaal Applianeaa H.dio ,. la amto aad Caaa. 14) aear aew WlUlmaatle Elver Bridge,Bi awe i NOW i f 1 eaa JnM g o t bock oa tba TulMM, Nstra D aim and a aaupia tha eraft wbaa It baekSiad. U m five rnal aad read ...... at-a : o f heater^ B If DiacounL WPA—” la Naw Bagh»d....hsatt brsakm: soeapOd h i a oaaan .b oat and ws Crew Fogbound Oardaa—Farm— Oalrr Prodaata a. ta ssa Ksams Soustdsr arwnM m pirhid bp tha Now York m ■ eaaabald Ooada ...... Ii WILLOtANnc, CONN. Tba Patna b an two atbor cbtl- np Maahlaan aad Toola ...... It SATCBOAT, AUaUST It, lead, AT ISriS A. M„ D. & T. 1933 PWaaonlh Sedan draa, 4 aad 8 yearn aM. foatball yMT after yaar with all fioama nwnsumi f tha c ra ft Hnataal lastnw aaia ...... «... U (aole Bdla or Bkhw la Oar Teated Aoetlaa A n aa) that fiao ama paaror they haea ant Odlda aad dtara ■qaieaMat .... la thara. Portamotk, N. It, Aug. IS (St ■ . daaitlala at tba d tora a ...... M OUTSTANDING ITEMS ARB: Basutlful Chlnaaa Screan attli A 88-fiaot . powar boat eanplag - wnartad Aabaral—rata ...... II hand carved Fraim and Mother of Peert Flguree. $195 Mother Keeps Vigil Youth Goafesses thma Asaeeiated nroM BMa eoatriag . Waatad—Tn B a r'...... M S00RC8T SM IIB Cherry Tsbleo, Grandfather Qock “S. Headley, Plymouth" Ua- W. J. Ul SJ^ M tk aJ P gF *^ ^ (JM) tha Hfthw < tba MhmailM Squaioa I B H a f s O t w B t h s : Beeaw—dNeid--lle«alei..dtoeeetB usual EmpUe Mantel Oock. Franklin Stove, Pembndm Table. 1933 Poatiae Sedan - Beside Telephone ysatordap, dachad oaM p today oftor To Rubbing Bank boias fos-bouad dnrias tha alsbt la WU^t Board ...... M thaleeal parh 1m 4 n.'.' .’ t»,M .M-A cock Chalro la Bets, Boetoa Boekero, Empire Oialia. a .i. thayha ntwaya gaad 8 ir a HNitorad arator. Maatd dadnrta ...... M end Bmptre MImrs, Tip Tbhle, Blahket Cheats, ItepbaO ud $165 PhtladoIpbU. Aug. IS.—(S )—A iM t Bight wa M t I Uha errm g Tbs boat eama la tmdtr bar aria - f ’ la dl Tables, Child's Choirs, W tat-Nots, C A L Prints, KiliiUags, . iwor wtrfla Cbaat ' Guard and iidw di ard a ssrrtwlng mother ksM a ulsU today Prad Haasb asm St Uuia. A m . It.—(P)-^Tweaty- Etc. Assortsd Pottsm (Bass, Blown Gloss, Ptneoppls 0<^Ma. bsMia a atwtytaadOad foMpawm “ Wtth' oU twa-yoor old Id a H n i Orop, who gjtrato eraft wars saaiehteg fOr " vL ^ il dbWMe Pae Waat Etc.. Flasks, BiRtIss, Pswtsr, Dseoratsd Trays, H M a ric o ls S . FIMa Tbaaaaala « M ”Juat la bopa” obo miSbt boor oamo- Um tradMlsM fair oHy at anl- ta Ditottlri Smg t WO* jAWtliad far Rant ... |a fordshire Plotss, O opw Lustre, Pink Lustra not. r thins bar asa who want ant fa hi Ma m m m . wort: Joha P. GbaA Raad ...... w da MaipUea PIsets, % l i ghts. Bolls. Cuns. Hordwoi BrannGV msatbs agn sad aene * • tm, Asaamatod P nh baroaa cbMf.' B d—a iHwa M ...... W ■ Tools, Bte„ Etc. MANY OTHER UNUSUAL AND I it Esetoa^^iyilMeiaeB, tiaSla ip w dar AwN atd* INO ITEM S .----- • - ■ • . Mrs. Joospb Eruaea ooU Un aad ■ 3^ EE EEBWE ddddddPd*dM««B EE AUenONEERS* NOTICE: Mr. sad Mrs. "t-hTll have boon Ss IGS I 9im Ae Ie in buslasas at thstr fMm sr WilUiBanUe loeotlea for ths past ssvoa ' . 4 rf ter AeIe te 83 OsMsai EL Td. 3131 MM w ord” o a t M a tb a llE ••••« t f yoars aad have bunt up a fliM mputatloo (or tiaiMtuvr worth- Mitbdoy or UMir atfmfi WhM tiM : Nate dSM ------^ •••••• fl r^^ltdaiA They or# offsttag a targe part vt their oto& at this Opaa UatE 13 TMlght , OsnU, mamm *Come aad gee Ua A t Our Now Loeatta" Auetloo. -"g .j** —»•••••— *• jj rta wSmrMmi,*nttt la i . TprJlNtOit Aag. IL -«8 )—Nr. AH 'A ! ihiVIswar ~ ~ ' NTs. (amrloa N < a » art aBaarrtsT •ddddwsaflBAEE *w Aag. lS,r.4S)-( ■ vT -td* H taanfam taf 1 ■ **.*d*w^4 '^E w * ROBERT N. HBID A SONS. tha'l i'qa kd I Mil )S tM , »S 8 P ■^TWAd. *«r5lSrtSr. ■ ^ a a w f d Raai The BtiiiAl Adva. abatMR-i . xa t---. r.; , ...... - ---'-r vY- ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^

— bp.AttM M p [YD Vets Plan to Go to stoaa4y n dtonand tor morn to laeraaatd Taro waaka ago tha Asks Speakers f e s NT, a la t a d t h a t ba To Se^ More Toys aa the number uMng tha canter t._ opaa all day boya and gbla a ttm — ------cO tnataad a t aott miatoar had Jumpad from atouad rttnn toya aftar a tow daya oAaa. coal for foat On racatpt of tMa tn* greatly tnersasad in the last tgro 400 to Old and graatardfiy tba num- On Ontiiig Sunday wwntbA T in daeimea to anaa tha uhdar tho former plan thay mada grtth* For Use at Center bar that wara toklng toya had la- ratuma each graak. Tbia haa m- Come in Person fe s « toialing aaaUam a t tha oaatar from eriaaad to 78S. It haa baaa found one aad n half boms andi graak to aultad la morn toyn being eaUad for ------hw. that tbo boya aad girto can la tha At this time of the7 1 2 thain m , MbaebaataiPa TD rata win taka •naqr wnridag day tram • ddoak in graatar muabar la tha moralag. ^ " mmmu mwm sfimBi lamssM MUBIUI MP tha momlag to 4 o'eleek fa tho af- tnya that grara In demand last grin* c^ part In tba itata Dapartmant'a aa> Zoning Board o f AppeabImib^ttsdwmthanqum tM ^M m peal grin ba made through tha Taatarday at doabm Uma at 4:30 t n that art now ta storage and a 'W'' Icunloa and ooUng at HItber HUla tamooa baa brought many naw tbara had baaa Mbqya aad girls Faron GunmenUton* lehars to tba aklldran to bring in boya aad glrla to^threantar. l^ereat Upd of toy Is aakad for. Stata Park, Montauk Point, tm g • x-w M .«resss«w sw I room on Lake atraat Tbara grara —used or torokan toys to ba rapalr- who bad takan out to ^ and of thla There am 23 grorUng at tha Toy _ ^ ..^ . eoMKkSbS lalaad all day Sunday. Tba party Presence at Hearings. »• objoetiona to this laquasL ad nt tha WPA Toy Oiater. Tbara Mnea the leadlag aaetloa has been aumbar 79 o f tfeam came la tha Canter. ' «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha will laara Naw London dock at 0 ..*wad each day tba aumbar that ««tM nd took tiM a. A. Cara will ba paiked near tba bagra gone to tha eantar tor toya haa Mki* aatf eoBdaetiag. [dock. Peraoaal appanmnea nt ------By having tha landing aacttea|Read T h e H era ld A d rs. (Smt7 M n . Artlnir Kit- A1 S t Oarmalna at Naw Loadon haaringa rather than aubrntoWon of I opinions by petition or other manna I ^*•0' Mag todajr tor Old Or* la chairman of tba outing and State MUaa^ t o toiaalB g Commander William ABen la In appaarsd to ba tovorad last night MlUkorSaj. charge of tba entertainment by tha Zoning Board of Apponis af- The party will board tba S. S. ter discussion of a raquaat that n| Vkt glMlo of tba OoagktoiB of nrala'* at New London for Montauk apodal aacaptloa ba granted to •t OaMf% pluaied tor thia waak* Point wbera buaea will taka the permit erection of tgro four-famOy I Our Entire Stock of $7.95 aad at fta eettaga of Mr*. Percy , mambera to the park. Baaket luncbea apartroant houasa on Hasmas atraat I [will ba taken aad ewlmmlng aad A petition objecting to the plan, P->i; RMitoana. Blaek Potat has baaa poatpggiad natfl a latar data. garaaa will ba enjoyed. algnad by Mrs. Harry Rylander and The boat grill dock at New Lon* nlna ptbers graa filed, but it grasl don on tba return from Long lalaad argued that if tba objectors eould MUi Oartruda Oardaer la aapaet- at S o'clock Sunday arentag. have aeen tba plana and had baaaf Dresses ad tor a fertaf eM t oa Buaday ty bar poaaeasad o f an tbs tocts, thals ob- paraata. Mr. aad Mra. Joba Oardnar jecUoiu might hare been grlthdragm at ISO Onter ptreat. Mlaa Oardaar' I and favorabla action might tmmo-1 baa baaa wltb tba Cbaatar Rala bal- Sloyd Classes (liataly hava bean taken. Membara For Final Clearance Sale lat riaca tbay opaaad up aarly la of tbo Appeals Board, appearing to May at Baa Mardea'a Riviara, Port Reduced To favor tbs granting of tha raquimt, Im . N. J. tabled action pending further In-1 Exhibit Work v.%- formation. n » MiTlaga at Mlaa Anaa Olea- Tba request tor tha multiple I raga aad Edward A. Haakina wUI Theae dreooeo can be worn for Fall and Winter. dwellings was made by tha Mancbea-1 Mostly dark colora. taka placa toaiorrow aaoralag at 10 Excellent Pieces of Cab- tar Athlatlo aaaodatloa, a group of e’dedi at 8t Bridgat'a cbureh. inet ConstmctloB Are local buaIneaa man grho 28 yaara ago All Sales Final. oporatad a baaaball field on tbo Clibfiaa W. Robaaa, praatdaat of Haynaa atraat land. Harold C. Ai- Displayed at School. Main Floor, Rear. tba Maaebaatar Zoalag board, arlll vord. rapraaonting tba peUttonere, ba tba gnaat apaakar at tba maatlag axplalnad that tto tgro propoaad | The handlgrarb at the aleyd dam- at tba Klwaala ehib, Monday nooa atnicturaa grould bo of Engllah da- at tba Oonatry Qub. Ha will wal- aa at Haaiy MlUar ggaa on aahibi aign and would contain apartmental

eeoM qnaatioaa partalalag to Ita tm* Uon laat night la the baaamaat at to rant for 160 monthly. Tbo nolgh- portaat ragnlatloaa. H m pilaa will borhoed grould bo Improved by tha| tha Barnard achool aad tha aaaort* ba toratihad by Dr. P. P. BuabaaU. mant o f grerk gma ylagrad during addition of tbasa houaaa. It graa Al- vord*a griaw. tha oyaalng by ISO paranta at tha New Handbags Bolton Orange grOI bold ita aample and their Maada. Many ak> Onurt Baqaatoa ftdr tbia aeanlng at the Oommuntty X t placaa of cafalnot ggork, la* Raid ever from tha laat masting TOD CAN l OI l D AND OWN THIS For Early Fall Wear ban In Bolton Oentar. The doom eluding IS book caaaa, 10 oad at ta- which tlma action gras postponed, tha raquaat o f Mra. Dinah Fox graa grin open at diM. blaa and flvo daaks on grhleh Stanulatad leather handbags In tha antra amount of Sno grork grantad laat night Mra. Eon iiad Quiliwof VACATION COTTAO grained Zapona, also genuine Suedea. Tba Impraaalaii at local Sahratloa- dona, grara abown. paUtlonad that aha might altar the Colom: BUck, Brown, Wine, Navy. MSi that Oommladonar Bdirard 3. Included alno in tba aahlMtloa seat aide of a duplex dgrelling'at 08 Bmbar tba Salvation Army graa waa a flna Prtodlla aewlng caMnat Garden atreet Into tgro three room AS lASILY AS YOU BUY A CARI at apartments. alaetad to anecaad Oaaeral Evan* aad a Martha Waataington daaign gaSaa Booth, la ballaved to haya aawlag cabinet, a Colmlal aarly Backed by tbs support of many I ’ baard of bnytog a fw lijii arloeo from tba aaira that Obmmla* mapla mirror, a gralnut book caao local realdenta, tba petition of Jia “paekaga,'* jnat the way yon wonld.b^_____ • o r a n y t h i n g Menar Parker waa elected praaidaBt with lino moulded odgoa and i Mancheatar Truat company, acting •toe? Th o ^ ^ y e n jad to ^ ^ ^ let o f i 1 h u U v i i h i a l a , ea* aa truataa for tba Tinker estate, dC tba ngh CbaneO, which ia at Quaan Anna upholatared fOotatooL f tl.00 snaanC m aat!i« m London and Thera waa a mltcellaneoua aa- asking that tha old Wells street ar- moi^ ate.? aortmant of wall ahelvaa, comer mory might ba renovated and used lallettlag tor a aneeaaaor to raUr- that tor y on -offats you a *'aaa-stop^ aenriea, hd|^ yon aewee Mg Oanaral Booth. The Oounefl to Bhelvea, tool cbeata, lagm chalta for sports events, gvaa grantad. Just tha oottage yon grant from mvaral attraetiva designs by tora- and faaoa, magaalne racka, ping R waa atated that about 18,000 •anmoaad ad S4 pratoioaat effieam asoat architaeta, quotas you oaa aU-inchiidgra pries ivith coava- the army from an dear tba grotid pong table, dlah and tie racks, tow- gvorth o f grork wlU ba done on the I el racka, Mioa racka, desk sets and atnictura In which once grere held ^ t monthly payments. Your vacatiea cottage is boflt by a quail. New Fall Sweaters twMhird aujority toraqnirad Sad contractor who to a nMmbcr ^ the Guild. And you grt a better M ahet a bead. Two etbar Amarican many other ktaida of amaU grork. all laXdlng thw trlcala and aporta Por tbo moat part thla imallar attractiofia In the togm. Thera graa eottan too. Jbhna-Manville cn^Mctteg atandmde make It eafer Short sleeve cardigans and alij^ nmmhtoiioiia, Alesandar Damon from fire, weather aad wear, raduoe the upkeep expeuee to a mini. ons. All new shades. and Btotjamia Oramaa hago been work was by the beginning slktb aome quaation aa to whether Mrs., . Consult irlth m l 1 aa proapacUya eandldatan. grade atudants. Sophia Oryk aupportad or oppoaed During tba eight weeks aaaalon tha petition to renograta the old hall. AMI MS A mm c a r r m r

^ litUa and Lorralna Ran* I of Bloyd wofk, bagim on Juno 96 It waa undaratood aha had favored

ad B ir t atraat, with frienda and eloaad thla graek, 120 atudant tha plan, but In a lattar written by • b a w i $ 1.98 workara grara ragtatorad and aneta her son, Waalsy O. OrjA, It gras ba- ftmm, N. T , haya bean I Iwggm e t a * u d » Mg soma Mam at Hammen* ona attending completed at least Uaved aha opposed the Idad...... -| II ^ wHiai one project—soma complatad aay- Orantad to Fred Schatachnaldar I araL Pupils paid the cost o f tbair waa permiaalon to erect a milk room

matartola plus tan oanta due by at Broad and lAckwrood atraeta. Tha the beglnnam and 20 cents from at lea a aapv. «• \ 't Ka Pa Ontiiig Plans advanced ttudenta to help defray SaalWa ooat of tho eouraea.

Are Now Complete Some of tho better placaa of P E R F E C T f o r e v e r y d a y work ware dona by tha foUogrlng Fdr a Tasty hojrs: Craig Balebar, Charlas Hath- Luncheon. away, Tbomaa Sm j^a and Eldan Dinner or TH E W. G. GLEN N EY CO. WltoDo each complatad modaralatic OanI, Lumbar, Maaana* guppHea, Faint daaka; John Buckley made an aarly , . Snack, ootbig at T^op At the . . I Na. Mnin gtmat IW. 41tt Mancheatar Ito. TX. Knlgbta at mapla Colonial mirror ahowlng to bo BM nakt Sunday at good workman ahlp. John Hyda graa . -* .1 2 ? ^ .WOppiag. AcUyl^ tba makar of tha Sna Quaan Anna IW1WUM OP Win MABmu MATCHAU gat nadarway^ lo o’clock upholatared footstool and Waltar ****tog toit tor tboda unable lAdamy complatad a walnut booh PRINCESS ad at that hour a bua grin cuiiDLUPv HorriE.s n n o oaaa with moulded edges. John free traaaporUtlon from I Brown mado a taibla of figured rad > ban at X o’clock bi tba gumwood. Eldan Marks made ona Rwataurant HomE i mpRouEmEnTS Oaenar OlalB and Feari Btrmto of tba bast pleoas In the axhlblUoo, “pjaojrting to toaa to mambara a Colonial daak. Edgrln McCann did Sfn.totonda of linnA Hot doga, aoma fina grork on a Martha Waah.

•*“ * ooiraa grin ba ington aewlng cabinet. AU of tho wallabla at the grotinda. The places grere waU finished, atalnsd. totornoen'a program grin Includo a rubbed and pollabad. muabar of aporta eventa for which pciaaa erlU ba awarded aa well aa The members of tha a a y ^ classes were at tha achool this gUM aad other amusementa. Thera For rfiatr baanty, fcr parfcct fit tor win be dancing aU day. morning settUng up for th ^ lum- bar and materlala and ta k l^ tbair extra-long tronble-fraa wear, gra don't Tba road win ba poated from know a dollar ftoddng to mstch tMa wapping center to make the Orova handlgrork home. auperh 4-thrtad. h'a ear 'beat adler* ^ tod greath* ar. the outing win ba held Juat the bacaaaa lt% pcrlact h r egrtry day gvaar. SATURDAY- to*to but ia the dance ban at the OroTA Donald McPhermn la ebatr- STYLl 9 9 9 4 .T H 9 t A D SHEE9

ttoaSai?* **® ^‘*“ *" «torga of

" Final Day of MASONS* SUPPLIES . . .

pr. ^ ^^ t Mato Strati m . gigg 1-00


_ gPnUTDAL MEDfCM Sold EzdnsiYely aavanth OangMar of a Seventh Bon Borgi With A Veil In Manchester By Ike

”** «« Itonr • A. M. to • F. M. Manchster Lumber Brand New Arrivals!

ft* " P»«pto toe se Tema ft Fuel 0>.

in Chnreh Btreet, Rartfard. rg


*" _



A’ Contractor and Builder ~ Codling, F u r i i i ^ s


REPAHtDiG A SPECIALTY Feature G roup. Jl,19

«8 Hollister ftreet XeL GSSO Others flA S to 18,96 . And Footwear.

• tn baeeme nil agta, tonturtag naw Felts, Rayona, Vaivatx Crapsf aad Fetarahnms.

«f tha Fan Saasoa’s elavereat toahiotia — Bustle Backs, ; Bamta, Naw Brims, Small Hata aad Bretons — in aU Priced Right For Quick Sale - Oelan: Bto* Brown, Navy, Tuscan Onpa, Moan

Aac. houses at MIDtoMy 0 ^ t„ Mata floor, Baar. „ S o S A N D S 7 2 woodland STREET

WE GIVIS jWC (BfliitSW rAlg

MMOMCB C a U F U N — . O W N E R Fran

• "•FBay. Paridnf In Rear JW.HAU of AtiiMOIll T l CONIH Stors