Portland Daily Press: February 24,1871
.oruaiMi j-crins i>any Pr^ per annum, in advance. rW,t i INSURANCE. BONDS. •^published rt3y (Sundays excepted) b BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS directory. Portia.Punishing Co.. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE SIX'PER CENT. treasury department, DAILY At ins Exchange PRESS Stbebt. Portland. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE # Washington, Feb 4,1871. Advertising Aeonev Public is EBMs:—EigUt Dollars a Tear In advanci COMPANY, notice hereby eiven, that boots will! e POIiTLAM). opened a‘dveBT„e. OF NEW YOKE. on tbe sixth day ot March next, in this coat | and GOLD try in umj.e, lor sub-criptions to tbe .Nation The illahic stutc Press F. 8. President. BONDS, Loan, under the Act WINSTON, B. A. 3I.CIBDY, Vice President. anproyc.l July 14,1870,entitle Free from Government Tax. J',a, f,®1aiitbonzj tbe Refunding 01 the NhMou8 I Agricultural Implements A FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1871. --- 8ee«u ‘‘u‘e‘idui8“1 .bii'liubcd every Thcksdav Morning a t CO; OF IOWA, La*rc'lt' arhrovc 1 BAWYEK * No. #» no WOODKOKI), 119 Ex.-hanrc a if in at $2.00 I Made Ja.'uary’20,'lse7Ltt'" St! year; paid advance, January Jst, 18M, to the Commissioner of Maine. sat Which year bttiU ai>J snbscrto'lons tray be made Portland, Rutland, O uuJ e9t"rpeJ-10 first-class [manner tbe wego i'hirsgt Pori land and Railroad *utbor**' Aaents 01 the Gov Auctioneer. anon”0'7 ■ Ogdcnsburg w"* b® announ.-ed Railroad. Bates of Advertising.—One inrh of ASSETS.$44,009,155.78, (All Cash.) 8'i°“8" liereaner. 1 he 1.ratios C.
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