


VOL. 12. NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 25, 1871. NO; 296.

^bocrtiecmcnta. Bankers and Br.' kers. Bankers and Brokers. B. B. Ferrill & Co., Dodge, Kimball Adrgrtlnmsnta will be tosertMl «t th* foUawlBg & Moore rlo«» per Une lor each liuertloa Gonunlasloo Slercbaiita ft Brokers, BANKERS, W - U WUl glre strict personal attention to all bnslneas '. M W •• " entrusted to them. Consignments respectfully soUcl- GOTERNnENT SEOVBITIBS, II a 8 " ted. 14 WALL STREET. N. T. It the edTerttBement occnples one oolaoin or np- Collections promptly remitted. warJe, e dlwuuot of IS per cent on thew rates wUl be P. O. Box 4,306. ellowed. Sptce Is meuored In sgsM type, 14 Uses to the A. C. Kaufman, :uoa. Duncan, Sherman & Co., AdTertlaoraonts will have a favorable place when BANKEB & BROKER, rst put lu, but no promise of oontmuoos Iniiiirtiun In No. 11 Nassan St., New Tork Oltr, be best plHcu can be Klven, as all advertisers must OHABLESTON, S. O. ttve equal opportunities. DSALS RxeOLARLV IK TDK FOLLOWINa LlNX OF ISSUE CIRCDXAR NOTES AND CIRCULAB DSSISABLS SOUTUSBN SjlOITBlTZSS, TIZ.: Letters or Credit available and payable In all tha

PRINCIPAL CITIES ; also In the _ South Curolina SUte Bonds; Charleston City OF THE WOULD Stock Onlted States, Canada and West Indies. 1. The CHROKICLK has much the largest clronla- : Savannah City Bonds; Augusts City Bonds; ilan Memph a v of any ODanclal publication iaauea. ity Bouds and Coupuns ; Nashville Teleerauhl2 Transfers of to and Lon- City Money from c'roulatlon Bonds and Ooupous ; Tennesae State Cou- don, , San Francisco, Havana, Ae. «?• t<* extends to business mea In BOTH SOiif South Carolina Killruad Bonds (Sevens and WeriSANClAL and COMMKKClAL branches, and Ues): •ISO South Carolina Rallruad Stock ; ^o^th Eastern Current Accounts received on such terms as may b to a very nnineroos class ot rotirnu merchants, Ballroad moDefea B >nds CEUhts) ; UroenvUle and Coluinhla agreed, upon. men and Inrestors, who are not eofaKed In ita lroa.l Boads; Savannah recular business. and Charleston Railroad Bonds (Reven. and Sixes) ; M-mpltla and charleatou t. It Is preserved on Die by subscribers, and thus Railroad Bond, Oeor>cla Railroad and City Securltlea. posiesses sgreat advantage for adverilaers, over thaise South i.arulma, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Evans, Wharton & Co., pabllcatlons which are habitually thrown aside after Alabama and Virginia Uncurreut Bank Notes. perusal, OoUectiona Becelve Especial Attention BANKERS AND BROKERS, Wn. B. DANA & CO., I STREET, Wm. Pabkjib, Samitsi. Lawb«ko«. BROAO NEW TORK. FUBLISHKRS, Member oi N. Y. Stock Exchange and Gold Board. If * 81 William at., N T, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections promptly ^~ For terms ot Sabacrtptlon see Parker 8c Lawrence, made. Stocks, Bonds and Gold bought and Sold on Commission. fU> pace. Successors to Kellogg & Parker, BANKEBS & BROKEBS, No. 1 WALL SIBBET, NEW YORK. Texas Cards. Stocks, Bonds and Qold Bought and Sold on Com. Bankers and Brokers. mission. Dealers In American and > oreign Gold and Silver, Government Securities, &c Collections made Jho. J. COBUt, p. L. CoBsjr, Jobs JjiT CoHXK. lu all parts of the Country. North Eastern Texas. Jno. Cohen 8c Sons, eiO. L. HOLKSS. ALBZ. KAOBXTB, J. Collections an ic made on accessible points by BANKKBS BBOKEBM.' _ AUGU8IA, O/i, Holmes & Macbeth, ,, .. JAKES ic Collections made on all paru ABBITCKLB CO., of the United States. STOCK AMD BOND BROKERS, BANKERS, OHARLESTON, S.O. John Craig, Key box 44. ' JeSrerson, Texas. Banker, Aacnata, ea. «JSV*n'''w*S''?"''2 P»i'' '" "« Purchsse and sale oJ Oold. Bank Notes, Bonds, Blocks, Foreign and Uomes- Wlliam C. Oilman, Moore & Wilson, ^o""*"'"* ' ' "»»<'» and proceeds prompt- (Successors to H. M. Mooraj I '"i t«f D1AI,SB IS INSrBANOB SCBIP, BANKERS, BBTAN, TEXAS. Coll'-otlons promptly remitted. Correspondents la Winslow, Lanier & Co., ASD New York—Messrs. W. P. Converse ft Co. BANKERS, Fire and narine Insurance Stock, O, B. JOBMS, . a. BIRBT, J7 PINK r. BVBBBTT. W. BTUiiLT, NEW TORE. 48 Flue Street, comer of William Street, M.Y. VOX XOSSKBBBa ReeelTe the accounts of Interior banks, bankers, corporations and Merchants. C. R. Johns & Co., Agenu for the sale of City, Cubbedge County and Ballroad & Hazlehurst, TEXAS LAND AOENGT, Bonds, Issue Letters of Credit for foreign travel. BANKERS AND BBOKERS, BASKING 4k KZCHANQB, MACON, GA. AUSTIN, TEXAS. Pnrohsse and sell real estate, pay taxes and adJnat Lawrence Make Collections, and do a cieneral Banking and Titles, proaecnte Land and money claims against tha Brothers & Co. Brokerage Business. State and Federal Ooveramaots; make collections. Receive deposits and ezecuta Trusts. BANKEBS REFER TO EAST BITBH NATIONAL BANE. AND BTOCK COMM18810K OKK A. Klsui, 0. 0. Flowbiui. Gse. M. Ki.a[ii BBOKBBB, Presluent, Vice-President. Cashier. L. Leonard & Co., No. J. 16 irall Street, New York. Mississippi Valley Bank, BANKEBS, DepoelU received from Banks, Bankan, MarohanU TERUINCS or CKMIUAL SAaRUAD and others, A BANK OF DISCOUNT AUD DEPOSIT, subject to check at sight, m with banks vicKSBVRo, CoUeoUons made lu aU parts ol the Dnltsd BIMee. ' miss. Kossa, Texas. M, Y. Correspondent:—Bank of tha Manhattan Co, WB. a. I<0BT, I GSOBSB W. JAOXSOB, Cbxs. J. Late Fort 4b Trica. I LaU Cashier Ut Nat. Jusaa, T. P. Beakob, Joe. 8. BiAir Bank Pres't. OaUlpoUa, Vlce-Pres'U Cash'r. E. Judson Hawley & Co. O Merchants & Planters Bankers, Fort & Jackson, E. BANKEKS. NATIONAL BANK, JimsoH aAWi,aT, Mo. 50 WALL STREET, ALFBan W. llABTI,BTr, New fork* WAOO, tkLas. ACQUBTA. OA. RarBBBBtna abd CoakasraBOBBOBi—New York Qovernmsnt Seoorltias, Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Ex- Winslow, Lanier 4k Co„ Uavid Oows 4 Co. Ctncii*. Oaali Capital, change and Mercantile Paper bought and i>N »800,000 sold natl : First National Bank. Merchaats National Bank, COMMlbbiON, Interest allowsd Louisiana l»P««t»t MMMtUVtt paid to OB i^eposlts. whlou iiew Orleans : National Bank, Whelass 4k C9U««U«NW, bs checked for at sight r fiatt. Baaken. Ualvestoa : T, U. MoMabaa * ti«. :

226 THE CHUONICLE. [February 25, 1871. ^

r I. Bankers and Brokers. Bankers and Brokers. Foreign Bills.

H, EiTMOND. I. D. F08TBB. I. O. BiBinir. O. M. K. Jesup & Company, Bowles Brothers & Co., Raymond Co., Barney, & BANKERS AND DIERCHANTS, PARIS, LONDON BOSTON. and Brokers, 12 PINB STREET, Banker* 19 WILLLAM STREET, N. Y., 5 Wall Street, Neeotlatii isstiB,; Late P17I.ESTON, BAIflKOND dc Co. Bonds and Ijoans for Railroad Cos., contract for Credits for Travelers In Europe, Iron or Steel Ralls, IiOCOiu^tlTes, Exchange on Paris and the Union Bank ol London, In Cars, etc. sums to suit. and undertake Leonard, Sheldon&Foster Subscription agents for the Cheonicli In Paris. BANKERS, all bnslnes*> connected tvltb Rallnray 10 WALL STREET, S. G. & G. C. Wai^p,, Blake Brothers & Co., New York. AOENTS POB 58 trail Street. New ITork. BARING BROTHERS & GOIHPANV. AND 6* WALL STREET, NEW TOKK. 88 ST4.TK STREET, 30BT0N Duff & Tienken, as STATE 8 RKET, BOSTON. EXCHANGE ON LONDON BROKERS, Credits, BANKERS AND John Pondir, And Sterling 15 WALL BTBEKT, NEW YORK. COMMERCIAL PAPER. BROKER, DEALERS IN Wm. H. Duff, John H. Tienkkn, Bay and Sell Massactanssotts and New York State Members ol the N. T. Stock and Gold ExcUauges. In GoTernment Bonds, Excbange, Gold and Stocks, Stocks. and Government Securities Securities Stocks Bonds and Gold Stocks, Bonds, Gold No. 44 EXCHANGE PLACE, Government bought and sold. joaght and sold strictly on Commission. ForeUii Gold and Silver Coin, and fine Gold and Particular attention given to the negotiation of Silver Bars, constantly on hand. Kallway and other Corporate Loans. Interest allowed on Deposits. Union and Central Paclllc Bonds and Stocks a spe- cialty. Williams &Gu I ON, J. M. waiTH. Gbo Abbkts 63 Wall Street, New York. James C. King & Co., TRAVELLERS ana COMMERCIAL CREDITS M. Weith & Arenti., ISSUED, available in all parts of Kurope, *c. BILLS BANKERS, J. OF EXCHANGE dJ-awn in sums to suit purchasers Late J. M. Welth & Co., also Ciible tranf^fere. eupplied with Bills of Ex •N (/ 6.6: BROADWAY. Country Bankers can he DEALERS IN SOII'I'HERN AND MIS- chanRe, m large or Bniall amouiitt;, on the principal of also V 'licketa for lassai^e from, GK)Vornment Securities, Stocks, Bonds. Gold and CULIiANl'IUUS St'CURITIES, cities l-.urcpe, hh or to, K'lrope.bv the GUION L1>'K of Mail Meaniers Foreign Exchange. No. 9 SiREET. Certiflcatea ol Deposit. NEW ADVANCES Made UPON CONMGNMEKT8 oF Issue Cor- Interest allowed on current daily balances. COTTON, and other Produce to OursclveB or Loans Negotiated. respondents. Collections made on all parts of tlie United States Aiid Europe. Alex* 8. Petrla 6c C^m Gulon 6l Co. A. D. Williams & Co., London. Liverpool. Knauth,Nachod&Kuhne STOCK BROKERS, BANKERS, 45 Wall Street, New York. Brown Brothers & Co., Stocks and Bonds NO. 69 ITALL STREET, Nenr Ifork, Vjelpzls, Saxony, AND BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. ISSCS

BR}AD ST. 8S BRUIIL. . DENIS'N WILLIAMS. I J. P. WILLIAMS, of the Member of the Commercial and travelers Credits Men)ber 1

. York Stock Bxchang.-. I N. York Stock Exchange. DRAW IN sums XO SUIT Available in all parts ol the vporld all the principal cities of , Switzerland England, , , , Holland, Bel- gium, Russia, , , , &c. .BANKING HOUSE OF Kaue Letters of <'redtt for I'raTclers, Morton, Bliss Co., available In all parts of Europe. KouNTZE Brothers, & ISSUE 14 Wall Street. Netv York. CIRCULAR NOTES. SxoKEk, Taylor & Co., Deposits received fr»m Banks and Individuals, sub (issued and paid free of Commission) and letters ol ect to check at sight, and interest allowed thereon at BANKERS. fOUR PER CENT per annum. Credit foi Collections made throushout the United States, th€ 21 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. Brltlslk Provinces and Europe. TRAVELLERS,: Sight and Time Bills on LONDON, LIVERPOOL, Governments Securities bought and sold. EDDJBUliQH and DUBLIN, PARIS^ BREMEN, ALSO, BAMBIIRO, BKBLIN, FBANKFORT-ON-T HE- COmmERCIAL MAIN, VIENNA, etc. CREDITS. and STOCKS, BONDS GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Available in all parts of the world on on COMMISSION. Money to Loan COLLECTIONS made In all parts of Europe. ON MORTON, ROSE & CO'^ DBSIRABLE liEAL ESTATE. LONDON. nORTGAGES PROMPTLY CASHED. R, L. Edwards, Principals only Dealt wltb. WM. SINCLAIR, Jr., & Co., No. S Pine Street. ir KER AND BROKER, Tapscptt, Bros. & Co. NO. 83 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. 86 SOOTH STREET, NEW YORK. JP. O. Bojt 3,328. John Munroe & Co., 'Government Si'curltles, Stocks, Bonds Gold and Issue Sight Drafts and Exchange payable In al SUver Ooln bought and Sold. No. 8 trail Street, New fork. parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Special attention given to Merchants orders for Credits on W, TAP8C0TT & CO., Liverpool. A4- Coin. Issue Circular Letters of Credit for Travellers, and Draw Bills on 7ances made on consignments. Orders for Gov ment Stocks, Bonds and Merchandize executed. Cammann & Go., Munroe & Co., Bankers and Brokers, NO. 1 RUB SCRIBE, PARIS, and Tucker, Andrews & Co. 8 Wall Street, New York. NO S4 CLEMENT'S LANE, 52 nrall Street, Transact a GxKxa«i, bansiso Bdsinsss, and iiivo LONDON. 6articular attention to the PURCHASE ANL> Sa E JAS. tr. TCCKER FGOVEKNMKNT.bTATBAMDolAlLKOADSKCU- & CO*, UITIKS. -Hue Scribe, Paris -—Deposits received subject to check at sight. Chase & Higginson, BANKERS. BROKERS IN Issue Letters ol Credit. Government Securities, Stocks, Draw Bills on Paris. State Buy and Sell Bonds and Stocks In London, Paris Stout & Dickinson, and Railroad Rouds, and Franiffort and negotiate Loans on same. NO. 6 BROAD STREET, BANKEKSi Buy and Sell on Commission the Bonds of the Xollov- 35 BROAD STREET, Ing Rtiltroads Agency of .the , "l!Eei?i'NS^?^^5S'.?c'Hifs'^-5 p^?ifn7 "^"^ Cor. Exchange Place, Now York, "'^ BANK. OF RRtTISH N O >K T H I 'VN"iSV^^^^eS?'^''' «'^^^' RAILROAD Gov«rniB»»t-8ecnritieB, Gold, Stock and Bonds oonght and sold on commission. Accounts received ^^^v^i^XONAK-p MISSOURI RIVER KAILEOAD HNASSAU STREET. and Inte est allowed on balances, which may be (.ii> IN M3i.A"rii.A)—8 per cent, checked lor at sight same as at Clank. Commercial Credits Issued fo-r use ip Kurope, China , the l tsi nnd West Ihdles. and South America. ''*gL^?'p|^VSLSlAD'-SfSfd«,Op^ef?enP'*^^"^ ' Dfmnnd and Tli'ic liUls of KxchaiiK'*, payable 111 Tentb Nat. Bank. ^'=""' ^^^ »lji-F BAIL- Loadou and elsewhere, bought and hold at curren PT AT?^§^^i?S'?;-yA'i,'V'.'=»"l™' "'^^^Sl^!;^^^' ' *••"""" °f rates, also cable Transfers. ^^uI^MiZif}''^''''- ^- ^- '"»'='' »' <» HOWaRD^C. ^"^ OALYESTON Demand Drafts on Scutland and Ireland, also on , filCKJSSON.MeoJier ol N. Y. stock ''^iXIJSIlfi'lO^^rTe^nt"'"'' | Canada, BrUlhli Columbia and 8ari Francisco. Bills coUectedf and other itanklng business transacted. -^^ «*°"'-^^ R^ JOHN PATON, ''°'^0AI^5erc'e'^^^'°^ 1 ( A„^«t. '

'Fp1,r.inrv'2r,, 1871.] THR OHKONICLE. 2?7

Boston Bankers. Western Bankaza.. Southern Bankers.

Page, Second National Bank, Richardson & Co., Edward C. Anderson, Jr. BANKKHm, TITUSyiLLK, VBNN., 10 Mlat*.>Urf>ot, Uoaton. flapltal ..... sauo.OOO BANKitR, FACTOR ARB ofEzoliai. iinorclnl and Tr>T«lsrt uudoa >)ep ^LONDON. O. HYDie, Caahier. CHAB. KTDK Preat. Robert Bouaou & Co.,) SaTannali, Cla. iTlunroa 4c Go. I NATIONAL BANK Or THB 8TATB AKU VCABIS. OP miSSOVRl. Bpaal^l attention given to couslgnnienta of Cotton. niareuard, Audr* ic Co., ) 0old, StuckH, lionds. aud KorelKQ and Domeatla kxchange, iiouitht and ,i',i,|. Ulraaikr Notu aviillntilu (or Tr«vel(>n la all |>»rt« o( 1 11 St. Louis. ' Kurupti aud tbd Kaal. Colleciluns nrontjiTi . ,r Orders i EBTABLIBUBD 1837. sollcltt;d Ir,i ,

ANKSKS, St DBVONSRIUK BTBBET. . fio^- . 1 llul'llon W. BOSTON, """F iiteotion J. Wheatley & Co., BAXKER.S ANI> ijLMmii ii.iittiTiv.N, iTi's. I'luK. K. Dif-KKo.v.VPrcat BRORRdS. Bur and aoU IVeateru Cltjr and Ooiut« HuvAMD V. CuB-tu i;astU«r AlTIER'icCS, OA. (>' bonds. 0o a general bink^ng hnidnevs: Cotton pnrehaaad on order. CoUecUoua made and proiup'ly remitted lor, - Mo&ton, Galt &; Co., New York Coriewondeals— Messrs. Wm. Bryea Philddelpiua Bankers. B.«NKER8,

' IM Weat Main Strcei, l.ouisvUle, Ely., dealera Id PontKnand Dnmeltic K»oh»nio, OOTernmentBoBde E. E. BtTsBtrss, Prest: • A. & WaXKBB. Cashtar. audaJlLocal Sucurltlu.^. (tl%'e proiupt attauUon to eolloctlous aud onicrs for BKJamisoi^&.Co. inve«ttueiit ol funds. First ^Natidri^l Bank, C. I iril^NCTONj.N. ; W. M.-Fi-iHEWSON,' UANKBlCii, iCoUectlons mads on «1 p;«rts ol the United Stataa. PUII.ADEI.PHIA. : STOCK BnOKERi I Office No. 21 West Tlilrd street, Clrtclnnatl, Ohio. !>:inklnK aiia Uanka. KxchaDgo business !5S'^^;r,'''= >" P""-'"!"'" aJKl »le«r«. lOUH- a Sale o( Slovi.8, UoQdt, Gold W(H>t» A Co.. Npw York. Raleigh National Bank OF NORTH CAROLINA. SAutJbern Bankers. DESIGNATED DKPHSllOltY OF THK UNITBD Western Bankers. 8TA1ES A.ND ilNA^ClAL AGENT. W, H, Wiij,ABD, President, C. Dkwbt. Cathlar A. C. Kaufman, J. C. Blau Aast.-Casbler. BAITKEK aWD BROKER, < GiLMORE, DUNLAP Co., j & CHABLB8TON, 8. O. James T. Brady & Co., 108 4c 110 West Fonrtk stroat, (Snccessors to S. JONES & CO Pncnrrent Bank Notes, Bonds, Stoclu, Specie Bx- cnaiigc. Ac , Ac, liouj^lit aud sold. VlNGINI«JkTI«OHIO. PITTSBVBiDBt, FA. COLLECTIONS ON ALL ACCESSIBLE Buy and seU all kinds' o( B»llr9.itd, City and othar POINTS securicies. Us tiOI.D, SILVKR and aU ktanSf CoUectloua solicited and promptly remitted for. In South Carolina made and QOTBBNnBNT BONDS. promptly remitted for,

Naw TOBK COfUtZaPOHOBNTS : Beury Cloyia Co.. Koontze L. & E. H. Levy «OI.I.BOTION8 MABB at all acCMtlMi * .„, .„ ^ :. Brothers, J. J. M, ^^tb « Areau. brokers; petata aad ramiUad lor adiio • ,', and otber The C t y B a n k BANKER!) AND STOCK AND BX> CHANCiJ£ BttOKMRS, OF SELIdA. Xf permlMlon, in CHICAGO, to No, 1113 main. Street, fKlcbiuond, ya "WLB \Uun, President Union Nat. Bank. Capital - . . . . • BRO WN, LAN.CASTEK UAKRSJN, Fr<:»l. .Tfttm <-iif .v. W. H. Blrnrn .1 r Jokawii. bet. J Tranaaot a {.eneral B.inklns bnal. Heydcn B. Manning, sln(«r, V John ncaa, InolndioK tbe purotaaaeaad aale Wm. blackw ' 'I, i-nini, llANKEU AKD UUOBLBR, I ore, CurtU. J Tifler of OoTernnaamt and State Bonda. Rail' NO. « BROAD STKBET. Nf^^ . ... .:...;,.ST road Stocka and Bonda. and otka Vint Natlouai Bank Special attention glren .4 Southern Soeorltlas. and «r New Torka lUvnaatloa oouoernlug then iorolshed. ••lurltlM, on comiaUalon, : : :

[February 26, 1871. 228 THE CHRONICLE. - '"- Financial. Insturanoe. Financial. atARINE IHBUBAWCB. Treasury Department. Drexel, Winthrop & Co.y 18 TFALI. STREET, HO. n WALL BTBEET. WASBUioToir, February 4, 1871." OFFZB FOB BALB, Public notice la hereby given, that books will be this coun- opened on the sixth day of March next, in Houston and Texas Central Ball- try and in Europe, for subscriptions to the National -way Company Merchants' Mutual Loan, under the Act approved July 14, IBJO, entitled " An Act to authorize the Refunding ol the National FIRST MOUTGAGE LAND GiiANT BlNBaCNGFUND ntABINE INSUBANCB CO., Debt," and the Act in amendment thereof, approved CALIFORNIA. January 20, 1371. OF 8AH FBANCISCO, Tue places at which subscriptions may be made, and Per Cent Gold Bonds. the names of the authorized Axents of the Govern- 7 Assets I ment, will be announced hereatter. The proposed Secured by a First Mortgage upon 6.400 acres per three classes of Bonds, namely U.9.Bon4« *VrS'fS2!n loan comprises mile, una upon the whole ana entire line of road, Ite KedEiute '""(SS S Arauchlfies aud propeity ol every uescilptlou. 330,000 00 hundred mil- Loans o I Bondi »nd Mortgago. FiBBT. Bonds to the amount of Ave Loans on ColUteraH ^'SS 22 lions of dollars, payable in coin, at the pleasure of Cash In Bank. *c eVTJ M RBCSIIPTS INiGOliD COIX. Bills Receivable *i>«l» 88 the United States, after ten years from the date of Premlanjs In hands ol Agents „ ,„ „ their issue, and bearing interest, payable quarterly ana In conrae ot coUecuon.. »2i;05 OPXBATIKO Ul MlLM. OPBKA.TING 166 MlLES "S in coin, at the rate of five per cent per annum. Other woperty lbtt9. 1870. Jff^ ,801,W6 M bxc02n>. Bonds to the amount of three hundred $ly047,82T 65. $1,638,430 00 'IlUttest millions of dollars, payable In coin, at the pleasure of the United i'tates, after fifteen years from the date 1971, were $218,000. gold. Lomei In eonrse oJ adjnatment »«8,8« 00 The receipts for January, Bequlre-i to re-Insure outstand- of their Issue, and bearing Interest, payable quarter '1 he litt earnings for the year 1870 wtre more than Ing Risks samcientto jiay Lhe iiitereb^ upon $13,000,0UU, or over ^?SS7S ly In coin, at the rate of four and a half per cent per i&sut; oi Bouds. Bills payable for re-Insnrance. 1,807 18 „„ __ „ three times the present Total XlabUlUa |1SS,877 88 annum. Tiie aSAn ot culs ..ompauy have been examined by many capitalists, wh«j have .'uvesied largely in the Thzbp. Bonds to the amount of seven hundred xionas, aud we are confl.dent that a careiul scrutiny Income andeafest scruiiuy millions of dollars, payable In coin, at the pleasure of will prove thtm to be the beat now CUh Prcmlnmi |!i60,459 33 otlerea in ihis market. uwx»..InUretw *e»o is,*>33 31 the United States, after thirty years f^om the date of ; ,384,081 R£XEI«, WlNXfiLROP OlTldends to Siookholders 90,(kJ0 OO following order, namely »804,18» 43 18 WALL BTRKBIT. FissT. Bubecrlban for equal J. B. 8C0TCHLER, President. amotmts of each class JABBZ HOWXB. Ylca-Fresldant. of bonds, B. W. BOITBNiC, Secretarj-. Sxooxs, Subscribers tor equal amoimts ot bonds Safe Investment. bearing fnterest at the rate of four anda half per cent and of bonds bearing interest at the rate of Ave per cent. The attention of Capitalists iscaUed;ta the ~£k. ^Z California Insurance Co. Teibd, Subscribers for five per cent bonds. FIRST nORTGAGE 'When a subscription Is made the subscriber will be SAN FKANCISCO, CAI.. OF required to deposit two per cent of the amount there- of, to be accoimted for by the Government when the Assets : Seven Per Cent Bonds bonds are delivered ; and payment may be made either Baal Estate tM.OOO CO In coin or In bonds of the United States known as Loans on Pond and Mortgage. 160,560 00 Interest due on do . 670 00 FIVE-TWENTT BONDS, at their par value. The coin Cash In Bank. &o 14,848 99 received in payment will be applied to the redemption Loans on Collaterals 61.SUU 00 PEKIN 4: JACKSONVItl-B Premiums In hnnds of Agents of five-twenty bonds. PEORIA, and In course of collection... 89,166 85 The bonds will be registered or Issued with coupons RAII^ROAD GOniPANlf, Premlom Notes 18«« 10 as may be desired by subscribers. Regl8tere

Lossrs, and . Taxes Kxpensts. . . ,91,374 40 nated by the Secretary of the Treasury. East aud West but having its principal connection SlTldends to Btockhoiders M,000 00 the Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific 1177,377 40 GEO. 8. BOI7TirEI.I,, with that of Company, At Jacksonville it coniects with ihiee 0. T. HOPKINS, Preeldent. Secretary of the Treasury. Jacksonville Llvislon of the S. B. TICKNOB, Vice-President. Roads forming, with the Z. OBOWkLL, Secretary. Chicago and Alton jKoad, the shortest line between BxirroH Coz, 1 and St. Louis. Hobaob Manttel, > General Dahibl Drew, Peoria Wm. H. HnTOHiHBOS,) I'artners. Special Partner. Its rental receipts fi-om other Roads, whose trains less than ten miles of Its track, are $10,100 The ntercbants' pass over and California In- annum, being more than one half oi the amount snrance Compaiiles Kenyon Cox & Co., ner of San Francisco, of the annual interest on its First Mortgage Bonds, bavins established a Joint Agency for eiisilng busi- In BANKERS 4c BROKERS, otherwise amply provided by lu this city, -vrUl effect Insurance on ness. n WALL BTBBET. A portion of the $l,000,OOOof First Mortgage Bcids, aforesaid, the high character of which for Investment Government Securities, Stocks, Bonds and Gold Vessels, Freights & Car- will be observed, are now offered for sale by botighc and sold on commission. goes, at the \r, T. HATCH & SON, Rankers, & W. Seligman WALL STREET, N.Y. OVRREIfX RATES. J. & Co., M BANKERS, L0S8B'' PAin IS TJRW TOBK, BAIT FRAJfCFSCO KO. » EZ0HAN6E PLACE, COB. BBOAD ST., N.T., The Directors of the Company are as follows Issue liCtters ol Credit tor Travellers, AKeresate Assets, - . $1,285,080 16 ALLEN (President), of Saybrook, Conn., late Payable in any part JOHN In Gold. of Europe, Asia, AtMca, Austra- of Hopkins, Allen ft Co., New York. lia and America. Draw Bills of Exchange and make telegraphic RICHARD ARNOLD, Of Messrs. Arnold, Constable * VXW TORK BOABS OF BEFKBKNCEi transfers of money on j!,urope and California. Co., New York. A. A. L0% f»a. of A. A. Low 4 »™uier».Brothers. JAMfS M. CONSTABLE, of Messrs. Arnold, Consta- ABBAHAM B. VAN NEST, Esq. New York. KGIBT )P FABBRI,Esq of Fabbrl * Chaunc-T. ble 4k Co., OEOKOE BLISS, iLSq Gibson, Casanova of Moiton, BUes A Co. & Co. LUCIUS HOPKINS, of Messrs. Hopkins, Dwlght * BANKERS' Trowbridge, New York, Sutton no. 50 KXCHANGB PLACE. EDWIN L. TROWBRIDGE, of Messrs. Hopkine & Co., Dwlght & Trowbridge, New York. FINANCIAL AGENTS. STOCKS, BONDS, GOVERNMENT SECUEITIICS FOIIEIGN KXCHAfeoE and GOLD bo^htSdiHli LEBBEU8 CHAPMAN, Jr. 8S Wall St. on the most favorable terms. INTKHEST allowed on aeposlts either in Currency JAMES F. KELSET, Havana, Ills. Gold, subject to check Wreaks & Walsh, or at eight, the same as with MAEINB AGENTS, ADVANCES made on all marketable securities THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING HOUSE OF CERTIFICATES ol Deposit Issued bearlnu lntar«.t COLLECTIONS msde at aU polnU "^ of» the«• UMIOKu J» lOH V BREIiAZ, AST & CO., «0 WALI, STREET. Bd BBITIBH PROVINCKS. I 191 Recent Street, W., London. —. xmm HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE,


296. VOL. 12. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1871. NO.

CONTENTS. have been sometimes described as a war of the banks on one another and on business. This description is too se- THE CHEONICLK. vere for those events which, as many of our readers will Dnlna on the Money Harket.... Accents of National Banka 834 Monetary and Commercial The Brltlah Income Tax no Latest remember, were formerly the too frequent result of a foreign Debt and Finances of Maine ns SngUshNewa J34 tummercial and MiaceUaneoos Debt and Finances of Massachn- drain on the banks. Still the effect was dangerous, although satu ssa News ass Changes In ythe Redeeming if it developed itself at a time when our interior business BANKERS' GAZETTE AITOrRAILWATrtMONTTOR. THE was quiet, no very serious harm resulted to the general Xoney Market, Railway Stocks, Railway News 840 V. 9. Secaritles, Oold Market, Railroad, Canal and Mlscellane- trade of the country. But sometimes it was far otherwise. Voretelen Exchange, New York onsStockLlst Ui dty Bank». PhllauielphlaBaaks National and State Securities. . The foreign pressure on our banks often occurred during the Rational Banks, etc 836 Railroad, Can)l and Uiacelane- Qnoutiona of Stocks and Bonds 839 oas Bond List 244-45 height of our busy season. At such times trouble was the THE COMXSRClAh TDtES. inevitable result in the money market and diffused itself

Commercial Epitome MS I Groceries 860 Cotton 847 DryGoods 8SS thence throughout the industrial and commercial circles. At ~ " ~ BnadatuOii." ~ MSI Prtcrices Current. 855 rare internals it hcppened that such a foreign drain occurred at the very moment when our credits were unduly expanded QCtie €l)ronicU. _ and when by the miiltiplication of railroads and other im- fccUoMMKBOtAL AND PiMAROlAL Ohroniolk isisiutd every Satur- provements our floating capital had been converted with day mnrnimg, loilh the latest news up to midnight ff Friday. undue rapidity into fixed capital so as to deplete the reser- TSKHS OF SUBSCaiFXIOR-PATABLS IB ADVAHCS. voir of loanable money, and place our financial machinery otTHa OoHvasoiAL ^hd Fuiihoiii. GHBOmoLX, delivered by carrier toeltTiats 80 e«nt» per ytar, and is pcUd by the tnbaerlber at AU own post^fflet. iroLtAX B. DAHA, f WIUilAM B. DANA It. aO., Fnbllshers, foreign drain of gold are greatly increased, and they were •om s. PLOTD, JR. f 79 and 81 William Street, NEW TORE. Post Omcs Box 4,698. the more dreaded because they came without warning and Mr. Alex. Holmes is oar onlrtriTelilng agent. their recurrence, originating from without, could not be BT" The Publishers cannot be roeponslblo for Remittances onless made by easily foreseen or provided against. Such was the tribute 'rafts or FoM-OISce Money Orders. paid, great banker, 81^ A neat file for holding current numbers of the Cbrosiclb is sold at the we as a debtor nation, to England, the See for 80 cents. Volumes bonnd for subscribers at 26. The first and ft who held always a vest aggregate of claims against us, and ' cond volumes of the CHBomout are wanted by the publishers. whose own monetary system was so rigid, harsh and un-

DRAINS ON TAB MUX MARKET. expansive in its movements as to be sometimes, in danger Wall Street several times in the last fortnight has been of letting loose a disastrous monetary hurricane by its ,'erturbed by sensitiveness as to the probable action of the efforts to prevent a temporary slight gale from sweeping

liank of England. This is somewhat noteworthy, as for the financial ocean. Now it is easy to see that the method ^everal years our money market has been independent of on which financial trouble was caused by a monetary drain foreign influences, and the movements of European finance was this, the export of gold depleted the reserves of the have ceased to reflect themselves here to the same extent as banks, and disorder was thus introduced into the circulating formerly. This improvement results of course from the currency of the country.

suspension of specie payments, and is one compensation for Now, however, the trouble is not in the currency. It is the evils of an irredeemable currency. Formerly when our not because our interior circulating money is carried out banks were compelled to pay specie to note-holders and de- of the country that a foreign drain of gold would caus« positors their scanty reserves of coin were liable at any monetary trouble. Our interior currency no longer con-

0, L moment to be depleted by some severe and sudden demand sists of coin. Hence we can export as much coin as we lor gold for exportation. And as with a view to lessen as wish without lessening the volume of our circulating active I much as possible their dead assets can we account, I the coin reserve was money. Under these circumstances how '*' always kept down to a point barely sufficient for an effi- then, for the general and growing anxiety as to a foreign cient basis for their business, the banks were compelled by demand for specie, especially as our money market is easy any foreign drain to protect their solvency, to raise the at present and the gold crop is one of our most prolific rate of interest, to deny the usual accommodations to their and moat valuable products, while moreover we can pro- ^ dealeis, and to contract their operations us swiftly and as duce every year 25 or 30 millions of the precious metals extensively as they could ; in short, to diminish their liabili- than we need for any valuable utility or productive •J j more ^ I ties in all directions, to curtail the facilities of business men, purpose ? L with a view to afford wbiph banks exist. These movemenu To answer this qnestion we must remember that from two J ......

230 THE CHRONICLR [February 25, 1S71.

other causes may disturbanoes arire in the money market, ings partly of the past and partly of the future; and secondly besides the trouble in the currency which wo have just dis- that the scrip certificates can be dishonored by the company

cussed. The first of these is a loss of general confidence, and and constitute simply a claim for-future interest. This is an the second a loss of floating capital from the reservoir of the ingenious but unavailing plea. For the purposes of the tax loan market. It is from the latter cause that trouble is dispute we only need to say that the income tax is due on

apprehended now. In England, because of the war and the all dividends ; that the scrip in question is a dividend ; and resuhing depression of business, money has been able to earn that the value of this scrip dividend is not simply the value so low a rate of interest that in tbe last tbv^nldntibs^ast silms of the annual interest it draws. This last point is shown by have temporarily floated hither in quest of temporary employ- the fact that the scrip can be sold in the market. Equall ment. When the Transatlantic war is over the old cliannels with bonds or shares, it is a security, every day dealt in at

of European investment may open ^ag3in,»nd^the capital.' may. thje Stock Exchange. „ [t jseills as readily, and almost at as be attracted thither which we have temporarily enjoyed the high a price, aa the full paid stock of the company. An

use of. The drain which is feared^from these .changes,- theii, §llotraettt of - scrip, is virtually therefore a negotiate

is not a drain of currency, but a, drain of citpital, and especi- document equally with stock ; and a dividend of scrip for

ally of floating capital, the adequate supply of which is indis- the purposes of the income tax is to be treated just the same

pensable and very difficult to keep up in a young, rapidly as if it had been a dividend of stock. The controversy will

growing community, where internal improvements march doubtless be settled on this basis ; and as the claim is made forward and consume the available funds of the country with thit the existing dispute would scarcely have arisen under

Buoh rapid avidity. the British tax regulations it may be of some interest to us

Secondly, we have in this country rendered ourselves to examine those arrangements, especially as it seems that peculiarly sensitive to the perils of such a loss of foreign our own income tax is not to be repealed at this session of capital by.our undue activity in the construction of railroads Congress.

and other permanent works, some of which are sca-cely Twenty-eight years ago Sir Robert Peel proposed the in

beginning as yet to be productive and to pay back their cost. position of the English income tax on account of a deficif The progress we have made in this direction may be seen which, in the troubled state of the manufacturing districts,

from the fact that the completed working railroads of this was . .creatiog . some alarm, especially as for a year or two country have increased since 1866 by more thau 12,000 miles, several other fiscal expedients had been adopted without the or at the rate of 3.000 miles a year. expected increase of revenue. The crisis was formidable. It is computed that there are now more than 15,000 miles The operatives and the other less opulent classes could bear

of railway cnnteinp'ated, of which 7,500 miles are actually in no heavier taxatidn. It was therefore inevitable that the progress. The European war exerted a chilling influence on wealth of the nation must bear th« burden. Some new tax our railroad finances, as it suddenly closed the German must be tried. After long discussion, on the 22nd June, markets to our new railroad bonds, which were beginning to 1842, the income-tax bill finally became a law. It is a mis- be absorbed there with an eagerness which had for three or take, however, to regard it simply as an income tax. It is a four years been inorensing. The thrifty frugal Germans have real estate tax also. But it difl^ers from our American taxes made large gains on the govemaient six per cent bonds on real estate in that it is not levied on capital. It is only which during our war they bought from 35 to 65 and can chargeable on the profits arising from property, profes-

now sell -again ait almost par. Their experience in the past sions, trades and ofliices. And several circumstances have has inclined them to look favorably on United States invest- made this tax the most useful and timely expedient ever

ments, and some -viery large negotiations of our railroad bonds contrived by British fiscal sagacity and skill. were actually on .the point of completion at the outbreak of The services the income tax has rendered to England

• the war. The trouble, however, was of sh^rt duration, for, are invaluable. Not the least of these is the amazing elasticity as we have said, vast compensative streams of capital from with which it has responded to the demand of war finance England and elsewhere came over here seeking investment or of any other extraordinary strain upon the government

on call, so - that the money market has been abundantly expenditure. To illustrate this we give the annual product supplied. It is these funds that the over plethoric money of the income-tax since it was first imposed : markets of Europe have sent in for temporary use' Whfch are REVENUE FROM THE BRITISH PROPERTY AND INCOME TAX. now causing some apprehension. The result is of course un- Year ending Total -Rate on £1 of Income- Marcb ill. Revenue. * Small Incomes. + Large Incomes. -certain, and depends on contingencies beyond human fore- 1844. . . . £5,388,000 pence=0 p. ct 7 pence—=3 p. (t «ight. We must confess, however, that the situation " ^ is not 184.5.... 5,330,000 =0 " 7 =3 " 1846.... It improved by the fact that Mr. Bontwell has chosen the 5,183.000 =0 " 7 =3 " " 1847. . . 5,544,000 =0 " 7 —3 " present unfavorable crisis for offering his new loan. Still 1848. ... 5,613,000 " —0 7 ' -there 1849. . . are not wanting indications which render it probable 5,485,000 =0 7 =3 it 1850. . . 5,505.000 -0 7 ^3 tliat beyoi/d an advance in the existing low rates of discount 1851.... 5,511,000 " =0 7 —8 there will •• be very little change 'in the loan market till the 1853. . . 5,440,000 —0 7 =-3 " 1853. . . 5,653,000 =0 • 7 =3 monetary movements of Spring be^ti to make themselves " 1854. . . 5,730,000 5 =3 7 =3 •' visilJe a few v.'eeks hence. . 1855. . 10,022,000 10 =4i ' 14 1850 15,1.5iJ,00O 11* It =4f " 16 18.57.... 10,051,000 11+ •' =41 " 16 THK BRITISH LMCOME TAX. " 1858. . . 11,390,000 5 =3 7 -=3 " 1859. . . 0,610,000 5 The attempt of this Central —3 5 =3 and Hudson River Railroad tt 1860. . . 9,e(i(!,ooo 6* _2f < 9 -3f Company to escape the it payment of a million and a half of 1801 ... 10,957,000 7 —8 10 -=4J " 1802. . revenue tax . 10,471,000 6 -Si " 9 =-3f due on their scrip dividend has attracted atten. " 1803. . . 10,483.000 6 -2i •' 9 =3J tfion to the British Iccome tt tax arrangements under which 1804. . . 9,102,000 7 —3 " 7 —3 1805. tt the excuses of the railroad . . 7,986,000 6 -3i " 6 =2* company would have had little " 1800. . . 6,322,000 4 -If " 4 -1« ohaiice of so patient " a hearing as they have received here. 1807. . . 5,037,000 4 =11 " 4 -1| Thes^ excuses 1808.... 6,184,000 5 tt -=3 " ar6 virtually to the eflfect that in the first place 5 1869.... 8,618,000 6

February 25, 1871.] THE CHR0N1CL.R. 231

Long experience has proved the income lax to be at once sources has been sddrid the fidl annual value of the house the most uniform, unfailing, expansive and the most respon- he occupies, together with one-half of tliis value in England sive to control of all the Bntish fiscal imports. It was at and one-third in Scotland. In other words, hn is Srst imposed for three years only, but again and again has assessed, first, as a real estate owner on the full value it been renewed, because no substitute of equal efficacy under scKedulo A, as it k called; and secondly, as could be found. It has been attacked by a host of enemi.>8. occupier of his house he is assessed on the half of its Select committees of the Uouse of Commons investigated valuti under schedule B. To make this apparent duplication and reporti'd upon it in 1851, 1852, 'and 1801. Yet it has- clear, 'we must understand that the British income tax is survived till now, and though far from popular, use has assessed, as with us, by means of printed forms. These papers caused it to be borne with more equanimity, especially as it divide the taxpayer's liability under five heads. The first exempts the turbulent and dangerous classes ; and presses is schedule A, which charges the owners of real estate with most on the intelligent and superior orders of society who five pence in the pound on the annual value. Secondly, lave something to lose. Moreover, it was no small advan- schedule B charges the occupier of real estate (whether his tage that for eleven years no ohange had to be made either own or not) with 2\ pence on the annual value of the house in the rate or incidence of the tax. Immediately after the and land he occupies. Thirdly, schedule C applies only to discovery of this new impost, the rapid development of the income from the public funds or government securities. railroad and telegraph system of England gave a wonderful Schedule D and E correspond to our income tax. The impulse to her productive forces and stimulated the pre- former exacts fivepence in the pound on the annual profits viously sluggish growth of wealth. Hence the hungry, dis- and gains from property, trades and professions ; the latter oontentod masses of England were quieted and well-fed. The charges the same rate of duty on the salaries of government repeal of the corn-laws, the discovery of gold In her Austra- officers and on all pensions paid out of the public revenue. lian colonies, and the subsequent large accessions to the It is foreign to our purpose to give any elaborate details international supply of the precious metals—all these move- of the English system. Enough has been said tJ show that ments, each one containing the germ of a great financial the income ta.n returns of that country offe- data which revolution —acted with conspicuous force on the interior cannot easily be used for a comparison of the relative condition of Great Britain, and postponed indefinitely that wealth of the various classes of individual citizens here. upheaval and convulsion which some, both of her friends Such a use of the figures, if we had them in sufficient detail, and enemies were confidently expecting. When these is perhaps not absolutely impossible if we make the requi- reviving causes had well operated came the Crimean war. site correction for variations of the two tax-systems. For In 1854 and the three following years the taxes had to be it IS said that the proportion between the real estate assess- increased, especially the income tax, which yielded for four ment and the income assessment is in a tolerably constant years twice as much as before. The tax was extended fo as ratio. This will be seen from the subjoined table which to cover smaller incomes, and in 1857 the highest point was comprises the only period in which a long series of years of reached, when England's share was £13,674,000, Scotland's unchanged tax arrangements has offered an opportunity for £1,270,000, and Ireland's £1,181,000. The respective the comparison we wish to make Schedule A. Schedule B. Schedule D. realth of the three members of the British appe.-ir Empire Year ending Ownership of Occnpation of Profits from trades March 31. laudtt aud bouses. landtj and hoasee. and profeseione. rom this to be distributed in the ratio of 85 per cent to 1843; :•..,;.;. f3,r)0i,ooo £335,000 £1.083.000 England, 8 per cent to Scotland and 7 per cent to Ireland. 1844. ..-.1..,.'... 2,472,000 328,000 1,.582.000 184.5 ....' Such a fiscal basis for comparison of the respective wealth 2,486,000 324,000 1,579,000 1846.. 2,587,000 333,000 1,717,000 of difTerent peoples must fail, however, and be almost use- 1847 2,W5,0a0 1524,000 1,708,000 1848 2,0.58,000 :322.(K)0 1.7.-)4,000 less, when the conditions of the taxation are not the same in 1849 3,7.55,000 833.000 1,.18.5 ,000 case. each Forgetting this some persons hive attempted to 18.50 2,728,000 32«,0

visions of an act approved January which income tax has so far proved an unfailing resource to the 28,1865, authorizes him, with the approval of the Governor, to sell or dispose of such por- British Exchequer. This wonderful elasticity and usefulness tion of the bonds belonging to said fund as may be necessary to compensate for the numerous evils of the income tax and meet the bonds as they mature, and apply the proceeds to their payment. it till now. It has prevented the necessity have perpetuated The sinking fund established by an act of March 7, 1868, for for imposing other taxes, and it has further improved the the payment of the municipal war debt loan, now amounts to $92,048, invested in registered Maine bonds due in 1889. Of this tax enabling many worse imposts to be English system by total $84,969 were received from taxation, $5,244 from interest, taken off. Since Sir Robert Peel's day it has not only and $1,835 from discount on bonds purchased during 1870. Acting under authority of the resolution of March 23, 1870, replenished sometimes a failing Exchequer but has gradu- already noticed, the Treasurer has paid all maturing obligations ally removed many of the fetters which weighed on British of the State that came within the scope of the resolution, in coin or its equivalent in currency. These obligations amounted to commerce and productive industry. $68,760 in coin. He paid, therefore, in premium, $9,585, or about 13 15-16 per cent, exceeding the legislative appropriation for the DEBT AND FINANCES OP MAINE. purchase of coin by $3,085. The language of the resolution of The dfcbt of the State of Maine dates from the year 1820, when March 23, 1870, contemplates a possible reversal of the decision of Maine was separated froiu Massachusetts and became an indepen- the United States Supreme Court, and an expectation that the dent Commonwealth. The debt of Massachusetts at that time judgment would be reversed has been generally entertained in

had been contracted mainly for the purpose of aiding the Federal Maine ; but u ntil the resolution be rescined or the decision be Government in the last war with Great Britain, 1813-15, and revoked an appropriation will be required to execute the act. In amounted $678,' 62, of which Maine, at the time of separation, lieu of $639,000 in coupon bonds, the Treasurer has issued the assumed one-third, or $226,120. This entire sum was voted by same sum in registered bonds, represented by seventy-six certifi- Congress to Massachusetts on July 8, 1870, in satisfaction of a cates. Municipal War Debt coupon bonds to the amount of claim for that amount, and one-third of the sum was devoted to $3,352,000 were received during 1870, and of this total $3,022,100 paying the claim of Maine. Both these States assigned their were issued to cities, towns and plantations, with $62,300 worth interests in this claim to the European and North American Rail- of these bonds ready for delivery to others on the first of the cur-

way Company, of Maine, to aid it in constructing its line of road. rent year ; while $367,600 of this particular debt had been re- The rest of the State debt was created in pursuance of a constitu- deemed and bonds to that amount destroyed. During 1870, tional provision which empowers the Legislature to authorize 16,320 acres of " land-scrip " were sold at 84 cents per acre, netting loans whenever they are deemed essential to the welfare of the $13,690. The Agricultural College Fund of the State amounts to people, and was issued chiefly for the expenses of the Aroostook $118,894. war and for war purposes during the late rebellion. The ordinary demands upon the Treasury for the current year, On the last day of 1869 the total debt of Maine was $8,100,000. will require the assessment of a State tax of five mills (or i per IHiring 1870 it was decreased by $83,000. During the current cent.) on the dollar of the valuation, being a reduction of one- year there will become due $840,000 of the debt, $15,000 of which sixth per cent, from last year. With the exception of ^ per cent, wiU be payable March • 1 ; $350,000 May 10 ; $300,000 July 1 on the valuation, it is not officially intimated that any other tax

$250,000 August 1 ; and $35,000 on October 5. Of the total to be will be levied this year. The latest valuation assesses the amount , paid this year, $634,000 must be paid in coin, or its equivalent in of property in the State at $324,812,900 and 6 mills on the dollar, currency, according to a resolution passed by the Maine Legisla- the tax due January 1871 was $1,350,413. ture March 23, 1870, in pursuance of the decision of the United The laws relating to the raising of revenue in Maine must, by States Supreme Court, which afRrmed that all debts or loans con- constitutional provision, be specific in their character, and may be tracted prior to February 25, 1862, are payable in coin. To meet framed only on evidence of absolute necessity for them. The the war loans the sinking fund of 1865 was established. On principal sources of revenue are taxation, and from sales of the January 1, 1870, this fund amounted to $972,530. The receipts to public lands, or from timber therefrom sold. Of Ihese three th»fund during last year were, from taxation, $129,335; from sources, taxation yields very much the larger portion. The interest, $74,039 ; and from discount on bonds purchased, $2,782. total amount of revenue raised last year was $4,924,164 12. The This made a total of $1,178,677 61 as the amount of the sinking cash in the Treasury on the first day of 1870 was $235,930 63. fund of 1865 on January 1, 1871. This fund is wholly invested in The total of payments made in 1870 was $5,041,846 64, exceeding the bonds of the State, except $30,000 in United States 5-20'b. the receipts by $117,682 52. The cash in the Treasury on Decem- The Treasurer will find it necessary to avail himself of the pro- ber 31 last was $118,248 11.

DETAILED STATEMENT OF DEBT OF MAINE, JANTJART 1, 1871. Denomination Amount -Interest.- Date of Principal DeBcrlptlon. or now out- Rate Where payable, Authorizat'n. When payable. when due. par value. standinR. per ct and by whom. Porchafe of MatBachneette lands Sept. 28, 1853. $26,000. $60,000. 6 October 5. BoBt., Suffolk N.B'k. 1871-72, Oct. 1. Renewal of loan of 1840—Arooetook war. Jan. 28. 18S6. 1,000. 130,000. 6 March 1, Sept. 1. Carrent expenses Apl. 14, 1857. 1,000. 30,000. 6 Jan. 1, Jnly 1. Augusta, Treasurer. 1875, July 1. Keuewal Arooetook War Loan Feb. 8, 1858. BOO and 1,000. 80,000. 6 March 1, Sept. 1. Bost., Suffolk N. B'k. 1876, Sept. 1, Feb. 26, 1859. 1,000. 30,000. 6 1876, March 1. Jan. 80, 1860. 600 and 1,000. 51,000. 6 Feb. 1, Aug. 1. 1877, Feb. 1. Feb. 6, 1861. 1,000. 30,000. March 1, Sept. 1. " " 1878, March 1. War loan. Apl. 25, 1861. 500 and 1,000. 250,000. 6 May 10, Nov. 10. " " 1871, May 10. Apl. 25, 1861. BOO and 1,000. 300,000. 6 Jan. 1, Jnly 1. July 1. " 1871, Apl. 26, 1861. BOO and 1,000. 250,000. fi Feb. 1, Aug. 1. 1871, Aug. 1. for aid to families, " War loan and boanties. Jan. 81, 186.3. 500 and 1,000. 625,000. 6t March 1, Sept. 1. 1883, March 1, to soldiers " " Boonty Mar. 26, 1863, 1,000. 47.'>,000. 6t Feb. 15, Aug. 16. 1680. Aug. 1. Bonnty to soldiers aid " " and to families Mar. 19, 18&4. BOO and 1,000. 2,832,500 6t June 1, Dec. 1. 1889, June 1. Bqualfzatlon of municipal war debt Mar. 7,1868. 100, 200, 300, 8,034,400 6t April 1, Oct. 1. Boston or Augusta. 1889, Oct. 1. BOO and 1,000. tTbese are paid in cnrrency, bnt all others in gold. •$16,000 due March 1, 1871 ; $15,000 March 1, 1872; $60,000 March 1, 1878 ; $60,000 March 1, 1874.

DEBT AND FINANCES OF MASSACHUSETTS. The same aggregates for the corresponding periods of the year previous were $1,548,456,164 The State Debt of Massachusetts was originally created for the purpose of establishing certain public works of which the Com- Last year's Increase In taxable values $98,967,469 monwealth stood in need, such as public buildings, and it was The revenue of Massachusetts is largely derived from tax subsequently and at different dates augmented to increase on savings bank deposits, the corporations tax, taxes on shares the number and value of these public works ; also for aid- of non-resident stockholders in national banks, insurance pre- ing railroad enterprises to develop the resources and the carrying miums, coal and mining companies, on receipts from alien passen- trade of the State which could not have been as well and as rapidly gers, correctional institutions, licenses and commissions, and developed without the State's aid, to and assist the General Gov- interest on deposits. Any deficiency in receipts from these sources ernment in suppressing the late rebellion. The finances of Mas is raised by the annual State tax. The taxes during 1870 were sachusetts have always been comprehensively and skillfully paid with more than although the item usual promptness ; and of managed, and this fact accounts for the high standing of the interest, already, as has been seen, a very large one, must increase State's credit, both at home and abroad —a credit which probably so long as the debt will be increased by work upon the Hoosac ranks higher than that of any other State in the Union. During Tunnel, there is still no doubt—in view of the constitutional and the past year there was a reduction of the amount of the State legal provisions for raising all necessary revenue from State taxa- debt outstanding by the payment of more than $2,000,000 ; and tion—of either the good will or the ability of Massachusetts to the increase of the various sinking funds, which are virtually pay the interest on her debt, and the principal thereof as fast as equivalent to an extinction of the debt, amounts to about one it matures. million more. Nearly every funded debt of the State has a sink- The total of the receipts of the State Treasury during the year ing fund provided, through the operation of which the payment 1870 were $15,628,446 51. The disbursements on account of of the debt at maturity -is secured. the ordinary expenses of the Government were $5,659,406 73, The valuation of property in the Commonwealth for 1870, as which includes the sum of $1,659,380 21 for interest on the compiled from the returns of the Assessors of the several cities public debt and towns, and the premium on gold. In aid of railroad enter- the report of the State Commissioner of Savings Banks prises, and for interest due on scrip of Norwich and Worcester „*."*"" """^^ *° *^« **=' Commissioner's department, is as Railroad ton (part of which is to be repaid in gold by the N. & W. R. Co.), there were paid $800,000 52. Of the State funded debt $349,000 10 were paid ; and temporary loans to the amount of Corporat* mtSea* ovor real $2,641,245 25 were repaid. total payments account of eatau and mchinwy; May iVim;.'.'." Ulm,9n The on ordinary revenue and loans «»Tot«i.... temporary were $9,349,653 49, ,..$i,m,m,m and on account of several sinking and trust funds $5,726,683 18 — . . : .. — ;

February 25, 1871.] IHE CHRONICLK. 2^ were pakl. The 6aah on hand on the lust day of 1870 du PljTnoulli, undi r 8/50 of tho Acts of tbe

:' Mcount of all tho tunilf) wan i(!ol-l,0t(3 6U. and the amouiit of yav 1870; an : Salem and tho town cash availahlu ti> moot tho oiiUnary JeinuuUrt on tliti TruMury wuh of B<'VorIy, In lUc count; ol li^asux, aodor tho provisiona suui tho books of ihu.XfBaaiiror of cha[)tor 37 of the Uiwilvos of ili« yoar l86tf. The f;»8,(M!t t.'i ; luid with thid »uriilu» " --i -' ' Imlanri'tl f..r ilw vfur. fund adili'd during the year is tho Boston, M Krie -y"- ConcTinii^r ill,, power to croato (Mrt, thfi Stato Constitution 1 RailruaU Sinlting Kund," created by-cli«pl«r ih«

I I. . {irovi " <'" r'ri^l.inini Hliall aalliorixe titu uogoCiatiouH orl .\cts of tho year 1867, and chapter -MO, soclion . i

' oiiii • of tlio puoplv, tl>o ueousaity or the TIte amount of the funds now in the Treasurers hauda I* woli.r i ilcmaud such action, $13,934,077 or), as shown by the tabular stat,«ment in this Uuport, Tl(o ik'bl ot thu Coiumouwoalth in tho foUowini- l in- being $4344)94 78 more than one year ago. clude nnt (iiily tho civil and war dobt, bnt also thi' 'unt Eauh fund is represented Oil the books of the Treaaorer by th« ' i invest''! -I ;•, 1 securities at what waa of i ou account of tho constniciloQ of mo my and in which its money was Ur> Iroad and tho Ibnwao Tunnol,aud in aidot ali otbtr paid for them. A great part of theee !-• re now worth thi .i value the raili,,.,', < ,,t. ,|ii'iso8 now outHtau Treasury, forthe In the aggregate, the amounts invested by $1,371,343 86. payment of wh|ch there is about a oi>rre«pou(liug amount of uncol- TABUI^AK STATBaKNT ur THC OONOITION OF TBX ri'NDO, ACUOT 33, 1870. lected taxes. Tlio total amount of the debt tlms statod was, on Carruucy More Iban Lvae th'n Name of Funds. 1870. 18«9. value ~ original original »1, 1801), |:W,82:l,;J80 03. Tlie total on Docombor ai, Decembor Aag. 33, ^70. luvKtm't. ipT'iun't. ; 1870, wa.H $28,870,8.81 9:J thus showing, during 1870, a BChnol fund. . $3,307,614, $3,308,850 $3,703,563 $496,933 redaction ot the dobt amounting to 4;),5.')3,4U8 00. The Olmrles Rlvor * War b*m Bridgo fund.., 36,1688 70,337 36,(68 the last of Ueoomber, 18«lt, was 129,397,- f^inded debt, on Back Bay taada sink

it : l)een 860. On the last day of 1870 was $27,128,101 having Inn fund j; 330,000 330,000 315,060 t4,M0 reduced during the year by $2,2C!),0i)ti. Uuriug last year State iVTicu'l College rd.. 3aS.B3» 308.434 3I3,3D« 6,730 Uoiiiity liian » ng f'd. 1,786,737 3,534,975 337,936 crip won issued to the South Boston Harbor Land Improveraont ngrd.L3.«n,oaa| AluiHtioaseAluiHtionse loan s'ug. Loan, to the amount of $230,000, and to the Boston, Hartford and fund,.fund.. I',iX,ias 139,009 154,485 640 Erie B. R. Co., as a loan, in the sum of $20t>,184. The unfunded Todd Normal School 1-2,100 13,100 of 18(JU, fund OBI 13,100 debt and toniporary l3an,onthela8tday was $1,430,120 03, ' Rogers book fnud.. . 1,0,000 1,000 - 1,000 and on Docembcr 31, 18T0, it was 1,142,717 93, showing a reduc- Union loan s'ni? f'd..J:3,60O,0i,000 3,600,000 3,768,885 168,888 tion during tlie year of $283,403 09. During 1871 the huideirbonds 1860, 1881 and 1863. $1,000, 500 966,600 Boston, at TVeasmy. (3) 1891,1898 s., ,nt KR 1860. 1,000 300,000 ** ** 1890 April 1. (t it E«- April 1, 1859. $1,000, 5,000. 10,000 50,000 Jan. 1, July 1. 1871 Jnly 1. 'cester RR Jnly 1, 1857. il,000 400,000 ** . ** um Jnly 1. - B, I & Erie (sterling). 1868 and 1869. £300 8,699,034 London, by .Baring Bros. 1900 Jan. 1. Sin- Not. 1, 1853. $1,000 100,000 May 1, Nov. L Boston, at Treasury. 1873 Nov. 1. '53, '54. ii ii Stu Oct 1, Oct. 3, 1,000 110,000 April 1, Oct. 1. 1873,1874 Oct. L ii ii St.v Oct. 1, '5.'}, Oct, 3, '54. 1,000 165.000 1873, 1874 Oct 1. ii ii ,1 Sute Prison. Jnly 1. 1854. 1.000 94,000 Jan. 1, Jnly 1. 1874 Jnly 1. ii ii I.i. ^N'estem Mass. June 1, 1857. 1,000 50,000 Jane 1, Dec. 1. 1877 June L ii .i ii incnt Loan.. Jan. 1, 1870. 1,000 330,000 Jan. 1, July 1. 1875 Jan. 1. ii ii I- June 1, 1861. 1,000 17,600 Jane 1, Dec. 1. 1873 Jane 1. li ii 1- June 1, 1861. 1,000 83,000 1873 Jane 1. ii ii li Uay 1, 1861 and 1863. 600 330 000 May 1, Nov. 1. 1880 May L ii ii July I, 1861. 100, 500, 1.000 3,000,000 Jan 1, Jnly L (3) '71 to '76 July 1. ii ii Jnly 1, 1877 and 1878. 1,000,500 600,000 1877.1878 Jnly 1. ii ii Coaiit Di-fciiccH July 1, 186.3. 1,000 888.000 1^ July 1. Boanty Loan.. Julv 1, 1863, 1,000 300.0U0 1883 Jnly 1. li ii Bounty Loan May 1, ISftl. 1,000,500 4,379,500 Ha; 1, Not. L 1894 May L Bounty Loan (sterling) . . Aug. 1, 1864. £600, 300, 100 4,000,744 London, by Baring Bros. 1894 May 1. War Loan, currency S-30. Sept. 1, 1866. $500,1000,5000,10,000*3,606,000 Oc'y Mch.l,8ept 1. Boston, at Treasiu^. 1886 Sept.1.

*The $5,000 and $10,000 Issues are recistered. (li £34,500 due Oct. 1, 1888 ; £39,300 due Oct. 1, 1889; 1,700 due Oct. 1. 1890 ; £610,000 due April 1, 1888i (3) «1«,600 due April1 1 1891 $300,000,-~» due--«- April 1,•,'•=»", y~iwr—>- ,.™-,»; — -M"" 18 $560,000 due Oct. 1, 1898. (3)Due July 1, 1871, $300,000 ; due July 1, 1873, $360,000 ; duo July 1, 1873, $300,000 ; due July 1, 1874, $800,000 ; due July 1, 1875, $430,000 ; due Jaly 1, 1876,

CSINGES IN THE REDEEMING AGENTS OP NATIONAL BANKS B. Commlngs, Cashier. Authorized to commence business Feb. 18 1871.

Union National , Aunmjm.^.Anthorized.capttal. $13&,O0O; The following are the changes in the Redeeming Agents of National 1,7B3—The Bank of • "-aiiaialSifltar.-tPWinO." JdlrfTRTWalW, President; Henry C. Pad- Baaka since the 16th uf February, 1871. These weekly changes are ,dock. Cashier. AuUiurized to couuDonce buaiaeas Vub. 18, 18:1, furnished by, and published in accordance with an arrangement made L798—The First National Bank of Kankakee, III. Antborized caplul, $50,000; with the Comptroller of the Currency. paid in capital, $50,000. Bmory Cobb, President; U. C. Ularka, Cashier. 1,794—The First National Bank of Saint Peter. Minnesota. Authorized capi- UMATtON. AJia or BA>K. BCDaBimte asbht. tal. $50,000; paid in capital, $50,000. WUliam Schimmel, President; Frederic A. Donahower, Castuer. Authorized to commence buslnesa New Jersey The Central Nat' Feb. S8, 1871. The Importers' and Traders' National AuthorUod Hlghtittown Bank Bank of New York, approved. 1,795.—The FirBl National Bank of Charleston. West VlrKinJa.- t^mlth, Vrcr-ldint Iowa— The WasbiUL'ton The Ninth Natiouol capllnl. $78,000; paid in capital, $78,000. Isaac N. Bank of New baatscss Feb. Washington... National Bank. York, aiiproved. John Claypool, Cashier. AuthorUud to paqununce 33, Michigan— The Lowell Nat'l The American National Bank of De- 1871. Orleans, La. Anlhorized eapltalt $600,000; LoweU Bank trolt. ni>iir,iv,d in addition L796.—Union National Bank of New to the '- Nil,: paid In capital, $600,000. C. Kohji, i>Ie«idi:- • A. Fraret, I lank of New York Cashier. Anthorfzed to comimnce business 1 North Carolina- Citizens' N»- I The The I Merchants' Nat'l I,?J7.—The Central National Bauk of Baltimore, Mi i-i capital, Raleigh tional Bank. Bai. re, approved In ad- «2ll0.00O: paid in capital, $300,0i». James ;...., I>re6ldent; dili riit National Bank Cashier.. Anthonzed to commence business Feb. of w i)^_a Jlenry Clay carter, M. l-TI. , Ifeiv National Baiiku, i from Washiii List of Natioual Banks since organised the 16tb Febniarv. 1871 til, . ijiry Commi"

OOclalNo. . ' Beimie. uiiuu luu i"in;l(ieH»llrOad«, w.i. ,.,! J. ii. ii>o 1. 1,7»1—The Tanners' National Bank ot BnshoeU, 111. Authorized caoltaL on a foUowing page, as they were reooired too late fotlneen $50,000; paid hi capital, $60,000, Charles Wilson, Prosldontj Jota ment 9f Ballroad newa> . . , : : : , : . : : X

tPebmary 25, 1871. 2a4 THE CHRONIULE.

with the close 8,1 Berlin, Brussels, Hamburg, and Amsterdam, but filonetarj) anb dommertial (KngU0l) JSmB there cannot in Catc0t liance which now exists between these markets ON LONDON peace be much difference between cash. ***"M.A'I'BS OF K*Oi«AN«B AT I. ON DON, ANDA times of confidence and AT LATEST DATES. been sup- That money will not be withdrawn so rapidly as has AT LONDON— slight im- JtXOHANGK BXCHANQK ON LONDON. be ascertained from the fact that even the FEB. 10. posed may place since the capitulation of Paris LATSST provement which has taken the export de- DATE. has already influenced the exchanges and checked 11.17 AiOBteniaiii short. n.l7>i®l!.l8 ""Feb. a asserted that so long as trade re- 25.111 mand for gold. And it may be Autwerp S months. 1S.06X actually dear. France itself Hamburg ... 18.1Ujl(@l3.1UX mains quiet, money will not become ParU •16.60 ®li6.70 as to be unable to is not so impoverished by an eight months' war ParU , short. NominaL 3 moB. 133.70 serve two Vienna 8 mouths. 13.70 (313.75 raise fimds In her own country, and as capital cannot Bflilln 6.3oK@ 6.17V 119 would, had no war taken Fntnkrort ... m>i& 130M purposes at the same time, capital which Mt. Peterebnrg fructifying in other departments will be devoted to the Oadiz 80«a30>tf Feb. 7. Smos. 81 B-16 place, be Uabon 90 days. repair of the material disasters of the campaign. The following Milan 8 months. J6.7IX®-.i6.ti2X eenoa are the quotations Naples 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. Feb. 9. 60 days. 109X New Tork. Percent. Percent. Per cent. Per cent. Jamaica . . 8 <&... .. 4 months' ba'k bills 3X@»X sxas Jan. IS. 90 days. 19 prem. Bankminimnm 3X@ Havana.... Open-market rates: « months' ba'k bills 3>4@3?< Silt@3X Janeiro Jan. 6. Bio de it bills 4 6 trade bUls ..&yi* 3X®4 Jan. 9. 28>«.-- Valparaiso Jan. 8. u PernambDCO. Jan. 4. »8X©24X The rates of interest allowed by the joint stock banks and dis 60 days. it.Bd. 6moB. .... *. Kong... it.bd. Dec 4. is. id. count houses for deposits are subjoined Hong 1870. 1871. 1 p. c dis. Ceylon it Feb. 7. * Bombay ...... 1». 10X®X.' 9IJi-9JX9;ji-92 !)lK-»2 ,93 -93X -- therefore engaged in amicable communications with the President of the U. S.5-30'8, 1883..., 90>i-90J4 i»0>s-90Ji 90X-9I" 90X-90J1 9n>*-90%»l -91 United States. In order to determine the most convenient mode of treatment U.S. S-20S, 18S4. ...|8« -91 S9 -91 ,89 -91 89 -91 no -,,,,89 -91 -9(|i< for these matters, I have suggested the appointment ot a joint commission, 0. S. 6-308, 1S85 190 !)0)f-!)0Kl90>,'-. 90X-!I0M 90)(-,, .|9')<-!I0X and 1 have agreed to a proposal of the President that this commission shall be a. 8. B-aOs, 1887.. .. 89X-89Jil89J<-89H 89Ji- 89>t-8!t« s9X-89Ji|f9;i-S'JJIi anthorlxed at the same time and in the same manner to resume the considera- IJ. S. 10-40S, 1901....|89 -B9,X|89 -Sa>(ri89J<-89>i 89 -69>< 86.?ii-!>7J«|87M-87X American claims growing out of the circumstances tion of the of the late Atlantic AQ't West.! i I war. This arrangement will, by common consent, include all claims for com- consol'd mort.b'dsiSS -....28 -29 |28 -29 38 -39 28!«-29>«|i8>i-29>< have been or may be made each pensation which by Government, or by its Brie Sharc8(*100).. 18),-'-,...!nji- . 117J<-18 \i}i ls)i-lh)t'18«-18X citizens upon the other. llllnolsahareB(tl00)|l0!H -109tl08i-109i|llJHt-109 Vm 109 109 -,.,,109 -lOHJ This paragraph has revived the hopes of the Confederate bond- Annexed is a return showing the present position of the Bank of holders, and yesterday and today Confederate bonds have been England, tlie bank rate of discount, the price of consols, the aver- more inquired for at £8 per £100 bond. age quotation for English wheat, the price of middling upland The belief in an immediate rise in rates of digcotint hag partially cotton, and of No. 40 mule yarn, compared with the four previous inhaided. At the same time, however, it is unquestioned that as years: soon as & peace is arranged, large sums of money will be required 1887. 1868. 1869, 1870. 1871. B £ £ £ and OUT own market will be jwrceptibly affected. But an advanc- Clrcnlatlon, Including „ 21,097,687 33,805.890 S8,3B9,687 24,317,493 ing or improving money market and a dear one are two very dif- bank post bills 33,141,183 Pnblicdeposits 6,870,660 4,CBB ):» 4.738,746 7,377,812 6.431,(-37 terent matters. The of&cial minimum, in London is 18,794,791 18.369 371 now only 2^ Other deposits . . 17,416,365 31,03e,82B 17,491,957 Government ia,lll,(i«8 13,9ii8,079 14,036,537 14,831,314 12.t<16,UU per cent., and the quotations at the principal financial centres securltioB on Ottter securities 18,317,643 16,499,309 16,611,757 18,871,678. 17,330,339 the Continent are only 8^, 4, and 5 per cent., the highest rate be- Keserve of notes and coin 11,646,597 13,103,646 10,075,836 11,843,788 18,330,098 ing at Paris, where it is nominally 6 per cent. Such quotations as Coin and bullion 19,177,883 31.605,960 18,40;,640 19,661,438 ai,7»38!!3 i c. 3 p. c. SX p. these, with trade quiet and with the absence of any drain upon Bankrate 8p. c. p.c 3p. Consols 90J4 S3X »8 93X 93 for ns gold or silver to remit either to the United States or India Price of wheat 61s. 4d. 73s. 4d. Bis. Od. 43s. 3d. BSs. lOd. Mid. Upland cotton... lid. bXd. 11 B-Hid. IIHA. 7Jtd. and China to pay for breadstuffs, cotton, or other products, will No 40 mule yam iB. 7)id. llXa. IS. 8Xd. Is. 3Xd. Is. Id. admit of considerable pressure being put upon us Ijefore money In the cotton trade, owing to abundant supplies actual and pros can become dear. The effect of peace will undoubtedly be to pective, there has been continued dullness, and prices have further MUM the priceof money to assimulate itself to that current at Paris, zeopded. Tho following relates to the trade of Manchester ->-.ll;i.

: iir ^ni Ob It'Cbi-i:. uO«li , 1 ! : : : «W

February 25, 1871.] THK CHRONICLE. 235

The ram* qnlet fcplInK which hof pr<

forwHrd havf I lie W'k II ! without any ment. In early part of the week flour was In great "ii the demand altonitloii lu I Itnnk l>lr Home coiiil- orts and exports of for til- tn do vfry Httlc, .; i^* for January buVfi-^ cereal produce into andfromtheUnited Kingdom during last week, l.ll.' 'iillrsc of trade weather »ince and since the commencement of the season, compared with the 111 M cauHeil by the

•1 corresponding in 1869-'70 : 1 loth ti'iih ill France and periods (. derived Home benefit from roB TBS wssK cKDma ns. 4. Ilri ' 'ly for fiiiiire delivery, a.-* . 1B711'71. , , i8«no. , till' ll-jir.l- 1. 1 ill their favor. A midden Import r. Uxport*. Imports. Bxporta fall ill); Oil' 111 t it make a chanf^e in public Wheat CWt. 4H8SS6 1M17 7TO,«8 10.»10 opinion with I . tinned larjfe receipti* of cot- Barloy 88,i!88 483 »18,9M DO Ion at the port** itmi tiie large timoiiiit at sea induce cunnumera to think that »,S6rj prlccH niuAt be rather easier for some time. Oils 34,888 8%7M 108,681 Peas 815 S91 l.TOI 174 Mr. Rivett Carnkc has issned an elnboivte repoi^, dated Allaha- Beans 34,681 t1 4S,0n M6 Indian com 84,271 I,SM 836,906 1,151 bad, 24, on the area cotton cultivation December under during Floor 4«,8S0 17,4K . 141,a8» 1« the present season in the districts of the C«ntral Provinces of BiMoa TDX oomnNOuuirr or ran ssasoh (Ava. 18). Wheat CWt. 15,nfl,(!8!! 1196,M9 »,414.MI 1«,101 India and the Berars. He states that assuming the cultivation in Barley 3,787,488 9M« 8,718,116 s^U the districts for which returns have not yet been received has not oats...... 4,0«.0«9 4»S,1W8 6,«1I4.07» 40,361 Peas 390,797 19,176 7I5.a« 6,981 undergone any material change, the returns show a decrease of (leans 708,888 4,5 •»ii 90« 9054 the Nagpore division. Mr. Bernard writes : " The braadth sown 90H 90« 90H 1867 m% m% 89X 89K 89X 89J4 is less than last year. The three causes for this decrease are the U.S.lO^e 873i 875i 87M 87)i H7Ji' 87X 109 Illinois Central shares. . . t09X i d 109 i d 109 id 1085i r d 108>i x d low and uncertain price of cotton at sowing vime, the heavy July Krle Kailway shares 18M 185i 18K 18>i 18Ji 'SX rains, which spoilt a large breadth of Autumn sowings, and Atlantic & a. W, (con's). 29 29 89 89 29M 29X lastly, the high prices of food grains." In the other divisions of The daily closing quotations for United States 6s (1862) at the Central Provinces no groat change is the be noticed. The Frankfort were Frankfort 95?{ •... •••• .... cotton cultivation there, is indeed, very inconsiderable compared 95X 957i Liverpool Cotton Market.—See special report of cotton. with the acreage under cotton in the Nagpore division and in the Liverpool Breadstuffs Market.—The market for Breadstnffs East and West Berars. For the Berars, the figures of only three closed quiet, the prices of Com showing an advance, while the districts—Akola, Oomrawuttee, and EUichpore—have been re other prices show a decline. ceived. Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frl. But they are the three most important cotton-growing districts s. d. B. d. 8. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Flour (Western) bbl 28 and with the increase noticeable in this part of the Poonah valley ^ 279 279 276 276 176 Wheat (No. 2 Mil. Red).. ¥ctl 10 C 10 6 10 G 10 6 10 6 10 6 it may, I think, be fairly assumed that the cultivation throughout " (RedWinter) 11 8 11 1 11 1 11 2 11 2 11 1 " (California White).... 11 9 11 8 11 7 11 7 II 7 11 7 the Berars ha.s held its own this season. You will then see that, Corn(W.iu'd),..»4801bn'w .35 350 3S0 350 350 856 according to the estimates formed by the deputy commissioner and Barley (Canadian).... ¥ bush 50 50 50 50 50 SO Oats (Am. & Can.).... ¥"15 lb 3 8 32 31 31 31 31 the oflBcers best qualified to form an opinion on the subject, the Peas (CanadUn) ¥5041b48 42 48 41 G 41 6 41 6 area under cotton cultivation in the Central Provinces and the Liverpool Provinons Market.—^The market closed flat, and Berars, which tract suppUes about one quarter of the cotton annu- prices are declining. ally exported from Bombay, has certainly not decreased during Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thnr. Fri. s. d. s. d. 8. d. s. d. B. d. B. d. this season, which, in consequence of the great fall of prices, must Beef (ex. pr. mess).. S 304 lb 117 6 117 6 117 6 117 6 117 6 116 6 be considered a discouraging one for the cultivators. As regards PorkOEtn.pr. mess). «bbl 101 1010 976 976 976 966 Bacon (Climb. cut)..W 112 lb 51 51 50 49 49 49 the effect of the season on the crop, the same authorities report Lard (American) ..." 62 62 61 6 61 61 60 6 Cheese (fine) " 72 720 710 720 710 710 that in the chief cotton-supplying district the yield, if no unfore- Liverpool Produce Market.—This market remains quiet, the seen calamity occurs, is likely to be an excellent one, and that the prices of fine rosin and spirits turpentine showing a decline. late rains which caujed so much alarm affected but a small por. Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thar. Frl. tion of the early crop. I am inclined to believe that the effect of s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Ro«In(com.Wllm.)..»lllTb 69 69 «9 69 69 the rain was not very serious, 69 and that, as but a small iwrtion of •• (ftnepale) " 15 15 15 15 16 14 the crop wa.s ripe at the time, the damage will be found to be con. Petroleum (std white).. 1^8 Si i S)( 1 6)t( 1 5X 1 Mf 1 6j^ 1 5 (spirits) " 16 18 18 IS 13 IS fined to the early pickings, and that, unless the rain returns, the TaIlow(Amertcan)...«)lllI> 41 9 419 419 419 «l» «I9 quality of the cotton will improve as the season advances. And London Produce and Oil Markets.—These markets close quiet, we may hope that, under present conditions, the exports from our prices generally showing an advance. provincea will not fall short of a quarter of a million bales. But Sat. Mon. Tnes. Wed. Thor. Frl. £ a.d. e s.d. £ s.d. £ s. d. £ s.d. £ s.d. it most be remembered that if prices are very it low, generally LInsMc'ke(obl).«tn 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 110 happens that the local manufactures revive, and that a large Linseed (Calcntta).... 610 610 610 610 610 610 SuearfNo. ISDchatd) quantity of cotton is bought up for local consumption which af- fillllb 356 356 8S6 36 6 SB 6 86 10 84 84 St fects the quantity available for export. Spermoll 83 00 84 84 00 Whalcoll 36 00 36 38 86 36 00 86 The following figures show the imports and exports of cotton into Linseed oil V ton 31 00 31 00 31 00 81 00 8150 8160 and from the , from September 1 to February 9, compared with the corrB8p

1871. 2^ THE CHRONICLE. [February 25, FINANCIAL. last week. The BANKING AND week were 14,571 bales, against 17,475 bales Co., Wall st.,N.T.— week ending (for dry House op Henry Clews & 32 following are the imports at New York for —Banking with us in either Currency or (for general merchandise) Deposit accounts can be opened goods) Feb. 17, and for the week ending per cent, interest will subject to check without notice. Five Feb. 18 Coin, roansN ixports at hbw toek tor the ?Jek. all daily balances. Checks upon us pass through 1871. be allowed upon 1868. 1870. $2,663,.')91 if drawn upon any city bank. Dry goods $2,660,243 $2,057,682 $2,387,438 the clearing house as 1,887,065 2,148,761 4,M1,556 mercbandiee. . . 8,076,243 available in General We issue Circular Letters of Credit for travelers, $7,005,147 week, {5.735,486 3, 944,747 $4.5.^199 also Commercial Credits. We make tele, Total for the all parts of the world ; &,B90,4.*T t2,212,362 26,670,820 33,811,704 Prevloiuly reported. . . point, and transact grapliic transfees of money to any distant $29,157,109 $31,205,019 $40,216,851 Since Jan, 1 $28,825,923 description of foreign banking business. of every 'in our report of the dry goods trade wUI be found the imports Wo draw Bills of Exchange in sums from £1 upwards on one week later. dry goods for Imperial Bank, specie) The I London. following is a statement of the exports (exclusive of The Messrs. Clews, Habieht & Co., ( ending from the port of New York to foreign ports, for the week The Provincial Bank of Ireland, Dublin and branches Scotland, Edinburgh and branches. February 18: The National Bank of WEEK. KXPOBTS TROH NEW YORK POR THS We issue Certificates of Deposit payable on demand or at fixed 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. centres. For the week $2,968,819 $8,261,173 $3,208,786 date, bearing interest, and available at all money R^vloosly reported.... 22,913,310 20,865,571 20,384,115 Orders executed for Governments and other Investment securi- Since Jan. 1 $25,912,129 $23,926,744 $2.3,592,901 ties ; also Gold and Exchange. following will show the exports of specie from the port of The Advances made to our dealers at all times on approved collater- York for the week ending February 18, 1871 New als at market rates of interest. 14—Bark Mary Stetson, vaua Feb. of the world. Ponce American silver. . 16,458 Collections made in any part American silver... $20,000 Feb. 16—Brig ;Eliza Thom- son, Ponce, P. R. Feb. 15—Str. Algeria, Liver- HATCQ. pool American silver. .. 15,000 HA&VIT nSK. A. S. Foreign silver 13,237 Feb. 16—Bark Ilva, Mara- FISK & HATCH, American gold.... 1,300 cail)o Securities, 1 Gold bars 36,000 American gold 31,601 Bankers and Dealers in Government Silver bars 14,000 Feb. 18—Str. Italy, Liver- No. 6 Nassau street, r Llver- pool Feb. 15—Str. Nevada, New York, Feb. 20, 1871. ) {)00l— Gold bars 52,000 verbars 158,078 Feb. 18—Str. City of Wash- The Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds, of the Central Pacific Eailroad ington, Liverpool- Silver ore 4,000 renders them Foreign silver 78,950 Silver bars 183,215 Company have an established character which For London- British gold 19,515 especially desirable for investments. Gold bars 32,200 American gold 500,000 Feb. 16—Str. Columbia, Ha- They are based on one of the most important and valuable rail - Totalforthe week $1,170,554 and Previously reported 4,310,673 road lines in the world, fully completed, amply equipped, already earning large revenues, which must increase enormously Total since Jan. 1, 1871 .-..... $5,481,227 Same time in Same time in- with the growth of the country it traverses and the development 1870... $4,350,860 1867 ::: 4,035.313 portion of which ISeS 5,139,171 1866 ;::.;; 3,765.901 of trade with Japan, China and , a large 1868 9,657,851 1865 3,917,985 must find its way across the American continent. The imports of specie at this port during the past week have are liable to be funded at been as follows Holders of Five-twenty Bonds (which Fob. 13—Str. Henry Chann- Gold $2,680 a lower rate of interest within a short time) may exchange them for cey, Asplnwall Feb. 18—Brig Louisa, Santa rate of interest, and gave Silver $77,511 Martha- Central Pacific Bonds, bearing the same Gold 760 Gold...; 1,453 from 15 to 18 per cent, for reinvestment, while their security Feb. 16—Brig Salinos, Para— Feb. 18—Brig Alfarsta, San Silver....-.v . 2,000 JTian— remains as reliable as before. Feb. 17—Str. Miesonri, Ha- Silver 100 vana— Gold bars 1,315 They are dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange, and at several of the more important Bourses of Europe. We have Total for the week „.f. .)«:.... $85,759 Prevlonsly reported ;..: 276,649 introduced them into our regular business upon the same basis as as freely at current Total since January 1, 1871 $391,408 Government Bonds, and buy and sell them

Same tiine in I Same time in market rates, and '^re prepared to furnish them to investors or 1870 $2,836,973 1868 $280,987 1889 1,730,440] 1867 ..-.•. 184,879 others at daily quotations. 1 1 —Enterprising Marine Insurance companies from distant parts We buy and sell Government Bonds, Gbld and Coupons, exe- of our own land have, within a few years, established agencies cute orders in miscellaneous Securities at the New York Stock here, and lately one has come from Europe. At the present deposits subject to at time, therefore, there is considerably more insurance capital Exchange, make collections, receive check in the marine business in this city than heretofore, and as a sight, allow interest on balances, and do a general Banking busi- result, a greater competition. A compaiatively new feature in ness. marine insurance in this country is the brokerage system. FISK 4 HATCH. An active and enterprising body of men now make it tl eir business to solicit insurances to place with the different organi- zations. Ah long as there were a limited number of compa- nies, and while a uniform tariflF of rates was strictly ad- hered to, such a system could only exist on sufferance. Now, Pkiday Evening, February 24, 1S71. however, that the amount of capital is so largely increased, and Tlte money ;»Iarket.-The large accumulation of loanable companies and associations of undoubted security are in the field, funds in this market has shown no diminution during the past it is not simply a question of assets that must guide insurers in week, but on the contrary, the effect of this extreme ease in the their selection, but economy of outlay, and the certainty of liber- rates for money, continued now for several weeks, is becoming ality and fair dealing in tin- payment of claims. Messrs. Wreaks more and more perceptible in all the financial markets. Three 6 Walsh, 00 Wall street, are the murine a^nts of the Merchants' to four per cent, has been the ruling rate for call loans, though Mutual Insurance Company of CaliJ'omia and of the California In- the latter rate has hardly been obtainable from borrowers on surance Company, whoso advertiser.ients will be found on another government collateral. In a few exceptional instances we have page. By a provision of the constii ution of the State of Califor- heard of balances being loaned for a day as low as 2 jier cent. nia all stockholders in joint stock companies are personally liable, There is no anticipation of any material change in the market each one in the proportion that the number of shares that he' for some weeks to come, and, as we have previously noticed, the owns bears to the whole number issued, for all indebtedness that banks have shown a disposition to enter into time engagements may be incurred over and above the capital and assets of such extending over several weeks at 5 per cent, a rate unusually low corporations. The California Insui mce Companies are therefore on such contracts. The last bank statement, although showing a comparatively much stronger than hose of equal assets organized decrease of $904,314 in the excess of legal reserve, could hardly in other States. Their stockholder;! become to a certain extent be considered very unfavorable to continued ease in money, as the Individual underwriters, each one responsible for a definite pro- result was produced by an increase in deposits of $2,229,458, and portion ... of every risk taken, &c., &c. a decrease in specie of $953,37 7, while there was an increase in ^ Messrs. Drexcl, Wintlirop Co., .Jegal tenders increased and & bankers, 18 Wall street, ofifer for sale the of $598,347 ; loans were $3,641,175, 7 per cent, flrst mortgage circulation gold bonds of the Houston and Texas Central Hail- decreased $52,323, the whole excess of reserve over the way Company. These per cent, bonds are secured by first mortgage on the road of 25 required by law was $19,066,933. which asomiles are already in operation, and also by aland grant of 6.400 The following statement shows the present condition of the per ac'res mile. The receipts of associated in last the company in 1870 were $1,538,420 in gold, upon a banks, compared with the same date the twoyears : *** ""*^>'">«l in January, 1871, the earnings were 213,000. The Feb. 18, 1871. Feb. 19. 1870. Feb. 20, 1969. ^"f*^ Loans and discounts. »a«7,St7,Sr,8 price U 90 and accrued Interest t214.9iJ,5S0 t2li3,428.0«S Specie 2J,7()7)3i'J S7,2M,S87 23,351,391 -Mr. Willlm C. Circulation Oilman, dealer in insurance scrip and stocks, 3l,737,Sll 3S,6il4,3:i S4,34?,S'n 48 Pine Net deposits^posits nreei. Has jssued in neat pamphlet 2!6890,S3S 2W,ISS,S8J 18;,612A«> form, the annual statements of the Marine LeKsl TendersTcttders 66,3(16,689. 65.',3l,0t» 60.99„I97 D.™«noe O^pooles of New York, compiled from olBcial sources, and to par- The demand for commercial paper has been stimulated by the I «nbj«ct this pamphlet wUl be found of much valne and extreme ease in intereit, money and the dofflctilty 6f' obtaining remunera- tive rates oa call, and imder theiie influences paper has been

i : : : — K: :

PebTaary26, 1871.1 THE CHRONICLB. 2S7

nefrotiable»te«Hler prices th»n heretohirp quoted. 'For tho b«at vailed for sevetkl weeks arc beginning to have some effect in *' ' 8ixtyck has been read, nnd tlie consequently improved chances that the new list ofrailroad and niiscellaneoiu stocks on each day of the last week five i>er c^nt. bonils may be succeHsfully negotiated. A further Satnr'lav. .^fondaT, Taesday, W«dne«d'y Thnrsday, "rldav, influenee in the siime direction, which awnot fall to have a certain Feb. 18. Feb. M. Feb. a. Feb. ». Feb. 23. Feb. 24. continuin^r effect u|Hin the market, is the known desire of Secretary N.Y.ContftH.It MK MH 94(< H\ UH MK : MX MX MV 9BX do scrip 90X MH SOX MX MX MH 90X 90X »0X 9IX Boulwell to place his now loan, and the supposition that he will Harlem •!» U6!, 185 196 MSS .... I3SX .... U5X1M £avor, so far as he consistently may, every measure tending to Rrle -iXli » » «X •11 H ax 3lS 22 HeHdIni; »9« »9X » »\< » .... : 98X 99 JiU'' bring up the prices of bonds to a point where the object may be bake Shore.... UM MH MM Mj< MX M MX »X «8X «6 S8« Si 33 accomplished. Wabaah 8HC 58 ax ssx : S8X 5*X MX Ptttaborg 10«« .... lour 108 los lOBX : 106 uBx unxm Odicinl notice has been given that the interest du^.MarCli 1st on Northwe't 76 76X -76 V .. • 76 77X 76X J»K 76X WX do pref e«^ m% sex MX S6X the KWO's, amounting to f4,8rt4,182, will jio paid immediately »% 86X 86X 86X WH Hoclc iBlaml... 106« l(nj< 107 107X 107 lOTX 107 uriK 1OTX108 without delmte. At the Treasury purchase of |;2,0().0,000 on Tui.>s- Fort Wayne... K% .... •95 9« •9SX A 95X .... ^t.raol SIX 58$; uy SiH 68K MX « day, tlie olferings were only $3,718,100, an amount so limited as to 58K d . f'i't.... 71X 7IX 74Y TB 74X 74X 74X 74H ??^ 7^IJ give material strength to prices subsequently. Ohio. Mississin aay, ssv 30X 96 »X 36 asx a5« "5* a6x ysiitrai oi N.J. \m)iim% lOBx itn 107 .... : •106X107X t06X The following prices of leading 10«X were the highest and lowest Chic* Alton.. Ill 112X 113 itax .... b 112X .... 111 .... government securities at the Board on each day of the past week do do pref "115 117 ita 118 § •115 1I6X IISX .... Panama "BSX 70 •mii '.'.'.'. •69X 71 a TO .... 70!< .... Saturday, Mondav, Tneaday, Wedne.«d'y TKnrsday, Etlday, Clcv..C,C. 4 1 85 85X 84X as 84 B4X 2 B4 S«X MX MX »"eb. 18. Feb. ». Fpb. 2i. Feb. «. Feb. 23. F'i"h.34. Col.ChiC.ft I.(! 13 I8X 17K 18 •17X 18 =: 18 .... I7X .... «••, 1881 coup ... I!4l4 .... IHK .... ll*H .... V4% IMXIUX Deb.LaOk.ftW 'lOSJ^m VSH 104 104X mx lOlK lOSX u»xt«x SaO'e.lSS! ooup. m^ .... lllKlli 112 .... lltyU2 1I2H .... Hano., St. Jos. 87S .... S9 ESH 88X . . : 87V .... nV «K ...... 5a>'s. 1«6I •• UIXlllX UIX .... litX .... lUV IIIX •••• do pref 98X .. . •88X 99 98J< 9SX "^^.S V*)'»,18«5 •' 'MXIIIH IIIH .... IIIX .... •mn uiv 'iw r.3X Illinois Centr'l 14) .... 188 "1S3 IS3K : is.'ix .... •JfflX 188V 118 118 .... 5-J0'9, IMS n " llOX llOX 110« UOK UOH ... iiOH.'.lox i:U5; .... MIcli. Central. '117X118 117V ... 117X .... : •117V vn §, lin • iim< nox iioM UOK iiuji nun iittx uox Morris *Kss8^ a»H 89K 89X 89X .... : •89X 89V •2"~ ...... : 2« I^"*.** »»'..ie« " •iicSiii iioxiiox lllS .... ir.iiiiiK iiix . •• D.lIart.iKrle 2X 2X 2x •2X io-w«, '• iiox .... iwx ..V. UOV llOx ui uix nuiUi'A llnluu raclllc. 3IX 2IX SIV 22J< 21X 22X : 21X %V sax M : !I»X Corroocye'a lis ...... •liaxiiSK USH .... A'est. In. Tel. 46X 47X 47K 48)4 47« 49 49 90X 4«X m IWX •9 Maripos."* erel.. 8X ex 9X .... •8K 9 : 9X 9X .... * .... I4X 15 15!, 14 .... TteUla the prlcahld and aaked. no Miftf was made at the Board. Qnlcfcsllver...., 18 13!4 UH IIV .WinePa Man.... OX 44V 44 14X 43;^ UH 13X 44K 44X 4SX Stmte and Hallroad Bonda.— State bonds haye been tolera- Adams Kxpraa "(HX 66 tan .... •«SH 6SX 65« 65X 66 ««X Ain.Merc1i.lTn •iHH 45X 45 45X 49 4SX •«X 45X 45X ... ble active during the week, without any wide fluctuations in 41 45 46 .... Untied Stales. 44 4IX 44H 4SX .JgH prices, the most noticeable change being a decline of about 2 per Wells, KarjfO.. 'SKX 40X •8'JV 41 a9X ... «|J

cent, on now South Carollnas. Despatches from AlabaiiA continue * Tbls Is the nrlce bid and asked, no saU was made at thu Board. to report the prospect of interest payment on tho Alabama and The earnings of the Union Pacific Railroad for January compare Chattanooga Railroad bonds as very good, though it would appear that the Legislature can hardly appreciate injury done to the as follows 1871. 1810. credit of the State each day tliat definite action is further post- tlSS8.S89» Gross earnings *i™'5? 15 poned. E»pensee 281,061 63 473,960 38 Among railroad bonds, tho Pacifies have as usual been the most Ncteamlngs $198,51118 $54^84 active. Despatches from Washington to-day give the reports of The nine months. May 1 to Jan. 31, of the two fiscal years, the Judiciary Committee and Pacitic Railroad Committee of the Senate, compare as follows both favorable to the roads. 18W-71. 18W-70. The telegram in the Xew York Expreu this evening is as fol- tiroBs earnings H-SS^ « UfiU.'in 78 Expenaes 3,116,796.63 4,430X108 «7 lows : "Two qucctlons wito considered by the Judiciary Committee :—First, has Net earnings.. ,.»2,742,74» 87 13,214.298 07 the Uovi-niment the rii;tit to retaiu the whole compen^tion for sen-ices per- form- M'l^- '»' "inio To the payment of the bonds and The Ortld Marliet.—The market has generally been firm but Inter " . with the opinion of the Attorney- dull. The firmness of foreign exchange tends to support gold, tieli' - 1 ujion the j»aid t)onds due from tlio also the prospect 6f specie shipments commencing this season «>m[ . ..-rinj' lawH to pay it gemi-uuntially, ai* and mab On both of these qiieslioiis the opinion at an earlier period than usual ; the export of last week was of tl, of tiie Attorney-Genenil. maintains and $1,170,")54, btit the exports of the present week will probably be the , Ihat the United States arc bound to pay p are unable to learn of any im- for tti luiir 111.' K'liey, and can only apply the other half on tho much less than that amount; we bond and tliiit - are"t>nly bonnd to tht? perfonnance of tin; Gov- portant gold shipments for to morrow, and of silver alxjut $200,000 -^ i-i emni'n: r\ I .'nul. beyond th<' such service. pvrfommnee of in bars. Tho rates for carrying have ranged from 4 per cent, to are ti- 'il the maturity of the bonds. It is tinder- 2i, and 2 per cent. Receipts for customs this BtO'K ir in the report except Mr. Edmunds, The Hat, and to-day 3. 3i reper the Committee on the Pacific Railroads week have been !J3,027,O0O, and payments at the Snb-Treasury It recoiumeiid> 11' _ lci:i.*Iali

Union Pacittc's First Mortgages, ; 83i<383i Land Grants, 72@73J ; each day of the week past Inconiw, 'i'.l(Xt';.'t>j. -Onotattons.— We understand that the Central Pacific bonds were yesterday Opeor Low- Holi- < lo«. ToUI admit t(^d to the regular call on the London Stock Exchange, and In..n«. est. est. Inir. Cl^nrtn«. 1.- .,037 Ballirday, r*hM.. . . 1 1 tX IIIW UlX lllX as they are al»o quoted at the Exchanges of Amsterdam, Frank- 1.1' 196 Monday, " 20.... Ill lllQ tllX llIX 2s.aao/MO' /M.4a9 fort and New York, we believe that no other railroad bond has T'u'wlay. *' 21 IHS, UlX lUH Ills " 22 Holiday., so general Wcdn'day, , 1.9M.7n) lasMin a currency in the leading financial markets of the " 23 UIX^ lliX "..tmjm Tlmrsday, ...UlX ]}}% KSaTS 961jn world. Friday, •• M....ti:x UlX lUX UlX «.! The following are the highest and loweet prices of the most SKtlS »>**' active State Bonds at the Board on each day of the week ??JS?i.\»J?fc:::.:::;i!{^ ]i^ WIU l"^ ^^^^ '^«^ Jan 1, 1871, to date.. llOX IWK IWX lUX Tuesdav, Wedneed'y, Thursday, Frldajr, Feb. 21. Fet). 22. Fob. 83. Feb. W. leading drawers have wmained DlTeim.. old... ForelKn Ex<-banxe.-The Hit .... 64JK Ma scarcely a fractioijBl variation. ««Teiin,tie^v... M 6IX firm throughout the week, wth •aX.far.. oM.. 8^ rates, but tlw same \ :::: 43 49 to support tf.Csr., K There is no extraordinary demand 4« ti'jw. J. S9 ...... •• •s nv Ix-en noticed for n n.nob.r of Vlri!.,old.... (I9H W scarcitv of exchanffo which has ••SC. u. J* J SIX there seems to I ^^-ot •« MIXMlirl.... i^K weeks'past. At the present moment o M »lS 01 aix corapletesett .m. Itn. ?..c. iJl.... the . •_ of decline in the market, though _ v. V. M«82X a L'd lit.... 7K '"»de beyondjhe yeueral U. P. utlkirs stinuitat* an export Inromo.. 73 ropean might CentJ'itc.Qold •WX prime b«,ken^(rterling was MS 9i ex,M,ctalion8. a" this time in 1870 r. 1 ex- 108Jfo 1085, and in ISfiO at the same. * Thli Is till* quoted at nriee tdd and nsk.;d. no aaUvaa made at the iir>:ird this week amon .'48 ports from all United States- iK.rt« Railroad and nucellaneona Stock*.-There iu.gold, .ime has been more bales, ,.rrKlu.;ing »8.(M5.000 a^^ %**^..K'w;,,r.,-.,is activity in the $5,7.';0,f85ln gold, witU Ji<>W.MiJ8 Stork \larkut, witJi. considerable buoyancy- Ju w«ek«f 1870i producing then prices. The remarkably low rates fox money which have pre- anU Middlin-g Uplands at a4c. : : : : K: . .. . ) .: . . . :

February 1871. CHRONICLE. f 25, 238 THE 203,000 617.0IH) 240,60 14,000 612,000 1,904,000 689,000 as follows 1,210 470,000 1,361,000 800,000 Quotations are goDars. 8 Days. iiox® ma 75,000 188,000 81,000 IiODdoD prime bankan' 109 & 109W $39,657330 $10,902,642 '* commercial. ••< Totj' $16 935150 $52,743,310 $686,407 $13,375,932 follows raria (bankers) i.i'-iisis.'m 5.07K®6.0I*K The deviations from last week's returns are as Antwerp [email protected];< Lcgral Increase... 2983M 5.U»®5.«)< Caoltal ...Decrease.. $12,000 1 Tenders SwiM ilH® 41 .Decrease.. 160.485 Deposits Decrease.. 191,169 ' FS Amatcrdam S6X® *« Increase ,. 38,766 36X® 88g 27,046 I Circulation Hamburg 6pecle'.V.V.".V.";;."!::i>ecrcase.. Pranklort r»K» 80 The annexed statement shows the condition of the Philadelphia Bremen B T2«(« Tin 7ixa . weeks : • House and Sub- Banks for a series of thew-^k' aVihe Custom note Loans. Specie. Legal Tender. DepoBlts. Circulation. TirtranS^ttons'for- 10.S4!,926 Feb 6 63,018,868 I'i6,106 13,5ti;,78l 40.397,277 have been as follows 713,4.53 13.167.874 39,818,999 10,863376 Treasury -Sub-Treafiory SphlS ; 52909,796 Custom Paymenta. 52.743,310 686,407 13,375,932 39657,830 10,902,642 HoUBe -ReceiptB. Feb'.ao::;:"!:!!;: Currency. Gold. Currency. of the Boston BecclpU. Gold. 67 Boston Banks.—Below we give a statement »236,085 10 »1,150J78 51 »961,965 Saturday, Feb. . $573,000 88 491,872 52 returned to the Clearing House, Feb. 20, 1871 8(H,000 00 348,167 50 84471 National Banks, as . TS1.000 51 Monday, 308.783 22 91 531 21 463,498 ,.„ r^ar^(tftt Loans.T.ftnns. Specie.RnAP.le. L.T.T,. T. Notes.NotcB. Deposits,Deoosl tS, ClrculaClrculs 21. &M,OOU 706,500 00 Banks Tuesday, ....Holiday. 'i^'iJii $1,521,447 $291 $155,606 $3?I,608 $4a),?49 Wedneaaay," «*. 26 Atlantic ,*SS'ffi2 790,606" 'ga^'oo' 267,023* 43,920 57 2,624,233 3,743310 12,014 165,820 666.054 794,126 Thuniday, " 2S. ; 692,108 23 Alius 1,382,442 29 1,017,567 89 I'^SnS ,3,511, •136 18,908 300,166 1 ,440,590 784,295 . 886,000 1,014,628 80 Blackstone Friday, " 2*. !'2S'SS 1,982,932 11,690 179 143 806,421 587,060 Boston I'iSS'iJS 41 »2,42O,370 16 »5,233,67S 19 1.444,180 217,.«7 686,W8 415,944 Total X3,67;,000 W.176,025 27 «2.5S7,501 Boylston .SS'SSS 1.S150 10,615,848 W 2,843,816 6.00 343,500 694,933 768,942 Feb. 17... ::.^!7..^. 63;756,578 90 Columbian Balance, J'2S'2S 1,984,738 76,667 342,075 1,067,773 Continental ?'2SS'f!S »e7,932.6(M 17 »13,183,349 45 Ehot 1,000,000 2,53.1,170 122.742 S9..520 964,473 795,620 483.980 99,736 Payment durtaB week 2.420,370 16 5^678 19 Everett 200.000 6.50,326 8,827 36,714 ^ FaneuilHall J.™"*.™ 2,6S3„582 68.598 31.5,167 1,312,818 571,572 632,163 353,3:51 Balance Feb 24 »6J,512,229 01 $7,949,67126 Freeman's fdO.OOO 1,499,650 15,942 117.1190 City Banks.—The following statement shows the Globe 1,000,000 2.660,116 15,<«S 264.(100 l,^35.558 355,280 New Yo^ Humllton 7.50.000 1,497,929 4,750 117,601 513,043 241,935 York City for the week 442,478 condition of the Associated Banks of New Howard 1,000.000 1969.361 67,382 128,571 628,217 on Feb. 18, 1871 Mxrket SOO.OtO 1,496.082 1S,S!8 81,374 4,10,726 331.693 endins at the commencement of business 366,283 " OT ' -^ Massachusetts 800.000 1,962.847 48,807 263.832 1,068,063 . AVKBAeS AMOUNT 853,190 235,224 Clrcnla- Net Lef*' Mayerick 400.000 890,290 29,861 83,476 Loans and 549,935 1,541,896 6,050,126 1,657,135 Specie. "on- DegoBlta. Tenders Merchants' 3,000.0(10 8,315,434 BaXKa. Capital Diicounts. 661,609 60,000 35,316 892,086 176,663 $861,700 $11,0-«,500 $791 .2IX) Mount Vernon 200,000 fork »8,000,000»11,105.300 $3,199,200 412,390 730,896 786363 Dew 4,330,^00 1.501,4TO New England 1,(110,000 2312.993 5,051 2 050.000 5366.700 609.800 9,800 741,949 Manbattan 1.494.<00 North 1,000,000 2,313,366 47,912 201,334 633303 »M0.000 eSieOO I.OI8.2OO 875.700 4,819.200 1,059,K35 361,214 Merobanta'... 244.600 900,000 1,839,383 147,860 865,074 - 5.9.14,900 321,300 607,757 4.781.400 1. Ol5.40J 484,767 173.402 Rational 612.4U0 300.000 1,206.127 208,125 86.400 1,148,297 800.000 2.436.1100 53.400 2.53.400 1,802.600 Third Butctaers' 4,-369.929 2,721 812,083 1,678,772 881,794 11.500 195,700 1.310.,'ifO 417.200 Bank of Commerce. 3.000,000 Mechanics and Traders'. 600,000 ]i»2.<00 343,673 .539,428 391,212 2.929 760,171 139.869 Bank of N. America l.OlXl.'IIO l,827,a:!6 26,607 Greenwich 200.000 987.887 936.983 791371 2.402,354 766.947 B'k of Redemption. 1.000.000 9,135339 84.987 740.851 Leather Manul. National $00,000 3S22.618 296.5.51 261,980 7S7,1ST 868^09 220.378 Bank of Eepublic. 1,500.0(10 3,9?1378 230,167 796.486 Serentta Ward, National 500,000 lJi66.(s66 59.830 175,608 434,237 3.236.S96 City 1,0(10.(100 1,726,582 6'.»B 214,584 M8.765 State 01 New York 2,000,000 4;20«.889 790.891 493,000 3,457.961 321,176 1.871,300 1,0110.(100 1,903,922 2.473 15(,790 680.930 5,000,000 8952.100 8.142.200 95.5,800 7,084.300 Eiigle American ExctuuKe 1,00(1,000 3,952 470 1T2.755 176,883 1,433,708 796,627 1,I12,6!)3 4,380^90 6,640,008 4,186,119 Exchange . 10,000,000 21,OSe,067 781,55:! Commerce.,,... 1,.'>0(I,(«K) 3,108,100 14313 350,039 881,359 1.000.000 7,»!S.100 420,800 900,000 7,325,800 2,018,20(1 Hide & Leather Broadway 9 2,011(1,000 4,024,948 26.106 337.993 2.071,463 S88,5(XI 1.000.000 2,202,720 4.040 775.755 940,029 285.7; Revere Ocean 200,000 57i.919 28.773 .18,116 383,108 129,0(X> l.OOO.OOO 3,698, OO 74,800 479.401 3,247.300 919.700 security MercantUe 2M.9SO 1,000,000 2,4(19,556 127,098 205,571 l>26,7:i3 537,2.33 2,156,1«) 11,040 4.700 1.681.560 Union Paclllc....« 422,700 1,500,000 3,173,083 61,772 346.931 1,719,213 490.838 3,000.000 1,586,720 8.88.847 5.04S.129 1,282,4^2 Webster RepabUe 5J)08,408 200,000 516.868 6,006 69,218 219,949 175,733 Chatham 450,000 2,014,700 179,500 13O.S40 2.480.440 600.170 Broadway People's 412,500 1,578,691 3,102 5.985 l;!30,8;6 221.015 $47330,000 $113,236,331 $3,063,048 $13,070,424 $46360,938 $24,744,280 tlorth American 1,000,000 2,777,261 161,224 4.000 2,491.931 485.000 Xotal 290.935 1.366.M7 300.339 Hanover 1,000,000 2,256,150 215.663 deviations from the returns of previous week are as follows : 12,900 187.3S7 1.801.0C0 528,000 The Irvlnir 500,000 1,925,000 Dec. 416.634 737,li77 1,696,482 5.231351 1.097.160 Inc. $210,265 I Deposits Uecropolltan 4,000,000 10,196.915 Loans Dec. Citizens 400,000 1,629.966 40,942 130,617 1,273.201 .156,082 ^^ecle .' ncc.I(!2;477 Circulation 1,776 Nassau 1.000.000 2.381.822 6S.415 2,171,251 262.163 Legal Tender Notes Deo. 484,1511 Market 1.000.000 t2,955.2W) 96,400 520.800 1.737,500 491.100 totals for series past .6ifl following are coini)arative a of weeks 8t.Nlctaolaa 1,000.000 2.754.930 124,470 745.780 1.204 444.860 The Shoe and Leatbsr 1,500.000 8.675.000' " 17.650 844.880 2.555.200 833.300 Loans. Specie. Legal Tender. Deposits. Circulation 87.800 5,7:55 1.320.0 163.000 48,512.664 34.843.109 Corn Exchange 1.000.000 2.676.500 .Tan. 16..! ... 111.925.368 3,993,039 12,217,657 4.018.965 178.812 567 522 2.271.109 .578.000 47,652.326 34,785398 Continental 3,000.000 .Tan. 23...... 111.584.938 3,937 689 12,365,184 46.526 235,027 2,086,907 516.538 46.:.i)5, 34,597,6>'- Commonwealth 750.000 2.206.763 .I-n.SI...... 111.697.431 3,708,476 12,655, I5il 50 2.950 4,650 1,053,730 216.810 24,769.239 Oriental 800,000 1,351,380 Feb.reu. o6... 112.578.740 3,406,353 12,771,765 47,1.37.984 Marine 400,000 1,670OTI 68450 360,000 409.940 Feb.13 113.016.116 3,223,525 12,354375 46.777,572 24,746.036 10,849 98,260 640.366 219.208 Atlantic 800,000 970,488 Feb. 20 113.250.381 3,063.018 12,070,424 46..3fi0,9.18 24,744.280 Importers and Traders'.. 1.500.000 10.666,200 651.700 501,200 10,856,700 2,8<6.3fO Srt.. 3,000,1)00 16,481*14 923.697 975,500 18,416,068 4.637.318 Mechanics' Banking Abs. 600,000 l,tB6,4C0 90,600 304,000 1,028.600 456.8(0 SOUTHERN SECURITIES. Grocers' 800,000 6Ii8,178 1,915 609.494 221.347 North Klver 400.000 1,152,850 24,278 11,000 1,061,172 229,405 These (iaotatlons are of tbe I,ess Active Securities ivlilela EastRlver 890,000 961,200 6,000 274,500 606.800 232,500 are not Given on tbe Next Page. Manufacturers ft Mer..., 600,000 1,447,400 2,300 677 1,140.000 219.200 by Lawrence Bros. & Co., 14 Wall Street, and A. C. Kaufman, Charleston, 8. C Fourth National 5,000,000 17,412,500 864,700 2,983,500 13,812,500 S,802.9«0 Prices Central National 8,000,000 11.066,000-.--.,^ 182,000 1.870,000 10.140,000 8,026.0 (Many quoLitious are necesearily nominal, Second National 800,000 1.4i6,900 S69J)00 1,2.52.500 887.000 Ninth National 1,000,000 $.501,000 226.000 764.000 6,197,000 1,624.000 Nortb Carolina. 832.000 FIrstNatlonal 600J)00 4,370.200 239.100 4,699,400 992,000 8ecnrll,es. IBid Wilmington & Weldon 7b. 6(6,600 787,600 4,955.300 1,315,P00 €ltF Third National 1,000.000 9iM8.J00 Alexandria 88 68 " Ub, & Ruth.lstM.end 800.000 1.208.000 700 366.600 810.400 271.500 New York N. Kicbange* 69 " " iBt M., 88... TenthNatlonrJ 1,000.000 8.422,500 128,900 901 >» 2.875.600 888,700 Atlama, Ga,7B 78 Bowery National 250,000 U]^^ 11,145 228.000 1,05I,»77 322,466 Augusta, Ga., 78, bonds . 8ontb Carolina. 179,500 1,066,800 294.500 B6 Char!., M.,7b New York Connty 200,000 1.290.100 Ch'lo'ton, 8. C. , 7s, F. L. bdf Col. & Aug , let 394',22S 2,426,565 " 2,g2,100 848,650 65 " stock . . German American IJMOflOO Columbia, S. C , 68... BullsHead 2MflK l/"8.657 5,306 6,407 1,668,206 6S{ 78, ColnmbuB, " 79, boiids . Sparten-barg and Union Stuyresant 00/100 491^ 3,513 548,783 98,664 11.5,9f0 Tredricksburg 6b 43J guar'd by States. C EleveitbWard 200.000 492.^ 406.258 72 Savanuuh Char, let M., 78.. Rlghth National 250.000 756.R78 i',ia 350 OOO 617,144 20r,796 Lynchburu 6e & American National BOO.OOC 730.010 »,147 444,140 729.613 802,361 Macon 7s. bonds 75 North Baetcni 1st mtg. 88. T&^ecO 5,600 778.200 89 " 2d '• 88. Wermanla 200,000 Memphis fis, endorsed — " Manutactures ft Builders 100 ooil 1,059.551 4,500 1,032,238 87,0(M Memphis past due conpons. 65 8d " 88. 60 '• Mobile, Ala., Bs, bondB . stock TottL 88.970,200 274,912 520 34,707,33731,737,841216,290,333 96,366,63$ 88, " .. 80 Cheraw & Darlington 78. . The deviations from the returns of previous week are as follows Montgomery 88 8Ui Auu Ridee, iBt Alortgajiie BO 60 Net Deposits Inc. $2,229,1.58 LNaBbville6B Tennessee. 1.oauB Inc.. $3,611,175 I Sitccle Dec 963,877 Legal Tenders Inc. 693,347 Norlolk 6b 60 East 1'eun. & Virgiula6s, end 70 by State of Tenn Circulation Dec. 62,323 I .'etersbnrgfls 70 Memphis and Ohio lOs... The following are the totals for a series of weeks past llicbmond 6b Legal AgKregate WilmlnBton.N. C.,6e *~ "" - ^ -n " 88.... Virginia. "LoanB. Specie. Clrcnlntlon DcpORitB. Tcntlerfl." — Cle'avihir!, Ibib 68,. Keh. 4.... 370.7M,Tn 26^.573 S1J64.129 215.388 ,595 54,187,393 598.827.937 Orange & Alex,, " ads 6b... Feb. n.... 271,211,345 25.660.714 81.790.164 214.060.875 65.773,292 487,O.Vt.904 Railroad Securities " Feb. 18..., 274,912,520 24.707.SS7 31.7n341 216,290,333 56,306,636 463,147,419 Alabama. " Sd8 8s... PmLADKLTinA BANKS.—The following is the average condition Jlontg'ry & Wcet P. Ist, 88. 4th88»... " " lit. end Orange A .Alex. A Man. Ists 79 of the Philadelphia National Banks for the week preceding Mon- " " Income Va. ATennlBtB «B. .,..•.... day, Feb. 30, 1871 Montgomery and Euialla 1st 2d8«s Total net Ss. gold bonds, endorsed by 4th, 88 81 CanlUl. Specie. Tender. Banks. I.osns. L. DepoBlte.Clrcnlat'n. State of Alabama ... Virginia Central lets, 68 83i Fhlladelphta. «l,56o,(iao $1335,000 $S,662,0«l " $5,140,000 $146,000 $1,000,000 Mobilf and Ohi

' " Mechanics' 800,000 S.322.0C0 7.581 422,0110 1,196,(100 47415(1 Georgia. fnna. int. 81 90 Bank K. Liberties. 500,000 2,413,000 4.000 661,000 1,891,000 459,000 !:ioathweBternKK., iBt mtg. 85 Elipb. di Dans 1b1 c-liis'd 6b 77 413,700 " Bonthwark 350,000 1331,900 i9,300 1,205,200 211,90(1 Btoclk Pit ^mont bra'h 88 Kensington 268,000 230,000 I.IIUD 4310 855.725 227 752 Uaconand Auensta bonds " Ista'^ 80 r«nn 600,000 1.892320 4,000 371380 1,018,566 174 399 yea ern " endort*ed. ^ontbside, Ist mtg. 8b..,. 400,000 1348,104 3371 401.164 1,3-0,654 " Manaiactoran'.... 870,151 l,»S6,O0O .... 550,000 1,127^38 Macon and Angnsta stock 3d m. gnart'dee.. JDJ Hankol 446,550 " Oommarce 290,000 817 fiW 13,199 221.756 657,273 218,690 Atlantic and Oulf stock. . 8dm. 6s 6H 8,433,00(1 61,om 1,027,000 2,631000 592.00(1 Savannah, Albauy.A Uall7e " 4th m. 88 82 TradearnVn^'.'.'* V,', ^00 000 1,416.728 7.343 SI4.176 1,087.775 174,219 bonds, end, by Savannah.. 75 Norfolk & Petersburg 1 m 8e 94 Consolidation 800*000 1,187.560 10300 251381 827,388 270,000 " " Pensacola rn Exchange..., BOOjOOO 5.7(XI 467,000 lil3,000 aichm. fc PeterBb. letm 7s uni.u Ij647.0a0 4.30,000 " aoojooo 1343300 12,000 869,000 1^,000 221,000 inisslsslppi and Iiao> " 2d m. 6e Jl'at. „.,. i.m/m 8.4(7,000 902,000 23UX)00 796,000 " " Third 11,010 Isfana. 8d m. 8e $oojDao \fia.

Pebruaiy 26, 1871] THE CHRONICLE. 239

GENERAL QUOTATIONS OP STOCKS AND BONDS. Tlie Active Ntocka itiid Boiidii nlvon on a Prevloua Pace are not Hppcated here. Quotation* are made ol the Per Vent Value, Whatever the Par mar he. ttoutheru liecurltlea are Quoted U> a Heparate Llat.

•TOOM ADD taouuTin. Bi«, WOOEB AXS uotTBrnu. Bid. noou Ajn> uovxiTiM. Bid. •Kxnu An •aovBiTist |Bld.\Ail(

New York Prleaa. RAILROAD BONDS. 111. ft So. lat 78 iLmerlciki: _!:,*••" UtX lim Iowa, Mort Boa torn. Marietta ft Ctn.. 1ft M., 7, 1891 gxf ' U ilena * Chicago Bx> ended . IJ. » . NTS. do do 3d M.,7, 1896. a* (Soti' led.) Ualena ft Chicago, 2d Mort... M Hartford ft Erie. Ist M. (old) 7. 60 «• Northern Cent., 1st M. (guar) • ••.IWI. >£, IMH U4X iChlc. R. Island* Paclflc i «3 MX do do IstM. rnew)T. MX do do 3dM.,B. F7,4.*8il, u.s-vt.aasitrtu MorrUftEssex, Ist .Mort \UtiH Old Col. ft NeWDprt Bd8,6,jn. do do 3dM.,8. P.,(,190ni (i» do do JilMort M as do do Bonds, 7, 1917.. do do8d M. i:lU4 Ogdens. ft L. Champlaln do do Funding Act, 18M. do do SdM.. 8.77... 96 au do do do 7 8-10 93 I 91 do do pref... 106 do do 18«8 81 CIn. A Indiana. 1st M..7 80 a" bonda J7X »7hI do do lat Mort.. 97 Old Colony A Newport 96X 78 80 do do new do do 3d M.. 7. 1877.. Special Tax. do do LftM. d.. esx Port., Saco ft Portamonth.... 130 90 do do Colum.. ft Xenla. l»t M.,7, '90. H Sonth Carolina 6> do do 2d M. P Kotland 44X 85 n Dayton ft Mich., 1st M., 7,*81.. new bonda I 57Si'Marl«itaftBtwi.'mariviui a cm.,^in., IstMort.IBI Alort do preferred 81 do do 57X' do do 3dM.,7, 1!4.. 83 M April Oct... tuv i^hlo. ft Milwaukee Ist Mort... 9J" Vermont ft Canada 100 do do A -''58X do do 8dM^7, '88.. 81 MlaaoarlO •IW iJollet 4 Chicago. Ist Mort.... 105 Vermont ft Haaaachnsetta.... 83 91H do To'do dep. hdB, 7, *81-'94. do Han. & St. Jocepb. 91_ Chic. 4 Ot Eastern, Ist .Mort.. 83 Dayton ft West., Ist M.. 7, 1906. 6ii 69 Col., Cblc. 4 Ind., Ist Mort.... B4X Philadelphia. 73 Loalalana do do 1st M.. 6. 1006. newbonda do do 3d Mort •IX 65 do «X Ind.. CIn. ft Laf.. Ist v., 7.. Tol., Peoria ft Warsaw, K, 106 do 6a, Invee bond* D. Pennsylvania Se. 1877 do (LftC)l»t>r..7..o„., 81 8a «i do do W.D.. Military Loan 68. 1871 8* 61 do do do .Innc. CIn. ft Ind.. 1st M.,7. "86. 7b, Penitentiary do do 3dM.. 68,... "ra-.- "77.. 105)< lOSJi 84 86 do do Stock Loan, "" Little Miami, 1st M.. 6, 18SS ... 10» New York* N. Haven 6« 6«,'77-«!!nx" ~~ 90 California 78 do do CIn. Ham. & Dayton stock.. 8* Cunnectlcnt 6a 101 Boston. H. ft Erie, guaranteed Philadelphia 68, old. loix wiji Columhns A Xenlastock 10!X 10* (Cedar Palls ft Minn., ist M. . .. as do WarLoan wx do 68, new ^^ Dayton 4 Michigan stock.... 30 'Detroit, Monroe ft Tol bonds. 60 Pittsburg Compromise . . Rhode Island 6a 4Ks. Little Miami stock labamaSa Lake 8hor« Dlv. bonds MX do do 56 75 78 Cleve. ft do 8a MOX Tol., new bonds do Funded Debt 6s . . 87 90 Cleve., ft lionlavllle. do 3s Railroad toonda... P'vlUe Ash., new bds. do do 7b . . 80 LonlBvUle 6s. 'SS to 'R7. . Arkansas 6e, funded 60 'I do do old bds. do Water eiten. 7s.... 77 do 6b, '9710*98 do "8, L. R. * Ft. S. |S8. 60 I Buffalo ft Erie, new bonds ... Alleghany County. 5 76 do Wafer ««. '87 to "89. 7»X do 78. Memphis A L. R.. 60 St. L. Jacksonville ft Chic, Ist do do 66. '85 91 "97. I do Water Stock 68. do 7b, L.R.,T. B.&N.O. South Side Railroad bonds Belvldere Delaware. 1st M.. 6. 93 79 7b. ....I Morris ft Ef sex, convertible... n do WharfSo do Miss. One. * KB . do do 3dM.. «. 89X 77 special tax 68 of '89. Oblo6«, 1B79 do do construction. do do M M..6. 85 do 96 Jeff.. Mad. I.lstM.(I4M)7. '81 do «a,1881 lOlH North Missouri, 1st Mortgage, 83X Camden ft Amboy, 6 of T> 95 i do do 3dM..7. ISTH M do6e, 188« lOlH do do 3d Mortgage. 87 do do 6of'aS 90 83 do do Ist M.. 7. 1906.... Kentnclfy 88 Jefferson RR, iBt Mort. bonds. do do 6 of '89 ^'* Lonisv. C. * Lex.. Ist M.. 7. -97.. Illnols Canal Bonds, 1870 no MISCELLAKEOUS BONDS. do consol.. 6 of '89. s« Louis, ft Fr'k., Isf M.. 6, 70.*;8.. do 8a coupon, '77 100 Am. Dock ft Im. Co. 7. IW Cam. 4 Bnr. 4 Co., lat M., 6... 84 do do 187» lOO Long Dock Bonds ICatawlBsa, iHt M.,7 do Loolsv.Loan.rt.'SI, L. ftNash.IstM. 96 do WarLoan IM) W finlonTele. lnM..7 ISTB^ 96X jElm. 4 wn'ms, 5« 63H (m.s.) 7.17.. 77 dn Lor. Loan (ni s.>6. 'sa.*S7 Indiana .'75. 96" do l8tM.fI.eb.br .ex)7. 'SO-'RS S'» do 6S.IST8 98 men. 4 Ohio KB, ixtM.. ,,, do do Cons. M., 7. •96. "!•» do Lon.L*n(T,eb.hr.ex)6, '98 7« Ev. T. H. Chic, IBI . 78. g' ^. 90 Ist do 68,1888 98X 4 M Jnnc.Phlla , M., gnar.6,^'83. 90 do Consol.lst M..7. 1898 do 78,1878 100 6. R. 4 Ind, 1 M guar 7s. gold. 93X Lehigh Valley, let M., 6. 19IS.. 94 Jefferson.. Mad. & Ind. stock.. 40 New York 78, Boanty, reg 107 U>nlsv.4Nash. K, let .M.con8.,7 90 do do Ist (new) M., 6. "OS. 95X 88 (Consolidated. 100 Loulsv.. CIn. 4 Lex., pref. do 7b, do con 107X Lalve Shore 7. . 97X Little Schuylkill, let M.,7. 1877. do do common. 43 46 do 6e, Canal, ISia 105 ^MetnphlB City Bonds. 6e gold.. " North Penusyl., iBt M.. «, 1880.. 98X MX do 68.1878 !05 Montclsir UK ol N. J. 7b. gold 166 do Chattel M., 16, 1887. 113 LatOsvllIe * NashvlUe., »x do 68,1874 lOlX Mo. 4 Mont. ItR. 1st M. 8s. gd. 95 do 3d Mortgage, 7 95X do 18,1875 104 1< Northern Paclflc RB, 7-30 gold 100 do Funding Scrip. 7.. St. Lonls. do •8,1877 104H Nashville ft Decatur RB Oil Creek ft Alleg. R., 1st M.. 7. f3X 83X, 8t Louis 6s N. O.. Mo.ft Chat. RR. Ist M. 88 Pennsylvania. Isf M.. 6, 1'80. loox lOdX Ao Water 68, gold do 68,1818.. V»H 93X 93 do 56,1874, lOO N.Hav..Mld.4Wll. BB,7s.... 100 do 2dM.. 6. ms... iviM .... do new do 5e.l8:5 100 N.Y 4n8W.MId.B.l8tM.7(gd) 100 do Debentures. 6, '69- "71 93X 94 do Waterft Wharf68... 96" CITY BONDS. Peoria, Pekln 4 .lacks. 1 m;78 I Pblla. ftErle.lst m: (gold) 6, '81 9ShI 95 do Park6s 90 91 Brooklyr 6e 92 Wx So.4NorAla.BB,8s,Kd 9S" do Ist M. (cur.) 6, -SI 86X1 «7 do Park66g01d 86 do Wat^r 68 93 St. Jos* Den.C.R.lBtM,8(gd) 97X' S'lnhurv 4 Erie 78 103 1108 do SewerSppclalTaxOB »' 30 do Park6s 88 90 West. Maryl'rt BR endorfiedee 87HI Phiia. 4 Sunbury 78, 187? e9X|ioox North MlBSonrl.Sd M.. 7, 1888.. 81 do do 78 103 RAn.ROAD STOCKS. Philadelphia * Reading, 6, '70. Kansas Faeinclst M.. (gold) 7. 73 do 3 year Asaewment 78 98 im" CNot previously quoted.) do do 6, '71. do li'3 do do 3d do .. 91 [St. Louis ft Iron Mountain 48X iLehlgh Valley 131 mx RAILROADS. Mich. Cent., 1st M. 88, 1883 lis 119 Toledo. Wab * "estem. .^ref. l.mieSihuvlklll 8D Orange ft Alex. RB 1st M. 88. Chic, Bnr. ft Q. n p. c. let IMine Hill Schuylkill Haven. 106 M.. MI8CELLANE0CS STOCKS. i 1^ do do SdM. 88.. Mich. So. 7 per ct. Mort..... 43 Northern Central 81 3d American Coal Va. ft Tenn.. Isf M. 6a MIch.S.ftN l.S.F.Tp.c... .ojjx Un Consolidated Coal 30 28 North Pennsylvania do 4thMort.88 Paclflc K. 7s, guart'd by Mo... Cnmberland roal 30 iOil (reek * Allegheny BiTer. 94X 96 9l« 83" Charleaton ft Sav. 6s. guar. . . Central Pacinc Bonds 9SX [Maryland Coal Pennsvlvnnia mx do do 7s Union Paclflc Ist Bonds Pennsylvania Coal 338 Philadelphia Erie 83« 83H m ^5 GreenTlUe ft Col. Ts. guar do Land Ti 85 45 Philadelphia Trenton 117 Oranta, 7a. 7I)K Spring MounUIn Coal 4 do do 78. certlf.. do Income lOs wilkesbarra Coal 35 SO Phlla., (.emian.* Norrlatown 167 73H Northeastern Ist M . 8s nilnola Central 7 p. ct., 1875... 106 74 Phiia.. Baltimore. 103 ranton Co MX, Wllmlng. 4 Sonth Carolina 6e (new); ..... Alton ft T. H., iBt 711 t« Delaware ft Hudson Canal U< II* West Jersey do do 7s (new) do Vii do M nref 84* Atlantic Mall Steamsklp Chesapeake 4 Dela. Cana1„ stock. » do do 3d M. Income.. '»"] 96' do do 74X Mariposa (ioid Jx Delaware Division Canal 6*orgta Bonds, 78 Chic, ft N. Western H. Fund.. ts.s .do Trustees Certlf..... 80 : Lehigh Coal and Navigation.. 70 70X do stock do do Int. 98 Honda Quicksilver prelerred i8« Morris (consolidated) 31 Central Georgia, Ist Mort. 78.. do do Kxtn. Bds S< wells Fargo scrip do preferred 88 do do stock do do 1st J* Mort.. 93X BostonWater Power anx BchnylkiU Kavlgat'n (eonaol) 16X Vacon 4 Brunswick end. 7a,. 76 Consol'd 7 p. ct. convertlhle . 86X «X Boaton. do do pref. 83X 34X Macon ft Western stork.... m Hai.ft8t.3o. Land O-anta... Snsqnehanna ft 7* Maine 6a »\ 100 Tide-Water. . Atlantle ft Oulf78 corsol,,., do do convertible mx New Hampshire, 68 loox West Jersey 7s. Jan. ft Joly... Montgm'y ft West. p. istM.SL 86 iJwk. ft iS* 99X Weatern Bonds 100 Vermont 6s 100 Baltimore. Mobile* Ohio sterling W Bel.. Lack, ft Weswrn, 1st M. :oo '^aaaachosstts 6s, Currency. . 101 Maryland 6s. Jan.. A.. J. ft O. do do 8s, Interest, do 3.1 _ ,<12„ ^,^ M.. do te. Gold...... 108 do 6a. Defence do do stoolt...... Tol. ft Wab-h, Ist Mort. exfd. 93' do do is. Gold 96X Baltimore (a of '75 H. Orleana ft Jacks., Ist M. 8a. UtMStLdlv.. Beaton 68 101 do do certt.SB. do 3d Mort do 1884 do Qa.gold 9* do 6e,;90O N.Orlesn-* "—'"— !st 11.88: do Equip. Bds.. ^ Chicago Sewerage is n do 1X90. Park Is Miss, rer- ...... do Cons. Convert, do Municipal 7a Baltimore ft Ohio 6s of 15 Mlsa.AI Hannibal ft Naples. Ist M . 81 Portland 68 do do «s 01*80 Bast Tenn « Great Weatern, let M., 1868... '. 101 — Burlington ft Mo. L.O« 7. .. Jl* do do 68 01*86 Memphia ft Cbsrlestoo, Ist 78. do 1st M., 1888... Cheshire, do 87Hi, 6 do (N.W.Tt.)adM.6s do do 3d 7s. _ . 3dM.,18N.... 83 W <;ln.. San.ft CleT..lstM.,7,"n. 81 do SdM.ta do do stock ^bUkit 83X do * Tol., 1*1 M., UK..;.. R M I'SastemMasa., coi>v..e, int.,. 100 Ctntral Ohio, Ut M.,6 Muaplil* ft UUle B. UtM.... - : ;

CHRONICLE. [February 25, 1871. 240 THE

Lake Shore and OTlchlsan Southern RaUway.-The fol- lowing are the principal statistics of this railway, as returned by the Company to the State Engineer and Surveyor, for the year ending September 30, 1870: BOKD TABLES charter ^ OF THE STOCK AND Capital Steele by *55^222'!S5 FX?LAKATION m... w Capital stock paid Sf'S^'SS Funded debt, 7 per cent 22,00i,000 FloatinE debt 1.57.3,314 Total stock, bonds and debt, existing Sept. 30, 1870 58,612,314 2. Bank Cost of road, branches and equipment '. 52,804,746 »tocK»^ BallroadJtallroad and. Can occasionaUy at """d either ro-nlarly or Length of road and laterels miles 942.26 Len)>th of double track, sicUngs, &c miles 96.45 Lenu-th of iiranches owned miles 118.83 Length of main line (Buffalo to Chicago) miles 539.97 Thofl(fure« j ust after the name Weight of Iron on main tracks lbs, per yard 60 principal citie, '.. '"'-r' inrn which a report ol the ComCom- Bngme houses and shops 30 "'"'/^rortKHRoJncLE„> „„ko. m,.. .«„luo v-a. E company Imlicate tbe . of the jj^_j,, in,_ the,;,„ dividend^j„i,i„„a oolamnnnlnmr Locomotive Engines 276 star indioatas Uattdroads: panjc was last pnlilished. A O Passenger cars, 1st class {8-wheel) 134 Canal^and Other Passenger «irs, 2d class (8-wheel) 40 of Railroad, Baggage, mail and express cars (8-wheel) 57 -7?;'aJ^^!^^^£o/miJ^^^^ Preigiil cars (8-wheel) 5,942 the»eiM?.e8 the bo^lMlp™!;?':.',':? l^^^.^il. The date given in brackets Miles passenger trains 2,232,132 piven.under run by <^^'^'^:f^^"^-':f:^TLS",ZI"lZo«te> the Hme St which the state Miles run by freight trains 4,362,758 Miles run by other trains 977,611 feri'f^rr£^^ Miles run by passenger, freight, &c. trains (all) 7,672.501 Passenoirs carried (all classes) 9,421,896 PasBen,^ers carried one mile 197.755,480 Q.-M.=Qnart«rly, beginning with q'j.f.^Quarteriy! beginning with February. Freight (tons of 2,000 lbs) carried 2,84:5,084 Preiglit (tons of 2,000 lbs) carried one mile 521,149,505 State Securities will be Table of United States and Expenses Maintenance of way ;...;... $2,945,1.31 5. The month. — DBbJished monthly, on the last Saturday of the " —Repairs of machinery, &c. 1,1.57,336 e The Table of City Bonds will be published on the third Saturday " —Operating and general 4,186.466 the same as those in tJ>e ** of «^h month The abbreviations used in this table are —On all the above accounts.. 8,288,934 bonds mentioned above. The Sinking Fund or assets held bv teb^ of railroad Earnings from passengers $4,225,298 given on the same line with the name. — eaoh city Are " —from freights 8,306,254 " from other sources 6.39,682 " The Financial Reports of Railroad and other Companies From all the above sources 13,171,234 indexed in Net earnings from operations 4,882,299 are published in the Cbsoniolk as soon as issued, and the Kterest paid on funded debt $1,708,770 on the next pige, as stated above in Note 8. A com- table of stocks Oivadend paid on common stock and on guaranteed lOpercent. 2,905.571 plete record of these reports is thus obtained in a file of this paper. Carried to surplus fund 267,958 Total amount of surplus fund 1,230,716 Erie Railway—I^ast Statement.—FREIGHT AND P.YSSENQER marietta and Cincinnati.—At the annual meeting in Cincin- Business of 1870.—The following is the published statement to nati on Wednesday President King read a report showing a favor- the Lefrislature relative to the freight and passenger business of able state of afTiiirs. Among other things he said : The stock- the Erie Bailway Company for the year 1870 holders of the Ohio and Mississippi Company, at the annual The Bbu: Bailwat Accounting Department,! meeting in October, authorized the Board of Directors to change New York, February 7, 1871. ) the ^aage of the road four feet nine inches, which will conform to the Marietta and Cincinnati track. It is believed that the consum- masHT BDsnrass or the erib railway compant por the tear 1870. mation ol tJws plan, by which cars can be transported between St. via Parkeraburg without , seaboard , Thr'gh Freight. Way Freight. Louis and Louisville and the Tons, Tons, charge iViil result in a very great increase of through business. Months. 2,(X)a As. Revenue. 2,000 IbB, Revenue. The difltance from Cincinnati to Baltimore is 589 miles, or 340 January fiO,458 $.319,364 50 221,683 $518,556 43 February 70,192 372.700 90 204,689 42fl,.373 14 miles less than the average distance from Cincinnati to New York, March 67,672 887,286 05 2.'«,S95 558,357 43 by tho -New York Central, Erie and Pennsylvania roads. From 91,168 501,a31 .36 295,085 566,022 2fl April St. J.iOuiB ,to Baltimore, via Cincinnati and Parkersburg, the dis- MSiy 95,809 483.461 16 .326,742 604,320 73 or miles less than the average distance to June 88.S58 868,e-36 44 875.121 6.30,226 ','S tanoa is <^9 miles, 3X0 July 1I2.985 361,813 09 372.715 618..%3 54 St. Lcois by the same roads to New York. The improper loca- Anpist t08,R86 434,784 23 396,479 622,000 07 tion of the road between Warren and Belpre has. since the open- 8eptcml?er ; . ;vi-; :..,.. 94,923 490.1 .M 93 3M,(>13 672,621 31 source of great expense in mainten- October. ,.•.•.•.•.•.•.-.;..... l]8,liS3 558.027 87 4.38,728 690.287 « ing of the road, always been a November ,^„ 412,578 26 372,375 582,751 61 ance and loss in revenue to the Company. With the view of Deceml>ef. .W62J 419,982 62 376,982 590,265 51 remedying this grave error in location, the Baltimore Short Line has, during the past year, been incorporated Total 1,069,225 $2,039,79141 4,aW,835. $7,083,286 11 Railway Company under the la/fS of Ohio, and proposes, with the assistance of the Wlole total, way and through 5,127,260 $12,123,077 52 Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad Company, to construct a road in James Fisk, Jr., Vice-President. as direct a line as practicable from Warren to Belpre. J. D. White, Assistant Treasurer. The Sonth Pacific Railway—Act Passed Yesterday— to the Road.— State of New York, City and County of New York, sa: Jame^ Route and Iiaud Grants WASHINGTON, Feb. to-day, with amend- Fisk, Jr., VicB-President, and J. D. White, Assistant Treasurer ol 21.—Tee Senate bill was passed by the House out, locate, construct, the Erie Railway Company, being severally duly sworn, each foi ments. The Corporation is authorized to lay telegraph himself deposes and says that the above statement is true to the famish, maintain and enjoy a continuous railroad and best of his. knowledge and belief. line, with the appurtenances from a point on the eastern boundary Channel in the James Fisk, Jr., of the State of Texas, at or near Marshall, to Ship J. D. White. Bay of San Diego, in the State of California, pursuing in the loca- Sworn to before me this 8th day of February, 1871. tion thereof, as near as may be, the route known as the thirty- Mortimer Smith, second parallel of north latitude, and is vested with all the powers Notary Public, New York. privileges and immunities necessary to carry into effect the pur- poses of this a«t. The capital stock of the Company shall be fixed PAS8ESa»B BCSIKESS OP THE ERIE BAILTPAY COXPANT FOR TBE TEAR 1870. at a sum not exceeding $50,000,000, and when the amount is fixed increased, except by consent of Congress. The Tbro'h Passengers. Way Passengers it shall never be Months. !.Jio! , stock, land Revenue. No. Revenue. Company has power and authority to purchase the Janoary 10,100 $44,067 93 240,891 $160,198 60 grants, &c., and consolidate with any railroad company or com- February...... 14,161 42,353 61 188,515 183,696.55 route prescribed in this act M»«h.v,v - 18,«gl panies heretofore chartered on the 75,292 86 219,088 1-39,719 68 April.. >...•.•.•.•.•...:•.••.. 18,75s ' through 96,589 18 266,778 la3,910 54 but no srich consolidation shall be with any competing May-v...-! S6,881 118,104 40 2.^3,508 178,343 61 line of rAilroads to the Pacific Ocean. The right of way through Jane 48,090 86,177 17 206,161 180,781 91 JiUy 25,067 101,330 12 the public lands is granted to the extent of 200 feet in width on 300,226 206,S19 30 I August..... 28,445 102,<)52 46 it over public lands, 309,a35 226,740 each side of the railroad, wherever may go September. ; 24.883 49 . 104,7(V1 63 318,696 October 231,213 07 and grounds axe also granted for stations, buildings, workshops, '24,875 83.925 20 319,.525 November 21,740 2(M,2! land per mile on each side of the railway ill California, J. D. White, Assistant Treasowr. where the same shall not have been sold, reserved, or otherwise State of New York, City and County of New York ss- JamM. disposed of by the United States, and lo wliich a pre-emption or Rsk Jr., Vico.Pre«ident, and J. D. AV^ite. Assistant Tr^;^^ hoinest'.3ad said the l!,ne of cUdza may not have attached at the time that road Railway (>)mpany, being severally duly sworn, each for is definitely iixej. In such cases, other lands are^to' fie furnished. UimBclf dp,„»e8 an,i gays that the above statement is true to of hjB the AJl lands granted which shall not be sold or otiierwise disposed be* knowledge, Information and belief. of within three years after completion of the entire road, shall James Fmk^.Ib, be subject to Bcctlement and preemption like otlf^r"' lands, at the Sworn price to be fixed and paid to the Company, not exceeding an to before me this 8th day of February. 1871. Average of $2.50 per acre. Mortimer Smith, The Company shall have power and authority to issue two Notary Public, New York kinds ijf bonds secured by mortgage, namely : FixBt, Construc- , — — — . .

February 25, 1871 ] THE CHRONICLE. 241

tion BoiuU. Second, Land Bonds. CbnRtrnctlOD Bonds sliall lie nkorrin and BMez Rallroad.-Accordtng to the annual report In- Morris lecurrd iiinrt;ja({M : Firtt, on all or any portion '^ tbo of tho and F "-nroad Company, recently prfsented to

ran^lli.'•l•^^. riMiil lull or track of said railway, and ai . the the I,egislaturp, 1 stock Is $11,900,0/50 ; fundwl tiebt,

PIxirtciiaiitiH thiTcto bolonginff: land bonds ehnll ho so- $12,184,0(K) 1 otluT : ness, $20jJ05 87 ; construrtitjn acconnt, unil by first or portion of th« lands $28,800,000. The receipts for the year 1870 were $2,a'>8,452 mortgage on all any 68 ;

lerclvy granted. Whenever the Company shall complete the expenses, $1 .0004)31 18 ; balance, $057,521 50. Two payments of dnit and each succeeding section of twenty consecutive milew of interest of seven per cent, have been made to the stockholdera by railway, and put it in running order as a fimt-class n>ad, it shall the lessees. be tlic duty of the Secretary o( the Interior tii cause patents to l>o renlral nallroad Company of Newr Jemejr. - The capital $.'!i)1.0nunu"

; $l,.'-)(lH,0.t!! opposite to ami colorminiiB with said coiuploted road U) wliich it lionda of 1890, $J,Hi{7,0(K) accounts payable, :« ; total, shall hv entitled for each section so complete. lj!l0,790,04;f :t5. The receipts for hist year were $4,:!03,514 12, de-

The road shall l«< constructed of iron or steel rails manufac- rived from tho following sources : Pasaongers, $1,118,147 20 ; mer-

tured from American ore. except such as may have Ijeen pur chandise. $1,172,870 tW ; coal, $1,054,550 5« ; mail, express, rent*, chased or alreaily contractetl for. The construction of the rail- &c., $147,045 7!J. Tho quantity of coal carried during the year way shall commence silultaniHiusly at San Diejjfo and a \vnnt at or WHS 2,751,71;$ tons. near Marshall, Texas, to lie completed within ten years. The Camden and Ambov New loan. -This company lately sold road shall 1hi subject to the use of the United States for postal, in Ijondou £.500,000 sterling jier amt mortgage bonds, free from military, and all other governmental service at fair and reasona- all Federal or State taxation. Tho bonds are of ,t300 oach, and ble rates of compensation, not to exceed tho price paid by private the price of issue 02 per cent, or £184 per bond. The repayment parties for the same kind of service ; and the (iovemmont shall of the bonds is secured by an annual sinking fund of 2 per cent. at all times have a preference in tho use of the same for the pur Tho LeaTenmrorth, Latvrenco and ClalveiUun Railroad, pose aforesaid. It shall not be lawful for any of the directors, now running to Thayer, 110 miles south of Lawrence, 133 milea either in their individual capacity, or as members of an incorpor- from Kansas City, is soon to be constructed westward 50 or 60 ated or joint stock company, to make contract for the construction, miles to, or nearly to the Arkansas river, intersecting the great equipment or running of its road, or to have any interest therein ; Texas cattle trade to Abilene. and all such contracts or agreements are hereby declared null and Railway ProKreas In Oalllornla.—The San Francisco B>ill«- void; and all money or property received under such contracts or tin, quoting our figures of railway progress in tho Northwest agreements mj^r be recovered back for the benefit of the Com- dAring 1870, supplies the omLssion of the Pacific coast (of which pany by any stockholder. we could not obtain the data), with approximately correct figures Penniij'lTanla Railroad.—PHILADELPHIA, Penn., Feb. 31.— from memory. During 1870 track was laid on the following roads

The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was in about tho projwjrtion named : California and Oregon, 40 ; San held in this city to-dav. The revenue for the year amounted to Joaquin Valley, 20 ; Vallojo and Marysville, 42 ; Southern Pacific,

$17,5ai, 70(5, being an increase over last year of $280,895. The 34 ; Los AngeloB, Wilmington and San Pedro, 18 : Petalumo and net earnings for the year amounted to $3,531,700. In reply to in- Santa Rosa, 15 ; San Rafael and' San Quentin, 3^ ; Copperopolis, quiries, " Vice President Scott said : There are pending negotia- 31 ; total, 1711 miles. On several of the roads named there is a con- tions for a lease of the Camden and Amboy Haiiroad, which we siderable amount of grading done, and all that are incomplete will think will be highly beneficial to this Company. The Pennsylva- be pushed more rapidly this year. The showing for 1370 is small, nia Railroad has no interest in tho Union Pacific Railroad. The but all the leading roads named are important projects, and with extensions of tho Pennsylvania Railroad now are limited to the revival of business will be ])ro8ecuted to an early completion, Chirn^ro, St. I.K)uis, Louisville, Cincinnati, and as leading from including several connecting roads, such as the Sonoma branch of th. sc' centres others forming connections with New Orleans, and the Vallejo, and the straight lino branch of the Central Pacific, oiher lines to the Pacific coast." between Sacramento and San Francisco. Oregon built about 100 The Bergen Tannrl Difficulty Settled.—The Bergen tunnel miles of road during 1870, and Nevada 35. In Washington Territory difficulty has at length been amicably settled. At a meeting on a beginning ifl to be made immediately on the Northern Pacific. Baturdav la.st, at which the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Grading on tlie eastern end is already vigorously ander way. Railroad was reiiresented by Moses Taylor and Samuel Sloan and The Bulletin csViTaisXea that there will be'500 or 600 miles of road Job Bnihin, and the Erie by Jay Gould, definite settlement was built on the coa.st during the current year, tmless the Supreme Court of California should decide against the constitutionality of arrived at on the following basis : 1. The use of Bergen tunnel in common by both companies for local subsidies. jV. Y. Daily Bulletin. ten years, tho Erie to receive a rental for use of tunnel of $100,- Virginia Conpoin Bonds. -Holders of Virginia coupon lv>nds 000 per annum, said rent to bo paid by the two companies in pro- are noti'ied that all such as have] memoranda or endorsement uimn portion to their tonnage. them are considered as. being mutilated by the New York stock 2. The business of Binghamton and Syracuse, to and flrom New board, and they have determined not to pass any of them. Per York, to be divided equally between the Erie Company and tho sons having such bonds can, by application to the Treasurer of Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, the whole to bo worked as a Virginia, get them renewed in snchamanneras will do away with common lino firom New York to Syracuse and Oswego. all trouble. Richmoiid Enqui/rer. MONTHLY EARNINGS OF PRINCIPAL RAILROADS.

. ^^-Central Faeiflo , . . Chioaeo and Alton. —Chicago k Northvestem—, .-Cbie- Seek Ta and Paciflc-~r-Clev. CoLCin. AI— 1871 1870. 1871. 1»!9. 1870. 1871. 1809. 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. m.) (890 (4.11 m.) (4:M m.) (466 m.) (1,157 m.) (1,1.57 m.) ( m ) (520-90m ) (590 m.) ( m.: (390 m.) (390 m.) 534,480 |29.%»T8 »t3,55$..Jan... 1892,092 t70»j,0*4 . «3.51,7W $401,275 $201,i500 270,148

815,098 823,825 Feb.. . 8:W,a«6 75.%7R2 319,44) 449.654 318,600 ssti.'nc »M,S66 mar... l,lf*,lfi5 858,1B9 645,781 600..198 244,161 »»,8M f834,658 April. 1,112,190 929,077 388.386 443,.W0 246,046 846,832 1.305,044 ;.. ..Klay.. 1.808,411 1,177,897 449,93S 607,900 260,169 402,854 JL411,986 June. 1,251,9.W ],1.'>4,529 f 628,841 6a9,.512 274.021 .3.'S1,044 e'4'21,485 July.. 1,167,066 1,080,!M8 A45.i,606 462,400 »«9,.SS6 4iB,231 „601,049 Aog... 1,037,973 1,240,213 g632,668 556,100 319.012 506,023 g498,63S Sept... 1,305.672 1,27.M71 736,664 sa^ooo 817,887 4«8,U2 *488,B88 Oct.. . 1,S71,TO0 1,.371,780 S584,16( 638,128 338.280 897,515 43S,«S Nov... 1,140,115 1,037,963 ?479,*86 319,573 340,850 1386,596 Dec... »tt,708 1893,468 284,156

7.963,613 4,681,562 4,831,781 .Year. 13,355,461 5,960,986 3,280,420

..- -mint ' Central. Marietta aDdCinelnosti— . Viohitran Central. ^ r-Nilwankao ft St. Paul .-Korth Kiaaotiri.-. 1889. 1870. 1871. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1869. 1S70. 1871. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1870. 1871. (974 m^ (1107 m.) (2S1 m.) (261 m.) (261 m.) (284 »l.) 264 R>.) (284 m.) (826 OT.) (986 m.) (1,018 m.) (404 ra.) (630 m.) |«M.sn $99,541 $90,177 639.M0 13>,IW3..Jan.... 1 337,992 418,756 (4M.130 $396,171 396,700 $213,101 188,385 8M,(N» 668,891 90,298 98,275 Feb.... ;)2II,»!36 »9,127 330.238 882,823 ...... 196,207

709.644 frM.3;4 104.685 101,879 Mar.. . 8*8,527 880,430 420,774 arr.floo 189,161 5

of Ho.-^ Iron Kt. r-St.t.AI ton ft T, Hanta.-.'--Teledo.Wak. Wnt»Tr.^ .. -Union Paciflf— 1860. J870. 1871. 1809. 1870. 1871. 1SW. 1871. -.- (210 m.) am m.\ (6S1 m.) (891 m.} (1068 m.} (1038 fli.) fc "-.v tl32,6«i ^Si .<^.-' $284,192 $2^,006 a6M74 $a«,!M 479,171 ''1«,IW 127,817 158,TS8 240,394 «8,846 600,189 .tfl,4Jj9 -^fci.ii,..* 175,9.'iO 172,216 :vt2,704 196,898 61B,21» 214,409 «AM» 270,988 171,8 ,4w^«ss'— i57,.tn 1.W.081 812,529 ««,8«» JM8.**' 154,182 160,719 848,890 W8.6M 144,]tVI 810,800 • ».76f 186,888 167,305 4M.946 406,411 184,086 208,288 17^468 470,720 8aB,oa .. 7W.616 904,652 168,984 412,188 46I,N8 ... 719,li2S 298l<>- 18a,<61 162,909 ..: 1(8,178 671,379 2«4.».«, fiMH ^_„.,. 168,t»9 187,794 431,163 M,16*

I,«15,547. 3.188,137 3««t.'n6 .1.343,63S..YeBr.. 2,014,848 4jmfi» 4k4M,«9 7,MMM . ..'

CHRONICLE. [February 25, 1871. 242 THE RAILROAD, CANAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS STOCK LIST. eItIos n» Immedlato notice of any error discovered In our Tables. will confer«.> a. greai.,».t layprftivor by"j b Sobacrlbera ^ COMPANIES. Stock DiyiDKNU. COMPANIKS. Out- For a mil explanation of this table, stand- Last paid. on the pre- »loll explanation of thlBWble, see Bailump Monitor, ing. Periods. For pre See Wwoi Monitor, on tHe ceding page. Rate. ceding p'ge- 1«' Id Colony & Newport, Jan. 21. 4,959,020 "70 Railroad*. "« rirst dlv Jan. & July. Dec, Alexan. & Mana88...... 100 2,488,757 Albany & Susqaeha-ina'.. • July, Orange. Jau.JlE Syracuse,* No. 252 .60 482,400 Allegheny Valley, No. Ml JO Oswego and Feb. * Aug. AtlanUc and Ourf ^^W. Paelllc (olMi-8ouri)No.256....!00 3,7U,I!'6 Panama. No. 275 100 7,000,000 Jan. & July. Di-c, 50 Atlanta and West Point No. 2V9..100 Pennsylvania No. 244...... 38,493,812 May & Nov Nov. and Savannah".^... ..iw Pliiladclphla and Erie.' No. 255. SO 6,004,200 Jan. & July A-wnata do pref 60 Bafilraore and Ohio. No W IW do 2,400,000 Jan. & July. Jan., Waahlngton Branch' 1"" Philadelphia and Kead. Feb. 11. 50 30,401.600 Jan.* July Dec, Parkerehnrg Branch 0" Philadel.. & Trenton.* No. 255.. .100 1,099,120 Feb. & Aug. Ang. 21...., • Phlla..Ger.&Norrl»„* No.255... 50 1,597.250 April* Oct. Dec. Berkahlre, Jan. JJ" Boston and Albanv, Jan^t 100 Philadel., Wilmlng.* Baltimore 50 9.520,S50 Jan. & July. Dec, "70 . . . .IW PIttsb. ConnellsviUe, No. 255.. 50 Bout., Con. * Monl. No. 2W . & 1,793.926 Boston, Hartford & ErIe.No. *n.WO PIttsb., Cln. &St. Loui8,No.255. 50 2.4'».00O Boston and Lowell. .Jan.il »; do do do pref. ?0 s.noo.o BoKtonand Maine, Jan. 21...... !^ Pitts., Ft.W.& C. guar*. No. 249.100 19,714^85 Quarterly. Jan.. "71 IX Boston and Providence, Jan. 21.100 Portland & Kennebec, No. 253' .100 616,700 Jan. & July. Jan. '71 Buffalo. New Vork and Erie'... 100 do Yarmouth stock certlllclOO 202,400 April & Oct. Oct.. "70 Bnrllngton and Mlssoorl Blver .100 Portland, Saco * Ports No. '276.1C0 1,500,000 June * Dec. Dec, '70 3 (g'd) prei.iuo do do Providence & Worces., Jnn. 21. .100 2,000.000 Jan. I'l'y. Jan., '71 5 ..lOO Feb'. 'i' Aug. Feb * Camden and Ambov No. ?».. Rensselaer & Saratoga, No. 252 .100 6,000,000 Cot. Oct., '70 '69 &'70 Aprl 8X do do scrip af Joint Co.'s Richmond and Danville No. 285.100 4,000.000 SO Cauiden and Atlantic. No. 251... Richmond * Petersburg No. 235.1110 847.100 rto do preferred.. » &Ogd.,No.245..-.00 Jan'.'i' July. Dec. "70 Kome.Watert. 3.000,000 Jan. * July. De'ci ho Cape Cod, 'an. 21 Wgj Rutland. No. 'J48 100 8.000.000 eaUwl88a,'No.255 do preferred 100 'Ang. Feb. "71 go Nov.. Feb. & Hi do preferred Feb.. St. Louis, Alton * Terre Haute. 100 2,300,000 .Missouri' ....lOO Cedar Rapids and Feb.. do do do pref.lOO 2,040,000 Annually. May, '68 pref. .. do do . St. l.onts & Iron Mountain 10,000.000 Co.No.243100 Dec, Cent.Georgfa* Bank. St. Louis, Jacksonv. & Chicago'.lOO 2,658,750 370. .100 Dec, Central of New Jersey, No. Sandusky. Mansli'd * Newark'.lOO 910,350 50 Dec, '•71 Central Ohio Schuylkill Valley,' No. 'iss . fiO Jan.' 50 Dec, 576,050 Jan. ft July preferred . 50 do Shamokin Valley * Pottsvllle' 869.460 Feb. ft Aug. Feb. '71 Pacific 288 Central No. Shore Line Railway .100 635.200 Jan. July. Jan. ."71 No. 257. * Sharlotte, Col. * Aug., '70 South 24S . 30 2.085.925 Jan. & July. 'cc. CarollnaKo. ^,819,275 Cheshire, preferred, Jan. 21 100 .100 7.045,000 Mar. & Sept. Mar.. 71 South Side (P. & L.) 1,365,600 Chicago Alton. No. 248..... 100 220.. 10(1 ,"71 and Mar. & Sept. Mar. '71 South West. Georgia.' No. 3.9S!i,900 Feb. * Aug. Feb.' do do preferred.... 100 2,425,400 No.262.100 Sept. S pt., '70 Svracuse, BIngh & N. Y, 1,314.130 Burling. & Oulncy. No.8M.100 1"90,W0 Mar- & "'71 Chic, . 50 '70 "Terre Haute and Indianapolis . 1.988,150 Jan. * July, Jan. Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska'. .100 S.' Jan. & July. Dec, ».^ Dec. Dec, 70 Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 100 2.70O.O00 Chl<=ago -dNortljwest. NO. 2W.I0e| Jnne& pref.lOO ^,|.|,|9 June & Dec. Dec, "TO do do F. D., 18t 1,700.000 Jan. "TO W.D..2d pref.lOO 17,000,000 April & Oct. I ct., '•a do do 1.I1OO.0O0 Uhlc.Rockls.tPac No.263.. ino West.No,255.I00 s..^no.ooo April* Oct. Oct., TO Toledo, Wabash * 14,700,000 Cln., Hamilton * DaytonNo.263 .100 pref.lOO do do do 1,000,000 May ft Nov. May, no Cln., Blollm.&Chlcago'No.263. W 382.600 2,9117,800 Union Pacific 36,745,000 No. 278. . 50 Clncln., Sand. * CleT., Black River, NO.253..100 "71 pref. 50 428,646 May* Nov. Nov Utica and i.eiw.ooo Jan. & July Jan.',' do do do 100 "70 ,676,1M5 Vermont and Canada' 2..500.000 .Tune* Dec. Dec, Cincinnati * ZanesvlUe.No. 216 50 1 Vermont* Massachu., Jan, 21..100 2,860.000 Jan. ft July. Jan., '6» Clev.,Col.,Cln.&Ind. No. 253. .100 11,620,(100 lOO 2,056,750 Virginia and Tennessee 2,950,800 Cleveland & Mahoning,' No. 247. 50 do pref 100 2S 7,494,538 ^o N55,500 Jan. ft July. Cleveland and Pittsbnrg, Jan. W Carolina) 100 '64 11,100.000 Western (N. 2,'227,000 Jan. ft July. Jan., Colum ., Clilc & In. Cen.'No. 217.100 West Jersev, No. 250 50 ^•209.«I0 »ng, Pec, 70 Cotumbiis aud Xenia* 5(^ 1,786,800 Feb. & and Nashna, Jan, 21.100 "71 Concord 50 1,500,000 Worcester 1,400,555 Jan.* July. Jan,, Concord and Portsmouth 100 3.50,000 Oanal. 50 "TO Passnwpstc, pf. NO.281..100 2,0S4,200 Chesapeake and Delaware 1.983,568 Jnne* Dec. Doc, Conn& 25 Connecticut Uiver, Jan. 21 IIX* 1,700,000 Chesapeake and Ohio 8,229,504 50 Feb., "71 Cumberland Valley. No. 255 .W 1,316,900 Delaware Division* 1,638.850 Feb. * Aug 100 Feb., "71 Dayton and Michigan' No. 263.. 50 2,400,00) Delaware and Hudson 15,000,000 Feb. ft Aug Delaware" 50 1,107,291 Jan.* July, Delaware aud Rarltan .....100 4,999,400 Feb. * Aug reb.,'71 50 '67 Delaware. Lack. & West. No. 255. 50 16,277,500 Jan. & July. 6 b. a Lehigh Coal and Nav..No. 256.. 8.7S9.S0O May & Nov. May, 452,350 Navigation Co.... 50 728.100 Jan. A Jnlv July, 'TO Detroit am! Milwaukee, No. 249 . 50 Monongahela do do pref — 50 2,1195.000 December Dec, Morris (consolidated) No. 264.. .100 l.O'JS.OOO IFeb. ft Aug, "71 Ottbnque and Slonx City' 100 5,0(»1,000 Jan. & July. Dec, do preferred 100 1.175,000 Feb. ft Aug, Feb., 60 Bastern (Mass.), Jan. 21 100 4,062,600 Jan. & July. Dec, Pennsylvania ..•• 4,300,000 (consol.)'. 60 Feb., '67 Kaer PennsylVHnia. No.255 5fl 1.309.200 Jan. * July. Jan., Schuylkill Navlgat'n 1.908.207 Feb. & Ang. East Tenn Va. & Geor, No. 2"4.10O 3,192.1100 do ^ref. 50 2.888,977 Feb. & Aug. Feb., '67 le 60 Klinira & WlUiamsport,' No.2.55. 50 .500,000 Nov., Susquehanna & Tl Water 2.002.746 do do pref.. 50 500,000 Union, preferred 50 2,907,850 60 Erie, Jan. 28 lOO 75,000,01» West Branch andS' i«(iuehanua. 1,100,000 Jan. * July. do preferred 100 8,5S6.900 miBcellaueons. Erie and Pittsburg, No. 255 50 999.750 Ooal.—American 25 1,500,(100 Mar. * Sept. Mar., Tl 100 3,640,000 Jan. & July. Ashburton 50 2,500,000 FItchbnrg "69 Georgia. No. 259 '"' 4.156,000 Jan.* July. Butler 500,000 June & Dec. Dec, 86 eta. '69 5 Hannibal and St. Joseph. Jan 4.151.-00 Central 100^ 2,000,000 Jan. ft July. July, do do pref....lOO S.0^7,2>4 Consolidation Md 100 10,250,000 Hartford 4 N. Haven, Jan. 21. ..100 4,81X1,000 Quarterly. Cumberland Coal * Iron.. ..100 600,000 '70 do ilo scrip.... 190 8,000,000 Maryland Coal Co Dec, Housatonlc, preferred 100 2,000,000 Jan.* July Pennsylvania 50 4,oob',6oo QuBTterly. Feb., "n '70 Huntingdon and Broad Top' — 50 615,950 Spring Mountain 50 1,250,000 Jan. ft July. Dec, do do pref. 50 212,360 Jan.* July. Spruce Hill 10 1,000,000 Illinois Central. No. 248 100 25,275,600 Feb. & Aug. "Wilkesbarre 100 8,400,000 May ft Nov, Nov.,'69 Indianapolis. Cin.i Lafayette.. 50 6,185,897 Mar. A Sept. Wyoming Valley 100 1,250,000 Feb. ft Ang. Aug., '66 J 100 8,54,600 Norfolk and Petersburg, pref. . .100 300,500 5 Brooklyn and Kockaway Beach. . 100 144,600 do ' do guar. .100 137,600 Jan. * July. July,' no Bushwick (Brooklyn) 3 100 262,200 M ",?™ do ordiuHry .. 1,361.300 Central Park. Nortli East Rivers loo 1,065,200 Borth Carolina. * ; No. 267 .100 4,000,000 April 'TO Conev Island (Brooklyn) 5 100 500,000 Dec. '70 ^"-H'mpahlre.No J57100 8,068,400 June * Dec, Dock. 100 1,'200.000 M ay , "TOi ijuarteriy *)» Northernv«n£SS Central. Drv East B'dway * Battery i >Jo.i(J 50 5,000 000 May * Nov Nov., -70 Eighth Avenue : lOO 1,000.000 Northeast. (B. Carolina). No.20i . 898,950 Forty-second St. ft Grand St. Ferry = 100 748,000 Nov., ''f6,'Venil-'aimual... 8 155,000 May * Not North MlNWurt.No.U"-'^-'"'',;!,-, Grand Street * Newtown (B'klyn) i.100 170,000 7,771.500 Hudson A"enue (Brooklyn) 100 106,700 fforthPeansylvanla. vi "7! S 3,150,000 Jan., Metropol ' i Norwich * Worcei»tef*"",fari"9i'im an (Brooklyn) i(«) 194,000 2,364,400 Jan. * Jnty Dec, TO Ninth Avenue g.UX) 797„320 Ugdens.ft L. Champ "ijoJi!; "70 J,. ^ J. --vw...... tiB^i100: o.iKji.wAi<,(I51.80<) iian * July. Jan.. Second Avenue V wn 888,100 .'5'™«» kprti Oct Oct.. TO Sixth Avenue « 750,000 Nov., "TO,8emi a nuai.... Ohio MaMi«u.ippi?N„. ,i"'-';S * 100 •Third Avenue..., „ 100 1470,000 Nov., » ouaiU;ly • ••1*1 "4,024U74'jnne *'beo 8tre»t.f ii»ooW»n» ***• UUQll MMKCi^k and AUwhoftTAlllih'J'nii;," IVMiBruot ... 100 \ TSJJOO ,,,. f»»^ %t**** Ma UlTM, W 4,J5»,iao, Quarterly, : : ,.. . : :

Febraar7 29 1871.J TH£ GHKONICLB. 243


INTKREST, Prlagl- OENOMINtTION. AaieaBl OKNUMlMATKlNa. aairanl tNTCRCar OalMaadla^. Mftrkaillhai • araln dafMlirorUM p>rabi» UAtk«4 thu ••nil diftull hr (•inwl Nau PsrsSls. BL

National iP. b. 1, 1871). Bonnly Fond Loan 4.883,6(« 6 May A Not. 1894 B4ariRij IMn Inttrttt - do do do (sterling) 4,000,744 6 do 1814 Lonnof'SMut Kob H,'bl),>^<;... 18,448,000 Jan. A July 1881 War Loan (currency) 8,508,000 6 Apr. A Oct im 4,8W,aOO 1881 do '61 ( do du ), epn. do Troy * Oreenf. RK. Loan(8t'K) 664,180 6 Apr. A Oct •8».10 July. 1881 Ong.WttUvA Mar. «, '81), ymWir I M6,000 do do (borne) 966,500 5 do '88-'W Jan. July 1881 do ' ilo do ).iy«ar. I 1 do do (sti'rlln.') 3,963.400 6 do •91 'W t>o«D>(«ct> J'ly II k Auic t>'6i,ng I 174,W)l.lfi0 Jan. A July 1881 Souihern Vermont KR. Loan.. 100.000 5 Ap'. A Oct 1890 ltU»t.»,'M),ejn I »0,ll5,UfiU do 1881 Eastern Railroad Loan 5(1,000 5 Jan. A July 1871 llll,a47,»6 May A Not. 1884 U'lrbor Lou:S-aO'i>(aclMHr.3, Land Improvi-inui t. . 180,(100 Jan. A Jnly 1876 do <« I' DU Mti, '111), <:pn. 4N4WI.SM) do 1884 MicniOAN (Ian. V71)««,343,000: LoaB:5-W'K(acl Mar.S.'iirii, r4g.. M.4OI,«0O May a Nov 1886 Renewal Loan Bonds 160,000 Jan. A Jnly 1878 1-.'»,040,40U do ( do do t, cpn. do 1886 Two Million Loan 1,631,000 do 7V88 I(act Mar3,'<)AN),r<9.. 74 084,780 Jan. A July 1885 War Bounty Bonds 478,000 May A Nov 18«i| 1II8,«S1I,83V do ( do do ),<;/>». do 1885 Ste Murit^ Canal Bonds 83,000 Jan. A July 187V (act tiRr.S,'M),r 1887 MlKNisoTA (Dec , '7(1) $850,000: «1,144,IIU0 do (do du ) cpH. do 1887 :itate Buildings Loans lOO.OUU Jan. A July 1877 li>.«>3,000 Jan. li Loan : S-IO'a(act Mar. x.'tatng,.. July 1868 do do 100,000 do 1878 Stt,8IS,»U do ( do do )epn . do 1888 do do 1860.... 60,000 do 1879 Loaiior'S8(aci .lnael4,'ftiS),r<(r. «,U»0,000 Jan. A July 1874 Sioux War Loan 1863 100,000 May A Mot lara 18,lte0,0r do (do do ),epn... do 1R74 UlsaoDRi (Jan. 1, '7l)$30,8t6,000: 13S,6«O,0aO Loan : lU-40's(act Mar.a,'A4),p<7. Mar.&Sept. 1904 StateBonds 438,000 Jan. A Jaly 1888 do ( do do ),epn... S8,»(n, V. c Cirtlf. (act of .Mar. a, '6T) . 43,085,000 Bonda to Cairo A Fulton RR.. 89'.>,0(iO do '77-'80 Certtflcates or iirif*r todnoBf,1870.. a78,a(H Mar. A Sep. 1876 Bonds to Platte Co H K 604,000 do •89-'90 State Merurltlea. Ponds to Iron Mountain RR.. 3,879,000 •74- '80 Alabima of I8B0 688.0U0 June. 1R70 Nevada (Dec, 1870) $t68 760: Sterling Bonds(«xtended) 7ia,800 Jan. A July 188(1 Bonds of 1867 600,800 16 Jan * Jnly 1873 do do .... 8«,S00 do 18!J6 N. IlAMP. (Jan.. '71) $2,408,000:

iswi . . 1,477,700 Jan. July '71.'78 New Bouda, & ls68 , A '86-89 War Debt of July, '«l-'83 899.800 6 Jan. A July New Boiiili., 1M«, tola 800,(100 Jan. Sc July 1890 do ofSent. 1,".H«4... . 600,000 6 Mar A Sep. '84-'a0 Gncloriiemi Dt for RR's (about). 8,48U,00U 1889 do ofjuly 1,1806 1,000,000 6 Apr. A Oct '71-'74 Arkansas (.Vpril., 'TO) $4,4:i6,000 N. Jkbsbt (Feb.. '71)$-.(,S96,J0O: 8.F t'l,(44,93» Bonds of IStiU 4,438,000 Jan. A July '»9-'00 War Bonds ori8«l(tax free). 1,799,900 6 Jau. * July '70-'84 Litt a Kock * I't. 8., Act. '68 ... 1,800,000 Apr. A Oct. 19C0 " 0fl8ti3 (tax free) 1,002,900 do '88-'96 Caupohnia( \pril,'TiO*4,lM,500: " of 1861 593,400 do '«7-'09 Civil BondK of 1887 (gold) 3,138,00' Jan. Jb July 1877 N.York (Oct. 18T()) $88,U41,606 8 F. $6,383, 4«2... do do ofjseo " 188,600 do 1880 Bounty Fund Bonds. coupon... 1,478,000 J&n. * July 1877

Boldlerg*K(.'liuriiondii. . " 434.500 do 18SS do do do , registered. 21,0rti,ii()0 do 18 7 do Bonnty Boii'te.. '* 805,000 do 1881 General Fund Bonds 1,910,(82 do Win. CoK««oTi'T( Apr. 1' ;i,) $7.'«8,900 do do RO.Of'O do 1878 '71 War Bonds(.iuly, 'lil ) lO-JO yiar 3,000,000 Jan. A July -'81 do do 90O.()O0 do 1876 do -n ,'nd8 BfO.IO() Mar. * Sent 1900 do do 726,960 5 do 1883 I'ibt, *c . 3,000,000 May * Nov. 1910 Rn. Isi. (April, '70) $2,916,500: lUM.,t iiiuC^au'i.'W 474,000 Mar. * Sep. 1899 War Bonds of '.8«» l,lfl",000 6 Mar.ASept 1881 N. 1)011 'SRB.1889. 546.000 Apl. * Oct. 1909 do do of 1863 339,000 6 Apr. A Oct. 188S ManK,) i '*7,900: P.$l.n8,tn7 do do ofl8«8 716,000 6 Jan. A Jnly 1898 ClTllLo..,. - ,l«6-M 351,000 Various, "TO-'TB do do otl864 841,0001 6 Feb. A Aug 18M War Loan ot'liWl 800,000 do 1871 8 CAROUNAmov '70)$7,«»5,90e: Intere'tin g'ld do do oflSM 515,000 Mar.* Sept 1888 Fire Loan Stock (act. '38) 303,348 6 Jan. A July 1870 Bannty Loan ofims 475,000 Feb.*Au6. 1880 do Bonds (lien on Bank) 484.000 5 do 1868 WarLoanof 18»4 '56- 77 3,833,500 JuneADec. 1889 Stale House ft'ks (icts '68). 1,47»,<«J 6 do '30 Vnnlripal War Debia assamed. 3,084,400 Apr. * Oat 1888 Blue dgc 's (act '54) 970,000 6 do '74-'78 R HR b .

KaBTLAMD (Oct.. "70) $18,»17,476: «.*•. . «4,r00 1888 $7,817,- 430 Conversion stock of 1868 6 do Halllmure & Ohio RR sterling.. J. A.}.,-r.*o. 1890 Funded debt of '66 1,1.11,70(1 6 do '87 "W do do converted. 4)8,500 do 1890 Bonds 1868-69 8,190,9(0 6 J.AJ.A.AO '88-'80 Cheupeake & Ohio Canal, st'g. 1.856.835 do 1890 TxKin!Bsx».(0ct. '7n)$!W,639,t0J do do converted. 1,68T.S4S do isno Bonds loaned to BR'a., etc. .' 34,008,500 6 Jan. A July I-ong. do do 1834 1,403,146 do 1870 Bonds endorsed tor RR's., etc* 3,173,000 • do Long. Baltimore * Sasq RR i««,ooo' do 1890 Funded Interest (now * 6 do Long do bonds) 4,0*»,50S do 439.00(1 d'l 1890 State Bonds (debt proper) .... * l,706,H0O 6 Apr. A Oct VaT Annap. Elkrldgo A RR 96.430 do 18SB do do ( do > * 389,166 do Var Bosq. Tide W. (Janal, ± sterling n3.009 ifn 1866 do do ( do ) • 1,39.8,640 do V«i do do couverto£ 31S,t» :86.t do All Int. unfunded to Jan , 1871. 4,191,861 K'stem Shore RR 30,131 do 1890 of Bank Teunessee Note** . 1.600,000 Bountv L4>t» ^ 8,8S1,8»' do less Vermont (Keb.,'71) $(,336,000: 'f bond» 100,000 6 do ins War Loan Bonds, coupon...... 1,036,000 6 Jan. AD«e. •71 n ' .l.'71)(3«,S18,348: do do reg 301,000 6 do 'a-tt 'iise Loan $100,000 5 May* Not. 1871 ViKeiRU, Jan. '71 do (47.890,889) do do 110,000 5 Apr. A Oct "».'74 old Bonds, eonpon II.IOS.POO A Jan, A JuIt Long. State Honae Loan 165,000 6 do •78-'74 Old Honda, registered 31.617,578) A do Long. Lenatic Hoapltal. AcLoan 94,000 5 Jan. * July 1874 do de ''o I'S.eX'' 6 do Long. Lanatic Hospital (West. Maaat 50,000 A Jnne * Dec 1870 On, Bonds, sterling conp'in. .. !,8«S.fl00| 6 du LoBg. Loan, ftiDdInK I'ublic Debt. 100.000! 6 June Dec '70-'7S Funding Bo. ds, 8t6, 1.478,(100 6 Jaii. A Jnly Back Bay Lands * eonpon Loan 330,0IM 6 May * Not. 1881 do do .et'-slH ed 1.873.168 do Union Fond Loan 8,000,OOM 6 Jan. * Jalv '71-'76 uo do l.*o.MO < do do do do l»..7c..upon, aao,ooM 8 do 77-'T8 do do s* r'(r.ir .. 468^160 s do Coast Defense Loan 888,O0W 5 do 1883 Interest fttndabi. (Ill ., ..t-.' (i98.369 Boaatj Fosa twu) ,„, rnrnt do 18M Intervtt on kbof* Wim,'ii.,{ TitKhWO •(Iff* ••#»•• . . : ;: .' ' : .. ' : ' : .:.

244 THE CHRONICLR [February 25,1871. RAILROAD, CANAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOND LIST. Subscribers will confer a sreat t»vor by slvlng n» immediate notice of any error discovered In our Ts Pases 1 and 3 or Bauds will be pnbllsUed i^ext iveek.

AND CHABAC- 1 COMPANIES, AND CHARAC4 COMPANIES, TER OF SECURITIES ISSUED' TBB OV SEUUBITIE8 ISSUED Amount Amount Out- Out- For full explanation For * tall explanation of thU standing When Wliere a of this standing * Monilor" Table see " Railroad Monitor'' When Where Table •<< Kallroaa paid. paid. £=• paid. ou » preceding page. on a preceding page. paid.

Railroads: Railroads

M»btle ;" J.&D. N. Y. & B. 1875 lat Mortgage (guaranteed) 3d Mort. of 1870. coupon 175,000 A.&O. 1880 New York St. roruHch .t Worcester (Dec. 1, '69)- Rock,f., B. I. it Louis (Jan.l •70): Ist Mort. (Mass. 1st Mort- (gold) convert. ;ree loan) s'k'gfnnd 400,000 .. N.Y.orLOD »"""' J.& J. Boston. 1877 • Construction Bonds Rock M. it Peoria (Jan. I , ,0): 124,500 J.& J. Oaileniib. * r,. Ch(im.(Avrii'rio'y' 1877 1st Mortgage New York Equipment Rome, hat. itOgdensb. (Feb., '71): Bonds (tax free) 500,000 Ohio it iflmlJialptit I.Ian '7i)'"" Sink. F'd Mort. ( rt'at. & B) -SB. .. 790 900 M.&8. New York 1880 ist Mortgage (fe. Div.):.....' Guaran. (Pots. A Watert'n) '53. .143,000 J. & D. 7a-'74 1st Mortgage Sink. Fund Mort. (general) '61.. 6.12,500 (W. DIv.) . J.&D. 1891 aU Mortgage (W. Div.) Rutland it Lurllngton (Jan. 1,'69): ' '. Income Mortgage (W. Div'.')' 1st M. (conv. into Rut. pref.st'k) F.& A. Boston. 1863 Consol. Mort. ) 2d M- (conv. Into Rut.com.st'k) F.&A. 1863 'or »6 80O,(X10 Consol.Mort.ste- t Sacramento Valley (.Tan. 1, '70) lii^t (gold) '''.'.^K''*."* '"'«»* « (Feb., "70) Mortgage 400,000 J.&J. New York 1875 r>H'..?',<"''«»«o 2d Mortgage (gold) 829,000 F.&A. Sacramto 1881 aw Colony.t \enport (Feb.,'-™')'- St. .Joseph it C. Bluffs (Jan.l. :0): Companv ' ' Bonds 1st Mort. (80 m. In Mo.) ... 1,100,000 M.&S. Boston. 1893 Company Bonflrt 1st Mort. (52 ni.ln Iowa) .iOO.OOO 1SS2 Companv Bonds J. & J. 2d Mort. (52 in . in Iowa) Orange, 150,000 M.& S. 1893 Ale^.. ^t ,\*^ ior.q 1st Mort. (series A) sink, fund . 1,100,000 J.&J. New York 1894 4tli Mort. exten.Vo. & A ) imi 1st Mort. (series B) sink. fund.. 1,100.000 A.& O. 1894 let Mort. «)., A . '{^7' & .M^iiii) 2(1 Mort. (series C) 1,400,000 F.&A. 1894 V». Loan (31 y'rs) a'k'g r,|, -^b°^*' 2d Mort. (series D) 1,400,000 M.&N. 1891 Ompe Vatlnj (Jan. •^){. ' i, 2d Mort. (Income^ 1,700,000 M.&K. 1891 1«f Morti-age, 11=68 (5-20 years) St. Louts it Iron Mi. (Julyl, '69): '.iMl., '71): 1st Mortgage 4,000,000 Isl F.&A. New York ruaranteed. St. L., .Jacks, it Chic. (Feb., In. 71): IstMort. (guar.) 1864, tax ft'ee.. 2,365,000 A.&O. New York 1891 2d \'-: Mort. (guar.) 1868, tax tree. 360,000 J.* J. 1898 St. Louis 21 ami Southeastern Isr. Mort. conv. tax ftee (gold). 16,000p.m New York 1893 ''(Mar. 1, -TO) St. Tjmls it St. Joseph(A.Tir. l,'7a): Ut .')idl I M 1st Mortgage (gold) 1,000,000 M.&N. New York 1393 ^ruction Bohda! ki.L.,Vai,il. ,i r.&(Mrf(!(Jan.l,'70): Ist M . Jkg fd (guar.) 1,900,000 l-i "r'llug J.&J. New York 2.1 ling 2,600,000 J.&J. IS.. *;^?« ''.'".';;"lstDlv.(;jan.l,'70): i'."'. sicrllng.... IstMort. PtH (10 m.) tax free...... 120/100 M.&S. New York i (Ian. 1, '69): m"''.'- S?'- ?-'° Watab.SOm.) 700,000 J. A J. 'lafanteed ... M2d Moit. (land grant) . 1,'200,UOO J. ken' >rli, '70): & D. " »2.o2o,o(x)'.: : Isl J.* J. ' ni.'i'^jil ^"'V' Min. RK.) Ouiieral Mort., sterling Tsb'wi 2d 'nil. RR.) 1880 J.&J. LondAQ. d,- .-.,.,.."iiirr ift-nn. (tIM. 1975 New York sterli'iiir" 'l"'"!) ror»,ilOO(lCU LiMidon. I 1875 J«ni;r»! .Wort. (PiUi.to Plttab.). SI.« f^litlft ;;^!i'&°it Siotl.rC Phlladel. 1910 t'/ l.lan 1 'TIIV JO do new, coupon. . Iilt^Mort. for »l6,i)(i6 i'^J'^ {(„™' , 1910 uio,mo J.&J. New York oo 00 new, reglifd. I SandmkyM.d. A%«,'r*?Fob. ' mo Ut Mortgage, "Ti)'- new, 1849." 2,807,001 J.&J. N»w Yerk : : " . . . : .: ..

February 26. 1871.1 THE CHRONICLE. 245

RAILROAD, CANAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOND LIST. • al>«erlbers will conftr • gnrnt fkvor by KtvInK n« Immediate nolire or any error dUcorered In onr Tablen. Pages 1 aod i ot Boada will be pnblUhed next week. COMl^ANIKH, AND CIIAIIAO. OOMI'AV'I''* *\-!l I'llAltAr- TER OF HECUKITIK8 IS i TKR ' Amount ml Ooi- 1^ (or a full cxnlanatlon , •tandlng Wb n Where at Table «m ••Itallroad 'ling • Mui...... When Where T»blo 4

Ballroada t

yicttburg rf J/i-i-dl. (Mar. I, TO): Hallroadai Consol. Mort., 1st class Conso Mort., 3d class 683M0 1880 Haiaimah it Churlalon : Conso Mort., 8d claai 1810 900 'Jtt J.* J. Sew York 1889 Jrt»lort;nijo 1809 ._ Consol. Mort., 4lh class 1810 il (Jan. 1, W): 1,103,000 awiuei it Jtoimokt Warrm (Jan. 1, '70): WO NewTork 1880 m ||tMort«r*«o mm 1st Mort., guaranteed TSJJUO 18W Sll^ MUortuMir Wetchttter : Varl. Phlladel. 3S3,900 J.ft J. '88-'»l Wentern Cuton (Jan. 1, i St Mortg ,Ke Don U.OOO J. ft J. 1899 4,000,000 Whiuhatl it I'liiitHli. (Feb., '71): F.ftA. New York 1896 Doi »piii«.) ao.ooo H.ftS. 1871 1st I8 r.'ft A. i899 Southern -"> 1,900,000 New York l8t Mortgage ."o Feb., "Tl); 176,000 J. ft J. Phlladel. 1890 )ti7.,C'A«rf.) Mortgage, 576,887 6 Sterling Bonds J.ftJ. London. 1881 »709.000 958,000 J. ft J. New York 'W-'OO 197,7n 7 M.ft N. 1888 '84-'90 Sinking Fund Bonds ofisn ... W1.000 574.400 J. ft J. Petersb'g. 710,000 7 J.ftJ. New York 1807 r»MO,O0U 4rrL'!iKe goo,ooa J. ft J. Boston. 1879 43

' 1880 IstMortgage .' '! ik'C awiooo F.ftA. 200,000 A.ftO. New York isa l.TO): Real Estate Mortgages 15,000 M.ft N. 300,000 New York Mnth Avenue (Oct. 1, '69)t Ist Mortgage . r.(Oct.l,'W); 167^10 J.ftJ. New York 18.. 1,W7,050 Now York 18W Second Avenue (Oct. 1, '69): .o»ifFeb.,TO): IstMortgage 390,000 Mortgage J. ft D. New York 1877 •f I8ra 348,000 A.ftO. New York 18:9 3d 200.000 K.ftA. 1876 3ui.. '/w(Jan.l,'e9): Sd Mortgage 150,000 A.ftO. 1889 1st M Dlv.) 1,800,000 F.ftA. New York 1896 Consolidated convertible 375,000 M.ftN. 1888 1894 Sixth Avenue (Oct. 1, '69): l»t M . l>lv.) i,eao,ooo J.ftD. 1886 Ist Mortgage 3d MiTitii: . Dlv.)- 1,300,000 A.ftO. 250,000 J.ftJ. New York 1890 Kunlpm'l bM« of IS.Oconr.S.F 40< J. ft J. 1880 Third Avenue (Oct. 1, '69): lul.. Hiilj.,t. l»'M< ree) 1,780.000 J.ftJ. New York 1890

Ijt M,,ii. , l'..l. ,t lH..7',m.) .... WO.OQO F.ftA. New York 1890 m V ' ..16Tm.) 3,S»,000 F.ftA. 1890 Canal t 1st N' '..lOOni.) 707,000 A.ftO. 1871 Utv i'.lSlm.) 1,771,000 F.ftA. 1888 Chetapeake ' aof'5S,181m.) 3,NO.%0 H.ftN. 1893 Bonds having next preference 1,699,900 J.ftJ. Baltimore. 1888 1883 Delaware J>lvlHon (Feb., "70) : E<1 1 (T.AW.,75ni.) 000,000 M.ftN. 1907 IstMortgage Coil- ^ ^ l500m.)coav. 3,700^1 Q.-J. Phlladel. 1878 ITOB €C oi'.i"" i-ct. I.VSS): Delaware itHitdion (June, "70): Registered Bonds UtMortKage 300,000 J.ftJ. New York 1887 (tax free)... 1,900,000 M.ftK. New York im7 Registered Buuds (tax free)... Id Mortgage 308,000 A.ftO. 1888 J.ftJ. 1884 SdMorU (SOAXI M.ftN. 1835 Dela, tt Raritan : See Cam. ft Am boy RR. tifoBo 43;/)00 M.ftS. Erieqf PennJiyltanta (Nov. 1, '6 n (Oct. IstMortgage 743,654 J.ftJ. Phljadel. 1888 '^,1^^'afr irnnrantwMl 1873 Bonds for Interest . 500WO J.ft J. NewYork 161,960 J.ftJ. ins M M— ...... /I 880,000 J.ftJ. 1878 Lehigh yattgaUon (Nov. 1, "my hnlo'i Loan of 1878 54310 J.ftJ. Phlladel. isn '96- l«t V 37,311,000 J.ftJ. N.Y.ftBos. '99 Loan of 1884 5,656,099 1884 •96-'99 w M >! -ubsldy) J.ftJ. H(r°ght,ftc Loan of 1897 3.000310 1817 1807 Lai: 9,661.000 A.ftO. Boston. 1889 Gold Loan of 9,0003X1 jTftu. « 1887 CouTcrtlble tec rtio,an/«b.... 10,OOOA» M.ftS. N.Y.ftUo«. 1874 Loan ori87T 1,496,8>9 J.ftD. H urn Vnt>,: flr.(Jan.l,'«9): Morrd (Feb. TO):; Ut V Ukxit'ee 1,800,000 J.ftJ. NewYork 189S Ist ana 3d Mortgages 783,360 A.ftO. JeturCltx ad M inent subsidy) 1,800^000 J.ftJ. 1895 Boat Loan, sinking fund 339,438 A.ftO. t/'H'i '.n. (Jan. I, TO): Pennaytcania (Feb., "TO) free lit ^i )tO m 3,34OA>0 F.ftA. Now York 189S IstMort. tax g. byPen.KR 1,3613X1 J.ftJ. Phtlade 1887 l«t Jliirl DJUIU) JsaMm 4,088,000 J.ftD. 1896 Sehut/auu IftMvtgatlon (Not.1, "OO): '95- •id Mort. (governroent subsidy) 8,803,000 J.ftJ. -97 IstMortgage 1,751,318 M.ftS. Phlladel. 1873 Br.) 1896 3d Mortgage Ut Mori (LeaTen worth . . 800,000 H.ftN. 4.016,670 J.ftJ. 1883 l.iin.l 1.1 1,11 \l„ t.forKI».m .. 378,000 M.ftS. "Tl-T* Improvement 3083X1 M.ftN. ISW )»10.0l»p.m. 4,379,000 J'el,*?! 1916 »«». 1 I- fDi'C.TO):; Pref. Interest Bonds 8353» J.ftJ. UN si M ITSJOOO Utlca. :s;3 rnlon (Feb., T i) V^ri"'" 1, »): IstMortgage 3,000310 Phlladel. ut M 3JXD,0aO Boston. 1886 ire»< flrancA <* Su»j.(Feb.,70) : M M ...,,.l,,l. 1,900,000 BoetoB. 1891 IstMortgage 3M3» J.ftJ. Phlladel. 1878 l'«7.. 1.000,000 M.ftN. "76.77 2d Mortgage tax free 3«83» M.ftN, 1,000.000 M.ftN. 1688 nyominff VaOey (Feb., "TO) r .W.iM. iK.ll>., TO): IstMortgage 600310 J.ftJ. PblladeL 1878 '.::ti;f, sinking fund 915,700 J.ftJ. Boston. 1888 nvsrtlnli", tai free.... J.ftJ. 1879 IHIaeellaneona t y,r„ 1 i;«i/(Feb., "71)1 .4j(ii-r. tttn-l .f- Iiint. ty> i.I,in 1 »89)- 1st MqrtKt.J.j 3,0003x1 J.ftJ. New Tork 1888 1st MorlvaKQMorlKagQ * m A.*0. 1860 'id MortKMt' A.ftO. laet .^iCo.). 4-.73X) J.ftJ. Newjork 1879 T -t. »); Vlrauuai I, iVliUHIftnihul ' o'll : .Mortg. B'dS. 09«3» T ftA. 1881 lAMtrrtKi 4M.0OO J.ft J, New Y6rk 187S (tulctlirer (Feb., TO) •aoM J.ftl- 1884 IstMortgage (gold) 9003X1 J.ftD. New Tork 1873 778,0110 J.*3. laoo idMortgaire (gold) 13»3XI J.ftJ. M 1«?J 11!I,ODO IneoroaVoii'U J.ft J. 186S Rochenttr City Waltr Warkt : ... Mh Mortgage (fnndlnin-.,— 778,000 J.ftJ. 1900 M orteage Honda (gold) 8003X1 M.ft n. BtskMnilliartUutM.. . .. J.ftJ. 7l.'80 tMiOO ».*a Raw York

I [February 25, 1871. 246 THE CHRONICLE. Bzporta or IieadloK Articles from Neiv Vork. i..)e Commercial Mimts. The following table, compiled from Custom House returns shows the exports of leading articles of commerce from the CO\IMERCIAL EPITOME. port of New York since January 1, 1871, to all the principal Pbidat NI8HT, Pebrn«ry 24, IsTl. foreign countries, and also the total export of the same articles Trade dnrinof the past week ba% been good, notwith- for the last week and since January 1 •Uoding the intervention of a close holiday. A reduction So —< o^'a-^cfe Jf^-M^os^oD -v o* 55 o ^ o Qcnji-^ 3d oo iajjoai « «o os_-*^t-^« — 3 -S ^'mOOSO' in railroad freiijhte has stimulated the demand for foreign 5 goods to go inland, wlile reduced prices, the result in part »up|ilies, have caused a revival of of a prospect of fuller « a p . . 3 2 Sns is, how- the export tnovement in Western products. There o 8 ** '^, Eh = - ever, an absence of a si)eoulativt' confidence, without which

1* I ||5|PSS 3 5 15 sgsi im £-• sc 3E y5 »i" Oi iS is a; q6 report the markets may be said to lack spirit, although the s 2 ^ ss-s S8 of peace in Europe, current this afternoon, caused some : :§;s .Sg:sS 2E2« of a revival. S : indications 0. Cotton has partially recovered the late decline. Middling' l^ssige^^js Uplands closing at 16f. Breadstuff's more active at sjine decline, closirg firm. Flour, $6 60@$6 90 for shipping 5

. COT* 25 for mess, and $22 00@!|22 $21 50@|2l 75 for prime .(NCO mess, closing firm with buyers to-day at those figures. Lard Ki- ts to 12|^tgl3c. for prime y-, . .CO-THiOCD tDC* • is down Western steam ; and Bacon IOC*' O

is lower at 11^1 If ;. for long clear and short rib, but


M » S2 : • o 25 o c» Tobacco shows no decided change from last week. In

Kentucky Leaf the reduced prices then quoted are still cur

rent. Shippers are taking the new crop, but for home con- ;3 § : : : :S «o W3|c '^^ & : : ; i'^ gumption the business is almost altogether restiicted to the m old crop. The sales embrace 200 hhds. new crop for export >0 oo gs 6@7c. for lugs, and 7J@9|c. for low and medium leaf, and 300 hhds., mainly old crop, to cutters and the trade at gsg;g 7|^10^. for low to good leaf. In Seed Leaf Tobacco the B ». I S" B M O supply yet available is not large, but is increasing, and sel lers are more disposed to meet the views of buyers. The n o 5'3 H *i2 sales are 99 oases new crop Massachusetts, on private terms • a a 100 cases Oliio, crop of 1869, at '22^c., and 250 cases Pennsylvania, crop of 1870, on private terms. Spanish Tobacco continues to move off freely, and the sales embrace bales 460 Yara ai 95@97^., and 250 do. Havana at 85c.@ M ftp -K $1 00. Manufactured Tobacco is in steady request and firm. East India Goods are without special feature, but firm. quiet, Molals are except Pig Iron, which is firmer, as many :S of our domestic furnaces are compelled to stop work, owing to the impossibility of procuring coal. Coal has greatly advanced in this market, owing to the fact that supplies are :3 small and are cut off' by difficulty between the miners and the railway companies. O H Whiskey has declined under large receipts. There has • • .!-« :"g further CO l^K :i .1 been some export movement in the poorer qualities of Hops. Hay is drooping. Fruits have slightly improved

. .CO . in nearly all descriptions. Fish fairly active. ;S| .IT tnm Naval Stores show an advance in Spirits Turpentin' to td 4 S4 CO 54c., but Rosins are quiet. Oils have been dull and Pe- troleum has slightly declined. Hides have done rather bet- ter of late, but are quiet. Leather and Skins dull. Tal- low has sold fairly for export at steady prices. Wool has been taken freely by dealers, and prices rule very firm. Stocks are not large in any quarter, and some scarcity seems to be apprehended before the clip for in 1871 S£ji^ji^j^j3 ccn m m w ncn sc n ins I oc (B n m K c can be made available. Freights have shown some weak- ^•°'^°.=,^'ft0.5-f;'°.-°.8&Ma%o^j3gggg-S.g'aS„. : : ness in rates. The late speculation in leading staples, such as Bfpiidstuff'B and Prjvisions, caused some accumulation of room on the berth, but in the last few • '• days with lower • S-3 ^ '• prices for • merchandise, and a little easier o « a. : rates of • freight DO . fbipraei.U ES : have become more active. The . shipments ot is ; to-day etnbraced grain to Liverpool at 7d. bv steam and 6(1. by sail, o o and floor to ID mO^ .m • London at at Ss. 4^J."@2s. 6d. by q vi t II OO:5a . . . ,: : : : .

February 25, 1871.] THE CHRONICLE. 247

porta or Leadlnff Artl«l«a« From the foregoing •tktement It will b« seen that, eotnpared The foUowlnflf table, complltMl from CuBtnm Hoaae Tetnrn* vrith the eorrespondlng week of last season, there lean Inereaae In *howa the foreii^a Imports of certain leadintf articles of oommerce the exports tlils week of 68304 bale*, while the stock* to-night are •t this port for the lant wetik, alaoe Januujr 1, 1871, and for the 124,081 bal) Hardware .,.. 108 884 DrlMIni France Forlgnl Total. .H»rihttawiir« Mil 4,184 Iron. UK bare. ia.aM a8,l<83 18,760 vilan .. .. 8,WI N.U8 <8,1(IW' Lead, plfi S.1,0 88.314 New Orleans 154,913, 968, no OKI Wl,49» UlMiwiirfl,... KU! 4,7SI 1,«97| Bpelter 111,488 8a8,6M 1,808,190 Mobile 16.1811 198 "1.871 Ulanplntn.. l,ilSl! Bieel 17,089 12,»38 Charleston l»,t94; 11 ianona I* MB Tin, boiea 1,788 88,603 44,8; I Bavannab 47,818 2X1,- 197 615, 100.81* Coal, ton* a,M4 Tin >lali>, Ibe. m3is n4,7l8 IVxas 8.548 28,048: 69.I8* Ooooa,tHun.... 'is 9,IUg 4,>ia liam il,189 33.760 10,698 Now York 38,918 107MI u.rx ISi.lM 114,173 Sugar, bhda,tci riorlrta '4131 >«3 aw Abble 7,Ta 38,838 )8,!S3 North CaruUna... a,764 0u(an, b«xee A Virginia ai,801 ivlen. 4,183 _ba(H 6J84 103,088 78,9C0 Other porta 9X188 s.4aa Tea 44,683 231,717 M1.9n Brlin«ton». ton* ISC 1,161. Tobacco.... 888 9,44U 8,884 Total this year.. 1980,989 788,94* Cochlneitl it i;b» wi Waxie M 814 196 Cnuun Tartar., 1« Ui Wines, Ao— Total last year . 301 ,l» ia99.e« 808388! 99«0» Otimiiior aw U CbanipaK'e,bk* aw 38,443 17,938 Ounm.rruile.,.. 80 Wlnos 38,!U2 18,983 tlie past week hav» Uum, Ariiblo... '«» Wool, bales 808 4.683 8,338 The Inflnences operating upon the market IndlKU U47 l,4»l ArtloloB report'd been much the same as duriug the previoiLs tvin-k ; 1 hough the Madder 1.,*c- Sploes, Ao— 10,479 Jrtitles 111 115 Citssia 9.838 93,136 30,609 the present formidable figures, they continue to be free sellers at Hldee. dr*;seed. aao 9,933 S,08l ainger 7*ffl 9,3 1< the quotations. The improvement during the week has been ic, India rubhtir us Pepper 9,(48 10,838 8,834 l»orjf 47 IM Saltpetre W,343 86.396 the close Ijeing 15|c. for Middling Uplands and 14jc. for Low Mid- Jewelery, Ac- Woods- dling against 15ic. for Middling and 14ic. for Low Middling last Jewelry 13,917 40,938 8,944 va 4M Cork , with Watches 21< 14* Itaatle ...... 13.709 8,244 Friday. For forward delivery the movement has l>cen free Uoaeed S,t99 Logwood ... 80.613 93,630 75,853 the greatest advance on the later month's sales being made to-day Molaiuiee 16,989 MaboKany 870 iS,5T3 13.33 at 15c. for Ijow Middling for June, and l.^ic. for July. For MaV alnce BoeelpU or Domeatle Produce for the Week and the closing quotation was 14 13-16, for April 14J, for March Janaarjr 1. 14 9-16, and for February, 14 7-16. The total sales of this descrip- The receipts of domestic for the week and since Jan. 1, produce tion for the week, (including 1,150 balen free, on Ixjard, but And for the as follows same time In 1S70, have been not including bales "Exchanged") have been 58,.550 bales. For immediate delivery the total sales foot up this week 24,820 ThU Since Same bales were week. Jan.l. time *70 l)ale8, including 2,192 bales to arrive, of which 5,139 taken by spiuuers, 1.053 bales on speculation, 16,478 bales for A«hes...pkm. on cake, pkgs,. . 200 3,917 8,200 are the closing Breadstuffs— Oil, lard 30 478 870 export, and 2,150 bales in transit. The following .bbls. 30,183 17,847 Klour Peanuts, bates \JIU quotations : Wheat .bus. Provisions— Corn Hntter, pkgs... 9.755 78,971 84,738 OaU Cheese 4,314 45,716 35,136 Upland and New Bye Catmeats 7,533 49,1 IS 80, 03 floilda. Mobile. Orleans. Barley, 4ko.. 4,3J6 ?*'^ 31,790 Grass seed PSr^::::::::::: 8,763 60,601 88,039 Ueans Beef. pkgB 16,069 44,388 31) ,887 Ordinary per lb I3J4c. paid to o . chsJiK*? 30> .March for 300 May. to the Continent, while the stocks at all the ports, as made Sc. Bald 10 excbangc lui April fur 100 May. up this evening, are now 693,218 bales. Below we give the ex- 801 February lor 900 .March, equal terms. stocks for the week, week ports and and also for the corresponding WE.^THEn Repohts by Tki.eorapu,—Our telegrams tonight oUast season, as telegraphed to ns from the various ports to-night; indicate for the past wvon days Iosh rain tlrnn during previous

Exported to— | Stock. weeks. At Mobile It has rained tlirer diiy.s. at .Montgomery one Total tills Bame Wk We«k ending Feb. 21.. week. 1870. at it is reported to linve been wuna and cloudy e.Brtt Contln't 1971. 1870. day, and Selma through the week. At (lnirle.ston. Savnmmh, Macon, Columbus, 40.313 18,5»i 89,187 345,810 Augusta, Memphis and -Nashville it raiiutl from one to two days Mobile 1,300 13,684 %«84 3:884 80,934 71,478 of the week, but baa since b«-en pleasant, except Charleston. 6.033 716 6,788 83,438

THE CHRONICLE. [February 25, 1871; 248 Havre 44,280 91,500 of Stock in extent of our crop this year is et.ll, Our ExP0RT8.-The Stock in Marseilles. . . .-•>. - . Ji'k 6,850 4,600 estimate ace. .t but the general p ..'iv' 6,300 course, Bomewluit uncertain, Stock in Bremen 3,450 bales. Taking thnt figare of Continent 25,000 32,000 r;ther over than under 4,000,000 Stock rest now Britain (American) 294,000 249,000 an increase in stock m tliu I nited Afioat for Great then as the basis and allowing export Afloat for France (American and Brazil). .... 41,874 we shall still have left for States of say 100,000 bales, Total Indian cotton afloat for Europe 131,632 108,512 tlie same amount as 1last (provided our ovm spinners consume Stock in United States ports 693,218 568,234 during last season. Up to this timeti Stock in inland towns 118,382 101,843 year) 730 000 bales more than exported 481,330 mail dates February 17,) we have (the latest Total 2.160.5i53 1,596,868 period of 1869-70, leaving, if the bales more than for the same These figures indicate an inereaae in the cotton in sight to-night about 270,000 bales for the bal- crop foots up as above estimated, of 563,485 bales compared with the same date of 1869. last seasons exports for the same ance of the season, in addition to The exports of cotton this week from New York show a de we shall have to spare over periml to make up the surplus which crease since last week, the total reaching 14,571 bales, against has had already 573,000 bales bales last week. Below we give our table showing the and above last year. Great Britain 17,475 news of peace received to- exports of cotton from New York, and their direction for each of more than last year, and hence if the ; also the tolal exports direction since year she would the last four weeks and to be correct, for the bahince of the day tnmsout September 1, 1870; and in the last column the total for the same further increased supply. It is not unlikly, not be entitled to any period of the previous year : the movement to the continent from Liverpool will however that (bales) other words tlie continental supply Experts of cotton from New fork since Sept.1,1870 be larirer than last season, or in In that case, of course, will more of it go through Liverpool. would also be Britain . direct movement from here to Great WESK SNDraa Samel the Total timcg our years' exports would divide themselves up. to larger otherwise prev, in all, say 2,000,000 bales, Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. date. about as follows—giving Great Britain year. 28. 4. 11. 18. and other ports 950,000 bales. Our shipments (according to latest to Great Britain 1,803,000 bales, and mail dates) have already been 13,641 17,726 14,887 11,913 339,068 164,887 shipments would 6,734 381 to the continent 292,000 bales ; the remaining Other British Ports 1,196 Britain, and therefore in this case be about 700,000 bales to Great TotaLto Ot.Brltatn 13,641 17,726 14,887 13,109 345,802 166,868 6.50,000 bales to the continent. 9,303 to our latest mail advices (January 21, re- I5{DI.\. According other French ports 3 noticed ceived this week from Bombay) the first indications may be 9,806 o^ the effect of low prices on the movement of the crop. Tliis is particularly showing itself among the ryots in their unwilling- Bremen and Hanover 225 600 1,302 9,079 19,686 Co. vn-ite ness to send forward their cotton. Messrs. W. Nieol & 161 "522 5,088 14,970 " that supplies of new cotton are still coming forward to this mar- Other ports 661 i,'M8 ioo 7,429 2,582 ket on the smallest scale, and the question of how long prices are Total to N. Europe. 386 1,183 2,548 1,402 21,596 37,1.38 to remain relatively as much above home quotations depends en- tirely upon the monetary strength the ryots are possessed of. Spain Oporto& Gibraltar&c 40 60 2,315. i,809 That it is great is evident from the reluctant manner in which the All pthers arrivals in the up-country markets are parted with, while trifling Total Spain, &c 40 60 2,317 1,809 picking is progressing rapidly." So also we see Messrs. Fin- lay, Muir & Co. state " that new cotton comes on the green slowly." Grand Total 14,027 18,909 17,475 14,671 369,715 214,521 If this indisposition to sell continues, we must expect to find the following are the receipts of cotton at New York, Boston, movement to Europe slower and perhaps smaller than last year, The Baltimore for the last week, and since Sept. 1, though in aU probability an increased crop will have been raised. Philadelphia and Up to February 10, the cable reports state that tlie exports from 1869: Bombay had been, since January 1, to Great Britain 59,000 bales and BOSTON. PHttADELPmA BALTIXOBE. to the Continent 12,000 bales, against 41,250 bales to Great Britain NKW TOHK. | the Continent during the same period of 1870. and '8300 bales to This Since This Since This Since This Since! 1 1 1 total exports from Bombay for 1870 and the four previous (Sept. 1. week. week. Septl. week. The week. ISeptl. 1 Septl years were as follows New Orleans. . 2,211 81,339 2,143 16,706 3,128 86 . ^Exported to , . . 620 Great Other Texas 660 18,862 1,656 Savannah 4,212 146,139 1,460 26,066 '867 896 11,661 Britain. European. China. Total. from Mobile 640 6,246 4,53:3 Jan. 1,1870, to Dec. 31,1870. 864,568 164,880 52,097i 1,081 ,545i Florida 413 t Jan. 1,1869, to Dec. 31, 1869. 970,354 182,524 17,273 1,171,151' South Corolina. 1^965 108,487 i',668 36! 4,845 'i85 9,207 North Carolina. 707 47,785 "to .392 3,971 228 4,071 Jan. 1, 1868, to Dec. 31, 1868.1,035,077 147,732J 54,466 1,237,275^ Virginia 8,649 143,495 2,563 .34,015 40 2,136 40,996 to Dec. 31, Jan. 1, 1867, 1867.1,062,228 68,117 50,001 1,180,346 Nortli'm Porta.. 9,548 8,596 50,570 Jan. I,18(i6, toDec. 31, 1866. 913,598 37,809J 4,222} 955,630 Tennessee, &c.. 7,287 1.34,464 273 11,674 9;559 '342 22;976 Foreign 10 95 QusNY Bxas, Bagging, &c.—The market for cloth the past week

Total this year 26,231 1 696,877 10,740!l46,716 1,168 3.3,262 3,287 been rather quiet, but prices are very firmly held ; 88,990 has the only j transaction, however, we hear of is 1,000 bales deliverable June 1st year.. 479,855 Total last 14,6151 10,567|128,098 2,858 1 32,820 1,566 69,387 at 19c. currency, duty paid. Bags are quiet also, the only sale 1 reported Ijeing 250 bales to arrive here at lOfc. Hemp continues SniPPiNG News.—The exports of cotton from the United States is quiet, and Manila quoted 10J@10}c. as before ; but there are no the past week, as per latest mail returns, have reached 80,477 sales reported. A sale of 300 bales Sorsogan was made at lOfc. bales. So far as the Southern ports are concerned, these are the gold. Jute is in moderate demand but firm, 500 bales sold in Bos same exports reported by telegraph, and published in The Chbon- ton at 6JC. gold. Jute Butts are in active demand, part specula- ICLE last Friday, except Galveston, and the figures for that port tive, and the transactions since our last including Boston and to are the exports for two weeks back. With regard to New York, arrive are fnlly 12,000 bales at 4@4^c. currency, and 3i@3|c. gold. we include the manifests up to last Saturday night Total bales. MovssfgNTS OF Cotton at the Interior Ports.—Below we New Yohk—To Liverpool, per steamers Algeria, 1,963 Nevada,

of cotton at the 3,319. . . . Samaria, 513. . . .City of Washington, . . .Italy, give the. movements interior ports—receipts and 1,022, 2,615. . . ships Glcnallen, Themis, sliipments for the week, and stock to-night and for the correspond- per 356 1,024... Riversdale, 1,101 11,913 To Cork, for orders per bark Nictaux, 1,196 ing wcftk ol 1870 — 1,196 To Christiana, via Glasgow—per steamer Caledonia, 100 100 .!!'...!!. ,-Week ending Feb. 24, 1871. ^ ^Week endlnj; Feb. 21, 1870-- To Bremen.—per steamer Hermann, 1,302 1,302 ... Receipt*. Shipments. Stock. Rec.ipts. Shipments. Stock. To Gibraltar— per bark AttUa, 60 60 New Orleans—To Liverpool, per ships Emily Augnste, 3,930 Lonisa, .\ugusta".,,,.... 3,828 3.195 22,626 2,677 1,284 25,010 2,444 per barks Harvest Home, 1,314, and 1« seed cotton Sper- C«hinibu8 1,241 1,463 12,148 1,008 •941 13,537 anza, 1,452.... Amphion, 1,550 Mary Ann, 1,393 12,112 per steamer Kohn, Macon...,..,.. 1,441 1,669 15,686 516 592 16,587 To Bremen— 2,562 2,562 To Amsterdam—per barks Wentworth, 1,968.... Westfleld, 1,470 3,438 Montgomery ... 1 ,841 2,452 9,404 1,134 255 11,326 To Keval, Russia—per bark Peabody, 1,387 1,387 Selraa 1,450 2,511 8,860 882 974 7,765 To Genoa—per ship Susan Hiucks, 2,769 2,769 Memphis 16,975 21,424 To Barcelona—per barks Joven Euriqne, 640.. .Bnenaventtu^, 41,224 6,009 11,758 22,343 1,160. . per t)rig8NnevaCa8imira,496....San Miguel, 750 Mercede, 361 . . 3,397 Nashville 3,570 3,147 8,434 1,069 1,048 5,285 To Malaga-.,per bark Carmen, 520 , 620 To Malaga and Barcelona—per ship Pedro Plandolit, 2,858 2.858 80,346 35,861 118,882 13,295 16,852 101,843 To Vera Cruz—per brig Hope, 437 per schooners Linda, 317 and 49 lialf bales. , . .Louise Williston, 461 These totals show that the interior stocks 1,243 have decreased during MoEn,E—To Liverpool, per ships Carrie K6ed, 4,058 Lizzie Fennell, the we«k .5,515 bales (being now 16,.539 bales more than for the 2,805....Mary Kusseti 2 100 8,958 To Barcelona— per brig Wifredo, 454 • same jwriod of last year), wliile the aggregate receipts are 17 051 454 bales Charleston-To Liverpool, per barks Ynmiri, 1,287 Upland and i2i Sea more, and the shipments 19,009 bales more than for the . , . Island , Arbitrator, 1,6<>3 Upland and 53 Sea Island . . . corre-iponding Walter, 736 jHsriod of 1870. Upland and 175 Sea Island 4,006 To Amsterdam—per bark Rio de la Plata, Visible Sittly of Cotton.—The following Uvble 2,027 2,087 shows the Savaknah—To Liverpool, per sliip Zouave, 3,434 Upland quantity ot cotton in perbiirk sight at this date of each of the two oast sea- Lord Stanley, 2,057 Upland 491 sons: '^ .;.. s ToPalmouthand orders. ...perbaikTopeka, 1,200 Upland 1.200 ToNarva— per ship Hivideorn, 1,564 Upland. . 1871. . 1564 1870. ''*''»» Stock in Liverpool ''^*^5:;;''l? J'''""'P°"'' R" *''• Ofof, 786 upland.,, ',S.'A.'stapie^ bales. 704,000 311,000 l,46i I,plandand6SeaIsland.,,,Maggic, Stock in London 1,465 Upland nerWies Caroline Gray, 939 Upland, . 79,841 81,705 , .Maria \V, konvoori, 1,897 IjXnd Stock In ."...".'.' !!!."".!' per schooners Pntepa^ 1 '.'..'. 220 . Glasgow Upland . . . Wilhulmina, 1,115 uSand 8,396 250 .300 To Bremeu-per^rkdalvestOfl, 1,808 Upland.. ..,..;•!,.. .;„„.,;;;; J,803 : . : : :: . . ; . : ;

FebnuuT28, 1871.] THB CHBONICLE. 249

Great Britain. OonllneaL Total. Baltivorb—To Liverpool, p«r iblp* AniKpolIt, tST. . Odumet, 761 .. 1,898 ts From bales. bales. balea. BocToR—To Liverpool, per •taamor Ssnukrl*, IS. . . Nov. 1, 1870, to Jan. 16, 1871 91.169 10.118 lll.«l ToUl 80,STT Same pirloa, 18*9-70 77,847 IMOT 108.104 form Same period. 1888-89 87.171 17,808 114.471 The pnrticalan of theae ihipmenta, arnuged in oar oiaal Same period. 1867-88 87.117 18,878 114.000 •I« aa inllnwa Same period. 1866-67 94.188 10.617 114.800 Amnter- Barce- Vera Liver- Ere- Bombay. Feb. 7.—New Oomrawnttee.good marks, SOOr^J ll-16d pool. Cork. men. dam. Oonoa. lona. Cmc. Narva. Total. by sail ^A. by steamer ; new Dhollern. 188r.—6 5.16d. by sail New York.. 11.91S 1,198 I.IXH 14,571 ; N. Orleane .W,II4 I.BO 8,438 3,760 6,9M 1,148 .. 80,386 eid. by steamer ; new Comptah, 178r.—ftjd. by sail ; 8 l-16d. by »,4U Mobile S,».W 484 steamer, all cost and freight. Charletton.. 4,ai,-. ... «,(m 6,0S» Feb. stock of cotton yesterday evening was (Uvannah... S,41il l.BM 8,»85 Havre, 10.—The were American, and 17,030 Toxaa 8,»tt . 1.808 10,108 44,280 bales, of which 28,180 bales Balltmore.. l,8Be 1,808 bales East Indian. Boeton «S 88

Total Sa,gS7 l.ioe 6,867 6,468 1,769 6,709 1,1'S 1,664 80,477 BREADSTUPFS. InclndPd Id the abovi- totala are 100 balea from New York to Cbrlettana, and Fridat p. M., February 14. 18T1.

80 to ailbraltar : from New Orleann, 1,887 bal«a to Reval and niO to Malaga for Flour, Wheat, Corn and and 1,100 bali-a from Savannah to Falmouth. The market has been depressed QOLP, Excn.\NuK AND FRBloaTS.—Gold has flnctuated the Oats, nntil to-day, when there was a slight recovery in Flour and past we<>k biHween Uli and llli, and the close wa« lllf. Wheat. Barley has been steadily advancing. Foreign Exchange market is steady. following were last The the Flour has arrived but moderately, and there was no great pres- quotations: London bankers', long, 109^1004; short, 110|^ sure to sell early in the week ; but the announcement of a material n(H; Commercial, 10»@109i. Freights closed at 9-11,811-82® 6-16 aud |J by steam and ^@5-16d. by sail to Liverpool. reduction in railroad freights from the West, and continued dull Bt Teleouaph rnoM Liverpool.— accounts from Liverpool so weakened the market yesterday that LnrmmoL, Fch. !M, 11:30 A. M.—The market opened qnlct aud steady. The iaioe of the dav ar<> I'ntlmated at 10,000 bales. The sales of the week have been lines of shipping extras to the extent of about 10,000 bbls. sold at balm, of which 17,000 bales were bales 84,000 taken for export and 5,000 on |6 50(36 70. This movement partially relieved the market of peculation. The stock in port Is 764,000 bales, of which 400,000 bales are American. some accumulations on the wharf and in the hands of city millers, Feb. 8. Feb. 10. Feb. 17. Feb. a. Total sales 66,000 5.4.000 61,000 84,000 and to-day, with a continued good shipping demand holders showed Sales for export 16,000 18,000 10,000 17,000 rather more strength, and although less active shipping extras Sales on speculation 5.000 1,000 8,000 6,000 Total stock 678,000 610.000 780,000 764 000 sold at |6 6d@6 80 being an advance of 10c. Stock of American 156,000 178,000 400,000 400,000 Totalafloat Wheat lias shown a steady downward tendency under dull accouDts American afloat 377,000 from abroad, the competition of Com in the freight market, and the The following table will ahow the daily closing prices of cotton for the week: Sat. Mon Tnes. Wed. Thnrs. FrI. subsideoce of speculation. The redaction in rail freight froca (he Price Mid. Uplands. 7)4®... IX&tK 1>i&t\ 7K@... tfi&... tfi®-- West also weakened the market ; and yesterday several boat loads on Orleans.. 7X®7J< 7X®7J< 7J<58 TA&... VA&... 7J<5... Up. toanive. . . .® .. ® ® ® @ @. new No. 2 Spring aolH at f ! 49@1 fiO in store. Tt was reported that EuROPF,AN AND INDIAN CoTTON Mabkbts.—In reference to contracts have been made to bring half a million bushels of Wheat these markets our corresopondent in London, writing under the fri'M Chicago by rail. To-day, however, with a partial advanco in the date of Feb. 11, states : Liverpool, Feb. 11.—The following are the prices of American Liverpool qu'latioo. and rumors t'l&t tlie treaty of peace between cotton France and Prussia has been signed, there was a firmer feelioi;, closing ,-Fair & .-Same date 1870-, line of Winter —Ord.* Mid-, g'd fair^ ^O'd&fair^ Mid. Fair. Good. at $1 61@1 64 for New Spring, and a large Amber Sea Island. 13 I) 34 3< 46 30 33 30 sold for export to the continent at $1 68 in »tore. Sulned 13 18 U 36 37 30 30 33 80 Ord.G.Ord.L.Mld. Mid. G.MId.M.F. Mid. L.Mld. M.F. Cum has met with a moderate demand both for export and home Uplands 7 7« tit 7X 7J< 8X Il« 11 11-16 llJi u«e, but with pretty full receipts, and a disposition to affect prompt Mobile 1 1% 1% 75i 7 15-18 en IIH 11« 13 N.Orlean8£TexaB 7 ^}^ ih 1% 8X 8K IIX 11 15-16 13)i sales, prices have ruled in favor of the buyers, until to-day, when The following are the prices of middling qualities oi cotton at the supply was small, and a slight advance was establisHed prime,

this date and since 1868 : mixed selling at 84@S5c afloat, and prime yellow 86c, also afloat. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. Hldland d. d. d. d. Midland d. d. d. d. Barley has a'ivanced 3@5e per bushel. The local demand has not Island Sea 30 38 10 33 Pemambnco. 8H 115i IIX 7^ only been active, but our coaetwi^e neighbors have come to us for sup- tTpland... 8K 11 5-16 l\ii 7X. Egyptian.... 7>f WH 11 6>i plier. State Barley last sold at for two rowed, and Canadiao MobUe... 8X IIX MX 7X Broach 7 9X 8X 6 $1 $1.08 Orleans... 87< \i}i nn VA Dhollerah.... 7 9« 83i f,% @1 Xi, the higher figuie fir Bay Q linle. Since the commencement of the year the transactions on specula- Oats have been dull and prices weak. Nothing of moment done in tion and for export have been the p^st tnr.i da' a and the ;lose is quite uusettUo. .—Actual cxp. from Actual The following are the closing quotations LIv., Hull &, other exp'tfrom ^Taken on spec, to this dato-< ouports to date- U.K. In Flour— Wheat. Spring, bash $1 44«t 1 61 1871, 1869, 1871, 1870, 1870. Snperflne f bbl. »5 75® 6 35 Red Winter 1 SI® 1 56 bales. bales. bales. bales. bales. Extra State 6 70® 6 90 Amber do 1 68® 1 I Western, 1 American. . 13,040 38,630 36,765 13.886 143,700 Extra com- White Braallian... 100 5,380 8,910 9,876 48,050 mon to good 6 60® 6 90 White California 1 71 030 8.460 681 639 7,!KI0 Double Extra Western Com, Western Mlx'd,.. w. Indian.! 450 370 134 674 13,480 and St. Louis 7 00® 9 16 Yellow, new E. Indian.. 11,730 134,650 13.043 35,741 447,300 Southern supers ® White Southern, extra and Rye 1 1( Total 86,340 77,190 187,390 48.456 60,116 658,430 family 6 80® 9 50 Oats The following statement shows the sales and imports of cotton California @ Bariey 1 Rye Flour, super &, extra 6 40® 6 10 Malt 1 II for the week and year, and also the stocks on hand on Thursday CornMeal 8 86® 4 60 Peas, Canada 1 1! evening last ' The movement in breadstuffe at this market has been as follows SALBS, ETC, or AU. CBSCRimONB. , RBCBIPTS AT »EW YORK. ,. BXPORTS FROM NEW TORK , . Sales this week.- Total Same Average -1871 -1871. -1870.- Ex- Specula- this period weekly sales. For the Since For the Since For the Since Trade. port, tlon. Total. year. 1870. 1871. 1870. week. Jan. 1. week. Jan. 1. .bales. American, 38, 830 6.160 5.170 153,780 176.190 86,140 11.350 Flour, bbls. 48.789 11.011 144.649 Brazilian 1.910 380 3.390 13,140 68.480 3.390 7,770 C. meal. " .. 1.363 10.435 11.816 Egyptian 4,350 130 4.S10 39.090 30.380 4,600 4,010 Wheat, bosh 38,564 115.175 1.518.314 West Indian 1.140 10 1.160 7.170 7,670 1,100 1.110 Cora. " 100,488 974 4M86 Baat Indian 7.890 6,870 630 14,890 135.150 178,430 11.110 16.600 Rve. " " 6.709 6,708 Barley,

week. 1871. 1870. 1870. day. 1870. 1870. in sight and the movement of breadstuff's to the latest mail dates : American.... 61,137 404,648 137,873 1,666.991 176.730 157.510 109.710 Brazilian 11,906 64,543 60.871 890,664 60.660 18,470 18,150 receipts AT LAKE PORTS FOR THE WEEK ENDINQ FEB. 18, 1871. Bpptian 6,087 67,968 81063 191,737 69,610 39,910 39,760 Flour. Wheat, Cora. Uata. Barley. Rya, West Indian.. 1.686 10.418 6.478 84.730 16.090 8.860 10.650 bbls. bush. hush. bush. bosh. bosk. EastlndUn... 11.M5 78,978 41,179 903,139 177,400 131,180 180,560 (196 Ihs.) (60 lbs ) (6R1hs.) (31 lb-.) (48 lbs ) (B« l^s. Chicago.. 10.189 169.060 393.341 6Ma8 17,784 11.106 Total 91.160 804,090 873.633 3.161.383 810.890 861,430 878,730 Milwaukee 8.850 86.839 13.436 4.976 6,966 7.618 Toledo 11,864 49.180 178.441 31.060 80O 1,4«> Of the present stock of cotton 45 per cent is American against Detroit 8,408 19,798 19,84« 11,107 a,6Sl 44.50 per cent last year. Ot Indian cotton the proportion is 29 per Cleveland 4,175 14,S0O 10,400 800 cent against 34 per cent. Totals B4.171 811.117 6M.866 184.538 86,171 10,178 Ix>SDON, Feb. 11.—The cotton trade U dull and prices have Previous week 78,774 876,806 996,063 116.581 n.886 11.118 receded ^d. to ^. per lb. The following are the particulars of Correspond'g week, '70. 71,475 861.161 813.011 100.603 M,0B8 17.841 imports, deliveries and stocks •88 B0.83S 888.088 1S0.W4 118.100 ao.iM 16.6n •68 61.515 101.997 5*t,.TT6 136.801 18.W8 11,700 188». 1870. 1871 " '67. 48,491 91.110 144.879 wm 14,149 1,580 bales. bales. bales. Imparts. January 1 to Febnury 9 43.113 15,916 SS464 CoMPARATTTE RECEIPTS at the Same ports from Jan. 1 to Feb- Deliveries.. 80,119 B6.4M 13.947 inclusive, four years : 8locka,Feb.9 18, for ja8,l3J 81,705 79,841 1871. 1870. 1888. 1868. Alkcandrta. .Ian. 87.—BuBjneas in cotton Is very quiet, and Flour, bbls. 487.186 466,008 880,946 411,110 prices have receded \A. per ll>, Is the statement of Th" Wlowjpg Wheal, bush.... 1.81«,««1 1,860,806 8,878,148 1,700,684 exports; Corn, bnah...,!* |,«»,748J| ^m,88» ll«,0»,«7 . : . : .

260 THE OHKONICLE. [Pebruaty 25. 1871.

enter mai*et with freedom. Values are without any Important change 0*t».bn»h.... 811,485 885,609 1,279,853 1,065,755 the Bwley, bnnh WO.SStt 850,475 190,191 253,260 and generally uteady, with no new influences at work except, probably, that 99,938 Rye, buBh 121,313 97,483 827,911 stronger indications of peace abroad have revived the hopes of an increased demand. Brazils have sold to some extent and former prices were Total grain, biiBh 8,580,379 5,486,651 9,063,140 8,148,434 European obtained in most cases, with holders talking fully as firmly and confidently as And from August 1, to and including Feb. 18, for four years absence of margins on current importations and stimu- 1870-71. 1869-70. 1868-69. 1867-68. before, on a plea of Flour bbls. 2,652,148 2,748,444 8,405,114 2,716,700 lating advices from the points of production, aa well as the probabiUties of an European outlet. The position, however, is not quite so unfavorable for the Wheat bnshels. 88,259,101 30,OM,263 27.786,793 25,775,624 interest as two or thrc« weeks ago, the advantage being gained from Com 1.5,28'<,.'«2 15,010.865 16,811,964 18,364,682 buying OaU 10,174,010 8,277,397 14,331,789 11,8«6,6(X> the increased supply and the improved assortment, embracing two steamers' Barley 4,095,394 2,150,677 2,439,M0 1,678,474 cargoes, and jobbers generally have shown greater caution in all their opera- Byo 1,044,118 926,976 1,769,068 1,246,686 tions, especially aa stock is pretty much all available and selections can be Total grain, bnshcls 58,860,945 66,410,178 62,538,654 58,9.32,072 made without difliculty. At the other ports there haa been a good business 8HIPMEST8 FROM CHICAGO, MrLWATIKEE, TOLEDO AND CLEVKLAND doing and full prices obtained. Java coutiuues dull, the atock being well FOK WEEK ENDINO FEB. 18, 1871. under control and firmly held at rates which buyers refuse to pay, but from Flonr, Wheat, Com, Oats, Barley, Bye. second hands the distribution is good, and consumers appear quite willing to bblo. biisb. bn»h. biisb. bush. bush submit to extreme figures for fine stock. On West India styles a sweeping Week endiii? Feb. 18, '71.49,105 44,821 351,423 45,810 12,940 6,732 movement has taken ofi' the bulk of the supply of Maracaibo, but aside from Week emliusr Feb. 11, '71.49,935 37,924 598,700 52,060 12,115 6,'242 Week endiiis Fob. 19, '70.70,734 85,312 154,611 37,300 15,447 1,080 this the market was without animation and void of anything particularly inter- Comparative Shipments of flour and grain from the poets of esting. Prices remain as before and are generally firm, as the accumulation Is Chicsiinro, Milwaukee, Toledo and Cleveland, from Jan. 1 to Feb. amaU and few immediate additions are looked for. The transactions embrace 18, inclusive, for four years 10,681 bags Rio, 4,001 bags Santos, 14,150 bags Maracaibo, 200 bags Java, 426 1871. 1870. 1869. 1868. bags Laguayra, 175 bags Savanilla, 131 bags Mexican, and 1,513 bags St. Do- Floor bblB. 384,316 436,524 609,983 mingo. Sales at Baltimore, on spot and to arrive, of 23,108 bags Eio, and at Wheat bneh. 261,829 664,355 849,194 New Orleans 3,500 bags Rio. Corn 2,420,673 897,262 1,289,570 Imports of Rio this week have included the following cargoes: "Impera- '' " Oats 342,680 239,127 453,485 dor,' 5.400 bags ; Amelia Wilson," 3.500 bags ; ateamer North Amenca," Barley 143.492 77,691 135,679 6.0M bags Itfo, and 460 bags Santos. Of other sorts the imports have in- Bye 28,754 29,688 183,691 cluded 1,086 ba^ St. Domingo, per ''R. Murraj', Jr.^" and 4,306 bags sundries. The atock of RioFeb. 2:5, and the imports since January 1^1871, are as lollowu: Total 3,197,428 1,90&123 2,911,599 New Phlla- Baltl- New Savan. & Gal- In Bags. York. delphla. more. Orlpiins. Mobile, veston. Total, Stock :4.466- 10.311 9,5X1 6,467 2,000 52.711 GROCERIES. Same date 1870 4S,'48" 18.418 8.aM 6,000 .... Tl.iii-l Imports , 1S4',6J5 3,550 75.187 53 470 11.9('0 Sax) 8M.7r,a Frtdat EvENDia, February 24, -1871 lnlS70 Ua,216 .... 77,895 86.410 10,800 8,045 206,609 The week under review has been a broken one, owing to the Of other sorts the stock at New York, Feb. 23, and the imports at the several ports since January 1, 1871, were as follows; intervention of a legal holiday, and the volume of business has New York^ Boston Phlladcl. Bait. N. Orle's S2 In bags stock, import. Import. import, import. Import. ^ ^ been somewhat affected thereby, though at the best the general Java and Singapore t 465 •24,333 '17,143 CO. inquiry was Ceylon 5,518 B| slow and uncertain and the position not remarkably Maracaibo — — Laguayra 380 1,783 S'SOS '..'.'. '.'.'.'. -aS encouraging. Our jobbers in nearly all cases find the distributive St.TJomingo 494 16.412 1,731 233 S- movement small, and, holding fair supply, are of course not greatly Other 9,547 24,983 714 10 .... Ha inclined to purchase beyond actual wants, particularly as stocks Total 16,404 67,862 12,623 4,080 10 84,S08 Same time, 1870 16,010 29,693 7,504 8,118 40,84T in first hands in nearly all cases are increasing, and there must * Includes mats. &c., reduced to bags. t Also, 51,168 mats. soon be a better assortment from which to make selections with a probability of easier terms. Values have undergone no violent or SUGAR. decided change, but with few exceptions the tone is weak, and any A most decidedly dull and [uninteresting condition of affaire has prevailed on the market for Raw Sngars during the entire week, with a heavy feeling on fresh advantage has been gained by the buying interest. Holders values and the cost still further reduced on all grades. The arrivals have been of goods likely to be wanted in European markets were encour- more abundant and importers hardly so confident as heretofore, the majority aged somewhat by the more favorable indications of peace. offering their receipts with a considerable show of freedom, not only on the The entries direct for consumption, and the withdrawals from spot but to arrive, and in some instances there has been quite a little pressun; bond, showing together th^, total thrown on the ii.arket for the to realize. Buyers, however, could not be tempted to engage In anything like

week, were as follows : free operations, and the business was largely confined to odd broken lots. 5,316 Tea, black.,.. pk^s. Laguayra .. 305 bags. Sugar, Brazil. .... bags. with scarcely enough changing hands from day to day to afford a fixed basis i.reeu 9.<'97 pbgs. Otber 722 bass. Mauila,&c.. 578 bags. of quotations. Most of the Trade are doing nothing beyond a light retail Jipan 3.(41 pktES. Sugar, Cuba.. 7,862 bxes. M'las'eB.Cuba 3,006 hhrts. Various 1,S17 nkgs. Cuba S.SSO'lihds. Port'i Rico. 468Mlhd8. buainesa, and Refiuera find the market for their product growing worse and CoITcc, Kio... 13,124 hags. Porto Blco SO'liUfls. Demcrara . 391'hUdB. worae, and the result Is that all purchases are calculated with a remarkable Javr. 1,145 mats. Other 376 liUds. Other. SlS'hhds. Maracaibo,. 333 bags. *Hhd8. Include bblB. and tea. reduced nicety as to actual wants, and beyond this nothing is taken. The proportion Imports this week have included 15,414 bags Rio, 4,306 bags of at well cured desirable parcels of the new crop is now comparatively small, other kinds of coffee; and good receipts ol sugar and molasses. the later arrivals showing a very poor average and this adds somewhat to tin stocks in The New York at date, and imports at the five leading reduction in values, though in the present condition of business it iaextremely ports since dan. 1, 1871, are as follows : doubtful about realizing even our modified quotations for the very best dry stocks In New York Imports at leading ports hard stock. There haa been no improvement in the demand for Refined, tbp at date. since January 1. 1871. !870. 1871. 1870. market ruling extremely dull throughout and prices are again reduced. The Tea >,.,. ..,.,(. ibs; 12,622,792 Tea (Indirect Import). 8,054,803 falling off iu cost, however, tails to increase the demand, and though most „...pkg8. 4,375 4,'i50 Coffee, Rio .....bags. 21.466 4S,i86 881,752 236,669 refineries are working as slowly as Coffee, circumstances will admit, the accumulation other ^.....baga. 16,404 IW'.O 40,ai7 84,308 daily grows larger, and holders Sugar boxes, 31,3:15 73,533 56,225 49,983 more anxious to realize. Sales during tlif agar : hhds. ai.3U 49,283 84,711 42,046 include ; week 2,981 hhds. Cuba 40 hhds. Porto Rico ; 350 hhds. Demcrara ; 18.5 •"gar bags. 304.970 251,111 122,280 133,686 Holasnes libds. hhds. Orleans ; 7,211 22,360 14,943 40,450 New 5,780 boxes Havana ; and 400 hhds. llelado. Imports at York, and stock first XEA. New "''- in hands. Feb. 23, were as follows: Cuba, Cuba, P. Rleo, Other Brazil, Maulla,&c,Melado '' ' The'volnme of business baa not been very ' "' '" large, and the general tone of the bxs. •hhds. •Ubds." •bhrta.' bags. bags. bhdB. nurkot proved slowand unpromising Imports this week.. 4.991 3,493 50 856 16.^83 3,149 throughout the greater portion of the *' since Jan. 1 83,590 1U.9M 600. 8,933 12.666 8J.316 9,648 period under review. " Since the opening of the new year there has been an same tlme,*70 24,719 19,269 1,519 5,323 27,000 49,185 limncnse amount of Tea withdrawn from bond, and as this is pretty well now Stock In firBt bands.. 31,335 .3n,;Ml' 361,970 3,376 distributed the consumption naturally falls off somewhat, while the supply and Same time 1370 78,533 49.288 251.111 :i,077 " " 1869 4,104 7,743 25,000 3T1 the assortment at the same time increases, and buyers gain their advantage therefrom. The weUkiieBS is developed to the greatest extent on . and inOliASSES. Greens, with some concessions offered by holders as an inducement to hasten operations, and though ThemarketforforeigB, without 'any unusual amount of activity, begins to it is stUl sate to call Oolongs steady, they lack buoy- ancy and move with less general have a more business like tone, and afair movement may reasonably be expected freedom. The trade, however, seems to have a fairamouKt of confidence from week to week during the ensuing two or three months. The old crop is in Blacks, as they arc growing in favor with con- •nmers, and when business now considered as of but little importance, holders having now placed values shows any animation sell much more readily than other styles. As a rule. down to a point as low as could reasonably be expected, and there quietly Importers express no alarm at the present stagna- Uon of trade, Iml affect to awaiting such demand as may be developed, though the outlet is doubtful as consider it aa merely a natural lull between the heavy movement of Januaiy distillers seldom appear as buyers, and refineis do not find the quality in\itlng. and the setting In of the regular spring demand the hitter likely The new crop, however, begins to appear In larger quautltiee and attracts to commence as soon as transportation becomes cheaper and '^»l««,o'3.M0ptpa. Green greater attention, especially as the supply is more generally distributed, and '°im„"„""'?'l!'i and 5,600 Oolongs. the increased number of holders coming in competition brings about some Ai>";;?rd^««Sr'''"'=''''^"'''""^'^««"''- ^"""'' P-^'Atnahdlne," from modification from the extreme figures asked on the first arrivals, and gives °' 11?» '"'« the United States (not buyers more advantage. toSidlM°^^™nl!'.5lJ,'!"'^''*i'"P°'''*uMauoing Han Francisco), Refiners have been the most liberal operators, but from January 1 to date, la 1871 and lb70 offerings of choice grocery styles lound a very ready sale to the trade, who 1S71 «reen. Japan. ,?1K5: Total have for a long time Wnv... 3^.501 6.-S«,e65 3.305.6*) 12,632.792 been without any first-class forelL'n goods. Domestic has 4,«17,126 • 3.692,284 445,443 arrived THoi«.ii'" 'i 8,054,8.3 freely, but met with a fair demand at pretty full prices, and for the best wall. ?**=*""' even a slight h;veTotefp^''2'''',"?''?'"'^•J.ois ««'P" ."yPlSx ^ ^^P'"- advance was obtained. Iloldors, however, meet the outlet will pkgB. since January 1, against 4,680 last year. inglyon any COFFEK. reasonable bid. There has of late been a good steady demaod Tti»n>h 1 for Sugar House Syrup, mainly Southern ''""*• on account, and the sales making ^"^ " ""' "^'"""^ <" «<=""'y ™"™t. but nothing mostly at of m^Mlhui.."!,! . 24@25c. per gallon, in bbls., and 21@22c. do. in hhds. Wo note 4B0 hhds. low encooMgement In grade old Cuba, 150 hhds. new crop Porto bbls New the oondlUon of Rico, and 1,858 the dlstrlbuUve tneOe to Induce tiem to Orleans. i . : . —. . : —

Febrnaiy 25, 1871.1 THE CHRONICLE. 261

. . I The racelpU At Now Tork, »Bd iitoek In flni hMSt. fob. it, were la rdllowi: Tnlnl r.ir i.tlf..! Aliiln > D«e.24.. I'M Cab*. P. Itleo, Dnn«Tiir», Othrr N. O. •bbdt. 'IiIkU. •htaite. 'blida bbia Importt thli we«k, 0 and At the rl' ' r their ' Hirers, liw.'lli ' rn. Import* of SuKar & molanaea at leadlnc porta alnco Jan. 1 et»pf( iailv ffi than .'lliiT-.. porta The Import* of BU|;nr (Incliullnr: Molado). and of Holaseeaat the Icadloff ulnr price... n< r..rrii ^.-ooil I.ii- from January 1, 1871, to date, have been aa foUowa: ery : but th'nti our !!)..» (inofji*

, . ^MolMaea. -, Snjpir. kri purticiuiiiiy ioi- 11IIHI'T« Ull'l So. giveth. Mini.' . , , . , •Hhda.- —Boxet, , —•lifidJ. , , Bagf ja. will. ht after. ini. 1870. ifni. ISW. 1871. lirtfl - , abont Now York ia,sao l».oes 37JS3 21.143 The .irU-A during the week amount to 18,010 fil mil... aL'iMit-i T. . 8315 3.MS «,9I4 SSI3 13,077 4.S8I boxes.„ i-.;,<«jo boxca last week. I .. 11,719 <.3(M 3,157 4.087 4,> r.ni5 Sblpmonte thia week ft-om Havana and Matanzaa hive been aa foTlowt; I .131 5,133 3,4«5 7.3U ej71 s.e» To Bozea, Bbda ^ > u.: .::.S... SO 40 1,284 !(J70 New Tork 8,217 3.975 Bo*ton .../..... 1,Ra8 245 :. Total Bn,2a 45,198 81.711 43,044 133,280 IStJSS 14,»48 40,450 Balllmore 770 l,S8r7 Kew Urieana ; InoludlDK tiercea and barrala reduced to bbda. Total export ot the week to all eonntriea ..1»,>S3 8,4M SPICES. The general movement at both porta haa been aa follow* . Kxnorte since Jannary""1. ~ "" ^Rec'ts thie week-, To U. 8 . r-To all Porta.-, ^.etock at d>t«^> There la no very decided alteration to note In the general condltloa of thia mar- Boies. Hhils. Boxes. Hhcls. Boxes. lltids. Boxes. Htirts. 17,282 ket, the entire trade agreeing that the poaltlon la a firmer one and the tendency ISTl 59.I1J8 5.67B 47361 1»,108 78,418 13,781 124.919 IRTO Rn.fna 8.087 50.279 KptD 141.85) 21.515 277,889 3'*ei on most of the Icadlnj; atylea of gooda In aellora^ faror. The bneincHB la, as 1S«9 Se.CSe 4,108 51,283 10,383 144/199 13^78 114,5(7 11J85 before, mnch restricted by the paucity of the olTorlng, the few involcea In first ' Npw OrleaiiK lWoIa»«e«.—The demand has been fair, i'""^ -"-Ity hands baring been In most cases entirely withdrawn, not altogether with an of good Molaf.f'et.. Tlie market is firm and the !*iipplie*i on \' I'd fc ' nd Idea that an Immediate advance can he forced, but with full confidence that Tliiirsrtav were sold al SiWA'ic ^ irallon for Inferior ; 30W4Sc i Feniienting: ITffi.'iOe for Fair ; .laf&ilc for Prime ; 64@55<: for Miieu* nme, bnyors most nltlmatcly be compelled to take them at materially higher and 5?((?f>0c for Choice. Yesterday the market was unchanged and Ibe -np- figures. Pepper, Nntmega and Mace are the beat anpported descriptions, other pliis, which were light, were selling at previous pricee. The market la bore of kinds nillng firm, except, probably, on Caaata. which la a little nnsettled. Choice. „_ 1»J0. 18W. Jobbers continue to report a very fair dlstrlbntion, and are realizing extreme "Receipts Molasses since Sept. 1, bbla 1S9.7H 'Hl-JS 83,844 99.188 prices on most gooda. Fxporta coastwise, since Sept. l.bbla ijecelpts SuKar since Sept. 1. hhds 94,929 58,401 ExportlSojar since Sept. l.bhds 19.11)0 2,189 FR17IT8, &c. — .V. O. Price Currtnt. The demand for Raialns since our last has been extremely light and confined PRICES CURRENT. to Jobbing lots for the wants of trade; prices remain grocers and the nsnal Tbe Following: are Ruling; ((notation* In Flrat Bantlai nominally unchanged, but the feeling la that a large lot could be bought at a On tlio ParckaBe ot SmaU l^oU PtIccb are a Fraction reduction. Turkey and French Prunes have continncd active, and prices have HIgltei. further advanced ; since our last we learn that a lot of 500 casks of Turkish Tea. Prunes of the crop of 1868 has been sold at a private price, but said to have /-Duty paid—. ! ^unty paid— hr<.ii._'ht 65 «4 60 scarcely enough to pay the duty. Currants to arrive soon have met Hyson. Common to fair 45 @ 1)5 H.Sk.*Tw'kyEx.f.tOfln"8t do Rnperior to fine 80 75 Uncol..7apan,Com. tofalr.. 80 (» 65 with II good demand, but close again rather quiet. Sardines have ahown no @ do Kx. nne'to flnost 8! 0115 do Sup'rtoflue 70 a 75 C5 imp.irtant movement, about 1,000 cases quarter boxes are reported on private TounKlIyBon, Com. to fair. 50 d S5 do Ex.1, lo finest. M> «1 do Suoer.tofine, 80 90 Oolong, Common to fair.,.. 53 a 60 terms. Citron I Is firmer but qnlet. Nuts have shown no particular movement do Ex.nnetoflncstl 05 9180 do Snpcrlorto fine.... 85 9 88 fair. 65 Ex fine to finest 95 018O and remain as formerly quoted. There has been some demand for Firecrackers, Qanp. & Imp., Com to @ 75 I do do Slip, to fine.. 85 @1 00 Souc. & Cong., Com. to fair. 50 (» 6n but prices arc without important variation. do Ex. fine to Hnest.l 15 @1 50 do Bnp'r to fine. 85 » H) Foreign Orecn are In good demand for West India kinds, which have not Hyson Sk.*Tw C. to fair. 40 @ 45 do Ex. f. to finest. M (31 20 do do Sup. to fine. 46 ® S3 been plenty, and prices are a trifle better. Mediterranean fruit has been ahniidant and sell pretty cheaply. We quote Messina Lemons $.S 75@,4 00 per Come. gold. bo.\; do. OrangRx, $2 (X); Porto Oranges, *!) 00 per bbl.; Aspinwall Bto Prime, duty paid... .,go'.d. 15X®1«!< i Native Ceylon 15X<»17 50^3 Rico «1I3M do good gold. 14V@15X I Msracalbo gold. 14 Bananas sell well at from $2 00 to SO per bnnch. A cargo of Cocoanuls ...... goid. 14 <»18W $3 do fair ..gold. JSX014 ! Lagnayra...... gold. 10 eold since our last at per 2,000 bunched do. Bananas at $2 00 do ordinary gold. 13 ®13X SI Domlngo.ln bond. HWi $40 thousand, and fi»l4X Java, mats and bags..... ,eold.:)9 al9!< I Jamaica gold. 13 ®S 60 per bnnch. " " Brown 20X923X1 In Domestic limited to Dried the transactions seem for the moment to bo Sna:ar. Apples and Peannts. The better grades of Apples are active and wanted Cuba, Inf. to com. refining 8 a 6K Hav'a,Box,D.8.NO8.19toS0.. I2«(aisx and prices are Improving, with still an tendency, the movement appears white 12 «tn\ upward do fair to good refining. . . 8Ka I'X Havana, Box, prime Porto RIco.reflnlnggradca... to he part speculative. Peaches of all kinds, on account of scarcity, arc quicj do ....(BPK do fair to good groeery.... 9K 9K centrlfngal, bxa. 9 Manila, bags 8 « 81^ tnot seem ^villlugto meet the views of holders, and trade Is at the present do hhds.& aiOS do Melado 4 @ 6!K I White Sugars, A at a standstill. ....ai2K Peanuts are coming In rather sparingly and command higher do mo.aaaes 8 »9 1 do do B Hav'a, Box.D. 8. Nob. 7 to 9... 8K(^ 9 do do extra C 11J(®11X prices : the tendency Blill looks upward. Pecans are slow of sale. do do do 10 to 12.. 9)4® *\ Tellow sugars ioS«iiS InOreen Apples there is rather less trade on account of the high prices at do do do 13 to 15.. 10 (SIOK Crushed and granulated .. «l|i4 [do do do 18 to 18.. IIXAIIX I Powdered ....018X which they mie, and the low prices of box Oranges. Cranberries are stUl in I limited demand but mle abont steady for good stock. JTIolasaefi. *ia 85 K«w Orleana new t gall. 55(a TJ I Coha Clayed ADVICES FROm PRODrCING MARKETS. Porto Rico 35^ 60 Cuba eentrinigal. »'« 23 Cuba Muacovado 35® 40 English Islands... «« 40 Tea.— Messrs. Ang. Heard's telegram to Everett & Co.. Boston, reports Rlce< ll.iNi: Kovi. .Inn ij I'air If. i-n.i.i cargo Foochow Oolongs, 23 Tacls pcr .W.onn chests. (new) 8K Foorlmw and Amov half Rangoon, dreaaed, gold In bondltit a in I Carolina 7y

. I will not exceed 12 500,01:0 lbs. Orein Teas to the Vnited States not Sp(;e«. - ndvanred abont five per cent. In cases... gold A. 33 88 Pepper, m bond (uold) nxa 12 Cassia, V • I 1 .Ian. Tea $»l n do liarcclona *}(» V iihon 3S2.281 do Valencia, V » nSa African Peanuts ''"9 Uonfir Kon<* 1 l)Oj2 75 477.747 • <>• Citron, l.ei.'i"'-'! yire Crack, heat So » a 978.880 prunes. Turkish, old noMxsTio Diiiai> Tiiorrs. 8J3t 7X« a. 7.9( 4,120 rrunes, TurkUU, new ....a Apples, SMte • 7J 83l!.Md pfKS. Smyrna V ft. 13 a do JHa -•*...... Arirofmu^ 6Si,8» 25.88B CbetriPH German do sliced _ JJ» ... Altby Macon.. 873vie« Canton OIngcr Peachea, pared.. -j-^i-- 11 • 10 ! anp*red,4ra*MT; a .. ... vis-tt^t-nsmlr-.. 431.0S3 Aln.

[February 25, 1871. 252 THE CHRONICLE. TRADE. Bbown SHiKTiNes AND Shibtinob are firm, and fine goods are THE DRY GCODS becomiog scarce. A few advances have been made, as will be seen by P.M., February 94, 1871. FiODAT, the annexed quotations: Amoekeag A 86 12^, do B 86 12, Atlantic took effect on Appleton A 86 18, Augusta 86 The new schedule of frelghte to the West, which A 86 18, do D 11, do H Hi, so much that trade 114 do 80 10, Bedford R -SO Sj, Boott O 84 lOJ, Oommonwealth Monday last, reduced the cost of transportation 0-27 8, (*r«fi,on A 21 8, Great Falls M 86 11 do S 88 10, more active duiing the latter part of the week, and has been Indian Head 86 '8. do SO 10^, Indian Orchard, A 40 18, freely, especially those purchasing buyera have been operating more do 86 11, Hi Laconia 39, 12 do B 87 11, Lawience A 86 11, in the market by Jo F, 8« Medford 86 Nashua fiae hill packages. The West is well repreeented Lyman O Sil 11, 12^, 12, freely ^H 'H,lo R 36 i8, do E 40 14^ Newmarket A 86 11, Pacific extra jobbing and retail dealers, who are already purchasing more O Pepperein-4 do 8-4 do 9-4 do 10-4 considerable 36 I2i; do L36 Hi 22i, 25, 27i, than at the time of our last report, and are shipping 324 do 11-4, 87i, Pepperell E fine 89 LS, do R 86 12, Pocasset F 80 in the month, but which were amounts of goods purchased earlier 'Saranac fine O 33 11, do R 86 18, Stark A 86 12i, Swift, Western 8i, held over awaiting a freight tariff more favorable to River 8fi 9, Tiger 27 8. both Bleaosed Sheetings and Sbibtings are active and some shippers. The firmness with which prices are maintained by brands are sold ahead of production, orders being taken agents and jobbers gives buyers confidence in the stability of the for future delivery at value. Amoskeag 46 16i, do 42 of the trade at present, leads to the market, and the condition 16, do A 86 IS, American A 36 12^, Androscoggin L 86 belief that future purchases will be heavy, and that the season, le' Arkwright WT 88 18, Ballou A Son 86 18, Bartletts 36 33 Bates 86 17@18, Blackstone 36 14, though likely to be short, will be active. The current trade is Hi, do 18i, XX AA Boott B 36 doO 30 11, do R 28 9, Clarks 86 17i, Jwigbt D 40 considerably less than that of a corresponding period last season, 18i, 18, Ellerton 10-4 46, Forestdale 36 16, Fruit of the Loom 86 considered due to the severe winter experi- but this is generally 16—16 Globe 27 7, Gold Medal 86 18, Great Falls Q 86 16 enced in nearly all localities in the interior, and is not a matter Hill'l Semp. Idem 86 16, Hope 36 13. James86 16, Lonsdale 86 lei, 86 Newmarket C 86 New York Mills 86 21 of much surprise to any class of dealers. Money has not been Masonville 15i@16, 12i, Pepperell 6-4 do 10-4 Tuacarora XX 86 19. Utica 6-4 26 very plentiful in many sections of the South and Southwest, and 22i, 87i, do 6-4 82i, do 9-4 47, do 10 4 62i, Waltham X 33 Hi, do 42 16i trade has been delayed somewhat in consequence, but as the do 6-4 22i. do 8-4 27i, do 9-4 82i. do 10-4 87i Wamsutta Sfi 20. season advances and dealers experience a demand from consumers, PaiNTiNG Cloths are in moderate request, but prices are weak and a more general inquiry is looked for. somewhat lower, 64x64a eelliug at 6}@6|c. Feints are selling slowly, and ligbt work ia not well sus- Domestic Cotton Goods.—The market for all domestic cotton tained. Quotations are unchanged, however, as follows: Ameri fabrics continues firm, and the tendency of prices, especially on 1 , do pinks 1 purples Aruold can 11, Albion solid U, Aliens, ! li, Hi, brown and bleached fabrics, seems to be upward. The market is 9, Atlanlic 6, Dunnell's 11, Hamilton 11, London mourning 10, Mallory devoid of speculative feeling and prices are only advanced as the Hi, Manchester 11, VIerrimac U 11. '\" W pink aiid purple 18i, do W fancy Oriental 10|-11, Pacific 11, Richmond's 11, Simpson Mourning stocks are exhausted and the demand exceeds the supply. Quota- 12i, lOi, Sprague's pink ui, do blue and White 11, do ahiitinga 10 tions are somewhat unsettled at the moment, in consequence of Wamautta 7i. jobbers selling goods at prices lower than those recently estab- Checks.—Caledonia 70 22i, do 50 24. do 12 26i, do 10 21, do 8 17, lished by agents, but are becoming steadier as the trade improves. do 11 22, do 16 27i. Cumbeiland 13, Jos Greer8,65 15i, do 6!> )8 Kennebeck 20, Lanark, «o. 2, 91. Medford 18, Mech's No. A 1 29. Brown cottons are in good request, standard grades being sold Denims.— Amoakeag 26, Bedford 14i, Beaver Cr. AA 28, Columbia? close to production, an active demand having opened from bleach- heavy 24, Haymaker Bro. 14, Manchester 20,Oti8 AXA 22i, do BB 20. addition to the trade ers, in with distributors. Medium grades Corset Jeans. —Amoskeag Hi, Androscoggin —, Bates 9. Everett;: are selling fairly for exportation, but the movements in this direc- 18i, Indian Orchard Imp. 10, Lacooia Hi, Newmarket 10. CoiTON American *80 Great Falls $86 00, Lewieton tion are not so heavy as for a few weeks previous. A moderate Bags.— 00, A 182 50, Ontario A $85@40 00, Stark A $36 00. demand from distributors, however, has kept up the sales to a fair BaowN DaiLi.8. —Atlantic ]2i, Appleton 12i, Ameskeag IS, Augusta and the list of quotations is fully maintained. Bleached aggregate, 12i, Pacific 1 2 i, Pepperell 18, Stark A 12i. goods in fine 4-4 makes are active, and in many instances are sold Strifes.—Albany 8i, Algoden 16i, American 11-12, Amoskea?, 19-20, Hamilton 19-20,Haym»ker 11 Sheridan A 10i,doG lOi, ahead of production. Prices have advanced on Lonsdales and a i(312i, Uncasville A 12-18, Wbitteuton A A 22i. few other brands of a similar grade, while heavier 4-4 goods are Tickings.—Albany 8i, American I4i, Amoskeag ACA SO, d? at the recently unchanged, and firm revised quotations. Colored A 24, do B 21, do C 19. do D 17, Blackstone Hiver 14i, Ooneetoga cottons are selling a little more freely, and are firm at steady quo- extra 82 21, do do 36 26, Cordis AiA 24, do ACE 27, Hamilton 21, Whittendon 26, York 80 tations. Swift River ISi, Thorndike A 14, A 22i. Gloucester, Ginqbams—Clyde, Hi; Earlston, extra, 18 ; Glasgow, 18; Prints are improving somewhat, but the demand continues light Lanca- 18 ; Hadley, 14 ; Hampden, 16 ; Hartford, 12 ; Lancaster, 16 ; for this season of the year. The market is apparently City, 14. firm, but shire, 16 ; Pequa, 12i; Pars Mills, 14: Quaker prices are not fully maintained on aU light work, in consequence MoassELiNE Delaines. — Pacific 18, Maocbester 18, Hamilton 18, Pacific Mills printed armurea 19, do Imperial reps 22i, do aniline 20, of the accumulation of some brands in first hands, and decline in do plain as.sorted colored armnres 18, do do Orientals 17, do do the price of cloths. Medium colorings are in less liberal supply, alpacas 21, do do corded do 2ii. and are held more firmly. Paper cambrics are scarce and tend Carpets. —Lowell Company's ingrain are quoted at $1 for super the 10 days $1 15 for extra super, upward, agents for several prominent makes contemplating an fine, 2 moe. credit, or Icsa 2 per cent.. ; for medium auper- early advance of ^c. and $1 42i for three-ply ; Hartford Company's $1 flne; $1 15 for superfine; $1 424 for Imperial three-ply, and $1 60 DoHESTic Woolens.—There is a fair jobbing for demand for extra three-ply; Brussels $1 70 far 8 fr., $1 8 J for 4 fr., and medium and fine grades of fancy cassimeres, with continued heavy $1 90 for 6 fr. movements from first hands. The clothing trade are about sup- IMPORTATIONS OF DRS ttOODS PORT OF WBW YORK. plied with spring weights, and are not buying, as yet, for the AT THE importations of this port for the week ending winter season, hence the sales now are confined to distributors. The dry goods at Feb. 16, 1871, and the corresponding weeks of 1869 and 1870, have The stock is well sold out for this season of the year, and supplies been as follows have been coming in slowly, but in consequence of a rise in the SHTBBBD VOB OOMBUHPTIOH FOB THB WIBK BMDINe FIB. 16, 1871 streams, the production Is somewhat greater, and manufacturers 1869.- 1871. . } Pkea. Valne. PtLSf. Valne. will probably soon turn their attention to heavy weights. Cloths Mannfactures of wool. . .1,607 $691,118 888 $375,473 1,475 $690,666 have sold well and the aggregate movements are considerably in do cotton. 1,502 469,074 1,362 365,571 1,632 506,2.39 804 6.33,4r4 eicess of those of a corresponding do Bilk.... 957 695,3-9 410 39.5,984 period last year. These goods do flax.... 2,718 858,996 617 153,665 1,115 813,219 are also well closed out and prices are firmly maintained. Shawls MiscellaneouB dry goods3,&14 254,898 G06 147,294 473 110,641 are selling moderately, and as the demand improves agents are Total 10,228 12,419.459 3,783 $1,437,987 B,499 $2,064,219 opening more liberal MABKBT DCBINS assortments though many will not open mTHDKAWB rSOK WABBHOCSB AND THBOWK INTO TBB THB SAlfB PBBIOn. their full stocks until next week. $292, 4E8 Manufacturers of wool . . 670 $266,714 680 $274,687 765 Foreign Goodb.—Dress fabrics are in active demand, and show do cotton. 488 132,898 645 169,311 794 202,030 do silk.... 154 186,552 185 219,828 a decided improvement as 98 107,801 compared with the proceeding week. do flax.... 572 126,838 1,088 209,347 878 166,180 The low Miscellaneous drj goods 76.238 1,577 20,846 152 22,747 prices at which goods are placed stimulate trade, and the 4,555 demand is active for medium and high priced fancy fabrics, which Total 6,383 $710,487 4,144 $860,743 2,764 $902,718 at prices in some instances 25 per cent, below those current a year Add ent'd for consu'ptnl0,228 2.419,459 8,783 1,437,987 5,499 2,054,219 ago, are Ukely to find ready sale to consumers. Silks are in good request but Totaltli'nnponm'rk't.16,611 $8,129,946 7,927 $2,298,730 8,263 $2,956,937 are not moving so freely from first hands as during early part of BNTBBBD TOB WABBHOUStNO DUBIK6 THB BAHB PBBIOn. the month. Gros grains are the most active, and are neia nrmly the Manufacturers of wool .. 1,180 $431,949 671 $282,768 $245,786 stock not being excessive, while the receipts do cotton. 678 182,845 490 144,323 485 150,289 are wn* 1. In fancies the trade is less active, but small amounts do Billc.... 149 140,785 92 104,710 76 70,467 sell ireely. bhawU do are animated, and are in short supply in first flax.... 699 178,.301 240 62,896 444 122,009 MlscellanaouB dry goods «'P<'ci«ny good request 2, 175 42,166 ISO 11,889 186 20,831 t^r^I" ,b„^^'T ^Jl'? and are reported ^'°« unusually active and the receipts ^all. Total .Jlsil $r,09,372 ^ Inni . / $976,046 $654,688 1,854 Add ent'd for consu'ptnl0,223 „.n,?f.!f^ P"*'""!"" of leading articles of domestic 2,419,429 8,788 1,437,987 5,499 2,054,219 mwttfiwture, our prices

febrtary 25, 1871.] THE CHRONICLE. 253

Bankers and Brokers. Insurance. Transportation. GREAT No. :0 WALL 8TKRKT, EQUITABLE Naw TorK, Juiutrjr 9, IBTL 1» CoKmorlox with tbji Hocib o» LIPB ASSVRANOB SOOIBTT Southern Mail Route OP THE UNITED STATES, ^ay Cooke, lM,U(.UO.ta * m BROADWAY, NEW TOBK, NEUr Asaeta ower - • - • $19,000,000 ORLEANS, mEmPRIS, ANE McCulloch & Co., Income • • • •. . 6,000,000 iaOHLLE~ALL RAIL. STREET. LOKDON. WILLIAM C. ALEXANDER, President. Ve. a LOKaARD HENKT B. UYDR. Vlc«-Pie»lderit. OKORQK W. PHILLIPH, Actuary. W* u« prapartd to parohus ud hU JAMES w. ALGXANi

TO IttVB At 8.<0 A Jl. lor BICUMONU, and PoInU OB tb* (Jeast Mlscellaneons. AtO.vOP.M. from foct of Cortlandt street, »Ia Npw COM M KRCI A L CBKDIT8 »nd CIRCtTLAR LKTTBRS Vork and Fbiladelpbia Line, bjr OBEA'I soUTH rOtt TRAVKl-JiKS, krullatlK Id all p*ru of EK^ MAll, HOIjTE TKAl.'J. for RIcbmon'i, New Orleaun, Mobile, Vhe world i Mempbis, Cbattanooga, NashTUle jTs. & E. Wright & Co., Atlanta, Macon, and Intermediate potnta. To execute order* In Secnrltlee, STATIONS. so'a soim. •o'e nowrm. M * S4 Franklin street NEW TORK. TO MAZJI MUes. Time, Time. ffit Franklin street BOSTON. NEW TORK Lt. I J> p.m, Ar. t.lu ajD. 0|ABI,K TBANSFER8 OF MONST WASHINGTON OS ** 6J13 a.n]. - ».00 p.m. • Ml Oh«(tnat atreet PHILADELPHIA. gokdonhville.. . a< KM p.m. " UM p.m bnilnan pertalnUK to *a •• And to transwt taj BRISTOL no »M K.m " 7.21) pjn. " " AQENTS FOR KNOXVlLLE Ml I.I I p.m. 11 15 ..ou Im Ijondon. ** ** erieaii Banklnc Honse •CLEVELAND SM fJ>S II m. 8.77 a m. tCHATTANOOOA... Wi " 8.10 p.m. * a-m.. dc iM JAY COOKE CO. FeppereU WLttc. Co., NASIIVll.LK lOOl Ar. 5.1 a,m. ** 6.00 p.m. Otl* Company. ICOIilNl'H 066 Lr. 9.00 a.m. " 5.44 p.m. JOBANi) JUNCT.ONIIOT •• lIJa ajn. " «J» p.m. W. B. LSOaiJLSD. W. a tBMLDOS. W. . rOVTBB. Bate* miJc. Co., MEMPHIS 1159 Ar. 2.55 p.m. " 12.15 p.nb ••JiCKSuN " Columbia nftC. Co., 13,9 Lr.11.45 pjD. 4JR p.m. ATLANTA »w Ar. SM a.m. " 7.25 ^.m. Amdroscoiceln iUllI*, MACun 1055 " !.« p.m. •• IM a.m. LeonardjSheldon&Foster MONTGOMERY 1127 " 8X0 p.m 5.46 a.m. Comtlueutal mill*., MOBILE ISS3 " 8JJ0 « m. ** 53) p.m. NB.. ORLEANS 15(B " 10.10 a.m. " i.00 BANKERS, TITarren Cotton mil*, ajn. * Change cars for Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery. Ifo. 10 Wall 8tr«et. Laconia Co., Selma, »est Point, Eufaula, Mobile, Savsnnab, and Intermediate poinlfi. Bay and sftll GoTernnicQt, State, Hallroad and other Boaton Dnck Co., t charge cars for .Vashnlle and Orleans. donra^lc Hccurltlus, making Uberai advancci od New Mo Franklin Co., chaiiKe Irom this poiul to New Orleans. allow intereet od Uepuella, deal In commercla 1 same t CEange cars for Mobile, lornlsb Co traveUers and oc&era Letters of Ore Tbomdlke Co., via M. * O.R. R.-A11 Rail. Sap«r, $ Change cars for Memphis. J oorreal in tne principal ciUes in £aropo. Oordl* mil*. "* cbaoge cars for Vlcksburg. J. B. rATES, Oaoa«B Otvtkx. Wx. A. BTMraava Brinckerhoff, Turner & General Eastern Passenger Agent. G. PXAXOXS Opdtkx BANKrNG HOVSB OF Polhemus, PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANTB Manufacturers and Dealers In THROVOH LINE Geo. Opdyke & Co., COTTON S AIL DUCK To California & China, NO* %S ffJkBHAV STRBET, And all kinds ot Toneblucatinexlcan Porta (Uomer of Cedar ttrMt.) COTTON CANVAS, FELTING DUCK, CAR COVBP. INO.BAOmNG.KAVKNl! DUCK, SAIL TWINES AC. "ONTAKIU' SEAMLkSS BA06, D1CPOSIT8 recelTedfrom IndlTldnalB, Firms, Banks •• AWNING STKIi-ES." Bankers Corporations, subject to check at CARRYINQ and Also, AgeKts THE UNITED STATES MAILS. slgbt, and Interest allowed at tbe rate of FouB per cent per annam. On the 4th and of 0£RTiFlCATE8 OF DEPOSIT Issued, bearing Foux Cnlted state* BnnttnK Company. SOth Each montk. cent Interest, p*rable on demand, or after Ser A iDll supply all Wldtbs and Colors always In stock Leave PiER 42 zed dates. NORTH RIVER, loot of Canal street lit 14 o clock noon, made on Ul accessible points In tbe as above (except when those dstes 0OLLKCT1ON3 13 & 1 a H*pei.ar• WALL 8TKEIT, ^Dealers In Bills of Exchange, GoTerumente, BoDd»' leene Letter* ot Credit for TrareUer fttocks. Ootd, Commercial Paper, and all Negotiable Securiiteti. For Liverpool, Available In all raria o( Enrope, eto.. Int(.re5t allowed on Deposits subject to Bight Orali (Via Qneenetoivn,) THROreR TBB or Check. Advances maae on approved secnrltles. CABRYISO fi^eclal facilities foi negotiating Commercial Paper. THE UNITED STATES MAILS. OITT BANK, LONDON, Collect; 'tnsboth inUncTand foreign promptlymade. OK Forelgii Lud Domeitlc Loans Negotiated THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM Ci MPanY will dispatch one of their Ont- Beaars.HOTTINGVER & CO., orPmrl* W. G. Chittick, class fan-power Iron screw steamships from AIM COMMEU'.;IAL ( BKOITS and DIIAFTB on PIER N'0.4e NOBTH RIVER, EVERT WI0AX8DAT LONDON, FAiilS, and FCOTi. ^NI). No. 35 IVAIil* STREET, NEIT as fol|r>ws ^TANcEHmade on LuoaiynniL'nta. STOCKS and YORK, Wl'^CO^flN, BONUd bOKKbt and >old on Commiiaioa. Cspt. Williams Mar. l,atllKl>M. Buys and Sells, on Commission, M BRASKA, l.'apt-Ouard Msr. 4, at »T>J< WTdMlNG, (apt. Whlner.y Mar. 8, at t e.u'. Oonunerclal Paper, SterUnsr Bxehanyey MaNIIATIAN, Captain Forsyth. .Mar.l5,at I P.M. GoTerument Securltle*, Ac, Ac., IDAHO. Cnpt. Price Mar.Hi.at I P.M. WILLIAM ALEXANDER SMITH & CO., NKVADA.caitalniireon . ...< ar.29, at 11 AJI. COLORADO,! apt. HANKRR8, And Transacta a General Bauklng Buslneas. T.F. Freeman. Apr. 9, at I P.M. Cabin passaKe, $80 gold. Loans Negotiated and Inrestments made on Favor- Steerage pssssKe, (OlUce No. 2* Broadway) tm ear. No. 40 Wall Street, Nevr Tork, able Terms. Orders for stocks and Gold carefully rency. executed at tbe Regnlar Boards. Prompt atientlou For (Valgbt or cabin passage apply to DEPOSITS racaWed and Intereit allovad at ban given to every urancb ot tne bnilnesa. wii I.IAMS* OTfV()N.No.«B Wall-at. Current Kate*. OOVKKN'MEN'T and STATE SKCDRITIES, OOLD BAILROAD bos US, STOCKS, etc., boaKbt and Sold on Commluton. W. N. WORTHINGTON, ADVANCES made upon approved Secnrltlea. Taussig, Fisher & Co., COU.ECTioN8 made, and Loana Hecotlatad. MIHBaB It. T. STOCK UOBANei, BANKRI;^ AN" ilKOKKBS, BANKER AND BROKK No. SS Broad Street, Noiar Toric. .8 NEW BTBKET, NEW TORK. -ell Henry Meigs, Buy and si Market Rate* Particular attention paid to tbe purcbaae and sale ot ALL UNITED STATES SBCURITIBS, He ounU Irom .\U:RCUANT8, Baaker and Hroker, No. ST Rt. Stock*, Bond*, Gold and Exehang:*, Solid BANKERS W«U and othxra, and ul ow interest on dally balauCcs, sub- Member ot New Tork Stock Eicbarse, DEPOSITS RKCEIVKD SUBJECT TO SIGHT DRAFT ject to SiKht Uraie. (TannarlT cashier or ibe Metropollur. BanlTaod late And Four Per Cent Interest allowed on Dally make collection* on tarorable tern**, of tbe arm of H. Melga. Jr., ft Rn

TiiE OHRONICLB. [February 25, 1871, 264 Insurance. Xnsuraooo Insure ice. OFFICE OF THE OrFICK or THB Fire Insurance Agency, No. 6* WAIil- STREET, Mercantile C NKW TOKK. ATLANTI nUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANTT, iS)tna insurance Comp'y, NO. S6 WALL STEEET. Mutual Insurance Co. HARTFORD, CONN. INCOKPOaATBD 1819.

18T1. cash Capital New Toek, January 19, 1S71. Nkw Tors, January 26, »5,498,7aa!l»222'S§2 2?05 Net Assets statement of the affairs ol the Com ol the The following ' o the Charter TU, Tra.U»». In conformity pany on the 31st December, 1870, is submitted In con- oflt. affairs Comp«y.«.bmltthefoUowlng rtatement Springfield formity with the requirements o its Charter CO., outstanding December 3l8t. 1869 »289,484 3J on the SlBt December, 18T0 FIRE & IHARINK INSURANCE Premiums 1,042,025 11 RtekB. irom MASS. Premiums received daring the year 1830.. . I.r«n'.nms received on Marine 8PK1NGFIKLD, 09 P December. 1870.. t5,JTO,690 INOOKPOKATEI) 184 tl,331,509 47 Ut January, IKO. to Slat Total Premiums Ist cast Capital not marked off IISS'lTO 696» marked off as earned Irom Janu- . PoUcles Premiums Premium s o Net Assets $88»,170 61 52 ,<„n ....2,155,723 ary Ist to December 3l8t,1870 $1,091,511 January, 1S70 61,736 97 t7,43Ml3 73 Less return Premiums ToUl amouut of Marine Fremlum. Washington Providence $1,029,774 » COmPANT, Net earned premiums upon LUe INSURANCE Ko Policies have been laaued Paid during same period OF PKOVIDENCE, B. I. disconnected Losses, Expenses, Com- Btoki- nor upon Fire KlskB ORGANIZED 179 9. missions & Re-insur- Marine Rlslffl. Tlth cash Capital |???'??2 S? ance, less Salvages... $661,354 11 marked Off irom Ist January Assets $415,148 61 Premiums Net In- 65 Cash paid to Stockholders for 1870 ...$5,392,738 iem, to 31st December, terest »81,814 paid durlug the same American Losses ^^^M Cash paid to Dealers as an equiva- period INSURANCE COaiPANV, lent for the Scrip Dividends of Companies $126,753 29 PKOVIDENCE, R. I. Mutual Betums oi Premiums OF ORGANIZED 1S3 1. The Assets oi the Company on the Slst De- and Expenses tl,0l>3,368 SI capital cember, 1870, were as follows cash t^^X'fl^* 61 viz.: Net Assets $370,624 nnltedState8,State,Iiank8ndotherStookB $444,995 00 The Company has the following Assete, Agent. Loans on Stocks and other Seoaritics 70,083 94 United States and State of New York JAS. A. AtEXANOER, Cash on hand and In Banks, and with for- Stocks 18,843,740 00 Stock, City. Bank and other OFFICE OF THE eign Bankers 77,135 00 2.sn,350 00 col- Loans secured by Stocks, and otherwise. . Interest on Investments due, but not 00 lected .,7..;. 6,098 94 Real Estate and Bonds and Mortgages 217,500 ORIENT Bills receivable and Pi emiums due and and sundry notes and claims due Interest coUectable 521,827 42 339,362 03 the Company, estimated at Security Notes :.... 800,000 00 9a Insurance Co. Premium Kotes and Bills Eecelvable 2fl89,915 Mutual Scrip, Salvages and other Claims due the 96,656 25 CashlnBank, 816,125 45 Company 43 $1.515,786 55 Total amount of Assets tl4,183,983 New Tobk, 28th Jan., 1871. jyTHB FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF THE the Company on the Slst clay of December, affairs ol have resolved to pay to the outstanding certificates provisions ot t»- The Board of Trustees Biz per cent Interest on lb70, is published in conformity with the the BtookUoWera an Interest Dividend of THREE the holders thereol, or their charter: of profits will be paid to its AND ONE-HALF (3^) i'EU CF.NT., free ol Govern unearned Slst December, 1669.. $276,330 97 on and after Tuesday, the Premiums February 1st. legal representatives, Premluns received during the year end- ment Tax, on and after WEDNESDAY, islo 1,C56,351 85 Seventh ot February next. mg Slst December, 82 ^he outstanding certificates ot the issue of 1867 will Total Premiums $ 1,333,182 thereof, or their be redeemed and paid to the holders Earned Premiums of the year. $l,018,883 32 TRUSTEES: rcpresentatlves.on and alter Tuesday,the Seventh A. Foster Higglns, legal Losses and Expenset .$492,594 28 James Freeland, Francis Hathaway, of February next, from which date all interest there- Samuel Wlilets, Re-Ic8urance Robert L. Taylor, Aaron L. Held, on will cease. The certificates to be produced at the and Return WUUam T. Frost. John D. Wood, cancelled. Upon certificates Premlums.$J32,691 46 time ot payment and William Watt, George W. Hennlags, premiums, which were Issued (in red scrip) for gold Assets Slst Decemher, 1870. James D. Fish, Henry Eyre, such payment ol Interest and redemption will be in Ellwood Walter, Joseph Slagg, CashlnBanlis *lS'fl? ™ United Slaves Stool; 557,625 00 D. Colden Murray, Edward Mcrrltt, gold. Stocks of States and C-rnora- Daniel T. WUlets, 190,93J 58 Townsond Scudder, dividend of THIRTY-FIVE Per Cent is declared tloiJB,andLoan80ude'''aad,... A $1,001,687 66 Samuel L. Ham, L. Edgerton, on the net earned premiums ot the Company, for the rlptlon JN otes (01 wuicn Bryce Gray, Henry B. Kunbardt, $180,494 3) are not yet used)....$525,5i6 68 certificates John S. Williams, year ending Slst December, 1870, for which Bills rccelfabe, uncollected N. L. McCready, Pri-mlums and Salvages 271,59147 William Nelson, Jr., Charles Dimon, will be issued on and alter Tuesday, the Fourth ol Accrueil Interest and unsettled Paul N. Spofford. 25,612 » Harold Dollner, April next. accounts 822,730 54 Jos. Willets, James Douglas. order of the Board, By 1.827,418 20 Total amount of Assets $ ELLWOOD WALTER, President, J, H. CHAPMAN, Secretary* ARCHD. G.M0NTG0MERr,Jr.,VlC6-Pre8t HEGEMAN,3dVloe-Pres't. The Board of Trust ;e8 have resolved to pay SIX ALANSON W. Interest on the outstanding Scrip Certi- PKB CISNT. C. J. DESPARD, Secretary. ficates, to the ho'ders thereof, or their legal represen- TBUSTKBSs tatives, on or after the ist March next. After allowing for probable losses In the case of claims, they have I, D. Jones, Joseph Qalllaid, Jr. vessels out ol time, and unsettled lOisceUaueous. Charles Dennis, C. A. Hand, also (in addition to a bonus of Ten Per Cent, already W. H. H. Moore, James Low, paid In cash on the Subscription Notes) resolved to Henry Coit, B.J.HowIand. return to the dealers entitled to the same, TKN PEE Wm C.PlckersgUI, Ben). Babcock,; CKNT. on tlie net amount of earned Premiums of the Williams & Bostwick, L,evU (jurtls, Bobt. B. Mlntum, year ending Slst December, 1870, for which Certificates Charles H. RosseU. Gordon W. Bumham, will be Issued on or after the 3d ot April next. Nos. 40 ii 42 Exchange-place, Lowell Holbrook, Frederick Chauncey, By order of the Board, NEW YORK, B. Warren Weston, B. L.Taylor, CHARLES IBVING, Secretary. RANKERS AND STOCK, HONR AND Ooyal Phelps, Geo. 8. Stephenson, COMMISSION RROKERS, Caleb Bantow, WaUam H.Webb, GOI.D A. P. PUlot, Bheppard Qandy, TRUSTEES. Make liberal udvances on all First-class Securities, allowed on Deposit WilUsm B. Dodge, Francis Bklddy. Joseph Gaillard, Jr., Leopold Bierwlrth, Interest OTge Mosle, David Lane, Charles P. Burdett G Simon de Vlsser, Kuwarrt F. Davidson, John S. Wil iamn, Jtmea Bryce, Bobt. C. Fergusson, A. i.eMovne, Jr., Alex. M. Lawrence, Daniel S.MlUer William E, Bunker, K. H. R. Lyman, Frederick G. Fostijr, Henry R. Kun"ardt, John D. Dix, E. S. Bailey, WnLStngi*, Samuel L. Mltchlll, J(phn Auchincloss, Charles Munzinger, Henrr E> Bogut, James Q. DeForest, Lawrence Wells, Louis Jay, ! rancis Cottcnet, James l5ro«n, UTAIili STREET, UeuDi Parklu, Bobert L. Btnart. 65 Charl s Luiing, n. d. Cariisl'', Alexander Y. Bloke. Alex'd Haitill on, Jr., Tlieoi'ore Fachlrl, Buys and Sells Gese, J. D. JONES, President. Carl L. Recknnger, Wm. S Wilson, Insurance Stocks and Scrips ; also. W. I'. Carfv, Jr., F. Cousinery, CHARLES DENNIS, Vlce-Prei*!. Cornelius K. Sutton, Gn«iav l^chwab, Rank Stocks and other Securities. Bdward Ualght, George 11. ^1 organ. W.H B.MOOBB, JdVice-Pre'Bt, " SPBCIAIiTY" EUGKNF, DUTILH. President. D. ALFRKD OGDEN, i- aKWLBTC. U Yl0«-PreCt. Vlce-Pre»ld8nt. Cash paid at once for the above Securities ; or tbtj CHAELKSIRVJKO.SeCTBtory. L,.^.^ Will bs sold «B couuaiMloo, at s«Uera option. ).. » ' . . : . . .

February 26, 1871.) THE CHRO£^iCL£ 255

Trlaite... 19 1«H IBON- Porkiprlin* - 18 on 019 OO UK PRICES CURRENT. .Aleppo., 3IK0 ..•• ric, American, No. 1 n 800 n Pork, prlmemea,,,.,,, .33 00 it,.., Tgoiaaas .... Pig, American, No. 3 M 000 80 CO Beel, plain meaa i: ou ui6( ^' .... 3 85 Piir, Aiuerican Forge 17 000 V8 (W lleerliiramcM A8ITKS1- (III .-.."hi .... 16 00 St8( liergamot «45 .... Plg,8<'oi(ii No. I... 3tU«0«JI» HKefhams 39 00 ?ot, iKl r>ort .viMktre •? (Ill itSI ( Oil lemiin 390 8•i^ Bar, reOuc<),Eng.AAmer. 7SOO0 .... llams , / KKSWAX- V» M UK lit, pnre ... 8 35 8 5U •TOgBPaiOBa. I. aril Allli'rl -aiiyollnw ...V • ....• HH ajim*• UK toOHdegS) 1 78 3 IXI Bar, Swedes, ordlntliea..,llO '100 ... UK K- "** BKKA I >^ 1 1 FFa-liog tpsoUl report. v.. ..gold. 5 75 5inH gar.reaned (aa to sUe).. 74 0U(» VJ M < "'"Una VIOtB 8 t3K0 • *)H BUIIKS __ gol.l. lli»<0 ... ar.oommon 70 000 .... RuiiKoon, dressed. .cur, 7 OU u 1 llU C'uiin.iunhard Si'^ DOO 63 IS Boroll VHQm-MOJ VM gu d. (It . Ii.ilriid H^iii»gold *3t ti•!«* Crotoim 10 16 U) UW isb.Amer. 39V0 .... Orals and hall roaod . ... Fl N0W W SALT- rLllit.liilplilairontii a IWS IB 00 90 Band «p#HOD Turku lalaodi ..V bush. bDTTi r >^i' I'llKEBS- Borvesboe 15 C«.l,/ S| s I ' I r. itiiuibaib, (jhlna iinx Kods, X08-K Inch 83 '•.* »aek 3I 50I .... 81:. Bago, pearled... Hoop 103 iiib'ba I ' "rlhliigl's 3 88 ® 3 go 81 v BalaeratusBals ,l NallTrod V» >Xi I ~>jton'>,g'd 100 «1 8 13X . 11 8Aj. 1 I J-. 1 !,!. - 81 . Sal ammoniac, ref. gold, lOMw Bboet,Rnsala lOXu Sal soda, Newcastle, I'd ....0 1 UK "iheet, sing., doub. & treb. _.4>$0 ReOnedtpnre ... B ....0 16 68 %: •artaparllla,U.«'d,lnb'd ....0 30 alU.'Eng. (gold) ..V ton. M 000 W Crnde , ,...0 In WcL "Baraaparllla,Mex. -lls.Amer^ 70 000 Ti 00 Nitrate soda gold 2u®"" t "" ' Benekaroot 1 "***iaB"'30 LEAD— SEED- Wutorn, lair Senna, Alexandria.. U 8panisb.,.. gold.6 30 06 35 Clover V» 11X0 :iX Senna, Kast India German.... " 6 30 06 35 Timothy.... Vbusb. 6 OO 6 M CI ' - fori Ign BhollLac ,, English..., " 6 30 06 60 Hemp, 3 90 3 75 Llns'^ed, Aioer'n roukth .... Soda ath (80. ip.c.)p. c.) gold. 8 7 3X Bar net.R7S 0.... 8 36 Lins'dl al.lnN.Y.fbgs Sugar lead, ^^ *o — Pipe and sheet., 10 35 010 25 3 U 2 80 Sulphate morphine, V ol II SO Linseed, Cal. (bags* (In Tartaric acid icbrystal) LEATIIRB- r-oasb,»»-. Doaton) gold 3 30 3 35 gold... Vft. 53X0 5« Oak, sluugbter, heavy .... S 36 SILK— Oi a lOMA liy " ^' middle.... 83 16 TsatIee,No.l,3,3,4*8.*B 8 9 Tapioca " " M0 M Verdigris, dry el. dry 80 light 83 86 Tsatia*., re.reeled 9 on® 9 3s CAJJl)l.l.a- * 39M " *" _ _ Vllriol.bfao:. . crop, heavy Taysaam No. I A3 8 000 131 ii »H .t ,f ** 8l.«rui «» » • M DUCK— mIddlBT 84 llalneon 8 500 9 35 40 " Jui-rm. imtsDt W « UHv.'n«.IIi..|.t Vpce.19 00 light.. 88 C*nton,re-rld,NoItoexdo 6 360 7 80 8(«arlo » a W vv 17 00 " rough slangbter IB Japan, eouunou to snper'r 8 OO® 9 OO AaainitillD* IS "' C U No.l.V^d nemrk,B.A.,ftc.,heaTy . 39 SPKLTkR.— CKMKN r- •• " middle. S9 Plates.lor'n .VlOOV^old 6 87X06 UK " " light... 37 Plates, domestic 8 36 UoMuaale «bU ....AlU " 011 M Camwood.... gold, Vton.lOOl _ California, heavy. 'X SPICKS—Bee special report. COAlr- " •• middle 28 Fustic, Cuba. " " . ..-0 SPIRITS- 3.210 ».... II •• Newciutln KM. 000.... Fustic, Tamplco gold li P " light.. 37 Brandy- LlTi)ri>'">l oauni'l .... 13 UUa 13 110 "* " '-f t*!!. Kf Fustic, *' Orinoco, heavy. .. 21X0 28X Henneeay ^[old 8 00 Jamaica tB0i6 OO lilTorpuol SouiM cumel... i» 009 17 midlfie. 29 Otard, ** Fustic, Savanllla "-37X0- Dupnv A Co.. 8 80016 OO ' light. 35 36 ** Fustic, Maracalbo. , . . Plnet, Castlllon & Co 8 6x^13 06 OOCOA- Logwood, Lngnna.... * " rongta 29 31 Marett&Co •* 8 810 8 (n OraciK.. V» 15 10 ** Logwood, Houduraa. * good damaged . 34 25X LcgerKreres ** 8 ;90 9 00 Maracallio CKOld In bouj 33 » 26 " 19 Logwood, Tabasco. .. ' . . poor " Other foreign brands " 8 7S®11 00 Ouya(iull do do .... IV a lOK Logwood, St. DomiD.gold 17 000 19 OO LIME— Rum—Jam., 4th proof. " 8 730 9 IS Logwood, Jamaica 18 000 :9 OO St. Croix, 3d proof... " 8 300 8 60 OOFFEK.—Se« ipeelal report, Rockland.common.Vbbl, 1300 .... LImawood cur. 57 5C0 .... Rockland, heavy 1 FISH- Southem pine $84X0 89 OO Whiskey Oi^X® 93 BolM S2 .... boards... 25 30 00 a Drycod Squint. 8 500 7 75 Wblte pine box 000 BTEEI.r- Brailcni' $3 « .... bbl. 4 500 5 00 White pine mer. box b'ds 26 CO® 33 Ul ..'••• '<'< Plckledscale V Engli8h,cast 15 Bll.v^ ... 19 20 60 0110 61 1,0 V B I8 Pickled cod » bbl. 6 000 6 50 Clearplne Kngiisli, srirlng 8li' .nev a « .... boards and planks 75 000 80 00 7 10 Mackerel, No. 1, shore 31 00027 HO Cherry English blihter U.' 24 ... ash 55 000 60 UO lo 17 « Mackerel, No. 1, Bay H o0«33 00 OakKUil English machinery Vc » « . Mackerel. No.3 13000.... Maplo and birch 8» OO0 40 OO 11X0*16 English German 13 15 AlUc:!>:IM lUtJUt Slita n 13 SO 91ackt»alnut 100 000135 00 Mac'rel, No. 3, Mass.,Iarge. 0013 American blister IJ ii 000 60 00 ® , Mackerel, shore. No. 2 12 00012 50 X-lncii sycamore American cast Tool. COlUIAtiK— 1-lnch do BO 00® 53 00 16 a 17 Mac'rel, No. 8, Mass., med. 9 000 9 90 American spring.... '* 9 Maiillt a ( hir^o and small Blze) planks 33 Oj0 SO 00 11 Mackerel.No. 1, Halifax... 38 900 .... Spruce boards and " per lb American machinery 13 ® , IJXaiSX Salmon, pickled. No. 1 27 00(927 50 Hemlock bo'rds and plank 24 00® 27 (10 Miuilila American German.. ** 9 11 Trrod all Salmon, pickled V tee (»S4 00 Extra heavy pipe staves 1310 OOJ 9 Sllal liope, alulzu &liH do Ii5 00 Herring' » bbl. 6 000 8 00 Heavy do See special Bosala Dot Kope 018 011 SUGAR— report. Herring, scaled. ...V box. 800 40 Light do do 160 Uerrlng.No.l 200 28 Extra heavy hhd do 150 00 TALLOW— UORKS- Heavy do do 14O00 American, prime, country Ist rt^^ular, quarts, V gro. 05 "iO FLAX— 125 00 Light do CO and city.. 91 B do Hiiji rlhie 1 40 10 North River V * 13 14X 6y0 9 01 Kxira hoary bbl. do 12S UO TEAS—See special report. r»,,r , FRUITS—See special report. IstIsl .. w, plnU 85 60 Heavy do ao 110 no Mlur,-,..H." BO TO QROCEUISS—See special report. Light do do 8000 TIN— U 40 Molasses shooks, incl. head'g.2 5002 70 Banca V B.gold 88 See special •• QCNNY BAGS * CLOTH.— do do .4 500.... Straits 83K0 under Cotton. Rum •• OX COTTON—See special report. report Sugar do do .3 5002 65 English 7^!® S Plates, cbar. I.e.. V box 8 73 e9 00 GUNPOWDEB- MOLASSES—See special report. Plates, 1. PRUOR A.N0 DYE8- C. coke 7 87Xto7 "ia fi 25 .... Aloohol 1 SiH0 1 n BlaatlngCB).... B keg NAILS- Plates, Tcrne coke 6 33 ®7 39 Alooa.Capo Vtt 10 Shipping 8 500 .... Cut.4d.06Od V100B4 3; 4 50 Plates, Terne charcoal.. 7,5 as 25 Aloes, Socolrino SO Keg rioe 5 750 .... Clinch 5S7X0 6 00 TOBACCO-See special report. Alnm SX® 8 Meal 5 650 .... Horse shoe, rd (6d.)..V » 33 28 .... Annate, tcood to prime . V) 80 Deer 6*1® Copper 87 .... WINES— Sporting, In I IicanU'tra.V It 980 lOO Madeira fl Autill^>K^ , r>.'>f. of... gold ....0 13X Yellow metal 33 .... gall. 3 5007 00 Ar.: ;X0 8 HAY- NAVAL STORES- Sherry 1 3009 00 1: gold 33 North RlTcr, In bales V 100 Tar, Washington.. « bbl. 2 37X33 45 Port 3 OO07 SO 123 ir :rod. * ....0 2H D for shipping 1100 Tar, Wilmington 3 45 03 50 Burgundy port. gold 8U01 26 ^ii„,..,... SO HEMP- Pltch,clty 275 0.... Lisbon " 2 31103 60 00 Ualaaui uupivl 10 Amerlcan dressed.. V tonXS OOStlSS Spirits turpentine. VgaU, 54 56 Sicily, Madeira OOOt 38 BaUanitolu n American nndrcssed 175 OO01B5 09 Rosin, commmr.n to good Bed, Span.* Sicily... 900109 iMsani Peru 8 90 Russia, clean 340 UOa .... strained, *r 380 D 3 60 02 70 Marseilles Madeira .. 100 86 Barkpetayo 45 Italian gold.260 300 .... " No.l 8 00 04 35 Marseilles port 060115 " Berries, Persian. .. gold ^X0 40 Manila Ilk 10X0 lOX " No.3 3 70 03 80 Malaga, dry. 0601 U Bicarb. soda, N'castle" 3 95 ® 4 00 SUal 9 9X " pale 4 60 06 00 Malaga, sweet 060116 81 chru. potash I^y0 Tamplco , 7X0. 8 " extrapale 7 50 08 00 Clarel 1) cask 50060 00 BleachliiK' powder 3 3K Jute (Old SK0 ex OAKUM *1» 7X0 lOX Claret 9 doz. 0UO9«0 Borax, rolliiec: ,... H 28H BIDES- OIL CAKE— Brliuatoiic,cra.«ia Maracalbo " 16 17 Whale, bleached winter.. TO 78 Common, unwashed 36 d38 Jaustlc soda M0 BogoU " 30 31X Sperm.crade 139 0140 Hurry ^7 Sv Oarraway seed 10 Truilllo " ...0 20 Sperm, winter bleached. —01 SO Caillornia, Kail C.lp and Lambs— Oorlander seed Fine, ~ , 10 BloHache " 16 .... Lard oil, prime winter... 1 10 01 13X unwashed 31 Ooeblneal, Uoadur..irola " SO 65 Medium 31 ** Cnracoa 12 BedoU Cocblncal, Mexican. •!..S CO PortauPUtt 17 .... Straits 68 .... South Am. Mer iuo, unwashed 37 Koaih MestlsB, Oopperas, American lk0 'i Batata " 15 !« Neals foots, >... ICO 0140 Am. unwashed 30*" CresKB tartar, pr ...gold 82K Texaa cor. 20X0 21X PADJT8- .'oulli Am. Ci>r, flue Bpaomsalla 2 _ 2X Maracalbo goUl. 13 .... Lead, white. Am., In oil. .'..! 'lexas, medium Sxrtaet logwood 9H0 Maranham " ....0 14 Lead, white, Amer- dry. 9X0 Texas, coarse PennelUccd UX0 Pemambuco " 18 ilnc. white, dry, No.l. 6X0 7 Texas, Biirry ^owerv, benzoin.. V o2. 80 «0 Matamoraa " ....0 11 Zlno, wUte,No. 1, In oU 9 12 Texas, We.-tern „ Qambler....gold..«l >. 8^0 BaTanllla • 13 18 zinc, white, French, dry 10 lOX Smyrna, tinwiuhed |f ~ t-myrna, awuboge W Bahla " 13 IS Zinc,<.IDr, wh.,wii., rFrench,I ,^ui^U| Iniu onoil 15 .... washed 18 waiejiir, We&.ern BO (0 Chill " ....0 17 Ochre, yel., French, dry 8 8X DoiiSkol, wikhed 80 Olnaeng, Soatbern CS w Sandwich Island.. *• 12X0 13 Ochre, "grounds In oil 6 9 Uonskol, onwaibed 1! Qam Arabic, nicked.... 8} 05 Wet Salted Hides— Spanish bro.,drylllOOB 1 00 1 29 ZINC— Qnm Arable, sorts 30 Buenos Ayres..«i>gold. 13X0 13V 8pan.bro.,gr'drnoll.VB 8 9 Sheet »B 8X0 aumbeuzoin 40 60 Rlo(irande " 12X0 13X ParltwblteJingVlOUIba. 3 00 8 36 Qomkowrle ,, .,, California " II 13 Chrome, yellow, dry 13X0 31 FREIGHTS— ,—TXAll— 10 '• flunndda gold Para 9X0 10 Whiting, Amer..fi 100 B 1 SO 1 79 ToLrT«»poOL:s. d. s.d. s. d. a. 4, Qmnaamar 13 New Orleans cor. 11 .... VermllUon, Cbma^.VB 96 .... Cotton » B 9-93011-87 myrrh, Gom Kast India.. U City slauehter ox A cow 9X0 lOy Vermillion Trieste .... 80 89 Hour....* bbl 8 88 (mmmyrrh. Turkey..., 43 Upper Leather Stock— Vennllllon. Amei.oom. 33 37 H.gooda.Vtoo .... 0.... ii«i»« 0am Senegal BrA.*Klogr.klp«IBgld 37 .... Venet.redCN.C.)l>cwt. 3 35 3 10 on? 45 0.... * earn trasacanth, sorta. . 38 MInas .'.. 30 31 Flambago 6 C'n.bAb.V bu. 7 7X Bnin tragacanth, w. SlerraLeone err. 89 86 CMnacIay V ton.|4 00 036 00 Wheat. .b.t b. :iakey gold TIX0 W Gambia and Bissau. " 37 39 Chalk V B 1X0 IX Beef » tee. .... sn polasb, ili Byd. Fr. and Zanzibar • 19 .... Chalk, alock « ton .... Pork„...»bbl. 50 (jlS 6 :ng gold 8 00 11* Kast India Stock- Barrtes. Americas.VB. .... To B.araLB bysdi. I reaublltued 1X0 Iodine, 815 Calcat. sit. cow fiB gold 16 .... PETHOLEUM- Cotton Ipecaeoanba, Brazil .... 180 Calcutta, doKi green 18 14 Crnde, 40048 grar.V gall. ....0 Tallow U Jalap gold «d _ Calcutu,buaalo....flB 13 13X Cmde,4(l047Krav.(s.nrd. 18X0 iJ« Lard '«can 33X0 Manilla Jk Bat. buir..«» ....0 ..„ Refined ST'd white (sh'ng Tobacco.. ..,.*..... libd. ...;... L.eor(ce paata, Calabria. HONEY- order) 84X Woods Ooorleo paaM, Steily . . 24 Cnba(dut]ki'd) goldVgalU M M IS Bafined prime, white, Petroleum Ijlcorlcc paste, bp., solid n a (sh'ng order) To Miuiovnii. V loot. bsHtc, 39X JixT-::; blcorlo» Ureek.. 81 Cropo(':ifg'(l0prlnie)»». • It BeUied^.W. (lob. loU) 31 .... To Sax FmAXOisoo— (adiler,I)ateh • goM 11X0 do 1889V. 3 1 Naptba,refln.,(Bt-73grar. lOXS .... Meaaarttnenigoodi* rt Madder, Kr.KXF.IT " lOkS """'"*"" " * Bealdnnm irbbl«Oiri .... Heary Itoodi. ..V lb Kauna, Una liaise in alts Homis!^"' • Nalla. Vkea. Maana,small flake 8} ,.,, Ox.KloGraade 9C. 1 OO0 .... PKOyiBIONSr. Fetroieom. .9 e. 01 UkkT. MMUrdSMtftC*!..,, . tHa 17 0«.*m«rHM 10009 00 V l>bi(D«w)4> W «» 3t CHRONICLE. [February '25, 1871. 266 THE Railroad Materials Miscellaneous, Iron and OottOD and Sonthern Cards. Ever ett & Co., JOHK S. EXKHEDT. HZITBT U. BAXXB. JOHK B.BABirEa Reese, Rigney &• Co.. S. Kennedy Co., J. & Street, Boatoa* MONTOOMKRY, A.LS.., 66 State 41 CEDAR STm cob. OF WUilAM ST. A ENT8 FOR GENBRAI. RAIL, WAV AGENTS AND COTTON BUVING, MERCHANTS. MKBCHANTS. HEARD * CO. COJHffllSSION AVenSTINE Boy and sell Railway Bonds and Negoolate Loans to or CHINA AND JAPAN. Railways. approved m( D. S. Arnold, «dT«noe« made on consignments of IMPORTERS OF GESXRAL cbandlze. Iron Rails, Steel Kails, Old Ralls, COMiniSSION MBBCHANT, Bessemer Pig Iron, >crap. AND Wright & Co., Steel Tyres, boiler plates, &c. Oonon Factor, AGENTS FOR MONTQOMBKY, ALA. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, The Bowling Iron Company, Bradford England. JANEIRO, BRAZIL. The West Cumberland Homatire Iron Co., Worklnn RlUI DE ton iingland. House, al Represented In the United States by our Supply all Railway Eoulpment and undertake Cotton. Railway business generally. Wrlsbt, Broirn St Co., tl.OOO Ton» Arrow Ties for baUas ' ' CoMon. No. «9 WALL STREET. NEW YORK For Sale \>j A6«!fT», Morris, Tasker Co., BWKSSOH, FSE-'.IMS 4 CO.. Henry Lawrence & Sons, & Beaver street, N. T. P O. Box 5,134. 80 Pascal Iron W^orks, Plilladel|>bla. ThewTls. have been u»ed more eiteMiveiy tttan MANDTACTURKRS OF CORDAGE tlian one-liair of all Manufacturers of Wrought Iron Tubes, Lap Weldi otbere.otliere, and last year .or. more "uyany Stites,aad- received be o°u6n%aWcotton balad la l..ettie Uiu-i—UiUted — (J8E. Boiler Flues, Gas Works Castings and Street premlain at several State lairs. FOR EXPORT AND DOMESTIC he Mains, Artesian Well Pipes and Tools, ISa FRONT STREET, NEW YORK Fitters* 4kc. 81(8. Gas and Steam Tools, WALL K., 89 BliViB ST. PoSt OfflOe BOX OFFICE AND WAREHOUSES: C. Rogers & Co., Dwignt oc Co., IS street, YORK. J. John GOIjD new New York, MANtJFACTUKERS OF COMMEKCIAL BROKERS, S.I.ERATDS, CliOTH, NAYLOR & CO., INDIA tc DOMESTIC GCNNTf SUPER CARB. SODA, &C., Batts, NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHIIjA., eannjr Bass, Ijlnseed, Jate ?;•. II Old Slip, New York. Sugar. 99 John street. 80 State street. %ti So. Ith street CAST STEEI. KAILS, Glover Co. e. p. CURRY, Joseph B. & EXCHANGE BANK, AUGUSTA, GA. CAST STEEL i'VRES, Cast Steel Frogs, and all other Steel Material lor 1842. 80 Central Street. Boaton. Sonthern Securities of every description, viz.: Un- EsTABLisHXD Use. current Hank Notes; State, City & Railroad SiocM, Railway Bonds and Coupons; HOUSE IN LONDON: tayCoUe tlonsmade m all parts ol this State and Reynolds & Brothers, S.uth Carolina, and remitted for on day ol collec- NAVLOR, BENZO.'V & CO.. tion, at current rate of New York Exchange. 34 Old Broad Street, NORFOLK, TIBOINIA, who give special attention to orders for W. N. Hawks. H. CASTLXKair, Bay Cotton, Qraln, Ac, on Commission. Hawks & Castleman, Railroad Iron,j as well aa Old Balls, Scrap iron and Metals. [ohn C. Graham & Co., stock Brokers and Real Estate Agents COLUMBUS, GEO. SBLIflA, AliABAMA, OHACKOXT TIBBABD. A1.RX. P. riSKB Government Securities. Gold, Stocks, &c. Bonds BHKBSOH POOTB, XX>WABD FOOTB on commission. Buyers of Cotton ol every description, bought and sold For a commission. Vibbard, Foote &Co., Insuianoe. 40 BROAD^HTAY, NEW YORK, William Lamb, jteel RaiJs, Liverpool Lon- IfORFOIiK, TIBGINIA, The & Iron Rails, OfFEKSnis services for parcbasa of COTTON and don & Globe Ins. Co. other pruuuce ; and solicits consignments ol Old Rails, vessels to loail for Uaropean pons. AND Kelers lo Wm. Bryce * (Jo., and Dancy, Hyman & AfetsGold,$\'j,6()o,:i^G Co.. New York. RAIL\rAY EQUIPMENTS. AJfetsinthe G, W. Abert, U. States 2,000,000 Gilead A. Smith & Co., O 0:T TON BARTHOLOMEW HOUSE, BANK, LONDON, BROKER WillidPi'St COLUMBUSJ 45 AlTD NO. 6J BROADWAY, NEW YORK. inUalMiIppl. FIRE INSURANCE. BVWASD KALLX. B. O. O.lHKAOK. North American Railroad Iron. Nalle & Cammack, In Ports of Ne«v York and New Orleans. COTTON FACTORS 4k COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fire Insurance Company 168 Common iitreet, i>ew Orleans. OFFICE 192 BROADW^AY. Bills of Exchange on London and circular Notes Liberal Oaah advances maae on Consignments. Branch Offices, amounts to suit remitters or travelers. % Cooper Institute Sc 1429 Broadway.

INOOBPORATED 18S3. BiKTLXY D. HABELI., ABTffDB PaBKBB H. S. FULKERSON, CASH CAPITAL • - - - $600,000 00 B. D. Hasell & Co., COTTON BROKER, SURPLUS ...---- 296, 23T 93 CORNER MULBKKltV .4.ND WASHINGTON 8T8. Cash Capital and Surplus, July 1,1869, GENERAL RAILWAY \GKNTS, TICKSBURG, MISS. $796,287 93; ' ' And dealers In RallTvay Iron, Equip- Refer to G. M. KLEIN, Cashier, MissIssIsdI ment and Supplies. Valley against Loss or Bank, VlcasDurg. Insures Property Damage by Fire at Special attention to negotiating Railway, State and usual rates. County securities. Policies Issued and Losses paid at the nfiice of the Company, or at its various Agencies In the principal 817 BROADWAY VT Entrance on Thomas Street citle he United State-. R. A. Young & Bro., R. W. KLKECKER. President, WYLLIS uLACKSTONE.Vlce-Pree'Lm COTTON At TOBACCO BROKERS, F. H BVHIR Secrc',ary, BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS J.(*% Wf LD, General Agent. Petersbarg, V«. M. Baird 6c Co., Imperial PHILADELPHIA. Jesse W. Burton, All work accurately Utted to gauges and thoroueb FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ly Interchangeable. Plan, Material. Workmansklp* COBKISBION OF LONDON. hinlsh and Klliciency tuily guaranteed. MERCHANT, M. Baird, Ch»s T. Parry, Wm. P. HenxeT* OFFICE te Assets - - - - $8,000,000, Gold : STCAMOBB BTREET, Geo. Burnham. Bdw. H. Williams. Ed. Longsueth, CHIEF OFFICE IN THE U. U. Wm. P. Converse St Co., Peters*«MK,,Yii. N«a. and 42 PUte Street, 40 New YoriK, »t fis» fU Ji«w Xerk. A««nti