: xtmtlt HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATEa VOL. 12. NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 25, 1871. NO; 296. ^bocrtiecmcnta. Bankers and Br.' kers. Bankers and Brokers. B. B. Ferrill & Co., Dodge, Kimball Adrgrtlnmsnta will be tosertMl «t th* foUawlBg & Moore rlo«» per Une lor each liuertloa Gonunlasloo Slercbaiita ft Brokers, BANKERS, <i ordered leH tbui 4 time*. Weenta per Une. STOCK AND GOLD BBOKERS. « . Imeeormote 1< " BAVAKSAH, GA. r " U " " And dealers In > W - U WUl glre strict personal attention to all bnslneas '. M W •• " entrusted to them. Consignments respectfully soUcl- GOTERNnENT SEOVBITIBS, II a 8 " ted. 14 WALL STREET. N. T. It the edTerttBement occnples one oolaoin or np- Collections promptly remitted. warJe, e dlwuuot of IS per cent on thew rates wUl be P. O. Box 4,306. ellowed. Sptce Is meuored In sgsM type, 14 Uses to the A. C. Kaufman, :uoa. Duncan, Sherman & Co., AdTertlaoraonts will have a favorable place when BANKEB & BROKER, rst put lu, but no promise of oontmuoos Iniiiirtiun In No. 11 Nassan St., New Tork Oltr, be best plHcu can be Klven, as all advertisers must OHABLESTON, S. O. ttve equal opportunities. DSALS RxeOLARLV IK TDK FOLLOWINa LlNX OF ISSUE CIRCDXAR NOTES AND CIRCULAB DSSISABLS SOUTUSBN SjlOITBlTZSS, TIZ.: Letters or Credit available and payable In all tha PRINCIPAL CITIES ; also In the _ South Curolina SUte Bonds; Charleston City OF THE WOULD Stock Onlted States, Canada and West Indies. 1. The CHROKICLK has much the largest clronla- : Savannah City Bonds; Augusts City Bonds; ilan Memph a v of any ODanclal publication iaauea. ity Bouds and Coupuns ; Nashville Teleerauhl2 Transfers of to and Lon- City Money from c'roulatlon Bonds and Ooupous ; Tennesae State Cou- don, Paris, San Francisco, Havana, Ae. «?• t<* extends to business mea In BOTH SOiif South Carolina Killruad Bonds (Sevens and WeriSANClAL and COMMKKClAL branches, and Ues): •ISO South Carolina Rallruad Stock ; ^o^th Eastern Current Accounts received on such terms as may b to a very nnineroos class ot rotirnu merchants, Ballroad moDefea B >nds CEUhts) ; UroenvUle and Coluinhla agreed, upon. men and Inrestors, who are not eofaKed In ita lroa.l Boads; Savannah recular business. and Charleston Railroad Bonds (Reven. and Sixes) ; M-mpltla and charleatou t. It Is preserved on Die by subscribers, and thus Railroad Bond, Oeor>cla Railroad and City Securltlea. posiesses sgreat advantage for adverilaers, over thaise South i.arulma, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Evans, Wharton & Co., pabllcatlons which are habitually thrown aside after Alabama and Virginia Uncurreut Bank Notes. perusal, OoUectiona Becelve Especial Attention BANKERS AND BROKERS, Wn. B. DANA & CO., I STREET, Wm. Pabkjib, Samitsi. Lawb«ko«. BROAO NEW TORK. FUBLISHKRS, Member oi N. Y. Stock Exchange and Gold Board. If * 81 William at., N T, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections promptly ^~ For terms ot Sabacrtptlon see Parker 8c Lawrence, made. Stocks, Bonds and Gold bought and Sold on Commission. fU> pace. Successors to Kellogg & Parker, BANKEBS & BROKEBS, No. 1 WALL SIBBET, NEW YORK. Texas Cards. Stocks, Bonds and Qold Bought and Sold on Com. Bankers and Brokers. mission. Dealers In American and > oreign Gold and Silver, Government Securities, &c Collections made Jho. J. COBUt, p. L. CoBsjr, Jobs JjiT CoHXK. lu all parts of the Country. North Eastern Texas. Jno. Cohen 8c Sons, eiO. L. HOLKSS. ALBZ. KAOBXTB, J. Collections an ic made on accessible points by BANKKBS BBOKEBM.' _ AUGU8IA, O/i, Holmes & Macbeth, ,, .. JAKES ic Collections made on all paru ABBITCKLB CO., of the United States. STOCK AMD BOND BROKERS, BANKERS, OHARLESTON, S.O. John Craig, Key box 44. ' JeSrerson, Texas. Banker, Aacnata, ea. «JSV*n'''w*S''?"''2 P»i'' '" "« Purchsse and sale oJ Oold. Bank Notes, Bonds, Blocks, Foreign and Uomes- Wlliam C. Oilman, Moore & Wilson, ^o""*"'"* ' ' "»»<'» and proceeds prompt- (Successors to H. M. Mooraj I '"i t«f D1AI,SB IS INSrBANOB SCBIP, BANKERS, BBTAN, TEXAS. Coll'-otlons promptly remitted. Correspondents la Winslow, Lanier & Co., ASD New York—Messrs. W. P. Converse ft Co. BANKERS, Fire and narine Insurance Stock, O, B. JOBMS, . a. BIRBT, J7 PINK r. BVBBBTT. W. BTUiiLT, NEW TORE. 48 Flue Street, comer of William Street, M.Y. VOX XOSSKBBBa ReeelTe the accounts of Interior banks, bankers, corporations and Merchants. C. R. Johns & Co., Agenu for the sale of City, Cubbedge County and Ballroad & Hazlehurst, TEXAS LAND AOENGT, Bonds, Issue Letters of Credit for foreign travel. BANKERS AND BBOKERS, BASKING 4k KZCHANQB, MACON, GA. AUSTIN, TEXAS. Pnrohsse and sell real estate, pay taxes and adJnat Lawrence Make Collections, and do a cieneral Banking and Titles, proaecnte Land and money claims against tha Brothers & Co. Brokerage Business. State and Federal Ooveramaots; make collections. Receive deposits and ezecuta Trusts. BANKEBS REFER TO EAST BITBH NATIONAL BANE. AND BTOCK COMM18810K OKK A. Klsui, 0. 0. Flowbiui. Gse. M. Ki.a[ii BBOKBBB, Presluent, Vice-President. Cashier. L. Leonard & Co., No. J. 16 irall Street, New York. Mississippi Valley Bank, BANKEBS, DepoelU received from Banks, Bankan, MarohanU TERUINCS or CKMIUAL SAaRUAD and others, A BANK OF DISCOUNT AUD DEPOSIT, subject to check at sight, m with banks vicKSBVRo, CoUeoUons made lu aU parts ol the Dnltsd BIMee. ' miss. Kossa, Texas. M, Y. Correspondent:—Bank of tha Manhattan Co, WB. a. I<0BT, I GSOBSB W. JAOXSOB, Cbxs. J. Late Fort 4b Trica. I LaU Cashier Ut Nat. Jusaa, T. P. Beakob, Joe. 8. BiAir Bank Pres't. OaUlpoUa, Vlce-Pres'U Cash'r. E. Judson Hawley & Co. O Merchants & Planters Bankers, Fort & Jackson, E. BANKEKS. NATIONAL BANK, JimsoH aAWi,aT, Mo. 50 WALL STREET, ALFBan W. llABTI,BTr, New fork* WAOO, tkLas. ACQUBTA. OA. RarBBBBtna abd CoakasraBOBBOBi—New York Qovernmsnt Seoorltias, Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Ex- Winslow, Lanier 4k Co„ Uavid Oows 4 Co. Ctncii*. Oaali Capital, change and Mercantile Paper bought and i>N »800,000 sold natl : First National Bank. Merchaats National Bank, COMMlbbiON, Interest allowsd Louisiana l»P««t»t MMMtUVtt paid to OB i^eposlts. whlou iiew Orleans : National Bank, Whelass 4k C9U««U«NW, bs checked for at sight r fiatt. Baaken. Ualvestoa : T, U. MoMabaa * ti«. : 226 THE CHUONICLE. [February 25, 1871. ^ r I. Bankers and Brokers. Bankers and Brokers. Foreign Bills. H, EiTMOND. I. D. F08TBB. I. O. BiBinir. O. M. K. Jesup & Company, Bowles Brothers & Co., Raymond Co., Barney, & BANKERS AND DIERCHANTS, PARIS, LONDON BOSTON. and Brokers, 12 PINB STREET, Banker* 19 WILLLAM STREET, N. Y., 5 Wall Street, Neeotlatii isstiB,; Late P17I.ESTON, BAIflKOND dc Co. Bonds and Ijoans for Railroad Cos., contract for Credits for Travelers In Europe, Iron or Steel Ralls, IiOCOiu^tlTes, Exchange on Paris and the Union Bank ol London, In Cars, etc. sums to suit. and undertake Leonard, Sheldon&Foster Subscription agents for the Cheonicli In Paris. BANKERS, all bnslnes*> connected tvltb Rallnray 10 WALL STREET, S. G. & G. C. Wai^p,, Blake Brothers & Co., New York. AOENTS POB 58 trail Street. New ITork. BARING BROTHERS & GOIHPANV. AND 6* WALL STREET, NEW TOKK. 88 ST4.TK STREET, 30BT0N Duff & Tienken, as STATE 8 RKET, BOSTON. EXCHANGE ON LONDON BROKERS, Credits, BANKERS AND John Pondir, And Sterling 15 WALL BTBEKT, NEW YORK. COMMERCIAL PAPER. BROKER, DEALERS IN Wm. H. Duff, John H. Tienkkn, Bay and Sell Massactanssotts and New York State Members ol the N. T. Stock and Gold ExcUauges. In GoTernment Bonds, Excbange, Gold and Stocks, Stocks. and Government Securities Securities Stocks Bonds and Gold Stocks, Bonds, Gold No. 44 EXCHANGE PLACE, Government bought and sold. joaght and sold strictly on Commission. ForeUii Gold and Silver Coin, and fine Gold and Particular attention given to the negotiation of Silver Bars, constantly on hand. Kallway and other Corporate Loans. Interest allowed on Deposits. Union and Central Paclllc Bonds and Stocks a spe- cialty. Williams &Gu I ON, J. M. waiTH. Gbo Abbkts 63 Wall Street, New York. James C. King & Co., TRAVELLERS ana COMMERCIAL CREDITS M. Weith & Arenti., ISSUED, available in all parts of Kurope, *c. BILLS BANKERS, J. OF EXCHANGE dJ-awn in sums to suit purchasers Late J. M. Welth & Co., also Ciible tranf^fere. eupplied with Bills of Ex •N (/ 6.6: BROADWAY. Country Bankers can he DEALERS IN SOII'I'HERN AND MIS- chanRe, m large or Bniall amouiitt;, on the principal of also V 'licketa for lassai^e from, GK)Vornment Securities, Stocks, Bonds. Gold and CULIiANl'IUUS St'CURITIES, cities l-.urcpe, hh or to, K'lrope.bv the GUION L1>'K of Mail Meaniers Foreign Exchange. No. 9 SiREET. Certiflcatea ol Deposit. NEW ADVANCES Made UPON CONMGNMEKT8 oF Issue Cor- Interest allowed on current daily balances. COTTON, and other Produce to OursclveB or Loans Negotiated. respondents. Collections made on all parts of tlie United States Aiid Europe. Alex* 8. Petrla 6c C^m Gulon 6l Co. A. D. Williams & Co., London. Liverpool. Knauth,Nachod&Kuhne STOCK BROKERS, BANKERS, 45 Wall Street, New York. Brown Brothers & Co., Stocks and Bonds NO. 69 ITALL STREET, Nenr Ifork, Vjelpzls, Saxony, AND BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. ISSCS BR}AD ST. 8S BRUIIL. DENIS'N WILLIAMS. I J. P. WILLIAMS, of the Member of the Commercial and travelers Credits Men)ber 1 . York Stock Bxchang.-. I N. York Stock Exchange. DRAW IN sums XO SUIT Available in all parts ol the vporld all the principal cities of Germany, Switzerland England, France, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Bel- gium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Denmark, &c. .BANKING HOUSE OF Kaue Letters of <'redtt for I'raTclers, Morton, Bliss Co., available In all parts of Europe. KouNTZE Brothers, & ISSUE 14 Wall Street. Netv York. CIRCULAR NOTES. SxoKEk, Taylor & Co., Deposits received fr»m Banks and Individuals, sub (issued and paid free of Commission) and letters ol ect to check at sight, and interest allowed thereon at BANKERS.
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