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EAimDATUAfM' Lend to End the Warjr^Bu^ A s As You Can! I »i^ ««—"■»«»» club will (^urch Parley bold a sotbank party la tho TJm ^ ibeMolaylBrop I Heard Along Main Street itTown Hgtniittiy St 8:U tonight. Bvoi^ Average Dally drcuhtioR m la wdoomo. RafraohmanU win L ^ f u l o n Somm o f Manehe$tmt^9 Sidm S treets, Ttfo Memorial Day rvw.tts Msath sC Apia, 1H3 bo aorrod. ____ Well Attended The Weather r«( «tiU*6 Orgaalsod ia Bwtamber of 1940,1 il CMton of A number of the local nills, tap^law.__________ In one or two «wtaarethe NaESFene to Act as the 7,327 s f D. a . WsbOm ________ I ia tlM lU ^ k o Chanibor at OOnuDOreo AUxl^l- Anniial Spring Social rooms and restauranU have Just purchaser stood to lose heavily the ^.ES t at TdN> Monday «v»- isry. whoso drst president ^ found out that they are liable to a sonlng board members have been Post to Churches in $200 IN . « i tho noaot M- Mrs. Joseph Poro, will glw the Is Held Am id a Patri-| tax under a law that went into ef lenient and aUosred the changes. oa la RMdta«, Pa^ fifth’ in its series of welcoming fect last October if they have Juke But it has happeiMd too often now Connecticut Valley. Ibart win ba a teas to a largo number of the otic Setting. boxes and a dancing space. ’The and real estate salesmen had best h e. M anchester A CUy o f ViOage^Chsarm ftOoarlar tho aMotliiff. women from new 'famlllos who tax Comes under the so-called tell the truth about the sone regu Satu^y, Memorial Day, the ARMY & NAVY ha.o arrtvod In Manchaster. TTie The annual Sprlhg Dance- of “cabaret law” and calls for pay lations because the changes won’t local Cmu^ of the Naxafene smi VOL.LXL,NO.S01 A y i 4 l il ii g U) taadMra at tho last one was held in October, with John Mather Chapter, Order of De- ment of five per cent of the total be allowed and the purchaser may MANCHBSTEk^ CONN., MONDAY, M A t 85, 1048 Mrs. John Pickles heading the be host to the Connecticut Valley (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBf Aurch aebool, IColay, was held last evening at food or beverage check. Each per have a comeback on the agent who Saturday, May 23 auallianr. Monday’s get-acqualnt- made the sale. 2kme as they meet la convention BO ter thoir aa* the Masonic Temple with about 60 son in' the place must pay the tax 2 5 G A B IE S 1 . __ atey oronhifrt ad party wOl be held .from three whether making use of the danc in the interest of Sunday s^ool AT 8:15 P.M . ^ ohnrcfa parior. Tho o'dock ojD. in the Federation room couples attending. ing prlvU^e or not. And while on the subject of xon- and Touim People’s work.; Rev. (20) $$.00 GAMES! (8) ,$10.00------------- GABIBSl O ut tQ Snuiuh U<Boato i wO ho fOtemod by a ao- of Oentw'church house, aa here The theme of the dance was llost of the local places that ing you may have heard about the Hugh C. Benner, DJ>., of Kansas (1) $20.00 GAME! (1)( 1 ) $50.00 GAMEI Big Jap Bomners I with tettoohinwita. tofore, arlth Mrs. George H. Wad The effect^the war on the civil have Juke boxeaand allow dancing local couple who applied ter the City, Mo„ will be the speaker in ALL FOR $1.00! dell as at tho hostess ian populati^’ ‘Dm hafi was at. thought that tho tax was only ^>- right to build a "commercial hen the three seasiona—at 10:30 a. m., ssian ; at tho Maa- oommlttee, and all women who at tractlvely deaieated with red. pUcable to those establishments house.” Naturally the aoning board 3:30 and 6 p. m.' Dr. Benner has Afliple Paitriag Ir Roar of CHib. _____ _____ ob ter tho Ma^ tend are aaoursd at a pleasant af white, and blue streamers and that had orchestras and a floor thought that the party desired to been a teacher in two of the Naxa- taho plaoa Voaday €»► ternoon. flags. On one side of the hall was show. At least that was their In- build a big buildi^ to house sev rene coIlegeB, Eastern Naxarene On Ground^ Rubied ^rk tho Booth Methodlat replica of a groc^ store wlUi terpreUtion of a “cabaret.” But eral hundred chickens. But when College and Pasadena, CaUf., Col It wUl bo tho , ton iial All members of Anderson Shea two gas pumps beside it. Signs de-1 found out different when aa the applicants appeared thm sak lege., but more recently has served ' rrtth loporta Aad oloetkm Auxiliary No. 3046 who are going dared the absence of sugar and of internal ' revenue agent came the henhouse was to be 13 feet as pastor In Kansas City, Spokane, jtOi w ot oBtortatauBont a to attend Memorial Service tomor The danoe programs were in around. If there ia a Juke box in long, six feet wide, and six feet Wash., and Santa Monica, Calif. By Allied Fliers : play. *niik and Patches” row wUl meet at the Center at the form of ration books. The the dine and drink emporium and hlgL And it was to bouse only The local pastor. Rev. James A. about 50 bens. The applicants sta Btod k a east from 10:S0 a. m. Services will be held decorations were under the able a space for dahclng toe tax must Young, in announcing the coming N, ._h ool Xhraamttc Qub, at the Center OongregaUonal direction of Emerson RlChert. be assessed on each patroiL ted that they wanted to raise of Dr. Benner, said: “He la with tlSk !*■«*«"- This is tho play A couple of local places have chickens Just as a hobby. H m peo- out question one of the foremost \ jReavy Blows Dealt Ene church at 10:45. The grand march started about were given the permission to P roduction o f im flrot bonocB tor tho lo- 9:30 led by Master Councillor put up signs heading "Nd Danc-iPle preachers aad teachers of our con- m y Over W edL-End as M ore t oChool at tho nceat New Herbert Joyner and Mias Annette ing" but they sttll retain the Juke I buluUd the chicken coop when the nection today. No one should (is Craw ftads^dk. The United Polish Societies of sonlng board realised that their I Pcwaa Psothral at Oarko Manchester, will hold their month Hemingway. Interpolation, the boxea Whether this U within the mlM ***• niGMi _ American Fortresses ’ --------- \ - , Woroastor. Mias Helen regular DeMolay prayer, was said law or not remaUis to be seen. “commercial” enterprise was to be Music srill be furnished by rep- Food Reported! ly meeting tomorrow in the North oa a small basis. f t t ' fho Mgh school teeulty street haU at 1 p. m- sharp. The at 10:30 by Chaplain Robert Rich resenUtives of the vtuious soeie- M ake Long Journey to Wedge Genuans rtho oaaeh. Ites. N. 8. CuUer mond, whose parents Mr. and Mra tu« Pastor Young is at present mofting is being held on Sun^y Speaking of local grlUa—a cou’ Last Sunday in a local church Bom b Am boina in the Claim Big Battleship I the hootaaa ooramlttoe ter instead of the last Saturday of the James Richmond acted as patron pie of the boys were discussing one | the sone chairman and wUl con At New Height Into Khariiov school while the class was await duct the services and conventkm. month so as to give the delates and patronei dine and drink spot in town' the ing the dismissal bell, the teacher Dutch East Indies. lent at 0>st of and ofHoers of these sodMles a other day. It was remarked that All peopte of the community are | _J Watooa OoMaa aoa of listened in to a little shaver, not invited to tluthe sessions and there is | bettor chance to attend and to help quite a [group of out-of-town glris more than eight years old, who Despite Shortages o f La Damaged by Japs in mous Losses, Wi .M Mra Ihqnaoad W. Ooo> further the program for/Polish re have been patronising the place no registration fee. Allied Headquarters, Aus r M Nhvood rood. wOl giadu- See Little Hope was telling the other boys the tralia, M ay 26.— ^The A l Oat in New Soviet , oacBoU pntroralty on lief in Europe. eirldently with the intention of story ^ h ls dog “Blacklo” and the bor, MachinOTy and trying to separate some cf the .B o will rooiiro a dofroo latter’s narrow escape from drown lies' non-stop attack on Japa T ir^ Food Is Moving slau ghr; N o ' SI oociaaerlnf Monday’s Klwanlo club meeting For New Bridge local aircraft workers from their ing. It seems the father, the boy nese concentratiem centers in- Coral Sea Fighting 1 fat pay envelopes. ’They kit la the will be held at Tom Beatty’s ”dude and the dog were out in a canoe NOTICE! '/■ . eluding another l,S0^inile Faster Than Ever. [ Yet of R Decidvl 1. ^ L bpttea. son of Mrs ranch” in Boltom Tho affair U booths and wait to pick up an ac on one of the nearby lakes when odMduled for tna evening and quaintance. It was suggested that ML D.