^ ATuragu Daily CIrcnIatiaa Ik s W ao thar ter toe Bteath oi My, ISM a« D. a. Wutol 6161 Manchester— A City of Vtttage Charm VOL. LVHL, NO. 272 Aivarttateg am Pago 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1939 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PUCE THREE CENTS * 1 Special Plane Dum ping Milk in Farmers* Strike Rejects Japanese r Judge Asked to Set Takes Envoy¥ Demand to Widen On to Rome Aside Jury Verdicts; Scope of Parleys Visit of Hungarian For* eign M inister Is P ro­ claim e d by Ge rm a n Ed ­ Britain Refuses to D is-1 Board of Eduention Bans f Sentences Monday cu ss Efm n om ic Q u e s*; Novel About Dust Bowl i itors as W e ld in g Ties. tions as Part o f C o n -' Kansu City, Aug. Ig.—(F)— Bulktiii! The Board of IMucatlea lamovad BreathM and Prays to Sara Attorneys for Convicted; ferenee on Tientsin. John StalBbock’s boat sailing Uamm, A^ 16—<F)— Oamri Omky, t oa Haagartea taratgm Six Separate Lifa of YooBf Daochtar Dispute; Says Subject novel "Orapu ef Wrath" from Men Contmd OHier the public library after Ira S. ndalatar, anivad la BaoM today to eoater with ItaUu Faralga Interests A ll Signers. > Gardner, a awmbar, brudad It Battles Rage Waynaaburg, Pa., Aug. 16— Consideratioiis T han “obscene and indsemt." Mtelatet Oennt, Oalaarae Oteae. (P>—Mra. Thomu Mc^lugb, Oannt OSaky ar r i vaS b y p t e u Law and E vide m ^ London, Aug. 18—(/T)—Grut Brit- ’ Tb* book portrays hardsblpa 30, "biaathad aiMl prayed" to frani Moatek. wharo k* had I M V * the Ilf* of her four-mootbs- ^<ih today rejected Japueaa demuda of dust bowl refugoas. In M ock War Am ong Them Biaa and MI m Annett* Mooia, ono of ! o l d daughter, amotbering under fthnt economic questlona b* Included four voting for tho bu, daclarod a rubber ahaat tai her crib. PrejnScCe Affected De> In the (Hacuaalona now going on In “it portrays Ufa la aueh a bestial aaa Osont Olana befara Ih* Finding the child In Um nick Tokyo on the Tientsin dispute be- way. ” Italtea IkiaigB mtelster toavas Troopa in First Arm y Go of time, eh* tesathed Into Its ' cb ion o f N ine M e n and Protested Ludwick Oravea, am a tear at laapfcWin to Al- lungs until It revivod. tween the two power*. bania tanMtraw. Aa aulbailto “I don’t know how long I Three W om en Jurmrae oae of the two oppoalag the Into Ai;tion on Ever Offlcla] cirplea said the Britlab bu: Hv* saraea aaM ths Uoagarlu breathed into her mouth," eh* nmbuudor. Sir Robert Leslie Cral- vlaK to Bern* was *ia eaiiaac Widening Front; Brig­ eald. "1 Juat breathed aad Waterbiuy, Aug. 16-<S>—A tlM ^ "Wa'U b* the ooly public li- gle, had Informed tbe Japanese gov- ttea wHh the laternatleul etta- breathed ud said prayara In be- a«jrs foe Majrer Fraidt Hayas aad 18 ernment of this decision. brary In the country that aren’t ades in Op p o sing Un its have a copy." tween until Beverly begu to other ama emvtetod te tb* Wstoi- Jxpu. was Mid to have bean told com* to." Platteburg, N. T., Aug. is.—(^te— bury eoaaplraoy a am pMadad today that uy dlacuBilon of economic Muatch, Aug. 18.—(6>—Tha Hun- questions mutt be referred to all the Six aaparato "bottiM" raged today with Judg* Erneto A. IngWa whma . gariu (oralgB mlnUtor, Count 8te- Mgnatorles of the nine-power treaty In nortbarn New Tork u troops of thay termed tb* "bulwarb batwmto; ud other rclevut treaties. fu Cbaky, whoa* tbraa-day visit Japanese Gain Ui* First Army want Into aettoo on a ruaavray jury aad tbs righteT to (Tho nine-power treaty wu Mga- prompted Oarmu adttora'to pro- Parachute Firm *d Feb. 6, 1933, In Wublngton by anavar wManlng front. tb* aeeuae6 to sat aalds tbo va»><! claim tb* welding of cloaar ties with dtetOL the United States, Belgium, the Brigadas numbering approximate- hla nation, suddenly bdOrded a gov- They eutudad tba Jury ad-Stea^ British Empire, China, Franco, Italy, Entire Control ly SJM)0 men each formed tho op- ernment alrplu* for Romo here Ready to Start mu sad tbrsa woumw bad bam* Japan, the Netberludc and Corto- pealag unite In 6v* major engage- gal. Shortly after noon. swaysd by otbar eouMdatattom Ohm. ment* In which Infutlymen, artil- (The slgnatorle* undertook among Along Frontier It wu announoed officially that tb* law sad tba sviduaa. aamito other thinga to respoet tho to lery ud tonka, blasting away with Big Production than btaa aad prqjudtoa, w hu ttopr '’ a apedal plan* aru used for Count elgnty. Indapeiidmoe u d torritortal Cuky after he drove her* by auto blank ammunition, war* moved raaohsd tha vardtets that won aS« ; about Uk* pavru on a glnntlo ud adminlatrativa Integrity of Chi- Holding All Important from Salabuig. tonad Wadaaoday. na, to maintain the principle of the ebaaaboard. To Develop M aterial aa (tea to 0*06 Tbonws P. M84"'^ (Earlier la Budapest It had beu It w u ragtmut agalnat ragtment opm door ud to refrain from taking Points Between Tw o expected Count Csaky vrould report Doaough. gave a hlat Oat dm dar^ advutage of oondUkma la China In on hie Oermu visit to tbe Him- In tha other battla, a modlliieatloa Sn b stitnte fo r S ilk in fens* may oarra Ito a am to IMpa p order to seek ipoclnl rights or privl- Bays W hich Are B ri^ gariu coital before proceeding to of the small soala combat axaretaaa Ualtod sta tu Suptaam eourt la ^ D arhlcb eeeuplod tb* troopa durliig Manofaeture — b An legM which would abrid^ the rights Rom* where he may sea Premier cutu ttea Oat Jute lagSa, to Hi ud of natlonala of friendly states.) ish T e rrito ria l W aters. tho flrat tare daya of tbeso manou- ^ Benito Muaacdlnl.) Affiliate o f Cheney's. ehaigOL had vtotetad O * eoaoMM b No StetSMent am Oanfaieme vora graatost In tba utlon'a paaea- Uoaal righto to Oa m e m ^ _ g There wu no atataiMot u to Hongkong, Aug. 16—<r>—Tb* Ja Visit SMrs tllM BlftOTVi c I Strikers blockad road* In tha New Totk-Pennaylvaiila strike ef the Naitbar tb* apaody mawhairiaed ToBMmw, "Avtottoa Day." iaasM Doaough toM O a Jurtet that, to ] whether the Mtlah goveramant paaeu Army auouaead today It had Barlln, Aug. 18.—UP)—Hungary'* m ! Dairy Farmer* Union ud c*u*ed Incident* such u thia . Thau mu Ttb CavaliT from Fort Kkex, Ky, •Mnoibtag to M uebeatar dIrseUy. optaioa, J a te IiEtta had Ml might have in mind a gonaral eon gained complete eoatrol of CTilnea* foreign ministor, <>iunt Btefu j are dumping milk from a truck halted at Buaklrk, N. T.,' after stopping te eouuBitoto the eatoatlw dhl < s foreneo of thau algnat^ powara. Csaky. left Germuy today after a nor tho lOiat Hmaa Cavalry to tba Not that w* bava within our bmita l- territory along tbe boundary at this , the driver, who wu carrying milk for a rion-atriklng farmer. Ilia union Naw Tork Nsthmal Guard wara am- M6M to Os tiatlaiiuy to Oi A gevsrammt spokasmu aald that three-day visit which atlrrU signlfl- 1* attempting to boost prices, by withholding milk from New Tork city. u alrpteM ladusity amrnngk tSm ftoddate, aad O at O * IndtytB I a It. wu poasibis te gat the vlawa of Britlab crown oMony. cut spweulatlw ud left behind gaged la today’s agbting. Tbalr chuoa to show tbalr ralattv* alrik- bundrada at boys totonatod to aodM •cat am tha Stftan a t am a m M tha otteR' powara by eonaultatloB JapanoM unite wara aald te b* soma rnnfiMten u to lie purpou and ing powar, a moot question hi mSI- to testify wMto vlalaMM o v sad that no deOult* decMon had- boldlag all Important potato ud result*. ptauaa might to aald to eeutltuto tory clretes, vrill oobm naxt wash u todnatiy that amkaa a tot to a beu rtaebad u ta wbat ew roads from Dsap Bay, to tba north' DNB, .official Oormu nawa agu- wbu u lavadlaf "Bteek Army" to la vrould be puranad. west at Hongkong, to M|n Bay, on cy, circulatod a denial that C ^ y tbtaga tf aat a tet to amtey. Aria- b Tbe apokaamu aald ooaaldarabla tha nerthaaat MW ettber Adolf RlUar or the Gar- Girl Says Immorality 68,000 Nattonal OuardsaMB nmato a pregroaa bad bam made te tba Tok "Blu* Army" ef ragulan datondtag ttoa. aad Urn day ato atoda taa n „ Tho atguaeute oa Oa -fr Japanese Naval foroas did aot at' mu fOralia mlalstor, Joachim von tbs approaeb to Naw Tork City, taaam aoastbing to tbte tawa ba-oak aalda bagaa after J It yo talka toward Britiah-Japuase tempt to patrol tbo two baya baeause RJbbsn trope M* Baaib hod oat 1 pL8k (asA.) a agrwmant on poUea oontrol ia Tlmt- both ar* British territorial aratora On the other Kbnd, tho Dlenat Aw aln—one of tba dUfaranoM wbleh lad .Dautaohtaad ohasrvad that (teahya Ttetay’ a 6 u „ - . _ tha date f ir anteaateff tba I Britito Naval fereaa aeatatotead Ma.de Her Quit Bund thrl^ toe m ptotoemy.' t e whtah. ahttoitoo I I to tba Japuua bloebnde ef tbo Brit- eentlaueua wateb. vUR mad* ivISint that Hoagary imratetod, havo m - ish and French ooaoaaMona. and OirmWiy •bra earaplitaly ay* to ^ ------------- —----- rr-rr=wr Mga to bo- teu tok n j but no reports came In from the C Steca than, tb* official axplana- ay* u ragM* their cono^tten ef tlm rateted.
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