The Long Return to Financial Worthiness 20:10 – the Window Of
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O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans c v A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION VOL. 13, ISSUE 638 January 2-8, 2010 $1.25 The ‘Aegean The Long Wind’ Burns Return to Off Coast of Financial Venezuela Worthiness Three Greeks, Six Politicians in Blame Filipino Sailors Dead Game, Moody’s Wants in Christmas Tragedy ‘Specific Proposals’ By Christopher Tripoulas By Christopher Tripoulas The National Herald Staff Writer The National Herald Staff Writer NEW YORK - Nine sailors were NEW YORK – The Greek economy killed and five were burned in a said goodbye to 2009 amidst re- Christmas Day blaze aboard a newed talk of a bailout. The Interna- Greek freighter in waters off a tional Monetary Fund (IMF) is ready Venezuelan Caribbean island, the to help Greece if it asks for assistance, official Venezuelan news agency the IMF's head for Europe said. ABN reported on Friday, December "The EU should create a mecha- 25. nism to help out countries which find It quoted Admiral Carlos Maxi- themselves in Greece's shoes. But one mo Aniasi Turchio, commander of has to believe Greece will solve its Venezuela's navy, as saying the problems by itself," Marek Belka told blaze broke out in an engine room Reuters in an interview on Wednes- of the "Aegean Wind" before dawn day. and spread upward on the vessel Asked whether the IMF would be which was carrying iron ore from ready to help bail out Greece, Belka Brazil to Houston and had a 24- said: "Yes, we are ready. But it de- strong crew. pends on whether the EU or Greece "Nine bodies were found in dif- will request it." ferent compartments of the Greek The offer drew a quick response ship," the admiral said. from Germany's Finance Minister The bodies belonged to nine Wolfgang Schaeuble, who warned sailors – three Greeks and six Fil- that EU countries would show "mis- ipinos – reported missing earlier in placed solidarity" if they gave finan- the day on the ship 33 nautical cial aid to Greece. miles northeast of the island of La “It would be misplaced solidarity Blanquilla, Admiral Aniasi Turchio if we were to support Greece with fi- said. The navy's communications nancial help," Mr. Schaeuble told office declined comment on the Gianna Angelopoulou-Daskalaki is The National Herald’s Person of inspire Greek leaders during the current crisis. Ecumenical Patri- Germany΄s Boersen Zeitung. ABN report. the Decade. Perhaps her triumph organizing the 2004 Olympics will arch Bartholomew of Constantinople is our Person of the Year 2009. All signs point to the fact that "We don't know if they died from pressure will mount on Greece to asphyxiation or burns, but the (ship's) commander has confirmed to us that they did die," Admiral Aniasi Turchio told Venezuelan Two People With Lasting Impact on the Hellenic World state television. Two Filipino nationals suffered It has become a tradition here at TNH to ry and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is memory after a year or a decade has elapsed third-degree burns on their face name a Person of the Year, a person that has our Person of the Year for his courage and lead- and why? Identifying them leads us to the per- and hands and three Greek crew stood out in the course of the past year. ership in declaring the Patriarchate to be under sonalities of the year or the decade that have mates had less severe burns, said This year, we are faced with two decisions: persecution by the Turkish State in a “60 Min- distinguished themselves the most. Rafael Lugo, the national comman- Marking the end of the first decade of the new utes” interview. To be more specific, our choices centered on der of Venezuela's Maritime Rescue millennium by deciding on the Person of the Every day brings something new, something those people whose actions, over the specified and Aid service. Decade as well as choosing the Person of the unexpected. The theory of the “Black Swan” period of action, take on a historical signifi- The remaining crew members, Year. proves itself in many manifestations. The only cance. including a woman, were on the The choices were relatively easy. Gianna An- certainty is sudden change. Surprise, that is The list of people who fullfil those require- deck, Lugo said. gelopoulou-Daskalaki, the head of the Athens what determines our lives. ments is a relatively short one. Usually their de- 2004 Olympic Games, is our Person of the The questions we need to answer in selecting Continued on page 7 Decade for organizing the best Games in memo- these candidates are which events stay in our Continued on page 8 20:10 – The Window of a New Year “Paul went down stairs, threw tations. With every window display teed endless adoration, wealth, himself on the young man and put more enticing than the other, fame and happiness – or our money his arms around him. “Surely,” we think, “This one will fi- back! ‘Don't be alarmed,’ he said. ‘He is nally solve all those nagging diffi- The Book of Acts has a great not dead . but alive!’” culties in my life!” deal of advice for such contempo- AP PHOTO Acts 20:10 The first ten years of the 21st rary window-shopping. Its message In this March 2, 2006 file photo, century may be characterized as provides an alternative and a valu- the headquarters of the Euro- By Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos the decade of unremitting window- able remedy for those who have pean Central Bank (ECB) are shopping. Never before have we tragically fallen headlong through seen in Frankfurt, Germany. The Christmas-New Year holi- seen such a multi-media array of the depersonalized windowpanes day season in Manhattan is marked sophisticated “catechetics”, all of secularity. While its first 19 chap- proceed with more painful budget by elaborate window displays cre- promising ever-lasting happiness ters generally illustrate the key cuts in 2010. In a December 30 arti- ated at many of the city’s most fa- through their respective branding characteristics of the early Christ- cle, Reuters' Philip Blenkinsop argues mous and popular stores. From Ma- of what is true. Our lives were in- ian community as spirit, unity, and that euro zone countries with rocket- cy’s and Lord & Taylor to Blooming- troduced to interactive television, philanthropy, the 20th chapter of ing debt can follow the example of dale's and Barneys, the holiday sea- rich-media Internet service, and Acts powerfully reveals the more Belgium. In recent times, no other son in New York City would not be global video cell-phone networks. specific nature of the Church. It is current member of the 16-nation sin- complete without a visit to these These societal windows provide not so much a fixed location . as gle-currency bloc has cut its public beautifully decorated Yuletide win- intimate inspection into competing an intimate relationship with the debt so sharply from such a high level dows! worldviews that draw us towards Sacred . the Resurrected Lord - from 134 percent of gross domestic While some prefer just to look, their respective gospel – that if we Himself! product in 1993 to 114 percent in other Christmas window-shoppers do this, accept this, purchase this – What then does Acts 20:10 have 1999, and 84 percent in 2007. are lured into purchasing what they we will be free, transformed, to say to the Year 2010? What wise Belgium's success is a good omen will soon discover in the New Year changed forever, happy as never counsel for the New Year can be for many European nations now they can't afford. An activity with- before, fulfilled, enlightened. By al- discerned from an unusual biblical struggling to bring their finances un- out clearly defined intent, seasonal lowing our minds, hearts and final- pericope concerning a young man’s der control, after the global financial Saks Fifth Avenue, with its holiday windows, represents hope for bet- window-shopping motivates wish- ly, our bodies to pass through their ter bottom lines in 2010 for businesses and a better life for shoppers. ful thinking and unrealistic expec- beckoning windows we are guaran- Continued on page 5 Continued on page 7 Hellenes in America During Beaten Priest Greek War of Independence Summoned By Steve Frangos formed a unique cadre of individu- Back to Crete The National Herald Staff Writer als who had their own distinct in- fluences on the local communities CHICAGO - Nicholas Kanaris Mani- in which they ultimately settled. By Theodore Kalmoukos ates is among those young Greeks For those of you new to the idea The National Herald Staff Writer who first arrived in the United of Greek immigrants in the United States during the Greek War of In- States prior to the American Civil BOSTON – Priest-monk Alexios dependence. Learning something War, be aware that Greek American Marakis, assistant priest at St. of the story of this man’s life can Studies has its own chronology and Nicholas Cathedral in Tarpon help us begin to understand the ex- development that does not always Springs, Florida, will return to his periences and overall nature of life coincide with standard American native Crete immediately after the for other pioneering Greek immi- historical conventions. As we 2010 Epiphany celebration, having grants from the 1821 to 1830 era, progress in a finer-grained study of been directed to return by Arch- such as George Colvocoresses, the Greek presence in the Western bishop Ireneos of Crete.