Eleventh International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators

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Eleventh International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators Eleventh International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators Leiden, the Netherlands 9-11 September 2010 Book of Abstracts We wish to thank all authors for providing their abstract in the proper format. Furthermore we are greatful to Suze van der Luijt for preparing the documents so accurately. 2 Table of contents In alphabetical order of first author's surname Macro-level analysis of academic web performance: A country multidimensional ranking Aguillo, IF*1, Ortega, JL2 ........................................................................................11 Productivity differences across fields – a macro analysis Dag W. Aksnes*1, Kristoffer Rørstad2, Gunnar Sivertsen3, Fredrik Piro4 The Skewness of Science in 219 Sub-Fields and a Number of Aggregates Pedro Albarrán*, Juan A. Crespo**, Ignacio Ortuño*, and Javier Ruiz-Castillo*17 A time and field dependent h-type index for individual scientific performance measuring Lucy Amez ................................................................................................................18 Dynamic research profile visualisation using cluster transition Andersen JP*1, Schneider JW2 ................................................................................20 Individual Researchers’ Research Productivity: A Comparative Analysis of Counting Methods Éric Archambault,1 Vincent Larivière2 ....................................................................22 Exploring indicators of Open Innovation: The role of co-patents Andrea Azzola1, Paolo Landoni2, Bart Van Looy3...................................................25 Google Scholar Citations to Information and Library Science Journals Judit Bar-Ilan*1 .......................................................................................................28 Scholarly communication in business administration and management science: German-language vs. international journals Reinhard Baumgartner1, Schloegl Christian2..........................................................31 Fuel cells and battery technology in the age of electric vehicles: Have Europe and North America bet on the wrong horse? Alexandre Beaudet*1, Éric Archambault2, David Campbell3 ..................................34 Exploring the bibliometric and semantic nature of negative results Dominique Besagni1, Claire François1, Juan Gorraiz2, Christian Gumpenberger2, Ivana Roche1, Edgar Schiebel3, Martin Wieland2 ...................................................37 Knowledge Creation Process in an Emerging Economy in a Frontier Technology: A case study of Nanotechnology research in India Sujit Bhattacharya, Avinash Prasad Kshitij ............................................................41 Does scientific advancement lean on the shoulders of mediocre research? An investigation of the Ortega hypothesis Lutz Bornmann†, Félix de Moya Anegón$, Loet Leydesdorff# .................................43 Investing in future academics: results of a doctoral fellowship programme at Catalan universities Ángel Borrego, Maite Barrios, Anna Villarroya .....................................................46 Consistent bibliometric rankings of authors and of journals Denis Bouyssou1 and Thierry Marchant2 ...............................................................48 A Comparison of the Accuracy of Models for Mapping the Medical Sciences Kevin W. Boyack*1, Richard Klavans2 ....................................................................49 Spotlighting SciVal Spotlight: A Debate on Light and Shadow Kevin W. Boyack1, Juan Gorraiz2, Richard Klavans1, Wolfgang Mayer2, Ambros Wernisch2 .................................................................................................................52 Long term development of research groups/institutes Robert Braam...........................................................................................................54 Long-term research group dynamics reflected in science indicators. 3 Robert Braam* and Thed van Leeuwen**...............................................................56 The scientific basis of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: exploring a pinnacle of climate change research from the perspective of its knowledge base R.K Buter1................................................................................................................59 An alternative to WoS subject categories: redefining journal sets for closer alignment to a national classification scheme Butler, Linda* ..........................................................................................................62 Seed journal citation network maps: a method based on network theory Clara Calero-Medina and Thed N. van Leeuwen....................................................65 The Impacts of Academic Patenting on Paper Publication: A Quantity-Quality Examination Yuan-Chieh Chang; Phil Y. Yang; T.-F. Tsai-Lin ...................................................68 Identifying Core Patents by Citations, Bibliographic Coupling and Co-citation Dar-Zen Chen1, Yi-Shan Sung2, Chung-Huei Kuan3 ...............................................69 The Optimality Property of C-D Knowledge Production Function Bangwen Cheng1, Shumei Liu2, Linfen Shi1, Yali Wang1, Hongjin Yang1 and Jun Yang1........................................................................................................................71 The effect on the research community of the endorsement of SJR and SNIP by Scopus Lisa Colledge ...........................................................................................................74 Effects of the durability of citations over the impact of research teams Rodrigo Costas *1, Thed N. van Leeuwen2, Anthony F. J. van Raan3 .....................75 Order of authorship: effects of age and professional rank Rodrigo Costas*1, Maria Bordons2 .........................................................................77 Publications profile and international visibility in Communication Sciences in Switzerland Daniela De Filippo*1, Carole Probst*2, Benedetto Lepori*3..................................80 Towards Quality Measures for Bibliometric Indicators William Peter Dinkel1, Markus von Ins2 ..................................................................82 Scientometric journals in scientometric databases. Microlevel analysis of lost citations Ekaterina Dyachenko*1, Vladimir Pislyakov2 .........................................................84 A full coverage study of output in the social sciences and humanities (Flanders, 2000- 2009) Tim Engels*1, Nathalie Stevens2 ..............................................................................87 Why is Europe so efficient at producing scientific papers, and does this explain the European Paradox? P. Foland*1, R. D. Shelton2......................................................................................89 Proximity and collaborative Mode 2 knowledge production: The case of non- pharmaceutical Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus research in Europe Koen Frenken1, Sjoerd Hardeman2, Anne ter Wal3, Ron Boschma4........................91 The use of bibliometrics to estimate biomedical research expenditure Antonio García Romero1, Grant Lewison2 ..............................................................94 Technological Capacities of the European Union, 15 members (EU-15) and its Collaboration Profile with Latin American Countries Esther García-Carpintero*1, Armando Albert2 and Luis Plaza-Gomez3 ................96 Bibliometrics in the library, putting science into practice W. Gerritsma, M.E. Loman, J.M.S. Renkema, P.L. van der Togt, I.V. Veerman, M.G.P. van Veller ....................................................................................................98 The historical evolution of interdisciplinarity: 1900-2008 Yves Gingras*1, Vincent Larivière2 .......................................................................100 4 Using ‘core documents’ for the representation of clusters and topics Wolfgang Glänzel*,1,2, Bart Thijs1..........................................................................102 A new representation of relative first-citation times Wolfgang Glänzel1, Ronald Rousseau2 ..................................................................105 Articles vs proceedings papers: do they differ in research relevance and impact? Borja González-Albo Manglano; María Bordons Gangas....................................107 National Research Performances in Light of the Sixth EU Framework Programme Dr. Jürgen Güdler1, Dr. Miriam Henseler*2 .........................................................109 A Worldwide Ranking for 28 Scientific Fields Using Scopus Data, The SCIMAGO Ranking of Journals, Mean Citation Rates and High- and Low-Impact Indicators Vicente Guerrero-Botes; Félix de Moya-Anegón; Javier Ruiz-Castillo................111 Representation of scholarly activity as a multi-relational network: A case study Raf Guns1 ...............................................................................................................113 Author disambiguation using multi-aspect similarity indicators Thomas Gurney1, Edwin Horlings2, Peter van den Besselaar3 ............................115 Journal Evaluation and Science 2.0: Using Social Bookmarks to Analyze Reader Perception Stefanie Haustein*1,2, Evgeni Golov2, Kathleen Luckanus2, Sabrina Reher2, Jens Terliesner2..............................................................................................................117 Multidimensional Journal Evaluation Stefanie Haustein*1,2 ..............................................................................................120
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