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OUTHER~ ~R.Noot EWS Objective ' Factual OUTHER~ ~r.noot EWS Objective VOL. II, NO. 7 6 I <; .G ~ tit\! J , , JANUARY, 1965 NOISIAIO A~y )111AHSVN HO~y v A~v~af,R11 31YlS lS NN3l 'Department of Justice Institutes First School Suits Under New Law WASHINGTON ceived federal aid to impacted areas. promptly and justly decided." District Judge Ben C. Dawkins dis­ The President added that "the na­ HE U.S. DEPARTMENT of Jus­ missed the case on Aug. 20, 1963, and tion's commitment to the principle of T tice filed school desegrega­ the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Ap­ equality of treatment and opportunity tion suits against Campbell peals on Aug. 25, 1964, upheld the for all Americans will be well served County, Tenn., and Bossier Par­ dismissal. by the new regulations." ish, La., on Jan. 4, 1965--the first Federal officials have been instructed such actions under the Civil * * * to co-operate with state and local gov­ Rights Act of 1964. Seven Government Agencies ernments and private organizations "to The suit filed in U.S. District Court ensure that there is complete under­ at Chattanooga, Tenn., against Camp­ Announce New Rules on Aid standing of the regulations and bell County, comes under Title IV, compliance with the congressional which allows the federal attorney gen­ Seven federal departments and mandate," Johnson said. eral to bring suit when he receives a agencies- including the Department of In discussing the regulations during complaint from people unable to take Health, Education and Welfare--an­ a talk Dec. 10 to the Community Action such action themselves. nounced on Dec. 4 the rules they will Assembly of the National Urban In the case or Bossier Parish, the follow in carrying out Title VI of the League, Johnson stressed that "our government is intervening in a suit al­ Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars first objective will always be to assure ready before the court, Lemon v. Bos­ racial discrimination in federally as­ nondiscriminatory operation rather At Meeting in Little Rock sier Parish School Board (See Louisi­ sisted programs or activities. than to put an end to programs which White House Advisor Brooks Hays; his son, Steele Hays, m ember of the Arkansas ana report). The original suit was filed The regulations, approved by Presi­ are vital to the welfare of all Ameri­ cans.,, .Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission; Leslie Dunbar of the Dec. 2, 1964, in U.S. District Court at dent Johnson, were published in the Southern Regional Council. Shreveport on behalf or eight Negro Federal Register (Vol. 29, No. 236) on The HEW regulations require that children. The justice department on Dec. 4, to go into effect 30 days later. all applications for new or renewed Jan. 4 asked to participate in the suit The seven agencies and departments, federal financial assistance must be ARKANSAS under civil rights act provisions that which administer the major federal aid accompanied by "assurance" of non­ authorize the attorney general to in­ programs, were, in addition to the De­ discriminatory operation. tervene in segregation cases he be­ partment of HEW, the Departments of 1 lieves to be of general public Interior, Agriculture and Labor, the School Regulations importance. General Services Administration, the In the case of elementary and sec­ ~: Schoollllen Meet To Hear Acting Attorney General Nicholas Housing and Home Financing Agency ondary schools, the regulations state, deB. Katzenbach, commenting in and the National Science Foundation. the requirements will be satisfied if Washington, said: "We have brought The White House indicated that other a school or school system: Civil Rights Regulations suit in both these cases only after at­ government agencies would issue their "1) is subject to a final order of a tempting to seek voluntary compliance regulations for implementation of Title court of the United States for the de­ LITTLE ROCK courts in the area have included in with the law." VI within a few weeks. segregation of such school or school their orders. She said most of the courts The intervention in the Bossier In a statement announcing his ap­ system, and provides an assurance that HE SCHOOL desegregation re­ now were rejecting grade-a-year plans Parish case represents the govern­ proval of the regulations, President it will comply with such order, in­ T quirements of the 1964 Civil and were requiring two or more grades ment's second attempt to desegregate Johnson described them as "just and cluding any future modification of such Rights Act, under regulations ef- a year. the district's public schools. In Jan­ reasonable," and said they will "insure order, or "In the 10 years that have elapsed uary, 1963, the justice department that disputes or failures to comply with "2) submits a plan for the desegre­ thi fective Jan. 4, 1965, were laid out asked the district court to desegregate the principle of nondiscrimination in for Arkansas schoolmen Dec. 7 at since the first school desegregation iation of such school or school system cases, the requirements of school de­ the parish schools because they re- administering federal programs will be which the Commissioner of Education a meeting at Little Rock spon­ segregation have developed rather determines is adequate to accomplish sored by the Arkansas Advisory slowly, but have become quite definite the purposes of the Act and this part, Committee to the U.S. Civil on some points," Mrs. Martin said. "The FLORIDA and provides reasonable assurance that it will carry out such plan." Rights Com.mission. most recent court cases have clearly stated that it is the responsibiliy of the The regulations note that in any case In essence, desegregation is required school boards, and not Negro parents, for participation in any program of fed­ where a court orders school desegrega­ to initiate the desegregation process. tion after submission of a compliance eral aid, except those for and 17,000 Negroes Boycott milk The defense sometimes offered by the plan to HEW, the plan must be amend­ lunches, and a school district's desegre­ school boards that the Negro pupils ed to take the court order into effect. gation plan must be at least as broad as have not aruilied for admission to white In the case of institutions of higher that required by the federal courts in schools is being given little or no con­ Schools at Jacksonville le~,. "the assurance required by that area. sideration by the federal courts today." this section shall extend to admission About 150 of the 500 persons at the practices and to all other practices meeting were school officials. Brooks Perhaps Unacceptable MIAMI While the community was in an up­ relating to the treatment of students " Hays, White House advisor and former ORE THAN 17,000 Negro pupils roar over the decision, Negro groups the regulations state. ' She said that some of the volunary called the boycott to dramatize the congressman from Little Rock, and desegregation plans being used might M boycotted the Duval County Provision is made for periodic review Leslie W. Dunbar of Atlanta, executive plight of Negro pupils, which they said not be acceptable to the commissioner. schools Dec. 7 as a protest against called for special consideration. of compliance with Title VI and for director of the Southern Regional "The elimination of dual boundary "prompt investigation" of complaints what the leaders of the movement Rutledge Pearson, a social studies Council, were the principal speakers. lines for white and Negro schools and that discrimination is being practiced Hays said it is time for the South to called "general conditions in the teacher at Jacksonville's Cookman in federally aided programs. the rezoning of schools on a nonracial Junior High School and chairman of find ways of doing things with the Ne­ basis seems to be essential features of schools and elsewhere." the Florida NAACP, announced the gro rather than for him. Dunbar said an acceptable desegregation plan," she P1·ocedure Spelled Out the nation is firming up its historical The mass movement in and around "sit-out" at a news conference called said. Under the regulations, federal funds democracy through the Civil Rights Act Jacksonville was touched off by action several days in advance. Supt. Floyd W. Parsons of Little Rocle of the Southern Association of Colleges may not be withheld until: lleO and such other programs as the War on Pearson said it was supported by the and B. E. Whit.more of Pine Bluff, Jef­ and Schools. On Dec. 1 it removed "!) the responsible Department offi­ Poverty and the reapportionment of ferson County school supervisor, who NAACP. He submitted a 10-point list accreditation for all 15 high schools in cial has advised the applicant or re­ o~: state legislatures. were on the platform with Mrs. Martin, of grievances that went beyond the cipient of his failure to comply and the county on grounds that they did not 'Cool Reception' Reported both spoke briefly. quality of education provided Negro has determined that compliance cannot by' Parsons said Little Rock is using the receive adequate support to meet edu­ youngsters. Among his complaints on be secured by voluntary means; At the sectional meeting for school state pupil assignment law, not attend­ cational standards. behalf of the Negro community were "2) there has been an express finding SACS had warned the Duval authori­ people, the speakers were Mrs. Ruby ance areas, and assumed that it could "complete laclc of representation in on the record, after opportunity for • G. Martin, a Negro lawyer, and Dean continue this way since the federal ties they were on probation over a year (See NEGROES, Page 7) hearing, of a failure by the applicant Determan, both of the Civil Rights (See RIGHTS, Page 6) ago.
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