Littledean Parish Council & Burial Authority 2 Knights Way, Newent, Glos. GL18 1QL. Tel: 01531 828171 / 07984528167 Email: [email protected]


Minutes of the Meeting of Littledean Parish Council held on Monday 13th July 2020 at 7.00pm via the remote platform zoom.

Present Councillors: Cllr H Boughton, Cllr P Adams, Cllr J Wozencroft, Cllr G Hughes, Cllr L Short, Cllr K Wallis, Cllr J Woodward. District Cllr N Packer. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Boughton. The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk.

One member of the public was present.

1. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr S Deol.

2. Declarations of Interest Cllr Boughton declared an interest in Agenda Item 7 planning application for Church Farm as a resident of the property.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s) of the Parish Council It was proposed by Cllr J Wozencroft and seconded by Cllr K Wallis to accept the circulated minutes from the Ordinary Meeting held on the 8th June 2020 as a true record, this was agreed by all Cllrs present, due to current circumstances the minutes will be signed by the Chairman at the next full Parish Council meeting.

4. Public Consultation including Allotment Association One member of the public was present to discuss the Rock House planning application.

5. District & County Councillors Reports 5.1 A report from County/District Councillor Richard Boyles was circulated to Cllrs - a copy is attached. 5.2 A report from District Councillor Nicky Packer was circulated to Cllrs - a copy is attached.

6. Finance 6.1 Accounts for Payment It was proposed by Cllr P Adams that the following payments are to be made, this was seconded by Cllr J Wozencroft, it was resolved by all Cllrs present that the following payments be made, the cheques will be signed.

Payee Description of Supply Parish Councils Power Total inc. VAT Kevin Harris Salary Litter A 1983 s.5 & 6. Environmental Protection Acts. £423.21 Jenny Ricketts Salary Public89(7). LGAHealth 1972 A 1936 s.137 s under87 LGA 1972 section 101(b) £110.00 Ryan Hatch Salary Highways Act 1980, section 274A £37.39 Vicky Roberts Salary, home working & travel LGA 1972 s.112(2) & LG(FP)A 1963 s.5 £590.88 HMRC PAYE LGA 1972 s.112(2) £243.40 Craig Adams Raking of Play Area following a grass cut Public Health Act 1875 s. 164, Highways A 1980 s.96 £120.00 Peter Adams Freeola Website/Email Costs LGA 1972 s.112(2) & LG(FP)A 1963 s.5 £12.56 Water Plus Water Supply - Public Conveniences Public Health Act 1936, section 125 £87.65 Forest Equipment Dog Waste Collections April, May & June Litter A 1983 s.5,6 £662.68 Services

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6.2 Financial Statements and cash reconciliation. It was proposed by Cllr P Adams that the financial statement and cash re-conciliations for the month were accepted, this was seconded by Cllr J Wozencroft and it was resolved by all Cllrs present that they were approved. A copy is attached to the minutes. 6.3 Website Accessibility Compliance The Clerk advised about the legal requirement for the Parish Council website to be compliant with the new regulations and the steps that need to be taken to achieve this and to ensure compliance, the Clerk is to gather costings and this will be discussed and agreed at the September meeting. 6.4 Quarterly Financial Check Cllr J Woodward carried out an internal check of the finances and confirmed that all was in order. 6.5 Festive Lighting 2020 The quotes for the assessment of the lights for repairs, the erection and subsequent removal of the lights for Christmas 2020 were considered and it was proposed by Cllr K Wallis that the quotes were accepted, this was seconded by Cllr J Wozencroft and agreed by all Cllrs present. 6.6 Funding Applications The funding applications from SARA and the British Red Cross were considered but it was agreed by all present that at the current time no donations are to be made.

The Parish Council have been advised that the warranty for the Speed Indicator Devices has now expired and that they have been offered an annual warranty cover. The Silver cover is £123.00 per unit per year while the Gold cover is £228.83 per unit per year. It was proposed by Cllr P Adams that the Silver cover option be taken out on both signs, this was seconded by Cllr H Boughton and agreed by all Cllrs present. The Clerk is to arrange for this cover to be put in place.

The Parish Council have been advised that one battery for the Speed Indicator Devices is no longer working and as these are not covered under any warranty it was agreed to purchase a replacement. The Clerk advised that batteries at SWARCO are £500 plus VAT per battery but direct from the manufacturer Tracer they are £239 plus VAT. It was proposed by Cllr P Adams that one battery is purchased from Tracer, this was seconded by Cllr H Boughton and agreed by all Cllrs in attendance. The Clerk is to make this purchase.

7. Planning

Planning Property Details Comment Reference P0856/20/PR3PA Church Farm, Church Prior approval to convert an The Parish Council considered Street agricultural barn into flexible this planning application and are commercial unit, comprising a in full support. The application micro-brewery. will be a welcome business in the Village. P0910/20/FUL Rock House, Popes Erection of a product development The Parish Council considered Hill kitchen with associated works. this planning application and are Demolition of existing barn and in full support. The business has store. (Revised Scheme). provided a major asset to the community through the recent Covid-19 pandemic and upon discussions with the applicants the Parish Council are assured that it will not result in a major increase in traffic and will continue to use local products and businesses and serves the local community.

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The Parish Council have been approached to send a letter of support for the application for Land Rear of Old Stores, Broad Street, Littledean which has been refused, it was agreed to advise the FoDDC of the Parish Councils disappointment with this decision, considered comments are to be sent during the appeals process.

8. Resignation The Clerk advised that Ryan Hatch has resigned from the position of Speed Indicator Device Operative with effect from the 12th July, he has been paid up to date and details submitted through the PAYE system and a P45 has been issued.

9. FoDDC Payphone Consultation The Parish Council discussed the removal of the payphone and it was agreed that due to the limited usage the Parish Council would not object to the removal and they do not wish to apply to adopt the kiosk.

10. Model Member Code of Conduct The proposed Model Member Code of Conduct had been previously circulated for Councillor comments, there were no comments to be submitted.

11. Play Area and Skate Park The Parish Council discussed the re-opening of the Play Area and Skate Park and the implications of tis and it was agreed that at the current time both areas need to remain closed. Signage is to be considered so this can be in place when the areas are re-opened.

12. Annual Meeting of the Parish Council It was agreed by all Cllrs present to postpone the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council until May 2021.

13. To receive any urgent matters on:

Public Conveniences There were no matters for discussion

Village Tasks / Street Cleaning, Litter Picking and Waste Boxon concerns re speeding through the Village whilst working roadside. The 30mph sign on Soudley Road as you enter Littledean needs to be replaced, the Clerk is to also chase the previously agreed signage for the Soudley Road re the pedestrian crossing in Broad Street.

Memorial and Recreation Areas The Carnival which has been proposed to parade through the Village ending on the Recreation ground where there would be a small fair was discussed. The Clerk advised that the Insurers have confirmed the cover would be the same last year but that they cannot insure this event at this time due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The Parish Council are to write to the Carnival Committee to advise them of this and to advise that the Carnival is postponed until next year.

Highways Hedge cutting throughout the Parish is needed – can we have a date for this to take place this year. Drain cover outside Belfty in carriageway of road heading towards Cinderford.

14. Date of next meeting Monday 14th September 2020

The meeting closed at 8.10pm

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July Report – Cllr Richard Boyles District & County Councillor

Gloucestershire County Council’s Highways Team has won a prestigious national award for the way it works in partnership to deliver the county’s highway services.

The team has won The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) / Autodesk Collaboration Award. CIHT is the leading voice of the highways and transport infrastructure profession and represents and qualifies professionals who plan, design, build, manage and operate transport and infrastructure.

In April 2019, County Council (GCC) began a new chapter for its highway services with the start of new collaborative working arrangements with Atkins, for professional services and Ringway, for highway maintenance.

From the start, the council and their supplier teams set out to work together, side-by-side, across all levels, to produce an effective and progressive service for the residents of Gloucestershire.


Gloucestershire’s Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 case data published

To provide a more complete picture of the number of confirmed cases there has been in the county, the council is now able to publish details of cases confirmed via both NHS and PHE testing (Pillar 1) and community testing by commercial partners and the military (Pillar 2).

To date, the Department for Health and Social Care’s website ( has only shown Pillar 1 results by area.


Cycle path proposals for the Forest Area as agreed with Districts.

● GCC asked Districts to submit their top 3 schemes to support social distancing and transport management during the restart process. More than 60 schemes were submitted,

● The schemes submitted were prioritised against criteria in the published letter to Districts, along with the Propensity to Cycle t ool (, which shows where there is the most to be gained from cyclinginvestment. Where there were priorities shown these have been included in the schedule.

● The ability of GCC to deliver these schemes is subject to Department for Transport funding; which is from the Emergency Active Travel Fund.

● GCC confirmed allocation is £322,000 for tranche 1 which has been allocated to the initial three trials and London Road, Gloucester., and indicative allocation of £1.1 million from tranche2. The 18 schemes identified in this schedule if fully implemented would cost in the region of £1.5 million.

● Regarding funding use, wewill support Scheme 1 in each District first, before moving on to Scheme 2 in each District.

Forest of Dean

Scheme 1

Cycle connectivity to Coleford:

Existing Coleford to Milkwall cycle track and into the town centre - clearance and improvement works to the existing track to enable social distancing. The final part to connect from Old Station Way, across the car park and through Mushet Walk. Requires some curb drops and line marking ,a gravel track on land adjacent to Pyart Court and a pop up cycle store/rack on the clock tower island.


(1) Likely most viable as quick pop up scheme. In conjunction with Forest OfDean Council promote “pop- up” scheme.


Scheme 2 Page Number 626 Chairman’s signature ...... Date ......

Cycle connectivity to Coleford: Community Cycle link from Berry Hill/Christchurch to Coleford - initialroute proposed, mapped and indicative osting available.


(2) Working on from potential pop up aspect to provide more continuous route. Work with Council to identify initial “pop -up” scheme and subsequent stages.


Scheme 3

Cycle connectivity to Coleford:

Cycle link from Coleford to Milkwall cycle track to and Puzzle Wood - This route will serve as a significant access corridor from Tufthorn Avenue, Milkwall and Old Station Way, all containing significant housing numbers, as well as connecting the town to the existing cycle track that runs through to and connects with the family cycle trail and will connect PerrygroveRailway and Puzzlewood, Coleford's main tourist attractions into the main town


(3) Needs more detailed consideration. Establish route proposals and costing.



Cycling in Gloucestershire - The way forward

At Wednesday’s council meeting (24 June) councillors agreed further promotion is needed to encourage people to carry on cycling.

Last month Gloucestershire County Council announced plans to make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle. The move came following government announcements of measures and national investment of £250m to promote sustainable green travel.

At its peak, cycling in Gloucestershire increased by 190% during the coronavirus lockdown and the county already has a large number of available cycle routes.

To support cyclists as well as encourage more people to take up cycling as a sustainable way of travel; people need to feel safe and dedicated routes need to be extensively publicised.

The county council is working closely with the district councils to identify their top priority schemes.

The motion asked for a portion of the ring fenced grant is used to promote cycling as well as put in place safe storage for bicycles in various locations across the county.

Cllr Nigel Moor, cabinet member for environment and planning, said: “Promoting and encouraging people to cycle will help Gloucestershire to reduce its transport emissions that contribute to climate change. Cycling helps to reduce congestion, improve local air quality and is good for our personal health and wellbeing. Any shift from cars to more environmentally friendly forms of travel will have a positive impact on the environment.”


More than 1550 free laptops and tablets for vulnerable children

A stack of laptops and tablets will be making their way to 1558 vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people in the county to support them to learn at home.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, remote learning and safe access to the web has become more important than ever before, and with the summer holidays just around the corner, the new devices will ensure all children in the county have the same opportunities to study away from school.

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The laptops and tablets, which have been supplied by the Department for Education (DfE), will be distributed to children and young people identified by the county council and schools. This includes those in care or who are care leavers, as well as Year 10 pupils who wouldn’t ordinarily be able to access the technology they require.

For some children and families who do not have internet at home, they will receive, in addition to their laptop, a 4G hotspot device to help get them online.


£30k to help feed families over school holidays

Gloucestershire County Council has invested £30,000 as part of its Holiday Hunger Programme to make sure that no young person goes without this summer holiday.

The extra money will complement the Government’s supermarket voucher scheme for children receiving free school meals, which was introduced to help people throughout the Covid crisis, and has since been extended to support families over the summer holidays.

The county council’s Holiday Hunger Programme launched last year and provides hot meals to children and young people entitled to free school meals during term time. This year, each district has been given £5,000 to help provide children with food by using local voluntary and community organisations. In addition to hot meals, the programme can also be used to pay for activities for vulnerable children, young people and their families during the school holiday.

From 23 March children eligible for Free School Meals have been getting packed lunches to make sure they do not go without. Families have also received hampers with ten days of food inside. The hamper comes with recipe cards so parents can easily cook healthy nutritious meals with their children.

Gloucestershire County Council and their Free School Meals partner, Caterlink, have delivered over 25,000 free school meals to children on the scheme since the end of April and 7,500 hampers to families. Other families eligible for free school meals have received supermarket vouchers, worth £15 per child per week.

Cllr Richard Boyles, cabinet member and deputy leader of Gloucestershire County Council, said “In this unprecedented time, the extra funding from Government for the summer food fund will be welcomed by many families across the county, and this is part of a wider programme of support for families with financial challenges.

“Over 15,000 children a day are currently being supported to receive free school meals and we have ensured that since the 23 March families get that support at home. There has been a five per cent increase in families needing support since this time. The Covid summer food fund, in addition to the council’s Holiday Hunger Programme will extend this support over the summer holidays to ensure that children do not go without.”

The Covid-19 food fund and the council’s Holiday Hunger Programme are available over the summer holidays for families who are experiencing hardship during this time, due to the impact of Covid-19. To apply for support via the Holiday Hunger Programme, go


A dozen libraries in Gloucestershire are getting ready to launch new collection services starting next Monday.

Libraries have been closed since March in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, but these new services will enable customers to request books, DVDs and other available materials they would like to borrow as part of a phased reopening.

There will initially be two libraries in each district offering the service from the week commencing Monday 13 July. The first 12 libraries are:

• Cheltenham • Up Hatherley • Longlevens • Quedgeley • Cinderford • Coleford • Moreton • Cirencester Page Number 628 Chairman’s signature ...... Date ......

• Tewkesbury • Bishops Cleeve • Stroud • Wotton

The services that will be available are: Off the shelf – we select you collect:

You complete an online form stating the type of books or other items you would like and staff then select on your behalf from the stock held at the library you have chosen. You will then receive an email asking you to choose a time slot for collection. Customers will be able to make requests online from Friday 10 July.

Reserve & Collect:

To reserve and collect, you simply search the online catalogue, find the items you wish to borrow and reserve them. When the item(s) arrive at your selected library, you will receive an email asking you to select a time slot for collection.

Ring & Read:

If you do not have internet access, from Monday 13 July you will be able to call one of the 12 libraries listed and request the type of stock or title required that can then be collected.

To browse the online catalogue and make your selections visit:


Children invited to join the ‘Silly Squad’ with Gloucestershire Libraries

Gloucestershire Libraries are calling for children to keep reading over the summer holidays by joining the ‘Silly Squad’ for the Summer Reading Challenge 2020.

By signing up on the Reading Agency’s website, children can take part in the challenge. The aim of the challenge is to keep children engaged and interested in reading. Children can set their own challenge this year, although the recommendation remains at six books. The challenge started online on 5 June and runs until 5 September.

‘Silly Squad’ is a celebration of funny books, happiness and laughter featuring a team of mad-cap animals who love to make people laugh. But be warned, a mysterious baddy is hoping to spoil their fun!

In Gloucestershire there will be a launch on 13 July which ties in with the introduction of collection services of some of our libraries. This will be followed by an online programme of activities and ideas throughout the summer holidays created by Gloucestershire Libraries to keep children busy and reading until they go back to school in September.

More details will be available soon at

There will also be a pack to collect in libraries for families who take up one of our collection services (reserve and collect or off the shelf). These packs will contain activity sheets to support the online summer reading challenge.

Despite the different approach we have had to take this year we hope to engage with as many children as we can, support them with their reading over the summer and enable them to have fun along the way.

Cllr. Richard Boyles Division Blakeney & Bream Deputy Leader Gloucestershire County Council Cabinet Member for Children’s Safeguarding and Early Years E Mail [email protected] Office 01452 424213 Mobile 07979 755101

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Report to Littledean Parish Council, July 2020 – Cllr Nicky Packer, District Councillor

Impact of Covid-19 on Council Finances

Extract from report to SOSC meeting on 2nd July 2020, available at: 2020%2018.00%20Strategic%20Overview%20and%20Scrutiny%20Committee.pdf?T=10

The Council has so far received £915,164 in two tranches of payments (£45,653 in the first tranche and £869,511 in the second tranche).

The financial pressures for the Council have been identified in three areas:

Additional cost pressures such as covering housing for the homelessness / rough sleeper, leisure facilities, waste collection and loss of expected savings due to delayed projects;

Loss of income from car parking charges, planning, building control, land charges and other fees and charges that the Council were looking to achieve within the budget;

And finally, the Collection Fund where it is expected that collection of Council Tax and NNDR will be reduced due to the likely long-term outcome of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The likelihood is that this will impact on the 2021/22 budget rather than the current 2020/21 budget due to the way that the Collection Fund works. However, these reductions have been estimated and calculated so that the impact can be understood and given to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The current estimated impact on the finances of the Council for 2020/21is £1.228m for the additional cost pressures and expected budgeted income loss with the £0.915m given to the Council to cover these additional costs. Therefore, there is a shortfall of £313k that the Council currently does not have funding for.

This does not include the Collection Fund where the expected financial year cash losses are £11.360m including £3.960m made up of the additional NNDR reliefs given. The additional NNDR reliefs are expected to be compensated for. So this leaves £7.4m cash shortfall for the Council.

This shortfall would be split between Central Government, Gloucester County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Council and is likely to impact the 2021/22 budget of all of these authorities. The Town and Parish Councils do not share in any surplus or deficit on the collection fund so they will not be impacted from the 2020/21 estimated shortfall.

Please note that any shortfall will be in addition to that already identified in the Medium Term Financial Strategy before the arrival of Covid-19.

Investment strategy for recovery and regeneration

A proposal for the Council to undertake property development, in order to generate income (to fill the funding gap) and help regeneration of the District, will be voted on at Full Council on 16th July. Projects (and borrowing) up to the value of £77m would be sought. Projects considered would be provision of renewable energy, housing and commercial development.

Extracts from report to Full Council meeting on 16th July 2020, available at: 2020%2019.00%20Full%20Council.pdf?T=10

“To set out an investment strategy framework within which the Council can invest in the infrastructure of the Forest of Dean, that delivers on the Council priorities whilst also ensuring a return on investment that covers debt financing costs and seeks to deliver a return that helps close the financial gap set out in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

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The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, approved in February 2020, identified an overall funding gap of almost £3.4m. The strategy identified £2.2m of savings targets that the Council would look to deliver but also identified an unfunded budget gap of £1.2m that needed to be considered.

It is a bold strategy which has significant borrowing and investment targets to meet. The availability of opportunities within the district to meet these targets will be challenging.

Risks around individual investment projects will be set out clearly in each business case that is presented for Council to consider at the time any proposal comes forward.”

Climate Emergency Partnership Development event. The event will take place online on Wednesday 29th July 5-6pm. You can find out more about the event and register via this link: The Climate Emergency (CE) Rapid Action Plan (RAP) identifies that FODDC should establish a community based CE partnership.

The principles for CE partnership are set out in the CE RAP: 1.The Council will invite individuals and groups to form a community partnership to support the delivery of action to address the declared climate emergency. 2.The partnership will be independent of the Council. 3.The objective of the partnership, initially, will be to co-ordinate community wide activity to support the delivery of a carbon neutral and climate resilient district by 2030. 4.The partnership shall elect its own chairperson and agree terms of reference and terms of office. 5.The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency will act as a formal liaison between the community partnership and the Council.

Local Plan

The Council needs to decide on a strategy of how to allocate the housing that is required to be accommodated in the new Local Plan (as described in the Issues and Options public consultation).

The decision will be taken at a Full Council meeting, which will be convened for the purpose, in early September.

Council tax support scheme

Because of the expected future shortfall in Council finances, the Cabinet reluctantly decided to propose a reduction in the Council Tax Support given. It would not affect those of pension age and would make only a small difference to the most vulnerable groups, but others who currently receive support would see a more significant increase in the proportion of Council Tax that they pay. The proposal will go to public consultation.

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