MAGAZINEMAGAZINE May/June 2004 ISSN 1366-0799 2121stst CenturyCentury TeacherTeacher ofof thethe DeafDeaf From your editor Fitting in creating this Magazine around doing paid work, voluntary work and looking after the family is always a challenge. I pray for the issue that goes smoothly without any hitches... but circumstances always seem to conspire to make the issue a challenge. Thanks to all those of you who send in articles about what you are doing in your ToD role and samples of children’s work. I am looking forward to some ‘slack time’ as this is the last Magazine of this academic year and the next issue will appear in September looking at Creativity. If you have some good examples of work - photographs etc then I would be delighted to receive them to add to the Magazine articles that Pauline Cobbold is collecting. The copy deadline is still June 20 to allow us some time to relax and be less pressured - and the gap in publication gives you a chance to catch up on your Magazine reading! Call for articles and suggestions for inclusion in future Magazines: Planning for forthcoming Magazines includes: Creativity; ICT Software; Deafness and Dyslexia; Deaf Education in Europe and Worldwide; British Sign Language If you have short articles and photographs that will help expand the contents table please contact Pauline Cobbold (Commissioning Editor email
[email protected] and let me know as soon as possible. This doesn’t mean that articles about other topics and activities are not sought! PLEASE share your experiences and achievements with us - many of you are isolated as peris and to share ideas is an important form of personal professional development.