Copyrighted Material
Index Adams, John 23–4 Attlee, Clement, 1st Earl Attlee 218–19 Adams, Samuel and Sarah, The Complete Attwood, Thomas 88 Servant 147–8 Augusta, Princess of Wales 57 Afghanistan 225–6 Austen, Jane, Mansfield Park 142–3 Africa 71, 75–6, 114, 116–17, 119, 180, Australia 109–11, 114–15, 201, 217, 220, 221–2, 227, 268, 281 264, 279 agriculture 37–8, 41, 128, 135 air power/bombing 197, 202, 205, 208, 228, Bagehot, Walter 103 243–5, 269 Baldwin, Stanley, 1st Earl Baldwin 202, Albert, Prince Consort 134–5 235–6 American Revolution 11, 21–4, 28, 85 Balfour, Arthur, 1st Earl Balfour 200 ancien regime Britain 53–4, 125 Balfour Declaration, The (1917) 200 Angell, Norman, The Great Illusion 120–1 Bamford, Samuel, Passages in the Life of a Anglicanism see Church of England Radical 87–9, 160–1 Anti-Corn Law League 135, 152 Bank of England 36 appeasement policy 202–6, 227 Bentham, Jeremy 163, 265 Ardilaun, Arthur Guinness, 1st Lord 186–7 A Manual of Political Economy 50–1 aristocracy see landed aristocracy Bertie, Sir Francis 121–2 Ashdown, Paddy, Diaries 224–5 Beveridge, Sir William 213 Ashley, Lord, AnthonyCOPYRIGHTED Ashley-Cooper, 7th Social InsuranceMATERIAL and Allied Services earl of Shaftesbury 133 245–7 Asia 116, 119, 167, 222, 268, 273 Binney, John, “Thieves and Swindlers” Asquith, Henry Herbert, 1st earl of 144–5 Oxford 107–8 Binyon, Laurence, “For the Fallen” 198 Atholl, John Murray, 3rd duke of 5–6 Blair, Tony (Anthony) 212–14, 225–7, 247, Atlantic Charter, The (1941) 217–18, 221 273, 276 Sources and Debates in Modern British History: 1714 to the Present, First Edition.
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