Sunday 28th April 2019 Second Sunday of Easter

I was installed as a Residentiary here on Easter Sunday evening in 2014 so there is a lovely completeness that I am also leaving at Easter five years later, and what a five years it has been! I have loved my time here and have grown to see Portsmouth, both the City and Cathedral, as home. But part of the nature of being a Christian is responding to God’s call and so in doing that I am now heading to the Isle of Wight.

When I arrived here I was convinced that this was where God wanted me to be and the journey of my life up to that point had equipped me to do this new job that I was called to. My time here in Portsmouth, both as Canon Chancellor and as Acting , has helped to equip me for the next part of my story - as an . Nothing is wasted and God uses all things to help us grow, develop and share the good news of Jesus Christ – particularly appropriate in this season of Easter.

Together we have achieved much over the last five years. We have introduced annual themes which have challenged, inspired and taught us. We have worked through discipleship courses together. We have enjoyed (or not!) a wide range of different art installations. We have grown our work with schools and colleges and made new links with the City and beyond. We have a stronger and deeper relationship with the and with the Diocese of which we are part.

In my first sermon here I said that nothing would happen if it was all left to me but that it would be something we would have to do together – and we have! It has been a real privilege to serve God alongside all of you in this special place. With the arrival of Anthony Cane as Dean and the various changes that his arrival and my departure (amongst others) will bring I am confident that the Cathedral will continue to be the vibrant and energetic place I know and love and look forward to remaining part of, albeit in a different role.

Thank you for all your friendship and support to both Mark and I during our time here. we leave with lovely memories and many friends.

The Reverend Canon Peter Leonard Canon Chancellor Encountering God through transformative worship, challenging discipleship, generous hospitality and prayerful engagement.

TODAY Canon Anthony is at St Mark’s, Wootton Bridge this morning. Canon Peter’s final service is Choral Evensong this evening at which he will be preaching. There will be a reception following the service, all are very welcome. Annual Meetings, Elections and Electoral Roll Please join us for our Annual Meetings which take place at 12 noon in Becket Hall. Apologies can be sent to [email protected]. The meetings will include elections of two Churchwardens, following changes to the Constitution and Statues, one of the Churchwardens will also be a lay member of and a further lay member of Chapter will also be elected. A Role Description is on the website and noticeboard. Nomination forms are available from the clergy but must be handed to the Dean before the start of meetings. Copies of the the 2018 Financial Statements, 2018 Minutes and 2019 APCM Reports are available in the Cathedral with copies on the website and noticeboard. The Service and Events Lists are available in the Cathedral or on the website. NEWS Thank you to all those who contributed to the Christian Aid Cyclone Idai appeal. A fantastic £360 has been donated to the appeal. Honorary Chaplain The Revd Connie Sherman, Anglican Chaplain at the University of Portsmouth, will be admitted as an Honorary Chaplain during Choral Evensong this Tuesday. There will be a reception after the service, all are welcome. RIP We are saddened to report the death of Michael Yorke who was Provost of Portsmouth 1994-1999. We remember Frances and the family in our prayers. NOTICES Finance and Investments Committee The agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is on the Cathedral noticeboard and website. Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact the 023 9275 2335 or the Dean 023 9282 4400. Cathedral Lunch Club restarts this Tuesday. Enjoy good company over a two course lunch, served by a dedicated team of volunteers. £4.00 per person. Breakfast at the Cathedral Sunday 5th May with Fairtrade products, between services and after the 10.30am service in the Nave. Donations to support Christian Aid. Offers to help or bake to Sue Ward 023 9287 7239. Food Bank Donations The Roberts Centre and the All Saints Asylum Seeker and Refugee Drop-in are currently short of baby wipes, toilet cleaner, tinned meat and fish, breakfast spreads and toothpaste. Donations can be left in the North Cloister. Vacancy If you would like to join the staff team as a Choir Matron, part-time during Choir Term please contact [email protected] for details and an application form. The post is subject to an enhanced DBS check. Christian Aid Week 12th-18th May. Please consider joining the house to house collectors, or organising a fund-raising event to help the world’s poorest in ongoing emergencies and in developing real self-sufficiency. Further details from Sue Ward on 023 9287 7239 or [email protected] . EVENTS and SERVICES Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 2nd May. Musicians from Portsmouth High School. Free with retiring collection. Refreshments available from 12.30pm. Craft and Chat 2.30pm Thursday 2nd May in the Bishop Kenneth Room. All welcome. Holy Communion with prayers for Wholeness and Healing. Our monthly midday service will be held on Wednesday 8th instead of Wednesday 1st May. Evening Organ Concert 8.00pm Friday 10th May. The third concert in our 2019 series, given by Anthony Froggat, former Organist and Master of the Choristers. Tickets £10, (£8 concs) through Eventbrite, on the door and from the Cathedral Shop. ‘Rumfest’ 6.30pm-10.30pm Saturday 11th May. A wonderful event featuring live music and plenty of rums to sample and enjoy – all included in the price. In addition there will be a ‘Rum Shack’ selling rum cocktails and food. A joint partnership between Portsmouth Cathedral and Portsmouth Distillery Company. Tickets £25.00 via Eventbrite. Choral Evensong 6.00pm Sunday 12th May with commemoration of the WW1 Centenary ringing by Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Bell Ringers. Exhibition 7th- 12th May. Dying Matters Awareness Week 1.00pm-4.00pm Friday 17th and Saturday 18th May. Come and explore the BIG QUESTION! What do you want to do before you die? What would you say to a relative or friend if you’d only got five minutes left? Good Life, Death and Grief – write a poem, draw a picture or explore ideas and take part in the Drop-in Grave Talk café discussion in the Cathedral. An Annual Theme event. Creative Spirituality Quiet Day 10.00am–2.00pm Saturday 18th May. Journeys: reflecting on what we learn along the way, what we take with us and what we might choose to leave behind. Tea and coffee from 9.45am and throughout the day. Please bring your own lunch. There is no charge for the day, suggested donation of £5.00 per person (or whatever you can manage). Booking essential via Eventbrite. D-Day Tour 7.30pm Friday 24th May. A wonderful opportunity to have a tour of the Cathedral with particular focus on the links with D-Day in this 75th anniversary year. The evening includes the Cathedral Choir singing music related to D-Day. Tickets £20 available from the Cathedral Shop or Eventbrite. Thy Kingdom Come 30th May - 9th June. A global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray during the 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost. The Big Prayer Picnic 1.00pm-4.00pm Sunday 9th June at Portchester Castle. Further details

PLEASE PRAY FOR All those in need including: Roger, Stuart, Freya, Donald, Mandy, Robert, Laurence, Poppy and Andi. And those who have died: Marilyn Lee, Michael Purvis, Michael Yorke (Priest), Vishwamrit Gunga and Francois RIP. Sunday 28th April, Second Sunday of Easter 0800 Holy Communion (BCP said) 1030 Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir Preacher: The Revd Andy Fitchet Readings: Acts 5.27-32; John 20.19-end 1800 Choral Evensong with Farewell to the Canon Chancellor sung by the Cathedral Choir Preacher: The Canon Chancellor Readings: Isaiah 53: 1-6, 9-12; Luke 24:13-35 2000 Taizé-style Night Prayer This Week Monday 0740 Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Layclerks and Choral Scholars Tuesday 0740 Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong with Admission of Honorary Chaplain sung by the Cathedral Choir Wednesday 0740 Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 1200 Holy Communion 1245 Funeral Michael Purvis RIP 1400 Baby and Toddler Group (Becket Hall) 1800 Evening Prayer said Thursday 0740 Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong sung by Cantate Friday 0740 Morning Prayer followed by Holy Communion 1200 Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir Saturday 1700 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Consort Sunday 5th May, Third Sunday of Easter 0800 Holy Communion (BCP said) 1030 Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Consort and Cantate Preacher: The Revd Canon Nick Ralph Readings: Acts 9.1-6; John 21.1-19 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Consort and Cantate Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell Readings: Isaiah 38: 9-20; John 11:27-44

Cathedral Offices, St Thomas’s Street, Old Portsmouth, PO1 2HA 023 9282 3300 [email protected]