FROM I 545 TO 1895.




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"So, beyond the river of time that flows between, walk the brave men and the beautiful women of our ance~~ry, grouped in the twilight upon the shore. Distance smooths away defects, and, with gentle dark­ ness, rounds every form into grace. It steals the harshness from their speech, and every word becomes a song. Far across the gulf that ever widens, they look upon us with eyes whose glance is tender, and which light us to success. \Ve acknowledge our inheritance; we accept our birthright; we own that their careers have pledged us to noble action. Every great life is an incentive to all other lives; but when the brave heart that beats for the world loves us with the warmth of private aff ec­ tion, then the example of heroism is more persuasive, because more personal. This· is the true pride of ancestry. It is founded in the tenderness with which the child regards the father, and in the romance that time sheds upon history." GEORGE \VILLIA:\I CL'."RTIS.

DEDICATORY PREFACE. In this free Republic, ,vhere the citizen, however poor and unknown, is "eYery inch a king," pride of birth and ancestry, until recently, was so rare, that it was quite uncommon to meet such "kings" able to tell who were or whence came their grandparents. But as the age of government and the wealth of its people increase~ we find, among the cultured especially, many who desire to know, and hand down to their posterity, the names, station in life, and the positions of honor and trust which their forefathers bore and filled to their migration-during the colonial period-and the heroic parts they acted in the war for liberty, which resulted happily in the Federal Union, our Kation's birth. The writer of these notes, in his early manhood, listened with greedy ear to many legends concerning those of his name, who long since had returned to mother earth; their acts and doings of merit and heroism in tlie old world; the sorrowing causes of their leaving home and kindred; their privations, sufferings, and manly fight for existence; and their final success deservedly winning ennobling and prominent stations in the public service as well as high social distinction in the New \Vorld. These stories fascinated his mind and filled his soul with an irresist­ ible longing to know all that could be ascertained about their lives and history, and to trace his blood back through these grand men of past centuries. \Vith this object, the aged of the family were called upon to refresh their recollections, to gather together such data as they were able, and thus preserve unrecorded facts. Colonial histories, the records of States, counties, cities, churches, family books, Bibles and tombstones, all things in all places likely to contribute, were carefully examined and extracts and transcripts taken therefram. In fact, noth­ ing was on1itted which would tend to n1ake this work accurate and com­ plete. From time to tin1e~ however, obstacles prevented its completion; but the compiler ne,·er lost sight of or gaye up his purpose, and several times during the past thirty years this work has been resumed as an imperative duty~ only to be again put aside for some more convenient occasion. Yet, during the period in which each searching-spasm lasted, he gathered some new facts and data, and believes the work to be as perfect as is now possible. It has been deemed wise to confine this work to the limits proper for genealogical notes~ with rare exceptions. The omissions, especially of dates, if any exist, are more likely to relate to those who lived dur- ing the present, than those of fonner generations. In colonial tin1es, e\"ery 1nan counted: births, marriages, meritorious acts, and the death record were more carefully preserved than are those of this age. :\f uch labor, time, and some money ha\·e been spent in collecting and verifying the data used; but neither has been wasted if its readers take half the pleasure in perusing this record that was enjoyed by the con1piler while engaged in this labor of love. To those of his name, of the present and future, he dedicates this volume, with the hope that each will from time to time add his or her quota thereto, thus extending his or her branch of the fa1nily-as a birth, marriage, or death may occur-down the ages. That this may be readily done, and that each n1ay be able to trace ·his or her distinctive line, without any chance of mistake, back to its source in this country, and so through the Holland family to that of ,rilliam Prevost, of France, in 1545, this work has been subdivided into distinct parts, one for­ each of the children of David Provost, the first of the family in the \\" es tern Hemisphere. \Yhile this is a departure from the usual method, it seems to be the one which will best enable the successors in this work, without difficulty, to carry out such purpose of continuing this record. The writer gratefully acknowledges his indcbtcdnes·s to the late E. R. Purple, whose accurate record of the Provoost family of New York was of great assistance in this work ; and also to l\'1iss _.\lice Provost, of 1,renton; Dr. I). E. Provost, of Sing Sing; ~Ir. Frederick Provost, of New Brunswick; Rev. Peter Provost, of Freehold; _.\.ndrew J. Provost, Jr., of Brooklyn; and many others of the family, for valuable data so cheerfully and pron1ptly furnished. ~.\~DREW ]. PROVOST.

New York, 1895. To 1i. 1lzom 1,.'e O1i.'e a filial loz·e, ti. 1ith gratitude 1;,1e turn And offer hv/::age, e,:er due to dust in memor;·'s urn.

Rr them to us has been tra11smitted an heritage to prize: .A name unsullied, braz:e example, homes, and tenderest ties.

An age of hurr;· and confusion, all ,.!anished li7:es 'Would hide, .At once.·' the11, 1,.1e must place on record their names ere these ha,:e died.

Three centuries ha,:e left their trace upon the 1i.'Orld's disfigured br01£1 Since persecution made their race to internecine 1£.'arfare brr&.

True, honest sons of 1Vor1nandy, your home 'Zoould ;•et be France, Had not Queen Cath'rille's perfidy launched forth Bartholomew's lance.

As exiles, God ;·our steps did guide unto that other land, H7here firnz conviction such as yours had loosed a tyrant's hand.

No need ioas there to hide the sign 'l.£1hich your escutcheon bore: "Pro-Liber-ta-te" there 1£1as felt, as it ne'er had been before.

But Flanders was too small a land, and too much compassed round BJ· tyrant Kings and ene111ies to the faith that they would f o~nd_;

So u 1hen the Burghers started out 1£1ith their ·wives to this new land, The Huguenot 111hose name we bear, 'Went with them hand in lzand.

And settling here on a little isle, 'Where a city grand n011.1 rises,

He toiled a'l.oay and ti.'On that fame u 1hich an honest race most prizes.

It 1.oas he from out of 'li.Jhose loins 'We sprang, whose re»zembrance tile ez·er should cherish, And the names of his children, and theirs after them, ti.'e ought ne1:er to suffer should perish.

IOebication. To memories, then, of those 1;,1hose names rest in this little book, Tre dedicate the .rer;:ices 'Which sought in e,,1ery nook For e-;:eJJ' fact and name and date, and u,1rote them as ·we found them,

And set them up in tJpe to print, and 1i1hen on paper, bound them. A. J.P., Jr.


The family of which this is a record is of French origin. It was an ancient one long prior to 1j72, having branches in Paris, St. A.ubin, and Rouen. The name was variously spelled Prevost, Provost, and recently Pre,·ot, and is common in Normandy and other parts of France to this daY. In many countries this name has, for centuries, been a title of distinction; and the name itself proves the family to be one of the oldest and best. In France it was the title of its judges; in Scotland, that of the mayor of a city; _in England and law, that of president or chief; in Germany, a Protestant or ; and in almost all countries of the civili7.ed world the "Provost ~farshal" is a high and important officer, having summary powers in the army and navy. The first of our ancestors whom, individually, we are able to trace is Guillaume (\Villiam) Prevost; that he so spelled his family name we think is established beyond reasonable question. That the Prevost became "Provoost" in Holland and New A.msterdam, 1572 to 1664, and "Provost" after the latter became New York and part of an English colony, is only the happening of the inevitable. But as Prevost in French, Provoost in Dutch, and Provost in English are identical in meaning, those of the family have a perfect right to adopt whichever method they prefer. [See ~ote D.] The Bishop wrote his name Provost until he was nearly forty years of age; then, probably wishing to be identified with the Dutch, rather than the English, of New York, he first began to use the extra "o." [See ,-01. 18, X. Y. Gen. and Bio. Rec.] The writer owns one, and has seen several finely bound books, once a part of the Bishop's library, in which was the family coat of arms as a book-plate, with the name Samuel Provost in the scroll. l\Iost of the descendants of the Bishop and of " Ready ~loney " have continued to write the name Provoost. But the larger part of the family haYe for more than a century adopted the English form, Provost. Because of this fact, and the fact that such spelling brings it nearer the French, from whose soil we first came, we have thought best to use that mode of spelling the name throughout our record. I. In 15i2, ,,-iniam Provost, born in 1545, was a resident of Paris, a person of distinction and eminence among the

II then Protestants of France. That he was a man of noble blood, of considerable wealth and education, we assume from his coat of arms, its suggcs~ive motto, and the fact that he was deen1ed worthy of the political and religious persecution which dro\·e him from his native land. At this time, while Charles was King, the real ruler of France was Catherine de' 3fedici, his n1other. His subjects were Catholic and Hugue­ not in their religious convictions, and among both were men of high political station, each side using all their political sagacity, power, and often intrigue, to gain a political advan­ tage over the other. Charles was a mere puppet in the hands of his mother, and so were the leaders of these religious factions. To retain control of the reins of Government, she encouraged and inflamed the hatred of each toward the other, promising her support now to one, and again to the other, until, as she had expected and intended, a religious war­ fare ensued in which her political enemies effectually de­ stroved each other. " History records "that under her malignant influence the most eminent Protestants of the kingdom were lured to Paris and other large towns, she intending and expecting their de­ struction; that during the night of August 24, 1572, from fifty to seventy thousand were assassinated by Jesuit mobs." This wholesale murder is known as the" St. Bartholomew )lassacre." Those who escaped death fled the country. ,Yilliam Provost and his intended bride, shortly atter their escape, settled in Holland, where, in 1574, they married and had issue. 2 (2) i. J OHAXXES ( 7), born in 15 i 6. 3 (2) ii. DAVID, born in 1578. 4 (2) 111. \VILHEL)[ES, born in 1580. 5 (2) iv. ELIAS, born in 1582. 6 (2) v. BE~ J Al\H~, born in 1 5·84. 7 (2) JoHA~Z\'ES PROVOST (2), b. 1576; mar. in 1601 a Dutch ladv in Amsterdam named Elizabeth -- and had issue ., ' ' three daughters and three sons. The sons were:- ELIAS PROVOST, b. 1602; came to New Amsterdam be­ tween 1635 and 1640~ and settled at Fort Orange (Albany). Little is known of his history. His son, Johannes, how­ ever, was a scholarly man, who, as clerk to the several Courts of the colony~ becan1c widely known. His career, and such of his descent as we have been able to trace, will be found in Chap. YI. ii. JOH.:\XXES PROVOST, b. 1605.

12 10 (3) iii. D ..\ \"ID PRO\"OST, b. in A1nsterdam, Holland, August 10, r 608; can1e to :\" ew :\" ether lands in r 624, two years before the Island :\Ian hattan ( now the city of :\" ew York) was purchased of the Indians. In 1626 he returned to Holland, and in 1630 there 1narried ~Iargaretta, daughter of Gillis Ten ,Yaert, a pron1inent and wealthy Holland merchant. Lpon her marria<1e her father <1aye her 14 ooo guilders as a nur)tial t) ' t) ' portion, and settled upon her the payment, yearly, of 750 guilders in life rents. This sum was paid to her annually until the year I joo, as appears in an annual record kept by the Colonial authorities: "Grietje, the wife of David Pro­ voost, is still living." A guilder, in those days, had a purchasing power in the new . colony equal to $5.00 at the present time. David Provost, realizing the benefits to be derived and the renown to be won in the New ,yorld, persuaded his young and wealthy spouse to come with him, and they arrived at Kew Amsterdam in 1634. From all accounts, he was a man of culture and fine personal appearance, and had received a military and civil education greatly exceeding most of his day. He soon made a name and fame, both in civil and military life, in the infant colony. By the records of the time, we find him a teacher, speaking Dutch, French, English, Latin, and the languages of several of the Indian tribes, and also a lawyer practicing in the Courts. Gov. Kieft came into power in 1638, and January 5, 1640, appointed him Commissary of Provisions and Tobacco Inspector-a new office created because a large part of the mercantile traffic was · paid for in tobacco. [~Irs. Lamb's Hist. of N. Y., p. 90.] In 1640, as commander of a force of 50 or 60 men, he was sent to take possession of the Fresh River that runs into the Sound ( Connecticut). .-\t or near Hartford he built "Fort Good Hope" and se\"eral houses-a strong 1nilitary post. ,Yhile in conunand at this i1nportant station ( 1640-1647) he had some stirring conflicts with the English, by whom he was considered as "a thorne in their flesh," and, whether with pen or sword, he was e\"er found equal to the occasion. His stubborn defense when assailed, and his in1mediate and suc­ cessful sorties upon their retreat, were n1ade the theme of n1any a bitter con1plaint on the part of the British Colonial authori­ ties. [Yols. 1-2, Col. Hist.] Go\". Kieft, howe\"er, warmly appro\"ed his diplornatic Jl.Olicy as well as his brave and speedy acts of retaliation, and officially reported them as proving

13 "That it were good to comn1it such a trust to skilful men~ and not to ignorant boyes:' ~Iany incident:; showing his bravery and ability as a comn1ander are gi,·en by Purple and others; among them we note the following:- "--\ female negro sla Ye, in September, 1 646, fled from her English n1aster to Fort Good Hope and begged protection. The English authorities den1andecl that, as she was a fugiti,·e, not a prisoner of war, she be surrendered, which being refused, an attempt to take her by force was successfully resisted by Commander Pro,·oost." [ O'Callaghan~ ~. X ., ,~ ol. I., p. 3j8.] This fact is cited by Tho1nas Nelson Page (" Old South'") as the first case of refusal to surrender a fugitive sbxe. In 1647, at his own request, he was recalled by Go,·. Kieft, and resumed his old vocations. He was the second notan· public appointed, then an office of profit and trust, requiring considerable legal know ledge. [Val. ~Ian., 186 3, p. 5 69.] February 2, 1652, he was at the head of the "Nine ~Ien" of the city of New Amsterdam. By their commissions it was declared "what they did should be the act of the whole people." They preceded the Hurgomasters and Schepens in the mu­ nicipal form of government, and held their sessions in the school-room of David Provost. [Purple, p. 7.] These nine men were the first to dispute the autocratic powers of the Governor. They insisted that they were the chosen representatives of a free people; that no tax could be imposed without their sanction; that, in fact, they were the legislative body of the Government. A stubborn and lengthy fight ensued. Every man of the nine was found worthy of his trust. The Governor was finally forced to yield, and the foundation of freedon1 wa? thus firmly erected in this infant colonv. I ~lay 23, 1653, with two others, was appointed by Go\". Stuy,·esant Con1missioner to investigate the alleged conspiracy of the Dutch and Indians against the English. [Y ol. I., p. 252, Col. Hist.] .-\.pril, 1654, appointed Sheriff of Brooklyn and other Dutch towns on Long Island: and 1655~ Secretary and Clerk of those towns and their Courts, all of which offices he held until his death.

For n1anv., .,\"ears he was either a n1ember of the Governor·:; Council or of the Assen1bly, and seems to ha,·e been a popular and successful leader among the people, fron1 his arri,·al in 1634 to the date of his death.

q. In 1639 he purchased quite a tract of land near the junc­ tion of Pearl and Fulton Streets, upon which he built a house, in which he and his descendants li\·ed for 1nany years. He built several houses in the " Princess Graft," now . I-Ie built a house on Long Island in r6 ..p, and in 1643 obtained a grant of a tract of land in :\"ew A1nsterdam. From sc\·eral powers of attorney executed by hi1n prior to his going to Hartford, and subsequently, '· to manage his plantations and collect his rents in New Ketherlrinds, as well as the life rents coining to his wife from an uncle in France, and his own fro1n Holland," it would appear that he had con­ siderable property; though Valentine, in his :\Ianual of 1853, says, "David Pro\·oost never amassed any considerable wealth, but brought up a large family, and his descendants were dis­ tinguished for intelligence," etc., etc. He died, l\lay 12, 1657, leaving his widow l\largaretta. In 1680 and 1700 she executed deeds to her sons, Jonathan and Julius, convey­ ing to each a house and lot on the east side of " Princess Graft." [See Lib. 23, pp. 260, 304.] A.nd in 1703 she is recorded as an inhabitant of the city, having a family and two slaves. \Ve have no record of her birth or death; she lived, however, to a great age-more than 73 years after her marriage to David. Her facsimile signature, as written in 1662, is in ,ralentine's ~Ianual, 1863, among those of the distinguished of the colony. In our researches were found in the Dutch records many quaint incidents: among others, we note the result of a law­ suit in which David Provost was defendant. The complaint was about a "yawl." The decision of the Court, 1650, is as follows: "Judgment for l)efendant, and the owner of the boat shall row David Provoost across the river and back, in the cold weather of next winter." From the records-Church and State-it appears that ~Irs. Provost had a sister named A.gnietje in the colony as early as 164j. This sister, then a widow, married John de La l\lontagne, a French Huguenot, who was for many years one of the foremost n1en of the colony. These sisters, when writing their names, strictly kept the Dutch method and fashion of that day. :\[rs. Pro\"ost was known as '"Grietje Gillis," or "Grietje Gillis Ten \raert;" but there was generally added thereto "wife of David Provoost;" while her sister was known as ".\gnietje Gillis," or ".-\gnietje Gillis Ten \raert," to which was added "wife of John de La ~Iontagne." Anneke

15 Jans (1neaning Anna, the daughter of John) is the naine by which ~Irs. f)ominie Bogardus was known during her whole life; and even to this day she is better known by that na1nc than that of ~Irs. Bogardus. The daughters of Gillis Ten \Yaert, however, being of a higher social class than n1ost others in the colony, added the full nmne of their father, and were known as Grietje and Agnietje (;illis Ten \Yaart, wife of, etc.


I I ( 4) i. ~L.\RGARETTA PRo\·osT, b. ~- _-\.; bap. Feb. 24, 1641; 1nar. Peter Jansen Scholt, ~ ov. 26, 1661.

ISSL"E. 12 (s) 1. Annettie Scholt, bap. July 16, 1662; mar. July 18, 1680, Hendrick Jillizen de Mande\·ille. r3 (s) 2. ~fargaretta, bap. Sept. 24, 1664. r4 (S) 3. Johannes, b:lp. Oct. I 5, 1666. r 5 (S) ~- David, bap. Aug. 13, 1671. \Ve have no further record of ::\Iargaretta Provost ( 11) or of her descendants. Purple, in his notes, states that she received two land patents-one for 25 morgans (50 acres) at A.mersfoort (Flatlands), issued June 1, 1657; the other for 20 morgans at ~Iidwout ( Flatbush), issued l\Iay 1, 1660. This is clearly a mistake. Her mother, then a widow, with considerable means, was then purchasing real property; she bought the plot she gave her son Jonathan, August 12, 1662, and was undoubtedly the patentee. 16 (4) ii. \VJLLIA:\l PROVOST, b. in N. A. before 1641. "re have but little data concerning this son. His name appears as a citizen in Gravesend in 1656, and in (Baker) 1698. He, without doubt, ne,~er married.

Ij III. SA:'.\Il"EL PRO\"OST, b. Hartford; bap. XO\". 22, 1648; d. r­ (4) . 18 (4) I,.. l)A \"lD ( 2j ), l.>. Hartford, ~ o\·. 20, 16-+2; bap. X. Y., Sept. 30, 1645.

19 (4) \". BEXJA:\IIX PRO\"0ST (1168), b. Hartford; bap. June Ii, I 6-+6. . 20 \"l. ELIAS PROVOST (13oj), b. :\". _.\..; bap. June lj, 16-1-6. (4) .. 2( (4) \"11. BARBARA PRO\"OST, 1..>ap . .:\ug. 15, 164j; d. y . 22 (.i) \"Ill. JoX.:\THAX PR0\"O~T (-iii), b. X . .:\.; bap. ~Iar. 26, 1651. . 23 (4) IX. BARBARA PRO\"OST, b. X. A.; bap. ~O\". 30, 1653; mar. July 29, 16j3, Jan .:\ukersze Xuys; resided at Flatuush, L. I.; died 16j9.

16 24 (5) I. Aukersze Xuys. lJ.--; mar. Catharine--; remo\"c







2j (4) DAVID PROVOST (18), b. November 20, 1642, at Fort Good Hope; was bap. N. Y., September 30, 1645, by Dominie Bogar­ dus, his godfathers being Gov. Kieft and Johannes de La :\lontagne. The latter was a learned man, who came to this country with Gov. Kieft to assist in his Council, and becan1e a power in the colony. He married, in 164j, ...\.gnietje Gillis Ten ,v aert, the sister of Grietje, wife of David ( 10 ). In 16j4 he lived in the Smith Street (no\v \Yilliam), be­ tween Hanover Square and ,van Street, and was a member of the Old Dutch Church. September, 1694, was chosen Assessor of the Dock \Vard, and held that office until 1698. From 1698 to 1;08 was an A.lderman; 1699 to 1jo2, was member of the General ~,\ssem­ bly; 1 jo7, Justice of the Peace. He was a witness of the baptism of Catharine ( 496 ), daughter of David Provost and Christina Praa, .. A.. ugust 28, 1720. Prior to his decease, he prepared a written statement, in ~ Dutch, giving the names, date and hour of birth, etc., of his children. This paper was, in 17 24, translated and used by his son, the ~layor, in the compilation of a family history. [See note A.. ] He was a prosperous merchant in the city of New York, assessed $3,000, when less than thirty years of age. In civil life he was esteemed for his rare abilities and christian virtues. In Yalentine's )-fanual, 1858, p. 642, a facsimile of his signature, written in 1702, "David Provoost, Sr.," is given among those of the then distinguished men of ~ ew York. l\Iay 16, 1668, 111arried 'T'ryntje (Catharine) Laurens, at ~lidwout (Flat bush). She was born in :\mstcrdam, ::\"oven1bcr 14, 1650. ISSt:'E. 28 (s) i. DAVID PROVOST {8i), b. January 16, 1670.

29 (5) ii. ELSJE PROVOST, b. l\Iarch 15, 1671; mar. July 2, 1693, Gerrit Yan Horne, son of Cornelius Janszen and Anna ~Iaria

21 (Jans) Yan liorne, who was a leading merchant of wealth :ind social standing of ~ cw York, and for many years in the Colonial ..:\ssen1bh·. ~

ISSL"E. 30 16·, I. Cornelius, bap. April 1~ 1694. . 6) ,, 31 ~ . ... . David, bap. Oct. 20, 1695: d. s. p .

... ? ... .)- (6) j• .-\nna ~laria, hap. Dec. ..f., 1696; mar. Oct. 12, ljl8, Gerardus Beekman; she died before lj2j, and her husband married 2d, Catharine Provost (366).

ISSL"E. a. Gerardus, bap. July 29, ljr9; mar. Oct. 28, li45, Anna Yan Horne. 3-l (7) b. Elizabeth, hap. Dec. 14, Ij20; mar. Luke Van Rantz. 35 (j) c. Cornelius~ hap. Dec. 12, lj22; mar. Feb. 18, 1748, Catharine Van I lorne. 36 (6) 4. Catharine Van Horne, hap. June 30. ljoo; d. y. 37 (6) 5. Catharine \"an Horne, hap. April 26, 1702; mar. Dec. 19, lj23, Dr. Archibald Fisher, \" estryman of Trinity Church. 38 (j} Issue: 1, Gerit: 2, Cornelius; 3, Archibald; 4, Catharine. 39 (6) 6. Elizabeth, hap. Dec. 5, 1703; mar. Jan. 14, 1725, Dominie Henry Roel, of the Dutch Church, X. Y.; had ~1x children, all of whom died early in life, except 40 (7) Henriques Boel, hap. Nov. 4~ I 733. 41 (6) 7. Anna, hap. Jan. 27, 1706; mar. John De\\'"itt and died before 1737. 42 (6) 8. Margaretta, hap. Jan. 18, 1708: d. y. 43 (6) 9. ~Iargaretta, hap. Aug. 31, 1712. 44 (s) n1. \Y1LLIA:\I PRO\"OST, b. _.\ugust 13, 16i 2; d. February 2, 16j4. 45 (5) i,·. :\L\RGARETTA PRO\"O~T, b. September 3, r6j 3; mar. July 6, 1696, Johannes \;--an Brugh, son of the "old Burgomas­ ter" and Catharine~ daughter of A nneke Jans.

l:::iSlJE. 46 (6) I. Johannah, bap. '.\lay 16, 169--· mar. Aug. 20, 1720, Gerard us ' Duyking. and died Oct., 1' j89, aged 92. 47 (6) 2. Johannes, hap. Aug. 6, 1699. 48 (6) 3. Catharine, hap. Aug. 16, 1704. 49 (6) 4. David, bap. Sept. 12, I jOS. 50 (6) 5. Elizabeth, hap. ~lar. 26, Ijl2. David Pro\"ost, Jr. (8jl, was the guardian of these five children.

53 (5) ,·. CATHARIX:\ PRO\"OST, b. September 23, 16i6; d. August 30, I 677.

22 54 (5) Yi. CA TH A RIX A PRo\·o::;T~ b. Decen1ber 6, 167 i; mar. Janu­ ary 19, Ijoo, E\·crt Vandewater, n1crchant of ~- Y.; and 2d, Xo\·en1 ber 1 3, 1 i I 4, ..-\ braham Bocl.


55 (6) 1. Anna Vandewater, b. )fay II, ljo1; d. y. 56 (6) 2. Catharine Vandewater, b. Jan. 16. 1704; mar. Sept. 15, 1722, Andrew Teller, merchant, of N. Y. 57 (6) 3. Anneke Vande\'\'·ater. b. June 16, 17o6; mar. Feb. 8, 1729, her cousin, David Provost (355). . . 58 (s) VII. \V"ILLIA:\I PROVOST (.353), b. September 27, 1679 . 59 (s) \"III. l\L.\RIA PROVOST, b ...\pril 2, 1682; mar. September 16, 1joo, .Abraham ·van Horne, one of the leading merchants of N. Y. He lived in in \Yall Street, N. Y.; was ap­ pointed in 1723 to the Council of Gov. Burnet, and was a member of the several Councils of the Governors until his death, in 1741. ISSUE.

60 (6) r. -~NXA MARIA ·vAx HORNE~ b. January 28, 1702; in 1721 mar. Gov. ,villiam Burnet, who, from 1720 to 1j28, was Goverr..or of New York and New Jersey, and died suddenly in Ii 29 while Governor of ~Iassachusetts. Gov. Burnet, son of Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salis­ bury, the historian, was born 1688 at The Hague, his godfather being ,villiam, Prince of Orange, who, a year later, became King of England. He was a man of the rarest intellectual ability, and owned the finest private library in America. _.\ portrait in oil of Gov. Burnet is in the State House in Boston. An excellent portrait of l\'1aria v· an. Horne, taken soon after her marriage, showing rare beauty, will be seen at page 157 of Gen. Grant \Yilson's Hist. N. Y.


6r (7) 1. ,vn1iam Burnet, b. 1723. 62 (7) 2. ~lary Burnet, b. 1725; mar. \Villiam Brown, of Beverly, l\Iass. 63 (6) 2. Catharine Van Home, hap. July 30, 17("1._i. 64 (6) 3. Cornelius Van Horne. bap. Oct. 16, Ijo6. 65 (6) 4. Janeke Van Horne, hap. Xov. j, IjOS. 66 (6) 5. Helena Van Horne, hap. Sept. 4, IjlO. 67 (6) 6. Abraham Van Home, hap. ~lar. 8, lj13; d. y. 68 (6) 7. David Van Horne, hap. Aug. 8, 1714; d. y.

23 69 (6) S. Da\·id \'an Horne, bap. July 20. 1715; mar. Sept. 25, li44, .:\nna French. jO '6) 9. '.\Iargaretta Yan Horne, bap. :\Jar. 6, Ijij. jl ;6) ro . .:\braham Yan Horne, bap. Jan. II, 1719. j2 ;6J II. Samuel Van Horne, bap. April 6, lj20. _,., , ., (6) 12. Cornelia Yan Horne, bap. Sept. 16, I j22. i-1- (6) 13 . .:\nna Yan IIorne, bap. )Jar. 6, 1726. . -I :J.. (5) IX. ..:\xxEKE PRo\·osT, b. February 10, 1685; mar. January 12, 1 jOj, Henricus Yanderspiegel, son of Laurens and Sara (\\-ebbers) ,-anderspiegeJ.

ISSt;E. j6 (6) 1. David \,.;ancler!:;piegel, hap. Jan. II, 1708. i7 (6) 2. Laurens Vanderspiegel, bap. July 9, 1j10; d. y. iS (6) 3. Laurens Vanderspiegel, bap. April 27, 1712. i9 (6) 4. Johannes Yanderspiegel, bap. Sept. 12, I 714. So (6) 5. Sara Yanderspiegel, bap. April 15, 1716. Sr (6) 6. \Yi]helmus Vanderspiegel, hap. Oct. 5, 1718. 82 (6) 7. Jacobus Vanderspiegel, bap. June 25, 1721. 83 (6) 8. Samuel Vanderspiegel, hap. ~Iar. 27, 1723. 84 (6) 9. Hendricus Vanderspiegel, bap. June 14. li2i- 85 (5) X. SA~IUEL PROVOST (381 ), b. January 8, 1687. . 86 (5) XI. JA~EKE PROVOST, b. October 10, 1689; mar. June 25, 1j15, \\-illiam Dugdale, who, from 1723 to 1j28, was Sheriff of New York, and for many years in the \'estry of Trinity Church. 87 (5) DA YID PROVOST (28), b. in , near Fulton, New York City, January 16, 16jo; bap. January 23, 1670, his grand­ mother, l\Iargaretta ProYost, being his godmother; mar. June 1, 1691, Helena ByYanck of Albany; 2d, January 28, 1699, :i\Iaria I)e Peyster, widow of John Spratt; 3d, l\Iay 15, 1708, Elizabeth ,raken1an, widow of •..\.lbert Dinny, of Fairfield, Conn. The families of his three wi\·es were among the most wealthy and distinguished in the country. Of his second wife, ~Iaria de P~yster~ Purple says: "This lady, whom we regard, by reason of her birth and alliances, as one of the n1ost remarka­ able women born in :\" ew .-\.n1sterdan1, was thrice 1narried; and it is hazarding little, of historical accuracy, to say that a complete account of her family connections~ by birth and marriage, would include a fuller history, of the civil and military affairs of colonial times, than the same account of any other person born during the Dutch possession of :\lanhattan Island." The Rev. Samuel ""akeman of Fairfield, Connecticut, father of his last wife, was a graduate of flan·ard, a man of culture, and left a large landed estate, much of }vhich is st:11 owned by his descendants.

He had no children bv., either of his last two wi\·es. His father lived until about Ii 24, and was known as David Pro­ voost, Sr., and he as David Provoost, Jr. He was a prominent merchant in the city of Kew York, and for n1any years largely in the public service of the city and colony. ·valentine, in his City l\Ianuals of 1856 and 1864, gives facsimiles of his signature; 1696, elected Chamberlain and Treasurer, and held these offices till 1699, when he was elected 1[ayor to succeed his brother-in-law, , and also Recorder. In a letter dated November 29, 1 joo, the Earl of Bel101nont, then Governor, says, "David Provoost, the l\Iayor of the city, has been appointed Recorder, and I take it as whollv., inconsistent that one man should hold both offices at the san1e time" [\:--ol. IX., Col. Hist., 809-811]; 1699, he, as ~Iayor, laid the corner-stone of the new City Hall, in ,,·an Street, at the head of Broad. It was built upon ground given for that purpose by his brother-in-law, .,i\braham De Peyster, :\Iayor, 1691-93. Part of the material used in its construction was taken from the old Dutch fort. The Hall was con1pleted in 1700, and a picture of it is seen at page 460, Vol. II., of Gen. \Vilson's Hist. of N. Y. This building was also known as Federal Hall during the time it was occupied by the Xational Government. Here · Congress held its sessions, and it was in this building that ,v ashington, our first President, was inaugurated; 1700, was Captain of a regiment of foot; 1711, :i\Ia jor; and 17 18, Col­ onel; was a member of the General _.\.ssembly from July 2, 1j11, to December 12~ 1j12; and from June 5, Ij16, until his death. He was also a member of the Councils of Governors Lovelace, Ingoldsby, and Hunter. By a careless mistake he was the direct cause of the creation of the Court of Chancery in this country. It appears that, intending to give a note for £400, he signed one for £4~000. (In those days a note contained an agreement that, upon default in its payn1ent1 judgment, as upon confession, n1ight be taken, and imprisonment for con1mon contract debts then prevailed.) l\Iay 11, r i I 1, Governor Hunter asks the home government "for the appointment of a Court of Chancery, to take into consideration matters for which there is no relief

25 at common law; particularly the case of l\Ir. Provoost, one of the Council, who had been a close prisoner, -~ * * haYing unwarily confessed a judgment for £4,000, the debt being, evidently, not OYer £400." The Court was instituted and the mistake satisfactorily adjusted before:\pril, Ijr2; 1jo5, petitions Gov. Cornbury, as a merchant, for relief from foreign coin, which is ruinous to business [\-ol. lV., Col. Hist., 1135]; r 706, appointed commissioner by Gov. Cornbury, to pay funds for fortifying the city [Ibid., 1185]; 1709, appointed by Queen Anne member of Gov. Hunter's Council; r 714 to December, 1 i 24, collector of duties and tonnage, &c., of port of N. Y.; 1723, appointed commissioner to locate line between X ew York and Connecti­ cut; 17 24, appointed by General ..\.ssembly to examine acts passed since Gov. Burnet's arriYal; 17 24, he wrote the family record, as to which see Kote A.; 1725, his will is proven [Lib. 10, p. 22., ~- Y. Co.]. The exact date of his death we do not know. April 13, 1jor, "David Provoost & Co." obtained a patent for a large tract of land in Ulster Co. The quitrent, £5, was the largest sum paid for grants issued in that county prior to 1709. Valentine, in his 1\fanuals of 1853 and 1864, gives bio­ grapr..ical sketches of_ ::\layor Provoost, and states that he liYed in Pearl Street in the original homestead of his g_randfather, David ( ro ). There are, howeYer, several mistakes in both articles. ISSGE. 88 (6} i. BELITJE PROVOST, bap. July 11, 1692; mar. Sept. 1, 1726, Rev. Henry Coens of the D.R. Church of Belleville, N. J. 89 (6) ii. CATHARIXA PROVOST, bap. February 14, 1694; mar. Octo­ ber r 9, r i r 7, •.\.braham Yan \ryck.

1S5t'E. go (7) I. Theodorus, hap. Dec. 3, IjrS; mar. his cousin, Helena Santford (100). 91 (7) 2. Helena, hap. July 17, Ij20. ,. 92 (7) .,. :Margaretta, hap. Aug. I, Ij22. 93 (i) 4. David. hap. Aug. 23, Ij24. 94 (7) 5 Abraham, bap. Oct. 5, 1726. 95 (7) 6. Catharina, hap. Aug. 14, Ij28. 96 (7) 7- Susana, hap. July 8, IjJO. 97 (7) 8. Elizabeth, hap. Nov. 29. lj32; mar. :\lay 31, Ij58, \Villiam Provost (357), son of David \Y. Provost. 98 (7) g. Anna, hap. Oct. 2, 1737.

26 99 ( 6) 111. DAVID PROVOST ( 11 I), b, October 9, 1691. 100 (6) iY. HELEXA PRo\·osT, b. January 30, 1698; 1nar. August 23, 1 i 19, Cornelius Santford, and died before October 2, 1 i 23.


IOI (j) 1. Helena, hap. Dec. 3, 1721; "sole daughter and heiress of her father." She had a considerable fortune, which was greatly increased by the bequests of her two grandfathers. David Provost (28) and Abraham Santford. She married her cousin, Theodorus Van ,Y yck (90 ).

ISSUE. 102 (8) a. Abraham, hap. Sept. 21, 1748. 103 (8) b. David, hap. Oct. 15, 1750. 104 (8) c. Helena, hap. Feb. 15, 1751; mar. :\larch, 1771, Henry C. Bogart, a merchant of New York; no issue. 105 (8) d. Catharine, hap. Dec. 5, 1752; mar. Rev. John ~lason, one of the most learned and accomplished men of his day. During the greater part of the Revolution he was Chaplain at \Yest Point. She was a woman of great piety. She died June 31, 1784. 106 (9) 1. Helena Mason; mar. Mathew Duncan, merchant, Phil ad el phi a. 107 (9) 2. John ~litchel, b. ~Jar. 19, 1770; mar. May 13, 1793, Ann, only daughter of Abram Lefferts. Succeeded his father as pastor of the Cedar Street Church. \Vas noted for his learning and unrivaled eloquence. 108 (9) 3. ~largaretta, mar. Hon. John Brown, U.S. Sena- tor, Kentucky. 109 (81 e. :\Iargaretta Van \Vyck, hap. Kov. 7, 1754. 110 (8) f. Ann Maria Van VVyck, hap. July 5, 1758. 111 ( 6) l)AYI.D PROVOST (99 ), b. October 9, 1691; mar. December 12, 1 i 23, Johannah, daughter of Barent Rynders. Her mother was Hester, the daught~r of Jacob Leisler. ::\[rs. Provost was baptized July 21, Ijo6, and died December 8, Ii49· Her death is suitably noticed in an obituary in the :\"ew York Gazette, Dece1nber 11, 1, 49, as "a lo\"ing wife, tender n1other, and good n1istress; charitable to the poor, beloved by all who knew her," &c., &c. He was an acti\"e and successful merchant in :\" ew \-ork for more than half a century. During the French ,rar he and Henry Holland, \rillia1n Kelly, and John Leake jointly owned the privateer ''Johnson," which captured a number of French \·essels with valuable cargoes. ln these enterprises, trading, and judicious investments in real property, he became im-

27 1ncnsely wealthy, and was known throughout the colony as '~Reach·- ::\Ionev- Pro\·oost.'' The fact that his fat her "unwarilv"., signed too much paper, and was kept in jail some time in consequence, n1ay account, to some extent, for his son's ready cash n1ethods. Duer, in his "Life of Lord Stirling," states that "Ready :\Ioney Pro\"ost " was the husband of ~Iaria Provost, who, after the death of her husband, married ; he also attributes his wealth to illicit trade, "made respectable by the restrictive system of the ~lather Country." Lossing, who is usually correct, relied upon these errors and repeated them. Some years since, the writer convinced l\Ir. Lossing that the latter statement was as untrue as the former. In fact, l\Iaria was not the wife of "Ready :\Ioney," but the wife of his cousin, Samuel; and that class of trade, extensively and boldly carried on by the merchants of New York, was effectually put down by the Governor, aided by David Provost, the father of "Ready l\Ioney," then l\Iayor-in 1 ;oo. It had ceased before " Ready l\Ionev " was ten vears old. J J He obtained from the ~ew Jersey Colonial Assembly a grant of a large tract of land on the Raritan Bay (said to be 500 acres), now partly within the limits of Perth .A.mboy. This splendid estate was, in his lifetime, called " Rudyard." His son John lived on this tract until his death in Ij8I. After the death of David ( 111) his Trustees, by deed, May 1, I j86, conveyed "Rudyard" to his grandchild, James Provost ( 141 ), the son of John Provost (II i ). Upon a beautiful knoll, on the bluff, overlooking Raritan Bay, is the old family burying-ground in which the children of David Provost and many of their descendants peacefully rest. In 1; 42 he purchased the "Louvre," a 90-acre tract on the East River, and there, upon the high bluff, near the present 5;th Street, built an elegant country mansion. The compiler of these records several times visited this house in his bovhood., . It was a house fit for a king, the most charming spot in or near ~ew York. Long years after "Ready ::\loney·s" death the wood part of "Lou \·re" beca1ne as "J ones's ,roods" the most famous picnic grounds known in the vicinity of ~ ew York. He erected, in 1 i 53, an elegant \"ault near his home. The remains of his wife, Johannah, as also his own, were therein deposited. For many years this vault was specially cared for,

28 but in 185; the house and vault were swept away by the march northward of our great city. A picture of this mansion and the vault is to be found in Yalentine's :\Ianual of 1858, and at page 530 appears quite a

historv., of the Provost f amilv~ . August 31, 1j6j, he 1narried (2d) Sarah Boulton Loftis, and, December 6 ' 1...... ,,,, he con veved., the '' Louvre " to her' with power to convey the fee to any child of his sons, ,Yilliam and John [see ,Yill, Lib. 34., p. 304]. He died October 19, 1j91.

ISSGE. 112 (i) i. DAVID PROVOST, bap. January 10, 1j25. [\Yill, Lib. 41, p. 42 3]. 113 (7) ii. BARE~T PROVOST, bap.. August 28, 1j26; d. about 1760. 114 (i) 111. HELE~A PROVOST, bap. ~lay 22, 1728; m~u. 1st, --­ Fresneau; 2d, June 19, 1760, Jacob Brewerton. None of above left issue. 115 (i) iv. JOHN PROVOST (117), bap. A.ugust 25, 1734. 116 (7) V. \VILLL~M PROVOST (250), bap.. August 26, 1736. 117 (7) JOHN PROVOST (115), resided at Rudyard; mar. ~Iary, sister of Lord .Ackland; died •.\ugust 6, 1781. He, his wife, and \Vill­ iam ( 116) lie in the same family plot at Rudyard.

ISSUE. 118 (8) i. JoHANXAH PROVOST, b. 1760; mar. November 26, 1775, John Bowne. ISSUE. II9 (9) 1. Sarah, b. April 25, Ij77; d. y. I20 (9) 2. Obadiah, b. Sept, 10, I 7j8. I21 (9) 3. John Provost, b .•-\pril 2I, Ij8o; d. y. I22 (9) 4. James, b .•~pril 21, r780; d. y. I23 (9) 5. John Provost, b. June r4, 178r; d. y. I24 (9) 6. )laria, b. Jan. 18, 1783; d. y. I25 (9) 7. David Provost, b. Nov. 30, r7S4. I26 ( 9) 8. Johannah R., b. Oct. 4, I 786; mar. Alfred Hodges, father of the late Alfred I-I odges, late Sheriff of Kings County; had son Alfred; mar. Elizabeth, daughter Cornelius Johnson, of Hrooklvn., . 127 (9) 9. Andrew, b. ~lar. 28, r789. I28 (9) IO. Charlotte, b. Dec. 4, 1790; mar. Joseph Bainbridge. 129 (9) u. ){aria, h. July 14, 1792; cl. y. 130 (9) 12. Anna, b. ~lay 4, Ij94; mar. June I, 18r5, Jacob Giberson; had q. children, one of whom was l3I (IO) Maria Louise, b. Aug. 22, 18r6; mar.June I, r838, Charles Rey. ISSl"E. l ,., ,, .)- !. II) I. Charlotte A., b. Aug. 13, 1839; mar. :\1athias L. Lord, ::\l. D. 133 (II) 2. Victorine B., b. Dec. Ii, rS.p; mar. \V. \\". Curtis. 134 (rr) 3. John B., b. Dec. 14, 1844. 135 (II) 4. ~Iaria, b. July 23, 1853; mar. Thomas H. Beek­ man.


136 ( 12) r. Charles Rey Beekman, b. April 20, 1876. l3j {12) 2. Ella Beekman, b. July r, 1880. 138 (12) 3. Henry L. Beekman, b. Oct. 3, 1881. 139 (9) 13. Harriet L., b. Sept. 28, Ij95; d. y. 140 (9) 14. Louisa, b. Aug. 6, Ij9j; mar. James Provost (146). .. 141 (8) ll. JA:'.\IES PROVOST, bap. April 13, 1762; mar. July r, Ij82, Anne Bowne; d. October 17, Ij90.

ISSUE. 142 (9) I. Catharine J. Provost, b. Aug. 23, 1783; mar. Benjamin A. Seaman. 143 (9) 2. Anna R. Provost, b. July 2j, Ij88; mar. George C. Thomas. Rudyard, after the death of David ( r 11 ), became the property of these two children; parts were sold in 1792-3 to their 1:-ncle John. 144 (8) 111. JoHx PROY(:>ST, b. ~.\pril 7, 1772; mar. October 13, Ij90, Catharine Bowne (:\Ion1nouth Co., ~- J.); fanner; died February 13, 1800. ISSL"E. 145 (9) I. Eliza B. Provost, b. July 23, Ij91; mar. \Yilliam Lamberson; d. June 21, 1824; no issue. 2. James Provo~t, b. July 22, 1793; mar. Feb. 25, 1815, Louisa Bowne ti.JO); 2d, Rebecca De Nyse.

ISSl"E. q.j (10) I. John Provost, b )Jar. lj, 1816; d. y. 14S (10) 2. Catharine L., b. l\Iar. 4, 1818; mar. l\lay 12, 1837, Stur­ ges L. Brewster.

ISSl"E. 149 (II) r. John H. Brewster. 150 (II) 2. Rebecca E. Brewster. 151 (IO) 3. .'.\I aria De ~., b. July 4, 1823; mar. :\far. 28, 1858, \Yill­ iam B. Lyon. 152 (10) 4. Eliza B., b. Feb. 21, 1S2j; mar. jan. 24, 1847, Henry G. \\'ilson.

30 153 (10) 5. Anna Thomas, b. Oct. 9, 1829; mar. Oct. 5, 185S, \\"ill­ iam Longstreet. 154 (10) 6. \Yilliam De X., b. Oct. 18, 1833; mar. Emily Silva; d. June 2, 1864. 155 (10) j. Charlotte, b. :Kov. 13, 1836; mar. Mar. 25, 18j5, John ~oe. 156 (10) 8. Sarah S., b. l\Iay 16, 1840; d. Sept. 13, 1847. 157 (10) 9. David Bowne, b. Jan. 4, 1843; mar. June 5, 18j3, Sarah B. Young; 2d, June 20, 1882, Fanny Coly. Is a prominent architect in Elizabeth, X. J.; no issue. 158 (8) iv. DAVID PROVOST, b. September 10, 1779; 1nar. N"0Yen1ber 5, 1800, Elizabeth Norris; b. Decen1ber 26, 1782; d. :\[ar. 4, 18 I 3; 2d, ~Iary Y anderbilt.

ISSUE. 159 (9) i. 11ARY A.CKLAXD, bap. January 7, 1802; mar. October 8, 1821, .-\bram J. Brown; d. l\-Iarch 12, 1882.

ISSGE. 16o (10) 1. Ann E. Brown, b. Feb. 28, 1823; mar. B. R. Brown.


161 (11) l. Alonzo D., b. Nov. 15, 1847; d. Feb. 7, 1880. 162 (II) 2. Olive )I., b. Mar. 29, 1850; d. :Kov. 17, 1871. 163 (II) 3. :\lary V., b. Nov. 23, 1852; d. l\lar. 9, 1853. 16-1- (II) 4. Emma L., b. Jan. I, 1859. 165 (IO) 2 David Provost, b. Sept. I, 1824; mar. 1856, Anna P. Conners; 2d, Feb. 25, 1866, Elnora II. Kinsley; 3d, Nellie S. Birch.

ISSUE. 166 (II) I. Charles C., b. Jan. 31, 1857; mar. June 8, 1880, Hen- rietta A. Real; d. l\Iar. 4, 1866.


167 (12) I. Arthur E., b. ~Iar. I.J, 188r. 168 (12) 2. Herbert E., b. :\Iar. 1, 1883. 169 (I 2) .,.,. Charles E., b. Nov. 13, 1889. 170 (II) 2. Albert E., b. April 21, 1859; mar. :\lay 30, 1880, l\Iinnie Moody.

ISSt;E. ljl (I 2) I. Juanita, b. June 3, 1886. lj2 (12) 2. Lester M., b. :Mar. 6, 1SSS. ,. lj3 {II,) .,. l'hilip D., b. Oct. 2, 1879.

174 (II) ➔• Effie A., b. Feb. 19, 1S82. lj5 (II) 5. \\"i1liam E., b. Jan. 4, 1885. Ij6 (IO) 3. Joshua A., b. Dec. j, 1826; d. 182j.

31 1--JI {IO)' ➔• Clarkson, b. Oct. 2r, rS2S; mar. Jan. 7, 1856, Adelia Casler; d. :'.\Jar. 2, 1Sj7. ISSCF.. lj8 (II) I. Hattie C .. b. Dec. 25, 1858; d. Dec. 24, 1871. 179 (IO) 5. Louisa Provost, b. Aug. II, 1831; d. June 22, 1889. I 80 ( 10) 6. Emma Falkner, b. August I 3, 1834; n1ar. October 7, 1863, Rev. Curtis Graham, of the East Genesee and Kansas Conferences, late a member of Kansas Legis­ lature. ISSl:'E. 181 (11) r. Sherbourne :\I., b. Aug. 16, 186.,i. 182 (II) 2. Rudolph Provost, b. July 20, 1867. 183 (II) 3. Olive :\lay, b. July 28, 1873. r84 (10) 7. Abraham R., b. Sept. 18, 1836; mar. Dec. 9, 1876, Sarah Bur- tell. 185 (10) 8. \Villiam 1\1., b. Sept. 6, 1839. 186 (10) 9. Theodore Ackland, b. November, 1841; no issue. 18; (9) ii. Lot:ISA, b. August 4, 1804; mar. Jacob ,-andeventer.


188 (ro) 1. Zenas Vandeventer, b. Ai:>ril 20, 1831. 189 {IO) 2. David Provost Vandeventer, b. Sept. 2, 1833;- mar. Xov. 6, 1862: :Maria L. Shea.

ISSGE. Igo (II) I. Florence Vandeventer, b. May 24, 1864; mar. Oct. 26, 1884, Clarence E. Secor.


191 (12) I. Clarence E. Secor, b. Oct. 2, 1885. 192 ( 12) 2. Horace, b. July I, 1890. 193 (12) 3. :Mary J., b. Aug. 10, 189r. 194 (II) 2. David Provost Vandeventer, b. Nov. 1, 1866. 195 (II) 3. :\lary J., b._ Jan. II, 1869. 196 (II) 4. Eugene, b. Dec. 13, 18jo. 197 fu) 5. Rapheal, b. Oct. 31, 1872. 198 (II) 6. John, b. Jan. 31, 1879. 199 (10) 3. .-\nn S. \·andcventer, b. Aug. 6, 1835; mar. Dec. 2j, 1853, John \\" . .\Iaggs. ISSt"E. 200 (II) I. Joscph \V. )I aggs, b . .\ pri] 26, I 8 5 5: mar. October, r 882~ Elizabeth Brown.

IS5l"E. 201 ( 12) I. Charles :'.\laggs, b. -- 202 (12) 2. Helen ~laggs, b. -- 203 (12) 3. Josephine Maggs, b. --

32 204 (12) 4. Elizabeth ~r aggs, b. - 205 (II) 2. Charles Provost l\laggs~ h. Sept. 12, r85j; cl. 1881. 206 (II) 3. :Maria L., b. Sept. 19, r86o; mar. Xov. 16, 1881, ~I. Delaney :'.\Iagee.


207 (12) 1. Charles E. ~r agee, b. April 28, 1884; d. y. 208 (12) 2. Gladys ::\lagee, b. June 22, 1888. 209 (12) 3. Grace :'.\fagee, b. June 22, 188S; d. y. 2IO (12) 4. Roger :'.\Iagee. b. X ov. 1, 1890. 2II (II) 4. l\lary A., b. Jan. 7, 1863; mar. Jan. 14, 1892, \Yilliam B. Duncan. 212 (II) 5. Fanny A., b. Sept. 22, 1865. 213 (11) 6. Frederick \V .• b. Aug. i, 18~9- 214 (II) 7. Lelia V., b. May 22, r878; d. y. 215 (9) 111. EYELYX PRO\"OST, b. October 16, 1806; d. October 26, 1845; no issue. . 216 (9) n·. CATHARIXE J. PRo\·osT, b. October 14, 1809; thrice married; last husband, Asbury Fountain. 217 (9) V. ELIZABETH PROVOST, b. ~larch 4, 1812; mar. October 23, 1833, Conover Herbert; d. October 21, 1853.

ISSGE. 2r8 (ro) 1. Obadiah C., b. Oct. r2, 1834; mar. Dec. 24, 1857, Mary A. Buck. ISSUE.

219 (II) 1. Ralph \V. Herbert, b. Oct. 1, 1858; mar. Oct. 12, 1881, Annie S. lloore.

220 (12) 1. Carll :\l., b. July 2, 1882. 221 (12) 2. Ralph \V., b. Sept. 6, 1888. 222 (12) 3. Harvey C., b. Feb. 28~ 1890. .,,. 2 -.J (u) 2. Dora E. Herbert, b. Aug. g, 186o; mar. Nov. 24, 1881, Charles X ewton Cox, :\I. D . • ISSL"E. 224 (12) I. Emily )I. Cox, b. Dec. 1 r, 18S2. 225 (12) 2. Carll II. Cox, b. Jan 6, 1890; cl. y. 226 ( 12) 3. :\Iariun E. Cox, b. Dec. 22, 1892. 22j (II) 3. Frank C., b. )far. 9, 1863; single. 22S (II) 4. (;eorge B .. b. Jan. Ij, 186~; mar. April 2, 1889, Eliza­ beth Smock.


229 (12) !. Oli..-cr H., b. April i, rSgo.

33 230 I I) ~- E,·aX.,h. \lar.24.186S; mar.Dec 25, 1SSS,FrankJ. llrown. .. IS:Sl"E. 231 ( 12) Eva. J., b. X ov. 2S. I SS9. 232 ( rr) 6. C.arrieO., b. June lj, 1871; mar. ~Tar. 15, 1S93. Rudolph Stryker. 233 ( IO) 2. Corneli~ H., b. Jan. S, 1S3j; mar. Sept. 2, 185j, \Villiam IL II eyer. ISSl.7 E. 23-1- (II) r. :\lary E .. b. Feb. 28, 1S59. 235 (rr) 2. Herbert \\" ., b. Feb. 22, 1861. 236 III) 3. E1laG., b. Sept. S, 1863. ,,,.. _ _.,, \ I l) 4. \\"ilhelmu:;, b. Oct. 15, 1S66. ,, .... 3 -.) (u) 5. Florence, h. Fch. 6. 186S. 239 ( II) 6. Lester R .. b. Aug. 3, 18jo. 240 (II) j. John \\"., h. Sept. 28, 18;3. 2.p (II) S. Arthur Provo:::;t, b. April 4, I8j6.

242 (II) 9. :\label L., b Sept. 13, 18j9.

243 (IO) 3- )lary L. 1 b. July lj, 1S-1-2. 244 (10) 4. \\"illiam C., b. )!arch 9, 1852; mar. Dec. Ii, 18j9, Louisa Applegate. ISSt:F.. 2..J5 (II) I. Charles \\'., b. )lar. 6, 16S1. 2.,J6 (II) 2. Albert E., b. Xov. r, rSS3. 24i (II) 3. De \\"itt S .• b. :\lay 3, I 890. . 248 (9) \"l. .--\!\X ]AXE PRO\"OST, b. Septen1ber 26, 1819; mar. Decem- 16, 1838, Thaddeus \rhitlock; 2d, January 19, 1849,John D. Schenck; no issue. 249 (9) Yii. CAROLIXE PRO\"OST, b. Decc1nber 26, 1821; d. April 5, I 8-1-9. 250 (i) \\·1LLL\:'-I PRo\·osT (116), hap. August 26, 1j36; mar. in Hol­ land, ::\Iay 24, 1j61, Elizabeth Turner;


251 (8) l. J:-:T, hap. Decernhcr ~o, Ij66; 1nar. 1st, --- Bo.nncr: 2d, Daniel I k:cs. 2 5-t- (S) l \". E1.1Z.\BETir PRoYOST, bap. D~ceml>cr 20, Ij66; cl. before I ;Si. 2--., ., (8) \" . C.\TIL\RI:\E PRo,·osT, hap. January 29, 1769: n1ar. Sep­ tember 29, 1j91, C:.1pt. Samuel ~\rrnour: d. ~lt Greenwich. Conn., Oct. rr, 1852.

3-t ISSl~E.

255a (9) 1. J.-\COB Ih: L.\ :\[o~T.\G~IE, l>. 255b (9) ii. JOH~~\., b. 255c (9) iii. :\L-\.RY E., b. 255d (9) i\", J.-\.:\IES J .•-\.R:\IOL"R, h. -- 111ar. :\[ary I .owerre (b. 1 i9i; d. ~\pril 2, 185i ).

lSSGE. r. :\lary ~\., b. Xov. 25, 1823; mar. Xov. 25, 18 ..p, Robert D. Livingston (b. Oct. Ij. 1818; d. July 2j, 1S87); fifth in descent of Robert Li ving!:iton, of Livingston )[ anor. :\I rs. )[ary A. Livingston died :\Jar. 23, 1873.

ISSUE. 255f (11) 1. Katherine Beekman, b. June ~S, 1842; mar. 1st, Jan. 16, 1863, Thomas Picton Rowe; 2d, Sept. 16, 1876, Montgomery Schuyler.

ISSt"E. 255g (12) I. Kate Rowe, b. 1864; d. y. 255h (12) 2. Livingston Rowe, b. July 22, 1S68. 255i (12) 3. l\lontgomery Schuyler, Jr., b. Sept. 2, 1877. 255j (12) 4. Philip Livingston Schuyler, b. Feb.24, 1880; d.y. 255k (12) 5. Robert Livingston Schuyler, b. Feb. 26, 1883. 2551 (10) 2. James A. b. 1825; removed to Florida, and his subsequent history unknown. 255m (10) 3. Catharine, b. 1830; mar. Henry Dickinson; d. 1873.

15S l"E.

255n {II) I. James, b. 2550 (I I) 2. Henry, b. 255p (II) 3. Kate, b. 256 (8) \'i. \\"n.LIA:\I TcR~ER PROVOST, b. December 9, 1i71; mar. ~[ay 1, 1 i93, ~Iary Cassen; d. Septcn1l>er 4, 1825 [ will, Lib. 59, p. 512]. \ras a 1nariner in early life; at time of death lived at Rye, ~- Y.

ISSUE. ELIZABI::TH :\L\R\" PROVOST, h. February 5, Ij94; d. June 28, 186--1-: no issue. 258 (9) ii. J-·'-:\IES P. l'RO\"OST, b. Xove111ber, 1801; 1nar. :\Iary Kelly; d. July 23, 1 869. ISSUE.

259 ( IO) I. :'.\lary E. Pro\'ost, l>. Feb. 22. 1829; d. Feb. q., 1S35.

35 260 (10) 2. Cath::i.rine .A. Pro\"ost, b. ~ov. 22. 1830: mar. A. X. Gillet; 2d, Feb. 16, 1869, Jas. l'. Shoecraft.

ISSL"E. 261 (11) Henry P. Gillet, b. Sept. 7, 1853. 262 (10) 3. \Yilliam K. Provost. b. Sept. II, 1832; mar. !\fary E. Carr; 2d, Jan., 1876, Charlotte .A. Bunyea.

ISSUE. I. Kate E., b. June 11, 1858; mar. Charles C. Bosche; d. Mar. 22, 1889.

ISSt:E. 264 (12) 1. Fred E., b. Sept. 9, 1882. 265 (12) 2. Edith, b. Oct 21, 1S86. 266 (12) 3. ~lortimer E., b. :March 4, 1889; d. y. 267 (II) 2. Ida L. Provost, b. Feb. 20. 1860; mar. K ov. 2, 1882, Fred. C. Manning.


268 (12) I. Daniel P., b. Nov. 20, 1883. 269 (12) 2. Esther E .• b. Dec. 15, 1889. 270 (II) 3. )1ortimer C., b. ~Iar. 5, 1862. 271 (II) 4. Charles S., b. !\far. 13, 1865; mar. Nov. 13, 1886, Minnie Harson.

ISSUE. 272 (12) Chester \V., b. Aug. 25, 1887. 273 (11) 5. Albert \V., b. :Mar.; 1865; d. y. 274 (10) 4. James P. Provost, b. Nov. 16, 1834; d. lfay 1, 1891. 275 (10) 5. John S. Provost, b. -. -, --; mar. Sept. I, 1862, Eliza­ beth Smith; d. July 3, 1892.

ISSUE. 276. (11) I. \Villiam C., b. July 24, 1864; mar. July 27, 1886, Kettie F'ix.

ISSt:E. 277 (12) 1. Ressie, b. Feb. -, 1888. 278 (12) 2. Harry, b. :\larch 12, 1890. 279 {II) 2. Alice S., b. July 15, 1867; d. y. 280 (II) 3. Celia E., h. July 18, 1869; mar. Nov. 17, 1892, \\"illiam Connor. 281 (II) 4. Charles E., b. Mar. 30, 1874. 282 ( IO) 6. :\lary C. Provost, h. Aug. 23, 1839; mar.. .\pril 22, 1856, A. L. \\"a!:,hburn; 2d. Dec. 28, 1882, Sloan Cooley. JSSl."E.

1. Isahella L., b. ~Jay q .. 1S5S; mar. April 23, 18j9, :\. J. Coster. 2. ~Jary. h. Dec. 25. 1860; mar. Sept. 13. 18Sj, Roger Ru~sell. 285 ( IO) j. Robert C. Pro\·ost, b. Sept. 23. 18 ..p; mar. Feb. 13, 1882. Fanny G. Ashton; d. Oct. 8, 1880.

286 (II) I. James Provost, b. :\fay 22, 1863; mar. July 4, 1886, Alice O'Brien.

ISSUE. 287 ( 12)" 1. Xettie A .• b. :'.\Jar. 14, 1887. 288 (10) 8. Charles :\I. Provost, b. Sept 3, 18.J4; d. Sept 20, 1873. 289 (10) 9. Edward\\~., b. July 20, 1847; d. April 30. 1891. 290 (9) 111. \r1LLL.\:'.\I PROYOST, b. :\larch 1;, 1803; mar. January 2, . 1826, ~{ary Strang; d. February 26, 18j5; no.issue. 291 (9) IV. RoBF.RT C. PROVOST, b. January 10, 1805; mar. Harriet ---; d. August 20, 1840.

ISSUE . • 1. :Mary Ann, b. -. -. -; mar. George A. Crocker.

ISSUE. 293 (11) a. :'.\Iinnie. 294 (11) b. George. 295 (11) c. \\-illiam. 296 (11) d. Bertha. 297 (11) e. Edward. .. 298 (9) ,·. DAVID PROVOST, b. June 15, 18oj; mar. June 24, 1827, Sarah l\L Cropsey; d. October 14, 1884. _

299 ( ro) I. \\"illiam T., b. April 24, 1829; single.

300 (10) 2. :Mary E., b. Feb. II, 1831; mar. Andrew C. :\Jorey; d. 1861.

ISSUE. 301 (11) a. Hattie l\lorey, b. Sept. 18, 1866. 302 (11) b. Emma Morey, b. Feb. 18, 1Si2. 303 (10) 3. \Villiam H., b. Dec. 24, 1832; mar. June 23, 18S6, Frances.A. :\ 1ill er; no issue. 304 (10) 4. George H., b. X ov. 23, 1834; single. 305 (10) 5. David, b. -. -; mar. 2d, Aug. 20, 1840, .:\nn Robbins.

37 I SSCJ-:. 3c6 (11) a. David Provost, Jr., b. '.\lar. 2S, 18-t,-1: :;inglc. JOj (IO) 6. James E., b. July ..J, 18-t,5; mar. ~ept. 9, 1S6S, Juliet :'.\1. Allen.

ISSL" E. 30S (II) a. Carrie :\llcn, b. Oct. 22, 1S69. 309 (II) h Xettie Lang, b. :\lay 2j, 1Sj2;

315 (1c) 1. Joseph S., b. )Iay 31, 1850; mar. Jan. 16, 18j7, Hope Davis.

ISSCE. 316 (11) a . .\label J., b. ~ov. 14, 187j. 317 (11) b. \\"illiam B., b. Aug. 12, 18j9. 318 (11) c. Sarah n.. b. Dec. 20, I 880. 319 (10) 2. Celia!;., b. June 15, 1853; mar. Feb. 10, 18j4-, David Rosen­ feld. ISSUE. 320 {rr) a. Dora P., b. Sept. 27, 1881. 321 (10) 3. Sarah E., b. Nov. 25, 1855; mar. Feb. 10, 1880, John \V. Ingham.

322 (11) a. Grace C., b. Aug. 27, 1881. 323 (11) b. Florence P., b. Oct. 16, 1884. 324 (11) c. John \V., b. Oct. 19, 1891. 325 (10) 4. John \V., b. A~g. 26, 1858; mar. l\lay 28, 1884, Agnes J. I [ utchinson.

a. ::\lildred A., b. X ov. 20, 18()0. ,·ii. SA:\Il"EL ..-\R:\IOl"R PROYOST, b. ~oYember 20, 181 I; n1ar. Harriet S.. .\sh; d ...\.pril 30, 188j. In an obituary notice, the B1~fa!o Express, of :\lay 1, 1887, says., : "He was one of the 1nost estirnahlc characters that the editor e,·er knew-amiable, sincere, upright in a11 his deal- ings, a devout Christian, etc."

328 (ro) I. Thomas A. Provost, b. Jan 31, 1834; d. y. 329 ( IO) 2 \fo.ry E. Provost. b. ~ov. 15. 183::; mar. Oct. 2, 1355, Henry H .."-=nrre "::, . 1:-:-l·F:. 330 (II) n. Harriet .:\-.h; cl. v. 331 {II) b. Lillie, b. --- .,.,_,, ,, ,, (II) c. Jane R., b. -- .,.,.,,, ,, ,, (II) d. Elizabeth, b. --- 334 {II) e. John Dows, b. --- .,.,:,,, ,, - (10) 3. ~amuel Armour Provost, Jr., b. '..\lay 19, 1838; mar. Feb. 4, 1863, Jane E. Ernst.

336 (II) a. Jane E. Provost, b. Mar. Ij, 1864. 33j (II) b. Harriet E. Provost, b. June 26, 1867. .,.,..,,. ,. ~ (1 r) c. Samuel Provost, b. l\lar. 25, 1869. 339 (11) d. Thomas Folger Provost, h. :\lay 30, 18j7. 340 (ro) 4. Rebecca :\fcCarthy Provost. b. '..\Jar. 8, 1840; mar. Dec. 8, 1864, Ed ward Dows; no issue. 3..i1 (10) 5. Harriet Ash Provost, b. Nov. 8, 18.,1.1; mar. Xov. 23, 18j5, Denison Cheesbro; no issue. 342 (10) 6. Benjamin Ash Provost, b. July 4, 1844; mnr. June 2, 1669, Elizabeth Carpenter.


343 (II) a. Elizabeth C. Provost, b. :\Iar. 16, 1870. 34-1- (10) 7. \Villet Coles Provost, b. Feb. 17, 1853; d. y. (By marriage with '..\fatilcla :\Ioffat, :\fay 21, 1854.) 3-1-5 ( 10) 8. John :'.\I offat Provost, b. '..\lar. 25, 1856; mar. June 8, 1892, Lillie Croes~ daughter of Charles A. \Yillets, of Baltimore. Is a pro1ninent lawyer in Buffalo, X. Y., graduate of State normal college, me1uber of the Holland Society, etc. ~Irs. ProYost is great-great-grandd·:n1ghter of late Bishop Croes, of Xew Jersey.


3-1-6 (II) 1. Charlotte :'\I atilda, b. April 30, 1893. 3..i6ai11) 2. John Croes, b. ~\ug. 2, 1S94.

34i (9) \·111. G1-:0R

3-1-S (ro) 1. Emma C., b. Feb. 16, 183j; d. Feb. 16, 18..ii,

3-1-9 ( 10) 2. ~lariana. h. Oct. 15, 1838; mar. Jacob \Yells Oct. 4, 1859; Ii vcs at Plain field, X. J.

39 350 (10) 3. John II., b. Sept. 15, 1840; c1. Dec. 13. 1Sj7. 35 r (ro) 4. George, h . .-\ ug. IS. I 844; <.I. July 27, 1869. 352 ( 10) 5. Louise F .. h. Xov. Cj. 1847; d ~\pril 10, 1S63. X CJne of the four Inst had issue.

353 (5) \ru.LrA'.\f PRO\"OST (58), h. September 2i, 16j9; mar. Xovem- 20, Ijoo, :\efje Yan Exvecn (hap. December 19, 1683), the daughter of Gerrit Corneliszen ·van Exveen, a. n1an of some wealth; lived in \Vall Street. Facsimile signature, 1 j07, is in ,-alentine's ~I anual of 185 8.

\Yillian1 Provost was a n1an of learning..... and distinction . :\s a merchant, he became wealthy, and in politics successful. In 1708 to lill was Assistant ..:\lderman; 1723, at the request of Gov. Burnett, was appointed a member of the Council, and served until Ii35- In 17 33, Gov. Crosby asks for his appointment as a mem­ ber of the New Jersey Council: (" He would like to keep him in the Council of New York, but his estate is in Xew Jersey, and he would be of great aid to the Council there.") [v· ols. ,-. and YI., Col. I-list.] In 1734 was appointed to the !\ew Jersey Council. He purchased, in February, 1721, house and land next to the present old Dutch Reforn1ed Church at Hackensack, and ren1oved to that place about that time. He was collector of Bergen County from 1723 to 1725; in the Ke,r Jersey Assen1bly 1721, and in the Council f~om 1734 to 1741. In 17 25 was known as Col. Provost; 17 39, had charge of 1nilita.rv affairs in Bergen Count\", and the san1e ,·ear was ., ... ,.. ., • J appointed Judge of the Ple~s for Bergen County; 1 i 40, a com1nissioner to settle the line between )Iassachusetts and Rhode Island. His will was proven August 26, 1746. [Lib. 15, p. 619, ~ew "\'ork County.] The X ew J erser Council was composed of James Alexan­ der (father of the Earl of Stirling)~ who n1:uried the wealthy widow of Sa1nuel Provost (381): Cornelius Yan Horne,"son of Elsje Provost ( 29); ,Yilliam Provost, John Schuyler and Robert I-Iunter )[orris. Thev were not onlv fearless but ~ ~ intellectual giants.

40 ISSl"E. 354 (6) i. \YY~TIE PROVOST, b. October 2j, Ijo1; d. y.

1 .... 1·1· .).).) (6), . J)A\"ID \Y. PRO\"O~T, b. ~oven1ber 8, Ijo2; n1ar. February 8, 17 29, his cousin, .-\nneke Yandewater ( 5;); and 2d, October 14, Ij .. p, Gertrude, the sister of Johanna Ryn­ ders, wife of David Provost ( 111 ). She was the widow of Nicholas Governeur and granddaughter of Jacob Leister. He was Justice of the Peace for Bergen Co., N. J ., for some years, and in charge of the military affairs of that county during the Spanish \\"' ar. He died in Bergen Co. about Ij65.

ISSUE. 356 (7) 1. \\"ilhelmus Provost, bap. :Mar. 4, 1730; d. y. 357 (7) 2. \\"illiam Provost, bap. Nov. 10, 1731, mar. :May 31, 1758, Eliza­ beth Van \Vyck, daughter of Catharine Provost (89). 358 (7) 3. David Provost, bap. Nov. 18, 1733; d. y. 359 (7) 4. Catharine Provost, bap. July 20, 1735; mar. July, 1761, Law­ rence Horsman. 5. Effie Provost, bap. ---; mar. Abram Lefferts before 1770. 6. Samuel Provost, h. July g, 1738; mar. Henne Earll. ~

ISSUE. 362 (8) a. David Provost, hap. Dec. 7, 176o. 363 (8) h. \Villiam Provost, hap. Sept. 31, 1761; d. y. 364 (8) c. \Villiam Provost, hap. Oct. 19, 1776; was Assistant Alderman in New York, 1808-1809 (Val. l\lan., 1863). 365 (7) 7. David R. Provost, h. July, 1745. 366 ( 6} 111. CATHARINE PROVOST, b. October 8, 1704; mar. Gerardus Beekman. (His father was Dr. Ge\ardus Beekman, b. 1653; d. 1j23. Capt. Militia, Flatbush, 1681; ~1ajor, 1689; Lieut.-Col., 1698; Col., 1700; member of Leisler's Council, 1690-1691; member of Council, 1jo5-1723; Prest. and J)ep. Gov., 1jo9-1j10.) His first wife was Anna l\Iaria (32 ), daughter of Elsje Provost. Catharine Provost Beekman died •.\.pril 20, I 763.


367 (7) 1. \Yilliam, hap. April 3, 1728. 368 (7) 2. David, bap. Jan. Ij, 1732. 369 (7) 3. ~fagdalena, bap. Mar. r9, 1735. 370 (7) ➔• Efje, hap. Feb. r6, Ij36; mar. April 6, 1764, Philip Verplank. JjI (7) 5. Johannes, h. :\Jar. 2r, 1 i39- 372 (i) 6. Jacobus, b. Jan. 21, 17 ..p.

4r 3i3 (6) i,·. ~Luu.-\ PRo\·osT, b~1p. July 21, Tjo6: mar. :\fay 22, Ij26, Re\". Reinhart Erickzen.

h:--l"E. 3i-J (i) 1. .:\asje, b April IS, I j2j. 3i5 (7) 2. Anna, b. July 13, 172g. 3j6 (j) 3. \Villiam, b. ---, Ii3i-

3i7 (-)'J 4. Da\·id, b. --, Ii.JO. 3i8 (6) V. CoR~EI.L\ PRO\"OST, bap. October 20, 1 i I I; d. before 1 . i45- .:,.., ..J 9 (6) \"I. ,Y \"XT1 E PRo,·osT. ha1). ~Ia,· 1 "',, I-, 2 2: d. \". .. , ,,/ " , J 380 (6) \"11. .--\.~ x EKE PRO\"O::;T, bap. ~larch I 1, 1 i 2-1-; 1nar . .:\ pril 29, 176r, l)irck Lefferts.

381 (5) S.\:'.IL"EL PRO\"OST (85)~ b. January 8, 1687; mar. October 15, I 711, ~I aria, daughter of John Spratt. His brother l)avid (Si) married her mother. He lJecame a wealthy merchant, and upon his death, in 17 20 [See ,Yill, Lib. 9, p. 139], his widow continued his busi­ ness. She was a woman of rare abilities, and by her skill and close attention to business, became the most wealthy woman of the colony. January 1, rj21, she n1arried James Alexander, the statesman, scholar, and lawyer, who for so manv., Years., was in the Councils of New York and ~ew Jer- sey, and in the _-\.ssembly of X ew York. Their son ,rilliam, known as the Earl of Stirling, ,vas the celebrated ~Iajor-General of the _.\merican :\rmy of the Rev­ olution; he married Sarah, daughter of Philip Li\"ingston, sister of the then Go,·ernor of ~ e\\" Jerscy. Tht!ir daughter Catharine. married :\I njor \\~ nlter Ruther­ ford of the En!!lish ...\rnn·, and their daughter :'.\f~ir,· married '-·' .,, ' "-·• .,, Peter \" an Brugh Li,·ingston. Duer, in his life of the Earl of Stirling~ speaks in the highest praise of :\faria Pro,·ost .:\lex­ ander: of her mental ,·igor, i11telli 6L~nce, and skill in lmsines~~ and of her great liher~llity to those in need. I-Iow he cmne to call her the wife of .. Ready ::\f oncy Pro,·oost," a mistake which Lossing copied, we cannot imagine. · Portraits of James .:\lexander and :\Irs. ProYost, taken shortly after their marriage, and also of the Earl of S}irling, will be found in Gen. ""ilson's I-list. of Xew York, pp. 36r, 356,510: \-01. II. She died .:\pril, 1760.


( 6) i. l\L\RL\ PRo\·osT, bap . .-\ugust r7, 1j12; d. y. (6} ii. JOIIX PROYOST (385 ), bap. January ro, 1 i 14. {6) 111. l)A YID PRo\·osT, bap. June 19, 1715; died December, 17 41, in Carthagen ia; no issue. (6) JoHx PROVOST (383), bap. January 10, 1714; mar., in 1734, Eve, daughter of Harmanus Rutgers; died September 24, I 767 [,Vill, Lib. 26, p. 80]; was a successful merchant, and .Asst. _-\lderman, 17 48 to r i 54. The ~ cw York ... liercur;· of September 28, 176;, announces the death of John ProYost and his half-sister, l\iary Living­ ston, at about the same hour, and adds: "Both deaths are universally lamented. Their remains were decently interred in the family vault, Trinity Church." He was a rare penman, as will be seen by an examination of the manuscript referred to in note _-\, which is as distinct and legible as when written in 1742. To this copy of the paper, made by his uncle in 17 24, we are indebted for certain and accurate data in the history of our family prior to 1638, which else would, probably, have been lost.

ISSt:E. . 386 (i) 1. SA:\IUEL PRO\"OST (392 ), b. February 26, 17 42. .. 38j ( 7) 11. JOH~ PROVOST, b. January 24, 1753. 388 (7) 111. c ..\THARIXE PROVOST, b. ~Iay 8, 1755. . 389 (i) IV. DAVID PROYOST, b. about 1757; died (single.) 1794; was a merchant; appointed December 7, r777, by Gen.,,vash- ington, Paymaster in the :\rrny of the Revolution, and served as such, and as Quartermaster, to the end of the war [\-ol. II., p. 559, Revo. Papers]. lfe was captured and held prisoner of war on board the British war-ship _-\.sia. The petition of his n1othcr, E\·e Pro\·ost, to the .:\1nerican authorities to force his release is indorsed, "\\"e cannot capture the .:\sia just yet." [~cw York Rev. Papers.] 390 (7) \·. JA:\IES .:\LEX~\XDF.R PRo\·osT, b. ,ihout 1759; mar. ::\Iary Rosevelt; died September r9, 1795.


391 (8) I. :\Iary, b. --; mar. --, Alexander Robertson.

43 392 (7) S.\'.\ICEI. PRO\"O~T {386), b. February 26, Ij42: mar. June 6, 1 j66~ \f ari:1, daughter of Thomas Bousfield, Esq., of Lak­

lands, Cork.' I rl:'la nd: ,_,~r~1duated at the head of the first se\"en in King:-; (now Colu1nl>ia) College, then occupying a frame building in Trinity Churchyard. In 1761 he went to England; entered St. Peter's College, Cambridge, where he graduated; in 1 j66 was adrnitted to orders in the Church of England. Returned to ~ ew York the same year, and assumed the duties of assistant rector of Trinity. This trust he resigned in Iii 5, because his ,·iews of the contest then impending between the colonies and the ~I other Country were at Yariance with those of a majority of his congregation. He retired to a small farm near Claverack, then in Dutchess (now Columbia County), New York, which he purchased and named "East Camp." He declined to be a delegate to the Provisional Congress of Iii i, and also to be its chaplain-both because clergymen should not meddle in political matters. He also declined the proffered rectorship of _several large and important parishes; among others, St. l\Iichael's, at Charleston, S. C., and King's Chapel, Boston, Mass., giving as his reason that he was unwilling to avail hiu1self of advantages over others of the clergy, arising from his stand for the freedom of his country. His letter declining the call to St. l\Iichael's gives his reasons for declining to be chaplain of the Congress, and why he must decline their pressing call, is in the hands of John Moffat Provoost (345 ). He did not lack courage, however; for he joined his neighbors in an armed pursuit of the English soldiers, who, October, 1 iii, burned Esopus.. Early in Ii 84, was unanimously elected rector of Trinity, and at once accepted. _ Three weeks later the dt.gree of D.D. was conferred upon him by the u·niversity of Pennsylvania. February 4, 1 j8i, was consecrated to the Episcopacy, at Lambeth Palace, England, and was thus created the first P. E. Bishop of New York. In 1j84 was appointed Regent of the lTniversity of New York; and in 1j87, was appointed trustee of Columbia College. '- In i\ovemhcr, 1785, was elected chaplain of Congress, and serYed se\"eral years. After the ceremonies of \Yashington's inaugural at the old City Hall, in 1789, the President and ci,·ic authorities repaired. to St. Paul's Church~ where the religious services, deemed a fitting conclusion of the inaugural, were conducted by Bishop Provost.

44 " ..

~ .. ~:e·:


,, ;. ~ / , / ,.,(/•/// I ... ; •...;,/1 ,.,,, ! i ., l ✓ .I

\\-hile Congress 1net in X cw York, the President, his fa1nily, and the officers oi the Govern1nent, were conununi­ cants or attendants at St. Paul's until Trinity was rebuilt, and then of Trinity, wherein a canopied pew was set apart for the President. Concerning the 1nen of these times, Gen. \\'ilson says: "But chief among them, as a social figure, by reason of his office, as well as his social qualities and his undoubted pa­ triotic sympathies, was the oosy, good-tempered, gentlemanly, and scholarly Dr. Provoost, Bishop of New York. He had been devoted to the An1erican cause; was a native of the city, of Dutch and Huguenot descent. In addition to his Hebrew, classic, and ecclesiastical lore, was familiar with French, Ger­ man, and Italian. He was able to flavor his conversation at social gatherings with the elegancies of modern literature, as well as to edify men with the weightier matters of law." He resided in an elegant home at No. 2 Nassau Street. In person he had a round, full face, was above the medium in stature, of portly figure, and very dignified in demeanor. An excellent likeness of the Bishop is seen in ~he memorial window at Trinity Church. Upon the grand memorial doors, in bronze, given by the Astor family to Trinity, will be seen a representation of Bishop Provost in his robes of office welcoming President \Vashington at the door of St. Paul's, commemorative of the religious ceremonies of the inaugural. He was _public-spirited, hospitable, and so liberal to the poor as to infringe too deeply upon his moderate salary of £7 50 a year, with house-rent free. Among the court ladies of the time, Gen. \\"ilson na1nes ~Irs. Provost and Lady Stirling, and others of the Provost family, then of New York. For items of interest concerning the Bishop we refer to \Toi. XVIII., :\'ew York Cen. and Bio. Record; Rev. ifason Gallagher's oi L n written History, 1888; Dr. J. \Y. Francis' '~Old ~ ew \" ork," p. 5 2 ~ and Dr. Schroeder's )lemoir of Bishop Hobart. The latter, among other things, says: "The n1otto of his ancient family escutcheon, 'Pro-libertate,' declared at once the sentiments of his I-Iuguenot forefathers, and the ieelings which they had transmitted to hi1n through eight generations, from the middle of the 15th century to I ...I ..J-2. " l\Irs. Provost died .-\ugust, 1 i99· The Bishop resigned his rcctorship Septen1 ber 8, 1800, and his bishopric in Septen1-

..JS her, 1801. I-Ie di~d suddenly, Septcrnber 6, 1815. [See ""ill, Lih. 52, p. 462.] ISSUE. 393 ( 8) i. S L"SAX E. PROVOST~ b. ; mar. George Rapa lye, July 19, 1 j98; he was a graduate of Colu111bia College; b . .:-\.ugust 9, 1 ii 1; a wealthy lawyer, noted for eccentricity of character; author of a book of tra\·els, etc. 394 ( 8) ii. ::\L.\RTA l)RO\"OST, b ; n1ar . .:\pril 8, 1 i93, Cad- wallader J). Colden, one of the n1ost prominent 1nen of Xew York, District Attorney, ~Iember of .Assembly, Senator of State, n1ember 0f C(.lngress, and ~Iayor of the city; he was a lawyer of great ability. (His father was Lieut.-Governor of ~- \". for n1any years, and ably filled many other civil offices between Ii30 and Iii 4.) He was, for many years, Senior Grand ,v arden of the Grand Lodge, F. A. l\I., of the State of Kew York, and one of the grand officers who organized the Scottish Rite in this country, in rSoj. His social worth and public usefulness are fittingly described on a mural tablet in Grace Church. I\lrs. Col­ den died l\.lay ro, 1837.

JSSt;E. 395 (9) I. David Cadwallader CoHcn, b. Jan. 9, 1796; mar. Dec. I, 1819, Frances, daughter of Charles \\"ilkes, of Xew York.

l\Irs. Colden presented the John Provost :\ISS. of Ii 42 [~ote .:\] to ::\'Iiss Jay, June 7, 1869.

396 (8) 111. BE~JAMIX BocsFIELD PROVOST, b. December 22, 1776; mar. January r9, 1803, Xellie French, of Kew Jersey; settled at Cherry Yalley, N. Y.; died Sept. 16, 1841.

ISSl:'E. 397 (9) r. ::\f aria Colden, b. ; mar. Oct. 30, r833, ~Tichael B. Field; d. ~ov. lj, 1S.i3.

ISSUE. 398 (10) I. Esther E., l>. Dec. 29, 1834. 399 (10) 2. Fannie Colden, b. :\far. 19, I S36. J> I 1:: 1 ... ,., 4CJO (ro) 3. nen fLmrn. . >., .,. c e ·). ro. I ;:,3~. 401 (9) 2. Dorothy J>., l,_ ~cpt. rr. 1305; cl. /single·! Fch. ~3, 15S3. 402 (9} 3. Jo!111 ~amucl. h. nee. 31, 1807: li\"ing in rS93; unm::irrics (9) 5. Benjamin Bousfieid, b. Feb. 1S, 1S13; mar. Feb. i, 18-tS, Grace Ann ~Ierwin; d. Oct. 21, 1381. :\lrs. Pron>st and her family now reside at Dubuque, Iowa. ISSL"E. 406 (ro·.• I. :\Iary Pond, b. Xm·. 28, 1848; mar. Edwin\\'. Albee.

ISSl: E. 40i (rr) a. Frank S., b. Feb. 28, 1Sj3. 40S (n) b. Grace, b. July 2j, rSj6. 409 (ro) 2. Sarah :\Jerwin, b. April r, rS5r. 410 (ro) 3. Xellie Grace, b. Jan. S. 1854. .pr (ro) 4. George Bousfield, b. ~ov. 2, 1856 . • 412 (9) 6. Elinor French, b. June 13, 1815; single and still living, 1893. 413 (9) 7. Catharine, b. Xov. 17, 181S; mar. rS-1-5, Daniel S. Steele.

ISSt;E. 414 (10) I. 415 (g) 8. Delia Ann, b. Jan. 2, 18:.?I; d. (single) Dec. 25, r8S6. 416 (8) iv. J oux PRo\·osT, b. ; d. suddenly, July 9, 1800, without issue.






CH.:\PTER III. 417 (4) JoNATHA~ PROVOST (22), born Kew .Amsterdam; bap. !\larch 26, 1651; mar. December 26, 16j9, Catharine (bap. June 29, 1659), daughter Pieter Corneliszen \;--anderveen and Elsje Tymens; the latter, April 11, 1663, married Captain Jacob Leisler. Elsje Tymens's mother was 1Iarritje Jans, the only sister of the celebrated Anneke Jans. In February, 1701, Jonathan Provost purchased a lot on north side of \Vall Street of l\ilary 1\-lilbourne, the daughter of Leisler (Lib. 26, pp. 102-106). By his will, proven Decem­ ber 30, 1702, he devises considerable property to his wife's son by a former marriage and names his widow and children.

ISSUE. 418 (s) i. LISBETH PROVOST, bap. September 29, 1680; d. y. 41 9 (s) ii. DAVID PROVOST, bap. June 20, 1682; d. y. 420 (s) iii. MARGARET PRov9sT, hap. August 1, 1683; mar. January 23, 1794, Johannes Kerfbyl, merchant.

ISSUE. 421 (6) 1. Catharina, hap. ~lar. 4, 1705. 422 (6) 2. Ann Valentina, bap. Sept. 29, Ijo6. 423 (6) - 3. Margreta, bap. June 11, 1710; d. y. 424 (6) 4. Johannes, bap. Oct. IS, 1i12; d. y. 425 (6) 5. Susana, bap. Feb. g, liIS; d. y. 426 (6) 6. Susana, bap. June 17, 1716; mar. Andries Brestede, Jr. 427 (6) 7. Joannes, bap. Dec. 28, 1718. 428 (6) 8. Johannes, bap. June 23, 1721. 429 (6) g. :Maria, hap. Sept. 8, 1723; mar. 1758, Stephen Crossfield. 430 (6) . 10. ~I argreta, bap. Sept. 27, I 726. 43 1 (5) IV. CATHARIXA PROVOST, bap. January 12, 1687; mar. Janu­ ary 10, 1 jo6, ~lathew Benson, of New York, b. 1697; son of Samson Benson and Tryntie Van Deusen.

ISSl"E. 43xa (6J 1. Tryntje, hap. Feb 23. 170j. 431b (6) 2. Jonathan, hap. Jan. 9. 170g; d. y. 431c (6) 3. Jonathan, bap. ~ov. 18, ljII. 431d (6) 4. Samson, hap. ~ov. 29, 1713: mar. Jannetie Arment. 432 (6) 5. Catharine Benson, bap. )lay 21, 1716; mar. Thomas Moore. 433 (6) 6. Catlyntje Benson: bap. Jan. 4, 1719.

51 434 (5) \". D_.\\"II> PROYOST (.i52)1 hap. Sept. 24, 1689. 435 (5) \"i. ~ I.\ RI:\ .PRo\·o~T, l;ap. ..:.\ pril 1 7, 1692; mar. Frederick Sebring, merchant of X ew York, son c,f Cornelius and .:\cltie ( daughter or' Frederick and Tryntie Lubbertszen) Sebring, of Brooklyn, ~- Y.

436 (6) I. Catharina~ hap. Oct. 4, IjI3. 437 (6) 2. ~\eitje. hap. Oct. 5, 1715. 438 (6) 3. )!aria, hap. Dec. 29, Ijl j. 439 (6) 4. Cornelia, hap. April 17, 1720. 4-JO (6) . 5. Cornelius, hap. Mar. 25, 1722; mar. Aaltje -- 441 (6) 6. :'.\largreta, bap. Oct. 25, 1724. 442 (6) 7. Elizabeth, hap. Mar. 29, 1729; d. y. 443 (6) S. Frederick, hap. Feb. 14, 1731. 444 (6) 9. Elizabeth, hap. )lar. 18, 1733. .. 445 (s) \"11. LYSBETH PROVOST, bap. December 23, 1694; mar. J anu­ ary 15, 1719, Johannes Beekman (hap. July 21, 1695), son of Johannes and Aeltje Beekman.

ISSUE. 446 (6) 1. Catharine, hap. Oct. 18, 1719; d. y. 447 (6) 2. Johannes, hap. Xov. 16, 1720. 448 (6) 3. Catharina, hap. Sept. 29, 1723·; mar. Jacob Arden. 449 (6) 4. Aeltje, hap. Sept. 29, I 723. 450 (6) 5. ~Vilhelmus, hap. Dec. 18, 1726; mar. :\laria Elsworth. 45 1 (5) \"Ill. AxGEXIETJE PRo\·osT, .bap. February 10, 169;; d. y. 45 2 (5) l)AVID PROVOST (434), bap. Septe1nber 24, 1689; mar. in 1712, Christina {born in 1693 ), youngest daughter of Capt. Peter Praa. The father of Peter Praa (also Peter Praa), a Huguenot from Dieppe, France, resided in Holland some time, and in r659 came in ship •• .:\loesman" to this country with his family, consisting of a wife and several children. He settled in Bush­ wick, Kings County, and there died in 1668. Peter Praa, Jr., was born at Leyden, Holland, in 1659; he married, l\Iarch 15, 1684, :\!aria (bap. June 4, 165r), widow of Joost .:\dricnszen ::\Iolencar, daughter of Jacob Hay and Christina Cappoens. The latter was a remarkably shrewd business woman. ..-\t the time of her death, in 1693, she resided near the present :\lerchants' Exchange, X ew \,.. ork City, on Stone Street, and w~~s Ycry wealthy for that period. Her property, n1ost of it in ~ew York and Kings County, she gave to the four daugh­ ters of Peter and ::\I aria Praa, viz.:- I. CATI-L\RI:-.:E PILL\, b~p. Septe111Ler 4, 1685; prob.

52 2. )!aria, hap. Septernl>er 30, 1688; m~1r ..\ugust 17, 1705, \\"ynant Yan Zant, one of the 1nost prosperous n1erchants of the colonY. 45--1- 3. EuzA BETH Pt{.-\.-\~ bap. \I~1y 13, 1691; 111ar. J can :\Iiserol, an ernigre fron1 Picardy, l>y the way of I-Iolland, between 165 j and 1663. Fron1 this union con1cs the well-known ~Ieserole fainily of :\"ew York and Kings County. 455 4 . ..:\xxETTIE PRAA, bap. X ovember 1...1-, 1694; mar. Jacob Bennett. 455a 5. CHRISTIXA PRA.-\, b. 1693; bap. 1Iay 1, 1698; mar. DaYicl Pro,·ost (--1.5 2 ). Peter Praa and his fan1ily resided upon the bowcrie ~f Christina Cappoens, which, by her will, she devised to his four daughters. The house was of the usual type of the best class of Dutch houses of that period. It was totally destroyed by fire in 1834. Its site is now marked by a dwelling built by !)avid Provost ( 1008) in 1836, situated on the north side of Freeman Street, east of Oakland, Brooklyn. Peter Praa, prior to his death, in 17 40, was the owner of nearly all of the present I jth ,vard of Brooklyn, most hy purchase from heirs of Dirick \rolkertszen and others. His above-named daughters were devised the balance by the will of their grandmother, Christiana Cappoens. He also owned a large tract in Queens County, the site of Long Island City, then known as Dominie's Hook, from its first owner, Dominie Bogardus, whose wife, the celebrated ...t\nneke Jans, purchased it in 1697. He also had large tracts in :Kew Jersey and considerable in the city of New York. ,re have no record of the death of David Provost (452). His wife, Christina, was, in r j6o, a widow, and April 20, 1 j69, married Rev. John Arondius. She died in December, 1795, after an illness of only two days, aged 102 years. Fron1 a deed executed by her in r i93, when she was over 100 years old, it appears that but two of her children were then living. David Provost and Christina, his wife, resided on the Cappoens bowerie, in the Praa homestead, until his death, and

she continued there until her marriage'--' with Dorninie ..-\rondius. In 1 i93 she deeded that house and one-half of her portion of the farm to Jonathan Provost (581 ), her son. Prc:!a, in his will, entails a burial-plot (now near India and Oakland Streets)~ in which he and his cl~sccndants were buried until the growth of Brooklyn prevented its further use for such purposes.

53 l::i~UE. 456 (6) i. JoxATHAX PRo\·osT, bap. ~larch 2i, 1j15; d. y. 457 (6) ii. PETER PRAA PROVOST, bap. I)ecember 23, Ijr6; mar. f)ecember 19, 1 i 39, Gertruy Sip kins; 2d, Leah. He died at Bushwick in 1784. [See \Vill, Lib. 37, p. 410.]

ISSt:E. 458 (7) 1. Da,·id, hap. Jan. 18, 1741; d. 1798. 459 (i) 2. Burger, hap . .Aug. 22, 1742; mar. April I, 1764, Eliza­ beth Bates, and died before 1776, leaving- 46o (8) 1. Gittie. 461 (8) 2. Elizabeth. 462 (7) 3. Maria, hap. June 10, 1744; mar. James Rodman. 463 (7) 4. Peter Praa, hap . .April 27, 1746. 464 (7) 5. Christina, hap. April 10, Ij4S; mar. Sept. 16? Ij6J, Stephen Tippet. 6. Jonathan, hap. )larch 18, 1750; d. y. 7. Johanne~, hap. Oct. II, 1752; d. y. 467 (7) S. Gertruy, hap. ~Iar. 15. 1754; d. y. 468 (6) 111. DAVID PROVOST (473), bap. Sept. 7, 1718. 469 (6) iv. CATHARI~E PROVOST (535), bap. August 18, 1720 4jo {6) v. Jo~ATHA~ PROVOST (581), bap. February 18, 1722. 471 (6) vi. !vlARIA PROVOST, bap. April 26, 1724. 472 (6) vii. JOHANNES PROVOST, bap. November 14, 1725. 473 (6) DAVID PROVOST (468), b. September 7, 1718; mar. September 23, 1747, Catharine \Tan Gelder. ,vas Captain of militia in 1765, and on guard at the City Hall as Colonel, under Lord Stirling; and was in the \Var of the Revolution, enlisting from :\[orris County, Xew Jersey.

ISSt:'E. 474 (7) i. ELIZABETH, b . ..-\ugust 31, 1748; d. y. 47 5 ( 7) ii. DAVID (513), b. April 10, 1750. 4j6 (7) 111. CA THARIXE, b ...\pril 28, 17 53. 477 (7) iv. PAl:Lt·s, b ...\pril 4, 1755; d. y. 478 (7) V. CHRISTIX A, b. September 26, 17 56. 479 ( 7) vi. ELIZABETH, b. September 25, 1758. .. 480 (7) \"11. PETER PRAA, b. September 15, 1760. 481 (i) PAt:Ll"S J., b. July 29, 1763. 482 ( 7) ix. Jo1-1x D., b. January 30, 1766. mar. Catharine Calyer, of Green point. 1:-;srE. Catharine, :\Iargaret, Eliza and Sophia. JoxATHAX (485), b. January 1, 1768. xi. L CKE, b. January 26, 17 70.

54 485 (i) JoxATH.:\X PROVOST (483), b. January 1, Ij68; mar. ~Iary \-reeland; d. July 21, 1854.

ISSl'E. 486 (8) 1. ELIZA PROVOST, b. 1 i95; mar. July 23, 1818, Henry ?\'ewkirk. ISSUE. 486a (9) I. James 1\1. Kewkirk, b. June 2i, 1819.

48j ( 8) ii. JoxATHAX PROYOST (493,) b. December 2, 1j98. 488 (8) iii. ~IARY PROVOST, b. --; mar. --- Cook; left issue. 489 (8) iv. JACOB PROVOST, b. --; mar. ---; d. 1882.


490 (8) V. J A~tES PROVOST, b. Bergen, ~. J.; d. January 2 r, 1742; mar. Sophia, daughter of Garret J. ~ ewkirk; left no issue. 491 (8) vi. JoHx PROVOST, b. September 3, 1806; mar. October 24, 1855, Lucy Decamp; d. _-\pril 2j, 1864; left no issue. .. 2 (8) Vll. CATHARIXE PROVOST, b. ---; mar. John Schuyler; 49 . no issue. 493 (8) JONATHAN PROVOST (487), b. December 2, 1798; mar. Sep­ temher 8, 1822, Paulina ~foore; d. November 3, 1875.

ISSUE. 494 (9) i. GEORGE PROVOST, b. July 9, 1823; d. October 26, 1829. 495 (9) ii. PARXELLA PROVOST, b. September 19, 1824; mar. De­ cember 10, 1845, Jothan l\L \Villiams, d. :\larch 1, 1861.

ISSt:E. 1. Pau]ine, b. :\Jar. 27. 1857. mar. June 23, 1880, Alfred \Vhitehead; no issue. 497 (10) 2. Jonathan P., b. --, 1861; d. 1883.

498 (9) lll. :\IARY Ax~ PROVOST, b. _.\ ugust 14, 1826; mar. October 9, 1851, George Bush; d. --, 1882.

ISSUE. 499 (10) I. George P. Bush, b. ---. 500 (10) 2. :\I ary C. Bush, b. -- 501 (10) 3. Charles :\I. Bush, b. -- 502 (9) iv. ELLEX PRO\"OST, b. Septen1ber 26, 1828; n1ar. September 3, 1861, John,,·. Taylor. 5°3 (9) \". JA:'.\IES PRO\"OST, b. July 8, 1833; d. July 2, 1848. 504 (9) vi. PHEBE BL"RXETT PRO\"OST, b. _.\pril 28, 1835; d. January I j, I 858. .. VII. )!ARTHA. GocLD PROVOST, b. June 5, 1843; d. Septem- ber 24, 1860.

55 506 (9) Yiii. CAROLIXE PROVOST, b. September 6, 1839; d. July 4, I 85 I. 507 (9) ix. TH0:i.1As CLIXTOX PROVOST, b. l\Iarch 5, 1849; mar. No­ vember 17, 1874, Fannie C. Backus. Now a prominent lawyer of Newark, N. J.

ISSUE. 508 (10) I. Jonathan S., b. Aug. 28, 1875. 5og (10) 2. Thomas C.• b. June 2, I 8j9. 510 (10) 3. Edward B., b. ?.,lay 22, 1881. 511 (10) 4. Helen T ., b. Aug. 31, 1884. 512 (10) 5. Alfred \V., b. Nov. 11, 1886.

513 (i) DAVID PROVOST (475), b. April 10, 1750; mar. January 18, 1775, Barbara Speaker; d. July 9, 1841.

ISSUE. 514 (8) i. ,v1LLIAM PRovosT, b. February 18, 1796; mar. 1831, l\Iaria Mandeville; d. December 16, 1874.

ISSUE. 515 (g) 1. :Martin, b. Mar. 29, 1832; mar. April 29, 1868, Julia A. \Voodruff; d. Jan. 22, 18go.

ISSUE. 516 (10) 1. Anna M., b. Mar. 21, 1869. 517 (10) 2. \Villiam, b. Jan. 29, 1872; d. y. 518 (10) 3. William ?YI., b. September 19, 1873. 519 (9) 2. Amanda, b. Feb. 14, 1834; mar. lfay 4, 1868, William Pierson. 520 (9) 3. Da,-id \V., b. April 10, 1838; d. Jan. 26, 1861; unmarried. .. 521 (8) 11. CATHARINE PROVOST, bap. September 18, 1798; mar. Garret Hennion. ISSUE. Amanda and Stephen, both deceased. 522 (8) 111. DAVID PROVOST, b. ~.\ugust 31, 1800; mar. :\fary :\lande­ ville, April 23, 1829; d. l\Iar. 8, 1867.

ISSUE. 523 (9) 1. Elizabeth :\I. Provost, b. June 16. 1830; mar. Sept. 15, 1859, \Vm. H. Riker. 524 (9) 2. Emma Pro,·ost, b. Mar. 5, 1840; mar. Oct. 29, 1863, John H. Demorest. 525 (8) iv. RACHEL PROVOST, b. April 27, 1802; mar. Thomas ,ran Gierson.

56 525a (9) 1. Albert, b. 525b (9) 2. Da\"id, b. 525c (9) 3. George, b. 525d (9) 4. l\Ierceilus, b. 525e (9) 5. Thomas, b. 525£ (9) 6. Ann, b. 525g (9) 7. :Mary, b. :,--26 (8) V. ELIZA PROVOST, b. July 1, 1804; mar. John :\landeville; d. December 19, 1889.

ISSUE. 526a (9) 1. Ann, b. 526b (9) 2. Susan, b. 526c (9) 3. :Mary, b. ; mar. Samuel Roome. 526d (9) 4. Leah, b. 526e (g) 5. James, b. 527 (8) vi. JACOB PROVOST, b. January 9, 1807; mar. Sarah Van Ness, July 2, 1835; d. September 24, 1888.

ISSUE. 528 (g) 1. Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1837; d. y. 529 (9) 2. Nelson, b. Dec. 16, 1839. For the past twenty years hold­ ing important positions of trust in the house of A. T. Stewart and its successors. · Nov. 25, 1862, mar. Mary E. Mandeville.

ISSUE. 530 (10) I. Effie M., b. Jan. 22, 1864; d. Jan. 24, 1865. 531 (10) 2. Newton, b. Sept. 3, 1867. 532 (10) 3. :Mamie, b. Oct. 18, 186g. 533 (10) 4. \Vinfield, b. June 16, 1871. 534 (9) 3. Susan, b. June 25, 1842; mar. Nov. 23, 1864, Cornelius V. H. Post. .. 534a (8) vn. J AXE PROVOST, b. October 1, 1808; mar. April 22, 1830, John Post. ISSUE. 534b (9) I. Catharine, b. ; mar. \Villiam \V estervelt. 534c (9) 2. Lavinia, b. 534d (9) 3. Cornelia, b. 534e (9) 4. George, b. The ~landevilles, with whom this family have intermarried, is a very old family. Annetie Scholt, the first child of ~1ar­ garetta, daughter of David Provost (10), married their ancestor, Henry Jilliszen de ~fandeville, who then lived at East Norwich, L. I., July 18, 1680.

57 535 (6) CATHARIXE PRO\"OST (469), bap. _-\ug. 18, 1720; 1nar . ..:\ugust 1, li37, Geret Brestede; 2d, September 20, 1753, Dr. Sa1nuel La Rue, of Philadelphia.

535a (7) I. Johannes Brestede, bap. July 19, 1738. 536 (7) 2. Christina Brestede, bap. Sept. 24, 1740; d. y. 537 (7) 3. Gerardus Brestede, bap. Sept. 1, 1742. 538 (7) 4. Rebecca Brestede, bap. ~ov. 2, 17~3. 539 (7) 5. !\largaret La Rue (542), bap. 1754. 540 (7) 6. Catharine La Rue, mar. --Halenbake. 541 (7) 7. Christina La Rue, mar. -- Barnes. 542 (7) ~L.\RGARET LA RuE (539}, mar. John D. Tiers, of Philadel­ phia; d. !\larch 28, 1840.


543 (8) i. ...\..RuXDIL"S, b. November 12, 1j71; d. February 23, 1i94· 544 (8) ii. l\L.\RY i\I., b. July 9, 1774. 545 (8) 111. SAlfUEL, b. November 29, ljj6. 546 ( 8} iv. JOHN D., b _.\ugust 23, 17 79. 547 (8} v. CoRXELn;s, b. November 30, 1781. 548 (8) vi. ~L.\RGARET. b. January 3, 1788; d. ilay 31, 1830. 549 (8) vii. CATHARINE (553), b. ~lay 27, 1789; d. October 10, 1844. 550 (8) viii. CHRISTISA (563}, b. November 10, 1790; d. July 14, 1870. 551 ( 8) ix. ELIZABETH, b. June 17, 1793. 552 (8) x. ..\..RONDIL"S, b. l\Iarch 22, 1795, 553 (8) CATHARIXE TIERS (549), b. ~lay 27, 1789; mar. about 1801 ,villiam H. !\-!orris; d. October 10, 184..t,.

ISSUE. 554 (9) i. \Vil!iam 1-1., b. 1802. 555 (9) ii. Ann Eliza, b. 1804; d. Dec. 20, 1866. 556 (9) iii. :\largaret C., b. 18o6. 557 (9) iv. John, b. 1808. 558 (9) v. Randolph, b. 1810. 559 (9) v1. ~lary Hunt, b. 1812; mar. George F. Klingle, :'.\I. I>., of Philadelphia; 2d, John B. Haas.

ISSl"E. 56o (10) I. Georgiana Klingle, b. November 4, 18~ 1; mar. -- Holmes. 1ssn-:. 561 (11) a. Arthur Klingle, b. June 20, 18j2; d. Jan 20, 1881. 562 (11) b. La Rue Klingle, h. Dec. 20. 1882. 562a (10) 2. Catharine T. Haas, b. 562b (10) 3. John F. Haas. b. Now cashier of the Summit Bank, of Xew Jersey.

58 ::\lrs. Holmes is an artist and author. Her pictures, painted mostly for her own pleasure, show much taste, feeling, and beauty; has published several books of much merit, both in verse and prose; her articles, under the nom de plume of " Geo. Klingle," are greatly prized by the press, to which she has been for some years a contributor. 563 (8) CHRISTINA TIERS (550 ), b. November 10, 1790; mar. Charles B. Parke, b. January 9, li85, and died at Flushing, July 14, l8jo. ISSt:'E. 564 (9) i. ~L.\RGARET, b. June 23, 1814. 565 (9) ii. CATHARI:XE, b. November 20, 1817. 566 (9) iii. l\iARTHA, b. February 1, 1819; mar. January 20, 1857, Anthony v·ictor Hafer, born at Presburg, Hungary; came to the "C"nited States when about 19 years of age; was a lawyer of prominence at St. Louis, Mo., and removing to \\'" ashington, D. C., continued in practice until his death, in 1876.


567 (10) I. Eliza.beth J., b. Oct. 17, 1858. 568 (9) iv. CHARLES B., b. February 26, 1822; d. October 4, 1853. CAROLI!\E, b. September 16, 1823; mar. July 27, 1846, Julius Constantine Kretschmar (b. June 18, 1823); she died July 2, 1855.

ISSUE. 570 (10) 1. Charles Parke, b. ~ay 6, 1847; d. June 9, 1887. 571 (10) 2. Herman R., b. Xov. 6, 1848. 572 (10) 3. Julia Constance, b. Jan. 20, 1850; d. April 20, 1887. 573 (10) 4. Horatio Cornelius Parke, b. May 1, 1855; is one of the firm of Lee, Livingstone & Co., of the N" ew York Stock Exchange. Julius Constantine Kretschmar was born at Hagen, \Vest­ phalia, Prussia; came to _-\merica and settled at Newtown, Pa., in 1832. December 14, 1846, was mustered into the military sen·ice of the United States as First Lieutenant, Company D, 1st Pennsylvania Volunteers-)Iexican \Var. February 24, 1847, elected Captain. Honorably discharged, l\lay 12, 1847. February 4, 1862, was mustered into the United States service as Major, 103d ~ew York \Tolunteers-\Var of the Rebellion . .A.pril 4, 1862, commissioned as Lieutenant-Colonel. Honor­ ably discharged, November 4, 1862.

59 January 25 1850, appointed Consul at ~assau. January 15, 185 2, appoint~d Consul at P~denno. :.\I ay 6, 18j9, ap­ pointed Commercial ...i\.gent at San Juan del ~ orte, at which place he died, ~Iay 2j, 1884. Col. Kretschmar was a man of education and ability. His military and diplomatic services for his adopted country were fully appreciated by the Government he served so faithfully. 5i4 (9) vi. HORATIO SAXSBURY, b ...\pril 24, 1825; d. :\Iay 13, 1879. 5i5 (9) vii. CoRXELIL"S T., b ...\.pril 5, 1827. 576 (9) v111. SoLO!\IOX, b. September 6, 1828; d. July ro, 1829. 57i (9) ix. l\lARY HL"XT, b. July 25, 1831; mar. .:\pril 5, 1854, Francis Eliott Grice, b. Portsmduth, \Ta. (He is a "son of the Revolution" and one of the first families of Virginia.)

ISSl"E. 578 (10) 1. Francis, b. Oct. 1, 1855. 579 (10) 2. Charles Parke, b. July 25, 1858. 580 (9) x. CHRISTI~A PARKE, b. November 26, 1833; d. December 14, 1880.


581 (6) JONATHAN PROVOST (4jo}, bap. February 18, 1722; mar. July 19, 1743, Adriana, daughter of David Springsteen, of New­ town, L. I. About the time of his marriage he settled upon the 808 acres purchased by Peter Praa, at George's Road, Middlesex County, N. J., and lived there until his death, 1805. [See \Vill, Lib. 45, p. 336.] . In deeds he is styled "Gentleman.. " Besides this farm at George's Road, he owned the Praa Homestead in Greenpoint, and several houses and lots in New York City.

ISSt:'E. 582 (7) i. JoxATHAX PRo,·osT (592), bap. December 17, 1745. 583 (7) ii. DAVID PROVOST (671), bap. about 1750. 584 (i) iii. PETER PRAA PRovosT (673), bap. April 24, Ij48. 585 (7) iv. JASPER PROVOST (798), b. about 1760. 586 (7) v. JoHs PROVOST (917), bap. February 22, 1j62. 587 (7) vi. ....\~TIE PROVOST; mar. Barent ~leserole. 588 { 7) vii. CHRISTI:{ A PROVOST; mar. ·vincent Cathie. 589 (7) vn1 .....\~NETTIE PROVOST, bap. November, 1768; mar. Garet Snediker; no issue. ix. CATHARIXE, mar. James Robinson.

6o ISSt;E. r. James, b. June 10, Ijj8; mar. Aug. 1, 1802, !\lary Dunn; d. July 24, 1816.

JSSl"E. 590h (9) I. :\Iary Ann, b. Aug. 2, 1803. 590c (9) 2. Margaret, b. :\fay 23, 18o6. 590d (9) 3. James S., b. Dec. 25. 18og; mar. Mar. 22, 1834, Rose E. \Vurts; and, April 5, 1837, Janet Davis.

ISSC:E. 590e (10) I. Rose E., b. Mar. 23, 1835; mar. Sept. 8, 1864, Frederick Reppart.

ISSGE. 5()0f {I I) 1. \Villiam, b. Nov. 27, 1865; d. y. 590g (II) 2. Harriet T., b. Dec. 6, ~867. 590h (n) 3. Wright, b. July 18, 1869; d. y. 59oi (n) 4. James S., b. Feb. 27, 1871; d. Feb. 9, 1892. 590j (11) 5. Bertha, b. Dec. 8, 1872. 591 (10) 2. :Mary E., b. Jan 22, 1838; mar. April 24, 1856, Samuel Heath.

ISSUE. 591a (11) 1. Sarah B., b. Sept. 28, 1858. 591b (n) 2. Harry, b. --; d. y. 591c (11) 3. James F., b. Dec. 13, 1862. 591d (11) 4. Charles M., b. Oct. 7, 1864. 591e (I I) 5. Nettie May, b. May 25, 1866. 59Tf (11) 6. Howard, b. Dec. 26, 1870. 591g (II) 7. Samuel R., b. May 19, 1883. 591h (10) 3. Janet, b. Feb. 19, 1840; d. unmarried, Mar. 6, 1864. 4. James A., b. July 29, 1842; mar. December, 1862, Annie \Vebber; d. February, 1864.

ISSCE. 591j (11) 1. Frank R., b. October, 1863. 591k (10) 5. ~1atilcla, b. Sept. 29, 18-14: mar. June 23, 1864, Jacob S. Valentine.

ISSl;E. 5911 (II) I. Alice V., b. April 3, 1866. 59rm(11) 2. James R., b. Sept. 15, 1868; d. y. 59111 (u) .,.~ Edith )I., b. June I, 1870. 591 o(II) 4. Grace E., b. Aug. 18, 1877. 59Ip (II) 5. ~Iyra, b. :\Iar. 27, 18j9; d. y. 591q (11) 6. :Marion, b. Nov. 4, 1884.

61 591r (g) 4. Henry. b. Feb. 22. 1812. 591s (9) 5. Andrew, b. Scµt. 25. 18q.. 59It (9) 6. Elizabeth, b. ~ ov. 25, 1816. 592 (8) 2. Jonathan, b. 592a (8) 3. l\.fargaret, b. ---: mar. ----, Garvey. 592b (8) 4. Peter Praa, b. - - --; mar ---, !\fary Rustin.

ISSUE. 592c (9) I. John, b. ----: mar. Rachael )lorris. 592d (9) 2 Mary, b. ---: mar. Robert Brower. 592e (9) 3. Jane, b. ---:mar.John Hathaway. 592£ (9) 4. Peter Praa, b. --; mar. Catharine Applegate. ISSUE. 592g (10) 1. Jane, b. ---; mar Edward Godley; 2d, Charles Burroughs. 592h (10) 2. Manning N., mar. Elizabeth Sebring. 592i (10) 3. Catharine, mar. John H. Allen. 492j (10) 4. Peter Praa, mar. Elizabeth Bunnel1. 592k (10) 5. George L., mar. Caroline Goble. 5921 (10) 6. Annie V., mar. Edward Clayton. 592m(10) 7. Clifford lf., d. y. 592D (IO) 8. Lillian, d. y. 5920(10) 9. James E., b. May 4, 1864; mar. Sept. 28, 18S4, Etta Kearney. ISSUE. 592p (11) I. Jennie, b. April 19, I 887. 592q (11) 2. Catharine M., b. April 2, 1889. 592r (10) 10. Robert A., b. July 20, 1866; mar. Etta Free­ land; d. Nvv. 30, 1891.

ISSUE. 592s (11) 1. Jeremiah, b. June, 1889. 592t (9) 5. Joel, d. y. 592u (9) 6. Sarah; inar. John Tenbroeck. 593 (7) x. ELLEX, b. ---; mar. Evert Collins. The above five sons of Jonathan Provost were, at the same time, in the ..A.meric.:an Army, and served until the close of the Revolution. Jasper outlived them all, dying July 5, 1854, aged 94 years. He sleeps by the side of the old stone Dutch Church, X ew Brunswick, and on his tombstone is carved " Patriot and Saint." JoxATHA~ PROVOST (582), hap. Dece1nber Ij, 1745; mar. --- ; d. about 1793 and left issue. i. Jox ATHA~ PROVOST (595), b. about 1768. ii. DAVID PROVOST (644), b. about 1778.

62 595 JoxATH.\X PROVOST (593), b. about 1768; mar. February 26, 1791, his cousin Catharine ( 67 2 ), daughter of David Provost, and died 185 2. ISSUE. . (8) l. ~-\HAG AIL PRo\·osT, b. January 3, 1792; d. -- no issue . 596 .. 597 (8) 11. ::\L.\RY PROVOST, b. November 22, 1794; mar. Isaac Perdon.

ISSl"E. 598 (9) 1. John, b. 59() (9) 2. Jonathan, b. 6oo (9) 3. Abraham, b. 601 (9) 4. l\Iary, b. 002 (9) 5. James, b. (8) Ill. DAVID PROVOST, b. October 21, 1798; d. y. 603 . 604 (8) IV. CATHARIXE GAxs PROVOST, b. December 7, 1801; mar. \Villiam 1iagors. ISSUE. 6o5 (9) 1. Jonathan ~f ago rs. 6o6 (9) 2 Fanny Magors. 607 (9) 3. James Magors; d. y. 608 (8) V. ELIZA .-:\.xx PROVOST, b. October 23, 1803; mar. Isaac \ran Pelt. ISSC'E. 6og (9) 1. Adelaide Van Pelt; mar. Isaac Clark. 610 (8) vi. JoxATHA~ PROVOST, b. July 22, 1806; mar. Catharine Caywood. ISSuE. 611 (9) 1. Thomas, b. -- ; d. -- 612 (9) 2. Gertrude, b. June 2, 1838; mar. Michael D. Vincent; d. ~1!lr. IO, 1864.

ISSC'E. 613 (ro) 1. Julia A., b. Feb. 16, 1852. 6q. (ro) 2. Isabella, b. :Kov. 2, 1858; mar. J. H. Mattison. 615 (10) 3. George H., b. Nov. 9, 1857. (>16 (10) 4. Thomas C., b. July I4, 1862. 61j ( 8) \"ii. JoHx PRO\"OST, b. July 15, 1808; mar. October, 1828, Eliza Hutchinson, and in 1840, l\Iary \Tan Ordalen.

ISSl" E. 618 (9) I. Catharine A., b. July 4, 1831; mar. Jacob Dunham. 619 (9) 2. Hannah. b. July 13, 1834; d. --, 1849. 620 (9) 3. Sarah L., b. Sept. 26, 1841; mar. John Applegate.


621 (10) 1. ursula, b. Aug. i, 1866; mar. John Britton. ISSUE. 622 (11) I. Edna L .• b. June 28, 1887. 623 (u) 2. Bertha E., b. April 27, 1889. 624 (10) 2. Minna, b. Sept. 24, 1871; mar. \Valter C. Lippen­ cott.

ISSl"E. 625 (I I) I. Henry A .. b. Dec. 24, 1891. 626 (9) 4. Henry, b. June 24, 1844; d. y. 627 (9) 5. John H., b. Sept. 14, 1845; mar. Ella M. Ladd.

ISSUE. 628 (10) I. Frederick \V., b. Mar. 19. 1868; mar. Addie Miller. 629 (9) 6. Edward, b. May 5, 1847; mar. .Ann E. Blakney.


630 (10) 1. Mary A., b. Mar. 9, 1875. 631 (9) 7. Charles Howard, b. Jan. 13, 1850; mar. Martha Allen.

ISSGE. 632 (10) I. Clarence A., b. Mar. 7, 1879. 633 (9) 8. George \V., b. Aug. -, 1854. 634 (9) ·9· Mary Lillian, b. April 23, 1857; mar. P. A. Snyder.

ISSUE. (10) I. Arthur N. Snyder, b. Dec. 9, 1883.

(8) Vlll. CHARITY PROVOST, b. November 3, 1810; d. y. (8) ix. HARRIET PROVOST, b. August 22, 1819; mar. John Out­ calt; both deceased.

ISSUE. 638 (9) I. Adelaide, b. 639 (9) 2. Gertrude, b. 640 (9) 3. John, b. 641 ( 9) 4. \Villiam, b. 642 (9) 5. Samuel, b. 643 (9) 6. Jonathan, b. 644 (8) DAVID PROVOST (594), b. about 1778; mar. Catharine Cay­ wood; d. 1866. ISSUE. 645 (9) i. ABIGAIL PROVOST, b. June 10, 1803; d. 1840. 646 (9) ii. JOHN C. PROVOST, b. ~lay 17, 1807; mar. Ann C. Davison; d. 1846. ISSL""E.

1. Sarah Ann, b. July, 1830; mar. 1844, Ferdinand Buckelew; d. Oct. 6, 1852. ISSl." E.

6.,JS (II) I. John: b. June Ii, 1S..i5; mar. Ike. -i,, 1866, ~iary C. De Hart.

1::-iSI.. -E. 649 (12) 1. Frank R., b. :\Jar. 4. 1868. 650 (12) 2. Sarah A., b. April 19, 18jr. 651 (12) 3. Louise H., b . .April 2, 1Sj4. 652 (10) 2. Abigail B., b. Aug. 16, 1832; mar. Oct. 20~ 1848, Joseph B. Robinson. ISSl"E. 653 (11) r. Elizabeth .Ann. 654 (11) 2. Benjamin F. 655 (11) 3. Amanda F., ---; d. Sept. 10, 1862. 656 (10) 3. Caroline E., b. June 3, 1833; mar. 1850, Isaac ,\"illiamson;

ISSl'E. 657 (II) 1. Sarah Ann. 659 (10) 4. David, b. Xov. -, 1835. 659 (10) 5. Davison, b. April 1, 1838; mar. March 3, 1854. 660 (10) 6. John J., b. Oct. 7, 1840; mar. June 19, 1867, Jane Gibson.

ISSliE. 661 (11) 1. Cornelia D., b. May 10, 1868. 662 (11) 2. Alice, b. Jan. 31, 1870. 663 (II) 3. John E., b. Aug. 25, 18j2; d. Mar. 10, 1877. 664 (u) 4. Agnes L., b. Feb. 24, 1876. 665 (10) 7. Susan C., h. N'ov. 14, 1844; mar. Aug. 1, 1863, Theodore ,villiamson; d. April 8, 1891.

666 (II) I. Ann~-, b. July 19, 1864. ·- 667 (11) 2. Louis A., b. Jan. 3, 1866; d. June II, 1869. 668 (11) 3. Grace, b. :\lay 23, 1871. 669 (11) 4. )Iay Voorhees, b. April S, 18j3. 6jO (1 I) 5. John Lester, b. Aug. 26, 1Sj6.

671 (i:· D ..\\"ID PRO\"OST (583), b. about 1750; 1nar. and had issue; a1nong others, 6j z ( 8) Catharine Pro\·ost, b. about 17 i-t-: m~1r. February 26, 1 i9I, her cousin, Jonathan Pro\·ost {595 ). 673 (7) PETER PR.-L\ PRo\·osT (58-1-), b ..:\pril 2-1-~ 1 i-t-8: mar. 1-lannah Buckelew; d. 1831. ,·;r· \l· 1 rL·1·1 ..1 .. ____ _ 11 .,., • .. I.I. " •

(,;5 I<) I

<>; 1'> (S) 1·1· • •\I\''\' • " 1'1·,, ' \·,,...:·1··I • • 111•·r., , • 1· • l'\\'1°.. :-, \\""rl1L'rd .• 6,j (8) 1:1. H.\RRll-:T PR11\·11:-:T.

(: .) )j◊ (S) 1,·. 'I. \:-:-11.1.1-: P1<1)\·,,,.. ::r. 679 (~) ,-. I-I.\~~-\11 PR1>\'11:-:T: mar. Benjamin Patter:-;on. 680 (S) n. Pi-:Ti-:R PR.\\ PR11\1,:-:.T ((,82L b. ~t1rch 30, 1;80. (,SI (8) ,·ii. _J,;'.\_\TII.\'.\ Pt,i•\·u~r (j;2). h. ~o,·emhl'r 5. 1jS6. (,82 (8) Pt-:TrR PR.\.\ PR<1\·o:,;r (6Sc), 1>. :\l:irch 30, Ij8o; mar. July 30. 1Sco, \Lin· Rol>L·rt-son; 2d. July 27. 1826. \Iary Cc.H10,·er.


683 (9) I. ~ \R.\11 _\'.\~ PRO\"():::,:')'~ h. r,nuary 25, r803. 68-t- ( 9) ii. Il.\'.\'.\.\H :\I. PRo\·o::,;T, h. October -t-, 18c-1-: mar. Ephrai1n R \·no.

(>:,:; ! IO) I. Julia, b. \Tar. -1,. 1S33; mar. :\tar. 10, ISj2, Samuel E. Curtis.

686 (9) 111. PETER Ih:cKEl.l•:W PR(ln .. ,~T, b. June ::?I, 18oj; mar. 1828, Hannah Ilubhard; 2d, 1830. Elizabeth Brown; cl. ~0Yen1- l.>c.·r 2-1-, 1868.

6Sj {IO) I. \\"ilii.1111 Ir., b. ~ c,L r 3. I 529; mar. Sarah Baker: d. ~I ay 2S,

I '-~--I J •

css (II) I. Caroline H., h. Aug. 15, 1S53. (,39 I, I I) 2 .•-\nna D., h. \tar. S. 1560. 690 lll) 3 . .:\aron, b. \Jar. 16, 1S6r. 691 t) 1) .J. \\" alter C., b. J)~c- -:., . IS(;(>.

692 1101 2. Robt:rt (;caryi;19 1, b. June 23, 1S31.

693 1,IOI 3. John \\"t·!;!>. ;>. ~ept. 15. 1 ~33: ni:1:·. Elinor Iron~.


{,95 1_ IOI ..J.- .:\11?:n .\ddi.1, h . .:\pril 20, 1S32: mar. \la\· ::!..J., 1S5S, Theo.

(H_i(, ' I I I

(;9; 1 1 I , 2. J(;.,:--:l: \lay. h. \Jay 5, 1Sr'q.

69S I IOI ~ .\:1i:1.::d.1. h. Ike. Ij. rS.p: 111;1.r. June 22. IS69, IL If. C,>ld- ~,!!itli. (>99 I I I I I. u~1w:1rd L., b. June I, ISjo.

700 (lll 2. Laura .:\ .. h. :\ pril 3. I S72.

701 I Ill 3. Rutledge, b. :'.\lay 20, 1 SS3. j02 I IO} (,. Ptter, h. Sept. 22, 1S4-1-: mar. June 2, 1367. Julia II. Thomp- son. ~ ow :\1 ethodist Episcopai minister at Freehold, ~- J. j03 ,:rr_) r. Charlc!S 0., b. Oct. -~ ISjl.

70-1- I_ I I) 2. Bessie 0., b. :'.\far.-, 1S76. j05 (II) :,.,. \\"'}]"I lC. l). --. -, I-:-..., I::::... , . j06 (9) 1 \". JoHX \r1-:1.rn PRun,~T (738), l.> ••-\pril -l, 1810. j07 (9) \". •..\ BB I E l) I~ TO:'.\ p R () \" 0:::: T' h. J u n e 2 2' I 8 I 2 • . j08 (9) \"I. .:\_.\Rox YA); PELT PRo\·n:-:.T, b. ~larch 15, 1815; d. \". .. j09 (9) \"ll. PIERsox 1-L PRo\·n:-:T, b. ~[ay 15, 182j: 1nar. January 21, 1852, Ellen ~Iacreach.

ISSUE. j IO I IO) I. Henry ~I.. b. ~lay 22, 1S53; mar. July 15, 1332. Su::;~m J. Totten.

jII (II) 1. \\"illiam II., b. Feb. 2 1 rSS-1-. jl2 (11) 2. Bertha, b. April 10, 1SSj. jI3 lII) 3. Helen A., b. Aug. 2, 1SS9. jl4 (II) -t- John S., h. July 22~ 1893. -1- (9) \"Ill. Sc~_-\:-,; PRO\"O:-,T, b. Septeinber 26, 1833; 1nar. John R. ' .:, Sla\·back. ISSL"E. jI6 (10) 1. Frank, b. Sept. 18. 1855. iI7 (IO) 2. George, L. Aug. 30, 1S59. i 18 ( 9) ix. E DW .-\ RD l'Ro\·osT, b. ; d. y. iI9 (10) ROBERT (;E.-\R\" PRo\·o::;T (692), b. June 23, 1831; mar. Ju111..~ 23, 1852, Elizabeth D . .:\lbert; d. ()ctober 25, 1892.


i 20 ( 11) i. PETER D. F. \\". f>Ru\·t,ST. b. ~lay 14, 1853; m:ir. June Ij! 1885, :\linnit.! \"an Ih·ke.

721 (121 I. :'.\I arittta. b. July r6, I S92.

;12 (11) ii. R1>BI-:RT LERnr PRO\"u:-:T. b . .-\uµ-ust 15. 1S55; m:1r. :\I:!\" 2. 1882, \lan· Dick~on.

r. IT clcn Edna. b. ~ov. 1. 2. :\lbcrt I. .. b. June 16, I SSS. I I I I I"

;2r, I 12-

-,,- 1 I 2 , .., I - I -,,,, _,__ 1I21

( 1 •· '\ \ J." J I / \ ' • · 'I • • f ) 1 · C ' 1 · (" l I \) ' '"( 'l · I ~ I <..: ('' ...., • )'I" · • l" I (' ~ r, -I ."? <) I I ) ... : \ . ~ ... 1::·. Ii ., ;,( :-,-. I ... •~• 1! ,," , .J._,. !,: . 04-.. .. ""', I • • I i I

730 (12:1 I. Ro1Jcr: c;l:an· Prcn):--t, h . .-\ ug. I. I ~S2. 731 I 121 2. Jo;-;eph .:-\., h. _-\pd 2S. 15:-i5.

"') -I.)- i l2i 3. Eiizab(::h :-:;, , h. ~\ i.lgu~t 30, I ~<)O.

-~~ I .) .) ; ) 2 I 4 ..\ bral!~lli:, IJ. Aug. 30. 1.:-90.

-I ,),., -+ ( I I ) \". \\"J1.1.1.D1 II. P1~1,Yu::-:T~ 1,. SeptL·mbcr r~ 1862: d. y. -,., - ( I I) \" I. EI>\\".-\RJ> :S. I.. PRc)\·o~T. I>. :\"o\·embcr 10. "IS6:;: d. \". I.J::J ' ✓' - ' .. 1 - ,.,6 { I I } \"I!, J-1 . \I'I'\., , ....~-1·,,L· .. r..1·.:::- •· · J>1··,1 I ,.<>.. :--··1· ~ 1>.• _J· ••1 1~t•·1r\·1 h • I(')"J, 1~t.-~- v /. ' .J .... - (° I ! i \"I'.!. Pi-:1)\"c1::-:T. F1..-~.1ri.i:1n· /.) I .. C!!.\kl..F:O: .\. ~- 1,. 15. 1,S,o: mar. _\u~u:-;t 2.1. r.SS8. \tin· \"an s~mt. ' ' 73.~ (9_) J,,11~ \\"i-:1:i: P1~c;\1 1::-:T (jcC>). I, ..-\1,ril 4~ 1810; mar. June ::J, 1 ~3 l. \1:: n· .-\ n n c:~1~~-


-;-1,0 i I I I 1. .\:rn I,cLLin:--. 11•·1 i· ·i,1>1·". ,-P f II I ..,-• • rl_; 1 I '\.I, I,,: .,.~. 7-P ; II i 3. Thcudorc 1-(,.,bl,in:-.. .. 11 1 -I -+,.,,.) \_IO) :!. S.-\l~.\!i L. i>R ,·<,:--T, Ji .. \J ri! 19. 1;")37: rn~ir. J:icuL \":in :\ L'::-:-i.

7-t-l , 11 t 1. \\"i~iiam. 745 I I I I -J6' . II I I

- 1 - I) I . ''. I \ I I 1 ••• •_. ... I 'I • ,) ■ I · t I (,r:) l . . •'\ "\ =. ■";." I 1J• ■ \ .: J. {I'- • l I., I •

I -I ➔..:- ' I I

; --1-(_l ! i

7:0 . I i '

,.. ' l _:,•, .•. • _..,'J', i , .. •• . 1 ...., ) i \" J ,. c. '•t - • : : .. : l 1·()llJ , J '"":," • -I ..- I 1. I ' ' .. - .!1.l r' '., · )"'"'"I • - . . . t•:' .. i. \\ L • ::-- • I • '

(,::; ·\ l'l"!l." ,,'J" - 1 S · · · 1,, ., r (.,. h .. rl ,., ·· ,., •• \f • I)._,,,·.·,., \ • • ■ ■ I ~ ' -: -+ • . ' . . . •• ' : I.: ~ \\". J-11)\\"l:i!. r,,·. ;-:.

-I ::- .)... 1·II.l I ..\rtlrnr. 75-1- , r 1 ; 2. C!inrlc~ \\".; <1. \".

' j:, i'J r'l 3. I Iarry. i56 i I I) -1-. Charle:,;.

\"i I ,') I (IO) _Jt·1.1 \ S. P1~q\·;1:--T. b. Dccemher 19. 18-1,6. .. ,5S ( ro) \"j;_ l .. \ t · i•: \ P ,~, >\·, 1:-:-r. I>. February r 1 ~ 1S.t,9; mar. (~eorgc \Y . J.• ininl. '-·• i59 (II) I. :-::a rah L .. h. Sept. 2:2. 1 36j. j6o ( I r'I 2. Henn·. b. '.\Jar. :: . I 2(>n. \ ' . - , j6I (II) 3. George, h. ~cpt. 25, 1S, r.

-6?J - ( f I) -1-- Frank, b. Jan. 31. 1Sj5. j63 (u) 5. S athaniel. b . .Jan. 29, I Sj6. ,6-1- r'rr) 6. Emma, b. '.\fay 20. 1S,9.

765 1 l I I , . \\"il!iarn. b. Jan. (;. 1531. j66 (II) S. Edwin, b. Sept. 26, 1SS-1-.

--6-J I !,II) 9. \Jary. h. :\fay 9. 1.SS9.

768 (10) \·111. .\1.1cr-: :\I. PR1>\·1,:-:T. h. Octoh~r 25~ 1850: m:1r. John J.n,c-h: no i:-:sue. . i69 ( 10) IX. II.\ x :\' .\ H P R1 )\·n:--T. I>. Sq >tem ~ >L~r 3c. 1S53: c1. \Ln· 1 8, 18;6. 1 jjO (ro) X. ( .,.. I .. \''h.. \ ,- • l)l'i., l\'1 , .•• :.-1· • I ) • -\ pr i I 2 r ~ [ s5 () ; Ill a r. r~l (' k :-; 0 n s. :\Iount: no issue. 7;r (IO) XI. Sr~ .. ,~ S. P RI)\"< 1~T. h. Ck to her 2,. ,859: d. \·.

,,2 18) Jtl\' \Ti!\\' P1..:· 1 \· 1 ,:--T 11·,,')1 ). ii. \'1J\'Cill;lt'l" ~- 1,,) 1'>: llL\L .\11!1 Pro \· o :- t i .S 8 1 J : d . \ l:i re ;1 ~ ,, • 1 ~ ~ :: .

- - ,... ( '. I 1. J11!i\' P1{,1\11:-:T. h. 1:v:1n:~U"\" (i. 18::;.8: rn:ir. \L:r~:lrl't I '.) .I.

J,11·i, ...;,11L I \1'1,1,·l:d 11 ) Rn,·l:v:-t·:r.·1 .. 1 --, ·.,,, · 1·.:,i11·· · ., 1·>:,,., ,·.,, .. , .. ,,. • :,, .. ( ,,, .•• ,,:,,, ..,. r -,.,1'ir,~l .. l.,, I I ·t (: 9 .l ' !'r, ·.. o- . ,,: . , ,.

! ; I. ( . \·1··1 \?'[\::: I I~ (9) , f • I' • I• iiG (9) 1\·. HA:-:\".\l·I PRn\·1 1:--:T~ h . .:\pril 29~ 181.l; mar. John I-Iutch­ mson. 1:-::-:1-i::. Jn\":\Tll.\:X P1~11y,1:--:r. b . .-\pril ro. 1819: mar. .-\mclia T. ,,.~t l.,,,. L:'l"'" ,.. .T<"), , .,,C "'l\"Jl . • oi, 1·) L:'-•0 ks·k,·11• • \\"ent to France in 1851 to reside there. iiS (10) I. ; cl. y. i79 (10) 2. Emilyn, b. --; mar. .:\llcn :\lcGowan.

jSO {IT) 1. Frank.:\. McGowan. j81 (9) \"l. .\J:R.-\H.-\\f PRo\·n:,-;·(, b. December 5. 1824; mar. 1853, in Fr~incc~ ~\n1clia Temple; died ---

762 (10,i 1. Emma C .. b. ---, 185..J. iS3 (10·1 2. Anne E., b. ---, 1855. iS-t ( 10'1 3. John Frederick. b. -- --, 1S56. j85 ( IO) ..J. Charles R., b. ---, 1859. 786 (IO) 5. Sarah J., b. ---, 1861. iSi ( IO) 6. L., b. ---- ! rS63. 788 (9) Yii. J.-\COB \\·vcKOFF PRO\"OST~ h. ~o,·en11Jer 4, 1826; n1ar. :\Iary Flannery; died about 1856.

IS:-,t·1-:. r. Francis Joseph, b. 1856; mar. Anna Frank; d. Aug. 19, 1891.

790 (II) r. Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1SS1. 1 {1 r'1 2. 79 • I Elizabeth, b. !\far. 6, 1886.

""9"I - (II) 3. Francis, b. April 19, 1SSS. i93 (II) ➔• .:\nna, b. )tar. 23, 1S9r. i94 (9) \"Ill. J:\XE PRO\"()~T~ b. ----­ 1nar. Henry :\Iorton. 795 (9) ix. ~ \ :\ ~ .:\I. PRo\·o:--:T, b. --­ j96 (9) x. .:\DELI.-\ ~-\::,.;x PR11\·c1:--:T~ b. October 1, 1830. 79i (9) xi. 1)_.\\"JD PRo\·c.1:--:T~ b. --- cl.\".

----►ii'-•...... ____

;98 ( 7) J .\ ~PER PRO\"O~T ( 5 85 )~ b. a bout 1 j6o; mar. Catharine Gulick, and died July 5, 1854.

jO : , ... · I-'.

(8) I. Jn~.\Tll.\~ PR,1\·c,;-;T (81:::). h. DL:<'(·Jll])l~r 20. rj85. ;99 .. 800 (8) 11. Jo,1~ Ct·1.1c:K PR1>\·n:--T 1.8.t3)~ l>. October 21~ rj89 .

(S) '\'\" 1>1 1 nY< 1-.:·1· 1> '\(,,-,,,11'l>"r r, 1-8-· 11 1 •1 r ],c··r 801 !11. • \ - • ' ,, ''. 'I • - ' """. • \.. --:-• I I • • '" • I C0115111 ' I Jon:.!tlwn (jj2_); cl. \"o,·ember 23. r8..;.o. 802 (8) I\". ~.\'.\ll,-EI. P1{<)\"1>~T ( 1c68). l>:q.>. Jun1: 20~ Ii95·

So~,.) (8) \". I I.\ RR IF.T PRc>\·u;-;Ti l>. ---; mar. Henry 1.~wis.

80.i (q) r. --- 805 (9'1 . 806 (8) \"I. Co1.:.~E1.n·:-: PRoYn:,.;-r, h. June 20: 1800; mar. Catharine Gren ow; no i:--snc. 8oj (8) \"ii. J .\~PER PRO\"():-O:T~ I>. -----; d. 808 (8) ,-iii. ~-\BR.\:'.\1 PR.\.\ PRn\-,l:-.:T (859), b. :\lay 21. 180-+· 809 (8) ix. J.\'.\lES B. PR11\"P~T (SiS)~ h. :\larch 23~ r809. 8ro (8) Jo).".-\TIL\X PRo,·o~T (j99). b. I.h:·cemher 20~ rjS5; mar. June 18. 18oj, Rachael Y;1n :/.;1ndt: d. Fel>nwry -+• 1833.

1:-:.,1 1-:.

JcHiX Y. PRn,·osT, b. ~L?y 5, r8o8: mar. -­--· d. Septcm her 1 o~ 1840.

S12 (10) I. \\"illiam Pro\·ost, b. --- S13 (IO) 2. ;\ngelinc Pro\·ost, b. --- Sq (ro) 3. Rachel Prn\·o:,;t, h. --- .. 815 (9) 11. J -·\ SPE I.:. PRo\·(,:-,;T, b. ~o,·emher 13. 1810: nwr. :\o\·cmi>t:'r 19, 183r, c~1tharine Yan .-\rsdalcn.

1. Cornelia R .. b. Dec. g. 1832: mar. \\"iiliam ~\ckcrm:i.n: :d, ~\ pril :,. 1566, Re\·. J. II. Doremus.

81; iJ[) ~I,~ (IT)

1 Sr;h (II) _,,.. ..("'",<:, ''"l ••'"" H,1.:, ., 1). '_.._1,1,. - ' . . I :-•- I v,-t·~ - I 818 ( ro, 2. J:1.nics F. R., b. July:, 1836: <1. u1:m:1rricd, Oct.:, 1550.

.... I'1 ·1c·J,,.'1 1 , \l~r · 1,,..,. ,,, \" 5 I<) 110,1 ., '\., ' • '- I I • • -. ... ➔• ,. -~'·} I .. , •••

520 I I() I

321 (ll) 822 I I I) ~- \\. ab.:r \l . b. \by ;. 1 Sf,;. ,.. ('',.t1-..., .. ;,. .,. I-' '1, ()"t ,,- 1,-,.. 823 ( II) .)• ,d ''"•• !'- •• , • , '- • -1• ·•,./.)• S2.i I II) 4. Cornelia II., h. Feb. 19, 15.33.

;r ~ ,.-,:,.. ,, - I IO) ::-• _fo..,pcr. b. \"oL 3. 1S51: d. Juiy 1(,, 1-3(,o.

,:-: 2(, I IO, o. Gcrtr;;dc, h. ~cpt. 1;, 1.35-J: 111:1.r. Dec. ~q. 1~73, .-\11drcw Pa­ r<:!1~: d. June 17, (_ r3;5 ?i s., .. (,,. .... , ( 9) lll. R1~::1.\RD L'Rc,\·1.1:--T. I,. July 1. 1815: m;ir. Ikccmber 16, 1836, .\nn .\lllcrman: d. J~inu;iry 2j, 1895.

r. John II., b. }.far. 1(,, 13-t-o: died \Iar. I. 1S(q, withe.nit issue. " . \lletta .\.. I,. :\Jar. -;. I 3.J.3: mar. J:.rn1c·::: \kCre::a:1y. .. , . I ...... :· .. S29a (II) 1. Jennie. 82qh(II} 2. Richard.

S29c (11) 3. :'.\1aria.

S29d(II_l --t·I •r•nomas. 829e ( Il) 5... -\11na.

830 ( 101 3. ..,s ara I1 E . , I >. ::--cpt.. · 2, n::q" f:>: mar. I') ecem lJer 30. r ~., (;'"· .. 1·.· 1ias· \" an Fleet.

S31 (III I. ~\rtlrnr, h. Jan. 3, 1570; mar. Sarah.-\. Bellis. 832 i I I) 2. John. h . .-\pril I:, r~;2: mar. Kate lliil. 8.,., ,)._") (8) Jo11x Ct·r.rcK PRn\·osT (Soo), h. October 21, rj89: mar. ::\[ay rr, 1814, Sychie \"an \"oorhees; d. January 29, 18j8.

. I. ~[1~xE \-". PRq\·o~T. h. February r, 1816; mar. Septcrn­ her 27, r8-t-2, :.\[argaret L. Bastido: cl. January ro~ rS50. I.~-~:,- i·:. I. John Gulick~ b. Feb. 16, rS-1--1; mar. :\J arch I. I S65, .:\nna ..-\. :\I ilor.

836 (II) l. Caroline L .. b. Oct. 19. rS65; mar. Jan. 2-J, 18S9, Frank \"an );utwick. S3j I I I) 2. \lary J., b . .-\pril 5, ISj6. " ., ~3~ I IO) 2. ~\nna :\I.. b. '.\lay 30. 1S-1,: mar. January :, 1356, D. II. .-\mennan: no i~::-tie. .. s,9.) (9) I I.

' \ ., ,,, )l ·r ,),,r , 1~"oo 1 J.

( IO) &-t-0 ' . d. '"· S-t-r (10:1

81? •1, · · · · ·1 · 1 \ 1·; r1 1 ·· \ <. ·r- (9) Ill. . \ I' ' ' \ I I. 'l, 1,· I I ··, I I:-- • ' ) • • l ) ' I ,)... V. r 0'-' -.., r : 1 L; r. . 1· :·l r C Il 9. I (,S -+ 2. John Cox.

I•'.._ I ~ '• I. .\rnir(;\\·, h. :\ov. :?O, 18-13: mar. Jan. 22. 1S79, Kate DaY. , ...... ; 1-:. Four children. -~~s (' IO) ,., .\h:un. h. 1-"c:,. ::!I). I:.: .• ;: lll~r. ~fay 31. 1S;o. ~rary Blumer.

···•i·1· 1 •·1··1•·· ·1> \J·11·c·i1 1'=<'· <'t \. 3.1<, . , ·. 10) _, • l ' I L • I II, • • \,, I • • ' • ' \ ~ - '~ • ' • ~ • ,:.:30 • 101 ➔· Rath .-\nn. h. July:::?";, 1::-:-51: mar. \"oY. (>, 1372, Charic.s \\". \·nn Pc:lt.

,. ;:-;r '· I r .l I. :\fary. h. :\Tar. (>. . (8- ... 2 ]\". ~· (9) ~I .\RI.\ J>1.:o\·n:-:T. h. Dccl~lllhcr r. 1823: m;ir. SL·pt.L~mbcr 5. 1 11 I <.,,,.8t,r, \'1,r--"1,,111 ('i.._,,1;<•l· ... , ·• <·1.•. I\·.· •l.(l.l,1)1.. ···1 ·r I ,)•... I.,, <:.:~S-... t, 1··<,l 1·····:"':'~•'--• .. t•"' t.8 "'I- -,) (9) ,·. S \ R . \ 1r P i.:. 11 ·: , , :-: T , 1> . \' o , ·'"~: ·11 ; , L~ r 2 • 1 S 2 9 : d . :\ Li y 6 ~ 1 8 f S . ~ ... 85-i (9) YI. .\1:R.\!l.\'.\t b. ~o\·e1nl>cr r.2. 1S32; mar. 1856. Jane Cham­ plin. During the Lite Ci,·il \\" ar they were Ii Ying 111 ~Iissouri-nothing.... has heL~n heard of the1n since . 85.ia(9) Yii . .:\J:RAH.\'.\l PR,)\"O~T, h. ~o,·ember 12, 1832. 855 (9) ,·111. ELIZ.-\BETH Pi,o\·o~T~ b. Jun~ 5, 1835; nwr. June 30, 1868, II~nr\" Stout.

S:6 '· H>) I. John ProYost. h. Jan. 26. I Sjo. 85; ( IO) 2 . .-\n:1:1 B., h. \larch 19, 1S;2. . 85S (9) IX. I·I1·:~R\" PR1>\·11~T~ b. :\lay 8, 183j; d. Februan· 21, 1866.

859 (8) .\1:R.DI PR.\.\ PR1>\·o:-:T {808), l). :\[ay 21, 180-i: niar. Cath­ arine Parker: ~d. c·:nharine .:\nn \-ail: was a man of Qreat . . ~ enerL?:,·...... \s con tractor he huilt sections of the l-Iarlem. Housa- tonic, and se,·eral r;1ilroads in ~ew Jersey; he swrted the fir~t pared ex press from ~ ew Bn1 ns,\·ick to ~ ew York. For t~n ,·ear:; was .-\ssociate l ud~e. and for nu1n ,. ,·ears in the Bon rd of - .. '•"' ... - Education in th~ cit,· of .\"ew Brunswick. f-Ie was en~a~t·d in I.,.,, '- the grocery :111d :-;boe tr,1d(~ :1nd as auctioneer in th:1t city for a long ti1ne. II~ \\·:1s a Freemason, ,HHl for o,·er fifty years :rn Odd Fi.::~llow. l)urin~ the bst ten ye:us of hi::- life he did no IH1sinc:-::--. ht!t ::-:,L-rit.,·. ;:n<.l (:ru1,· ,cd <.k~:d in front of ih do<>r:-; it::- • • 1 1 -dying in h:1rn~:,;s-Ju!y 22. 1892. II~ :--kL•p:-- the :,;kep of thl~ _iu:,;t bc~i<.lc thL~ rl~m;iin~ of his fatht~r. ·· P;itriot ~md S:1in:.."

860 (9') i. ~l..-~.\'.\ \L Pi~i1\·11:-:T. i,. J:1nu:iry 8. 1S2f>: m::r. kcob \"::n \"l..:('k: n,> 1:-;:,;ut~. .. 8(,r (9) I I. E\I'1I.\ J>i.:••\·i 1:-:T. Ii. 1>1..~<·1..·mhcr 26. 182;: d. ~o\·. 9~ 1830. 862 (9) 111. I.•>1~.\ Pi.:,,,·,1:-:T, I>. \"o\·. 15. 1829: 1nar. October 9, 1851, Da ,·id Ste lie; d. January 28~ r 891.

i3 1. C:1.tharinc P .. 11• !uh· 1. rS33: mar. Oct. 2.J. 1S7(,. lluhhcll L I I aye.~.

_, ( ~-q { l I I d>: , r r , S66 111,I _,.~ \\""''"11.12m ..\T , I >. D... cc . .,,~ 1"~~~~., . S66a (II) ..J.. Lnisa Proro:-:t. h. >by r3, 18S3. 566b (II) :,- Edward B., h. Sept. 21. 1391. S66c (10) 2. :\Jablon P., h. Feb. 2i, 1S37; d. y.

366d '· IO) 3. ~lary Scott, b. Feb. 25. 1S6r; rnar. April 2j, 1332, Frank B. \Jorgan; no issue. S66c (10) ➔• Peter Runyon, h. 'Feb. S, 1S63: mar. Sept. 22, 1SS6, Koro­ lcna Fritz.

8(>6f (II) 866g (II) ,, \lltrit·lJ .. b. \Jay 15, 1S9::?. 86j (9) t'H.\RI.E~ E. PRn\·o~T~ b. February 15, 1832; mar. l)ccern­ ber 25, 1855. Phebe Chadwick.

86ja (IO) 1. \\'illiam C ..-\ .. b. Oct. 12. 1S56. 86jb (IO) 2. Kate L., b. :'\ o\·. 5. I S61; mar. Feb. 3, 1.35 I, r>anicl :'\. Rishell.


S6jc (1 I) 1. \\"illiam I I., h. Oct. 23. 18$ ➔•

S6jd I, 1 I) 2. Edgar C., b. Dec. 22, 1536. 86je i' II) 3. Clifford E., b. Oct. 10, 1S90. 86jf (II) -f· Anna :\J., b. Jan.23.1892.

S6ig (u) :,. ThO!lUl.S .-\. ! b. :\fay [I' 189-1,. S6jh ( IO) 3. \Tamie E., h. Ju:y 5, 1864: 1nar. :\fay 2, 1SS3, \\"illiam Harten.

S67i (II) 1. .-\ci:t L .. h. Aug. S. 1-SS5. S67j (I I) 2. Dorrie..:\ .• b. June rS, 1.337.

S6;k '· 1 I) .3. Emma, b. _l an. 13. rSS

SC;m (II) :,- Zorar~din, b. )."' O\", 30, I 5()2.

~(,;n (r r) (>. Ci:::.ud _.\., h. Jan. : . I~C):- -1, •. \

Sfr;r i_ 10'1 (>. :-,;!clla I .. , b. Dec.:. IO, r 372.

(.. ,,• I.r •\ ..rd' • ·I ':--· 1·••·· 1) I,· 1·,, I ·\ ·u · :-- .. I· '"',.,..1') ()' - ) ( "\ n I.""I::, t· C "' (,, l 111. I (.sri .) [ (ls-- ~ .,,~ .. t.:· (. '~ () n ( l I .iL~t!tt.'n~111t. in the I-'ir:-;t ~l:;>ra:;ka .Infanin•: was nrornoted to - ' ; a Capwmcy in Co1npany B. c~l\·alry. and was honorably dis­

ch:.,rl.';l~d...... :it the end of the RehL·llion . 868 (9) '"· J.\\iJ> ,·. P1{0\"l):-:T. h. ~\llf!llSt 2j. 183.+: d. July 13, 1840. 869 ( 9) ,·i. \\.11.1.1., ~1 S. PR1>,·o:-,;T. I>. \Ll y 2 z, 1 83 i; 1nar. Cn1thia

Yan .-\ nder......

S-,o (IO'. ) I. Hannah S.

871 (9) Yii. lh:r:nR.-\!I P.\RKER P1.:.c)\"1hT. h ...\pril 2. 1839: mar. Sep­ tember 3~ 1862. Re\· ..\lonzo P. Peeke. now Pastor Dutch Reformed Church, :\[illstone, \". J.

8j2 (IO! r. Eloi:~e Stelle. h. June r-;-. 186.3; mar. Oct. 16, 1890. Frank S. Cun1mings. ISSCF:.

Sj2a pr) I. :.\largaret Eloise. b. Sept. i, I Sen. 873 ( IO) 2. Lena Sample, b. Oct. 16. 1S6-1: d. June I, 1S,3r.

87 ➔ ( IO) 3. Harman Yan Slyck, b. ~ov. 6, 1866: mar. July 5, 1893, \"esta Olive Greer.

Sj-Ja (II·, r. James \\'ilkc~. b. \lay i, 189,t. 87--1-b (ro) ➔· Catharine, b. Oct. 15, 1569; cl. :\Tar 31, ISjI. 87-+c (10) 5. Loui:; Pro\"o:o:t, b. June 12, 1Sj5. lh· second n1arriage had issue. - ~ Sjj (9) nil. FREDERICK PRo\·nsT~ h. February 15, 186.+; n1ar. October t 2, 18Sj ~ Catharine P. Carretson.


S76 i ro) r. Catharine Lenore, b. Feb. 2i, 1SS9.

Sji (101 2. Henry c;. 1 h. Dec. 21, 1591.

8 i 8 ( 8) J .\ ~\ I E :-: n. p R' I \. () :O: T ( 8 0 9). h. 'L! r Ch 2 3. [ 8 0 9 ; mar. \" 0 n.! Ill be r 3. 183r. I.u,·y _\nn lbkcr: <.~ •. \pril 26, 1891.

. I. J>11::-.:L\~ B . .PR<>YP:-:T~ 1>. October 2r, 1832; mar. :\[arch, 18;:::. Louise Yan \"alkcnbur!.!h. M~ ~

75 -~ '0 ( I (II I. Frank Jl .. !,.

~ '1 ,· ro) S,32 :· ro) 3. \lary .\i:ce. l> •• --- : d. --- ...... ,. ' ,. \., .., \ IOI -i- I .e•m\". li. --­ (I. ----

~ ~ ~~-1- ! 10'1 ~. Frcdcr:ck. h. ---: cl.-----

~ ...... - ~ ''''·•:' I IOI (J. \\"ii'.i;'illl. i>. --- cl.----. .. 1 1 s.~(,J ) ~ 9) I l. l..\;,,·i.:1-:,t·1-: R. P!,, -..·c,:--·i·. h. \'o\.L'.lll! cr r6. r83-1,: m,1r. 1 1:1··•·:r·\· r- ('··,1·1·1·,. \I i,. ?(1 \I··•r"l1 .. 1:,l, I ' 'I ' • .... • r8'(;,,t . • • '' • '-' . • II;' ..:... ' I • - ' • - d L d. I-I:1<_rc...:•r·.•• "' .._, I •," ' \., ' ,Jl('\" ~(' .. ()tr•r..; ,)~cl ' ..,- '41,.. "' .... ' ~~·.

8S7 l_ 18) I.. Jnrncs H., b. --· 8SS i)o) 2. Emma .-\ .. b. -- '--~9~~ ( IO) 3· Ja:--per, h. --- 890 (IO) -1-· \\"iiliarn Y.~ b. --­ 891 (_ IO) :,- '.\lary, b. --- S92 ( 10) (> ••\k-h·in, I,. --- S93 (10) '. Sadie. b. --- 89-1- { IO) 8. Dai:)ev, b. --- S9j (9) 111. . \ ,rn.. \ IL\:'\I P. P:,o,·o:-:T, I>. ~\u~ust 2S, 1837; m,1r. ~I arch 9~ r862. I lann:ll1 ~I. Dean.

896 (IO) r. OtisC., h. Oct. 12, 1Sjo. b9j ( IO) 2. Carll IL, h . .-\nr:l 16. 1Sj3. 893 ( ro) 3. JLury D., h . .-\u6. ~Sl, 13(,-1-; mar. Ocr. Cc.:lia J. Clmer.

IS5l." E.

899 , II.I I. Earll E., b. Jan. 5. 189.r. ,., ., 900 ( 9) 1~.\.\C S . .Pi~ou1:,;T. li. July 20~ r839: mar. October - ,)• 1863. R~h1.~ccl ~hiliinµ-.

<)01 i_IO) ,,•. 'I''(. ··1,1· J 1>,,1)','1'1-..·1· 01). - 902 (9~· \". \ ... , . \ I • I f, . :., • . 1, , . ~ 1 Is(;)·-t•' 1:1··,ll.\ l..11·,.:<. .1,· l'<>\,), ...C. r

903 1 IO• I. Ida. C)C:-J : I" 1. I . <: ~! i:- l:.

~ ()05 • l O ! ...~. \ \ ·i l ~ ia 111 • 906 ( 10'1 -J. Cnrrie. 9oj ( IO) :-- J>hinca~.

-, i .. 908 (9) \"' Pi:1-:i:I-: ,r. P1~,,\·, 1:--T. Ji.------: 111:!r. Ji:nt~ 13. 186.~.

1 • ] II \\""11" ·• II t·:,r\· _I ../ t"tiL·l!ll:i\·,.-r. :::l

<)09 (IO) I. .\ !11!~ L. Z( r.

C) IO .· ro)

<) I I [ () ·: 3. b'.i.1 L. l!r,n\·11. 9r2 110·; ..j.. I .o:!;a [ .. Brown.

.. I \"" I \ I \ 1·, \. I J> "n · · ,, ·1· 1> 9 13 '<), I. - • . . '- .J. ,, \ I • • • Jcfft~rson .\L!inc.

OJ.! i'ro\ 1. Claade. ~ . <)I: ( 10) !?. Frank. 9 I(, (9)


9r7 (;) JoHX P1-:,1'd)~T (586). h. Ft·l.,ruary :?:2~ rj62: mar. October, 1785, E\·c (b. Febn:ary 19, 1766: d. February 23~ 185-1-)~ c.l:l nghter of Pctt~r C:dyer and ~larg~Hetta lh! BeYoi~e. l-Ier r~itht?r~ l\:tL'r Calyt~r. ,va:; th~ son of Jacobu:-; c~dyer and J~1ne .\f L~::;~rolt\ the µr~mdchildrL~n of Pett:'r Pra~1. ~he was born

and. untii m~1rri~1:2:t~., .. li\"cd in the house built I>\· Derick \~ol- kert::-ac.•~ in 16_~o. It :-;tood tq .. on :1 knoll \\-hcrt.· al 1out the prt~:-;e11t C:1h·l'r ~tn..·et i::-; now L :d 0:1 L. and irom , oo to 200 feL't west of the prt•:-;ent Fr:.rnklin ~trt~er, in the I jth \\"anl. Brooklyn. This spot. :1s rememl,en.:d 1,y the \\Titt:r~ \\"~ts 011t:· of tht· most

(']1·q·,nii1,r... , .. I .::- i,,.I I"'' iu:-; c\·1..:r :-.L'.\.'n -. t:lt: Ltwn :-;lo11t'.d ,'':"''T~!(_lu~~ll_\· in t"n.>nt to Bu::;]nric k Crt'.L'k on t '1L' ~out h. :111i:~ to the E:! ~t R i \·er on ti:c ~i,ut!i ;!JHi WL':--l. Ti1c i~,,li:·::...· \Lts of :-:t():!L'. nnL· ~UHi roof 1 -...·•L11l"\",. ()t'1°Lc·i1 :--t\·i,·._ , .~'i\\":O:. ::'.~(! ~~::1~ :_::L.' () d:,: '1·•·,i., ..• :,,. IL

. j : , . l >,. 1 , . ) . •. ,. . : • I . l . ; . \\" . •. 1 ., • 1· 1 . lh (1\\"lh:!". I I \.. I \.~ ' ' •• : ~ ■ , I • '· :"' ~ • "I ..... ■ I •• :-... • ~ I l .. "' ' i. \.~ i =' 1 1 I I 11 I;\" ' 1 1., • 1I , I Jl.. ·1 ..; "l : • !,I 1· ,,.,il"• • · ••.• I >l • t.t · 1· I r· ,.,:·· ·· I r· \),(J~,· · t ...... , , , , I t ( I

9 1 1·· rr: ... · ··1 .. i ,.,,.:, !-:, '···1:1 ·~1-··· !=\··,: ··, J ' i?l. :···r·11 ,.;\.t·" I • .. • • ; :- ,. • .. .( Ii ; • L. ' • I . . l l t .. I .. • - I -- ..\ I • ~. .. '. l " I : • I L .. ' I :- • I I

1 >, ... · · · ,. • • , 1 1 ,, : J \" i J , ; • : • ,. ; , • l i , 1 :; <.· :l 1 ·,1. · ,· ·, :-,· :-,· ·: ·i ~1. >:--t. · · 1 J t ·; l · •i 1 --L • ; >•1: • r· 11 t.· ( I ,i 11 1 O(.' ,),, ·r., John Pro- \·,,:-:t ::1Hi hi:; !Oi,r lirui.:·!l'r::i cnii~tc(i ~1s 1,ri\·:!tc:-; in tlit: .\rnn· of

I I the RL~\·oltuion \,·hen lllL~re lwys. and St~rn.:d l>ra\·cly to th1.~ t~noys an<. tiiL~ ,ronand from capture and dt::nh, the ~reat prir:1tions~ losses in propl'rty. ~rnd s::ffcrin~:-; cl1l,illrcd I,\· the tan1ii,· durin:..:: this war . .,, ., " ' John Pnn·ost was a 111:111 o:· L:duc:tion aIH~ cuiturc, a dc\·out christian, kind. gentle and liberal; he was known, n:spected and lo\·tt sought his aid and ach·ice. Th:tt during his long liie and intimac,· with men he had ne\·er met a more cultured or better informed gentleman, or one whose general knowledge, sense of honor, and integrity stood higher. t-Ie died ~\ugust

.),~ rs~'?.)-• 1ss1.· i-:. ( ,, \ . 918 i:j I I. PETER PR.\:\ Pl{O\"O~T, I>. ~-\pril 2, IjS7; d. 1803. .. 919 (8) 11. H:\RRIET PRO\"(>ST, h. 1-'d.>ruary 8, 1j91. 920 (8) 111. J .-\:\IES C. P1.:.o\·n:-:T ( 9-t-O )~ h. Decem her 20, 1 j92. . 921 (8) I\". ~\~:--.-- PRo\"U~T, h. about 1 ;9-1-: mar. Jost:ph Ed1nonston, ~I. D.; d. 1830. ISSI." J·:. 1. Harriet E., I.> • ..:\ug. 20, 1820; mar . ..:\bram Folk; d. June 2~, 1SS2.

()23 (10) I. George \\"., l>. February I 5. 1840; d. Jan. I, 1S60. 92-J ( IO) 2 . .:\nn Provo:;t, b. Dccernher 2S, rS ..p; d. y.

9"--::, pol 3. IIarrid E., h. :\fay 13, rS.-13; mar. Samuel J. Brady, :\I. D. b remarked for rare mu~ical tale11t. 926 {IO.I 4 . .:\hram. Jr., b. :\pril 22. IS45; d. Aug. 2, I3j9. 9"--, ( IO) ::· Ed~.1r :\1.. h. Ju!y 1S~ 1S5.~: d ..\pril j. 1SSS. 923 (101 6. l{i(:!1ard I... h. :\ug. 20. 1357; cl. ~ov. ➔• 1533. •1 · 1 ' ' \ . ' ( ,, l , . l . \\" 929 ( ()) 2. -\ l ar~· )·. IZ3 ,:,c.:tll, !). : ,,r11 .>, I ~:?2: 111ar ... Ullc 1(J, I ~39. .,C\ I ■ • rr I ] , ,, ., , L n1m, : t . ~ept. I 2. I-~~o.

I '• I ••'' ,. • • \ I ) 1· 1· I I _,.'~ I ~-·. (, :- ' 1-.· 1i z. _.,.

.' (",•L'"T(')I"\"" ,I !111\·1 l,,, 1::-:-,J.. · f ~ • , I• :--:, , - 1 ' • ,., " •,. I ._

<)31 ,· l I)

0~2, _, 110) 2. B<.:t,ey. h. I kc. IO, I S..J3: d. \br. 3. 1 ~-~(>. ()33 (IOI 3. U.rnid 0. \\·., b. (k~. 2r. 13..Jf;: mar. \1:--..r. 2-J. 1S;5, I I aa:e \1. I k:tts. .. · .. \l 1. ()·· ~ ::.-- 93-1- •. l r'l r. II ,hl!L: .• 1 1), ,,, C1 .. ,., I., 1 I•

935 1,101 -1- L(;\"i T., b . .-\ur:l r, 15-1-S: d. ,1:iy ro. 1S49. 93(> ( IO l :-· Sarn!i E .. h ..\ug. 30. I 351; mar. Charle::; Frederick the !lOW St>mc 1r I lol<.kr. :nnii,.>r, ior \·cars lid11 ~ at ·1 ·· '., ( ·,,: I),,b::l<. . t:11.., ... •. 1.

93; ( II) 1. Emily Eaton, b. I><.:~ . ..1,. I ~~- --t I·. . Fr!lnct:-;, b. '.\lar. ;. 1S53. 939 (8) \·. ))_\\"ID PJ.:.(J\0:-:T (1008). b. ~\ugu::;t 18, 1S03. 9--t-0 (8; J.\:\JE:-; C. PRo,·o:-:T (920). I,. lh:ceml>c:r 20, 1j92: mar. lkcen1- ber 12, 1812, J~nh.\ daughter of ~lartin du K.ershow,a d~scend­ ant of Jacque:; ::\1.. du Ker:-;how, a Huguenot, from Holland: 1nar. 2d, Sarah Clark. Janh.:S C. Pron>st, a n1an oi education, culture, and of elegant :;izt and proportion~, soon after his

n1arriageu cn~a~ed'-• '-" in mercantile matters with success. l-fe was ordained as minister of the Gospel of the .:\lethodist Episcopal Church :\"o,-~mber 9, 1828, .111d subsequently established a Free Church in Jcrsey City, ~1nd for many years gaye his scr\"ice:; as a ~I inister and Physician to the afrlict1:d in n1ind or body­ fr~ely 1ninistl!ring to tht:ir wants. .:\ financial par1ic slripped hi1n of his iortune, and nearly fifty yeJrs of age, and with a large family, mostly girls, he began the battle anew, and with such \·igor, indu:-;try, and pluck, as insures success, and died ()ctol>er 1 2, 1S69~ Ie~n-ing consi

. I. E,·E ..-\~x P.Ro,·o~T, h. October 1, 1813: mar. in 1836 . Richard Jukt:'s: d. January 10, 18jS.

9-1-3 i. IO) ,, Jane \"irginia. b ..\pril 29. iS3<): m.u. lkcember 12. 1S60, Ct:urgL: \"an \\"inlde.

()-1,..j. 1. I I) 1. _-\m1 E , b. Oct 13. 1S61: mar. July 22, 1SS4. Ch!l.rlc-; P. Leggtt.

9-1-5 i I 2 l 1. Ch:1.rk-, P.. I,. Dt.:C. 2. r :::~;. 9..1,(J i' I 2 I 9-1-7 tII' 9-1-S 1,101 3. Jamc-; E .. b. ~\pril 29, I 539. .. 9-}9 (9) Ii. J .\ -' E P I-! o , ·o :-: T, h. . \ 1, r i l i ~ 1 8 1 5 : 1ll a r. (ktob1:r Tl, 1s,,,,) ,J. l:1coh K. Dt!nham: d. ~lay 22, 189-1-.

i9 ISSL"E. 950 (10:, I. Jacob :\[ , b. Oct. II, 183-1-: mar. Sarah Turner. 951 (ro:1 2. Eiiza Jane, b. :\lay 22, 1S36: mar. -- Duke. 952 ( ro:, 3. James C., b. Aug. 22, 1838. 953 (. 10'·) 4. _.\lbert R., b. April 15, 1841; not married. 95-l (ro) 5. Charlotte E., b. Sept. 21, 18-1-3. 955 (ro) 6. \\-illiam H., b. Feb. i, 1846; d. --- 956 (ro) 7. )lary Anna V., b. Jan. 4, 1851. 95i (IO) 8. Frank l\L, b. Xov. 2, 1857. 958 (10) 9. Henrietta L., b. :\lar. 23, 1860. (9) Ill. PETER PRO\"OST, b. ----, 1818; d. y. 959 . C)6C (9) n-. JA:\IES \I. PROVOST, b.---, 1820; d. 1892-adopted the name of his mother (Kershaw); for many years was known as the n1ost skillful engraver in the country. He resided son1e forty years in St. Louis, :\Io., before his death, and left a large family there.


961 (ro) 1. Ellen, b. --; d. -- 962 (10) 2. James, b. --- 963 (10) 3. Harvey, b. --; mar. ---

ISSUE. 96-1- (n) 1.-- 965 (II) 2.-- 966 (10) 4. Frank, b. ----; mar. ---

ISSt:'F.. 96j (II) 1.--- 968 (ro) 5. Laura, b. ---; mar. April 30, 1891, David T. Brick.

ISSt:'E. 969 (II) 1. ---_, b. April 12, 1892. 9i0 (10) 6. Percy. 1 (9) ,-. S.:\ R:\ H F. PRO\"()~T, h. I 82 2; d. 1828. 9i . 9i 2 (9) \"l. EuzAHETH :\I. PRO\"()ST, b . .:\ugnst 6, 182-1-; n1ar. Octo­ ber 2 1 ~ 18-1-9~ J. T. Sparrell.


(IO) Clrn.rle:; F., b. ?? 1S·?· 973 r. Feb. --· :, .. ' mar. Blanche Cravens. \ ·1 C)J ➔ (10) 2. .-\lfred T., b. .- pni 2, 18~=·., ~ , mar . Jennie T. \Y ootlruff.

ISSl."E. 975 (II) I. _.\lfred, b. ---- 976 (II'l 2. .-\ddle, b. ,, 977 (10) .,. Lizzie Provost, b. Sept. 2S, 1858; mar. D. E. .-\yer. So ISSl"E. 978 (II) I. Florence S., b. Feb. 27, rSS5. 979 (10) 4. Jane F., b. June I..J, r864. .. 980 (9) VII. Y'JOI.F.TT..\ PRO\"OST, h. r826; d. 1832. ' (9) \"Ill. ELEX..\ C.,J. PRO\"O~T-- ' b . I 828; mar. June 9, 1850, 981 ' George.... B. Fowle. ISSlj I-:.

982 (10) I. Levi lJ., b. Sept. 5, 185 I; d. y. 983 (10) 2. \Villiam B., b. ~ov. 29, 1857; rl. y. 984 (10) 3. John \V., b. Dec. j, I 86o; mar. Sophia J. Baners.

ISSL""E. 985 (11) 1. Elena II., b. Oct. 2r, 1892. 985a (II) 2. George F., b. Dec. 2 I, 1893. 986 (10) 4. Samuel H., b. Dec. 23, 1866. . 98j (9) IX. ~IARY BELL PROVOST, b. ---, 1839; mar. John P. Adams. ISSUE. 988 (10) 1. Lilian, b. ---; d. y. 989 (10) 2. Lilian A., b. ---: d. y. ggo (10) 3. Violetta Grace, b. Aug. 28. 1853: mar. Fr::1.nk 0. Andrews.

ISSUE. 1. Edna l\l., b. Nov. 13, 18j8. JOHN \VESLEY ·PROYOST, b. ---, 1831; mar. Sophia Free; d. about 1888.

ISSUE. 993 (IO) 1. Stella, b. ---; mar. --- 994 (9) xi. J. VOORHEES PROVOST, b. July 4, 1833; mar. August 18, 1863, l\fary .E., daughter of \Yilliam Cabble; d. January 12, 1892. ISSUE. 995 (IO) I. Emma E., b. June 24, 1864; mar. April 26, 1893, John R. Parker. ISSl"E.

996 (II) I. John Gordon1 b. :'.\far. 8, 1894.

99i (10) 2. Xellie Bird, b. Oct. 17, 1865; mar. Oct. 30, 1890, Charles F. .Anderson; d. ~lay 12, 1894.

ISSl"E. 993 (II) 1. Xellie Bird, b. ---; d. y. 999 (10) 3. \Villiam Cabble~ b. April 2i, 1S6,. IOOO (10) 4. .Mary Violetta, b. Jan. 5, I 869; d. y.

[001 (10) 5. Vorhees James, b. ~lar. 20, I8jI: d. y.

1002 (10) 6. Yioletta Grace, b. 1\ov. 12, I8j2; d. l\Iay 16, 1894.

81 She wa~ supposed to bL: in the most robust health, when she he~ird of the death of her sister, ~ tllie B.; she w:1s \·isitin[( friends in \\"ashington. D. C .. and at '"' ',, ' ' onct~ st,1ncd for her home, in Brooklyn: she was <.lt.'.\·otedh·- ~ttt:1<.:hed to her ckce:1sed sister. and thou~h.... ~dlie's death had been for sonic time expected, the shock was so greDt that she could ~o onh- as far as u ~ - Philadelphia, and died three

ISSUE-by second marriage. 1004 (CJ) xii. l-fxrTIE PRo\·osT, h. :\[arch 18, 1848; n1ar. October 6, 1S69, IIosea John Babin, :\I. D., of the L". S. :\"a\"y.

ISSIJE. 1005 (10) I. Provoost, b. Aug. 29, 1872; of U.S. ~avy, late graduate of .Annapolis. 1006 (9) xiii. SARAH C. PROVOST, b. ~larch 23, 1850. 1ooj (9) xi\". \\:-II.,Ll..\~I E. PROVOST, b. July 9, 1856; mar.----

1008 (8) DAYID PROYOST (939), b. August 18, 1803; mar. :\larch 19, 1823, Elizabeth Hendrickson (b. 1j98; d. 1853), daughter of Carman Hendrickson, of Huntington, L. I.; 2d, ~lay 2, 1855, Harriet B. Dame. He was a grand representative of the stock from which he came. In stature much over the average. At j2 he was, in mind and bodily vigor, apparently in the prime of life. Beginning life with - little or nothing, by great industry and prudence, he raised a brge family, arid honestly earned and left quite a fortune. For many years he was a Justice of the Peace in Kings and Q_ueens Counties, and though not educa­ ted to the bar, his good common sense and loye of justice was such that he was regarded by all as the good and upright judge. He had a great love for children, and was ne\"er so happy as when his large house was filled with his descendants, \,ig and little. ffe died suddenly of apoplexy, February 21, r 87 5.

H.~:\:,.;:\ll >L PRO\"OST, b. June 8, 1824; mar. September 4, 1839~ Ric hard Lake. IS:;t;E.

IOIO (Io) I. \\"illiam Henry, b. Oct. II, 1S40; cl. ~lay 8, 1842. IOII (10) 2. David, b. July 15, 18-1,4; d. \Jar. 15, 1847. IOI2 (10) 3. ~Iary E., b. April 2j, 1S48; cl. Dec. Ii, 1867. 1013 (10) 4. Frances, b. Aug. 17, 1S50; d. Aug. 6, ISjg. Both of these girls were thoroughly educated at the Con­ vent of the "Sacred Heart," X. V. City. Each, though beau­ tiful and hi


1015 (Io} I. David II., b. Nov. 4, 1845; mar. Oct. 13, 1869, Frances Hutchinson.


1016 (II) I. Frances, b Sept. I 3, I Sjo. 1017 (10) 2. Richard L., b. Oct. 4, I 8-1, 7. IOI8 (IO) 3. Andrew J., b. Dec. 26, 1849; mar. July 30, 1889, Helena Appel. ISSUE.

IOig (11) I. Edna S., b. June 4, 1890. 1020 (II) 2. James R., b. :\lay 25, 1892. 1021 (10) 4. Sarah E., b. Aug. 4, 1856; mar. July 3, 18j6, Rev. Francis :Mansfield. ISSUE.

1022 (I 1) 1. Clarence, b. June 5, I8jj. 1023 (II) 2. Bertram, b. Dec. 23, 1884; d. y. 1024 (II) 3. Harold, b. Sept. 16, 1889; d. y. 1025 (9) 111. JoHx C. PROVOST, b. l\Iay 18, 1828; mar. June 1, 1854, Sarah A. Sharpe; d. July 1 2, 1 894.


1026 (IO) 1. JaneS., b. Mar. 4, 1855: d. Aug. 20, 1SS0. 1027 (10) 2. Irene S., b. June 19, 1859; d. Oct. 9, rSSo. I028 (IO) 3. Sarah E., b. Dec. 2, 1861; d. Jan. 8, 1862. 1028 (10) 4. John S., b. Feb. 15. 1863; mar. Oct. 20, 1886, ~linnie, daughter of George\\". Demond.

!029 (II) 1. Gec,rge Demond, b . .:\ug. 9, I SSS. I030 (IO) 5. Kate l\l., b. July 3, 1866; d. July 9. I8j6. I031 {IO) 6. David S., b. July 6, 1868; mar. Harriet Smith. Ile died July 21, 1892, from an accidental gunshot wound. 1:::-:t:E. ro32 (JI) 1. Irene. b. '.\tar. -f.., 1889. 10~.u ... (II) 2. Kate. h. ::\nv. 22, 1590.

103-t I IO) -I· (',•----s./.,.\.c.ll •.• , l>'. 'l"'r_, ... -,.?- 1~-(>u, . ro35 ilO) 8 Elbert P .. b ~ent. 17. 1S7r. 1036 il01 9. I .oui:-e :\ .. b. '.\fav 22, 1S76.

10"'-,) / (9) I\". PETER C. PRo\·osT~ b. Scptc1nber 7, 1830; mar. June 16, 1 S53~ Catharine :\Iott; d. January 18, 188-1-.

1038 (10) 1. .-\nn ~I., b. April I, 1854; mar. July 3, 187j, Charles S. 1039 (IOi Rawson; no issue. 10-f.0 (ro) 2. Sarah E., b. :\ug. 25, 1855. {101 10-f.l \ 3. David B., b. Oct. 15, 1S58; mar. June 26, 1S83, Elizabeth Butterfield; no issue.

1042 (10) 4. Kate E .. b. :\lay 16, 1863.

10-f.3 (ro'.= 5. Peter, b. Oct. 2S. 1868; d. Sept. 3, 1887 1044 (10) 6. Samuel :\[., b. Oct. 2S~ 1868; d. Aug. 7, 1888.

1045 (9) V. .-\XDREW J ACKsox PROVOST, b. N. Y. City, April 2, 1834; mar. June 4, 1856, Harriet, daughter of Judge Obadiah Titus, uf Dutchess Co., K. Y.; l\Iember of N. Y. State .-\ssembly, 1859-1861; member of Brooklyn Board of Edu­ cation, 1864-1868; School Commissioner of Queens Co., 187 4-13; 8; Justice of the Peace, Queens County, and Police Judge, Queens County, eight years; President Board of Education, Fifth District, Flushing, fi\·e years. ~fember of L.I. Historical Society and of the HanoYer and .-\mphion Clubs. Adn1itted to the Bar in 1856, and still in active prac­ tice, having offices, Temple Court, K. Y. City. For past ten years has been in the Consistory of First Reformed Church, of Brooklyn; was rnade a ~laster :\lason in 1856; Royal .:\rch~ r8jo; Knighted a Templar, 1886; raised 32° of the Scottish Rite, 1885; Crowned 33°, 188j; in the Supreme Council, 1889-1890; Grand Comn1ander-in­ Chief of :\"L!w York State, 1887 to date; RepresentatiYe of Supren1e Council of Great Britain, etc., to C"nitecl States, I 88 i to date. For genealogical record, see Yol. v., 1890, ··.-\merican .-\ nccstry," 1550 to 1890, and biographical re­ cord as lawyer, etc., see " :\" ew York Record," of June 1-J.~ I 89.-i-.


1. Ella, b. April S. r85j; d. April 22, 185j. l0..J7 110) 2. Florence, b. Aug. 15, 1859; mar. June 4, 1880, J. Harris Bah,ton, graduate l' nivcrsity of the City of ~ cw York an


10-1-8 (II) I. Jessie Richards, b. :'.\Iar. 26, 18S1. io49 (II) 2. Harold Provost, b. Feb. 22, r8S3. 1050 (II) 3 ..-.\ndrew Pnwost, b. Xov. 10. 1884. 1051 (10) 3. l\Iary Louise, b. :\lay 19, 1862; d. X ov. 29, 1866. 1052 (10) 4. .-\ndrew J. Provost, Jr., C. E., b. November 7, 1867; mar. October i, 1891, ..\da B. Ralston, sister of J. Harris Balston ( 104j ). Graduate of Columbia Col­ lege, 1889; Civil Engineer, Department of Public \\:-orks, Brooklyn, since 1889. "The Xew York \Vorld," February 6, 1895, says: '".-\ndrew J. Provost, Jr., heads the list of forty-six who have successfully passed the Civil Service examination for Civil En­ gineer. \rhat adds to the distinction is that the candidates came from all sections of the country, and represented twenty different schools and col­ leges.'' He was prominent in College Athletics; mem­ ber Alumni Association School of ~lines, Psi Upsi­ lon School of ~lines, Holland, St. Nicholas and Long Island Historical Societies and of _.\ltair Lodge, F. A. :\-L

ISSt;E. 1053 (II) 1- Ethel Balston, b. Oct. 22. 1892. 1054 (II) 2. Andrew Jay. b. :'.\lar. 20, 1894. 1055 (10) 5. \Villiam Douglass Provost, D. D. S., b. November 20, 1869. GraduateXewYork DentalCollege, 1891. !\-!ember of X ew York Naval Battalion since its

orcranization.t, 1056 (9) VI. GEORGE ,r. PRO\"OST, b ...\pril, 1836; d. 1839. 105i (9) vii. \V1LLIA:".I Y. PRO\"OST, \I. D., b. April 6, r839; r868, E,·elyn Talmadge.

Entered the U. S ...:\rnn· as Yolunteer Surgeon..... , 1861; served under ~I cClellan in all the Battles of the Peninsular; in 1862: commissioned _-\ssistant Surgeon of 159th ~- Y. Yolunteers; in charge oi I-Iospital at Baton Rouge, in 1863; commissioned Surgeon and made a Brigade Surgeon; Opera­ tor-in-Chief at Battles of Irish Bend and Port IIudson; l\.Iedi­ cal Director on St~ffs of 1Iajor-Generals Gro,-er and Emory; served under Generals \fcClellan~ Burnside, Banks and Sheri­ dan; honorably discharged, July 29, 1865. In acti\·e practice C\·er since in ~ ew York and Chicago.


1058 (10) I. ---, b. ~ov. 2I, 1869. 1059 (ro) 2. Frederick, b. ---, 1872. ro6o (10) ISj6. ' I 3. )lay, b. ---. 1ssrE-by second marriage.

1061 (9) \"Ill. HARRIET .:\. PRo\·o~T, b. June 29, 1856. 1c62 (9) ix. D.-\\"ID PROVOST, b. ~ovember 15, 1858; n1ar. October 4, 188i, Edith, daughter of James L. \\"ier; graduate Col­ umbia Law School, and now a pract1c1ng lawyer in ~ew York Cit\". ISSl"F.. ro63 (10) r. Edith :\fadeleine, b. Oct. 19, 1 S88. 106-1- ( IO) 2. David Lawrence, b. June 17, 189r.

1065 (9) x. IDA E. Pl{OYOST, h.. -\pril 12, 1861; mar. Dccen1ber 2, 1885, :\shton C. Clarkson.

I SSl: I•:.

1066 (10) 1. Gladys E., b. Dec. 12, 1867. 1067 ( ro) 2. Harriet A., b. Xov. 29. 1889.

1068 (8) SA)ft.;EL PROVOST (802), bap. June 20, 1795; mar. l\lary Conklin. ISSt:E. 1069 (9) i. \\-ILLIA'.\f Dl-~CAX PROVOST, b. ----; mar.----, 18.+i, Emerilla H·unt; d. ---, 1859.


IOjO ( IO) 1. \\"illiarn llenry, b. :\fa~ j. 184S; mar. April 15, rSj2, Sarah ' J. Co\·ert; enlisted in U. S. X avy and served through the Re hellion. 1;:;_:.;1·E. ., IOj[ ( II) 1. .\c:e1adc . \ .. b . lkc. 20, [ :->j~.

I ,, ') 1072 : II) 2. [da P., l>. Feh. --· rS; 4. ( l 1 ·• .., 1073 \ .) ■ Ezra I I., b. :\" O\". q . I :,;6. IOj4 (II) -1-. '.\"i]Eam If .. h. Jan. 22, 1SjS. IOj5 ( II) ~- Isaac G .. b. '.\1 ar. 3 r, 1SS1. , IOj6 (II) 6. Samuel 0., o. Sept. 19, 1SS4.

66 IOjj (11) j. Edwin A., h. ~cpt. 22, 1SS6. IOjS (II) 8. Ameila E .• b. Aug. 3, 1SSS.

IOj9 (11) 9. Philena J., h. Jan. 25, I S92; d. Oct. 24, I 894. 1080 (11) IO. 1081 (10) 2. Emma Frances, h. --, 1S50; mar. \\"illiam l-I. A.dams, I 884; no issue. 1082 (10) 3. Isaac G., b. -- 1S5,i; unmarried. .. 1083 (9) II. CATHARIXE PRO\"OST, b. ~ovember 15, r822; mar. :\loses Babcock; 2d, Le,·i S. Conklin.


I08-t (IO) 1. James P. Babcock, b. Dec. 25, 183j; enlisted in 186r, 95th Y ol. ?\. Y., served through the war, lost an arm in the Second Battle of Bull Run. 1085 (10) 2. Rueben Conklin, b. June 30, 18 ..p. 1086 (10) 3. :Mary, b. Feb. 26, 1844; d. y. I08j (10) 4. :\largaret, b. ::\·Jar. 26, 1846. 1088 (ro) :,- . Samuel, b. Sept. 14, I S4S; d. I 884. (10\ 1089 • I 6. Cornelius, b. Sept. 22, 1851; d. 1858. IOC)O (ro) 7. Jessie, b. ~lar. 5, 1854; d. y. 1091 (10) 8. ~lalinda, b. Aug. 26, 1856; d. y.

TOC)2 (10) 9. Catharine, b. Oct. 24, r858. 1093 (IO) 10. Fanny, b. Mar. 8, 1861. 1094 (10) 11. Irene, b. ~ray 26, 1863. 1095 (IO) 12. Colonel, b. , 1866; d. y.

8 ... I




CH.-\PTER IV. r r68 (4) BEXJA~IIX PRO\"OST (r9), b. at Fort Good Hope; bap. June r7, 1645; !Ilar. June 11, 16jo, Sara Barents; 2d, Xove1nher 5, r6jr, Elsje .-\lberts. Fro1n 16j4 to 1691 lived in lilster County, ~-- Y. \ras appointed first Supervisor of Kingston by Go\·. I)ongan. In 1698 resided in ~- Y. City, and in 1703 his fan1ily there consisted of five male and six fe1nalc chil­ dren. :\lay 8, 1 i 25, Jacob Codebec, Anthony Demilt and David Provost prayed letters of Administration on his estate.

ISSUE. l I 69 (5) i. DAVID PRo,·osT, bap. l[arch 6, 167 1; d. y.

I 170 (5) ii. DAYID PRo\·osT, hap. October 6, 16j2; d. y. 1171 (5) Ill. l\lAGDALENA PROVOST, bap. September 16, 1673; mar. Gerrit \Vouterszen.

ISSt;E. llj2 (6J I. Benjamin, hap. Jan. 8, 1693; d. y. 1173 (6J 2. Elsje, hap. May 13, 1694; d. y.

II74 (6) 3. Benjamin, bap. Oct. 11 1 16g6; d. y. 1175 (6) 4. Sara, hap. Jan. 5, 1698. u76 (6) 5. Benjamin. bap. Sept. II, 1700. n77 (6) 6. Elsje, bap. Feb. 23, 1704. 1178 (6) 7. Helena, bap. Dec. 19. 1705. . 1179 (5) IV. ELSJE PROVOST, bap. June 15, 1677. I 180 (5) v. \Y1LLIA!\I PROVOST, bap. January 19, 1679. . 1181 (5) YI. BARBARA PRO\"OST, bap. April 24, 1681; mar. .August 31, rjo5, Adrian Go1n·ertz; 2d, in 1713, Philipus Terneur. 1ssn-:. II82 (6) I. Adrian Gou \·ertze, hap. July 3~ I j06. I183 (6) 2. Elsje Terneur, hap. Sept. II, 1715. .. J I X-1- (5., \" I 1. :\un:wrc~ PRO\"OST, bap. :\"o\"cn1bcr 12, 1682.

[ I 8-.) (--,J . \"Ill. EI.I.-\$ P1-UJ\·o:-:T, hap. ~o\"ember 1, r68 ➔. I I 86 (5) IX. S.\,1t·E1.. PRu\-O$T, hap. July 11, 1686. r18j (5) X. n~\\"II) PRO\"OST, bap. i\O\"ember 13, 1687; cl. y. . I 188 (5) XI. :\L\ RI.-\ PROYOST, bap. l\Iarch 24, 1689; mar. April 26, 1 jo6, Anthony De::\Iilt.

91 ISSt.:E. uS9 (6) I. Elsje, bap. Jan. 5, 1 jOj; cl. y. 1190 (6) 2. Isaac. bap. Dec. 25. ·ljOj. n9r (6) 3. Benjamin, hap. Feb. 5. ljI0. n92 (6) 4. Anthony, hap. Sept. 30, IjI2. rr93 (6) 5. Sara, bap. Jan. 3, Ijq. n94 (6) 6. Elsje, bap. April 1, IjI6. II95 (6) 7. Elizabeth, bap. l\Iay 12, 171j. II96 (6) 8. ~larytje, bap. July 29, Ijl9. II97 (6) 9 . .Anthony, hap. Oct. 1 I, 1721. n98 (6) IO. Johannes, bap. ~lar. 18, Ij23. .. 1199 (5) Xll. CORNELIA PROVOST, bap. June 20, 1692; d. y. 1200 (5) Xlll. ELSJE PROVOST, bap. A.pril 8, 1694; mar. September 24, 1i18, ,rilliam Carr.


1201 (6) 1. Elizabeth, bap. July 12, 1719. . 1202 (5) XIV. CoRXELIA PROYOST, bap. September 16, 1696. 1203 (5) xv.. DAVID PROVOST, bap. 1Iay 4, 1699. 1204 (5) XVI. ~L.\RGARETA PROVOST, b. about 1675; mar. October 21, 1695, Jacob Codebeck.

ISSUE. 1205 (6) I. :Maria, bap. Aug. 2, 1696. 1200 (6) 2. Benjamin, bap. Feb. 19, 1699. 1207 (6) 3. Elsje, hap. Oct. 19, lj0I. 1208 (6) 4. \Villiam, hap. June 21, 1704. 1209 (o) 5. Jacob, bap. July 7, Ijo6. 1210 (6) 6. Magdalena, bap. Jan. 30, 1712. 1211 (6) 7. Dinah, bap. Jan.19.1714. 1212 (6) 8. i\aomy, bap. Jan. 16, 1726. DESCEND.ANTS OF




CHAPTER Y. r3oj (.-1-) ELT ..\5 PROVOST (20), h. :\"ew .:\n1sterda1n; bap. June, 1j46; 1nar. ~ ove1nber 3, 16j 2, Cornelia, daughter of Gerrit Jans Roos; d. before 1686. 1--Iis widow, ~oven1ber 22, 1692, n1ar. Jacques de :\Iaree, of France. ISSUE. . 1308 (s) I. l.)Av10 PROYOST, bap. July 23, 1673. .. 1309 (s) 11. J OHX PROVOST, bap. July 7, 167 5; d. y. 1310 (5) 111. JoHAX~Es PROYOST (1325), bap. Septen1ber 27, 16j6. . 1311 (5) IV. GERRIT PROVOST, b. February 12, 16j9; mar. September 21, 1704, Aeltie Roos; lived in Brooklyn near the ferry. [See Lib. 3 of Deeds, Kings Co., p. 102; \Vill proven lj26, Lib. 10, p. 273.]


1312 (6) I. Aegidus, b. about 1707; was resident of New York 1737. [See Vol. II.. p. 207, Grant \Vilson's History.] 1313 (6) 2. Margaretta, hap. Feb. 4, 1705; mar. Cornelius Filkins.


1314 (7) 1. Aletta, hap. Feb. 1, 1;30. 1315 (6) 3. Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 1, 1710; mar. Jan. 14, 1;34, Cornelius Vonk. ISSUE.

1316 (7) 1. Hendrick, bap. April 27, 1737.

1317 (5) V. .A.ELTIE PROVOST, bap. l\iay 22, 1681; mar. l\fay 5, 1711, .Alburtis Houlst. ISSUE. 1318 (6) 1. Hilletje, hap. April 13, 1712; d. y. 1319 (6) 2. llilletje, bap. Feb. 22, 1713. 1320 (6) 3. Cornelia, hap. :\lay 8, 1715. 1321 {6) 4. :'.\Iarytje, hap. May 10, 1719.

I,.,??.>-- (5) \"I. E'.\DlEREXTIF. PROVOST, bap. ~larch i, 1683; mar. Decem­ ber i, IjII, Isaac \Terplanck; 2d, July Ii, 1j25, Gerrit Roos. IS:il7E. r323 (6) I. Isaac Verplanck, bap. March 8, 1713. 1324 (6) 2. Cornelia Verplanck, hap. July 29, IjI6. 1324a (6) 3. Abraham Verplanck, bap. Oct. 19, lj18; d. Kov. 28, lj ➔ 2.

132 ➔ b (6) 4. Abigail Yerplanck, bap. Oct 30, 1j20; d. 1;29. 1324c (6) 5. Pieter Roos, hap. ~lay 8, 1 ;26.

95 John Vigne~ who, in 16 Lh was the first child born of European parents in the Dutch Colony, by \\'ill devises to

Em1nerentie,. daughteru of Elias and Cornelia ProYost.' a house and lot in what is no,v known as Pine Street. 1325 (5) JoH:\XXES PROVOST (1310), bap. Septernber 27~ 16;6; rnar. ~larch 25, Ijor, Sarah, daughter of :\"athaniel Bailey, of ~cw­ town, L. I.; 2d, June 2 5, 1 i l 8, Sara, daughter of Josiah and Sara (\rright) Latting, of Oyster Bay; \fay 18, IjI9, his father-in-law deeded to him a lot in the •• Old Purchase" of Oyster Bay, it being a farm of seventy-five acres on the high­ way near Jericho. ISSUE. . 1326 (6) I. ELIAS PROVOST, bap. January 14, 1702. . . 1327 (6) 11. NATHA~IEL PROVOST (1334), bap. _-\ugust 29, Ijo3 . (6) III. CoRXELIA PROVOST, bap. September 23, 1 jo5; d. y. 1328 . 1329 (6) IV. JoHAXXES PROVOST (1341), bap. December 28, 1707 . 1330 (6) V. Co RX ELIA PROVOST, bap. January 24, 1 i 10, at Hacken­ sack, X. J.; mar. July 23, 1j36, Peregrine Yan I1nburg. ISSt;E. 1331 (7) 1. Effie, bap. Jan. 30, 1 i37 • 1332 (7) 2. Katrina, hap. Sov. 5, 1738. 1333 (6) vi. ~L.\RGARETTA PROVOST, bap. August 12, 1712. 1334 (6) NATHAXIEL PROVOST (1327), bap.• ~ugust 29, 1703; mar. ---. l[oore, and had issue. I...,..., - .).)J (i) I. ROBERT PROVOST. 1...,..,6 .).) (7) ii. NATHA:SIEL PROVOST, b. -----; mar. ----­ [See \Vill, Lib. 34, p. 7, N. Y., proven June 10, 1780, describes himself as of ~ ewtown, and names children, and appoints his uncle, ~athaniel ~Ioore, executor.] 1337 (8) I. JOH~ PROVOST. 1338 (8) 2. ROBERT PROVOST. 1339 (8) 3. ~ATHA~IEL PRO\"OST, who married Rebecca Jfallett. 1340 (8) -t· ELIZABETH PROVOST. I 3-t I ( 6) JOHAX~ES PRo\·osT (1329), b. Dect!tnber 28, 1707; n1ar. ~lay 23, 1 i 36, Elizabeth Youngs, of Oyster Bay, L. I. Thon1as Youngs~ of Oyster Bay, was a 1nan of distinction and wealth, and had considerable property at Oyster Bay~ where 1nany of his descendants still reside. I--Iis son, John Youngs, n1arric

96 Oyster lby. and his daughter Elizabeth there rnarried, in Ij 36, John Pro\·ost. \\"e can learn but little of the subsequent history of John ~ind ELz~tbt.:th ProYost, or how n1~my children they hacL or when or where horn. It is certain, howen!r, tlwt John Pro\"OSt and his wiie went to Sta1nf ord and re::;ided there~ probably upon bnd which Eliz~beth inherited fro1n her father, John Youngs. The families of John Youngs, John Pro\·ost and Stephen Bishop were inti1nate socially, and also had business trans­ actions with each other. \\" c find that James Youngs, who was a son of either Tho1nas or Sa mud, is nained in Ii j 5, with Stephen Bishop, upon the Sta1niord Co1nmittee of Safety. The Re\·erend Stephen Bishop was widely known throughout the Colonies as • a man of learning, wealth and patriotism. That the sons of John Pro\"ost were welco1ned into such a fa1uily as sons-in­ law goes far towards proYing that they were 1nen of good standing~ socially and intellectually.

ISS'(;E. 13..i2 (7) i. S.-\:\IL"EL PRO\"OST (1350), b. about 1740; served iu 9th Regiment Connecticut ~Iilitia, in ReYolutionary \\"ar; discharged December 24, 17j6. In same co1npany were Thomas, _.\braharn and Samuel Youngs, and Samuel Bishop. 1343 (i) ii ... DAXIEL PRO\"OST (1450), b. ~lay 9, 1753; enlisted July 21, 1 ii 5, in jth Regiment, Connecticut l\Iilitia; discharged December 24, Ij75; re-enlisted :\larch 1, liii, for the \\"ar of the Re\·olution; was in serYice until December 31, I j81; in 1834 was in\·alid pensioner. 1350 (i) S ..\:\IC"EL PRO\"OST (1342), b. about 1j-1-o; n1ar. January 5, 1 i 6-1-, Sarah Bishop.

1351 (8) i. S.\'.\ll"EI. PRo\·osT, b. about 1766; tnar. Febru~try 16, 1 j89, Abigail ,raterbury; 2d~ ()ctober, 1815, _-\nnie Sherwood; died----; was pen::;1oner 1832 and in 1840., when age . . . (f)\""n •1c -- \"'"••1rc 1::-, b \., • L •.., ' .:, ., l: L. ·"'· 1::;~u-:. 1352 (9) I. \\"illiam. b. about 1802; mar. :'.\Iaria Scofield; 2d, Sarah Pitcher. ISSl"E. 1353 (10) 1. Charles, b. -- 1354 (9) 2. \l~iry, b. :Sept. 2j, 181j; mar. Jan. 23, 1840, Joshua Knapp.

9i I SSL"E. 1355 (ro) I. Sylvester, b. :\f arch 23, I 842. 1356 (9) 3. John, b. Sept. 23, 1S20; mar. Eliza Sillit:k.

l35i (IO) I. Sarah, b. Jan. 1S-1-5; mar. February, 18691 John Barlow.


1358 {II) I. Robert, h. '.\Tay-, 1870. 1359 (10) 2. Ida, b. Jan. 13, 1S55. 136o (10) 3. Henry S., b. Juiy II, 1856; mar. Nov. 7, 1888, H. Louise Brennan.

ISSUE. 1361 (11) 1. Ruth, b. April 3, 1891. 1362 (11) 2. 1\ atalie, b. :March 24, I 893. 1363 (10) 4. Anna, b. Jan. -, 1856. • .. 1364 (8) 11. JOHN PROVOST, b. ---; mar. 1785, l\Iary \Vaterbury; died 1852.

ISSUE. 1365 (9) I. Nancy, b. --; mar. Benj. Slausen.

ISSUE. 1366 (10) 1. Eliza, b. -- 1367 (10) 2. George, b. --- 1368 (9) 2. Maria, b. --; mar. Elias Dickson. 1369 (10) ISStiE.-10 children. 1370 (g) 3. Samuel, b. Nov. 10, 1796; mar. Electa Miller; d. Jan. 13, 1886.


1371 (10) 1. Eliza Jane, b. Feb. 22, 1827; mar. George Palmer.

ISSUE. 1372 (II) I. G~orge. 1373 (II) 2. Electa. 13;4 (II) 3. Lilly. 1375 (II) 4. Eliza. 13j6 (_IO) 2. :\Iatilda, b. i\O\". 27, 1830; mar. Daniel Randall.

JSSl~E. 13;8 (II) I. David. 13;9 (II) 2. Robert. ,. 1380 (II) .:,- Ophelia. 1381 (II) 4. Samuel. 1382 (10) 3. John Robert, b. June 3, 1S35; mar. :\larch 21, 1892, Caroline ~lead.

98 4. :'.\lary E., b. Oct. 21, 183j; mar. George Crabb; 2d, \filliam Fagan; d. April 13, 1891.

ISSUE. 1384 {II) I. Josephine Crabb. 1385 (II) 2. :'.\1 atilda Crabb. 1386 (II) 3. Bertha Fagan. 13Sj (9) 4. John, b. ---; mar. Sally Curtiss; d. 1890.

ISSU'Jo;. 1388 (II) 1. Louisa, b. --- mar. Augustus Lockwood. 1389 (I l) 2. Sarah Ann, b. --; mar. \Vm. Duncan.

ISSUE. 1390 (12) 1 . .Alfonso. 1391 (12) 2. Caroline. 1392 (II) 3. Andrew, b. ---; enlisted September, 1861; wounded Oct. 22, 1862; discharged llarch 28, 1863; mar. Eliza :\tcDonald. 1393 (II) 4. Phebe, b. --; mar. Sillick Jones. 1394 (II) 5. )-larietta, b. ---; mar. Franklin \Vebb. 1395 (II) 6. Louisa, b. ---; mar. Charles Hoyt. 1396 (II) 7. Harriet E., b. --; mar. Charles \Vebb. 1397 (9) 5. Thomas, b. ---; mar. Almira Stevens; d. 1870.

ISSUE. 1398 (11) I. Anna l\L, b. 1399 (II) 2. George, b. I.JOO (II) 3. Cephas, b. ----; mar. Henrietta Avery.

ISSUE. 1401 (12) I. Fitch, b. 1402 (II) 4. Louis, b. ----; mar. ~I ary A very.

ISSl"E. 1403 (12) 1. Phebe, b. 1404 (12) 2. Jane, b. ----; m•. De \Vitt Roscoe. 1405 (9) 6. Stephen. b. ---; mar. Betsey Curtiss.

ISSt.:"E. 1406 (II) I. Georgetta, b. ---; mar. Oliver Force. I40j (II) 2. :'.\Tary, h. : mar. \\'illiam Vincent. of Brooklyn, Druggist. 140S (II) 3. :'.\leade, b. 14og (9) j. Betsey, b. ---; mar. Seth Seely. 1410 (9) 8. .-\lexandcr, b. :'.\Iar. 31, 18r3; mar. Oct. 19, 183j, Phebe Curtiss.

99 1. :\°dR\L\\: P1,,,\.(bT, h . .-\ugust 2~ 1837; 12. enlistt:<.l .\u!.!11:-;t.._,, ' 1861.. 6th Connecti- cut \·oluntt~ers; promoted~ step by step, to 1st Lieukn~!nt. ~Tay 3r, 186-1-; was wounded nnd holds a medal !2:i\·en for '-·· .~allant co11

ISSliF.. I-Jl3 (12) I. Alice, b. 141-J (12) 2. Frank, b. 1415 (12) 3. Harry, b. 1416 (12) 4. Clarence, b. I ..pj (1 I) 3. Almira F., b. :\lar. 26, 1S-J7; cl. April 2S, 1851. 1418 (n) 4. Cyrus )I., b. Feb. 2, 1S-i9; mar. Feh. 2, 1881, Emma Boody.

ISSUE. 1419 (12) I. I I erbert, b. 1420 (II) 5. Pauline C., b. Aug. 21, 1852; mar. \V. JI. Curtis.


1421 (12) 1. Ella. 1422 (11) 6. \\"ard B., b. )lay 15, 1855; unmarried. 1423 (II) 7. Ella J., b. June 12, 1858; mar. Dec. 27, 1880, Alonzo \Vicks.

ISSliE. 1424 (12) I. Clifford, b. 1425 (12) 2. Pauline, b. 1-1-26 (8) 111. THO:\IAS PRO\"OST, h. 1427 (8) iv. HARR\·, b. Septernl.>er 22, 1791. 1-1-28 (8) ,-• ..\ LA ~so~, b. Tho1nas ( 1-1-26), Harry ( 1-1-2i )~ and .:\Janson ( 1428), sen·ed in the. \rar of 1812-1-1-: di:-;charged :\lay, 1S15. Thornas was pensioner, 1832.

1-1-50 (i) D.\\:IEL PRO\"OST (13-1-3). b. ~Iay 9. 1j5J: mar. February 17, 1 ;84, Elizabeth Bishop, sister of s~1r~1h, wife of Samuel ( r35c).


\\"n .. 1.J..u1 PRO\"OST~ h. ~larch 9. 1 785; mar. l>ece1nber 22, 1 808, I ,ydia Jones.

ISSCE. 1452 (9) I. \\"illia~n J ., b. ~ov. r3, 1809; mar. ----

IGO I-l-53 (10) r. \\"illie. I -l-5-1- (IO) 2. Annie. l-l-55 (9,1 2. John Youngs l'ron">:::t ~1569), b. Oct. 13. r811.

11·6"T:, (9) 3. Charles E. Provo~t, b. Aug. rs, 1Sr3; enlisted Aug. 22, r86r, as prim.le; promoted April 2;, 1S6-1-; captured Aug. r6, 1S6-1-. at Deep Run, \"a.; rclca:::ed Feb., 1S65; died Feb. 23, 1S65. 4. Harriet E. Provost, b. Dec. 3r, 18r5; mar. April 13, 1836, John S. Studwell; d. Jan. 1S. 186r.

ISSUE. Xine children, all of whom are deceased except 1463 (10) 1. Anna E., b. Dec. 31, 1S36.

1464 (10) 2. ,rlJ,LL\\I \VASHIXGTOX, b. :\larch 22, 1839; n1ar. Septe1nber 19, 1863, _-\ugusta ,~. Stud­ well; served in the Connecticut Xational Guard; honorably discharged as Captain June 20~ I 8S8.

ISSl"F.. 1465 (II) r. Bradford. b. Feb. 2, 1866; d. y. 1466 (II) 2. Laura E., b. Oct. 4, 1867; mar. March 20, 1888, Arthur G. Jessup.

ISSUE. r466a (12) 1. Edith A., b. Jan. 14, 1889. q.6j (11) 3. Henry A., b. Aug. 4, 18j4. r.,i6S I IO) 3. Charles H., b. l\Iarch I, 184r. 1.,i69 (10) 4. Harriet A., b. Aug. 5, 1852; mar. Feb. 26, 1Sgo, Harry "'eed.

ISSUE. I..J.70 (II) I. ~fatilda, b. Jan. 9, 1892. I5o6 (9) 5. Henry S. (r585), b. ~lay 26, 18r8.

I50j (9) 6. Caroline :\L, b. July Ij, 1820; mar. July 20, 184r, Ebenezer \Vilmot. ISSUE. r. Charles E., b. j. 1.ydia Ann, b. about 1S22; mar. Henry E. Scofield.

ISSCE. r. Emily, b. 150Sb (ro.) 2. X cllie, b. r50Sc (10) 3. Frank, b. r508cl(ro) 4. \Villie, b. r50Se (10) 5. Arthur, b.

IOI r509 (9) 8. George Rowley (1519), b. about 1826. 1510 (q) 9. Farnham A., b. Oct. 6, 1828; unmarried. ISII (g) ro. Daniel E., h. Feb. 14, 1831; mar. Dec. 24, 1862, Sarah Oak­ ley Haviland. Is a prominent dentist of Sing Sing, N. Y. ISSlTE. 1512 (10) I. Estelle H. , b. Jan. 2, 1864. 15r3 (10) 2. Helen 0., b. ~ov. 22, 1865. 151.,1. (10) 3. Florence E., b. Jan. 26, 1867. 1515 (10) 4. Charles ll.. b. Jan. 2, 1870; mar. Oct. 13, 1893. ISSt;J•:. 1516 {II) 1. Dorothy Jean, h. Aug. 7, I 894. 1517 (ro) 5. Caylor, b. April q .. 1872; d. y. 151S (10) 6. ~liriam, b. Jan. 7, I 87 4. 1 51 9 (9) GEORGE ROWLEY PROVOST (1509), b. ----; mar. April, 1848, Harriet Sigler. ISSUE. 1520 (10) I. Agnes ~laria, b. -- ; mar. Edwin H. Gould ISSGE. 152r (II) r. ~laud Isabel. 1522 (II) 2. Arthur. 1523 (II) .,.... l\label Louise. 1524 (II) 4. Edwin. 1525 (10) 2. George Thurber, b. ----; mar. Susan Gorman. ISSUE. 1526 (n) I. Edith. 1527 (11) 2. Frank. 1528 (11) 3. Susie. 1529 (11) 4. Clarence. 1530 (11) 5. George. 1531 (10) 3. Isabel Lindley, mar. her cousin, Frank G. Provo~t (1586). 1532 (10) 4. Alice Clayton, b. -; mar. ,vm. H. Barrett. ISSUE. r533 (II) I. Irene. 153-1, (II) 2. Howard. ,., 1535 (II) .,. Lottie Isabel. 1536 (II) 4. \Villiam. I53i (II) 5. ~lilclred. 1538 (10) ,. Hattie Louise, b. --; mar. James H. Kelly. Js:::c.;E. 1539 (II) I. George EI. 15..i,o (II) 2. Frank. 1541 (II) .,.,., Charles. 1542 (11) 4. Edna. 1543 (10) 6. Frank. b.

102 1544 (8) ii. ELIZABETH PROVOST, b. July 3, 1787; mar. -- \Yaring. 1ssn-:. 1544a (9) r. Henry. b. 1544b (9) 2. Charles, b.

1545 (8) Ill. LEVI PROVOST, b. February 26, 1j90; mar. ---· ' served in \Yar of 1812.

1545a (9) I. Betsey Ann, b. 1545b (9) 2. Emily, b. 1545c (9) 3. George, b. 1546 (8) iv. STEPHEN BISHOP PROVOST, b. April 23, 1 i92; mar. April 5, 1821, Catharine Tilman of N. Y.; served as Corporal in \Yar of 1812; died---


1547 (9) 1. STEPHEN H. PROVOST, b. January 23, 1822; mar. Elizabeth Clark; died 1894.

ISSUE. 1548 (10) 1. Anna Clark, b. -- ; d. 1549 (10) 2. Catharine T., b. ----; d. 1550 (10) 3. John Henry, b. 1551 (ro) 4. Hull Clark, b. 1552 (9) 2. CHRISTOPHER T. PROVOST, b. April 27, 1823; mar. Novem­ ber 20, 187 1, Eliza !\lorrison.

ISSt.:E. 1552a (10) I. Eva Marion, b. Jan. 14, 1874. 1553 (9) 3. DA~IEL RL"FCS PROVOST, b. June 11, 1825. 1554 ( 9) 4. CHARLES A. PROVOST, b. August 9, 1827; d. y. 1555 (9) 5. JoHx \V. PROVOST, b. December 14, 1829; mar. Frances Frost; d. Sept. 29, 1888.

ISSl"E. 1556 (10) 1. :\I ary E., b. April 16, 1856; unmarried. 1557 (10) 2. \Yarren, b. Dec. 25, 1856; mar. Eva Ermore.

ISSl.'E. 155S (rr) I. \Varren, b. )larch 2i 1S82. 1559 (II) 2. Edna R., b. Feb. 27, 1887. 1560 {II) 3. Russell, b. :\lay i, 1890. 1561 (10) 3 Ella K., b. )lay 21, 1861; mar. \Varren Chicester; no is~ue. 1562 (IO) 4. George Dunham, b. April 6, 1863. 1563 (ro) 5. Cornelius \\'., b. July 1..1-, 1865; mar. ~ov. 19, 1891, Alice L. Smith.

103 1564 (9) 6. ~L\RY PRO\"O~T, b. :\pril 9, 1831; d. y. 1565 (9) j. ::\L\RY C. PRO\"os·1, h. :\pril 12, 1833; n1ar. Edward I-I. Scofield. ISSl."E. 1566 (10) r. Minnie, b. 156j (9) 8. Euz~\BETH J. PRo\·o~T, l.>. ,1arch 5, 1835; n1ar. Hiran1 'fayJor. 1568 (9) 9. Jc-LI.-\ F. PRo\·osT, h. October 2, 1838; d. ~farch 5, 1845. [See \Yill of Cath. Tiln1an Pro,·ost, I\. Y ., Lib. 205, p. 41 i-1

1569 (9) JoHx Yocxc;s PRo\·osT (1-455). b. Octqber 13, 1811; n1nr. l\"ovember 24, 1834, ~lary \\"ilmot; 2d, October 2-1-, 18ji, Elizabeth B. Solley; d. January 8, 1892.

lSSl."F.. 1570 (10) i. ~L-\R\. E. PROVOST, h. August 15, 1835; mar. ::\lay 14, 1854, Joseph L. Chapman. rssn-:. 1571 (11) r. James H., b. :March r3, 1S56. l5j2 (II) 2. Addie F., b. ~ov. 19, 1858; mar. Geo. B. Howard. I5i3 (II) 3. Frank P., b. Sept. 2, 186--t; mar. ~fargaret L. Bundick. 1574 (II) -1,. Lizzie Y., b. :\larch II, 1S62; cl. y. .. Ijjj (10) II. _-\~KA .:\. PRO\"OST, b. June 28, 1838; n1ar. i\ovember 2 i, 186j, Theodore Fox.


1576 (II) I. Farnham C., b. Jan. 29, 1869. IS ii (11) 2 . .-\1bert G., h. June 27~ 1Sj7. 15j8 (10} 111. ELIZ.-\ F. PRo\·<.,~T, h. September 16~ 18-40; 1nar. Febru­ ary 3, 1 S6-t-~ Bradley :\'. Ban ks. 1s:;;n-:. l5i9 (u) I. \\"alter P., b. June 27, 1S6j; mar. )1ary E. Lundie. r5So (11) 2. Stanley C., b. :\Tarch 25, 1S7r: d. y. 1581 (11) 3. Cora :\lay, b. April 2 ➔, 1873; mar. Albert E. Porter. r583 (10) 1,·. J<>1-1x H. PRO\"O~T, b. Jn;1L~ 2;~ r84S: rn;:r. December 28, rSjo, Julia .Jl. Olmstead; 2d, ()ctober 25, 1881, .:\nnctte EYans. JSSL'E.

1. Harold E., b. Aug. 4, 1882.

104 . 1585 (9) I-IE:'\RY S. PROYOST (1506), h. l\Iay 26. 1818; mar. 1n 1853, Sarah _-\ n n Sigler; d. about 1880.

1586 (10) i. FR.-\:'\K G. PROYOST, b. Xc)\·e1nber 26, 1854; mar. Isabel L. Provost, his cousin ( 153 1 ).

ISSl" J::.

1587 ( 11) 1. Ethel R., b. 1588 ( 10) ii. \V1LLL.\:'.\I C. PROVOST, b. ------; d. --: no issue. 1589 (10) 111. CARRIE ::\L PROYOST, b. ; not married. 1590 (10) iv. E:\nIA PRO\"OST, b. d. y. 1591 (10) v. Lo~1s S. PROVOST, b. -----; mar. 1592 (10) vi. EYELYX PROYOST, b. ; mar. ---Ogden. 1593 (10) vii. A.RTHCR ~I. PROYOST, b. 1594 (10) viii. HARRY D. PROVOST, b.



1600 (3) ELIAS PROVOST (8), b. 1602. David Provost (28), in his genealogical notes written in 1724 (Kote A), says: Elias (8) was the eldest brother of David (10), and had the same "scholarly education; that on coming to this country he settled at Fort Orange (A.Ibany). Johannes Provost and his family, some living here in New York and some at ....\lbany, are his descendants." ''"' e have been unable to ascertain the date when Elias ( 1600) came to this country, or the date of the birth of Johannes, who, as would appear by the above record, was his only child. 1601 (4) JOHAX~Es PROVOST, b. probably about 1630, was A.ssistant Commissary of the Colony in 1653; is recorded as a man of "superior education, and a penman excelled by none in the country." In 1656 was appointed Secretary of Vice-Direc­ tor Johannes de la l\Iontagne, who married Agnietje Gillis, the sister of l\Iargaretta, wife of David Provost ( 10 ), and accompanied the \Tice-Director to Albany, where he resided until 1680. \Yhile there he ,vas, 1656 to 1664, Notary Public; - 1664 to 1675, Secretary of A.lbany, Rensselaerswyck and Schen­ ectady; 1678, Sheriff of Albany County. For many years he ,vas Clerk of the only Courts of the Colony. In 1688-1689 he was Assistant Alderman of the South \Yard of ~ew l"ork City; was a member of the Council of Acting Governor Liesler in 1690: and was commissioned after the Schenectady massacre to proceed to Albany with 160 soldiers to take charge of the Fort at A.lbany and to con­ trol the affairs in that Yicinity. Upon the downfall of Liesler he was imprisoned and his property confiscated. On his release he went to The Hague, and after able, manly and persistent efforts his services in behalf of his late chief were rewarded lJy.. the British GoYern- n1ent. The judg1ncnt of attainder against Liesler and his followers was set aside and their property restored. ~ otwithstanding the serious charges n1ade against Liesler, and those sen·ing under hi1n, no word derogatory to the honor and integrity of Johannes Provost is to be found in the public

IOj documents of that daY. f-Te is certified lH· tht~ authorities to the Briti~h Co\·enuncnt as "a merchant of ~ew York City. of considerable estate. who has li,·eJny who was pro1ninent in official life, 1644 to 1694, and largely interested in Yessel:; n~n-igating the I-Iudson; 2d, June 25, 1685, in ~ew York, Sarah ,rebhers [see their joint ,rill, ~- Y., Liber -, p. -] ; 3d, July, 168j, .:\nna ::\Iauritz. He was liYing in ~ew York City in 1698. He was a member of the Dutch Church of _.\lbany, and probably all his children were there baptized. As no record of baptisms in this Church prior to 1683 are to he found, it is uncertain how many children he had, or when born. That he left descendants in _-.\.lbanv and in ~ ew York is asserted bv J - I)avid in r 7 2 4 ( note _-.\. ). He died in New York, and letters of administration were granted in ~larch, 1 jo6. Purple, p. 24, giYes hin1 credit for four children, one being Isaac, bap. in .:\lbany, Septe1nber 23, 1683. So far as we can we deem it safe to follow Purple.


1602 (5) i. DA YID PRo\-l)ST, b. -----; died about I jo2. ::\las­ ter of sloop '' Elizabeth," trading on Hudson River, Ij0I. Hattie, perhaps his widow, was registered in Kew York, 1 j0J, as a widow and the head of a family with two male and four female children.


1603 (6) 1. _-\BRAHA:\I PRO\"0ST, from Albany, mar. in New York, ~lay 2i, Ij0I, Janeken ::\leyer. In _-\ugust, Ijo4, was Captain of sloop "Elizabeth·." ['Yill proYen 1 j66, Lib. 5, p. 5 r 5, names children following.]


1604 (7) 1. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1703. 1605 ( j) 2. Johannes, b. )farch 21, 1705: appointed by King George I I., 175S, as Ju~tice of the Peace for ~\Ibany County, re-np­ poir!tecl, same office, 1762, by George III. \\"ill proven IjjI, names wife, Catrina, and brothers, Yiz.: I.,) 1606 'I 3. Hendrick, bap. Sept. 28, Ijo7. 1(>07 (i) 4. Samuel, hap. :\lay 24, 17 ro. 160S (7) 5. Abraham, hap. )lay 10, r714.

1609 (-)I. 6. Jacob (,1634), bap. Aug. 2S, 1715.

108 1610 (i) j. Isaac, hap. at Cat:;kill, Oct. ro. ljlS. .:\11 except Hendrick were living in Coxsackie in l i4i· 161 I (5) ii. 1:-::L\C PRo\·osT, bap ..-\lbany, September 23, 1683; d. --

ISSliE. (Probable.) 1612 (6) r. Robert, b. April 19. ljO..J; mar. Dec. 14. 1j29, Adriana Paul. 1.h·cd in ~ ew York City in 1 ;3S, when he appeared as "' Freeman."


1613 (;) I. Johannes, b. Xov. II, lj30; d. Oct. 8, 1831; mar. )Iargaretta \-an Hoorn; was li \·ing at Hack~nsack, N. J., in 1752.

1. Samuel, bap. Dec. 17, lj52. Samuel (1624) and wife, )laritie, were witnesses at this baptism. 2.. .\nnatje: b. June 20, 1734; mar. Jan. 12, Ii5..J, \\"ill­ iam Hull; d. Oct. 20, 1769.

1615 (7) 3. Robert, b. ~farch 22, 1737; mar. Oct. 3, 1 j65, Phebe Plume, of X ewark, X. J. ; d. Aug. r i ~ I 796. ,vas n1aster of the merchant ship" York" in 1 j67; a picture of this ship 11ncler f1111 sail is owned and prized by his grandson, Ruben l\I. (1694); was an Ensign, Paymaster and Quartern1aster in the ..\nny of the Revo­ lution.


1616 (8) I. Margaret, b. July 15, 1766; d. 1770. 1617 (8) 2. Robert (1682), b. )larch 2, 1770. 1618 (8) 3. Phebe, b. ~larch 29, 1772; d. :\larch Ii, 1801. 1619 (8) 4. Johanna, b. Nov. 20, 1775; d. 17j7. 1620 (7) 4. Elizabeth, h. April 6, 1j42; d. 1752.

1621 (-1.I 5. )largareta, b. July q., 1744; d. Ij52. 1622 (7) 6. :\lag


I. ~amuel. b. IjOI, in ~cw York; mar. )larch 22, Ij22, :\laritie :\leyer, of Hackensack, X. J.

l55L" E. 1624a (j) I. Jannetje, hap. Sept. 2S, lj..J0. 1625 (6) 2. Sarah, b. --­ ·; mar. Jan. 30, I j2..J, Johannes Low, of Albany.

IO<) 1626 (6) 3 . .Abraham, bap. Dec. 19, 1 i I 1. l62j (6) -t-- Jacob. bap. .-\ ug. 30. Ii I 3. 1628 (5) i\". _-\G:XIETIE PRO\"OST, from ...\lbany; mar. ~ove1nber 12, r696, Johannes ~arbery.

1629 (6) r. Johannes, hap. :\J arch 30, 16g9; d. y. 1630 (6) 2. Sara, hap. :\Jay 1, 1700; mar. Xov. r. IjI8, Jacobus Kier­ stede.

1630a (i) I. 1630b (i) 2. 1630c (7) 3. Upon Sara's death her husband married Elizabeth, daughter of Rip Van Dam. 163od (6) 3. Juhannes, hap. Oct. 25. lj02. 1631 (6) 4. Pieter, hap. April 29, 1705. 1632 (6) 5. Samuel, hap. April 13, 1707. 1633 (6) 6. .Annatje, hap. l\farch 20, 17og.

1634 (7) JACOB PROVOST (1609), b. _.\ugust 28, 1715; mar. ---

ISSUE. 1635 (8) i. CA THARI:SE PROVOST, b. ---- mar.---- Perry. 1636 (8) ii. ABRAHA!\I PROVOST, b. about 1j40; mar. --- Staats.


1637 (9) I. Jacob, b. ---; mar. --Van Hoesen. 1638 (9) 2. Elsie; mar. Jacob Yan \Vaart. 1639 (9) 3. Eleanor; mar. --Gardiner. 1640 (9) 4. Elizabeth; mar. Casper Sporr. 16.p (9) 5. :\!aria; mar. --- Eaverson. 1642 (9) 6. :'.\Iary; mar. 1st~ -- Yan Buskirk; 2d, -- Outhsout. 1643 (9) 7. Catharine; mar. Francis Clough. 1644 (9) 8. Samuel, b. Sept. 8, ljSj; mar. Hannah Halenbeck.

IS5C'E. 1645 (10) I. Ann, b. 1807; mar. John Clough. 1646 (ro) 2. John, b. 1809; mar. Sarah Halenbeck.

110 ISSl:F..

16.,Jj ( II) 1. Catharine Christina; never married. 1648 (II) 2. I I arriet; mar. Bleeker Canfield. 1649 (n) 3. Caroline Jane; mar. Richard Roberts. ... 1650 (10) .J• Eleanor L., b. 1814; mar. John Stebbins . 1651 (10) 4. Abraham, b. Sept. 4, 1816; mar. Martha Teets.

ISSUE. a. john Edward Provost, b. ~larch, 1840; mar. Catharine J. Cavanagh; 2d, :\lary E. Col­ ville; d. Aug. 29, 1894.


1653 (12) 1. Abraham Alonzo, b. 1864; mar. Annie \Veidner.

ISSUE. 1654 (13) 1. Catharine Jane. 1655 (12\ 2. Joseph; d. y. 1656 (12) 3. David Henry; d. y. 1657 (II) b. David Henry Provost, b. 1843; mar. 1st, Han­ nah Morehouse; 2d, Jane \Viltsie; d. March 27. 1893.

ISSUE. 1658 (12) I. George \V., b. July 22, 1866; mar. Alice Carey. 2. Annie, b. January, 1871; mar. Tracy \Vhiting. 166o (12) 3. Minnie, b. !\larch, 1874; mar. Geo. Man­ deville. 1661 (12) 4. Harry; by 2d wife. 1662 (12) 5. Jennie; by 2d wife. 1663 (II) c. Alonzo, b. 1845; never married. Enlisted in 113thNew York Regiment; served in Civil \Var, and lost his life at the Battle of Cold Harbor. d. George Casper, b. June 6, 1846; mar. ~fargaret A. Gordon.

ISSUE. 1665 (12) 1. Abraham, b. Nov. Ij, 1868; mar. June q., 1893, Clara K. Phillips.

ISSL"E. 1666 (13) 1. Ethel, b. April 3. 1894. 1667 (12) 2. ~ettie G., b. May 9, 1873. 1668 (12) 3. )leadie Van \Vinkle, b. Nov. 28. 187j.

III 1669 (II) c. Phebe .-\nn,b. Jan. 25, 18..Jj; mar. James R. :'.\Ianstield; have seven children. I6jO (II) f. ~fary E , h. July 10, 1851; mar. \Y. IL Colviile. 16joa(II) g. Cai.harine L., b. Sept. 22, 18-tS; mar. \Ym. R. Coh-ille.

1671 ( 10) 5. Catharine \T., h. Feb. ➔, 1 S'.21; died unmarried. 1672 (IO) 6. Rachel, b. June II, 1S23; mar. Caspar Clough and has fi\·c children. 16j3 (10) 7. Jacob II.. b. Sept. 25. 182S: mar. Jan. I, 185j, Angeline Sporr.


1. Catharine .-\nn, b. Oct. 2, 1S57; mar. Sept. 23, 18S0, Leland Smith.

ISSt;E. I6j5 (I'.?) r. .Arthur. b. September, 1881. 16j6 (12) 2. Raymond, b. -----, 189..J. 1677 (11) 2. Elmer E., b. '.\fay 11. 1S61; mar. --- 1894, ----- Schoonmaker. 1678 (u) 3. Gilmour, b . .-\ug. 28, 1S63; d. y. I6j9 (II) 4. Franklin, b. Aug. Ij, 1866; mar. Gussie Dexter. 1ssn-:. 1680 (12) r. Edith, b. March 15, 189..J. 1681 (II) 5. '.\linnie, b. Dec. 22, 186g; d. y.

1682 (9) ROBERT PROVOST (1617), b. l\1arch 2, 17jo; n1ar. Catharine ".ilse; d. June 3, 1852.

l?SL"E. 1683 (10) i. ROBERT PRo\·osT, h. January 22, 1800; d . ..-\ugust ~, 1853. 1684(10) ii. :\IARGARET PROVOST, b. February 5, 1802; d. y. 1685 (10) 111. PHEBE PRO\"OST, b. ~lay 27, 1804; d. y. 1686 (IO) iv. J A'.\IES \rrLKIXSOX PRO\"OST, b. ~fay I 4, I 806; mar. Susan ~IcCulla; d. ~larch 3, I 860.


I68j (II) 1. n..:ite,r 1u. !688 (II) 2. Sarah, b. r68g (II) 3. James, b. -----; d. y. 1690 (n) 4. Charlotte, b. ; d. y

II2 1691 (10) v. CHART.OTTE PRo\·osT, b. September 22, 1812; mar. George Purdy; d. January 12, 1841.

ISSl.: E.

1692 (I 1) 1. Robert Provost, b. Dec. 24, 1840. 1693 (10) vi. ~IARTIX \V. PROYOST, b. l)ecen1ber 2, 1815; d. August 13, 1816. .. \'II. REl7BEX ~1. PROVOST, b. December 2, 1815; mar. Septem­ ber 9, 1845, Louise E. \\"inants.

ISSUE. 1695 (11) 1. Josiah \V., b. Sept. 22, 1848; unmarried. 1696 (n) 2. Charlotte C., b. l\Jarch 2, 1S51; d. y. 1697 (n) 3. Robert \V., b. June 23, 1853; d. y. 1698 (11) 4. Laura E., b. Sept. 28, 1855; d. y. 1699 (n) 5. Mary Ella, b. March S, 1858; mar. Feb. 9, 1882, :Franklin A. Carr.

ISSUE. 1700 (12) 1. Roland Provost, b. Jan. 29, 1885. 1701 (n) 6. George Bryant, b. July 9, 1861; mar. Nov. 4, 1891, Florence :\1. Seaman.


.-\n1ong those of the nan1e who1n we have been unable to so identifv as to connect with either of the descendants of n~n·id J Pro\·ost ( 1 o ), or Elias ( 8), we narne the following, gi\·ing all the data known io the author : -

17-1-0 ( ) ..:\DRIAX PRO\"OST, b. ------; 1nar. ~o,·en1ber 23, 1706, ..:\ntje .:\swerus, and died before 1, ~c, when his widow nuuried ,rn1. Davids.


Ij..JI ( ) 1. .:\clrian ~\swerus Provost, b. )I arch 5, IjOS. 17--1-2 ( ) J OIL\:\"XES PRO\"(bT, who died at .:\lbany, 1696. I 743 ( ) PETER PROVOST, whose widow was in New York City in 167j. 'T'he above were probably of the descent of Johannes (1601).

) HEXRY PROVOST, b. about 1789; mar. l\lary --- d. about 1854; among his issue were: I 751 ( ) i. HEXR\" PRO\"OST, b. 183j. ---, ( I /;:J- ) ii. SARAH PRO\"OST, h. Septen1ber 20, 1839; cl.--; no issue. I i53 ( ) iii. \VILLIA:\I PRO\"OST, h. Septe1nber 11, 18--1-1; no issue. 1 i5-I- ( ) i,·. EDCAR PRO\"OST, b. June 23, 18-1--1-; d. y. Ii 55 ( ) \". \r_.\I.TER :\£0~1-:s PR<)\"OST, b. July 6, 18--1-6;

Ij56 ( ) I.··------Ii 5 i ( ) \"i. .-\1.0~,zo PRo,·o:::-T, h. February 12, 1849; not nwrric>d. Ii 58 ( ) ,·ii. CH.\Rl.i-:::-; PIH)\"O~T, h. June 1--1-, 185 r; mar. --- .• d' . 1889. I::-i:-t· 1-:. Ii59 ( ) I. I!arry. Ij6o ( ) 2 •.:\nna.

Ij6I ( ) \"iii. FRs\:\Kl.l:'\ PRO\"O~T, h. July 13, 1853; mar.-----

rrs ISSUE.

Ij62 ( ) I.

Ij63 ( ) 2. ------1764 ( ) 3. ------1765 ( ) 1766 ( ) 1767 ( ) 6. ---- I j68 ( ) ix. EDW;\RD PROVOST, h. July r3, 1856; mar. :\"ovember 8, 1882, :\larcella ----- 1ssuE. 1769 ( ) I. \\"alter Luther, b . .Aug. 17, 1853. ljjO ( ) 2. )lay Elizabeth, b. ~ov. 8, 1887. IjjI( )x. JA:\IES PROYOST, b. Xoven1ber 3, 1859; mar.-----


lj72 ( ) I.----- ljj3 ( ) 2. ---- Ijj-J ( ) 3- 1775 ( ) 4. ---- The data concerning the descendants of Henry Provost ( 1; 50 ), was received from ).lrs. Edward Provost, of 17 3 ,Yillis Avenue, New York. From the similaritv., of names we believe this branch to be also descendants fron1 Johannes ( 1601 ).


Sir \Yilliam Russell.. desiringu to drain the marsh and over- flowed lands of his large estate, sent to Holland for expert engineers. ..:\mong those engaged for this important work was one of the descendants of \Yillimn Pro\"ost. born in France, 1545; which one was so e1nployed does not appear. It is certain that quite a settlement of Hollanders was formed at a place called •• French Drove," Thorney, Cambridgeshire, England. In their engagement they stipulated for freedom in their religious views and worship. The tradition yet pre­ served among the descendants of this emigre to England is precisely the saine as our own as to the escape of their ances­ tor from the St. Bartholomew ~fassacre and his refuge in Hol­ land. This, and the data hereinafter recorded, was obtained from Samuel P. Provost ( 1834), a prominent flour merchant of Pittsburgh, Pa. 1800 ( } DA YID PROVOST, a descendant of the engineer of "French Dro\"e," was born at Gedney Hill, Lincolnshire, England.

ISSUE. 1801 ( ) 1. JA:\IES PRovosT, b. 1777; mar. in 1800, A.nn Pullen, (b. 1779}; d. 1829. ISSt:E.

1803 ( ) I. JA:\IES PRO\"OST, b. 1801. 1804 ( ) 2. THO:\IAS PROVOST, b. 1803. 1805 ( ) 3. A.xx PROYOST, b. 1805. 1806 ( ) 4. DA\"TD PRO\"OST, b. 1807. 180; ( ) 5. S ..\R:\11 TI~J>.\L PRO\"O~T, h. 1809. 1808 ( ) 6. \Ya\T~OX PRO\"OST {1811), h. ~ray 31, 1812. 1809 ( ) 7. JoH~ PrLLE~ PRO\"OST, h. 1814. 1810 ( ) 8. Lot:l~a\ PRO\"OST, b. 1817.

I 8 l I ( ) " .. \.T:-::ox PRO\'(bT 1, I 808 )~ b. ~lay 3 1, 1 S 1 2; mar. 1836, ~Iary \\" atkin~on, b. January • 4~ 181 2, in England.

ISSL" E. r312( )i. \\"11..r .. L\'.\I P1{0\'0ST (183j)~ b. February 14, 183j. 1813 ( ) ii . .:\:\'.~ PuLLE:\'. PRO\'OST, b. February Ii, 1841; 1nar. July 12, 1860, James Phillips.

117 I Sr.i ( ) I. John :\TcF., h. Ft::b. 15, 1~(il.

1Sr5 ( ) 2. \\·:u~on l'ro\"< 1::-:t. b ..·\pril i, 1S(>3.

1Sr6 ( ) 3. :\1 ary Janc, h. ()ct. S, 1.3(,5; d. F 1::h. IS. I i:j 1. 181j ( ) 4. Robt•rt Finan. b. :'.\I arch S, 1.:c,s. 1S18 ( ) ~- .:\nnic C .. b. Jan. 15, 1S,o: d. Feb. 21. rS,r. ( ) 1819 I (>. George llenry. b. _Lily 6, r :-;;3: d. I>cc. 20, 1 S;(>. rS20 ( ) 7. Frank Reagan, h ..\u:~- I,l. 1S7(,. 1821 ( ) 8. A1mie :\lary, h. June 29, 1 SjS.

1822 ( ) j ii. J.-\'.\IES PROYOST, b. January 23~ 18-1-3; mar. :\"0Ye1nber 2, 18jo, Lydia _\_ Burket. 1823 ( ) jy_ ROBERT \\-ATSO~ PRO\"OST (18-1-3), b. }Iay 21, r845. 1824 ( ) \". 1L\RY :\L.\RL\ PRo\·osT, h. September 24~ 184j; mar. ::\fay 26, 1869. John I-less Burket.

ISSl"E. 1825 ( ) I. Charles \Yatson Burket, b. Sept. 2, 1Sjo. 1826 ( ) 2. Homer .-\ .. b. ~ept. 26, rSj2: d. Dec. 29~ 1Sj2. I82j ( ) 3. :\larion \\"., b. Oct. 19, 1Sj3; d. Jan. 6, 1S8r. 182S ( } 4. :\lary E.~ b. :'.\farch 13, 1Sj6. 1S2g ( ) 5. John \\"esley, h. I 1ec. ...i. 1S7S. 1830 ( } 6. Daisy Elma, b . .:\pril 22, 18~1. 1S3r ( } j. Frank\\"., b. July 21, 1883. 1832 ( ) 8. Grace Irene, b. Sept. 25, 1885. 1833 ( ) Yi. CHARLES \rR1(;f-IT PR0\"0:-iT (1851), h. 1'Iarch 1, 1850. 1834 ( ) vii. Sa\~It"EL PUT.LE:\" PRO\"OST, b. ~larch 4, 1852; mar. :\"o­ \"Cmher 18, 1880, :\"ellie C. Thayer; 2d, January 16, 1895, :\fargaret I-Iun1. IS:-;l~E. rS35 ( ) I. Lora Louise, h. )larch 2I. 1833.

1836 ( ) 2. Xellie Beatrice, b. Sept. 29. 1885.

183j ( ) \Y11 .. I.L\'.\I PRO\"OST (1812), b . .February 1-1-~ 183j; n1ar. _.\ugust 2 :?~ 1861. Rebecca E. Tidball.

JSSl"F.. 1838 ) I. Samuel, b. July q .. 1 S62: d. Oct. 2, 1S63.

1 S39 I. ) 2. T

18.+3 ( ) R.01{1-:kT \\'.\T~o~ Pt{O\·o~T (1823·). b. ~lay 2r~ :\Tay 25~ 1869, ~fary J. Phillips; d. June i, 188-t-.

ISS~."I::. I. Edward :\llcn, b. June 20, rSjo.

nS 1S45 ( ) 2. John Phillips, b. June 6, 1Sj2.

I8-t6 ( ) 3. George \\"ats1m. b. >"o,·. 13, 1Sj3.

1S-1-i ( ) ➔· Emma, b. :'.\larch 27, TSj6; cl. ~ ov. 5, 1 SjS. 154S ( ) :,- Lillian :'.Jary, b. Sept. i, 1Sjj. 1S49 ( ) 6. :\fary :'.Jayne, b. Sept. 23. 1879. 1850 ( ) 7. :\lcluna, b. Oct. 26. 1881.

185 I ( ) CH.\RLES ,rR1<;1rr PRo\·o~T (1833), h. \larch 1, 1850; n1ar. September 19~ 18j2~ :\fargaret \L Phillips.

ISSCE. I~-,... 1852 ( ) I. Charles Howard, b. .Tuh- - 11 ' .., J.:,' d. Dec. 28, 1878. 1853 ( ) 2. Samuel \\"atson, b. July 16, 1875. ,. 185-1- ( ) .)• Anna )Taria. b . .:\ng. r.i, 1S--Ji• 1855 ( ) 4. \\"illiam Jamcs, b. Oct. 22, 1S79. 1856 ( ) :,- . John ~IcFarland, b. ~lay I 2, 1883.

1q--VJ/ ( ) 6. Robert Phillips, b. Aug. 1-l, 1S85. 1S5S ( ) j. :\lary '.\le1un:i. b. Dec. 27, 1887. ·, 1859 ( I 8. Lloyd \\"right, b. Feb. 2S, 1889. 186o ( ) 9. Raymond Claire, b. ~ov. 3, 1891.

A John Pro\"ost, with his wife and family, caine to _.\merica from Scotland: the\· settled on the Brand \·wine. ~Ir. Roderick ' ., -· Pro\"ost ( 19oj ), of Philadelphia, informs us that the ancestor of John ProYost and his two brothers were driYen from France: that his grandfather, 1nany years ago, corresponded \rith his rebti,·es, who then li\"ed in ~ew York. As there were not any of the na1nc here, not of our fa1nily, it would thus see111 that Bra1Hh"\\"ine family were then recog:nized this .. - ...... as a part of our own. \\"e han.!, howe\"er. been unable to obtain th~ link::; which would connect the1n with the fatnilv in Fr~1nce in 1572. or ,rith the descendants of that family. 1890 ( ) JoH:--.: PROYO:-:T. h. -----: mar. 1sahl'IL1 ---~ and had issu1..~. six childn.:n. the YOlln:!est of whom ,r::s :- , ~ '' 1896 ( ) .\1.1-:x.\~l>ER PRO\"O:--T, b. -----; 111 n. ~Iargaret Som- 1ner:-;. bSCE. 1896a ( ) I 897 ( ) 2. Jacob (1905). 1898 ( ) 3. Isabella.

II9 1899 ( ) 4. Amelia. I<}OO ( ) 5. Charles. 1901 ( ) 6. Alexander. r902 ( ) 7. John.

1903 ( ) 8. Francis. I


19 I I ( ) PAUL B. PROVOST (1910), b. December r, 1834; mar. March 30, 18jj, Annie Sommers.


1912 ( ) 1. Katharine; mar. Harry G. Jones. 1913 ( ) 2. Pearl Eloise; mar. Sept. 22, 1892, Thomas L. \Vilson. 1914 ( ) 3. l\lary S., b. 1915 ( ) 4. Fanny S., b. rrhis data was received from l\lrs. ,vilson.)

120 l\fartin, son of Pierre Pro,·ost, from :\fontreuil, Sur Bois Yincennes, Paris, settled in Canada about 1 joo, one of his descendants. 19i5 ( ) i. .:\:\tBROISE, b. about Ii 40.

ISSL"E. 19j6 ( ) I. .:\mhroisc (1984), h. about 1j62. 19i7 ( ) 2. Baptiste, b. about lj69.


19j8 ( ) I. Joseph. 19i9 ( ) 2. Baptiste. 1980 ( ) 3. Francois. ,, 1981 ( ) :,• Joseph, b. about ljj3; no issue. • 1982 ( ) 4- Louis (1990), b. about lii7- 1983 ( ) 5. Beloni, b. about 1j84. 1984 ( ) .-\~IBROISE (1976), b. 1762; mar.


1. Baptiste; died without issue.

2. Desire, h. ----; mar. --

ISSUE. 1987 ( ) 1. Desire. 19SS ( ) 2. Clare. 1989 ( ) 3. Ambroise, b. ----; mar. --

ISSl"E. r989a ( ) I. Ambroise. 1989b ( ) 2. Sefroid. 1990 ( ) Loris (1982}, b. 1777; mar.-----


1991 ( ) I. Louis. b. -- ; mar.


1g92 ( ) I. Theophile. 1993 ( ) 2. Louis. ... 1994 ) .) . ~imon. 1995 ( ) 4- 11 ilairc. 1996 ( ) 2. Joseph; mar. .:\rchange Dausercau.

i:,;:-:n-:. 199i ( ) J. Joseph, b. Sept. 3, 1 S4j: ordained Protestant Episco­ pal \l ini:-:tcr, Chilicothe, Ohio, 1Sj2; mar. Sara Yennicr.

I::?I ISSl."I•:. 1995 ( I. EYangcline. ,, IC)<)<) -· \"crn:>n _J 0::-Cph. 2000 ,. Fritz Floria 11. 2001 ( ) 4. . \Im. \\"altt.:r . 20C2 ( ,I .... I ,oui~e Germain<:. 2003 ( ) 6. ()]g:1 Bianca.

200..J. ( ) J. Charles Chester. ... 2005 ( ) ~- . 2oc6 ( ) 9· Louis :\drir.n. 200j ( ) 2. ~azairc. ,.. 200S ( ) .:)• Calixte. ,.. 2009 ( ) .:)• Hilaire; no I!--sue . The foregoing was recei,·ed fro1n the Rev. Joseph Provost, Pastor of the Protestant Episcopal :\Iission Church, of Spring­ field, :\lass. Th;1t Pierre, the fat her of ::\Iartin, was a Huguenot, and probably nearly connected with the fan1ily of \Yilliam, of Paris, is belic\·ed hy the Rev. Joseph; but at this late day it would be impossible to st~te if this is more than conjecture. Note A.-\\"h(·n this ,,·ork ,,-~1s nc:irh· finishe~l .\. I. Pro\·ost. Tr . .,,, - ' - ( 1 o:: 2 ). d isco\·ered an o!r.l 111 :rn u s~·ri • n. ore sen ted in 18nc to the Cenea log- .,J • • 1 .1 '.,/ '-" ical Societ\· of :\"ew York. J.iy \Iiss Elizabeth hn·. to who1n it was t.?:i\·en - . - .. - ' ..... by ~Irs. Colden. This 1x1pcr is a c<,py. written in r 7.-1-2 by John Pro\·ost~ the father of Bishop ProYost~ of ~t record prepared hy lhn·id Pro\"ost, :\layor of ?\ev.- York, 1699~ bearing date :\larch 25~ Ij2-I-. It is yellow with age; but almost as perfect ~!s when written in r i-1-2. It begins: "_-\ genealogy: or short collection of the fa1nih· of Da\·id Pro\"oo::;t. of the ~ ~- - . City and Pro\"ince of ~ ew York. ~: :t: ·'!: ..:\ true account of their ckscent an

.\larch 25. 1 i 2-l-. n I·Ie~ ho\\"1.:'\·er. simply add1:d his Se\·cr~1l marri~igc-s and the data concerning his own family do\';n to that d~He. His 1nanuscript came into the lwnd~ of his nephl'.w~ John (385 )~ who bmcnts the death oi hi::; uncl~ b~fore its comr,ktion, and pro1ni::;es to trace the fantily fro1n Ii 2-1- to date~ -~I ay 26, 1 7-1-2. John. it is to he regretted, did not ful­ fill his promise~ t;iough he liYc.xl until 1;67. :\n abstract, dated ~o\·e1n­ b1:r 3, 1 7S5~ wa::; written on one of ti1c bbnk she~ts, tracing the :.1ncestors of John (385) fron1 15..;.5 down to his birth. The handwriting of which restml,!e:-:: tlut of Jh.;ho1, .Pro,·ost. There ar~ ~:1:-;o [!n1h.·x~d t~,-o original ktters written by John in 1736 to his n1other. This paper, written by such an authority upon such e\"id1:nce, has pro\·en the truth of the fa1ni]y traditions. It establishes the fact, also,

I)., I -.J that the only persons of the name in this country, known to the se,·eral writers prior to 1742, were the descendants of Da\"id (10), and of those of Johannes, son of Elias ( 8). The early data prior to 1630 n1ust ha\"e been lost but for the preser­ yation of this remarkable docu111ent. (See original at Berkeley Lyceum, N. Y., and copy which we ha Ye had 111ade and filed with the Long Island I-Iistorical Society.) Had the contents of this paper been known to the writer when he began this work \·ery much of his labor would ha\"e been saved. It would ahnost secn1 as if the author of this record had been inspired to keep Joh n's promise and finish the work which our ancestral kins­ man so well began in 1724. A\,+.. (,~ '

\f ,,

Note B.-The Coat-..-\rmor of the Pro\"ost family is very ancient; by who1n or when conferred does not appear. Purple places it at the head of his notes of the fan1il y [Y ol. YI., X ew York Genealogical and Biographical Record]. Gen. Grant \Vilson, in his valuable History of X ew York [\-ol. II., p. 166], gi\"es a Jae-simile, and in his address to the ~ ew York Genealogical and Biographical Society [ see Vol. XYII. of their record] refers to it as the :\ncient _-\rms of the Fan1ily, used by the Bishop while a student at Cambridge, and at page 3 gives a copy of the one used by the Bishop after his ele\·ation; the warlike features being ren10\"ed, the Bishop's ::\litre and flowers taking their place. Doctor Berrian, in his sketch of Trinity Church, page I9i, says: "In some of the old books which can1e down to the Bishop is the Provoost Coat-of­ A.rn1s, with the motto, ' Pro Libertate;' :t: * * it was undoubtedly borne by his family in remote tin1es." The second example, in colors, is a copy of the original in the _-\stor Library, which has the following foot note:-


"The _-\rms we give were those borne by the Yenerable and Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, first Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New York. He descended in the fifth degree from the original colonist, David Provoost, a Huguenot, who came to New A.msterdam by the way of Holland. * * * "The Provoosts, or rather Prevosts or Provosts (as they must have been called in their native land), came originally fro111 Norn1andy, where the na1ne is stiil largely represented. "Our example is copied from a book-plate engraved by ~1:averick in 1 ;69, and undoubtedly copied fro1n old and trust\vorthy documents.* * * ''\re are induced to think that we have here a clear example of French Heraldry, showing not a n1arriage, but the juxtaposition of two shields, having belonged successi\·ely to the Pro\·ost name in Europe. Of course the Bishop used a n1itre as his crest. The crest we gi\"e is furnished from another source. ".-\rms: party, per pale. "First: argent, three arrows~ points upwards, each one enfilled through a pierced 1nullct, sable. "Second: azure, a bar, between two chc\·rons, or. •'Crest: an ann em bowed in armor, the hand proper. ~rasping an arrow fesswavs.. . ":\lotto: 'Pro Libertate.' (For Liberty's Sake.)"

125 The crests of hot.h these Co:?t-.:\rmor, the closed ,·isor, the mailed

1 1 "' ()J" 1 ·• ··~-- 1 , 1 c,;ar, ·11 '.'c..l· ·1<1 . tl • t ...... (l'."lr~~ ' c.t·--1·rc·)\\"<.:: ' •• 1.,,,,,,111,., ,& tc>,•• s1r:k , ..... \..,..,,!"') \\""11\., c.,· ... tl1c)'-C'I •• ··>1."r<1 \..,' .. ·1·11 o,r IL,1,.,r,.. t.: each :-;tron 61y su ~;:...·st i \"C' t ht:t these <.k\·icL:S wer~ ;1d<,pted at a period when such imuknH:nh "·ere u:;L~d Ly coml>;1t:nts. ~mll the ri~hts to the honor were proh:d,ly gr:mted dt:rinµ- the cru:-;:u.!cs, fro1n the , , th to the 1-1-th century.

This ,·iew is stren~the!~etl, ,, fron1 the well-known habit of knights.,_. . clur- ing that period, to c:1rry or we~ir some di:-;ti:1ctin.:' motto~ sugg;esti,·e of wh:1t he had (lone or borne, or \\'OLI ld do or suffer, for the cause he had espoused. \\"c can wdl im:i~ine the triais undergone. the perils dared, and the heroic deeds performed by our ,·aliant :1nctstnr ki1i:2:!1t. for liberty's sake, clurin~ his ,·tuious crusade::;, when such deeds \\·tre re;;ardecl as the most ennobling.

To \\"illiam.. oi Paris.. and his descendants.. while seeking... .. new ho1nes in Holland, in the wilds of a new \\·orld, and in the struggle for inde- pendence; in the pri,·ations and sufferings endured, and in the dangers braved, "Pro Libert~te" was the n1ost ~:ppropriatc of mottol.:'s.

The fact that we have not been able to ascertain fron1 w11at countrv., or potentate we owe this badge of honor, is of less irnportance now than it would have been a century ago; thQt the title was good and its source well known in I j69~ when San1t1d Pro\·ost, then a student at Cain bridge, had it engraYed, and began to use it as his .:\rmorial Book-Plate, can scarcely be questione

·11 '1 11 . J '. .. r ·1 I) 'l 11 ( l 'l r) • I - "\ '\ 1 '.: ... 'I • • (' i 'l Jl '~ : ...... ,. ] ·1 · \" 1 ; 1~ l ~ 'l (. : l l ] •. '~(. l t ::,.. •. l I) «1 C r ::,. ().. \ !:L:(1. :--:6::L.: •. lL i~~UC\.l -'~ I l l' ...,~ .I ~- deYi1.:e ;1nd claim to a title which w~is in the sli;.J1tL'St de~rec douhtful. II,,., , ....

126 Note C.-From the earl ie:,t colonial period the Pron)st fan1ily occupied a conspicuons pbce amon;; tho~e oi cuiture. wetdth and power in the :\L'w \\"orkl. Prior to tht~ o\·erthn),\" of the 1)ucch, in 166-1-, [)avid Pron)st ( 1 o) hdc.l :~ Imost e1,·en· ot':ice. m ilit:in· and ci\"il which - . . ' the authorities could conier. C ndcr the British hi~ er of the (;c~ner:11 :\ssembh·. David Pron>st (8; ), fron1 r695 till his death 1 i 25, occupied the ofiices of Tre:.1su rer, Cham herlain ..-\ lderma n, Recorder. ~layor, ~I ember of .·\ssembly, and ,1.-~1s a me111ber of the Councils of Go,·ernors Lovelace, lngoldsby and I-Iunter. \\"illiarn Pro\·ost (353) was in the Counciis of (;overnors Burnet, Crosby and Lewis, from r 7 2 2 to Ii 40. Da\·icl Pro\"OSt ( r 11 ), known as '' Ready l\Ioncy," was a ::\Ierchant Prince. Elsje Pro\"ost (29) married Gerrit Van Horne, a merchant of great wealth, for many years in the .-\sse1nbly. l\'Iaria ProYost (59) married Abram Van Horne, also a wealthy 1ner­ chant, and in the Governors' Councils fron1 1, 23 to Ii 4 r. Their daughter :\Iaria ( 60) 1narried Sir \\-illia1n Burnet, Go\·ernor of X ew York, !\ew Jersey, :\Iassachusetts and ~ cw Ha1npshire from 17 20 to the date of his death, and who had for godfather the King of England. l\Iaria~ widow of Sann1el Provost (381 ), rnarried James Alexander, the n1ost distinguished lawyer and states1nan, and for n1any years in the Councils of the Governors of Kew York and ~ew Jersey. Their second son, known as '.. ' Earl of Stirling," was a patriot ~nd a :\Iajor-General of the ..American Arnn· of the Re\·olution. SJ.nu1el Pro\·ost (386), one of the n1ost acco1nplished gentlemen of his time~ Bishop oi :\"L~W York, was thL' inti1nate friend of \rashing­ ton~ I-Ia1nilton~ Franklin~ Jay :ind :\lorri~. \\"ith so m~.iny of thL' ia1nily distingui:.;h~d 1neil1bl'rs of City, State ~~n

127 the Colonies of ~ ew York and X ew Jersey. Independence brought peace. Congress held its sessions in Xew York. President \Yashing­ ton there held his Republican Court. 'fhe ceremonies of his inaugura­ tion, which began in Federal I-Iall, were finished in St. Paul's by the religious part, there performed by Bishop Pro,·ost; and during the time in which Congress 1net in :\"cw \~ork the President, Cabinet, l\Ieml>ers of Congress and Foreign E1nbassadors, as well as the first families of the then Capitol, were attendants and communicants of Trinity, gratified by the eloquent sermons of the Bishop. The fa1nilies of the President, Hamilton, Jay, ~!orris, etc., etc., and those of the Bishop, and of the Earl of Stirling, were on the n1ost intin1ate social tern1s. The loyalty of the fa1nily, generally to the patriotic cause of the colo­ nists, as well as their wealth and high social positions before the Revolu­ tion, brought then1 into close relationship with those who ruled the Republican Court, politically and socially. Nearly every fan1ily, descendants of David Provost(10), then scattered throughout the Colonies, had furnished one or n1ore of its brave sons to the Continental :\rmy. The fiye sons of Jonathan {581 ), the ancestor of the writer, were in the army at the same time, most of them being under age when enlisting. £yen these boys of I ii6, consistent with their fami1y, did and dared all that freemen should for "Liberty's Sake."

128 / Note D.-PREVOST,-PROVOOST,-PR0\70ST.

Tradition, so far as it refers to our family concerns, is in general respected, and in most cases perfectly reliable. In passing down from generation to generation the n1inor points n1ay become lost, or, if retained, distorted; yet there are cetrain points concerning the origin and migra­ tion of families that so strongly impress themselves upon the minds of all who bear the name, that e\"en after several hundred years, in families who have held themselves not plebian, we may, with comparative safety, accept the traditionary account of their earliest known ancestor. This fact has been Yery strikingly pro\"ed with regard to our own family, of which, until very recently, all that was asserted concerning it previous to 1638 was purely traditional, yet is corroborated in almost every point by an ancient manuscript just brought to light, being a genealogy of the family bearing date 17 24. Its author, David Provost, 1670-1725, being the grandson of our first ancestor in this country, had evidently every opportunity for verifying the statements therein contained, and as they, almost without exception, sustain all the traditionary accounts handed down to us, we find our­ selves somewhat more convinced as to the appropriateness of 111aking use of major points of like traditions for the purpose of inserting them in the places of missing links in the chain of direct evidence. \Ve therefore feel little hesitation in using such means in claiming kinship with a family which has been a distinguished one in England and A.merica for a century and a half; and which we firmly believe is a branch of our own. To our knowledge there never has been made, in this country, any attempts to trace the connection between the families spelling their names Provost and Prevost, respectively; possibly because these and other forms of the nan1e exist in France to-day, n1aking the task a difficult one. \re belie\"e that we have discovered the connection, also the time of separation and change of spelling~ which was about the year 1572. In the 1nanuscript before alluded to, dated Ii 2-1-, the author states his obligation to numerous old documents; but says that he has been unable to find any account of the relatin:~s of our "great ancestor," Guil­ hehnus Pro,·oost, who fled from Paris into l-f oil and 15; 2, but that it was generally supposed that ··for the most part they perished O!"l St. Bartholo­

mew's Day. ,i Indeed, it is not i1nprobable that Guilbun1e hin1self never knew what becan1c of his immedi~te f amih-. . ..-\.1nong the traditions of the Pr~,-ost family is one to the effect that, at the ti1nc of the I-Iuguenot persecutions and 1nassacres, their ancestor,

129 ..:\ugustine, fled to (;cne\·a, and that he had a brother who escaped into I I olbncl. ~ow the Pre\·ost line can be directly tr:1cc

thev., were makino·b . \Ye believe the change to have been a correct one, if it was their intention to make it an English name; but decidedly incorrect if they were intending to restore it to its original fonn, otherwise we should be unable to give any satisfactory explanation of its change by the Dutch. · Examining the records containing nan1cs of the Huguenot families who emigrated to l-Iolland, we find the1n for the n1ost part unchanged, even after a considerable rcsidenct! there, except such na1nes as had a significance or meaning which cou1cl be directly translated into the Dutch ec1ui,·aknts. This we find to ha\·c been exceedingly con1n1on, and, as an instance, we would cite as a good one that of the Le Grand family, which, in I-Iolland, becan1e Dt: Croot; and had they afterwards turne

130 Judge, ::\Iars~1al or :\layer, the eq uivaknt of our word Provost, which fonn we "-o~Jd, perhaps, be justitied in using had we been of Dutch ance:-;try; but it is the original forrn that we are seeking~ and continuing we find that the French word, bearing the san1e significance, was at that date spelled PreYOSt. It is our belief that the present form of our name is due to two trans­ btions; and further, that our nan1e was originally Pre,·ost, and that the family now spelling their naine in that forrn is a branch of our own. BROOKLYX, .:-\pril 2, 1893. A. J. P., JR.

X. B.-Sincc the foregoing we have seen an article written byYermont, "America Hera!dica,'' in which he says: "The Prevost seigneurs, de la J aveliere and de la Simonie, in the Province of Poitou, France, emigrated for religious moth-es to GeneYa, Switzerland, where the family still exists and prospers; a branch of the same stock removed to the Protestant ~ etherlands, and later to Korth America, where they also prospered. ,Ye have imprints of seals and letters a century old received from the European branch of the family, and leaving no possible doubt as to the connection.

Note E.-It was our intent, if possible, to obtain and print in the record portraits of the distinguished of the family; but we have been unable to get either originals or copies, such as would give satisfac­ tory results, save and except that of the Bishop. _.\nd it gives us great pleasure to present to our readers a perfect picture of that noble man of our race, who, in his day and generation, was in all respects the peer of the foremost in A1nerica.




A. Barents, Sarah ...... gr Ackerman .•.••••.... • • . • ... • • . • •. • • ... 7 I Barlow ...... 98 .t\ckland ...... 29, I 2j Barnes ...... 58 Adams ...... 81, 87 Barret ...... 46 ...-\.lbee ...... -47 Barrett ...... •. 102 Albert, Elizabeth D ...... •.... . 67 Barten •...... • · 74 Alberts, Elsje ...... •...... 91 Bates, Elizabeth .. ... -54 Alexander (see Earl of Stirling) •...• 28, 40, 42, 127 Bastido, ~I argaret L ...... •...•...... ••.. 72 Allen ...... •..... 38, 62, 6 4 Beatty, R ettia ...... 68 Amerman ...... : ...... 72 Beekman .••...... •...••..•.. 22, 30, 4 I, 52, 127 .:\nderson •..•.••••...... 81 Bellis, Sarah A...... 72 Andrev,,-s .•..•.••...... •. 81 Bellomont, Earl of ••••.••.••••.•••••••..•••.. 2 S

Anne, Queen ...... I ••••••• .26 Bennett, Jacob ..•...•••••••.••...... ••.•.•.• 53 , Appel, Helena ••••.••....•..•...... 83 Benson ...... 51 Applegate..••...... • • . • • • . . • 34, 62, 63, 64 Berrian, Dr ...... •. 125 ..'\.rden, Jacob ..•.•.••....•..•...... 52 Betts ...... 78 Arment, Jannettie ..•...... • .•. • .... 5 I Biez, Moes ...... •.• .66

Armour ...... 34, 35 Birch, Nellie S .. _•..... ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ .31 Aron di us, Rev. John ...... 53 Bishop...... 97, IOO Ash, Harriet S...... 38 Blackney, Ann E...... 64 Ashton, Fanny G. . . . • • • • ...... • • . . . 3 7 Blumer, l\1ary .••••.••...••..•..•••• · · •.. 73 Astor ...... 45, 125 Boel...... 22, 23 Aswerus, Antje.••...... ns Bogardus...... 16, 21, 53 Avery ...... 99 Bogert, Henry C...... 27 Ayer ...... ••...... •..... So, 81 Boody, Emma...... 100 Bosche ...... 36 B. Bousfield ..•...... •...... 44, 127 Babcock...... 8j Bo,vne ...... ••...... •...... 29, 30 Babin ...... 82 Bo}·er...... -;;: 'Backus, Fannie C. .56 Brady, Sam ·1 J., :'.\L D ...... • • j V Bailey ...... 96 Brennan, 11. Louise ...... 98 Bainbridge, Joseph ...... 29 B reste d, e ...... :,-r , :>-.: u Baker ...... 66, iS Brewcrton, Jacob . .29 Balston ...... •...... 85 Brewster.. .30 Baners, Sophia J...... 81 Brick...... So

Banks ...... e • e • • • • e • e e e a ■ e III e • • ■ ■ a • • ■ 86, 104 Britton...... 63, 64 Banner ...... 34 Brower, Robert ...... 62

1. 'ro'"n ,,,, ,,_ ,, I ,..,, "' 1 66 -- Cook ...... 55 l> IY • • • • • • o •• • • • • • • • •"'-.J, .._,,.) '.:)-, .J"f'• t // Buck, ~T ary A...... 33 Cooley Sloan...... 36 Buckele,v...... 6..J,, 65 Corn bury, Gov ...... 2(, Bull, \Yilliam ...... • ...... 109 Coster, .:\. J ...... 3i Bundick, ~largaret L ...... 104 Covert, Sarah J...... S6 ,,,, .. ,, - ... Bunnell, Elizabeth ...... 62 Cox••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• .J.:J, I-• I.J Bunyea, Charlotte A ...... •..•...... 36 Crabb ...... 99 1 Burket, Lydia A ...... 11 S Cravens~ Blanche...... 80 Burnet. Gov. \Vm ...... 23, 26, 40, 12j Crocker ...... 3 j Burnside, Gen...... 86 C roes ...... 39 Burtell, Sarah ...... 32 Cropsey, Sarah )I ...... • ...... 3 7 Burroughs, Charles ...... 62 Crosby, Go,· ...... io, 127 IJush ...... 5 5 Crossfield, Stephen...... 51 Butterfield, Elizabeth...... 84 Cummings ...... •••...... 75 Byvanck, I I elena ...... ·24 Curtis ...... 30, 66, 100 Curtiss ...... 99 C. Cabble ...... 8 I D. Casler, Adelia...... 32 Dame, Harriet B...... 82 Calyer ...... 54~ ii Dausereau. Archange . . • ...... •..••... 121 Canfield, Bleeker ...... •••...•.•...... I 11 Davids, ,villiam ...... II 5 Cappoens, Christina ...... 52~ 53 Da,·is ...... 38, 61 Carey, Alice ...... Ir I Da,·ison, Ann C •..•..••...... ••..••••.••.••. 64 Carpenter, Elizabeth ...... 39 Day·, Kate ...... 72 Carr...... 36, 92, r I 3 Dean, I-Iannah l\f .•••..•••••••....••••..••••• 76 Case, !\lary Ann...... 6S Dees, Daniel...... 34 Cassen, 1\1 ary ...... 3 5 Demond ...... 83 Cathie, \Tincent...... 60 Demorest, John H.. • • • ...... 56 Cavanagh, Catharine J...... II r Dennison, Thomas...... •••.•.•.•..••...•... 74 Caywood, Catharine...... 63, 64 Derondius, John.. . . • . ....•...... 66 Chadwick, Phebe ...... i4 Dexter, Gussie ...... •...... 112 Champlin, Jane...... i3 de La :\Iontagne, Johannes...... 15, 21, 107 Chapman ...... 104 De Be,·oise ...... i7 Charles IX...... 12 De Camp, Lucy ...... •...... 55 Cheesbro, Denison ...•...... 39 De Groot ...... ••••...... r 30 Chichester, \Yarren ...... 103 ~ De Hart, )lary C ...... •...... 65 Clark ...... 63, i9, 103 de :\f andeville (~ce :\Iandeville) ..•...... 16, Si Clarkson...... 86 de :\laree, Jacques ...... ••...... 95 1 '\' 1· . Clavton.J . Ed ward ...... 62 cle . ; cc 1c1 ...... •...•...... 12 Clough .. ~ ...... •...... 110, 112 De ~Tilt ...... 9r, 92 Codebeck ...... •...... 9r~ 92 De Xyse, Rebecca ...... 30 Coens, Rev. Henry ...... •...... 26 de Peyster ...... 24, 25, l2j Colden ...... 46, 123, I2j De \\"itt, John ...... 22 Collins, Evert...... 62 Dickinson ...... 35 Colville ...... III, II2 I)ickson ...... 6j, 98 Colv, r~annv...... 31 Dinny, Albert ...... 24 J J Conklin ...... 86, Si l)ongan, Gov...... 91 Conners, Anna P...... 3 i I )ore mus...... i I Connor, \Yilliam ...... 36 Dows, E

11 Dugdale, \\"illiam .. Gillis (sec Ten \\"aert) ...... 15, IOj l)uke...... ••... . So Goble, Caroline ...... 62 Duncan. Godley, Ed ward ...... 62 Dunham. --,9 , So Goldsmith ...... 66, 67 Dunn, )lary .. .6r Gordon, )largaret A. . III ,,,, Duyking •...... -- Gorman, Susan. .102 Du Kershow (see Kershow). · 79 Gould ...... 102 Gouverneur...... 41, 127 E. Gouvertz ...... 91 Earll, Henne...... 41 Graham ...... 32 ... .. Eaverson ...... 110 Greer, Vesta Olive. .... • I ':J _.... Gregory, Eliza E .. .j8 Edmondston ...... • I'::) .... Elliot, Ruth .. .96 Grenow, Catharine...... jl Elsworth, ~laria...... 52 Grice ...... 6o Emory, :'.\laj.-Gen...... S5 Gro\"er, )1aj.-Gen...... 85 Erickzen ...... Gulick, Catharine...... 70 Ermore, Eva .. . IOJ Ernst, Jane E...... · .. 39 H. Evans, Annette...... 104 Haas. Hafer...... F. Hager, Martha .•• Fagan. ... . 99 Halenbake ..•.•...... 58 Field •. . 46 Hallenbeck .•••. ..IIO Filkins ...... · .95 Hallet, Rebecca .•....•....••.••••• .96 Fisher...... 22 Hamilton, Alexander ..•...... •... 127, 128 Fix, X ettie ..••.. . .36 Harson, Minnie ...... 36 Flannery, ~lary . . jO Hathaway, John ...... 62 1'"'olk ..•.•.••...... j8 Haviland ..•...... • •••••.. 39, 102 Force, Oliver.. .99 Ha,vkes ..•...•..• ...... 71, 72 Fountain, Asbury .. . 33 Hay...... "' .. 52 Fowle ...... 81 Hayes ...•..•• • • 74 Fox ...... 104 Heath ... .61 Francis, Dr. J. \Y. . 45 Hendrickson .•• ..82 Frank, Anna ...... jO Hennion . .. 56 Franklin ....••••...... 12j Herbert ...... 33, 34 Free, Sophia .. " ...... 81 I feyer ...... •..• ..... · .34 Freeland, Etta .62 Hibon, :\laria ...... •.. . • lj French ....•• ...... •.... 24, -1-6 High, Carrie ~I...... 76 l4~re~neau ...... - . . . . 29 Hill, Kate. . ...•.... .j2 Fritz, Korolena .•...•..•.... -i4 Hoagland .. .72 Frost, Frances ...... • 103 Hobart, Bishop ..••.. .45 Hodges ...... 29 G. Holder, Charles Fre

Garretson, Catharine P. • I ':J I Iorsman , Lawrence .. .41 Garvey ...... 62 Iloulst ...... 95 Giberson ...... 29 Howard, George B .. • •.••••• 104 Gib~on, Jane. . 65 II owell...... •...... 68, 69 Gillet ...... 36 Hoyt, Charles ...... • • • • .99

111. Hubbard, Hannah ...... (,6 Lippcncott ...... 64 Hum, Margaret ...... 11 S J.... 1\"1ngston.· · ...... ,:::,,.... 4"-, 4".,, :,·o .., , 12-, I I unt, Ernerilla...... S6 Lockwood. Augustus ...... 99 Hunter, Gov ...... 25, 26, 12j Loftus, Sarah Boulton ...... ~ ...... 29 Hutchinson ...... 3S, 63, 69, jO, 83 Longstreet, \Yilliam ...... 31 Lord. )Iathias L ...... 30 I. Lossing, Benson J...... 28, 42 Ingham...... 3S Lovelace, Gov ...... 2 5, I 2j lngoldsby, Gov ...... •...... 25, l2j Low, Johannes...... • ...... 109 Irons, Elinor ...... •...... 66 ' IJo,verre, ~Iary ...... •...... 35 Lubbertszen, Tryntie...... 52 J. Lundie, ::\lary E ...... 104 Lynch, John ...... 69 Jackson ...... - ... 69 . Lyon, \Villiam B ...... 30 Jans •.•.••.•...... 16, 21, 22, 51, 53 Jay...... 46, 123, 127, 128 _Tessup...... 101 M. Johnson ...... 29 Macreach, Ellen...... -67 Jones .•.•...... •••...... 99, 100, 120 )lagee ...... • . 33 Joselyn, Amelia T. SteYens. . • ...... •...... jO ::\·laggs ...... 32, 33 Jukes ...... i9 -:\.lagors ...... 63 )I aine...... 77 K. )Iandeville (see de l\fandeville) .••....• 56, 57, II I Kearney, Etta...... 62 )lanning...... 36 KeJiy...... 27, 34, 35, 102 ::\Iansfield ...... •..•...••••••..••• 83, 112 Kerfbyl ...... 5 r :\.I arsh ..•..••..•.••.....••.•••...••.••.. 38, 66 Kershow (see du Kershow).•••••.••..•.•.••... So l\lason ...... -...... 27 Kieft, Gov ...... 13, 14, 2 I l\lattison, J. H ...... •...... 63 Kierstede...... I Io )Iauritz, Anna ...... 108 Kinsley J Elnora H ...... 3 I :\.Ia,·erick ...... 125, 126 Klingle ...... 58, 59 :'.\I cClellan, Gen ...... •..•...•...... 85, 86 Knapp...... 97, 98 :\1 cCread y ...... 72 Kretschmar ...... 59, 60 :'.\1 cCulla, Susan .....•...... •••...... I 12 )1 cDonald, Eliza ..•...... • 99 L. l\I cGo,van • ...... jO I.add, Ella :\I. . . • . • ...... • ...... •.... 64 )I ead, Caroline..•.•..•...... •...... 98 Lake ...... 82, 8 3- )Ierwin, Grace Ann.. . . . • ...... •...... 46 l"amb, :\[rs ...... 13 ,1. esero1 e ...... :::,.,,--- 6o , --11 Lamberson, \Yilliarn ...... 30 )[eyer ...... 108, 109 La ::\Iontagne...... see de La ::\Iontagne :'.\Iiibourne, :'.\1 ary ...... 5 I La Rue ...... : S :'.\lilor, ..:\nna ..:\ ...... •...... j2 I... atting ...... •...... 96 :'.\liller ...... •·3i, 64, 9S Laurens, Tryntje (Catharine) ...... 2 I :'.\riscrol, Jean (see :'.\leserole) ...... 53 l .eake, John ...... •...... 2 j , :'.\Ioffo.t, ::\latilda ...... 39 I... ee ...... 5CJ :'.\I olcncar ...... S2 Lefferts ...... • . '2j, 41, 42 :'.\lor.tagne ...... see de La :'.\Iontagne Legget ...... i9 '.\locclv.... :'.\Jinnie ...... 31 I.e Grand...... • ...... 130 \1. oore...... ,.,,",. :,- l , :::,- :,,.. 96 Lci.sler, Capt. Jacob ...... •. 2j, 41, 51, lOj I2j )I orehouse, Hannah ...... I I I Le,\·is...... i 1 I 2 i '.\Torev...... 37 Lining ...... 69 '.\!organ, Frank B...... 74 _1\1 orris...... ·-t10 , :,v,.. q, 6,,-, I"--,, 128 R. :\I orrison, Eliza ...... 103 f{andall ...... ••...... - . . 9S :\I orton. l I en ry...... jo Ra pal ye, George ...•...... 46 l\lott, Catharine ...... 84 Rawson, Charles S ...... 8-1- :Mount, Jackson S...... 69 Real, Henrietta A ..•...... • 31 Reals ...... 74, i 5 N. ReJJpart ...... 6 I Rey ...... 29, 30 N arbery ...... I IO N e,\. k· 1r. k ...... :,.... :, Ricard, George .•...... 78 l{ishell...... •...... 74 Noe, John ...... , ...... 3 I Riker, \\"illiam H ...... • . 56 N_ orns,. El.1za b et h ...... J"I Robbins ...... 37, 68 -NuJvs • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 ' I ..I R o b erts, R:\.ICllar. • d • • • • • . • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • •.••. III Robertson ...... 43, 66 o. , Robinson ...... 6o, 61, 62, 65 0' Brien, Alice...... • ...... 3 i Rodman, James...... • ...... 54 0 'Callahan ...... •••...... I 4 Roome, Samuel...... 57 Ogden...... 105 Roos ...... 95 Olmstead, Julia M ...... •...••...... 1c4 Roscoe, De \Yitt ...... • - .... 99 Orange, \Villiam, Prince of...... 23 Rosenfield ...... ••...... 38 Outcalt ...... 64 Rosevelt, Mary ...•...... •...... • .43 Outhsout ...... 110 Rowe ...... • 35 Russell...... 37. 117 P. Rustin, l\'lary ..•...... •....._...... 62 Page, Thomas X elson ...... i 4 Rutgers ...... •...... 43, 127 Palmer...... •...... 98 Rutherford, Maj. \\"alter ...... 42 R ,·no ...... 66 Parent, Andrew...... 72 " Parke ...... 59, 60 Rynders...... 27, 28, 41 Parker...... i3, SI Patterson, Benjamin ...... 66 s. Paul, .Adriana ...... 109 Sage ..•...... • · • 39 > k ~-- I ee ·e ...... , :, Sant£ord...... 26, 27 Perdon ...... 63 Schemerhorn .....••...... 68 Perry...... I IO Schenck, John D ...... 34 Phillips...... I II, I 17, us, II9 Schilling, Rebecca ...•...... 76 . \'t··11· -6 P1crson, ,, 1 1a1n ...... :, Scholt...... 16, 57 Pitcher, Sarah...... • •. • 9i Schofield ...... 9j, 101, 104 Plume, Phebe...... 109 Schoonmaker...... 112 Porter, ..:-\lbert E ...... I c4 Schroeder, Dr...... 45 I>ost ...... 5 j ,.,. h ·I n .. 40 .... ~c U} er ...... J::>, , :,:, "I ~,, -n 60 •• Praa ...... - , .., - , :, .J, , , , Scroggs, --.:\ ancy.• ...... • --6, Prevost...... S, II, 125, 129, 130~ 131 Seaman ...... 30, I I 3 Provoost, 11, 13, 15, Ij, 21, 25, 26, 2~, 42, 44, 45, Sebring ...... 52, 62 123, 125, 129, 130 Secor...... 32 Pu1len, Ann ...... rr; Seeley, Seth...... • •99 J>urcly ...... I I 3 Sharp, ::-;arah .:\ ...... 83 Purple ...... 14, 16, 24, 10S. 125 Shea, :.\laria I,...... 32 Sheridan, Gen ...... 86 Q. Sherwood, Annie ...... • .9j Quick, ..-\.bram ...... i3 Shoecraft, James P...... •... 36

v. Sigler...... 102, 105 u. ~I--·11· IC k• ' E·1·1za...... 9 S l ffor,I ...... iS, i9 .,I,·1 va, f"Jllll ·1 y ...... 31 ulmcr, Celia J...... •••••••• -6J Si pki ns, Gertruy...... 5-l- V. Slau:~en ...... 9S \"ail. Catharine Ann ...... i3 Slay back...... 67 Valentine ...... q .. I 5, 21, 25, 26, 29, -JO, (>1~ 83 <.:.:m1"th.. ,~ ••••••••.•••••••.•••••••.• .J"'6 • \,;..,,~ ... IO",,:,~ II?- \"an .:\ ngler, Cynthia...... i5 Smock, Elizabeth...... 33 \;-an :\rs ~· ,;;: 1 1tus..•••.•••••••.•••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • · -~--l- \-in cent...... 63, 99 Totten~ Susan J...... 6j \"olkertszen, Dirck ...... 53, ii 1·urncr ...... 34. So , \"onk ...... • ...... 95 Ty mens ...... 5 I Yreeland, :\lary ...... 55

VI. w. \\"ilk es...... 46 \\"ake1nan...... 2-t,, 25 \\"iJlets, Charles A...... 39 \\"aring ...... 103 \\··11·1.. 1an1s .•.•••••.•••••••••••••••.••..••.... 55 \Yarner~ Lewis ...... 66 \\"illian1son ...... 65 \Vashburn...... 36, 3i \\'ilmot ...... •...... IOI, 10..i \\"ashington, President .... 25, 43, 4-t,. -t-5, I2j. 12S \\"ilsc, Catharine...... 112 \\"atcrbury...... 9j, 98 \\"ilsic, Jane ...... •...... III \\" atkinson, )Iary. . . • ...... • ...... I I j \Yilson ...... 23, 25, 30, 43, 45, 95~ 120, 125 \\.. ebb ...... 99 \\:-inants...... I 13 • \Vebber, Annie...... 61 \\~ oodruff...... •...... •...... 56, So \Vebbers, Sara ...... 24, 108 \\" outerszen ...... 9 I \ ,~ ee

.. \"11.


A . .Aaron (690); Aaron Yan Pelt (ioS). Abigail (596), (645), (8.p); Abigail B. (652). Abbie Dinton (707); Abuie M. (is2). Abraham (781), (854), (16o3), (16o8), (1626), (1636), (1651), (1665); Abraha1n P. (895); Abraham Alonzo (1653). Abram Praa (808-859). Ada L. (867 o). Adelaide (1071). Adelia Ann (796). Adrian (1740); Adrian Aswerus (1741). Aegidus (1312). Aeltie (1317). Agnes L. (664); Agnes Maria (1520). Agnietie (1628). Alanson ( 1428). Albert V(. (273); Albert L. (724). Alburtus (1184). Alberta (726). Alexander (1410), (1896), (1901). Alfred ,v. (512). Alice (662) pp. 8-65; (1413); Alice Clayton (1532); Alice M. (768); Alice S. (279). Alletta A. (829). Almira F. (1417). Alonzo (1663), (1757). Alva Walter (2001). Amanda (519), (698). Ambroise (1975), (1976-1984), (1989), (1989a). Amelia (1899); An1elia E. (1oj8). Andrew (1392); Andrew Jackson (1045) pp. 8, 84; Andrew J., Jr. (1052) pp. 8, 85, 123; Andrew Jay (1054). Angenietje (451). Angeline (813). Ann {801) pp. 69, 71; (921), (16-1,5), {1805); Ann Jane (24S); Ann Eliza (751); Ann Elizabeth (729); Ann M. (795), (1038); .A.nn Pullen (1813). Anna (793), (1363), (176o); .Anna R. (143); .Anna Thoinas (r53); Anna M. (516), (838), (1398;; Anna D. {6S9); Anna Adelia (695); Anna Clark (15-1,S); Anna .A. (1575); Anna :Maria (1854). Annatje (1614). Anne E. (i83J­ Anneke (75), (380). Annettie (589). Annie (1454), (1659). Antie (587). Arthur M. (1593).

IX. B. Bapt i::;re (1977'1, ( 1979), ( 19S5). Barbara (21), \23), (u31\ Barent (113). Belitje (8S). Beloni ( 1983). Benja1nin (6_i, (1()"-I 16S); Benjamin .Ash (3.f2): Benjan1in Bousfiel

c. Calixte (200S). Carll H. (897). Caroline (2-1-9'i, (313), (506), (1649); Caroline E. (656); Caroline H. (688); Caroline L. (836); Caro line M. (1507); Caroline Jane (1649). Carrie Allen (308); Carrie )I. (1589). Catharina (53), (54), (S9) pp. 26, 41; .J3I. Catharine (469-535) pp. 21. 54, 58; (255), (359), (366) pp. 22, 41; (38S), (.p3), (476), (482a), (492), (521): (590), (672) pp. 63, 65; (775), (787), (1083), (1635), (1643), (1905b), Catharine A. (260), (618); Catharine Ann (839), (1674·1; Catharine Christina (16-l-7); Catharine Gans (6o4}; Catharine J. (142), (216), (902); Catharine Jane (1654); Catharine L. (r48), (7S7), (1670a); Catharine M. (1671); Catharine Lenore (876); Catharine T. (15-l-9) (see Katharine). Caylor (1517). Celia E. (280); Celia S. (319). Cephas (1..1.00). Charity (636). Charles (1353), (1j58), (r900·,; Charles .A. (1554); Charles A. S. (737); Charles B. (1515); Charles E. (281) (S6j) pp 7-1,, i5; (1456); Charles Chester (2004); Charles Howard (631), (1852); Charles M. (288); Charles O. (jo3); Charles R. (i85); Charles S. (271); Charles \Vright (1833-1851), (1840). Charlotte (155), (1690), (1691); Charlotte l\Iatilda (346); Charlotte C. (1696). Chauncy (1412). Chester W. (2j2). Christina (464), (478), (5SS). Christopher T. (1552). Clara V. (770). Clarence (q.16), (1529): Clarence A. (632). Clare (1988). Cornelia (3i8), (n99), (1202), (1328), ( r:,:30); Cornelia D. (661); Corndia R. (S16). Cornelius (806); Corneliu:s ,v. (1563) Cyrus M. (r..pS).

D. Daisey (894 ). Daniel (1343-1450); Daniel E. (151 r) pp. S. 102; Daniel Rufus (1553). David (3); (10), first of na1ue in .A111eriea. pp. s. 13, r..i, 15, 21, 26. Si, 1oj, u5, 123, 12 ➔, 125, 127, 12S; (1S-2j) pp. 16, 21, 25, 123, I2j; (28-.:37_·,, "Mayor,7· pp. 21, 22, 2-1-, 25, 26, 27, 28, 42, 107, 10S,

x. 123. 12j, 129: (99-u1) "Ready :\.Ioney,"' pp. II, 27, 2S, 29, 30, .p, 42, 127; (rr2), (15S), (29s,.

1 1 (3051. (306. , (35S, : (362) (3S4), (339,i, (.~19i. (434-452_1 pp. 21, 52, 53; (45S,i: (46S-4j3), (4j5-513), (522), (5S3-6j1_\ pp. 60, 63, 65: (594iJ-6.g'i, (603,1. (65S), (i9i), (939-1008) pp. 53, 79, 82: (1062),

(1169 1, (11;0). ~IISj), (12031 pp. '91, 92; {130S,, :1602), (1800). (1806); David Bowne (.::5jl; David ll. (10.p,1; David Henry \l656J, (165;); David Lawrence (1064); David R. (365_1; David S. (1031); David \V. (355) pp. 23, 26, .p; 1520J. Davison (659). Deborah Parker (Sil). Delia. Ann (.p 5). Desire (1986), (19Sj). Dorothy P. (401); Dorothy .Jean (1516). E. Earll E. (899). Edgar (1j54). Edith (1526), (1650):; Edith 1\Iadeleine (1063). Edna R. (1559). Edward (629), 1j1S), (176S):; Edward \V. (289); Edward B. (510); Edward S. L. (735); Edward Allen (1844 ). Edwin A. (1077). Effie (360): Effie M. (53ot Elbert P. (1035). Elena G. (981). Eleanor (1639):; Eleanor L. (1650). Elias (5), (S-16oo'! pp. 12, 1oj, u5, r24; (20-1307), (n85), (r326). Elinor French (412). Eliza (482c), (486), (526); Eliza B. (145), (r52); Eliza Rapalye (403); Eliza Ann (6o8); Eliza Jane (1371); Eliza F. (15j8). Elizabeth (217), (254), (461), (474), (479), (523), (79r), (855), (1315), (1340), (r544), (1604), (1620), (1640), (see Lisbeth and Lysbeth); Elizabeth Mary (25i); Elizabeth C. (343); Elizabeth M. (523), (9i2); Elizabeth J. (156j). Ella. (1046); Ella J. (1423); Ella K. (1561); Ella Mary ( 18.,i2). Ellen (502), (593), (961). Elmer E. (167j). Elsie (1638). Elsje (29) pp. 21, 40, 41, 127; (n79), (r200). E1nerentie (1322) pp. 95, 96. Emily (1545b). Ernil <--9).,, ' E1nma (524J. (561), (1590). (13-1,j); Emn1a C. l34S), (jS2)~ E1111na B. (74i); Emrna A. (SSS); E1nma E. (995,; Eunua Franc~~ (10S1). Estelle H. (1512). Ethel (1666)~ Ethel Ba.lston (1053); Ethel R. (15Si\ Eva llariou (155~a). Evangeline (199SJ. E,-e Ann (9.p). Evelyn (215), (15g2). Ezra H. (1073). F. Fannie S. (1915). Farnban1(1510).

XI. Fitch (1401). Florence (104j); Florence E. (1514). Francis (j92), (1903); Francis Joseph (jS9). Fran~ois (1980). Frank (312), (966), (1414), (152j), (1543); Frank D. (880); Frank G. (1586) pp. 102, ro5. Franklin (16j9), (1j61). Franz Victor Marback ( 1003). Frederick (i74), (Si5) pp. 8, i5: (S84), (1059); Fre

XH. James P. (258), (274); James E. (307); Jan1es Alexander(390); Ja1nes B. (809-878); Ja1nes F. R. (818); Ja1nes N. (868); James H. (8Sj); Ja111es C. (920-940); James M. (960); James Wilkinson (1686). Jane (534a), (i94), (949), (1404); Jane E. (336)~ Jane S. (1026). J anneke (86). Jannetje (1624a). Jasper (585-798) pp. 6o, 62, 70, 73; (807), (815), (825), (889). Jennie (1662). Johanna (118), (1619). Johannah (252). Johannes (2-7), (9), (16o1) pp. 12, 107, 108, rr5, rr6, 124; (251), (466), (472), (1310-1325), (1329-13.p), (see John, p. 97): (16o5), (1613), (1742). John (115-rr7) pp. 28, 29; (144), (147), (383-385) pp. 43, 46, 123, 124; (387), (416), (491), (586-917), pp. 60, 77, 78; (617), (674), (773), (13og), (1337), (pp. 97, see Johannes, 1329-1341); (1356), (1364), (1387), (1646), (18go), (1go2), (1go5a); John S. (275), (314), (714), (1028a); John W. (325), (1555); John Croes (346a); John Moffat (345) pp. 39, 44; John H. (350), (627), (828), (1583); John Samuel (402); John D. (482): John C. (646), (1025); John J. (66o); John E. (663); John Webb (6g3), (7o6-738), (728)~ John Frederick (784); John Gulick (800-833), (835); John V. (Sn); John Wesley (992); John Robert (1382); John Youngs (1455-1569); John Henry (1550); John Edward (1652); John Pullen (18og); John Phillips (1845); John McFarland (1856). Jonathan (22-417) pp. 15, 16, 51; (470-58r) pp. 53, 54, 6o, 62, 128; (456), (465), (483-485), (487- 493), (582-594), (594a-595) pp. 62, 63, 65; (610), (681-772) pp. 66, 69, 71; (7i7), (799-810); Jonathan S. (508). Joseph (1655), (1978), (1981), (1996), (1997); Joseph S. (315); Joseph, Rev. (1997). I Josiah W. (1695). Julia F. (1568); Julia S. (757). Juliet Edna (310). Julius (Gillis) (26) pp. 15, 17. K. Kate (1033); Kate E. (263), (ro42), (1687); Kate M. (1030); Kate L. (867b). Katharine (1912), (see Catharine). L. Lasille <678). Laura (758), (968), (see Lora); Laura E. {16g8). Lawrence R. (886). Leony (883). Levi ( 1 545 ). Lillian Mary (1848). Lisbeth (418), (see Lysbeth and Elizabeth). Lloyd Wright (1859). Loisa (862 ). Lora Louise (1835). Louis (1402), (1982-1990), (1991), (1993); Louis S. (1591); Louis .A.drian (2006). Louisa (187), (1388), (1395), (1810). Louise F. (352); Louise A. (1036); Louise Gern1aine (2002). Luke (484). Lydia Ann (1508). Lysbeth (445). M. )[abel J. (316). :Maddens ( 1908a). :Magdalena (1171). (16'.n). )Ian1ie (532); Mamie E. (867h). :Margaret (420), (482b), (1616), (1684), (1904), (1909). :Margareta (1204), (1621). :tlargaretta (u) pp. 16, 57; (45), (1313), (1333). :\!aria (59) pp. 23, 127: (373), (382), (394), (435), (462), (471), (852), (uSS), (136S), (1641): ~laria. De Nyse (15r); Maria Colden (397). Mariana (3.,i9). ~Iarietta (721), (r394). Martha Gould (505). l[artin (515) pp. 121, 122; Martin ,v. (r693). ~Iary (39r), (488), (597), (676), (694), (7go). (891), (1354), (r407), (r564), (r642); :liary E. (~591, (300), (329), (739), (1383), (r556), (r570), (r670); Mary Ackland (r59); l\Iary C. (282), ( r565); ::\1ary Ann (292), (498); Mary Pond (406); Mary A. (630); Mary Lillian (634): Mary E. l>. (S~w): Mar}- J. (837); Mary Alice (882); Mary B. (913); Mary Bell (987); Mary Violetta ( rooo): Mary Louise (105r); Mary Ella (r699)~ Mary Maria (rS24); Mary Mayne (1S-1-9;: llary Meluna (r858); Mary S. (r9r4), (see Mamie.) Matilda (1376). Mattie (gor). May (1o6o); May Elizabeth (r770) ·• Mayor," (see David, 28-87). Mead (r408). Meadie Van ,vinkle (r668). Meluna (r850). Melvin (892). Mildred ....\ .. (326 ). Minne V. (834). Minnie (166o), (168r). Miriam (r51S). Mortimer C. (270). N. Nancy (r365). Natalie (r362). ::Xathaniel (132;-1334), (1336), (1339). Nazaire (2007 ). X ellie Beatrice (1836); :X ellie Bir

XIV. Paul (1896a-190S); Paul B. (19ro-19u); Paul Richard (2005). Pauline C. (1420). Paulus (4i7); Paulus J. (-1S1). Pearl Eloise (1913). Percy (970). Peter (959), (ro43), (1743); Rev. Peter (702) pp. 8, 6j; Peter Praa (45i), (463), (480), (584-673) pp. 60, 65, ii; (68o-682), (918); Peter Buckele\v (6S6); Peter D. F. W. (720); Peter C. (1037). Phebe (1393). (1403), (1618), (1685); Phebe M. (908); Phebe .Ann (1669). Phoebe Burnett (50..i). Philena J. (1079). Phineas B. (879). Pierre, pp. 121, 122. Pierson H. (io9), R. Rachel (525), (81..i), (819), (r6j2). Raymond Claire (186o ). '' Ready Money~' (see David 9g-r11). Rebecca (727); Rebecca McCarthy (340). Reuben M. (1694) pp. rog, Ii 3. Richard (827). Robert (1335), (1338), (1612), (1615), (1617-1682), (1683); Robert C. (285), (291); Robert Geary (6g2- 719); Robert Le Roy (722); Robert W. (1697); Robert Watson (1823-1843); Robert Phillips (1857). Roderick (1907) pp. 119, 120. Russell (156o). Ruth (1361). s. Sadie (893). Samuel (Ii), (85-381) pp. 24, 28, 40, 42, 127; (338), (361); Rt. Rev. Bishop of N. Y. (386-392) pp. I I, 43, 44, 45, 46, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131; (802-1008), (1186), (1342-1350), (1351), (1370), . (16o7), (1613a), (1624), (1644), (1838); Samuel Armour (327), (335); Samuel M. (1044); Samuel 0. (1oj6); Samuel Pullen (1834) pp. n7, 118; Samuel Watson (1853). Sarah (528), (853), (1357), (1625), (1688), (1752); Sarah S. (150); Sarah D. (318); Sarah E. (321), (830), (1028), (1040); Sarah Merwin (4og); Sarah L. (620), (743); Sarah Ann (647). (683), (1389); Sarah J. (i86); Sarah F. (9i1); Sarah C. (1006); Sarah A. (1014); Sarah Tindal (1807). Sefroid (1989b). Simon (1994). Sophia (482d). Stella (993); Stella L. (867r). Stephen (14c5); Stephen :P. (881); Stephen, Bishop (1546); Stephen H. (1547). Susan (534), (iI5); Susan E. (393); Susan C. (665); Susan S. (771); Susan M. (860), (see Susie). Susie (1528). T. Theophile (1992). Thomas (6n). (1397), (1426), (1804); Thomas Folger (339); Thomas A. (328); Thon1as Clinton (soi); Thomas C. (509). V. Vernon Joseph (1999). Violetta (980); Violetta Grace (1002), pp. Sr~ 82. Yorhees James (1001).

xv. W. ,valter C. (691); ,valter Moses (liSS); ,valter Luther (1769). ,v ard B. (1422). ,varren (1557-1558). ,vatson (1808-1811); ,vatson Eli (1841). Wilhemes (4). Wilhemus (356). ,vnlet Coles (344). ,vnliam (1) earliest known ancestor, pp. 8, n, 12, 117, 122, 123, 126, 129, 130; (16)! (44)~ (58-353) '' Colonel,'' pp. 23, 40, 127; (u6-250), (290), (357) pp. 26, 41; (363), (364), (514), (517), (812), (885), (u8o), (1352), (1451), (1753), (1812-1837)~ ,Villia111 De Nyse (154); ,vnliam Turner (256); William K. (262); ,Villiam C. (2i6), (86ja), (r5S8)~ ,Villiam T. (299); Willia1n H. (303), (687), (jII)~ (i34), (IOj4): ,villia111 Henry (IOjo); ,villiam B. (317): ,villiam M. (518): ,villiam s. (86g); ,vuua1n V. (SCJO); Willia111 Cabble (999); \Villiam E. (IOOj); \Villiau1 Douglass (1055); William Duncan (1069); \Villiam Y. (1osi); ,Villiam J. (1452); \Villia1n James (1855), (see Willie). Willie (705), (1453). ,Vin.field (533). ,vyntie (354), (379).

NoTE.-Numbers in parenthesis denote personal numbers; those without denote the pages on which names occur.

XVI. ERRATA. Page 21, for Catharine (496) read (469). Page 23, for Vandewater read \ran der \Vater. Page 60, for Jonathan (592) read (594). Page 60, for Cathie read Catlin. Page 63, for Jonathan (593) read (594a). Page 64, for David (594) read (594b ). Page ii, for \:-- olkertsae read Volkertszen. Page 83, for John S. ( 1028) read ( 1028a).



l-nl~ss you prefer to call for same, you can remit the an1ount of your subscription, S , by check or postal order. If you desire delivery by express, please send full name and address, plainly written, to insure prompt delivery. The Portraits and Coat-..-\rmor, each, when framed, make a very pretty wall picture for library or parlor. Book plates are now extensively used in this country. The coat-of­ arms, with the motto, 1nakes an elegant book plate. It was used as such by Bishop Provost from his college days to his death. Having the plates fron1 which th:>se in the book were produced, they can now be furnished at small cost, say 50 cents each for portraits; book plates, $5 per hundred. The purpose of the blank pages found at the end of each chapter of the "Record" is, that each person owning a book sbould, by writing thereon the names, etc., of those subsequently born, with their respective dates of birth, marriage and death~ make this his own family record of the future, as well as of the past. \rith each book the author will send a blank sheet of paper, upon which he desires each men1ber of the family receiving a book to subscribe their name and address. Then roll (not fold} and send by mail. It is our purpose to bind these sheets and preserve them as a Fa1uilv Auto­ graphic · _-\lbu1n. _\s births, marriages, or deaths occur, the author would like to be informed of the e,·en t, so that he n1ay record the ::;ame in a copy of the Record he has prepared for such purpose. Should you know or learn of any of our name not recorded in your copy~ or should you disc<>\·er any error 1n 1t, we should like to know the fact as soon as possible. AND. J. PROVOST.

TEMPLE COURT, NEW YORK CITY. Dated July r, 1895.

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1545-1894, --· / . . ~~ o2o-& IS JD. It wMl Jflake .. cbont ~- pages, ---

Portraits of the author and of Bishop Provost, both the coat-armor. heraldi~ description, motto and history. Dedication (prose and heroic verse:; how and why the record was begun and completed; full genealogical data of birth, marriage, death and issue of most every branch since r545; biographical sketch of those who held any important chil or military office, as well as their intermarriages and their eminent social positions during and after the colonial period. The origin of the name, what it signifies in different countries, how spelled in each, and the changes occurring in Holland and America. Synopsis of a manuscript which gives an accurate history of the mayor's branch prior to I j25. The original in Dutch, prior to IjOO, was translated by the mayor in Ij25; copied and extended in 17-12.

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..:\ddr~ss .-\~ D'\\" J. PROVOST,