Symposium. Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) ; 48 (Los
2004 REPORT TO THE AEROSPACE PROFESSION FORTY EIGHTH SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 2004 THE WESTIN BONAVENTURE LOS ANGELES, CALIE ISSN #0742-3705 TABLE OF CONTENTS SESSION I Chairman: Bruce D. Remick (M), FAA "F-16 E/F Flight Test Program" William A. Flynn (AF), Lockheed Martin Stephen Barter (M), Lockheed Martin (Paper not available for publication) "Flight Testing the Automatic Air Collision Avoidance System (AUTO ACAS)" 2 Maj James Less, USAF (M) Maj Scott Wierzbanowski, USAF (M) "The Challenges o/Morphing a Crop Duster Into a Sport Parachute Aircraft" 19 Sean C. Roberts (F), National Test Pilot School Gregory V. Lewis (F), National Test Pilot School "F-16C/D 600-Gallon Fuel Tank Certification in the Republic of Singapore Air Force" 38 Vincent Phang, Rep. of Singapore AF "B-2A Integration of the Smart Bomb Rack Assembly" Maj William Power, USAF (AM) (Paper not available for publication) SESSION II Chairman: CAPT Michael V. Rabens, USN (AF) "F/A-18 E/F Transonic Flying Qualities (TFQI) Improvement Program" 53 LT Bill Thames, USN Peter Dougherty, NAVAIR in "F-16 M3 OT&E of the Royal Netherlands Air Force" Maj Harry van Hulten, RNLAF (Paper not available for publication) "Boundary Escape Tracking: A new Conception ofHazardous PIO" 67 Bill Gray (AF), USAF TPS "Test Program to address V-22 Uncommanded Roll " while on the deck of an Amphibious Assault Ship 92 Maj Dave Thorn, USMC John Nelson, NAVAIR Eric deBrun, Boeing "Flight Testing for Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and GNSS Landing Systems (GLS)" 101 Tom Imrich (M), The Boeing Company "Wake Turbulence - A Threat to Unstable Fighters" 131 Lt Col Robert Hierl, GAF (M) Sittipong Graison, German Aeronautics and Space Research Agency, DLR SESSION III Chairman: Jerry Gallagher (M), USN TPS "F-2 Pylon Induced Vibration" 164 Maj N.
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