Informedissue 36 July 2021

requiring official ID and strip the Electoral Commission of powers to initiate criminal prosecutions of election wrongdoing, made their way through the Houses of Parliament. Under the Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill protestors could face criminal charges if otherwise peaceful demonstrations are deemed to cause “nuisance” or are “noisy” or even have an “impact” on others in the area. This Bill also gives a range of authorities the ability to extract information from electronic devices to seek in prosecuting certain crimes; it’s unclear if this will affect journalists. The NUJ’s Ethics Council has voiced deep concerns about the Nationality and Secrecy laws would Borders Bill which introduces a two-tier asylum system and the criminalisation treat media as spies of anyone who arrives in the UK without permission. The Law Society says it would A raft of legislation and government treat journalists as if they are spies.” be in contravention of the 1951 Refugee plans present an unparalleled The two Duncan Campbells – the Convention. Most commentators agree on journalism, democracy former Guardian correspondent; and it is a nasty piece of legislation which will and human rights which would the investigative journalist specialising endanger some of the most vulnerable give an increasingly authoritarian in civil liberties who was a defendant in people in the world fleeing war and government draconian powers. the 1978 ABC trial on charges of leaking persecution. The Bill also paves the way If they become law, it would mean government information – reprised their for potential offshore processing centres that – just by doing their job – journalists double act of the July meeting of the for refugees. could find themselves branded spies London Freelance Branch in an article The government is pressing ahead with and handed 14-year prison sentences. for The Guardian which said: “The Home plans to limit how organisations such Reporters and whistleblowers Office now wants harder and more as the NUJ can use judicial reviews to would lose the defence of revealing extensive secrecy laws that would have challenge official decisions before a High information which is in the public the effect of deterring sources, editors Court judge. interest and the reforms could water and reporters, making them potentially Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general down protections, allowing police to seize subject to uncontrolled official bans not secretary, said: “The sheer number of anti- journalistic material. approved by a court and punished much democratic, dangerous and simply nasty The government’s consultation more severely if they do not comply.” pieces of legislation from this government document outlining its plan to “counter Indeed Priti Patel, Home Secretary, presents a real threat to journalists and state threats” is truly chilling and has has argued that press disclosures could journalism. We need to remain vigilant united the NUJ and newspapers ranging be worse than spying because the work and use all our campaigning powers and from The Guardian and Independent to of a foreign spy “will often only be to the work with the cross-party Parliamentary The Sun – which told its readers: “New benefit of a single state or actor”. Group and other organisations to raise plans would threaten scoops such as our In a 48-hour period this month, awareness and defeat these laws. Let’s use exposure of Matt Hancock’s affair. If these Bills to prevent public protest, the summer to gather our strength so we proposals are implemented, Britain will criminalise vulnerable asylum seekers, can come out fighting for press freedom join the list of authoritarian states which disenfranchise thousands of voters by and democracy.” Also Michelle’s Channel 4 Digital in this Message Threat Recruitment issue: Page 02 Page 08 Page 10 02 Informed Michelle’s Message

sphere, it has a real-life personal and outrageous mobbing of BBC journalist professional impact – not least for Nick Watt, it was sickening to read individuals caught up in the online countless accusations of him being fall-out, where aggressive and hostile a shrill, collaborator alongside praise voices are often amplified even if the for the individuals chasing and number of trolls leading the charge are haranguing him and regret that he comparatively few. wasn’t beaten or strung up. That this Abuse is hurled so frequently, and stuff is published with impunity is proof often so readily, that it is behaviour of the failure of the tech giants and the and commentary that has become need for effective regulation. It is also, normalised. Par for the course. however, a dangerous indicator of the Inhabiting space that should be taken levels of hostility facing reporters and up by reasoned debate. It is also clear photographers on a daily basis, who are such abuse is disproportionately levelled at the frontline documenting a polarised at women and those from black and society where elements – fanned by far- minority ethnic backgrounds. The right agitators and aided by broader intent of such behaviour is theorists – are increasingly viewing I have lost count obvious – to close down these voices, to journalists as working hand in glove in the past year or make people think twice before engaging with the deep state, propagating lies and and speaking out. working to hoodwink, not to inform. more – or however This behaviour is having an impact long it has been on journalists and journalism on unprecedented levels. NUJ surveys of “Abusive behaviour since the world members demonstrate the increase is having an impact seemed to upend and impact of abuse levelled out online, whether in what are sometimes odious on journalists and itself – of the and staggeringly offensive below the journalism on occasions when it line comments on articles, or mob-like behaviour on twitter, when journalists unprecedented levels.” seemed a new low are rounded on. Adopting a “don’t feed has been struck in the trolls” stance often doesn’t cut it, and The NUJ and our members are dealing it certainly doesn’t erase the cumulative with the consequences of this threat on a what are parlous impact of being harangued, insulted and daily basis – whether on demonstrations, abused as you go about your daily work. in attacks on journalists and their homes, and depressing And since when did ignoring bullies and and in abuse and carried out levels of public not calling them out actually have the online. It is driving our participation in desired effect. the action plan devised by the National discourse in the UK. The starting point of many of these Committee for the Safety of Journalists, exchanges – which too many companies it is motivating the pressure we bring to have tolerated up to this point as bear on the police to ensure journalists essential “reader engagement” – would can work safely, free from attack. Whether it is manufactured outrage, have taken place on the letters’ pages of But we need to do more, and part of coordinated social media pile-ons, publications. The clever-dick tone may the problem is the wider diminution the trumping of common sense by have been there, but the content would of standards we are seeing play out in determined political ideology or ill- have been more considered and thought the public sphere. Politicians need to thought-out kneejerk commentary through before being posted or the send lead from the front. They cannot on – or a combination of all of those button hit, and if they ended up in print the one hand launch the world’s first things – the cumulative impact is it would have been after passing through safety plan for journalists, and then of dysfunctional engagement and the hands of a seasoned editor. indulge in behaviour that imperils them. weakening standards in public life. Now you need to take a deep breath The dismissal of reports and news Whatever the motivations, and before delving into below the line they disagree with cannot any longer whether or not it happens in the online comments – on doing so after the be dismissed as “fake”. Government Informed 03

ministers should not be allowed to get away with trolling individual journalists, impugning them and undermining their credibility. A Prime Minister must be held accountable for distortions and lies. And we all have to keep calling out this REASONS behaviour and not accept or allow the further erosion of what was once basic TO JOIN norms. That also means us thinking twice before pressing send, before posting a message, before venting. It also means remembering that life is full of nuance; it’s not black and white. We should all have the ability to shut up and listen, and to acknowledge that our words and deeds can profoundly affect someone, whether we know them or not. We should value empathy and seek to practice it – being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to see where they’re coming from has a value even if we would never share their view. And on a basic level, if we’re really trying to inform and influence people’s views, it’s never going to be achieved through shaming them,

rounding on them or trading blows on ☞ twitter. Jackie Weaver made headlines and gave the world a few laughs when the Press Freedom Handforth parish council Zoom meeting The NUJ lobbies for journalists’ rights so you can went viral. It also exposed her to the protect your sources, have editorial independence and do your job safely and freely, without highs and lows of public notoriety, not from the state. As a member of the International least at the misogynistic hands of online Federation of Journalists we are part of a trolls. When she’s not maintaining good 600,000-strong community working to ensure the order at council meetings, she is also an safety of media workers across the globe, fighting for freedom of information, open government and ambassador for Compassion in Politics plurality of the media. and has spoken out about the need for Are you keeping good company? intervention to enhance standards of behaviour in political and public life. Join the NUJ today at Some practical changes – that would also serve the interests of journalists and journalism as well as wider society – include enforcing the removal from posts of councillors who breach the authority’s code of conduct. As things stand, councillors guilty of racism, politicians at every level to wilfully wider societal problems. The trade union sexism or homophobia can continue in and repeatedly lie to the public, and movement should wholeheartedly role if they fail to do the decent thing and is promoting compassion training in back this initiative and its premise that step down. schools and workplaces, with the aim honesty, openness and transparency Compassion in Politics is also of nurturing collegiate working and should be the core function of our campaigning to make it illegal for boosting our collective ability to tackle political sphere and in public life. 04 Informed


faces from the children). “What do you like best about being a journalist?” I was Let’s get news wise asked. Meeting new people and learning new things from them, I replied. Photographer and NUJ vice-president, They were interested to hear my school Natasha Hirst, discusses journalism experiences as a deaf child in mainstream education where expectations of me were and wallabies with Welsh primary often low. This led to a series of questions school children about lipreading and face-masks, sign language and whether I was bullied at school (yes, I was). My recent Zoom visit to a class of nine- readied myself for the questions. My jaw The children at Rhosddu come from to 11-year-olds at Rhosddu primary must have dropped at the first one: “What an “economically disadvantaged” school, Wrexham, rates as one of the is social justice?” As Zara then explained, community, with 15 home languages most enjoyable experiences of my this phrase came from my Twitter biog so spoken throughout the school. Our journalistic career so far. I was silently grateful that I’d not tweeted industry needs children like these to The Guardian Foundation NewsWise anything too sweary recently. become the journalists of tomorrow news literacy project provides training for I replied that, to me, social justice means and it was my aim to inspire them and teachers and resources to engage children building a fairer society for everyone and explain that all was required was having a with understanding news and challenging that journalism plays a role in highlighting curiosity about the world around them. misinformation. Classes are paired up injustice and by giving a voice to the A month later, I’m told that the children with a “real, live journalist” for a Q&A people whose stories we tell; one of the are still talking about my visit and the session which the NUJ supports. things I love about my job. school is keen to keep me involved in their Zara Jebb, the class teacher, had shared There had clearly been discussions media literacy journey. Their production her frustration on hearing the children in class about media plurality and of the Rhosddu Guardian is well underway repeat misinformation picked up from publications having different views. Zara and I eagerly await my copy. social media or their parents’ Facebook raised the example of people in Liverpool pages. Once logged into Zoom, I could refusing to buy The Sun after its report see Zara, Sorcha Hughes, the NewsWise on the Hillsborough disaster. We also co-ordinator, and, in a separate box, 20 discussed fake news. Media literacy impeccably well-behaved classmates at I was challenged to describe my most individual desks who then introduced difficult photo assignment. It involved an strategy themselves. election campaign, a pen full of wallabies The NUJ’s News Recovery Plan has I told them briefly about myself and and Queen guitarist, Brian May (cue blank called for the rollout of a nationwide media literacy programme to tackle disinformation and fake news, with stronger regulation imposed on tech companies which aid the dissemination of misinformation. The union has liaised with the government which published its Online Media Strategy this month. That sets out a skills framework which highlights the risks of sharing personal data online, advises on how to assess online content critically, examines the barriers to online involvement and helps organisations to undertake media literacy activity in a more co-ordinated, wide-reaching, and high-quality way. Informed 05 News Update

Family courts pilot Healthier

Journalists have been able to attend NUJ finances almost all family court hearings held in private for 12 years – but cannot John Barsby, honorary general report what takes place. treasurer, reported to the NEC Yet these courts have enormous that the vote at DM for a two- powers. They can place children for year increase in subscriptions adoption, extinguishing their legal had put the union in a healthier relationship with their birth family financial state. forever. They can deprive children The increased contributions are of their liberty. These decisions are expected to bring in an extra carried out in secret, without scrutiny £25,000 each month. While the or accountability for the powers that are pandemic meant huge reductions exerted. in travel and hotel costs for union Louise Tickle, who specialises in anonymised press reporting of family meetings, this will change as more reporting on the family justice system, court cases is permitted. It would allow travel and face to face work resumes. wants this to change. She is launching reporters to interview and quote family The £10.5 million deficit in the the Open Justice Family Court Reporting members and case documents. staff direct-benefit pension scheme Project which aims to promote open The pilot needs the blessing of the also needs addressing, he says, and justice and the right to a fair trial in president of the Family Division to payments will increase. There is family court proceedings. go ahead. It also requires the backing another blow on the horizon because This work is supported by The Bureau of several large media organisations, the government has forced a levy of Investigative Journalism, with funding journalists will need training and trust on trades unions of up to 2.5 per cent from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable built with the judiciary involved. The NUJ of their income to pay for the office Trust. The hope is for the project to begin has committed to support the pilot and of the Certification Officer. This operating later this year. facilitate training when it launches. could cost the NUJ a yearly bill of The pilot intends to follow the For more information contact louise@ about £130,000. Republic of Ireland and Australia where

NQ hire and fire dispute ends

The NUJ chapel at Newsquest Oxford, MPs. It said: “Stripping journalists of organiser, said: “Bank holiday payments publisher of the Oxford Mail, has bank holiday payments in the wake of a were the straw that broke the camel’s reached agreement with its employer year when they have pulled out all the back. The real issue was always the that ends a bitter dispute after the stops to serve their local communities overwork and overlong hours resulting company proposed to abolish time is disgraceful and has piled stress and from a radically depleted newsroom. I and-a-half pay for most bank holiday anxiety on to a newsroom already am enormously proud that the chapel working, a change that would have facing reduced staffing levels and has stuck together on this.” particularly affected sports staff. unacceptably long working hours.” The NUJ joined sister unions in Newsquest threatened to sack staff The chapel agreed to end the calling on the government to introduce who held out against the new terms dispute when the company agreed not new measures to prevent fire and and re-employ them only if they implement the change until January rehire schemes. Michelle Stanistreet, accepted the plan. next year and undertook a serious NUJ general secretary, said: “This The small chapel stood firm and review of overwork among the staff. exploitative and abusive treatment of garnered support from the city’s two Laura Davidson, NUJ national workers has to stop.” 06 Informed


pose unintended threats of its own). Storm clouds gather After lobbying from the industry, “below the line” comments on news publishers’ over press freedom own websites – often notorious for trolling, abuse and threats -- will not be MPs may be hoping to enjoy the sun and the ability of journalists to protect considered in its scope. as they head off for their summer their informants. The Police, Crime, More positively, the government is recess, but members of the NUJ’s Sentencing and Courts Bill not only on the back foot over the operation Parliamentary Group are conscious of contains draconian attacks on freedom of its “clearing house”, based in the gathering clouds when it comes to the of assembly and the right to protest, and Cabinet Office, which appears to log media and freedom of the press. allows discrimination against Gypsy, Freedom of Information requests from Nowhere is this more in evidence than Roma and Traveller communities, investigative journalists and regulate over the future of Channel 4, where the but also introduces new powers to responses to press queries. Despite government opened a consultation with allow for the extraction of data from Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove’s a recommendation to back privatisation. electronic devices as part of criminal explicit denials, a tribunal case brought Grahame Morris, the group’s chair, investigations. by openDemocracy was upheld with the sponsored an early day motion No limits are specified in relation ruling criticising the ““profound lack of condemning the move and an NUJ to how much data can be copied or transparency about the operation”. briefing was sent to MPs taking part in retained. Quite how this power stands After pressure from campaigners, a Westminster Hall debate on the issue in relation to existing legal protections including the NUJ and the Society of secured by Labour MP Angela Eagle. for journalists will only be set out at an Editors, the Public Administration and Conservative MPs such as Peter unspecified date with a code of practice Constitutional Affairs Select Committee Bottomley and Andrew Mitchell introduced by secondary legislation. has opened an investigation, and is questioned the logic of flogging it off to More worrying still are the government’s expected to summon the minister for one of the big US streaming services. proposals around reform of the Official further questioning. If Gove is feeling John Whittingdale, media and data Secrets Act which threaten longer the heat right now, it may not just be as a minister, has long sought to deliver criminal sentences for journalists who result of the weather. privatisation, but he cut an isolated and publish classified material given to them NUJ Official Secrets Act submission beleaguered figure when pushed to by a whistleblower. defend the proposals. Clearly, he has a Meanwhile, the long-delayed Online nuj-calls-for-public-interest-defence- fight on his hands. Safety Bill ought to have provided for-unauthorised-disclosures.html Elsewhere, there remain concerns important protections for journalists Michael Calderbank, of Solidarity about threats to the confidentiality and other public figures but appears to Consulting, provides parliamentary of journalistic material and sources, be a missed opportunity (and may even liaison for the NUJ

Legal perks illnesses) and more. For extra progress. It was formed Bogus code While the law has changed, information, visit the NUJ to consider the long-term The Irish Executive Council making it much more hub on the union’s solicitor’s sustainability of public dismissed the government’s difficult for many road traffic website. https://www. interest journalism in proposed new code of accident victims to get free Scotland. The union’s practice on employment legal support, the NUJ has trade-unions/nuj News Recovery Plan had status as “a tired old agreed to continue to help informed its debate and solution which will not members and their families. News recovery Scotland Joyce MacMillan, chair of solve the problem of bogus They will also still receive The Scottish government’s the Edinburgh Freelance employment ”. comprehensive legal cover public interest journalism Branch, is now collaborating The union has called for for all accidents at work, working group, which with a sub-group to write robust legislation and said personal injuries, serious includes industry figures the group’s report and the code failed to address injuries, industrial diseases and NUJ representatives, recommendations, to be genuine losses suffered by (including asbestos-related has reported considerable published this summer. misclassified workers. Informed 07


workers alike, as recent TUC reports Employers to get duty have shown. Protection from third-party harassment is incredibly important and we would urge that this duty to also to protect staff from cover freelances.” The protections will apply in England, Wales and Scotland, and those which sexual harassment require legislative changes will be “introduced as soon as parliamentary The NUJ has called on the government the employment tribunal from three time allows”, the GEO report said, “We to move quickly on its intention to months to six months. The Equality and also need to see cultural and societal introduce a new duty on employers to Human Rights Commission will act as change. Nevertheless, it is vital that we protect staff from sexual harassment a watchdog and will have the power to have a strong legal framework in place, at work, and to protect workers enter into legally binding agreements which both establishes clear standards harassed by clients or customers as with employers who have been found and expectations for individuals and well as colleagues. liable for breaches of the Act. The NUJ employers alike and is responsive to the A survey carried out by the called for the commission to be given modern workplace.” Government Equalities Office (GEO) extra resources to fulfil this duty. The NUJ argued during the as part of the consultation on the issue Natasha Hirst, Equality Council chair, consultation that unions had an found that 54 per cent (mostly women) said: “This is a huge win for the trade important role to play in working with said they had experienced harassment union movement after years of lobbying employers to put in place policies to at work. for workers to be protected from sexual protect staff and freelances from sexual The government also agreed to look harassment at work. Sexual harassment harassment and could represent at extending the time limit for bringing is a scourge in our workplaces, affecting members who experience harassment in Equality Act 2010-based cases to seven in 10 disabled women and LGBT the workplace.

professional support, he said, half of all trans workers inquiry scrutinising existing and pointed out his Ready experienced bullying or legislation and workplace Rainbow guide for media and harassment at work. The practices on the issue. comms professionals could letter also condemned the be downloaded at: https:// decision in April to disband BMC elections the government’s LGBT There were 17 candidates Advisory Panel. for eight seats in elections LGBT+ sports Truss letter held during the NUJ Black The union’s LGBT+ network The NUJ has signed a TUC Menopause inquiry Members’ Council general had a topical speaker just letter to Liz Truss, women Almost a million women meeting which, the serving before the Tokyo Olympics. and equalities minister, in the UK have left jobs as officer said, showed the Sky sports editor, Jon criticising the government’s a result of menopausal vibrancy and quality of Holmes of Sports Media failure to address the symptoms and with activists in the union. The LGBT+ Sports, talked about inequality experienced by menopause mainly affecting guest speaker was Shavanah his organisation’s work the LGBT+ community those in their late 40s and Taj, the general secretary of in promoting inclusion who face discrimination at early 50s, they are leaving Wales TUC, who said that in sports and a space for work. It noted that nearly work at the peak of their unions needed to listen to LGBT+ people and allies two in five LGBT workers career, with knock-on effects what Black workers said working in sports journalism, have been harassed or on the gender pay and about the reality of how TV production, and public discriminated against by a gender pension gap, said racism manifests itself relations. It enabled them to colleague and quarter had the House of Commons and they should amplify share experiences, advice, been discriminated against Women and Equalities their voices throughout all content ideas, and other by their manager. Nearly Committee as it launched an structures. 08 Informed


on the government agenda after the 23 June launch of a new consultation ny process. Matt Kenyon Matt Some at Channel 4 News see it as a foregone conclusion. While Snow is still working out his last months as an anchor, many newsroom colleagues are also planning their escapes, convinced that the programme will struggle to live on beyond his departure at the end of the year. “People are looking for jobs,” said one newsroom source. “The newsroom feels privatisation is going to happen and that Channel 4 News will be impacted more than anyone else.” This pessimism stems from the ferocity of the government’s renewed assault on public service broadcasting (PSB), which equally threatens the future of the BBC as it enters new negotiations on charter renewal and future licence fee funding. “Whenever there is a Conservative government, the future of public service broadcasting appears to be under threat because it doesn’t seem to fit in with their ethos,” says Paul Siegert, NUJ broadcasting organiser. The architect of the Channel 4 privatisation drive is believed to be media and data minister, John No more Channel 4? Whittingdale, who instigated the previous push for a sale during his time Ian Burrell examines the government’s as Culture Secretary in 2015-2016. NUJ president, Pierre Vicary, thinks threat to the public-service network and the longstanding ministerial boycott of its award-winning news programme Channel 4 News (recently dialled down) is indicative of the government’s deep- rooted animosity to the broadcaster. It was a poignant moment when Jon pandemic, thanks to a smart diet of “There is absolutely no commercial Snow announced in April that he lockdown-friendly content and increased reason to privatise Channel 4 – in fact would be standing down after 32 years traffic to its youth-oriented digital there are many reasons not to do so,” he as the face of Channel 4 News but no platform, All 4. argues. “Given that, it’s crystal clear that one thought it might be the end of the It has been four years since the Tory this is being driven ideologically.” flagship news programme itself. government considered and then ruled Conservative hostility to Channel 4 The 60-minute show, one of British out the idea of selling off the channel. News is based on a long list of grudges, journalism’s star performers on the Once a financial basket case, C4 was many relating to Snow who attended a global news stage, last year won its fifth sitting on record financial surplus pro-Brexit rally in 2019 and said on air International Emmy in the past eight of £74m at the end of 2020 with its of that event that he had “never seen years. Channel 4, the programme’s revenue forecasted to top £1 billion for so many white people in one place”. He faithful patron since it went on air the first time this year. is said to have joined in with chants of in 1982, also performed well in the But suddenly now privatisation is back “Fuck the Tories” at 2017’s Glastonbury Informed 09

Festival and the Tories are still seething things that have happened that day,” he is a government that wants to place its over a 2019 Edinburgh Television says. “A current-affairs programme stamp on the whole media ecology.” Festival lecture by former Channel 4 has a different role … to put under the Yet the outcome is not inevitably head of current affairs, Dorothy Byrne, spotlight not just the government but gloomy. who referred to Boris Johnson as a all sorts of public and private bodies Privatisation of Channel 4 may not be “known liar”. Most of all, they hate the and to act as the agent of the public a bad thing if the buyer is ITV, argues channel for its use of a melting ice in reviewing what they are doing and media analyst Ian Whittaker. “By a sculpture in place of an absent PM Boris criticising where appropriate.” country mile I think that ITV makes the Johnson during a debate on climate The government’s PSB review, its most sense,” he says. “In France and the change in 2019. Channel 4 privatisation plans and Netherlands you have the number one “This government is not going its widely-supported proposals for and number two entities [in commercial to tolerate dissident journalists,” subjecting video-on-demand services PSB] coming together in mergers that says Steven Barnett, professor of such as Netflix and Disney+ to tighter would not have been dreamed of before.” communications at the University of regulation in line with that faced by Channel 4, which is set to open its new Westminster. He has “absolutely no traditional TV players will be part Leeds headquarters in September and doubt” that privatisation would mean of a broadcasting white paper due in insists its current model is sustainable, the end of Channel 4 News, with its the autumn. seems confident that privatisation can unique format that allows long-form again be resisted. Its PR strategy has analysis, investigations and extensive avoided the threat to Channel 4 News foreign reporting. “I don’t think that an “It’s crystal clear that (to the dismay of some journalists) and entirely privatised channel would be able this privatisation instead highlights the organisation’s to sustain that type of news bulletin at contribution to the independent that time on a commercial channel.” is being driven production sector which is campaigning That view is shared in the newsroom, ideologically.” noisily for the channel’s reprieve. where there is a fear that the hour-long Responding in June to an inquiry into show, scheduled at the start of peak-time PSB by the Digital, Culture, Media & viewing but attracting little advertising, The BBC, reeling after the scandal Sport select committee, the government will be replaced by a basic bulletin to over its handling of Martin Bashir’s acknowledged that the need for such meet a public service remit to supply 1995 interview with Princess Diana, services “remains as strong as ever”. news. “There’s no other programme in is in a tight corner. “It’s clear that the Ofcom has completed a sympathetic the UK where you can have a lead story of BBC senior management are absolutely review of PSB, noting that it invests 10 minutes,” comments one member of petrified and doing everything they can £3 billion a year in the UK’s creative the team. to appease the government,” says Pierre economy. With the pandemic ongoing, Ivor Gaber, professor of political Vicary. He points to the BBC’s “mindless” the regulator concluded that UK journalism at the University of Sussex, policy of moving World Service staff audiences valued PSBs highly for thinks the programme’s format is outside London when they serve an trusted news but also soap operas and “vulnerable” and is also fearful for the international audience, not a UK one. live sport. BBC’s Newsnight in the light of the Siegert says plans to put radio science Government hawks have been itching government’s strategic review of PSB. staff in Cardiff and the BBC Click to get after the BBC and Channel 4 since “I suspect that the public service review technology team in Glasgow seem the November 2019 election but the will probably find BBC news bulletins inspired by “sticking pins in a map”. increased public trust these outlets satisfactory, but I don’t think they will The NUJ is also concerned that a have enjoyed during the pandemic has find the same for Newsnight,” he says. “I BBC pay offer of 1 per cent appears “tempered” the rhetoric of their critics, would be fearful of the consequences for to be driven by a fear of exceeding says Pierre Vicary. critical current-affairs programmes – for the government’s deal for public Paul Siegert agrees. “It’s the wrong programmes that put government and sector workers. time for the government to pick a other authorities under the spotlight.” “The government is clearly wanting fight with public service broadcasters In fact, an over-reliance on news to impose itself on the nation’s because the public are back on board,” bulletins would damage democracy, broadcasting culture – the whole he says. “So I am optimistic about Gaber believes. “It’s quite difficult to framework,” says the University of their future but it’s always going to criticise politicians on a news bulletin Westminster’s Barnett. “It’s not just be a constant fight when there is a which is trying to recount the main making changes at the periphery, this Conservative government.” 10 Informed


newsrooms, however, says Chris Morley. “Reach is taking on mostly digital journalists who are expert at digging out stories that are trending on social media, or feature crime or celebrities. It is a very different industry to the one in which I worked.” Mark Johnson, Reach Group Chapel FOC, says: “This recruitment drive follows the 500 roles made redundant last year. Some of the people who left were on decent money. So, there may be a saving on the wage bill. Reach is also saving money by closing offices. They had 60 premises but will be left with just 15 regional hubs, with individuals left to pay for their home office.” Reach out for local One of the many senior journalists who took redundancy from Reach last year has a rather less sanguine view. “The press domination company has got rid of expensive staff and are replacing them with cheaper In the past month, Chris Morley ones. They are blitzing everything on After making year- admits to having witnessed building page views by publishing trivia on-year cuts, local something on which he had given and trivialising the news. They hope up hope. “There is a massive change to impress advertisers, but it is the newspapers are in the newspaper industry; lots of negation of journalism.” recruiting digital companies are recruiting, and on He illustrated his point with the case such a scale that they are actually of a journalist on a Newsquest title. staff. Tim Dawson struggling to find sufficient suitable “She was a trainee and was expected finds out what’s applicants.” to generate half a million page views a The NUJ’s Northern and Midlands month and was told she wouldn’t keep going on organiser took up his job in 2007 after a her job if she didn’t. Reach has resisted couple of decades on the news desk at that kind of bullying, but they are still the Birmingham Post. trying to make creative people conform “I thought that the industry was in the sort of targets you might expect of good shape when I started,” he says. “A an advertising team.” year later, in 2008, crisis hit. Since then, Reach’s report on its half year results the annual cuts have been relentless, was upbeat as its adjusted pre-tax profit particularly around Christmas time.” rose to £67.8 million from £53.5 million The scale of the turnaround Chris a year before, with revenues up by 4 per Morley describes does, on paper, look cent. Its digital offering grew almost remarkable. Reach is in the process of 43 per cent over the same period, taking on 340 journalists. Newsquest is as print declined 5.2 per cent. Jim seeking 50 new editorial staff, Mullen, chief executive, said the group and Archant 70. Even JPIMedia, employed more journalists than in 2019 which is still consolidating after a and said Reach was on a “clear path to change of ownership, promises “£6.5m long-term sustainable growth”. of cash to boost original reporting and Chris Morley’s reaction was: “While replace clickbait”. operating profits surge 25 per cent to The rush to recruit brings with it £68m for the first half of the year and significant change to the nature of the profit margin cranks ever higher to Informed 11

22.8 per cent, a sub-inflation pay offer shortages in hospitality and logistics. good journalists who make the jump.. of just 1 per cent to our members does For regional newspaper publishers it From an NUJ perspective, however, it not send a message that their efforts has meant an advertising-expenditure means issues that we have been raising are being properly recognised. This is rebound. By next year, total revenue will fruitlessly for years are getting traction not what our members would take from be ahead of the last full year before Covid, with management. On the downside, I Jim Mullen’s quote that he is committed according to one industry survey. worry about us having the staff to serve to delivering growth for the benefit of Archant, with its four East Anglian our readers”. all stakeholders. NUJ members expect dailies, nearly 50 weekly titles and a She also has an open mind about the better and can clearly see that the magazines division, is another company quality of work that is driving Reach’s company is in a position to do much that is recruiting after years of lay- offs. expansion. “It is easy to dismiss it as better to reward them.” Chief executive, Lorna Willis, said her clickbait, but when they came to our To date, the recruitment pushes promise of 70 new jobs represented patch they assembled a significant appear to leapfrog around the country. “putting our money where our mouth is ‘public interest team’ to cover the courts Reach seems to have experimented with and giving the local media a damn good and local democracy. It was hard not to expansion in Yorkshire, before enlarging kick up the backside”. be impressed.” its “Live” network of digital regional One young journalist who started brands elsewhere in England. Significant work for Reach six weeks ago provides a activity in Scotland and the Republic of “By next year total flavour of her experience. “I graduated Ireland is pending. revenue will be ahead in journalism and got my NCTJ last For an industry sector that was, until September after the weirdest final recently, considered a basket case, it is a of the last full year year at university that anyone could remarkable turnaround. before Covid” have imagined. Throughout my Early in lockdown, the UK degree, news from the sector got government’s Department for Digital, worse and worse and most of my Culture Media & Sport convened This won’t necessarily be easy, classmates chose to seek jobs in PR weekly telephone conferences however. Reach’s ambition for UK- or with branded content providers, with representatives of newspaper wide coverage has led it to expand into such as football teams. I had given publishers. The NUJ attended, as did eastern England which for a long time up hope of actually working for a the chief executives of most British Archant has had largely to itself. local newspaper.” newspaper groups. Nor can Archant assume that existing She joined a home-based tele-sales The case presented by the industry staff will easily forget the era of cuts, team for several months before landing was bleak. One by one they complained redundancies and increased workloads. the job with Reach. “It is just the most about “haemorrhaging cash”, One of the most senior reporters on their amazing thrill to start work every day – “collapsing advertising markets”, and daily titles told me: “New staff is great. albeit still from home – and write stories that “survival was on a knife edge”. The company might need to look hard that the world can read on a really busy Their reward was a rash of Covid-related at itself, however, if it wants to attract website. It is a dream that, six months marketing wraparounds and Brexit good people. We’ve had no pay rise this ago, I thought would never come true themed-ad campaigns. Between April year and there was none last year either. despite the years of training.” Happily, and June 2020 the Cabinet Office In real terms that means our wages she has also joined the NUJ. approved spending of £216.8m on continue to fall. Employers are having Meanwhile, staff at Newsquest, newspaper advertising. Despite NUJ to compete right now to attract staff. particularly in North Wales and Cumbria, calls for government cash to be tied to Archant may think that nobody looks at are working under horrendous and no-redundancy assurances, publishers these things, but they do and they will be stressful conditions. Chris Morley’s reverted to type and simultaneously weighing that on balance.” report to NEC noted that that, since the slashed jobs. More problematic still may be finding takeover of CN Group by Newsquest just Since then, however, world trade has staff who can actually do the work. a few years ago, the company’s staffing experienced a significant uptick. “The A news editor at one of JPIMedia’s went from 300 to just 30, so it would be global economy is set to expand 5.6 daily titles provides an interesting rash to celebrate a renaissance of local per cent in 2021—its strongest post- perspective. “Everyone is talking about journalism just yet. But as the industry recession pace in 80 years,” says the Reach poaching our best staff, not energetically pursues innovation and World Bank in its latest predictions. least because they are offering joining expansion, maybe local newspapers do In the UK this has led to acute skills bonuses and bonuses for recommending have a survival plan. Informed 12

International Anger and sadness at death of Dutch reporter Peter R De Vries

The death of crime reporter, Peter R. the constant vilification of journalists, De Vries, on an Amsterdam street as including by politicians who stoke this he left the television studios of the atmosphere of hostility without regard programme RTL Boulevard, has sent for the consequences.” One Dutch shock waves through the Dutch press politician recently described journalists and beyond. as “the scum of the earth”. Peter, 64, was well known as a reporter Thomas Bruning, NVJ general and commentator on the criminal secretary, said: “Peter R. de Vries was an underworld and had been acting as an iconic crime reporter, unresting fighter adviser and spokesperson for a crown for justice and an example for many. His witness in a trial against members of death is unreal, and the anger at this a violent drugs gang. He was shot five brutal attack is great.’’ times at close range on the busy street SOPA Images Limited / Alamy Stock Photo Protection for journalists was called and died nine days later on 15 July. they were saddened and angered by the for after radio commentator, Renante Two men were arrested and remain news and the NEC sent condolences “Rey” Cortes was shot dead outside in custody. to his family, friends and colleagues radio station DyRB by a gunman on a NUJ Netherlands and the union’s and a message of solidarity to NVJ, the motorcycle in Barangay Mambaling in Continental European Council said Dutch union, saying: “We condemn Cebu, central Philippines, on July 22.

Belarus Afghanistan Afghanistan and Iraq, the departments’ moves to block The Belarusian regime has Reuters journalist, Danish Rohingya refugee crisis, the access to public records. intensified its crackdown Siddiqui, was killed while Hong Kong protests and on journalists and their covering a clash between Nepal earthquakes. Ethiopia representative organisation, Afghan security forces and The International the Belarusian Association Taliban fighters near a border Hong Kong Federation of Journalists has of Journalists (BAJ). After crossing with Pakistan The Hong Kong Journalists condemned the increasing searching and sealing on 16 July. Association has published threats of arrest and violence BAJ’s offices on 14 July, The 41-year-old was its 2021 annual report on to journalists in Ethiopia the authorities blocked the chief photographer for the the effects of its repressive since the start of the war in organisation’s bank accounts news agency in India and government on the Tigray. Twelve journalists on 20 July. Since early July, had been embedded with media. Freedom in Tatters from two independent media 66 media outlets, editorial Afghan special forces based documents the effect of companies were arrested in offices and journalists’ homes in the southern province of the National Security Law late June and attacks against have been raided. NGOs and Kandahar. on press freedom and media are common. The human rights activists have In 2018, he won the democracy, including the Ethiopian media regulator also been targeted. Pulitzer Prize in feature arrest of Jimmy Lai and the suspended the licence of The International and photography while closure of his pro-democracy popular English-language European Federations of working with colleagues Apple Daily and the targeting online news website, Journalists again denounced documenting the violence of Hong Kong’s public the Addis Standard, the regime’s repeated faced by Myanmar’s minority broadcaster, Radio Television on 15 July, claiming it to paralyse their Rohingya community. His Hong Kong. The report also “advanced the agenda of a affiliate in Belarus. work spanned the wars in noted several government terrorist group”.