KAJ NEWSLETTER March 1st , ‘19 כ"ד אדר א' תשע"ט A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

Volume 49 Number 6


The Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe was the site of our Kehilla and ’s 69th Annual Dinner, on Sunday evening, February 17/ 12 Adar I.

After an enjoyable reception, Mr. Baruch Ghermezian, Dinner Chairman, started things off by noting that, while someone of Persian descent might not seem the obvious fit for Chairman of the KAJ-YRSRH Dinner, as a delighted parent of two YRSRH preschoolers, he was happy to take this opportunity to support our Yeshiva. He then introduced Yehudah Moller, Menahel of our elementary school. Rabbi Moller listed some of the accomplishments and unique attributes of YRSRH, of which we should be very proud. These sentiments were then echoed by two current sixth-grade students, Nechemia Berman and Zalman Yosef Koenigsberg, who enumerated some of their enjoyable experiences in school.

A video presentation by and about the Parents of the Year, Mr. and Mrs. Shaul Gross was shown. The Grosses have found our Mesivta to be just the right place for their two sons. In the video, Rav Noach Oelbaum praised the Grosses deep connection to and learning. Mr. Gross also emphasized he was his father who was just recently niftar. The honorees received beautiful לעילוי נשמת accepting this honor Kosos presented by Mr. Alan Ettlinger, representing the Kehilla, and Mr. Moshe Meir Klugman, representing the Yeshiva.

The evening’s Guests of Honor, Mr. and Mrs. Shimon and Yehudis Levi, were feted both in video and in person, as being Oskim beTzorchei Tzibur par excellence. This askonus dates back to—at least—his is continued by the next generations as well, as the ,יבלח''ט ,grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levi, and Levis’ oldest son, Michael Meir, a YRSRH graduate and current Kollel member, now also teaches in our Mesivta, and is the proud father of several YRSRH students himself. When Shimon’s father, Mr. Raphael Levi, was niftar almost a year and a half ago, there was no question of how the Journal would be done— Shimon simply stepped in to his father’s place and continued the tradition seamlessly. Mr. Jeffrey Weiskopf, ,doing this. In fact ז''ל who made the presentation, noted that it was to have been Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein

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Rabbi Katzenstein had already filmed a video-tribute to the Levi family, shortly before his sudden petiro. Rabbi Katzenstein’s decades-long, unflagging work for our Yeshiva was mentioned several other times during the evening as well.

In the video presentation featuring Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Julie Pinczower, Rav Gelley Memorial Awardees, the close relationship her parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Rieder had formed with Rav Gelley was noted. An impressive plaque was presented to them, along with wishes of much Nachas from their children, all former or current Breuers students.

who was niftar this past ,ז''ל Mention was also was made of the unforgettable Rabbi Kasriel Kaufman summer. In his decades of Avodas HaKodesh as a Rebbi, teacher and assistant principal, Rabbi Kaufman was always there for each and every Talmid and Talmida, and left an indelible mark on thousands of past YRSRH students through his sterling Midos and love of Torah. The lobby of the elementary building has .לזכר נשמתו been dedicated

Mr. Pinchas Katzenstein, in making the appeal, noted that without question this what his father, Rabbi would have wished: That support for the Yeshiva he loved so dearly go right on ז''ל Edwin Katzenstein had had the custom to זצ''ל uninterrupted. Mr. Katzenstein related that Rav make Shiva visits on the first day of the Shiva, and to tell the Aveilim “Schick pekelach!” Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim done in the first year after the Niftar’s death are packages, deliveries of Zechuyos to the Niftar, giving him an Ilui Neshama. In this vein, Mr. Katzenstein implored that, with the approaching first Yahrzeit of our late Moro DeAsra Rav Zachariah Gelley, we all “schick pekelach” and join in the support of our Yeshiva—indeed, the Mesivta wing of the 220 Bennett Avenue Beis Medrash building has been but the support will not only help refurbish that building, but help the Yeshiva with its ,בית זכריה named payroll and other crucial financial obligations.

In his address, Rav Mantel focused on the two sets of stones, both bearing the names of the Shevotim, which the Godol wore, namely the two Avnei Shoham on the Ephod’s shoulders and the twelve stones on the Choshen proper. The Rav discussed the readiness to bear and to carry, and the understanding that a parent and a teacher (or a Rav) must have of each and every individual, his strengths and his weaknesses, as he guides them on the Derech HaTorah.

On a lighter (musical) note, those present enjoyed an excellent performance by eleven of our talented Mesivta young men, under the direction of Mr. Moshe Glick. Rabbi Shraga Soloveitchik, the Mesivta’s Menahel, spoke, before calling upon two of the Mesivta’s current Talmidim, Eliyahu Jaroslowitz and Shlomo Chananya Schiffman, to “speak for themselves,” which they did with aplomb. Rabbi Gross, along with the Talmidim, also made a surprise presentation to Rabbi Soloveitchik.

The evening’s proceedings were rounded out by the presentation of the Alumni Chai Award to Mr. and Mrs. Ari Cohen, by Rabbi Mordechai Stern, who fondly recalled Ari in his high school years here. As a tribute to Rabbi Stern, past Mesivta Menahel, a room has been dedicated in his honor. Mr. Abe לזכר נשמת Gottesman, another YRSRH alumnus also spoke, and announced the dedication of a classroom .ז''ל the Mesivta’s beloved Rebbi, Rabbi Yitzcho Isbee

The evening's program concluded with Shir HaMaalos and bensching, but not before dessert and the much- anticipated drawing of the annual Automobile Campaign Raffle, once again successfully conducted by Pinchas and Malky Katzenstein. We are delighted to report that the winning ticket belonged to none other than Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Vickie Rosenberg.

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The work that resulted in this year's successful Dinner and Journal campaign was almost entirely done in our Yeshiva's executive office, by a small, dedicated group of individuals under the direction of Mr. Jonathan Simons, all of whom deserve our accolades. This group includes the individuals who volunteered countless hours for the various projects, as well as the regular staff members who gave of their time much beyond the call of duty. At the same time, we must mention our admiration and gratitude to the Administrative Board for its immense work at this event, and year-round, in its crucial fund-raising position.

Many thanks to the "Dinner Crew", under the able direction of Mr. Samuel P. Levi. All those who did the behind-the-scenes work necessary to "run" the dinner efficiently deserve our gratitude. Thanks also go to the editors, proofreaders, typesetters and solicitors for making the Journal a success once again.

ז''ל RABBI EDWIN KATZENSTEIN ,מורנו ר' יצחק בן הח' ר' מאיר ,of Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein פטירה It is with profound sadness that we note the :the 27th of Shevat/February 2nd. Rabbi Katzenstein devoted his entire life to the Tzibur ,ש''ק פ' משפטים on to our Yeshiva and Kehilla, as well as the greater Klal Yisroel, through his decades-long work for Agudath Israel. As Chairman of the Board of our Yeshiva, past President of KAJ, member of the Chevra Kadisha’s Presidium, expert Mohel to thousands of boys, and through so many other facets and activities, both known and unknown, Rabbi Katzenstein made an indelible mark on the Kehilla and Yeshiva which he he surely accrued זכויות supported and served with distinction for so many decades. May the tremendous redound to his family, the Kehilla, and Klal Yisroel.

יהי זכרו ברוך MEN’S CHEVRA SEUDO

Sunday, February 17th/ Adar 7 was the Chevra’s annual Ta’anis, followed by its Seudo after nightfall. The delicious Seudo, which was catered by Lechayim, was ably chaired by Rabbi Raphael M. Weis. The dais was graced by the presence of Rav Mantel, Rav Levi, Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz, Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg. And Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman. Chazon Ezra Lasdun led the members in the singing of Tzomo Nafshi.

Rabbi Weis noted that while we follow the dictum of Chazal (on which he elaborated further, later), the recent petiro of Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein made this a difficult task. Rabbi Weis ,משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה ז''ל proceeded to suggest that all Chevra members to use the life and example of Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein as an inspiration to do more for the Chevra, be it attending more Taharos, or ensuring a Minyan at an Rabbi Weis also announced the unanimous election of Mr. Pinchas Katzenstein to the .בר מינן ,Ovel house Presidium, at the Chevra’s annual meeting, held before Mincha.

Rav Mantel’s Dvar Halocho revolved around the case of a choson who becomes and Ovel during the Shivas Yemei HaMishte, and why his Aveilus only begins thereafter. Rav Levi discussed the Halochos regarding Yahrzeits and Taanis in a year with two months of Adar, such as ours.


Mrs. Esther Jacobovits, our charming and articulate M.C., welcomed Rebbetzin Gelley and Rebbetzin and noted the presence of Mrs. Ruthie Katzenstein ;ע''ה Mantel; friends and family of Mrs. Trude Breuer and her daughter Mrs. Rochel Stafansky. The ladies stood in tribute to Mrs. Breuer and Mrs. Lotte who were both niftar during this past year. The loss of Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein, the ע''ה Herrmann guiding light of the Chevra Kadisha, was also palpable.

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Mrs. Jacobovits recited a poem she had composed saluting the late Mrs. Breuer. The poem lauded her We were blessed to have Mrs. Breuer steer the .כבוד המת for her gentle nature and her dedication to .ע''ה Chevra Denoshim for decades, after the petiro of the outstanding Mrs. Bia Hess Rav Mantel spoke about the perception that life is everlasting because the essence of life is eternal. When one follows the will of Hashem Who is eternal, the perception is a reality. When Moshe took the bones of Yosef out of Egypt, the Chumash mentions the Aron with the Luchos as well. This depicts the idea of Yosef who fulfilled all that is written in the Luchos, as having an essence that is everlasting. Jews are not allowed to mourn by cutting their flesh, as done in other cultures. The loss of the niftar is to be compared to a child geographically far from a parent. The separation is sad but the child still exists. The deceased is far away with his Father in Shomayim. This concept should be a comfort for the Kehilla .ז''ל ,and Rabbi Katzenstein זצ''ל which has recently endured the losses of Rav Gelley Rav Mantel paid homage to Mrs. Breuer who radiated optimism and Yiras Shomayim with her gentle demeanor. A righteous person lives on through her good deeds. Her legacy is an inspiration and guide for us all. Rebbetzin Gelley delivered inspiring remarks to the Chevra ladies. The Medrash tells us Rabi Akiva saw his students dozing during his shiur and roused them by asking, “Why did Esther HaMalka have the privilege of ruling over 127 provinces?” The answer is, she was a descendant of Soroh Imeinu. “Masseh Avos siman LaBonim.” Yaakov’s brother wanted to kill him and later, Yaakov’s son, Yosef, was targeted by his brothers. Rav Yeruchem Levovits expounds on this concept. A child does not necessarily have the trials and problems of a parent. Parents do act as a trailblazer for the next generation, providing an example of coping mechanisms for challenging situations. Illness or poverty can be overcome by noting the guidance and Emuno of our forebears. Esther HaMalka had the spiritual DNA of Soroh Imeinu, enabling her to not succumb to negative influences in the palace. She had a role model – namely Soroh Imeinu. During the Sholosh Regalim we are instructed to be joyous. Yet we also say Yizkor on Yom Tov. The lesson for us to learn is to think of the previous generation and their survival against the odds. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch valiantly fought the reform movement. He had the inner strength and integrity to wage war for Hashem’s sake. The Kehilla must thrive by following this agenda, using our leaders as a catalyst to flourish. The Rebbetzin fondly spoke about Mrs. Breuer who had an inner joy and energy for her task. She emulated her parents who were imbued with the will to do chesed. Mrs. Breuer never craved attention or expressions of gratitude. She patiently instructed others in the minute details of a Taharo. She was reluctant to leave town in case her services would be needed during her absence. She achieved her goals during her lifetime leaving us a great legacy. Mrs. Breuer’s niece, Ms. Ruth Levi, thanked the community for honoring her aunt. Ms. Levi divulged the fact that even on a Sunday, Mrs. Breuer did not leave home without ascertaining that she would not be needed at a Taharo. Rav Mantel bestowed a Brocho on the community for Gesund and Simchos in the zechus of the Chesed Shel Emes done by its members. May acts of chesed be a stepping stone for the speedy arrival of Moshiach, Amen.

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SPECIAL SHIUR The last of this season’s special shiurim on legal holidays took place on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February to an attentive audience בשר בחלב Adar I. Rabbi Yoseph Katzenstein gave the shiur, on the topic of 13 /18 in Shul.

MATZO BAKING As reported in the last issue, Rav Mantel traveled to Eretz Yisroel in January to supervise and take part in the baking of the machine Matzos under our Hashgocho. He was joined by several Kehilla members and YRSRH alumni, who had the opportunity to take a “tour” of the operation, and to participate. Pictured below, the Rav with Mr. Warren Katzman, who notes that both he and his wife, after the extensive, guided tour they were privileged to receive from Rav Mantel, have “a much greater appreciation of the efforts that go into Matzo baking as well as all the intricacies of making sure the Matzos are halachically reliable.”

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Closer to home, the baking of the hand Matzos took place on Monday, February 18th, in the Pupa-Tzelem Matzo bakery in Brooklyn. Rav Mantel was joined by numerous Kehilla members, in the production of KAJ hand Matzos.

FROM OUR YESHIVA Elementary Department

Rabbi Yakov Cohen’s 5th graders celebrated a very special milestone on Sunday, February 17/ 12 Adar I, Rav Mantel; Rabbi Yehuda Moller, Menahel; and Rabbi Cohen .התחלת גמרא as they celebrated their addressed those assembled, after which the boys and their fathers enjoyed a short learning-session and some light refreshments.

בנות א' The next day, Moller Hall found itself once more in use, as the girls of Morah Shaindy Plotzker’s enjoyed their Chumash Party. Rabbi Moller addressed the proud Talmidos and their families, a video was shown portraying some of the girls’ activities and accomplishments, and the girls performed some songs and a skit. Most importantly, they received their much-anticipated Chumashim.

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Boys’ Jr. high School This past Purim Kotton, the boys’ seventh and eighth grades enjoyed a very special trip with their rebbeim, Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetzky and Rabbi Shlomo Zuckerman, as well as the Menahel, Rabbi Moller. The boys toured Lakewood and were privileged to meet with the , Rav Malkiel Kotler (pictured). After Mincha and a late lunch, the boys then proceeded to the other phase of their trip—snow tubing. A very good time was had by all.

Bais Yaakov Middle School The Middle School recently held a most enjoyable Melave Malka, on Motzoei Shabbos Parashas Mishpotim, February 2/ 27 Shevat, as the girls from grades 6th through 8th enjoyed an evening of fun and camaraderie with their Moros and their Menaheles, Mrs. Hena Gottesman. Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank was the featured speaker. As it worked out, this coincided with the conclusion of a Washington Heights “in- Shabbos” for the seventh grade, planned and arranged by the girls themselves. Pictured below, Moller Hall was not under construction—it was just the site of another Middle School event, this time the Chagiga that the girls’ celebrated this past Chanuka, with a theme of rebuilding the .through Mitzvos and Maasim Tovim (במהרה בימינו) Beis HaMikdosh

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NEWS FROM MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Moriah celebrated Tu BeShvat this year in grand style. Every client received a box of gourmet chocolate- dipped apricots, thanks to a generous donation from Gemiluth Chesed of Greater NY. We then proceeded with a fruit-themed craft class. Each participant molded marzipan fruits in bright colors, and placed them in a lovely candy box suitable for gifting. We were astounded at both the talent, as well as the restraint, in not eating all of the marzipan before it made it into the boxes.

January also featured another popular beading class. Moriah seniors fashioned one-of-a-kind bangles out of twisted wire and beads. We are very proud of our craft classes, which continue to offer high quality materials and sophisticated end products, in an atmosphere of cooperation and camaraderie. Our very popular new series in collaboration with Untapped Cities continued this month. Untapped Cities unearths New York City’s most unique and surprising places, stories and events and we have been fortunate to organize a Virtual Tour Series with them. Our seniors can discover what’s hidden and unnoticed in New York, and how our history informs city life now and in the future, from the comfort of our Center. This month we travelled to the remnants of the World’s Fairs. This journey explored the past, present, and future of the 900-acre park which was an obsession of the late “Master Builder,” Robert Moses. Our tour guide came equipped with maps and authentic guidebooks from both NY World’s Fairs. Many of our seniors cherish their own memories of attending at least the 1964 fair. They enjoyed reminiscing and learned a lot of new information as well. Stay tuned for future programming in conjunction with Untapped Cities.

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Intergenerational activities are always a favorite with Moriah seniors and Yeshiva children alike. This month in preparation for Purim, Moriah hosted an Intergenerational Hamantaschen Bake with Morah Miriam Huffman’s Pre-1A Boys class. Our little chefs had so much fun rolling out and cutting the dough with the help of our master baker seniors. As an added bonus, everyone got to take home and enjoy the delicious results.

Moriah is actively seeking volunteers to assist with check-in and lunch service. Volunteer for an hour, volunteer once a week, or volunteer more often. The choice is yours. If you are interested it being part of our warm and welcoming environment, please call us at 212-923-5715.

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If you are 60+, working or retired, this might be the time to come in and register. See what Moriah can offer you. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter via email, please contact us at [email protected].

SENIOR SOCIAL CLUBS TRIP Over twenty-five members and friends of the Senior Social Clubs of KAJ visited the exhibit “Kindertransport—Rescuing Children on the Brink of War,” on Sunday, February 24th, at the Center for Jewish History, in downtown Manhattan.

Our very own docent, Mrs. Ray Adler, led the enthralled group through a series of documents and artifacts recounting fascinating details of times gone by. Many of the names Mrs. Adler mentioned were very familiar to the group. It was especially poignant as three of the visitors, Mrs. Margot Lasdun, Mrs. Jenny Michael, and Mrs. charlotte Cohen, were themselves child participants in the Kindertransport, some eighty years ago.

Mrs. Molly Resnick successfully facilitated the outing and transported everyone via cab, car service and Uber thus saving the cost of an expensive bus. The trip was a very gratifying experience for all.

Photo Credits for this issue: We thank the following individuals for providing many of the photographs featured in this issue of the KAJN/JAKR: Mr. Alan Ettlinger, Mr. Warren Katzman, Rabbi Mendy Meyer, Mrs. Shuli Gutmann, Mrs. Molly Resnick, and YRSRH

SHIURIM NOTICES Rav Mantel’s Tuesday evening Minchas Chinuch shiur takes place in the Sulzbach Shiur Room after the second Maariv.

Thursday Night Chumash Shiur

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We urge all members who do not have another Shiur or Kevius at these times to attend these Shiurim in Shul following the 8:00 Maariv. Rabbi Menachem Wechsler ויקהל February 28 Rabbi Shmuel Stern פקודי March 7 Rabbi Tzvi Nussbaum ויקרא March 14 PURIM צו March 21 Rabbi Yehuda Moller שמיני March 28

Sisterhood Shabbos Shiur The following shiurim take place in the Sonn Shiur Room on the lower level of the Shul Building.

PM Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer 4:45 ויקהל March 2

The following shiurim take place at 5:00 PM.

Dr. Paul Breuer פקודי March 9 Mr. Michael Gutmann ויקרא March 16 Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman צו March 23 Rabbi Yehoshua Fulda שמיני March 30 Miss Shayna Weinberg Gordon תזריע April 6

Fort Tryon Nursing Home Shiur The shiurim will resume at the end of March.

Tuesday Morning NaCh Shiur Rebbetzin Mantel’s Tuesday morning NaCh Shiur for ladies takes place in the Agudah Shul at 10:15 AM, Tuesday mornings. The Shiur is currently learning Sefer Ezra-Nechemyah.

SOCIAL REGISTER Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Joel Stern on the marriage of their daughter, Yocheved, to Shuie Heiligman. Mazel tov to the parents, Dr. and Dr. Mark Heiligman and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Litwin. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Avram Gutmann on the marriage of their daughter, Jennifer, to Yaakov Lax. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shimie Lax and the Kalloh’s grandmother, Mrs. Judith Levi. Best wishes to Mrs. Edith Erlbach on the birth of her great-granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Binyomin and Nechama Mayerfeld and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Uri Mayerfeld. Mazel tov to Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss on the birth of two great-granddaughters. Best wishes to the parents of the first little girl, Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Dov Strauss of Ramot Polim, the grandparents,

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Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Strauss of Ramat Beis Shemesh and Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Arenias and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia Zabrowsky of Ramat Beis Shemesh Mrs. Margaret Arenias and Rabbi and Mrs. David Marshall. Mazel tov to the parents of the second little girl, Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Zvi Moller of Ramat Beis Shemesh 3, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Strauss and Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Moller of Hendon, and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia Zabrowsky, Rabbi and Mrs. Berel Cohen of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. William Moller of Hendon. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael Weis on the marriage of their granddaughter, Yael Halbertal to Binyomin Slepoy. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yaron Halbertal of Far Rockaway and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Slepoy of Lawrence. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich on the marriage of their grandson, Shmuel Benzion Blechman to Nechama Gastwirth. All our good wishes to the parents, Dr. Tuvia and Mrs. Zippy Blechman of Baltimore and Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Tova Gastwirth of Toronto.

Mr. Norbert Wartelsky happily announces the Bar Mitzvah of his grandson, Sam Wartelsky. Mazel tov to the parents, Ari and Randi Wartelsky of Teaneck and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Sorscher of Brooklyn.

All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits on the birth of their great-granddaughter, Chana Ita. Mazel tov to the parents, Avrohom Herschel and Yehudis Brody of Houston, Texas and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Eliezer Jacobovits.

Mazel tov to Hon. and Mrs. Herman Cahn on the birth of their great-grandson. Our best wishes to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yoni Allswang and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Allswang.

Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Sholom Dovid and Devorah Hoffman and the great- grandmothers, Mrs. Margot Lasdun and Mrs. Ruth Hoffman.

All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Klugmann on the engagement of their son, Shmuel to Zisel Maxwell. Mazel tov to the Kalloh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aron Maxwell. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Elchonon Stern on the birth of their granddaughter, Hinda. Mazel tov to the parents, Yehuda and Chaya Goldgrab. We are delighted to wish Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shmuel Hersh and Ms. Dvora Hersh on the forthcoming marriage of their son, Benjy, to Miss Miriam Blander. Our best wishes to the Kalloh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blander. Heartiest Mazel Tov to Mrs. Edith Erlbach on the birth of a great-granddaughter. Congratulations to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Chaim and Shani Mayerfeld, and the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Uri Mayerfeld. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mansbach on the birth of a grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Miriam Mansbach, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie and Chana Steinharter.

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• Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night. • Mincha Gedola in Shul Monday through Thursday: 1:30 PM through March 7th 1:35 PM March 11th through April 4th. • First Minyan Davening in Dr. Moller Hall: Monday, March 11th Taanis Esther, Wednesday, March 20th. • Haftaras , this year, according to our Minhag, is Vayaas Chirom followed by the first two Pesukim of Vatishlam. • Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, March 10th. • Matzo Order Deadline: March 18th Place your order at http://matzo.kajinc.org/ (please see order form later in issue for more information.)

PURIM ANNOUNCEMENTS Matonos LoEvyonim may be given to the Kehilla Office or members of the Board of Trustees and Synagogue Committee no later than the end of davening on Purim morning. Alternatively, go to https://www.kajinc.org/form/Matonos-LEvyonim.html


Purim Night: With Minyan Not before 7:41 PM 2nd reading: 9:45 PM

Purim Morning: First Minyan Not before 6:35 AM Main Minyan Not before 8:20 AM 3rd reading: 10:30 AM

A Mesibas Purim for men will be held at the home of Rav Mantel on Leil Purim at 9:45 pm.

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K'hal Adath Jeshurun hereby notifies the public that we have terminated our kashrus supervision of Weiss Brothers Catering (Nesher) in Linden, NJ.

DONATIONS .donated by the author ,שליט"א by Rav Jacob Posen ספר אורות המקף על התורה ומגילת אסתר ורות


Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Holzer (630 W. 173rd Street) and family mourn the passing of their son, Mr. Joseph Holzer. Mrs. Ruth Katzenstein (730 Ft. Washington Avenue), Rebbetzin Maud Carlebach, Mrs. Joan Thau (1430 E. 18th Street, Brooklyn), Mrs. Rochel Stefansky (41 Ezras Torah, ), Mr. Pinchas Katzenstein (100 Bennett Avenue), Mrs. Leah Tesser (1430 Laurelwood Avenue, Lakewood), Mrs. Shulamith Munk (40 Cabinfield Circle, Lakewood) and Mr. Moshe Katzenstein (1225 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn) mourn the passing of her husband, her brother and their father, our member, Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein. Mrs. Liesel Cohn (860 W. 181st St.) mourns the passing of her sister, Rebbetzin Yehudis Meyer.


Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Shevat/Adar I) ...... 173.40 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Arnold and Else Haas, o.h...... 250.00 Mr. and Mrs. Herschel and Jeanette Baum for Yahrzeit of her mother, Mrs. Meta Kohn o.h. . 36.00



Showroom 1898 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 Telephone: 718-375-5333 Fax: 718-252-9300

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Name ______

Address ______

City______State ______Zip ______

Phone(s) ______Email ______

18-Minute Matzo: _____ lbs. @ $5.50/lb.

18-Minute Matzo Meal: _____ lbs. @ $5.50/lb.

18-Minute Cake Meal: _____ lbs. @ $5.50/lb.

18-Minute Farfel: _____ lbs. @ $5.50/lb.

Shemurah Matzo: _____ lbs. @ $8.00/lb.

Shemurah Matzo Meal: _____ lbs. @ $8.00/lb.

Shemurah Cake Meal: _____ lbs. @ $8.00/lb.

Shemurah “Chaburah” Matzo _____ lbs. @ $9.95/lb.

Shemurah “Chaburah” Matzo Meal _____ lbs. @ $9.95/lb.

18-Minute Whole-Wheat Matzo: _____ lbs. @ $7.25/lb.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate below if you will pick up your order or want to have it shipped. ALL SHIPPED ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID BY CASH, CHECK OR CREDIT CARD.

If shipping, provide shipping information here.

Ship to: ______



 Please ship – please complete below  I will pick up

Check enclosed Cash enclosed Please charge:

Credit Card #: ______

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Expiration date____/____ Security Code (last 3 digits on back of card): ______

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RAV POSEN’S NEW SEFER אורות המקף על התורה ומגילת אסתר ורות ותורת מונח על מגילת אסתר ורות

Over 600 pages $10.00 payable to Rav Posen

Available in the Kehilla Office and Seforim stores and the distributor, Rabbi Yaakov Levitz – Tel: 718-377-0074

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are pleased to present a new, completely revised edition of the HIRSCH . The Hebrew text has a pleasing font and user- friendly format, and the original English translation and commentary have been revised to a clear, modern idiom. The new edition is a valuable contribution for those who wish to benefit from the Hirsch Siddur.

Copies may be ordered through the Kehilla Office at $28/copy, including shipping. Orders may be placed at https://www.kajinc.org/hirsch-siddur.

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FELDHEIM PUBLISHERS AND THE RABBI DR. JOSEPH BREUER FOUNDATION Are pleased to announce the publication of Sefer Trei Assar Translation and Commentary following the interpretive method of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, by his son, Dr. Mendel Hirsch.

The Chumash commentary of Rav Hirsch is based on his interpretive method of precise elucidation of the text and meaning of the words. His son has applied the same method for his commentary to Trei Assar, and has brought to light the timeless message of the Prophets in an original, inspiring fashion.

Originally published in German in 1900, Dr. Isaac Levy (London) in 1970 wrote an English translation that was not published. Dr. Levy’s translation has now been redacted by Deena Nataf of Jerusalem. This version is written in a modern, clear style and will attract both student and scholar alike.

The 688-page Sefer Trei Assar may be ordered from the Kehilla office at $28/copy, including shipping. Orders may be placed at https://www.kajinc.org/trei-assar-m-hirsch#.

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Fees: Season pass: $80/individual ($60 student), $120/family Per shiur: $5 ($3 student) The season admission discount must be paid on or before Oct. 27th (4th shiur) The season admission discount includes all special shiurim we broadcast throughout the year.

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From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

ADAR I 10 Herman Loewenthal-Bad 21 Heymann Hirsch Nathan- 1 Michael Gruenebaum- Kissingen Zuentersbach 10 Clara Bechhofer-NY 22 Meyer Straus-Berlin 1 Eva Salomon-Ffm 11 Sophie Bender-NY 22 Marcus Hirsch-Ffm 1 Samuel Bierig-NY 11 Simon Gruen-Berlin 22 Hugo Plaut-NY 2 Siegmund Levita-Ffm 12 Babette Hochschild-Biblis 23 Sidi Katzenstein-NY 2 Meyer Vogel-Aschaffenburg 12 Dr. Julius Ochs-NY 23 Moritz Ascher-Ffm 2 Joseph Weissmann-Koeln 12 Norbert Neuman- 23 Henriette Goldschmidt-NY 2 Fradche Meyer- Nashville,TN 24 Leon Hoffner-Leipzig Gelsenkirchen 13 Hermann Strauss-Schmitten 24 Leo Gutmann-NY 2 Jacob Blumenthal-Fulda- 13 Dr. Moses Breuer-Ffm 24 Sigmund Wimpfheimer-NY Bergen-Belsen 13 Bertha Klugmann-NY 25 Liebmann Gutmann- 3 Michael Gruenebaum-Ffm- 14 Rav Simon Schwab Kleinsteinach NY 15 Hermann Baer-Ffm 25 Moritz Vogel-Aschaffenburg 3 Isaac Seckbach-NY 15 N. Bier-Koeln 25 Moses Schnerb-Ffm 3 Josef Rosenberg-NY 15 Naftali Stern-NY 25 Martha Schwab-Ffm 4 Samuel Stern-Koenigsbach 15 Dr. Gustav Schlessinger- 26 Leo Homburger-Ffm 4 Josef Alexander-Vallendar Mainz 26 Julian Lehmann-London 4 Jenny Hess-Fulda 16 Ilse Oppenheim-NY 27 Leopold Katten-NY 6 Leo Schachter-Ffm 17 Hermann Reich-Buenos 27 Saul B. Weissman-Queens, 7 Benzion Wechsler-Alzenau Aires NY 7 Sophie Wechsler-Alzenau 17 Bella Moller-NY 27 Rika Birk-Sterbfritz 7 Bella Schueler-Ffm-Prag 17 Fanny Goldschmidt-Ffm 27 Michael Plaut-NY 7 Salli Schuster-NY 17 J. Katzenstein-Schmalnau 27 Johanna Nussbaum-Rhina- 8 Dr. S. Dessau-Amsterdam- 18 Emil Rothschild-NY NY Bergen Belsen 18 David Rosenstock-Eiterfeld 27 Felice Oppenheimer-NY 8 Theresia Moses-Ffm 19 Dina Weissmann-NY 27 Lili Breuer-NY-Natanya 9 Leo Stern-Fulda 20 Emily Darmstadter-NY 27 Moses Fulda-Emden-Fulda 9 Antonie Ascher-Ffm 20 Simon W. Ratzker-Ffm-NY 28 Morris Katzenstein-NY 9 Siegfried A. Loewenthal- 20 Isak Oberndoerfer- 28 Rosa Kahn-Ffm Ffm-Tel Aviv Niederstetten-Ffm 28 Rose Goldberger-NY 9 Hedwig Herrmann-NY 20 Helene Oberndoerfer- 28 Rebb. Ruth Glucksman-NY 10 Bertha Weisbecker- Niederstetten-Ffm 29 Joseph Ansbacher-NY Fischborn 20 Gertrud Lasser- 29 H. Gutmann-Ansbach-NY 10 Maier Mosbacher-Ffm Aschaffenburg 29 Rebecca Melchior- 10 Emanuel Silberman-Ffm- 20 Gitta Katz-Ffm Kopenhagen (Denmark) London 20 Leopold Strauss-Ffm 29 Dr. S. B. Bamberger-NY 21 Leo Hexter-NY 30 Else David-NY

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SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times: Weekdays 10:00 – 4:30 Fridays 10:00 – 12:00 Please fill out a pre-check form online at https://www.kajinc.org/services/shaatnez-lab/pre-check. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises. Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it.

Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact any of the following immediately:

OFFICE OF THE CONGREGATION 1-212-923-3582 PINCHAS KATZENSTEIN —100 Bennett 201-399-4494 LEON GERSTLE —100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639 All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

Office: 700 W. 186 Street 212-923-3582 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345 212-923-5936 E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 Fax 212-781-4275 Rav Chaim Kohn 718—252-3343 Email: [email protected] Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 Mikveh - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Fax 845-356-2938 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Email: [email protected] Beth Hamedrash Payphone 212-928-9981 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected] Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715 Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 www.moriahseniorcenter.org HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 o r 1-212-387-1750