Sharing a Path for 30 Years Table of Contents
SHARING A PATH FOR 30 YEARS TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary THREE AMAZING DECADES OF THE SMP CZ BRAND 5 1990–2000 6 2001-2010 8 2011–2020 11 OUR PROJECTS BRIDGES 15 WATER MANAGEMENT PROJECTS 51 UNDERGROUND PROJECTS 73 ENERGY SECTOR PROJECTS 89 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 105 THREE AMAZING THREE FUTURE CHALLENGES ON THREE FRONTS 131 DECADES SMP GROUP COMPANIES 133 OF THE SMP CZ BRAND & THREE FUTURE CHALLENGES ON THREE FRONTS Footbridge at Třemošná Lake, Plzeň Region SHARING A PATH FOR 30 YEARS, publication to mark the 30th anniversary of SMP CZ, Vyskočilova 1566, 140 00 Praha 4, tel.: +420 222 185 111, / CONTRIBUTORS: Martin Doksanský, Ivana Hlochová, Pavel Kameník, Michal Kužník, Zuzana Přibilová, and especially Václav Krauz, who deserves a big thank you. We are also grateful to all our fellow workers who helped to produce this publication. PHOTOGRAPHS: Josef Hebr, Zuzana Oplatková, SMP CZ photo library, personal and project archives, ČTK stock photography: Miroslav Chaloupka, Ondřej Hájek, Slavomír Kubeš and Drahoslav Ramík / TRANSLATION: UNICOM Praha / GRAPHIC DESIGN: Kateřina Černá / PRINTER: OVISION This is a book about a company that was established thirty years ago and has come a long way in the decades since. It tells the story of how the company was created and how it developed, accompanied by many photos of the structures we have built and can look back on. Construction is an amazing, independent, demanding and extremely varied industry to work in. It’s a blend of joy and passion! A book of this sort, covering the years spent under the SMP CZ brand, is simply unable to squeeze in all the life stories of the company’s staff – the huge number of people who have played the greatest role in making our green brand what it is today, who have dedicated a piece of themselves and a piece of their hearts to the company, sacrificing some of their family life to it in the process.
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