Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, April 25, 2019, 2 P.M

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Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, April 25, 2019, 2 P.M Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, April 25, 2019, 2 p.m. Chair: Richard Valle, Supervisor Alameda County District 2 Executive Director: Arthur L. Dao Vice Chair: Pauline Cutter, Mayor City of San Leandro Clerk of the Vanessa Lee Commission: 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comment 4. Chair and Vice Chair Report 5. Executive Director Report 6. Consent Calendar Page/Action Alameda CTC standing committees approved all action items on the consent calendar, except Item 6.1 and 6.2. 6.1. Approve the March 28, 2019 Commission Meeting Minutes 1 A 6.2. Approval of Community Advisory Committee Appointment 5 A 6.3. Congestion Management Program (CMP): Summary of the Alameda 7 I CTC’s Review and Comments on Environmental Documents and General Plan Amendments Update 6.4. Approve the Active Transportation Program Resolution of Local 15 A Support and contract amendments for Safe Routes to Schools 6.5. Bay Fair Connector Project Update 21 I 6.6. Approve the State Transportation Assistance County Block Grant 25 A Distribution Formula and Lifeline Transportation Program Cycle 5 Update 6.7. State Route 262 (Mission Boulevard) Cross Connector Project (PN 39 A 1472.000): Approval of Contract Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement A18-0029 with HNTB Corporation 6.8. Express Lanes Program (PN 1486002): Approval of Professional Services 47 A Agreement A19-0015 with C&M Associates, Inc. for Toll Revenue Forecasting Services 7. Community Advisory Committee Reports (3-minute time limit) 7.1. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee – Matthew Turner, Chair I 7.2. Independent Watchdog Committee – Steve Jones, Chair I 7.3. Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee – Sylvia Stadmire, Chair 51 I 8. Planning, Policy and Legislation Committee Action Items The Planning, Policy and Legislation Committee approved the following action items, unless otherwise noted in the recommendations. 8.1. Federal, State, Regional, and Local Legislative Activities Update 59 A/I 9. Recognition of Safe Routes to School Platinum Sneaker Award Recipient 10. Member Reports 11. Adjournment Next Meeting: Thursday, May 23, 2019 Notes: • All items on the agenda are subject to action and/or change by the Commission. • To comment on an item not on the agenda (3-minute limit), submit a speaker card to the clerk. • Call 510.208.7450 (Voice) or 1.800.855.7100 (TTY) five days in advance to request a sign-language interpreter. • If information is needed in another language, contact 510.208.7400. Hard copies available only by request. • Call 510.208.7400 48 hours in advance to request accommodation or assistance at this meeting. • Meeting agendas and staff reports are available on the website calendar. • Alameda CTC is located near 12th St. Oakland City Center BART station and AC Transit bus lines. Directions and parking information are available online. Alameda CTC Schedule of Upcoming Meetings: Commission Chair Supervisor Richard Valle, District 2 Description Date Time Commission Vice Chair Mayor Pauline Cutter, City of San Leandro Alameda County Technical May 9, 2019 1:30 p.m. AC Transit Advisory Committee (ACTAC) Board President Elsa Ortiz Finance and Administration 9:00 a.m. Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty, District 1 Committee (FAC) Supervisor Wilma Chan, District 3 Supervisor Nate Miley, District 4 I-680 Sunol Smart Carpool Lane 9:30 a.m. Supervisor Keith Carson, District 5 Joint Powers Authority (I-680 JPA) BART I-580 Express Lane Policy 10:00 a.m. Vice President Rebecca Saltzman May 13, 2019 Committee (I-580 PC) City of Alameda Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft Planning, Policy and Legislation 10:30 a.m. City of Albany Committee (PPLC) Mayor Rochelle Nason Programs and Projects Committee 12:00 p.m. City of Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (PPC) City of Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Community May 16, 2019 5:30 p.m. Mayor David Haubert Advisory Committee (BPAC) City of Emeryville Councilmember John Bauters Joint Paratransit Advisory and May 20, 2019 1:30 p.m. City of Fremont Planning Committee (PAPCO) and Mayor Lily Mei Paratransit Technical Advisory City of Hayward Committee (ParaTAC) Mayor Barbara Halliday Alameda CTC Commission Meeting May 23, 2019 2:00 p.m. City of Livermore Mayor John Marchand Alameda CTC Commission Retreat May 30, 2019 9:30 a.m. City of Newark Councilmember Luis Freitas Paratransit Advisory and Planning June 24, 2019 1:30 p.m. Committee (PAPCO) City of Oakland Councilmember At-Large Rebecca Kaplan Independent Watchdog July 8, 2019 5:30 p.m. Councilmember Sheng Thao Committee (IWC) City of Piedmont Vacant Paratransit Technical Advisory September 10, 2019 9:30 a.m. City of Pleasanton Committee (ParaTAC) Mayor Jerry Thorne City of Union City Mayor Carol Dutra-Vernaci All meetings are held at Alameda CTC offices located at 1111 Broadway, Executive Director Suite 800, Oakland, CA 94607. Meeting materials, directions and parking Arthur L. Dao information are all available on the Alameda CTC website. This page intentionally left blank Alameda County Transportation Commission Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 28, 2019, 2 p.m. 6.1 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call A roll call was conducted. All members were present with the exception of a representative from the City of Peidmont, Commissioner Marchand, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Saltzman, Commissioner Thao and Commissioner Nason. Commissioner Knox-White was present as an alternate for Commissioner Ezzy-Ashcraft. Commissioner Bacon was present as an alernate for Commissioner Mei. Subsequent to the roll call: Commissioner Nason and Commissioner Thao arrived during Item 4. Commissioner Miley arrived during Item 8. Commissioner Frietas and Commissioner Haggerty left after Item 8. 3. Public Comment There were no public comments. 4. Chair and Vice Chair Report Chair Valle stated that the Commission attended a legislative visit on March 20, 2019, in Sacramento to engage with legislators on infrastructure, land use, housing and workforce development. He noted that the visit included meetings with Alameda County legislative delegation members, as well as chairs of state committees, including the Senate Transportation, Senate Housing, Senate Appropriations, Assembly Housing and Assembly Appropriations committee Chairs. Chair Valle stated that select Commissioners will travel to Washington DC on April 29, 2019, and he noted that the PPLC committee identified a working group to develop comments on SB 50. Chair Valle concluded his report by providing a look ahead of upcoming Commission related events such as the Golden Sneaker Contest, the May Commission Retreat and the East Bay Greenway Project briefing scheduled in July. 5. Executive Director Report Art Dao noted that the Executive Directors report can be found in the folders as well as on the Alameda CTC website. He thanked the Commissioners for attending the legislative visit to Sacramento. He also updated the Commission on the 7th Street Grade separation project and other funding efforts related to the Port of Oakland. 6. Consent Calendar 6.1. Approve the February 28, 2019 Commission Meeting Minutes 6.2. Approve Community Advisory Committee Appointment 6.3. Approve the FY2018-19 Mid-Year Budget Update 6.4. I-580 Express Lanes: Monthly Operation Status Update Page 1 6.5. Congestion Management Program (CMP): Summary of the Alameda CTC’s Review and Comments on Environmental Documents and General Plan Amendments Update 6.6. Dublin Boulevard – North Canyons Parkway Extension (PN 1483000): Approval of Project Actions to initiate the Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E) Phase 6.7. State Route 84 Widening and State Route 84 / Interstate 680 Interchange Improvements Project (PN 1386.000): Approval of Contract Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement A18-0030 with WMH Corporation Commissioner Bauters moved to approve the Consent calendar. Commissioner Haggerty seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes: Yes: Ortiz, Haggerty, Cox, Carson, Knox White, Nason, Arreguin, Haubert, Bauters, Bacon, Halliday, Freitas, Kaplan, Thao, Thorne, Valle, Cutter, Dutra-Vernaci No: None Abstain: None Absent: Marchand, Miley, Saltzman 7. Community Advisory Committee Reports 7.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) There was no one present from BPAC. 7.2. Independent Watchdog Committee (IWC) Steve Jones, IWC Chair, stated that the IWC committee met on March 11, 2019 and received an orientation on Measure B and Measure BB Direct Local Distribution (DLD) Audit and Compliance Reports review process from staff. He also noted that there was a motion to instruct the agency to provide comma separated data to all IWC members for their review of the compliance and audit reports however, the motion failed. He concluded by stating that the committee established a subcommittee to develop the 17th IWC Annual Report to the Public and the next meeting will be held on July 8, 2019. 7.3. Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee (PAPCO) There was no one present from PAPCO. 8. Update on the Tri-Valley/San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Authority’s Valley Link Project Tess Lengyel introduced Michael Tree, LAVTA’s Executive Director. Mr. Tree provided a project overview and information on scoping, funding and outreach. Commissioner Haggerty noted that $588 million in funding has been identified by Alameda County to complete the portion of the project that is in Alameda County and he noted the countywide benefits of the project. Commissioner Cutter asked if funding identified in the expenditure plan for the BART to Livermore project can be moved to the Valley Link project. Mr. Dao noted that since the BART Board has decided not to move forward with the BART to Livermore project, the Commission can take steps to amend the TEP and get the needed approvals to move the funding to the Valley Link project. Page 2 Commissioner Kaplan questioned if there will be an option to switch the trains to electric- operation in case there are times the rail needs to go through sections that are not battery-based.
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