Latitude 50N Year 2010 0° 0°

Miloslav Müller(1,2), Marek Kaspar (1)

(1) Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR, Czech Republic I (2) Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Motivation: [email protected] - Association of heavy precipitation and floods with intense fluxes of moisture in the troposphere (Müller and Kaspar, 2010, Phys. Chem. Earth, 35, 484–490).

Aims: Constant latitude, longitude from 30W to 40E, resolution 2.5° - To recognize characteristic features in moisture flux development before and during extreme floods; - Describe differences among various regions of Europe.

II Tools: Time Moisture flux (FQ) at 850 hPa level: - Hovmöller diagrams expressing time development of zonal and Zonal flux (FQU) fromW and E meridional component of moisture flux (NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis) ; - Maps of geopotentialand moisture flux magnitude at 850 hPa; Meridional flux (FQV) fromS and N - Charts of daily mean discharge of selected (GRDC data).

resolution 6h Results: - All studied events connected with intense moisture flux; - Apart from the Eastern Carpathians, both extreme floods were III accompanied by very similar features in the diagram: W region: green diagonals \\ Moisture flux and mean daily discharges during selected - recurring intense and long western fluxes moving eastward; extreme floods in Europe SW, Central region, W Carpathians: a blue vertical I - northern flux remaining two or more days over the same region; (),,Labe/Elbe (Děčín) Mulde (Bad Düben) July 1954; August 2002 SE Alps: a red vertical I Maas (Borgharen),,Mosel (Cochem) Main (Kleinheubach) ,Neckar (Rockenau) - southern flux remaining two or more days over the same region; FQV 50NQ (1033-1 m s ) FQV 50N Q (1033-1 m s ) d d expressed also at the 500 hPa level /not depicted/; IV December 1993; January 1995

33-1 33-1 FQU 50N Qd (10 m s ) FQU 50N Qd (10 m s ) E Carpathians: no unified feature (green or violet spot) - zonal moisture flux from the west or from the east.

Odra/Oder (Bohumín),,/March (Moravský Ján) Váh (Šala) July 1997; May 2010 V -2 -1 FQ (kg m s ) 33-1 FQV 50N Qd (10 m s ) FQV 50N

VI FQ (kg m-2 s -1 )

L FQ (kg m-2 s -1 ) L L L


FQ (kg m-2 s -1 )



Danube (),,Rhine (Rekingen) Aare (Untersiggenthal)

IX May 1999; June 1965 33-1 33-1 FQV 47.5N Qd (10 m s ) FQV 47.5N Qd (10 m s ) (Catez),, (Borl) Mur/Mura (Gornja Radgona) Somes/Szamos (Satu Mare),,,Mures/Maros (Arad) (Lungoci) Olt (Cornet) October 1964; September 1973 May 1970; July 1975

33-1 33-1 33-1 33-1 FQV 45N Qd (10 m s ) FQV 45N Qd (10 m s ) FQU 45N Qd (10 m s ) FQU 47.5N Qd (10 m s )



FQ (kg m-2 s -1 )


-2 -1 FQ (kg m-2 s -1 ) FQ (kg m s )

XII L Acknowledgments L L Reanalysis data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, L from their Web site at Hydrological dataprovided by Global Runoff Data Center, Koblenz, Germany . The poster prepared under the support of the project GACR P209/11/1990.