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FIG.2 atent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 3 of 15 US 9 ,809 , 867 B2

GranularActivated Carbon OPowderedActivated Carbon

88.02 %ofHMFRemovedfromStock Solution 94.30

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GranularActivated Carbon OPowderedActivated Carbon

%ofAceticAcidRemovedfrom StockSolution 95.9 65.9

A. No6 O acid acetic of reduction % atent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 4 of 15 US 9 ,809 , 867 B2

*GranularActivated Carbon OPowderedActivated Carbon

83.4 %ReductionofPhenolicsand AromaticsfromStockSolution 66.7

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, , , , , , , , , ? 9 US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 CARBON PURIFICATION OF Also disclosed herein are methods of producing a refined CONCENTRATED SUGAR STREAMS sugar stream , the methods comprising: ( a ) pretreating or DERIVED FROM PRETREATED BIOMASS hydrolyzing a biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellu losic , or lignocellulosic material to produce a sugar stream , CROSS -REFERENCE 5 wherein the sugar stream has a total sugar concentration of about 15 % or greater ; and ( b ) contacting the sugar stream This application is a National Stage Entry of International with activated carbon for a sufficient time to produce the refined sugar stream . Some embodiments further comprise Application No. PCT /US 2014 / 027850 , filed Mar. 14 , 2014 , heating the activated carbon to a temperature of from about which claims the benefit of U .S . Provisional Application No . 10 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat activated carbon , 61 /800 ,001 , filed Mar. 15 , 2013 , each of which application wherein the contacting is performed with heat activated is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety . carbon , wherein the heat activated carbon is at a temperature greater than the sugar stream . Some embodiments further BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION comprise acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about 15 1 to about 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar Bioplastics are an increasingly well -know alternative to stream , wherein contacting is performed with the acidified petroleum -based plastics . Derived from sugars, compounds sugar stream . Some embodiments further comprise heating such as PLA (polylactic acid ), PHB ( poly - 3 - hydroxybu the activated carbon to a temperature of from about 100° C . tyrate ) , and PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates ) have found their to about 300° C . to produce heat activated carbon and way into the marketplace and the demand for them is 20 acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about 1 to about growing . Similar demands are being made for biochemicals 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar stream , made from sugars instead of fossil oil supplies . To compete, wherein contacting is performed with heat activated carbon however, the bioplastic and biochemical industries require and the acidified sugar stream , wherein the heat activated sugars that are decolorized and highly refined to enable their carbon is at a temperature greater than the acidified sugar proprietary microbes or chemical catalysis technology to 25 stream . produce the initial chemical derivatives , such as succinic Also disclosed aremethods of refining a sugar stream , the acid , for synthesizing plastics . For cellulosic and lignocel- methods comprising: ( a ) heating activated carbon to produce lulosic sugar suppliers , this can necessitate clarifying and heat activated carbon ; ( b ) storing the heat activated carbon reducing the toxic compounds in the sugar streams during in a non -oxidizing environment; and ( c ) contacting the sugar and /or after pretreatment to assure that the custom -designed 30 stream with the heat activated carbon for a sufficient time to sugar stream meet the necessary specifications for these produce a refined sugar stream . Some embodiments further industries . Inhibitors such as furfural, HMF (hydroxymeth - comprise acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about ylfurfural) , acetic acid and other phenolics must be reduced 1 to about 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar to an acceptable level. stream , wherein contacting is performed with the acidified The use of activated carbon has been used to sequester 35 sugar stream . color in the chemical industry as well as reduce inhibitors The sugar stream is a liquid . The activated carbon is a found in various sugar broths. To date , however, clarification solid . and reduction of inhibitors in sugar streams derived from Some embodiments further comprise pretreating or cellulosic or lignocellulosic materials has been limited to hydrolyzing a biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellu dilute streams. This refinement is often only partially effec - 40 losic , or lignocellulosic material to produce the sugar tive and can increase the cost of the sugars due to the high stream . cost of evaporation later to concentrate the sugars. There is In some embodiments , the activated carbon adsorbs less a need for improve carbon filtration methods that can be than about 20 % of the sugars in the sugar stream during used on a concentrated sugar stream from cellulosic or contacting . In some embodiments , the activated carbon lignocellulosic biomass to reduce pigmentation as well as 45 adsorbs less than about 10 % of the sugars in the sugar stream the inhibitor concentration within the sugar stream . during contacting . In some embodiments , the sugar stream comprises one or SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION more inhibitors and wherein contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon removes about 70 % or more of at least Disclosed herein are methods of refining a sugar stream , 50 one of the inhibitors from the sugar stream . In some embodi the methods comprising : ( a ) heating activated carbon to a ments, the one or more inhibitors comprise furfural, temperature of from about 100° C . to about 300° C . to hydroxymethylfurfural , or a combination thereof. In some produce heat activated carbon ; ( b ) contacting the sugar embodiments , contacting the sugar stream with activated stream with the heat activated carbon for a sufficient time to carbon removes about 80 % or more of at least one of the produce a refined sugar stream , wherein the heat activated 55 inhibitors . carbon is at a temperature greater than the sugar stream . In some embodiments , contacting the sugar stream with Also disclosed herein are methods of refining a sugar activated carbon increases the transparency of the sugar stream , the methods comprising : ( a ) acidifying the sugar stream by about 50 % or more . In some embodiments , the stream to a pH of from about 1 to about 4 by adding an acid transparency is measured at 600 nm . In some embodiments , to produce an acidified sugar stream ; and ( b ) contacting the 60 the transparency is increased by 75 % or more . acidified sugar stream with activated carbon for a sufficient In some embodiments, the sugar stream comprises one or time to produce a refined sugar stream . Some embodiments more aromatic or phenolic compounds and wherein contact further comprise heating the activated carbon to a tempera - ing the sugar stream with activated carbon removes about ture of from about 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat 30 % or more of at least one of the aromatic or phenolic activated carbon , wherein the contacting is performed with 65 compounds from the sugar stream . In some embodiments , heat activated carbon , and wherein the heat activated carbon contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon removes is at a temperature greater than the sugar stream . about 50 % ormore of at least one of the aromatic or phenolic US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 compounds . In some embodiments , contacting the sugar pretreating or hydrolyzing the biomass comprises mechani stream with activated carbon removes about 70 % or more of cal size reduction , acid treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis . at least one of the aromatic or phenolic compounds. In some embodiments , the sugar stream was produced by In some embodiments , heating the activated carbon is to ( 1 ) pretreating a biomass comprising lignocellulosic mate a temperature of from about 150° C . to about 900° C . In 5 rial with hot water or an acid to solubilize hemicellulose in some embodiments , heating the activated carbon is to a the biomass , ( 2 ) substantially separating solubilized hemi temperature of from about 150° C . to about 750° C . In some cellulose from remaining lignocellulosic solids, and ( 3 ) embodiments , heating the activated carbon is to a tempera - enzymatically hydrolyzing cellulose in the remaining ligno ture of from about 150° C . to about 500° C . In some cellulosic solids . embodiments , heating the activated carbon is to a tempera - 10 In some embodiments , the sugar stream was produced by : ture of from about 150° C . to about 250° C . In some ( a ) pretreating a biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellu embodiments , heating the activated carbon is to a tempera - losic , or lignocellulosic material to produce a pretreated ture of from about 175° C . to about 225° C . In some biomass comprising solid particles and optionally a yield of embodiments , heating the activated carbon is to a tempera - C5 monomers and/ or dimers that is at least 50 % of a ture of about 200° C . 15 theoretical maximum , wherein pretreating comprises : ( i ) In some embodiments , heating the activated carbon is for hydration of the biomass in an aqueous medium to produce a time of from about 1 hour to about 48 hours . In some a hydrated biomass , (ii ) mechanical size reduction of the embodiments , heating the activated carbon is for a time of hydrated biomass to produce the solid particles , and ( iii ) from about 4 hours to about 24 hours . heating the hydrated biomass for a time sufficient to produce In some embodiments, heating the activated carbon is 20 the pretreated biomass comprising the optional yield of C5 performed in an oven . monosaccharides and /or disaccharides ; and (b ) hydrolyzing In some embodiments, heating the activated carbon is the pretreated biomass composition with one or more performed in an autoclave . enzymes for a time sufficient to produce the sugar stream . In In some embodiments, heating the activated carbon is some embodiments , the aqueous medium comprises and performed in a vacuum . acid . In some embodiments , the acid is sulfuric acid , per In some embodiments , contacting is performed within oxyacetic acid , lactic acid , formic acid , acetic acid , citric about 4 hours of heating . In some embodiments, contacting acid , phosphoric acid , hydrochloric acid , sulfurous acid , is performed within about 1 hour of heating. In some chloroacetic acid , dichloroacetic acid , trichloroacetic acid , embodiments , contacting is performed within about 45 trifluoroacetic acid , oxalic acid , benzoic acid , or a combi minutes of heating . In some embodiments , contacting is 30 nation thereof . performed within about 30 minutes of heating . In some embodiments, the sugar stream is a crude sugar In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is stored stream . in a non - oxidizing environment before contacting . In some embodiments , the sugar stream is a hydrolysate In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is stored from the pretreatment and hydrolysis of a biomass compris in an inert gas before contacting . In some embodiments , the 35 ing cellulose , hemicellulose , or lignocellulose . inert gas is nitrogen , argon , helium , neon , krypton , xenon , In some embodiments, the sugar stream comprises C5 radon , carbon dioxide , or a combination thereof. sugars, C6 sugars, or a combination thereof . In some In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is in an embodiments , sugars in the sugar stream are monomers , oxygen - free environment before contacting . dimers , or a combination thereof . In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is stored 40 In some embodiments , at least about 70 % of sugars in the is a water - free environment before contacting . sugar stream are C5 sugars . In some embodiments , at least In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat acti - about 80 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C5 sugars . In vated carbon during contacting is greater than room tem - some embodiments , at least about 90 % of sugars in the sugar perature . In some embodiments, the temperature of the heat stream are C5 sugars . In some embodiments , at least about activated carbon during contacting is about 65° C . or greater. 45 70 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C6 sugars . In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat activated In some embodiments , at least about 80 % of sugars in the carbon during contacting is about 100° C . or greater . sugar stream are C6 sugars . In some embodiments , at least In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat acti - about 90 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C6 sugars . In vated carbon during contacting is from about 50° C . to about some embodiments , at least about 95 % of sugars in the sugar 250° C . In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat 50 stream are C6 sugars. activated carbon during contacting is from about 75º C . to Some embodiments further comprise heating the sugar about 200° C . In some embodiments , the temperature of the stream prior to contacting with the activated carbon . In some heat activated carbon during contacting is about 200° C . embodiments , the sugar stream is at a temperature of from In some embodiments , acidifying the sugar stream is to about 45° C . to about 100° C . In some embodiments , the the pH of from about 1 . 5 to about 3 . 55 sugar stream is at a temperature of from about 55° C . to In some embodiments, the sugar stream has a total sugar about 75° C . concentration of from about 5 % to about 60 % . In some In some embodiments, the sufficient time is from about 30 embodiments , the sugar stream has a total sugar concentra - minutes to about 5 hours . In some embodiments , the suffi tion of from about 15 % to about 40 % . cient time is from about 1 hour to about 2 hours. In some embodiments , the sugar stream was produced by 60 In some embodiments , the activated carbon is granular pretreating or hydrolyzing a biomass comprising cellulosic , activated carbon , powdered activated carbon , graphene , or a hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic material. In some embodi- combination thereof. In some embodiments , the activated ments, pretreating or hydrolyzing the biomass comprises carbon is powdered activated carbon . mechanical size reduction , hot water treatment, acid treat- In some embodiments , the activated carbon is contained ment, base treatment, steam explosion , acid - catalyzed steam 65 within the sugar stream at a concentration of from about 1 % explosion , ammonia fiber / freeze explosion , enzymatic to about 20 % during contacting . In some embodiments , the hydrolysis , or a combination thereof. In some embodiments , activated carbon is contained within the sugar stream at a US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 concentration of from about 5 % to about 15 % during losic , hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic material to produce contacting . In some embodiments , the activated carbon is a pretreated biomass comprising solid particles and option contained within the sugar stream at a concentration of about ally a yield of C5 monomers and / or dimers that is at least 10 % during contacting . 50 % of a theoretical maximum , wherein pretreating com In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle 5 prises: ( i ) hydration of the biomass in an aqueous medium to size of from about 5 microns to about 40 microns. In some produce a hydrated biomass , ( ii ) mechanical size reduction embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle size aver of the hydrated biomass to produce the solid particles, and aging from about 5 microns to about 10 microns. In some embodiments, the sugar stream is agitated , (iii ) heating the hydrated biomass for a time sufficient to mixed , stirred , blended , shaken , sonicated , subjected to 10 produce the pretreated biomass comprising the optional bubbling with a gas , subjected to bubbling with an inert gas, yield of C5 monosaccharides and/ or disaccharides ; and ( b ) or any combination thereof during some or all of the hydrolyzing the pretreated biomass composition with one or contacting more enzymes for a time sufficient to produce the sugar Some embodiments further comprise contacting the sugar stream . In some embodiments , the aqueous medium com stream with diatomaceous earth . prises and acid . In some embodiments , the acid is sulfuric Some embodiments further comprise removing the acti acid , peroxyacetic acid , lactic acid , formic acid , acetic acid , vated carbon from the sugar stream after the sufficient time. citric acid , phosphoric acid , hydrochloric acid , sulfurous Also disclosed are refined sugar streams produced by any acid , chloro acetic acid , dichloroacetic acid , trichloroacetic of the methods disclosed herein . acid , trifluoroacetic acid , oxalic acid , benzoic acid , or a Also disclosed are refined sugar stream comprising one or 20 combination thereof . more of the following: ( a ) a concentration of total sugars that In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream is a is at least about 15 % w / v ; ( b ) a concentration of one or more crude originator sugar stream . inhibitors that is at least about 70 % less than an originator I n some embodiments , the originator sugar stream is a sugar stream ; ( c ) a concentration of one or more aromatic or hydrolysate from the pretreatment and hydrolysis of a bio phenolic compounds that is at least about 30 % less than the 25 mass comprising cellulose , hemicellulose , or lignocellulose . originator sugar stream ; or ( d ) a transparency that is at least In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream comprises 50 % higher than the originator sugar stream , wherein the C5 sugars, C6 sugars , or a combination thereof. refined sugar stream was contacted with activated carbon . In some embodiments, the concentration of total sugars is In some embodiments , at least about 70 % of sugars in the from about 15 % to about 60 % w / v . refined sugar stream are C5 sugars . In some embodiments , In some embodiments , the concentration of one or more at least about 80 % of sugars in the refined sugar stream are inhibitors is at least about 80 % less than in the originator C5 sugars . In some embodiments , at least about 90 % of sugar stream . sugars in the refined sugar stream are C5 sugars In some embodiments , the concentration of one or more In some embodiments, at least about 70 % of sugars in the aromatic or phenolic compounds is at least about 50 % less 3635 terefined sugar stream are C6 sugars . In some embodiments , than in the originator sugar stream . In some embodiments , at least about 80 % of sugars in the refined sugar stream are the concentration of one or more aromatic or phenolic C6 sugars . In some embodiments , at least about 90 % of compounds is at least about 70 % less than in the originator sugars in the refined sugar stream are C6 sugars. In some sugar stream . embodiments , at least about 95 % of sugars in the refined In some embodiments , the transparency is at least 75 % 40 sugar stream are C6 sugars . higher than in the originator sugar stream . In some embodi In some embodiments , sugars in the refined sugar stream ments , the transparency is measured at 600 nm . are monomers , dimers , or a combination thereof . In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream has a concentration of total sugars of from about 5 % to about INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE 60 % . In some embodiments, the refined sugar stream has a 45 concentration of total sugars of from about 15 % to about All publications, patents , and patent applications men 40 % . tioned in this specification are herein incorporated by ref In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream was erence to the same extent as if each individual publication , produced by pretreating or hydrolyzing a biomass compris patent, or patent application was specifically and individu ing cellulosic , hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic material. In 50 ally indicated to be incorporated by reference . In the event some embodiments , pretreating or hydrolyzing the biomass that a term incorporated by reference conflicts with a term comprises mechanical size reduction , hot water treatment, defined herein , this specification shall control. acid treatment, base treatment, steam explosion , acid -cata lyzed steam explosion , ammonia fiber / freeze explosion , BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS enzymatic hydrolysis , or a combination thereof . In some 55 embodiments , pretreating or hydrolyzing the biomass com The novel features of the invention are set forth with prises mechanical size reduction , acid treatment and enzy - particularity in the appended claims. A better understanding matic hydrolysis . of the features and advantages of the present invention will In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream was be obtained by reference to the following detailed descrip produced by ( 1 ) pretreating a biomass comprising lignocel- 60 tion that sets forth illustrative embodiments , in which the lulosic material with hot water or an acid to solubilize principles of the invention are utilized , and the accompany hemicellulose in the biomass , ( 2 ) substantially separating ing drawings of which : solubilized hemicellulose from remaining lignocellulosic FIG . 1 is a block diagram depicting the several stage solids, and ( 3 ) enzymatically hydrolyzing cellulose in the pretreatment process , showing the lignocellulosic feedstock remaining lignocellulosic solids. 65 entering into the hydrolysis process system , thereby produc In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream was ing sugar hydrolysate products (sugar stream ) and a lignin produced by : (a ) pretreating a biomass comprising cellu - residue solid product. US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 FIGS. 2A , 2B , and 2C depict the difference in treatment meric sugars using amylase enzymes . Saccharification is of a sugar stream without carbon (2A ) , with GAC (2B ) and performed at low temperatures , resulting in less inhibitors with PAC (2C ) . and breakdown products . Starch is typically a white amo FIGS. 3A and 3B are graphs depicting the removal of rous powder and does not contain any interfering complex acetic acid and HMF, respectively, from a sugar stream using 5 phenolics , acids, extractives , or colored compounds. Even if GAC and PAC . these are present, they are in such low quantity that, it is easy FIGS. 4A and 4B graphs depicting the removal of furfural to refine and remove these compounds. These attributes have and reduction of phenolics , respectively , from a sugar stream enabled corn refiners and starch processing companies then using GAC and PAC . to provide highly -concentrated , refined sugars within tight FIGS . 5A , 5B , and 5C show the UV - detector peaks of the 10 specifications at low cost using anion exchange columns and control (5A ) , the GAC - treated (5B ) , and PAC - treated sugar low levels of sequestering agents . hydrolysates (5C ) . Most of the bioplastics and biochemical industries includ FIG . 6 is a picture of an 18 % sugar stream before and after ing the pharmaceutical companies have therefore developed carbon refinement. and defined their technology around the use of these sugars . FIG . 7 is a picture of a 25 % sugar stream before and after 15 As the sugar -producing industry moves over to lignocellu carbon refinement. losic biomass -derived sugars; however , inhibitor reduction FIGS. 8A and 8B show a 16 % and a 12 % sugar stream , and purification becomes more of a challenge . respectively , before and after activated carbon treatment . Lignocellulosic biomass can require higher temperatures FIG . 9 is a graph comparing the results of carbon filtration to depolymerize the sugars contained within and , in some efficiency in removing HMF . 20 cases, explosion and more violent reaction with steam FIG . 10 is a graph comparing the results of carbon ( explosion ) and /or acid to make it ready for enzyme hydro filtration efficiency in removing furfural . lysis . The C5 and C6 sugars are naturally embedded in and FIG . 11 is a graph comparing the results of carbon cross -linked with lignin , extractives and phenolics . Hemi filtration efficiency in removing acetic acid . cellulose has acetic ether bonds and its breakdown leads to FIGS . 12A and 12B show the UV - detector peaks of a 25 acid formation . The high temperature and pressures used control (12A ), and PAC - treated sugar hydrolysates ( 12B ) . during pretreatment can result in the leaching of lignin and aromatics, which are dark brown, loading with mixed sug DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ars , high ash , lignin aromatic fragments , inhibitors such as INVENTION HMF and furfural, and acids in stream . Producing a higher 30 sugar concentration in the sugar stream , and thus minimize As used in the specification and the appended claims, the evaporation cost, can require high solids concentration pro singular forms “ a , " " an " and " the " include plural referents cessing which inevitably leads to increased phenolics and unless the context clearly dictates otherwise . Thus, for inhibitor levels . Recovered sugars therefore can require example, reference to “ a purified monomer ” includes mix expensive pretreatment and a costly refinement process to tures of two or more purified monomers . The term " com - 35 remove the substantial amount of inhibitors , sugar break prising ” as used herein is synonymous with " including, " down products , and color relative to starch - based conver " containing ," or " characterized by, ” and is inclusive or sion . This process can comprise multiple steps, including open - ended and does not exclude additional, unrecited ele color removal, ion exchange and other expensive procedures ments or method steps. performed on dilute sugar streams, after which streams are “ About” means a referenced numeric indication plus or 40 often further concentrated for customers . minus 10 % of that referenced numeric indication . For These underlying complex challenges have been one of example , the term about 4 would include a range of 3 .6 to the key reasons that cellulosic -derived sugars are not only 4 . 4 . All numbers expressing quantities of ingredients , reac - expensive , hut in some cases remain challenging to compete tion conditions , and so forth used in the specification are to economically with starch - based sugar technology . Bio be understood as being modified in all instances by the term 45 chemical and bioplastics industries, due to their stringent “ about . ” Accordingly , unless indicated to the contrary , the process operations , demand the same level of refinement for numerical parameters set forth herein are approximations cellulosic sugars as they demand for starch -based sugars . that can vary depending upon the desired properties sought There is a need for cellulosic -based sugar platform technol to be obtained . At the very least , and not as an attempt to ogy to develop unique , simple , scaleable , and feedstock limit the application of the doctrine of equivalents to the 50 flexible technology such that a higher concentration of scope of any claims, each numerical parameter should be cellulosic sugar hydrolysate can be rapidly processed , construed in light of the number of significant digits and refined , clarified , and still be competitive with starch -based ordinary rounding approaches . sugar recovery and economics . To date , most of the work at Wherever the phrase " for example ," " such as ,” “ includ - research and processing centers such as the DOE , NREL and ing” and the like are used herein , the phrase “ and without 55 other laboratories developing cellulosic sugar platforms, are limitation ” is understood to follow unless explicitly stated based on dilute streams of biomass hydrolysate and refine otherwise. Therefore , " for example ethanol production ” ment of sugars. But dilute streams will need further evapo means “ for example and without limitation ethanol produc - ration — leading to higher energy and operating cost . tion .” Carbon , including activated carbon , can be used to decol Currently most of the global supply for fermentable refined 60 orize and purify sugar solutions . Activated carbon , also C6 sugars is derived by processing renewable feedstocks called activated charcoal or activated coal, is a form of rich in starch , such as corn , rice , cassava , wheat, sorghum carbon processed to be riddled with small , low - volume and in few cases , cane sugar ( comprised of glucose and pores that increase the surface area available for adsorption fructose ). Production of refined C6 sugars from these feed - or chemical reactions. For purification of sugars that have stocks is well established and is relatively simple because 65 been easily extracted , such as molasses, sucrose , or starch the starch is concentrated in particular plant parts (mostly (dextrose ) , various methods have been developed for carbon seeds ) and can be easily isolated and hydrolyzed to mono - purification of sugar solutions such as raising temperatures, US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 10 flocculating with polycarbonates and polyacrylimides , vary - ethene, ethanol, n - propane , 1 -propene , 1 - propanol, propa ing pH and granular size . See , for example , U .S . Pat . Nos. nal, acetone , propionate , n -butane , 1- butene , 1 - , 6 ,475 , 552 , 4 ,288 , 551, 3 , 730 , 770 , and 4 , 502 , 890 . butanal, butanoate , isobutanal , , 2 -methylbutanal , Often , carbon is combined with other compounds such as 2 -methylbutanol , 3 -methylbutanal , 3 -methylbutanol , lime, polyelectrolytes, and ion exchange resins ) to remove 5 2 -butene , 2 -butanol , 2 - butanone , 2 , 3 -butanediol , 3 -hydroxy impurities and color in food - based sucrose or dextrose 2 -butanone , 2 , 3 -butanedione , ethylbenzene , ethenylben syrups , or in paper- making operations. See, for example , US zene , 2 -phenylethanol , phenylacetaldehyde , l- phenylbu Patent Application No . 2012/ 0196233 . No simple method of tane, 4 -phenyl - 1 -butene , 4 -phenyl - 2- butene , 1 -phenyl - 2 decolorizing cellulosic or lignocellulosic- derived C5 and C6 butene , 1 -phenyl - 2 - butanol , 4 -phenyl - 2 -butanol , 1 -phenyl sugars with carbon has been developed . In one attempt, see 10 2 -butanone , 4 -phenyl - 2 - butanone, l - phenyl- 2 , 3 -butandiol , US Patent application No . 2012 / 0211427 , spherical adsor - 1 -phenyl - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -butanone , 4 - phenyl- 3 - hydroxy - 2 - bu bents have been developed to provide maximum surface tanone, 1- phenyl- 2 , 3 -butanedione , n -pentane , ethylphenol, area similar to charcoal carbon . These , however, adsorb e thenylphenol, 2 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) ethanol, 4 -hydroxyphe considerable amounts of sugars and must be carefully regen nylacetaldehyde , 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) butane , 4 - ( 4 -hy erated while separating the inhibitors . It also costs more to 15 droxyphenyl) - 1 -butene , 4 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) -2 -butene , make such adsorbants . To date , no inexpensive carbon -based 1 - ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) - 1 -butene , 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - bu method of refining these sugar streams at high concentra tanol, 4 - ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) - 2 -butanol , 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphe tions has been found that removes the inhibitors that form nyl) - 2 -butanone , 4 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - butanone , 1 - ( 4 -hy during pretreatment of biomass without adsorbing sugars to droxyphenyl) - 2 , 3 -butandiol , 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 a great extent. The biochemicals and bioplastics industries 20 hydroxy - 2 -butanone , 4 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 require highly refined sugar streams for fermentation and / or butanone , 1 - ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) - 2 , 3 -butanonedione , synthesis of compounds such as succinic acid . To produce , indolylethane, indolylethene, 2 -( indole -3 - ) ethanol, n -pen for example , bioplastics such as PHA , that compete with tane , 1- pentene , 1 - pentanol, pentanal, pentanoate, 2 -pen PHA made from fossil carbohydrates , a highly refined , tene, 2 -pentanol , 3- pentanol , 2 -pentanone , 3 -pentanone , decolorized platform is desired . 25 4 -methylpentanal , 4 -methylpentanol , 2 ,3 -pentanediol , 2 -hy Such refinementmay be able to be produced from dilute droxy - 3 -pentanone , 3 -hydroxy - 2 -pentanone , 2, 3 -pen streams, processed through activated carbon and then ion tanedione, 2 -methylpentane , 4 -methyl - 1 -pentene , 4 -methyl exchange columns, but such end processes are expensive 2 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 3 - pentene , 4 -methyl - 2 - pentanol, and require concentration of the sugar stream following 2 -methyl - 3 - pentanol, 4 -methyl - 2 -pentanone , 2 -methyl - 3 refinement. To reduce the cost of purified sugars for indus - 30 pentanone , 4 -methyl - 2 ,3 -pentanediol , 4 -methyl -2 -hydroxy tries that need them , herein is described a novel process 3 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 2 , using activated carbon . The process minimizes the loss of 3 -pentanedione , l -phenylpentane , l -phenyl - 1 -pentene , sugars and sugar polymers in concentrated sugar streams 1 - phenyl- 2 -pentene , 1 -phenyl - 3 - pentene , 1 -phenyl - 2 - penta derived from pretreatment of cellulosic and lignocellulosic nol, 1 -phenyl - 3 -pentanol , 1 -phenyl - 2 -pentanone , 1 - phenyl materials , while decolorizing the sugar stream and reducing 35 3 -pentanone , l -phenyl - 2 , 3 -pentanediol , l -phenyl - 2 -hy the concentration of inhibitors . droxy -3 - pentanone , 1- phenyl - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -pentanone , In this specification and in the claims that follow , refer 1 -phenyl - 2 , 3 - pentanedione , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenylpentane , ence will be made to a number of terms which shall be 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 1 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 -pen defined to have the following meanings . tene, 4 -methyl - 1 - phenyl- 3 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 1 - phenyl- 3 40 pentanol , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 - pentanol, 4 - methyl- 1 - phe Definitions nyl- 3 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 ,3 -pentanediol , 4 -methyl - 1- phenyl - 2 , 3 "Optional ” or “ optionally ” means that the subsequently pentanedione, 4 -methyl - 1- phenyl - 3 -hydroxy -2 -pentanone , described event or circumstance may or may not occur, and 4 -methyl - 1 - phenyl- 2 -hydroxy - 3 -pentanone , 1 - ( 4 -hydroxy that the description includes instances where said event or 45 phenyl) pentane, 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 1 - pentene, 1 - ( 4 -hy circumstance occurs and instances where it does not. For droxyphenyl) - 2 -pentene , 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -pentene , example, the phrase " the medium can optionally contain 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - pentanol, 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 glucose” means that the medium may or may not contain pentanol, 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - pentanone , 1 - ( 4 -hydroxy glucose as an ingredient and that the description includes phenyl) - 3 - pentanone , 1 - ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) - 2 , 3 -pentanediol , both media containing glucose and media not containing 50 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl )- 2 -hydroxy -3 - pentanone , 1- (4 -hy glucose . droxyphenyl) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -pentanone , 1 - (4 -hydroxyphe “ Or” can be used disjunctively or conjunctively . nyl )- 2 , 3 -pentanedione , 4 -methyl - 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) pen Unless characterized otherwise , technical and scientific tane, 4 -methyl - 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) -2 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 1 terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 understood by one of ordinary skill in the art . 55 hydroxyphenyl) - 1 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl ) “ Fermentive end - product” and “ fermentation end - prod - 3 -pentanol , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - pentanol , uct ” are used interchangeably herein to include bio fuels , 4 -methyl - 1- (4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -( 4 chemicals , compounds suitable as liquid fuels , gaseous hydroxyphenyl) - 2 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphe fuels , triacylglycerols , reagents , chemical feedstocks, nyl) -2 , 3 -pentanediol , 4 -methyl - 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 ,3 chemical additives, processing aids , food additives, bioplas - 60 pentanedione, 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 tics and precursors to bioplastics, and other products . pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 -hydroxy - 3 Examples of fermentive end -products include but are not pentanone , 1 - indole - 3 -pentane , 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 1 - pentene , limited to 1 , 4 diacids ( succinic , fumaric and malic ), 2 , 5 1 - ( indole - 3 )- 2 -pentene , 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 3 -pentene , 1 -( indole furan dicarboxylic acid , 3 hydroxy propionic acid , aspartic 3 ) - 2 -pentanol , 1 -( indole - 3 ) - 3 -pentanol , 1 - indole - 3 ) - 2 -pen acid , glucaric acid , glutamic acid , itaconic acid , levulinic 65 tanone, 1 - indole - 3 ) - 3 -pentanone , 1 - ( indole- 3 ) - 2 , 3 - pen acid , 3 - hydroxybutyrolactone , glycerol, , xylitol / ara - tanediol, 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 - hydroxy - 3 - pentanone , 1 - ( indole - 3 ) . binitol, butanediol, butanol, methane , , ethane, 3 -hydroxy - 2 - pentanone, 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 , 3 - pentanedione , US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 11 12 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 - )pentane , 4 -methyl - 1 -( indole - 3 ) - 2 dole - 3 )- 2 -hexanol , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 3 -hexanol , pentene , 4 -methyl - 1 - (indole - 3 )- 3 - pentene, 4 -methyl - 1 - ( in - 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 - hexanol, 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 3 dole - 3 ) - 1 -pentene , 4 -methyl - 2 - indole - 3 ) - 3 -pentanol , hexanol, 5 -methyl - 1 - indole - 3 )- 2 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 -pentanol , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole- 3 ) - 3 ( indole - 3 ) - 3 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 -hexanone , pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - indole - 3 ) - 2 -pentanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - 5 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole -3 ) - 3 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) ( indole -3 )- 2 , 3 -pentanediol , 4 -methyl - 1 -( indole -3 )- 2 , 3 -pen 2 , 3 -hexanediol , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 , 3 -hexanediol , tanedione , 4 -methyl - 1 - indole - 3 ) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -pentanone , 5 -methyl - 1 - (indole - 3 ) - 3 - hydroxy - 2 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -pentanone , n - hexane , ( indole - 3 ) - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -( indole - 3 ) - 3 1 - hexene, 1 -hexanol , hexanal, hexanoate , 2 -hexene , 3 -hex - hydroxy - 2 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 - hydroxy -3 ene , 2 - hexanol, 3 -hexanol , 2 -hexanone , 3- hexanone , 2, 3 - 10 hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 -( indole - 3 )- 2, 3 -hexanedione , hexanediol, 2 , 3 -hexanedione , 3 , 4 -hexanediol , 3 , 4 -hexane 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 , 3 -hexanedione , n -heptane , 1 -hep dione, 2 - hydroxy - 3 - hexanone , 3 -hydroxy - 2 - hexanone , tene, 1 -heptanol , heptanal, heptanoate , 2 - heptene, 3 - hep 3 - hydroxy - 4 -hexanone , 4 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 2 -methyl tene , 2 -heptanol , 3 -heptanol , 4 -heptanol , 2 - heptanone , hexane , 3 -methylhexane , 2 -methyl - 2 -hexene , 2 -methyl - 3 3 -heptanone , 4 - heptanone, 2 , 3 -heptanediol , 2 , 3 -heptane hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 - hexene , 5 -methyl - 2 -hexene , 4 -methyl - 15 dione, 3 ,4 -heptanediol , 3, 4 - heptanedione , 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hep 1- hexene , 4 -methyl - 2 -hexene , 3 -methyl - 3 - hexene, tanone , 3 -hydroxy - 2 -heptanone , 3 -hydroxy - 4 -heptanone , 3 -methyl - 2 -hexene , 3 -methyl - 1 -hexene , 2 -methyl - 3 -hexa 4 - hydroxy - 3 -heptanone , 2 -methylheptane , 3 -methylhep nol, 5 - methyl- 2 -hexanol , 5 - methyl- 3 -hexanol , 2 -methyl - 3 tane, 6 -methyl - 2 -heptene , 6 -methyl - 3 -heptene , 2 -methyl - 3 hexanone , 5 -methyl - 2 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 3 -hexanone , heptene , 2 -methyl - 2 - heptene , 5 -methyl - 2 - heptene , 2 -methyl - 3 , 4 - hexanediol, 2 -methyl - 3 , 4 -hexanedione , 20 5 -methyl - 3 -heptene , 3 -methyl - 3 -heptene , 2 -methyl - 3 -hepta 5 - methyl- 2 , 3 - hexanediol, 5 -methyl - 2 , 3 -hexanedione , nol , 2 -methyl - 4 -heptanol , 6 -methyl - 3 - heptanol, 5 -methyl - 3 4 -methyl - 2 , 3 -hexanediol , 4 -methyl - 2 , 3 -hexanedione , heptanol, 3 -methyl - 4 -heptanol , 2 -methyl - 3 - heptanone , 2 -methyl - 3 - hydroxy - 4 - hexanone , 2 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy - 3 2 -methyl - 4 -heptanone , 6 -methyl - 3 -heptanone , 5 -methyl - 3 hexanone , 5 -methyl - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 3 -hy - heptanone , 3 -methyl - 4 -heptanone , 2- methyl - 3 ,4 -heptane droxy - 2 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 25 diol, 2 -methyl - 3 ,4 -heptanedione , 6 -methyl - 3 ,4 -heptanediol , 4 -methyl - 3 - hydroxy - 2 -hexanone , 2 , 5 -dimethylhexane , 2 , 5 6 -methyl - 3 , 4 -heptanedione , 5 -methyl - 3 , 4 -heptanediol , dimethyl- 2 -hexene , 2, 5 -dimethyl - 3 - hexene, 2 , 5 - dimethyl- 3 5 -methyl - 3 , 4 - heptanedione , 2 -methyl - 3 - hydroxy - 4 - hep hexanol, 2, 5 -dimethyl - 3 -hexanone , 2, 5 -dimethyl - 3, 4 - tanone , 2 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy -3 -heptanone , 6 -methyl - 3 -hy hexanediol , 2 , 5 - dimethyl- 3 , 4 - hexanedione , 2 , 5 - dimethyl- 3 - droxy - 4 -heptanone , 6 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy - 3 -heptanone , hydroxy - 4 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 - phenylhexane , 4 -methyl - 30 5 -methyl - 3 - hydroxy - 4 -heptanone , 5 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy - 3 1 -phenylhexane , 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 1- hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 heptanone , 2 ,6 - dimethylheptane , 2 ,5 - dimethylheptane , 2 ,6 phenyl- 2 - hexene, 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 3 -hexene , 4 -methyl - 1 - dimethyl- 2 -heptene , 2 , 6 -dimethyl - 3 -heptene , 2 , 5 - dimethyl phenyl- 1 - hexene, 4 - methyl- 1 -phenyl - 2 - hexene , 4 -methyl - 1 2 -heptene , 2 ,5 - dimethyl- 3- heptene, 3 ,6 -dimethyl - 3 -heptene , phenyl- 3 -hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 - hexanol, 5 -methyl - 2 , 6 - dimethyl- 3 -heptanol , 2 , 6 -dimethyl - 4 -heptanol , 2 , 5 - dim 1 - phenyl - 3 -hexanol , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 -hexanol , 35 ethyl- 3 -heptanol , 2 , 5 -dimethyl - 4 -heptanol , 2 ,6 - dimethyl- 3 , 4 -methyl - 1 - phenyl- 3 -hexanol , 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 4 - heptanediol, 2 ,6 - dimethyl- 3 ,4 -heptanedione , 2 , 5 - dim hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 3 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -phe ethyl - 3 , 4 - heptanediol, 2 ,5 - dimethyl- 3 , 4 -heptanedione , 2 ,6 nyl- 2 - hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - phenyl- 3 - hexanone , 5 -methyl dimethyl- 3 - hydroxy - 4 -heptanone , 2 , 6 -dimethyl - 4 -hydroxy 1 - phenyl- 2 , 3 -hexanediol , 4 -methyl - 1 - phenyl - 2 , 3 - 3 - heptanone, 2 , 5 -dimethyl - 3 -hydroxy -4 -heptanone , 2 ,5 hexanediol, 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 3 -hydroxy -2 -hexanone , 40 dimethyl -4 -hydroxy -3 -heptanone , n -octane , 1 -octene , 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 4 -methyl -1 -phe 2 -octene , 1 - , octanal, octanoate, 3 -octene , 4 -octene , nyl - 3 - hydroxy - 2 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 -hydroxy - 4 -octanol , 4 - octanone , 4 , 5 - octanediol , 4 , 5 - octanedione, 3 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 -phenyl - 2 , 3 - hexanedione , 4 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy - 5 -octanone , 2 -methyloctane , 2 -methyl - 3 -octene , 1 - phenyl- 2 , 3 -hexanedione , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) 2 -methyl - 4 - octene , 7 -methyl - 3 -octene , 3 - methyl- 3 -octene , hexane , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 1 -hexene , 5 -methyl - 45 3 -methyl - 4 -octene , 6 -methyl - 3 - octene, 2 -methyl - 4 - octanol, 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) -2 -hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 7 -methyl - 4 - octanol, 3 -methyl - 4 -octanol , 6 -methyl - 4 -octa hydroxyphenyl) - 3 - hexene, 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) nol , 2 -methyl - 4 - octanone , 7 -methyl - 4 -octanone , 3 -methyl 1 - hexene, 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 -hexene , 4 -octanone , 6 -methyl - 4 -octanone , 2 -methyl - 4 , 5 -octanediol , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 2 -methyl - 4 , 5 - octanedione, 3 -methyl - 4 , 5 -octanediol , hydroxyphenyl) - 2 -hexanol , 5 -methyl - 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl )- 50 3 -methyl - 4 , 5 -octanedione , 2 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy -5 - octanone , 3 - hexanol , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - hexanol, 2 -methyl - 5 -hydroxy - 4 -octanone , 3 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy - 5 - oc 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) -3 -hexanol , 5 -methyl - 1 - (4 tanone, 3 -methyl - 5 -hydroxy -4 - octanone , 2 , 7 -dimethyloc hydroxyphenyl) - 2 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 - (4 -hydroxyphe tane , 2 ,7 -dimethyl - 3 - octene , 2 ,7 -dimethyl - 4 -octene , 2 , 7 - di nyl )- 3 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 -( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 methyl -4 - octanol , 2 , 7 -dimethyl - 4 -octanone , 2 , 7 - dimethyl- 4 , hexanone, 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 - hexanone , 55 5 -octanediol , 2 ,7 - dimethyl- 4 , 5 -octanedione , 2 , 7 - dimethyl 5 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 , 3 -hexanediol , 4 -methyl - 1 4 -hydroxy - 5 -octanone , 2 ,6 -dimethyloctane , 2 ,6 - dimethyl - 3 (4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 ,3 -hexanediol , 5 -methyl - 1 -( 4 -hydroxy octene , 2 ,6 -dimethyl - 4 -octene , 3 ,7 - dimethyl- 3 -octene , 2 ,6 phenyl) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 -hydroxy dimethyl- 4 -octanol , 3 , 7 -dimethyl - 4 -octanol , 2 , 6 -dimethyl phenyl) - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 - 4 - octanone , 3 , 7 - dimethyl- 4 - octanone, 2 , 6 - dimethyl - 4 , 5 hydroxyphenyl) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -hexanone , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 - 60 octanediol, 2 ,6 - dimethyl- 4 , 5 -octanedione , 2 ,6 - dimethyl- 4 hydroxyphenyl) - 2 -hydroxy - 3 -hexanone , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( 4 - hydroxy - 5 -octanone , 2 , 6 - dimethyl- 5 -hydroxy - 4 - octanone , hydroxyphenyl) - 2 , 3 -hexanedione , 4 -methyl - 1 -( 4 - 3 ,6 -dimethyloctane , 3 ,6 - dimethyl- 3 -octene , 3, 6 -dimethyl -4 hydroxyphenyl) - 2 ,3 -hexanedione , 4 -methyl - 1 -( indole -3 - ) octene , 3 ,6 - dimethyl- 4 -octanol , 3 ,6 -dimethyl - 4 -octanone , hexane , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 1- hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 3 ,6 -dimethyl - 4 ,5 -octanediol , 3 ,6 -dimethyl - 4 ,5 -octanedione , ( indole - 3 ) -2 -hexene , 5 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 )- 3 -hexene , 65 3 ,6 -dimethyl - 4 -hydroxy -5 -octanone , n -nonane , 1- nonene , 4 -methyl - 1 - indole - 3 ) - 1 -hexene , 4 -methyl - 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 - 1 -nonanol , nonanal, nonanoate, 2 -methylnonane , 2 -methyl hexene , 4 -methyl - 1- indole - 3 )- 3 - hexene, 5 -methyl - 1 -( in 4 -nonene , 2 -methyl - 5 -nonene , 8 -methyl -4 - nonene , US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 13 14 2 -methyl - 5 - nonanol, 8 -methyl - 4 -nonanol , 2 -methyl - 5 - hydroxyphenyl) - 4 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 , 3 - butanediol, 1 - ( 4 nonanone , 8 -methyl - 4 -nonanone , 8 -methyl - 4 , 5 - nonanediol, hydroxyphenyl - 4 - ( indole - 3 ) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 - butanone, indole 8 -methyl - 4 , 5 -nonanedione , 8 -methyl - 4 -hydroxy -5 3 -acetoaldehyde , 1 ,4 - di (indole - 3 -) butane , 1 ,4 -di ( indole- 3 ) nonanone , 8 -methyl - 5 -hydroxy - 4 -nonanone , 2 , 8 -dimethyl 1 -butene , 1 , 4 -di ( indole - 3 ) - 2 -butene , 1 , 4 -di ( indole - 3 ) - 2 nonane, 2 , 8 - dimethyl - 3 -nonene , 2 , 8 - dimethyl- 4 - nonene , 5 butanol, 1 , 4 -di ( indole - 3 ) - 2 - butanone , 1, 4 - di( indole - 3 ) - 2 , 3 2 , 8 -dimethyl - 5 - nonene, 2 ,8 -dimethyl - 4 -nonanol , 2 , 8 - dim butanediol, 1 , 4 -di ( indole - 3 ) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -butanone , ethyl- 5 - nonanol, 2 , 8 - dimethyl -4 - nonanone, 2 , 8 - dimethyl - 5 - succinate semialdehyde , hexane - 1 , 8 -dicarboxylic acid , nonanone, 2 , 8 -dimethyl - 4 , 5 - nonanediol, 2 ,8 - dimethyl- 4 ,5 3 - hexene - 1 , 8 - dicarboxylic acid , 3 - hydroxy -hexane - 1 ,8 - di nonanedione, 2 , 8 - dimethyl- 4 -hydroxy - 5 -nonanone , 2 , 8 - carboxylic acid , 3 - hexanone - 1 , 8 -dicarboxylic acid , 3 , 4 dimethyl- 5 - hydroxy - 4 - nonanone, 2 , 7 - dimethylnonane , 3 ,8 - 10 hexanediol- 1 , 8 - dicarboxylic acid , 4 - hydroxy - 3 - hexanone- 1 , dimethyl- 3 - nonene , 3 , 8 - dimethyl - 4 -nonene , 3 , 8 - dimethyl- 8 -dicarboxylic acid , glycerol, fucoidan , iodine , chlorophyll , 5 -nonene , 3 , 8 -dimethyl - 4 -nonanol , 3 , 8 - dimethyl- 5 -nonanol , carotenoid , calcium , magnesium , iron , sodium , potassium , 3 ,8 -dimethyl - 4 -nonanone , 3 , 8 -dimethyl - 5 -nonanone , 3, 8 - di phosphate , lactic acid , acetic acid , formic acid , isoprenoids, methyl- 4 , 5 - nonanediol, 3 , 8 -dimethyl - 4 , 5 -nonanedione , 3 ,8 - and polyisoprenes , including rubber . Further, such products dimethyl- 4 -hydroxy - 5 -nonanone , 3 , 8 - dimethyl- 5 -hydroxy - 15 can include succinic acid , pyruvic acid , enzymes such as 4 - nonanone , n -decane , 1 -decene , 1 -decanol , decanoate , 2 , 9 - cellulases, polysaccharases , lipases, proteases , ligninases , dimethyldecane , 2 , 9 -dimethyl - 3 - decene , 2 , 9 - dimethyl- 4 - and hemicellulases and may be present as a pure compound , decene , 2 , 9 - dimethyl- 5 -decanol , 2 , 9 -dimethyl - 5 - decanone, a mixture , or an impure or diluted form . 2 , 9 -dimethyl - 5 , 6 - decanediol, 2 , 9 - dimethyl- 6 -hydroxy - 5 - de - Fermentation end - products can include polyols or sugar canone, 2 , 9 - dimethyl- 5 , 6 -decanedionen - undecane, 1 - unde - 20 ; for example ,methanol , glycol, glycerol, , cene , l - , undecanal. undecanoate , n - dodecane , , , xylitol, , , sorbitol, dulcitol, 1 -dodecene , 1 - , dodecanal, dodecanoate , n - dode , , , volemitol, , , , cane , 1 -decadecene , n - tridecane , 1 -tridecene , 1 - tridecanol, and / or polyglycitol. tridecanal, tridecanoate , n -tetradecane , 1 -tetradecene , 1 - tet The term “ fatty acid comprising material” as used herein radecanol, tetradecanal, tetradecanoate , n -pentadecane , 25 has its ordinary meaning as known to those skilled in the art 1 -pentadecene , 1 - pentadecanol, pentadecanal, pentadecano - and can comprise one or more chemical compounds that ate , n -hexadecane , 1 -hexadecene , 1 -hexadecanol , hexadeca include one or more fatty acid moieties as well as derivatives nal , hexadecanoate , n - heptadecane , 1 - heptadecene , 1 - hepta - of these compounds and materials that comprise one or more decanol, heptadecanal, heptadecanoate , n - octadecane , of these compounds. Common examples of compounds that 1 - octadecene , 1 -octadecanol , octadecanal, octadecanoate , 30 include one or more fatty acid moieties include triacylglyc n -nonadecane , 1 -nonadecene , 1 -nonadecanol , nonadecanal, erides , diacylglycerides, monoacylglycerides , phospholip nonadecanoate , eicosane, l -eicosene , 1 -eicosanol , eicosa - ids, lysophospholipids, free fatty acids, fatty acid salts , nal, eicosanoate , 3 - hydroxy propanal, 1, 3 -propanediol , soaps, fatty acid comprising amides , esters of fatty acids and 4 -hydroxybutanal , 1 , 4 -butanediol , 3 -hydroxy - 2 -butanone , monohydric alcohols , esters of fatty acids and polyhydric 2, 3 -butandiol , 1, 5 -pentane diol, homocitrate , homoisocitor - 35 alcohols including glycols (e .g . , propylene ate , b -hydroxy adipate , glutarate , glutarsemialdehyde , glut glycol, etc . ) , esters of fatty acids and polyethylene glycol, araldehyde , 2 -hydroxy - 1 -cyclopentanone , 1 ,2 - cyclopen esters of fatty acids and polyethers , esters of fatty acids and tanediol, cyclopentanone, , ( S ) - 2 - acetolactate , polyglycol, esters of fatty acids and saccharides , esters of ( R ) - 2 , 3 - Dihydroxy - isovalerate , 2 -oxoisovalerate , isobu fatty acids with other hydroxyl - containing compounds, etc . tyryl- CoA , isobutyrate , isobutyraldehyde, 5 - amino pental- 40 The term “ pH modifier ” as used herein has its ordinary dehyde , 1 , 10 - diaminodecane , 1 , 10 - diamino - 5 - decene, 1 , 10 - meaning as known to those skilled in the art and can include diamino - 5 -hydroxydecane , 1 , 10 - diamino - 5 - decanone , 1 , 10 any material that will tend to increase, decrease or hold diamino - 5 ,6 - decanediol, 1 , 10 -diamino - 6 - hydroxy -5 - steady the pH of the broth or medium . A pH modifier can be decanone , phenylacetoaldehyde , 1 , 4 - diphenylbutane , 1 , 4 - an acid , a base , a buffer, or a material that reacts with other diphenyl- 1 - butene , 1 , 4 - diphenyl- 2 -butene , 1 , 4 - diphenyl- 2 - 45 materials present to serve to raise , lower , or hold steady the butanol, 1 ,4 - diphenyl- 2 -butanone , 1 , 4 -diphenyl - 2 , 3 - pH . In one embodiment, more than one pH modifier can be butanediol, 1 , 4 - diphenyl- 3 -hydroxy - 2 - butanone, 1 - ( 4 - used , such as more than one acid , more than one base , one hydeoxyphenyl) - 4 - phenylbutane, 1 - ( 4 -hydeoxyphenyl ) - 4 or more acid with one or more bases, one ormore acids with phenyl- 1 -butene , 1 - ( 4 -hydeoxyphenyl ) - 4 - phenyl- 2 -butene , one or more buffers , one or more bases with one or more 1 - ( 4 -hydeoxyphenyl ) - 4 -phenyl - 2 -butanol , 1 - ( 4 -hydeoxy - 50 buffers, or one or more acids with one or more bases with phenyl) - 4 - phenyl- 2 -butanone , 1 - ( 4 -hydeoxyphenyl ) - 4 -phe one or more buffers. In one embodiment, a buffer can be nyl- 2 , 3 -butanediol , 1 - ( 4 -hydeoxyphenyl ) - 4 -phenyl - 3 -hy - produced in the broth or medium or separately and used as droxy - 2 -butanone , 1 -( indole - 3 )- 4 -phenylbutane , 1 -( indole - an ingredient by at least partially reacting in acid or base 3 ) - 4 - phenyl- 1 - butene , 1 - ( indole - 3 ) - 4 - phenyl- 2 -butene , with a base or an acid , respectively . When more than one pH 1 -( indole - 3) -4 - phenyl- 2 -butanol , 1 -( indole -3 ) -4 -phenyl - 2 - 55 modifiers are utilized , they can be added at the same time or butanone , 1 - indole - 3 ) - 4 -phenyl - 2 , 3 - butanediol, 1 - ( indole at different times. In one embodiment, one ormore acids and 3 ) - 4 -phenyl - 3 -hydroxy - 2 -butanone , 4 -hydroxyphenylaceto - one or more bases are combined , resulting in a buffer. In one aldehyde , 1 , 4 - di( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) butane , 1 , 4 -di ( 4 embodiment, media components , such as a carbon source or hydroxyphenyl) - 1 -butene , 1 , 4 - di( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) - 2 - a nitrogen source serve as a pH modifier ; suitable media butene , 1 , 4 - di( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 2 - butanol, 1 , 4 - di( 4 - 60 components include those with high or low pH or those with hydroxyphenyl) - 2 - butanone , 1 , 4 - di( 4 - hydroxyphenyl) - 2 , 3 buffering capacity . Exemplary media components include butanediol, 1 , 4 -di ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 3 -hydroxy - 2 - acid - or base -hydrolyzed plant polysaccharides having butanone, 1- ( 4 -hydroxyphenyl ) - 4 -( indole -3 -) butane , 1 -( 4 residual acid or base , ammonia fiber explosion (AFEX ) hydroxyphenyl) - 4 -( indole -3 )- 1 -butene , 1 - di ( 4 - treated plant material with residual ammonia , lactic acid , hydroxyphenyl) - 4 - indole - 3 ) - 2 -butene , 1 - ( 4 - 65 corn steep solids or liquor. hydroxyphenyl) - 4 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 -butanol , 1 - ( 4 - " Growth phase ” is used herein to describe the type of hydroxyphenyl) - 4 - ( indole - 3 ) - 2 - butanone, 1 - ( 4 - cellular growth that occurs after the “ Initiation phase ” and US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 15 16 before the “ Stationary phase ” and the “ Death phase .” The derivatives of monosaccharides including glucose, fructose , growth phase is sometimes referred to as the exponential lactose, galacturonic acid , rhamnose , etc . Plant matter also phase or log phase or logarithmic phase . includes agricultural waste byproducts or side streams such The term “ plant polysaccharide” as used herein has its as pomace, corn steep liquor, corn steep solids, distillers ordinary meaning as known to those skilled in the art and 5 grains, peels, pits , fermentation waste , straw , lumber, sew can comprise one or more polymers of sugars and sugar age , garbage and food leftovers . Peels can be citrus which derivatives as well as derivatives of sugar polymers and /or include , but are not limited to , tangerine peel, grapefruit other polymeric materials that occur in plant matter. Exem plary plant polysaccharides include lignin , cellulose , starch , peel , orange peel, tangerine peel , lime peel and lemon peel. pectin , and hemicellulose. Others are chitin , sulfonated 10 These materials can come from farms, forestry , industrial polysaccharides such as alginic acid , agarose, carrageenan , sources, households, etc . Another non - limiting example of porphyran , furcelleran and funoran . Generally , the polysac biomass is animalmatter , including , for example milk , meat, charide can have two or more sugar units or derivatives of fat , animal processing waste , and animal waste . “ Feedstock ” sugar units . The sugar units and /or derivatives of sugar units is frequently used to refer to biomass being used for a can repeat in a regular pattern , or otherwise . The sugar units 15 process , such as those described herein . can be hexose units or pentose units , or combinations of “ Broth ” is used herein to refer to inoculated medium at these. The derivatives of sugar units can be sugar alcohols , any stage of growth , including the point immediately after sugar acids, amino sugars , etc . The polysaccharides can be inoculation and the period after any or all cellular activity linear, branched , cross - linked , or a mixture thereof. One type has ceased and can include the material after post - fermen or class of polysaccharide can be cross - linked to another 20 tation processing. It includes the entire contents of the type or class of polysaccharide . combination of soluble and insoluble matter, suspended The term " saccharification ” as used herein has its ordinary matter , cells and medium , as appropriate . meaning as known to those skilled in the art and can include The term “ productivity ” as used herein has its ordinary conversion of plant polysaccharides to lower molecular meaning as known to those skilled in the art and can include weight species that can be utilized by the organism at hand . 25 the mass of a material of interest produced in a given time For some organisms, this would include conversion to in a given volume. Units can be, for example , grams per monosaccharides , disaccharides , trisaccharides, and oli - liter -hour , or some other combination of mass , volume, and gosaccharides of up to about seven monomer units , as well time. In fermentation , productivity is frequently used to as similar sized chains of sugar derivatives and combina characterize how fast a product can be made within a given tions of sugars and sugar derivatives . 30 E The terms “ SSF ” and “ SHF” are known to those skilled in fermentation volume. The volume can be referenced to the the art ; SSF meaning simultaneous saccharification and total volume of the fermentation vessel, the working volume fermentation , or the conversion from polysaccharides or of the fermentation vessel, or the actual volume of broth oligosaccharides into monosaccharides at the same time and being fermented . The context of the phrase will indicate the in the same fermentation vessel wherein monosaccharides 35 meaning intended to one of skill in the art . Productivity is are converted to another chemical product such as ethanol. different from “ titer ” in that productivity includes a time “ SHF ” indicates a physical separation of the polymer hydro term , and titer is analogous to concentration . Titer and lysis or saccharification and fermentation processes . Productivity can generally be measured at any time during The term “ biomass ” as used herein has its ordinary the fermentation , such as at the beginning , the end , or at meaning as known to those skilled in the art and can include 40 some intermediate time, with titer relating the amount of a one or more biological materials that can be converted into particular material present or produced at the point in time a biofuel , chemical or other product. Biomass as used herein of interest and the productivity relating the amount of a is synonymous with the term “ feedstock ” and includes corn particular material produced per liter in a given amount of syrup , molasses , silage , agricultural residues (corn stalks, time . The amount of time used in the productivity determi grass , straw , grain hulls , bagasse , etc . ), animal waste (ma - 45 nation can be from the beginning of the fermentation or from nure from cattle , poultry , and hogs ) , Distillers Dried some other time , and go to the end of the fermentation , such Solubles (DDS ) , Distillers Dried Grains ( DDG ) , Condensed as when no additional material is produced or when harvest Distillers Solubles (CDS ), Distillers Wet Grains (DWG ), occurs , or some other time as indicated by the context of the Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS ) , woody mate use of the term . " Overall productivity ” refers to the produc rials (wood or bark , sawdust , timber slash , and mill scrap ), 50 tivity determined by utilizing the final titer and the overall municipal waste ( waste paper , recycled toilet papers , yard fermentation time. clippings, etc . ), and energy crops (poplars , willows, switch “ Titer ” refers to the amount of a particular material grass , alfalfa , prairie bluestem , algae , including macroalgae , present in a fermentation broth . It is similar to concentration etc . ) . One exemplary source ofbiomass is plantmatter . Plant and can refer to the amount of material made by the matter can be , for example , woody plant matter , non -woody 55 organism in the broth from all fermentation cycles, or the plant matter , cellulosic material, lignocellulosic material, amount of materialmade in the current fermentation cycle or hemicellulosic material, carbohydrates , pectin , starch , inu - over a given period of time, or the amount of material lin , fructans , glucans , corn , sugar cane , grasses , switchgrass , present from whatever source , such as produced by the sorghum , high biomass sorghum , bamboo , algae and mate organism or added to the broth . Frequently , the titer of rial derived from these . Plants can be in their natural state or 60 soluble species will be referenced to the liquid portion of the genetically modified , e . g . , to increase the cellulosic or broth , with insolubles removed , and the titer of insoluble hemicellulosic portion of the cell wall , or to produce addi- species will be referenced to the total amount of broth with tional exogenous or endogenous enzymes to increase the insoluble species being present, however, the titer of soluble separation of cell wall components . Plant matter can be species can be referenced to the total broth volume and the further described by reference to the chemical species pres - 65 titer of insoluble species can be referenced to the liquid ent, such as proteins , polysaccharides and oils . Polysaccha - portion , with the context indicating the which system is used rides include polymers of various monosaccharides and with both reference systems intended in some cases. Fre US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 17 18 quently, the value determined referenced to one system will where nutrients and cells are added or one where cells with be the same or a sufficient approximation of the value no substantial amount of nutrients are added . The more referenced to the other. general phrase “ fed -batch ” encompasses these operations as “ Concentration ” when referring to material in the broth or well . The context where any of these phrases is used will in solution generally refers to the amount of a material 5 indicate to one of skill in the art the techniques being present from all sources, whether made by the organism or considered . added to the broth or solution . Concentration can refer to “ Sugar compounds ” or “ sugar streams” is used herein to soluble species or insoluble species , and is referenced to either the liquid portion of the broth or the total volume of indicate mostly monosaccharide sugars , dissolved , crystal the broth , as for “ titer. ” When referring to a solution , such as 10 lized1; , evaporated , or partially dissolved , including but not “ concentration of the sugar in solution ” , the term indicates limited to hexoses and pentoses; sugar alcohols ; sugar acids ; increasing one or more components of the solution through sugar amines; compounds containing two or more of these evaporation , filtering, extraction , etc . , by removal or reduc linked together directly or indirectly through covalent or tion of a liquid portion . ionic bonds; and mixtures thereof. Included within this The term “ iocatalyst” as used herein has its ordinary 15 description are disaccharides ; trisaccharides ; oligosaccha meaning as known to those skilled in the art and can include rides; polysaccharides ; and sugar chains , branched and / or one or more enzymes and /or microorganisms, including linear, of any length . A sugar stream can consist of primarily solutions, suspensions, and mixtures of enzymes and micro or substantially C6 sugars , C5 sugars , or mixtures ofboth C6 organisms. In some contexts this word will refer to the and C5 sugars in varying ratios of said sugars. C6 sugars possible use of either enzymes or microorganisms to serve 20 have a six - carbon molecular backbone and C5 sugars have a particular function , in other contexts the word will refer to a five - carbon molecular backbone . the combined use of the two , and in other contexts the word “ Crude sugar stream " is used herein to indicate a sugar will refer to only one of the two. The context of the phrase stream that was produced by pretreating and hydrolyzing will indicate the meaning intended to one of skill in the art . cellulose , hemicellulose , or lignocellulose from a biomass . For example , a biocatalyst can be a fermenting microorgan - 25 A crude sugar stream has not been subjected to a purifica ism . tion , clean -up , or refining process . A crude sugar stream can “ Pretreatment” or “ pretreated ” is used herein to refer to be concentrated or a direct hydrolysis product . any mechanical, chemical, thermal, biochemical process or " Originator sugar stream ” or a " originator crude sugar combination of these processes whether in a combined step stream ” is used herein to indicate a sugar stream before the or performed sequentially , that achieves disruption or expan - 30 sugar stream was subjected to a purification , clean -up , or sion of the biomass so as to render the biomass more refining process . Therefore , a comparison of a refined sugar susceptible to attack by enzymes and /or microbes , and can include the enzymatic hydrolysis of released carbohydrate stream with an originator sugar stream is a comparison of a polymers or oligomers to monomers . In one embodiment, sugar stream before and after a purification , clean -up , or pretreatment includes removal or disruptionisruption ofof lignin soson acas 35za rellerefining process . to make the cellulose and hemicellulose polymers in the " C5 - rich ” composition means that one or more steps have plant biomass more available to cellulolytic enzymes and / or been taken to remove at least some of the C6 sugars microbes, for example , by treatment with acid or base . In originally in the composition . For example , a C5 - rich com one embodiment, pretreatment includes disruption or expan - position can include no more than about 50 % C6 sugars, nor sion of cellulosic and /or hemicellulosic material. In another 40 more than about 40 % C6 sugars , no more than about 30 % C6 embodiment, it can refer to starch release and / or enzymatic sugars , no more than about 20 % C6 sugars, no more than hydrolysis to glucose . Steam explosion , and ammonia fiber about 10 % C6 sugars , no more than about 5 % C6 sugars , or expansion ( or explosion ) (AFEX ) are well known thermal/ it can include from about 2 % to about 10 % C6 sugars by chemical techniques. Hydrolysis , including methods that weight. Likewise , a “ C6 - rich ” composition is one in which utilize acids, bases , and / or enzymes can be used . Other 45 at least some of the originally - present C5 sugars have been thermal, chemical, biochemical, enzymatic techniques can removed . For example , a C6 -rich composition can include also be used . no more than about 50 % C5 sugars , nor more than about “ Fed - batch ” or “ fed - batch fermentation ” is used herein to 40 % C5 sugars , no more than about 30 % C5 sugars , no more include methods of culturing microorganisms where nutri than about 20 % C5 sugars, no more than about 10 % C5 ents , other medium components , or biocatalysts ( including , 50 sugars , no more than about 5 % C5 sugars, or it can include for example , enzymes, fresh organisms, extracellular broth , from about 2 % to about 10 % C5 sugars by weight. genetically modified plants and/ or organisms, etc . ) are sup A “ liquid ” composition may contain solids and a “ solids” plied to the fermentor during cultivation , but culture broth is composition may contain liquids . A liquid composition not harvested from the fermentor until the end of the fermentation , although it can also include " self seeding " or 55 refers to a composition in which the material is primarily " partial harvest" techniques where a portion of the fermentor liquid , and a solids composition is one in which the material volume is harvested and then fresh medium is added to thehe 1sis primarily solidsolid . remaining broth in the fermentor, with at least a portion of The terms “ non -cellulosic ” and “ sugar - or starch - based ” the inoculum being the broth that was left in the fermentor. are used interchangeably and have the same meaning . For During a fed -batch fermentation , the broth volume can 60 example “ non -cellulosic fermentation process ” is used inter increase , at least for a period, by adding medium or nutrients changeably and means the same thing as “ sugar - and starch to the broth while fermentation organisms are present. based fermentation process .” Starch is a carbohydrate con Suitable nutrients which can be utilized include those that sisting of consisting of a large number of glucose units are soluble , insoluble , and partially soluble , including gas- joined by glycosidic bonds . The glycosidic bonds are typi ses , liquids and solids. In one embodiment , a fed - batch 65 cally the easily hydrolysable alpha glycosidic bonds. This process is referred to with a phrase such as , “ fed - batch with polysaccharide can be produced by all green plants as an cell augmentation .” This phrase can include an operation energy store . There can be two types of starch molecules : the US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 19 20 linear and helical amylose and the branched amylopectin , Cellulose is a linear polymer of glucose where the glucose although amylase can also contain branches . units are connected via B 1( 4 ) linkages .Hemicellulose is a branched polymer of a number of sugar monomers including DESCRIPTION glucose, xylose , mannose, galactose , rhamnose and arab 5 inose , and can have sugar acids such as mannuronic acid and The following description and examples illustrate some galacturonic acid present as well . Lignin is a cross - linked , exemplary embodiments of the disclosure in detail . Those of racemic macromolecule of mostly p - coumaryl alcohol, con skill in the art will recognize that there are numerous feryl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol. These three polymers variations and modifications of this disclosure that are occur together in lignocellulosic materials in plant biomass . encompassed by its scope . Accordingly , the description of a 10 The different characteristics of the three polymers can make certain exemplary embodiment should not be deemed to hydrolysis of the combination difficult as each polymer limit the scope of the present disclosure . tends to shield the others from enzymatic attack . Acid hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass to produce In one embodiment, methods are provided for the pre sugars can be costly and requires special equipment. The treatment of feedstock used in the fermentation and produc process , especially under high temperatures and pressure , 15 tion of the biofuels and chemicals . The pretreatment steps can release structural carbohydrates in cellulosic biomass can include mechanical, thermal, pressure, chemical, ther and can expose crystalline cellulose to enzymatic degrada mochemical, and /or biochemical tests pretreatment prior to tion . The hydrolyzed sugars produced through this pretreat- being used in a bioprocess for the production of fuels and ment process themselves can be labile to the harsh hydro chemicals , but untreated biomass material can be used in the lysis conditions and can be degraded to unwanted or toxic 20 process as well . Mechanical processes can reduce the par byproducts . If exposed to acid too long , especially under ticle size of the biomass material so that it can be more high temperatures , the glucose derived from cellulose can conveniently handled in the bioprocess and can increase the degrade into hydroxymethylfurfural, which can be further surface area of the feedstock to facilitate contact with degraded into levulinic acid and formic acid . Xylose , a chemicals /biochemicals / biocatalysts . Mechanical processes hemicellulose sugar, can be degraded into furfural and 25 can also separate one type of biomass material from another. further to tars and other degradation products . The biomass material can also be subjected to thermal Lignin is a complex polymer and the solubilization of and / or chemical pretreatments to render plant polymers lignin during pretreatment can produce various aromatic and more accessible . Multiple steps of treatment can also be phenolics . These lignin - derived compounds can be referred used . to as low molecular weight lignins. 30 Mechanical processes include , are not limited to , wash For acid to completely hydrolyze the cellulose and hemi- ing , soaking, milling , size reduction , screening , shearing , cellulose in a lignocellulosic substrate , degradation of the size classification and density classification processes. desirable sugars and formation of the toxic byproducts may Chemical processes include , but are not limited to , bleach be unavoidable due to kinetic constraints . Too gentle a ing , oxidation , reduction , acid treatment, base treatment , process , so that significant degradation of sugars is avoided , 35 sulfite treatment , acid sulfite treatment , basic sulfite treat may not result in complete hydrolysis of substrate . Further ment, ammonia treatment, and hydrolysis . Thermal pro more , the acid can be corrosive and can require special cesses include , but are not limited to , sterilization , ammonia handling and equipment . Accordingly , in the last twenty fiber expansion or explosion ( “ AFEX " ) , steam explosion , years attention pretreatment has focused on enzymatic holding at elevated temperatures , pressurized or unpressur hydrolysis of cellulose with cellulase followed by fermen - 40 ized , in the presence or absence of water, and freezing . tation of the resulting sugars to produce ethanol which in Biochemical processes include , but are not limited to , treat turn can be distilled to purify it sufficiently for fuel uses . ment with enzymes , including enzymes produced by geneti Cellulase is an enzyme complex that can include , for c ally -modified plants , and treatment with microorganisms. example, three different types of enzymes involved in the various enzymes that can be utilized include cellulase , saccharification of cellulose . The cellulase enzyme complex 45 amylase , B - glucosidase , xylanase , gluconase , and other produced by Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 contains the polysaccharases ; lysozyme; laccase, and other lignin -modi enzymes endoglucanase ( E . C . 3 . 2 . 1 . 4 ) , cellobiohydrolase fying enzymes ; lipoxygenase , peroxidase , and other oxida ( E . C . 3 . 2 . 1 . 91 ) and 13 - glucosidase ( E . C . 3 . 2 . 1 . 21) . Gum et al, tive enzymes; proteases; and lipases . One or more of the Biochem . Biophys . Acta , 446 :370 - 86 ( 1976 ) . The combined mechanical, chemical, thermal, thermochemical , and bio synergistic actions of these three enzymes in a mixed 50 chemical processes can be combined or used separately . cellulose preparation can completely hydrolyze cellulose to Such combined processes can also include those used in the D - glucose . However, cellulase may not be able to com - production of paper, cellulose products , microcrystalline pletely degrade the cellulose found in native , unpretreated cellulose , and cellulosics and can include pulping, kraft lignocellulose . It appears that the hemicellulose and lignin pulping , acidic sulfite processing. The feedstock can be a can interfere with the access of the enzyme complex to the 55 side stream or waste stream from a facility that utilizes one cellulose , probably due to their coating and binding of the or more of these processes on a biomass material , such as cellulose fibers . Furthermore , lignin itself can bind cellulase cellulosic , hemicellulosic or lignocellulosic material. thereby rendering it inactive or less effective for digesting Examples include paper plants , cellulosics plants , distilla cellulose . For example , raw ground hardwood can be only tion plants , cotton processing plants , and microcrystalline about 10 to 20 % digestible into sugars using a cellulase 60 cellulose plants . The feedstock can also include cellulose preparation . containing or cellulosic containing waste materials . The Feedstock and Pretreatment of Feedstock feedstock can also be biomass materials , such as wood , In one embodiment, the feedstock (biomass ) contains grasses , corn , starch , or sugar, produced or harvested as an cellulosic , hemicellulosic , and / or lignocellulosic material. intended feedstock for production of ethanol or other prod The feedstock can be derived from agricultural crops, crop 65 ucts such as by biocatalysts . residues , trees, woodchips, sawdust , paper , cardboard , In another embodiment, a method can utilize a pretreat grasses, algae , municipal waste and other sources. ment process disclosed in U . S . Patents and Patent Applica US 9 ,809 ,867 B2 21 22 tions US20040152881 , US20040171136 , US20040168960 , incubation with an ionic liquid , followed by IL extraction US20080121359 , US20060069244 , US20060188980 , with a wash solvent such as alcohol or water. The treated US20080176301 , 5693296 , 6262313 , US20060024801 , biomass can then be separated from the ionic liquid / wash 5969189 , 6043392 , US20020038058 , U .S . Pat. No . 5 , 865 , solvent solution by centrifugation or filtration , and sent to 898 , U . S . Pat. No . 5 , 865 ,898 , U . S . Pat. Nos. 6 ,478 , 965, 5 the saccharification reactor or vessel. Examples of ionic 5 ,986 , 133 , or US20080280338 , each of which is incorpo - liquid pretreatment are disclosed in US publication No . rated by reference herein in its entirety 2008 / 0227162 , incorporated herein by reference in its In another embodiment, the AFEX process is be used for entirety . pretreatment of biomass . In a preferred embodiment, the AFEX process is used in the preparation of cellulosic , 10 In another embodiment, a method can utilize a pretreat hemicellulosic or lignocellulosic materials for fermentation ment process disclosed in U . S . Pat. No . 4 ,600 ,590 to Dale , to ethanol or other products . The process generally includes U . S . Pat. No. 4 ,644 , 060 to Chou , U . S . Pat. No. 5 ,037 , 663 to combining the feedstock with ammonia , heating under pres Dale . U . S . Pat. No. 5 , 171 ,592 to Holtzapple , et al ., et al ., sure , and suddenly releasing the pressure . Water can be U . S . Pat. No . 5 , 939 , 544 to Karstens, et al. , U . S . Pat . No . present in various amounts . The AFEX process has been the 15 5 , 473 , 061 to Bredereck , et al. , U . S . Pat . No . 6 ,416 ,621 to subject of numerous patents and publications. Karstens. , U . S . Pat . No. 6 , 106 ,888 to Dale , et al. , U . S . Pat . In another embodimentembodiment, thethe pretreatment of biomass No . 6 , 176 , 176 to Dale , et al. , PCT publication WO2008/ comprises the addition of calcium hydroxide to a biomass to 020901 to Dale , et al ., Felix , A . , et al. , Anim . Prod . 51 , 47 -61 render the biomass susceptible to degradation . Pretreatment ( 1990 ), Wais , A . C ., Jr ., et al. , Journal of Animal Science , 35 , comprises the addition of calcium hydroxide and water to 20 No . 1, 109 - 112 ( 1972 ), which are incorporated herein by the biomass to form a mixture , and maintaining the mixture reference in their entireties. at a relatively high temperature . Alternatively , an oxidizing Alteration of the pH of a pretreated feedstock can be agent, selected from the group consisting of oxygen and accomplished by washing the feedstock (e . g ., with water ) oxygen -containing gasses, can be added under pressure to one or more times to remove an alkaline or acidic substance , the mixture . Examples of carbon hydroxide treatments are 25 or other substance used or produced during pretreatment. disclosed in U . S . Pat. No . 5 ,865 ,898 to Holtzapple and S . Washing can comprise exposing the pretreated feedstock to Kim and M . T . Holzapple, Bioresource Technology , 96 , an equal volume of water 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , ( 2005 ) 1994 , incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21, 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 or more times . In one embodiment, pretreatment of biomass comprises In another embodiment, a pH modifier can be added . For dilute acid hydrolysis . Example of dilute acid hydrolysis 30 example , an acid , a buffer, or a material that reacts with other treatment are disclosed in T . A . Lloyd and C . E Wyman , materials present can be added to modulate the pH of the Bioresource Technology , ( 2005 ) 96 , 1967) , incorporated by feedstock . In one embodiment, more than one pH modifier reference herein in its entirety . can be used , such as one or more bases, one or more bases In another embodiment, pretreatment of biomass com - with one or more buffers , one or more acids , one or more prises pH controlled liquid hot water treatment . Examples of 35 acids with one or more buffers , or one or more buffers . When pH controlled liquid hot water treatments are disclosed in N . more than one pH modifiers are utilized , they can be added Mosier et al. , Bioresource Technology , (2005 ) 96 , 1986 , at the same time or at different times . Other non - limiting incorporated by reference herein in its entirety . exemplary methods for neutralizing feedstocks treated with In one embodiment, pretreatment of biomass comprises alkaline substances have been described , for example in aqueous ammonia recycle process (ARP ) . Examples of 40 U . S . Pat . Nos. 4 , 048 , 341 ; 4 , 182, 780 ; and 5 ,693 , 296 . aqueous ammonia recycle process are described in T . H . In one embodiment, one or more acids can be combined , Kim and Y . Y . Lee , Bioresource Technology , ( 2005 ) 96 , resulting in a buffer. Suitable acids and buffers that can be 2007 , incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. used as pH modifiers include any liquid or gaseous acid that In one embodiment, the above mentioned methods have is compatible with the microorganism . Non - limiting two steps : a pretreatment step that leads to a wash stream , 45 examples include peroxyacetic acid , sulfuric acid , lactic and an enzymatic hydrolysis step of pretreated -biomass that acid , citric acid , phosphoric acid , and hydrochloric acid . In produces a hydrolysate stream . In the above methods, the pH some instances, the pH can be lowered to neutral pH or at which the pretreatment step is carried out includes acid acidic pH , for example a pH of 7 . 0 , 6 . 5 , 6 . 0 , 5 . 5 , 5 . 0 , 4 . 5 , hydrolysis , hot water pretreatment, steam explosion or alka - 4 . 0 , or lower. In some embodiments, the pH is lowered line reagent based methods (AFEX , ARP, and lime pretreat- 50 and / or maintained within a range of about pH 4 . 5 to about ments ) . Dilute acid and hot water treatment methods solu - 7 . 1 , or about 4 . 5 to about 6 . 9 , or about pH 5 . 0 to about 6 . 3 , bilize mostly hemicellulose , whereas methods employing or about pH 5 . 5 to about 6 . 3 , or about pH 6 . 0 to about 6 . 5 , alkaline reagents remove most lignin during the pretreat - or about pH 5 . 5 to about 6 . 9 or about pH 6 . 2 to about 6 . 7 . ment step . As a result , the wash stream from the pretreatment In another embodiment, biomass can be pre - treated at an step in the former methods contains mostly hemicellulose - 55 elevated temperature and / or pressure . In one embodiment based sugars , whereas this stream has mostly lignin for the biomass is pre treated at a temperature range of 20° C . to high - pH methods . The subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of 400° C . In another embodiment biomass is pretreated at a the residual biomass leads to mixed sugars ( C5 and C6 ) in temperature of about 20° C . , 25° C ., 30° C . , 35° C ., 40° C . , the alkali based pretreatment methods, while glucose is the 45° C . , 50° C . , 55° C . , 60° C . , 65° C ., 80º C ., 90° C ., 100° major product in the hydrolyzate from the low and neutral 60 C ., 120° C . , 150° C . , 200° C . , 250° C . , 300° C . , 350° C . , pH methods. In one embodiment, the treated material is 400° C . or higher . In another embodiment, elevated tem additionally treated with catalase or another similar chemi- peratures are provided by the use of steam , hot water , or hot cal, chelating agents , surfactants , and other compounds to gases . In one embodiment steam can be injected into a remove impurities or toxic chemicals or further release biomass containing vessel. In another embodiment the polysaccharides. 65 steam , hot water, or hot gas can be injected into a vessel In one embodiment, pretreatment of biomass comprises jacket such that it heats , but does not directly contact the ionic liquid (IL ) pretreatment. Biomass can be pretreated by biomass . US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 23 24 In another embodiment, a biomass can be treated at an thereof. In some instances , pretreatment of the lignocellu elevated pressure . In one embodiment biomass is pre treated losic feedstock comprises adding an alkaline substance at a pressure range of about 1 psi to about 30 psi. In another which raises the pH to an alkaline level, for example NaOH . embodiment biomass is pre treated at a pressure or about 1 In one embodiment, NaOH is added at a concentration of psi, 2 psi , 3 psi, 4 psi, 5 psi, 6 psi , 7 psi, 8 psi , 9 psi , 10 psi, 5 about 0 . 5 % to about 2 % by weight of the feedstock . In one 12 psi, 15 psi, 18 psi, 20 psi , 22 psi, 24 psi, 26 psi, 28 psi , embodiment, pretreatment also comprises addition of a 30 psi or more. In some embodiments , biomass can be chelating agent. treated with elevated pressures by the injection of steam into Hydrolysis a biomass containing vessel. In one embodiment, the bio mass can be treated to vacuum conditions prior or subse - 10 In one embodiment, the biomass hydrolyzing unit pro quent to alkaline or acid treatment or any other treatment vides useful advantages for the conversion of biomass to methods provided herein . biofuels and chemical products . One advantage of this unit In one embodiment alkaline or acid pretreated biomass is is its ability to produce monomeric sugars from multiple washed ( e . g . with water (hot or cold ) or other solvent such types of biomass, including mixtures of different biomass as alcohol ( e . g . ethanol ) ) , pH neutralized with an acid , base , 15 materials , and is capable of hydrolyzing polysaccharides and or buffering agent ( e . g . phosphate , citrate , borate , or car higher molecular weight saccharides to lower molecular bonate salt ) or dried prior to fermentation . In one embodi- weight saccharides . In one embodiment, the hydrolyzing ment, the drying step can be performed under vacuum to unit utilizes a pretreatment process and a hydrolytic enzyme increase the rate of evaporation of water or other solvents . which facilitates the production of a sugar stream containing Alternatively, or additionally , the drying step can be per - 20 a concentration of a monomeric sugar or several monomeric formed at elevated temperatures such as about 20° C ., 25° sugars derived from cellulosic and / or hemicellulosic poly C . , 30° C . , 35° C . , 40° C . , 45° C . , 50° C ., 55° C ., 60° C ., 650 mers . Examples of biomass material that can be pretreated C ., 80° C ., 90° C ., 100° C ., 120° C ., 150° C ., 200° C ., 250° and hydrolyzed to manufacture sugarmonomers include , but C ., 300° C . or more . are not limited to , cellulosic , hemicellulosic , lignocellulosic In one embodiment of the present invention , the pretreat- 25 materials ; pectins ; starches ; wood ; paper; agricultural prod ment step includes a step of solids recovery . The solids u cts ; forest waste ; tree waste ; tree bark ; leaves ; grasses ; recovery step can be during or after pretreatment ( e . g . , acid sawgrass ; woody plant matter; non -woody plant matter; or alkali pretreatment) , or before the drying step . In one carbohydrates ; starch ; inulin ; fructans; glucans ; corn ; sugar embodiment, the solids recovery step provided by the meth - cane ; sorghum , other grasses ; bamboo , algae , and material ods of the present invention includes the use of a sieve , filter , 30 derived from these materials . This ability to use a very wide screen , or a membrane for separating the liquid and solids range of pretreatment methods and hydrolytic enzymes fractions . In one embodiment a suitable sieve pore diameter gives distinct advantages in biomass fermentations. Various size ranges from about 0 .001 microns to 8 mm , such as about pretreatment conditions and enzyme hydrolysis can enhance 0 . 005 microns to 3 mm or about 0 .01 microns to 1 mm . In the extraction of sugars from biomass , resulting in higher one embodiment a sieve pore size has a pore diameter of 35 yields , higher productivity , greater product selectivity , and / about 0 .01 microns, 0 . 02 microns, 0 .05 microns, 0 . 1 or greater conversion efficiency . microns , 0 . 5 microns , 1 micron , 2 microns , 4 microns, 5 In one embodiment, the enzyme treatment is used to microns , 10 microns, 20 microns , 25 microns , 50 microns, hydrolyze various higher saccharides (higher molecular 75 microns, 100 microns, 125 microns , 150 microns , 200 weight ) present in biomass to lower saccharides ( lower microns , 250 microns , 300 microns , 400 microns , 500 40 molecular weight) , such as in preparation for fermentation microns , 750 microns, 1 mm or more . In one embodiment , by biocatalysts such as yeasts to produce ethanol, hydrogen , biomass ( e . g . corn stover ) is processed or pretreated prior to or other chemicals such as organic acids including succinic fermentation . In one embodiment a method of pre - treatment acid , formic acid , acetic acid , and lactic acid . These enzymes includes but is not limited to , biomass particle size reduc - and / or the hydrolysate can be used in fermentations to tion , such as for example shredding, milling, chipping , 45 produce various products including fuels , and other chemi crushing , grinding, or pulverizing. In one embodiment , cals. biomass particle size reduction can include size separation In one example , the process for converting biomass methods such as sieving , or other suitable methods known in material into ethanol includes pretreating the biomass mate the art to separate materials based on size . In one embodi- rial ( e . g . , " feedstock ” ), hydrolyzing the pretreated biomass ment size separation can provide for enhanced yields . In one 50 to convert polysaccharides to oligosaccharides , further embodiment, separation of finely shredded biomass ( e . g . hydrolyzing the oligosaccharides to monosaccharides , and particles smaller than about 8 mm in diameter , such as , 8 , converting the monosaccharides to biofuels and chemical 7 . 9 , 7 . 7 , 7 . 5 , 7 . 3 , 7 , 6 . 9 , 6 . 7 , 6 . 5 , 6 . 3 , 6 , 5 . 9 , 5 . 7 , 5 . 5 , 5 . 3 , 5 , products . Enzymes such as cellulases , polysaccharases , 4 . 9 , 4 . 7 , 4 .5 , 4 . 3 , 4 , 3. 9 , 3 .7 , 3 . 5 , 3 . 3 , 3 , 2 .9 , 2 . 7 , 2 . 5 , 2 .3 , 2 , lipases, proteases, ligninases , and hemicellulases, help pro 1. 9 , 1 . 7 , 1 . 5 , 1 . 3 , 1 , 0 . 9 , 0 . 8 , 0 . 7 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 5 , 0 .4 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 2 , or 0 . 1 55 duce themonosaccharides can be used in the biosynthesis of mm ) from larger particles allows the recycling of the larger fermentation end - products. Biomass material that can be particles back into the size reduction process , thereby utilized includes woody plant matter, non -woody plant mat increasing the final yield of processed biomass. In one ter, cellulosic material, lignocellulosic material, hemicellu embodiment, a fermentative mixture is provided which losic material, carbohydrates, pectin , starch , inulin , fructans, comprises a pretreated lignocellulosic feedstock comprising 60 glucans, corn , algae , sugarcane, other grasses, switchgrass , less than about 50 % of a lignin component present in the bagasse , wheat straw , barley straw , rice straw , corncobs , feedstock prior to pretreatment and comprising more than bamboo , citrus peels , sorghum , high biomass sorghum , seed about 60 % of a hemicellulose component present in the hulls , and material derived from these . The final product can feedstock prior to pretreatment; and a microorganism then be separated and / or purified , as indicated by the prop capable of fermenting a five -carbon sugar , such as xylose , 65 erties for the desired final product. In some instances , arabinose or a combination thereof, and a six - carbon sugar, compounds related to sugars such as sugar alcohols or sugar such as glucose , galactose , mannose or a combination acids can be utilized as well . US 9 ,809 ,867 B2 25 26 Chemicals used in the methods of the present invention a hydrolysis is chosen so that the concentration of soluble C5 are readily available and can be purchased from a commer saccharides is high and the concentration of lignin is low cial supplier, such as Sigma- Aldrich . Additionally , commer after hydrolysis . Examples of parameters of the hydrolysis cial enzyme cocktails (e . g . AccelleraseTM 1000 , CelluSeb include temperature, pressure , time, concentration , compo TL , CelluSeb - TS , CellicTM ' CTec , STARGENTM , 5 sition and pH . MaxaligTM , Spezyme .RTM , Distillase .RTM , G -Zyme . RTM , In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment Fermenzyme.RTM FermgenTM , GC 212 , or OptimashTM ) or and hydrolysis are changed to vary the concentration of the any other commercial enzyme cocktail can be purchased components of the pretreated feedstock such that concen from vendors such as Specialty Enzymes & Biochemicals tration of the components in the pretreated and hydrolyzed Co . , Genencor , or Novozymes. Alternatively , enzyme cock - 10 feedstock is optimal for fermentation with a microbe such as tails can be prepared by growing one or more organisms a yeast or bacterium microbe. such as for example a fungi ( e . g . a Trichoderma , a Saccha - In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment romyces, a Pichia , a White Rot etc . ), a bacteria ( e . g . are changed to encourage the release of the components of a Clostridium , or a coliform bacterium , a Zymomonas bac - a genetically modified feedstock such as enzymes stored terium , Sacharophagus degradans etc . ) in a suitable 15 within a vacuole to increase or complement the enzymes medium and harvesting enzymes produced therefrom . In synthesized by biocatalyst to produce optimal release of the some embodiments , the harvesting can include one or more fermentable components during hydrolysis and fermenta steps of purification of enzymes . tion . In one embodiment, treatment of biomass comprises In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment enzyme hydrolysis. In one embodiment a biomass is treated 20 and hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of acces with an enzyme or a mixture of enzymes , e . g ., endonu - sible cellulose in the pretreated feedstock is 1 % , 5 % , 10 % , cleases , exonucleases, cellobiohydrolases , cellulase, beta - 12 % , 13 % , 14 % , 15 % , 16 % , 17 % , 19 % , 20 % , 30 % , 40 % or glucosidases, glycoside hydrolases, glycosyltransferases , 50 % . In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment lyases, esterases and proteins containing carbohydrate - bind - are changed such that concentration of accessible cellulose ing modules . In one embodiment, the enzyme or mixture of 25 in the pretreated feedstock is 5 % to 30 % . In one embodi enzymes is one or more individual enzymes with distinctm ent, the parameters of the pretreatment are changed such activities. In another embodiment, the enzyme or mixture of that concentration of accessible cellulose in the pretreated enzymes can be enzyme domains with a particular catalytic feedstock is 10 % to 20 % . activity . For example , an enzymewith multiple activities can In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment have multiple enzyme domains , including for example gly - 30 are changed such that concentration of hemicellulose in the coside hydrolases, glycosyltransferases, lyases and /or pretreated feedstock is 1 % , 5 % , 10 % , 12 % , 13 % , 14 % , 15 % , esterases catalytic domains . 16 % , 17 % , 19 % , 20 % , 21 % , 22 % , 23 % , 24 % , 25 % , 26 % , In one embodiment, enzymes that degrade polysaccha - 27 % , 28 % , 29 % , 30 % , 40 % or 50 % . In one embodiment, the rides are used for the hydrolysis of biomass and can include parameters of the pretreatment are changed such that con enzymes that degrade cellulose , namely, cellulases. 35 centration of hemicellulose in the pretreated feedstock is 5 % Examples of some cellulases include endocellulases and to 40 % . In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreat exo -cellulases that hydrolyze beta - 1 ,4 -glucosidic bonds . ment are changed such that concentration of hemicellulose In one embodiment, enzymes that degrade polysaccha - in the pretreated feedstock is 10 % to 30 % . rides are used for the hydrolysis of biomass and can include In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment enzymes that have the ability to degrade hemicellulose , 40 and hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of namely, hemicellulases. Hemicellulose can be a major com - soluble oligomers in the pretreated feedstock is 1 % , 10 % , ponent of plant biomass and can contain a mixture of 15 % , 20 % , 25 % , 30 % , 35 % , 40 % , 45 % , 50 % , 55 % , 60 % , pentoses and hexoses , for example , D -xylopyranose , L -ara 65 % , 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 85 % , 90 % , 95 % , or 99 % . Examples binofuranose , D -mannopyranose , Dglucopyranose , D - ga - of soluble oligomers include , but are not limited to , cello lactopyranose , D - glucopyranosyluronic acid and other sug - 45 biose and xylobiose . In one embodiment, the parameters of ars . In one embodiment, enzymes that degrade the pretreatment are changed such that concentration of polysaccharides are used for the hydrolysis of biomass and soluble oligomers in the pretreated feedstock is 30 % to 90 % . can include enzymes that have the ability to degrade pectin , In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment namely , pectinases . In plant cell walls , the cross - linked and / or hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of cellulose network can be embedded in a matrix of pectins 50 soluble oligomers in the pretreated feedstock is 45 % to 80 % . that can be covalently cross - linked toxyloglucans and cer - In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment tain structural proteins . Pectin can comprise homogalactur and hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of onan (HG ) or rhamnogalacturonan (RH ) . simple sugars in the pretreated feedstock is 1 % , 5 % , 10 % , In one embodiment, hydrolysis of biomass includes 12 % , 13 % , 14 % , 15 % , 16 % , 17 % , 19 % , 20 % , 30 % , 40 % or enzymes that can hydrolyze starch . Enzymes that hydrolyze 55 50 % . In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment starch include alpha -amylase , glucoamylase , beta -amylase , and hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of exo - alpha - 1 , 4 - glucanase, and pullulanase . simple sugars in the pretreated feedstock is 0 % to 20 % . In In one embodiment, hydrolysis of biomass comprises one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment and hydrolases that can include enzymes that hydrolyze chitin . hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of simple In another embodiment, hydrolases can include enzymes 60 sugars in the pretreated feedstock is 0 % to 5 % . Examples of that hydrolyze , namely , lichenase . simple sugars include , but are not limited to , C5 and C6 In one embodiment, after pretreatment and /or hydrolysis monomers and dimers. by any of the above methods the feedstock contains cellu - In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment lose , hemicellulose , soluble oligomers , simple sugars, are changed such that concentration of lignin in the pre lignin , volatiles and ash . The parameters of the hydrolysis 65 treated and / or hydrolyzed feedstock is 1 % , 5 % , 10 % , 12 % , can be changed to vary the concentration of the components 13 % , 14 % , 15 % , 16 % , 17 % , 19 % , 20 % , 30 % , 40 % or 50 % . of the pretreated feedstock . For example , in one embodiment In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 27 28 and / or hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of taken up slowly by a biocatalyst, necessitating an almost lignin in the pretreated feedstock is 0 % to 20 % . In one complete conversion of polysaccharides and oligomers to embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment and /or monomeric sugars. hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of lignin in In another embodiment, the enzymes of the method are the pretreated feedstock is 0 % to 5 % . In one embodiment, 5 produced by a biocatalyst, including a range of hydrolytic the parameters of the pretreatment and hydrolysis are enzymes suitable for the biomass materials used in the changed such that concentration of lignin in the pretreated fermentation methods. In one embodiment, a biocatalyst is and / or hydrolyzed feedstock is less than 1 % to 2 % . In one grown under conditions appropriate to induce and / or pro embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment and /or mote production of the enzymes needed for the saccharifi hydrolysis are changed such that the concentration of phe - cation ofthe polysaccharide present. The production of these nolics is minimized . enzymes can occur in a separate vessel , such as a seed In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment fermentation vessel or other fermentation vessel, or in the and / or hydrolysis are changed such that concentration of production fermentation vessel where ethanol production furfural and low molecular weight lignin in the pretreated 15 occurs . When the enzymes are produced in a separate vessel, and /or hydrolyzed feedstock is less than 10 % , 9 % , 8 % , 7 % , they can , for example, be transferred to the production 6 % , 5 % , 4 % , 3 % , 2 % , or 1 % . In one embodiment, the fermentation vessel along with the cells , or as a relatively parameters of the pretreatment and / or hydrolysis are cell free solution liquid containing the intercellular medium changed such that concentration of furfural and low molecu - with the enzymes . When the enzymes are produced in a lar weight lignin in the pretreated and /or hydrolyzed feed - 20 separate vessel, they can also be dried and /or purified prior stock is less than 1 % to 2 % . to adding them to the hydrolysis or the production fermen In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment tation vessel . The conditions appropriate for production of and / or hydrolysis are changed such that the concentration of the enzymes are frequently managed by growing the cells in simple sugars is at least 75 % to 85 % , and the concentration a medium that includes the biomass that the cells will be of lignin is 0 % to 5 % and the concentration of furfural and 25 expected to hydrolyze in subsequent fermentation steps . low molecular weight lignin in the pretreated feedstock is Additional medium components , such as salt supplements , growth factors , and cofactors including , but not limited to less than 1 % to 2 % . phytate , amino acids, and peptides can also assist in the In one embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment production of the enzymes utilized by the microorganism in and /or hydrolysis are changed to obtain a high concentrationne 30 the production of the desired products . of hemicellulose and a low concentration of lignin . In one 30 Biofuel Plant and Process of Producing Biofuel : embodiment, the parameters of the pretreatment and /or Large Scale Fuel and Chemical Production from Biomass hydrolysis are changed to obtain a high concentration of Generally , there are severalbasic approaches to producing hemicellulose and a low concentration of lignin such that fuels and chemical end -products from biomass on a large concentration of the components in the pretreated stock is 35os scale utilizing of microbial cells . In the one method , one first optimal for fermentation with a microbe such as biocatalyst. pretreats and hydrolyzes a biomass material that includes In one embodiment, more than one of these steps can high molecular weight carbohydrates to lower molecular occur at any given time. For example , hydrolysis of the weight carbohydrates, and then ferments the lower molecu pretreated feedstock and hydrolysis of the oligosaccharides lar weight carbohydrates utilizing of microbial cells to can occur simultaneously , and one or more of these can 40 produce fuel or other products. In the second method , one occur simultaneously to the conversion of monosaccharides treats the biomass material itself usingmechanical , chemical to a fuel or chemical. and /or enzymatic methods. In allmethods , depending on the In another embodiment, an enzyme can directly convert type of biomass and its physical manifestation , one of the the polysaccharide to monosaccharides . In some instances , processes can comprise a milling of the carbonaceous mate an enzyme can hydrolyze the polysaccharide to oligosac - 45 rial, via wet or dry milling , to reduce the material in size and charides and the enzyme or another enzyme can hydrolyze increase the surface to volume ratio (physical modification ) . the oligosaccharides to monosaccharides . In one embodiment, hydrolysis can be accomplished In another embodiment, the enzymes can be added to the using acids, e . g . , Bronsted acids ( e . g ., sulfuric or hydrochlo fermentation or they can be produced by microorganisms ric acid ) , bases , e . g . , sodium hydroxide, hydrothermal pro present in the fermentation . In one embodiment, the micro - 50 cesses , ammonia fiber explosion processes ( " AFEX " ) , lime organism present in the fermentation produces some processes , enzymes , or combination of these . Hydrogen , and enzymes . In another embodiment, enzymes are produced other end products of the fermentation can be captured and separately and added to the fermentation . purified if desired , or disposed of, e . g ., by burning . For For the overall conversion of pretreated biomass to final example , the hydrogen gas can be flared , or used as an product to occur at high rates , it is generally necessary for 55 energy source in the process , e . g ., to drive a steam boiler, each of the necessary enzymes for each conversion step to e . g ., by burning . Hydrolysis and / or steam treatment of the be present with sufficiently high activity . If one of these biomass can , e . g . , increase porosity and /or surface area of enzymes is missing or is present in insufficient quantities , the biomass , often leaving the cellulosic materials more the production rate of an end product will be reduced . The exposed to the biocatalyst cells , which can increase fermen production rate can also be reduced if the microorganisms 60 tation rate and yield . Removal of lignin can , e . g ., provide a responsible for the conversion of monosaccharides to prod - combustible fuel for driving a boiler, and can also , e . g . , uct only slowly take up monosaccharides and /or have only increase porosity and / or surface area of the biomass, often limited capability for translocation of the monosaccharides increasing fermentation rate and yield . Generally , in any of and intermediates produced during the conversion to end the these embodiments , the initial concentration of the product . Additions of fractions obtained from pretreatment 65 carbohydrates in the medium is greater than 20 mM , e . g . , and / or pretreatment and hydrolysis can increase initial or greater than 30 mM , 50 mM , 75 mM , 100 mM , 150 mM , 200 overall growth rates . In another embodiment, oligomers are mM , or even greater than 500 mM . US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 29 30 Biomass Processing Plant and Process of Producing Prod Products may be derived from treatment of the acidified ucts from Biomass fluid , e . g ., gypsum or ammonium phosphate . In one aspect, a fuel or chemical plant that includes a Wash fluids can be collected to concentrate the C5 sac pretreatment unit to prepare biomass for improved exposure charides in the wash stream . At such a point , the solids can and biopolymer separation , a hydrolysis unit configured to 5 be separated from the C5 stream and the C5 stream further hydrolyze a biomass material that includes a high molecular purified through the use of carbon filtration . Enzymes or a mixture of enzymes can be added during weight carbohydrate , and one or more product recovery pretreatment to hydrolyze , e . g . endoglucanases, exogluca system ( s ) to isolate a product or products and associated nases , cellobiohydrolases (CBH ) , beta - glucosidases, glyco by - products and co -products is provided . In another aspect , 10 side hydrolases, glycosyltransferases , alphyamylases, chiti methods of purifying lower molecular weight carbohydrate nases , pectinases , lyases, and esterases active against from solid byproducts and / or toxic impurities are provided . components of cellulose , hemicelluloses , pectin , and starch , In another aspect , methods of making a product or prod in the hydrolysis of high molecular weight components . If ucts that include combining biocatalyst cells of a microor the C5 saccharides are not collected separately , they are ganism and a biomass feed in a medium wherein thene biomass 15 included in the enzymatic hydrolysis of the stream . Thus feed contains lower molecular weight carbohydrates and enzymatic hydrolysis can produce a fairly pure C6 stream or unseparated solids and /or other liquids from pretreatment a mixed C5 and C6 stream . Solids are removed and the C6 and hydrolysis , and fermenting the biomass material under or the mixed stream is then refined through activated carbon conditions and for a time sufficient to produce a biofuel , treatment. If the sugar stream is not concentrated , it can be chemical product or fermentive end - products , e. g . ethanol, 20 further concentrated , usually through evaporation , prior to propanol, hydrogen , succinic acid , lignin , terpenoids, and activated carbon treatment. The carbon is removed by any the like as described above , is provided . separation means , filtration , filter press , centrifugation or the In another aspect , products made by any of the processes like , and the resulting refined sugar stream collected or described herein are also provided herein . further treated , depending on the intended use of the sugar FIG . 1 is an example of a method for producing sugar 25 stream . streams from biomass by first treating biomass with an acid A fermentor, attached or at a separate site , can be fed with at elevated temperature and pressure in a hydrolysis unit. hydrolyzed biomass , any liquid fraction from biomass pre The biomass may first be heated by addition of hot water or treatment, an active seed culture of a biocatalyst, such as a steam . The biomass may be acidified by bubbling gaseous yeast , if desired a co - fermenting microbe, e . g ., another yeast sulfur dioxide through the biomass that is suspended in 30 or E . coli , and , if required, nutrients to promote growth of water , or by adding a strong acid , e . g . , sulfuric, hydrochloric , the biocatalyst or other microbes . Alternatively, the pre or nitric acid with or without preheating / presteaming /water treated biomass or liquid fraction can be split into multiple addition . Weaker acids or organic acids , such as carbonic , fermentors , each containing a different strain of a biocatalyst oxalic , malic , and the like can also be used . During the and / or other microbes , and each operating under specific acidification , the pH is maintained at a low level, e . g ., below 35 physical conditions . Fermentation is allowed to proceed for about 5 . The temperature and pressure may be elevated after a period of time, e . g . , from about 1 to about 150 hours , while acid addition . In addition to the acid already in the acidifi - maintaining a temperature of , e . g . , from about 25° C . to cation unit , optionally , a metal salt such as ferrous sulfate , about 50° C . Gas produced during the fermentation is swept ferric sulfate , ferric chloride, aluminum sulfate , aluminum from fermentor and is discharged , collected , or flared with or chloride , magnesium sulfate , or mixtures of these can be 40 without additional processing, e . g . hydrogen gas may be added to aid in the acid hydrolysis of the biomass. The collected and used as a power source or purified as a acid - impregnated biomass is fed into the hydrolysis section co - product. of the pretreatment unit . Steam is injected into the hydrolysis In another aspect , methods of making a fuel or fuels that portion of the pretreatment unit to directly contact and heat include combining one or more biocatalyst and a lignocel the biomass to the desired temperature . The temperature of 45 lulosic material and / or other biomass material) in a the biomass after steam addition is , e . g . , from about 130° C . medium , adding a lignin fraction from pretreatment, and to 220° C . The acid hydrolysate is then discharged into the fermenting the lignocellulosic material under conditions and flash tank portion of the pretreatment unit , and is held in the for a time sufficient to produce a fuel or fuels , e . g. , ethanol, tank for a period of time to further hydrolyze the biomass , propanol and/ or hydrogen or another chemical compound is e . g ., into oligosaccharides and monomeric sugars . Other 50 provided herein . methods can also be used to further break down biomass . Refining Sugar Streams with Activated Carbon Alternatively , the biomass can be subject to discharge Activated carbon is a form of carbon that has been through a pressure lock for any high - pressure pretreatment reduced in particle size and its surface is covered in low process , or through the use of a sonic nozzle . Hydrolysate is volume pores which increase the surface area for absorption . then discharged from the pretreatment reactor, with or 55 There are many types of activated carbon used in industry without the addition of water , e . g . , at solids concentrations including powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) and granular from about 10 % to about 60 % . activated carbon (GAC ) . Disclosed herein are methods and After physical hydrolysis pretreatment, the biomass may systems for refining sugar streams produced from the pre be dewatered and / or washed with a quantity of water, e. g . by treatment and /or hydrolysis of cellulosic , hemicellulosic , or squeezing or by centrifugation , or by filtration using, e . g. a 60 lignocellulosic material using activated carbon . The meth countercurrent extractor, wash press , filter press , pressure ods disclosed herein can remove inhibitors produced during filter, a screw conveyor extractor, or a vacuum belt extractor the pretreatment and /or hydrolysis ( e . g . , HMF, furfural, to remove acidified fluid . The acidified fluid , with or without etc . ), de - color the sugar streams, remove aromatic and further treatment, e . g . addition of alkali ( e . g . lime ) and or phenolic compounds , or a combination thereof. The methods ammonia ( e . g . ammonium phosphate ) , can be re -used , e . g ., 65 disclosed herein can be used on sugar streams having a high in the acidification portion of the pretreatment unit , or added concentration of sugar ( e . g . , > 15 % w / v ) . The methods to the fermentation , or collected for other use/ treatment. disclosed herein can minimize the loss of sugars . US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 31 32 As disclosed herein , heating the activated carbon and 7 . The method of embodiment 4 , further comprising contacting a sugar stream with the heated activated carbon heating the activated carbon to a temperature of from about can improve the refining process . For example , heated 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat activated carbon carbon can be more effective in color removal. Heated and acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about 1 to carbon can be more effective in removal of inhibitors and/ or 5 about 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar aromatic and phenolic compounds. The benefits of heated stream , wherein contacting is performed with heat activated carbon can enable the refinement of higher concentration carbon and the acidified sugar stream , wherein the heat sugar streams. activated carbon is at a temperature greater than the acidified As disclosed herein , acidifying a sugar stream before sugar stream . contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon can 8 . A method of refining a sugar stream , the method improve the purification process . For example , acidifying comprising: ( a ) heating activated carbon to produce heat the sugar stream can result in more effective color removal, activated carbon ; ( b ) storing the heat activated carbon in a more effected inhibitor reduction , more effective phenolic non - oxidizing environment; and ( c ) contacting the sugar and aromatic compound removal, or a combination thereof . 15 stream with the heat activated carbon for a sufficient time to Acidifying the sugar stream can reduce the loss of sugars produce a refined sugar stream . during the refinement process with activated carbon . 9 . The method of embodiment 8 , further comprising Diatomaceous earth can be used in the refinement process acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about 1 to about with activated carbon . Diatomaceous earth can facilitate 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar stream , removal of activated carbon from the refined sugar stream . 20 wherein contacting is performed with the acidified sugar For example , diatomaceous earth can be included in a stream . column containing activated carbon . Diatomaceous earth 10 . The method of embodiment 8 , further comprising can be used to filter a mixture of activated carbon and a sugar pretreating or hydrolyzing a biomass comprising cellulosic , stream . Diatomaceous earth can be added to a mixture of hemicellulosic, or lignocellulosic material to produce the activated carbon and a sugar stream to improve removal by 25 sugar stream . centrifugal force or by gravitational settling . Also provided are refined sugar streams produced by the The following embodiments are provided : methods of any one of embodiments 1 - 10 . The sugar stream is a liquid . The activated carbon is a Embodiment Numbers solid . 30 The methods disclosed herein can be performed without 1. A method of refining a sugar stream , the method significant loss of sugars due to adsorption by the activated comprising: ( a ) heating activated carbon to a temperature of carbon . For example , the activated carbon can adsorb less from about 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat than about: 25 % , 20 % , 15 % , 10 % , 5 % , 4 % , 3 % , 2 % , or 1 % activated carbon ; (b ) contacting the sugar stream with the of the total sugars in the sugar stream during contacting . In heat activated carbon for a sufficient time to produce a 35 some embodiments , the activated carbon adsorbs less than refined sugar stream , wherein the heat activated carbon is at about 20 % of the sugars in the sugar stream during contact a temperature greater than the sugar stream . ing . In some embodiments , the activated carbon adsorbs less 2 . A method of refining a sugar stream , the method than about 10 % of the sugars in the sugar stream during comprising: (a ) acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from contacting . about 1 to about 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified 40 The methods disclosed herein can remove one or more sugar stream ; and ( b ) contacting the acidified sugar stream inhibitors from a sugar stream . The inhibitors can be pro with activated carbon for a sufficient time to produce a duced during pretreatment or hydrolysis of biomass com refined sugar stream . prising cellulosic , hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic mate 3 . The method of embodiment 2 , further comprising rial. In some embodiments , the sugar stream comprises one heating the activated carbon to a temperature of from about 45 or more inhibitors . In some embodiments , the one or more 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat activated carbon , inhibitors comprise furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural , or a wherein the contacting is performed with heat activated combination thereof. Contacting the sugar stream with acti carbon , and wherein the heat activated carbon is at a vated carbon can remove , for example , at least about: 30 % , temperature greater than the sugar stream . 40 % , 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , 80 % , 85 % , 90 % , 95 % , or more of at 4 . A method of producing a refined sugar stream , the 50 least one of the inhibitors . In some embodiments , contacting method comprising : (a ) pretreating or hydrolyzing a biomass the sugar stream with activated carbon removes about 70 % comprising cellulosic , hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic or more of at least one of the inhibitors from the sugar material to produce a sugar stream , wherein the sugar stream stream . In some embodiments , the sugar stream with acti has a total sugar concentration of about 15 % or greater ; and vated carbon removes about 80 % or more of at least one of ( b ) contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon for a 55 the inhibitors . sufficient time to produce the refined sugar stream . The methods disclosed herein can de - colorize sugar 5 . The method of embodiment 4 , further comprising streams. For example , contacting a sugar stream with acti heating the activated carbon to a temperature of from about vated carbon according to the methods disclosed herein can 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat activated carbon , increase the transparency of the sugar stream by at least wherein the contacting is performed with heat activated 60 about: 20 % , 30 % , 40 % , 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , 80 % , 90 % , 95 % , carbon , wherein the heat activated carbon is at a temperature 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , or more . The transparency of the sugar greater than the sugar stream . stream can be measured , for example , using a spectropho 6 . The method of embodiment 4 , further comprising tometer. The transparency of the sugar stream can be mea acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about 1 to about sured using 600 nm light. In some embodiments , contacting 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar stream , 65 the sugar stream with activated carbon increases the trans wherein contacting is performed with the acidified sugar parency of the sugar stream by about 50 % or more . In some stream . embodiments , the transparency is increased by 75 % or more . US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 33 34 Sugar streams produced by the pretreatment or hydrolysis 100° C . to 150° C ., 150° C . to 225º C . , 150° C . to 200° C . , of biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellulosic , or ligno - 150° C . to 175° C . , 175° C . to 225° C ., or 175° C . to 200° cellulosic material can comprise one or more aromatic or C . when contacted with the sugar stream . In some embodi phenolic compounds . Contacting a sugar stream with acti - ments, the activated carbon is at a temperature of from about vated carbon according to the methods disclosed herein can 5 150° C . to about 250° C . during contacting . In some embodi reremove at least about: 20 % , 30 % , 40 % , 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , ments , the activated carbon is at a temperature of from about 80 % , 90 % , 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , or more of at least one of 175° C . to about 225° C . during contacting . In some embodi the aromatic or phenolic compounds. In some embodiments, ments , the activated carbon is at a temperature of about 200° contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon removes C . during contacting . about 30 % or more of at least one of the aromatic or phenolic 10 In some embodiments , heating the activated carbon is compounds from the sugar stream . In some embodiments, performed in an oven . In some embodiments, heating the contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon removes activated carbon is performed in an autoclave . In some about 50 % or more of at least one of the aromatic or phenolic embodiments , heating the activated carbon is performed in compounds. In some embodiments , contacting the sugar a vacuum . stream with activated carbon removes about 70 % or more of 15 In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is used at least one of the aromatic or phenolic compounds. within , for example , about: 24 hours , 12 hours , 4 hours , 2 Heating the activated carbon can be performed at a hours , 1 hour, 45 minutes, 30 minutes , 15 minutes , 10 temperature of, for example , about: 150° C . to 900° C ., 150° minutes , 5 minutes, or 1 minute of heating . In some embodi C . to 750° C ., 150° C . to 500° C ., 150° C . to 400° C ., 150° ments, contacting is performed within about 4 hours of C . to 300° C ., 150° C . to 250° C ., 150° C . to 225° C ., 150° 20 heating . In some embodiments , contacting is performed C . to 200° C ., 150° C . to 175° C . , 175° C . to 750° C . , 175° within about 1 hour of heating . In some embodiments , C . to 500° C . , 175° C . to 400° C . , 175° C . to 300° C ., 175º contacting is performed within about 45 minutes of heating . C . to 250° C ., 175° C . to 225° C ., 175° C . to 200° C ., 200° In some embodiments , contacting is performed within about C . to 500° C ., 200° C . to 400° C ., 200° C . to 300° C ., 200° 30 minutes of heating . C . to 250° C ., or 200° C . to 225° C . Heating the activated 25 In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is stored carbon can be performed at a temperature of, for example , in a non -oxidizing environment before contacting. about: 150° C . 160° C ., 170° C ., 180° C . , 190° C . , 210° C . , In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is stored 220° C ., 230° C ., 240° C ., 260° C ., 270° C . , 280° C ., 290° in an inert gas before contacting . In some embodiments , the C ., 300° C ., 350° C ., 400° C ., 450° C . , 500° C ., 550° C ., inert gas is nitrogen , argon , helium , neon , krypton , xenon , 600° C ., 700° C ., 800° C . , or 900° C . In some embodiments , 30 radon , carbon dioxide, or a combination thereof. heating the activated carbon is to a temperature of from In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is in an about 150° C . to about 250° C . In some embodiments , oxygen - free environment before contacting . heating the activated carbon is to a temperature of from In some embodiments , the heat activated carbon is stored about 175° C . to about 225° C . In some embodiments, is a water -free environment before contacting. heating the activated carbon is to a temperature of about 35 The sugar stream can be acidified before contacting the 200° C . sugar stream with activated carbon . Acidifying the sugar Heating the activated carbon can be performed , for stream can lower the pH of the sugar stream to , for example , example , for a time of about 1 hour to about 48 hours , about from about 1 to about 4 , from about 1 to about 3 , from about 1 hour to about 36 hours, about 1 hour to about 24 hours, 1 . 5 to about 3 , from about 1 to about 2 , about 1 , about 2 , about 1 hour to about 18 hours , about 1 hour to about 12 40 about 3 , about 4 or less , about 3 or less , about 2 or less , or hours , about 1 hour to about 6 hours , about 2 hours, about about 1 or less. In some embodiments , acidifying the sugar 3 hours , about 4 hours , about 6 hours , about 7 hours , about stream is to the pH of from about 1 . 5 to about 3 . 8 hours , about 9 hours, about 10 hours , about 11 hours , about The sugar stream can have been produced by pretreating 13 hours , about 14 hours , about 15 hours , about 17 hours , and/ or hydrolyzing biomass according to any of the methods about 19 hours , about 20 hours , about 21 hours , about 22 45 disclosed herein . In some embodiments , the sugar stream hours , or about 23 hours . In some embodiments , heating the was produced by pretreating or hydrolyzing a biomass activated carbon is for a time of from about 1 hour to about comprising cellulosic , hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic 48 hours . In some embodiments , heating the activated material. In some embodiments , pretreating or hydrolyzing carbon is for a time of from about 4 hours to about 24 hours . the biomass comprises mechanical size reduction , hot water In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat acti - 50 treatment, acid treatment , base treatment, steam explosion , vated carbon during contacting is greater than room tem - acid -catalyzed steam explosion , ammonia fiber / freeze perature . In some embodiments, the temperature of the heat explosion , enzymatic hydrolysis , or a combination thereof. activated carbon during contacting is about 65° C . or greater . In some embodiments , pretreating or hydrolyzing the bio In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat activated mass comprises mechanical size reduction , hot water treat carbon during contacting is about 100° C . or greater . 55 ment , acid treatment, base treatment, steam explosion , acid In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat acti - catalyzed steam explosion , ammonia fiber / freeze explosion , vated carbon during contacting is from about 50° C . to about enzymatic hydrolysis , or a combination thereof. In some 250° C . In some embodiments , the temperature of the heat embodiments , pretreating or hydrolyzing the biomass com activated carbon during contacting is from about 75° C . to prises mechanical size reduction , acid treatment and enzy about 200° C . In some embodiments , the temperature of the 60 matic hydrolysis . heat activated carbon during contacting is about 200° C . In some embodiments, the sugar stream was produced by The heat activated carbon can be at a temperature of, for ( 1 ) pretreating a biomass comprising lignocellulosic mate example , about 25° C . to 250° C . , 25° C . to 225º C . , 25° C . rial with hot water or an acid to solubilize hemicellulose in to 200° C ., 25° C . to 175° C ., 25° C . to 150° C . , 25° C . to the biomass , (2 ) substantially separating solubilized hemi 100° C . , 25° C . to 50° C . , 50° C . to 225° C . , 50° C . to 200° 65 cellulose from remaining lignocellulosic solids, and ( 3 ) C ., 50° C . to 175° C ., 50° C . to 150° C ., 50° C . to 100° C ., enzymatically hydrolyzing cellulose in the remaining ligno 100° C . to 225° C ., 100° C . to 200° C . , 100° C . to 175° C ., cellulosic solids. US 9 ,809 ,867 B2 35 36 In some embodiments , the sugar stream was produced by: about 80° C ., about 45° C ., about 55° C ., about 65° C . , or (a ) pretreating a biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellu about 70° C . In some embodiments , the sugar stream is at a losic , or lignocellulosic material to produce a pretreated temperature of from about 45° C . to about 100° C . In some biomass comprising solid particles and optionally a yield of embodiments , the sugar stream is at a temperature of from C5 monomers and /or dimers that is at least 50 % of a 5 about 55° C . to about 75º C . theoretical maximum , wherein pretreating comprises : ( i ) The time sufficient for producing a refined sugar stream hydration of the biomass in an aqueous medium to produce can be , for example , about 1 hour to about 48 hours, about a hydrated biomass , ( ii ) mechanical size reduction of the hydrated biomass to produce the solid particles , and ( iii ) 1 hour to about 36 hours, about 1 hour to about 24 hours , heating the hydrated biomass for a time sufficient to produce 10 about 1 hour to about 18 hours, about 1 hour to about 12 the pretreated biomass comprising the optional yield of C5 hours , about 1 hour to about 6 hours , about 2 hours , about monosaccharides and / or disaccharides ; and ( b ) hydrolyzing 3 hours , about 4 hours , about 6 hours , about 7 hours, about the pretreated biomass composition with one or more 8 hours , about 9 hours , about 10 hours , about 11 hours , about enzymes for a time sufficient to produce the sugar stream . In 13 hours, about 14 hours, about 15 hours , about 17 hours , some embodiments , the aqueous medium comprises and 1515 aboutabo 19 hours, about 20 hours , about 21 hours , about 22 acid . In some embodiments , the acid is sulfuric acid , per hours , or about 23 hours . In some embodiments , the suffi oxyacetic acid , lactic acid , formic acid , acetic acid , citric cient time is from about 30 minutes to about 5 hours . In acid , phosphoric acid , hydrochloric acid , sulfurous acid , some embodiments , the sufficient time is from about 1 hour chloroacetic acid , dichloroacetic acid , trichloroacetic acid , to about 2 hours. trifluoroacetic acid , oxalic acid, benzoic acid , or a combi- 20 In some embodiments , the activated carbon is granular nation thereof. activated carbon , powdered activated carbon , graphene or a In some embodiments , the sugar stream is a crude sugar combination thereof. In some embodiments , the activated stream . carbon is powdered activated carbon . In some embodiments, the sugar stream is a hydrolysate In some embodiments , the activated carbon is contained from the pretreatment and hydrolysis of a biomass compris - 25 in the sugar stream in an amount of about 1 % w / v to about ing cellulose , hemicellulose , or lignocellulose . 60 % w /v , about 1 % w / v to about 50 % w /v , about 1 % w /v to In some embodiments, the sugar stream has a total sugar about 40 % w / v , about 1 % w /v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % concentration of, for example , about 1 % w / v to about 60 % w / v to about 20 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 50 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about about 2 % w / v , about 3 % w / v , about 4 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , 40 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to 30 about 6 % w / v , about 7 % w / v , about 8 % w / v , about 9 % w / v , about 20 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , about 15 % about 15 % w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , or about w / v to about 60 % w / v , about 15 % w / v to about 50 % w / v , 40 % w / v during contacting. In some embodiments , the about 15 % w / v to about 40 % w / v , about 15 % w / v to about activated carbon is contained within the sugar stream at a 30 % w /v , about 15 % w /v to about 20 % w / v, about 5 % w / v, concentration of from about 1 % to about 20 % during about 15 % w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , about 45 % 35 contacting . In some embodiments , the activated carbon is w / v , or about 55 % w / v . In some embodiments , the sugar contained within the sugar stream at a concentration of from stream has a total sugar concentration of at least about 15 % , about 5 % to about 15 % during contacting . In some embodi 20 % , 25 % , 30 % , 35 % , 40 % , 45 % , 50 % , 55 % , 60 % , or more ments , the activated carbon is contained within the sugar w / v . In some embodiments , the sugar stream has a total stream at a concentration of about 10 % during contacting . sugar concentration of from about 5 % to about 60 % . In some 40 In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle embodiments , the sugar stream has a total sugar concentra - size of from about 5 microns to about 40 microns , about 5 tion of from about 15 % to about 40 % . microns to about 30 microns , about 5 microns to about 20 In some embodiments , the sugar stream comprises C5 microns, less than about 40 microns, less than about 30 sugars , C6 sugars , or a combination thereof. In some microns , less than about 20 microns, less than about 10 embodiments , sugars in the sugar stream are monomers , 45 microns, or less than about 5 microns. In some embodi dimers , or a combination thereof. ments , the activated carbon has a particle size of from about The sugar stream can be a C5 -enriched sugar stream . For 5 microns to about 40 microns . In some embodiments , the example , at least about: 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 85 % , activated carbon has a particle size averaging from about 5 90 % , 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , 99 % of the sugars in the sugar microns to about 10 microns . stream can be C5 sugars . In some embodiments , at least 50 In some embodiments , the sugar stream is agitated , about 70 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C5 sugars. In mixed , stirred , blended , shaken , sonicated , subjected to some embodiments , at least about 80 % of sugars in the sugar bubbling with a gas, subjected to bubbling with an inert gas , stream are C5 sugars . In some embodiments , at least about or any combination thereof during some or all of the 90 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C5 sugars. contacting. The sugar stream can be a C6 - enriched sugar stream . For 55 Some embodiments further comprise contacting the sugar example, at least about: 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 85 % , stream with diatomaceous earth . In some embodiments , the 90 % , 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , 99 % of the sugars in the sugar diatomaceous earth is contained in the sugar stream during stream can be C6 sugars . In some embodiments , at least contacting in an amount of about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 10 % about 80 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C6 sugars . In w / v , about 0 . 1 % w /v to about 8 % w / v , about 0 . 1 % w / v to some embodiments , at least about 90 % of sugars in the sugar 60 about 6 % w / v , about 0 . 1 % w /v to about 4 % w /v , about 0 . 1 % stream are C6 sugars . In some embodiments , at least about w / v to about 2 % w / v , about 0 .5 % w / v , about 1 % w / v , about 95 % of sugars in the sugar stream are C6 sugars. 1 . 5 % w / v , about 2 . 5 % w / v , about 3 . 5 % w / v , about 4 .5 % w / v , Some embodiments further comprise heating the sugar about 5 . 5 % w /v , about 6 .5 % w / v, about 7 .5 % w /v , about stream prior to contacting with the activated carbon . The 8 . 5 % w / v , or about 9 . 5 % w / v . In some embodiments , the sugar stream can be heated to , for example , about 40° C . to 65 diatomaceous earth is contained in the sugar stream during about 100° C ., about 40° C . to about 80° C ., about 50° C . to contacting in an amount of from about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 2 % about 80° C ., about 60° C . to about 80° C . , about 70° C . to w / v . US 9 ,809 ,867 B2 37 38 Some embodiments further comprise removing the acti - In some embodiments, the concentration of one or more vated carbon from the sugar stream after the sufficient time. aromatic or phenolic compounds is at least about 70 % less Activated carbon can be removed , for example , by centrifu - than in the originator sugar stream . gation , gravity settling , filtration , or a combination thereof. In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream comprises In some embodiments , the sugar stream is contacted with 5 the transparency that is at least 50 % higher than the origi the activated carbon in a column filtration system . The nator sugar stream . The transparency of the refined sugar column filtration system can have diatomaceous earth in stream can be: 55 % , 60 % ,65 % , 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 85 % , 90 % , addition to the activated carbon . The column filtration 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , or 99 % greater than the originator system can be a counter current column filtration system . sugar stream . In some embodiments , the transparency is For example , the sugar stream can enter the bottom of the 10 measured at 600 nm . In some embodiments , the transpar column and flow up through the activated carbon bed . A ency is at least 75 % higher than in the originator sugar portion of the charcoal can be removed from the bottom of stream . the column , for example and be replaced by fresh activated The originator sugar stream can have been produced by carbon added to the top of the column . pretreating and /or hydrolyzing biomass according to any of Also provided herein are the refined sugar streams pro - 15 the methods disclosed herein . In some embodiments , the duced by any of the methods disclosed herein . originator sugar stream was produced by pretreating or Also disclosed are refined sugar stream comprising one or hydrolyzing a biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellu more of the following: ( a ) a concentration of total sugars that losic , or lignocellulosic material. is at least about 15 % w / v ; ( b ) a concentration of one or more in some embodiments, pretreating or hydrolyzing the inhibitors that is at least about 70 % less than an originator 20 biomass comprises mechanical size reduction , hot water sugar stream ; ( c ) a concentration of one or more aromatic or treatment, acid treatment, base treatment, steam explosion , phenolic compounds that is at least about 30 % less than the acid - catalyzed steam explosion , ammonia fiber/ freeze originator sugar stream ; or ( d ) a transparency that is at least explosion , enzymatic hydrolysis , or a combination thereof. 50 % higher than the originator sugar stream , wherein the In some embodiments , pretreating or hydrolyzing the bio refined sugar stream was contacted with activated carbon . 25 mass comprises mechanical size reduction , acid treatment The refined sugar stream can have been produced using any and enzymatic hydrolysis . of the methods disclosed herein . In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream was The sugar stream is a liquid . The activated carbon is a produced by ( 1 ) pretreating a biomass comprising lignocel solid . lulosic material with hot water or an acid to solubilize In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream has the 30 hemicellulose in the biomass , ( 2 ) substantially separating concentration of total sugars of , for example , about 15 % w / v solubilized hemicellulose from remaining lignocellulosic to about 60 % w / v , about 15 % w / v to about 50 % w / v , about solids, and ( 3 ) enzymatically hydrolyzing cellulose in the 15 % w / v to about 40 % w / v , about 15 % w / v to about 30 % remaining lignocellulosic solids. w / v , about 15 % w / v to about 20 % w / v, about 15 % w /v , about In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream was 25 % w /v , about 35 % w /v , about 45 % w /v , or about 55 % w / v. 35 produced by : (a ) pretreating a biomass comprising cellu In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream has the losic, hemicellulosic , or lignocellulosic material to produce concentration of total sugars of at least about: 15 % , 20 % , a pretreated biomass comprising solid particles and option 25 % , 30 % , 35 % , 40 % , 45 % , 50 % , 55 % , 60 % , or more w / v . ally a yield of C5 monomers and / or dimers that is at least In some embodiments , the concentration of total sugars is 50 % of a theoretical maximum , wherein pretreating com from about 15 % to about 60 % w / v . 40 prises : ( i ) hydration of the biomass in an aqueous medium to In some embodiments, the refined sugar stream has a produce a hydrated biomass , ( ii) mechanical size reduction concentration of total sugars of from about 5 % to about of the hydrated biomass to produce the solid particles, and 60 % . In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream has a ( iii ) heating the hydrated biomass for a time sufficient to concentration of total sugars of from about 15 % to about produce the pretreated biomass comprising the optional 40 % . 45 yield of C5 monosaccharides and / or disaccharides ; and ( b ) In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream comprises hydrolyzing the pretreated biomass composition with one or the concentration of one or more inhibitors that is at least more enzymes for a time sufficient to produce the sugar about 70 % less than an originator sugar stream . In some stream . In some embodiments , the aqueous medium com embodiments , the one or more inhibitors comprise furfural, prises and acid . In some embodiments , the acid is sulfuric hydroxymethylfurfural, or a combination thereof . In some 50 acid , peroxyacetic acid , lactic acid , formic acid , acetic acid , embodiments , the concentration of one or more inhibitors is citric acid , phosphoric acid , hydrochloric acid , sulfurous at least about 80 % less than in the sugar stream that was not acid , chloroacetic acid , dichloroacetic acid , trichloroacetic refined with activated carbon . In some embodiments , the acid , trifluoroacetic acid , oxalic acid , benzoic acid , or a concentration of one or more inhibitors is at least about 90 % combination thereof. less than in the sugar stream that was not refined with 55 In some embodiments , the originator sugar stream is a activated carbon . crude originator sugar stream . In some embodiments , the refined sugar stream comprises In some embodiments, the originator sugar stream is a the concentration of one or more aromatic or phenolic hydrolysate from the pretreatment and hydrolysis of a bio compounds that is at least about 30 % less than the originator mass comprising cellulose , hemicellulose , or lignocellulose . sugar stream . The concentration of one or more aromatic or 60 In some embodiments , the sugar stream comprises C5 phenolic compounds can be least about: 40 % , 50 % , 60 % , sugars , C6 sugars , or a combination thereof . 70 % , 75 % , 80 % , 85 % , 90 % , 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , or 99 % The refined sugar stream can be a C5 - enriched sugar less than the originator sugar stream . In some embodiments , stream . For example , at least about: 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , 75 % , at least one of the aromatic or phenolic compounds is a 80 % , 85 % , 90 % , 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , 99 % of the sugars lignin hydrolysis product . In some embodiments , the con - 65 in the refined sugar stream can be C5 sugars. In some centration of one or more aromatic or phenolic compounds embodiments , at least about 70 % of sugars in the refined is at least about 50 % less than in the originator sugar stream . sugar stream are C5 sugars . In some embodiments , at least US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 39 40 about 80 % of sugars in the refined sugar stream are C5 about 2 % w / v , about 3 % w / v , about 4 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , sugars. In some embodiments , at least about 90 % of sugars about 6 % w /v , about 7 % w / v, about 8 % w / v , about 9 % w / v , in the refined sugar stream are C5 sugars . about 15 % w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , or about The refined sugar stream can be a C6 - enriched sugar 40 % w / v . stream . For example, at least about: 50 % , 60 % , 70 % , 75 % , 5 In some embodiments , wherein the pH of the sugar stream 80 % , 85 % , 90 % , 95 % , 96 % , 97 % , 98 % , 99 % of the sugars is : from about 1 to about 3 , from about 1 to about 2 , about in the refined sugar stream can be C6 sugars. In some 1 , about 2 , about 3 , about 3 or less, about 2 or less, or about embodiments , at least about 80 % of sugars in the refined 1 or less . sugar stream are C6 sugars. In some embodiments , at least In some embodiments , the method further comprises about 90 % of sugars in the refined sugar stream are C6 10 concontacting the sugar stream with diatomaceous earth . sugars . In some embodiments , at least about 95 % of sugars In some embodiments , the diatomaceous earth is con in the refined sugar stream are C6 sugars . tained in the sugar stream in an amount of: about 0 . 1 % w / v In some embodiments , sugars in the refined sugar stream to about 10 % w / v , about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 8 % w / v , about are monomers, dimers , or a combination thereof. 16 0 . 1 % w / v to about 6 % w / v , about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 4 % w / v , The following embodiments are also provided : about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 2 % w /v , about 0 . 5 % w /v , about 1 % Embodiment Numbers w / v , about 1 . 5 % w / v , about 2 . 5 % w / v , about 3 . 5 % w / v , about 4 . 5 % w / v , about 5 . 5 % w /v , about 6 . 5 % w / v , about 7 . 5 % w / v , 1 . A method of refining a sugar stream , comprising about 8 . 5 % w / v , or about 9 . 5 % w / v . contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon . 20 In some embodiments , the sugar stream is agitated , 2 . The method of embodiment 1 , wherein the activated mixed , stirred , blended , shaken , sonicated , subjected to carbon is powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) , granular acti - bubbling with a gas, subjected to bubbling with an inert gas , vated carbon (GAC ), graphene , or a combination thereof. or any combination thereof during some or all of the 3 . The method of embodiment 1 or embodiment 2 , contacting . wherein the activated carbon has a particle size of from 25 In some embodiments , the sugar stream comprises C5 about 5 microns to about 40 microns , about 5 microns to sugars , C6 sugars , or a combination thereof. about 30 microns, about 5 microns to about 20 microns, less In some embodiments , the amount of sugars in the sugar than about 40 microns , less than about 30 microns , less than stream is : about 1 % w / v to about 60 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 20 microns, less than about 10 microns , or less than about 50 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 40 % w / v , about 1 % about 5 microns. 30 w / v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 20 % w / v , 4 . The method of any one of embodiments 1 - 3 , wherein about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , about 15 % the activated carbon has a particle size ranging from about w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , about 45 % w / v , or 5 microns to about 10 microns. about 55 % w / v . In one aspect, provided herein is a method of refining a In some embodiments , the method further comprises, sugar stream , comprising contacting the sugar stream with 35 after the contacting, conducting a purification . activated carbon . In some embodiments , the purification is a flocculation , a In some embodiments , the activated carbon is powdered filtration , a centrifugation , or any combination thereof. activated carbon (PAC ) , granular activated carbon (GAC ) , In some embodiments , the activated carbon , before the graphene, or a combination thereof. contacting , is activated by heating . In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle 40 In some embodiments , the heating is conducted for a time size of from about 5 microns to about 40 microns, about 5 period of about 1 hour to about 48 hours, about 1 hour to microns to about 30 microns , about 5 microns to about 20 about 36 hours , about 1 hour to about 24 hours , about 1 hour microns , less than about 40 microns , less than about 30 to about 18 hours , about 1 hour to about 12 hours , about 1 microns, less than about 20 microns, less than about 10 hour to about 6 hours, about 2 hours , about 3 hours, about microns, or less than about 5 microns. 45 4 hours , about 6 hours , about 7 hours, about 8 hours , about In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle 9 hours , about 10 hours , about 11 hours , about 13 hours , size ranging from about 5 microns to about 10 microns about 14 hours , about 15 hours , about 17 hours , about 19 In some embodiments , the contacting is conducted at a hours , about 20 hours , about 21 hours , about 22 hours , or temperature of about 40° C . to about 80° C . , about 50° C . to about 23 hours . about 80° C ., about 60° C . to about 80° C . , about 70° C . to 50 In some embodiments, the heating is conducted at a about 80° C . , about 45° C . , about 55° C ., about 65° C . , or temperature of: about 150° C . to about 300° C . , about 150° about 70° C . C . to about 250° C . , about 150° C . to about 200° C . , about In some embodiments, the contacting is conducted for a 160° C ., about 170° C . , about 180° C ., about 190° C ., about time period of about 1 hour to about 48 hours, about 1 hour 210° C . , about 220° C ., about 230° C . , about 240° C . , about to about 36 hours , about 1 hour to about 24 hours , about 1 55 260° C ., about 270° C ., about 280° C . , or about 290° C . hour to about 18 hours , about 1 hour to about 12 hours , about In some embodiments , the heating is conducted under 1 hour to about 6 hours , about 2 hours, about 3 hours, about vacuum . 4 hours , about 6 hours , about 7 hours , about 8 hours , about In some embodiments , the method further comprises , 9 hours , about 10 hours , about 11 hours , about 13 hours after the contacting, or after the conducting a purification , or about 14 hours , about 15 hours, about 17 hours , about 19 60 after the contacting and the conducting a purification , con hours , about 20 hours , about 21 hours, about 22 hours, or centrating the sugar stream . about 23 hours . In some embodiments , the sugar stream comprises water , In some embodiments , the activated carbon is contained an alcohol, an acid , or a combination thereof. in the sugar stream in an amount of about 1 % w / v to about In some embodiments , the sugar stream , prior to the 60 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 50 % w /v , about 1 % w / v to 65 contacting, is subjected to an enzymatic hydrolysis . about 40 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % In some embodiments , wherein the sugar stream , prior to w / v to about 20 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , the contacting , is subjected to a pretreatment. US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 41 42 In some embodiments , the sugar stream is derived from a ( d ) contacting the sugar stream with activated carbon to biomass. produce a clarified sugar stream . In some embodiments , is provided an isolated , refined In some embodiments , at least 50 % of the solid particles sugar stream produced by the method of any one of the in the pretreated biomass composition are from about 0 . 1 above embodiments . 5 mm to about 1 mm in size . In some embodiments , the isolated , refined sugar stream In some embodiments , all of the solid particles in the is substantially colorless or colorless . pretreated biomass are less than 7 . 5 mm in size . In some embodiments is provided an isolated sugar stream comprising activated carbon and optionally at least In some embodiments , all of the solid particles in the one of diatomaceous earth , an acid , an alcohol , or any 10 pretreated biomass are less than 1 mm in size . combination thereof. In some embodiments , the C5 monomers and / or dimers in In some embodiments , in the isolated sugar stream the the pretreated biomass composition are monomers . activated carbon is powdered activated carbon (PAC ) , In some embodiments , the yield of C5 monomers and / or granular activated carbon (GAC ), graphene, or a combina dimers is at least 80 % of the theoretical maximum . tion thereof. In some embodiments , the pretreated biomass composi In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle tion further comprises a yield of glucose that is less than size of from aboutout 5 microns to aboutabout 4040 microns, about 5 about 20 % of the theoretical maximum . microns to about 30 microns, about 5 microns to about 20 In some embodiments , the hydrated biomass composition microns , less than about 40 microns, less than about 30 comprises from about 1 % to about 20 % solids by dry microns, less than about 20 microns, less than about 10 20 biomass weight. microns, or less than about 5 microns. In some embodiments, the non -neutral pH aqueous In some embodiments , the isolated sugar stream has a pH medium is at from about 30° C . to about 70° C . of from about 1 to about 3 , from about 1 to about 2 , about In some embodiments , hydration of the biomass compo 1 , about 2 , about 3 , about 3 or less , about 2 or less , or about sition is for about 1 minute to about 60 minutes . 1 or less . 25 In some embodiments , the non -neutral aqueous medium In some embodiments , the activated carbon is contained comprises an acid or a base at from about 0 . 1 % to about 5 % in the sugar stream in an amount of about 1 % w / v to about v / w by dry biomass weight. 60 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 50 % w /v , about 1 % w / v to In some embodiments , the non -neutral pH aqueous about 40 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % medium comprises the acid that is sulfuric acid , peroxy w / v to about 20 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , 30 acetic acid , lactic acid , formic acid , acetic acid , citric acid , about 2 % w / v , about 3 % w / v , about 4 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , phosphoric acid , hydrochloric acid , sulfurous acid , chloro about 6 % w /v , about 7 % w / v , about 8 % w / v , about 9 % w / v , acetic acid , dichloroacetic acid , trichloroacetic acid , trifluo about 15 % w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , or about roacetic acid , oxalic acid , benzoic acid , or a combination 40 % w / v . thereof . In some embodiments , the isolated sugar stream com - 35 In some embodiments, mechanical size reduction com prises C5 sugars , C6 sugars , or a combination thereof. prises cutting , steam injection , steam explosion , acid - cata In some embodiments , the amount of sugar in the sugar lyzed steam explosion , ammonia fiber/ freeze explosion stream is : about 1 % w / v to about 60 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to ( AFEX ) or a combination thereof. about 50 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 40 % w / v , about 1 % In some embodiments , heating of the hydrated biomass w / v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 20 % w / v , 40 composition is at a temperature of from about 100° C . to about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , about 15 % about 250° C . w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , about 45 % w / v , or I n some embodiments , heating of the hydrated biomass about 55 % w /v . composition is performed at a pressure of from about 100 In some embodiments is provided a method of producing PSIG to about 150 PSIG . a sugar stream comprising C5 and C6 sugars from a biomass 45 In some embodiments , the time sufficient to produce the composition comprising cellulose , hemicellulose , and / or yield of C5 monomers and / or dimers is from about 1 minute lignocellulose , the method comprising : to about 30 minutes . ( a ) pretreating the biomass composition comprising cel - In some embodiments , pretreating the biomass composi lulose , hemicellulose , and /or lignocellulose to produce a tion further comprises dewatering the hydrated biomass pretreated biomass composition comprising solid particles 50 composition to from about 10 % to about 40 % solids by dry and optionally a yield of C5 monomers and / or dimers that is biomass weight. at least 50 % of a theoretical maximum , wherein pretreating I n some embodiments , heating comprises steam explo comprises : sion , acid -catalyzed steam explosion , ammonia fiber/ freeze ( i) hydration of the biomass composition in a non -neutral explosion ( AFEX ) , or a combination thereof. pH aqueous medium to produce a hydrated biomass com - 55 In some embodiments , the pretreating is performed in a position , continuous mode of operation . ( ii ) mechanical size reduction of the hydrated biomass In some embodiments , the pretreating is performed in a composition to produce the solid particles , and total time of from about 15 minutes to about 45 minutes. ( iii ) heating the hydrated biomass composition for a time In some embodiments, the one or more enzymes comprise sufficient to produce the pretreated biomass composition 60 one or more hemicellulases and / or one or more cellulases . comprising the optional yield of C5 monomers and / or In some embodiments , the one or more enzymes are at a dimers that is at least 50 % of the theoretical maximum ; total level from about 1 % to about 20 % w / w by dry biomass (b ) hydrolyzing the pretreated biomass composition with weight. one or more enzymes for a time sufficient to produce the In some embodiments , the method further comprises composition comprising C6 and C5 sugars ; 65 adjusting the water content of the pretreated biomass com ( c ) washing the composition to recover a sugar stream position to from about 5 % to about 30 % solids by dry substantially enriched for C6 and /or C5 sugars ; and biomass weight prior to hydrolyzing . US 9 ,809 , 867 B2 43 44 In some embodiments , the composition comprising C6 0 .1 % w /v to about 6 % w /v , about 0 . 1 % w /v to about 4 % w / v , and C5 sugars comprises glucose , xylose , mannose , galac - about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 2 % w / v, about 0 . 5 % w /v , about 1 % tose , rhamnose, arabinose , or a combination thereof . w / v , about 1 . 5 % w / v , about 2 . 5 % w / v , about 3 . 5 % w / v , about In some embodiments, the composition comprising C6 4 . 5 % w / v , about 5 . 5 % w / v , about 6 . 5 % w / v , about 7 . 5 % w / v , and C5 sugars is an aqueous composition . 5 about 8 . 5 % w / v , or about 9 . 5 % w / v . In some embodiments , the composition comprising C6 In some embodiments , the sugar stream is agitated , and C5 sugars comprises glucose in a yield that is greater mixed , stirred , blended , shaken , sonicated , subjected to than 55 % of a theoretical maximum at 21 hours of hydro lysis . aydro - bubbling with a gas , subjected to bubbling with an inert gas, In some embodiments , the biomass composition com - 10 or any combination thereof during some or all of the prises alfalfa , algae , bagasse , bamboo , corn stover, corn contacting . cobs , corn kernels , corn mash , corn steep liquor, corn steep In some embodiments, the sugar stream comprises C5 solids, distiller ’ s grains , distiller ' s dried solubles, distiller' s sugars , C6 sugars , or a combination thereof. dried grains, condensed distiller ' s solubles, distiller ' s wet In some embodiments, the amount of sugars in the sugar grains, distiller ' s dried grains with solubles , eucalyptus, 155 streamS is : about 1 % w / v to about 60 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to food waste , fruit peels , garden residue , grass , grain hulls , about 50 % w / v, about 1 % w / v to about 40 % w /v , about 1 % modified crop plants , municipal waste , oat hulls , paper, w /v to about 30 % w /v , about 1 % w /v to about 20 % w / v , paper pulp , prairie bluestem , poplar , rice hulls , seed hulls , about 1 % w / v to about 10 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , about 15 % silage , sorghum , straw , sugarcane , switchgrass , wheat, w / v , about 25 % w / v, about 35 % w / v , about 45 % w / v , or wheat straw , wheat bran , de- starched wheat bran , willows, 20 about 55 % w / v. wood , plant cells , plant tissue cultures , tissue cultures, or a In some embodiments , the method further comprises , combination thereof. after the contacting , conducting a purification . In some embodiments ,mechanical size reduction does not In some embodiments , the purification is a flocculation , a comprise milling . filtration , a centrifugation , or any combination thereof. In some embodiments , the activated carbon is powdered 25 In some embodiments , the activated carbon , before the activated carbon (PAC ) , granular activated carbon (GAC ) , contacting , is activated by heating . graphene , or a combination thereof. In some embodiments , the heating is conducted for a time In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle period of about 1 hour to about 48 hours , about 1 hour to size of from about 5 microns to about 40 microns, about 5 about 36 hours, about 1 hour to about 24 hours, about 1 hour microns to about 30 microns, about 5 microns to about 20 30 microns, less than about 40 microns, less than about 30 to about 18 hours , about 1 hour to about 12 hours , about 1 microns , less than about 20 microns , less than about 10 hour to about 6 hours , about 2 hours , about 3 hours , about microns, or less than about 5 microns. 4 hours , about 6 hours , about 7 hours, about 8 hours, about In some embodiments , the activated carbon has a particle 9 hours , about 10 hours, about 11 hours , about 13 hours , size ranging from about 5 microns to about 10 microns . 35 aboutal 14 hours , about 15 hours , about 17 hours , about 19 In some embodiments , the contacting is conducted at a hours , about 20 hours , about 21 hours , about 22 hours, or temperature of: about 40° C . to about 80° C . , about 50° C . about 23 hours . to about 80° C ., about 60° C . to about 80° C ., about 70° C . In some embodiments , the heating is conducted at a to about 80° C ., about 45° C . , about 55° C ., about 65° C . , or temperature of about 150° C . to about 300° C . , about 150° about 70° C . 40 C . to about 250° C ., about 150° C . to about 200° C ., about In some embodiments, the contacting is conducted for a 160° C . , about 170° C ., about 180° C . , about 190° C . , about time period of: about 1 hour to about 48 hours , about 1 hour 210° C ., about 220° C ., about 230° C . , about 240° C . , about to about 36 hours , about 1 hour to about 24 hours, about 1 260° C ., about 270° C . , about 280° C ., or about 290° C . hour to about 18 hours , about 1 hour to about 12 hours , about In some embodiments , the heating is conducted under 1 hour to about 6 hours , about 2 hours , about 3 hours , about 45 vacuum . 4 hours , about 6 hours , about 7 hours , about 8 hours , about In some embodiments , the method further comprises, 9 hours , about 10 hours , about 11 hours , about 13 hours after the contacting, or after the conducting a purification , or about 14 hours , about 15 hours, about 17 hours, about 19 after the contacting and the conducting a purification , con hours , about 20 hours , about 21 hours, about 22 hours , or centrating the sugar stream . about 23 hours . 50 In some embodiments, the sugar stream comprises water, In some embodiments, the activated carbon is contained an alcohol, an acid , or a combination thereof . in the sugar stream in an amount of: about 1 % w / v to about In some embodiments , the sugar stream , prior to the 60 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 50 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to contacting , is subjected to an enzymatic hydrolysis . about 40 % w / v , about 1 % w / v to about 30 % w / v , about 1 % In some embodiments , the sugar stream , prior to the w /v to about 20 % w /v , about 1 % w /w to about 10 % w / v, 55 contacting , is subjected to a pretreatment. about 2 % w / v , about 3 % w / v , about 4 % w / v , about 5 % w / v , In some embodiments , the sugar stream is derived from a about 6 % w / v , about 7 % w / v , about 8 % w / v , about 9 % w / v , biomass . about 15 % w / v , about 25 % w / v , about 35 % w / v , or about In some embodiments is provided an isolated , refined 40 % w /v . sugar stream produced by the method of any one of the In some embodiments , the pH of the sugar stream is : from 60 above embodiments. about 1 to about 3, from about 1 to about 2 , about 1 , about In some embodiments is provided a clarified sugar stream 2 , about 3 , about 3 or less , about 2 or less , or about 1 or less . comprising C5 and / or C6 sugars produced by any of the In some embodiments , the method further comprises above embodiments . contacting the sugar stream with diatomaceous earth . In some embodiments is provided a system for producing In some embodiments, the diatomaceous earth is con - 65 a refined sugar stream , comprising: a purification unit con tained in the sugar stream in an amount of: about 0 . 1 % w / v figured to refine the sugar stream by the method of any to about 10 % w / v , about 0 . 1 % w / v to about 8 % w / v , about previous method embodiment. US 9 ,809 ,867 B2 45 46 In some embodiments , the system further comprises , Each of the three samples were analyzed with a spec upstream of the purification unit a concentrator configured to trometer following treatment and filtration to remove any concentrate the sugar stream before it is fed to the purifi - trace carbon . Measurements were recorded at 600 nm wave cation unit . length and water used as the baseline set to equal 100 % light In some embodiments , the system further comprises , 5 transmittance . upstream of the concentrator, a hydrolysis unit configured to Samples were characterized via HPLC using a Shimadzu perform a hydrolysis on a biomass to create a sugar stream . HLPC system . The detectors used were an RID - 10A for In some embodiments , the system further comprises, characterizing sugars and organic acids along with HMF and upstream of the acid hydrolysis unit, a pretreatment unit , 10 Furfural. The SPD - 20A UV detector was used to character configured to pretreat a biomass by at least one of mechani ize aromatics and phenolics found within the sugar solutions cal processing, heat , acid hydrolysis , or any combination eluted through a BIORAD Aminex HPX -87H Column thereof. (300x7 .8 mm ). Analysis was performed using a 0 .01N In some embodiments , the system further comprises , H2S04 mobile phase that was prepared using ddH . O and upstream of the pretreatment unit, a washing unit configured 15 > 95 % pure H2SO4, and degassed for 10 minutes using a to wash a biomass before the biomass is fed to the pretreat Helium purge . The mobile phase was maintained at a flow ment unit . rate of 0 . 6 mL /min and in combination with a 64 injection In some embodiments , the system further comprises , volume, 65° C . oven temperature , and a backpressure of upstream of the hydrolysis unit and downstream of the ~ 580 psi. Under these conditions, each sample was void of pretreatment unit , a washing unit configured to wash pre - 20 solids using a 0 . 2 micron filter and subjected to a 45 minute treated biomass before the pretreated biomass is fed to the hydrolysis unit . run time. In another aspect , the products made by any of the Table 1 shows the results of the color removal of the processes described herein is provided . activated carbon streams from spectrometer readings. 25 EXAMPLES TABLE 1 The following examples serve to illustrate certain Sample % transmittance % reduction in color embodiments and aspects and are not to be construed as limiting the scope thereof. 30 Control 62. 0 0 . 0 GAC 70 . 4 22 . 1 Example 1 PAC 99 . 9 99 . 7 Activated carbon is a form of carbon that has been reduced in particle size and its surface is covered in low 35 FIGS. 2A , 2B and 2C show the visible results following volumepores which increase the surface area for absorption . filtration of all three samples . There is no change is the There are many types of activated carbon used in industry control (FIG . 2A ) , considerable change with granular acti and these serve various purposes. To compare and contrast vated carbon treatment (FIG . 2B ), and almost complete the differences in use of powdered activated carbon (PAC ) removal of color using powdered activated carbon (FIG . and granular activated carbon (GAC ), comparisons were 40 2C ) . made based on the level of inhibitors removed (acetic acid , HMF and Furfural) , the level of color removed , and the level Table 2 shows the reduction of the inhibitors acetic acid , of various aromatics measured by the UV - spectrometer on HMF and Furfural with the use of GAC versus PAC . the HPLC . To activate the carbon , 500 grams of PAC (Sigma Aldrich 45 TABLE 2 09157 activated carbon ) was placed into a hot air oven and Sample Glucose Xylose Arabinose Acetic HMF Furfural heated for 12 hours at 200° C . One 10 g sample of PAC was Name ( g / L ) ( g / L ) ( g / L ) Acid ( g / L ) ( g / L ) ( g / L ) sequestered and placed into a 250 mL shake flask . 100 g of Control 383 .31 35 .52 0 . 29 12 . 96 5 . 09 5 .00 GAC ( Fisher Scientific 05690 - A ) was placed into a hot air GAC 366 . 43 32. 82 0 . 30 11 .71 0 . 29 0 .21 oven and heated for 12 hours at 200° C . One 10 g sample of 50 PAC 382 .58 35 . 10 0 .31 11 .67 0 .61 0 . 48 GAC was sequestered and placed into a 250 mL shake flask . Both of these flasks were then replaced into the oven at 200° C . for 1 hour. The carbon samples were then removed to be FIGS. 3A , 3B , 4A , and 4B show the graphical represen tested with their respective sugar solutions. tation of the percentage of reduction for each of the three A stock sugar stream from corn stover was prepared in a 55 inhibitor levels . FIG . 3A indicates the percentage of acetic 90 : 10 ratio of C6 to C5 monomeric sugar hydrolysate with acid removed using GAC and PAC . FIG . 3B indicates the 40 % total sugars ( wt/ v ). The sugar solution was adjusted to percentage of HMF removed from the corn stover stock pH 2 . 0 using concentrated sulfuric acid . Then 5 mL of acetic acid , 2 . 5 g of 5 -Hydroxymethyl 2 - furaldehyde (HMF ) and solution using GAC and PAC . FIG . 4A indicates the per 2 . 5 mL of Furfural were added to the stock sugar solution 60 centage of furfural removed from the corn stover stock which was then heated to 65° C . for 1 hour with agitation . solution using GAC and PAC . FIG . 4B indicates the per A 2 mL sample of the stock solution was analyzed using centage reduction in the level of phenolics and aromatics . HPLC . Three 100 mL sugar stream samples were used to Table 3 displays the level of phenolics and aromatics produce , respectively , a control, a “GAC ” carbon treatment detected by the HPLC using a UV detector . The level of to which 10 g of GAC was added , and a “ PAC ” carbon 65 phenolics and aromatics are displayed by taking the entire treatment to which 10 g of PAC was added . All flasks were peak area displayed from 0 - 45 minutes of the HPLC run at agitated at 65° C . for 2 hours . 205 nm . US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 47 48 TABLE 3 A sample of the 50 % sugar solution was analyzed by HPLC before and after clarification to track the loss of sugar Percentage of Total Peak Area absorbed by the activated carbon during clarification . The Total Peak Area Reduction - based results are shown in Table 4 . Sample Detected on control TABLE 4 Control 158551825 mV N / A GAC 52842525 mV 66 . 7 % Glucose Xylose Acetic Acid PAC 26359915 mV 83 . 4 % Description ( g / L ) ( g / L ) ( g / L ) 10 Hardwood before activated 509 6 . 9 FIGS. 5A , 5B , and 5C show the UV - detector peaks of the carbon treatment control , the GAC - treated , and PAC - treated sugar hydroly Hardwood after activated 451 sa 3 . 6 sates , respectively . carbon treatment There is a clear indication that both powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon have the ability to 15 sequester HMF and Furfural from monomeric sugar hydro Example 3 lysates. GAC has a slightly greater edge in sequestering HMF and Furfural ( ~ 95 % removal compared to ~ 90 % The combination of activated carbon and diatomaceous removal for PAC ). However , PAC has a better ability to earth for clarification of cellulosic samples has never been sequester color, (99 . 7 % compared to 22 . 1 % ) and aromatics 20 shown to work at sugar concentrations at or above 12 % total (83 . 4 % compared to 66 . 7 % ) from the broth than the GAC . sugars . In one embodiment, the process was modified to improve clarification and successfully refine sugars at con The one factor that separates these two carbon types more centrations of 20 , 30 , 40 % or higher . The clarification of than anything else is the ability to sequester color by the sugars at higher ( industrial) concentrations gives greater PAC . 25 advantages for downstream processing , obviating the need for further evaporation . Example 2 The pH of a 28 % sugar solution derived from corn stover was adjusted from 4 . 8 to 1 . 7 using concentrated sulfuric The activated carbon used was purchased or prepared in acid . Following the pH adjustment, the stover solution was a powder form . The particle size was between 5 to 40 subdivided and diluted to various concentrations ranging microns . Larger particle size , (75 microns or above ) may from 10 % total sugars to 25 % total sugars . These sugar remove impurities but not necessarily the color . The tem - solutions were preheated using a Kuhner shaker set at 65° C . perature of the carbon was raised to 200° C . prior to contact which rotated at 100 rpm for 1 hour. Each sugar concentra tion sample was then subjected to different levels of acti with the sugar syrup . This was typically done by the use of vated carbon ( 2 % , 3 % , 5 % , 10 % wt/ vol of liquid hydroly an oven for a period ranging from 4 hours to 24 hours but 35 sate ) . Each sample was also subjected to 1 . 25 % other means and times can be used diatomaceous earth to increase settling velocity and ease The sugar syrup used for high concentration purification separation of activated carbon from the mother liquor. The was 50 % w / v at highest concentration , and was achieved solutions were allowed to agitate for 2 hours at 65° C . through evaporation of the pretreatment liquor and mainte Following agitation , each sample was centrifuged and fil nance at 50° C . or higher . The carbon is added to the solution 40 tered through a 0 . 22 micron filter. An HPLC analysis of the while the solution and the carbon are still hot. Heated carbon samples was performed and the optical density of each can be more effective in color removal. The carbon was clarified solution also recorded to gauge the amount of color removed by carbon . heated to 200° C . and the liquor typically kept at no less than Table 5 shows the optical density (OD ) of each sugar 50° C . The pH of the sugar syrup can also be important . solution before and after treatment with activated carbon Dropping the pH of the sugar solution to about 2 before 45 using distilled water as a baseline . FIG . 6 shows the differ adding carbon can yield better clarification when the cellu ence of an 18 % sugar solution before ( left ) and after ( right ) losic stream is at a sugar concentration above 15 % total treatment with 10 % activated carbon . The sample treated sugars . Without heating the carbon , the sugar solution can with carbon cannot be distinguished from water by the retain full color if it is concentrated to 15 % w / v or higher. naked eye . FIG . 7 is an example of a 25 % sugar solution Clarification of a 50 % sugar solution (hardwood derived > before (right ) and after (left ) treatment with 10 % activated sugars ) was carried out as follows. The hardwood was carbon . pretreated using a Comet 10L reactor with 3 % SO2 ( v /wt of dry solids ) at 195° C . for 10 minutes . Following pretreat TABLE 5 ment, the hardwood was washed to remove C5 sugars . The 55 Description (Samples prior to OD (H20 Baseline ) % hardwood was then enzymatically hydrolyzed and then carbon addition ) trans concentrated to 50 % total sugars using evaporation . 10 % sugar 39 . 2 Following concentration , pH of the hardwood was 13. 4 % sugar 36 . 8 adjusted to 2 . 0 using concentratedAnt sulfuric acid . The hardro 1717 . 99 % sugar 30 . 8 wood was then heated at 50° C . and retained at that 6024 . 9 % sugar 13 . 2 temperature for 1 hour . After heating the sugars , 10 g ( 20 % OD ( H20 Transparency wt/ vol ) of carbon , activated at 200° C . for 24 hours, was Description ( Samples post carbon baseline) % Improvement added to the sugars . Diatomaceous earth ( 0 .6 g ) was also addition ) trans ( % ) added to the 50 mL sugar solution ( 1 .25 % wt/ vol ) to 10 % total sugar; 5 % Activated Carbon 95 . 2 56 facilitate carbon removal during filtration . The solution was 65 10 % Sugar ; 10 % AC 99 . 6 60 . 4 then maintained at 50° C . overnight. The solution was 13 .4 % Sugar; 2 % AC 80 . 8 centrifuged and filtered using a 0 . 22 micron filter . US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 49 50 TABLE 5 -continued TABLE 6 13. 4 % Sugar; 3 % AC 86 49 . 2 C6 rich Wheat C6 rich Wheat 13 . 4 % Sugar; 5 % AC 93 . 8 57 Trace Metal Straw - Refined Straw - Crude 13. 4 % Sugar; 10 % AC 99 .2 62 . 4 Profile ( ppm ) (ppm ) 17 . 9 % Sugar; 2 % AC 70 . 4 39 . 6 5 17. 9 % Sugar; 3 % AC 75 . 8 45 Aluminum 18 < 3 . 3 17. 9 % Sugar; 5 % AC 84 .4 53 .6 Antimony < 0 . 033 < 0 . 33 17 . 9 % Sugar; 10 % AC 98 67 . 2 Arsenic 0 . 33 < 0 . 17 24 . 9 % Sugar ; 2 % AC 42 . 2 29 Barium 0 . 37 0 . 21 24 . 9 % Sugar ; 3 % AC 45 . 2 Cadmium < 0 .033 < 0 . 33 24 . 9 % Sugar ; 5 % AC 59 . 2 10 Calcium < 0 .0033 0 .037 24 . 9 % Sugar; 10 % AC 85 . 2 Chromium 160 44 Cobalt 0 . 35 0 . 70 Copper 0 .058 < 0 .050 Previous data showed no reduction in color when sugar Iron 0 . 27 < 0 . 17 Lead 12 1 . 1 solutions were concentrated above 15 % total sugars. This Magnesium < 0 .012 < 0 . 12 data shows significant reduction above 20 % sugars simply 13 Manganese 38 12 by adjusting the pH , thus indicating the important role of pH Nickel 2 . 7 0 . 2 in clarification . Phosphorus 0 . 24 0 . 17 Potassium 99 91 Selenium 0 . 36 < 0 . 50 Silver < 0 .017 < 0 . 17 Example 4 20 Sodium 210 120 Sulfur 1200 280 A 16 % sugar solution (C5 + C6 sugar ) was derived from Tin 0 .094 < 0 . 33 corn stover and pretreated through standard processing and Vanadium 0 . 12 < 0 . 13 enzyme hydrolysis conditions. HMF, acetic acid and furfural Zinc 0 . 33 < 0 . 33 were added to the solution to inflate the inhibitor level and 25 determine if activated carbon would remove a significant The refined stream includes several elements showing a portion of the inhibitors . A sample of the solution was taken higher concentration than the crude stream . There is a for HPLC analysis . The solution was divided into two significant increase in sulfur due to the pH drop to 2 . 0 during samples . The first sample served as the control (no carbon the refinement process . There are also increases found in treatment) , the second was treated with activated carbon to 30 Sodium , Potassium , Nickel, Manganese , Lead , Chromium determine if it could extract the inhibitors. and Aluminum . This is likely the result of elements in the The activated carbon was heated to 200° C . in an oven for diatomaceous earth filter used to re- capture the carbon from 4 hours and a portion added to the second sample . Both the solution . samples were allowed to agitate for 12 hours at 125 rpm and 50° C . The samples were then filtered and analyzed via 35 Example 5 HPLC . This example illustrates a procedure for clarification and FIGS . 8A and 8B show pictures of sugar stream samples de - colorization of a sugar stream using heated powdered treated with activated carbon under the conditions described activated carbon (PAC ) . The sugar stream is produced by the above. In FIG . 8A , the untreated 16 % stream is shown in the 40 pretreatment and hydrolyzation of biomass comprising cel tube on the right and the treated sample on the left. In FIG . lulose , hemicellulose , and /or lignocellulose . If necessary , 8B , an untreated 12 % stream is shown in the tube on the left the sugar stream is concentrated to greater than about 15 % and the treated sample on the right. In addition the level of sugars w /v before clarification and de- colorization . phenolics or aromatics in the 16 % broth were analyzed using Powdered activated carbon (Sigma Aldrich C9157 cell UV at 205 and 289 nM . Due to lignin heterogeneity , the 45 culture grade ) having a 5 - 10 micron particle size is heated to control sample was analyzed by UV analysis and the % 200° C . for from 4 hours to 24 hours. The sugar stream is reduction the peak area were determined and correlated to adjusted to a pH of about 2 using sulfuric acid and heated to reduction in aromatic lignin . The percentage reduction of the about 65° C . While still hot, the heated PAC is added to the phenolic peaks from the UV spectra are as follows: sugar stream at about 10 % w / v and mixed thoroughly . The A 55 % reduction at 7 . 3 min retention peak 50 mixture is maintained at about 65° C . for from 1 to 2 hours A 31 % reduction at 29. 1 min retention peak with continuous mixing. Diatomaceous earth is added to the PAC / sugar mixture to A 44 % reduction at 39 . 1 min . retention peak about 1 % w / v and the mixture is centrifuged to facilitate FIGS . 9 - 11 show how each of the inhibitor levels were carbon removal. The centrifuged mixture is then subjected to altered by the presence of activated carbon . Not only is there 55 back end filtration using diatomaceous earth ( Pure D brand ) a significant color reduction from the use of activated that is formed into a cake in a buchner funnel . carbon , there is also a reduction in both HMF and Furfural. FIG . 12 illustrates the UV -detector peaks of a control ( A ), The HMF levels from the use of activated carbon were and carbon filtered sugar streams, respectively . The sugar reduced from 14 . 6 g / L to 9 . 4 g / L which is a 38 % reduction stream was produced by pretreatment and hydrolysis of corn The Turtural levels were reduced from 10 . 1 g / L to 60 stover and was at a concentration of about 40 % sugar. The 4 .6 g /L which is a 55 % reduction (FIG . 10 ). There was little UV -spectra were measured at 205 nm . The reduction in total or no reduction in acetic acid levels (FIG . 11 ) or in the levels peak area indicates that levels of phenolics and aromatics of sugars in the broth . were reduced by 95 . 6 % . Two samples of treated ( refined ) and untreated (crude ) While preferred embodiments of the present invention were analyzed for trace metal differences. These samples 65 have been shown and described herein , it will be obvious to consisted of 20 % C6 rich sugars prepared from pretreated those skilled in the art that such embodiments are provided wheat straw . The results are presented in Table 6 below . by way of example only. Numerous variations , changes, and US 9 , 809 , 867 B2 51 52 substitutions will now occur to those skilled in the art 8 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the sugar stream without departing from the invention . It should be under comprises at least about 15 % w /v of one or more sugars. stood that various alternatives to the embodiments of the 9 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat activated invention described herein may be employed in practicing carbon is at from 2 % to about 10 % w / v in the sugar stream the invention . It iss intended that the following claims delinedefine 5 duringdur the contacting . the scope of the invention and that methods and structures within the scope of these claims and their equivalents be 10 . The method of claim 1, further comprising removing covered thereby . the heat activated carbon from the refined sugar stream . What is claimed is : 11 . The method of claim 10 , wherein removing the heat 1 . A method of refining a sugar stream , the method 10 activated carbon from the refined sugar stream comprises comprising : 10 adding diatomaceous earth to the sugar stream . ( a ) acidifying the sugar stream to a pH of from about 1 to 12 . A method of refining a sugar stream , the method about 4 by adding an acid to produce an acidified sugar comprising: stream ; ( a ) heating activated carbon to a temperature of from ( b ) heating activated carbon to a temperature of from 15 about 100° C . to about 300° C . to produce heat acti about 100°C . to about 300°C . to produce heat activated vated carbon ; carbon ; and ( b ) contacting the sugar stream with the heat activated ( c ) contacting the acidified sugar stream with the heat carbon for a sufficient time to produce a refined sugar activated carbon for a sufficient time to produce a stream , wherein the heat activated carbon is at a tem refined sugar stream . perature greater than the sugar stream . 2 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the heat activated 20 13 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the heat activated carbon is at a higher temperature than the acidified sugar carbon is at from 2 % to about 10 % w / w in the sugar stream stream during the contacting . during the contacting . 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising pretreating 14 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the refined sugar or hydrolyzing a biomass comprising cellulosic , hemicellu stream comprises at least about 30 % less of one or more losic , or lignocellulosic material to produce the sugar 25 inhibitors than the sugar stream . stream . 15 . The method of claim 14 , wherein the one or more 4 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the refined sugar inhibitors comprise hydroxymethylfurfural , furfural, or a stream comprises at least about 30 % less of one or more combination thereof. inhibitors than the sugar stream . 30 16 . The method of claim 12, wherein the refined sugar 5 . The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more stream has a transparency that is at least about 20 % higher inhibitors comprise hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural , or a than the sugar stream when measured at 600 nm . combination thereof. 17 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the refined sugar 6 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the refined sugar stream comprises at least about 70 % less phenolic and stream has a transparency that is at least about 20 % higher 35 aromatic compounds than the sugar stream when measured than the sugar stream when measured at 600 nm . 35 at 205 nm or 289 nm . 7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the refined sugar 18 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the heat activated stream comprises at least about 30 % less phenolic and carbon is at from 2 % to about 10 % w / v in the sugar stream aromatic compounds than the sugar stream when measured during the contacting . at 205 nm or 289 nm . * * * *