Breeder's Awakening

By Halcyon Commission for type777 f/f, sex, impregnation, same size, soft vore, digestion, disposal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"Kazumi, are you ready?"

Kazumi nodded as her wife, Risa, took her by the hand and gently led her to their shared bed. Kazumi was nervous; although they had made love many times before, this time was different. Yet even as her heart raced, she could already feel her undergarments start to tighten.

Kazumi was a beautiful and curvaceous woman who was blessed with an equally gorgeous, virile cock and balls instead of a vagina. For her, having this extra package meant that her entire life was filled with endless prejudice and fear. Those who saw her as unnatural judged her to be disgusting, and many spared no effort in telling her so. As a result, she had developed into a timid and shy young lady.

Eventually, however, she found a woman that loved her for who she was. That woman was Risa, an adorable, petite young woman with pretty freckles and a bright smile. Risa was shorter than the average woman, with a thinner frame compared to Kazumi's full curves. Together, they looked more like opposites than girlfriend and girlfriend.

But they loved each other. They began a tender, passionate relationship together. Eventually, they got married. Now, they wished to a child together. All that was left was to get to work and make their dreams a reality.

"C'mon~" Risa encouraged as she presented her thin but naked body to Kazumi. "Let's make our baby together and be a happy family~!"

"I'm ready," Kazumi replied as she pulled her underwear off, letting her stiff cock bounce up to a visible erection. This would be their first time having sex without the protection of a condom. The two both know that meant that her wife's loins would be totally unprotected from the viciously powerful sperm her body naturally produced. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. Come here!" Risa encouraged.

Kazumi crawled over to her spread-eagle lover, and gently brushed her lips up against her waiting cunt. It took only a few moments of cunnilingus to get her dripping wet. Emboldened, Kazumi pulled her mouth off and climbed atop her.

"Come on," Risa moaned. "Put a baby in me!"

Kazumi didn't need any more encouragement. She pressed her stiff cock up against Risa's entrance and pushed herself inside. The latter gasped as her wife's substantial girth filled her up and bottomed out easily in her. Kazumi, meanwhile, moaned in ecstasy at the unfamiliar sensation of raw sex - something she had never experienced before.

The two quickly got to work. Although Risa didn't do much in the way of movement, thanks to Kazumi's sensitivity, it didn't take her long to reach her limit.

"Ngh, Risa, I'm close..." she huffed as she pounded into her wife, feeling her balls start to tighten as they slapped against Risa's underside.

"Yes! Gimme!" Risa cried, her own mouth agape in pleasure.

Kazumi cried out in pleasure as she came, flooding her lover's womb with semen. Risa looked down in awe as she felt Kazumi spill her seed out inside of her and pump her uterus up with cum. When she finished, she pulled out - leaving a wet, sticky warmth behind inside of her.

Kazumi huffed as she collapsed on top of Risa and wrapped her arms around her. "I love you," she moaned.

"I love you too~" Risa sighed, and the two immediately fell asleep.

All it took was one unprotected blast of cum from Kazumi's hefty balls to get her wife pregnant. A few days later, Risa came home ecstatic with a positive pregnancy test in her hand.

~ ~ ~

A week had passed since Risa's conception. Since then, she and Kazumi had been busily preparing for the arrival of their new baby. Despite that they were nine months away from delivery, they didn't want to waste any time to prepare for their new lives as mothers. The days since went by in a hectic storm of activity, including informing relatives, planning baby showers, and the like.

One night, several hours after Risa and Kazumi had gone to bed, something had quietly crept into their yard. There, rooting around in the bushes, was a wild catgirl from the forest.

Catgirls were predatory animals who rarely showed themselves to humans, and instead preferred to live in solitude. This one, however, was a bit different. She was a bit smaller than average for her kind, but with an athletic, toned build. Her naturally fair skin had been tanned by days spent out in the sun foraging and hunting. She had gorgeous platinum blonde hair that she kept carefully groomed so that it fell prettily onto her shoulders. Like the rest of her kind, she preferred to walk around naked; she had no need for clothing.

Although her appearance in the sleepy town may have been unusual, this catgirl was in the throes of her species' natural desire to mate. She was in heat, a period triggered by her ovulating reproductive organs and characterized by the overwhelming desire to get pregnant. Her arousal had gotten so bad that it had led her to venture down from the woods and into the nearby town in search of a mating partner that suited her.

The catgirl had been rooting around in the ladies' things when she spied the open bedroom window. Earlier that evening, Kazumi had left it ajar to help placate the stuffy summer heat while they slept.

Curious, the catgirl went over to the window and peeked inside. There, she saw two naked women - one with a large set of cock and balls - snoring as they slept naked on a king-sized bed.

The catgirl's eyes widened in excitement as she focused in on Kazumi's penis. She had entered heat a few days ago. But, unable to find the type of mate she wanted, she failed to find any outlet for her hormones. Now, however, as she looked upon Kazumi's pristine package, she could feel her legs rubbing together in excitement. She was perfect.

The horny catgirl made her move. Using all of her natural stealth and dexterity, she silently climbed through the window. Her feet touched lightly on the carpeted bedroom floor seconds later. She crawled over to the bed and beheld her prize face-to-face. They both looked delicious, but she only needed one of them. The other one needed to go.


The catgirl pounced on Risa and dragged her out of the bed. Before she could even scream, her jaws wrapped around her head, sealing her in fleshy darkness. The neko grabbed the disoriented wife's arms and legs before she could struggle and forced her down with a series of muffled gulps.

Following the rest of her body, the catgirl hurriedly stuffed Risa's feet into her mouth as she pulled her in like any other prey. Her midsection swelled up as Risa curled up inside of her, filling out her stomach with her body. As her lips curled around her toes, she enjoyed the last of the prey's meaty, filling taste. It lasted just a moment before her throat began to involuntarily jerk, pulling her prey the rest of the way down her esophagus.


The catgirl purred as the rest of Risa's body slid down into her stomach. She began to lick the excess saliva off of her chops, letting her fingers rub her tummy while she looked down at the other human.

Kazumi stirred for a moment, and seemed to almost awaken. But then, she remained quiet and continued to sleep.

"Perfect~" the catgirl smirked as she watched her target continue to sleep, totally unaware that her wife had just been dragged out of her bed and devoured mere inches away from her. "Just sleep, darling. Soon, nothing will be in our way of joining together~"


Inside of the catgirl's stomach, Risa groaned and coughed as her entire world was replaced by the hot, smelly innards of the catgirl's body. "N-No way..." she cried as the fleshy walls ground against her slim, nude body. "Kazumi... KAZUMI! HELP!!"

Risa screamed as she pounded and squirmed on the inside of the catgirl's stomach, disturbing the walls with her movement. But her yells were barely audible through the thick flesh sealing her inside, and they certainly weren't enough to wake her sleeping wife. Instead, she just made the catgirl belch.


"Quiet down in there..." the catgirl urged as her stomach clenched on her prey. "Learn your place, disgusting thing. You'll be fueling tomorrow's breeding before you know it~"

The catgirl looked affectionately back over to the sleeping Kazumi as Risa began to cry inside of her. "Soon, beautiful..."

Then, the catgirl began to barricade the windows and door with whatever loose furniture she could move. The cries emanating from her midsection went completely unheeded.

~ ~ ~

Kazumi groaned as she was rather suddenly roused from her sleep by a peculiar sensation coming from down below. The morning sun shone through the window and onto her nude body. Down between her legs, she was greeted with the familiar feeling of a mouth wrapped tightly around her erect cock.

Pleasure surged through Kazumi's body as she was awoken by the surprise blowjob. Letting her eyes stay shut, she moaned in pleasure as she reached down to grab her wife's hair, but stopped in fear of making her choke. Instead, she kept her hands up by her head as she laid back on her pillow and let the pleasure course through her.

"Risa, you're so naughty~!" Kazumi began to tease. "Am I gonna have to get used to little surprises like this? Ngh, where'd you learn to do it like that? That feels AMAZING..." she cooed, pleasure surging through her as lips and tongue showered her with warm affection, bobbing up and down as they slurped on her.

"God, I love you so much..." Kazumi continued. "You really spoil me. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I love how obsessed you are with my balls... ngh... and my sperm," she teased. "I guess you just couldn't wait, huh? Needed your fix first thing in the morning? My little , eheheh... Risa?" Kazumi asked aloud when she didn't hear her girlfriend's retort to her lewd taunts. "Guess you can't talk with a full mouth, huh?"

The unseen mouth continued to bob up and down on Kazumi's cock, bringing her rapidly to the edge with skill. "Oh, fuck, here it comes, baby!" Kazumi huffed, letting herself be brought to orgasm.

*splt splt splt*

Kazumi arched her back and let out a pleasured moan as she came. She felt a pair of lips wrap tightly around the base of her cock, anchoring her in place in her mouth as she started to fire off. The hot warmth flooded through her member as she came, only increasing her pleasure as she gushed out spurts of semen like a fountain.

Yet despite the volume of semen Kazumi was releasing, the mouth around her member lapped it up deftly and passionately, swallowing it as soon as her body released it. When she was finished, she sighed in utter ecstasy, basking in afterglow as those lips slid off of her softened cock with a wet plop.

"Ahh... honey, that was amazing..." Kazumi sighed, and opened her eyes to meet her girlfriend.

Instead, she found herself starting at the face of a feral forest catgirl, crouching by her legs with her mouth dribbling on her now-limp cock. The catgirl drew her tongue across her own plush lips and gulped, presumably sending the last of Kazumi's cum down her throat.

"Wha... huh... who are..." Kazumi stammered, utterly dumbfounded.

"Mmm, delicious!" The catgirl began in a high-pitched, nasally voice. "You taste almost as good as your girlfriend did. I hope she enjoyed that load too~"

The catgirl slowly stood up on the bed, revealing her bloated, squirming stomach to the stunned woman underneath of her. She gulped again, sending another lump down her throat. It disappeared into her chest and promptly elicited a sudden yelp from her distended midsection.

"What... what's going on?!" Kazumi stammered as she pulled herself up into a sitting position with her shaking limbs.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" The catgirl retorted.

Kazumi bit her lip in horror as the realization hit her. Her wife had been eaten by a catgirl.

"NO!" Kazumi screamed as she tried to pull herself up off of the bed. With lightning reflexes, the catgirl instead placed two hands on her shoulders, pinning her down onto the bed with superior strength. Although the catgirl wasn't particularly large - between Kazumi's and Risa's heights, in fact - she seemed to have no trouble at all overpowering Kazumi and holding her right where she wanted her.

"Relax!" The horny catgirl began as she looked into Kazumi's eyes. "I'm not here for either you or her. I just want your cock!"

Kazumi let out an "eep!" as she laid underneath of the powerful predator. Her bloated stomach was pressed up against her. She was so close that she could feel her wife's struggles and hear her whimpers as she squirmed around inside of her belly.

"My name's Alice!" she suddenly said with a bright smile, as if oblivious to the fact that she had just consumed her wife in front of her. "What's yours?"

Kazumi's breath caught in her throat. "M-My name's... Kazumi," she replied.

"Kazumi..." Alice cooed as she drew her hand down the Kazumi’s naked, shivering body. "You are so beautiful!"

Kazumi froze. "Wh-What do you want?"

"Let me explain," Alice continued. "I'm in heat, and I've decided that I really want some futa babies more than anything else. Wouldn't that be so wonderful? But the only way I can get some is to mate with a futa, and to let her fertilize my eggs." Alice paused before continuing. "I've been searching for you everywhere, Kazumi!"

Kazumi gasped as she looked at the crazed catgirl. She looked at her with such a loving, devoted stare that totally contrasted her violent actions and stated aims. This girl was totally deluded!

"So, how about this..." Alice continued as she slowly laid her fingers across Kazumi's limp cock, causing her to shudder as she began to stroke. "Let's make a little . I'll give you your disgusting wife back, but in return, I need you to plant your seeds in me."

"Wh-What?!" Kazumi gasped.

"Just, you know..." Alice grinned as she thought of how to frame her demand. "Ejaculate in my unprotected," she demanded. "Once should do the trick! Then, you can have this gross thing back."

Kazumi felt her cock shamefully grow in Alice's grip as she pushed a deep belch up her throat, causing her stomach to clench down on its contents. Inside, she could hear her wife's muffled, pained voice, calling out to her for rescue.

"F-Fine!" Kazumi cried out as she felt her cock grow to full mast in Alice's hand. "I'll do whatever you want. Just... just don't hurt her!"

"Excellent!" Alice meowed as she eagerly began to climb on top of Kazumi, straddling her thick cock. "And you'd better hurry, before your wife gets diii~gested!"

Kazumi whimpered and nodded in submission. The thought of cheating on her beloved wife filled her with revulsion, but the desire to save her life was even stronger. With that in mind, Kazumi watched as the catgirl straddled her, spreading her legs to reveal her dripping flower. A sudden wave of pheromones hit Kazumi as they oozed from between Alice's legs, causing her cock to jump up another inch.

"Can you feel that?" Alice purred as she plopped herself down and began to rub her glistening lower lips along the length of Kazumi's shaft. "My baby oven is just screaming to get knocked up. Let's make some cute kittens together, nya~!"

Kazumi didn't resist as Alice lifted her cock up like a lever and positioned it in-between her legs. An incredibly warm, wet sensation spread throughout Kazumi's body as the horny catgirl wiggled herself down, letting her erect shaft glide into her pussy. Kazumi gasped with surprise when she felt how easily she penetrated Alice's slit, noting the warm, slick fluids practically dripping out of her.

Alice wiggled herself all the way down Kazumi's cock until the latter felt the catgirl's labia plant against her abdomen. Kazumi was seized by the sudden realization that she had never felt that sensation before; Risa was shallow enough that she bottomed out in her every time with inches to spare. Alice, however, had no problem taking it all inside.

That realization was interrupted, however, as the catgirl placed her hands by Kazumi's sides and slowly began to ride her, lifting herself up and down and letting her cock slide in and out of her pussy. "Meow~!" Alice wailed. "You're so fucking big! I can't remember the last time I rode a cock big enough to fill me up inside. This is gonna be fun, nyah~!"

Kazumi moaned as the catgirl rode her in earnest, bouncing up and down on top of her cock as she cackled with glee. With every thrust, her bounced up and down along with her distended belly, filling Kazumi with shame at the undeniable pleasure shooting through her groin.

Sensing Kazumi's regret, Alice grinned. "That bitch of a wife of yours... hah... is really... hah stewing down there..." she began with a wry smile, "down in my guts. Better blow your... ngh... your load if you want to save her... go on, nya~ just spurt it all out in my pussy~ You know you... hah... you know you wanna, nyah~!"

*shlck shlck shlck*

The horny neko continued to taunt Kazumi as she fucked her, riding her harder and harder. "Gawd, I can feel every vein in your cock against my walls... ngh... and all of the precum leaking out of you feels sooo~ nice in me. Hah... can't wait 'till you're pumping me up full with your baby batter~ I'm gonna get sooo pregnant, nyah!"

Meanwhile, inside of Alice's stomach, Risa whimpered in disgust as she felt the big belly bounce her up and down, sloshing fluids all over her. From the movement, Alice's voice, her pounding heartbeat, and the wet pounding coming from beneath her, she could easily tell that the catgirl was fucking her wife - a fact that filled her with shame. "K-Kazumi..." she whimpered as she placed a hand against the tight stomach wall.

Up above, Alice gulped. A glob of saliva traveled down her throat and splattered onto Risa's face. She began to cry.

Kazumi, meanwhile, merely groaned as Alice rode her. She knew that wild catgirls could be sex-crazed, and this one felt especially fertile from the copious amounts of warm fluids leaking out of her loins and onto her crotch. Furthermore, she knew that her own semen was particularly potent. Although she sought to save her wife from the belly of the murderous beast, the thought of fathering children for the catgirl made her feel nauseous. Yet with every pump, she could feel another orgasm steadily building up in her...

Suddenly, Kazumi gasped. She had an idea.

"W-Wait!" She began. I have to get her in a different position... one where she can't see me.

"Hmm~?" Alice replied as she continued bouncing up and down.

"Maybe we can, uhh... change positions?" Kazumi timidly suggested. "How about... doggy style? I can cum the easiest that way... p-plus, it's fun, right?"

Alice's eyes lit up as she let herself slide back down Kazumi's cock, before holding her there. "Doggy style? That's perfect, nyah!" Alice said with a bright smile. "You're totally right! Doggy is definitely the best way to get knocked up, nya~"

Alice slowly slid herself off of Kazumi's rod, enjoying the look of reluctant pleasure on her face as she let her throbbing cock go free. With her bloated belly in tow, the catgirl replaced Kazumi on the bed, face-down, ass-up. Alice reached between her legs and spread her pussy lips apart from behind, showing off her glistening tunnel as her tail wagged invitingly. "All yours, nyah~"

"C-Coming!" Kazumi replied as she hurriedly reached down underneath of the mattress. Her fingers fished around for a few moments before wrapping around a single square of foil.

"Come on, nyah!" Alice insisted. "Mount me before I dry up~!"

"S-Sorry!" Kazumi replied as she hurried up onto the bed behind Alice. Despite the grave seriousness of the situation, the sight of the bent-over neko was undeniably alluring in a strange sort of way. Despite the fact that Alice had lifted off of her almost a minute ago, Kazumi had remained rock hard. Alice's bared slit absolutely oozed pheromones, and for a brief moment, the horny human considered going in to sniff her...

Kazumi quickly snapped back to attention. Her wife - her dear lover - was in peril, and she had a lot of fucking to do if she wanted to save her. The condom in her other hand represented her only chance in getting out of this without kids she didn't want, but it would take some serious ingenuity to get it on without Alice noticing.

Kazumi seized her cock in her hand as she slowly began to mount the catgirl. Then, she slid her tip over to her entrance, and eased herself inside. Instantly, a wave of primal ecstasy flooded Kazumi's mind, reminding her that this cruel catgirl's pussy was unlike anything she had ever experienced before with Risa. Kazumi forced the thought out of her mind and started to pump.

"NYAH~!" Alice cried out as Kazumi began to fuck her from behind, softly at first but with increasing velocity. "Amazing! I should have let you do this from the start, nyahah~! God, I can't wait for you to just breed me... put your beautiful futa babies inside of me!"

Kazumi winced. The betrayal of her wife was making her heart sink. But she knew that, for her plan to work, she'd not only have to go along with it... she'd have to distract Alice enough so that she could slip on the condom without her looking. Making her cum was one way to do that.

"Y-Yeah?" Kazumi begin, her heart pounding as she thought about how best to turn the spunky neko on. "Feels... feels good inside you, too..."

"Nyah?! Doesn't it?" Alice moaned. "Mmh, I KNEW you'd come around. Come on, just forget about that disgusting little human wife of yours... you belong with me~"

Sorry, Risa, but it's for your own good! Kazumi thought as she considered to fuck the catgirl. "Just stay like that, and I'll knock you full of kittens..." she teased with an ironic smile. "Just like that. I hope your eggs are ready, because once my sperm flows into you, it'll take over... hah..."

"Nyah!" Alice moaned in pleasure as Kazumi pounded her and teased her. Feeling sly, she grinned as she continued to thrust into her. It seemed to be working.

Yet there was something else, as well. With every thrust of her cock into Alice's slit, pleasure and satisfaction surged through her body unlike anything she had ever felt, and it was getting harder and harder for her to deny it. Fucking Alice felt absolutely incredible. Her tight, throbbing pussy felt like heaven wrapped around her cock, as if it were trying to milk the semen right out of her. She could already feel the precum dribbling out of her tip, tainting the catgirl's inner walls and marking her with her undeniable presence. It was as if every instinctive synapse between the two of them was firing off at once, instructing Kazumi to impregnate her.

As she pounded, and as Alice meowed, Kazumi could feel her warm fluids leaking down onto her swinging balls and dripping onto the floor. Her mind was being absolutely flooded with oozing pheromones from Alice's behind, hardwiring her instincts to tell her that the neko's womb was absolutely perfect for breeding. Those same instincts, likewise, began to awaken in her mind as they screamed at her to fulfill her purpose - to breed. And her body was telling her that Alice was the perfect breeder, a sensation she had never gotten from sex with Risa.

Kazumi started to sweat as she continued to rail Alice from behind, the prospect of putting on the condom getting further and further away in her mind. Kazumi started to wonder... she had been so sexually repressed before meeting Risa, but now, her instincts were awakening in a much different way, thanks to Alice. Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe, seeking out the best wombs for her seed was what she was meant to do after all.

As Kazumi's balls swung back and forth between their wetly smacking bodies, the thought crossed her mind - why not just knock her up, and be done with it? It would be so easy to cum, to flood her pussy with semen. Then, it would be over, Risa would be free, and everything would be okay...

Kazumi set the condom aside. She didn't need it. After all, this is what she was meant for.

Kazumi leaned in and redoubled her efforts in fucking the moaning neko. This pussy was the perfect breeding receptacle - it was meant for her to mate with. She, in turn, was meant to knock her up with babies. As she focused on that realization, Kazumi could feel an orgasm start to well up from deep inside of her...

"Come on, nyaah!" Alice cried out. "Fill me up inside! Get me pregnant... I wanna be pregnant! Fertilize me, nyah~!"

"Fine! You asked for it!" Kazumi growled, tossing the condom aside as she grabbed onto Alice's hips and began to fuck her in earnest. "One orgasm... ngh... is all it'll take!"

"I know!" Alice cried as Kazumi pounded her from behind. "Breed me! Breed me, nyah!"

In Alice's belly, Risa sobbed with humiliation and shame as the two bantered, listening to her lover brag about how she would impregnate the other woman. Belly juices sloshed all over with every thrust, causing her to feel more than a little bit like food and less like Kazumi's wife. Just get it over with, and get me out of here! She cried out in her mind as she continued to sob.

*whap whap whap*

Kazumi's thighs slammed into Alice's ass with increasing speed as she slammed into her, leaning forward to put her entire weight into fucking the murderous catgirl. With the neko's pussy wrapped firmly around her and their bodies joined together in heated ecstasy, it didn't take her much longer to reach the edge.

Dripping with sweat, Kazumi groaned as she leaned in and wrapped her arms around Alice, pushing her breasts against her back. Alice's eyes widened with glee as she reached down to touch Kazumi's swinging balls, and felt them start to tighten up against her shaft. The neko gently wrapped her fingers around Kazumi's churning sack and howled.


Then, Kazumi hilted inside of her and came. Kazumi's urethra started throbbing so hard that Alice could feel it. Seconds later, the throbbing cock shoved deep inside of her began to spurt out hot globs of cum into her pussy. Alice fell forward and buried her face into the floor as she tightened her grip on Kazumi's nuts, as if coaxing them to empty out inside of her entirely.

"YES!" Alice cried out as her breeder's cock fired off inside of her, spurting out thick jets of hot semen into her. Alice felt the incredible warmth spreading throughout her lower body as Kazumi's semen spilled down into her fertile uterus and began to fill her up. "Don't stop... please... keep going!" She begged as Kazumi continued to blow. "Plant all of your seed in me. I want it all, nyah... fill me up, c'mon, keep going..."

Meanwhile, Kazumi moaned in ecstasy as she found herself in the middle of the hardest orgasm of her life. Nearly thirty seconds had passed, and she could still feel semen spurting out of her cock, as if the entire contents of her balls were being emptied into this one catgirl, as if she were meant to pump her until she was full. What is this feeling?! she thought as her entire body was seized by the throes of orgasmic pleasure. Still, she hung on, knowing that every pump meant that she was putting an entire bellyful of kittens inside of the horny neko.

Inside of Alice's belly, Risa retched with disgust as she could physically feel Kazumi pumping semen into Alice's womb. "No way..." she whined as she listened to Kazumi's load spurt out and into Alice's pussy, filling her up with incredibly volume. Risa cried out when she noticed the substantial warmth spreading throughout Alice's lower body - the temperature of her hot baby batter so packed into Alice's body that it was enough to change her interior body temperature. How can she... how can she possibly cum so much? She wondered.

By the time Alice's uterus had been completely filled up with Kazumi's semen, she herself had reached her own breaking point, and let out a savage meow as she orgasmed. Alice's vaginal walls squeezed tightly on Kazumi's cock, milking the last few spurts of semen out of her, before the two finally collapsed in exhaustion.

Alice yelped as Kazumi fell on top of her, knocking them both to the floor. The catgirl began to purr loudly as she felt the massive load of virile sperm wiggling around inside of her, finally bringing her drawn-out heat to its long-awaited end as Kazumi's huge load impregnated her.

"Finally... finally..." Alice huffed, purring as she began to grind her ass against Kazumi's cock. "Futa babies in my tummy... all for me~ all knocked up, nya!"

Kazumi groaned in shame as the reality of her crime hit her. Not only had she betrayed her wife by fucking someone else - even though it was to save her life - but she enjoyed it. Not only that, but she had also inadvertently fathered a litter of who knows how many bastard kittens.

Alice, however, was nothing but pleased, purring happily as Kazumi's seeds took root inside of her. Smiling, she turned her head to the side, and began in a sweet voice:

"That was wonderful, darling. I'm so happy~ Have you ever cum that hard before in your life?"

Despite the gravity of the situation, Kazumi couldn't help but chuckle. Even after everything that had happened, her body was still pulsing with the ecstatic afterglow of fulfilling her instinctive duty to procreate. Before she could stop herself, she found herself admitting the truth.

"Actually... no. No, I haven't."

A sadistic smirk took over Alice's face as she looked down at the exhausted mating partner. "How shameful! You mean to tell me that you enjoyed my pretty pussy more than your own wife's?!" Alice scolded, sending sharp waves of shame through Kazumi's body. "Unbelievable. What's the point of even being married to such a disgusting, worthless woman if she can't even please you?" Alice growled as she pushed Kazumi off of her and started to stand up. "I can please you. I can make you happy... forever~"

Kazumi's eyes went wide as she watched the full-bellied catgirl stand up to her previous full height. "W-Wait..." she began. "What are you...?"

"If you enjoy my body so much more than you enjoyed your old wife's..." Kazumi reasoned as her expression took on a dark, twisted grin. "Then, the way I see it, you don't even need her anymore, nyah~!"

For Kazumi, what happened next seemed to progress in slow motion. She watched, powerless, as Alice, now standing up to her full height, stretched her arms up and stuck out her distended belly, still containing Risa inside of it. The catgirl opened her mouth and rolled out her tongue, letting her eyes roll back in her head as she let loose an incredible, passionate meow.



A rippling series of gurgles and sloshes suddenly split forth from Alice's belly as it began to visibly churn right in front of Kazumi's eyes. The obscene cacophony of bodily sounds told Kazumi that her worst fears were coming true: Alice was digesting her breakfast, Kazumi's wife and unborn child.

An ear-splitting scream, muffled by layers of belly flesh, rang out from Alice's midsection and confirmed Kazumi's fears. It was Risa. "NOOO!" She cried out, redoubling her squirms as the stomach crushed down on her body. "KAZUMI! HELP ME! DON'T LET HER DIGEST ME! DON'T LET HER-"


Alice interrupted Risa's begging with a throaty belch, expelling the last cubic inch of air from her stomach. Rippling, flesh tearing noises echoed form her violently churning gut as her stomach quickly tore Risa apart into mush.

"NO!" Kazumi cried, and leapt up off of the floor, only Alice to knock her back down with far-superior strength. Kazumi tried to get up a second time, only to get shoved down more forcefully - and pinned to the floor by a single foot.

"Don't interrupt," Alice said as she straddled Kazumi's chest and squatted down, bringing her gurgling stomach close to her face so that she could hear - and see - the demise of her former wife and child. "She's been soaking in my enzymes all morning, nyah~ It should just take me a few minutes to digest her. Besides, you don't need her anymore, nya!"

"RISA!" Kazumi screamed, tears forming in her eyes as she watched her wife digest in front of her inside of the catgirl's stomach, powerless to stop her. Alice's belly continued to gurgle and groan as warm, loose semen leaked out from between her legs and splattered onto Kazumi's naked chest. Kazumi yelled and cried out for Risa, until...


"God, I'm sick of hearing about that bitch!" Alice whined as she spun around and plopped her leaking pussy down on Kazumi's mouth. "Just take it easy, okay, nya?"

Kazumi sobbed as Alice ground her sopping pussy against her face, smearing her mouth and nose with excess, used semen as well as massive quantities of her own fluids and pheromones. Meanwhile, her stomach had already begun to slow its churning. Alice grabbed one of Kazumi's hands and pressed it against her tummy, forcing her to feel as it squeezed... and slowly began to shrink.

"See? What's left of that vile woman is already pumping down into my bowels. Pretty soon, she'll drain all the way out of my stomach, and then she'll be gone forever, nya~"

Kazumi groaned as she felt Alice's stomach rapidly shrinking while her intestines grew full and heavy with the remains of her wife and child, which responded to her earlier caloric expenditure by sluicing rapidly through her.

But then, she felt something else as well. Something was moving with dexterity around her limp cock, causing it to rapidly stiffen.

Kazumi gasped for breath as the now much-thinner Alice finally pulled herself off of her face and moved down to her crotch, where she began to stroke her member in earnest. It only took a few minutes for Alice to work her back to a full erection.

Why? Kazumi thought with boundless shame. Here she was, mourning the loss of her wife and child. And yet her body was utterly consumed by the possibility of mating with this catgirl again, so much so that she could already feel herself start to throb with excitement...

Alice moaned as she slipped herself back onto Kazumi's cock, engulfing her in her slick pussy as she began to ride her cowgirl style again. "Theeeere we go~" Alice huffed as she began to slowly slide herself up and down. The catgirl purred as she reached around behind her and took Kazumi's balls in her hand. "I know you've got some sperm left in these testes, so let's get it all out of you~" she urged as she began to ride her faster. "C'mon, nya! Spit it all out inside me. I've got plenty of eggs to knock up~"

Kazumi whined as Alice continued to ride her. With the loss of her wife, she was completely out of strength. Even more than that, as her grief was quickly replaced by pleasure, she realized that she no longer had the physical nor the emotional strength to resist the sultry neko's pull.

"Forget about that bitchy wife of yours... hah..." Alice huffed as she started to bounce up and down, her fluids and used semen leaking all over Kazumi's crotch. "I can replace her. Take me instead, nya... we'll be together~" she urged. "We'll have a big family, a big... ngh... happy family, nyah!"

Kazumi was seized by the realization that Alice was right. Before meeting Risa, she had been very sexually repressed. Exploring the limits of her instinctive need to reproduce had been out of the question. In a way, she had been sleeping, unable to realize her true potential. All it took was one day of mating with this truly hedonistic catgirl to awaken her from that slumber and reveal her true purpose to her. The feeling of her pussy - no, the feeling of her warm, fertile womb just inches away from the tip of her cock, felt more than heavenly. It felt right.

Kazumi felt her humanity slip away as she was consumed by the feeling of satisfaction at spreading her seed. Catgirls are much better breeders than humans, she realized. Ladies like me don't need wives, she finally realized in total submission. We need breeders.

Alice howled as she brought Kazumi to orgasm again, feeling her flood her insides with warm semen. "Nyaaah! Kazumi, I love you! I love you!"

With the howling catgirl humping her wildly, Kazumi flumped to the floor and fainted.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kazumi groaned as she rolled over and opened her eyes. The periwinkle morning sun shone in from the open window, followed by a chorus of chirping birds. She blinked a few times. The last thing she remembered was passing out on the floor, yet she was now back in her bed. Furthermore, the rest of the afternoon and evening had passed, and it was morning again. If it weren't for the fact that her body was sore all over, and that Risa was gone, she might have thought that the events of the previous day were all a dream.

That possibility was further shattered when she heard Alice's voice echoing across the room, coming from the bathroom.

"Hngh... nyaah... rngh..."

A series of labored grunts and moans led Kazumi to pull herself out of bed. Still groggy from sleep and totally nude, she managed to stumble across the bedroom floor and into the bathroom. With the door wide open, she stepped inside.

Inside, she saw Alice sitting on her toilet, leaning forward with her hands on her knees as she strained with effort. Her eyes traveled down to the neko's slight tummy, and realized that she was already starting to show her pregnancy. Kazumi recalled from high school environmental science class that catgirl pregnancies moved absurdly fast, but she was still surprised to see visible evidence of the developing life in her uterus only one day after conception.

"Ngh... ahh!"


Kazumi raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard something splash into the toilet underneath of Alice, and realized that she was pooping.

"Morning, darling!" Alice said with a smile as she waved to Kazumi. "Sorry, did I wake you up? I'm just getting rid of some old things we don't need anymore, nyaheheh... nghh..."


"Hey," Alice began as she rubbed her pregnant potbelly. "Want to come and say hi to your new family?"

Kazumi sighed. Defeated, she slowly walked over to Alice and sat down on the floor in front of her. She peered forward to her bulging midsection. She was definitely pregnant.

"Surprised that it's so big?" Alice grinned. "Me too, nyah! There must be at least five or six kittens in there. I'm so happy~!" she purred. "We're gonna raise them to be beautiful, strong kitties, aren't we, nyah?"

"Yeah," Kazumi admitted with a sigh. "We are."

Alice squealed with glee as she pointed to her belly. "Why don't you give them a kiss, nya?"

Kazumi leaned forward and kissed Alice gently on the tummy. She pictured her five-or-six babies inside of Alice's womb, steadily growing to be big and healthy so that she could birth them. At the same time, Kazumi's old family - her former wife and their unnamed pregnancy - was slowly pushing through her colon and out of her anus.

"Say goodbye~" Alice grunted as she pushed out another log. Kazumi looked down between her legs to see the lumpy kitty litter slide out of her as and plop onto the already substantial pile beneath of her. After digesting her former wife, Alice's body had turned them into shit, and the result was in front of her as she messily disposed of them with no signs of slowing down.

Then, suddenly, Alice sighed as a jet of yellow urine began to shoot out from between her legs, splashing against the side of the bowl before draining down to join the rest of the mess beneath her. Kazumi jumped back in surprise.

"Nyeheh, sorry~! Geez, there's really a lot of her in me... but at least she's sliding out smooth!"

Kazumi blinked as she heard another wet plop beneath Alice's butt. Exhausted, she stood up with a sigh.

"Hmm? Where ya goin', nyah?" Alice asked as she pushed out another log of catgirl shit.

"Guess I ought to make us breakfast..." Kazumi sighed as she began to walk towards the door. "Our kids are gonna need a lot of nutrients, I figure."

Alice meowed with delight as she pushed a few more logs of kitty litter from her backside. "Great, nyah! I'm starving! Go ahead and cook me up something tasty... We'll be rii~iight there, nya!"


