Slut Life , Exalted DLC/TCM

"SFW" text-only edition

You are an average mortal human, simply trying to carve yourself a place in Creation, same as everybody else. Well, you might not be all that average. Could you be a scavenger lord, sifting through the ruins of the First Age for magical Artifacts? Perhaps you’re an adventurer, experiencing as much of the beauty and danger of Creation as you can? Maybe you’re a simple Child of Earth after all, scratching a living from the soil, such as it is, and aspiring to nothing more than a good, simple, life.

However exciting, or otherwise, you may be, you find yourself in Interesting times, indeed: Essence courses through your form, tearing apart your body, your mind, your very soul, and remaking you into something… else. You do not have the knowledge to describe what’s happening to you, even scavenger lords seldom know many secrets of the mystical wonders they unearth, but you can feel what the magic is turning you into: A sexual plaything, a living toy. There’s a glimmer of hope for you, though. The magic is powerful, true, but barely controlled. With a surge of willpower you somehow grasp the whipcord tendrils of uncontrolled energy, entering into a contest of wills over control over the spell. You might be able to mitigate the worst of the damage. Alternatively, you could try to claim the loosed magics and make them your own; at the cost of letting it work its way with you mind and body.

Below are a series of options, some awarding influence, while others come at a cost. A positive balance of influence implies that somehow, you’ve gained an advantage in the contest of wills: because you’ve distracted your opponent by intentionally opening a gap in your defenses, because you’ve somehow earned the intervention of fate itself, or because of some other means. With magic, anything is possible! However, a negative balance of influence means that you are the one at a disadvantage. Regardless of how such a situation came about, whether you’ve overextended yourself shaping yourself a boon or fate has turned against you for recompense, your opponent will not hesitate to work their wicked way upon you for as long as they can. Needless to say, you won’t be allowed to escape until they have pressed their advantage for everything it was worth. Only with a neutral or better balance do you possess enough influence that, with a surge of willpower, you can rend the weave of the magic and bring it to an end, should you find further power isn’t tempting or isn’t worth the cost.

To begin, choose the source of your plight from the list below. Additionally, certain options reward you with more influence to use (denoted with a '+' character). Sub-options (indented/different bullet) require their parent option (costs/bonuses are additive). You can purchase multiple sub-options on the same level unless otherwise stated. Options denoted with a superscript dagger ('†') can be taken multiple times. When instructed to alter the influence cost or gain of a choice, round any fractions toward zero


The magic affecting you has to come from somewhere. Creation being what it is, there are myriad possibilities for what it might be. Not all Essence wielders are created equal, though: Some have more raw magical power available than others, while others bring influences with them that might change the nature of the contest.

Ø Mortal Sorcerer (-10 influence) - There are a few ways to Enlighten one’s own Essence, to perceive the breath of Creation and manipulate free Essence. Most are arduous, and none are entirely without danger. To be Enlightened, thus, is a rare thing in Creation. Even more rare is to possess the willpower, insight, and spiritual fortitude to undergo the Five Ordeals and initiate oneself into the art of sorcery, the means by which the ancient Primordials wrought Creation from the Wyld. Even Exalts pay respect to a Sorcerer amongst their number.

A mortal can only initiate herself into the Terrestrial Circle of Emerald, the First Circle of sorcery. Even then, she possesses power that gods themselves might envy. Curious then, than one of such elite company should turn that power upon to this purpose. In fact, such is the potential power of this spell that one would have to be initiated into the Second Circle to harness it. Perhaps multiple, overlapping lesser spells were cast in preparation for the final, unleashing spell, or maybe the Sorcerer acts with the patronage of a greater power. Even then, the spell won’t be as powerful as it would be if cast by a genuine Second Circle Sorcerer. There are simpler methods of molding a perfect sex slave, though. Why go through such trouble to do it in this fashion? Enlightenment section choices cost twice normal influence, and grant only half normal influence

Ø Terrestrial Exalt (-15 influence) - Sometimes called the Dragon-blooded, Terrestrials are not granted their power individually, but inherit it from their ancestors. Crossbreeding with mortals since the creation of the first 10,000 by the Five Great Elemental Dragons millennia ago has diluted their power, but perhaps doing so was necessary given their high mortality rate. Today perhaps only 20,000 exist in all of Creation despite the intervening centuries. The Scarlet Dynasty, a group of Dragon-Blooded clans descending from the long-lived Scarlet Empress, currently rule the Blessed Isle in the center of Creation, and the Scarlet Empire rules many territories in the East, North, West, and South. A Dragon-blood typically has access to the not-inconsiderable monetary and magical resources of his family and can initiated into the First Circle of Sorcery, but no higher. Being the de facto Princes of the Earth, the Terrestrials have become indolent and decadent in their ascendancy. Creating something as common as a sex slave with such potent magics is exactly something a self-important and wasteful scion of a Dragon-Blooded family might do. Choices with an Elemental theme, such as an [Element] fill-in box, cost half and grant double influence.

Ø Sidereal Exalt (-20 influence) - The Five Maidens of Destiny share stewardship over Fate. The Bureau of Destiny in Yu-Shan, the City of Heaven, includes the various gods of Destiny, the Pattern Spiders, and the Sidereal Exalted, Chosen of the Maidens. The gods determine the course of Fate, the Pattern Spiders weave it into the Loom of Fate, and the Sidereals resolve any complications that arise in Creation. The Five-Score Fellowship, being the Chosen of Destiny, does have a certain amount of pull in the Bureau, but they do not have free reign to determine the course of Fate at a whim. Politicking in the Bureau in fierce, and high-ranking deities will not hesitate to audit an overreaching Sidereal within an inch of his life, burying him in paperwork on top of his normal duties. For serious breaches, Heaven is not above applying the death penalty for obstructing Fate.

In the case of a single mortal, such as your unhappy self, Heaven might be willing to look the other way. Siderals are afflicted with a condition called Arcane Fate, which causes most beings to forget them rapidly. On top of that, Siderals weave false destinies with which to enact the will of Heaven. With much effort, a Sidereal can cultivate lasting relationships amongst mortals, but their Arcane Fates interfere, and work often calls them back to Yu-Shan, or to the other side of Creation. A centuries-old Chosen of the Maidens thus has a very small social circle, mostly consisting of other Sidereals and those gods he works with frequently. A Sidereal, grown strange in social isolation and starved for real contact with humans, may take desperate action. Their nearly unfettered access to Destiny records allows them to select a person Heaven cares little about, and their skill in weaving new Destinies allows them to bind one to their own. You will not forget your new master’s face in his absence, once your thread of destiny is entwined with his own. Choices from Warped Destiny cost half normal influence, and grant normal influence. Choices from Form Sculpting cost double normal influence and grant half normal influence. Ø Solar Exalt (-50 influence) - The Unconquered Sun, Celestial Incarne of the Sun, greatest of the gods, exists in an endless self-perpetuating loop of steadily increasing perfection. His Chosen internalize that attribute and apply it to all they do, making them the greatest of the Exalted. In some respects, they even surpass the infinite power of their patron, for they may initiate themselves in to the Solar Circle of Adamant, the Third Circle of Sorcery, a feat that very few others can emulate. More than just Sorcery, their understanding of the magic that drives the world allowed them to build the Age of Dreams, the First Age of Man, and achieve a near utopia. The Deliberative’s reach stretched all the way to the borders of Creation, and even beyond, wresting new territory from the Wyld and making it into stable lands. And then, the Usurpation. As their power and glory grew, so too did the Solar’s hubris and madness, and the Unconquered Sun turned his back on his children. The Terrestrial Exalted rose up, secretly advised by the Sidereal Exalted, and threw down the maddened god-kings, sealing their Exaltations within the Jade Prison and dropping it to the bottom of the ocean.

Now, the Solars are back. The Exaltations have been set free and chosen new mortals, and gifted them with both power and the memory of the lost First Age. Some wish to recreate it. Some wish to make something different. One, has chosen to remake you. A powerful Solar Sorcerer will find that casting this spell easy. In fact, one can make improvements, partially correcting for the instability that allowed you to fight for control of the spell. You will have to be circumlocutious if you are to gain any advantage for yourself, giving up much of yourself to gain anything at all. The power a Solar can bring to the spell can be turned to great boons indeed, if you’re willing to pay for it. Choices from Enlightenment cost half and grant double normal influence.

Ø Noble Raksha (-20 influence) - Beyond the borders to Creation lay the infinite realms of the Wyld. Infinite possibilities can be realized within the unshaped expanses, and the undisputed masters of that realm are the Fair Folk, the Lords of Chaos, the Raksha. The static creation of the Primordials lying at the center of their infinite realm (For there are no other real reference points) holds something of a perverse fascination for the Unshaped Lords of the Fae. Merely crossing the borders is dangerous for them, reality itself grinding their mercurial Essence to nothing. Some want to tear down the House of the Primordials. Some pointedly ignore it and return the endless possibilities of the Deep Wyld, weaving the next chapter of their personal legends. Some fashion forms for themselves from stolen dreams, craft their very identities from lies and glamour, and enter Creation to explore, finding that while their ability to shape reality is severely crippled within Creation, it isn’t altogether eliminated. Raksha are prone to obsession, and the lure of may have caught the attention of one of these beings. A being in possession of a warped, solipsistic worldview, an obsession with sex viewed through a faulty lens, and the ability to reweave reality might want to experiment, or cast you in roles fitting its erotic internal mythology. Form Sculpting choices cost half influence, and grant normal influence. Warped Destiny costs double influence, and grant half normal influence.

Ø Small God (-15 influence) - Everything in Creation has a god that watches over it. From the Celestial Incarnae, who guide the course of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, to the least gods of grains of sand and rice, deities so insignificant mortals can manipulate them through thaumaturgy. The small gods in between, the gods of fields and streams, forests and mountains, cities and villages, make up the Terrestrial Bureaucracy. Heaven, largely concerned with itself, gives the Terrestrial Bureaucracy nearly free reign, dispatching only seven censors with the authority to audit a small god for infractions. In this anything-goes atmosphere, the small gods are free to extort the degree of worship that they feel that they deserve from local mortals. Terrestrial deities frequently band together into divine courts, sometimes to organize the oppression of mortals as a pantheon, holding the mortals’ livelihood hostage, sometimes for mutual protection from forces hostile to Creation’s natural order, and sometimes even to perform their duties as they should, upholding the integrity of Creation. small gods, lacking the superior Essence of their Celestial peers, can only initiate themselves into the First Circle of Sorcery, a level of mystic might insufficient for the power that courses through your body. Most likely, they traded political favors to obtain the services of one who can work this magic. It is not unheard of for a god or goddess to engage in conjugal relations with mortals, euphemistically referred to as “Sunset Dalliances” in divine circles. Sometimes they even claim a mortal to satisfy their carnal urges fulltime, perhaps claiming the action for what it is, or perhaps excusing their action as appointing a high priest or oracle or temple prostitute. In your case, you might indeed fill such an office, but your duties will mainly consist of serving your goddess’s carnal needs over her more spiritual ones. Small gods are often petty creatures, considering themselves superior to mortals, but also aware of their low stature in the Divine Order. One as a master will jealously monopolize your attention, keeping it focused exclusively upon their august self. Major Entanglements from Warped Destiny grant only half influence, unless taken with Archetypical Master.

Ø Celestial Deity (-15) The Heavenly City of Yu-Shan exists apart from Creation. Of the 61 gates that permit one to enter Heaven, few can be accessed by mortals, and even then, every gate is guarded by celestial lions who demand proof that the one seeking entrance is permitted to enter. Within, the Celestial gods of Creation listen to prayers and perform their duties. Each has broad dominion over a concept class of things, and supervises those gods whose domains lie within their own. For example, Ruvia, amongst his other duties, is the god of roads. Every road god in the Terrestrial Bueraucracy owes him fealty, in theory, and almost every journey commences with a prayer for his protection. There is only one spirit court in Heaven, the Celestial Court, which organized into five bureaus, each of those organized into divisions, departments, offices, commissions, etcetera. The complexity of the Celestial Court is staggering, and politicking is fierce. Heaven and Creation are intimately linked. The rise of one domain over another can lead to one god eclipsing another and gaining promotion. Conversely, a demotion for ungodly behavior can see that god’s domain becoming less important in the eyes of mortals… for reasons they are unable to explain.

How a celestial god can find the time to do this to you, then, is impressive in its own right, ignoring the level of power involved. A celestial deity usually possesses the refined Essence to initiate into the Second Circle of sorcery, so the ability to do so isn’t the question. The question is, why would a celestial god do this to you in the first place? They possess wealth and entertainments beyond almost anything found in Creation, and if they wanted carnal company there is no shortage of beings in Heaven, even some gods, who exist for exactly that purpose. Most likely, you serve the role of a pawn in a political game. The currency of Heaven is prayer, but influence is a coin that can buy things anywhere. You would be whored out to satisfy the tastes that some gods couldn’t satisfy through the normal channels, whether they are unemployed, blacklisted, or desire what isn’t offered. Major Entanglements from Warped Destiny grant double influence, unless taken with Archetypical Master

Ø First Age Artifact (-15 influence) - The magic you struggle against comes from no natural-born being, but an artificial creation dating from the First Age of Man, also known as the Age of Dreams. Little is known about that golden age during these fallen times, other than that the Solar Exalted ruled, and many great and terrible things were created. Some of these things could even think for themselves. Where were you that such an ancient device should activate near you? What purpose could it serve by doing this to you? Was it designed to create playthings to slake the lusts of a Solar god-king? Maybe it’s merely a booby trap to humiliate intruders by making them fit for a harem that no longer exists. Perhaps the Artifact is simply malfunctioning, and such a thing as this was never intended to happen at all. Regardless, such is its degraded state that its control over its magic is something less than perfect, giving you the window to fight against it in the first place. Given the near-total destruction of First Age infrastructure you might even get away comparatively unscathed. You cannot be forced to serve a master that no longer exists, after all… The Eliminated Servitude option from Warped Destiny may be taken for free

Form Sculpting

Any spell designed to create a sex slave should, as a fundamental element, include some means of remolding the raw material (formerly free individuals) into a more pleasing shape. A powerful spell such as this one would, of course, improve on that basic function with a more flexible suite of abilities to customize both the new slave’s body and mind. Following the first, basic section of form sculpting, more specific options follow: Mutations and Modifications, and Derangements and Desires. Both are included under the heading of Form Sculpting as designed into this spell and ruleset. The changes inflicted on you by any option in this section are permanent once the spell is completed. Even countermagic techniques fail to have an effect, for the sorcery is already finished. Any attempt to reverse the changes must begin from scratch, as if this was your true form. In a way, it now is.

For basic form sculpting, you must select one option from each category on the table. You gain 2 points of influence for every step away from the nearest entry marked with an asterisk. Any modifications made are permanent once the spell is complete. Enhanced and adaptive vaginas are optimized for sexual relations. Each penis has its own set of testicles, however, they can be removed for free if you don't want them. "Age" only affects your physical age; you will still be as adult mentally as you are now.

Genitals determine sex: male is penis only, female is vagina only, futanari is both vagina and penis.

Body Face Chest Ass Genitals Type Height

Hyper- Handsome > 7' Flat* Flat* > 10" Penis Musculed

Muscular Manly 6'6" - 7' A-cup 6" - 10" Penis Petite

Athletic Boyish Normal* 3" - 6" Penis* 6' - 6'5" B-cup

Toned* Androgyne* 5'6" - 6'* C-cup* Apple < 3" Penis Slim* Girly 5' - 5'6" D-cup Bubble Sexless*

Curvy Womanly 4'6" - 5' E-cup Badonk Normal Vagina Enhanced Chubby Beautiful Wide 4' - 4'6" F-cup Vagina

Double Adaptive Obese Bimbo < 4' > F-cup Wide Vagina

Age Hair color Eye color Skin color Voice

Child Brown, Hazel, Grey, Black, Brown* Natural Skin Tone * Masculine* (<16) Amber, etc.*

Blue, Green, Red, Pronounced Skin Tone Young Redhead, Blonde Feminine* White, Black. (Pale, Very Dark, etc.) (16-21)

Other natural Extreme Skin Tone colors, Blue, Childish Adult* Other Colors Green, White (Literally Yellow, Red, (22-40) Black, or White)

Mature Heterochromia, Other Colors Colored Sclera, other Unnatural colors None (>40) Oddities

Mutations and Modifications

Beyond the resculpting of your physical form, more specific or extreme changes can also be visited upon your flesh.

† Ø Additional Genitalia (Special) - Each purchase allows an additional pick on the genitals table. Regardless of how many sets of genitalia you have, you are only rewarded influence for the position of the first set on the table. The first purchase of this mutation grants +2 influence. The second purchase grants +1 influence. Subsequent purchases do not grant or cost influence. Cannot be bought if you are sexless.

† Ø Additional (Special) - Each purchase allows an additional pick on the Breasts table. Regardless of how many breasts you have, you are only rewarded influence for the position of the first set on the table. The first purchase of this mutation grants +2 influence. The second purchase grants +1 influence. Subsequent purchases do not grant or cost influence. Additionally, the first purchase of this mutation allows for an odd number of breasts, up to the maximum permitted by the number of purchases.

Ø Infertility (0 influence) - You are infertile. You are able to neither sire nor children, regardless of your sex. Incompatible with hyperfertile.

Ø Hyperfertility (+2 influence) - Your chance of becoming pregnant is now 100%. Natural and alchemical contraceptives no longer work; to prevent pregnancy with a fertile partner you need powerful magic. Furthermore, you have a 20% chance of becoming pregnant after relations with a otherwise “incompatible” father. Spirits, such as gods or demons, count as “compatible” regardless of the mother’s species. Requires a vagina.

Ø Tools-Make-the-Craftsman Understanding (+2 influence) - Your genitalia are sculpted to provide maximum pleasure to you and your partner. Ridges along a phallus, a multitude of clitoral nSuubs lining the vagina’s interior, additional muscles to provide pleasant pulses or squeezes, or simply perfect, Essence-sculpted contours, any and all of these are possible, and more. • Addictive (-3 influence) - The modifications made are so pleasurable, that partners will keep coming back for more. On the downside, sex becomes so pleasurable for you that you develop a compulsion to engage in to engage in it as often as possible.

Ø Youthful Mountains Prodigy (-1 influence) - Your breasts will never sag unattractively, even without support. The level of “perkiness” is set at purchase, but will maintain itself indefinitely, regardless of your breasts’ size, quantity, or treatment. As a side effect of this magical upgrade, you’ll never find your breasts’ motions to be uncomfortable or troublesome.

Ø Supple Joints Prodigy (-2 influence) - You become extremely flexible, thanks to a reworking of your joints and tendons. You can perform feats that could make trained acrobats cringe easily and without pain. What uses this can be put to are entirely up to you.

Ø Laughing at the Wind Bears (-2 influence) - Thanks to a greater tolerance for Fire and Air Essences, you are confortable in a far greater range of temperatures. Weather naked in the snow, or wearing a fur coat on a tropical beach, you will feel fine. You will find yourself craving elementally biased foods if you take advantage of this too much, in order to harmonize your Essence with the environment’s. Spicy, or merely red, foods make you feel comfortable in heat, while chilled, or simply blue, foods make you comfortable in the cold. Truly extreme temperatures still prove dangerous, of course.

Ø Copious Procreative Jewelry (+1 influence) - Basic Form Sculpting allows for up to two testicles per penis. This option removes that restriction. Any number of testicles are allowed after purchase. Requires a penis.

Ø Hidden Gems of Virility (-1 influence) This option allows one, some, or all of your testicles to be internalized. Requires a penis.

Ø Pillar-Concealing Posture (-2 influence) - Your penis emerges from your body where your clitoris should normally be. When flaccid, your penis contracts until it resembles a slightly overlong clitoris. It engorges to its true stature when you become aroused, as normal. Requires a vagina, a penis, and either no testicles, or all testicles internalized via Hidden Gems of Virility • Voluntary (-1 influence) - You can now decide whether or not your penis responds to arousal normally, or remains disguised as a clitoris. In either case, your genitals react as proper for their appearance and level of arousal.

Ø Eloquent Dimorphic Argument (+1 influence) - Normally, your body would fall on the normal spectrum of masculinity or femininity for its shape. This mutation causes you to express strongly as masculine or feminine, or perfectly androgynous, regardless of your genitalia.

Ø Man-Pelt Amendment (+1 influence) - Despite how radically your body may be changed, your body hair would still grow naturally for its current form. This mutation allows you to depilate select areas, or force others to become more hirsute, as you desire. Once you’ve determined your new body hair layout, your decision is fixed.

Ø Pain-to-Pleasure Inversion (+5 influence) - You now feel pleasure instead of pain. Sadists love you, and masochists envy you. • Pleasure-Pain Synthesis (+3 influence) - You still feel the pain, causing you to become "confused."

Ø Orifice Teat Transformation (+2 influence) - You can now engage in nipple sex.

Ø Pleasure-Body Annexation (+8 influence) - Your entire body is now an erogenous zone. Your normal erogenous zones are proportionally more sensitive.

Ø Flesh-Is-Willing Declaration (-2 influence) - You no longer need to deal with a refractory period. Requires a penis

Ø Overthrow of the Lunar Tyrant (-2 influence) - You no longer need to deal with menstruation or its effects. Requires a fertile vagina

Ø Throat-Taming Exercise (+1 influence) - Your gag reflex is eliminated.

Ø Seven Gates Yielding (-1 influence) - Makes all nominated orifices much more flexible then they would be naturally. Can also increase natural lubrication, and/or enable lubrication to be produced for orifices not normally capable of such. Optional lavender scent is included with the package. Select up to one suboption • Path-Is-Narrow Posture (0 influence) - You can still accommodate almost anything, but just barely. You will feel pleasantly tight no matter the size of the size of the insertion. Every time will feel like the first time. • Way-Is-Wide Posture (0 influence) - Open, soft, and an easy entrance, the chosen orifices become almost too accommodating. Your holes will feel well-trained, but won’t necessarily look that way. You’ll never have to worry about discomfort again.

† Ø Tattoo (-1 influence) - Add a tattoo anywhere on your body. If this modification is purchased six times, unlimited additional tattoos can be added for free. Can be purchased up to six times. • Calligraphy of the Body Erotic (Special) - The negative value of this modification can be turned into a positive amount if the tattoos are magically enhanced to guide the eye in patterns promoting arousal. If this modification is taken, visible tattoos will cause the lust of others to slowly become inflamed, and they will view you as a way to quench it.

† Ø Piercing (-1 influence) - Add a piercing, or a matched pair of piercings, anywhere on your body. If this modification is purchased six times, unlimited additional piercings can be added for free. Can be purchased up to six times. • Constellations of the Body Erotic (Special) - The negative value of this modification can be turned into a positive amount if the piercings are magically enhanced to guide the eye in patterns promoting arousal. If this modification is taken, visible piercings will cause the lust of others to slowly become inflamed, and they will view you as a way to quench it.

Ø Compulsory Poise Gait (+2 influence) - The bones, muscles, and tendons of your feet and ankles are reshaped to force you to walk on tiptoe. Walking around on your toes is exhausting, but placing your feet flat on the ground is now uncomfortable, even painful. Unless you plan on crawling or being carried, you’ll have to wear high heels if you want to go anywhere distant.

Ø Icon-Eye Inscription (-1 influence) - Change the shape of your irises and/or pupils to whatever you want, even if the change shouldn’t allow for conventional sight, physiologically speaking.

Ø Ardor-Glance Indication (+1 influence) - Your pupils/irises will change shape/color when you become aroused. † Ø Dandelion-Emulating Practice (Special) - Doubles semen production. The first purchase costs -2 influence, and the second purchase costs -1 influence, but any further purchases do not cost any influence at all. Can only be taken if you have a penis.

Ø Easy Pregnancy (-2 influence) - Makes your pregnancies much more bearable. Can only be taken if you have a fertile vagina.

Ø Orgasmic Birth (-1 influence) - The act of giving birth becomes extremely pleasurable instead of the traditionally messy and uncomfortable process. • Habit-forming (+3 influence) - Giving birth becomes so pleasurable that you can become addicted to the act.

Ø Rapid Pregnancy (-3 influence) - Increases the speed of normal pregnancies by an average of 80%.

† Ø Feigned Gravidity Posture (+2 influence) - You permanently appear at least 3 months pregnant. If you actually get pregnant, you won’t seem any different until you progress past the third month. Each purchase adds three months to your apparent pregnancy. Can be taken up to four times.

Ø Endless Lactation Affectation (+1 influence) - You begin to lactate, and will continue to do so at a constant rate regardless of use or neglect. By default you produce 0.5L of milk in a day, and can hold a total amount of twice your daily production before you get sore and leaky. † • Additional Production (+0.1 influence) - You produce an additional 0.1L of milk a day. Your total capacity increases accordingly. Max 5 influence gain, regardless of number of purchases • Alternate Substance (0 influence) - You “lactate” some other substance other than milk. Honey, nectar, juice, venom, even semen, almost any non-magical organic liquid can be produced with mystically altered physiology. • Addictive (-4 influence) - Your milk acquires some property, whether an additional element or simply amazing flavor, that causes addiction in those who regularly consume it. You might be able to parley this into power over others, or you might simply be that much more desired by those that would keep you… • Helpless (+1 influence) - You are psychologically incapable of manually expressing your own milk. Even thinking about suckling your own milk out of your breasts or squeezing it out with your own hands seems so wrong and improper that you drop that line of thought immediately. Without some kind of external compulsion, you’d never do it yourself, even when your breasts are aching and leaky. The most you can bring yourself to do is prepare and activate some kind of machine to do it for you, but even then you would only do so grudgingly. Technology of that level hasn’t been widespread for centuries, though, and such a device would be exceedingly rare, or even non-existent. (Due to the poor average education level found in Creation, you might not even know such a machine is even possible) Most likely, you will need to get someone else to assist you. Perhaps the person who cast the spell would be willing? • Habitual (+1 influence) - You must express your milk at least once every day, or your breasts become swollen and extremely sore from containing the liquid. To compound the issue, you ‘leak’ very little now, even at full capacity. You need to express an amount equal to a half of your daily output to remain comfortable, though being completely empty becomes such an ecstatic state that you may find yourself milking out completely just to experience it some more… +2 influence if taken with Helpless

Ø [Beast]-Kin Physiology (+5 influence) - Choose an animal species. You must choose a non-magical species, and animals with one-off wyld mutations do not count, but there are a few fantastical species warped by the wyld that nevertheless breed true that qualify. You are transformed into an anthropomorphized version of this animal. This change only includes any defining physical features (e.g. cat ears and a tail for if you're a cat). • [Beast]-Mind Psychology (+5 influence) - The transformation includes any defining mental features of that animal (e.g. if you're a cat, you will be unable to resist catnip, will unconsciously purr, etc.) • [Beast]-Nature Armament (-8 influence - Any natural weapons that come with the Beast-Kin Physiology mutation tend to be somewhat ineffective. Horns are dull, claws are small, hooves are tender. This mutation upgrades them to be more effective, and deadly, in combat. • [Beast]-Ardor Organ (0 influence) - Any genitals you have will take the natural shape of the animal you now resemble. • Man-[Beast] Hybridization (+2 influence) - Your humanity is almost completely subsumed by the bestial influence of the magic. You gain even more traits resembling those of the chosen animal, such as fur, altered extremities, etc. The savants of Creation classify your kind as Beastmen, but across the infinitude of possibility, somebody somewhere might deem you a ‘furry’. Requires all other sub- options in this tree

Ø [Element]-Body Infusion (+5 influence) - The five Elements that make up Creation are Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Wood. Vitriol, a transcendent acid that both corrupts and perfects, is the only true Element of Malfeas. Savants murmur of the six Elements of Autochthon, and perhaps deep in the Wyld, beyond the borders of Creation, even stranger Elements might be found. One of these Elements has strongly influenced your new form. Thorns along the limbs, tattoos that flow like water beneath the skin, stone teeth and fingernails, flames hovering above your shoulders, a shadow that warps like a flag blown in the wind, the exact change this mutation inflicts on you can be subtle or overt and may take any appropriate form. • [Element]-Thought Infliction (+5 influence) - The Elemental influence is so strong as to affect your very personality. Your attitudes and actions reflect the Element that resides within you. Fire can be passionate or greedy, Water could be mercurial or mysterious, and so on. • [Element]-Wrath Externalization (-8 influence) - You gain a natural weapon based on your element. Stone-hard fists, an exhalation of flame, whipcord vine-hair, palms that emit lightning, the like. The weapon isn’t massively powerful, and the flashier examples require a moment to recharge after use, but they are effective, lethal, and with clever use can get you out of a great many scrapes.

† Ø Oviparous Addendum (0 influence) - You now lay 1 egg with a 4 cm diameter every week. These eggs are infertile, despite the yolk and white of a normal egg, or may even in fact be hollow, or simply a solid, egg-shaped mass of shell-stuff. You know roughly when to expect laying, your body gives you some forewarning, and you can ‘hold it’ for up to 15 minutes if the moment comes at a bad time. Each purchase of the base option allows different combinations of sub-options. Fractional points of influence are lost to no benefit if not spent. Requires a vagina. Laying eggs counts as birth but not pregnancy for relevant effects. Max ten influence gained from any combination of suboption effects, regardless of number of purchases. † • Additional Production (+0.2 influence) - Each purchase increases the number of eggs laid in a week’s span by one. Eggs laid may be evenly spaced or may come in clutches (pattern determined at purchase), though there is a measure of unpredictability involved. Be ready for inconvenient surprises! † • Expanded Diameter (+0.1 influence) - Each egg has its diameter increased by 1 cm per purchase. Eggs exceeding 15cm in diameter require Seven Gates Yielding to prevent physiological distress and damage to the laying orifice. • Ovipositor (-1 influence) - This sub-option allows a penis or clitoris to serve as a channel for laying eggs. If necessary, the organ will lengthen and expand to perform as such when laying eggs of up to 15 cm. You can also lay a single clutch of eggs at will, though it takes some time for the next batch to develop. • Unpredictable (+1 influence) - You lose the safeguards, that allow you a measure of control over your laying cycle. Now, you find that the timing of clutches comes randomly, with little warning, and without the ability to forestall at all. Should you choose to travel, carrying a basket or other safe mode of transport may be advised. • Convenience (-3 influence) - Your cycle becomes far more regular, and you gain a general idea of when you should lay next that becomes clearer the closer the time comes. If that time should prove inconvenient, you can postpone the event or force it to occur early, for up to an hour either way, before nature inevitably takes its course. Incompatible with Unpredictable • Delicious (-1 influence) - Your eggs, if edible in some manner, become tastier and more nutritious. You can also change the flavor and texture. o Addictive (-3 influence) - Your eggs are tasty enough that consuming them can become habit forming. Though, it’s possible that they simply contain an addictive substance. Either way, you might be able to parley this into power over others, though you do run the risk of being captured and kept like livestock… • Reproductive Channel (0 influence) - You stop laying eggs while you are pregnant. Your pregnancies last anywhere from 25% to 75% of your regular (modified) time, determined at purchase, before laying an especially large egg containing your child. The egg must be warmed and cared for during the remainder of the pregnancy period before hatching. Requires Seven Gates Yielding • Nesting Instinct (+5 influence) - You develop an urge to gather any eggs you lay in a safe place, warming them with your body (The shells are strong enough to support a portion of your weight) and keeping them safe from any potential danger, even those people that you trust. Even if on a conscious level you know that the eggs are infertile, you still feel this protective instinct and are greatly distressed if your ‘nest’ contains less than half of the eggs you can lay in a week. You can grudgingly part with older eggs, but will refuse to give any away if that would reduce the number of eggs below the limit you’re comfortable with. If you also have the Reproductive Channel option, you will dispose of any infertile eggs that you do have and will obsessively protect the egg(s) containing your child(ren) once you lay them. Essentially, after this option is purchased your life begins to revolve around your eggs.

Ø Eternal Virgin Purification (+1 influence) - Your virginity is restored, physically and metaphysically, should you have lost it. If you have a vagina, your hymen will repair itself while you sleep. As far as magical effects are concerned you will always register as a virgin, even while you’re engaged in sex. (Paradoxically, engaging in sex also satisfies any magical requirements that one or more participants lose their virginity…) This may be beneficial or detrimental for you depending on the situations you find yourself in.

Ø Biomotonic Cleansing (-3 influence) - Your body is cleansed of heritable disease and infirmity, as well as any non-magical disease currently affecting you. Additionally, you are purged of any accrued toxins and poisons you might have acquired over your life up to this point. Essentially, your bill of health is scrubbed spotlessly clean. Expect a small increase in quality of life and a slightly lengthened lifespan from this newfound health, as well as any other benefits that might come from such a cleansing.

Ø Cleanliness Near Godliness (-3 influence) - Your Essence is polarized against that of dirt and filth and all unclean things. You will never need to bathe again, your body’s Essence destroying contaminants. You needn’t ever brush your teeth, and your breath will always smell fresh. In fact, you will always at least smell pleasant. Your Essence will ignore things like perfume and oils for a time until they lose their potency, and then the remnants will be purged.

Ø Vitriol-Gut Digestion (-3 influence) - Your body’s digestion is perfected, unspooling the motes of Essence that make up what you eat and assimilating it into your own Essence directly. You no longer produce waste, regardless of what foods you consume. Your definition of ‘food’ isn’t very much broadened, though. You can ‘safely’ gnaw bone and chew grass for food, but neither is very nutritious. It would be just as unwise to dine on rocks and pebbles with this choice as without. Relatedly, any poison or disease hidden within your meals will still affect you normally.

† Ø Eater-of-Bricks Metabolism (-2 influence) - Your biomotonic weave is radically altered, supplementing your body’s definition of food. This spell is entirely given over to the forces of perversion, restricting the nature of the change. The substance you select will become nutritious enough for you to survive on it, given sufficient quantity, but you must select something appropriately sexual. Semen, milk, feminine lubricant are all valid choices, though, given the broad nature of human sexuality there are surely others. • Banquet By Other Means (+1 influence) Instead of a physical substance, you can nominate an appropriately sexual act. The action can be performed by you, or in close proximity to you. Examples include, but are not limited to, intercourse, orgasm, feeding a partner breast milk, erotic dance or submitting to another. The usual frequency and intensity these actions usually possess isn’t enough to survive on alone. You’ll either need to supplement them with real food, or indulge in the chosen actions far more than might seem reasonable. • Metabolic Override (+2 influence) - The alteration of your body’s nutritional needs is complete. While you can still eat normal food, it simply fails to provide nourishment. You must consume a sufficient quantity of the nominated substance, or you will starve. If you have purchased multiple instances of Eater-of-Bricks Metabolism with this suboption, you must consume sufficient quantities of all selected substances, as if you could only survive on each one alone. You’ll become a glutton just to survive. Derangements and Desires

Ø Lethe-Gate Cleansing (+8 influence) - All of your life’s memories leading up to the casting of the spell will be erased permanently. While you still possess any learned languages and skills, like reading or swordplay, any personal memories will be gone forever. When the magics cease, so will your old self. Who will you become, when your first moments of consciousness are of your changed body and altered mind? • Silt-Self Dreamstone (-5 influence) instead of being destroyed, your lost memories crystalize into a small, smooth stone, etched with your former name in Old Realm script. If in contact with your skin while you sleep or meditate, you can experience the memories contained within and, in a way, communicate with your former self. This effect will not work for anybody else besides you. If taken away or destroyed, it will magically appear in your possession the next time you sleep, but if you give it away, or break it yourself, this effect will not occur. There may be a way to reintegrate your old memories back into your mind and self. † Ø Rapturous Sheet-Drenching Nightmares (+3 influence) - Your sleeping mind becomes infected with all the perverted potential inherent in the spell. When you sleep, you have a one-third chance that the dreams you experience that night will instead be warped sexual nightmares that you find hard to articulate once you wake, though the stained sheets and peaked arousal you awaken to will give lie to any insistence that you don’t enjoy them. With time, you may in fact look forward to falling asleep… Each purchase corrupts a further third of your dreams. Can be purchased up to three times. † Ø Spiraling Dance of the Passionate Raksha (+3 influence) - Your waking mind becomes infected with all the perverted potential inherent in the spell. Your thoughts become more concerned with sex above other concerns, and you tend to interpret things in a sexual context before any other. Seeing a chair, you might imagine the positions you could engage in intercourse atop it before you admire the craftsmanship or wonder how comfortable it is. Sleep is a secondary use for a bed, as far as you are concerned. Even something as simple as a bare wall can prompt you to erotic ideation. The degree to which this affects you depends on the number of purchases of this option. With one purchase you will find yourself troubled with lusty thoughts far more often than the average person, but you’re still able to function. The constant distraction penalizes your ability to concentrate on other things. With two purchases, you constantly embarrass yourself, whether by propositioning anybody who you find attractive, or pointing out how much fun a quick shag on the porch would be at that time of day; but at least, you can still manage to concentrate on other things if you really try. Some might say you’ve become enamored of, even intimate with, the idea of sex. With three purchases, your mind is completely and hopelessly fixated on copulation. It’s obvious to all that your primary motivation in life is sex. Can be purchased up to three times

Ø Semen Addiction (+3 influence) - Quite simply, you become addicted to consuming the semen of others. The substance now acts as both a euphoric and an aphrodisiac for you. The compulsion to act on your new addiction may be nearly irresistible, and that’s without mentioning the severe withdrawal symptoms you experience if you go too long without satiating your craving. The addiction is impossible to overcome naturally, and the withdrawals will continue indefinitely until you acquire another ‘dose’. If you are somehow capable of producing semen on your own, you will find that it does nothing to satisfy you. You must obtain the semen you require from others, though the ‘donors’ needn’t necessarily be willing.

Ø Maiden-Bent Cognition (+3 influence) - You begin to unconsciously act more stereotypically feminine than you should. You might notice this, but are powerless to stop yourself. The mimimum degree you suffer from this is proportional to how feminine you appear and are expected to act by societal standards. A musclebound hulk of a warrior clad in full plate armor may occasionally display behavior stereotypical of an average female. A dainty princess swaddled in lace and ribbons will constantly act hopelessly and exaggeratedly female. The exact triggers and provoked behaviors will change with those of the dominant culture you find yourself exposed to. Incompatible with Squire- Bent Cognition.

Ø Squire-Bent Cognition (+3 influence) - You begin to unconsciously act more stereotypically masculine than you should. You might notice this, but are powerless to stop yourself. The mimimum degree you suffer from this is proportional to how masculine you appear and are expected to act by societal standards. A dainty princess swaddled in lace and ribbons may occasionally display behavior stereotypical of an average male. A musclebound hulk of a warrior clad in full plate armor will constantly act hopelessly and exaggeratedly male. The exact triggers and provoked behaviors will change with those of the dominant culture you find yourself exposed to. Incompatible with Maiden- Bent Cognition.

Ø Broken Will Affliction (+5 influence) - Your will is broken by the magics of the spell. Perhaps a deliberate attack by the caster of the spell, but you may have done it to yourself, exerting your will too hard pushing for an advantage. Regardless of the source of the damage, when the spell is complete you will be less likely to disobey a direct order from anybody, only realizing your act of obedience after you’ve started to comply. It takes constant vigilance and focus to avoid complying with every order directed at you, something that you’re no longer capable of sustaining.

† Ø Fetishized [Virtue] (+5 influence) - Creation’s savants categorize the passions and emotions that drive all behavior into four Virtues: Valor, Compassion, Conviction, and Temperance. The common Children of the Earth seldom reach the extremes of these Virtues, but heroes and villains alike not only live lives dominated by these virtues, but they also often suffer from Virtues crippled, flawed, or taken to hyperactivity by their own natures. The Four Virtues, when cultivated, are a great blessing, but sometimes can be a great curse, as well. Taking this option inflicts a particular warping of Virtue upon you, complicating the problem of Virtues further. Sex now utterly taints a particular Virtue. Actions prompted by that Virtue are reinterpreted to fit within that context. Not only that, but sex itself is redefined in terms of that Virtue. Your approach to and outlook on sex is now heavily influenced by the nature of one of the Four Virtues. Select one suboption from the list below with each purchase. Can be purchased twice. • Valor (0 influence) - Valor is bravery, courage, and honor. Valor is fearless, but it also foolhardy, refusing to back down from a challenge even should it be wiser to do so. Valor is the Virtue of action, and is most opposed by Temperance. Fetishized Valor causes you to become sexually dominant. Your response to challenge is to aggressively assert your dominance over the challenger, sexually if at all possible. More than that, you seek out excuses to assert sexual superiority over those around you. Incompatible with Fetishized Temperance • Compassion (0 influence) - Compassion is benevolence, empathy, and mercy. Despite the laudable sentiments, they can cause one to waver in one’s duty. Good intentions often lead to hellish outcomes, after all. Compassion is the Virtue of a wide focus, and is most opposed to Conviction. Fetishized Compassion causes you to become sexually charitable, You consider it a failing if your partner does not experience as much pleasure from you as you did from them. Your response to emotional distress or suffering is to offer sex where you think it will help, seeing it as your duty to spread the love. Incompatible with Fetishized Conviction • Conviction (0 influence) - Conviction is duty, ideals, and resistance to hardship. Conviction can endure a century of unspeakable torment. Conviction can inflict the same on another should it further the goal. Conviction is the Virtue of a narrow focus, and is most opposed to Compassion. Fetishized Conviction causes you to become sexually selfish. All that matters is reaching that incomparable high, regardless of the ‘needs’ of your partners. More than that, sex becomes a tool, a means to other ends than pleasure… assuming you have any. Incompatible with Fetishized Compassion • Temperance (0 influence) - Temperance is self control, clear-headedness, and restraint. Temperance waits for the right moment, and does not yield to temptation or distraction that would ensnare others. Temperance risks isolation from those less ‘pure’ tan itself, and risks not recognizing the moment of action for what it is. Temperance is the Virtue of inaction, and is most opposed by Valor. Fetishized Temperance causes you to become sexually submissive. You thrill at repressing your desires at the command of another. Especially in the bedroom, where submitting to your partners’ demands becomes far more interesting, interesting enough for you to seek out more partners to tell you what to do. Incompatible with Fetishized Valor

Ø Vapid Vocabulary Articulation (+2 influence) - Even the manner in which you speak in not beyond the power of the spell to alter. You now speak in a more vapid manner, and phrases like “like” or “y’know” pepper your speech as frequent vocalized pauses. In addition, you now prefer monosyllabic words to longer ones, and tend to mispronounce anything with more than three syllables. If you are female you might find yourself being called things like airhead or bimbo, while males would be labeled things like jock or meathead. Despite your reduced vocabulary and increased difficulty in conveying complex concepts, your actual intelligence is not decreased, only your ability to express yourself. • Vapor-Thought Internalization (+3 influence) - With this selection, you don’t just sound dumb, you are exactly as unintelligent as your manner of speaking might indicate. Your thoughts are simple, disjointed, and prone to trailing off, much like your speech. On the positive side, you won’t have to deal with the frustration of trying to communicate a complex idea using simple speech if you never have a complex idea in the first place, though you now face the difficulty of comprehending those ideas being futilely explained to you…

Ø Incontinence Training Reversion (+3 influence) - You lose an ability many take for granted: You can no longer control your body’s waste-purging functions. You will need to wear diapers at all times, now. Just in case. • Helpless (+3 influence) - You are psychologically incapable of changing yourself. Any attempt to do so is doomed to end in confusion and frustration. You can describe the steps needed, even perform it for someone else, but the ability to do so for yourself departs the moment you start.

Ø Star-Fixed Mating Dance (+1 influence) - Select a day. On that day, and the days preceding and following that one, you become overwhelmingly and intolerably aroused, sexually frenzied, even. It becomes nearly to impossible to focus on anything, thanks to the distraction emanating from your loins, and if you should meet anybody remotely sexually appealing to you your first thoughts are to encourage them to mate with you. The high point of this is on the chosen day, with the bookending days ramping up and tapering down the irrepressible need to breed. The only way to avoid having near constant sex is to lock yourself away somewhere, preferably with a sex toy or loved one, and sweat it out. Being cooped up by yourself, or even with just one partner, might make ‘escape’ seem awfully tempting, though… • Moon-Marked Ritualism (+2 influence) - The ebb and flow of your frenzy curse is tied to the cycles of the moon. Instead of selecting a day, select a phase of the moon. Full Moon, New Moon, Waxing Crescent, and Waning Gibbous are all valid examples. The day that the moon enters that phase, and the days preceding and following, are the days you enter your sexual frenzy. Remember, creation has 15 months marked by the passage of the moon, so that makes for 15 times a year you must endure this curse… † • Extended Frenzy (+2 influence) - Each purchase of this option adds another two days to your frenzy period, one on each side. Can be purchased three times. • Unfixed Curse (+1 influence) - Your frenzy curse is not tied securely to the motions of the stars or the moon. While the frequency stays the same, yearly or monthly, the day you begin your frenzy isn’t fixed.

Warped Destiny

The fabric of Destiny is woven on the Loom of Fate in Heaven, tended to by the Pattern Spiders and overseen by the Five Maidens of Fate. This Tapestry is made of the fates and stories of everyone and everything in Creation. The treads of destiny can be disrupted by concentrations of active Essence… and the spell afflicting you has set your thread vibrating like a harp string. Not only does it have the power to change your body and mind, it can, crudely, inexpertly, but effectively, change your very destiny. The Pattern Spiders chitter impotently to themselves as they watch the thread of your life alter its own course, following a radically different path and entangling other threads along the way. Attempting to correct this deviation would cause even more damage to the Tapestry, so the spiders are forced to work around it.

The threads that become entangled with your own along the way become so because of the magic invested by the spell in that link. Else, the Spiders would quickly untwine the thread from around your own and set it in its proper place. The destinies so twisted are inextricable from each other, at least without considerable magical effort to reverse the condition from within Creation. Because of this, you may find strange coincidences working to ensure that your rewritten fate is enforced in your life.

A master so adamant that his slave remains naked that he wrote it into the very fabric of Destiny will not see his mandate frustrated easily; should she wear clothing she may find that it is of shoddy workmanship, or that moths have eaten away at it, or that thorns and brambles catch far too easily. Soon enough, the rags and tatters that remain will fall away and leave her naked, as her master insists. On the other side of the coin, should that slave exert the effort to see that she is given a few hours every week to leave his grounds should she wish, failing locks and faulty hinges may give her passage through the obstacles he might put in her way. Fate is only so patient, though, and those who persist in frustrating it may find themselves cursed with abysmally bad fortune, leading to ruination or even death should they not return to their destined course.

Even then, the will of Heaven is not the only force that can move the world. Even if your opponent wields power descending from a source outside Creation and Heaven, that power is can be enough to change the destiny of a handful of mortals. The architects and former rulers of Creation, the Primordials, still possess the power to dictate the course of a mere mortal’s life, overthrown and reduced though they may be as the Yozis. A demon, an Akuma, an Infernal Exalt or some other agent of Malfeas may place you under the power of the Kings and Queens of Hell. The Infernal magic that can be alloyed into your thread of Destiny by a hellish sorcerer can have much the same effects on your life as a more ‘natural’ disruption of your fate. Likewise, the dread Neverborn, turning in fitful sleep in their tomb-bodies deep within the Underworld can invoke the same authority as their living cousins over your small life, if allowed by a spell as powerful as this. Even the mad Lords of the Wyld may weave narratives that can withstand the grinding sterility of Creation, should you inspire enough interest that the effort of shaping such durable dreams seems worthwhile to them.

Regardless of the metaphysical mechanics that ensure that these effects can take place, from your perspective they are all the same. Options that give you points still represent a change that pleases or distracts the caster of the spell, and options that take points away stand for effects that you’ve sacrificed to claim. The external forces and entities involved merely add drama to your story, even though you in all likelihood never wished to live in such interesting times. Maybe a positive effect represents the Yozis exhibiting a rare degree of pity and granting you a boon, or maybe a negative one is the result of Heaven levying a toll upon you for claiming far too much power for yourself and rising above your destined station. Such is the lot of a mere mortal caught in the games of deities, monsters, and demigods.

For the purposes of clarity, Destiny Effects are grouped into three categories: Durance, which delineates the responsibilities and duties you and your potential master have toward each other; Entanglements, which represent the people and professions you may be bound to, and Geasa, miscellaneous boons and curses laid upon you. Where appropriate, replace any mention of Heaven and the gods with the relevant forces, though being a mortal in Creation means that Heaven’s eye is always upon you, even when you are marked by the foes of the gods. Durance

A spell of this level of power and intended purpose would be unlikely to forego some manner of compulsion to serve inflicted upon the victim. An Essence wielder transforming somebody in such a manner and then leaving them free to go as they please is either foolish, insane, or playing a long and strange game indeed. By default, the length of service lasts the traditional length of time for these sorts of things: One year and one day. Of course, you probably do not wish to serve any length of time, and your would-be master might prefer a more permanent arrangement, but like many aspects of the spell, this effect is adjustable and you, still have partial control.

In addition to any other conditions of service that are set, for the interval of your Durance you must be in your master’s presence at least once every five days, you cannot willingly bring him to harm, and your master must keep you alive for the duration. You needn’t obey any commands given to you, if you deem whatever punishments your master inflicts upon you worthwhile, save the command to ‘Be free.’ It is a special one, which must be given with specific intent by your master to have an effect. It truly frees you from your Durance, in effect causing your Durance to expire early, with all consequences that entails.

Some facts to consider: Creation’s year is divided into 15 months of 25 days each, with a 5 day Calibration period that lies outside the year, both by convention and by metaphysical distinction. This means that your service will last 376 consecutive days, barring any modifications. Calibration, fittingly, is the time outside the year when the Loom of Fate is recalibrated, meaning that during those five uncanny days the dictates of Fate are weakened… including those that lay upon you. Should you leave your master’s presence and fail to return during that time, Fate would not intervene to stop you, nor would it compel you to return to your master. Should he find you again before your remaining period of Durance expires, though, you will once again be compelled to obey him or suffer the wrath of Heaven… at least until the next Calibration.

Ø Lengthened Servitude (+5 influence) - Your Durance period is multiplied by a factor of five. You now must serve for a period of five years and five days. As a small consolation, that means more chances at a Calibration escape for you… Incompatible with other Servitude options.

Ø Shortened Servitude (-5 influence) - Your Durance period is halved. You now need only serve about seven and a half months, 188 days to be exact, before you are freed from your new master. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that Calibration should occur during your service. Incompatible with other Servitude options.

Ø Eliminated Servitude (-25 influence) - You’ve managed to eliminate the Durance period you are forced to serve your ‘master’ entirely. You may have struggled, or you may have found wresting this boon a little too easy, but regardless, you’re now free. However, without the Durance to provide a convenient endpoint, Destiny effects that would terminate with your Durance will simply continue for a long as you do. Forever, if need be. Incompatible with other Servitude options and Garda-Union Outlook.

Ø Lifelong Servitude (+14 influence) - Your Durance period now lasts until either you or your master dies… whichever happens first. Keep in mind that Exalts can live centuries or even millennia, and gods, demons and other kinds of spirits are indeed immortal and often nearly unkillable by other means than age. Unless you acquire a similar longevity, your only means of achieving freedom in your lifetime may lie in escaping during Calibration; should your master never offer you freedom of his own accord. Incompatible with other Servitude options. • Transferable (+2 influence) - Nothing prevents your master from selling, trading, or giving you to another. All he must do is order you to serve your new master as you have served him, and the binds of Destiny upon you will recognize your new master as your true master. Your Durance period, however, remains fixed from the moment the spell completes, and expires at the established time regardless of how many times you are traded. This option binds your Durance to your master of the moment, meaning that even if your original master dies you still must serve, potentially forever. If you are long-lived and patient, though, one of them is sure to die at some point… o Heirloom (+14 influence) - Your Durance is eternal. At the moment of your current master’s death, you will be bound to serve the one who inherits dominion over you. This will usually follow the inheritance policy of the local culture, but lacking that Heaven will consign you according to the dominant law of Creation, currently that of the Scarlet Empire. Exalted before mortal, Children before siblings, and elders before juniors. Fate will compel you to meet your new master, and thus pass dominion over yourself to him even through Calibration. There is a loophole allowing you one chance at escape before meeting your new master, but that only happens should your old master die during the five days of Calibration. The only way you can gain your freedom is for your master to give it to you, or for you to take it from him during Calibration.

† Ø Tears of the Maidens (-1 influence) - The Sisters of Fate will weep at the end of your Durance. For joy, or for sorrow? This option acts as a long-term investment in your future. When your Durance expires, ephemeral threads of Essence will weave a tapestry of light around you, growing thicker the more that was invested at the beginning of your Durance. The shell of light will suddenly shatter, crystallizing into chunks of jade or starmetal that clatter about your feet. In Creation, the five Elements naturally crystallize into five different colors of jade, and the remains of dead gods, taking the form of shooting stars, can be refined into a clean steel with a rainbow sheen - starmetal. Both are highly magical materials, though jade is the inferior of the two, and both are highly valuable, though jade is less so. Each point of influence you invest in this option claims enough Essence to mature into enough of either substance to support you comfortably for a season… or keep you in luxury for a month. More than being sold for mere money, these materials can be used to create wonders with enough expertise. How to use your windfall is entirely up to you: should your former master attempt to take your hard-earned treasure from you he will be cursed severely by Fate, and he knows it. Let it never be said that Heaven cares nothing for the Children of the Earth. Triggers immediately if taken with Eliminated Servitude. Can be purchased unlimited times.

Ø Garda-Union Outlook (-10 influence) - The Garda birds are fire elementals that recall the form of the first fire elemental, the Great Garda, before it was shattered during the Primordial war. Garda birds are almost completely immortal. After death, their Elemental Essence is not recycled into new, different elementals but bursts forth from their ashes - self and individuality intact. When truly in love, Gardas can sacrifice their immortality and immolate themselves together to give rise to a new Garda bird, combining aspects of both. Rising from the crucible of your Durance, you too can retain aspects from your former life. Destiny effects normally expire with your Durance, but this option allows you to selectively retain any Entanglements, Geasa, or Durance effects you want for as long as you wish. You may even elect to extend your Durance permanently, should you so choose, taking up the effects of Lifelong Servitude, or even the Heirloom option should your master die. Should your master or his inheritor be so callous as to sell or otherwise give away the slave who gave them her freedom out of love, you will have an opportunity to reclaim your freedom at that time. † Ø Breath of Freedom (-5 influence) - Out of every week, you have twelve hours where you may do as you wish. You need not obey any of your master’s commands, nor may he stop you from travelling where you please. Your master is allowed to provide escorts. You are required to return to your master once your allotted freedom expires. You are not allowed to spend hours during Calibration. A second purchase gives a full 25-hour day of freedom per week, spent as you wish. Can be purchased twice


Wrenching a thread across the Loom of Fate seldom goes smoothly, especially without the assistance of the Pattern Spiders to ease the process. Beyond the disruption of those fates that should have interacted with yours, and the incidental damage inflicted upon the threads yours passes over, certain threads can become entangled with yours along the way. The Pattern Spiders may be able to unknot most, but some remain stuck. These other threads resonate with the nature of the spell, and remained entwined with yours despite the Pattern Spiders’ best efforts.

Because of the nature of those individuals that resonate most strongly with a spell like the one you struggle to take control of, Fate might show you pity… Of course, you might cause the spell to also resonate with certain others more to your liking, but the Pattern Spiders never like more work and will become wroth with you should you do so, spitefully easing any changes to destiny your master might prefer, effectively granting him more influence in the contest you are fighting right now.

A thread becoming entangled with yours affects the destinies of two lives. You will soon meet each other, and a relationship will quickly develop, but the exact nature of that relationship depends on your interactions with each other.

Entanglements come in two varieties: Major and Minor. Major Entanglements involve those individuals that naturally resonate with the perverse nature of the spell. They themselves are naturally perverse, but more than that their resonance grants them a boon you both will soon discover: for certain periods you are compelled to obey them as you would your master. They are certain to take advantage of that fact.

Minor Entanglements involve the kind of people that you want or need in your life. Weaving their destiny with yours, you claim a little control over your own fate. Even your master won’t stand in the way of the relationships that will form between you and those whose destinies you now share. Of course, the exact method of your meeting is beyond your control. Perhaps you meet your true love only because your master merely wanted another slave? Such are the fickle whims of Destiny.

Major Entanglements

Your thread of Destiny can support a maximum of seven Major Entanglements, one for every day of the week. Below is a selection of archetypes that represent the Entanglements’ personality and perversions. The actual individual might be a mortal or a spirit, or even an Exalt. Fate is fickle, indeed. For 8 hours a day, once a week, the individual is metaphysically recognized as your master, instead of the one you are bound to for your Durance. Your true master must allow this individual to spend those eight hours however they wish. Archetypes may be purchased multiple times to see that individual multiple times each week. Each time you purchase an archetype, the amount of influence you get from it is halved, rounded down (for example, Amazon gives 25/12/6/3 etc.). Should you manage to outlive the individual you are Entangled with, another with similar tastes and kinks will shortly arrive to fill the gap in your life. This is the work of the Pattern Spiders, who must see to the structural integrity of the Loom of Fate. The spell presents an obstacle they must work around, and missing threads threaten the entirety of Fate. For their convenience and yours, the individuals that become entangled in your destiny will tend to have a similar lifespan to yours, though this isn’t guaranteed.

A final note, the example genders used for the archetypes are not always set in stone, only the broad strokes of personality. A member of an opposing or intermediate gender could fit the requirements of most archetypes easily. Likewise, the suggested origins that accompany archetypes’ descriptions are merely that, suggestions. So long as their personality fits the template, anything might fill the mold.

Ø Gentleman (0 influence) - A rich member of a powerful family, perhaps even a Terrestrial Exalt, or maybe just a cultured spirit interested in relations with mortals. He will treat you well and will typically take you out on dates. Doesn't believe in sex before marriage, and will attempt to make you his wife. It doesn’t matter if you’re actually a boy, he will subtly train and gradually mold you until you become the perfect bride.

Ø Another Victim (+5 influence) - You are not the only victim of this spell. Whether they were alongside you when you were enslaved, or have served your master for some time now, they gain dominion over you every week. You may get lucky and get someone that will do what you want sometimes. Then again, being enslaved is a profoundly frustrating thing. Can you really expect that they will resist forever to the temptation to abuse their power over you?

Ø Girly Trainer (+5 influence) - An entity with a particularly strict definition of femininity, and the desire, skills and experience to force you to conform to it… even if you are not biologically female. Will train you to be more feminine, force you to wear girly clothes, etc. She is fairly strict, and will punish you if you don't do what she tells you to. Once she's done, however, you will act just like a proper lady.

Ø Married Couple (+5 influence) - This couple has always wanted a child, so they decided to make you their perfect little boy or girl. Expect to be treated like a young child. • Incestuous (+5 influence) - Neither of them can keep their hands off you. Take some comfort in the knowledge that you’re not actually related.

Ø Yandere (+10 influence) - Loves you. A lot. Generally very nice toward you, but she might become furiously jealous if you have any other relationships. Be especially wary if she seems to approve of a new relationship.

Ø Pet Owner (+10 influence) - This individual possess a large stable of human beings trained to act, speak, and think as if they were various animals. Broken and slavishly devoted people shorn of their dignity represent the most common household breeds and livestock. Perhaps simply a perverted mortal, or maybe a spirit who thinks mortals should occupy a lower station in the social order? Loves pets and wants to make you part of their collection. They will train you to do all kinds of neat tricks, and will take you out for walks in public.

Ø Sex Addict (+15 influence) - mortals, gods, Demons, and Raksha alike are not immune to the temptations of the flesh. Few exult in those temptations to the degree this individual does, though. This one will fuck your brains out for hours on end, and seems to possess infinite stamina, whether because of divine constitution or sheer experience.

Ø Slime Girl (+15 influence) - A friendly, gel-like girl that likes to play with others. A water Elemental or a Raksha with an appropriate assumption usually fills the requirement of this archetype, though in the forgotten places of Creation strange beings indeed can be found. Note that her definition of "play" involves invading all of your holes with her amorphous body.

Ø Empress (+15 influence) - The former of a now defunct empire, or an unemployed goddess whose domain has been usurped or destroyed. She demands constant service from you. Expect her to use you as a footstool, or other furniture.

Ø Older Siblings (+15 influence) - Your two sexy older sisters (or hot older brothers or one of each, your choice) will have fun with you. You’re not quite sure where they came from.Are they some kind of shapeshifters? Mischievous Raksha, perhaps? Were they created from whole cloth by the spell? Regardless of their origin, they are there and they claim to be your siblings. You even possess memories collaborating their story; two life stories, one with your incestuous older siblings, and one without. You know the latter to be true, but there they are, your siblings, that sit and smile and insist on the validity of the former… Is it a cruel trick played on you by the spell, or is there a grain of truth to their claims? Your siblings’ physical forms are based on yours at the termination at the spell, meaning you might resemble them more than you do your real family anymore. Cannot be taken if your physical age is above 40. • Historical Revision (+5 influence) - You are the only one who possesses memories of your life without your two new older siblings. Your friends, and even your family, corroborate the story your siblings tell, no matter how outlandish it seems to be. Your other set of memories might fade fast in the absence of supporting evidence, unless you can somehow hold onto them. • Futa sisters (+5 influence) - Your sisters have penises. And have an insatiable sex drive. Interesting times lie in your future. Can only be taken if you choose to have older sisters.

Ø Tentacle Monster (+20 influence) - A large plant-like creature; a wood elemental, usually, or a lesser Behemoth of any origin. Where said Behemoth comes from affects how far from the ‘plant’ template the creature diverges. Get used to your holes being filled and your sticks being vacuumed.

Ø Erotic Automaton (+20 influence) - An ancient construct dating back to the First Age, recently refurbished. The long period of decay and neglect damaged her memory stacks, and although her alchemical composition lends her a certain amount of “natural” talent, nothing can replace actual experience. You will be used for her "training" so she can improve her programming (because practice makes perfect!). Despite the feminine pronoun, the construct (being mostly made of moonsilver) can easily remold herself into any near-humanoid shape and gender.

Ø Engineer Dominatrix (+20 influence) - Her specialty is magitechnological machinery, a nearly forgotten skill in these degenerate times. Her intense libido gives a distinct bias to the nature of her creations. She will test out all kinds of devices on you, forcing you to cum dozens of times without rest.

Ø Lolita Dominatrix (+20 influence) - Don't be fooled by her cute exterior. This girl has been known to reduce people to mere husks of their former selves. She loves to keep her slaves on edge for hours until she lets them cum at the end.

Ø Futanari Dominatrix (+20 influence) - Loves BDSM. Expect to chained up for hours on end, forced to suck her cock or the cocks of her friends that she brings to play with her toy.

Ø Sadist Dominatrix (+25 influence) - Gets horny just by thinking of torturing you for hours. Her favorite toy is her whip, which she will often use to ruin your orgasms after she brings you close to climaxing.

Ø Amazon (+25 influence) - A female barbarian warrior from the eastern jungles. Her tribemates are all mildly tainted by the Wyld beyond the edges of Creation. Common mental and physical mutations present in her tribe include mild female gigantism and erotic fixation on physical dominance. She will often wrestle you into submission. Expect forced orgasms to be quite common.

Ø Insect queen (+25 influence) - An intelligent insect queen and her drones. Most likely a Wyld mutant, but minor behemoths, strange gods, or bizarre demons can also fill this archetype. Most sessions will probably involve her injecting you with a drug to paralyze you, and her drones gangbanging you. • Ovipositor (+5 influence) - Said sessions will now include her using an ovipositor to make you an "incubator" (which lasts around three days).

Ø Zoo owner (+25 influence) - Owns a public zoo filled with all sorts of horny animals, and you are his newest attraction. Expect to mate with every animal imaginable. Not always in private, either.

Ø Shapeshifter (+30 influence) - Much like the title implies, you’ve been bound to an entity with the ability to alter its form. A Lunar Exalt with an impressive library of shapes is the best candidate, though the mercurial Raksha are a close second. A few demon races or a few rare gods might also fit. Regardless, you might find yourself engaging in relations with absolutely anything.

Ø Behemoth (+35 influence) - A creature that is very large, very male, and very, very horny. Behemoths, as defined by Creation’s savants, are unique, immortal creatures created by a higher power. There exist Behemoths dating back to the Age of Glories when the primordial ruled, spun from dreams and lies from the Wyld, created from first principles in the First Age, and stranger origins besides. This one is intelligent, and quite a conversationalist. Unfortunately, it also has a libido to match its stature. You might be able to convince it to converse with you rather than mate with you, sometimes, but it’s quite capable of fucking and holding a conversation at the same time if its needs go unmet for too long. It might hurt at first, but you'll get used to it. Eventually.

Ø Lingering Resonance (+30 influence) - Your thread on the Loom of Fate never stopped vibrating. It continually snags nearby threads, and the Pattern Spiders must constantly return them to their proper courses. At any one time, about four mortal humans are Entangled with you, and you find that you must obey them. Dreams will identify you to each other, and it is through these dreams that those so Entangled learn of their power over you. The Pattern Spiders never let any one mortal remain Entangled with you for more than a week, and take enough pity on you to prevent any non-magical sexually transmitted infections from being passed on to you. (It’s actually more paperwork to notify the gods of the various diseases that another mortal fell under their domain, anyway)

Ø Frayed Destiny (+30 influence) - The spell has damaged your thread, causing it to fray at intervals along its length. These usually coincide with occasions you find yourself in crowded public areas. During these periods, you and everybody around you are simultaneously struck with the knowledge that you must submit to their every sexual desire. For 8 hours, you essentially become a public cumdumpster. Those that use you are prohibited from harming you, and you needn’t submit to any order that isn’t a demand for sex. The Pattern Spiders will prevent any non-magical STIs from being transmitted during this time. The tangled destinies are too complex to resolve properly, so the spiders return them to their ordained courses as best as possible afterward, as if it never happened. A side effect of their damage control means that these occurrences will go largely uncommented upon by the community after the fact.

Ø True Love (+10 influence) - It seems your true love has something of a dark side. Like anybody else who resonates with this spell and becomes Entangled with your thread, they usurp dominion over you every week at the appointed time. They still love you deeply, of course. Perhaps they will simply wish to cuddle and murmur sweet nothings into your ear. Then again, they had to be especially lustful at heart to gain this power over you to begin with. One has to wonder what this says about you, that your True Love, the one in all of Creation whom you could love the most, is so perverse as to resonate with a spell like this one. When they act on their erotic urges, will you moan for them to stop… or will you scream for more? Requires True Love option. Cannot be taken with both Archetypical Master and Mystic Victim simultaneously.

Below are modifiers that do not count against the limit of seven major entanglements.

† Ø Partitioned Loyalty (Special) - One of your Entanglements claims a greater portion of your day from your master: Precisely half of the day, instead of a mere 8 hours. The first purchase grants you +5 influence, but further purchases only grants you +1 apiece.

† Ø Archetypical Combination (+5 influence) - Select two purchased Major Entanglements. These must represent different archetypes, not repurchases of the same kind. The selected archetypes now represent the same individual. During the time you must spend with that individual, they engage in activity typical of both archetypes. For example: If you have purchased the Engineer Dominatrix two times and the Amazon once, and combine them using this option, during the three days you must see her the combined Entanglement will typically wrestle you into submission before strapping your exhausted form into a magitech creation. You are still limited to purchasing seven Major Entanglements. Cannot be purchased for Frayed Destiny or Lingering Resonance. Can be purchased up to six times.

Ø Archetypical Master (Special) - Select one Major Entanglement. This may be an individual described by the Archetypical Combination effect. That individual just so happens to be the one who cast the spell on you, and your current master. You must suffer the treatment favored by the involved archetypes almost every hour of every day except for those times dominion over you is usurped by another. Multiple purchases of an involved archetype multiply the intensity of the associated activities, instead of their frequency. Heaven and Fate take pity upon you by pruning away threads that would make your life too difficult and perhaps granting you some favors, as well. This, in effect, grants you more influence in your contest: taking this option grants you influence equal to the amount you gained for allowing the archetypes to be chosen. For example: If you had purchased Engineer Dominatrix two times and Amazon once, and combined them using Archetypical Combination, you have gained a total of (20+10+25+5) = 60 influence. Applying Archetypical Master to the individual represented by the previous combination of effects would grant you a further 60 influence. You are still limited to purchasing no more than seven Major Entanglements in total, thanks to the extra effort the Pattern Spiders take in pruning your thread. Cannot be taken with Partitioned Loyalty, Frayed Destiny, Lingering Resonance, Another Victim, or the Eliminated Servitude option from Durance

Minor Entanglements

You may be able to Entangle your thread with those of others more to your liking, or indeed may already bear natural tangles and knots from your old destiny. The ones selected here remain despite your master’s best efforts to wipe your slate clean, or the Pattern Spiders’ exasperated attempts at damage control. Unlike Major Entanglements, Minor Entanglements lack the lewd resonance that grants power over you, you are metaphysically equals with these individuals, at least at the start. Finally, you can only support up to four Minor Entanglements. Anything more weakens the resonance to the point the Pattern Spiders can pull them apart, if your master doesn’t do away with them first.

† Ø Shared Durance (-2 influence) - You might not be the only victim your master has enspelled in this way. They might have been in his service for a long time, or may in fact stand next to you as you struggle against him for control. Regardless, these individuals’ destinies entwine with yours because of your shared torment. Each purchase represents another victim of your wicked master, warped in ways familiar or dissimilar to your own, but twisted all the same. From the perspective of the spell, they possess matching selection to yours of Source, Archetypical Master, and Shared Durance, but everything else about them might be wildly different. They lacked your willpower and good fortune to wrest even partial control away from their would-be master, and so may suffer from greater transformation of mind, body, and soul than you. Or, perhaps, not; depending on your shared master’s whim. The relationships you form depend on your individual personalities, taking into account the effects the spell may have had on them, but regardless of whatever happens you will find yourselves facing it together, at least for as long as your Durances last. Select at most one suboption from below. • Submissive (-2 influence) - The individual you’re Entangled with is naturally submissive, or at least is nudged in that direction by the resonance that exists between you. They’re more likely to do what you tell them to than the other way around. You have a definite chance of building a relationship around that dynamic, especially a sexual one. • Dominant (+3 influence) - The individual you’re Entangled with is naturally dominant, or at least is nudged in that direction by the resonance that exists between you. You’re more likely to do what they tell you to do to than the other way around. You have a definite chance of building a relationship around that dynamic, especially a sexual one. • Caretaker (+2) - The relationship that this option represents is a complex one… one of you becomes the caretaker of the other. Perhaps the other simply needs assistance with a few things, or perhaps they’ve been reduced to such of a craven sex toy that even simple tasks are beyond them. On the one hand, the caretaker is required to do everything their charge cannot. On the other, they gain a measure of authority over their charge.

Ø True Love (-25 influence) - Some people say that but one couple in a century gets a real opportunity at true love. Perhaps that’s true, even when considering the passionate loves of the Exalted. The spell that rages around you tangles the threads of Destiny around your arms and fingers. Would you simply let this opportunity go by? Grasp the thread of the one in all the world who will love you the most, you will know it in your heart when you see it, and knot it with yours, damning the price. This option only ensures that you two will meet sometime soon. You needn’t have assurance that you will like each other, though, for it will be love at first sight. Your story from there is up to the two of you. Heaven is often callous to the plight of mortals, though the gods are sometimes romantics. The outcome of Destiny is uncertain, though you can be assured of interesting times ahead. This Destiny effect, and its suboptions, will not expire with your Durance, as an express exception to the normal rules. • Linked Lifespan (-5 influence) - This option will match your lifespans to each other, increasing the shorter to match the longer, even indefinitely. Old age and disease will claim you both at the same time, or it will claim neither. Violence and poison can still cut one life short, leaving the other to linger. • Mystic Victim (+10 influence) - You’ve already found your true love. They stand beside you, struggling against your shared opponent for control of the spell. Create another sheet representing your lover’s transformation, save that they must match your purchases in Source, Archetypical Master, True Love and its suboptions, and if Linked Lifespan has been purchased they must also must match any of your choices that increase lifespan, such as Longevity under Enlightenment. • Cuckold (+10 influence) - You are cursed to never consummate your love with each other. Both of you might have sex, even in the same room as the other, but circumstances will arise to ensure that it is never with each other. During Calibration Destiny is distant enough that you two may finally make love together, and it is during Calibration that you might be able to break the curse. However, it may only be broken with the consent of both parties.


Ø Restricted Raiment (+10 influence) - Except for what you master specifically commands you to wear, you cannot wear anything beyond what you’re required to by other options. There are a few allowed exceptions, like piercings or other jewelry, but effectively concealing your nudity with anything beyond what you’ve been expressly ordered to put on invokes the ire of Fate. This presents difficulties in extreme climates of course, but perhaps more obvious are the social obstacles you’ll face. The suboptions below not only permit a more varied wardrobe, but Destiny will see to it that you are provided with a decent selection from each category to choose from each day. Primarily, by ‘prompting’ your master to provide the clothing for you. Appropriate shoes, headwear, and accessories are included. You still must wear what your master or anyone else whom you must obey commands you to, of course, but in the absence of such orders you are permitted to dress yourself however you please within the permitted range. • Lingerie (-2 influence) - Thin and lacy, tiny and opaque, or perhaps more elaborate, the “clothing” provided to you is more fit to be underclothing than outerwear, and tends toward the provocative, as do the accessories and footwear that come with it • Extra Footwear (-1 influence) - A wide variety of shoes, boots, slippers, and so on, above and beyond whatever Heaven would provide to you otherwise. • Swimsuits (-2 influence) - Between the natural variety of flora and fauna in Creation, the efforts of breeding programs and Genesis technology dating back to the First Age, and Wyld mutations, there exists a startling variety of materials available to make into clothing, even discounting the materials that can be obtained through artificial means. Some of these are waterproof, stretchy, and perfect to make into bathing suits. You’ll have a few styles to choose from, ranging from modesty-preserving to scandal- inducing, as well as appropriate accessories and footwear such as wide-brimmed hats and sandals. • Sleepwear (-2 influence) - A selection of cute and sexy sleepwear. Even articles designed for colder nights tend to be too delicate for outdoor wear, though. • Cosplay (-2 influence) - Full outfits for you to dress up with. Religious garb, fetishized military and police uniforms, even animal costumes showing varying amounts of skin. Mainly themes you or those close to you would be interested in. • Jewelry (-2 influence) - Whether thanks to a wealthy master or the fortunate discovery of a hidden cache of treasure, you possess nearly enough jewelry to make a passible imitation of clothing. More tastefully, portions of your trove can be used to improve your other ensembles, or at least make your naked body more appealing. One caveat: should you attempt to sell your jewelry, you’ll find yourself unable to find a buyer for this glittering fortune; at least, not for a price anywhere close to its true worth. Fate’s generosity is seldom easily abused. • Girly closet (-3 influence) - A large selection of girly outfits to keep yourself looking pretty. From sundresses to lacy gowns, adjectives for this collection include ‘cute’, ‘regal’, and sometimes even ‘sexy’. There’s no escaping from the overwhelming femininity this clothing provides, though. • Plain closet (-5 influence) - A decent selection of plain, no frills outfits. Simple tunics, robes, or other peasant garb common in your locality. • Harlot’s Regalia (-2 influence) - Higher-class local garb, albeit adjusted in a manner favored by local prostitutes. Expect to show more skin and be propositioned often. • Fetish wear (-2 influence) - A decent selection of fetish wear, mainly consisting of latex/leather clothes. Some of these ‘clothes’ are little more than collections of straps and metal rings. Others completely obscure the wearer. None of them would ever be acceptable in polite society. • Unrestricted shopping (-5 influence) - You will be allowed to purchase other clothing (assuming you have a way to do so). † • Exposure (+2 influence) - Whether because of malicious intent or a miswoven thread in the Loom of Destiny, you now have a destiny that your nipples and crotch will never be covered at the same time by clothing. Should Fate be the one arranging for your clothes it will be variants that are designed to expose one or the other, regardless of how chaste the ensembles usually are. Should clothing provided by your master (or that you’ve obtained yourself) fail to match that description, it will soon be damaged, often through improbable circumstances, to fit the template. You do not need to have purchased other suboptions that would grant you clothing for this curse to affect you. The requirement imposed by this choice applies to clothing you are ordered to wear, as well. A second purchase of this option requires you to expose both at all times, not just one or the other. Can be purchased twice • Nudity-Denying Poise (Special) - Creation’s disparate cultures have differing opinions on proper dress, and varying attitudes towards public nudity. Their reactions to violations also vary. This option changes that. For -3 influence, any nudity, exposure, or merely showing too much ankle will be ignored. Not even just politely ignored, but utterly overlooked, as if you were dressed properly. Instead, for just -1 influence you only stifle the negative reactions provoked by your proactive attire, or provocative lack thereof. Expect lusty stares, erect nipples and penises, discreet propositions for sex around the alley’s corner, and other appropriate ‘positive’ reactions.

† Ø Health and Hygiene (0 influence) - The suboptions below represent packages that will be provided to you for as long as this destiny effect persists. Fate will turn first toward your master to provide these, but should he prove unable, Fate will arrange for you to receive these another way. Choose one and only one with each purchase † • Body Care Package (-2 influence) - You’re guaranteed the materials and time to keep yourself clean. With one purchase you get basic things like soaps and hair care tools. With a second, you get lotions and oils needed to keep you looking your best. Can be purchased twice. † • Make-up Package (-2 influence) - You gain the supplies you need to beautify yourself. One gives some simple materials, but a second gives you almost any beauty product available, and even some rare supplies from distant points of Creation. • Healthcare Package (-5 influence) - Your master is only required to keep you alive by the terms of spell. This option ensures that you will be kept more than merely alive, but healthy as well. Medicines, alchemical compounds, doctors skilled in the Arts, even intervention by health spirits, whatever is necessary. • Maid (-6 influence) - Your living space will be kept clean. Whether a human paid to do the work, or a friendly ghost insists upon performing the job she did in life, or a house spirit is granted the power to manipulate the tools, or even a raksha shaping into existence a battalion of wee folk to do the dirty work, somehow it will be done. o Naughty (-3 influence) Perhaps the ghost has lingering emotions of lust. Maybe the house god can physically manifest easier than others of its kind. It could be that the wee folk aren’t a swarm of individuals, but a single commoner raksha that learned a trick to divide its attention and form into smaller beings… and put them back together for a “personal touch”. Whatever the reason, your maid might be willing to clean other things than your room. Perhaps you have a “knob” that needs polishing…

Ø Mortal-Taming Collar (+4 influence) - Your destiny twists itself into loops around your neck. They weave themselves into a collar, made of Behemoth leather, Malfean Latex, a metallic alloy of one of the Five Magical Materials, or some other substance of surpassing durability. The dimensions and style of the collar are set at purchase, but no matter the design, written, embroidered, or etched on the inside are three glyphs of Old Realm script. One is a rendition of your name. Another reads ‘obedience’. The third represents a word or phrase of your master’s choosing. The three glyphs are intertwined, symbolizing the power this collar has over you, and you alone. While you wear it, whenever the command word is spoken in conjunction with an order you feel compelled to obey it in both letter and spirit. The thought of twisting the words of an order to disobey its intent never occurs to you, at least when the command word is spoken. Likewise, though you may use it in conversation, you are forbidden from identifying in any way your command word. Only those who know the command word, except for you of course, can remove the collar. Anybody at all can put it back on. Destroying the collar is nearly impossible. Any force capable of doing so would probably destroy the anybody wearing it in the process. • Mortal-Reining Leash (+2 influence) - Your collar comes with an attached chain. This chain is probably made from moonsilver or crystallized gossamer, both materials possessing flexibility, malleability, and surprising strength, as well as associations with potential and many forms. When held by another, you are required to obey that person’s commands as if they spoke your collar’s command word. In addition, the chain is capable of both rapid self-repair, should it somehow be cut, and dynamically altering its length and design in response to the command word. At its longest, the leash becomes up to ten yards of thick, bulky links or silky jewelry chain. At its shortest, it becomes a ring dangling from your collar by a single small link.

Ø Chastity (+3 influence) - You are forbidden from engaging in sex unless commanded to by your master or a Major Entanglement. To ensure compliance, expect to wear a chastity belt at minimum, though more extreme barriers to intercourse may be enacted as well.

Ø Seminal Garnish (+3 influence) - An odd destiny has been woven into the Loom using your thread. Unless you begin each meal with a large glass of semen, or cover your food with the substance, you will find that it is often interrupted, ruined, bland, or something else Fate has arranged to punish you for deviating from your destined course.

† Ø Heavenly Ecstasy Aides (+2 influence) - This category of minor Artifacts are primarily intended for erotic play. These include alchemical body oils and clothing incorporating geomantic principles to heighten the wearer’s sex appeal, but the archetypical examples are simply sex toys. White jade beads that vibrate indefinitely on command, green jade strap-on dildos that provide tactile feedback to the wearer… while these may seem passé or wasteful to Exalts, to a mortal they are wondrous, if perverse, examples of magical craftsmanship. You or your master come into possession of one or more of these wondrous sex toys. This will prove useful, for thanks to the lewd resonance your destiny has acquired that you are now under a curse. Your destiny is braided with wanton eroticism, so much so that not satisfying the additional destiny will cause your own to wither and fray. Unless you are adequately stimulated you will suffer terrible misfortune at the worst moments. Each purchase gives you a set of vibrating beads, a self-motivating dildo, or other some such toy that you must use as often as possible to alleviate the curse. Of course, such toys running at all hours of the day and night might be considered a curse in their own right, by some.

Ø Taboo-Defying Attitude (-4 influence) - Cultures across Creation have differing policies and attitudes toward sex and sexuality. When to do it, where to do it, how to do it, with whom you are permitted to do it, and whether or not any of this changes with circumstances… Given the circumstances you find yourself in, you’re sure to violate at least one of them. This option weaves a cloak of acceptance about you, excepting you from censure for your behavior should it become known. Even engaging in sex would be blithely ignored, even applauded should you exhibit fine technique. Your sexual escapades will go entirely unremarked upon except in compliments, your scandalous behavior overlooked as the most natural thing in the world. Fate will go out of its way to ensure that minors do not see you at your worst, though. Think of the children!

False Dharma

Fate consigns the vast majority of mortals in Creation to simple, unheroic, even unexciting lives. It is their repetitive lives of toil that grant stability to Creation and structure to the Loom of Fate. The thread of your destiny may knot with one of these backbone cords of duty and dharma as it is dragged across the Loom; in the eyes of Fate it becomes your task to perform the duties associated with the destiny you now bear. Unfortunately, given the more perverse course your personal destiny is forced to take, it is far more likely that your thread would knot with lewd careers than more palatable ones.

Once the spell is concluded, you will soon be offered employment fitting your new dharma. Perhaps your master is your employer, or fate forces him to release you long enough to perform your job. If indeed he needs forcing at all, this might all be according to a twistedly perverse plan. For eight hours a day, six or seven days a week, you must attend to your labors or be crushed within the mechanisms of the Loom of Fate that would force you to comply with your destiny. Be thankful for the short period you must work to satisfy the dictates of fate; most toil through every hour of sunlight in a day and eat in darkness. The custodians of Fate know that this isn’t your true destiny, but can bend the rules no further for fear of threatening the integrity of the Loom.

Each job, of course, comes with the usual wages for those who do it. There is a wide variety of currency available from Creation’s fractious kingdoms and organizations, from the jade obols and scrip of the Scarlet Empire to the silver dinars of the Guild to the cowrie shells of the western archipelagos, and dozens of lesser currencies besides. Because of this, and the fact that you might not be paid in money at all, but credit, barter, or favors, your salary is is represented here with an abstract five-tier scale. One star represents the wages of the peasant farmer or the city-dwelling laborer, barely capable of supporting a family. Five stars represent the intake of the Guild’s merchant princes, who dwell in palaces and can rent armies on a whim. You might not have an opportunity to spend it for a while, and your master may even take it away from you, but when your Durance ends you’re guaranteed employment at the last place you’ve worked for as long as you wish to have it.

Pick at most one option from the following list.

Ø Waitress/Waiter (0 influence) - You will be a waitress/waiter at a local teahouse, winehouse, or café, whatever is favored by the local culture. The pay is low, but the customers typically won't bother you. [Salary *] • Maid café (+5 influence) - You will be a waitress at a local maid café instead. Expect more elaborate uniforms and more demanding customers. Better pay, though. [Salary **]

Ø Small Bureaucrat (+5 influence) - The goddess Ryzala is the Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork, Shogun of the Department of Celestial Concerns, and unofficial director of the Bureau of Heaven. Her high position in the Celestial Bureaucracy has an effect on the makeup of Creation; or is it the other way around? Political, military and mercantile organizations develop increasingly elaborate bureaucracies as they grow in size, influence, and sophistication. You are destined to be a part of one of these power structures. The Loom of Fate won’t give you any actual authority, merely a post that eases the jobs of others and pays a little, like an administrative assistant or secretary. The other employees tend to be rather brash, thanks to the influence of the spell on the Loom, and you'll probably get felt up during the work day. Your must appear at least 16. [Salary **]

Ø Owner (+5 influence) - You obtain some measure of the authority your master has over you. For eight hours a day, you gain metaphysical ownership over the other victims of the spell. They may not willingly bring harm to you, but are not restricted further. It’s possible that you won’t take advantage of the power you’ve been given over them, but on the other hand, if such power is so unappealing to you, you wouldn’t resonate with this destiny enough to acquire it in the first place… [Salary 0]

Ø Slave Trainer (+5 influence) - You gain the destiny of a slaver. You won’t be capturing free individuals. Instead, you will be responsible for training new slaves. Specifically, sex slaves. You need to break their wills to make sure they are obedient. Cannot be taken with Slave trainee. Your age must be at least 14. [Salary ***]

Ø Model (+5 influence) - This isn’t a single job so much as a collection of short- to mid-term opportunities arranged by Destiny. The jobs offered to you primarily value your appearance and ability to hold a pose or otherwise avoid moving. One day you might act as a greeter for a party at a manor, and the next you start modeling for a sculpture until it’s completed. You might secure a more permanent arrangement acting as eye candy or living statuary for a wealthy individual or god. In any case, you or your image will be seen by vary many people. [Salary **]

Ø Pastry Shop (+5 influence) - You will be working at a pastry shop. Some days you may be working at the counter, others you will be making cookies, muffins, etc. Your must appear to be at least 13. Gain an additional +5 influence if you are part cat. [Salary * (** if part cat)]

Ø Student (+5 influence) - You will be a full-time student in a primary school, finishing school, or university, depending on your age. You will be allowed to finish the education you’ve started when your Durance expires, but moving on to another school or job afterward is up to you. Impressing or making contacts with the staff will go far in securing tuition or career opportunities. Alternatively, you may attend a Martial Arts dojo. Your Sifu may be strict or lenient, straightforward or strange; but however she teaches you will learn effective fighting styles, and should you be Enlightened, you may learn a supernatural Martial Art. You receive enough money to keep you housed and fed during your education, but little else. Requires appropriate apparent age for environment. [Salary *]

Ø Instructor (+5 influence) - You will be a teacher at a local place of education. Comes in primary school, finishing school, and University variants. Alternatively, you may become a Sifu for Martial Artists. Your students may be dedicated or recalcitrant, but if you teach them well you will acquire great Face in the Martial Arts world Cannot be taken with Student. Your apparent age must be at least 20. [Salary **-***]

Ø Bartender (+5 influence) - You will be a bartender at a popular alehouse, winehouse, inn, pub, or any of the thousand variants of drinking establishments that can be found within Creation. Your age must be at least 16 [Salary **]

Ø Gladiator (+10 influence) - You participate in some kind of competitive sport. It would be impossible merely to list the games that mortals have managed to come up with over the centuries, let alone the games of gods and Exalts. The perennially popular example is gladiatorial combat. You’ll be enrolled on the register of an arena that preserves the lives of its fighters, though you should expect to pick up a few scars during your carreer. You’ll pick up the prize purse for every fight you win, as well. [Salary **]

Ø Nursery Maid (+10 influence) - You will help take care of children. Perhaps you are employed at some kind of daycare, perhaps your master’s many slaves breed like rabbits, or maybe you yourself sire or bear so many children that taking care of them all becomes a full-time job. Mostly, your duties consist of feeding the smaller ones, cooking for the bigger ones, and entertaining them all. The older ones may play "pranks" on you. Gain an additional +5 influence if your biological sex is female. Your age must be at least 14. [Salary **]

Ø Maid/Butler (+10 influence) - You will be the personal maid (or butler) for a rich gentleman. Your duties will mainly consist of cleaning his mansion and looking after his pets. He treats his staff well and pays generously for their services. [Salary **] • Brothel Caretaker (+5 influence) - You will be cleaning a brothel instead. Marginally more exciting than cleaning rooms. [Salary **]

Ø Livestock (+10 influence) - Your thread has somehow become snagged on a chord built from the dharma- nature of domesticated animals, rather than one associated with humans. Your employers (handlers? caretakers?) keep you because you produce something that can be harvested. The most obvious choice is milk, but other choices are available depending on physiology. You may be milked for semen, or kept to lay eggs. You may grow wool to be shorn, or leaves to be plucked. If you produce something in large enough quantity, there may be somebody in Creation willing to harvest it. In fact, thanks to the sheer unlikelihood that this sort of entanglement of destinies could happen without local precedent to ease the way, such a person and the facilities and infrastructure to support their operation is very likely geographically close to you. You’ve a good chance to spend your working hours near other individuals much like yourself, or at least similar enough to be in the same line of ‘work’. As for the task itself, you will be either sitting still enough for assistants to harvest your bounty, or you will be performing tasks to improve the quantity and quality of what you produce. Either way the ‘work’ is simple, easy and boring [Salary * (** if multiple high-quality products]

Ø Breeder (+10 influence) - You’re not valued as an ‘employee’ because of any skill, talent, or training you possess. You are valued because you either possess a womb to be seeded, or ability to seed the wombs of others. You will breed or be bred, but for what purpose depends on your employer: a thaumaturgical breeding program to strengthen a kingdom’s populace, a Lunar building a beastman army, a god wanting a stable of loyal, powerful children to enact his will, or maybe a curious Raksha enthralled with this new game of sexual reproduction. You will have sex with one partner after another, for the more children sired or borne (or both, if futanari) the better reward you will be given. [Salary ** (*** if you have options promoting fertility, virility, or other useful traits)]

Ø Performer (+5 influence) - You gain the destiny of the singer, the dancer, the actress, or some other kind of performing artist. You may perform in a bar or on an entertainer’s stage, of course, but it’s also possible that your performances are part of holy rituals for a community. If so, you might just be appeasing the vanity of a petty deity, but you might be doing something more worthwhile. Not every community in Creation is located in a favorable environment, and thaumaturgical procedures are what stand between them and their doom. The geomancy of a spring in the middle of the desert may waver and fail if the dance that maintains water Essence fails to be performed correctly. A mystery play may be what sustains the field gods that sustain the crops that, in turn, sustain the village that sponsors it. Regardless, your livelihood depends on your performances. [Salary **] • Idol (+5 influence) - More than just a popular performer, you have gained the adulation of an entire city, or even a country. You may sing to the court of a great king, or dance in the central plaza of an empire’s capital. You become a household name, the details of your life the topic of gossip near and far. Your popularity depends on your public image. If you somehow tarnish your pristine reputation, you have quite a way to fall. For those performers who serve a mystical or divine purpose, this still holds true, and more so, besides! The dancer whose footsteps buy the blessing of war gods has a grave responsibility to her nation indeed. The actor who performs for the pleasure of a city goddess may be banished, legally and magically, if she learns that he sells himself like a common rent-boy on the side. For all the effort it takes, you are rewarded with a life of luxury. [Salary ****]

Ø Thaumaturge (+10 influence) You’re paid to perform procedures from one or more schools of thaumaturgy. Alchemy, spirit beckoning, husbandry, astrology, geomancy… By employing the methods through which the least gods of creation interact with each other in new contexts, ice can burn, marble can be coaxed to sprout stony leaves, and breeding programs can be accelerated years faster than mortal techniques. Thaumaturgy is nowhere near as powerful or flexible as sorcery, but the people of Creation respect its power. Wise women, shamans, and educated doctors alike practice the Arts, while the mighty sorcerers are feared and shunned. [Salary ***]

Ø Stripper (+15 influence) - You will be a performer at a local strip club, or perhaps for a king’s court, or even a temple, should its god favor those performances in its shrines. Your work might be tip based, so make sure to put on a good show. [Salary **-***]

Ø Prostitute (+15 influence) - The oldest profession. Did you not expect to find that the destiny of the prostitute could be inflicted upon you, or did you eagerly lasso your thread around that ancient cord? Little need be said about this career. You will sell your body, for money. Creation exhibits a fantastic array of brothels, bordellos, seraglios, and of course pimps, all wiling to manage the perverse details of your lewd career, should independence not appeal. The esteem you are held in and the conduct you are expected to uphold change, sometimes drastically, as the local culture does. A certain divine demographic also offers employment to temple prostitutes. Instead of economic transactions, you will engage in sacred rites, the sex act becoming a form of prayer pleasing to the god of that shrine. Again, the esteem you are held in depends on the local culture and opinions of the god in question. Sometimes the women (or men) of the temple are held in reverence, and parishioners stutter as they ask to partake in the sacred rites. Other times, the temple’s girls (or boys) are little more than fixtures to be used as the rites or libidos demand. Your age must be at least 12. [Salary **-***]

Ø Courtesan (+15 influence) - The word ‘courtesan’ has at least two definitions in Creation. In the first case, it’s almost synonymous with ‘courtier’ and implies a person who attends court and influences politics through the conventional channels, as well as the bedroom. In the second case, its meaning drifts closer to ‘high-class prostitute’. You fall under the latter category. You become something of an expensive accessory. You exist to drape yourself over the arm of wealthy client, to be eye candy, showing off your beauty, and through extension, his or her qualities as well. Of course, you will warm your client’s bed when the party’s over, or, perhaps even before then. It matters not the extremes of your physical and mental transformations. Somebody somewhere will find that appealing to see, or impressive to employ. In fact, you might find the jaded appetites of those who can afford anything they want too much for you to handle at times. The largess of pleased and wealthy clients will have to be a sufficient salve to your wounded dignity. (Salary ****)

Ø Slave Trainee (+20 influence) - You have acquired the destiny of a sex slave, unsurprising given the intent of the spell. Your trainer will try to break your mind to make you obedient. Meanwhile, you will also be given training to improve your skills and value as a sex slave. This may sound much like what you’d experience anyway, but the time you spend here is far more intensive than what you might otherwise face. You’re almost certain to become a submissive, obedient, and well-trained sex slave by the time your Durance is over. Cannot be taken with Slave trainer [Salary 0]

The following choices can be purchased as upgrades to the above options:

Ø Hybrid Dharma (special) - Your thread knots around not one but two or more cords of braided duty. Fate arranges for your destiny to involve elements of both. Select one or more jobs from the above list to merge with your own. The salary offered by the hybrid career, and the influence over the spell you gain, is calculated by averaging the salary and influence of all involved careers. If the job gives a range of salaries, use the lowest offered salary. Round any fractions down to a whole number.

† Ø Libidinous Corruption of Intent (+3 influence) -The nature of the spell, unsatisfied with merely altering your destiny’s course, taints that course with perversion and lust. With each purchase, your career becomes infected with more vice and iniquity. For example, the maid café: Normally, it would be just that. At worst, your bottom might be pinched, or one of the customers might propose relations after work, but all things considered, that could happen anywhere. With one purchase, the place you work becomes associated with sex, but retains its original purpose. In the example, it becomes commonly known that if you talk to the manager of the café, you can arrange a rendezvous with one of the servers, negotiating a price for a night with them. With a second purchase, the business integrates sex into its daily activities. The maid café posts prices for the drinks it offers, but it also posts prices for its servers and the ‘extra’ services they provide. With the third purchase, sexual activity and the purpose for which the business exists are seamlessly merged together. In the maid café it becomes common for customers to bend the waitresses over the tables to fuck them while giving their order. Should a customer desire a refill, a lactating waitress provides directly from her ‘tap’. When garnishment is required for a morsel, the waiters are ready to masturbate themselves (or allow the customer to do it for them) and provide a generous topping for their meal. Cannot be taken with Slave Trainee, Courtesan, Prostitute, Stripper, Breeder, Slave Trainer, or Owner.

† Ø Raise (-10 influence) - Your salary is increased by one star, up to a maximum of five.

Ø Five-Days-Toil Limitation (-3 influence


Ø Enlightened Essence (-5 influence) - You achieve the epiphany, the epiphany shared by all Essence wielders, that awakens you to your own Essence. This, in and of itself, gives you no power but the ability to take in the free Essence around you to replenish your inner pool of Essence, a process referred to as ‘respiration’. You can also provide a reasonably accurate estimate of how much magic power you have remaining. With practice and education, you will eventually be able to give an exact number. The term the enlightened use for the smallest unit of magic that matters is the ‘mote’ You can eventually learn to spiritually weigh your inner pool to determine how much power you have available in terms of motes of Essence. While perhaps underwhelming compared to the other powers available to Essence wielders, it the foundation for them all, the first step to true power.

† Ø Essence Refinement (-10 influence) - Obvious though it may be, it needs be said that not all wielders of Essence are equal in might. The savants of Creation have difficulty quantifying the difference between them, given the many and varied paths to power. What is generally agreed upon, though, is that mortals are severely limited in their potential for growth. Even the least elemental may, in time, become a dragon. A mortal can learn to perform magic, or, inherit miracles form divine parents, but ultimately they can perform the least of magical feats. All beings with a soul are regarded as having some level of Essence refinement. The first purchase grants you the level of power associated with magical practioners, while the second brings you to the peak of human magical potential. By default, you count as having one level of this for free. Each purchase grants another level. Can be Purchased twice.

Ø By Prayer Nourished (-2 influence) - You gain something of a divine quality. Being worshipped grants you a trickle of Essence that can nourish you as well as food. Should you have Enlightened your Essence, you also gain the usual benefit a cult grants its subject of worship: an increased rate of Essence recovery. A village praying for your blessing before each meal is enough to provide your nutritional needs for that day. An intense, lengthy session of a devoted acolyte lavishing attention and kisses upon your feet is also sufficient. There are as many valid rites of prayer and worship as there are cults, whether devoted to gods, demons, Exalts, or stranger things besides. What counts as worshipping you will depend on your own nature.

† Ø Martial Art Style (-10 influence) - There are a myriad of fighting styles in Creation. Supernatural Martial Arts are those styles that involve the application of Essence to deadly effect. Of course, only Enlightened fighters can use these techniques. While gods and Exalts are able to use terrifyingly powerful techniques, a mortal is limited to only the lowest tier of fighting styles. Still, the power of even the least of Supernatural Martial Arts is enough to put you amongst the most elite of Creations fighters. This option won’t make you a master instantly, but will implant the knowledge within your dreams, copying the knowledge from the Loom of Fate itself. With practice, you can eventually master the Art. Requires Enlightened Essence and two levels of Essence Refinement • Erotic Style (+5 influence) - The spell that twists your form isn’t optimized for the implantation of martial knowledge. It is far easier to force the wisps of Essence into arrangements that convey knowledge of an erotic nature… There exist certain “fighting arts”, created with the assumption that the bedroom is a battlefield. The more refined arts apply Essence to the end of achieving ‘victory’, variously defined depending on the nature of the art. Some reduce their targets to exhausted husks, ready for the practitioner to whisper suggestions into receptive ears. Others view sex itself as the goal, but some aim to please the target, while others work to selfishly satisfy the practitioner’s sexual needs. Regardless, the knowledge to practice these “Martial” Arts is more easily conveyed by the spell than more traditional Styles.

Ø Sorcerous Initiation (-10 influence) - The power of Sorcery is hard won. Five ordeals must be passed to become a Sorcerer. These ordeals shape the would-be Sorcerer, and prepare him to wield his mastery over Creation. These lessons are humility, tutelage, journey, fear, and sacrifice. The spell that affects you offers a shortcut around this. You can alloy the lessons into your soul directly, initiating you immediately into the First Circle of Sorcery, but at a cost. If you use this method, you can never undo the changes that have been inflicted upon you by this spell, by any means. Sacrifice is unavoidable, and you offer up your old form in exchange for mastery over Creation.

Ø Time-Denying Kata (-5 influence) - Naturally, over your lifespan you will show signs of age. Even greatly extended mortal lifespans will age over time. With this option, you will only progress to your physical peak, the point where you stop growing and start aging. You are spared the decaying effects of time, even after death. When you die, you will crumble to dust, marbleize into a statue, or simply evaporate to nothing, ensuring that the ravages of time and decay never mar your face. • Eternal Portraiture Visage (-2 influence) - Instead of stopping at your physical peak, you can determine a different point to stop aging at. Perhaps you wish to maintain the flower of youth indefinitely, or perhaps a more mature appearance is more appealing.

† Ø Longevity (-10 influence) - Each purchase of this extends your lifespan by a certain amount. The first time, by one decade per level of Essence Refinement. The second purchase increases your lifespan by an additional century per level of Essence Refinement. The third and final purchase grants you a further millennium of life for every level of Essence Refinement. The level of Essence Refinement you have achieved determines your health and how fast you age during that time. Purchasable up to three times.

Ø Immortality (-10 influence) - Truly endless life is a rare and precious thing. Even the Exalted strive in vain to secure the immortality of the gods. But in the uncontrolled torrent of the spell warping power, anything can happen. Taking this makes one of the few mortal beings to shrug off the fetters of mortality to truly life forever. Such a boon isn’t without cost, though. Requires Longevity x3, Essence Refinement x3, and Time-Denying Kata

Ø Behemoth Apotheosis (-20 influence) - Overcoming time itself is no mean feat, but ‘mere’ immortality is no guarantee of eternity. The final power possessed by the spell is the power to cast off your humanity altogether. Your form betrays only slight aesthetic changes, but your Essence is forevermore something other. Behemoths are unique creatures; no two are truly alike in form or power. Given the path that led to your transfiguration, you are blessed with powers that will serve you well in keeping you alive. You possess seemingly impossible resilience to damage, and whatever wounds you do manage to suffer heal almost instantly. Even should your body be utterly annihilated, your nigh-imperishable Essence will craft you a new one given time. It is still possible to kill you, nothing is impossible to a dedicated Exalt, but why would anybody want to? The only real question is, are you willing to pay the price the spell demands in return? Requires Immortality. Allows two extra purchases of Essence Refinement

The Bride-of-All Scriptures

During the middle years of the First Age, there lived a Lunar Exalt named Kaguya. She was inspired by the Shapeshifting Knacks called Twin-Faced Hero and Preening the Gaudy Tail, abilities that allowed Lunars to assume inverted and intersex shapes and enhance secondary sexual characteristics, respectively. Sighs embarked on personal quest to explore the sexual potential inherent in the human form. She innovated new Lunar Charms and Knacks that allowed her to indulge in an astounding array of fetishes and kinks. They called her the Queen of Harlots. Few could resist her sexual allure, and none could match her sexual appetites. She took lovers from all strata of society, gods, Exalts, and mortals alike. Sometimes, the mortals perished, but they died wearing smiles. Her promiscuous ways drew censure from status-conscious gods and members of the Exalted Host, but individual protests fell silent rather quickly. She enjoyed indulging in the carnal offerings of her detractors best. Kaguya died young by the standards of First Age Exalts, not even one thousand years old, in a seven-way lovers’ tiff that leveled a district in the glass city of Chiaroscuro.

Before she died, the Queen of Harlots penned a collection of sutras titled The Bride-of-All Scriptures. Each one encoded truths of sexuality viewed through the lens of particular fetishes. So profound were these truths that the sutras themselves granted a portion of her mastery over eroticism to those who internalized the lewd wisdoms contained within. The gods of thaumaturgy were unsure whether to categorize these sutras as Procedures of the Arts of Alchemy, Husbandry, or the nascent Art of Biothaumaturgy. A bloc of deities, considering Kaguya’s behavior unbecoming of an Exalt, and The Bride-of-All Scriptures a mockery of the astrological scriptures, attempted to have the work suppressed. Venus, the Maiden of Serenity herself, declared that the work expressed fundamental, if perverse, truths of Creation, and demonstrated by showing that the sutras had been written within the Loom of Fate since the beginning of time, hidden between cerulean threads of serenity. Filled with awe, and wondering who, indeed was the sutras’ true author, the gods withdrew their protest, and the work was allowed to spread where it may.

The spell that whirls around you resonates with these sutras. Unlike the First Age courtesans who had to internalize them through intense study and meditation, you could have these truths magically inscribed upon your very soul. As thaumaturgical Procedures, these sutras are powerful but not without risk. You may enact them at any time upon yourself at no cost; maintaining their effects with a few minutes of meditation every day. You can also apply these effects to others but that requires more work. Scribing these sutras onto prayer strips using expert calligraphy, rare inks, and paper made of fine materials, and tying them around your subject’s limbs, wrapping it around their neck, or braiding it into their hair can pass these effects onto them for a time. More subtly, but more time consuming, engaging in sex and applying tantric methods encoded within the sutras can also impose their effects on another after a few sessions. With more intense meditation, using variant calligraphy and more mystically potent inks and paper, or engaging in more vigorous tantric sex, you can impose more powerful versions of these effects, but be warned: overapplication can create imbalances in your Essence or that of another, leading to undesirable side effects. These imbalances will not resolve themselves, persisting until corrected by a medicinal thaumaturgy or some other means of correcting errant Essence flows.

• The Sutra of the Loving Maiden (-8 influence)

Once there was a maiden… …who kept her lovers close, for a while. She clung to them dearly, but they never seemed to mind. Even as they left. She didn’t mind that they did. She was always looking for another, anyway. And she clung to them just as tightly. “Satisfaction,” she would coo, “is in the chase”

When active, this sutra magnifies libido. This can range from a nagging distraction to an irrepressible urge. The imbalance caused by unsafe use of this sutra leads to unpredictable involuntary self-stimulation. To put it plainly, the afflicted will suddenly begin to masturbate in periods of erotic stress… like being unbearably aroused in a public area. They will be unable to control themselves until they’ve alleviated their libido through orgasm.

• The Sutra of the Bountiful Maiden (-8 influence)

Once there was a maiden...... who was satisfied with everything that she was given, but never with what she gave. She decided that giving more was just as good as giving better, so that was what she did. To those that asked little, she gave much. To those that asked much, she gave even more. She gave and gave and gave. She gave until the world threatened to drown in her generosity. "Please stop!” they begged, “We have had enough!" So, she did. "Satisfaction is in abundance," She said.

This sutra, when active, increases production of one or more sexual fluids. The definition is broad, including but not limited to semen, feminine arousal fluid, and breast milk, Kaguya’s fetishes were many and varied. The imbalance this sutra can induce prompts the overproduction of the affected fluid, even leaking, which can understandably lead to problems. In some cases, imbalanced individuals can become aggressive, trying to force-feed the excess fluid to others.

• The Sutra of the Fruitful Maiden (-8 influence)

Once, there was a maiden… …who never stopped at once what she could so it twice or thrice. She hated to waste time, you know? When twice or thrice became too easy, she knew she could do even more. Twice was doubled again, thrice was trebled. For all her labor she couldn’t get enough. She wiped her brow, and set out to begin again. “Satisfaction,” she said, “is in the fruits of one’s labor”

This sutra requires more effort to maintain for males than females. After all, a woman can only get pregnant so often. While active, the next time the subject of this sutra engages in sex it has a far greater chance of resulting twins or triplets than normal. When suffering from an imbalance, males become impotent, while females run the risk of bearing octuplets… or more.

• The Sutra of the Desired Maiden (-8 influence)

Once there was a maiden… …who had a certain air about her. It was something about her… Something you couldn’t name… But it was there all the same. She worked hard to keep it up. It kept pleasant company close. She enjoyed them, and they enjoyed her. They kept pressing closer. Even when they pressed too close, the maiden never dropped that air. Not even for a chance to catch her breath. “Satisfaction,” she explained, “is in being wanted.”

This sutra serves to make the user more sexually attractive in the eyes of others. Their arousal builds, and they know, somehow, that the sutra’s user is both the source of their need and the key to their release. The user is certain to become more popular, in a way. They’re certain to have plenty of sex, at least. The imbalance of this sutra is simply more of the same. The difference is that it becomes so intense that ‘No’ is no longer an acceptable answer.

• The Sutra of the Patient Maiden (-8 influence)

Once there was a maiden… … and a task that needed doing. Nevermind what the goal was, it was a personal thing. What mattered was how badly she needed it done. It wouldn’t be over with quickly, but it still needed doing. It wouldn’t be over with easily, but it still needed doing. Because it needed to be done the maiden was forced to work at it. She worked long. She worked hard. And in the end, the deed was finally done. The maiden wiped her brow, and said, “Satisfaction is in a job well done!”

This sutra improves the user’s sexual stamina. It keeps muscles from getting sore, and grants the self-control to delay orgasm until the right moment. It can also reduce or even eliminate the refractory period allowing the user to leap back into bed more quickly. Imbalance can lead to null orgasms. Pleasure never satisfactorily peaks, merely abruptly ceases. Ejaculation and other ecstatic spasms still occur, but penises remain erect, vaginas remain moist, and it is to the user as if orgasm never occurred at all.

• The Sutra of the Pleased Maiden (-8 influence)

Once there was a maiden… … and it didn’t take much to make her happy. A simple gift. Or a kind word. Even a gentle touch was enough to make her smile. Others envied her simplicity. Wouldn’t you? She forgave them for envying her But she never did understand why they ever did. Shrugging, she said, “After all, satisfaction is never far away.”

This sutra makes the user more sexually sensitive. It can make erogenous zones a little more receptive, or it can make the entire body a sexual organ. Imbalance from overuse can lead to an orgasmic feedback cascade. The sensations from climax can be enough to set the next one off, and that one the next, each more pleasurable than the last. This will continue until the affected finally cum themselves unconscious.

• The Sutra of the Maiden and the Contest (-8 influence)

Once there were maidens… … and they agreed to have a contest. One amongst their number decided that she should be the one to win. The others, of course, disagreed. They all trained and sweated and exercised their bodies. When a friend became better, the maiden trained even harder to get ahead. When she was the best at the moment, she had to train harder to stay there The day of the contest arrived. And the maiden didn’t win. But, she looked down at her well-trained body, and smiled. “Satisfaction is in excellence!” she proclaimed.

This sutra grants the user increased strength and an improved physique. The degree of either effect can be modified, to an extent. Overuse will imbalance the users Essence flows until they shatter into useless splinters. The user becomes as weak as a kitten, and unless the imbalance is corrected it takes stronger and stronger applications of the sutra, taking more time and effort, simply to maintain normal strength.

• The Sutra of Maiden, Not-Maiden (-16 influence)

Once, there was a maiden… …and a mirror in her hand. She gazed into it, but it confounded her. Every other mirror in the world reflected a beautiful maiden. This one claimed that she was a handsome boy. She decided that something must be done about that. So she set the mirror down. When she picked it back up again, she was a maiden no more. The face gazing into the mirror matched the image perfectly: Chiseled features, a strong chin, and broad shoulders. But every other mirror in the world still showed a beautiful maiden. “Satisfaction,” he realized, “is in loving yourself.”

This sutra grants the user the ability to shift their gender. This isn’t true shapeshifting, it merely allows those affected to appear as if they had been born a man, or a woman, or something in between. Genitalia can shift independently, and secondary sexual characteristics can be emphasized or downplayed as desired. Users must be especially careful when applying this sutra. Imbalance leads to unstable, shifting changes beyond the user’s control, or locks them into their current shape until corrected.

The following choices are modifiers to the above. They only apply to one sutra per purchase, unless otherwise specified.

† • Sealed Knowledge (+4 influence) - You can apply the chosen sutra to yourself, but you are incapable of using it to affect others. The truths become impossible for you to articulate, let alone determine how to use it to affect another.

† • Burning Truth (+4 influence) - You do not need to expend effort to maintain a sutra’s effect. In fact, you’re not sure how to turn it off. The knowledge burns in your mind, and you find the phrases of the sutra drifting through your thoughts often. Its effect no longer seems unnatural. In fact, it seems more natural than how you lived before. The sutra’s effect maintains itself at a moderate level naturally, but can be adjusted. By meditating upon the sutra for a few minutes every day, you can maintain the effect at a higher or lower level of intensity. A high intensity can still create imbalance, of course, but now you also risk imbalance if you stifle the sutra too much, as the truths within you rebel against the suppression. † • Consuming Wisdom (+4 influence) - You do not know the truth of the sutra. You live it. It becomes a part of the core of your being, both profound and obvious, like the rising of the sun or the direction of gravity. Such a total embrace of a sutra means that you suffer from the imbalance effect constantly. The imbalance cannot be ‘corrected,’ for it has become the natural, healthy state of your Essence. The sutra takes effect at the highest level of intensity possible. If need be, you can limit the effect of the sutra to a more moderate level with meditation every few hours, but like holding your breath, it can’t be denied for long.


Beta v1 - Added missing modifier to Celestial Deity. - Added suboptions to Seven Gates Yielding - Added Star-Fixed Mating Dance to Derangement and Desires - Added the bulk of the options that are going to be in Enlightenment, give it a read. - Since this is the first really playable version, updated the version counter. - I’m ready for feedback on points balance, hit me with your worst, /tg/!

WIP v5 - Added Changelog - REFORMATTING - Added Celestial Deity and Solar Exalt to Source - Tweaked formsculpting tables’ content, sorry no formatting yet - Added Infertilility, Hyperfertility, Incontinence Training Reversion, Youthful Mountains Prodigy, Supple Joints Prodigy, Laughing at the Wind Bears, Cleanliness Near Godliness, and Tools-Make-the-Craftsman Understanding to Mutations and Modifications - Refluffed Sutra of the Restless Maiden to Sutra of the Patient Maiden, rewrote sutra, mechanics unchanged. - Added Caretaker to Shared Durance, removed Superior - Finally finished Taboo-Defying Attitude - Added Health and Hygene to Geasa - Also, some other changes, probably - The changelog was only begun halfway through v5 - Cut me some slack.

{Workspace, free to ignore} Lingering Hun (+10) - The soul of a mortal human consists of two portions. First, is the Po, or lower soul. Sometimes called the animal soul, this is the seat of instinct, drive, and irrational desire. The higher soul, or Hun, is the seat of morality, reason, honor, and identity. The souls linger together for three days after death and then separate. The Po remains to guard the body, while Hun soul proceeds through the state of Lethe before continuing in the endless cycle of reincarnation. At least, this is how it should be. Since the creation of the Underworld, another option is available for those whose unfinished business requires more than three days to accomplish: They can become ghosts and linger in the bleak, often hellish Underworld for as long as they can, until Lethe or Oblivion claims them.

This segues to the bad news: you no longer possess a Po soul. You no longer possess a Po soul because you are dead, dead, dead. Sorry about that. There is some good news! Your body is now a matrix of Necrotic Essence, shaped by memory, called the Corpus. Necromancy, Sorcery’s dark mirror, excels in two things: destruction and manipulating ghosts and the Underworld. Powerful Necromantic spells cannot only mold Corpus like wax; it can get it to permanently accept the new form, a much harder proposition. Whether or not your opponent in this contest had anything to do with your death, or is ‘simply’ a powerful necromancer who found his next ghost to victimize is irrelevant, what matters is that like so many other ghosts you afterlife seems to have taken a turn for the worse. At least, you’re not being hammered into Soulsteel!

The dark magics involved in this spell deny you both Lethe and Oblivion until you have completed your Durance