FBI Surveillance of G-Ays Challenged Gay Pride Events Sche.Duled

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FBI Surveillance of G-Ays Challenged Gay Pride Events Sche.Duled �; :: News of Interest to the Lesbian/Gay Community FREE! Volume 5, Number 3 Memphis, Tennessee April, 1984 In response to Dr. Simonoski's request for. records, some interest­ FBI Surveillance of G-ays Challenged ing exemptions are noted. Files on • Dau�ters of Bilitis and the Lesbian Liberation organizatioiJ.s have been the federal government. These agen­ · by Allen Cook conducting the ·investigation could find ·no reason to continue sur­ cies are permitted to exempt the classified "per executive order : Dan Simonoski believes there veillance of the group. However, release of certain types of in­ national defense or foreign policy reasons." may be hundreds of thousands of when One, a magazine the group formation from release providing continued on page 15. documents of. FBI surveillance of published, ran an article alleging they identify the reasons for the Gay groups in this country and is that there were homosexuals in denial. trying to get them. important positions iil theFBI, the Dr. Simonoski, a political science tone of the memos regarding the Jackson Responds: to NGTF Questions professor and plaintiff in a Freedom investigation changed drastically. In of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit a memo written by the second rank­ Washington- The Reverend Jesse of taking offic� banning discrimina­ against the J!'BI to release the docu­ ing official of the FBI, a hand­ to ques- tion based on sexual orientation ments, was in Memphis March 22 written passage expresses indigna­ Jackson ltas responded a in by the National areas of federal contractors. Ac­ through 25 on a 34 cityfund raising tion at the possibility of homosex­ tionnaire prepared all Task J!'orce and a n_umber of cording to GCN, the order would tour. uals in the FBI and urges the Bur­ Gay in­ other Gay organizations. elude the military. "Lesbians and "The FBI has admitted to having eau to ''take these guys on and - national The questionnaire was sent to Gays have long served in all bran­ a total of 5600 documents which get them to put up or shut up." all. ches. of the military. There is, there- comprise all of the information they Another set of memos reveals presidential candidates. Jackson expressed support for H. fore, no reasonable basis for exchid­ have gathered on 1.3 groups in 8 that the FBI had particular interest the bill which would in- ing them. Regarding the purging of states from 1950 through 1982." in the author of the article and R. 2642, lude prohibitions against discrimi- Lesbians and Gays already serving in Simonoski said. "That's poppy­ wanted to make every effort to e nation the basis of sexual orien- ·the military, I believe that such dis­ cock," went on, "Just last week, identify the writer and; once ideriti-, on he along with those for race, col- missals are not only unjust, but also finally received two volumes in­ fied, to "locate him." iation 1 or, creed, etc. in the Civ il R.1g ht s cA t wasteful." volving the Mattachine Society in Apparently the author was writ­ of 1964. The executive order would also San Francisco... There were 600 ing under a pseudonym because he According to a story in Boston's inchide such agencies as the CIA, the pages of documents on that group was never identified or located. Gay Community News, Jackson National Security Agency, and the alone and that was only for 1952- Under the Freedom of Informa� characterized H.R. 2624 as "long FBI. Jackson promised to remove 54!" tion Act, an · individual or organi­ overdue" and "more comprehen- restrictions on granting security A cursory \inspection of those zation may request information sive than the senate counterpart clearances to Lesbians and Gay men, records revealed that FBI agents compiled and held by agencies of ­ (S430) and is, therefore, preferable stating, "that after 30 years of mon to it." Additionally, he promised to itoring, our government cannot off­ classify anti-Gay and Lesbian vio- er a single case in which homosexu­ Gay lence as a civil rights violation. ality has been the cause for compro- Pride Events Sche.duled Jackson said he would issue an mising the national security by a by Allen Cook been abandoned for this year, the executive order within three months· continued on page 15 Two events scheduled for June rallyis slated to take place just prior 30 will cap a month long celebration to the annual river boat cruise. It according was felt that many participants of Gay .Pride in Memphis, Hart Rates High on Gays' List to members of the Memphis Gay might come to the rally downtown, Coalition. and when it was over, simply walk Permission has been secured from two blocks to the boarding site With the withdrawal of John tion of the law. The ACLU rates his the city to use Court Square as a to spend the next few hours on Glenn from the campaign for the voting record on civil liberties the · rally site. Local and regional : speak­ the river. Democratic candidacyfor president, best in the Senate� Sen. Hart be­ ers will include representatives The rally has been tentatively attention has turned to Walter Mon­ lieves all Americans must be pro­ from local Gay or sympathetic · scheduled to b�gin at 7:00 pm and dale and Gary Hart as contenders tected from discrimination whether organizations as well as regionally be concluded in time for the 8:30 to be reckoned witlr. based on race, color, religion, na­ -prominent speakers. Eddie Sandifer, boarding. The boat will leave Primaries in recent weeks have · tional origin, language, age, sex or president of the Mississippi Gay the dock at 9: 00 and return by mid­ shown the previously thought un- sexual orientation (italics ours). Alliance (MGA), has agreed to be night. · beatable Mondale forces .have In a recent conversation with one of the keynote speakers. Mr. Tickets for the river cruise will go weakened considerably as GaryHart Hart's· Senate office, an aide com­ has been active in the Gay captured primaiy after primary. municated the following on Sen. Sandifer on sale May 15 and will be available rights movement since the 1950's for purchase either through the mail "Take heart and vote · '84" says Hart's positions: and is currently spearheading a fight or at Encore Cards and Gifts, 1266 one enthusiastic Hart supporter in As president, he would issue an for MGA to receive corporate status Madison Ave., during regular busi­ Memphis. In perhaps one of the executive order banning discrimi­ in Mississippi. ness hours. Last year all available most enlivening coalitions in recent nation based on sexual orientation of a march or parade political memory, Sen. Hart has The idea tickets were sold several days prior in all federal hiring and contracts. this year has been scrapped by to the event. captivated a rare assortment of local In addition, he would support organizers. They have indicated that Ticket prices this year will be . political activists that include Tim banning of private sexual discrimi­ support for a parade has been $12 per person. Shaeffer, Walter Evans, Minerva nation, oppose sexual orientation dwindling over the yeru:s and that Joyce Cobb will provide enter­ Johnican, Cliff Tuck and Linda discrimination in immigration poli­ the weather in years past has been tainment for the river cruise. 400 Ott. cy as well as in legal services. a deterrant. Last year both the tickets will be available and will be According to Hart sources, ''Gary Delegate selection for the Demo­ temperature and the humidity were sold on a first come, first paid for Hart supports extension of civil cratic National Convention begj.ns in the 90's . basis. No reservations will be taken liberties to those who have histori­ March 31 with May 1 being the date While the idea of a parade has without pre-payment. cally been witf.wut the full protec- of the Tennessee P1imary� Editoslah� aring in Gaze represen� pe opinions of the .:Bp-R� " .(lf.'lly ' at:Jtboi!S.! cmless . otherwise indicated. .·.. ' · , -::"-� Gazl - •· - . � v. · Silence Equals Approval have been any one of them),· I wu sation, said $0, and left. someone · else in the group wanted · · in a group of people who were The idea of someone ·discrimin- to apologize. He said he really felt talking· with a security guard. Ap- ating against other. Gay people bad about what wassaid. I told him parently one of the patrons had re.ally gets my back up. And it he had every right to feel bad. , been asked for an ID before enter- probably does most of you. Unfor- . Well .the person·in question never by Allen Cook ing the bar ( we were all old . tunately, about half of the people ·did apologizeto me and managed to enough reading this �e with the look guilty while avoiding me for I guess_ I'm getting c1otc11ety. in·_· . to pass). �he guard ex- will 1 sta or policies which my old age. Thiilgs used to iet plained that the police had caught ted unstated the rest of -the evening. But, if · ks in o pass, don't pass anymore. som�one underage in thebar in the discriminate against Blac ur nothing else, at least 1 raised the bars. : Ta.ke my office Christmas party, preVIous ·week and that every<?ne conciousness of a few people. would be asked for an for the Su:re, there are excuses: I have .since concluded that what- for example• . It was held in a large ID near future. S'eems that· ever the situation might be - ·- apartment clubhouse with catered Tennessee "I'll lose all my white business if a law requires anyone in an establish- the bar getstoo "dark", you know straight man: telling fag jokes, a food, .
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