Skipaon River Restoration
Skipanon River Restoration Action Plan Adopted May, 2006 Background of Project The Skipanon Watershed Council formed in 1997 as a community-based organization to identify and proactively address watershed restoration. In 2004, the council was given funds from a civil penalty suit against a local fish processing plant. The funds are to be used for restoration in the Skipanon Watershed. Before using funds for any restoration projects, the council felt it was important to revise its Action Plan to identify the most ecological significant restoration projects within the watershed. Goal of Project The goals of this document are to identify, analyze and priotizes, to the extent possible, potential site-specific conservation projects within the Skipanon Watershed. The Council hopes to create a document based in sound ecological principles, yet understandable by the lay reader. Additionally, the Council hopes to highlight partnership opportunities, monitoring efforts and educational opportunities. Ultimately, the Council and other watershed related organizations can utilize this document to help guide restoration, conservation and acquisition activities, monitoring and education within watershed. Lastly, the Council hopes the numerical prioritization methodology is transferable to the estuarine portions of the Youngs Bay and Nicolai-Wickiup Watersheds. Methods Summary of Methods The methods to achieve the goals of the project were to 1) involve the public and 2) review and utilize other prioritization criteria. As a community-based organization, it was imperative to involve as many community members, landowners, interested citizens, municipalities and agencies in the process of identifying restoration activities as possible. To identify potential restoration projects, the Council relied on the expertise of local community members, landowners, interested citizens, representatives from local municipalities and agencies.
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