Fort Clatsop, Lewis and Clark's 1805-1806 Winter Establishment "Living History" Demonstrations Feature for Visitors to National Park Facility

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Fort Clatsop, Lewis and Clark's 1805-1806 Winter Establishment T HE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEWIS & CLARK T RAIL H ERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 12, NO. 3 AUGUST 1986 Fort Clatsop, Lewis and Clark's 1805-1806 Winter Establishment "Living History" Demonstrations Feature for Visitors to National Park Facility Photograph by Andrew E. Cier, Astoria, Oregon Replica of Fort Clatsop, Near Astoria, Oregon - See Story on Page 3 - President Wang's THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL Message HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. Thank you's are due at least four Incorporated 1969 under Missouri General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act IRS Exemption different groups of Foundation Certificate No. 501(C)(3) - I dentification No. 51-0187715 members for the efforts put forth by them these past twelve months. OFFICERS - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE First, I am most thankful for the President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President excellent support that has been L. Edw in Wang John E. Foote H. John Montague provided by Foundation officers, 6013 St . Johns Ave. 1205 Rimhaven Way 2864 Sudbury Ct. directors, past presidents, and all M inneapolis. MN 55424 Billings. MT 591 02 Marietta. GA'30062 other committee members. Second, I am much indebted to the 1986 Edrie Lee Vinson. Secretary John E. Walker. Treasurer P.O. Box 1651 200 Market St .. Suite 1177 Program Committee, headed by Red Lodge. MT 59068 Portland. OR 97201 Malcolm Buffum, for the tre­ mendous effort they have put forth Ruth E. Lange, Membership Secretary. 5054 S.W. 26th Place. Port land. OR 97201 to arrange one of the finest-ever annual meeting programs. Third, I DIRECTORS am so grateful for all that is ac­ Harold Billian Winifred C. George James P. Ronda complished by Bob and Ruth Villanova. PA St. Louis. MO Youngstown. OH Lange whose work on behalf of the Robert Bivens Gary E. Moulton Ralph H . Rudeen Foundation I commented on in the Great Falls. MT Lincoln. NE Olympia. WA May issue of WPO. Finally, I ap­ Robert C. Carriker Donald F. Nell Arthur F. Shipley Spokane, WA Bozeman. MT Bismarck, ND preciate having been given the Roy D . Craft Charles C. Patton Robert L. Taylor opportunity to serve as President Stevenson. WA Springfield. IL Washington. DC of the Foundation. My only regret William P. Sherman immediate Past President is a Foundation Director in that regard is that an especially heavy business schedule, during PAST PRESIDEN TS - DIRECTORS EX OFFICIO these last twelve months, has pre­ Edwynne P. Murphy, 1970 Gary Leppart, 1974-76 Bob Saindon. 1979-80 vented me from devoting as much St. Louis. Missouri Butte, Montana Helena, Montana time as I had planned for Founda­ E.G. Chuinard, M.D.. 1971 Wilbur P. Werner, 1975-76 Irving W . Anderson. 1980-81 tion activities. Tigard, Oregon Cut Bank, Montana Portland. Oregon John Greenslit, 1 972 Clarence H . Decker, 1976-77 V. Strode Hinds. 1981-82 Lansing. Mic higan East Alton, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa As the Foundation membership Lynn Burris, 1972- 1973 Gail M . Stensland. 1977-78 Hazel Bain. 1982-83 Topeka. Kansas Fort Benton. Montana Longview. W ashington continues to grow, its need for Robert E. Lange. 1973-74 Mitchell Doumit. 1978 -79 Arlen J . Large. 1983-84 administrative services increases Portland, Oregon Cathlamet. Washington Washington. D.C . accordingly. In order to meet that William P. Sherman. 1984-85 growing need, some members have Portland. Oregon suggested that the Foundation should consider employment of a ABOUTTHEFOUNDAnON part-time Executive Secretary. It is The purpose of the Lewis and C lark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc., is to stimulate nationally: public interest believed that such a person may be in matters relating to the Lewis and Clark Expedition; the contributions to American history made by the expedition members; and events of tim e and place concerning and following the expedition which are of already serving on a part-time ba­ historical import to our nation. The Foundation recognizes the value of tourist-oriented programs. and suooorts activities which enhance the enjoyment and understandina of the Lewis and Clark storv. The scope: sis for two, or more, other non­ of the activities of the Foundation are broad and diverse. and include involvement in pursuits which. in the profit organizations similar to our judgment of the Directors are. of historical worth or contemporary social values, and commensurate with the heritage ot lewis and Clark. The actiyities of the National Foundation are intended to compliment and Foundation. Other members have supplement those of state and local Lewis and Clark interest groups. The Foundation may appropriately recognize and honor individuals or groups for: art works of distinction; achievement in the broad field of indicated they believe it to be nec­ Lewis and Clark historical research; writing; or deeds which promote the general purpose and scope of essary for the Foundation to asso­ activities of the Foundation. Membership in the organization comprises a broad spectrum of Lewis and Clark enthusiasts including Federal, State, and local government officials. historians. scholars. and others ciate itself with a college or of wide ranging Lewis and Clark interests. Officers of the Foundation are elected from the membership. The university that could serve as a re­ Annual M eeting of the Foundation is traditionally held during A ugust. the birth month of both M eriwether Lewis and W illiam C lark. The meeting place is rotated am ong the States. and tours generally are arranged to pository for manuscripts and other visit sites in the area of the Annual Meeting which have historic association w ith the Lewis and C lark Expedition. documents of historical value which are presently owned by the Foundation or may come into its WE PROCEEDED ON ISSN 0275-6706 E.G. CHU/NARD. M .D .• FOUNDER possession_ Still other persons be­ We Proceeded On is the official publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, lieve that arrangements should be Inc. The publication's name is derived from the phrase w hich appears repeatedly in the made in the near future for the collective j ournals of the famous Expedition. planned succession of an Editor of PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE We Proceeded On, when Bob Lange, presently serving in the Robert E. Lange. Editor and Committee Chairman, 5054 S.W. 26th Place. Portland. OR 97201 twelfth year in that capacity, may choose not to devote his full-time to Irving W . Anderson E.G . C huinard Box LC-196 Lewis & C lark College 15537 S. W . Summerfield Lane the effort. At present the financial Portland, OR 97219 Tigard. OR 97223 condition of the Foundation is bet­ ter than ever due primarily to the Paul R. Cutright Donald J ackson Gary E. Moulton 312 Summit Avenue 3920 Old Stage Road Love Library - Univ. Nebraska generous bequest made by the late Jenkintown, PA 19046 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Lincoln. NE 68588 Foundation Past President and Bob Saindon Wilbur P. W erner Treasurer Clarence Decker. Your 172 Briarwood P.O. Box 438 Foundation Board of Directors will Helena, MT 59601 Cut Bank, MT 59427 be discussing these and many oth­ er matters at its next annual meet- -2- We Proceeded On, August 1986 President's Message - continued from page 2 ing which is scheduled for Friday, cussed some ways . and possible many persons at chapter or local August 15, 1986. means by which the Foundation levels have invested so much of and the Girl Scouts might work to­ their time and talent in a way that, Much, if not most, of the Founda­ tion's work is conducted by either gether in some kind of common ef­ when a meeting is concluded, al­ its committee members or by Bob fort that would be beneficial to most all who attended believe it to and Ruth Lange, who, inciden­ both organizations. If encouraged have been one of the best. In tally, also serve on committees. by our Board of Directors, I believe addition to the meetings' connota- that such a common effort could . tion to the historical and local as­ The work of the Foundation presi­ dent, at least as I have performed bring about an increased aware­ pects of the Lewis and Clark Expe­ it, is largely that of a communica­ ness of the Foundation and possi­ dition, there is the conduct of tor, coordinator, and sometimes bly a substantially increased mem­ necessary Foundation business. motivator. I believe that is as it bership as well. I was delighted to Beyond the program and business ought to be. Sometimes, however, learn something that probably of the annual meeting, there is an occasion arises which makes it many of you know, that several provided also an excellent opportu­ possible for the Foundation presi­ Girl Scout Councils use the name nity for fellowship. Along with the "Sacagawea". dent on your behalf to open a "new renewal of friendships past, may I door" of opportunity. I believe such Whether an annual meeting of the suggest that persons who have a door may have been opened Foundation is held in the east, been members and "regulars" for recently. On June 20, 1986, at the middle west, west, or far west, the several years, identify and visit national headquarters of Girls programs provided have been of with individuals who are in Scouts of the U.S.A., in New York great interest to, and much plea­ attendance at their first annual City, I visited with its National Di­ sure for, persons in attendance. meeting of the Foundation. rector, Frances Hesselbein, and Foundation members have been three of her associates. We dis- fortunate year-after-year that so L. Edwin Wang, President About the Cover Illustration The illustration on the cover of down the river ..
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