Thonet Furniture, 1830-1953 : an Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Thonet furniture, 1830-1953 : an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York Author Thonet Industries Date 1953 Publisher [publisher not identified] Exhibition URL The Museum of Modern Art's exhibition history—from our founding in 1929 to the present—is available online. It includes exhibition catalogues, primary documents, installation views, and an index of participating artists. MoMA © 2017 The Museum of Modern Art LIBRARY THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART Received; N / V )' THONET 830-1953 / anexhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York ! 18RAP ' \t A:^r Artc/it{/£ Wt?c * » T H O N E T furniture 1830-1953 an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York This filmstrip is presented by Thonet Industries, Inc. on the occasion of their 100th anniversary in America 1853-1953 11/ ^ A s/fv- THONETFURNITURE An Exhibitionat the Museumof ModernArt, New York This filmstripconsists of 4l frames,of which 8 are from printedsources and 33 are actualviews of the exhibitionand of furniturefeatured in the exhibition. The filmstripis dividedinto four main sections:VIEWS OF THE EXHIBITION, BENTWOODFURNITURE, TUBULAR STEEL FURNITURE, and MOLDEDPLYWOOD FURNITURE. Below is a detailedlist with appropriatedata for each frame. Fullercommentar,/ will be found in the accompanyingmanual. VIEWS OF THE EXHIBITION Five views of the exhibitionas installedat the Museumof ModernArt (Frames4-8) BENTWOOD Title (Frame9) Bentwoodspiral made from a tree trunk dramaticallydemonstrates the possibilitiesof the bentwoodprocess (Frame10_) FirstBent VeneerChair, l336-l84o. Owned by Mrs. F. Thonet, Vienna (Frame11) BentwoodParquet Floor, Liechtenstein Palace, Vienna, 1343-49 (Frame12) BentwoodChair, Liechtenstein Palace, Vienna, 1843-49 (Frame13) Cafe Daum Bent VeneerChair, 1850.
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