Article Myosin II Synergizes with F-Actin to Promote DNGR- 1-Dependent Cross-Presentation of Dead Cell- Associated Antigens Graphical Abstract Authors Oliver Schulz, Pavel Hanc, Jan P. Bo¨ ttcher, Robbert Hoogeboom, Sandra S. Diebold, Pavel Tolar, Caetano Reis e Sousa Correspondence
[email protected] In Brief Schulz et al. show that dead cells lacking myosin II have a diminished capacity to serve as antigen donors for dendritic cells that express the DNGR-1 receptor. DNGR-1 binds to F-actin exposed on cell corpses, and myosin II organizes actin filaments into bundles that cross-link the receptor more efficiently. Highlights d Myosin II amplifies the activity of the DNGR-1 ligand F-actin d Lack of myosin II in donor cells reduces DNGR-1-dependent cross-presentation d Beads with F-actin and myosin II can target antigens to cDC1 for CD8 T cell priming Schulz et al., 2018, Cell Reports 24, 419–428 July 10, 2018 ª 2018 The Francis Crick Institute. Cell Reports Article Myosin II Synergizes with F-Actin to Promote DNGR-1-Dependent Cross-Presentation of Dead Cell-Associated Antigens Oliver Schulz,1 Pavel Hanc, 1,5 Jan P. Bo¨ ttcher,1 Robbert Hoogeboom,2,6 Sandra S. Diebold,3 Pavel Tolar,2,4 and Caetano Reis e Sousa1,7,* 1Immunobiology Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London NW1 1AT, UK 2Immune Receptor Activation Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London NW1 1AT, UK 3Biotherapeutics Division, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, Potters