first Thtflm! FfVaUe-ShopTheAdt e AH The AttWHefc Tfci lawgwt And Boat Snops An4 Town Wtth Yfclr Swrtew In Th« Ar«a Are Our AdvtrtWs. Patronise Thcnl

\\VI. -No. CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 PRICE THREE CENTB r 1,500Protection Against Smallpox: A Scene at the Carteret Clinic | Carteret's State Apath 0,iiigsters Tax Rate minimized Scene In the cllrt- At Ic at the Board trf Health ropms In To Vets Is Hii Vaccination the Memorial County Tax Board v Municipal Build- |{«viewe. declared that the State youngsters were said some progress has been made lV rise in the assessments in the bor- "slate of emergency" exists In nriU of Health h«* COOPW- accompanied by ough that was ordered by the in the negotiations between the provision of suitable homes for f(] urn m this direction. their mothers. union and the management. county board and to the Increased j A conference was held at the turned war heroes and authorlMfij ini" AF are get tint enough costof county government. the Awarding of a contract for th* :,, •.;!](] Y&rcheaky, "It ieenu : office of the company f: The local school rate showed a | on Wednesday and another session construction to the F. & S, Con*;| ,i i] ic end of the clinic sea> 72-polnt rise to $3.80 while the sti'Uftlon Company at a cost at ,, iniutically all avatrtWe was held yesterday. While details t local government rate went from of the negotiations were not made $5,600 per unit. m i-- wme and we have to get $2,92 to $3.24. .The dlfltrlc) court 1 .supply." known, union leaders were opti- The type of house decided upon tax was set at two cents as com- mistic as to the outcome. by the Council is among those a; v:r. '.-•-ki said that facilities tor pared with one cent last year. Developments in the course of proved by the State, but for son.- , r.m.ii.un against smallpox were This year the county tax bill to unexplained reason, approval liaa'j nr available for all school the week included an agreement 1 Carteret amounted to $176,232 between the union and manage- not been forthcoming on tht^ ;r,r,: ,,]-,it arrangement* to that as against $154,132,30 last year awarding of the contract. The| (,.,: ufic made with Supervising ment permitting office personnel 'olice Show Set District school taxes totaled $427,- and department heads to their State lias allocated $119,716 to? 'mri|i;il George 8. Qoodell. Papa Comes Home, Is Not a Sop; 400.78 compared with $339,534- finance the construction, but to On ihiuc days, many carriages Stampede Over duties In the plant, provided there 83 in 1946 while the local govern- would be no resumption pf any date the money remains sequest- id walkers KIT parked outside the W Sunday night ment tax bill totaled (363,964.52 ired. Mr. Turk's amendment au- Municipal Building. Liquor Sales Now Taking a Drop production work until the strike Boro Doctor* Report as against last year's $322,446.93. Is settled. .horized Mayor Skiba to carry A- iiu' rash for vaccination con- CARTERET -They used to sing ous evenings and bumps the ruddy The borough will receive^ $2,028.02 Carteret's case directly to Gover* n The union seeks a pay raise of . Ymchesky assured Caf- Let-up on Smallpox this refrain: nose on the brass rail, well an event Large C.rowcJ expected; In bank stock tax compared with ior Drlscoll. Both decried the ap- *i rt residents that "there Is no )lke that, brother, Is definitely $1,894.18 last, year. i Continued on Page 6) latent Indifference on the part of' erpency here." Vaccination* Father, dear father, come home news. Matinee for School Trenton officials to Cartcrefi ' with me now, One tavernist said business was iroblem and Mj\ Coughlin assert- .\ "spotty" meaning that "it was bad Children at 2:30 jd that this is practically the only all over," said Just now in Carteret the refrain Another said that some money dren will be held at 2:30 P. M. agreed also un the need for pro- • up City Leasue Team at a Victory that went for liquor during thi Ridding Cellars And "I am sure we can count upon in the Ukrainian Pavilion one physician. Almost all the pa- that used to get papa out of there The evening performance will be- our people to see the wisdom of vlding adequate police protection —if anything could—would be a war^and after, is now going fo. Yatd* of ill Refuse in West Carteret not only for the uesdav night. tients who had visited their doc- the durable goods that could no gin at 8:30 o'clock. taking advantage of the ootwrtu ton (or other 111* asked that they waste of breath. Papa has been The chairman of the committee homes but for the children as well, Coum ilman Edward J. Coughlln .__, since a quarter to six and be obtained for so long. Peopl CAhTERET — Announcement ntty which "Clean-Op Week" pre but here their agreement ended.. be vaccinated aiaintt smallpox. don't haye the money for both. which haa worked diligently to sents. , uold ill ' "~~~ he s going to stay there. mate this yefcr'a prW*hUUdi «Hn LJSilwy fry. Councilman Mr. Turk and MrfiraklWl^MtMfirklllth each meal rHSa»o n-.iHMtlon on its fine Vaccine is plentiful, doctors say. Children of the community look scription. All will be collected by praise for the efficiency and In- hip He gave the awards dustry of Miss Lillian Graeme, although they pay a much higher forward annually to the show and Borough trucks and thus an op- •"'xma: John Utus, John price than municipal health of- Five Persons Hurt portunity will be afforded- local who has Just relinquished her ...... Joseph KdMileraky, it is for this reason the committee position as cljrk In the police fices. Merchants Study has arranged for the special per- residents to get rid of a year's ac- Sidewalk Poll Wudiak. Thorn** Oinda. In Two-Car Crash cumulation of castoffs. department. ' Her Bobenchik, Theodore Kas- formance for them at 2:30 in the Councilman Turk, Republi- . Hifphen Wuy. Joseph Hamu- Price Markdowns afternoon. At the 8 o'clock per- "There are many good reasons,' CARTERET—Five persons sus- said Mr. Leshick, "why our resi- can, inquired of Councilman Few (iarteret Folkt* Coacli Bernard Raymond and Seek Forger Who tained minor bruises in a collision formance, adults only will be ad- Coughlin, Democrat, the reason mi!(T (imp Wadlak. mitted. dents should take advantage of Kuow of Proposed between two cars Tuesday night. CARTERET—Price markdowr this occasion. We all are wel for the change. He -said that :umnmniiy .singing and dancing Police Lieutenant Charles Makwin- cannot be accomplished by retai Program Listed Miss Graeme, had won the ad- mml! he dinner which Wat pre- The complete program, which aware of the fact that accumu- (loiiHlitutiou Vole Stole $40 Check skl identified the drivers as Daniel ers until wholesalers and manufac miration of members of the de- |xii i>v MI.S. John Kandslersky, turers reduce their prices. has some of ihe outstanding va- lated refuse not only Is a nuisance Nagy. Jr.', 27, of 51 Pershing Ave- in our cellars and attics, but, more partment, of the press and of and Mil. Joseph CARTERET — Police, here are This was the consensus of riety acts in show business, fol- the public. Mr. Coughlin said he, CARTERET — Few Carteret' Ilivi nue, and James Williams, 23, of number of borough merchants a lows: K important, It constitutes a very looking for a man who stole a 37 Mercer Street, both of this too, had high regard for Miss folks are aware that New Jersey the meeting of the Carteret Bus Overture and National Anthem, definite fire halard. Many blazes is planning a convention this sum- check for $40.37. forged the sig- place. costly not only In property but In Graeme's work, and declared nature and cashed it. nessmen's Association held at 53 Freddy Sleckman and Orchestra. that he had discussed with her mer to revise the constitution, an Makwinskl said Williams' car Roosevelt Avenue, Tuesday nighi lives have been traceable to thi| (others' Club is The check was Issued by the overturned on Roosevelt Avenue, Sid Raymond, Master of Cere- the fact that since the Demo- Informal sidewalk poll Indicated The meeting was called for th very condition and I hope that al today. American Agricultural Chemical at the intersection of the Old Trol- express purpose to discuss a •> president; Mrs. Ste- participants, Some have reduced For Local 440, C.t'.O. won't know or care what it's al ''•iiikD, vice-presiifent; Mrs, Note: Contributions to this column must be in this office on a Spree. the Ladies' Auxiliary, Brotherhood : only a few items. Others have not of Israel. A curd party and social .bout." ' "iviilru, treawrtr; Mrs. no later than Tuesday of each week. They must be made in reduced a full It) per cent." Mary Barnett and Co., A Musi- CARTERET — General Indica- cal Surprise. tions point to a big success of the followed. - Strom, secretary; and writing. The merchants decided to study Winners in cards at this meeting 1 N"-Mas Seibert, Wording further the price cutting plan. Cirl Scout Leaders dance to be held by Local 440, Woman's Club VnU t MAY Electric, Rudio and Machine. Work- were Mrs. Harry Chodosh, Mrs. At Monthly Session Harry Gordon, Mrs. Samuel Cho- Plans Closing Dinner ::'"'^-, nf tins committee Is 2—May Dance sponsored by Orioles Social Club ut St. Jame«' ers Union, C. I. O. in "Bt. James' Hall. Ban on Boblck's Orchestra. List Registration Date Hall, Longfellow Street, tomorrow dosh, Mrs. Morris Chodosh, Mrs. " "'•"'" the parish hall.Taes- 8-3—Minstrel Bhow to be presented by the First Presbyterian , CARTERETV-Qirl Scout leaders Leo'Ilockman, Mrs. Eldney Foxe, CARTERET—The Evening De '•""":• at 8 o'clook when For Kindergarten Class of the borough met this week at night. Johnny Jacobs; orohestra 1 Church Choir at 7:45 P. M., In the church basement. will play. V Mrs, Samuel Novltt and Mrs. Ben- partment of the Carteret Woman '•"'• win be made for the 3—Wedding of Rose M. Ooceliak and Frank A. Lorenc at 4 the Public Library. Miss Victoria jamin Zusm&n. Hostesses were Jlub will meet May 12 at the hurt CARTERET — The registration Gutowski was In charge of the VISITS RELATIVES Mrs. Simon Meutcher and Mrs. of Miss Catherine Filo. 44 Uic iuh.-r.s of the Mothers P. M., Sacred Heart Church. of children who will attend the I—Vaudevllle show sponsored by Carteret Local, Patrolmen's session. CARTERET~44r», Charles Ur- Meyer KoblenU. Election of offi- Avenue, when final plans will b ""'"-i on Sunday, May Kindergartens of the Washington Miss CHoria Hopp and Miss cers will be held at the May 12 completed for the closuiH dlnnt nmch hall at 1:80 A.M. Benevolent Association in Carteret High School Audi- und Cleveland schools beginning In banskl. Washington Avenue, Is torium. Gutowski reported on the Girl meeting. scheduled for June. h Hfi- (tie church in a body September will be held in the Scout sectional conference held in visiting relatives lit Pittsburgh, Pa At the last meeting held at Ul 7—Carteret Woman'B Club dinner and theatre party in New will reeelve holy oom- Kindergarten rooms of these home of Mrs. Laura Gerek i York City. New Brunswick. iimh iiiuwi. popfeulon schools on the afternoons of June The Girl Scouts will participate Woodbrldge, the following ata IHI Haim day evening, 8—Meeting of Carteret Civic League at Borough Hall, 8 P. M. 2, 4, and 5, between the hours of was chosen: Mrs. Ambrose MudraJ 10—Wedding of Stephanie Podsobtnskl and Frank Padusnlak at in the local Memorial Day parade. A fiw Daring People ' o'clock. . 1 P. M. and 3:30 P. M. Parents At the next meeting. May IB, a first chairman; Miss Katherlr, Holy Family Church. desiring to enroll their children In Grech. second chairman; Mr 11—Mother's Day program, auspices of Carteret Jewish Com- guest speaker will talk on badge Kindergarten for next fall should work and troop planning. Yesterday Was "Moving Day" in Carteret Oerek, third chairman; Mrs. Ells Entertain munity, Falcon Hall, 2:J0 P. M. bring them for enrollment at one Sweda, treasurer; Anna Fronkuri i-i*t 1*—Meeting of Carey Council, Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph's of the times stated herein. But There Was Little Moving Going On f' l' nung School Hall. secretary, and Mrs. Edward Kuclt 13—May party. Girl* friendly, St. Mark's Church. Registrants must be live years Dinner Party Follows seeking to move walked around ski, Mrs. Prank Cwja and Mr '••Kl'iT Mr. 1 of age by January l, 1946, and CARTERDT •* fW the nrct John A. Turk, board of directors Bam Dance sponsored by Wings A. ©., at St. James Hall. Christening Ceremony time In five year* yesterday was the neighborhood, looked over -mulak, of Iu, ffWlu.| Meeting of Star Landing Post, VFW, at Borough Hall, a must present birth certificates. the "fw Rent" signs in the win- "t lus borou|tt.;«nter- •They are also expected lo present "moving day" ft Oarteiet, but P. M. , CARTKRET^MrTand Mrs. Fred there were few »rln» people. dow, picked the one they liked Carteret Men Fined •" " dinner Partap ru»u>r 15—qfyod Sale, iUdlat' Auxiliary, Congregation oCtaving Justice.' vaccination certificates when they Qombos, Lowell Street, entertained enter school In September. Vaccin- . May 1 in oMnary times was beat, haggled over the rent and l«~Woddlog ofKathleen Fedorcsak and George Horvath, Jr., at a christening dinner In honor insisted on certain guarantees In Perth Ainboy Court ."'•"v Aim m 3ti ation oartifUatea can, however, be moving day all over tha coun- . «t. BUubeth's Church, 4 P. M. of their daughter, Fianclne, She from the landlord, then they presented at the school when thi try, Leases exDlrM and people, CARTERET — Paul Oreplfei Jlr-LendeW flpund Table, Eastern District, Rarltan Council, was christened at St. Elisabeth's tired of, their UUuUorda or Just called the mover and "ordered" Boy BcQtttft of America, at Borough Hall, 7 P. M. child registers for Kindergarten. Church by Rev. Theodore Huber. Mercer Street, 31, altd If the P«ect haa already had th« anxious to get a Change of scen- him for May 1, Bale Kxinsored by Sacred H»art Po»t CWV, | Mrs. Mary MarkpwlU and John ery, decided W,mov». Krupa. 23.123 Shai'ot 8t 1 l) Of law iAndiM Post, VFW, $t Borough Hall, 8 cMd vaeclnated. Bandor ware sponsor* With the housing shortag*— tned |25 each by R "' IN "The folks thp moved yes- Sellyel In Perth A terday, lust m W.1B waa Just) and an acute one at tha,t~M*y t KKTUBN tfcOM WASHINGTON QN TRIP WBf ~ eviction $ •ttlf, m Gwteret became Just anothw day in the on charges of dl : : Krupa also CAHTSWrr ~ Mr «M Km. CARTERET-rlArs. Charloi So- truefcw said. V- - -. •• year whwv people oWt move, the V JUNE John WeWcy, Idffcr 8t»at» to- ptoafci, m Iwenon Street, it teeauat Uxt* was nti Kite* to Wssesjion ol ftlHtal KU(,INM mm to M«w*ulH# BOIf, turn PAGE TWO FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947

MISS BONNER ORADUATE8, TRAINING Truman prepares to transfer ] Ratio of niJes over redemptions Mr*, Cutter Entertain* Pvt, Arnold Prapk rent control to cxpwllUr. | of savings bonds shows rise. | Mi$s Lorrair\e CABTBJMrr — Misa Mary Bon- Mark* lfith Birthday hegion Auxiliary ner, this boroiigh, wa» a number. Cleversey, son of Mr. and, Mrs. CHWSTENSEN'S of the grAdtiAtinR class of Ht. Frank Cleversey, 19 Liberty Stre«t, CARTEKET — Mill Lorraine CARTERET -Mrs. Clifford Cut- Peter'* Hospital School of Nursing has arrived at the Port Dix Rt- Krlssak, daughter of Mr and Mrs, ler, Lincoln Avenue, was hostess to in New Bmnswlck at graduation plncninent Training Center, for an YES SIR, cxr-rrtses held this week. John Krlwak, wiu glvpn n party the Legion Auxiliary nt her home el?ht weeks course In Army Bacla by her parents In honor of her this weelL A social was enjoyed nnd Training. MR. PRESIDENT plRhtcenth birthday. Musir nnd cards wore played. Mrs. John Ken- MRS. O'IJEAR AT IIOSWTAI, Rameg were enjoyed. Prior to entering the service on Guests were Matilda Hnwrwik, nedy won the special prize. CARTERET — Mr8 . Joseph March 28, 1947. Private Clevewey Helen Kovacs, Jean Snwrznk, WlnnerR ol the prizes for cards O'I/>nr, Wheeler Avenue, Is a sur- attended Carteret. High 8chool for Helen Solte^, M»r«arel Luhovy, wrrr Mrs. Harry Matin. Mrs. F.rn- al patient at St. Barnabas Hoo- two and a half years, and was JACKSON'S Helen Suhar. Margaret Klsh, nil of est Waltz. Mrs. OenrRe Kurt/. pltal, Newark. employed by the Hallbrook Hat town, Claire Past of Rnhwny, Al Mrs. William Coin, Mrs. August Company, here. Sebestn, Mrs. Ann Coiba, Mrs. Hlmonsen, at Scwaren. James Dec- HIRTHPAY, mand, John. Jw,ue», Eugene Urv- Hurold Hdwnrds, Mrs. Catherine SERVES AB BEST MAN, Olnda, Mrs. Joseph O\tUtia, Mrs. BT—Marilyn IS COOPERATING eiln, Qeorge Levans, James Mnrth, CARTERETt-Andrew Tath. tljla Eimene Piston, Louis Kreklak and Ida Qulinii. Mrs. Prank, Qrajgen, ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Ursula Freeman, Mrs. Wil-Kukulya, 39 Chrtatopl^er Street, borough, served as bept n»an at Harold M«>rt|h|en, all of Perth the wedding oi Miss Olga H»wHa Amboy. J liam Casey, Mrs. John Elko, Mrs.marked her fifth birthday this IN, A S Thomas Jakeway, Mrs. Loretto and Anthony Duvieje at Pprt week. Reading Saturday. TO MEET Nevlll, Mrs. Joseph Symchlk, Mrs, Michael Sofka, Mrs Howard Belt- ATTBNIJ lL CARTERET—The bonrd of di- er. Mrs. Walter Vnnnh, Mrs. Louis GROUP TQ MEET rr>ct,nrs of the Carteret Woman's CABTBRbT—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peterson. Mrs. A. C Hundemann, CARTERET — Mrs. August Kos- Club will m«et Monday at 2 P. M. Mrs. Walter Hak, Mrs. Hawy Price, Matthew Avenue, attended nl the home of Mr*. John Reid. the funeral of a relative In New tenbader, 103 Hermann Avenue, SALE Olerknpr, Mrs. Bertha Bishop, will entertain the Mother-Teacher Heald Street. York Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Sldun, Mrs. Thomas Association of the First Presby- Larkln, Mrs. Charles Czswskl, Mrs. Dirt In R»ln Soviet, array deserters said to terian Church at her home Tues- Victor Karmonooky, Mf, ajjd, Mrs. day. Every raindrop ii (armed around August Ambotl nnd Mrs. Theodore )i!ue to escape return to Russia. '.V a particle of dirt, dujt or other for- Pfennig. 1 eign substance. The next. meetlnR will b? held HHItHttlltlHIIIIIIHItlll I". May 14 nt the home of Mrs. Charles 10% •RlugB in Post Boulevard. OFF ON EVERYTHING CLUBS—TEAMS M8ET THE & 4 • TO ATTKNI) PI.AY rt> DII All KlaJn «f l*tf»rlD« CARTERET — Deborah Hebek- IN EVERY <»n .lnfl^ptiit KtVmifrrN, etc. ah LodKe will meet toalghtat Odd- \lnrt ^TirnUb Itnlfnrma Fellows Hall, at 7 O'OJOQK, and a, DEPARTMENT MO1IKHN MKN'» SHIM' Tt MAIN STIIBKT lialf an hour later travel by bus to p. w<>oi>ii.|«ir>(jF, i*. .i. • _ Millburn, where the grow will From Friday, May 2nd, to attend ii play. Saturday, May 10th We Show,No favoritism. For Mothers of all ;IV,^ IT COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK! we've gift« aplenty, Beautiful xitt*, useful ^ifts— yifl that wW win their way ri>tht 1o your Mom's heart. For all the wonderful things Mother (joes far ycm every day of the year, tayc one of our prize packaxr- "To'Mother with Love." HOSIERY Z on May Gotham Stripe SILKRAFT 5 S H A R I J«w<-.l«w ll(l'l\<; S. SM.l.S. I'rap, , Cannon - Berkshire J27 FUWOS ST. VVOODBRlnr.E, N. J, Hi \\I»)IIIIUIIM,K Regulars - Extra Longs Illllllllllllllllllllllllt OuUlzes

ii ii ,' ! ,^-' RAYONS* .94- 1.22

FOR QUALITY, STYLE AND DISTINCTION —— EXTRA SPECIAL JACKSON'S NOW IN STOCK Finest N«tiowdly Advertised OR ASK YOUR DECORATOR FOR SAMPLE BOOKS ** CLOTHES, ; NYLONS NEW YORK 50 146. SMITH STREET WALLPAPER and PAINT CO- Regular 11.65 (Boxed) 358 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY PERTH AMBOT, N, I Since 1920 f LINGERIE SLIPS Here's the Answer Mr. President fyurbizQii m $2.25 Slmr-loq, PERTH AMBOY'S S2.98 - $5.98 GOWNS A lovely assortment of shem, cottons, crinkled crepes and beautiful rayons. $2.98 • i$5,98 PANTIES Luxite 8tep-Ins—Brieij. lar und Extra Sizes. 89c up

DIAMOND RING MOTHERS lasting devotion merits the finest gift of all—jewelry! The FRIBAY MAY 2ND THR0U6K S^BtflAY, MAY Iflffl perfect combination of beauty and tentiment. F MORE THAN KM) STORIES A«E COO^ERAT1N<; TO BRING YOU SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE AT GLAMORQVS LAPEL PINS Enchant her with one of our beau- tiful lapel pirvi, ch<^ from, a, (EXCEPT PRICE-FIXED : wiije selection. Yq«, hur*>f» thft unmer of the members of the Perth UJfAiiUMjfwhant^ Amn. to your retjuejtfl NxUMlutmince

noU war-made goods — ttliT svuwiutblu nierrJumdiw. Oleajrdnj; with calw, our bracelets will LOW EH j her, MOTHER «|tracti«e »»k>ction of

•* • i SEE «w display \ » OUR STORES

I Tmmi: * t^W11 , w ••%!%* l»lf • kyxfa Gift Store PRESS FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1M7 PA(» T8BK§

Joyce Kthrkto, wrauin Elizabeth Barney Bride Rose Dacko Bride Session is Held Holy Family Church Is Scene Church to Give 8r.. Daisy Hoffman, August demtnn, Betty and Rose Of Navy Veteran By Mission Circle James Prater, Vtntala Of Gorski-Gotowicki Nuptials Minstrel Tonight DorU Rektel. Phyllis tettl, hi ,, , Miss Rh wedding trip to Washington, D. C, CARTERET — The marriage of She had • matching headdress CARTERET — St. Demetrius' CARTERET—The second meet- CARTERKT—The senior choir othy VanPelt, Fred Ward and I ,h,ii,iii(T of Mr. and and for traveling the bride worn a Miss Mary Ootowickl, daughter of and she carried a colonial bouquet Ukrainian Church was filled to Ing of Old Acquaintance Mission of the First Presbyterian Church ward Worth. . M.,n,ry, 52 Washlng- gray suit, with black accessories. Mr, and Mrs. Benedict Ootowickl, of spring flowers. capacity with friends and rela- Circle was held at St. Joseph's il(,,.iiiiif the bride of Both are RraduRtps of St. Mary's 70 Essex Street, to Stanley Qorskl, MIM Jean Kosel as bridesmaid, will present a minstrel tonight and Ives Saturday afternoon for the H-iiilfV. -Jr., eon of High School In Perth Amboy. The Hall, was well attended. It was son of Mr. and Mrs. atanley Gor- was gowned In aquamarine styled tomorrow In the church hall. wedding of Miss Rose Dacko, , n,,,mns M. Hanley, bride also attended Newark pre- opened with the. singing of "Auld ski, 8r, of Elisabeth, took place the same as the maid of honor's. PLUMBING daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank leorge Sloan will be the Interlo- „ .;,,nrt.. Perth Amboy, paratory flchoo! and is employed Lang Syne", followed by » prayer John Kaszuba, cousin of the uter with H. F Edwards, Zeke Dacko, 80 Heald Street, to Walter Saturday afternoon at. 4 o'clock at AND ' i,-. chmch hern, 8at- n the Elizabeth officr of the New bridegroom, was the best man, Elliott, Don Elliott and Ronald Ctnurchln, son of Mr. and Mrs, and hymn, the Holy Family Trinity Church. , ,„'„ HOV. Victor Ora- Jersey Bell Telephone Company Sister Mary Loretta gave an out- The double-ring ceremony was Anthony Gotowlckl. brother of the ihanley as the end men. Mrs. D, HEATING " ,l at, the nuptial Nicholas Clnurchln, Jersey City. l!r Her husband, who .served three line of future activities to be car- performed by Rev. M. A. Konopka, bride, was the usher, and Michael Bennett Is musical director with Oil BwMra InaUlM . and a half years with the II. ^ Rev, John Hundiak, pastor of the ried out by the circle. A summary Sieklerka. godchild of the bride- Mrs. Thelma Webb, pianist pastor of the church. JOBBING PROMFTLT Army, is now employed by the church, performed the double- of parliamentary procedures was groom, was the ring bearer. The following will give solos: , ]VWi In marriage by Shell Oil Laboratories In Sewaren ring ceremony. given by Sister M. Colette. The Following a wedding trip to New Lillian Bunce. Winifred Diets, t ATTBNDRD TO ,vtl,r a white satin The bride, given In marriage by The bride, escorted to the altar circle voted to purchase club pins. her father, was attired In a white York City, Mr. and Mrs. Qorskl Helen Elliott, Ruth Oaydos, E •i .;\\ pftheurt neckline, Barbara Lorentz. Ruth Orban by her father, appeared In a gown After accepting the resignation slipper satin gown with a sheer will reside at the borne of the ,„!„•,. nnd a full skirt of Skinner's satin colonial styled of Miss Rita Shuck, Miss Marlon John Orban, Florence Perry, Eula S. CISZAK Church Notes yoke insert and her bouffant skirt bridegroom's pa»ents. For travel- ,,„!,.,] in a long train. gown having a bustle back. A Pluta was elected secretary. Miss lie Prater and Jean Ward. Others Telephone Carteret 1-4411 extended Into a long train A fin- Ing. Mrs. Qorskl wore a black and p |,,.|ri in place her fin- THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN crown of seed pearls held In place Dorothy Dumansky was appointed in the cast will be Jeannlne Beech, 41 LOCV8T 8TMBT ;,( illusion tulle and she gertip veil of French Illusion was white checked suit with black ac- Gertrude Berchard, James Ball CHURCH her full length veil of Illusion tulle Sacristan to Inform the memtxrs CARTERKT, N. J, fi'H' • arranged from H crown and she cessories and had a corsage of red Vivian Colgan, John Donnelly. •vintp prayer book cov- Carteret, New Jersey and she carried a bouquet ol call a of their spiritual duties. The circle will receive communion at the carried a white prayer book rosea. •unclllas. Rev. D. E. Urenti, Minister lilies. 10:15 mass this Sunday and Will ,,,„,.( Lukach, cousin marked with gardenias and baby's ,,,, Sunday Program Miss Ann Dacico, sister of the hold a private May crowning on breath EXCURSION JUNE 29 I,, wns her maid Of bride, was the maid of honor and the last Sunday In May. ,h,. wore a peach mar- Sunday School at 9:45. Classe Miss Alice Ootowlrkl. sister of CARTERET—At a meeting this or all ages. Special Class for men wore a moss green -faille gown Misses Veronica Kearney, Anne ,,„ with a matching the bride, was the maid of honor, week, the Holy Name Society of Remember Mother.. and women. with an apron effect in front and Neville, Catherine Fahey, Angelina St. Joseph's Church advance bonnet, she carried an She wore a yellow starched chiffon Morning Worship at 1:100. a bustle back. She had a matching Lauffenberger and Theresa Green gown with a fitted bodice and full plans for Its excursion to Rye ,M| bouquet. were appointed to prepare refresh- Special music by the choirs. Ser- plume headdress and carried a skirt trimmed with a double ruffe. Beach, scheduled for June 29. She Never Forgets! Hi Kimbach, Miss Bve- mon by the pastor on "The Vital ments for the next meeting to be Mi- cascade of American-Beauty roses. iin aunt of the brtoe- Touch." Miss Ann Oleknyn, of Jersey held May 13. Misses Patricia Kear- ,i Miss Patricia Wte- Mother-Teacher Association City, and Miss Betty Rohaly, of ney, Dorothy Putnlck. Julia Held and Violet Medwlck were in charge i he bridesmaids. They The monthly meeting of the Carteret, were the bridesmaids, of hospitality. ilia marquisette gowns Mother-Teacher Association will and Florence Muszyka was Junior MOTHER'S goodman's gift shop l nim sweetheart bon- be held on Tuesday evening at bridesmaid. They all wore gowns After the singing of the circle's own theme song "Three Cheers nurled old fashioned 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. made the same as the maid of 71 Washington avenue August Kostenbader. 103 Herman For 0. A. M. C." the meeting was honor's but carried cascades of Avenue. All ladles are invited. adjourned, after which social ac- served as the yellow roses. DAY carteret, new Jersey Scout Troop 81 Birthday Dinner tivities and refreshments were en- s best man. and ushers Troop 83 will observe the 34th Following a weddlnR trip to the Joyed. CA. «-»5W — K,,b,Tt Qlassett, Martin Adirondack Mountains, Mr. and SUNDAY, MAY 11TH It if anniversary of Its first organization Mini Frank McOulre. U(lv- on the evening of May 18th at 7:00 Mrs. Clnurchln will reside at the and is a veteran of four years in i Mrs. Hanley are on a • Mi im with a dinner ftfr parents, former home of the bridegroom's parents. the U. S. Navy. He is now, em- Scouts and Scouter.s nnri officials Tor traveling, the bride wore a ployed by General Motors, in AKI) OF THANKS of the church and friends. Tickets powder blue dress with black top- Linden. Give the best for the best for the dinner will bo 60 cents and per and accessories and had an We've spent weeka collecting gifts for ,h tn express our sin- Walter Marusln, of Newark, was iVr u can be obtained from members of orchid corsage. girl in the World. Day—May 11th. ; ks io alt our relatives, best man. Myron Dacko, brother •crii' in ,he troop. Two Srouts of the troop ,iml neighbors for their Mrs. Cinurchln attended Car- of the bride and John Howesco, will be presented with the Protes- Now, we are ready for you to come in and the ,i ih of kindness, donated teret High School and is employed of Bridgeport, Conn, were ushers, For lasting beauty— tant "God and Country Award" , iitifut floral tributes In Linden. Her husband is a grad- Edward Dacko, another brother of gift which will me.n YOU to HER! Icai i;t which will be the first such awards flowers from bouquets given uate of Jersey City High School the bride, was Junior usher. for the Rarltan Council. Uinti recent bereavement Jin [!•' of our beloved hus- To Attend Convention DISTINCTIVE GIFTS fiitlier, Michael Kol- jbaii'i .UK Representatives of the local JULIUS KLOSS Inok J church will be delegates to the • i-pt-nally wish to thank Fourth Annual State Convention Roosevelt Hotel Bar — CARTERET — $1 to $15 111.1 IHr' v 0. S. Roskovics, the of the Westminister Fellowship ,.. ciub, (he Pipe Shop Convention to bo held in Trenton STEVEN KUTCY, Prop. carry a message of sincerity. Whether it is an azalea, hydrangea, rose bush, old-fashion combination pot (all of which can be IDciii .: u s. Metals Refining on Saturday, May 10. Those at- Hallmark Mother's Day Cards rinpliivrrs of the Creosot- tendihR will be Doris and Vivian 545 ROOSEVELT AVENUE ' CARTERET planted in the garden), fresh cut flowers or a corsage—Mother Id). > will greatly appreciate It. p;,,!!• of Port Reading, the Coltsan. Joyce Ethrldgc, August OfEN 9 A. M. TO 10 A. M. DAILY AND SUNDAY mi First Aid Squad; the Hundemmm and Rev D. E. Lorentz, CARTERET 8-5232 F.T.D.MEMBER irani-.. ihe Carteret Police Proudly Presents md K; N. Bizub for sat- •I,II v services rendered. G.O.P. WOMEN TO MEET CARTERET—A meeting or the Mis Michael Kolnok 8r. "THE 3 ROGUES" Ladles' Republican Club will be and Family. held In Fire Hall tonlRht. • SHORTY STAN • MOL PRESIDENT TRUMAN- SPECIAL COOPERATING STARTING SATURDAY NIGHT We are cooperating with you! We are slashing prices Hillbilly Music and Singing to a reasonable level! SALE! DANCING - FUN FOR ALL SITAR'S FOOD MARKET SUITS & TOPPERS DELICIOUS HOT AND COLD SANDWICHES SERVED 719 ROOSEVELT AVENUE CARTERET, N. J. —TELEPHONE CAHTEKET 8-6457 — VAL TO $49.95 FLEXEES DRESSES ACTION^FREE =LOO Kl 2 PC. INCLUDED REGULAR SIZE 9c - 2 for 17c $10 / H VAL. TO $29.95 BITTER SUITS and COATS up to 35% off JOIN OUR DRESS CLUB

[New YorkHat & Dress Shop IC95 190 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J.

Srooolh-fitiing, figure-slimming, OR * SIOM and oh, to easy to wear! Jo»l five oun

control to make you figure-

ptrfscf. And to comfortable!

In gleaming rayon tatln with * liinlnJayj, anniyersaries, graduation!, a '•<« |ob-«ll are occaslbo* tot rejoicing laitique ttdea and ttrtfch back ds wHl as for redaction and new resolve. * l»«her or not a lilt of resolutions is made, ... creottd by Flexeii. tht ^omplijhmenpof the past can be either * Small, medium, larg*. Doctors prove 2 out of 3 wonwu can have lovelier skin in 14 daya! Palmolive bath size—foi uhin ' '" 8 pou or a signpost to a brighter Tub or Shower^—big, giant thrifty cake 14c—3 for 41c luu"i Careful self-appraisal is often as revealing as a 511)1 •>• inventory, But no nutter what the goal, the ability 11' '••H-h it depead* on health. Your physician stands ready Fluair. f>ra, THE PUIOMA DESIGN .. $U« $5 M -LOOK! - -LOOK!- IAK '" your physical inventory at anytime. Why not seek Ffe,*#ej f irdlei and comkJnoHoni. BUOOKFIEU) " Ml*Ke now? His suggestion* can"be relied upon for a ARMOUR'S lb.58c New 1947 Super Suds 3k BITTER WILSON'S 1( 11 "'" health program, (? A HEAL K ph.rmadtt iff OO duly at all times to fill Kraft's Velveeta Cheese GIRfEUDE^S COLGATE'S VEL HfEClAL a.. AA fELS NAPHTHA OR M Specialty & Youth Shoppe lobby's Apple Sauce &? 2 tor 29c *IRKMAN»S SOAP — FORMERLY BARAIYN YOUTH SHOP - 19c WASHINGTON AVENUE '•V. PAOB FOUR FRTDAY 2, 1047

CkMren Get E»tate Carey Council, K. C. Market Knorr is Miss Uhouse Wtds Pete Youth Shoppe Here Of Andrew Petrach Will Meet May 12 lei Reawn, Mr*. W^lt CARTKRET Carey Council. CARTERET —• Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. Ujfuulft Fieem»n anf ' son nf Mr. and Mrs'John Podnr, and Youth Shoppe." Mrs. Clln- AT DIfSTRJCT O8,OWN1N(; His daiiKhrpr Frances, was plvfn nnd Mrs. Nicholas Tlunisr, '/ rnlh- ing accessories. f,ht KHest speaker Rt thr last mpct- Pauser. son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Wil- 30 McKUiley Avenue, took place cliiuisky Is the former nrrtle ZUs- CARTERET — Mlsa Kim a cash bequest of $3,000 and the rvlnc Htrepl lo Peter Vlrnn. son of Mr;;. Vlran Is a graduate of Car- Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock tnR. SU'phpii C/yzcw.skl, rhnlrman Ham Fausrr fir., of Bayvlew Manor, inani who was connected with Schuck and Miss Angelina i remainder of the eslntr was left Mr. a till Mrs. .1dm Vlnili, W) <''•"' leret High School and Is em- at the Free Magyar Reformed of the council's hnwlliiR learn, an- the Kornblau's here nnd the Para- South Amboy, look plnre at St. nounced that the council won tin1 fenbe.rger Will represent KI to two sons, Stephen and Andrew, leirl. Avenue. Rfv Anthony Mubcr ployed by Hie Nu-Way Cleaners. Church here. Rev. Alrxntidfr Dar- mount Simp in Perth Amboy. Mary's Church rectory Saturday championship of New >rs<\v K. nf seph's Church at the annim. Wjth the former being named ex- Her husband Is a graduate of Car- oczy, pastor of the church, per- afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. Francis officiated at thr doublr-riiir, me- C. bowling trams for the second The new owners carry a full line trict crowning to be held in W, ecutor. The will, dated November teret High School and is also af- formed the double-ring ceremony 1 .1. Sullivan performed the cere- mony. time , f'lans were furthered to take of ladies' lingerie, foundations to Stadium, Perth Arnboy, MH.V I 14, 1945. was witnessed by fimll mony. Given In manlagr 1)Y Her fallicr. filiated with the Nu-Way Cleaners. The bride, Riven in marriage part in the eastern tournament in fit every figure and a full line of Stremlftii and Mrs RSIP Bartok. He served three and one-half Mrs Kenneth Batterson of Perth thr bilde wore an Ivory snlin and by her father, wore a white satin Philadelphia May in. U alidi2. Flexlee Bras and Flexes, as well Grailano will box Zale r,,, Amboy was the matron of honor lace sown wiUi a hteh lace neck- years In the U. S. Navy, lnclUdliiK gown styled with a sweetheart ns children's andinfants' wrar. In Clevela'nd or f:hlcago i:n,,, neckline, long sleeves with point Arthur Rucki'iegel and Jospph and Fred Kath of South Amboy line, a fitted bodice nml a lon« nine months In the Pacific. CasalegRl wore chosen for dele- ushered. to the fingertips and a full skirt. train wiUi scnlloped lace edgps. i A fingjr-ttp length veil of Illusion gates to BO to the Atlantic City The bride wore a perrlwlnkle Her veil had ft lace manUlln which via* arranged from her headpiece confersnee to be held in Atlantic blue suit with navy blue acces- oxtetulni into n fingertip veil of Church Choir Honors of orange blossoms and she car-City May 9 and 10. Alternates are STORE Illusion which was scalloped with James Dunne and Andrew Hlla. sories and had a whit* orchid cor- | Mrs. Eulnlie Prater ried a bouquet of calla lilies. sage The matron of honor had an lace, and she carried u cascade of Mrs. Hose Warne of Pleasant aqua suit with brown accessories white lilies. CARTERET Mrs. William El- Plains, S. I., maid of honor, was and a corsage of sweetpcas and Miss Mildred Musco wns irmld liott, 44 Hermann Avenue, enter- attired In a yellow net gown YOUR carnations. or honor, Mrs. Robert Wilson, ma- tained at her home sit a wedding trimmed with ruffles and a net The couple are touring the New tron of honor, and Miss Dorothy shower in honor of Mrs, Eulalie crown She carried a bouquet of KAMNC MIQUETS England States and upon return, Uhouse wad the bridesmaid. Ern- members of the c.hnir of the First tea roses. will reside at the home of the Prater. The affair was arraiiRCd by hi yowr coal bin est Mesnfos served as the bride- William Lukacs of Warren FURS bridegroom's parents. Presbyterian Church. groom's best man nnd Robert Wil- Street, this place, served as best Guests we the, Misses Virginia •Wl RMMWy ill son and Harold Edwards ushered. man. Price, glorence Perry, Betty Or- IN The maid of honor wore a blue Mr. and Mrs. Fodor will reside ypw potktt. Try ban, Lillian Bunce. Joyce Ether- at Stapleton, S. I. after returning and pink tniTpta and marquisette idRe, Vivian Coltian, Doris Ditto, from their wedding trip toWash- tWj new, streamlined OUR How Much Kown with an ofl-the-shoulder Hstello Beech, Annie Lokos, Bette Ington, D. C. For traveling, the neckline, fitted bodice and bouf- Bok. Mary Bok, Jeannle Beech, bride wore a light blue gabardine MononiY fuel, made fant skirt. She had a blue and Jean Ward, Phyllis Snell, Mar- suit with navy blue accessories. MODERN Do You Know pink picture hat and carried a naret Hritt, Mrs. Helen Elliott, with small sizes of cascade of pink Klaclloll. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards, Famopi Reading The matron of honor and brides- Mrs. R. L. Keys, Mrs. Thelma SCIENTIFIC about Christian Science? maid wore pink and blue taffeta Webb, Mrs. Helen Bok. Mrsi . LS./M.FX Anthracite —pressed and marquisette KOWHS styled the Charles Dalton, Si'., Mrs. Emma Even If you know nothing, same as the maid of honor's with Kovacs, Mrs. John Starek, Mrs. • Could Also Mean! into a shape Uke this about Christian Science, take 'the color combination in reverse. Jesse Sullivan, Mrs. Stanley Mac- VAULTS this opportunity to learn loch, Mi's, Edward SchulU, Mrs, Mr nnd Mrs. VirftR are on a Slnrt / some of the facts abmit this Marion Groiiman. Mrs. Tneresa scientific religion which wedding trip to Niagara Palls, Lokos, Mis. Steven Bok, Mrs. Jewelry speak* the language of love. TelTyour Motl.,T. ON heals sickness and solves N. Y., Canada and the New Eng- Chillies Dalton, Jr.. Mrs. John tnat ifs in ur ear wit 1 I . . . Here fit Moiiern Men's this spring day »H y° ^ )> h a iin,,J human problems. land state. ;. After their return, Beech, Mrs. Robert Seel, August Hlmip In tin' jiiTfect nnRwer to a watch, a necklace from our sparkling collection! OUR Accept this invitation on Hundemann, Ronald Shanley, Wil- I nil men wlm Imve a clothing behalf of yourself, your fam- liiim Elliott, Jr., Don Elliott, Fred prcililoi", For RprlnR anil sum- u»e your credit. ily, and your friends. Ward, Thomas Bowler, Adam mer, lei us nelfi't nn iiiilllt. for PREMISES I.eschinski, Adam GJnda. James ymir riimforl. Slop In! A Free Lecture Prater and Stephen Bok. • entitled ZIMMERMAN GBADIIATES "Christian Science: CARTEjRET—William R. Zlra- Jte INSPECTION The Buwis of mprmnn, seaman, second class, son Loans... of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zimmer- r OF OUR Enduring Peace"" man. 33 Atlantic Street, has been 'graduated from the wire Control I mmssHOP Al'TIIOIUZKI) B1M)VA DEALER hj 11m. Kll»al>r4)i Carroll School at the Naval Training Cen- 75 MAM ITKEtT VAULTS ftrott, r.H.II., ONLY M ^.00 PER TON nf Mdiuililx. 'I'rniiPHrp ter, Great Lakes, 111. <& SHARI INVITE!) Member «r I ho llnnril cif I,cr- COSTUMI, linvxliip nf Tlii" Mother rlmrrli, Tin- Klrsl c.hurHi nf WE GLADLY COOPERATP] WITH WARR AND Clirl-it, Sc-li-iitl»t, In llostim, WHICH Jewelers MIIMK. COAL & SUPPLY CO. IRVINfi S. SALLS. Prop. PRESIDENT TRUMAN ON JIWIiRV 327 FULTON STREET RELIG1OIS Sunday, May 4, Tel. Woodbrldee 8-07IM HIPfllRS ST. GEORGE AVENUE WOODBRIDGE, N. J. JEWELRY 3:30 P. M. tXmt ftafuctfoa or. WOOOBKimJK K-1223 WOODBRIDGE f.H.A.fktnsl PRICE REDUCTION WOODBRIDGE, N. J. In • Prompt Impectfon LOOK AT THESE VALUES! FUR SHOP SCHOOL ,• No BonuT^iarget • BUTCHER LINEN 10SYARD TEIi, WOOD. 8-0770 First Church of CKri • NoComm1wlo» 522 AMBOY AVENUE Scientist, • STRIPED PIQUE 79c YARD Charges^ of Sewaren, N, J. • RAYON PRJNTS l.OpYARP WOODBRIDGE • R#poy monthly, Kb Cordially Invites You • RAYQN PRINTS 1.39YARD • GINGHAMS 68« YARD ftftnttut Mirtft* • CHAMBRAYS 69c YARD BOOKS FOR MOTHERS' DAY • COTTON PRINT IRREGULARS 35p YARD ADULT BOOKS from 49c • CLOPAY PAPER DRAPES 75c PAIR «^| «| WRITING PAPER from S9c ENGAGKMENT, TKLEI'HONK, BIRTHDAY, TRIP |1 C(\ »»«w-.»,,.».;;, AND ADDRESS BOOKS from * »**y POSNER'S FOUNTAIN PENS ....- from $1.00 53 ROOSEVELT AVENUE MOTHER'S DAY CARDS ^' ' $|||t:V--'V 1-2/70 • •,-.'• " CHROME SECTION CARTERET, N. J. CORNER BOOK SHOP * r ! .*. * i. f. n fl \*-?^r 61 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. NEXT TO IDEAL 1&^*5( •>' *t1M

i laWTk

j,,, >m *' Unlit Finishes

MOTHER'S. DAY MAYI-2-Jr till 9 P.M. v .' MAY 11TH ^OE^JtKANDCO - WJ She'll fall in love with her home all over again «« ) when it's brightened up with a few pieces of More and more homes want tfye new i our beautiful furniture J hlomle oaks, bircln'a and maples in Why not give her this it!*."» piunoH. Ttmt ia why we arc Htjpwiue so •sturdy, attractive plat- many of our great name pianoe in ihQW form rpeker, or a won- light-toned woodu. Actually, you could spend a, day and rover many miles IQ der chair and ottoman, the whole metroplitan district and QOt to maJk.*2 a cosy corner •'A find anywhere a better and more varied for reading and relaxa- diepUy of these latent ntyle pianos. Some tion. i A i My the light woods don't ttlww dust as easily. All agree that the light wood* brighten up their surroundings. A fine

|4HtVU. 'f''1**1 (juftbty npiuet piano-iuuakally correct •i ' J^**^ '. *'« «nd tastefully designed—with a highly respected ouue in a lovely light wood or *'!#,' rich mahogany or waliuib u the goaf of every o^usie and home lover. Come in CHOICE OF STYLES and we will t«H you about the broader AND COVERING '.V.f*t terms pow available to you.

We've hundreds of dpi; ferent Mother's Da% Features. Come in and <,#«, convince yourself.

>g their ttore manager, wnploywi of Sear.J^odbuck & C9., Perth Amboy, J 1 fP tao ; a store-wide tal« Mny Ut, !*-•' -- '- •»— »------*>•»• •••

LEPPER aud Co., Inc. , *K HOBAitl

278 HOBART STREET ; AMBOY, N. J. • , •' /" FRIDAY, MAY 2, M? Mrs. Eric Wtolf, Wbmn)s loop. Winner, h Awarded Thpky 1 ai* ti

KKT—-Mrs. Eric Wulf, finishing the, season \yith • \it ii» ' n.iHK*1 "f 1411 to win the individual championship, /,,,, inn Howl Women's League, was presented, with a I liner trophy by the management of the Hill Bowl alleys. '**' , | \ij|UU! wns second and Mrs. Bubenheitner was third. i II,f' V , ,/.. t.-M ..« a - .;t they are! A&P moneyuviiin price* fprevery p^ inrl.'rz — Bd. Walsh 138-9 89 thing for your pantry shelf are ,worth aborting ibout mW ? 1 - Ed. WalaH 136T27 72 9B1? 203 An41 the great varjety of good tWnpp to rat is just as W¥' 1 ,..,, jniak—Ed. Walsh 135-4 72, 9724 183 rave-worthy, too. LUX SOAP FLAKES •.','..,nor - Hill Bowl 134-62 78 10514 183 (K,'rholt — O.L Field* 134*20 78 10492 186 u•;,„, .„ Greenwalde 132-11 39 5159 178 .•1,,-owka — Aly'aDresa 131-11 30 3941 178 Applesauce n 2"" 29« ,,„,,„,,-_Greenw4ld's 130-17 87 11327 SWAJV SOAP t'iKRStt • Aly's DreBS 129-25 84 10861 207 YfiJlow.Cling Peaches jfi- llh;ir - McHale's 129-9 81 10458 169 LIFEBUOY SOAP H,,il — G. L. Fields ,128 81 10368 198 Prujt Cocktail so« < Kopin - McHale's 127-25 33 4216 170 Sujtanft, Prunes M»*«IUI Jb.^.^ Y,.,«.me —McHale'B 126-39 84 10623 175 LUX TOILET SOAP i n.uKhlin —Aly's Dress 124-41 69 8596 197 Sun8>vpct Prunes IWHWIIH }*tm.49c I \, K,,I,V — Hill Bowl 124-16 60 7456 162 Ivory, Soap »*« «11P Ivory Snow M»M 3^O \>rnan — Aly'i Dress 123-8 87 10709 215 Dried>Prunes -»*-urit IM 3».ciB.47c ,,,-ke,ker - McHale'McH a ' 122-45 71 8707 163 Ivory Soap if "^ 17c Oxydql . >H^t$2e. kiG"LFi Grapefruit Juice 3'iS 2S? iMmhrowflki-G".L.Field8 121-9 78 9447 170 Camay. Sq^p «U9« Duz. ', • >t«p*«32e h i horidee — Greenwalds 117-79 87 10258, 167 Grape Juice urim* P..W.29C l'..irtok - Greenwald's 112-42 90 10122 1£7 Palmolive Soap r.'.9« Super Suda *•* 32« ^ • 34« Chiffon i«w "*>>•• jk,'.34e *w, dg Totnatow KS^ "^lQc ^S^ »^21e Won Lost down. W Kd. Walsh 61 29. Sauerkraut urtm 3"^ 25c Hill Bowl 58 38.- J e McHale's .-...-..: 54 36 Cut Beets iwinM 2 °°;15 Aly's Dre*a 34 56 (Ireenwald's 38 64 Fancy Spinach wtom. 2 •"<£ 28c ;j |( LOWER PRICES ONJAIBS V,. h Fields , 27 63 String Beans ibaM^inMCti 2 •',','!• 25c Down go prices on dairy foods — and as usual you can High Team Set count on your A&P to pass the savings on to you, So fox ;^| Sweet PAAA '"" 9JOc*-97<. iMbklt 30oi. in llili Bowl — 2190 Ed. Walsh — 2171 fifth bufter and eggs. . . rich milk and cream . .. and High Individual Set famous cheeKft — shop at A&P. I. Mjnue — 591 , ty. Mjglecz — 520 Sweet Corn nMncrtt»n,i» jon^i^c R, Bubenheipier — 520 Sweet Potatoes Ti»»r, '•«><«IB? ! High Team Single Game A M Aged-Cheddar Cheese * u>63^ McHale's— 779 Aly's Draas—771 Ann Page Beans ...... 2 £ 23c High Individual Single Game lit American M. Miglecz — 227 "I. Minue. — 221 Prepared Spaghetti *•»•• 2"j5f 2S« VAK1KD COLLECTIONS trade checks, foreign coins and IO Topiato Soup *""w 3 C^'28« SPRINGFIELD, HI—Dan Sulli- plastic sale* tokens from Missouri van, who count* the coins from and Colorado. Armour's Treet n« a.35^ the city's parking meters, wUhes Qmde^A' Eggs i he machines were a little nmte Corn.e4 Beef Hash ««*•*•<«*»« Mu*1fc. PI'' luriuular. Among a 20-pound M- Cultural rule by U. S. feared Mueneter ^ggU «•• 43c Margarine UH*'* »39c abroad, says Dr. Bhuster. sorunent, SwlUvy finds Uvern Ajin Page Ketchup i^w.^0* Gold (N Rich ib63c Pure^arA. . »2^ Chili Sauce A«PW n«.i»)26« 3 4 Snappy Cheese ,;; 19o. Grated Cheese p^ . AJUP PAage Preserves rm^v^wHitmnm I^N25« 1 •• 1 ^«N-^^»J^*^JI».'4*-- '^-' •• t '• •tr"mv -• •»«>. Smoked Cheese ,^ 35c Borden*s Sparkle Puddings . . . . . 3 *» 19* Shredded Wheat uu— *• lfc > Buffed; Wheat Sparkies . . , M*^ 1Q«

WVjt Puffs «-.,iw,6e SMOKED: HAMS vJff$£M b-59e IliHlant Coffee i«rt«« i«>410 lb Liptou's Te,a Balls ..... P»B.«HI45C CHUCK ROAST or STEAK f ^ Lipton'sTea nu^uw H!*>t*i^p. POT ROAST Boneless Chuck—No F>t Added lb.59c Nectar Tea

when you buy. Taste the finer; fresher flavor of A^P'B , Broiling md Frying - SUts Under 4 lbs. Ib. 45C Coff«e. You can tell at once what makes it A»etica.'s most popular coffee by millions of pounds. Eight OfClork Coffee . 2^7,7e Lamb Shoulders ewtc«t-ww» it 37° Mild if d Mtllow Veal Shoulder Roasfc ww»i«m* «»55f Red Circle Coffee . . %£«JU Rick a>a»|; FutUBodJed ' Hood JVews! pint box MV" ' Porterhouse Steak t»n» sinrt c«t wu ib ^9c Bokar Coffee . ... • 2b4;85e WISIANA STRAWBERRIES Sirloin Steak r«iiatoici)FIMBTa»4iJudpjr, n>67c Ltitcjiiuf, reil-fipc strawberries . . , pealt.frejli Top Round Steak . • • 16 69" W(J perfectly duticioiis . . . mshetl all the way Irum Louisiana t« your A&l' so you may enjoy WHATW69C duce the tempting cakes, aud cookies , . . thq Veal Breast and Neck . • *.25o tender breads and Fresh Broccoli . . . every one < 1 "r:v.".' L^Ulh ShcH|ltltjr KoUSt Entirely B^^«s*r lb. ^^i deliciously fresh, Graj)efruitMS;lifif4 <« treats in our Dak*ryJD^ »re»i«d»k«.li 25c i Crjsp Table Celery T»«n«r «uu •'•k\ ,LV| $1^.95; Beef Tongues Fresh Pineapple ••*•«» .«h JwNrktr-llMkthi Smoked Shoulders ">47c Dessert Sponge Lt^yers Fresh Rhubarb HWM** «* Sliced Becon ««»»'H This rwq-tone favorite makes yov look and Settle * fool as Cool as Crystal. A ibfftr, " " "'" Radishes Skinless Fraukfurte^rs rayon fabric with contiottlna r*cl Jelly Roll and belt. Fresh<<€augh< Seafood Streusel Fruit Loaf Fresh Buck Shad . .. *)fc hr«*t Mackerel . . *25^ FWBII Cod Steaks . . »5fi«, Fresh Wbjting . » . »19o I

^ WTOtt wmm k \ CARi FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1947 PAGE SIX SILVER SCREEN I Y'uUmu Kasnowski w JarnutowskrWed Andrew Jame* Pirnik Slate Apathy Ditnuu Foster Wheeler Railway Girl Wed Honored on Birtliday If South America ever calls oui (Continued front Faqe 1) To Linden Girl Melick Sets (Continued \rom Pag* 1) Marks Firtt Birthday blufl and does take back Its rhutii have fared better had bids been CARTERET—Victoria Kasnow- ba, samba and other rhythmir 15 rents an hour, plus other bene- sought and pointed out that the To Michael Toth ski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John CARTERET—The marrlnge of lend-lease trapplntfs, It Is sure in fits which, according to Hulnlrk, CARTERET—In honor of the er Wedding Day hose that was bought cost five Kasnowski. Edgar Street, was Miss Stephanie Cieslitiski, daugh- net them back In wonderful shape represents an Increase of less than fkdt birthday of their son, Andrew cents per foot more than the price CARTERET Irene KoRly, given a party fcy her parents in thanks to Twentieth Century-Fox 20 cents an hour. James. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Plr- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cieslinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge honor of her seventh birthday an- whose newest muilcal extravagan CARTERET A '.urpiho mlsrpl- Earlier the company had offered nik. 70 John Street, entertained paid when last, purchased. of Linden, to Stanley Jarnutow- Kosty, Runway, became the bride niversary. za,. "Carnival In Costa Rica,'1 drmi US shower wns tendered Miss n wane rise of seven and one-half it uroup of friends at their home Councilman PotoeniK, chairman skl, son of Mrs. Antjiony Jarnu- of Michael Toth, son of Mr. and up ln gorgeous Technicolor, doc ., Melick recently ul hn hnmr. cents an hour, on the provision In various games were of the Depart menl of Fire and Guests were Janet Sbelag, Mary towski,20 PershltiK Avenue, and the right well by them. The film Charles Strfd in tumor of her that II be a*epted with two con- awarded to Edward Bohayda, Hydrants, explained that the new Mrs. Michael Toth, Sr., this bor- Ann Chamra, Mary Toth, Beah Ed- late Anthony Jarnutowski, took which opened yesterday at the DH :htnE miinuiKc to Edward ditions; first a provision which Thomas Kantra and Irene Hnp- hose wn.s of the "double Jacket" ouRh. at the Greek Catholic mond, Evelyn Puchs, Nancy Lou place Sunday afternoon nt St. mas Theatre, Perth Amboy, \ . Harrington. Tlie nfTnlr was nr~ the union saw as a threat to union slnk. variety and was far superior to the Church, Rahway, Sunday after- Knsnowskl, Nicholas Kasklewlcz, Theresa's Church in Linden. Rev. w everything to gladden the rye Miss Htisr Skui'Rl of security In the plant, and second. Others present were Mr nnd r.he.aper itrndes. He ssiid, too, that noon. Rev. Paul M. Barnyok per- Frank Kertesz, William O'Lear, Edward Kozlowskl performed the ears and hearts of movie tun id Brook » provision which would have sub- Mrs. Tlex Sohayda and sun. Alex. he hud innrie n thorouRh canvas* of formed the ceremony. Janice Richardson, Bruce Szrtbo, ceremony. north and south of the Rio Gramic &l,thie8ts Included the Misses EVP- stituted a company plan of senior- Mi and Mrs. Joseph Kararzknw- the situation and had purchased Erneet Vahaly, George C. Rich- The bride, given in marriage by The bride, given in marriage by Starring Dick Haymw at hi Dobrek, Eleanor Harkiewlrz, ity for the syntem of seniority .iki. Mrs. John Pallnnky. Mr. and the hose In separate lots in what her father, wore ft white slipper ardson, Johh and Wayne Bosnqw- her father, was attired In a white ski, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karvet- beguiling baritone best; Vein ..•la Milller. Sylvia Prlr*>, Kit currently In efTeot. Mrs Nick Barnyak and daughter, he believed to be the best inter- satin gown with scalloped necK- satin Rown styled with a yoke of Jck, Beatrice oOfflinHI, Elean- sky and son, Ralph, Mr. and MrR. Ellen, as pert a dancing and sine Shortly after the union rejected Joyce, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Pii - ests of teh community. llne, fitted bodice; full skirt and a rufBos, full-skirt and long train ing sprite as ever graced tlie Mellck, Mis. Paul Pingyl. Mrs. nlk Jr. and son, Michael, Mr. nnri George Richardson. Elizabeth Pa- the seven and one-half cent offer Explaining the increase proposed long train. Her flnger-tip length irtahered with ruffles. She had a screen; Cesar Romero, charmim; Mucha, Mrs. Paul Harrington. with Its conditions, the company Mrs. Fred Albertson and son, Fred, tricia Bartone, Madeline Alfono, for the Recreation Director, Mr. veil was arranged from a sat,in three-quarter length scalloped veil the Latin American lassies In tnir Stephen Mellrk. Mrs. Ethel notified the strikers that the cur- I of town. Jean Senese, Dolores Senese, Coughltn snid it is the plan of the coronet and ihe carried a cascade attached to a seed pearl crown and caballero fashion; ^ and Celesi/, lid and Mrs. IV W. Harrington rent contract was terminated, an Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas Kantra Prank Bartone, Mr. and Mrs. carried a prayer book with two Council to considerably expand of white fleur d'amour and lillea- Holm, dlspla Carteret. action which the union termed and son, Thomas, Perth Amhoy. Frank Bartone and Rita Holms. orchids. the. present recreation program of-the-valley. brand of s . llso the Misses Million Skin nl •illegal," calling the wane dispute Ml. and Mrs. Robert fimtlh nnrl nnd to put the director on a full- Miss Charlotte Cieslinski, malrl •Carnival ln Costa Rica" Is Prtscillii Ann Skurat, and Mis. a "lockout," rather than a strike. daughter, Cynthia, Fords, Mr. rind time basis. It would be Impossible, Miss Midge Kosty. sister of the County P.T.A. Council of honor and sister of the bride tlon picture delight that stimiiii -ider Skurat of Bound Brook, Mrs. Walter Pallnsky and daugh- he said to expect full-time services bride, was maid of, honor and she wore a yellow gown similar to the have audiences congo-lng |n tin- „ Adam Wrublpwski. Mrs- TO DISTRIBUTE UNIFORMS ter, Patricia, Boutn River, Mr. and for the present salary of $1,500. was attired In an ice blue mar- To Meet Wedncttlay bride's and carried a bouquet of aisles of the Dltmas T»®kar> fn Sokler and Mrs. OOIKO Adamee MIR. Michael Hapstak, Wood- quisette gown with iong sleeves red roses. Miss Louise' DIFonzo, a long, happy time to CARTERET—Uniforms will'be Mr Sieklerka stated he would state CARTERET—The spring meet- Ellwbeth, Mrs. .Julius Urban bridge, Mr. and Mrs. John Palin- and full skirt, She carried yellow Miss Sophie Cieslinski and Miss distributed by the Holy Family fully his position on the projected ing of the Middlesex County Coun- Mlts Margaret Puskus of sky and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. increase when the ordinance is Talisman roses. Miss Helen Kosty, Jean Francis, bridesmaids, wore, Athletic Club at the Holy Family :ll, Congress of Parents and Teach- lue accessories for traveling. .Jbridge; Mrs John HanlnR- Thomas Karplnskl and son, submitted to a public hearing on of Runway, cousin of the bride, as varicolored gowns similar to the School Hall at 7:30 o'clock to- ers will be held Wednesday at the Mrs. Jarnutowski Is a gradimtr n[ Of Perth Amboy; Mrs. Edward Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John Pir- May 15. brlde'.s and carried yelow roses. morrow night. bridesmaid wore a nile green gqwn Nathan Hale School, beginning at jinden High School and Is now ™ ol Rarltan Township and nik and son, John, Mr, and Mrs. Miss Carol Ann Rozamski flower The club will play the Ukrain- darase Approved Hlmllur to the maid of honor's and 10 A. M. Luncheon will be served •mployed by the Hilton Linden Fred Clark of West field. Michael Plrnlk Sr. and Miss Ann girl, niece of the bride, wore a ian A. C, of this place Sunday at A request for permission to lo- carried roses. Mrs. Michael Baza- at 12:30 P. M. in the Ukrainian Nothing Company. The bride ww Melick has chosen Muy 'H Pirnik, Port Reading. Deach gown and carried an old- 2 P. M. at the Overholt Stadium cate, a garaue and gasoline tanks ral, sister of the bride, matron of Pavilion. Miss Ethel Kellar, prin- ji'oom was graduated from Cur her wedding ttililril In mi unllriiinn' rti- geari ind axles, Terminal Corporation In Bayway. ployed with Merck & Company, >'( "AN UKIilN'AXi'l1', TO FIX on the premises. Rahway. Toth is a graduate of your partner.., w llM(!n,ATI''. TIIK SAI.AIilKS CERTAIN (H''i'ici;i;s up Till'; Council representatives will con- Carteret High 8chool and Ameri- THEATRE UOlKill HI-' rAKTKKI'T IN Till') fer on Tuesday night with the West can School of Photography fn UNTY OF MIHIII.KSKX IN 'I'lIK Empire RAHWAY Carteret Civic Association regard- . He is a veteran of three Ktte w NKW ,II;I:SI:V " a* lni- STATE THEATRE LATE SHOW S/\I\ ing the new location for the play- years' service in t'v European FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY flccttiin 'I. Tin' niii-i'inr i,\ tin. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. ground in that' section and also rrvuiliiii In-|. 111ii i 'i-il 1-1' ii.ilil theatre and is now conducting his 1 Jackie Cooper - (Jail Storm HDMllHl Ml 1,11 \ ill I: 'inn HI |i,.|' on the location of a bus shelter, own photography business, NOW PLAYING fcnum TODAY THRU SATURDAY together with the need for estab- "WHERE ARE YOUR .' T-IN • •> < 11 i >ii i>- •• »hiill lishing a police "beat" in the area. CHILDREN" ke oni. i 1111115..•.1111.• i•. The Year's Happy I.aff Musical DATHh: M.iv I, l!H7. JOINS VFW AUXILIARY —Als*»— AI'Cl'ST ,1. I'lOliliV. "IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN" CARTERET—Mrs. Rita Barch Helen Vincent - Lyle Talhol The Ruthless Story II.III.IIKII ' Ink With Frank SINATRA • Kathryn OKAYSON was enrolled as a member of Star "AUK THESE OUR PARENTS" (Sunday Matinee—I-Cartoons-4 of a Woman's Most SIVVH'F. —Plus— Lundlns,' Post, Veterans of For- I'l hrl'I'liV KHi'l Hlill Mil' eign Wars at the last meeting. and .llovc ni'ilhi-ini i an Inn "'hi'i"l .ii Brutal Betrayal! • rejriilut ini'i'lliii; ••> tin ('niiin II nl "SHADOW OF A WOMAN" FORDS, N. J. - P. A. 4-0348 ill Hi' UK I nf I'lU'ti'l't lil'l'l M.H I. With Helmut DANTINK - Andrta KINO then J7, wlK'ii It «ni iuln|iti'il i II THURS., FRI., SAT., Dana Andrews in ^flie ttitlil oiillnnii'c will hi' i-ini' SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY MAY 1, 2, 3 • your dereil fur KITUIIII rrn'liiin uml llnul •Itfptloll lit II IrKUllir IIIIH'lllIK I" >>!' WALLACE BEERY in «Ill on Mny in, 11117, in S !• M., 'Boomerang!' ,.„..-.. riijiniilii'i'M, HIIIIIIIKII Mull, "THE MIGHTY McGURK" JirlcrM, N. .1., wlii'ii nil |II>I-HDIIH Plus Dana CLARK - Martha VICKERS In with Vattern nteret

Your choice of a Sterling !? AMBITIOUS TEACHERS, : pattern is made for a life- '35-50, for interesting, profitable time, too. Fora wise invest- :t-tlme and summer educa- ment select a pattern tbat work of national Impor- bears the Signature of Pres- tance. The type who does not tige in Sterling — Towl«! lusually answer ads. Salary dis- LATE SHOW SAT. v ^^^\ "HELDORADO" This beautiful solid silver is jointed at interview. Write fully, Roy Kditers uml Triuscr "For Better or NOW PLAYING rich in tradition, promises ! age, education, phone Saturday, Beginning I P. M Fords Kun Festival a lifetime of beauty — yet dumber, to Worse" Weather it is not expensive! A lix- MR. R. R. BANG SUNDAY, MONDAY, MAY i, 5 STKEET" piece place setting etn cost 11 West 42nd Street "THE MIGHTY We think the gentleman starriiiR as little as $22.50 including McGURK" 'abovt; is about one of the Randolph Scott 20% Federal Tax. With Wallace Beery ./RAHWAY Robert Ryan smartest men in town. George "Gabby" "THE HURRICANE" Hayes ISELIH THEATRE With Dorothy Lamour and MAT. AT 1:00 —EVE. AT 1:00 He knows that spring Anne Jeffreys Jon Hall ROfcERTS ft)tk Tree Road Iselln, N. J. NEWS SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND weather means both cool Si UEBERMAN Met. 6-1219 by sending me to fur storage" HOLIDAYS, (ONT. FROM 1.00 evenings and rain. And he mul Siit. >hi> 'J mid II TUES'., WED,. MAY 6, 7 also knows that a raincoat NOW THRU SATURDAY QUALITY JEWELER? ••niuNs >n HDAiri" Your fur coat is i precious investment. Give it the "BEAST WITH FIVE is always handy to- have IVlIk tlrlt} liullon A *<>u»> Tudn FINGERS" Douglas Kaini.mks, Jr. "BEAT THE nlNti during May. "1111,11 M IIIIOI, lllUIII" careful treatment it deserves. Let us store it in out With Hubert Alda and Maureen O'llara BAND" 88 SMITH STREET »llli June 1' nil.I Peter Lorre 'SINBAD THE SAILOR" iTKlitlr Ntl'Mlirt modern vaults, guarded from treacherous moths. You will find the ideal Frances Langford PERTH AMBOY, N. J — !•; x r it A — "LADIES' MAN" In Teclinn dim Phillip Terry "HltlHIMl \. I IIH I. Mil " coat at Briegs. It is water And let us Hollanderize it to extract all harmful With Eddie Bracken and iiHs Dunn - Munu I Gene Kruim nllli Leu niiri>t-Urr Cass Daley repellent; it has the sturdy »!»>' i nil "' "THAT BRENNAN Ralph Edwards Sun. mul MOII. preserve its life-giving oils. Hollandertzing SELECTED SHORTS Phone 4-1265 ,O\i; I u i.ii- AT Dinnerware tu the Ladies GIRL" qualih'catidns for long vvnv luiiin is a special feature of our storage service. SAT. MAT.—S'UARTOONS nllll Ml.k.-> llu,il,,-j uml wearing and yet it looks !.«• t^IH Sdiur — nl.u — 3 DAYS—SUN., MON., TUES. smart enough to wear on "TIIK IMtMlH V FOB A COLORFUL AM) iy Millantl - Bury I il/^rru any occasion. willi .1 •!( D.nilifll mill | Having Trouble With Your Vacuum? Consult Ui!! a FOX FURRIER Iviirtn >lt,rli y FRUITFUL GARDEN Bai''.irii Slaiittvck llrn, mill U t'll. Mil] tf mill 7 "" "Alligator" and "Mister" •MIAIIUU OK A 1)111 III " 280 Madison Avenue Perth Amboy — FREE ESTIMATE— nllli 'I'lTi^MH Wright uml PLANT NOW! 111 l't-ihi;iNCBUAV, THURSDAY. MAX «. I AND » ctric, Coal and Oil cheerfully riven. ROhFRI YOUNG • ' COMPARE PRICES Poultry Supplies SYLVIA SinNKY and Seed* DANCING NIGHTLY ANN RICHARDS • MANALAPAN iliier and Vigom • • Hot Italian Sausage Sandwiches PLANT MARKET poY 1735 ST. GEORGE AVE- ON THE HOUSE * RAHWAY, N. J. niP-CEillMl (CO.fInc, i MudiBon Ave, A,,rF,RETPRfeS8 • • . W^AY, MAY 2, 1947 ' '' '''"' PAGE SEVEH !•

<^. m -iw *\mmm—mtmma*. not oVer that ^ con9umptjon jn Wftrt. | i r— i — , ...... htwmMm^^m^^^ wMlgpretd taqutry ,„„, MMJH i < .»rr n D I? T PR P ^ Q *rn Germany is down to the "semi-starva- CONTINUED PRODUCTION a" lh* ri|ht* "^ P**11** IC- 8ulM- »«o««n« to the mate fefgH 1 ln mentortoUtutl tftdA (tAHTERET rKfcfcS tion,. level gndtha t there are ,,very re|_^ wmmumi rKUUUiuun , K'o^^cT ^ "* K ™ HjM

Published by Carteret Fr«M stricted levels" of food consumption in t*~^~-~gq~-gg*~~»ggmg*g*gggg^ The courw o( 8tU(tJ ^i^^ . , 1|H V 1 tt P 8 r omCB Mr. Odd points out that famine edema •M^BHPwy*^ ^ *'* ^^^V^^i^^^B S^^ SS Srt25l Sirt! SL^EL ^J"°* f!!5jEH i v w^mwi1wM.c««wrt.N.i. andother mv6 iymptomsof mdw4^ ^Br w'* -^ t >~ , .<3HH saa^ssaias- ^sa srsH

0 ta U 80Ine effec '•"""•""'."•VJISt ^? j ?o5*8Se^ 3mii t'n all countries where present j^BiJs/ »J* k < /I /* CT ' A>vtmJJH ££ "•"•• Wm\

I 1M|, on the eve of the thirtieth anni- without adequate foreign exchange to pur- ^I^HE^. '). ^ ' ^ *^"' iT ii^^^^luS ... Yea, Join the ever growing family ''«H

I•)"( Point, Annapolis and a few other arrangements for a permanent peace until ^^K^7^9HMH^^B|^H|I^LHS^2^MHH| ^"'""""""""'^'K Wm I.}.,,,,,;, had provided the nation with the the people in the war areas are relieved of ^H^H^flj^ZliS^Kfl^^l^^^^^flfc^^B^^^MH >' ' N\ IPfl

I' I '!, strategy that was necessary for The death of Henry Ford removes an in- P^W^V Cv^^llf^RflB^^i^M^^BHII^^SID / jV /lljktjL I II J I, Tu ;i large degree, we had to depend the social and economic revolution that fol- H iPlHrl! TC ^H^^^^f^H^^^B^^^^H^H i I A f fdfL *¥ I BUI I,,,,',, i ho graduates of Wert Point and lowed the widespread distribution of auto- '*, 1 ^\t^A'^V^^HSPx^^^BB^B^^^BHW \ WiUr" I 'UH

I, i,,,t include graduation from the service production assembly lines, made the auto- • ' ^J^J*?^^™^!JL— , ^^^.^^^' / jHB •ciiilcniieH. mobile available to the common man. By I ' ZZ j rrn Q7 1 ~lir Fk ~~~~ v / H

I |, siH»uld not be overlooked that the men 80 doing, he made possible the widespread UUtleF 1 DC olfllC tlOU8e D0H16 r ^^^Z ' -1

•iiw Kding to West Point and Annapolis use of the motor vehicle that has now be- »¥ I tMMfc firihhllS ^B^^. ' I 1,11, ,n some future day, Hkely have to use come a necessity to Americans. | , By J. 4K9f* onUBUS ^____ ^^^^ , i| skill and training on behalf of the It should be noted, in regard to the for- TRENTON—New Jersey will in- spare time, the same commission i new law reorganizing the State I ll Bt-nnlo of this COUntryrFor this reason, It tune ama8sed by Mr Ford that he made vestigate problems ranging from will study and prepare equitable Department of Health for the pur- .. . fail, fai«ndly, up-lo-th*- • | • LI i i-oM* tkat hnth iirhnnlx attract ui • u- ui ' *i«- a u Communists to corporation laws formulas for levylnn taxes on pose of strengthening public health |j , . . . •_. __, «i II •% ft highly desirable WEI DOW scnoois auraci ^ moncy m a. highly competitive field, through a dozen different com- motor vehicles. Statutory taxex - services throughout the State, The i! " mta* banking Hnrfw. Wt I :• Ilit' most promising youths in the nation, without benefit of tariffs and similar sub- mlttees authorized by the Legls- emptlons will be studied by an- new State Public Health Council j I_J»- _-„ i0 „„ » {of TOUt I s lat J I • i i,,i..k|. \n nlI. nnininn for the • r i> • • J J i.4 ii. uie this year. Reports of the other legislative commission. will be asked by the Qovevnor to ' ! >, •t |S also advisable, in our opinion, iqr tne 8jdles By glvmR fl good product to the findings olthe groups will be sub- recommend a commfcsioner of ! prttection and convtniano*. 1 • DR bC L v e or leoplo of this country to understand the pul)|jc ala prif;e that was lower than hia mitted to the IIMB ucisiature. « ; -^ h ™ *l!!^ Health who will be the spark-pluy i , . • Inu-Uous of the two schools and bestir competitors forman y years> the Ford aut,to ^™ SSnVKS ^'Si tV^l^ «^JZ&£$Lc — 1| ' •hem.stlves to see that there are ample fa- mobile sold like hot cakes, creating a proa- bers to investigate Communistic last when he was inaugurated, council to aid In the selection of a ••ItiHIII I1 IflMIIIHiilPI JM] :i ans totak e a brleI Br. fr *h« tminina nf »!1 future Armv .,-»if f , *!,„ nj,,^i»r * J I- »nd un-American teachings In the P' vacation at commissioner of Health, hawever, •HP$-$f7^PfflEflll ^M B^itu-s tor the training of all future Army, penty, for the. industrialist and his com- publk schooU. UU(lei. a resoIuUon the seashore soon. the burden ot proor will ta on the WmM'.'hiJltmSm 11 fcvv iiiui Air officials. pany, a family affair, approved by the Legislature, An- D™coll, a tireless campaigner, Broup t0produc e a bett8r admin- ^HBm'vSn^^BH 1 . ls ttl s0 • u i , i .».». (A mill, ihu wenrn ™. • , •„• lL , 1L other commission created by the ' » tireless Governor,_ He istrator than D. J. Lynn M»h»rley, Member •HKgSSSnffisaSH M«A» BiJ • We do nut hesitate to malte Mis retom- There is general recognition that the lawmakers will study and codify *Pends lm% nours athl s desk' a Haddpnneld neighbor of-Gov- n^^BH^mwS^n Mi**" mm an ng e n e m e a •nriulation to the readers Of this news- 8Uto-builder represents the supreme sue- corporation laws. °"en ^p g wit h ^ e e ^t.v emor DrUcoll. Dr. MahaHey has ' ^^BgfPP^H t ^ , li E^, despite the mmMg*^ ***<*** «±because of his accom^h- JjSSS%JtSS&St ^^WSB S?4^.^ I ' 'i^Blkl ^HP work a •urlcil lit the brww hita. While netiner have been altered, never to revert to the ^ thia commission after bottiinc & "d as a result any night vide better caic for the raentally ^HfflKlHIml

•vrvin' boasts a pertlSCt record in regard ancient method. His death brings a touc P two bills providing for strict vWtor to the SUU•House, will see ,„ by selecting 125 persons for a l«un»» •H^9|fl§^| «.J»»« I, th, development Of officers without of sorrow to many million8 of AmericBn8| fi aKr^hoS coSrS ^Z^^ZX^ ^LS^SZAS Cor, •••» closed wl11 become •lcnnsh and incapable of error, the record wh0( without the car bearinK his name, tlon. ji lh> yecm all niKhl Psychiatric tech- HHffilflu T^^W ni s •four belligerency aetms to attest that the wouid not have been able to share the uA^^ifeelnSs S^ "^up'of the Legislature," Oov- S proK,am lsa n attemi)t l0 HililBlLiiiwJ I While we hope lor * lon«.«ta of peace SdS done'LStetai'^diS SS^'S^f^n*11 °" "* plt^s for Tny T,, „ tlTAA1\nninrr Ui TIA1III n i UF • |rlH.w7,d.itwouidbefonrttotake .Wt2Sri u; Hs «s JZ^X^Z W00DBR1DGE NATIONAL BA1 • •t,,":,,derat,ontI»poMiblhty of another «««T"*» t tead oI lyi t,ely „ com. >- u an^ge g^W some td^ Wpwwy-hoap- Woodbridge, N. J

•tntlict. Consequently, we should be pre- The promise of "plentiful" meat this mlttees to do all the work after House Annex or State Office Build- ?eei-X,at'Si Uwrontoily _ _ l.i th • and one of the best forms of prepa- 8ummer# at tew. ... i Commission will cany on this [hn.e ls mUch chattering among IN ANY rLAfct,IN nNY tilMt I M ALWW3 l«tKt WntN WUNttU Wit • / ush-Button Warfare Afar than at this time last year. year a^in to see what can be 1!;^^^ they SZmZi? IHAVESTdOPrtiETESTOFTlMEj YOU CAN DEPEND ON ELECTRICITYJ B Bte tllsks at an ac d pat:e • Any war in the ne« twenty years will be This is interesting to meat buyers of this ;^ ^0'h?!. cJSoi. of ^!f o~^F \\L^//» ^j c •i>Kbt with man-opfcrated bombers and municipality, but they would be mistaken seven members win work hard in HEALTH—A.S health is of first » o 0 -^ rex) ft") -^ ' et_ ^H,lii ,i ii „; . - n v r^ J studying pension and retirement importance to millions of New Jer- , » --^^ n'Wl x^ r*\ •""•'•''' "cclares uenerai Ueorge U. tt.en- # tj,ey asaume that meat prices will auto- requisites as they apply to vet- sey residents. Governor Alfred E.j ." _ T>2H» — / -"" J#>\ K 01 o ^Vy, Chief of the StratAffic Air Forces Who ,. „ , n ^ • • J, • erans. Driscoll is searching for seven out- " <*• /O •. JT/lk —^ // // tfiffii \ w / Km • ih i f i510*1",orLes' ^w matically drop. Experienced papers in- cemeteries and their taxation landing citizens trained and in- *<*,/>***;&* ^^" /'//// W1 F* (T^M^^ •^ the people of this country against ,„b e lven lhednce .over by 4 ,erested ln health work t0sei .ve as -• ^ '** 1 - /,/ /A / xdk zJ^J/ «Tl^ •uKKuratinif "puah'button warfare" no- 8lst that ttle P"Ce0 I meat 1S nXe(1 Dy tfte special Senate Committee of three, members of the new State Public . / / / t tJU ^~- //// //// x»s int.. -Af»tn l "Mmrinnf I in*" iwv- consuming public, As long as the buyers while the State Tax Policy Com- Health Council effective July 1 \ A "6 A W^^X ^ i / /'// M&lFMrK M • ^ 1 u H inn. d tatal MUgmot Line psy- e f „ , , ,. mission will study whether aviators next. \ . '0 a . ** k| L\ <' ' / M £ Ji L jfV M.

•«l*'t?y. . are ready to gobble up available supplies snou)cj pay gasoline taxes. In its The Legislature has enacted a A ^ fi SAW T?Vf il? ^•^fi^lCiS Z&f W&W H]t i^ just as well tt> call attention to the at existing prices there will be no reduc- «as^^^^^^^^^^S^Sww«ss«^^^^^»«w»^| _A» c^bJBMJbpP^W^| J ^KB ?V? "" VUt H'i- and bounds belnf made by imagina- tion. > 4JJ I I • 5\ ^^V*5I<^1 * vX\^' ~»B~L/"L NvV^h •'••warriors of the next conflict. The voice jSUfSNIjl iV^TlMfj^ I ^*^^/S »^*^ ' VrJ • lifiiwal Kenney Will be remembered *^ , '] ^Z? ' | y^fen |© ^^-^ K^tflW^'***1"' .BmmAWmBI, TH^U^O _ htowfetflgi BLOWCOiPl iMYWORK^mcKANOCUANANOaW B»HT, 1 , . •' Here's a little bit of good ne»s for the cf^0t +M ilk «Mj . IM » I ALWAYll OO AS I AM TOLD/ PEOPt^tOVi IT ONCE WEV TRY Iff l:::iir;;;;rr;oUidco,^~- .;-, ,^. r^/»lpw ww \Tv^i,^&. ^ ^H[inn nan * J Vi J • i The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports ^ Ql ^ftk \f c J^ v ^^Wv — I M,|nrmCfcOWwlto bTlhaUn" that the cost of living declined in February LL:THE PREC.0US>EBFUM^ND:I'.NE^8MET.CS.., «| \ {jfTk 1 &rflfa- _ »"ity Production'the coat would be re- *<*the aetond coniwutlv. month but the (r^W^ /SR ^//&JU ^j; ClTt4 b^ g-Q^^fC^" r—j •j"li.' 1270,000. Eduction, however, is reductio.^amounted to only two-tenths of « ^AJi^/^^ JwW^n /^h ^^iKr^^^ J Bh'no, every mlU of increased range, all-time high, but clothing prices weut up H Stndi** D*K~ of York njSfe WjTl )( /^C ^^yTCT^^J • '"'"K to the General, who says that a for the forty-fourth consecutive month, "^p^trt^^^iOUw VS JH W W ^i ^ , ' ' • "'"iifriHg with any effort to guide %nr^\L-ANPFAU M • ''<#od Farrt/iti Cpnlinuea, that Rudolf Hoew, former German com- |j£!% >U*tS^ toikA*aiw'Bi == V^ *} jS^II /A

f < z:::=: •'•'••••Ir«»Ju^ MlTTUCH S ~~^T^^^1^ r WafflS/Bp ''-Jm'A • 'ii»t.a8e8» ^fl"*™""^ ^ enorroity.of th« offtnae appam'the -If I I I I VVil W . ===Jj^^^~" ^^i'^H^HKbv ' «BH ; ir ; •''Ugo ^coiiiifJIi^O^alLj^^ and copf»wiona,ttUdiftcttlttobj^wtA»t | i ' •-•.-:* «'^|^pi|5T , •:. , J^^22|H^Ej|!r-^JL__^|^^ JftftRS

FRlt)AYr MAY 2, PAGE EIGHT 91*1 flGHT, AIDS CAPTURE SURPLUS? brary of Con&reM where copy- until we learned that vitamin D Continuing heavy returns from NBfW CASTLE, Del. —While rights are supposed U> be kept tunned the trick. Without E we 1946 Income tax payments raised ort 1MB, tart nrarrjr United States during 194fi graduated last yent and now has ihe does today. fice scientists left this country for two policemen covering the rear laws thrAiiKh f'onnrcss. which milling process removes these vi- were *1!>,800,OOQ,000, the lowest R norxi position. The other will 1 Brazil on April 1st to study "a door. I think all parents, who peo|)|e and causing con- There may be a cony In the Li- selves somewhat before we get too old to enjoy the things we have themselves la^r on when the OPERATORS WANTED wished for so long? foils to tre»t thsm so induiR To work on Children's MOTHBR—Miss. Let your daughter work fn. Answer: year or so and than help hn n Dresses. Steady work; one I if ally think you have done ft do not assume the full bui/U:, grand thing in glvinj your chil- the tutin e»«nse unless you week vacation with pay; dren a good education. It will mean the results will Justify sucli n good pay. Apply, Carteret more to them In trw future than rlflce. almost anything you could leav* LOUTSAJ Novelty Dreas Company, them. imr letters to: IN THIS COMPLETE And, If you had pknty o ^ r. O. B« 53* 52 Wheeler Avenne, Car- money and could afford to sent . s. c. teret, N. J. your daughter of! for higher edu cation that would be Sne. Bui • FICMAtg WWtP WANTKlt •Pafotlig-Paier Raigingt 1 Accraitants t Bipartiieit Stores t Bmers • • Service Statlou • i-itt In vour circumstances, I thin tOO CLEAR Andy'g Esso Servicenter SALEM, Mass.—A window- GIKLS WANTED fublic Accounting EASTER BASKETS RADIO, Console, $25.00. M. Logan, £. White t,. ROEIIRS "DUTCH," Manager washer polished up the glass AND ALL OTHER FASTER Dambaeh't Market 228 Martool Drive, Woodbridge, door to a Salem tobaeco shop so operators 'V-INCOMETAX GA8, OIL, LUBRICATION, ITEMS Exterior A Interior Decorator Phone WO-M4fff-J. carefully that a customer, Henry shtrtt. SYSTEMS INSTALLED Grocer and B«(ch«r TIRE REPAIRS L. Wiley, of Mlddleton, walked 5-10-2Sc and Up Counter* Painting Battery Charging, Truck and REPRIQERAtOR~12 cu. ft. Prl- BOOKKEEPING 8ERYK1 raper HangbiK right through the plate glass and Girls to leRrna good trs Car Repairs ghtolre for home or b«sinesn, in SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES Stationary Supplies and Magaitnes 152 New Brunswick Avenue Floor Skraplne landed in the hospital with severe 24-Hour Towing Kervlw A-l condition, An outstanding on Day or Nlfht Service All Work Onaranteed puts In his lees. He told police he Mentcher's Dept. Store Fords, N. J. Woodhridge 8-1549 buy for $225. For appointment, thought the woor was open, Singer 8ew!ng Machine^ 324 St. Jantet Avenue photw Perth Amboy 4-5054 be- Geo. G. Grill M WASHINGTON AVENUE Tehphone: Perth Ambo? 4-4533 ROUTE 25 tween 6 P, M. and 7 P. M. 2-13tf. $124 FOR NAPOIEON'S HAIft Vacation^ and holidays | O. no* 496 Woodbrldce CARTERET, N. J. Woodbridge 8-0604 AVENEL, N. J. PARIS.—A lock of Napoleon with pay. SIZE MAHOGANY BED, R-07J5 CARTERET 8-9697 Bonapart's. hair, repotted cut SPMNO AND MATTRESS; from his head while he was an Insurance Benefits. Hardware ft Paints • Parntets Chest of Drawers; Arm Chair. Very exile on 8t. Helena In 1816 and The Claire Garage Reasonable. No dealers. Write to wrapped in ? paper on which i' Aito Stores • t Drag Stores t Box H, c/o this newspaper. A. MOREL, Prop. Napoleon hart scribbled notes CARTERET SHIRis| BUILDERS' HARDWARE I.L.5-1* while studying English, recently 'AINTS A PAINTERS' SUPPLIES GUlis & Royle AT YOUR SERVICE • REPAIR SERVICE • brought 17.000 trance when me. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES sold at auction. Avenue Andrew J. Hila Raymond Jackson (TOVE9 • KITCHEN CABINETS EAOIOS - LAMPS Interior & Exterior Painting 493 RaWay Aveme KEYS made, locks repaired, warn- C»rUr«l, N. J. • Mon* M4 A«t« ing machines repaired. Lawn & Son Minor Repairs Water gpaitagHy Baumgartners' Woodbridpe., N. J. mowers sharpened and repaired, When houBeplanta need molitur* and saws filed and retoothlng. Firestone Dernier Stor* DRUGGIST BUILDER A SUPPLY CORP. ESTIMATES GITEN water them thoroughly and then let HELP WANTED PhoiW Carteret 8-J851 Telefhtne WoedbrMfe 8-0104 Erail H. Albrecht, \ll Heald Street, the soil dry out Daily wattrlftf 4ow 562 Roosevelt AventM 31-13 RANDOLPH STREET Telephone Woodbridge 8-0739 Carteret 8-5831. CJU-3 to 9tf more harm than i 88 Main Street CARTERET, N. J. Carttrat, N. J. ROOFfrtG WAITERS C»rt. $-5541 Woodbridge, N. J. «—VRTRRAXS • WAITRESSES #IM Estate ALL TYpgS OF R3OT3 repaired SPKflAl. fRBMtt Telethon*: 8:0554 Efiate - shingles, ttte and flat To pmi *i-fil nut «B SOt>A DISPENSERS ESSO SERVICE roof a; brick walls waterproofed. H4l"(onm floor luinim. *»4 BUILDING CONTRACT©* PLOWING DONE — SCHAPPTS rnfklnll t«kl«, unofcfnf «tan4, 95 Main Street Mala Street, Woedbridie, N. J. Geis Bros. POULTRY FARM, East Street, mirror. pfrtiKTU, HA BIO, \ A(- WEEKENDS AND 8-1512-J II M CI,|f,A\KR. STEADY POSITIONS 209 Main Stmt Woodbridge, N. J. SERVICE STATION off Inman Avenue, Colonia. Phone — II U IIROOH — Realtor* «Vhuurori Rahway 7-2298-M. Tkrrr-plrtt Wnlnul BEOnOOM JACK, BILL, FRANK, PROPS, telephone 8-0809 4-24:5-1,8,15' SI ITK, XKr Tablr, V«nl(j tunmk Must be over 18 years of >u; Woodbridge, N. J, Telephlne 8-01M REAL ESTATE WASHING. GREASING Inn pilni Drnpfx. PillowN. TIRES REPAIRED NEW ROTOTILLER PLOWING, — K I T I U K < — INSURANCE Plvr-|ilror loll.l Dak Kilranion PLEASANT WORKING CO AMBOY AVENUE AND small or large garden. S. Nel- l.raf IHMCTTK SI I'l'l', l)l»hr«, • Builders' Supplies • try Gleaners GREEN STREET son, Woodbridge Avenue, Co- l.luolruin, XfrliiK In lirllrvlnK. DITIONS. APPLY AT ONCl Jewelry J. Edward Harned Co. lonia (near Inman). Rahway 7- WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 0126-W-l. 5-1, 8,15 THE SURPRISE STORE NOW AVAILABLE! Woodbrfdse 8-0887 "Coiuulrlr IIDM« (nt*i(trm» IMMUA Avenel Tailor Shop WATCH, 66 MAIN STREET 7-11 KIUINT HT. KKVPAHT « LINOLEUM CLOCK AND f 10 A MONTH' We arc loiated on (lit Hill, 0 CONGOLEUM RUGS JOHN MIKULAS, Prop. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. W (or a sutte ef u|>|iojfHt> Hits Poat Ofllo*. JEWELRY Holohm Brothers Open l''rlilay ami Katurday Nll • CONGOWALL CUaning-Prewing-Repairin REPAIRING TELEPHONE 8-MJ3 GOOD FURNITURE I.AMM.OHD*—HrT* K Vrt •*• J Koute 25 GARAGE • INLAID Everyone Is talking about a honir. f.Ui )o»r mat, a*ac, o> We Specialiie In Cabinet Topt GOLD AND SHYER PLATING Standard Etio Fro*KU •H'tmi wMh in. th rfcaro i» N. J. 341 AVENEL STREET SMASHING PRICES . . . ) on or lit Yft. Phooa Baumgartners* AVENEL, N. J. Shari Jeweler a Rlfftag & SMhg • THE SURPRISE STORE BUILDER & SUPPLY COW. Woodbridg* 8-0M4 inJ 4-0S33 WDGE. 8-X381 327 FULTON ST., WOODBRIDGE k dotaic it. Phone Carteret 8-6851 Gar. Amboy A*«a>« a*d Woodbridge 8-1223 MINES ROOFING CO. 711 I'UDM' ST. KKYi'OHT 31 33 RANDOLPH STREET Second Street <»u the HIM, O|J|>. Pout OSte BOOKKEEPER CARTERET, N. }. Florist Gotten - Leaders - Skylights Ftrettona Tirei »nd Tnbe» I'rtp Slorngf Frc« UtlUer]r • Liquor Stores • Slate and Asphalt Roofs N J. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Cinder Blocks • R-btaoid Pet Shop Roosevelt Flower Shop Telephone Woodbridje 8-1889 GOOD PAY • Santf - Dirt - Flfl c Catherine Ruckriegel, Prop, WoodbrUlge Uines Roofing Co. FRESH DAILY Some Statistical and General Office Work. PERTH AMftOY FLOWERS FOR ALL Liquor Store 458 3cto»| Street, WoodWIdge £. F. Davis U. a. QOVT INSPECTED Maehtae Experienee Hflpfttl, Concrete Products JOS. ANDRASCtK, Prop. * 8-1077 OCCA8ION3 TESTED TGP SOIL HORSE MEAT But Not a Reqttiremeirt. Complete Stock of Domeatic $12.00 PER LOAD TINSMITH AND ROOFER S lbs. — $1.00 Company, Inc. 325 Perilling Avenue SAND and Imported Wine*, Beer* Roofing and •idiuf Work f 2.M PER TON Full instructions in all phases of work. Prompt Delivery—•" Block* Carteret, N. J. and Liquors, guaranteed GRAVEL JOE'S PET SHOP Save taleiman't canmiuioB A rare opportunity for one with ambition. Phone Carteret 8-5424 574 AMBOY AVENUE $3,00 PER TON 1438 IRVING STREET &': ««• PaTBTTE STRttl WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Why pay 5300.00 for a RAHWAY, N. J. $150.00 job? 35 SPEAR ST. Write, Local Manufacturer, PERTH AMBOY HtTtlCHEN, N. J. Rahmy 7-1227 Nothing to pay eitr* fo» Telephone P. A. 4 M4» • Lusher & MIHwork t Phone Metuchen 6-1351 Box C, c/o fnddpendmt-Leaider William Murphy • REPAIR SERVICE t e, H. J. • Delicatessen • George's Market 99 W«dge*ood AT,. WdWi^ N. I. MeaUM»dGroc*riei Woodbridge lumber Co John f. Ryan, Jr. LAWN MOWERS Hand &. Power—Repaired Town Delicatessen Stud and DiH Fill and ^aarpened Henry Jansen & Son PARTS IN STOCK 530 Amboy Avenue Woodbridge, ft J. \yent& Charie (or Don't B« Misled Tinning «nd Sb«*t Metal W4 Woodbridte, N. J, «l WASHINGTON AVEPOJE ShffpeatH B»nd Momr 4-0121 $2.25 CARTEttET, N. J. By Appearances || . BIRD8EYE FROZEN FRUITS W«4dbrid*i S-1648J Carteret 8-5717 A. £. Larson VEGETABLES, CHICKENS AN» Tel. Woodbridie 8-2U1-J THE AUTOMOBILES TDKKKIB <••• 46 FIFTH AVENUE WirH THEit 8-1861 «. J. TO* AVENEL, N. J. Yon mm •» DkfJuy «n Our Fremitw*

Ml LOADS INSURED WOODBRIOCE ARC NOT WEW CARS • Dtfartnert SUrw • Upper'* totwuts PURE LIN»£EI> OU BUT Moving 4 Storage Co. TAXI OUTSIDE PAINT A»« lk« Type «f V»«l C«» We Hwidh « Loealud fcet Daf*a»» Mw»»i GymyCmp $3.50 gal. . Jo^nP-af.r^. Poukf Bmtatmw It Interior and Trim Paints at Prices BEFOttE THE WAK DELIVERY orpici ,^i mmmi vmaat m*a SERVICE M. Martins WE HAVE THEM AGAIN Jasper & Son Com* \m M4 lM*Hi tfcwn C«U «k Woo*. 8-MWJ- Store I Main Street, Woodbridce, N. J. wUkii v$i B«Hdan them Yourwlf Phone t-?M» UT'itfhw - 1m*t baek 17 T •1 Main Street, WotArfcfc* N. J MM CMlwtia If. |. fW,)^ l> fat tb« Eating M Eaat* M»et CarUret. N. J .STREET Fowl llroetm DtoBtt Carteret g.sss« N. J. TWn

HOME-COOKED MEALS HWS£ MOVING Synwkchi Generoui Portion! , ReaMMiWePr^ •*»;''. ^' Washington tteitammt -AHTF.HBT PRESS FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 PAGE

behind the bars. Tlie Bible Is quite of help If needed. Warden Sain is made generous donations of Scrip- It helps to build a wall of resist- Into an inquisition agalrut every- freedom for the thought we hate." •Ucnftfe CM btri bt ] House at home there. However, Warden no longer surprised When the dds- 1 1 tures for the important, character- ance that can withstand the al- body who quatUona the status quo, When the Communist Dally Work- It to .,,,,„,, Editorial PWi 8am * Bible Class, as it ta known, pel Is brought back and a request, building work which Warden Sain lurements of the old life. —Mbit Is unique In the fact that, while Democracy's strength will be bast er In New York gave out of newi- .,,. i,(,,iPeardcn,R

. ,T,;sAW:--BI«hty-tWo :., New Jersey National KEEPS YOUR BREAD BILL .'.', ilcrn Federally recog- ., ,,,Mied for recognition, 1 |,,.,:,l Clifford R- Powell \ Increased powers

,,,innl will be sought by '.I,.,spy Committee for

;i),i;ii Rrvlslon at the pro- ',.,, convention on June , i!H7 edition of "Rolling Mr • Jersey ". a handbook '.,,ills. is ready for dlstrt- i,,. New Jersey Council New Jersey farmers ,,,,,i imalnst dealing with ,,i, fruit and produce ,,,„ ,ue unlicensed . . . .,', [,nis nn January 1 last

I i,v New Jersey munlctp- ,,.,,-l,f(l $78,000,000. Walter 'IOAF, ,,i,v state Director of Local ruiriit. reports . . . Factory .Miimi in New Jersey toUled HI ,iuimg February, a de- I „( 1900 in B month, Harry It tastes better, toasts better, and stays fresh longer. No other bread urn sute Commissioner of ,,.ports ... New Jersey's gives you so much for so little. A top-notch feature at all Acme JD mi.mi)(M-H of the sUte Home Markets! Why pay 3c more per loaf? Start today to keep your I ,),,ivnll,s Association will hold bread bill down by serving your family enriched Supreme bread. ,,, ,,:,iuiul spring meeting at , University on May 3 ... Another exclusive Acme feature) ,• county was the first New Lin" ...unity to reach It* quota American Cancer Society's iimi-niising campaign . . . Asco ,,..!,.rn Intercollegiate Golf Fancy Grade A unii.ships, May 17, at the .It's National u city Country Club, high- [i,i spring golf season In Baby Week! ,„! The New Jersey As- if ! ,n of Real Estate Boards Clapps Strained Foods T8c "'-95c , ihut 10.000 new one-family 4 1ll •Acre built In New Jersey Illll'-I' BEECHNUT Strained Foods jr8c "95c ,: mid considerably more Qt l-t Kin ((instruction this year. Baby Food t^:X,^ k»- 95c hii visibility at night on the . .mil highways of New Jer- Swift Strained Meats "TTUc I.I 'M live In 1948, It is 414 Ilf ,1 i,v i he Street and Traffic CAMP.EU iJulitmK Bureau of Cleve- Soups ;: 8c « 95c al Kilucationftl Institutions i .in spy ure taking ad van- Evaporated Milk *;; 2 r 23c t ,[ ii::iihitions to secure gov- Bod.n Silv.r Cow, ?•» «, i surplus equipment for Evap.I ., N.,11. . 29c — nun:: IIIKI vocational t.rnln- K iii'iMiimcnu. Oeorge 8. Pfaus. Formulae Want Food r 20c 'A.\ Du.i'm claims. 39 Pablum Ce.real £ 19c £ 39c CME •u.lnt ; ^ mm IMTIII, CAPERS:—Qovernor Gerber Barley Cereal 2 t;::29c I • iinscoll quips that his Oranges P .,29' Corn •*•»~ f7r mm n I is in office seems like I i V>II, but he Is enjoying Cream of Wheat '£16c iiiinuic of it... Any similar!- Heckers Farina '£ 15c i MVH a political party's plat- ! 1 iiromisi' and legislative per- Pillsbury Farina V, 13c inn i, sirictly aocldental, P linn- • New Jersey Taxpayers AK0 Gold Seal Farina " ,,..,pkg. IIHIII A sure cure for 2 ^°/ 25c II m: fever is a trip to At- (iiv claims Lou Cunning- UIL , J**- »'«• ior 14c Publicity Director of the Ideal CoffeeS 47c We Beefs T* th • I'i.iyijroiiiid. «ft MONT6 lb" '" ' 'C Ration 1 1 TOPS THEM ALL! Rich, mellow, distinctive fedCarro/s^Mc "0 21c Opinions Mb. *\ ~ OSCO Heat-flo roasted {^v ^paraq(jscutiiirpor ni HV MANV OTHER NAMES (:'"••] 2 Mayonnaise f aor |si.,iki-iiic:iri' was downright Coffee i 41c 2 £ 81c >J ••"ih ihat "What's In a Finest South American coffees expertly \ Imf Tii.ii which we call a rose. blended. Try a pound now I Derby Sauce tTlOc • nther intme . , ." Other Aring Beans ':;;J4C i it' Who calls a rose only Gra Win-Crest 139c Mild and Mb. •*<¥. t No-Worry * -•S2-|Jc i'»M- 'iii-.-.t- diiys? baj. ##t 1 liH'i. .'as ;i time when a man latiifylna w 1:2k •I Ml .. I i "iilv the name American • > tunsue's tip to mark :Mc 'iimolsseur in the world .^ 2 3!r25c There were garden- Qn.onred ot oil Acme s ing Q is, and there were Am- Himtie.s—as simple as that. 21c l! now For one thing, no ^ those old red roses any Whole or ,b i'H another, one needs a ID | *«Wor.r, 1111 "f names even to get Either Hair * 11 Hit seed catalog, Dorothy 1 SmokedHams^ ^: Jc Beans cr ?- Mrs. Roosevelt, Joanna i, Vii'Mry, peacei Blaze. Red llll U|1 '" Talisman, Mme. Chiang ~Tur in I FreiFre.h M"«K.Hed° GradW""e" A f '-"les proliferate as one 1(1 'He bushes did. Copyrlght- Uncle Sam Says Its Good ••v"'?i ! l)l ll 41 "! iem, and patented, too. lu!l TheU.S Deportment of Agncuju, -she FRYERS beauty of the garden The U. i uepuiiiiicm ~. . .a. '•i'"- Within commerce'* tight impartial judge of the quality of Acme meat. ; IIU<1'1 to conform In the Uncle Sam's grading stamp "U. 5, Good" is 'f ••iwding of the tiniest 11 your assurance of satisfaction. Government ^P^ WOO " 'H'Uli' to answer obediently SPRY lI Government Graded "U. S. GOOD" •"' i "lied, And by number, Co '"I1 I'w by name. Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak *67c 'gafeVe| """Aill was lucky, writing Rib Roast '»53c fc , Hose" when he died. ••1 u> '"•'I have to do it as "The 7" Cut—Guaranteed tender and delicious! FRESH GROUND BEEF » "••on OF 1 -"Jtt.984 (pending)."— b ^lar-Time». Boneless Brisket ^ ChuckRoast'" 43< Legs and Rumps of Veal IUIIOK AN0COMM1JN18M u) »45c *1"1 u"n knows that Com- Graded & stamped "U. S. GOOD" by the Gov't , anywhere Shoulder Veal Roast •- *29c everywhere. We lll Breast Veal " "s challenge during the Fillet Haddock*. 37 ^69c "•i n'tused to compromise Sliced Bacon """'Hinisrn. We do not see M5c ;"• l'uited states can refuse Buck Shad »> 17 Ul"«• to defend democracy, Skinless Frankfurters !„•'•• '"tuition of Individual Fresh Whiting. M3c '•l"i»t totalttwiantam, Dried Beef Store Sliced I lll^rdmuLes the rights of lllll!' ll» the slate—William Codfish Steaks '•sidentoithe American Serve fresh fish now! • •lU"" «' l*bw, in the Amer-

"- W KEHlSTANCE ;t»5» week go by tout 1''"^ o. sain does not 1J''-ut-t r from one of th« ' J"'ung MOple who .""'"j time- in tea'Cook

mi* IWDAf, REHEAUML tOO MALIRTU DOTHIS KILLER SNAKE TOOIOT DEAD NOWTH CHICAOO-Whlle OQDBN, Utah. — La M.,,* 1 Auto Racing at State T SACRAMENTO, Calif, — Al- Wall's part In the second m] WHEAT The War Department estimates 1 men were out fighting a morning though her husband, a snake- btate, their lunch burned. During called for hlih to be "Jtmn Th« Department of Agriculture Ukes Open Season Sunday Here Fairground* Sunday that It will cost about $187,500,(10(1 handler with a carnival side-show, out" In a fight. During a rehen, 4 for the final burial of America's the afternoon, they were called out La Molne didn't get up when estimates that the winter wheat died of a snake's bite. Mrs. Alice for another two-hour fire battle crop will tot»I* 975,000,000 hiwhrls TRENTON-Anotherprogtam of second World War dead. Congress, Sheppard, 35, climbed In with the curtain fell Examination slim big car auto racing, the second In lust Jillf appropriated $92,600,000 and returned to find their meal that he had bumped his 1H , Or about 100,000,000 bushels more Opposing Holy Family Nine reptiles to continue the show. In- burned up again, and so were the ;) than were harvested In 194(1. If three week*, will be presented here to start the program Mid before •luded among the rattlers was the little too hard when he, fn There will, however, be Jnhnny on the New Jersey State fair- fall it Will be asked for $95,000,000 firemen. They finally got their the floor, but ftrst-aldiro n in, the yield of spring whpat. Is up to CARTERET - The Ukrainian 7-foot rattler that was said to food cooked and eaten about T Kendzlfntki. MIKe PaslowKkl. Stan- rounds mile track Sunday. to complete the project, under have caused her husband's brouiiht him around. the average of the last two years, .Social Club will usher In its 18thley BkropoMkl and Whltev Boben- o'clock that evening. a Crop of ar,ounrt 29ft,000,00(t This was announced this week which t,hp first, of the bodies are death. consecutive baseball campaign this rhik by Sam Nunls, owner* and direct- to reach the United States about bushels will be harvested, indi- Sunday afternoon at the Canerct Trip rnlrhltiK duties will be well ing manager of Sam Nunln HELPFUL PRANKSTERS cating an «R(trepRif now produc- October Is! BABY PIANIST High School Stadium by taking on taken care of bv -lor Kendzierskl Speedways, who said his organiza- CARNIVAL OF SPORTS FREELAN0VTLLE, Ind.-Tak- PTTCHBURa, Mass -*• p,•,-,. tion of nil whenl of 1.2H300O.0OO anil Andy Shunmnsky. The brunt tion had been granted a sanction Some of the top feminine sport stars took a sign from a n--,& bushels. the newly formed power-packed MEAT ing his talent from his father, nf thf pitching will be carried on for the program of seven sprint enthusiast* of the country will Robert. Trent, an utility, employe, parking lot and placed It on J Holy Family nine of Cmteret. racing events, consisting of time "Plentiful" meat this summer bv Johnny Mtus. Mike Hobenrhlk head for Sun Valley April 12 andlittle Oary Trent, sightless 22- front stops of police headqum Game time Is 2:00 o'clock. and "Pitchy" Tfi-cbpt.skI. trials, four eight-mile qualifying and at lower prices has been pre- Police were appreciative for MOTHERS 13 for the flrat post-war Snow and months-old child, has already Tht contest will be played as a The Ctrtcret team will rompete beats, a imtch raw. and a 80-dicted by the Agriculture Depart- even a drunk disturbed the ^ President Truman has pro-benefit game with all proceeds ment, which pointed ou{. that there Spring Sports Meet. The meet of- learned to play With both' hands claimed May 11th as "Mother's In the CartPiPt Tfilmhl. I^BKIIP mile featured sweepstakes final. lses." The sign read: "Closed going to defray the expenses of and also in the N. J. State Uk- An overflow crowd of 30,000 sfiw are 200,000 more hew) of cattle fers skiing on the upland trails such tunes as "The Red ftlvci: Day," In recognition of the "feli- injured players, Valley," 'Wabash Cannon Ball," P. M. to 9:30 A. M. No tresji rainian Baseball League. As in Bill Holland of Bridgeport, Conn., being fed for market In the eleven land folf. archery and gkeet shoot ing." citous American custom to turn Manager Oene Wadlak, serving Corn Belt States than at the same ami "Bell Bottom Trousers." our thoughts anew to the com- past years Interstate names with emerged triumphant In teh sea- Ing on the snow-free valley floor his 18th year (the old* guy) at theteams from Pennsylvania and son's first race here on Sunday. time last yew. memoration of motherhnor] on one helm of the hill team, has rounded day of the year. Connecticut will be scheduled, us April 13. Competing against some together a formidable aggregation well "ris service and institutional of the top drivers In the nation. urges Pacific as vast Small Investors are better pro- including veteran outfielders ,loe n^nes. Holland drove his speedy OfTen- of too6 ' tected than em, SEC aides say _ FORGOT ELECTION "Ace" Terebetskl, Joe Wadlak, and For this Sunday's gamp., the hauser to a hartdy triumph In the QARDNER, Kan. — Because Charley Bohanek, with new candi- Holy Family Club, which is entered second eight-mile qualifying heat GRANDMA'S (jverybody forgot It was time to dates being Johnny Dumansky and In the Middlesex County Interboro an dthn feature final event of 20 hold a city election. Gardner's city Tony Bkropoaki. League, will display a lineup tn- miles. Officials may hold over another In the infield the Ukes will have cludlnt! such local stars as Carl Earlier he eclopsed teh old one- LOG CABIN two-year term. A chariKe In thea major problem trying to replace Marclnlak, Stan Kosel. Matt Ud- mile qualifying mark established MOTHER'S DAY State laws caused the mix-up. Nick Hamadyk at the hot corner. zlelak, Ernlp Sabo, Sieve Uiknsluk. by Indian Joe ChltwoOd. Ed Czakowski. Chel Romanski and Holland, who was the hottest Eddie Levandoskl. driver In the nation during the SPECIAL 1 v closing weeks of the 1948 cam- Proudly Presents " Mother's Day paign, has advised Nunis he will Peddie Announce* be back for the races here one Give Mother the surprise of Sunday, May 11 week from this Sunday. The first Spring Sport* Slate official entrant, he said he would her life this year by making I retain his seat In the high-powered an appointment for a Beau- HRWIN BERNARD HIGHTSTOWN, N. J, — TheOffenhauser owned by Ralph Ma- Spring sports season for the ath-lemud, of Brooklyn, N. Y. tiful, Soft, Permanent Wave, "88 KEYS THAT AIM TO PIXAAE" letic teams of The Peddle School Other early entrants are Walt began Its third week of activity on Ader, the Bernardsvllle, N. J. vet- Tuesday, April 29th when the first eran who was besieged with motor COMPLETE of nine varsity contests in four trobule in his first nppearance here AT THE PIANO sports is plnycd on home grounds. this year; "Spider" Webb, ol Alta- With This Ad On that date the Tennis Team dena, Cal,, who also was forced NIGHTLY —EXCEPT MONDAY under Coach Harry A. Heasy. will out of the Jtce with a bad-acting ict as hosts to the Princeton Jun- motor, and Mark Light, the ex -dirt De Luxe Creme Oil Wave or Varsity netmen. track champion of Lebanon, Pa. On Wednesday. April 30th, Ped- $7.50 jie athletes will vie with rivals in JX* Baseball, tennis, golf, and trftck. Around Globe The Baseball Team, tutored by Jf all the five-cent pieces coined Excellent Drinks - Delicious Sandwiches in the United States since 1866 were Gift Certlfteato Sold for Future Work Clinton I. Sprout, will take the NO APFOWTMENlg NECESSARY field against the Lawrenceville laid flat side by side In a single row. they would reach around the earth CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAYS line on the latter's diamond, while 286A vhe Peddle netmen journey to at the equator with a good many Open Friday miles to spare. HOBART TELEPHONE WOODBRIDGE S-l*»l Toms River to oppose the Admiral Nile fat STREET Farragut tennis aggregation. On Arrow from 786 ST. GEORGE AVENUE WOODBRIDGE the home course, Couch Philip Heating Value Your Con- Hood's golfers will match strokes A cord Of well-cured hickory or PERTH AMBOY with a delegation from Rider Col- other hardwood is equal in heating I venience. lege, and George Weed's trackmen value to a ton of coal. Make this day doubly joyous for "The Beat Girl in will welcome Trenton High Track Team. the World" by showing her that' you're thinking of Saturday, May 3, will see a four- her on a day so important to her. Delight her heart sport schedule with The Hill School, the Hill Baseball, Tennis, by letting flowers bring back cherished memories of and Golf Teams invading Hlghts- an OPEN LETTER to other days—Remember Mother, May 11th. town, while the Peddle cindermen travel to Pottstown to test an al- ways strong Hill Track Team. Send Mother a Lovely CORSAGE Railway Payroll the women of Perth Amboy • CUT FLOWERS t PLANTS Railroads of the United Statei are among the largest employer! of la- bor in America, and by far the most We Deliver to Woodbridge Township Important Item In their operating and vicinity budget Is their payroll. In 1833, the worst year o( the depression, the LEE'S payroll of Class I railroads (roads 1 the wltfi annual revenues of more than the P $1,000,000 each) was $1,404,000,000. since the' WAHRENDORFF FLOWER SHOP With more traffic to handle, their fact 1 art)*0 1940 payroll totaled $1,964,000,000. In 80 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. 1946 their payroll arched the all- enc time high peak of $4,086,000,000, or Telephone P. A. 4-0840 more than $11,000,000 a dayl

< l tt ..»-»^»^-4*»<» ^» '*- "

feV I- V. x A. Greenhouse

7 *»*

May 11 of Sunday, coi ovide* e«Pel I, Take a hint from our Accesories Department. We've an exciting array mmm^»nce or'vty owr *%&:&*£Zz±rV 11AV» of wearables that are bound to delight Mother. t ittP« eA^ e tRyv m lot »*. * * r\l Inflate the «. " *£--» ttota«e * _. tnr vfnlCB ... L«

^B^S^S^^'and* >>-VZ^z:**~do*" A Our CerUfted Cold Stor»«c Vaults Are in the P. A. National Bank BulldlnB QUR STORAGE RATE Vs IS STILL ONLY . . .

(Untrimmed Cloth CoaU -^ fl,|0) f MINIMI ^1 BRING IN YOUR FURS and W00I#N£ - - OR DROP •, f US A CARD-OR TPHONE for our BOflfDED^ MESSENGER!!

\ FUR STORAGE by FUR EXPfeRTS § REMOPEUNG Ye* . . . we do store t M?AWING coats purchased • CUtANING AND GLAZING by Furrier.

IM ? B ^••. •••'^•f!?®- «l?f W**V* CENTER OF ARTERET , KAY 2, r*m

Carteret Ttii League To Open Th« B-9 uiad to UMT. ewMd* lnwrVMti ny» «il xfaf H Imp ft Ij h«r«by rartllttd Ihat th» bu aMMM* iMrMw unit h«r(*r «Mh |r«at the tamtam fkti hereof In » tfat ropy of fh« M MkMwd fcy /«wimian of Monday at High School Stadium CPEAKING -'••"— " i*Ij> oa Hi* f7tjA it»y of to otwnv* the total tun In BriilL G*lpt CARTERET -Flay ball! That Jtrwy. tbt plane MQ rteOra thf 1*1101 will be the sound in the Carteret KM tMir Mtfc d*y of Mt *tt» )«* ttan B-10M of in to* IMMWIt-At "h«tf" Twilight League this coming Mon- O ABOUT SPORTS School Nine ft* tttt—-(hnngh led J day night at the high school field It lj h«f»B» r«fttn*fl, rh«( the bu&ct annextfl h««to and h«r*hy mad* bf «JMi-t'tMiior fc in *na*t ro»y of Ifi orl|ln«l on fll« with the rlerlc of, where the 1947 edition, again W* HV4Ri|aj( lady, Ibti a)r nMlttotii are oorrect and th»t all statements POOfl Al>MtNIHTHATlON By County sponsored by the Carterat Recrea- Biggest bowling evervt in thfe »r«* wafl »t*gf** bj contained h*r»ln f.r« In proof. !)l!)ttlarl«l a »I » W MV,M 1.0H.O* tion Department, will mak« Its for- kOttwr KXMM JK»Ofl mal debut. Ma-tt Vdzielak at the Acadeftiy AHey» ove? the p^it antoipnl ArcounUnt, POOIl RBliKP W., r>rtli An*tiy, H, .1, Other I.IM.I* Sealers, I.) to I In Monday night's opener which two week-ends. , , . Bowlers from all sections of the FQOR or BalatUa and WHK«I< in all probability will be accom- Ofh«r Biji*ni»ii .. MB 41 state participated. . . . Matty.said the classic was so UOWFAX AID KHKT -After three con- panied by appropriate opening MCAI, .|.orl.~.s. the Cfcrteret day ceremonies, the Orioles, led by 1 K 1.MA.M Vll't.f Miccettfu! in every way that he plans ta make it in WIDWJ58EX bnsrball team differed Prank Yapczenskl, will clash with of fh» of ffptmty of lor I •llfHll annuar event.... It wills do> much to help pijt Cfttteret dlHMO tlrfrnt Tuesday afternoon the Clovers. On Wednesday night iVBD, that the fo»nwin(t »t*tementi of rcvenuu and CAMP AIH 1 colt»fltut« tna I tn three games and, with Ihe good pitching they'wf ga- 9^'tl^t Pr*na itt the 1MM of )«h h«i"ebv ilven that th»< Hmlf«t anil tax ramluttoM «fu I *p C ":irt IT AID collecting only lour A. C. of Chrome, ting, Mac's boyo will \fin pknty more gam«8. . . , Jr Cftuneloncitl off th th»f Borough of CnHent, County Of I Fl the 17th liny nt Aat!| l,«0ft.MI Meanwhile New With six teams In the race again Cardinals and Mohawk* opewd their season hf chwh- , f»«f. I:I1BCHSAT1«NA1, AND ',,uk pounded out no less this year, the weekly bill of fare HATftNIKT n hits to roll up as many will consist of three games—one ing with each other at the Copperworka field.. •,. Big KM> Ralarlm am) Watfen 1 rm. Zcbr7>brnns started to work on Monday, one on Wednesday l.tU.fff) J.U4.H and one on Thursday, with the re- crowd was on hand and saw a good game Dwpite \1,ir<' and collected six runs UK by Mdflpt knm fcwtt n maining nights left open for post- |J!!,44t,« Othar nve frames. He was loss of several players to other tftftns arotmd town, poned tilts. (lr)r ii'TM''r."*r™'.r.'.'."'.'. l9M 1,IM,4J LIBKAIIY ,|:i!rll by Hk in the sixth who Bil! Elliott predicts Pirates will have another banner SjifarlM » Most of the teams are evenly I lid I for 381,174.28 339,531.I 3I9.114.SH Other IRi|»n«»» I.Ul.O* I.Mftf l|-(i|-er! , l ththee same *«* « ,sr tnicked for ft single markek r matched and a close race is ev- s«Mon.. . . Ukes working hard to g«t underway, .. . County NCIA8B)fIBt> v M) t Ilk f'otmtr ",', Sixth and then WM the vlc- pected. Most of the teams are Hoiy Family nine entered in six-te*Ht ftiterlwrt (BitimiH. fa* U4,»J1.JO )4B,I47.3I Illl ILK- in illl' n attack in thecomposed of former high achool (n) County District Court t illl iH •' TOTAL OF S lt«m« M»*,jn.M players and other sanrflotters ... Good luck, boya. . . . 1 (l^tlmsie for 1> 1,144.4) i.ati.KS (,,.nih inning. < Slate Hfliool (tittMnte for 1B47> around town. (h) I .\500.IW f l,G0»,0(l I fl Hie box score: After finishing another aw««3rfu> ca.ittpaignr V. f TOTAIJR of BRUNSWICK This week, according to an an- M. R. pinners looking forward to theh* annual p »87J,J>3,3'.' AB R H nouncement made by Al Breehka, Apf>roprl«tloni (talaflM 4iiit Wat |it,ffl.n 3b e 3 « director of the league, the team ie prai'tlco of all medical expenses which may be the former Council In deferring charge* from one year to the next, It Hurl, ss 2 e ball parka, was a fitting tribute to a incurred during the regular play wan nei'esxnry Hint the current BurtRel Include the mm of 9149.02S.GS for Debt Rervtce Hums, cf 2 3 expenditures that were mmle last ye«r, anrt Tor which no provision had 2 ing season. great guy. . . . IJirth, loved by millions of kids, was bt*cn made in the 1946 rtudtfet. Of this amount, there were total emergency (O Munlclpftl Dent Johnson, l 0 revenues of (74,627.60. 8ivk»«f 2 Game time is 8:15 o'clock. 50,000,09 2 their idol.... I happened to listen to a radio dramati- There wan »lso expended ths sum of WfMOJ.lO, for which there h»ii r*ytn,toftt>mftt l •B3,000,« 10,014.09 a 1 been no upproprlatlon In th.> 194B Huilget. In addition to this, the 1946 fsterelt on Bond* JO.JJT.T* 1I.04S.74 S3A4)7I zation of Ruth's life last week over one of the major Council ovpr-px|iendeil llielr budgetary Items In the amount of J12,188.«fc Down Payments Magella, p 2 0 1 on Improvement" 4tr.H».l« 13 On January l»t, 1947, there was » nmh deficit of 112,08180 and ft defklMey 4? Bk, p 1 0 0 networks and it touched me deeply. ... It will be a In Band' Aid for tlic I.ocnl Schonl District of |11,729.50, all of which nW9t be tnlst-il hy taxntlon iluiiriK tht yenr o! 1947. Total of Municipal Debt CARTttMT long, long time before there will be another like Babe 1 Service KM H 36 2 4 Thi> prescnl tax ruti- IK tentatively «et at 19.22 per hundred dollnr R HgneHaed valuation, which reprpspntH an increase of more t|H»n ISO Point* 6 ft 1 ftrrors: Kasklw, Catrl, Cherepon. Ruth. . . . mi tor, 2b The Incrense In Ucnl I'llrpone Tax In »16S,660.2J, of wh>h 1149,029.68 nnd Slututorv (\iirl, lb 1 0 Magella, Zulllnger. Two-base hit: In actually dun to iloferrod charifes Inlierlted by the pr»d«M Council from Kxpendltilrod Al Brechka is busy these days reorganizing the vari- tlw 1*« (Tonncll (ilnrhoski, lb I 0 Trotko. Three-base hit: Burns. T4,«t7.r.O m aiMltion In the Locnl Purpose Tnif, there hMt been nn Inireane HI *».«§*" **m4k n.-ko, cf 3 0 Struck out: by Magella 3. by Ilk 2, ous softball and baseball leagues in the Carteret Rec- jOf |17\»#t.O7 due to the Local restrict School Tax ktraum> nf Increamil 0 by Kimber 8. Bases on balls: off cklarle* »nil WHKPH which were brought about By the Increased coat or Slii'rpon. 3b 4 reation loop.. . . But it won't be long now, Al prom- M »M,4I»J.III io,sr>o.40 io,s»,eo I Magella 2. off Ilk I, off Kimber 5. mlng m& the general Increase In the cotit of lervloes nnd niawrlaJd fo* K.i-kiw. ss 3 ises. . . . Sentence by Boss Chandler to Lippy Duro- all jfeweimra^ntnl nctivltle-s. Ovar«3(!>end1HiraB nDonnell, If . 0 Hit by pitcher: by Magella U la iinth'lpnted that the local *ax Hnt» for 1M7 «»1 be IM* i3,m».*» I 0 iBumsi. Hits, off Masella 7 in 6 tWroimstely *9.22 per hundred dollar manned vshiRtfon, thl* itiira AM for Local ft-hooh iiiiukoskl, If . eher was, in my opinion*, a bit too severe,,., Although m«ji ln> nu»Jem lo I'liange slightly be«auR« of »n iMonoane I* Cy» I A NEW AND MODERN WAY around town well paid, from all reports I get, and — t W,]11.0? f &»,»!.»? f nwnln nnd To frovMe Money For Better p ^ Approprlaieil J sometimes average over $60 per week. . , . Orioles, vr\tt\ (»lor v»*l((sn I'onnent of IMfecto* of 1 -ixti 1 Onvornmmt n 8rhoo) ** RKVENUKS HOSPITAL CARE under Frank Yapczenski, with another good team at jm,.GUI.HI .... LOOK AT THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES!! M^.OO Alnoliolli- B«vernue'pnues County . l?9,'0Ofl.M « II |,|, I'OI.ICV RKNKFITH pnlil nm IIIUIIKII )nn nre <•« youngsters. . . . 11,700,0* Stnte M Tax •n,1-^.91 IKK uadrr WOHKMKVS « OMI'IAS \TIOV (TUN prrmll. )<••! fc*» »«t PermltH 2,0QI>.»» In have a prltatr room Inntenil nf n naril.t Tin Search !''«« KlMfS • M IK.K U, RHNKFITM nulnmiUlrallj Ini-lmleil In pollrr. »Mo,n,.2« I«is,397.n »5IS .JII7.37 1 Tl HF.IK I I.OS1H Bail all olhi-r i'i>ullt|(l fli-.l >rnr »r nn; jear IhrrrnKer. oni,«o,.r,f, ,K.I.17 i:m-b rlalu la payablr up lu 12" dn>«. Bus echits T # n Hate of Koreefosi'il Property llrnil II. rampart M ¥»Mh »•) nlarr plan oa thr markel . . . MliH .Sopqni* (Lilian fc rt. Tax and R-. 7lS4t.»B DETHCATION Bf OTOBR—Chapler B. P. U 194iS: ilirrr In Bothlug H I**l, »•>"» »« rniiipr»h*«al\r. m>B» laat ••» ao Wins 1st Softball With 11-8 Triumph Kniwflifit* Tax "The dedlchleit r«vnnuex itnili-lpnurt' duriiig the IftIT frnl (nr. i.r «lvm jroa Barf y«mr rtrar cue. ... murk <-inera«» fur oaly a .Specie Htan.< M Qeneral ftntitt fr« r»a«a a day. By fa* the h*»« 1'imlrarl nvallaMr. {.IranxaB HF« Ke,r>hv »n<.lcl»Ht«»»o*»K tn which «ikl r*venue \* iliiHi'alcil by atntule or ll.i»Iii««l aad Karatea! (are Pmln-llon l» ).>«r br«« laveirfmat. coiweitt »f Dlrsfior of Lo \,, une kaowa wara nVkHM «r arrlilmt miy befall ><•«. Hr prr- Game by 12-8 Score Over Mohawk Nine UoviTiUflniW: imrril. \m awrilrnl riamlitalluH r«|iilrcil. Interest •» S«cund Claa* R. We *n nawrlaliala fa talB if 111 anil you ran il*a*a•»»« «r«un» nf *rrt of softbftU team turned in its first ttttt, Cwnty of MlildlfSex, tlmt th« budgrt herein Ret furtli In and tarlor/ dinals opened their season ia a OH Hunrt (totn itel* of Bn4 ahalt lonntlUite HI\ uppvnprhilInn for the tiiirpimitK kmV^il* graai* of «'# t Lvictory ol the season by,detecting ForwloBert Proparfy uWR* tAereln »et Jortlv ajuroRlUo up in auspicious manner by 8. TOTAL MMtteBlXANKOt'S the WoodbridRe Vets, 12-8, over the Mohawks in a free hitting mouiir m IIIPOI t nrrow) Pmir liun.irri) • IM.'lVrll.K PARAI.VSIA UKV-KNt'KS <\T^(t nln«t<"fln ami O^/HIO dnllursi for Iponl imrixi'pH tn l>u I-II.IIHI Inrludra npiltt If BHW •• •» »I3.«» dally. HMd *»»»ii«* »l the week-end here. Mike Holo- gagement, 11-8, at the Copper 4. CEf'FJPTS FROM DKI.fN< ntlem unA i-ei'tlflnMInn to lh<> roiiniv Ittmrit of Tuxallnn Ci\ II : fo I iml. nedleal aad a«»«h*l tmr*. inia. nrrumx. Works field iast Sunday after- IMOT.00 M,77».« siimmHrv of Kfner:il r'veniica anil uppropi'ltilhiiiH: INIMHH aad mcfaaalral Jnkfn, l'n>nlili- la addition to all «»a»r watch slammed a home run with fi. 'lO'l'A'L W I'fKJKS I, I (ill, ;t ANO 4 3DJaitJil 2f.Jt,^ 1. O«TH!Pal FlflVIMlllPH the bases loaded in the eighth in- noon. James McCarthy, personnel t. AMOtTNT TO BE RAISED BTf .Surpluu Ftev»nu« Approprliiteil 111) WHK2V PIH.UV H\H BKKS ISI MIIK K director at the U. S. Metals Rena- TAXATION: )fttn>lhlllcmlH UfVcnilp Anili-lpiitnl 9 •: . vl monlhli 9 S*».»O -t I" M iiiiinllin *ao ning to clinch the game for the lai 1/oi'ttl »*tirpo«e Tax -.,..., 4 (2,21 KM' 3M.34l.ll Receipt* from Delinquent Taxes I ing Company, threw out the first (b) Local district School lax i • !•> nuinthn . HWtt.«m art tn ii'i inmitiis Carteret tossers. • I nianthi . . 1580.00 IIVIT 60 mciiitlm ball. (Actual I347"> Jl,l.7f2S 2. Amount to h« mixed hy inxnllnn Tor F,oi-al Al Mudrak is manager of the (iM County Tax (Estimated1 1WI> l7»,tiO».00 Item 8 (a I Shent » :: Veteran Joe "Kenjo" Pieczyski (e> State School Tax . t^*p AHli'li" Vf fttuinl l>pl.t Servlri— MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Carteret team. For games, teams (lOHtlmateti 1947) Hem c CM, Shei't 3 II: OR PHONE FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL! may contact Joe Magella, booking started off for the Cards and al- manager, at 129 Heald Street, lowed four runs, three on errors, iif) .Snl) Total—Tuxes TOTAL |8r M. A FRKEDMAN A CO.. District RtpreMaUtivt* until he was relieved in the fifth (Ksllmnted 1947) Carteret, N. J., or phone Cart«ret LCTS Appropriation; 4. Q*n«rah Appronrladonn Htnct. Pert a Ambur. *. 8-6410. by Perry, who hurled two innings (li) litjaerve f«r I'nrollecled Taxes ( Wlirtl OOiu>rath>rt Mnlnt«nnncn . itenil me, without ohltBatlon, full imrtlculnrn about and then gave way to Malmowski, r|cnn rieallli tnmnanie Curiinriitlun'* modern wuy to WOODBRIDGE VETS who pitched the last three frames. (1) Required Tax Collections (To ((c ) > Oeht 8ervlco imnny for HRTTEl! HOMPITAI, iMUK! AB R Support Appropriations) Ut.iWM (n) Ektffrrad Ctlargdi and Htstulnry H The Cardinals, trailing most of t (h) Snset 6^-R««erve Tor r'ninllci leditpi iidltiirpn .%J)DHK»I H. Seyler, ss 2 d T'n (Also Any 1 1 the way, came to bat in the ninth 7. TOTAL OF GENERAL BUDCrKT Reserve* on Sh«f loi 1 i 111 »TATE PWISIK J. Mesies. ef 5 1 1 behind by 8-7. Then with twe* TOTAL •„.. I iHfl.itVKIt B Qulnn, 3b 3 1 0 away and the bases loaded Johnny It t« hereby cerllflecl tliiil,tiic wllhln budget Is a true . I urn la« la ladhNaal I ) I'aatllr ( > or P,,Oynes, 2b 3 2 2 APPHOI budget a<)oi>te' rusnluilon of the gavtrning bmly oVi fN " 1 i>\ ri>NUa I Hi ra«ck. KolibM rapped a sharp dottbl* t» A. Hegedus, rf 5 3 2 April, 1»47. ' III si\KN | 7,190.75 29 B 8 Other B>aan«<» 169 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. MAPLE STREET S. C. Kocsis, 2b 2 » 9 jl^ffiSWiiffiWTAXKrt 49th ANNIVERSARY Basilici, 2tr A. 1 0 9 SMidlM and Wages ... PERTH AMBOY 4-3721 a. Magella, ss 5 1 2 728,00 M. Mltro, 2b 1 9 Pluta, If 5 0 .^iKii>le»g«H Bamburak, ef 3 1 LEGAL J.llUi.iO 3,W6.»3 M. Pitzpatriek, c 2 « irles and Wages ... OO jer KiSeitses Pieczyski, p 1 0 IMON OF TA^ DRESS Perry, p 1 • Z EW AN1> FORE- rttoPBHTT 1.200,00 S4S.A0 and WageB ... an » and Wages .... a,5«(r.OO i,&fl».M i m so o.oo Now we live in AB B B now SALE! Smith. 3b, c 6 1 1 BUILDINGS ANDGKOUNCS Salaries and Wagvs 4,048.00 3,959.22 3,859.22 Nothing m years lilt* the* Brown, 2^) 2 1 0 Other Expt)i)»es 2,500.00 3,080.16 30f0JS Relford, rU a 1 I W8MRB TO " -~ tremendou* reductions. JtALl Raymond, rf 2f Of 0 Other Expenses 5,000.00 theBosemen^too 1 6,500.00 6,925.78 dumbs, c, lb 5 3 INSURANCE Kinch, 3b 1 o 0 3«4«0l Taylor, cf, 3b 5 1 uk TK&B COM- 0 MISSION from 10% to4 0 Williams, If 2 0 1.5J3.32 U»3.32 I 8»I»rl«B and Wag«H 8,110, W DII attractive, recently fllled-Sa stn •\7ES, CLEAN OIL HEAT imeana more Uv- Swlngler, If j 2 (T 1 Ofkvr KxjwnnBB KNaiNKBIUNO 2B0.5» Y able space torfu n and recreation. Means N. Johnson, ss 3 1 1 and Wagee 2i»a.76 Plenty of ooters, mrifcb, trinmli more lim lor fun, toft, because it's com- Marshall, w 1 t 4KMER WIUKSMIM, Nobel, p 1 0 0 PUOPI'MtTV APPI1AIHAI.H r pletely automatic. Moreover, in most areas O. Johnson, p 4 2 Other Kxpeuxea 101).00 2,0!l. i,00 2 ltHCOKRER'a COUIIT wifb a large oi! costs lest than my othtr fuel! Loroacs, p 0 0 0 Salurlos and Wujea 2,030.00 PROTECTION TO PKlSv. a»8ortment at See your Mobiiheat supplier about an oil SONS AND Pn.OPliHT*--*\ 37 8 U KJRE burner and Mobiiheat Contract now. He Score by Innings: Salaries and Wages ... 24,410.00 brings you Complete Fuel Oil Service- 5,000.00 Cardinals 010033004—p HvlftAK'B6 IjAKTAaV .. including antomalk dtlmry on holier MoifU- Mohawks 02 0 40ao

BlfhitabUI rM p p fed«»l'twM Hit ?t«r thin M«4»ure4 In tvnni ol ttw economy, lait yefcr'i ta» Wl ymfr pi tb« put niaion'« r ?AGE TWELVE FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1947

dreds of confidential Intelligence mi H»rnnif HyferM Tea Party Symbeta reports, having to do with the Carbon monoxide, widely and un- The reaull of crowing the tM For mote than SO yeara the ele- state of affairs In the Soviet favorably known for It* desdllrwas roMi «nd the frost-hardy perpetual phnnt has been symbolic of the Re- Union. Hl» trip to the Ukraine was anywhere, miy b» even more ierl« hybrid te» roa« eomblnea the good publican party md the donkey the as a member of an UNRRA Mis- OIII high In • pliM, where oxygen qualltlet of both. They are ever- aymbol of the Democratic party. lew Books Both owe their origin to Tnomaa sion. "A singularly unbiased pic- li tcirce, than II li on the grourid. blooming and If given winter pro- ture nf the Russian scene" Is John Quick detection and speedy rem- tection where tbe cllmal* la more Niat, probably the greatest political i J»ck Ftocher wnt to the Marqimnd's summary of "Why edy of the CIUM are needed. A aen- aevere, they are froit-hardy almort cartottiUt of all time. When Nart Choose from 60 different i a year MO last, spring, he They Behave Like Russians." It Is •Itive detector wai developed by th« anywhere In the United States. 01 first pictured the donkey ai the sym- at homr there from the a Book-of-the-Month Club selec- bureau at tUmnrdi during the war. the buirt type, they are adaptable to bol of the Democratic party It wai ng. Thr reason, nrrordlnK tion for May beda and borders In which they resented by memberi of that party, book, "Why They Retime but later they became friendly to the Amongst the conclusions which ahould be apaced about 20 Inches Ruttlana, was that he wns Htrly lUmblert apart. little beast. From the beginning Ka- I In , and he found thnt Mr Fischer draws in this bqpk publlcani accepted and became de- dinettes .. . all tagged at An the name Indicate*, hardy arc: < 1 > It. is reasonable to assume Ukrainians were remarkably rambler roaea ire rtalitant to Fire Retardtnt voted- te the elephant that, the primary reasons for Rus- frmt Injury. They bloom one time The otherwlte "Breproof' building sia's preparations for war are a during the aummer and beciute the may be daubed with thick fllmj of concede that thflr men fear of attack from abroad; (2) Useful In Peace ennnn grow to extreme lengtha, oil paint that bum with evolution ("horns are blggci. their women Because we cannot be sure this Is Gas warfare, which fortunately prettier, than any others thry nr« good for trdlii and wall of dangeroui heat and smoke. Navy Koos Bros, famous sty and Russia may be out to con- didn't materialize In the recent con-. v decoration. paint, developed during th* war •• lla. They believe they enn quer the world for Communism, filet, had to be prepared for «nd a Are retarding may be wed on drink, ride, sing and make we must adopt a working hy- tgainiL A protective (UbiUnce de- land as well n on aea etrueturea. better than anybody else In pothesis that will cover both pos- R4 YEARS LATE veloped by the British tor combat- The hold-beck properties come from World, and If prewed will ml- sibilities; I3I In other words, we ing Lewisite gaa— which contains ELIZABETH, N. j!—The Dls- such ingredients as antimony oxide, I it. ... They believe they won must follow a line of action which araenlc—li reported to have peace- lower prices! charge papers of William C, Pan- (Wtr. with little help from Hie aluminum flake and vinyl mta. will keep us strong against pos- coats, a veteran of the Civil War, time usefulness for the treatment at Of RUMia and none worth sible attack, but at the same time were recently filed—Just 84 years poisoning from araenlc, The anti- nlng from the outside we must follow a line which will late. The widow of Pancoast, who Ad a 'Notice* dote, i anlfur compound, converts 1 Nor U this conviction alto- prove to the Russians that they died in 1916. had the papers filed If you had placed an ad In a the arienlc into substances that are unreasoimhlf One soldier have nothing to fear from us; and so that they might be In the public newspaper a few genentlona back eaally eliminated. Mercury poison- i«f every five in the Red Army you would have apoken of It as a i This will not be as hard as it record, ing also may reapond to the rem- ft Ukrainian, and their land "notice." Our term "advertising" seems, because the same measures edy. the great battlefield of the comei from the French "advertlr" needed to keep us strong also GENEROUS » which meana to "notify," according serve, over the course of years, to Residents of the United States Cengreee Grew* : Fischer has been a student to The World Book Encyclopedia. wipe out Soviet misgivings. sent $296,900,000 to friends and The bouse of representative! hu i affairs filnce 1933. Dur- f relatives In other countries dur- grown from 88 to OS members the war, he was attached to Cattle CosU Jumping Moni« ing 1946, according to the Com- since ITS, according to the Eney< t Board of Economic Welfare In merce Department. In addition, Half the coat of keeping a cow li The Jumping mouse li only about clopaedla Brltannica. The senate, on. where he supervised gift parcels, valued at •128,800,- for feed, and grain is the largest feed three Inches long In body, yet it too, has grown from 28 to M mem- intensive studies of the So- 000 were sent abroad during the Item. Labor accounts for a quarter can Jump from 8 to 10 feet. ben economy and received hun- same period. of the total cost.

CHROME DINETTE 84.50 Unusually attractive dinette! Tubular frames are chrome. Chair seats and backs are upholstered in washable leatherette and softly padded. Famous Tcpco porcelain table top is stuinlm. Refectory leaves, silver drawer^* Blue, black or red with while. ^

tbe Sherwood

YOUR PARLOR IS YOUR THE BALL GAME SOLID OAK DINETTE 49.95 It» rigid and solid in J beautiful haud-rubbed, light or ditrlt * antiqued finish. The tublc i» lar^e . .. 30x40 closed and 61'' open . . . with stretcher IIUM'. ('hairtt are comfortable with softly padded seals covet 'd in washable leatherette, wine or 1; maroon.

The most memorable baseball att. seascn of your life! Com« in and see our fine selection of Now thai the baseball eeaeon is in full swing, every baseball fan will want to see as mtrfjr Du Mont aets today. Enjoy every home game this year! game6 as possible. And this year the three major teams in this area will have their home

games televised direct to par home, Think of it... sitting in your own parlor u tele* ** Ho other television ——— i\ boasts so many features scopic cameras pick up every fine detail of play . . . actually getting closer to the players ^ 9 All 13 television channels. than you've ever been before. 9 High Fidelity radio-phono*

graph. •M • All I'M and AM channel*. 9 Push button tone selector. 9 Automatic volume control. VuMont gives you tie world's largest direct-view screen *# 38 tube television receiver; Actually up to 222 iquare inches of direct-viewing surface. And only Du Mont brings yon pieturei '' 14 lube FM receiver. of unsurpassed brightneai that you can watch in « fully lighted room. Yet, and pftttjrw y*U can MODERN DINETTE .... 59.50 see from any angle ... at just the right height for comfortable viewing. • Phonograph handles 10 and Tabltfit 41x30 closed ,., with a 10" leaf. Top U h««t reaUtmit. 12 inch record* intermixed. 'V.. alcohol proof, will nut ehip or staiu, and doeajit have * • Ample album storage space. metallic clatter, Shock proof plaitie table edge will riot clii|> • Many model* to choose from. Chain upholstered in washable leatherette. White with blml and grey. White with blue. Maple with d w* mmtuM u nun ALWAYS murtn nuntmi n n... Sft PUMQHT .,. RAHWAY HARDWARE Co. TIL *2 — APPLIANCE DIVISION - 1 % PHONE RAHWAY 7-1574 • L HHY SAY J ».«. or R A mm*