first Thtflm! FfVaUe-ShopTheAdt e AH The AttWHefc Tfci lawgwt And Boat Snops An4 Town Wtth Yfclr Swrtew In Th« Ar«a Are Our AdvtrtWs. Patronise Thcnl \\VI. -No. CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 PRICE THREE CENTB r 1,500Protection Against Smallpox: A Scene at the Carteret Clinic | Carteret's State Apath 0,iiigsters Tax Rate minimized Scene In the cllrt- At Ic at the Board trf Health ropms In To Vets Is Hii Vaccination the Memorial County Tax Board v Municipal Build- |{«viewe<l by In*, where Car- Announces Figure; w *. i u tere-t's children Foster Wheeler Projected Houses ,,.„„• Yarchciki are belnt vaccin- Rise of 101 Points ated to Immunlu More than 1,000 CARTERET - Carteret's 194 Delayed, Pr< • i them from smill- Strike May Be 1,1'fn vaccinated for poi. In the fore- tax rate has been set at 18.83 per gainst smallpox In ground is Dr. 3m- $100 assessed valuation, an In- Now Council Plan hr Board of Health, eph W a n t o c h, crease of 101 points, the Middle- Settled Soon ! two weeks, Health director of the sex County Tax Board, has an- hnpi YarchMki re- varelnRllort pro- nounced, CARTERET — Bi-paUiian »iu gram at the According to the county tax Progress is Reported port of the move to force eart niiiiuiil/iiUon Clinic It C«J board o( hctlth. board, the 101 point Increase in action by the State on Carteret^ | .„. ihiys from 2 to 3 P. M, Picture w»» taken the rate la the result of a rise In By Union in Confab* bid to construct 21 houses for Ic veterans, was pledged at ' ,,! iiw vaccination center on Tuesday, when th& cost of county and municipal For Past Tttoo Days ,„ mxMi to capacity. Dr, hundreds of Koveritment despite the elimina- night's meeting of the w..iitnrii. who La In charge youngsters flock- tion of the 2l-point state school Council. tax. County and' municipal gnv CARTERET — Negotiations are , ,iad the assistance of ed Into the clinic. being continued In sn effort to Councilman Coughlin Introdu , nnwns, Dr. Milton In picture arc nl- eminent casks Increased approxi- a resolution which was r mately $120,000, the board re- settle the strike at the Foster ,„.) Dr Maurice Chpdwh. sci Carteret's pub- Wheeler Corporation plant here unanimously, together with hiir health nur»e» Who dl- lic health nurses, ported. amendment by Councilman working at fever The breakdown of the levy which has been Idle since last )lr .utivities are Mri, Helen Wednesday. designed to break the deadla_ Mrs OenevtavtWnJtul. pitch to take care showed that' the county rate went which has gripped the Borough'! li of all the chil- from 11.40 to $1.57 per $100 as- John Hutnick, president of Lo efforts to get early action oi||L uis been no ihorUte of dren In line. cal 440, United Electrical, Radio • i,<• health iMpector laid. sessed valuation. Tbte increase the veteran housing project.. MftJ . Some of the was attributed to a three per cent and Machine Workers of America, CouRhlln s move declared that i' :: >. declared that the State youngsters were said some progress has been made lV rise in the assessments in the bor- "slate of emergency" exists In nriU of Health h«* COOPW- accompanied by ough that was ordered by the in the negotiations between the provision of suitable homes for f(] urn m this direction. their mothers. union and the management. county board and to the Increased j A conference was held at the turned war heroes and authorlMfij ini" AF are get tint enough costof county government. the Awarding of a contract for th* :,, •.;!](] Y&rcheaky, "It ieenu : New York office of the company f: The local school rate showed a | on Wednesday and another session construction to the F. & S, Con*;| ,i i] ic end of the clinic sea> 72-polnt rise to $3.80 while the sti'Uftlon Company at a cost at ,, iniutically all avatrtWe was held yesterday. While details t local government rate went from of the negotiations were not made $5,600 per unit. m i-- wme and we have to get $2,92 to $3.24. .The dlfltrlc) court 1 .supply." known, union leaders were opti- The type of house decided upon tax was set at two cents as com- mistic as to the outcome. by the Council is among those a; v:r. '.-•-ki said that facilities tor pared with one cent last year. Developments in the course of proved by the State, but for son.- , r.m.ii.un against smallpox were This year the county tax bill to unexplained reason, approval liaa'j nr available for all school the week included an agreement 1 Carteret amounted to $176,232 between the union and manage- not been forthcoming on tht^ ;r,r,: ,,]-,it arrangement* to that as against $154,132,30 last year awarding of the contract. The| (,.,: ufic made with Supervising ment permitting office personnel 'olice Show Set District school taxes totaled $427,- and department heads to their State lias allocated $119,716 to? 'mri|i;il George 8. Qoodell. Papa Comes Home, Is Not a Sop; 400.78 compared with $339,534- finance the construction, but to On ihiuc days, many carriages Stampede Over duties In the plant, provided there 83 in 1946 while the local govern- would be no resumption pf any date the money remains sequest- id walkers KIT parked outside the W Sunday night ment tax bill totaled (363,964.52 ired. Mr. Turk's amendment au- Municipal Building. Liquor Sales Now Taking a Drop production work until the strike Boro Doctor* Report as against last year's $322,446.93. Is settled. .horized Mayor Skiba to carry A- iiu' rash for vaccination con- CARTERET -They used to sing ous evenings and bumps the ruddy The borough will receive^ $2,028.02 Carteret's case directly to Gover* n The union seeks a pay raise of . Ymchesky assured Caf- Let-up on Smallpox this refrain: nose on the brass rail, well an event Large C.rowcJ expected; In bank stock tax compared with ior Drlscoll. Both decried the ap- *i rt residents that "there Is no )lke that, brother, Is definitely $1,894.18 last, year. i Continued on Page 6) latent Indifference on the part of' erpency here." Vaccination* Father, dear father, come home news. Matinee for School Trenton officials to Cartcrefi ' with me now, One tavernist said business was iroblem and Mj\ Coughlin assert- .\ "spotty" meaning that "it was bad Children at 2:30 jd that this is practically the only <i CARTERET—Prlvate physicians The clock in the steeple strikes one, here, worse there and something 'Clean-Up Week'Starts Monday; municipality in New Jersey which ! lampions Feted; CARTERET—A capacity atten- has been so stymied In its attempt • in Carteret who have been You said yon were coming Hint awful In some other place," dance is expected at the annual swamped during the past few One bartender said: "When to make proper provisions for vet- ; home from the store entertainment and vaudeville show erans. '.[ weeks by people who wanted vac- As soon as your day's work was liquor was scarce, business was of Local 47, Patrolmen's Benevo- Cooperation of all is Urged iet Gold Emblems great; now that liquor is plenti cinations against smallpox are done. lent Association to be held in the Agreement Ends ful, business has taken a nose High School auditorium Sunday. 'eputatlon for finely kept yards Both the Democratic majority CARTEBET-The Ukrainian 8o- now sighing with relief. Other days, other ditttes, and dive." Lesluck Cites Need For al Club u us host to 1U champion - A matinee performance for chil- ,nd homes. alid the Republican minority, "The stampede i> all over," said Just now in Carteret the refrain Another said that some money dren will be held at 2:30 P. M. agreed also un the need for pro- • up City Leasue Team at a Victory that went for liquor during thi Ridding Cellars And "I am sure we can count upon in the Ukrainian Pavilion one physician. Almost all the pa- that used to get papa out of there The evening performance will be- our people to see the wisdom of vlding adequate police protection —if anything could—would be a war^and after, is now going fo. Yatd* of ill Refuse in West Carteret not only for the uesdav night. tients who had visited their doc- the durable goods that could no gin at 8:30 o'clock. taking advantage of the ootwrtu ton (or other 111* asked that they waste of breath. Papa has been The chairman of the committee homes but for the children as well, Coum ilman Edward J. Coughlln .__, since a quarter to six and be obtained for so long. Peopl CAhTERET — Announcement ntty which "Clean-Op Week" pre but here their agreement ended.. be vaccinated aiaintt smallpox. don't haye the money for both. which haa worked diligently to sents. , uold ill ' "~~~ he s going to stay there. mate this yefcr'a prW*hUUdi «Hn LJSilwy fry. Councilman Mr. Turk and MrfiraklWl^MtMfirklllth each meal rHSa»o<faa,iptenfa u trieed vain ^"fc "Blatter of rauC'Uw An* sO today, the-flj* '"''" jbniTT LesLeshicTchaFnhah n of the voted against the payment of bills uad. Waltir mike be paraphrased thus: lot the finest ever, Is Michael ly to aftvtnce their child that the business in Carteret. as elsewhere, Bohanek. Assisting him were Department of Streets and Roads, tntalliiiR $1,026.18 for fire hose and tu, *ib toast tmaUpox immunisation would not is deep in the doldrums.
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