United States Patent (19) [11] 3,945,974 Schwarcz Et Al
United States Patent (19) [11] 3,945,974 Schwarcz et al. (45) Mar. 23, 1976 54 SMOKE SUPPRESSANTS FOR 2,855,266 l Of 1958 James .............................. 260/45.75 2,948,638 8/1960 Baird............................... 260/45.75 HALOGEN-CONTAINING PLASTIC 3,202,567 8/1965 Muri et al. ...................... 106/15 FP COMPOSITIONS 3,705,128 12/1972 Knowles........................... 260/45.75 75) Inventors: Joseph Schwarcz, Highland Park; 3,766, 57 10/1973 Parts................................ 260/45.75 Bernard Engelbart, Trenton; 3,770,577 1 1/1973 Humpbrey....................... 260/45.75 Edward L. White, Freehold, all of N.J. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 73 Assignee: NL Industries, Inc., New York, Journal of the American Chemical Society Vol. 61, N.Y. No. 12 pp. 3241 to 3244 Dec. 19, 1939. (22 Filed: Dec. 20, 1973 21) Appl. No.: 426,492 Primary Examiner-V. P. Hoke 52 U.S. C.260/31.8 R; 260/45.7 R; 260/45.75 W; 57 ABSTRACT 260/45.75 B (5) Int. Cl.............................................. C08J 3/20 Zinc is added to a halogen-containing plastic composi 58 Field of Search. 260/45.75 R, 45.7 R, 45.75 B, tion with or without a flame retardant additive to 260/45.75 W, 45.75 K, 29. R serve as a smoke suppressant during combustion of the plastic. (56) References Cited UNITED STATES PATENTS 16 Claims, No Drawings 2,772, 59 l/1956 Elliott............................. 260/45.75 3,945,974 2 tions and in particular plasticized polyvinyl chloride SMOKE SUPPRESSANTS FOR include zinc dust, zinc oxide, zinc carbonate, normal HALOGEN-CONTAINING PLASTC zinc
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